
时间:2019-05-15 05:38:32下载本文作者:会员上传



The Case for Support is a self-contained description of the proposed research and contains two parts: ‘Previous Track Record’, and ‘Proposed Research and its Context’.In the Previous Track Record(maximum 2 sides of A4)you should provide a summary of the results and conclusions of recent work in the technological/scientific area covered by your research proposal.Please also outline the specific expertise of the applicants in this subject area, and the expertise available at the UK and China host organisations.In the Proposed Research and its Context section(maximum 6 sides of A4)you should include information on the background, programme and methodology, relevance to beneficiaries, and dissemination.In particular you should:

 Introduce the topic of research and explain its academic and industrial

context, demonstrating how it relates to leading research in the UK, in China and worldwide;

 Identify the overall aims of the project and the individual measurable

objectives against which you would wish the outcome of the work to be


 Detail the methodology to be used in pursuit of the research, and justify this choice;Explain why the proposed project is of sufficient timeliness and novelty to warrant consideration for funding;Describe the programme of work, indicating the research to be undertaken,and the milestones that will be used to measure its progress.You should describe the roles of each member of the research teams in the UK and


 Detail how the proposed project will be managed across the two countries,with particular demonstration of the added benefits to each party due to the collaboration;

 Identify the potential impacts of the project and show who will be the likely beneficiaries of the proposed research;Indicate the proposed dissemination and technology transfer routes that will

be used, and explain how the transfer of knowledge will take place to

beneficiaries and the general public. Identify what mechanisms will be in place to identify, protect and eventually

exploit any exploitable results which may arise from the research(include details of any specific collaborative agreement, where relevant). You should include any illustrations and lists of references within the 6-page

limit of this section.They should not be submitted as separate annexes.Along with your Case for Support you should also submit an Impact Plan(up to two sides of A4).In this section you should describe how the potential impacts of the proposed research will be realised and this should cover the project as a whole.You should also submit a one page Diagrammatic Work Plan(for example, a PERT or Gantt chart).This should cover the project as a whole, detailing significant milestones and showing how different aspects of the project will link together and be managed.You should also include CVs(up to 2 sides of A4 each)for named researchers, visiting researchers and researcher co-investigators, and letters of support from any project partners(no page limit).For more information on documentation please refer to the EPSRC website, at.

第二篇:application英文 申请书

Changing Position Application

Admired Company Leadership:

I have been a personnel clerk in the ministry of personnel of this company since July 15th this year.During the three months, I’ve learn a lot.I’m really appreciate your concern for me and the support and assistance from colleagues.For myself, finance is my speciality, and I’m interested in the financial work.I have got the bachelor degree of economics and also the accounting certificate.After a long-time thinking about my career future, I cherish the work that I’m really interested in and good at.That is financial work.Seeing that our company needs a financial clerk, I want to apply for that position.I will work harder and do my best if I have the chance.Thanks for you concern.Yours sincerely


Dear Susan:

When I learn that this session’s assessment of my performance is very positiveI am very delighted.I enjoy working forA.D Corporation and I am eager for continue to serve the firm to the best of my ability.In the light of this positive assessment, I would like to request a review of my current position as the H&R Director.I assume, there would also be an appropriate salary adjustment involved in this promotion.As you know, every assignment you give to me was completed very well.In this session I was major in charge of the staff mobility and the assessment of the stuffs of A.D Corporation, and from the beginning to now thanks to my management our company’s stuffs performed very well, we did every assignment in high quality and efficiency.And the relationship of the stuffs was very harmony we treat each other as our close friends, when we have an assessment to do never have a people tried to avoid the responsibility of his own, all of us tried our best to do the assignment in the best quality.Of cause, I have done my best to make my company runs smoothly.Needless to say, I enjoy my current jobvery much.However, the above projects do exceeded the original job description.They require me to invest extra hours and take additional responsibilities in order to ensure their proper implementation.Given my positive performance and additional effort I have made, I

would very much appreciate your consideration in reviewing my officialposition with the company, along with the appropriate Salary adjustment.I am sure that I will work harder if you agree with my application.Thank you for your attention and I look forward to your favorable reply.Yours sincerely



Dear Mr.Ben(the name of your boss):



①please accept this letter as formal notification that I am leaving my position with XXX company on August 7.


②I have allowed 30 days prior to my departure for assisting in the transition process.


③Although I have enjoyed my job, I have received an offer for another company that I feel is better suited6 to my career objectives.


④Thank you for your kind attention and would appreciate if you could let me have a reference letter before I leave.


⑤I regret having to resign from my position.I wish you and XXX the best of luck and future success.


⑥If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.




(your full name)



Dear Susan: When I learn that this session’s assessment of my performance is very positiveI am very delighted.I enjoy working forA.D Corporation and I am eager for continue to serve the firm to the best of my ability.In the light of this positive assessment, I would like to request a review of my current position as the H&R Director.I assume, there would also be an appropriate salary adjustment involved in this promotion.As you know, every assignment you give to me was completed very well.In this session I was major in charge of the staff mobility and the assessment of the stuffs of A.D Corporation, and from the beginning to now thanks to my management our company’s stuffs performed very well, we did every assignment in high quality and efficiency.And the relationship of the stuffs was very harmony we treat each other as our close friends, when we have an assessment to do never have a people tried to avoid the responsibility of his own, all of us tried our best to do the assignment in the best quality.Of cause, I have done my best to make my company runs smoothly.Needless to say, I enjoy my current jobvery much.However, the above projects do exceeded the original job description.They require me to invest extra hours and take additional responsibilities in order to ensure their proper implementation.Given my positive performance and additional effort I have made, I would very much appreciate your consideration in reviewing my officialposition with the company, along with the appropriate Salary adjustment.I am sure that I will work harder if you agree with my application.Thank you for your attention and I look forward to your favorable reply.Yours sincerely



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