
时间:2019-05-15 05:58:40下载本文作者:会员上传

















第三篇:高考英语改革 英语作文

Alright.Maybe it's time for me to make a comment for this policy change.I was really looking forward to seeing the change when I first read the news Call for reform of English language assessments in March this year.This piece of news pretty much left me the impression that policy-makers in China were already aware of the importance of oral English in the development of students' comprehensive language capabilities.I thought there could be some marks taken out specifically for oral English part in the College English Test.I even misread the news “China to downgrade English section of college admissions test” when I first saw the title because I thought the reduced marks would all be attributed to oral English assessment.However, when I looked at the details of the policy change, I would say I was startled, then upset, cause there was nothing to do with oral English at all, and the whole weight of English reduced!

There is an added 30 points for Chinese which quite a few people think students will benefit from.I personally do not agree with this view.Traditional Chinese culture and Chinese literature, of course, are very important and could be an important source for students to establish their philosophy of life.But is an added 30 points strong enough to make a difference? Some people might say yes, but I would say no.Both the public and education system operators see marks somewhat synonymous with emphasis and outcome.But people like me could only see a changed pattern of assessment, and for us the nature of assessment does not change at all.I expect that there would not be any discernible return of that marks.On the other hand, when you give much needed marks to oral English assessment, you can almost see an immediate return on your “investment”.Students begin to speak English and use English.Results improve and hope is created where once there were only complaints and criticism towards Chinese lingually-disabled students.The future benefits for the long term English assessment reform of the whole education system are incalculable.The demand for native speakers increase and thus more foreigners come to China for living, given the job loss rate is fairly high in foreign countries.China therefore functions as a balancing role and it not only benefits China.Having seen the new policy which I don't think is clever, or even fiscally responsible, I feel upset.I'd say it's a stupid policy for me.Hopefully China is at the height of reform under President Xi.I still see positive to the future of English assessment regulations.


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Where shall we go


Today, I want to say “next year, where shall we go?” Maybe you will feel unacceptable and great stressful.but this is an important question for us.We have to face the facts.What is your graduate destination? I believe everyone have makes your choice.Recent years, the employment is becoming more and more serious.We are facing a hard time for employment statue.With the development number of graduates, the limited position can not amply all of us, so about 30% of graduate students’ can’t find a job but stay at home after graduation.It is a big challenge for us.So why we can’t find a good job?What should we do in next year?

For us , I think we first try our best ,have a good job study very hard in university and improve ourselves, For example ,some students anything want to do ,only play games and go shopping or go traveling.There are some reasons explain why difficult to find a work.Firstly the speed of the college student demanding can not keep up with the speed of college students‘ graduation

Secondly the standard that most company given can’t meets with the college students demands

Thirdly most of the college students prefer well-developed area to the

remote district

This is our some reasons: the high expectations of jobs, the wrong concept of employment, the lack of opportunities for employment training, the lack of work experience

Solution: the government and university and graduates all need tack action of course, impotents is us.We should lower their expectations while hunting jobs.Equip ourselves with skills and knowledge to meet the requirements of enterprise recruitment.第二部分考公务

I believe many people like to work as civil servants.They want to enter this stable industry, which makes the employment out of balance.The picture is hundreds upon thousands of people in China take civil service examinations(公务员考试).They feel that being a civil servant generally means having a stable and decent job, and more importantly, they feel it proud to serve the people.Facing this situation, how should we do?


We are facing a grim(冷酷的)employment situation!So Career Planning of College Students is very important.Do you know what is a career planning? Career is one of the best ways to achieve the value of life.Choose a career suit yourself is so necessary that almost anybody can not escape this destiny.But we should do something to adapt to it.First, we should ask ourselves: Who I am and who I want to be.So a good and scientific career planning is necessary!Do you think so? 第四部分具体做法

Next i will introduce the approaches to all of you.1.to determines aspirations.(确定志向)we should establish the ambition, which is to develop critical career planning.2.self-assessment.(自我评价)Understanding of ourselves, understand our own.Self-assessment, including our interests, strengths, characters, knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, moral and social standards and so on.3.The choice of career.(就业方向)How to choose the right career? At least we should consider the personality interests’ professional knowledge Internal and external environment adapting to job

4.The choice of career routes.(选择职业道路), we should consider the following three questions:

(1)Which profession would I like?

(2)Can I develop a profession?

(3)Where can I develop a profession?

Considering the above three problems, determine the best career routes after comprehensive analysis.5.Set career goals(确立目标)No goals, just like the boating into the sea without lighthouse, Only after setting a target clearly can we struggle for the right route.The goals are usually divided into short-term goals, medium-term objectives and long-term goals.6.Development of action plans and measures.In determining a career goal, action has become the key link.To develop your potential, you must have a concrete plan with specific measures.And these plans should be very specific so that they can be checked regularly.Know yourself then make a plan step by step.Write down your career planning will be better than just think!Change your attitude if necessary.Next, let us see a video.At last, wish everyone appropriate career planning and bright life!Thank you!






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