
时间:2019-05-15 08:24:36下载本文作者:会员上传



本次的毕业设计以工程实例为研究对象,设计过程包括结构部分,概预算部分以及施工组织部分。本工程名称为中学实验楼,建设地点为农八师132团。地基承载力特征值为fak =400Kpa。采用砖混结构,设计基准期50年,安全等级为

二级,抗震设防烈度为7.5度。本工程占地面积约512.08平方米,建筑面积2601.9平方米。本建筑五层,总高度17.1米,室内外高差为1.5 米,女儿墙高









The project is a complex building named Experiments in middle school building in farming 8 division 132 groups.The build adopt reinforced concrete brick structure,the design base year is 50 years , the safe grade is 2 , and the earthquake intensity sale is 7.5.The total building area is more than 2601.9square meters.The main body is five frame

constructions.Total height is 17.1 meters.The indoors and outside height is 1.5 meters.Parapets are 1.5 meters.This thesis includes content:

Structure design:Graduate design task;Shows the engineering survey and layout of the structure;Calculation of structure: 1 Load cleaning;calculation of;2 Cast member;3 Basic design;4 Ratio of height to thickness;5 Seismic checking calculation;6 Stairs;7 Beam selection.Over budget in the structural design of the design on the basis of the cost of the use of success software in order to control of the project cost.Construction organization design used the architectural working drawings,structural drawings and combined with the corresponding norms, calculationed the engineering of the each.According to the sub-pat of the engineering project, combined with time, production scale, quantity of labor, work in a reasonable period of reasonable construction

organizationgs, drawn-on-arrow network diagram, net work time scale layout plant and construction plants.The design results are as follows: the construction of Figure 10, including hand 5, machine drawing 5;the structure calculation book;③, AOA time-scaled network diagram a.But also greatly improve the ability to operate, fully realized in the creative process of exploration,hardships and the joy of success.Although the design do not too good, but what is learned in the design process that is the biggest harvest and the wealth of the graduation design, benefit from my life.Finally, thanks to my teacher's guidance and help.Keywords: graduation design;masonry structure;structural design;engineering calculation;construction organization design.





















扭转和拉伸形变都会导致SWNTs拉曼模振动频率的变化。研究发现:(1)扭转形变下,RBM变大,位于~1600 cm-1的G+(E2(g))模振动频率发生较大的红移,而其他在1590 cm-1~1560

cm-1范围内的大部分G模会发生轻微的蓝移,振动频率发生红移的G模的位移量,一般远远大于发生蓝移的G模的位移量;(2)拉伸形变下,RBM和G+(E2(g))模振动频率不变,而在1590 cm-1~

1560 cm-1范围内的大部分G模会发生明显的红移。(3)不同Raman活性模对形变的敏感度不同,扭转形变下,RBM、位于~1600 cm-1的G+(E2(g))模比其他G模更敏感,而在拉伸形变下,其他G模却具有更高的敏感度。这与形变导致的发生变化的C-C键是否与各模的原子位移模式相关联有关;(4)通过对SWNTs中形变量大小和Raman频率对形变变化率d/d地计算,发现RBM振动频率对扭转形变的变化率d(RBM)/dt,随SWNTs手性角的增大几乎线性增大。






AFM Manipulation, Deformation and Related Raman Spectroscopy of

Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

Duan Xiaojie


The study on deformed carbon nanotubes(CNTs), including the study of their structure evolution and properties change under strain, is important not only for the application of CNTs in composite materials, strain sensors, nanoelectronic and nanoelectromechanical devices, but also for the development of related theory.In this thesis, we have developed controlled atomic force microscopy(AFM)manipulation techniques for single-wall carbon nanotubes(SWNTs)on surfaces.Using this controlled AFM manipulation, the buckling behavior of CNTs under bending, and resonance Raman spectroscopy of SWNTs under torsional and uniaxial strains, have been studied.The main results are listed as followings:

1.Controlled AFM manipulation techniques for SWNTs on surfaces have been developed By defining proper tip path, manipulation position on SWNT, and choosing optimal tip pressing distance, different kinds of deformation can be induced into SWNT.The deformation is stabilized by the interaction between SWNTs and substrate.To get controlled AFM manipulation, a new kind of nanofabrication---nano-welding has been invented based on the AFM oxidation of Si substrate.When the Si substrate with SWNT on top of it is oxidized by the AFM tip, the newly formed SiOx will grow around the tube, effectively fixing that site of SWNT onto the Si substrate.The existence of SWNT can enhance the oxidation of Si.With same oxidation condition, more SiOx can be produced with the presence of SWNT than the case where there is no SWNT.This is helpful for the fixing.The intensity of the welding can be modulated by changing the oxidation voltage and the tip moving speed.With higher voltage and slower tip moving, stronger welding can be obtained.From the thermal oxidation of SWNTs in air and the Raman characterization, it was found that this nano-welding has no obvious influence on the chemical structure of SWNTs.Together with this nano-welding, the magnitude and distribution of strain induced into SWNT by AFM manipulation can be well controlled.Both SWNT and Si can be oxidized when using stronger oxidation condition(much higher voltage and lower tip moving speed), thus the SWNT can be cut at well defined position.Combining this AFM cutting, nano-welding and manipulation, complex SWNT-based structures can be constructed, proved the function of AFM as a nano-toolbox.2.The buckling behavior of CNTs under bending has been studied

By choosing proper manipulation site on SWNT, the length of the fragment which is being manipulated, manipulation path, and optimal tip pressing distance, the angle can be well controlled when SWNT is bent by AFM manipulation.Based on this controlled bent of CNT by AFM manipulation, A CNT with a series of different bending angles has been obtained.The interaction between manipulated SWNT fragment and substrate is largely decreased after the manipulation.And the effective bending region is located at the fragment where Only vdW interaction exists between it and the substrate.It appears as the cross point between the fixed SWNT part and

manipulated SWNT part in the AFM image.Only vdW force exists between the effective bending region and substrate, and its length keeps constant when changing the bending angle.Through recording the height change at the effective bending region when changing the bending angle gradually, The structural evolution and buckling behavior has been investigated under the bending.Two distinct „abrupt‟ and „gradual‟ buckling modes have been revealed in different CNTs.For the „abrupt‟ buckling mode, the height of the bending „point‟ has a sudden increase, and an abrupt transition from the uniform bending to buckling happens.While the „gradual‟ mode corresponds to a gradual increase of the height at the bending „point‟, with a gradual transition from uniform bending to buckling.The „gradual‟ buckling results in a series of buckling intermediate formation.„Abrupt‟ buckling mode is mostly found for small diameter CNTs, while for large diameter CNTs, the „gradual‟ mode is more common.Through the estimation of the wall numbers and thickness of CNTs, it was found that the CNTs with „abrupt‟ buckling mode has smaller thickness diameter ratio than the CNTs with „gradual‟ buckling mode.The critical buckling angle decreases with the increase of CNT diameter for the „abrupt‟ buckling mode.The buckling behavior has also been investigated by molecular dynamics(MD)simulations.It was found:(1)for all the CNTs studied, the SWNTs have “abrupt” buckling mode, and double and three walled CNTs take “gradual” buckling modes;(2)the “gradual” buckling corresponded to the process that different tube walls of MWNTs buckled at different bending stages, and the buckling degree of individual tube walls gradually increased along with the bending strain increase.This is caused by the unsynchronization of the buckling for different walls caused by the multi-shell character, and the retarding of buckling by the inter-wall vdW force.The study on the formation of the two buckling modes found that the multi-shell structure of MWNTs accounts for the “gradual” buckling modes;(3)The MD studies also proved that the vdW interaction with substrate has no remarkable effect on CNTs buckling behavior.The study on the buckling mechanism suggests that except for the diameter, the wall number also determines the buckling behavior.This means for the mechanical properties of CNTs, a special “dual-size” effect may exists, that is, both the size and the thickness determine the CNTs mechanical behavior.By using controlled AFM manipulation, the work here observed the structural evolution and buckling formation almost in the whole bending process.The founding about the two buckling modes, not only provides support and reference for the relevant theoretical study, fills the gap between theory and experiment, but also is important for the application of CNTs in composite materials, nanoelectronics and NEMs, and strain sensors.3.The resonance Raman spectroscopy of individual SWNTs under torsional and uniaxial

strain has been investigated

The AFM manipulation can induce both torsional and uniaxial strains into the ultra-long straight SWNTs.Because the longer propagation distance of uniaxial strain than the torsional strain, only pure uniaxial strain exists at region far from the manipulation point.While at region close to the manipulation sites, both the two strains happen.The formation of torsional strain suggested the rolling of SWNT under the present AFM manipulation.Both uniaxial and torsional strain can change the Raman vibrational frequency.It was found that:

(1)the RBM and G-band spectra responded differently to the two types of strains.Under torsional strain, RBM frequency RBM was found to upshift and one of the modes assigned to E2 symmetry in the G+ band, which occurs at ~1600 cm-1(G+(E2(g))), downshifted significantly, whereas the rest G

modes located in the range of 1590 cm-1~1560 cm-1 are slightly upshifted.The redshift of the(G+(E2(g)), ismuch larger that the buleshift of other G modes;(2)Under uniaxial strain, RBM and G+(E2(g))do not have noticeable response and the rest of the G modes in the range of 1590 cm-1~1560 cm-1 are downshifted.(3)Different Raman modes have different sensitivity to both strains.RBM and G+(E2(g))is more sensitive to torsion than other G modes.Whereas under uniaxial strain, other G modes have larger sensitivity than RBM and G+(E2(g)).This is related to the correlation between the C-C bond change and the atom vibrational displacement of different modes;(4)The

calculation on the strain magnitude and frequency shift of Raman modes per strains d/d found that, under torsional strain, d(RBM)/dt nearly linearly increased along with the increase of the tube chirality angle.G-band was found to split into multiple sub-bands in some cases, presumably due to broken symmetry induced by torsion.This splitting is most likely found in zig-zag and armchair SWNTs.Both the uniaxial and torsional strains can change the intensity of resonant Raman peaks.This is originated from the influence of strains on electronic tranision energy Eii.From this change, the

modulation direction and magnitude of strains on the electronic transition energy of SWNTs can be calculated.The influence of strain on the resonant Raman spectra of SWNTs has drawn much attention recently.The work here firstly experimentally studied the torsional strain effect on resonant Raman spectra of SWNTs.And the study in the single SWNT scale by AFM manipulation can exclude the average effect originated from different diameter and chiraligy.This helps to reveal the intrinsic property of SWNts.The comparison of uniaxial and torsional strain for same SWNT, also benefit the understanding of the influence of different strains on SWNTs.4.The analysis and modulation of strain distribution along SWNTs axis, and the comparison

of related mechanical parameters of different SWNTs

It was found that after AFM manipulation, both the torsional and uniaxial strain would have a “” shaped distribution along the SWNT axis, due to the friction between SWNTs and the substrate, and the partial relaxation of strain.The characteristics of the distribution, including the propagation distance of strain, the maximum strain and its position, and the slope of the strain distribution, are determined by the force exerted on SWNT by AFM tip, the elasticity modulus E and the shear modulus G, and the friction between SWNT and surface.By controlling the AFM manipulation and using patterned substrate with different components, the magnitude and distribution of strain in SWNT has been modulated.With the comparison of strain distribution in different SWNTs, their mechanical properties, such as E and G, and the friction with the substrate have been compared, on the single SWNTs scale.It was found that there is no monomial relationship between these parameters and the SWNTs diameter, this suggests that the chirality of SWNTs also has important effect on SWNTs mechanical properties.Key words:Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes(SWNTs), AFM manipulation and fabrication, deformation(strain), buckling, resonance Raman spectroscopy











An analyze on the cause of tragic destiny of "no man"

in Russian literature


(Chinese Department,Yulin College,Yulin,Shaanxi719000)

Abstract:In 19th century the writer of "the natural faction"in Russia proposed a slogan to write the life of "the no man".They described the tragic destiny and inner world pain of "the no man",and it made the literary arts to become "a faithful mirror of the society".These "no man"had a low position in the society and lead a miserable life,but at the same time,they all content with things as they are and had cowardly charcuter,therefore,they became the prey who were insulted under the domination of"the great man".However,according to the author's analyze on the work which were wrote by Pushkin,Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol,Anton Chekhov and Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky,we can easily find the reason of tragic destiny of the"no man"is not only some external causes but also some internal causes.Among all this reasons,the thought pattern of stick to old ways is their tragic destiny's thought reason.The author reproduce their conservative thinking and cowardly character in order to crieicize the personality from of the"no man"and awake them from deep sleep.In this thesis,the author gives the no man limited sympathy,but pay more attention to attack their sadness and not the behaviors of struggle for their angry.According to reveal the phenomanon of existence of"no man"in real life,the author hopes the people live in real life can introspect thenselves and shows the significance to the reality.

Key words:Russian literature;No man; Tragic destiny; External causes;Internal






1174326778 2013/7/16 10:59:40

实习心得 在6月29号到7月18号这段日子里,装备三个班分两组每组四天半到金属结构厂参观学习,在校期间,通过录像学习和小组讨论,同学们认真完成实习报告。在本次实习过程中,金属结构厂为同学们展现了许多活生生的知识,是书本所不能给与的。同学们看到了巨大的罐体,椭圆风头及球罐的制作过程,看到了手工焊埋弧焊及气体保护焊机器及工人操作,参观了无损检测车间,看到了本学期刚刚学过的射线检测,磁粉检测以及当前流行的TOFD等无损检测方法。通过分组讨论及学习,使同学们进一步提高团结协作的能力,并在小组中追求提高自身素质,总而言之,我相信本次实习,使每一位同学获益非浅,感谢学校及老师给我们的这次实习机会。


With the rapid development of the oil industry, more and more peopletake more attention to pressure vessels.It plays an important role in the petrochemical industry, energy industry, scientific research,militaryand the various sectors of the national economy.Of course the development of carbon dioxide vessels would take more attention.Pressure tanks generally by carbon dioxide cylinder, head, flanges, seals, open-cell and take over, bearing six major container main body.In addition, also equipped with safety devices, meter and completion within different production processes.Pressure vessels due to the seal, pressure and the media and other reasons, is easy to explode, burn fire and endanger the safety of personnel, equipment and property and environmental protection pollution accidents.At present, Countries all over the world use it as an important inspection items.Therefore, designers should be in strict responsible attitude toward every design.Protect the safety ofothers and themselves.

















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