
时间:2019-05-12 06:33:59下载本文作者:会员上传







Interaction: The Inevitable Choice of the Development of

Broadcast News

Abstract: Nowadays, interactive communication has become an important element and has gradually become a trend of media.It is not only a prominent bright spot in news program production, but is also the driving force to increase vitality and enhance the dissemination.Thus, in the highly competitive media today, how broadcast news play their own advantages, enhance interaction awareness and strengthen the interactive effect become important issues.This paper excavates the conception of the interactive broadcast news, and analyzes the reasons and ways of interaction in programmers.Furthermore, by making a summary of its prospect, we could get a conclusion that interaction is the inevitable choice of the development of broadcast news.Key words: interaction, broadcast, news




关键词:零售业 连锁超市 比较 措施

Abstract:In these years, catena supermarket developed very quickly in our country,but we can't deny that there are a few problems in the development of retail trade catena supermarket in our country, and there is very big margin with the development of the foreign retail trade catena supermarket still.For this, we need to carry on a comparison with the development of foreign retail trade catena supermarket and find problem of retail trade catena supermarket in our country from it also and find the margin with retail trade catena supermarketof the abroad.Then on this foundation we put forward development suggestion.At first the text carried on saying all of the basic theories of the catena supermarket and this is theories foundation of this text to carry on comparison.Immediately after, the article analyzes the Chinese and Foreign retail trade catena supermarket development and present condition.On this foundation, the article carried on a comparison about the relevant circumstance of Chinese and Foreign retail trade catena supermarket.Finally, the article analyzed problem of the Chinese retail trade catena supermarket development and draw lessons from the foreign catena supermarket development experience also and put forward further the measure to promote development of retail trade catena supermarket in our country.Key words: comparative measures of retail supermarket chains


摘 要



关键词: 文化;文化视野;旅游资源;旅游资源保护



Human tourist activity is a kind of cultural activity in essence and which is a form of the expression of free life, it belongs to the spiritual enjoyment, which is the result that the culture drives.In the vision of multi-culture, modern tourist has highlighted the connotations and values of the culture.With the rapid development of tourism, unreasonable and blind development and construction of the resources conducted by various sorts of tourist proprietors, the inefficient preservation the supervising sections provide and the destruction tourists bring to the tourist resources have led to the great damage to our country’s tourist resources, which gradually diminish and consume the original connotations and values of culture.In the unique prospect of culture, firstly, this paper analyzes the preservation problems of our country’s tourist resources and explains the current situation of it.In the end of the paper, it emphatically comes up the measures to the preservation of the tourist resources in our country.Key words: culture;culture prospect;tourist resources;the protection of tourism resources









China as the world's largest developing country, with the rapid development of economy and the industrialization, the urbanization speeding up, the contradiction between supply and demand of energy sharp, low energy efficiency, energy wasted serious, energy development structure is reasonable and problems emerge in endlessly.How to construct a system of sustainable development of resources to support the rapid development of economy as the great challenge in today's society.Tax policy is the government to raise finance capital, intervention, one of the important tool to manage the economy in promoting the sustainable development of energy plays an irreplaceable role.With energy sustainable development as the targets for energy tax policy is mainly make up for market defect, correct traditional not reasonable model of economic development, and achieve the purpose of energy saving and protection.This paper will the theoretical analysis and the realistic environment analysis in this paper, using the comparison, in practice at home and abroad on the basis of practical experience, put forward and improve and perfect our country's green tax system suggestion.The article is divided into five parts.From the first in China energy and economic development present situation, are put forward for sustainable development and green tax combination of strategy.Second, standing in promoting sustainable energy development point of view, this paper describes the list of the existing tax policy and the problems and defects.The third part, mainly expounds the meaning of green taxes, analysis of overseas tax policy for energy, and summarizes the enlightenment of the favorable to our country.The fourth part, to our country tax policy to green means, this paper put forward respectively with different categories of taxes and perfect the taxation policy to promote the sustainable development of energy basic ideas and Suggestions.Finally, in general to more fully in the understanding of sustainable development in the role of the tax policy, the author in addition to green tax policy was further instructions.Key words: Sustainable development;Tax policy;Green tax





平面定线过程中,根据坡度的变化,注意紧坡地段和缓坡地段的定线要求及定线技巧,在设计过程中,由于两站之间有较大的高程差,所以为了减少挖方量和争取最大高程,线路采用较大的坡度上坡,并注意使直线与曲线相互协调,充分考虑夹直线和缓和曲线长度的要求;纵断面设计中,注意最大坡度、坡段长度、坡段连接与坡度折减等问题,在变坡点处应合理设置竖曲线 ;在平面坐标计算程序设计中,对两种方法进行比较,采用Fortran语言编制计算程序;在横断面设计过程中,考虑曲线地段路基面加宽等问题。





The article aims in designing new-built railway preliminarily for JingYi line from Moren to Aqiale section and relevant programs.The concrete contents of the design are as follows : Following the procedures of preliminary design , combine the topography、geology condition , select the basic trend of the line on the topographic map of belt contour , and start the subgrade design,including level location、level section design、profile design、cross section design、subgrade cubic meter of earth and stone calculation program and design、level coordinate calculation program of line and design、translating a relevant foreign technological bibliography.During the course of level location, follow the gradient changes to locate the line;pays attention to the tight slope land sector and the gentle slope land sector decides the line request and decides the line skill, in design process between, because two stands has a bigger elevation difference, therefore in order to reduce the volume of excavation the quantity and strives for the maximum elevation, the line uses an greater slope uphill, and the attention causes the straight line and the curveinter coordination, the full consideration clamps the straight line to be gentle and the length of curve request;In profile design , we must pay attention to the maximum grade、the connection of grade section and compensation of gradient etc;On the grade change point, we should dispose the vertical curve reasonably.During the course of level coordinate calculation program and design, compare thee two methods and use the C Language to program;In the cross section design, consider the problems of broadening subgrade on curve section.The whole design is divided into several stages to conduct.Every stage requires integrated consideration and careful design.The essential comparison and checkout both are required to do before and after designing.When the design conforms to the standard, submit relevant achievements of design, and then finish the design

Key Words:Level section、Profile、Vertical curve、Subgrade、Cross Section-2-



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