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译文社郝运王振孙《三个火枪手》 人文社周克西《三剑客》 张玲 张扬/石永礼译的《双城记》


张谷若译的《大卫科波菲尔》、《无名的裘德》、《还乡》 蒋学模/韩沪麟译的《基督山伯爵》










王科一/张玲 张扬译的《傲慢与偏见》



杨以/方平/张玲 张扬译的《呼啸山庄》












徐迟 戴欢译的《瓦尔登湖》













然而,这些开创性的伎俩在19世纪自我推销的手段前失去了色彩。在《艺术大师的渐强音:景观,技巧和自我推销在革命时代的巴黎》一书中,历史学家保罗·梅茨纳写到新技术使巴黎的报纸数量急速增长,由此创造出了大量宣传选择。巴尔扎克在他的《幻灭》中评论道在巴黎用金钱和奢华晚餐贿赂编辑和评论家来保住评论空间是很常见的。市里张贴着为新书做广告的抢眼的海报。1887年,居伊·德·莫泊桑在塞纳河上发射了一个热气球,一侧印着他最新的短篇小说的名字“奥尔拉”。1884年,莫里斯·色雷斯雇人穿着广告牌宣传他的文学评论“Les Taches d’Encre”。1932年,科莱特创立了自己的化妆品品牌,放在一个巴黎的店里卖。(这个首创的以文学命名的品牌悲剧性地以失败收尾了)。




从这些我们可以总结出什么经验?也许仅能得出一点,那就是最过分的自我推销方式迟早也会被承认。因此,现在的作家应该打起精神。我们可以穿得像美国娱乐节目中的Lady Gaga一样被吊在笼子上—如果我们当中有人就算几乎裸体看上去依然不错的话。







B:当你忙碌的时候时间过得飞快,是吗? A:确实如此。

A:I have been studied in night school for 3 years.B:Has it been so long a time? A:Yes.And it feels like yesterday.B:Time pasts so fast when you are in busy, dosen’t it? A:Yes, absolutely.2、在家学习

A:他在哪里学习? B:他在家学习。




A:Where does he study? B:He studies at home.A:Does he study alone? B:No, he studies with his brother.A:How long do they study together? B:2 hours a night and 5 nights a week.3、你的职业

A:你的职业是什么? B:我是个医生。


B:他曾经是个医生,但现在已经退休了。A:你兄弟行医多久了? B::三十多年吧。

A:What’s your job? B:I’m a doctor.A:Does your brother the same job as you? B:He was a doctor, but he has been retired.A:How long has your brother been a doctor? B:Thirty years or so.4、借来的书


A::如果这不是你的书,那一定是你兄弟的。B:你想让我把书还给他吗? A:可以吗?谢谢!

A:This is the book I borrowed from you.B:It’s not my book.A:If it’s not yours, it must be your brother’s.B:Do you want me to give it back to him? A:Can you? Thanks!


A:你今天开始新的工作吗? B:是的。

A::你对新工作的感觉怎样? B:工作量很大,但是非常有趣。A:你的上司怎样?


A:Do you start a new job today? B:Yes.A:How do you feel about it? B:It has a large workload, but it is fun.A:How about your superior? B:He is a kind and patient man.6、新的房子

A:你将要搬新家了吗? B:我们两天前就搬好了。A::你签租约了吗?



A:Are you going to move to a new house? B:we moved there two years ago.A:Did you sign the lease? B:Yes.I did it 3 days ago.A:How do you feel about your new house? B:Fine.I think we’ll be comfotable there.7、电话

A:请David Jones接电话好吗? B:他在另一间办公室工作。

A::能麻烦你把它的号码给我吗? B:如果你需要,我可以帮你接通。A:好的,谢谢!B::不用谢。

A:May I speak to David Jones? B:He is in another office.A:Can you give me his number? B:If you like, I can connect him.A:Ok, Thanks.B: You are welcome.8、停车




A: Please hold on, I’ll go to park the car.B:Ok.A:Wait, you’d better go to buy the tickets first.B:Ok, I’ll wait for you at the door of the theater.A:It may takes some time, There’s no vacant parking place here.9、预定

A:我们的晚餐订在几点? B:八点。


B:我们在酒吧里先点点喝的? A:好主意,走吧。

A:When’s our dinner? B:Eight o’clock.A:It’s half past 7 o’clock.B:How about some drink first? A:Goog idea, Let’s go.4 STUDY






A:Do you know professor Jone? B:Yes, He was my teacher.A:This semester I choose his language course.B:You’d better work hard.A:Why? B:Because Professor Tone is strict on scores.11、英语作为爱好

A:你在闲暇时间喜欢做什么? B:学习英语。

A::你说喜欢学习英语?为什么呢? B:他令我感到很大的满足感。

A:学习英语并没让我感到乐趣。这是一项艰难的事情 B::我并不这样觉得,我觉得非常值得。

A:What do you like to do in your spare time? B:Learn English.A:Why do you say you like to learn English? B:Because I get a lot of satisfaction from this.A:I don’t feel any fun learning English.It’s a hard thing.B:I don’t think so.It’s worth it.13、拼写问题

A:你能读一下这个吗? B:这是什么?

A::是学校布置得一篇作文。里面有什么问题吗? B:你的作文写得很好,但有些单词拼写不正确。A:哦,真的吗?我应该查一下字典。

B::是的,因为你单词的错误都是拼写错误。13 Something about spell A:Can you read this? B:What’s this? A:It’s a composition from school.Is there something wrong? B:You works well in your composition, But there’are some mistakes in your spelling.A:Oh, really? I should look up in the dictionary.B:Yes, Because all your mistakes that you made in the vocabulary are about the wrong spelling.14、做作业




B::好的,快写吧,如果你在七点前完成,我们可以一起去看电影。14 Doing homework A:I think I need to study at home tonight.B:Really? Why? A:I need to do some homework, Something about English.B:What’s it? How long do you need to finish it? A:I need to write a composition, and I do not know how long it will take.B:Ok, Take your time.If you can finish it before 7 o’clock, we can go to watch the movie together.15、教育背景

A:你在做英语老师前是什么职业? B:我在新加坡大学教育学院学习。A::你的专业是什么?


A:你的英语水平非常好,你学了很久吗? B::大约十二年,我从初中起开始学习英语。15 Education background A:What’s your job before you becomes a teacher? B:I Studied in the education institute of Singapore university.A:What’s your major? B:My major is English and education.A:Your English is pretty good, Have you learned it for a long time? B:I have been learned it for 12 years, and it starts from junior school.6


A:我太累了,无法集中思想了 B:你今天晚上为何学习那么努力? A::我明天英语测验,我很担心。B:为什么不休息一下呢? A:我还有很多要学习。

B::我知道了,不过如果你能先休息一下,你将能更集中注意力。16 Rest A:I’m too tired, and I can’t concentrate.B:Why do you study so hard tonight? A:I have a English test tomorrow, And I’m a little worried about it.B:how about a rest? A:I still have a lot to learn about.B:Yes, But if you have a rest for a while, you can focus on your mind better.17、期末考试




B::哦,我不太清楚,但看上去我有机会获得。A:祝你好运,一有消息就告诉我。17 Final exam A:Do you take your final exam of English today? B:Yes, We did the test, and the teacher correct tha papers,then the teacher publish the result.A:How about your job? B:Very good, but I’m not very sure, I think I have the possibility to get the scholship.A:Really? Which school?

B:I’m not sure, But it seems that I have the chance.A:Good luck, Call me when you have the news.18、背景音乐

A:你听广播学习吗? B:不,我听录音。A::有什么区别吗?



A:Do you listen to the broadcast to study? B:No, I listen to the recorder.A:Is there any difference between them? B:There’s too much advertisement in the broadcast.A:Yes, you are right.But you have to stop to change the content when you listen to the recorder.B:This is why I save money to buy a tape recoder.A:It’s a good idea, and tape can doing loner than recording in usual.B:Yes, It do not have interference as well.19、演讲提纲



B:你要提前完成演讲稿,不要企图在台上临时抱佛脚。A:哦,我不会的,我担心在观众前没话说。B::你准备写下每一个字还是只写提纲? A:只写提纲。The outline of the speech A:I’ll give a speech in my class tomorrow.B:I hate to lectured in front of the listeners.A:Me too, I haven't finished my speech draft.B:You should finished your speech draft ahead of time, do not seek the help at the last moment.A:Oh, I would’t do that, I’m worried I can’t doing my speech when I face with audience.B:Which kind of your prepresition,word by word or just the outline? A:I’m only write outline.20、当地人

A:你在看什么? B:一本法语书。A::你能读懂法语?


A:嘿!听着,站在那的人会说法语 B::是的

A:他说得很好,他是法国人吗? B:不是,他的词汇量有限,但他的语音语调很好听。A:但是他好像在和那位女士说话。B:他在练习发音,她是他的法语老师。A:What do you watch? B:A french book.A:Do you know french? B:No, I just look at the pictures.A:Hey, listen, that man can speak Franch.B:Yes.A:He is doing well, Is he a French? B:No, he is limited in his vocabulary,but his pronunciation sounds good.A:It seems that he is talking to the lady.B:He is doing execise of pronunciation, she is his French teacher.9 WORK





A:I’m afried I don’t leave my boss a good impression.B:It’s incrediable, why do you say so? A:Because everyman attended the meeting is in Western dress and leather shoes except me.B:I made this mistake also, it would give you an uncomfortable feeling, A:Yes, it is.I’m feeling bad at that time.B:I would’t upset if I were you, I think your boss will understand you.22、书面报告

A:你的书面报告写完了吗? B:写完了,我昨天晚上写完的。A:他现在在哪里?



A:Have you finished your written report? B:Yes, I finished it last night.A:Where is it? B:I left it on the table of the boss.A:Great, I know the boss need this report today.B:That’s why I plodded away all night at my report to get it finished.23、解聘

A:Bill Duniels还在这里上班吗? B:不在了,他昨天被解雇了。A:太不幸了。

B::是的,上个月他刚刚完婚。A:他怎么了?他为何被辞退呢? B:因为老板不得不裁员。

A:Does Bill Duniels still work here? B:No, he doesn’t.He was fired yesterday.A:It’s unfortunate for him.B:Yes, he got married last night.A:What happened to him? Why did him be dismissed? B:Because the boss had to reduce the stuff.24、失业





A:I think the job here is uncertainty of the situation B:Yes I heard that the factory is reducing the stuff recently.A:Bill is looking for a new job, He said it’s hard to find a new one.B:So did he run out of his money? A:No, he said he can support himself for about 2 weeks.B:What will he do if he can’t find a job? A:I don’t know, but I think he’d better find a job within two weeks.25、退休

A:我猜Sam Frederickson最终要准备退休了。B:他在这家公司工作了多久了?



A:I guess that Sam Frederickson would prepared to retire.B:How long has he been in this company? A:I’m not sure, but it must be over 20 years.B:What would he do after his retirement? A:I don’t know, he is 65 years’ old, but he looks like a man of forty.B:Yes, Maybe he can find a part-time job in some small companies.26、夜间工作

A:我很久没看到你了,你最近在忙什么? B:我晚上和白天一样在上班。A:你为什么要打两份工? B::我妻子住医院了。



A:I haven't seen you for a long time, what are you doing recently? B:I have to work in the evening as well as in the day.A:Why do you want to two jobs? B:my wife is in the hospital.A:sorry,i don't know that,is she all right? B:she is recovering ,but need a big amount of medical expenses


A:这些天你为什么这么晚回家? B:那公室里有很多额外的工作。A:你一天工作几小时? B::大约十小时。A:你领到加班费吗?



B:事实上,我加班没有加班费,但事后我可以短期休假。A: Why did you come home so late these days? B: I had a lot of extra work in the office.A: how long did you work a day? B: about ten hours.A: did you got paid for overtime ? B: No, but the boss said that this work is very important.A: even though,your boss also should pay you extra overtime.B: in fact, I have no overtime pay for extra work, but can have a short vacation later.28、打电话





A:Can you teach me how to use the phone?I have spent about ten minutes trying to dial the phone.B:didn't you dial zero before dialing the number you want? A: I didn't.in this building, Do I must dial zero at first? B:No,If you use the pay phone at the end of the corridor,you needn't dial zero.A: sorry, so easy to bother you.B: never mind, many people don't know how to use this phone.29、为升职竞争

A:最近Charlie Smith和Bill Watson工作很努力。B:为什么?他们部门最近有很多工作吗?

A:不是,和平时差不多。但他们部门的头很快要退休了。B::他们两人中的一个将取代那位领导吗? A:没错。

B:所以他们努力工作希望能留下好印象是吗? A:是的,他们像是为升职而竞争。

A: Charlie Smith and Bill Watson work very hard Recently.B: why?does their department have a lot of work to do recently? A: No, no more than usual.But the head of their Department is going to retire.B: One of them two will replace the leadership,wouldn't they? A: yes,you are right.B: so they work hard to give the leadership a good impression,don't they? A: Yes, they seems to compete for promotion.30、老板加薪




A: one of my friends have got a raise two times in six months.B: This is too rare!Dose he worked very hard? A: Yes, but that's not the reason.the boss is his father-in-law.B: I hope my boss is my father-in-law,so I can get a raise two times in six months,too.A: me too, but I don't think I could so lucky.B: I think we have to earn money for survival.31、明天再回电


B:不是,它现在不在这,你想留言吗? A:好吧,请你转告她Mason药店的Watson先生找他,好吗? B::好的,我告诉他你会再打来还是你希望他给你回电?

A:让我想想,我接下来几天不在办公室,它明天早晨有空吗? B:是的,你希望他给你回电吗?

A:不用了,我明天十点左右打来行吗? B:明天十点?好的,没问题。A:谢谢,再见!B::再见!

A: Is that Mr.Johnson? B: No, he is not here right now, would you like to leave a message? A: Well, will you tell her it is Mason's Mr.Watson , please? B:: Well, do I told him that you would call again or want him calls you back? A: let me think,I was not in the office in the next few days,is he free tomorrow morning? B: Yes, Do you want him to call you back? A: No, I'll call at ten p.m.Tomorrow,is it OK? B: tomorrow at ten?that's OK.A: Thanks goodbye!B:: goodbye!


A:为何我们的香皂销售降低了10%? B:他们已经下滑超过六个月了。



A:why did our soap's sales decrease by10 percent B:the sales have been down for over six months A:well,I want to know who is responsible for all this

B:the sales manager said it's the advertising department,and advertising department said it's the sales department.A: I want a thorough investigation of this matter ,and I want to know the truth immediately.B: Yes sir, I'll send someone to get it at once,33、商店内行窃

A:Fred,你经营了一个杂货店吧? B:是的,我已经干了近十年了。A:盈利吗?


B:是的,许多看上去很诚实的顾客,在杂货店里小偷小摸。A:太令人惊讶了,我以前从不相信过。B:在开杂货店业内这是众所周知的。A:Fred, do you run a grocery store? B: Yes, I have worked for nearly ten years.A: is it profit? B::very well, but the petty pilfering in store makes us loss 2% profit.A:2%!Are there so many shoplifter? B: Yes, many customers who looks honest ,would steel in the grocery store.A: it was amazing, I never believed in.B: it's well known in the grocery store industry.34、店商服务

A:你觉得我们的服务怎么样? B:我觉得这里的服务非常好。A:你觉得我们的价格合理吗?

B::你们的价格比同街的其他商店要贵些,但服务要好很多。A:谢谢你,Jones先生,感谢你反馈。B:与其谢我,不如给我一些优惠价格。A:Jones先生,再次感谢你,再见。A: what do you think of our service? B: very good.A: do you think our price is reasonable? B::your price is higher than other stores in the same street, but the service is much better.A: Thank you, Mr.Jones, thanks for your feedback.B: it's no better to thank me, than giving me some favorable price.Mr.A:Jones, thank you, goodbye.35、新粉刷

A:你的房子看上去很迷人。B:谢谢,你想进去参观一下吗? A:我想的。



A:your house looks very nice.B:thanks,would you like to have d look in? A:yes,of course B:we should get in from the back door,because I forgot the key.A:it looks like new paint.B:yes,we got it painted just a month ago.36、小套房

A:你为什么从你的房间里搬出来? B:这房间小的和壁橱一样。A:你一定很喜欢你的新住房



A: Why do you move out? B: this room is as small as closet.A: you must like your new house very much.B:: Yes, every room is as large as the suite I used to live.A: how many rooms do you have? B: four.it's so nice to have so much space.37、被锁在屋外

A:(坐在花园的躺椅上)要喝点什么吗? B:好的,等一下,我去拿。(向房间走去,试着打开门)门锁住了!A:你有钥匙吗?

B::没有,我以为你带钥匙了,恐怕我们被锁在门外了。A:谁关的门? B:我不知道,我猜是风吹的。A:等一下,我从窗子爬进去。B:小心点,不要摔下来。

A:(siting on chairs in the yard)how about something to drink? B: yes, just a minute, I'll get it.(goes to the room and tries door.)the door is locked!A: have you got the key? B:: No, I thought you did, I'm afraid we're locked out.A: well,who shut the door? B: I don't know, the wind blow it shut,I guess.A: wait a minute, I'll climb in a window.B:watch out, and don't fall.38、你的家乡

A:在搬到西雅图之前,你住在哪里? B:我和我的家人住在芝加哥。A:芝加哥是你的家乡吗?

B::事实上,我在芝加哥南部五英里的一个小镇度过了童年。A:你在西雅图生活了多久? B:已经住了五年了。A:where do you live before you move to Seattle, ? B: I live in Chicago with my family.A: Chicago is your hometown? B:: in fact, I spend my childhood in a small town five miles away from south of Chicago.A: how long have you lived in Seattle? B: five years already.39、吵架的邻居





A: Listen to those two, they are at it again.B: this apartment must be made out cardboard, It sounds like they are in our front room.A: don't they ever stop fighting? B: why don't we move out this place? A: Well, I've thought about it, we only have another three months to go on our lease B: Let's move when the lease up.40、室友


B:我和我两个室友住在一起。A:你和室友相处得好吗? B:我们相处得非常好。

A:是不是为你们在一起学习提供了方便? B:不时地,我们通常在一起聊天。A:你在家里吃饭还是在外面吃?

B:我们通常在学校里吃,晚上我们就在宿舍里吃点快餐。A:Where do you live? B:I live in a room with two roommates.A:How do you get on with your roommates? B:we get along very well.A:is it easy for you to study together? B:No, we usually talk too much.A:do you eat in or out? B:we usually eat at school and,At night we just have a snack in the dormitory 17







A;there are a lot of mouse in our basement, they eat anything: leather, paper all things.B: you had better keep a cat.A: I used to have, but it doesn't work.B: you have your cat too full, hungry it a bit.A: how often do you feed your cat? B: one time a day, feed a little each time.A: I'll go to buy a cat, try your way.42、公共电话




B:哦,别傻了,要保护你自己的权益,毕竟你付电话费。A:好的,就这样吧,但我不希望这是解决问题的唯一办法。A: do you have public phones? B: No, but we have private phones.A: you are so lucky, we just have a public telephone, and other peoples are always listening to our conversation.B: you can loge a complaint to the telephone company, the eavesdropper makes me angry most.A: Well, I hate not being taken seriously.B: Oh, don't be silly, do to protect your rights, because you pay for the call.A:well,you are right, but I don't hope this is the only way to solve the problem.43、割草




A: look at the yard, it's too messy.B: I can't believe, we just leave for three weeks, but the grass grows up to a foot of hight A: I hope I could weed immediately.B: you need a sickle ,then a lawn mower.A: I think you are right, a start weeding is difficult.B: leave it alone temporarily and, have a rest today , start work tomorrow.A: good idea






A: hey!what's the problem with the phono?(passing the receiver to B)listen to a strange noise.B: I don't know what it is, it doesn't sound like a dial tone.A: the phone must be out of order..We'd better call the phone company.B: how can we make the call ?The phone can not work.A: let's borrow the phone from your neighbors.B: Oh, my next-door neighbor is a hot-tempered man, I don't want to trouble him.A: How about the neighbors across the street? B:That's a good idea, Mr.Berman is a very friendly person, he won't mind if we use his phone.19 FOOD AND DRINK


A:服务生,买单好吗? B:你们AA制吗? A:是的。



B:对不起,那是你朋友的账单,给您,您的帐单是2.5美元。A: Waiter, the bill ,please? B: Do you go Dutch? A: yes,we do B: you need to pay four dollars.A: it seems to be much expensive, are you sure you are right? B: I'm sorry, is that your friend's bills, here you are, your bill comes to $2.5.46、海鲜

A:你们这儿供应什么海鲜? B:螃蟹,蛤蜊,蚝和龙虾。


A:要蒸的,不,请等下,还是烤得吧。B:好的,还要点其他什么吗? A:不需要了,谢谢。

A: what's your supply of seafood here? B: crab, clams, oysters and lobster.A: I want a crab and clam.B: Do you want it steamed Or ? A: steamed, no!please wait , roasted.B: all right, do you want anything else ? A: No, thanks.47、吃饭时间


B:不知道,但我想该是吃饭时间了 A:来点汉堡好吗?

B:我不想再吃汉堡了,你去商店买点好吗? A:好的

B:带点啤酒和土豆回来怎么样? A:好主意 B:快点,这样在摔跤比赛节目转播前我们都准备好了 A: what time is it now?I'm hungry B: I don't know, but I think it is time to eat A: How about some hamburgers? B: I don't want to eat a hamburger, would you go to the store to buy something to eat A:Ok,I'll go B: how about some beer and potatoes ? A: good idea B: hurry up, so we can get ready before the wrestling match's broadcast



A:是的,我想你会喜欢,你知道那是什么吗? B:是苹果的一种,是吗?

A:不,是芒果!这是不是你第一次吃这种水果? B:是的,没有一种水果和它相似。


A: Here, try some of this fruit.(passing a dish of fruit to B).B: Um!That's delicious.A: Yes, I think you'd like it, Do you know what it is? B: This is a kind of apple,isn't it? A: No, is mango!This is it right? You first time to eat this fruit? B: Yes, not a fruit and it is similar to.A: This is I most likes fruit, come, eat more.B: Thank you!


A:给我来杯咖啡好吗? B:好的,稍等片刻。(走到橱边看一下)嗯?哦,我忘了,我们咖啡喝完了。A:咖啡喝完了?那给我泡杯茶好吗?

B:茶?等一下(向橱里看一下)我们还有一些茶,你要加奶精和糖吗? A:只加糖。


A:今天看来所有东西都吃完了,就给我来杯水吧。A: How about fixing me a cup of coffee? B: OK, just a minute.(goes to the cupboard and looks)uh,Oh!,I forget, we're out of coffee.A: out of coffee?Well,how about a cup of tea? B: tea?just a minute.(looks int the cupboard)Yes,we have got some tea left, Do you take cream and sugar? A: just sugar,please.B: Oh, dear, we're out of sugar,too A: you seems to be out of everything today, just give me a glass of water.50、胃小之人


B:我真的不吃了,我的胃口很小。A:那好吧,喝杯咖啡? B: 好的,来杯咖啡吧。A:加糖还是奶精? B:只要奶精,谢谢。A:给你咖啡。B:谢谢。

A:don't you want to eat anymore?You've hardly eaten a thing.B:No, thanks, I'm getting full.A:Oh, come on, do eat something more.B:No I really can't, I've always been a light eater A:Well, do have some coffee? B:all right.I'd enjoy a cup of coffee.A: sugar or cream? B: just cream, thanks.A: here you are B:Thank you.51、喝水Drink water A:这里的自来水能喝吗?

A:can you drink tap water here B:能喝,但你最好先烧开后再喝。

B: yes, you can.but you had better boil it first.A:就这么喝不安全吗? A: isn't it safe to drink ? B:也不是,只是偶尔会让你胃疼。

B : it is not too bad,but occasionally,it'll give you a stomachache.A:嗯,我刚到这里不久,我想我尽量不喝自来水,只喝矿泉水。

A: Well, I am only going bo be here for a short while, I think I'll avoid drinking the water, and just have soft water.B:好主意,这样你就不用担心胃痛了。

B:that's a good idea, so you willn't have tany stomachache.A:给我来一杯不加冰的水。

A: give me a cold tonic water no ice.TRAVEL

52、办理签证Apply for visa A:办理签证要花很长时间吗? Will it take a long time to Apply for a visa? B:是需要花点时间的。Yes, it's.A:都需要做哪些事情? Which things do Ineed to do? B:填一张申请表然后就等候着。Fill out the application form and then wait for.A:需要等很长时间吗?Does it Need to wait for a long time? B:这取决于你是否遇到耍官僚的人It depends on whether you meet with bureaucratic.53、护照和健康证Passport and health certificate A:我去香港需要哪些证件?which certificate do I need to go to Hongkong ? B:你的护照和健康证明。Your passport and health certificate.A:我的护照在移民局。My passport is at the immigration office.B:你需持有你的护照才能离开城市。You need to hold your passport to leave the city.A:我明天设法把它取来。I will try to get it back.B:确认一下你护照的有效期。Confirm your passport is valid.54、我需要护照吗?I need a passport? A:你护照的有效期到何时?What time is your passport valid up to? B:我不太清楚,我得查一下。I don't know, I'll have to check.A:你在这还要呆多久?How long will you be staying here? B:我不确定,也许到我现在的合同到期吧。I'm not sure, maybe to the expiration of my contract.A:那是什么时候呢?Then when is it? B:明年四月。April next year.A:如果我是你,我会确认一下我的护照有效期。If I were you, I will confirm validity of passport.B:我一回家就去确认。OK,I'll confirm it as soon as I get home,55、兑换钱Exchange money A:酒店里有兑换钱的地方吗?Is their somewhere to exchange money in the hotel ? B:有的,在总台的旁边。Yes, it is next to the total station.A:我想兑换50美元,今天的汇率是多少?I'd like to change $50, what is the exchange rate today? B:我不太确定,请在换钱的总台咨询,他会告诉你准确的兑换率。I'm not sure, please consult the exchange desk , he will tell you the exact exchange rate.A:总台在哪里?where is the Inquiry desk? B:就在前厅,先生。In the front hall,sir.56、野营Camp A:你参加我们这周的野营吗?Will you join us in this week's camping? B:对不起,我要写论文,没有时间去。Sorry, I have got a thesis to write.A:也许你以后能和我们一起去。Maybe you could go with us the next time.B:我想是的,谢谢。Yes, I think so.Thanks.A:我们只会选择周末去野营。We only go camping on weekend.B:太好了,因为我周末总是休息。That's great!for I always have weekend break.57、航班预定Scheduled flight A:我想再次确认我的飞机票预定情况。I'd like to reconfirm my booking plane.B:先生,请问您的航班号和您的尊姓大名。Sir, what's your flight number and your name,please? A:Anderson先生,国际航空公司,201航班。Mr.Anderson, international airlines, flight 201.B:一切都安排就绪,请到登记台办理手续。Everything is ready, please go to the registration formalities.A:不好意思,请问登记台在哪里? Excuse me, where is the check-in counter? B:先生您向右直走,就在你的左手边。please turn right,and it's on your left hand side,sir..58、准备工作Ready to work A:我们大约要四小时才能通行。It will take about 4 hours to get through.B:我觉得没必要,在山顶上有家咖啡吧。I don't think it's necessary, at the top of the hill there is a coffee bar.A:咖啡会凉的,我们为什么不买瓶装咖啡呢?Coffee would be cool, why don't we buy bottled coffee? B:随你吧,我们并不赶时间,如果你想喝的话可以煮杯咖啡。With you, we do not hurry up, if you want to make a cup of coffee.A:请坐下休息一会儿,我把咖啡拿来。Please sit down and have a rest, I put the coffee.B:这个电视机工作吗?The TV work? A:工作的,去把它打开吧。To work, to open it.24

59、去巴西工作Go to work in Brazil A:我的老板派我去巴西出差。My boss sent me to Brazil on a business trip.B:你什么时候启程?When do you leave? A:明天晚上9:40的航班。Flight9:40 tomorrow evening.B:如果你愿意,我去机场为你送行。If you want, I went to the airport to see you off.A:太好了!我们一起吃晚餐,送行我们可以边吃边谈谈公司保险的合同。How nice!Let's go for dinner together, we can talk about insurance contract as eating the food.B:好主意,我一直想找机会和你谈谈这事。Good idea!I always want to find a chance to talk to you about it.A:我也是,明天晚上7:00餐厅见。Me too, se you the at the restaurant at 7:00 tomorrow night.B:好,不见不散。Ok, see you

60、世界旅游者World Traveler A:你好,Atkins先生,我好久没见您了,这次你去哪里了?Hello, Mr.Atkins, I haven't seen you for a long time, where are you going? B:哦,我刚去秘鲁出差。Oh, I just went to Peru on business.A:你总是到处旅游,你至今已经去过多少地方了?You're always traveling, many places have you ever been ? B:大约60个国家,我想我是个真正的世界旅游者。About 60 countries, I think I was a real world traveler.A:嗯,如果你不是,我不知道谁是了。Well, if you're not, I don't know who is.B:也许有一天我会在这里安顿下来,我向来不会在一个地方呆很久。Maybe one day I will settle down here, I never stayed in one place for a long time.A:你环球旅行多少年了啊?How many years have you traveled around the world so far ? B:我在公司工作25年了,总是在外出差。I work in the company for 25 years, always on business.25 HEALTH 61、求医预约Doctor appointment A:医生什么时候有空?When is The doctor free ? B:他到明天才有空。He won't be free until tomorrow.A:我能预约吗?Can I make an appointment? B:当然可以,明天早晨九点可以吗?Of course, is it ok at nine tomorrow morning? A:九点半行吗?Does it all right at nine thirty ? B:我恐怕不行,十点半呢?I'm afraid not,how about ten thirty? A:好的,谢谢。OK.Thanks.62、探访病人Visiting a patient A:我们去看望下Jane吧。Let's go to visit Jane.B:好的,她住在哪里?OK, where does she live? A:在大剧院附近。near the theater.B:太远了,我们去你家吧。It's so far away, let's go your home.A:难道你真不知道Jane病了吗?Don't you really know that Jane is ill? B:不知道,我不知道,我们一起去看看她吧。No,I don't know, let's go to visit her.63、去医院探访病人Go to the hospital to visit patients A:我妹妹昨天被送进医院了。my sister was sent to the hospital yesterday.B:发生什么事了吗?What's happened to her? A:她被车撞了,很幸运,她伤得不重。she was hit by a car, luckily, she was not badly hurt.B:让我们买点鲜花去拜访她。let's buy some flowers to visit her.A:我们要抓紧时间了,探视病人时间要过点了.hurry up, we'll miss the time to visit patients.B:好的,我们走吧。OK, let's go.64、扭伤脚Sprain foot A:看,Tom正在上车。look, Tom is getting on the bus.B:没错,那正是Tom。right, it is Tom.A:他不是经常步行去学校的吗?Dose he usually go to school on foot? B:是的,但最近他总是坐车去。Yes, but recently he always go by bus.A:为什么?why? B:他扭伤了脚。he sprained his foot.A:这是他第三次扭伤脚了,是吗?This is the third time he sprained his ankle, isn't he? B:是的,上次他坐出租车,打的太费钱了。Yes, the last time he takes a taxi,it is too expensive.A:我理解他为何坐公交车了。I understand why he by bus.65、牙痛toothache

A:我牙痛。I have a toothache.B:太糟了。that's too bad.A:还不是太糟,就是普通的病痛。not so bad, just an average.B:你为什么不去看看牙医呢?他说不定现在还在营业呢。why don't you go and have a look the dentist? Maybe he is still open.A:哦,我讨厌补牙,它比牙痛还难受。Oh, I hate to fill a tooth, it is worse than a toothache.B:是的,但你的牙会越来越痛。Yes, but your teeth will be more and more painful.A:我希望他先给我打一针止痛针。I want him to give me an injection of pain killer.B:如果你要求,他会给你打的。if you ask, he will give you play.A:哦,我想我会要求的。Oh, I think I will ask.66、发烧Have a fever A:快来看看这孩子,他是不是生病了? A: come on and have a look this child, is he ill ? B:是的,摸摸她额头,很热,非常热。

B: Yes, her forehead is hot, very hot.A:拿温度计量一下体温。

A: get the temperature to measure body temperature.B:(量完体温后)看看,华氏103!

B:(after measuring the temperature)look, Fahrenheit 103!


A: 103 degrees Fahrenheit!Too serious, Fahrenheit 104will take fever.B:快把孩子直接送到医院。

B: my child directly to the hospital.A:盖条毯子,我们走吧。A: cover a blanket, let's go.B:你去拿毯子,我去通知医生,这样他能在医院见我们。

B: you get the blanket, and I go to tell the doctor, so he can meet us in the hospital.27 67、酒喝多了Drink too much A:我担心可怜的老约翰的日子不好过。

A: I'm worry about the poor old John having a hard time.B:为什么?发生什么事了吗? B: why? What's happened to him? A:你没听说他刚刚被解雇吗?

A: haven't you heard that he has just been fired? B:哦,太糟糕了!他还有妻子和三个孩子要他去抚养。B: Oh, too bad!He has a wife and three children to raise.A:我想他不可能马上工作了。A: I don't think he will work soon.B:我不理解,为什么呢? B: I don't understand, why? A:我听说他经常酗酒。A: I heard he often drunk.B:哦,他喝得很多吗? B: Oh, he drinks a lot? A:是的,我想是的。A: yes,I think so.68、Smith先生病故Mr.Smith died A:你听说Smith家的事了吗? A: have you heard about Mr.Smiths? B:没有,发生什么事了吗? B: No, what happened? A:Smith先生上周去世了。A:Mr.Smith died last week.B:哦,太糟了,死因是什么?

B: Oh, that's too bad, what was the cause of his death? A:癌症,我想,那是个恐怖的疾病,不是吗? A: cancer, I think,that is a terrible disease, isn't it? B:是的,我姨妈上周也死于癌症。

B: Yes, my aunt also died of cancer last week.A:Smith先生病了六个月了。

Mr.Mr.Smith has been ill for six months.B:他们给他开刀了吗?

B: did they operate on him the ? A:他开了两次刀,但都没成功。

A: he have got two operation, but without success.B:我很同情Smith太太,接下来几个月日子她一定很难过。

B: I feel very sorry with Mrs.Smith, in the next few months,she must be very sad.PEOPLE 69、我忘带钱包了I forgot to bring my wallet A:我必须回家去取钱包。

A: I have to go home and get my wallet.B:你说你忘带钱了?

B: you said you forgot to take money? A:是的,离开家后我才发现我把它放在梳妆台上了。

A: yes, I didn't find that I have put it on the dresser until left home.B:不要担心,我可以借给你钱。B: don't worry, I can lend you.A:我不喜欢向别人借钱。

A: I don't like to borrow money from others.B:当需要帮助的时候不帮助还叫什么朋友。

B: it can't called to be a friend when someone is in need of help but you don't help.A:谢谢,我明天还给你。

A: Thank you, I will return it to you tomorrow.70、男朋友和女朋友Boyfriend and girlfriend A:你听说Bill和Ann在谈朋友吗? A: did you hear that Bill and Ann in love? B:真的?我不知道,谈了多久了? B: really? I don't know, how long is it? A:大概四、五个月了吧。A: about four or five months.B:他们是当真的吗? B : are they really? A:哦,我不这样认为,我想他们只是在一起而已。A: Oh, I don't think so, I think they're just together.B:这可说不准,时间会改变一切。

B: it hard to say, time will change everything.A:我认为他们不会结婚。

A: I don't think they'll get married.71、应征入伍He was drafted into the army A:你好,John,你刚在和Mike聊天吗? A: Hello, John, are you just talking to Mike? B:是的,我们正在讨论军队的不同分支。

B: Yes, we are talking about the different branches of the army.A:我听说他将要被征召入伍,是真的吗?

A: I heard that he would be drafted into the army, is that true? B:这是他刚刚说的,但他想他可以不去。

B : is that what he just said, but he thought he could not go.A:哦?真的?为什么? A: Oh? Wow? Why? B:他膝盖有伤,他想他也许会因医疗原因被拒绝。

B:his knee have been hurt,I thinks he might be rejected for medical.72、那人是谁Who is that man A:看到站在那里的那个人了吗?他叫什么名字?

A: do you see the man standing there.? And what 's his name? B:你说那个站在那里抽雪茄的帅哥?

B: you said the guy standing there smoking a cigar? A:是的,就是他。A: Yes,is he.B:我不知道,你为什么要问他的名字? B: I don't know, why do you ask his name? A:我很难为情,我见过他一次,但我不记得他名字了。

A : I am very ashamed, because I have met him once a time, but I don't remember his name.B:哦,是这样的,我看看能否打听到他的名字。B: Oh, so , I can have a look to hear his name.73、准备就绪Ready to go A:Jane准备走了吗? A:is Jane ready to go? B:是的,可她还在打电话。

B: Yes, but she was talking on the telephone.A:好吧,不着急。

A: Well, don't be a hurry.B:电影什么时候开始?

B: when will the movie begin? A:七点开始 A: at seven B:现在几点了?

B: what time is it now? A:六点三刻左右,去那里路上只需十分钟。

A: six forty-five, it is just need ten minutes to go there.B:我去告诉她让她快点,否则她会打一晚上电话的。B: I'll tell her to hurry up, otherwise she will talk a night.74、推迟约会Postpone an appointment A:你今天晚上愿意和我去跳舞吗?

A: do you want to go dance with me this evening ? B:我想去的,但我得了感冒。B: yes, I do, but I have got a cold.A:好吧,我们为什么不做点其他事呢?比如看电影?

A: Well, why don't we do something else? How about watching a movie? B:哦,不了,真的,我现在太虚弱了,做任何事都不行。B: Oh, no, I am too weak to do anything.A:好吧,那下周五晚上去吃晚饭和跳舞好吗?

A: Well, then would like to go dance and for dinner next Friday night? B:太好了,我会穿你喜欢的那条带有一朵大蓝花的裙子。

B:that's great!I 'll wear the skirt with a big blue which you like most


A: Well, see you next week.75、一个新生命A new life A:你好,Brown先生,你为什么看上去那么高兴? A: Hello, Mr.Brown, why do you look so happy? B:我妻子刚生了孩子。

B: my wife has just given birth to a child.A:恭喜你啊,Brown先生。A: Congratulations, Mr.Brown.B:啊,她准是你见过的最可爱的女孩,9磅重,要多可爱就有多可爱啊。B: Oh, she must to be the most lovely girl you've ever seen,9 pounds, so cute!A:好吧,我的雪茄呢? A: Well, where is my cigar? B:哦,对了,我都快忘了雪茄了,在这里呢。B: Oh, right, I almost forgot cigars, here.A:谢谢,你妻子顺产?

A: Thanks, is your wife eutocia? B:哦,当然顺产,Melly没遇到任何问题,母女平安。

B: Oh, of course,Melly did not meet any problems, both mother and her daughter are safe.31 77、新来的女孩

A:在这个新来的女孩到这里工作之前,你认识她吗? B:认识的,我们经常乘同一辆车。A:是那辆你去夜校的车吗? B:是的,我们都在学英文。A:她为人如何?


A: do you know the new girl before ? B:yes, we usually take the same bus.A: is the car you go to night school? B: Yes, we are learning english.A: What is she like?/ How is she?/ what kind of person is she? B: as far as I know, she studies very hard.78、帮忙


B:我不行,我忙着筹备茶话会呢。A:哦,你是委员会成员吗? B:不,我只是帮忙而已。A:我能帮什么忙吗? B:你可以做些饼干。A:哪一种? B:哪种都行。


A: tomorrow for lunch? B: sorry,I can't, I am busying preparing the party.A: Oh,are you the member of the committee? B: No, I was just come to help.A: what can I do for you? B: you can bake some biscuits.A: which one? B: either.A: well, how about some coconut biscuits? B: that's great!







A: where are you going in such a hurry? B: I have an appointment at three thirty.A: you have enough time, but why are you in such a hurry? B: my dating site need across the city, the traffic is very crowded at this time everyday.A: I know why you are in such a hurry? B: Yes, this is a very important appointment, I don't want to be late for traffic jam.80、驾照

A:你要去Janet家吗? B:她今天拿驾照。



A:will you go to Janet's home? B: No,she will take a driver's license today A: but it doesn't need a whole day B: she have to review the regulations before the test.A: but the test is a very easy!He don't need to cram.B you know Janet.she very nervous with everything.81、早起床

A:你每天早晨几点起床啊? B:大约五点。




A: what time do you get up every morning? B: about five o’clock A: Why do you get up so early? B: because I have to catch the bus before six o’clock

A: why so early? B: the bus gets very crowded after six o’clock,then I can't get a seat.A: Oh, I see.82、瘪胎




A:你有备用胎吗?还有千斤顶? B:有的,在我后车厢。A:你的扳手在哪里? B:就在备用轮胎后面。


A: what is that sound? B: I don't know, maybe is the tire.A: let's stop to have a look.(they stop the car).B: Oh, look, the left front tire went flat.A: do you have a spare tire?And a Jack? B: Yes,they are in my trunk.A: where is your wrench[rentʃ]? B: it is just behind the spare tire.A:all right, let change the tire.83、交通事故

A:为什么他车上有凹痕? B:他把车借给他弟弟了。


B:我不清楚,但他弟弟让他朋友开车了。A:是一起很严重的事故吗? B:那倒不是,只是个小事故。

A:哦,还算好,出车祸是我最担心的事。A: why does his car have a dent ? B: he lent the car to his brother.A: isn't his brother’s drive technology very good,? B: I don't know, but his brother lets his friend to drive.A: is it a serious accident? B: no, just a slight accident.A: Oh,that's lucky, accident is my worst fear.34 84、事故见证

A:你能证明这场事故不是你的错吗? B:我不清楚。A:有人作证吗?

B:有的,两个行人看到有一辆车向我撞来。A:你有他们的名字和地址吗? B:有的,我都有。

A:好,那没问题了,他们在法庭上会替你作证的。A: can you prove that the accident was not your fault? B: I don't know.A: is there a witness? B: Yes, two pedestrians have seen a car against me A:Do you have their name and address? B: Yes, I have.A: Well,no problem, they will help you to testify in court.85、上课迟到



B:我想我应打的而不是坐公交车上课去。A:那太费钱了,你只需早点出门。B:不行,我很晚才忙完,下班很晚。A: didn't you go to school today? B: , class had been over when I arrived.A: you must go early tomorrow night B: I think I should take a taxi instead of by bus.A: that's too expensive, you only need to leave early.B: No, I'm busy and get off work late, l.86、再付一次款

A:你的车一次性付款吗? B:是的,除了最后一笔钱外。A:我想你都付清了吧。

B:是的,我也这么认为,但我算错了,我得再付一次。A:截止日期是何时? B:我今天得付完。



A: did you get your car paid at one-time?

B: Yes, except the last amount of money.A: I think you have paid off the car.B: Yes, I think I am right, but I have to pay again.A: when is the deadline? B: today.A: I hate owing money, do you? B: Yes, he will be a burden to you.87、遗失车钥匙

A:快,我们走吧。B:好的,(在地上四处寻找)。A:(转过去看B)有什么事吗?你丢东西了吗? B:是的,我找不到车钥匙了。

A:你最后一次看到钥匙是什么时候? B:我确定进来的时候还看到呢?


B:哦,谢天谢地,我还担心我们走不了呢。A:hurry up’,let’s go B: All right(on the ground looking for).A:what's the matter ? Do You lost something? B:Yes, I can't find the car keys.A: when did you see your key last time? B: I'm sure i have see it when i come in

A: Well, let's go we downstairs to look for,.it's too dark, I can't see anything.B: Yes, it almost has no light A: here!(find the key).B: Oh, Thank goodness!I just worried that we could not walk.88、迷路

A:(A和B在开车)这周边看上去都很陌生,你确定我们走的路没错? B:我不清楚,直到现在我很确定我们没迷路,但我开始怀疑了。A:我想我们在最后一个大十字路口处就走错路了,你觉得呢? B:我经常走错路,我承认我不认识这条路周围的环境。A:我们回到那个大十字路口再走另一条路吧。B:好的,如果我们迷了路,就到加油站去问路吧。

A:(A and B in driving)the peripheral looks so strange, are you sure we're on the right road? B: I don't know,I'm sure we don't get lost until now, but I start to doubt it.A: I think we're wrong at the last big crossroads, do you think so? B: I often go wrong, I admit that I don't know the surroundings of this road, A: we need to go back to the crossroads,and take another road.36 B: Well, if we got lost, let's ask the gas station





A: I want to take a picture of you B: do you want me to take pose? A: well, if you don't mind.B: but I haven't combed hair.A: don't so worry, I just want to try my new camera.B: Well, I'll give you a shot.90、踢球

A:你踢过足球吗? B:踢过,我过去玩过。A:我想锻炼一下。

B:如果你想踢球,我有个朋友能帮你,他是球队一员。A:你从未搞过运动吗? B:偶尔,但我很忙最近。

A:have you played football ever? B: yes,I used to play.A: I want to have an exercise.B: if you want to play football, I have a friend who can help you, he's a team player.A: haven't you never done sports? B: sometimes, but I'm very busy recently.37 LEISURE 91、木工爱好者




A:明天是Johnny的生日,他想给Johnny一个惊喜。B:我知道了,但为什么Bill做了那么长时间啊? A:他不会干木工活,你知道的。A: I just got back from Bill.B: Oh, what is he busying in? A: he wants to do a toy car for Johnny B: but it is very late now , why don't you do it tomorrow? A: tomorrow is Johnny's birthday, he wanted to give Johnny a surprise.B: I see, but why does it take so long time? A: he is not good at carpentry, you know.92、一个美丽的花园


B:谢谢,我喜欢在花园里干活。A:所有活儿你都一个人干吗? B:我自己整理树丛和除草。A:谁整理草坪呢?

B:哦,花园太大了,我在街尾雇了个男孩帮我整理草坪。A:嗯,我必须说他工作干得很出色。B:是的,我对他的工作非常满意。A: you have a very nice garden.B: Thanks, I like to work in the garden.A: do you do all the work by yourself? B:I do some work with the trees and weeds.A: who dose the lawns? B: Oh, the garden is too big, I get a boy to mow the lawm at the end of the street A: Well, I have to say he does a good job.B: Yes, I'm very pleased with his work.93、无活力的爱好



A:除了看电视你还有其他事做吗? B:有的,我去电影院。



A:太糟了,我的弟弟也是这样。A: Is your TV set repaired yet?

B: Yeah, or you think I could read a book here? A:Do you have other things to do except watching TV? B: Yes, I would go to the cinema.A: your interests are lack of vitality, do you like sports? B: No,i haven't, when I was a child, I was often sick, so there is no chance to do exercise.A:that's too bad, my brother is too.94、日记




B:不介意,我和我丈夫之间没有秘密。A: do you write a diary usually? B: I have ever written for a while before I got married,.A: do you remain the diary? B: Yes, I put it in a box.with old love letters A: don't you mind if your husband discover them? B: no, my husband and I have no secrets.95、一部有趣的电影

A:所有人都喜欢昨晚的电影吗? B:除了John,每一个人都喜欢。A:他为什么不喜欢?


B:有些时候我也这样,但你不必整天一本正经。A: all the people like the movie last night? B: in addition to the John, everybody loves.A: why he doesn't like? B: he doesn't think the film is interesting, he felt that the film is very silly.A: he only likes serious works.B: sometimes I think so, but you don't have to be poker-faced throughout the day.39


A:你真的想看这个电视节目吗? B:你觉得这很糟吗?

A:这节目很乏味,我们换个频道好吗? B:等一下,看看它会变得有点吗。A:今天是周三吗?

B:是的,我想是周三,怎么了? A:你想看摔跤比赛吗? B:好吧。

A:好极了,我们换到10频道吧,看摔跤比赛。B:哦,好的,如果这个节目能让你开心点的话。A: do you really want to watch this TV program? B: you think that's bad? A: This program is very boring, we switch to another channel? B: wait a minute, it will become a bit please have a look.A: today is Wednesday? B: Yes, I want to be Wednesday, how? A: do you like watching wrestling? B: okay.A: good, we change to channel 10, watching wrestling.B: Oh, well, if this program can make you happy.97、晚间节目

A:你睡着了吗? B:还没,怎么了?



B:好吧,不过现在我要整理一下房间。A:节目快开始的时候我会告诉你。A: have you fell asleep? B: No, what’s up? A: I want to see the evening show tonight, detective.B: When is it on? A: beginning at 11:00, and end at 12: 15 B: Well, but now I'm going to tidy the room.A: when program began I will tell you




A:我确实很欣赏,你看过吗? B:嗯,我昨天晚上在这儿看的。A:当地演员演得好吗?


A: Tonight I will see hamlet.B: have you ever seen before? A: seen in London, I read two times.B: do you like it? A: I really enjoy, have you seen? B: Well, my last night here to see.A: dose local actor plays well? B: you need to do that, because I was not a study of Hamlet expert.99、一个有趣的节目




A:我会告诉你是哪些,我们明天在看一次好吗? B:不必了,谢谢,我宁愿看点其它的节目。

A:(from the theater out)I think this performance was so wonderful, do you agree with me ?

B: I don't know, of course, I like it very much, but looks no deep meaning.A: I think the director wanted to express the human occupies an important position in the universe.B: I think the whole art processing very far-fetched.A: don't know, modern programs always to this topic.B: Yes, some programs have the subject very well.A: I'll tell you what, we look at the time tomorrow? B: No, thanks, I would rather do some other programs.41 100、现代艺术




A:是的,我觉得这幅画太棒了,我不懂,但我能感受。B:你不懂怎么能感受着幅画呢? A:理解不理解与感受没有关系。


A:(standing in front of a painting)the picture is very interesting, isn't it? B: I don't feel, I don't know what the picture conveys the meaning.A: never mind, have a look this pattern colors and lines.B: it seems to me a little confusion, you really like modern art? A: Yes, I think it's great, I don't know, but I can feel.B: you don't know how to feel the picture? A: to understand and feel it doesn't matter.B: I think I left behind, modern art for me is a mass of confused.42


















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