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姓名 ______________班级 _______________学号 _______________

Unit 3


1.as well as ______________ 10.伤害保险 ______________

2.sales literature ____________ 11.保险公司______________

3.Manufacture of machine 12.一般询盘______________ tools______________ 13.具体询盘______________

4.Price sheets ______________ 14.国外贸易商______________

5.Freight ______________ 15.主要出口商______________

6.Promising ______________ 16.目前______________

7.If possible ______________ 17.最诚挚的问候______________

8.Textile ______________ 18.插图的商品目录______________




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Course: International Business Spring, 2011

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Case Analysis: Chapter 3, p.52


Wal—Market is the world largest retailer.It was founded by American retail legend Mr.Sam Walton in Arkansas in 1962.Over forty years later, it has become the world’s largest private employer and retailer, on the top of the Fortune 500 list and has been among the most valuable brands for many years.II.Summary of Key Facts

Slow growth domestically, Wal-Mart entered Mexico in early 1990s with a Mexican partner.Shopping habits were different in Mexico: fresh produce;didn’t buy in large volumes.Wal-Mart adjusted its strategy to meet the local conditions, and became very successful.Next it expanded into Britain, Germany, and South Korea.Consumers there had a preference for higher quality merchandise, and were not attracted to its discount strategy.It pulled out of Germany and South Korea in 2006.Recently, Wal-Mart began to expand in China.Chinese were bargain-hunters and open to the low-price strategy.But it also had to adapt its merchandising and operations strategy to mesh with Chinese culture.III.Analysis of Key Issues

Know what is meant by the culture of a society.Identify the forces that lead to differences in social culture, and the business and economic implications of differences in culture.Understand how differences in social culture influence values in the workplace.Appreciate the economic and business implications of cultural change.IV.Implications

From the this case we candiscovery ,international business is differentfrom domestic business because countries are different.We can find that business success in a variety of country requirescross-culture literacy













Introduction to International Payment

Abstract:With the development of economic globalization, international trade is becoming more and more important.International payment is vital to both the importer and the exporter.The purpose of this paper is to introduce what is international payment, its characters, its development and what’smost essential, its types and how it works.Keywords:international payment, international trade, fund transfer

As we all know, with the development of economic globalization, international trade is becoming more and more important.We can see foreign goods everywhere in our life and use it conveniently.But international trade is far complicated.Purchase and sale of goods and services are carried out beyond national boundaries, which make it rather difficult for the parties concerned in the transaction to get adequate information about each other's financial standing and creditworthiness.Therefore, mutual trust is hard to build.Both the exporter and the importer face risks as there is always the possibility that the other party may not fulfill the contract.And the currency exchange is also a trouble.So it relates to what is international payment and how it works to safeguard the seller and the buyer’s benefits.1、The concept of International Payment

Generally, International payment is an act of paying off one party’s international debt by some payment instruments in international transactions, it is usually performed bytheparty withthe obligation of paying money.In short, it is a means of payment in international trade by parties in different counties.2、the characters of international payment

We can easily find that international payment has some characters:

Firstly, it is caused by the debt and creditor’ rights relationship in international transaction.Secondly, the objects of international payment are the parties of international commercial activities.Thirdly, the payment was made by some tools, usually by currencies and bills.On one hand, because different countries use different currencies, this involves the choice of currency, the exchange of different currencies, and other risk problems by the flexible exchange rate.on the other hand, in order to avoidvarious risks and inconvenience caused by direct delivery of large quantities of money,the use of bills must be considered, associated a series of complex legal issues related to transfer of different countries’ bills.Lastly, there are different means of payment to deal with the problem of security assurance and finance flow, such as remittance, collection, and letter of credit, and international factoring.3、the development of International payment

International payment does not exist from the beginning.It came with commercial import and export, and developed for a long time.with the development of international trade, its scope of application also expanded fast and increasingly.Before the period of liberal capitalism, people often used cash payment by conveying gold or silver between countries for international transaction, which is not only risky but also inconvenient.what’s more, those gold and silver should be carefully identified and counted.So it is only fit for small trading volume.In the 16th and 17th century, bills were widely used for payment in some European commercial city and took the place of cash.It make the payment very quick, easy, and save cash and expense of circulation.So it promoted the further development of international trade.At the end of nineteenth Century the beginning of the twentieth Century, in international transaction the buyer voucher payment ,which called for the bank to finance exporter by mortgaging the bill documents ,was completely mature.Since the Second World War, with the development of modern technology as well as the improvement of international treaties and practice, the international payment adapted to the highly developed world economy needs and became more and more fast, convenient and important.4.the types of international payment

There are two kinds of international payment: direct and indirect payment.Direct payment is the way that the two parties of international transition work with the bank, such as remittance, collection, and letter of credit.On the other hand, indirect payment refers to that besides the parties and the bank, there are other subjects attended to the payment.In practice, the latter way, namely international factoring, is more popular.(1)Remittance

Remittance is an act of payment that the remitter hand off the finance to the bank, and then the bank deliver it to the payee according to the remittance instruction.whether to pay or not depends on the importer(buyer)or a service recipient, the payment is not guaranteed.So it is risky to both two parties.Actually, unless both parties have a close relationship or it is a small amount of payment, remittance is rarely used.In international payment, remittance refers to direct payment between the importer and exporter.It can be divided into three types: Mail Transfer, Telegraphic Transfer and Demand Transfer.A.Mail Transfer, M/T

M/T is a method of payment that the remitter submits the finance to the local remitting bank, then the bank should issue a payment proxy and sent it to the local paying bank of the payee by post office.The cost of M/T is low, but speed is very slow.B.Telegraphic Transfer,T/T

Remittance by cable or telex is called telegraphic transfer.That is, the

remitting bank, at the request of the remitter ,transfers funds by means of cable or telex message to the paying bank, asking the latter to pay a certain sum of money to the beneficiary.T/T is faster and safer than M/T, but the cost is much higher.It is often chosen by traders, especially when the remitted amount is large and the transfer of funds is subject to a time limit.C.Demand Transfer,D/T

The remitting bank, at the request of the remitter, draws a bill of exchange on the paying bank, ordering the latter to pay on demand a certain sum of money to the beneficiary who will also be the payee of the draft.What is different from M/T and T/T is that in the D/T, the remitter submits the receipt of the draft to the payee and the instrument between the remitting bank and the paying bank is made by the bill of exchange.The bill is a bank draft.The advantage of the settlement is the transfer of the bill of exchange.(2)Collection

Collection means the handling of documents by banks in accordance with instructions received to obtain payment and/or acceptance for exporter and deliver documents against payments and/or against acceptance.The documents includes both financial documents and commercial documents.Financial documents are bills of exchange, promissory notes and cheques;commercial documents are invoices transport documents, title documents and other similar documents.According to whether commercial documents are attached to financial documents when submitted to the remitting bank, collection can be divided into clean collection and documentary collection.A.clean collection

It is the collection on financial instruments alone without being accompanied by commercial document.Shipping documents will be forwarded by the exporter directly to the importer.When a credit instrument is accompanied by a non-shipping document such as voice, the collection will also be considered as clean one.It is often used to collect incidental expenses occurred in a transaction such as freight, insurance premium, commission or any other supplementary charges.On the other occasions, clean collection is used in the collection of down-payment or in the case of service transaction where are no shipping documents available.B.documentary collection

Documentary collection is the collection on financial instruments being accompanied by commercial documents or the collection on shipping documents without financial documents.When financial instruments are not included, the stamp duty can be avoid and the invoice can do the job of financial documents by indicating clearly the amount to be collected.It can be further divided into documents against payment and documents against acceptance.The division is based on different conditions against which

the documents are released to the importer.The former means that the collecting bank may release the documents against payment of the sight drafts or simply against sight payment of the importer, and the latter means that the collecting bank may release the documents against payment of a time bill.(3)Letter of Credit,L/C

The letter of credit is the bank instrument that assures the person selling merchandise of payment if he makes the agreed-upon shipment.On the other hand, it also assures the buyer that he is not required to pay until the seller ships the goods.It is a catalyst that provides the buyer and the seller with a mutual protection in dealing with each other, and it is based on the credit of the bank to provide funds to the seller.Usually, as long as the exporter submits the bill of payment according to the credit conditions prescribed by the written documents, the bank must pay for it unconditionally, so the seller's funds will get.reliable guarantee.The importer can receive all shipping documents according with credit terms after payment.(4)International Factoring

International factoring is a widely used payment in developed countries.It refer to that when exporting goods on commercial credit, the exporter should transfer the invoice of the account receivable and shipping documentsto the factor after delivery, then the exporter can get a majority of receivable funds.If the importer pay over the due or even not pay for the international trade, the factor should undertake the responsibility because in factoring business, factors shoulder the first payment liability.This is both good to the seller and the buyer, and has developed to an efficient and popular payment.Conclusion:

In a word, International payment is an act of paying off one party’s international debt by some payment instruments in international transactions, it developed from cash payment to bills payment through the bank.There are four types of International payment: remittance, collection, and letter of credit, and international factoring.They are widely used in international transaction nowadays.References:

(1)< International payment >Hinkelman,E.Cshanghai foreign education press2009.1.1

(2)《国际支付与结算》 王益平(编者)肖云南(丛书主编)清华大学出版社 北京交通大学出版社

(3)《国际商务英语——理论与实务》 邹勇主编 上海财经大学出版社

(4)《国际保理——金融创新及法律实务》 黄斌 著法律出版社.



It is enforceable by law, and any party that fails to fulfill his contractual obligations may be sued and forced to make competition, though most contracts do not give rise to disputes.22、虽然易货贸易是原始、低效,并且昂贵的贸易方式,但是发展中国家巨大的债务以及世界上大量的商品过剩使其不可避免。

Barter trade is a primitive, inefficient expensive way of doing business, but the massive debts of developing countries and the world’s oversupply of goods make it inescapable.23、对销贸易可帮助有严重债务的国家继续进口商品而实际上向债权人掩盖出口收入。Counter trade may help those nations, with serious debt problems to continue to import goods while ,in effect, concealing export earnings from creditors.24、在国际贸易中,由于交易当事人很难充分了解彼此的财务信息和信誉状况,很难建立相互信任。

In international trade, it is very difficult for the parties to get adequate information about each other’s financial standing and credit worthiness, and mutual trust is hard to build.25、如果进口国的政局稳定,而且又有出口商信任的代理人,出口商就可以采用寄售方式,待货卖出后再收回货款。

If the importing country has a stable political situation and a trusted agent there to work for the exporter, the exporter can enter into consignment transactions and get payment until the goods are sold.26、在付款交单的情况下,进口商在承兑了出口商所开出的汇票后,便可得到单据,而付款则要晚于这个时间。

In the case of documents against acceptance, the importer will get the documents once the bill of exchange drawn by the ex-porter is accepted, while the payment will not be made until a later date.27、卖方凭提交的正确无误的单据得到货款,买方凭规定的单据得到货物,这种双边保证是信用证独特的,具有代表性的特征。

Against the impeccable documents presented the seller gets paid, against the stipulated documents the buyer gets the goods.This bilateral security is the unique and characteristic feature of the letter of credit.28、受益人要对信用证的所有内容进行认真审核,以便保证安全及时地收到货款。

He beneficiary has to make a careful examination of all the con-tents of the credit so as to ensure safe and timely payment.29、国际贸易中所使用的信用证多数为跟单信用证,即要求装运单据和汇票提示的信用证。Most of the credits used in international trade are documentary credits, i.e.credits that require shipping documents to be presented together with the draft.30、可撤销信用证是指在未同受益人协商的情况下对承诺进行改变,甚至取消。An revocable credit is one that its commitments can be altered or even cancelled without consulting with the beneficiary.31、在保兑信用证中受益人得到双重付款保证,因为保兑银行,在开证行承担付款义务的基础上又加上自己的承诺。

Under a confirmed credit, the beneficiary is given double assurance of payment since the confirming bank has added its own undertaking to that of the opening bank.32、各种单证上所列的商品名称、数量、金额等项目要严格地与信用证上所列的项目一致。All the items listed on different documents such as the name of commodities, quantity, amount

must be in strict conformity with those in the L/C.33、商业发票是所要求的最常见的单证之一。它是缮制其他单证的基础。

Commercial invoice is one of the required and most commonly found documents.It constitutes the basis on which other documents are to be prepared.34、提单是国际贸易中最重要的单证之一。有了它,合法持有者才可以到目的地提货。Bill of lading is one of the most important documents in foreign trade ,with which the legal holder can take delivery of the goods at the port of destination.35、常见的运输方式有水路、铁路、公路、管道及航空运输。

The widely seen modes of transport are water, rail, roads, pipe-line, and air transport.36、运输在生产过程中起着重要的作用。一方面,它将原材料、劳动力运到所需的地方。另一方面,将中间产品运到其他厂商供生产使用或把制成品运到消费者手中。

Transportation plays an important role in production.On the one hand ,it carries raw materials and labor to the place where they are needed.On the other hand, it transports intermediate products to other producers for use in their production process, or ship the finished goods to the hands of customers.37、保险单是投保人与承保人之间的保险契约。一旦投保人购买了保单,其特定风险就从投保人转移到承保人。

Insurance policy serves as the insurance contract between the insured and the insurer.Once the insured buys the policy, the specified risk will transfer to the insurance company from the insured.38、由承保人从投保人处收集的保险费作为共同基金,受损方的索赔费从此基金中支付。The premium collected by the insurer from the insured is pooled together as a fund, and the claims of those suffering losses are paid out of this fund.39、货物保险是一种旨在将风险从进口商和出口商转移到专门承担风险的保险一方的活动。Cargo insurance is an activity aimed at moving the burden of risk from the shoulders of the exporters and importers, and placing it upon the shoulders of specialist risk-bearing underwriter.40、最大诚信原则适用于各种保险,如某人要投保人寿险,他要如实告知其身体状况。Utmost good faith applies to all kind of insurance.If a person wants to insure against life insurance, he has to tell the insurance company about his real state of health.41、如果投保人有意隐瞒任何事情,或故意误导,其行为都被视为欺诈,因此保险合同无效。If the insured intends to hide or mislead anything, which will be regarded as fraud, the contract is voidable.42、在赔偿保险索赔时,凭借保险合同,保险公司将使受损人的利益恢复到发生损害前的同等状况。

In compensating claims, insurance company will restore the in-sured to the position he our she was in before a loss occurred.43、第一次民界大战之前,金本位制建立了固定汇率制,每个国家通过将本国货币与黄金挂钩来确定其货币的平价。

Before the First World War, the gold standard created a fixed exchange rate system as each country pegged the value of its currency to gold to establish its par value.44、在特定条件下,提高利率可以吸引国外短期资金,提高一国的外汇汇率。

Under specific conditions, high interest rate will attract short-term international fund ,increasing the exchange rate of one’s own currency.45、外汇汇率有三种形式,即:买进汇率、售出汇率和两者的平均值——中间汇率。

There are three type of foreign exchange price namely: the buying rate, the selliong rate and the average of the previous two—the medial rate.46、国际复兴开发银行由160个国家政府所共同拥有,其贷款的主要来源是在世界资本市场上的借贷。

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development is owned by the governments of 160 countries.It finances its lending operations primarily from its own borrowings in world capital market.47、世界银行对贷款作了各项规定。它明确贷款必须以生产力为目的,必须促进发展中国的经济增长,同时还要具有偿还能力。

The World Bank has set various rules for its loaning operation.It specifies that it must lend only for productive purposes and must stimulate economic growth in the developing countries, and at the same time the loan-receiving countries must be able to repay the loan.48、对外直接投资是国际投资的主要方式,一国居民为进行监控和经营通过对外投资获取各国的资产。

Foreign direct investment is the major form of international in-vestment, whereby residents of one country acquire assets in a foreign country for the purpose of controlling and managing them.49、控制成本是一些企业进行对外投资的主要动机之一。而降低生产成本是考虑的一个重要方面。

Controlling costs is one of the major motivations for some enterprises to engage in FDI.And lowering production costs is an important consideration.50、即时库存管理系统的引进能最大限度地降低库存从而提高经营效率。

The introduction of JIT inventory management system can minimize the inventory of the stock so as to increase the efficiency of the operation.51、证券所起着两个重要作用,它既是长期资本的融资市场,又是各类投资债券的交易市场。The Stock Exchange plays two fundamental roles: one for capital raising market, one for various investment instrument market.52、未上市的公司的股票不能在证交所或其他股票市场公开挂牌交易。

The unlisted companies can not trade their securities through the listing system at the stock exchange or other stock markets.53、关贸总协定的总目标体现了各成员国的向往,即提高生活水平,提供充分就业,持续、稳定地增加收入和有效需求,充分利用世界资源扩大生产。

The GATT embodies the expectations of its member countries, that is ,to improve standards of living, full employment ,steady growing volume of real income and effective demand ,the full use of the world’s resources and the expansion of production.54、乌拉圭回合和世界贸易组织的建立改变了世界贸易体系的性质。

The Uruguay Round and the establishment the WTO have shanged the character of the wold trading system.55、尽管关贸总协定是以无判别待遇为原则的,但欠发达国家仍指责关贸总协定是只考虑发达国家利益的“富人俱乐部”。

Although the GATT is based on the principle of non-differential treatment, the less-developed countries still criticize it as a “rich men club” for the interest of the developed world.56、采用强制性的自动补偿措施被看作解决发展中国家的贸易条件恶化问题的一种方案。The introduction of compulsory and automatic compensatory measures is considered as a solution to solve the problem of deteriorating terms of trade in the developing countries.57、为了促进欠发达国家的工业化进程,西方国家应开放他们的制造市场,或提供优惠关税政策。

Western countries should open up their manufacture markets or provide preferential tariffs to facilitate the industrialization process of the less-developed countries.



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