
时间:2019-05-15 04:17:29下载本文作者:会员上传



I just heard that seven people are going to be laid off next month.(我刚听到公司下个月要裁七位员工。)

公司要裁员的讲法有许多种, 其中最常见的不外是 layoff 这个字(如果分开来写: lay off 是动词, 但合起来写 layoff 则是名词).例如, “Cisco issues a profit warning, plans layoffs.”(思科发布盈余警讯, 计划裁员.)当然还可以用比较口语的讲法说, cut jobs 或是 slash jobs, 还有一些书面表达方式表示裁员/冗员。大家也需要认识这类词:downsize / redundancy/ cut the payroll/ streamline(人员精减后达到流线型效果)。要是真的不幸在美国公司被裁员了怎么办? 先记住两句话再说, 第一句是, “Whose decision was this?”(这是谁的决定.)俗语说冤有头债有主, 先问清楚了是谁动你的。另一句话就是, “I am between jobs.” 这句话在找新工作时很好用.人家问你现在在作什么, 你不要呆呆地说, “I just got laid off.”你应该说, “I am between jobs.” 我正好在两个工作间的空档.听起来比较委婉。很多人也因此得到了新的工作。

I’m done with my boss.He is so picky.(我受不了我的老板,他太挑剔了。)这里的 “do with”解释为“容忍、忍受”比较常见的还有“I can’t do with loud music.”在美国,跳槽是一件相当普遍的事情,而在中国,人们都希望自己能尽可能有一份安稳的生活。美国人是一个崇尚个人自由的人群,无论是选择工作还是自己的伴侣,都不会以牺牲个人自由为代价。这和中国传统文化提倡的“忍一时风平浪静”有很大的不同。

You had your time.(已经给过你机会了。)

这个句子其实就是“You had your chance.”,这句话通常出自老板之口,当你被解雇了,有的员工希望老板再给一次机会时,老板就会说这句话。当然如果你判某人出局了,不妨无奈地对他说:You had your time.这个句子的一个使用时机则是对付你的手下败将,所以不妨假设,如果刘邦学好美语的话,当年他就会在江东河畔对着项羽说:“You had your time.”

I'm sorry to bring up my resignation at this moment, but I've decided to study abroad.(我很抱歉在这个时候提出辞呈,但我已经决定要出国念书了。)

“resignation”辞职信。正所谓好聚好散, 即使你要辞职, 也要以一种礼貌的方式向老板提出.并告诉他一个合适的理由。

My reason for leaving my present employment is that they offer me a higher position.(我离职的原因是他们给我一个更高的职位。)



在影响美国人的六个价值观中,有一条叫做“hard working”(敬业)。对于他们来说,如果你不工作,你将一无所有,只有通过自己的努力,你才能创造出自己的价值,得到应有的回报,否则你只能是一个停留在社会底层无足轻重的人。下面再来看一些与上司沟通辞职的常用句型.1.I want to expand my horizons.(我想扩展我的视野。)

2.I've made a tough decision, Mr.Smith.Here is my resignation.(史密斯先生,我做了一个很困难的决定。这是我的辞呈。)

3.First of all, I'd like to say that I've really enjoyed working with you.However, I think it's about time for me to leave.(首先,我要说的是,我真的很高兴能与你共事。但是,我觉得该是我离开的时候了。)

4. I've been trying, but I don't think I'm up to this job.(我一直很努力,但我觉得无法胜任这个工作。)

5.To be honest, I've got a better offer.(老实说,我有一个更好的工作机会。)


劳动纠纷通常都会发生在企业与员工劳动关系解除的时候,无论是企业与员工解除或终止劳 动合同,还是员工自己辞职,在这个时候,企业与员工双方容易为了各自的利益而产生分歧,员工主动辞职(点击进入主动辞职是否有补偿金)时,与企业的分歧主要出现在以下四个 方面:

1、违约金 有些人为了得到工作机会,或者为了落户口,与企业签订劳动合同的时候,在合同中规定 了违约责任,主要的违约责任体现在服务期与违约金上。但于 2008 年实施的《劳动合同法》 中规定:在用人单位和劳动者的劳动合同约定中,严格限定了违约金的约定条件,规定单位 只有在“培训服务期”和“竞业避止”这两种情形下,才能设定违约金。也就是说,除非劳 动者在约定的培训服务期满前离职,或违反了保密协议、竞业限制的约定,否则劳动者无需 向单位支付任何违约金。也就是说:如果你的离职不存在《劳动合同法》规定的需承担违约责任的那两种情况,是 无需向用人单位支付违约金的,想炒老板鱿鱼的人尽可以“挥一挥衣袖不留下一分血汗 钱”。

2、培训费 企业如果为劳动者提供了培训,可以与劳动者签订相关协议,如服务期未满即离职,需赔 偿一定数量的培训费。企业提供的培训形式可以是脱产的,半脱产的,也可以是不脱产的。不管是否脱产,只要用人单位在国家规定提取的职工培训费用以外,专门花费较高数额的钱 送劳动者去进行定向专业培训的,就可以与该劳动者订立协议,约定服务期,期限长短可自 行约定,未满服务期即离职的劳动者是要按约定全额或部分赔偿培训费用。一般来说,企业 会约定 5 年服务期,劳动者工作每满 1 年即减少 20%的培训费赔偿。也就是说,假如企业为某员工支付了 5 万元出国培训新生产线的专项使用技能,要求该员 工签订培训协议,规定期限是 5 年,如果该员工工作满 1 年后离职,就需赔偿企业 80%的 培训费 4 万元,如果满 3 年离职,就需赔偿企业 40%的培训费 2 万元,以此类推。应该注意的是:不是用人单位提供的所有培训都要与员工签培训协议,用人单位对劳动者 进行必要的职业培训,不可以约定服务期,也就是说在需要签订培训协议的培训中不包括职 业培训。《劳动法》规定,用人单位应当建立职业培训制度,按照国家规定提取和使用职业 培训经费,根据本单位实际,有计划地对劳动者进行职业培训。从事技术工种的劳动者,上 岗前必须经过培训。劳动者有接受职业技能培训的权利。

3、身份证、档案、社会保险、公积金等抵押物 任何单位都没有权力在员工离职的时候
,扣留员工身份证、档案、社会保险、公积金等个 人资料。员工辞职后,单位必须为员工办理档案、社会保险、公积金等的转移手续,由于各 地的政府办理流程不一,办理方法就不详细介绍。如果单位不为员工办理相关手续,想卡住 员工的这些个人资料为难辞职者,或吓唬留在单位的员工,那么,离职员工完全可以去当地 的劳动仲裁机构申请劳动仲裁,申请起来非常方便。

4、工资与奖金 有的单位还会把离职员工最后一个月的工资扣住不发,这也不用担心,在申请仲裁的时候,通常你只需要提供你的基本工资数额,具体工资数是由单位证明的。当然仲裁的时候,你需 要有有利于自己的证据,如有单位接收你书面辞职的收据,有单位授权人签字或单位盖章的 工作交接清单等。奖金就不同了,奖金不属于劳动法保护的范围,企业通常有更多的权力自主决定奖金的发 放,如果企业不给离职员工发奖金,劳动仲裁机构是不会受理的。员工辞职,也就是劳动合同没有到期,员工主动与企业解除劳动合同时,应该注意什么才能

保证不被企业找到扣工资、扣档案的理由呢? 根据以往的劳动仲裁案例,员工这时需要注 意两方面的事情: 一方面,一定要以 书面 形式通知企业。用邮件的方式辞职是不行的,一方面,一定要以“书面 形式通知企业。书面”形式通知企业 邮件通常没有证据的作用,且邮件保留在企业的服务器里,离职员工不容易提取证明。员 工这时需要书面形式的辞职信,在纸质的辞职信上,需要有员工亲笔签名,辞职信一般交给 直接上级或企业的人力资源部。辞职信给了企业,员工怎么能证明自己已经按劳动法的要 求,用“书面”形式通知企业了呢?员工这时能做的,只能是在递交书面辞职信的时候,跟企 业要一个收到辞职信的回执。如果这个不太容易办到,那只能用人证,人证在劳动仲裁的 时候可能有用,在法庭通常效用不高,因为人证一般是企业的同事,法庭可以认为是利益相 关者。另一方面,要办理工作交接。按劳动法,员工虽然到 30 天的时候可以不再上班,另一方面,要办理工作交接。但一定要办理工作交接。当然工作交接是企业安排的,如果企业不安排,也最好写一份工作 交接清单,用书面的形式,对工作及自己工作时间的安排进行说明,递交给直接上级或人力 资源部,一式两份,自己保留一份企业盖章或相关人员签字的。不办理工作交接,企业可 以暂扣工资,直到交接后再发放,一直不交接就一直不发。企业还可能会在员工转档案,转 社保,开离职证明时,为难员工。虽然扣留档案与社保不

不符合劳动法规,可参考:辞职时要 考虑的四个法律问题(点击打开)但经常有企业这么做,打官司会导致离职成本的增加。辞 职时,作为员工把该做的事情做好,与企业保持协商与沟通的态度,大部分企业都会予以合 法的对待。对于少数不守法的企业,员工只有用法律武器保护自己的正当权益了。

劳动法及 新劳动法规,对于辞职 辞职补偿 辞职时间 辞职违约金 辞职、辞职补偿 辞职时间、辞职违约金 劳动法 2008 年新劳动法 新劳动法 辞职 辞职补偿、辞职时间 辞职违约金等,有了更详 细及可操作的规定,更有效地保障了劳动者与企业双方的权益。一些劳动者因为企业的某些 不合理规定,会认为辞职 辞职很麻烦,不如直接走人,是这样的吗? 辞职

提问: 提问:
我要辞职了,我档案没有在单位,我身份证地址不是我的家庭住址,公司规定辞职的话,要给公司钱。我不想给,我的劳动合同签了一年,现在工作了 5 个月了,公司给我买了三 险一金。我想直接走了,最多损失半个月的工资,不知道这样可以不啊?

回答: 回答:

一、公司给你买了三险一金,若因你不辞职、不办理离职手续,公司可以不给你办理劳动减员,这样你另找了新工作,新 单位将无法为你办理三险一金等。

二、规范的企业在录用员工的时候,通常需要提供离职 证明,象你这种情况,是无法拿到离职证明的,规范的企业会因为你以前的劳动关系等未完 全理清,而不能聘用你。

三、公司关于辞职要给公司钱的规定是不符合劳动法的,因而是 无效的。公司在什么时候有权力收辞职的违约金,在《辞职时要考虑的四个法律问题》(点 击打开)中有明确说明;

四、建议你按劳动法的相关规定,提前 30 天书面提出辞职申请,写辞职信,并按公司的安排交接工作,违约金的问题与公司协商解决。如果公司依然扣你钱,你可以申请劳动仲裁。

辞职是一个既涉及情感,也关乎法律的事件,通常最容易出现纠纷,一封好的辞职信能给当 事的双方适当的分手理由,使双方都保留足够的面子。因而最好的辞职信是双赢的,本文给 出写好辞职信的方法及辞职信范文,看了以后就知道辞职信怎么写了。当然,在撰写时,也 需要注意 写辞职信要注意的五个要点 尊敬的李经理(或公司人事部)您好!我很遗憾 尊敬的李经理(或公司人事部): 自己在这个时候向公司正式提出辞职。我来公司也快一年了,也很荣幸

自己成为 XX 公司 的一员。在公司工作一年中,我学到了很多知识与技能,公司的经营状况也处于良好的态势。非常感激公司给予了我在这样的良好环境中,工作和学习的机会。但是我因为个人原因需 要辞职,因我新购房屋在城南,到公司的距离超过 15 公里,每天往返公司的时间超过 3 个 小时,这对我的工作已造成不良影响,(离职原因也可以写成:因本人身体的缘故,需回家 调养,希望不要因为我的个人原因,影响了工作的进展。)因此,我不得不忍痛离开热爱的 岗位。我希望在 XX 年 X 月 XX 日之前完成工作交接,请领导安排工作交接人选。在未离 开岗位之前,我一定会站好最后一班岗,我所在岗位的工作请领导尽管分配,我一定会尽自 己的职,做好应该做的事。望领导批准我的申请,并请协助办理相关离职手续。祝您身体 健康,事业顺心。并祝公司以后事业蓬勃发展。申请人: 日期: 年 月 日 辞职是一个既涉及情感,也关乎法律的事件,通常最容易出现纠纷,一封好的辞职信能给当 事的双方适当的分手理由,使双方都保留足够的面子。因而最好的辞职信是双赢的,本文给 出写好辞职信的方法及辞职信范文,看了以后就知道辞职信怎么写了。找到了合适的新工 作,要跟老东家说“拜拜”了,大部分人在这个时候会兴奋难奈,不免在辞职的时候因得意忘 形而出现失误。其实辞职就象离婚,通常不是一件让双方都能愉快的事情,既涉及情感,也 关乎法律,因而也最容易出现纠纷,几乎所有的劳动仲裁都发生在离职的时候。顺利离职,不仅不会惹上麻烦,还为以后的职业发展带来良好的口碑。书写正式的辞职信,须具备以 下五个要点:

辞职的对象通常是直接上司或公司的人力资源部,所以,辞职信开头称呼要写接收人及职 务。如尊敬的李经理,等。

虽然这是一个机会,可以吐露你的真实想法,你可以把对企业、对直接上司的不满一吐为 快,但实践证明,这样做的结果可能会使你一时的心情舒畅,但对紧接着的工作交接和未来 在行业内口碑都是不利的。所以,离职的理由通常要写成客观原因,如搬家、结婚、脱产 进修等等。记住,你辞职或跳槽是为了更好的职业发展,而不是为了报复谁。

这是起码的礼貌,无论如何,你曾经在这家公司工作过,你付出过努力,做出过贡献,同 时,你也得到了待遇、工作技能和行业内的同事关系。




1.We have a very strict quality controlling system which promises that goods we produced are always of the best quality.2.You have got the quality there as well as the style.3.How do you feel like the quality of our products?

4.The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place.5.You must be aware that our quality is far superior to others.6.We pride ourselves on quality.That is our best selling point.7.As long as the quality is good.It is all right if the price is a bit higher.8.They enjoy good reputation in the world.9.When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products.10.There is no quality problem.Quality is something we never neglect.11.You are right.It is good in material,fashionable in design, and superb in workmanship.12.We deliver all our orders within one month after receipt of the covering letters of credit.13.Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look.14.I wonder if you have found that our specifications meet your requirements.I’m sure the prices we submitted are competitive.价格 客人询价

1.Will you please let us have an idea of your price?

2.Are the prices on the list firm offers? 3.How about the price/ How much is this? 4.This is our price list.5.We don’t give any commission in general.6.What do you think of the payment terms? 7.Here are our FOB prices.All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation.8.In general, our prices are given on a FOB

basis.9.We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.10.Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP?

11.This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only.Is there anything you are particularly interested in? 客人还价

12.Is it possible that you lower the price a bit?

13.Do you think you can possibly cut down your prices by 10%?

14.Can you bring your price down a bit? Say $20 per dozen.15.It’s too high;we have another offer for a similar one at much lower price.16.But don’t you think it’s a little high?

17.Your price is too high for us to accept.18.It would be very difficult for us to push any

sales it at this price.19.If you can go a little lower, I’d be able to give you an order on the spot.20.It is too much.Can you discount it? 拒绝还价

21.Our price is highly competitive./ this is the lowest possible price./Our price is very reasonable.22.Our price is competitive as compared with that in the international market.23.To tell you the truth, we have already quoted our lowest price.24.I can assure you that our price if the most favorable.A trial will convince you of my words.25.The price has been cut to the limit.26.I’m sorry.It is our rock-bottom price.27.My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.28.While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can’t reduce our price any further.接受还价

29.Can we each make some concession? 30.In order to conclude business, we are prepared to cut down our price by 5%.31.If your order is big enough, we may reconsider our price.32.Buyer wish to buy cheap and sellers wish to sell dear.Everyone has an eye to his own benefit.33.The price of his commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost.34.Considering our good relationship and future business, we give a 3% discount.订单 客人询问最小单数量

35.What’s minimum quantity of an order of your goods? 询问订货数量

36.How many do you intend to order?

37.Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us?

38.When can we expect your confirmation of the order?

39.As our backlogs are increasing, please hasten the order.40.Thank you for your inquiry.Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?

41.We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.客人回答订单数量

42.The size of our order depends greatly on the prices.43.Well, if your order is large enough, we are ready to reduce our price by 2 percent.44.If you reduce your price by 5, we are going to order 1000sets.45.Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we accept it.46.This is a trial order;please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market.If successful, we will give you large orders in the future.47.We have decided to place an order for your electronic weighing scale.48.I’d like to order 600 sets.49.We can’t execute orders at your limits.感谢下单

50.Generally speaking, we can supply form stock.51.I want to tell you how much I appreciate your order.52.Thank you for your order of 100 dozen of the shirts.We assure you of a punctual execution of your order.53.Thank you very much for your order.交货 客人询问交货期

54.What about our request for the early delivery of the goods?

55.What is the earliest time when you can make delivery?

56.How long does it usually take you to make delivery?

57.When will you deliver the products to us? 58.When will the goods reach our port? 59.What about the method of delivery? 60.Will it possible for you to ship the goods

before early October? 答复交货期 61.I think we can meet your requirement.62.I ‘m sorry.We can’t advance the time of delivery.63.I’m very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you..64.We can assure you that the shipment will be made not later than the fist half of May.65.We will get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time.66.The earliest delivery we can make is at the end of September.客人要求提早交货

67.You may know that time of delivery is a matter of great important.68.You know that time of delivery if very important to us.I hope you can give our request your special consideration.69.Let’s discuss the delivery date first.You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing.70.The interval is too long.Could we expect an earlier shipment within three months? 稳住客人

71.We shall effect shipment as soon as the goods are ready

72.We will speed up the production in order to ship your order in time.73.If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment.74.But you’d better ship the goods entirely.75.We’ll try our best.The earliest delivery we can make is in May, but I can assure you that we’ll do our best to advance the shipment.76.I’m afraid not.As you know, our manufacturers are full and we have a lot of order to fill.77.I’ll find out with our home office.We’ll do our best to advance the time of delivery.78.Thank you very much for your cooperation.79.I believe that the products will reach you in time and in good order and hope they will

give you complete satisfaction.签单 签单前建议

1.Before the formal contract is drawn up we’d like to restate the main points of the agreement.2.We can get the contract finalized now.3.Could you repeat the terms we’ve settled? 4.It is very important for us to abide by contracts and keep good faith.5.Have you any questions as regards to the contract?

6.I’d like to hear your ideas about the problem.7.I think it is better to have a good understanding of all clauses before signing a contract.8.Do you have any comment to make about this clause?

9.Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations? 10.Everything has been arranged well.I hope the signing of the contract will go smoothly

11.These are two originals of the contract we prepared.询问签单

12.When shall we sign the contract?

13.Mr.Brown, do you think it is time to sign the contract?

14.Shall we go over the other terms and conditions of the contract to see if we agree on all the particulars?

15.Shall we sign the contract now? 16.Just sign there on the bottom.17.The contract is ready, would you mind reading it through?

18.We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far.It is time to sing the contract.签单后祝语

19.I’m very pleased that we have come to an agreement at last.20.Let’s congratulate ourselves for the successful contract.付款方式 客人询问付款方式

1.Shall we discuss the terms of payment?

2.What is your regular practice about terms of payment?

3.What are your terms of payment?

4.How are we going to arrange payment? 回复询问付款方式

5.We’d like you to pay us by L/C.6.We always require L/C for our exports and we pay by L/C for our imports as well.7.We insist on full payment.8.We ask for a 30 percent down payment.9.We expect payment in advance on first orders.客人建议付款方式

10.We hope you will accept D/P payments terms.11.In view of this order of small quantity, we propose payment by D/P with collection through a band so as to simplify the payment procedure.12.Payment by L/C is the safest method, but rather complicated.礼帽拒绝客人

13.I’m sorry.We can’t accept D/P or D/A.We insist on payment by L/C.14.I’m afraid we must insist on our usual payment terms.15.“Payment by installments” is not the usual practice in world trade.16.It is difficult for us to accept your suggestion


17.In view of our long friendly relations and the efforts you have made in pushing the sales, we agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight;however, this should not be taken as a precedent.18.I have no alternative but to accept your terms of payment.信用证要求及货币

19.When should we open the L/C?

20.Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements.21.How long should our L/C be valid?

22.The L/C should be valid 30 days after the date of shipment.23.Could you tell me what documents you’ll provide?

24.Together with the draft, we’ll also send you a full set of bill of lading, an invoice, and an insurance policy, a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection.I suppose that is all.25.In what currency will payment by made? 26.We usually do business in U.S.dollars as world prices are often dollars based.保险 客人询问保险

1.As for the insurance, I have quite a lot of things which I am still not clear about.2.May I ask you a few questions about insurance? 3.What do your insurance clauses cover? 4.I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss.5.Have you taken our insurance for us on these goods?

6.Can you tell me the difference between WPA and FPA?

7.What risks are you usually covered against? 8.Is war risk to be covered?

9.I’d like to have the insurance of the goods covered at 110% of the invoice amount.回复保险询问

10.There are three basic covers, namely, Free form Particular Average, with Particular Average and ALL risks.11.Ocean shipping cargo insurance is important because goods run the risk of different hazards such as fire, storm, collision, theft, leakage, explosions, etc.If the goods are insured, the exporter might get enough to make up his loss.12.Should any damage be incurred, you may, within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment, file a claim supported by a survey report, with the insurance company at your end.13.As a rule, we don’t cover them unless you

want to.14.If more than that is asked for, the extra premium for the difference between 130% and 110% should be born by the buyer.15.The FPA clause doesn’t cover partial loss of the particular coverage, whereas the WPA clause does.16.The extra premium involved will be on your account.17.The insurance covers ALL Risks at 110% of the invoice value.18.No, it is not necessary for the shipping line to add to the cost.Our past experience shows that All risks gives enough protection to all the shipments to your area.19.ALL risk covers all losses occurring throughout the voyage caused by accidents at sea or land.In other words, it includes FPA, WPA, and general additional risks, with special additional risks excluded.参观工厂

1.You’ll understand our products better if

you visit the factory.2.I wonder if you could arrange a visit to the factory.3.Let’s me know when you are free.We will arrange the tour for you.4.I would be pleased to accompany you to the workshops.5.We will drive you to our plant, which is about thirty minutes from here.6.Can I have a brochure of your factory? 7.Here is the product shop;shall we start with the assembly line?

8.All products have to go through five checks during the manufacturing process.9.The production method ahs been improved by introducing advanced technologies.10.It is a pleasure to show our factory to our friends, what is your general impression? 11.It is nice to meet you.Welcome to our factory.12.Shall we rest a while and have a cup of tea before going around?

13.I would like to look over the manufacturing process.How many workshops are there in the factory?

14.Some accessories are made by our associates specializing in these fields.15.It is very kind of you to say so.My associate and I would be interested in visiting your factory.16.We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise.17.Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples?

































http://news.iciba.com2008-02-22 15:32:58来源:英语学习网

1.I’m reporting for work today.我今天来报到上班。

2.I heard Lao Wu quit his job.我听说老李辞职了。

注释:这句话要用过去时,动词用过去时heard。quit his job,辞去工作。

3.Who will take over his position?


注释:take over 代替,接任。

4.Would you like a transfer to another department?


注释:transfer 转换,切换; another department,另一个部门。

5.Are you going to apply for this position?


注释:apply for,申请。be going to do sth,准备做某事。

6.I heard Bill got a promotion.我听说比而得到了提升。

7.We’ve had a lot of meetings lately.我近来会议很多。

注释:用现在完成时have had,表示从过去的某个时间开始的这一段时间,会议一直很多,强调的是动作状态的延续。

8.I don’t like working overtime.我不喜欢加班。

注释:表示一般的喜好,用like doing ,用现在分词doing,而不用动词不定式to do.又如,I like swimming,我喜欢游泳。

9.Could you cover for me on Monday?


注释:cover for,代班。

10.I need you to arrange a staff meeting this afternoon.我需要你今天下午安排个员工会议。



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