
时间:2019-05-15 05:39:36下载本文作者:会员上传



第 01 号元素: 氢 [化学符号]H, 读“轻”, [英文名称]Hydrogen 第 02 号元素: 氦 [化学符号]He, 读“亥”, [英文名称]Helium 第 03 号元素: 锂 [化学符号]Li, 读“里”, [英文名称]Lithium 第 04 号元素: 铍 [化学符号]Be, 读“皮”, [英文名称]Beryllium 第 05 号元素: 硼 [化学符号]B, 读“朋”, [英文名称]Boron 第 06 号元素: 碳 [化学符号]C, 读“炭”, [英文名称]Carbon 第 07 号元素: 氮 [化学符号]N, 读“淡”, [英文名称]Nitrogen 第 08 号元素: 氧 [化学符号]O, 读“养”, [英文名称]Oxygen 第 09 号元素: 氟 [化学符号]F, 读“弗”, [英文名称]Fluorine 第 10 号元素: 氖 [化学符号]Ne, 读“乃”, [英文名称]Neon 第 11 号元素: 钠 [化学符号]Na, 读“纳”, [英文名称]Sodium 第 12 号元素: 镁 [化学符号]Mg, 读“美”, [英文名称]Magnesium 第 13 号元素: 铝 [化学符号]Al, 读“吕”, [英文名称]Aluminum 第 14 号元素: 硅 [化学符号]Si, 读“归”, [英文名称]Silicon 第 15 号元素: 磷 [化学符号]P, 读“邻”, [英文名称]Phosphorus 第 16 号元素: 硫 [化学符号]S, 读“流”, [英文名称]Sulfur 第 17 号元素: 氯 [化学符号]Cl, 读“绿”, [英文名称]Chlorine 第 18 号元素: 氩 [化学符号]Ar,A, 读“亚”, [英文名称]Argon 第 19 号元素: 钾 [化学符号]K, 读“甲”, [英文名称]Potassium 第 20 号元素: 钙 [化学符号]Ca, 读“丐”, [英文名称]Calcium 第 21 号元素: 钪 [化学符号]Sc, 读“亢”, [英文名称]Scandium 第 22 号元素: 钛 [化学符号]Ti, 读“太”, [英文名称]Titanium 第 23 号元素: 钒 [化学符号]V, 读“凡”, [英文名称]Vanadium 第 24 号元素: 铬 [化学符号]Cr, 读“各”, [英文名称]Chromium 第 25 号元素: 锰 [化学符号]Mn, 读“猛”, [英文名称]Manganese 第 26 号元素: 铁 [化学符号]Fe, 读“铁”, [英文名称]Iron 第 27 号元素: 钴 [化学符号]Co, 读“古”, [英文名称]Cobalt 第 28 号元素: 镍 [化学符号]Ni, 读“臬”, [英文名称]Nickel 第 29 号元素: 铜 [化学符号]Cu, 读“同”, [英文名称]Copper 第 30 号元素: 锌 [化学符号]Zn, 读“辛”, [英文名称]Zinc 第 31 号元素: 镓 [化学符号]Ga, 读“家”, [英文名称]Gallium 第 32 号元素: 锗 [化学符号]Ge, 读“者”, [英文名称]Germanium 第 33 号元素: 砷 [化学符号]As, 读“申”, [英文名称]Arsenic 第 34 号元素: 硒 [化学符号]Se, 读“西”, [英文名称]Selenium 第 35 号元素: 溴 [化学符号]Br, 读“秀”, [英文名称]Bromine 第 36 号元素: 氪 [化学符号]Kr, 读“克”, [英文名称]Krypton 第 37 号元素: 铷 [化学符号]Rb, 读“如”, [英文名称]Rubidium 第 38 号元素: 锶 [化学符号]Sr, 读“思”, [英文名称]Strontium 第 39 号元素: 钇 [化学符号]Y, 读“乙”, [英文名称]Yttrium 第 40 号元素: 锆 [化学符号]Zr, 读“告”, [英文名称]Zirconium 第 41 号元素: 铌 [化学符号]Nb, 读“尼”, [英文名称]Niobium

第 42 号元素: 钼 [化学符号]Mo, 读“目”, [英文名称]Molybdenum 第 43 号元素: 碍 [化学符号]Tc, 读“得”, [英文名称]Technetium 第 44 号元素: 钌 [化学符号]Ru, 读“了”, [英文名称]Ruthenium 第 45 号元素: 铑 [化学符号]Rh, 读“老”, [英文名称]Rhodium 第 46 号元素: 钯 [化学符号]Pd, 读“巴”, [英文名称]Palladium 第 47 号元素: 银 [化学符号]Ag, 读“银”, [英文名称]Silver 第 48 号元素: 镉 [化学符号]Cd, 读“隔”, [英文名称]Cadmium 第 49 号元素: 铟 [化学符号]In, 读“因”, [英文名称]Indium 第 50 号元素: 锡 [化学符号]Sn, 读“西”, [英文名称]Tin

第 51 号元素: 锑 [化学符号]Sb, 读“梯”, [英文名称]Antimony

第 52 号元素: 碲 [化学符号]Te, 读“帝”, [英文名称]Tellurium 第 53 号元素: 碘 [化学符号]I, 读“典”, [英文名称]Iodine

第 54 号元素: 氙 [化学符号]Xe, 读“仙”, [英文名称]Xenon 第 55 号元素: 铯 [化学符号]Cs, 读“色”, [英文名称]Cesium 第 56 号元素: 钡 [化学符号]Ba, 读“贝”, [英文名称]Barium 第 58 号元素: 铈 [化学符号]Ce, 读“市”, [英文名称]Cerium

第 59 号元素: 镨 [化学符号]Pr, 读“普”, [英文名称]Praseodymium 第 60 号元素: 钕 [化学符号]Nd, 读“女”, [英文名称]Neodymium 第 61 号元素: 钷 [化学符号]Pm, 读“颇”, [英文名称]Promethium 第 62 号元素: 钐 [化学符号]Sm, 读“衫”, [英文名称]Samarium 第 63 号元素: 铕 [化学符号]Eu, 读“有”, [英文名称]Europium 第 64 号元素: 钆 [化学符号]Gd, 读“轧”, [英文名称]Gadolinium 第 65 号元素: 铽 [化学符号]Tb, 读“忒”, [英文名称]Terbium 第 66 号元素: 镝 [化学符号]Dy, 读“滴”, [英文名称]Dysprosium 第 67 号元素: 钬 [化学符号]Ho, 读“火”, [英文名称]Holmium 第 68 号元素: 铒 [化学符号]Er, 读“耳”, [英文名称]Erbium 第 69 号元素: 铥 [化学符号]Tm, 读“丢”, [英文名称]Thulium 第 70 号元素: 镱 [化学符号]Yb, 读“意”, [英文名称]Ytterbium 第 71 号元素: 镥 [化学符号]Lu, 读“鲁”, [英文名称]Lutetium 第 72 号元素: 铪 [化学符号]Hf, 读“哈”, [英文名称]Hafnium 第 73 号元素: 钽 [化学符号]Ta, 读“坦”, [英文名称]Tantalum 第 74 号元素: 钨 [化学符号]W, 读“乌”, [英文名称]Tungsten 第 75 号元素: 镧 [化学符号]La, 读“兰”, [英文名称]Lanthanum 第 75 号元素: 铼 [化学符号]Re, 读“来”, [英文名称]Rhenium 第 76 号元素: 锇 [化学符号]Os, 读“鹅”, [英文名称]Osmium 第 77 号元素: 铱 [化学符号]Ir, 读“衣”, [英文名称]Iridium 第 78 号元素: 铂 [化学符号]Pt, 读““, [英文名称]Platinum

第 79 号元素: 金 [化学符号]Au, 读“今”, [英文名称]Gold

第 80 号元素: 汞 [化学符号]Hg, 读“拱”, [英文名称]Mercury 第 81 号元素: 铊 [化学符号]Tl, 读“他”, [英文名称]Thallium 第 82 号元素: 铅 [化学符号]Pb, 读“千”, [英文名称]Lead

第 83 号元素: 铋 [化学符号]Bi, 读“必”, [英文名称]Bismuth 第 84 号元素: 钋 [化学符号]Po, 读“泼”, [英文名称]Polonium 第 85 号元素: 砹 [化学符号]At, 读“艾”, [英文名称]Astatine 第 86 号元素: 氡 [化学符号]Rn, 读“冬”, [英文名称]Radon 第 87 号元素: 钫 [化学符号]Fr, 读“方”, [英文名称]Francium 第 88 号元素: 镭 [化学符号]Ra, 读“雷”, [英文名称]Radium 第 89 号元素: 锕 [化学符号]Ac, 读“阿”, [英文名称]Actinium 第 90 号元素: 钍 [化学符号]Th, 读“土”, [英文名称]Thorium 第 91 号元素: 镤 [化学符号]Pa, 读“仆”, [英文名称]Protactinium 第 92 号元素: 铀 [化学符号]U, 读“由”, [英文名称]Uranium 第 93 号元素: 镎 [化学符号]Np, 读“拿”, [英文名称]Neptunium 第 94 号元素: 钚 [化学符号]Pu, 读“不”, [英文名称]Plutonium 第 95 号元素: 镅 [化学符号]Am, 读“眉”, [英文名称]Americium 第 96 号元素: 锔 [化学符号]Cm, 读“局”, [英文名称]Curium 第 97 号元素: 锫 [化学符号]Bk, 读“陪”, [英文名称]Berkelium 第 98 号元素: 锎 [化学符号]Cf, 读“开”, [英文名称]Californium 第 99 号元素: 锿 [化学符号]Es, 读“哀”, [英文名称]Einsteinium 第 100 号元素: 镄 [化学符号]Fm, 读“费”, [英文名称]Fermium 第 101 号元素: 钔 [化学符号]Md, 读“门”, [英文名称]Mendelevium 第 102 号元素: 锘 [化学符号]No, 读“诺”, [英文名称]Nobelium 第 103 号元素: 铹 [化学符号]Lw, 读“劳”, [英文名称]Lawrencium

第 104 号元素: 鐪 [化学符号]Rf, 读“卢”, [英文名称]unnilquadium 第 105 号元素: [化学符号]Db, 读“杜”, [英文名称]dubnium

第 106 号元素: 钅喜 [化学符号]Sg , 读”喜“, [英文名称]

第 107 号元素: 钅波 [化学符号]Bh, 读“波“, [英文名称]Bohrium 第 108 号元素: 钅黑 [化学符号]Hs, 读”黑“, [英文名称]

第 109 号元素: 钅麦 [化学符号]Mt, 读”麦",[英文名称]

第 110 号元素: 鐽 [化学符号]Ds, 读”达“, [英文名称]Darmstadtium 第 111 号元素: 钅仑 [化学符号]Rg, , 读”伦“, [英文名称]Roentgenium 第 112 号元素: uub(112)

第 113 号元素: uut(113)

第 114 号元素: uuq(114)

第 115 号元素: uup(115)

第 116 号元素: uuh(116)

第 117 号元素: uus尚未发现

第 118 号元素: uuo


一、单词/词组(考试时要求:中译英/英译中)环境科学:environmental science

环境工程:environmental engineering

定量环境科学:quantitative environmental science 定性环境科学:qualitative environmental science 衰减再生:decay and recycling

新陈代谢率:metabolic rates

外来物质:foreign matter

研究和发展:Research and Development

一次大气污染物:primary air pollutant 二次大气污染物:secondary air pollutant

氧含量:Oxygen content

点源:point sources

沥青残留物:asphaltic residue

酸雨:acid rain

设备维护:facilities maintenance

废物最小化:waste minimization

正常浓度:normal concentration

胡乱收集:magpie collection

需氧量:oxygen demand/the amount of oxygen required 闭合回路:closed-loop


揭示大的差别;expose the considerable gaps

空气质量监测:air-quality monitoring


石油精炼:petroleum refining

活性炭:activated carbon

质量控制:quality control

海轮:ocean liner

挥发性化学物质:volatile chemicals


火山喷发:volcanic eruption

间歇源:intermittent sources

衡量浓度:trace concentrations

氯化物和硫化物:chlorides and sulphates

风化:wind erosion

不完全燃烧:incomplete combustion

化石燃料:fossil fuels

液滴:liquid droplets

SO3:sulfur trioxide

for managerial and administrative reasons行政管理上的原因stacks of generating stations许多发电站

Roman empire罗马皇帝

Cloaca maxima 古罗马的大排泄沟

Wate phosphorous 亚磷的(三价磷)

phosphorous acid亚磷酸




TOC(total organic carbon)总有机碳

COD(chemical oxygen demand)化学需氧量

BOD(biological oxygen demand)生化需氧量

Biodegradable organic可生物降解的有机物


rborne diseases 水传染的疾病

epilimnion 表层水hypolimnion深水层thermocline热变形层

become depleted of oxygen 缺氧



1.Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us;that which we can see,hear,touch,smell,and taste.环境是围绕在我们周围物质生命的栖息地,在那里我们可以看到,听到,触到,闻到和品尝到。

2.System,according to Webster dictionary

is defined as “a set or arrangement of things so related or connected as to form a unit or organic whole;as,a solar system,irrigation system,supply system,the world or universe”


3.Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical,chemical,or biological characteristics of the air,water,or land that can harmfully affect the health,survival,or activities of humans or other living organisms.污染可以被定义为有害影响健康,生存,活动的人或其它生物体的空气,水,或土地的物理,化学或生物特性的不应该有的变化。

4.Source reduction: Any action that reduces the amount of waste exiting a process.资源减量化:减少在于一个过程中的大量废物的任何行为。

Waste minimization:The reduction to the extent feasible, of waste that is generated or subsequently treated, stored, or disposed of.废物最少化:产生的废物最大程度减少,然后处理,存储,或者处置。

5.Recycling :The use or reuse of a waste as a substitute for a commercial product or as a feedstock to an industrial process.回收:作为一个商业产品的代替品,或


6.Pollution prevention: Pollution may be generated during manufacturing, or when certain products are used commercially or by consumers.污染的防止:污染可能在生产过程之中产生,或者在当一个产品被用作商业用途或被消费者使用的时候产生。

7.Waste Reduction/Waste Minimization Techniques废物回收/废物最少化技术(包括以下几点)

●product changes产品改变 ●process changes过程改变

●equipment modifications设备改造 ●operating practices操作训练

●recycling and reuse回收和再利用

8.What is air pollution? Air pollution is normally defined as air thatcontains one or more chemicals in high enough concentration toharm humans, other animals, vegetation or materials.什么是空气污染 ?空气污染通常是指那种包含一种或多种化学物质富集到高浓度并足以伤害人类、其他动物、植物或材料的空气。

9.There are two major types of air pollution.主要有两种类型的空气污染。

10.A primary air pollution is a chemical added directly to the air that occursin a harmful concentration.初级空气污染是指有害的浓度直接进入到空气中的化学物质。

11.A secondary air pollution is a harmful chemical formed in the atmosphere through a chemical reaction among air components.次生空气污染是指在大气中由气体成分之间发生化学反应的有害化学物质。

12.Organic matter.Proteins and carbohydrates constitute 90 percent of the organic matter in domestic sewage.在生活污水中蛋白质和碳水化合物构成百分之90的有机质。)



1)Care and impartiality in gathering and recording date, as well as independent

verification, are the cornerstones of science.在数据收集与记录过程中仔细认真、无偏见和独立核实是科学的基石。

2)When the collection and organization of date reveal certain regularities, it may be

possible to formulate a generalization or hypothesis


3)the two types of logic are qualitative and quantitative logic.两类逻辑学分别为定性和定量逻辑学。

4)theories,and in particular,mathematical theories,often enable us to bridge the gap between experimentally controlled observations and observations made in the field.理论,尤其是数学理论,通常使我们可以弥补(缩小)实验过程观察的结果与该领域理论推导的结果间的差距。

5)environmental engineering is manifest by sound engineering thought and practice in the solution of problems of environmental sanitation,notably in the provision of

safe,palatable,and ample public water supplies.环境工程是在解决环境卫生问题过程中,具有代表性的,提供安全、可口与充足的公共供水过程,用正确的工程思想与合理的实施显现出来。

1)APS materials,inc,generated two hazardous wastes,1-1-1 trichloroethane and methanol from cold solvent degreasing operations associated with their plasma spray deposition process.美国物理协会材料公司在其等离子体喷雾沉淀工艺的冷溶剂脱脂操作过程中会产生出两种危害性废物,即1,1,1-三氯乙烷和甲醇。


3)CFC=chlorofluoro carbon 含氯氟烃

4)Sloppy housekeeping practices such as leaking tanks,valves,or pumps may cause process chemicals to spill requiring cleanup and disposal.随意马虎的内部管理习惯,例如储罐、阀门或泵的泄漏,都会导致工艺过程中化学品的溅漏而需要采取净化和处理措施。


1)the geographic location of some heavily populated cities,such as Los Angeles and Mexico city,makes them particularly susceptible tofrequent air stagnation and pollution buildup.一些人口非常稠密的城市的地理位置,例如洛杉矶和墨西哥城的地理位置,使得它们经常特别易受空气流动停滞和污积物增加的影响。

2)by themselves,measured concentrations tell us nothing about the danger caused by pollutants,because threshold levels,synergy,and biological magnification are also determining factors


1)most boating associations now urge their members never even to take anything disposable and plastic to sea and encourage ocean liners to follow suit.目前大多数船协会敦促他们的会员再也不要把废弃的物质和塑料扔到海里,并鼓励航海轮船也这样做。

四、课文填空:UNIT13的第一部分(1、Pollution of streams and rivers)PoHution of Streams and Rivers

When sewage is discharged into a freshwater stream,the stream becomes pollution。This does not mean that the oxygen content drop instantaneously。But the potential for oxygen depletion exists wherever there is sewage。The measure of this potential is the BOD, which rises as soon as the sewage goes in。Now follow the water downstream from “Polutionville.” There processes are going on, all at the same time.Process1.The bacteria are feasting on the sewage.because of this action,the amount of sewage in the water is decreasing,so the BOD is going down。

Process2.As the bacteria consume the sewage,they also use dissolved oxygen,so that concentration,too,start to decrease。

Process3.some of the lost oxygen is being replenished from the atmosphere and form photosynthesis by the vegetation in the stream。

For the first 50km or so downstream, the natural ability of the river to recover its oxygen(process3)simple cannot keep up with the feasting bacteria(process2),so the dissolved oxygen concentration goes down。The fish begin to die,but it is not the sewage that is killing them。(In fact,the sewage provides food.)Instead,the fish die from lack of oxygen,beginning when the dissolved oxygen concentration falls below about 4mg per liter,depending on the particular species。

The fish kills start about 15km downstream from the introduction of the raw sewage。In time,as the sewage is used up by bacteria,the BOD goes down(process1),the consumption of oxygen also slows down,and the natural ability of the river to recover(process3)becomes predominant。The river then begins to repurify itself。About 90km downstream the fish begin to survive again,and at about 140km the oxygen content has increased to its former,unpolluted level。

Of course,if additional sewage is discharged before recovery is complete,as shown in the illustration at 160km,the river becomes pollution again。When sources of pollution are closely spaced,pollution becomes practically continuous。Rivers in such a condition,which unfortunately can be found near densely polluted areas all over the world,support no fish,are high in bacterial content(usually includingpathogenic organisms),appear muddily bluegreen from choking algae,and,in extreme cases,stink from putrefaction and fermentation。


环境:environment 环境工程: environmental engineering 环境保护:environmental protection 环境意识:environmental consciousness/awareness 环境问题:environmental issue/problem 环境效应:environmental effect 环境污染:environmental pollution 环境要素:environmental elements 环境因子:environmental factors 环境化学:environmental chemistry 环境生态学:environmental ecology 环境质量:environmental quality 环境自净作用:environmental self-purification/self-cleansing 水环境:watershed 水体:water body

流域:watershed 水质:water quality

水资源:water resources 供水:water supply 废水:waste water

水处理:water treatment

物理性水质指标:physical indicate of water quality 水污染物:water pollutant 生物性水质指标: biological water-quality index 水质标准:water quality standard 化学性水质指标:chemical water-quality index 物理处理:physical treatment 过滤:screening 生物处理:biological treatment 沉淀:sedimentation 化学处理:chemical treatment 气浮:flotation 物理化学处理:physical-chemical treatment 蒸发:evaporation 稀释:dilution

扩散:dispersion 吹脱:stripping 好氧处理:aerobic treatment 生物膜法:bio-membrane process 厌氧处理:anaerobic treatment 生物滤池:trickling filters 活性污泥法:activated sludge process 生物接触氧化:biological contact SBR:苯乙烯-丁二烯 Styrene Butadiene Rubber UASB(流式厌氧污泥床):Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket 活性污泥:activated sludge 改进型:modification 一级处理:primary treatment 二级处理:secondary treatment 三级处理:tertiary treatment 高级氧化处理:advanced treatment 生活污水:domestic wastewater 生产废水:industrial wastewater 城市生活污水:municipal wastewater

电镀废水:metalplating plants 印染废水:pulp and paper industries wastewater 浊度:turbidity 硬度:hardness 水质净化:water quality purifies 混凝沉淀:coagulate flocculating agent 活性炭吸附:activated carbon adsorption 隔油池:oil separation tank 中和池:neutralization tank

调节池:adjusting tank 生物反应池:biological reactor

加药设备:physical equipment 沉淀池:sedimentation tank

初沉池:primary sedimentation tank 二沉池:secondary sedimentation tank 絮凝剂:flocculant 混凝剂:coagulate flocculant

生物降解:biodegradation 生物累积:bioaccumulation

飘尘:floating dust 可吸入颗粒物:inhalable particles 能见度:visibility 酸雨:acid rain 一次污染物: primary pollutant 二次污染物:secondary pollutant 氮氧化物:nitrogen oxides 硫氧化物:sulfur oxides 硫化氢:hydrogen sulfide 碳氧化物:carbon oxides

硝酸:nitric acid 盐酸:hydrochloric acid

硫酸:sulfuric acid 二氧化硫:sulfur dioxide 除尘工艺:Dust removal

吸收:absorption 吸附:adsorption 静电除尘:electric dust precipitation 重力除尘:gravitational settling

臭氧:ozone 光化学烟雾:photochemical smoke 喷淋(洗涤):scavenging 土壤:soil 热污染:temperature change/thermal pollution 噪声:noise 放射性:radioactivity

EIA:environmental impact assessment CAD(计算机辅助设计):computer aided design

大气污染控制工程:air pollution control 水污染控制工程:water pollution control

固体废物污染控制工程:solid waste management 污染源:pollution source

同化作用:assimilation 固体废物:solid wastes 危险废物:hazardous wastes

化学污泥chemical sludge

生物污泥:biological sludge 工业固废:industrialwastes 分选处理:separation treatment 矿业固废:mine solid wastes 破碎处理:processing 农业固废:agriculture solid wastes 压实处理:reduction in volume 污泥脱水:disposal of the sludge

污泥浓缩:sludge thickening

带式压滤:Belt filter press

离心脱水:centrifugal dewatering

筛分:screening 沼气和沼气化:biogas 堆肥和堆肥化:compost and composting

生物转化作用:biotransformation 热解与焚烧:pyrolysis and incineration


固化和稳定化作用:solidification and stabilization 资源化:resource 减量化:pollution control 无害化:harmlessness 物质转化:material conversion 固体废物全过程控制:solid waste integrated control 固体废物污染控制:solid waster pollution 处置:disposal 物质回收:materials recovery control 固体废物处理:processing and recovery 能量回收:energy recovery 能量转化:energy conversion environmental science 环境科学 environmental engineering 环境工程 waste reduction 废物减量化 air pollution control 大气污染控制 wastewater treatment 污水处理 solid waste treatment and disposal 固体废物处理与处置 soil erosion 水土流失 thermal pollution 热污染 biological communities 生物群落 ecosystem 生态系统 green science and technology 绿色科技和技术 primary pollutant: 一次污染物 secondary pollutant: 二次污染物 carbon dioxide: 二氧化碳 methane: 甲烷 fossil fuel: 化石(矿物)燃料 power plant: 电厂

hydroelectric power: 水力发电 clean energy: 清洁能源 renewable energy:可再生能源 automobile exhaust(emission): 汽车尾气 greenhouse effect(gas): 温室效应(气体)air pollution control engineering: 大气污染控制工程 cyclone: 旋风除尘器 pressure drop: 压力损失,压力降

baghouse: 袋式除尘器

operating temperature: 操作温度

spray tower:喷淋塔 sanitary landfill:卫生填埋 municipal wastewater=sewage=domestic sewage= sanitary sewage: 市政污水,生活污水 point source: 点源 non-point source: 非点源(面源)pretreatment: 预处理 primary treatment: 初

(一)级处理 secondary treatment: 二级处理

tertiary or advanced treatment: 三级处理,深度处理 trickling filter: 滴滤池 activated sludge: 活性污泥 bar rack or screen: 格栅 grit chamber: 沉砂池 equalization tank: 调节池 primary settling tank: 初沉池

secondary settling tank: 二沉池 sustainable development: 可持续发展 recycling economy: 循环经济 the sources and sinks of pollutants: 污染物的源与汇 aeration tank: 曝气池

aerator: 曝气池,曝气器 sedimentation tank: 沉淀池 disinfection: 消毒 eutrophication: 富营养化 oxidation ditch: 氧化沟 aerobic decomposition 好氧分解 anoxic decomposition缺氧分解 anaerobic decomposition厌氧分解 hydraulic retention time:(水力)停留时间 flue gas: 烟气 biodegradable: 可生物降解的 refractory: 难降解的(常用)nondegradable: 不可降解的 acoustical material: 声学材料 soil conditioner: 土壤改良剂 extreme temperature: 极端温度 environmental quality: 环境质量

Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water 地表水环境质量标准 Ambient Air Quality Standards 环境空气质量标准

Environmental Quality Standards for Noise 声环境质量标准 缩略词:

EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment, 环境影响评价 SS:Suspended Solid 悬浮物 BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand 生化需氧量 COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量 TOC: Total Organic Carbon 总有机碳

WWTP : Wastewater Treatment Plant 污水处理厂 SBR: Sequencing Batch Reactor 序批式反应池 RBC: Rotating Biological Contactor 生物转盘 SRT: Sludge Retention Time 污泥龄(污泥停留时间)EPA: Environmental Protection Agency 环境保护署 ISO: International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织 EMS: Environmental Management System 环境管理系统 RS: Remote Sensing 遥感 GPS: Global Positioning System 全球定位系统 GIS: Geographic Information System 地理信息系统 TSP: Total Suspended Particulates 总悬浮颗粒物


Good morning everyone,I am from class 3, my name is Su Peida.I am pleased to have a chance to stand of our group to stand here.Today, our team’s topic is “group members also include Lan Liangzhang, Luo Jinqiang, and Lin Xiongzhi.Then I will have a sample introduce about our t Lin xiongzhi and I made the ppt together.Lan liangzhang was in charge of collecting pictures, and Luo jinqiang wrote the speech draft.Now, let’s begin our topic.I will show you From the photos, we will find we are fortunate, because we have a grand country and our GDP is just second to American.Our economy has developed rapidly.Then, I will show you From the first photos, we know, human are become more and more well and perfect, but the resources-environment are become more and more poor and rare.But, do you think what cause it lead to such phenomenon.Maybe you haven’t thanked that.And, I will tell you the truth behind the development of economy.the mid-20th century, the rapid development of industrial and transportation has caused the which harms to human health, effects the growth of plants and animals, damage building materials, and even changes the earth's climate.A survey shows that more than every year caused by air pollution.Secondly, our water pollution question is extremely serious.The widespread around the drinking water security problems are threat to human survival directly.Although a large amount of fund has been put into these years, the effect is not obvious;the overall situation is still deteriorating.Heavy Metal Pollution is the main way of soil pollution.And the heavy metal is from chemical factory.We can see a table.The situation of land desertification and soil erosion is very serious.In addition, the quality of cultivated land in our country down very quickly.At the same time, the excessive use of pesticides has caused serious pollutions of cultivated land, which

directly related to food safety issues of our residents.It is not denied that our economy has developed rapidly, and our GDP is second to America.But from the fact of environment, we can find our economy is just base will have not a place to stay, and even we also disappear.So we call for everyone to remember it, environment is the first, and the economy is second to it.Thank you!




The more proximal the injury is ,the more incomplete is the overall return of motor and sensory function ,especially in the more distal structures.Sunderland observed that conditions are more favorable for recovery in the more proximal muscles because

(1)the neurons that innervate the distal portions of the limb are more severely affected by retrograde changes following proximal injury ,(2)a greater proportion of the cross-sectional area of the nerve trunk is occupied by fibers to the proximal muscles ,and(3)the potential for disorientation of regrowing axons and for axon loss during regenerationis greater for the distal muscles thanfor those more proximally situated after a proximal injury.二,汉译英

Abraham与 Pankovich 报道应用V-Y 肌腱瓣修复慢性跟腱断裂取得了满意的效果。手术方法:患者取俯卧位,上止血带。从跟腱止点外侧起至小腿中部做缓S形切口。找出隐神经并将其拉开。沿皮肤切口切开深筋膜,切除跟腱断端处的瘢痕组织。在屈膝30度和踝柘屈20度时测量跟腱缺损长度。在腱膜上作倒 V字型切口,尖顶位于中心部。向两侧臂切开的长度应至少为缺损的1.5倍,使其以 Y形对合。将肌腱瓣向下牵拉,使两断端对合,用不吸收缝线间断缝合断端。近端的V 型切口缝合成Y形。用不吸收缝线间断缝合腱鞘。常规闭合深筋膜皮下组织及皮肤。用长腿石膏管型固定膝关节于屈曲30度位,踝关节于柘屈20度位。




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