最新北师大版四年级上册英语Lesson 3教案

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第一篇:最新北师大版四年级上册英语Lesson 3教案

最新北师大版四年级上册英语Lesson 3教案

Teaching aims能够运用how much 做对话能听懂物品的价格并连线能用英语计算二十内的加法

Teaching important

1能够运用how much 做对话



画一个机器人 火车 风筝 分别表出价格指着玩具问 how much is the boat? 学生回答:it’s eleven yuan

同样的方法一起复习how much is the(kite)? It’s()yuanlook at the page 18 have the students repeat the question and answer in a class drill 把学生分成两组做对话练习,并鼓励用其他物品替换练习听一听连一连

look at page 18 and say what’s this ?

listen and match算一算,描一描

look at the page 19 and answer: how much is 5 and 6 引导学生回答:It’s eleven 并找出单词eleven 连线

Home work




北师大版四年级英语上册教案 Unit 1 Mocky the juggler


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教学目标: 1.知识与能力






练习册,教学课件,多媒体设备,录音机,磁带。实践活动: 充分做题 板书设计:

Unit 1 Mocky the juggler

What does he do?

He’s a doctor.What does she do?

She’s a nurse.What do you do?

I’m a student.Are you a policeman.No, I’m not.Is he/she a farmer?

Yes, he/she is.教学过程设计:(一)Warm-up.(15分钟)1.请一名同学进行Free talk.进行口语和听力训练。2.运用单词卡片,请学生看图说词或句。

3.播放课件,请学生一起复述课文故事、唱歌和说歌谣。5.Check the answers.6.Tell students the reason.7.Review the methods.小结: Check the answers and summary the methods.(二)Check the words and sentences task.(12分钟)1.Check the answers.2.Tell students the reason.3.Help the children analysis the task.4.Review the methods.(三)Do the reading task.(12分钟)1.Check the answers.2.Tell students the reason.3.Help the children analysis the task.4.Review the methods.(四)Homework.(1分钟)听录音,读书,唱歌和说歌谣。设计意图:


第三篇:逆向英语Lesson3 Dialogue2教案

Lesson Three


Let the students know how to shop online.Let the students dictate and understand the short dialogue.教学重点:

how to lead students to speak out their ideas of shopping.how to help students dictate and understand this dialogue.教学方法:

Task based Language Teaching.教学步骤:

Step 1.Review and Lead-in

Review dialogue 1 : Shelly and Allen are coffee lovers.Ask students what lovers they are.Introduce that I'm a shopping lover and how to shop.Step 2.Discussion

Let students discuss how to shop online.Make a conclusion of how to shop online.step1,Enter the website.step2,Choose the goods you like.step3,Decide the details(such as the color,size...)

step 4,Online payment.Step 3.Dictation Do the dictation to answer this question: What are the advantage and disadvantage of shopping online? Listen to the tape and write down every sentence of this dialogue.(read after the tape)

Rose wants to do some shopping from the Internet.Li Ying: You have been sitting in front of the computer for a whole moring.What are you doing? Rose: I want to do some New Year shopping online.See, the New Year is coming soon.I want to

buy something for my family.Li Ying: Do you have any idea of what to buy? Rose: Yes.I think of buying my sister some old books.She is crazy about old books.Besides, I want to buy a pair of shoes for my mother and a hat for my father.Analyse the important grammar points in it.Step 4.Activity Work in pairs and make a dialogue about shopping online.Ask one or two groups to make a report in front of the class.Step 5.Sum up Learn how to shop online.Understand this dialogue.Step 6.Homework Fill in the blanks on your books.Recite this dialogue.2

第四篇:英语:unit2 lesson3 sports stars教案(北师大版必修1)


Lesson 3 Sports Stars

Teaching aims:

To read a text for specific information

To provide a title appropriate for a whole text

To use the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses appropriately

To practise using positive and negative opinion adjectives.Teaching difficulties:

To use the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses appropriately

Teaching Aids: computer and cassette

Teaching procedures:

Ⅰ.Warming up

First play the song “Pass the Flame”

Ⅱ Reading

First reading do the exercise true or false two sister plan to take up tennis career all their life.In competitive matches the two sisters seldom played each other.The two sisters have no common hobby except tennis.In their childhood the people around Williams sisters often fought each other using gun.5.Williams’ parents played an important part in their success.6.The text refer to us the sisters’ father is good at tennis.7.If one of them lose the game in their match, the other do the dishes.8.The two sisters miss their childhood so they often go back to their hometown.Answers: 1.F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.F

Ⅲ Further understanding

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。www.xiexiebang.com 高考资源网(www.xiexiebang.com),您身边的高考专家

Get student to guess the meanings of these words and check them while reading

Listen to the tape and check the answers

Read the text aloud and answer these questions(do the exercise 3)

Read the article again and suggest a title for the text(do the exercise 4)

Title: How to become a tennis star

Road to success

Tennis is my favorite sports

Tennis stars-Williams sisters

Ask student to choose one title.The answer is: Tennis stars-Williams sisters

Do you want to know more information about them? Add new information about the two sisters

Name:Venus Williams

Sex :female

Birthday :1980.07.17

Weight: 72.7kg

Height : 185cm

Nationality: America


转入职业时间 1995 WTA当前排名 3 迄今职业成绩 304胜69负 迄今单打冠军 29 迄今双打冠军 10 2003战绩 17胜3负

迄今职业奖金总额 $ 12,462,628 征战法网纪录次数 6 欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。www.xiexiebang.com 高考资源网(www.xiexiebang.com),您身边的高考专家

单打最好成绩 2002亚军 双打最好成绩 1999冠军

Name :Serena Williams


Height: 178cm

Weight : 65.9kg

Nationality :


Event :tennis

转入职业时间 1995 WTA当前排名 1 迄今职业成绩 224胜41负 迄今单打冠军 22 迄今双打冠军 11 2003战绩 23胜1负

迄今职业奖金总额 $ 11,284,079

征战法网纪录 次数 4 单打最好成绩 2002夺冠 双打最好成绩 1999夺冠

Show some pictures

Picture1 study design in college

Picture2.the friendly sisters

Picture3 The two sisters’ photo of childhood.The topic of each paragragh

Para1 brief introduction

Para2 their childhood

Para3 training and study

para4 achievement and friendly relationship

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。www.xiexiebang.com 高考资源网(www.xiexiebang.com),您身边的高考专家

Ⅳ Voice your opinion

What are the advantages of being sports stars?

Ⅴ Language points

1.speak about谈论,讲述

We couldn’t get him to speak about his war experiences.我们无法让他讲述当年战争的经历。


He has no interest in fine arts.他对美术没有兴趣。

I’ve lost my interest in collecting coins.我已经失去了收集硬币的兴趣。

The guests showed great interest in the new design.客人们对这种新设计表示出极大的兴趣。

3.come to an end结束

The meeting came to an end at last.会议终于结束了。

4.amazing adj.令人惊异的,指 物 amazed adj.感到惊异的,指人 amaze vt 使„惊异

The amazing performance amazed me.这种另人惊叹的表演让我吃惊

The amazing performance made me amazed.Ⅵ Vocabulary

Do the exercise 6

Ⅶ Language in Use

Choose a star.Make notes about the important achievements or events in his/her life, and the dates they happened.Don’t worry if you are not exact.Ⅷ Grammar

欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。www.xiexiebang.com 高考资源网(www.xiexiebang.com),您身边的高考专家

Guide students to study Grammar Summary 4, on page 93

Do the exercise 7

Students look at the sentences from the text and discuss when to use each tense.Do the exercise 8 and 9

Ⅸ Homework

If time is limited ask students do the exercise 10, 11and 12 as homework


第五篇:人教版四年级下册英语Unit6 Lesson3教案

Unit6 Shopping


杨家小学 郭万玉


小学人教版四年级下册Unit6 shopping.本单元共需六个课时,本节课是第三课时,本节课学习的主要内容是复习本册的所有字母组合的发音及其书写。在课堂教学中,教师要使教学内容生活化,结合学生的实际情境,使学生口语练习生活化、交际化,从而达到学以致用的目的。
























一.Warm-up /Revision(5minutes)

1、Let’s sing

教师播放歌曲《How much is that doggie in the window?》。



2.Free talk.(划线单词可以替换)

A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, these … are nice.Can I try them on?

A: Ok, here you are.B: Oh, they are too small/big.A: How about this one?

B: They are just right.Practice in pairs.One or two group show us.【设计意图:老师示范,然后师生交际,最后生生交际。复习旧知识,起到温故知新的作用。】


1. 教师在PPT上展示含有字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur, al, le的单词并将每一种组合进行




2.教师在PPT上播放Read aloud的录音,让学生进行整体感知字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur,al, le在单词中的发音。

【设计意图:通过PPT播放动画课件,可以让学生整体感知字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur, al,le在单词中的发音。可以降低学生学习的难度,也可以激发学生学习的兴趣。】

3.教师又在PPT上播放Look, listen and write.部分的内容。教师先让学生听,播放第二遍时让学生在四线三格上正确得书写自己所听到的单词。


点。并进一步让学生感知字母er, al, le在单词中的发音。】

4.教师又在PPT上播放 listen and chant部分的内容。教师先让学生整体感知,播放


【设计意图:通过在PPT播放动画课件,可以进一步让学生感知字母组合ar, or, er, ir,ur, al, le在单词中的发音。】

5.对话练习(modelpair workfeedback)

A: What do you have?

B: I have a ball.A: Where is the ball?

B: It’s in the car?



三.Extending reading 10分


第一篇dialogue,do you see what is this.听后让学生获取单词: bigger, ladder, tiger,dinner, for, cart.第二篇dialogues 听后让学生获取单词 :unicycle, motorcycle, tricycle.第三篇how do you go to school 听后让让学生获取单词:elder, mother, younger, sister,brother, together, walk, work, nursery

【设计意图:让学生听读与课本内容相关的短文,大信息量输入,丰富学生的语言,在语境中体会、理解新知。培养学生自主听读的能力及语感。通过听 后反馈信息,在交流中进一步学习拓展句型。】

四. Cooperation and making dialogues8分


A: Do you like apple/little bike/unicycle/tricycle/motorcycle?

B: Yes, I do.No, I don’t.B: Where is the apple/little bike/unicycle/tricycle/motorcycle?

A: It’s on the table /next to the table.【设计意图:此环节是对学生听读情境对话的反馈和运用,同时也是在语言输入的基础


五. Summary1分

What did you learn?


六. Homework1分

总结一下字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur, al, le在单词中的发音规律。



Unit6 Shopping

armhorsewatergirltallapplecarforktigerbirdballpeoplecardhomeworksisternursewalltablefarmworld mapcomputerhamburgerlittlefarfordinnerhurtwork教学反思:

本节课的主要教学目标是复习含有字母组合ar, or, er, ir, ur, al, le的单词发音和认读书

写。在新授部分教师把每一类字母组合在PPT上进行归类可以降低学习难度和激发学生学习的兴趣,拓展部分拓展了所有字母组合的单词,其中有些单词较难。所以有一部分同学 说不上这些单词。

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