看了这个题目各位同仁是否情绪激动呢?稍安勿躁!当你要求学生学英语的时候学生是否翻开教材的词汇表开始背单词——就是按照单词表的顺序一遍一遍地看单T-E-C-H-N-O-L-O-G-Y,technology写单词呢?你是否经常讲课前要听写十个八个单词呢?回到办公室批改,写错很多单词的学生还得加罚N遍呢?这样学英语永远学不会英语!即便学的好也是以牺牲大量时间,精力甚至是大把人民币为基础,以削弱学生英语学习的积极性为代价而取得的。此乃缘木求鱼之举。毋庸置疑,词汇学习在英语学习中有着举足轻重的作用。词汇掌握不好,英语学习成了无源之水,无本之木。学英语千万别背单词,岂不是胡说吗? 问题的如何背单词!
语音法。多读,使单词的读音在大脑中 “心声”定型。首先记住读音,让后根据语音规则利用语音法记忆单词。
Labour Day(Lab实验室+our我们的)
Family(father and mother, Ilove you)
Heroes like potatoes and tomatoes(英雄喜欢土豆与西红柿)
DIY词汇银行法。在学习过程中,无论是做练习,单元测试,英文歌曲欣赏,英文视频短片观看,还是在报刊,杂志,电视,互联网上接触的英语单词要记在可随身携带的小本本上,经常翻阅,建立自己的词汇银行,随用随取。收集学习过程中的生词,句子。扩大词汇量的同时,扩大句子量,收录随处可见的英文标识,让学生发现身边这么多课外英语而欣喜。摘抄一些经典的语言片段也是英语学习行之有效的办法,把这些语言地道,俊秀的美文背诵下来必将充实学生的语感,提高口头和书面表达能力。具体做法是没名学生准备一个笔记本我们叫它词汇银行,每天完成三个单词,两个短语,一个英文句子,我们叫它三二一工程.学生定期翻阅.从walkman 到mp3无不体现了中学生追求时尚的天性。
教师从报纸、书刊、互联网上选取适合学生心理特点的英文歌曲,打印出来制作英文歌曲集,让学生边听优美的旋律边哼唱英文歌曲,在体会歌曲的意境中学习英语。特别是我校实现了班班多媒体,为学生学唱英文歌曲提供了极大的便利条件.我们每月学唱一首英文歌曲.在一个月里只要有时间,课间,自习课,早晨,中午上课前就学唱.本学期我们学唱了Two Butterflies, Five Hundred Miles, Yesterday Once More,God Is A Girl 四首歌曲.学生锻炼了听力,改善了发音,丰富了词汇,巩固了语法.
【ADSE初学版文本】Absolutely Don't Study English Begninner Version
Tape 1 A Mother and Her Young Child Learning English
Tape 2 A Father and His Young Doughter Go To America
Tape 1 A Mother and Her Young Child Learning English
Situation 1 Wake Up in the Morning
(Mrs.Lee, a Korean housewife, decides to teach English to her son Minsu.She will nickname Minsu “Michael” from now on.So she also decides to speak only English to him.)
Mrs.Lee(Mother): Michael, it is time to wake up.Michael(Son): Huh?
Mrs.Lee(Mother): Yes, it is time to wake up.And, also, from now on I will speak only English to you.And you should speak only English to me, too.Michael(Son): Okay, mom.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Right.That's good.Michael(Son): It will be hard at first, but I think I can do it.Mrs.Lee(Mother): I know you can do it.Michael(Son): I will do my best.Mrs.Lee(Mother): That is great.All I want is for you to do your best in everyting you do.Michael(Son): Mom, what time is it?
Mrs.Lee(Mother): It is seven o'clock in the moring.Michael(Son): Seven o'clock? I have to go to school by eight.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Yes, so come and eat your breakfast.Michael(Son): Okay, I will wash my face, brush my teeth, and then I will eat breakfast.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Don't forget to wash your hands, too.Michael(Son): Mom, when I wash my face, I'm also washing my hands.Mrs.Lee(Mother): That's true.Okay, then don't forget to brush your hair.Michael(Son): I won't.I always brush my hair before I go to school.Mrs.Lee(Mother): You've never brush your hair or you teeth before!Whendid you start?
Michael(Son): Mom, now that I'm in middle school, I have a girlfriend.So now I have to look good.Mrs.Lee(Mother): A girlfriend? When I was in middle school, I never thought of boys.Michael(Son): I know, Mom.You told me twenty times.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Situation 2 Eating Breakfast
(Michael goes into the kitchen and sits down at the table.His mom and dad are already there.)
Mrs.Lee(Mother): Michael, what do you want for breakfast?
Michael(Son): I would like some cereal, please.Mr.Lee(Father): Cereal? Wouldn't you still be hungry?
Michael(Son): Dad, you're speaking English, too?
Mr.Lee(Father): Yes, your mother said it would help you.So I am speaking English, too.Michael(Son): It feels strange speaking English to you, Dad.Mr.Lee(Father): Don't worry about that!What you should worry about is you breakfast.How can you eat only cereal?
Mrs.Lee(Mother): It is not only cereal.He will be eating it with milk.Michael(Son): Yeah, Dad.I will be having milk and cereal.Mr.Lee(Father): That doesn't matter.I don't think only milk and cereal is enough.You also need to eat some rice and kimchi.Michael(Son): Dad, young people don't like kimchi for breakfast.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Yes, dear.You know Michael doesn't like spicy food in the morning.Mr.Lee(Father): When I was young, we ate kimchi three times a day and liked it.And if I don't eat rice, I would be still hungry.Michael(Son): You always say that, Dad.But grandpa said you only like bread and chocolate.Mr.Lee(Father): That's not true.Michael(Son): Oh, that's what grandpa said.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Michael, it is seven thirty.You would be late.Michael(Son): Okay, let me eat this cereal, and then I'll catch the bus at seven forty-five.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Hurry up!
Mr.Lee(Father): And tomorrow, you should eat some lice.Michael(Son): Dad, that's not right.It is rice with an R, not lice with an L.And I'll eat some rice today.Mr.Lee(Father): You will? good.Here, have some righ now.Michael(Son): No, Dad.I'll eat it for lunch and dinner.I just don't like it for breakfast.Mr.Lee(Father): All right.You win.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Situation 3 Going to School
(Michael finishes his breakfast and then walkes to the bus stop.A little while later, a school bus comes and he goes on it.On the bus, he meets his friend, Andy.)
Michael: Andy, how are you?
Andy: Huh?
Michael: No, not “huh?' You should say, ”what?'
Andy: What?
Michael: That's better.Let's speak in English.Andy: Okay, but why?
Michael: Well, my mom decided that the best way to learn English is to practice it all the time.Andy: Everybody knows it.Michael: Yes, everybody knows it, but nobody does it.So we are going to do it.Andy: It sounds like a good idea.Michael: It's a great idea.Maybe we should tell our friends and teachers about it.Andy: Maybe, but we should think about it first.Michael: You're right.Let's think about it before we decide.Andy: What are you doing at lunch time?
Michael: I don't know.Why?
Andy: We can talk about it more then.Michael: That's a good idea.Let's talk about it more at lunch time.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Situation 4 Back at Home
(Mr.and Mrs.Lee are still back at home.They are talking about the idea of speaking only English.)
Mr.Lee(Father): I am not sure that speaking only English is a good idea.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Why not?
Mr.Lee(Father): Well, I'm worried that Machieal will forget Korean.Mrs.Lee(Mother): That is impossible.Mr.Lee(Father): No, it's not?
Mrs.Lee(Mother): Of course it is.Even if we speak English to Michael, he will watch Korean television, listen to Korean songs, and go to Korean school.How can he forget?
Mr.Lee(Father): You're right.I don't have to worry.But, why are we speaking English to each other?
Mrs.Lee(Mother): Because if we don't speak English, then Machieal won't, either.Mr.Lee(Father): But my English is not very good.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Yes, it is.And it will get better if you speak it more.Mr.Lee(Father): That is true.And, even though it will be diffcult, I will do it for my son.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Thank you.I knew you would understand.Mr.Lee(Father): That is what partents are for.It is our job to help him.Mrs.Lee(Mother): Yes.(Mrs.Lee looks at the clock.)
Mrs.Lee(Mother): What time do you have to go to work?
Mr.Lee(Father): By nine o'clcok.Why?
Mrs.Lee(Mother): Well, it's already eight fifteen.Mr.Lee(Father): Oh!I should go.Mrs.Lee(Mother): good-bye.See you tonight.Mr.Lee(Father): good-bye.I'll be home by seven.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Situation 5 A Telephone Call
(Mrs.Lee makes a telephone call to Andy's mother, Mrs.Cho.)
Mrs.Lee: Hello, may I please speak with Mrs.Cho?
Mrs.Cho: This is she.May I ask who is calling?
Mrs.Lee: Yes, it's Mrs.Lee, Michael's mother.Mrs.Cho: Oh, Hello!How are you?
Mrs.Lee: I'm fine, thank you.How have you been?
Mrs.Cho: Fine, thank you.May I ask you a question?
Mrs.Lee: Of course.Mrs.Cho: Why are we speaking in English?
Mrs.Lee: Oh, yes.I am trying to teach English to Michael by speaking only English to him.Then I remembered that you majored in English literature in college, so I was wondering if you would help me.Mrs.Cho: I would be happy to help you.But I graduated from college fifteen years ago.My English is not very fluent.Mrs.Lee: Then it will be good practice for you, too.Mrs.Cho: That's true.And it would be great for Andy.He really wants to improve his English.Mrs.Lee: I am so happy.Thank you so much.Mrs.Cho: You are very welcome.Mrs.Lee: By the way, what are you doing this afternoon?
Mrs.Cho: I have no plans.Why?
Mrs.Lee: Well, I'm going to go to the supermarket.Would you like to go with me?
Mrs.Cho: Yes.That would be great.I need to go grocery with shopping, too.Mrs.Lee: I will drive my car.What time should I pick you up?
Mrs.Cho: How is two o'clock?
Mrs.Lee: Perfect, I'll see you then.Mrs.Cho: Okay, see you then.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Situation 6 Grocery Shopping
(Mrs.Lee drives her car to Mrs.Cho's house.Then they drive together to the supermarket.)
Mrs.Lee: Sorry, I'm late.Mrs.Cho: That's Okay.It's only two ten.Mrs.Lee: Yes, but it's cold outside.I'm sorry.Mrs.Cho: No, really, it is no problem.Where are we going grocery shopping?
Mrs.Lee: Let's go to the LG Supermarket.Mrs.Cho: I've never been there.How is it?
Mrs.Lee: It's very nice.The prices and services are very good.(They arive at the LG Surpermarket, park the car and go inside.)
Mrs.Cho: Wow, this is really nice.They have everything.Mrs.Lee: Yes, they do have the very good selection.What do you need to buy today?
Mrs.Cho: Today I need to buy vegetables.Mrs.Lee: What vegetables are you going to buy?
Mrs.Cho: I'm going to buy lettuce, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes, onions and garlic.Mrs.Lee: But tomato is not a fruit, it's a vegetable.Mrs.Cho: Oh!Really? I didn't know that.What are you going to buy?
Mrs.Lee: My husband really likes meat.So I have to buy a lot of meat.Mrs.Cho: What kind of meat are you going to buy?
Mrs.Lee: I'm going to buy pork ribs, beef steaks and chicken breasts.Mrs.Cho: What about fish?
Mrs.Lee: Oh, I almost forgot.I'm also going to buy some shrimp, crab and tuna.Mrs.Cho: That's a lot of meat and a lot of seafood.Mrs.Lee: Yes, but my family eats a lot.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Situation 7 At Cafe
(Mrs.Lee and Mrs.Cho finished their shopping and decide to go to a cafe to talk some more.)
Mrs.Lee: Going to a cafe was a great idea.I have almost no time to rest during a day.Mrs.Cho: I understand how you feel.That is why I go to a cafe for one hour every day.It gives me a chance to rest, to think, and sometimes, to talk.Mrs.Lee: Yes, I think resting and talking are both very important.Especially when you are always busy.Mrs.Cho: Why don't we order first?
Mrs.Lee: That's a good idea.Let's order.Waiter!
Mrs.Cho: Oh, excuse me.(Waiter): Yes.May I take your order?
Mrs.Cho: Yes, I would like an espresso, please.Mrs.Lee: I am coffee.Mrs.Cho: Oh, that's a Korean expression.You should say, “I'll have a coffee.”
Mrs.Lee: Ah, thank you.I didn't know that.I'll have a coffee, please.(Waiter): One espresso and one coffee, would you like anything else?
Mrs.Cho: No, thank you.Mrs.Lee: Um...actually, could I also have a piece of cake?
(Waiter): Of couse.I'll get that for you now.Mrs.Cho: I like cake, too.But I'm on a diet.Mrs.Lee: Why? You're so thin.Mrs.Cho: My husband says I need to lose weight.Mrs.Lee: That's funny.Mrs.Cho: Why?
Mrs.Lee: Because my husband always says I need to gain weight.He thinks I'm skinny.Mrs.Cho: Ha...Mrs.Lee: Ha...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Situation 8 Lunch at School
(Back at school, Michael and Andy are eating lunch together.)
Andy: Michael, did you speak English in your classes?
Michael: I tried to, but some of teachers wouldn't let me.Andy: Me too.When I spoke English at my Korean language class, the teacher hit my hands with a stick.Michael: Yeah, that happened to me, too.But it was my math teacher who hit me.He said, “When we've in Korea and we should speak only Korean.”
Andy: Really? I didn't think anyone still thought like that.Michael: I know, but they do.There are still many people who think that Koreans can't speak English well.But I think if you practice, you can speak English very well.Andy: I think you are right.Michael: Of couse, I am.I am very smart.Andy: Ha...Michael: Ha...Andy: I know, but I'm even smarter.Michael: Do you think so?
Andy: Yes, I do.Why? Don't you agree with me?
Michael: No, I think I am smarter than you.Why don't we make a bet?
Andy: Okay.What is the bet?
Michael: Ten thousand won.Andy: Okay.How will we know who is smarter?
Michael: Let's see who gets a higher score on the next English test.Andy: It's a bet!
11.November12.December三、一年四季 3.Wednesday4.Thursday5.Friday3.March8.August4.April9.September5.May10.October
1.eighth第八 4.twelfth第十二
2.ninth第九 5.twentieth第二十
1.regret(regretted, regretting)后悔 6.refer(referred, referring)提到
2.control(controlled, controlling)控制 7.forget(forgetting)忘记
3.admit(admitted, admitting)承认8.permit(permitted, permitting)允许
4.occur(occurred, occurring)出现 9.equip(equipped, equipping)装备
5.prefer(preferred, preferring)宁愿
注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语)
1.broadcast(broadcast, broadcast)广播 是lain)
2.flee(fled, fled)逃跑 8.seek(sought, sought)寻求
3.forbid(forbade, forbidden)禁止 9.shake(shook, shaken)发抖
4.forgive(forgave, forgiven)原谅 10.sing(sang, sung)唱歌
5.freeze(froze, frozen)结冰 11.sink(sank, sunk/sunken)下沉
6.hang(作“绞死”讲,是规则的;作“悬12.spread(spread, spread)传播
挂”讲,其过去式过去分词都是hung)13.swim(swam, swum)游泳
7.lie(作“说谎”讲时,是规则的;作“位14.tear(tore, torn)撕碎
于”讲时,其过去式是lay,过去分词15.weave(wove, woven)编织
3.Canada / Canadian9.Tibet 西藏
4.Italy / Italian10.the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
5.France / French 11.the Olympic torch 奥运火炬
6.Germany/German 12.The 2010 ShanghaiWorld Expo
1.long—length 长度 2.wide—width 宽度
3.high—height 高度 4.strong—strength力量
九、以-ic结尾的动词,应先把-ic变为-ick,再加ing或ed 1.picnic(picnicked, picnicking)野餐
1.German(Germans)德国人 4.hero(英雄),potato(土豆),tomato(西2.gulf(gulfs)海湾 红柿)等有生命的以-o结尾的名词变3.handkerchief(handkerchiefs)手帕 复数时要加-es。5.roof(roofs)房顶
6.stomach 胃(其复数是stomachs而不是加es)
十一、注意动词变名词时的拼写变化 1.succeed—success成功 8.consider—consideration 考虑 2.pronounce—pronunciation 发音 9.discover—discovery 发现3.explain—explanation解释 10.bury—burial 埋葬 4.decide—decision 决定 11.conclude—conclusion 得出结论 5.enter—entrance进入 12.arrive—arrival 到达 6.permit—permission 允许 13.weigh—weight 重量7.refuse—refusal 拒绝
十二、注意形容词变副词时的拼写变化 1.beautiful—beautifully 美丽的 4.particular—particularly 特别的 2.possible—possibly 可能的 5.successful—successfully 成功的3.practical—practically 实际的
十三、其它必背单词 1.abroad 国外 17.Asian(NMET1996)2.absence n.缺席(absent adj.)18.assistant 助手3.accepted(NMET1997)19.astonish吃惊(astonishment n.吃惊,4.accident事故(accidental adj.偶然的,astonishing,astonished)
accidentally adv.偶然地)20.astronaut 宇航员 5.achievement成就(achieve v.获得)21.atmosphere气氛 6.address地址 22.attempt尝试(可作名词也可作动词)7.admire钦佩 23.attentively 专心地 8.admitting24.attentively 9.agreement 协议 25.attitude 态度 10.agriculture农业(agricultural adj.农业26.attract 吸引(attraction吸引力)的)27.average平均 11.altogether总共 28.average 12.ancient 古代的 29.balance平衡 13.announced 30.beauty 美(beautiful)14.anxiety 忧虑(anxious adj.焦急的,31.believe相信(belief n.信念,其复数是
anxiously adv.焦急地)beliefs)15.apologize v.道歉(apology n.道歉32.beyond超过
apologetic adj.道歉的,apologetically 33.biology生物 adv.道歉地)34.birthday生日 16.appreciate感激/欣赏(感激人用thank 35.bravery 勇敢
sb;谢谢某人做的事用appreciate sth.)36.broadcast
38.carefully 小心(carefully)39.ceiling天花板 40.celebrated
41.celebration 庆祝(celebrate n.庆祝)42.century 世纪 43.challenge 挑战 44.character 性格 45.charge收费 46.cinema电影院
47.comfort v.& n.安慰(comfortable adj.comfortably adv.舒适地)48.comfortably 49.comment 评论
50.communication 交流
51.competition 竞赛(compete v.竞赛
competitor 竞赛者)52.composition 作文 53.concert 音乐会
54.conclude v.conclusion n.结论 55.condition情况(conditions条件)56.confessing
57.congratulations 祝贺(congratulate v.)58.constantly 不断地 59.construction 60.continue继续
61.contribution 贡献(contribute v.)62.conveniently方便(convenient adj.)63.conversation 谈话 64.coughing 65.cousin表兄弟
66.cruelty 残酷(cruel adj.cruelly adv.)67.curious 好奇(curiosity n.好奇)68.curious
69.customer 顾客 70.customers71.custom习俗 72.damage损坏 73.declared
74.delicious 美味
75.destroy毁灭(其过去式是destroyed)76.determined 有决心的77.develop发展(development n.developing 发展中的,developed发达的)
78.dialogue 对话
79.diary 日记(dairy 奶制品)
80.difference 不同点(有复数形式)
81.disappointed失望(disappointing 让人
82.disappointment 失望
83.discovery 发现(其复数是discoveries,其动词是discover,discoverer发现者)84.disturb打扰
88.electricity电(electrical电的,electric 电的)
89.employ 雇用(employment n.employer
emptied)91.encourage鼓励(encouraging,encouraged, encouragement n.)92.energy能量 93.envelope 信封
94.envy n.妒忌(envious adj.)95.equal
96.equipment设备 97.especially 尤其是 98.essential
99.European 欧洲人 100.event事件
101.excellent极好(excellence n.excellently
103.exhibition展览 104.expense 耗费
105.experience 经验(experienced 有经验的)
106.expert 专家 107.expression 表达 108.failure 失败(fail v.)109.familiar
110.familiar熟悉的111.favorite 最喜爱的(即作形容词也作名
词,作名词时有复数)112.figure人物/数字 113.finger手指 114.flight飞行 115.forehead前额 116.foreign
117.fortunately幸运地 118.forward向前
119.freezing 极冷的(frozen 冷冻的)120.frequently 经常地 121.furniture 家具 122.further进一步的 123.generally
124.geography地理 125.Germany德国 126.government 127.gradually逐渐地
128.graduation毕业(graduate)129.grammar语法 130.habits
132.honesty 诚实(honest)133.honor/honour 荣誉
134.imagination 想象力(imagine v.)135.immediate
137.impress 印象(impression n.)138.incident小事件
139.including包括(include v.)140.indispensable
141.industry工业(industrial adj.工业的)142.information 信息
143.inspire激励(inspiration n.inspiring,inspired)144.institute学院 145.instrument 仪器 146.interest 兴趣 147.interrupt 打断 148.interrupt打断
149.introduce介绍(introduction n.)150.irregular 不规则的 151.journey旅程
153.kindergarten幼儿园 154.knowledge 知识 155.labor/labour劳动 156.late1y
157.laughter笑声 158.lawyer律师
160.loss损失(lose, lost 是其动词形式)161.luckily幸运地 162.magazine杂志 163.majority
165.manage 设法(manager, management)166.market
167.marriage 结婚(marry v.结婚,married
168.material(s)/cloth 169.material物质/材料 170.mayor市长 171.mean
173.medal 奖章(比较:model 模型)
174.memory记忆力(memorize v.记住,remember 记得)175.messages176.metal 金属 177.modern现代的 178.modest谦虚的 179.monitor 班长/监控 180.moustache 胡子
181.murder谋杀(murderer 凶手)182.musician 音乐家
183.mysterious 神秘的(mystery 神秘)184.nationality国籍(nation 国家,national
186.naughty 淘气的 187.necessary 188.ninth
189.normal 正常的 190.obey
191.obviously明显的 192.offering
194.opportunity 机会 195.ordinary 普通的 196.organized/organised 197.particularly 特别是 198.passenger 旅客 199.passengers
202.perfect 完美(perfectly)203.performed 204.perhaps 或许 205.period 时期 206.permission许可 207.persuaded
208.phenomena 现象 209.physicist 物理学家 210.pilots
211.poisonous 有毒的(poison)212.political 政治的(politics)213.popular受欢迎的 214.population人口 215.position 职位
216.possibility(-ies)可能性(possible 可能的)
217.poverty 贫穷(poor)218.poverty贫穷219.practical220.preparing 221.pressure 222.pretend假装 223.professor 教授 224.profit 利润 225.progress进步 226.pronunciation
227.provide 提供(比较:offer, supply)228.public 公众 229.purpose目的 230.quality
231.quantity数量 232.realistic
233.receive 收到 234.recently
236.recognize 认出(recognition 承认)
237.regards 问候 238.remind提醒
239.repeat(repetition)重复 240.respect尊敬 241.restaurant 餐馆 242.restaurants
243.satisfaction满意(satisfy, satisfied,satisfying)
244.satisfactory 满意的 245.Saturday
246.scientific 科学的 247.scientific科学的 248.secretary秘书249.secretly
250.separately单独地 251.separates
252.serious 严重的(seriously)253.service服务
254.shortcoming缺点255.silence 安静(silent)256.similar
257.similar 类似的(similarity –ies相似之
258.situation形势/情况 259.slightly
260.society 社会(social adj.社会的)261.southern
262.special特别的263.species 物种(单复数同形)264.spring
265.square平方 266.stolen 267.straight
268.suitable合适的 269.support支持 270.surprise吃惊 271.surround 包围 272.swimming
273.technique 技术(technical adj.)274.technology技术 275.temperature温度 276.theory 理论 277.thirsty口渴 278.thorough
279.total合计 280.traffic 交通 281.translated
282.translation 翻译(translator翻译家,interpret 解说, interpreter 口语翻译)283.umbrella 284.umbrella伞
285.unusually不寻常(unusual不寻常的)286.unwilling 不愿意(willing adj.愿意
will n.意志)287.upstairs 288.upstairs楼上 289.vacation假期
290.various各种各样的(variety n.种类)291.victim受害者 292.victory胜利 293.vocabulary词汇 294.voyage航行 295.waste296.weather
297.whisper 低语 298.worship崇拜
299.youth年轻人(复数加-s)300.zero 零
先说说“分类”,“分类”就是把单词按照熟练程度的不同进行归类。像desk, book这种词,你背5遍有4遍是在浪费时间,而像salamander这种词你背5遍可能都记不住,“分类”就是要帮你做到“重点词”重点记,避免在一些简单的单词上浪费青春。
笔者当时背单词时起得比鸡还早,大冬天里每天早上6点就准时来到大学校园里的一块草坪,开始像疯子一样背单词。哪来的动力呢?“金钱”的动力。笔者那时候背单词的目的是要考托福,打算大学毕业后出国留学。当时也不知从哪听来的消息,说托福的成绩将严重关系到留学的奖学金问题,而老师又说了“单词全认识,阅读是满分;单词全认识,阅读是满分~~”。“A equal to B, B equal to C, it means A equal to C”,这不正相当于“背~~单~~词”关系到“留学的奖学金问题”吗?于是,笔者当时根据托福词汇总量和留学奖学金数目,用了一个天才的公式算出了“背一个单词=赚10美元”的真理,然后将其贴在自己的桌子上,每天看着,供奉着。别人在打篮球,我在背单词赚钱;别人在睡觉,我在背单词赚钱;别人在打Dota,我在背单词赚钱;吃饭时,背单词;上厕所时,背单词;睡觉时,词汇书就放在枕头旁边,恨不得多记一个单词。这样,两个月下来,再看托福阅读,里面已经几乎没有我不认识的单词了。这种经历艰辛后成功的感觉至今回忆起来都有一种泪流满面的冲动,这也是青春的一部分啊!