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(2011-03-14 11:32:18)


育儿 ▼ 标签:分类: 泉论教育 说明:这些动画片壮壮只看过朵拉。没有切身体会。他爱看的小乌龟和Arthur,主人公都是小学生,语速较快,不适合听力较弱的初学者。所以如果想用动画片来练听力,可以先从下面的这些开始,再看Super Why, 然后看小乌龟。

Peppa Pig 粉红猪小妹

是由英国的FIVE 和NICK JR.电视台首播,讲述的是小猪一家,猪爸爸,猪妈妈,猪姐姐和猪弟弟每天发生的一些有趣的故事。英音,画面色彩简单艳丽,动画比较简单,语言也非常简洁,一部片子中,语言重复的比较多,非常适合3-5岁的学英语的孩子作为进入语言的动画片。片长5分钟左右,语速低于一般语速。词汇量是最为常用,简单的词汇量。对于大一些的孩子,可能会觉得故事过于简单,单调。

Caillou 卡由


Barney and Friends

Barney 是一头紫色的恐龙,有它领衔的这套儿童节目从90年代初就受到孩子们的热烈欢迎。这套节目注重孩子们与人相处和社会情感方面的培养内容。每一集由一个主题带出,集合和儿童歌曲,舞蹈和各种活动,把一些生活技能和道理融于孩子们能理解的活动和语言情节之中,像是,如何与其他小朋友相处,如何交朋友,如何与人分享,活动的时候要take turn,如何take care 别人。。


Blue's Clues

是针对学龄前孩子设计的一个动画教学片,说是教学片,就是节目主持人是一位很英俊的大男孩,带着一条小蓝狗,每次都给小朋友出一些问题,然后带小朋友去寻找 Clues。这个节目和其他动画片最大的不同就在于通过这些寻找clues的活动,带动孩子们动脑筋去猜去想。动画的语言都非常简单,句子也在不停的重复。左右要讲解的东西都有相应的图


Clifford the Big Red Dog

由美国PBS 公共电视台儿童节目部制作发行,讲述一条大红狗和它的朋友们的故事。美音,语速正常。大红狗的语音清晰,但其他有一些小狗的说话吐字不是很清晰。片长5分钟以下,适合3-5岁的孩子观看。有相关的孩子们喜爱的大红狗的书籍可以配合使用。

Curious George

由美国PBS 公共电视台儿童节目部制作发行,故事的主角George是一只非常好奇的猴子,喜欢到处跑,自然在它的身边发生了很多的故事。George不说话,故事有旁白和其他人物的对话。语言稍微偏于复杂,美音,语速一般。适合4-7岁孩子观看。

Dora the Explorer

Dora 是一个7岁左右的西语裔的小姑娘,她喜欢和她的朋友一起探索外面的世界。在活动中,他们一起学一点西班牙语,和一些简单的解决问题的方法。美音,语音清晰,只是有时候英语和西语混在一起使用






英语动画片有的讲解详细,会教孩子一些方法,而且里面的英语非常的实用,其实英语学者能把好看的英语动画片看明白,听明白,理解明白那就很厉害了,所以大家不要小瞧了这些好看的英语动画片,在英语学习中这些好看的英语动画片起到了很至关重要的地位。通过看英语动画片也是学习英语的一种方法,英语动画片推荐:1.睡美人 2.泰山 3.白雪公主 4.木偶奇遇记 5.101斑点狗 6.花木兰 7.小美人鱼 8.料理鼠王 9.叮当小仙女 10.怪物史莱克2 11.阿拉丁 12.小鹿斑比 13.风中奇缘 14.美女与野兽 15.怪物史莱克3 16.石中剑 17.星际宝贝 18.钟楼怪人 19.小姐与流浪 20.小熊维尼历险记 21.小飞象 22.变身国王 23.狮子王I 24.黑神锅传奇 25.变身国王









一 节奏

诗歌是具有音乐性的语言。音乐作品的最大特点之一是音符的流动是有节奏的。所谓节奏就是强拍和弱拍按一定的形式配合起来,有规律地反复出现。懂点音乐的人都知道,音乐中基本的节奏有两种,即强——弱(2/4拍)和强——弱——弱(3/4拍)。举两个简单的例子: 《东方红》的节奏就是强——弱: 56│2 —│1 16│2 —│5 5│6i 65│1 16│2 —│

《新年好》(HAPPY NEW YEAR)这首儿歌的节奏是强——弱——弱: 1 5 │33 3 1│13 5 5 │43 2 —│23 4 4 │32 3 1│13 2 5│72 1 —│

中国古诗有节奏。其节奏主要是通过汉字特有的声调表现出来的。传统汉语中的声调有四:平、上、去、入。平声称“平声”,上、去、入三声统称仄声。平声与仄声结合起来反复出现,就是中国诗歌的节奏。如一首五言绝句,其最常见的节奏是: 仄仄平平仄,平平仄仄平。平平平仄仄,仄仄仄平平。王之涣《等鹳雀楼》:白日依山尽,黄河入海流。欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。此诗即是这样的节奏。其中“欲”字是仄声,与格式不合。但根据格律要求,诗行中的第一字可平可仄。英文诗歌也有节奏。英文没有平声、仄声之分,但有重读轻读音节之分,其节奏是通过重读音节与轻读音节表现出来的。一个重读音节与一个或两个轻读音节按一定的模式搭配起来,有规律地反复出现就是英文诗歌的节奏。

我们知道凡是有两个以上音节的英文单词,都有重读音节与轻读音节之分,在一句话中,根据语法、语调、语意的要求,有些词也要重读,有些要轻读。如he went to town to buy a book..I’m glad to hear the news.英文中有重读和轻读之分,重读的音节和轻读的音节,按一定模式配合起来,反复再现,组成诗句,听起来起伏跌宕,抑扬顿挫,就形成了诗歌的节奏。多音节单词有重音和次重音,次重音根据节奏既可视为重读,也可视为轻读。读下面这两句诗:

Alone │she cuts │and binds│ the grain, And sings │a me│lancho│ly strain.这两行诗的重读与轻读的固定搭配模式是:轻——重。在每行中再现四次,这样就形成了这两行诗的节奏。某种固定的轻重搭配叫“音步”(foot),相当与乐谱中的“小节”。一轻一重,就是这两行诗的音步。一行诗中轻重搭配出现的次数叫音步数,这两行诗的音步数都是四,所以就称其为四音步诗。



Treasure Island is an adventure novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, narrating a tale of “pirates and buried gold”.First published as a book in 1883, it was originally serialised in the children's magazine Young Folks between 1881-82 under the title The Sea Cook, or Treasure Island.Traditionally considered a coming-of-age story, it is an adventure tale

known for its atmosphere, character and action, and also a wry commentary on the ambiguity of morality—as seen in Long John Silver—unusual for

children's literature then and now.It is one of the most frequently dramatised of all novels.The influence of Treasure Island on popular perception of pirates is vast, including treasure maps with an “X”, schooners, the Black Spot, tropical islands, and one-legged seamen with parrots on their shoulders.《小妇人》简介

Little Women is a novel published in 1868 and written by American author Louisa May Alcott.The story concerns the lives and loves of four sisters growing up during the American Civil War.It was based on Alcott's own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts with her three sisters, Anna, May, and Elizabeth.Little Women is the story of The Marches, a family used to hard toil and suffering.Although Father March is away with the Union armies, the sisters Meg, Jo, Amy and Beth keep in high spirits with their mother, affectionately named Marmee.Their friendly gift of a Christmas holiday breakfast to a neighbouring family is an act of generosity rewarded with wealthy Mr.Laurence's gift of a surprise Christmas feast.However, despite their efforts to be good, the girls show faults: the pretty Meg becomes discontented with the children she teaches;boyish Jo loses her temper regularly;while the

golden-haired schoolgirl Amy is inclined towards affectation.However, Beth, who keeps the house is always kind and gentle.After certain happy times winning over the Laurences, dark times arrive as Marmee finds out about her husband's illness.Worse is to come as Beth contracts scarlet fever in her Samaritan efforts for a sick neighbour and becomes more or less an invalid.The novel tells of their progress into young womanhood with the additional strains of romance, Beth's terminal illness, the pressures of marriage and the outside world.This is the story of their growing maturity and wisdom and the search for the contentedness of family life.It was written in 1867 and is a fictionalised biography of Alcott and her sisters.It has become a much loved classic tale and, while some of its issues seem outdated, many of the trials of the sisters are all too relevant today


David Copperfield is well known as one representative work by Charles Dickens.The greatest novelist in the Victorian period depicted a broad picture of the society of his times by telling the uncommon life of his boy hero, David Copperfield.In addition, David Copperfield was also Dickens’ own favorite.It is written in the first person and is the most autobiographical of all his books.In writing, Dickens threw into this novel deep feelings and much of his own experience in his younger days.By David’s history and experience, Dickens in some way retrospected and drew a conclusion to his life and expressed his life attitude and moral ideal.Furthermore his novel also disclosed the faulty mask of capitalist society and remarkably reflected the negative damage to the marriage, family and society caused by money.It is safe to say that David Copperfield is one of the most excellent characters among all Dickens created.The thesis undertakes to have a detailed study of the characteristics of David Copperfield through the analysis of the influence of the people around him and make a preliminary explanation to it.The work will be done along the development of David Copperfield, from his childhood

to his adulthood.The analysis of the characteristics of David Copperfield will provide us a chance to see the features of the capitalist society and give us some inspiration about the life.《格列佛游记》简介Gulliver's Travels

Jonathan Swift wrote it in Ireland.The first part of it appeared in October 1726 and by November the book was in everybody's hand.1.The story of the book is known to us all.In the first part Gulliver describes his shipwreck in Lilliput where the tallest peopole were six inches high.The emperor believed himself to be the delight and terror of the universe, but it appeared quite absurd to Gulliver who was twelve times as tall as he.In his account of the two parties in the country, distinguished by the use of high and low heels, Swift satirixes the Tories and the Whigs in England, Religious disputes were laughed at in an account of a problem which divided the Lilliputians:“Should eggs be broken at the big end or the little end?” The follows an ironical comment:“This, however, is thought to be a merer strain upon the text, for the words are thses, that all true believers shall break their eggs at the convenient end.And which is the convenient end seems, in my humble opinion, to be left to every man's conscience, or at least in the power of the Chief Magistrate to dtermine.” This part is full of references to current politics.2.In the second part, the voyage to Brobdingnag is described.Gulliver now found himself a dwarf among men sixty feet in height.The King, who

regarded Eruope as if it were an anthill, said,“I cannot but conclude the bulk of your natives to be the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth.”And Gulliver, after living among such a great race, could not but feel tempted to laugh at the strutting and bowing of English lords and ladies as much as the King did at him.3.The third part is a satire on philosophers and projuctors, who were given to

dwelling in the air, like the inhabitants of the flying Island.In the Island of sorcerors, Gulliver was able to call up famous men of ancient times and question them.Then he found the world to have been misled by prostitute wriers into ascribing the greatest exploits in war to cowards, the wisest counsels to fools, and sincerity to flatterers.He saw, too, by looking at an lod yeoman, how the race had greatly deteriorated through vice and corruption.4.In the last part, Gulliver's satire is of the bitterest.Gulliver was now in a country where horses werer possessed of reason, and were the governing class, while the Yahoos,though in the shape of men, were brute beasts with such vices as stealing and lying.In endeavouring to persuade the horses that he was not a Yahoo, gulliver was made to show how little a man was

removed from the brute.Gulliver's account of the warfare among the English lords, given with no little pride, caused only disgust from the horses.He praised the life and virtues of the horses while he was disgusted with the Yahoos, whose relations reminded him of those existing in english society to such a degree that he shuddered at the prospect of returning to England.So, when he returned home, his family filled him with such disgust that he swooned when his wife kissed him.5.Swift hated all kinds of oppression-political, economical and religious.But he cherished a great love for the people,《呼啸山庄》

One old Mr in a rain of night came to whistling Villa wants to stay a late night he do has a strange of dream, dreamed of branches playing in window tooth broke glass, wanted to broken outside of branches, can finger is touch to a double cold of small hand, a ghost like Weeps sound begging for he placed she came insmell sound came, letLi out, he own head-bashing down in

bed Shang, cry with called up: “, to 's!Oh, come on, one more time!Oh, my dearest!Katherine

The old man, to the housekeeper asked about the matter, housekeeper said in Wuthering Heights things happen.MasterXiao and his wife picked up from the streets to a Gypsy abandoned, his adopted son, this is the Greekto this was the son of Henry Dresser of bullying and abuse will be offered to Dresser's sister kis madly in love with Li.They have gone through a lot the last was not together


Of the Robinson Crusoe(Robinson Crusoe)old translation of the Robinson Crusoe drifting in mind, and a well-known memoir-adventure novels of realism, is the 18th century United Kingdom writer Daniel Defoe written inspired by experience of a Scottish sailor in distress at sea.Defoe in the book, have created a new people to face up to natural challenges – Lu Bin Sun·kelusuo.His disdain for conservative, heart development, several well-off families aside, out to make their fortunes.Shipwrecked after living on a desert island, he used his head and hands, the construction of shelter, grow food, domesticated livestock, manufacturing equipment, sewing clothes, into a desert island ”paradise on Earth“.His overseas adventures for many years, many painful, got considerable wealth, returned to the United Kingdom, completed the heroes of an era of careers.To this end, Defoe beat ”the United Kingdom and the father of the English novel in Europe" of the title.This companion volume is the trapped, is with Defoe.The Robinson Crusoe Defoe has brought great success and has helped him pay off part of the debt.Since then, he has also written one after another of the moer·fulandesi the Colonel Jack Robinson and two of her novels, but creditors are always followed him though.In the last years of his life, Defoe, infirmity, unaccompanied, lenders keep the door, the children also told him forget it.On April 26, 1731, Daniel · Defoe died in grief, died at the age of 71.The author in the full quote is: afraid of terrible 10,000 times times than the risk itself.



我们的教材是校本教材,共四个单元。第一单元是打招呼,介绍自我 第二单元是-----第三单元是----第四单元是-----中国的传统节日,让学生了解我国的传统节日及文化,学习怎样用英语互相祝福等。









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