人教版新目标英语 初中英语太原五育中学初二年级英语综合实践课程成果展示

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第一篇:人教版新目标英语 初中英语太原五育中学初二年级英语综合实践课程成果展示









第二阶段 分组准备阶段


第三阶段 初期选拔阶段


第四阶段 成果展示阶段






1.---Have you ever been to ________amusement park?---Yes, I went to the Funtime last year.A.aB.anC.theD./

2.---Why not go_________ this time?---OK.A.to somewhere quietB.somewhere quietC.to quiet somewhereD.quiet somewhere

3.With the help of the teachers, I’ve made ________progress.A.a lotB.manyC.muchD.a rapid

4.We need to come up ways ________people _________the environment.A.to encourage, to saveB.to encourage, savingC.encouraging, to saveD.encouraging, saving

5.Many _________tourists go to the Night Safari every year.A.thousandB.thousandsC.thousand ofD.thousands of

6.________it’s hard to climb, they plan to climb the mountain next week.A.BecauseB.WhetherC.IfD.Whatever

7.He _________that he won’t have enough time for his homework tonight.A.unbelievesB.sureC.afraidD.fears

8.---Hello!Could I speak to Mary?---Sorry, she _________to the library.A.has goneB.has beenC.wentD.is going

9.---Where’s Mary?---She _________for the Space Museum.A.has goneB.has beenC.has wentD.has left

10.Hi, Mary.Where ________you ________?

A.have, goneB.have, beenC.did, goD.do, go

11.Mary _____ever ____the Computer Museum.A.has, gone toB.has, been toC.has, visited toD.has, traveled

12.They _________a tent by the lake and had a picnic.A.put onB.put upC.put offD.put out

13.It’s _________a nice invention that I’m wondering who _________it.A.so, inventedB.such, inventedC.so, did inventD.such, did invent

14.The Hangzhou National Tea museum is a great place _________tea.A.enjoyB.enjoyingC.enjoyedD.to enjoy

15.We can take a ride _________the boat for several days.A.inB.atC.overD.on

16.About a quarter of the population in the town _________in the factory for many years.A.worksB.workC.has workedD.have worked

17.________you have any problem with your studies, you can ask the teachers for help.A.WhenB.BeforeC.WhileD.Whenever

18.Lions almost sleep __________the day.A.whileB.atC.duringD.on

19.________speak _________.A.German, GermanB.Germen, GermanC.Germans, GermanD.Germen, Germen

20.---Jack, ________you_________ the Great Wall?---Yes, I _________with my family last autumn.A.have, visited;visitedB.did, visit;visitedC.have, visited;have visitedD.did, visit;have visited 完形填空

Mr.Green was busy, so he gave his wife ten pounds for her birthday.The day after her birthday, Mrs.Green were shopping She got on a 一叠英镑), and it was exactlythe one that her husband

had given her.into trouble with people.So she decided to take back the money from the lady's handbag and sayabout it.She looked around the bus to make sure nobody was watching.Then she put her hand into tile old lady's handbag, took out the notes put them into her own bag.for it?“ Her husband asked.” With the money you gave me for my birthday, of course“

”Oh, what’s that, then?" He asked as he pointed to a wad of pound notes on the table.41.A.bikeB.taxiC.trainD.bus


A.the same asB.likeC.different fromD.look like






A.orB.soC andD but




Have Fun and learn in Little Sun

We pick up your children at school and give them a safe place to play, do home work and learn after school.Experienced Teachers/Lunch & Snacks/ Toys & Books

Age:6 to 12

Programmers: *Languages*Math*Art*Music

Time: ll:00a m~7:00pm, from Monday to Friday

Address: 15 Xinhua Road, Moon City(between Xinxin Bookstore and the post office, across flora Yucai



51.Children can’t learn _________ in Little Sun.A.computerB.musicC.artD.languages

52.Mrs.King can send her daughter Lucy to Little Sun except___________.A 6:00 p.m.on FridayB7:00 a.m.on Wednesday

C 11:00 a.m.on TuesdayD 12:00 a.m.on Monday

53.Little Sun will be open for ____________in a work.A.4 hoursB.8 hoursC.20 hoursD.40 hours

54.Litter Sun is ____________.A across from the post officeB between Yucai School and the post office

C on Xinhua Road, Moon CityD.between Xinxin Bookstore and Yucai School

55.Who can have fun and learn in Little Sun?

A.Mike, a school boy of 15B.Mary, a seven-year-old girlC.Cathy, an experienced teacherD Linda, a retired doctor.B

There was once a young mouse that lived in a hole in a wall.One day, the young mouse woke up from his sleep and looked out of the hole.As he looked out, a fantastic smell came to his nose.“Cheese!” the mouse said

happily to himself.“I’ll go and get it now and have it for breakfast.”

But then he remembered his parents’ words.His parents were very clever mice and often said to their son, “Always wait before you go for a piece of cheese.”

So the young mouse waited quietly.Then he heard a quiet “Miaow” and he knew the cat was there.He stayed in the hole and said to himself, “I’m glad I listened to my parents and learned to wait.”

The next day, he looked out again.He put his nose out of the hole, and the beautiful smell of cheese came to his nose again.He could see the cheese.It was only a few centimeters away.But he sat still and waited quietly.This time he did not hear any cat noises.Instead he heard a very quiet “Woof, woof.” “It’s a dog!” he thought.“If the dog is there, the cat won’t be there.I expect the dog has chased the cat away, so I’m safe.” The mouse ran out of the hole and started eating the cheese.He did not see the cat, which caught him and ate him.When the cat finished her meal, she said to herself, “I’m glad I listened to my parents and learned a second language.”

56.Who told the mouse to wait before going for a piece of cheese?

A.The cat.B.The dog.C.The cat’s parents.D.The mouse’s parents.57.How did the young mouse know the cat was there?

A.He heard the cat.B.He saw the cat.C.He smelt the cat.D.He knew the cat.58.What was the cat’s meal?

A.The mouse’s parents.B.The cheese.C.The young mouse.D.The fish.59.Which language did the cat learn as a second language?

A.English.B.Chinese.C.Dog language.D.Mouse language.60.Which of the following sentences is Not True according to the passage?

A.The young mouse lived in a hole in a wall.B.The next day the mouse didn’t hear any cat noises.C.The cat pretended to be a dog by making the noise “woof”.D.The mouse’s parents told their daughter to wait before going for a piece of cheese.C

Malls are popular places for Americans to go.Some people spend so much time at malls that they are called “mall rats”.Mall rats shop until they drop in the hundreds of stores.People like malls for many reasons.They feel safe because malls have police stations.Parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine.The newest malls have beautiful rest places with waterfalls and large green trees.The largest mall in the United States is the Mall of America in Minnesota.It covers 4.2 million square feet.It has 350 stores, eight night clubs, and a large park!There are parking spaces for 12,750 cars.About 750,000 people shop there every week.The first indoor mall in the United States was built in 1965 in Edina, Minnesota.People love doing all their shopping in one place.More malls are built around the country.Now malls are like town centers where people come to do many things.They shop, of course, they also eat in food courts that have food from all over the world.They see films at theaters.Some people even get their exercise by doing the new sport of “mall walking”.Others go to malls to meet friends.In some malls, people can see a doctor and even go to the church.In other words, people can do just about everything in malls.Now people can live in their favorite shopping center in fact.61.The passage is mainly about ______________in America.A.peopleB.food and sportsC.advertisementsD.malls

62.The first indoor mall in the United States ____________.A.attracts 750,000 people every weekB.has waterfalls and large green trees

C.was built nearly half a century agoD.has more than 300 stores in it

63.“Mall rats” refers to(指的是)those___________________.A.who like sports very muchB.who spend a lot of time at malls

C.who always go sightseeingD.who look for free parking places

64.“Mall walking” became a new sport _____________________.A.after malls had appearedB.before the year 1965

C.before films were inventedD.because there were no cars

65.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.There are 12,750 parking places all across the U.S.B.It’s very convenient to do many things at malls.C.The largest malls in the U.S has eight night clubs.D.Americans like to go to malls very much.单词填空

1.We use ___________to take photos.2.Due to the performers, they’ve made a great __________.3.It was __________that Jack said he saw a UFO yesterday.4.It’s warm in Singapore all year __________.5.Disneyland is a __________park.6.Being _________is very important for us students, so we’d better not swim without adults.7.__________is the best season to plant trees.8.This is the most interesting museum I’ve __________visited.句子改写

1.I’ve never seen such a bad movie.This is the __________movie that I’ve __________seen.2.He’s never read Treasure Island.Me neither.He’s never read Treasure Island._________ _________I.3.Why not go to a different place for vacation?

What about __________ _________different for vacation?

4.I’m trying to improve my writing skills.I’m trying to _________my writing skills __________.5.Reading is better than watching TV._________ better to read _________to watch TV.6.Whatever he said, don’t believe him._________ __________what he said, don’t believe him.补全对话

A: Bruce, ____________________________________________?

B: No, never.But I’m looking forward to visiting a computer museum one day.A: Don’t you know there’s a new computer museum in town.Let’s go there tomorrow.B: _________________._________________________________?

A: Tommy and Jenny.B: OK._______________________________________?

A: By bike.It’s not far from our school.B: __________________________________________________?

A: Let’s meet at our school at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.B: All right.That’s a deal.书面表达

写一篇文章,介绍你的家乡。1.孝感,源自一个古老的传说(legend)2.位于湖北省东北部,紧挨着省会城市武汉,境内有汉江流过,人口531万3.有特色食品孝感米酒(rice wine)和孝感麻糖(sesame candy)4.城市发展日新月异,高楼大夏随处可见


第五节 七选五


Hi,I'm Simon.Look!1 They are a computer,a telephone,a baseball and a pencil box.2 Yes,it is.It's black.I like black.The telephone is not mine.3 His phone number is 362­1823.4 I can play it very well.5 It's my sister's.It's red.In it,you can see two pencils,an eraser and a ruler.1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________


1.E 解析:根据后句的“They are a computer,a telephone,a baseball and a pencil box.”可知前面应该是问这些是什么?故选E。

2.G 解析:根据上句的“They are a computer,a telephone,a baseball and a pencil box.”可知介绍的第一件东西应该是电脑。故选G。

3.A 解析:根据上下句可知,电话应该是爸爸的。故选A。

4.C 解析:根据第四句“They are a computer,a telephone,a baseball and a pencil box.”可知介绍的第三件东西应该是baseball。故选C。

5.F 解析:根据后面的内容“It's my sisters.In it,you can see two pencils,an eraser and a ruler.”可知应该是介绍铅笔盒。故选F。


七英上《Unit 8 When is your birthday》单元测试题


1.one ________2.two ________3.three _______4.five ________ 5.eight _______6.nine_______7.twelve _____ 8.nineteen ________ 9.twenty ________ 10.thirty-six ________ Ⅱ.将下列词组译成英语

11.1月9日________12.4月8日________13.5月4日________14.6月1日________15.8月15日________16.9月10日________17.10月12日________l8.12月25日________19.大卫的生日宴会________20.莉莉的生日________21.学校上课日________22.举行讲演比赛________23.流行音乐会________24.合唱比赛________25.艺术节________ Ⅲ.单项选择

()26.When is your birthday? It’s ________.A.FebruaryB.secondC.February secondD.1990()27.________ shirt is white.A.My brother

B.My brothersC.My brother’sD.My brothers’()28.Do you have a pop concert? Yes, ________.A.we haveB.we doC.we areD.I am()29.Where’s ________?A.Tom’s pants

B.Tom’s pen’sC.Tom’s penD.pen of Tom()30.________ is your mother? She’s forty.A.How oldB.HowC.How ageD.What age()31.What’s the month between July and September?________.A.JuneB.AugustC.OctoberD.November()32.________ is very difficult.A.Lesson fifth

B.The lesson fifth C.Fire lessonD.The fifth lesson()33.Our school has a sports meeting ________ October 15th.A.atB.onC.inD.for()34.There are ________ months in a year.The ________ month is December.A.twelve, twelveB.twelfth, twelfth

C.twelve, twelfthD.twelfth, twelve

()35.What’s the ________ today? It’s October twelfth.What ________ is it today? It’s Sunday.A.date, dayB.day, dateC.date, dateD.day, day()36.________ Day is on June first and ________ Day is on September tenth.A.Children’s, Teacher’sB.Children’s, Teachers’C.Children’s’, Teacher’D.Children’, Teachers’()37.Mrs.Green is________ mother.A.Jim and KateB.Jim’s and Kate’

C.Jim and Kate’sD.Jim’s and Kate

()38.The baby is only________.A.ten months old

B.ten monthes oldC.ten month oldD.ten old months()39.Where ________ you born? I ________ born in Wuhan.A.was, wereB.were, wasC.were, wereD.was, was

()40.When _____ you have a school trip? Sorry, I ____ know.A.are, don’t B.do, aren’tC.are, aren’tD.do, don’t Ⅳ.根据答语写出问句。

41.________________________________________?She’s thirteen years old.42.________________________________________?His birthday is November eleventh.43.________________________________________?She is fine.44.________________________________________?Your football is under the bed.45.________________________________________?It’s $ 20.Ⅶ.完形填空

It is56day of school.Li Ping wants to57.He wants to see his friends.He wants to meet his new teachers.He58early in the morning.He washes and eats his breakfast.Then he59his bike to school.He sees his friends in school.He60them happily.Then the bell rings(铃声响了).Everyone61the classroom.Li Ping meets his new teacher.62is Zhao Ling.She teaches63this term.Li Ping likes Miss Zhao.He thinks she is a nice teacher.()56.A.one B.first C.the first D.the one()57.A.go to the school B.go back to the schoolC.go back school D.go back to school()58.A.gets up B.get up C.goes up D.go up()59.A.has B.rides C.sits D.ride()60.A.plays with B.plays C.says with D.talks()61.A.goes B.go to C.run D.runs to()62.A.His name B.Her name C.He D.Her()63.A.their Chinese B.their ChinaC.them Chinese D.them China BThe Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year’s D64.It usually comes in F65.Everyone in China l66the Spring Festival.When the Spring Festival comes, Li Lei usually h67his parents clean their h68and do some shopping and other housework.On that day everyone in China e69jiaozi, New Year’s cakes and some other delicious food.Li Lei likes New Year’s cakes, but Lanlan says jiaozi is nicer than New Year’s cakes.The C70people eat the New Year’s cakes and jiaozi in their houses.How h71they are!64.________ 65.________ 66.________ 67.________68.________69.________ 70.________ 71.________Ⅷ.阅读短文,选择正确答案。Nancy is an English school girl.She studies in a middle school.She has a little brother.His name is John.John is only four.Nancy likes him very much.Today is Sunday.Nancy wants to do her homework.She takes out her pencil-box and opens it.“Oh, dear!where’s my pen? “She can’t find her pen.She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom.“John!I can’t find my pen.Can you see...Oh, what are you doing with my pen? ”“I’m writing to my friend, Peter.“ John answers.“But how can you? You don’t know how to write!”“It doesn’t matter.Peter can’t read.” John says.()72.How old is Nancy’s brother?A.FiveB.FourC.SixD.Three()73.________ can’t find her pen.A.NancyB.PeterC.JohnD.Friend()74.Where’s John?

A.In the school.B.In a shop.C.In his bedroom.D.In her

father’s car.

()75.Which is not right?

A.Nancy finds her pen in John’s room.B.John can’t write.C.John is writing with her sister’s pen.D.Peter can read.()76.John and Peter are ________.A.friendsB.EnglishC.at homeD.school girls八.根据以下情况写一篇短文介绍你的这位笔友(20分)A)李华,英文名叫Tony,是第一中学一年级二班的学生.他出生于1989年8月12日.他的出生地在广东深圳.他今年13岁,爱好音乐和篮球.他喜欢英语,爱玩电脑游戏.他经常放学后与同学打篮球 My Friend I have a good penfriend.Let me tell you something about him.参考答案

Ⅰ.1.first2.second3.third4.fifth5.eighth6.ninth7.twelfth8.nineteenth 9.twentieth10.thirty-sixth

Ⅱ.11.January ninth12.April eighth13.May fourth14.June first15.August fifteenth16.September tenth 17.October twelfth

18.December twenty-fifth19.David’s birthday party20.Lily’s birthday21.school day22.speech contest23.pop concert24.chorus competition25.Art FestivalⅢ.26.C(表示日期)27.C(表示名词所有格)

28.B(Do you have...? 的肯定回答)29.C(由于be动词是is)30.A(询问年龄多大)31.B(应是八月份)

32.D(the fifth lesson=Lesson Five)

33.B(表示在某天用介词on)34.C(前者是基数词, 后者是序数词)35.A(前者询问日期, 后者询问星期几)36.B(前者是“儿童节”, 后者是“教师节”)37.C(表示两人共同拥有的)38.A(句意为“这婴儿只有十个月”)39.B(be的过去式为were或was)40.D(do是助动词)Ⅳ.41.How old is she?42.When is his birthday?43.How is she?

44.Where is my football?45.How much is it?

Ⅴ.46.We have a birthday party for him.47.When do you have an English contest?48.The third month of the year is March.49.He has a white bag.50.March eighth is Woman’s Day.Ⅵ.51.E52.B53.G54.D55.F

Ⅶ.56.C(表示开学第一天, 序数, first前原因定冠词the)57.D(go back to school返回学校)

58.A(get up起床, 主语是he, 应用gets up)59.B(ride his bike骑着他的自行车)60.A(play with sb.与某人一起玩)

61.D(everyone作主语, 谓语动词用第三人称单数形式)62.B(由下文可知, Zhao Ling是女老师)63.C(teach后接双宾语)

64.Day65.February66.likes67.helps68.house69.Ⅷ.72.B(由John is only four.可知)73.A(由第二段可知)

74.C(由She goes to ask her brother in his bedroom.可知)75.D(由Peter can’t read.可知)


76.A(由I’m writing to my friend, Peter.可知)77.Tom has a birthday party.78.His mother tells him to be polite.79.By bike

80.Because he doesn’t have food on the plate.Ⅸ.

My English teacher

William Brown was born on November 12th.He is 24 years old.He is from America.He is my English teacher.He likes playing basketball.His favourite food is chicken and hamburgers.He likes blue best.

第五篇:七年级英语 农村中学英语教学的几点体会论文 人教新目标版











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