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2013 – 2014学年英语外事管理系2013级大一英语泛读寒假作业

Directions: translate the following four passages into Chinese, and find out the topicand draw the main idea of each passage in English.Passage One

There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.Short-range goals are those that usually deal with current activities, which we can apply on a daily basis.Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possible months.It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very munch without the achievement of solid short-term goals.Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-range goals.They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years.Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed.As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed.And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation and desire will increase.Long-range goals may be related to our dreams of the future.They might cover five years or more.Life is not a static thing.We should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.Passage Two

Now let us look at how we read.When we read a printed text, our eyes move across a page in short, jerky movement.We recognize words usually when our eyes are still when they fixate.Each time they fixate, we see a group of words.This is known as the recognition span or the visual span.The length of time for which the eyes stop — the duration of the fixation — varies considerably from person to person.It also varies within any one person according to his purpose in reading and his familiarity with the text.Furthermore, it can be affected by such factors as lighting and tiredness.Unfortunately, in the past, many reading improvement courses have concentrated too much on how our eyes move across the printed page.As a result of this misleading emphasis on the purely visual aspects of reading, numerous exercises have been devised to train the eyes to see more words at one fixation.For instance, in some exercises, words are flashed on to a screen for, say, a tenth or a twentieth of a second.One of the exercises has required students to fix their eyes on some central point, taking in the words on either side.Such word patterns are often constructed in the shape of rather steep pyramids so the reader takes in more and more words at each successive fixation.All these exercises are very clever, but it’s one thing to improve a person’s ability to see words and quite another thing to improve his ability to read a text efficiently.Reading requires the ability to understand the relationship between words.Consequently, for these reasons, many experts have now begun to question the usefulness of eye training, especially since any approach which trains a person to read isolated words and phrases would seem unlikely to help him in reading a continuous text.Passage Three

As you are probably aware, the latest job markets news isn’t good: unemployment is still

more than 9 percent, and new job growth has fallen close to zero.That’s bad for the economy, of course.And it may be especially discouraging if you happen to be looking for a job or hoping to change careers right now.But it actually shouldn’t matter to you nearly as much as you think.That’s because job growth numbers don’t matter to job hunters as much as job turnover data.After all, existing jobs open up every day due to promotions, resignations, terminations, and retirements.(Yes, people are retiring even in this economy.)In both good times and bad, turnover creates more openings than economic growth does.Even in June of 2007, when the economy was still humming along, job growth was only 132,000, while turnover was 4.7 million!

And as it turns out, even today — with job growth near zero — over 4 million job hunters are being hired every month.I don’t mean to imply that overall job growth doesn’t have an impact on one’s ability to land a job.It’s true that if total employment were higher, it would mean more jobs for all of us to choose from(and compete for).And it’s true that there are currently more people applying for each available job opening, regardless of whether it’s a new one or not.But what often distinguishes those who land jobs from those who don’t is their ability to stay motivated.They’re willing to do the hard work of identifying their valuable skills;be creative about where and how to look;learn how to present themselves to potential employers;and keep going, even after repeated rejections.The Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows that 2.7 million people who wanted and were available for work hadn’t looked within the last four weeks and were no longer even classified as unemployed.Passage Four

It’s an annual argument.Do we or do we not go on holiday? My partner says no because the boiler could go, or the roof fall off and we have no savings to save us.I say you only live once and we work hard and what’s the point if you can’t go on holiday.The joy of a recession means no argument next year — we just won’t go.Since money is known to be one of the things most likely to bring a relationship to its knees, we should be grateful.For many families the recession means more than not booking a holiday A YouGov poll of 2, 000 people found 22% said they were arguing more with their partners because of concerns about money.What’s less clear is whether divorce and separation rates rise in a recession — financial pressures mean couples argue more but make splitting up less affordable.A recent research shows arguments about money were especially damaging to couples.Disputes were characterized by intense verbal aggression, tended to be repeated and not resolved and made men, more than women, extremely angry.Kim Stephenson, an occupational psychologist, believes money is such a big deal because of what it symbolizes, which may be different things to men and women.“People can say the same things about money but have different ideas of what it’s for.” he explains.“They’ll say it’s to save to spend, for security, for freedom, to show someone you love them.” He says men are more likely to see money as a way of buying status and of showing their parents that they’ve achieved something.“The biggest problem is that couples assume each other know what’s going on with their finances, but they don’t.There seems to be more of a taboo about talking about money than about death.But you both need to know what you’re doing, who’s paying what into the joint account and how much you keep separately.In a healthy relationship, you don’t have to agree about money, but you have to talk about it.”

第二篇:英语泛读4(上外)word and idioms

Word pretest

Unit 1

1.What is yourof this state of affairs?评定;估价

B.prediction 预报;语言C.position 位置

2.He teaches aclass for first-graders.治疗的;补救的;矫正的A.elementary 基本的;初级的B.advanced 高级的;先进的3.We received afrom his speech.提升

A.message 消息;启示C.disappointment 失望;沮丧

4.The ability to speak several languages was among his.造诣;成就

A.merits 优点;功绩C.virtues 优点;美德

5.He drove at a 不变的;恒定的B.various 各种各样的C.great 伟大的;重大的;极好的6.We made plans for a visit, butdifficulties with the car prevented it.后来的A.unexpected 意外的,想不到的B.continuous 连续的,持续的7.Themember of Parliament for our town will be introduced to the local party

tonight.未来的;预期的A.ambitious 有目标的B.promising 有前途的8.I didn’t know anything about any of the books so my choice was quite 任意的A.based on factsB.based on reason1.Burn the midnight oil开夜车,秉烛夜读

If you stay up very late working or studying, you burn the midnight oil.2.Hit the books

If you hit the books, you study or read hard.3.Back-breaking task/work 使人筋疲力尽的工作

4.Work like a dog

If you work like a dog, you work very hard.5.fall down on the job没有把工作做好

6.to fail to do something that you were expected to do

7.work one's fingers to the bone(v.)作苦工, 做苦工干苦力, 艰苦地行进, 艰苦跋涉, 苦干, 費力地前進, 费力地前进, 跋涉

Unit 2

1.The camerafrom her face to a middle-aged man.被摇动

A.turned off 关掉B.fixed 固定

2.The candlein the breeze.闪烁

A.shined brightlyB.shined steadily3.The messageher hopes of Richard’s return.熄灭;灭绝

A.raised 提高;举起C.questioned 怀疑;询问

4.The explosion sent the aircrafttowards the sea.垂直落下

B.shooting upward 向上C.flying quickly迅速地

5.The gang tried to the merchant.恐吓,威胁


6.The author’s latest bookall his previous ones.遮暗;使黯然失色

A.displays 显示B.casts a shadow upon 投阴影

7.It is 250 years since the wolf becamein Britain.灭绝

A.still livingC.not easily found

8.The stern old faiths have all.粉碎

A.become strongerB.been shattered 打碎;削弱

9.By somethe judges passed over the obvious choices and chose her.侥幸

A.successC.breeze 微风;轻而易举的事

10.The 暴风雪

A.windB.earthquake11.The widow gave awail at the grave side.哀伤的;悲哀的B.hysteric 亢奋的C.lonely

1. be a breeze 小事儿桩

Achieving those targets will be a breeze.实现目标易如反掌。

2.have a green thumb: 某人很会种花种菜;种植能手

3.be easy as pie 小菜一碟

The midterm should be easy as pie if you prepare well.如果好好准备,半期考只是小菜一碟而已。

4.have a golden touch 点金成石

5.have two left feet极笨拙

You have two left feet.: 你笨手笨脚的5.have a nose for对…敏感,很善于发现

Yeah, you do have a nose for fashion, sis.嗯,老姐,你的时尚嗅觉的确了得。

Unit 3

1.Those who left for reasons other than a well-founded fear of persecution were designated for 遣返

A.punishment 惩罚B.imprisonment 监禁2.We mustn’t let things.溃烂

A.remain the sameB.change for the better3.He soughtin Brazil.庇护;收容所

A.mental hospital

B.protection given to a person by his home country 4.He has been an 流放

A.a person who has been living abroad

B.a person who has been involved in political activities 5.Wherever he goes, he readily 适应B.finds a lodging in 占阵地C.makes a close study of

6.He gave her a gold brooch asesteem.作为标志B.a giftC.a badge 标记

7.The main ’s huge foreign debt.妨碍;阻止

A.aid 帮助C.way

8.The country is now undergoing economic 恢复

A.reform改革B.crisis 危机1.down to earth实际的We can't day dream all the time.We have to come down to earth.我们不能一直白日做梦,我们必须回到现实当中,脚踏实地。

2.think one is god's gift to mankind是上帝给人的礼物

3.show off炫耀

4.Put Someone in One's Place: 挫某人的傲气

5.put on airs摆架子;装腔作势

Don't put on airs with me.别在我面前摆什么臭架子.6.blow one's own horn自吹自擂

Unit 4

1.Galilee had been underfor months.包围

A.imprisonment 监禁C.pressure 压迫

2.Puffs of smoke wereup.打旋

A.moving back and forth来回地 C.moving to and fro来回地

3.The universityan honorary degree on him.授予


4.We fought with 拼命,竭尽全力

A.teeth and fists 牙齿、拳头 C.biting and hitting 咬、打

5.How could they have justified all the violenceon the prisoners? 释放,解放B.usedC.controlled

6.The assistant ’s job.垂涎;渴望;贪图B.refusedC.did

7.Both sides offered statistics totheir arguments.支持;支撑

A.weakenB.present8.He finally 屈服于

A.gave up 放弃;交出C.gave out 分发;公布

9.Marx spoke of 解放;释放

A.struggleB.revolution1.bury the hatchet 和解;停战

2.button one's lip[口语]保持缄默;闭口不谈;保守秘密;守口如瓶;不透露风声 [亦作 zip one's lip]

3.flow with the tide 跟随潮流大众

4.hold one's tongue: 保持沉默;保持沈默;闭嘴;缄默,闭口。

5.let sleeping dogs lie[口语]莫惹是非,别惹麻烦,不自找麻烦;别多事[亦作 don't wake a sleeping dog]

6.mind one's own business少管闲事

And everyone seems only to mind one's own business.每个人似乎只管自己的事

7.rock the boat捣乱;破坏良好的现状;使遇到危险

8.see eye to eye看法一致

My boyfriend and I never see eye to eye on anything.我的男朋友从未在任何一件事上看法一致。

Unit 5

1.Personally, I do not have anyagainst him.憎恶,仇恨

B.hospitality 好客;殷勤C.sympathy 同情;慰问;赞同

2.His voice is 充满

A.infected 传染B.embedded 嵌入

3.Modernization helps countries to 胜过,超

A.abolish 废除;取消B.ignore 忽略;不理睬

4.This kind of plants is , and cannot be found in other areas.本土的;土著的A.newC.fragile 脆的;易碎的5.Neighboring countries usually form various kinds ofto strengthen their political and

economic links.集团

A.blocks 街区C.treaties 条约

6.Only one country refuses to be a participant of the.实体;存在;本质

A.illusion 幻觉,错觉C.being 存在;本质

7.Good communicative skills are considered to be a 先决条件

A.qualification 资格;条件C.strength 长处

8.The honor will give you furtherto surmount whatever difficulty you may encounter

in your pursuit.动力;促进;冲力

A.force 力量;武力C.speed 速度

1.face up to勇敢地面对

2.point one's finger at someone指责

3.Leave Someone High and Dry使某人孤立无援

4.shoulder the responsibility肩负责任

5.pass the buck推卸责任

6.worm out of(慢慢而狡猾地)探知,千方百计地探知,套出:;爬出,钻出:

He wants to worm out of the charge.他想推卸责任。

Unit 6

1.I don’t want to get married because I don’t want any.承诺,保证B.houseworkC.worries

2.Against all the 困难;不利

B.strangeness 陌生;冷淡C.expectations 期望;预期


A.Christians 基督徒B.Muslims 穆斯林4.Of the ten board members, only one 异议;不同意B.agreedC.refused

5.Jack underwent threeoperations on the leg in two weeks.连续的;依次的A.happening now and thenC.successful

6.“Honesty is the best policy” was hisin all his business dealings.信条,教义

A.slogan 标语;呐喊声B.way7.Theacross Belfast was very rough.走廊;通路

A.corridor 走廊C.excerpt 摘录,引用

8.I admire theirin trying to start up a new business.企业;事业;进取心;事业心

A.entertainment 娱乐;消遣B.company 公司;陪伴

9.We are fighting tosome independence.保持;雇;记住


1.all or nothing 孤注一掷的;全部或一无所有的2.meet someone halfway妥协

3.give and take平等交换;交换意见;互相迁就

Let's give and take in the matter.让我们就这个问题交换一下意见吧

4.middle of the road中庸;中道;中间路线

5.stick to one's gun坚守阵地;固执已见

6.find middle ground中间立场

Let's find the middle ground here.让我们来找一个中间立场。

Unit 7

1.Crossing the country in wagons did not 使气馁,使畏缩;威吓

A.encourageB.confuse2.The mountain climbers were in 急迫的;迫切的A.immense 巨大的,广大的C.future 将来的3.She speaks with aFrench accent.显著的;断然的B.thinly disguisedC.surprisingly strange

4.No model can ever be a perfectof nature itself.类似物;类似的情况

A.something that is different from another thing C.something that is better than another thing

5.The success of the operationthe surgeon’s skill.证明;证实;作证

B.denies 否认;拒绝C.assesses 评定;估价

6.There are only three 现存的;显著的A.extinct 灭绝的;熄灭的B.precious 宝贵的;珍贵的7.The book is out of print and difficult to.取得;获得

A.keepB.sell8.the streets of Sophia and other big cities.追踪,潜近B.blocking completelyC.marching noisily on

9.The war caused great ’s economy.损害;伤害;损害物B.improvementC.change

10.The fogwhen the sun came out.消散;浪费

A.formed 成形C.wasted 浪费

1.go through with完成,实行;把…进行到底

2.hang in there[口]坚持下去

Hang in there, baby.You can pass the university entrance exam!


3.give up放弃

4.stick with继续做;坚持;保持联系

5.sweat out冒汗

In summer, it's very hot, everyone will sweat out.在夏天,十分炎热,每个人都出汗。

Unit 8

1.They have been overcoming difficulties since theof the enterprise.开端

A.conception 概念;设想;开始B.formation 形成;构造

2.The mainin their election programme is the promise to cut taxes.支架;条款

A.planC.wooden board 木板

3.Andecision was finally made by the committee.不可改变的;不能取消的B.inevitable 必然的C.changeable 可改变的4.The smuggled goods were 充公,没收

A.collected 收集;聚集C.received 收到;接受

5.They were guilty of barbarous 暴行;残忍

A.actionsC.instances 例子;实体


7.When the soldiers act in 不顾,无视

A.defence 防御;防卫C.violation 违反;妨碍

8.She couldn’t 看穿;了解

A.measure 测量;估量C.believe

9.He is under thethat he can beat his opponent.迷惑,欺骗;错觉;幻想

A.opinionC.belief 信仰

10.Chalk and cheese are 不同的;不相干的A.similarC.relevant 有关的1.be a copycat模仿者

2.Don’t be a copycat.: 别有样学样

3.cut the apron strings不受母亲或者妻子的影响和控制

.“As the Boy grew older, his mother began to cut the apron strings.”当男孩稍长,他母亲开始让他独立。"

4.be a yes-man唯唯诺诺的人

A company shall be careful not to have many yes-man in their organization.企业应注意不要招聘太多唯唯诺诺的人到自己的公司。

5.have a mind of one's own性格果断;自有主见

6.be on one's own以独力;独自一人

This experience made his realize that it is not easy to be on one's own away from home.这次经历让他第一次感觉到一个人出门在外的不容易。

7.lead someone by the nose牵着某人鼻子走,使某人完全听命于自己,完全控制住某人

8. stand on one's own feet独立自主;自立






1.教师认识不到位,学校领导重视不够,教学管理部门监管缺失,学生课业负担重等方面原因同时存在。具体表现为:学校领导没有重视泛读科目;教师精、泛读之间的关系及泛读教学对学生英语学习影响也没有很强的意识;教学的管理部门不能提供政策上的引导与督促;学生会忽视泛读学习,是因为疲劳的应付各 种练习题、模拟题,而课业的负担也很重。




5.还有的学生不要说不进行泛读训练,即使在平时做的阅读理解 中也采取划答案找答案的做题规律,根本不重视篇章的理解和文章的结构,常常在选标题时以文章中的例子为标题。因为平时老师在做阅读理解时总是有过多的讲解,分析孤立的词汇与结构,学生也养成了不动脑经,不发挥联想的主动的创造性思维的能力。久而久之,学生把阅读看成是一件极其痛苦的事,为了做好阅读理解而阅读,根本领悟不到语言的美感,不能丰富大脑,不能从中获得教训或者是一个深刻的道理,达不成共鸣。


英国学者弗兰克斯·格雷利特(Francoise Grellet)认为:“泛读是一种熟练活动,主要是解决对文章的综合理解问题。进行泛读训练时,首先应该从综合理解开始,然后再向详细理解过渡。要求学生完成的任务应该是综合理解性的。同时,设计阅读理解练习也应该是从对选文整体理解开始,而不是词汇或较具体的内容。” 高中的英语教师,应当在教学实践中努力开展好泛读教学。所以,怎样进行有效的泛读训练,笔者认为可以从以下几点入手:



如在教M6U4Reading“The UN------bringing everyone closer together”时,在学生回答了几个问题之后,我们就趁热打铁让学生把这篇文章分成四段,同时请同学告知每一段的节数,并写上段落大意。接下来请学生回答两个体现有概括性能力的问题,即:“Why does the author choose the title ‘The UN------bringing everyone closer together?’ Can you find some examples from the text?”和“What does the author feel about being a Goodwill Ambassador and what is her attitude towards wars and conflicts in the world?”紧接着引出这篇文章的Reading strateg,提问学生本文的作者的态度是favorable 还是unfavorable的,并且请学生们找出相关的句子和关键词来证明自己的观点。讲到这里我们趁热打铁,给出一些相关的高考题训练,如:Spring is coming, and it is time for those about to graduate to look for jobs.Competition is tough, so job seekers must carefully consider their personal choices.Whatever we are wearing, our family and friends may accept us, but the workplace may not.(2012陕西高考阅读理解D)Q:The author’s attitude towards strange styles in the workplace may best be described as ____B___.A.enthusiastic B.negative C.positive D.sympathetic 如果每个单元的课文能这样结合的话,学生在阅读技巧上肯定会日积月累,总有一天会有所突破的。


泛读课在中学阶段无法顺利开展的主要原因之一在于学校没有统一的泛读材料。如果教师只是口头强调增加阅读量的必要性,而不检测学生的阅读进展及效果,那么阅读效率永远得不到提高。在此步骤中,执教者借助统一征订的某一期报纸,通过抢答题与必答题的形式检测学生是否阅读以及阅读的效果。以上七道抢答题设置得比较简单,主要以扩大学生的知识面以及激发学生的阅读兴趣为目的。五道必答题是在抢答题的基础上,适当增加阅读的难度,主要是针对阅读文章的整体理解,旨在检测学生是 否读懂文章,是否理解文章大意,并不要求达到细节理解等深层次理解的程度。

Step 2 : Reading ability training(While-reading)本步骤主要由四个部分主成:

Training 1: Fast reading and guessing words 快速阅读——训练猜词能力,训练材料是与报纸第五版面相关的世博会话题。

Training 2: Words and expressions 词汇讲解——主要讲解文章中出现的生词及其 词缀以及没有任何生词但无法理解的习语。

Training 3: Difficult sentences 难句理解——处理影响学生对文章理解的难 句,难点在于虚拟语气。Training 4: Theme or opinion 总结归纳——训练学生寻找主题句、提炼观点句的能力。



Step 3: Ability application(Post-reading)本步骤目的:即学即用,让学生在做中学。检测手段:高考阅读理解一篇、迷你辩论。本步骤时长:15分钟左右。执教者要求学生在六分钟内完成一篇2003年上海高考英语试卷阅读理解C篇,这是一篇议论文,是关于考试体系要保护还是废除的讨论。执教者经过略微修改,降低了三道选择题的难度。这三道选择题 分别检测了猜词、作者观点及文章主旨三个方面,考查学生对本节课训练的这三个技能的掌握程度。执教者指导学生先独立思考,然后再小组讨论。

第三,制定明确具体的泛读计划。泛读是提高学生阅读理解能力的主渠道。只有通过系统的、严格的阅读训练,才能使学生掌握正确的阅读方法和形成基本的阅读技能,加快阅读速度,扩大阅读量,提升语感。笔者认为从高一开始每周就可开设一节泛读课。假如每节泛读课读3-4篇300-400 字的文章,按每学期18周计算,一期可读70篇,高中三年累计可泛读300篇左右,其阅读量可达12万字左右,是中学六年教科书词汇总量的两倍。同时,泛读教学除了时间的安排要纳入计划外,我们也要规定 教学指标,如对阅读速度、阅读技巧等项目要做出具体的安排。

泛读的任务在于着重提高学生的阅读理解能力;培养细致观察以及假设、判断、分析、归纳、推理论证等逻辑思维能力;培养速读能力以及阅读的兴趣,扩大词汇量,拓展文化背景知识。从用途上看,泛读的实用性最广。在实际生活里,80%〜90%的阅读方式都是泛读。目前的英语阅读教学主要是整体阅读教学模式,而此种模式是建立在图式理论(Schema Theory)的基础上,其核心思想是理解新知识时,总是将新知识与已有的知识联系起来。显然,与话题有关的原有知识越多,阅读理解的难度就会越小。

第四,循序渐进方法灵活。泛读教学可分为课内阅读与课外阅读,首先在教 师指导下实施课内阅读,再扩大到课外阅读。泛读教学应从高一到高三不间断,教师可分三个阶段进行:



2.高二年级阶段 学生经过一年的英语学习与训练,词汇量大大增加,掌握了一些阅读技能,阅读速度比以前加快了,基本上养成了一些较好的阅读习惯,有了一定的阅读兴趣,但仍然需要教师的指导,这一阶段还要进一步加大阅读量,引导学生阅读《英语周报》、《21世纪报》等中级层次的英文报刊,并逐渐增加不同题材、不同体裁的命题话题、命题作文的练习。


学生经过两年的学习,词汇量加大,阅读速度大大加快,教师应鼓励学生进一步加大课外阅读,同时,继续加大命题话题、命题作文的练习,逐步加大训练 的难度强度。引导学生的阅读材料从《英语周报》、《英语画刊》等以课程练习为主的英语报刊杂志,到《英语沙龙》、《中国日报》等高信息量的阅读材料。






1. 心灵鸡汤注释版系列,安徽科学技术出版社


2. 英语阅读文库•人生世界系列,09年出版,华中科技大学出版社


3. 《朗文精读美国名篇故事1、2、3》吉林出版集团,培生教育出版集团

4. 《朗文精彩人生英语1、2、3》吉林出版集团,培生教育出版集团

5. 用英语说中国系列


6. 英语美文欣赏系列,武汉大学出版社


7. 中文导读英文版系列,清华大学出版社

《茵梦湖 少年维特的烦恼》、《纯真年代》、《水孩子》、《茶花女》、《野性的呼唤 白牙》、《月亮宝石》、《富兰克林自传》等

8. 世界名著全英简易读物 插图典藏版 《歌剧魅影》、《时间机器》等

9. 英语课程标准八级 轻松读经典丛书

《傲慢与偏见》、《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》、《德伯家的苔丝》、《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》等 10 《典藏书屋——午后咖啡》华东理工大学出版社美丽英文英汉典藏版(第一辑和第二辑)系列,天津教育出版社(双语)


《不朽之爱》、《品茗经典》、《风行天下》小故事 大智慧系列,中国宇航出版社(双语)




《路过春天的时光》、《快乐在微笑中漫步》、《梦想起飞的地方》、《流淌在指尖的幸福》 17 英语沙龙经典文选系列(双语)

Wisdom of Life;Just Recite It;Love Never Dies;The Warm Fireplace;Way to Success《英语美文读吧1、2、3》(双语)《基督教与圣经》(双语)最美丽的英文系列,陕西师大出版社(双语)



















33《让世界感动的美国文字》《让世界感动得英国文字》 中国水利水电出版社(双语)34 白领英语轻悦读系列,中国水利水电出版社(双语)







40.《缤纷中国中国文化英文读本》 大连理工大学出版社(双语)









Reading report10商务英语一班陈胜萍1040104127


Recently, I read a book named Walden.It took me some time to read through it.Most important, I learnt a lot from the beautiful language and the life attitude of the author, Thoreau.This is a book which tells in spring, Thoreau started building a cabin in the woods, thinking about life, reading some books, and listening to the sound of nature.In autumn, he planted beans, observed Walden Pond.In winter, the Walden Pond was frozen, and lots of animals accompanied with him.As spring's coming, the Walden and other ponds melted.Then everything in nature was awake and reborn including Thoreau.Thoreau first wrote that most people pursuit their necessary things of life such as fashionable clothes, houses and equipment.They pursuit these things while Thoreau went to the woods to build a cabin which only cost $28.12, eating simple food and needing little furniture.I still remember one of chapters in his book, Higher Law, emphasized more on the spiritual aspect, instead of the

satisfaction of material.Besides, he urged people to read more classic literature.For example, Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey and other great writers’ masterpieces.More over, he wrote that though he lived alone in the woods, he was close to nature and made himself as a part of nature.He lived alone, but sometimes he also talked with his visitors who are honest, sincere, and thinkable, including those people who love their lives.Thoreau also mentioned that the noise in the town and the whistle of train disturbed the quite life of the town.However, in the woods, life is quite.When he lived in the woods, he listened to animals' sounds such as bird's singing, owl’s hooting, cockerel’s crowing and so on.He lived with animals friendly.He also described the Walden Pond.The water, blue and green, clear and pure, froze in winter and melted in spring.When I was reading Walden, I felt that a kind of profound thinking of life hid behind the beautiful words of Thoreau, providing much food for thought.Walden

The words and phrases about the nature especially the Walden Pond were beautiful and fascinating.The sentences were full of wisdom and philosophy.When reading this book, it reminded me of those people who work day and night to earn money, wasted a lot of money to buy luxury and expensive things, wasted much time to entertain themselves.For my part, they might easily lose themselves.Though their materials were full, their minds are hungry.As far as I am concerned, the real life is to make every complicated thing to be simple and enrich our thoughts and soul.General speaking, simplicity can make our soul and bodies more comfortable and free.Material is just the skin;inside world is the most significant.As for me, many people who around me think I

should buy some beautiful clothes and dress up.However, I think my life is good.One more thing I want to say is that people did not understand him when

Thoreau lived alone in the woods, even Emerson thought what he did was wrong.But I think Thoreau’s life was successful, meaningful and happy, so do I.The life attitude of Thoreau really grips me deeply.Because I think that the success and happiness of life all come from exactly value.Everyone deeply desires of

themselves life.When you know what the value of yourself is, meanwhile you can enjoy your life according to the value every time.You will find that everyday you have full of energy and enthusiasm to do anything, hear the sure sound from your heart, and often feel intense achievement.The most important is that your heart is peace and calm.You are happy ever day.In the last place, I envy Thoreau so much for he lived in such a beautiful and comfortable nature environment.He breathed the fresh air, lived with wild with animals friendly;appreciated the scenery of Walden Pond and so on.While in modern society, people pursuit their own interests to hunt and kill animals, cut down trees and pollute the rivers and so on.As a result, the number of wildlife is decreasing dramatically, the area of lakes is shrinking, and the water is not pure any more.The environmental problems such as globe warming, climate change and air and water pollution have been becoming increasingly serious.When it


comes to environment problems, I will remind of the beautiful scenery Thoreau described in the book.And the book can raise awareness of people of environmental protection.In a word, I really do learn o lot from the readable and valuable book., the life attitude of Thoreau and deep thinking of environmental protection.Maybe I cannot understand Thoreau's thoughts completely, but I think the book, Walden, is a fairly good book to read.I hope you can read through it and I am sure you can learn something from it.



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