
时间:2019-05-13 22:17:32下载本文作者:会员上传








本工程主楼为地上十层、地下一层的建筑,裙楼为二层建筑。本工程总建筑面积11743.51m2,房屋长65.070m,宽度为32.000m,房屋主体高度为41.4m。主楼地下室层高为4.8米,二三层层高3.3米,其余每层层高3.9米。裙楼一层层高为3.9米,二层层高为5.4米。室内外高差0.45 米,高差由台阶连接,室内地面标高为±0.000,建筑使用年限50年。






主要构件截面尺寸:柱:1100mm×1100mm;框架梁:400mm×800mm;次梁: 250mm×550mm,仅沿纵向布置;一层楼板和其余楼板的厚度分别为为160mm 及120mm。


主要材料选用: 混凝土:基础垫层采用C15混凝土,其它主要构件均采用C30混凝土; 钢筋:受力纵筋采用HRB400(fy360N/mm2),箍筋采用HPB300(fy270N/mm2)。

设计荷载: 基本风压:0.35kN/m2; 基本雪压:0.45kN/m2;屋面活载:2.0kN/m2;楼面活载:2.5kN/m2;书库活载:5.0kN/m2。







1.Overview of the buiding

This building is named Chuhan University library, which is to be located in the suburb area.This building gathers the reading room, stack, office,conference room, multi-function hall at the integral whole and main contributes efforts to the teaching and research srevice of the entire school teachers and the students.Construction unit : China construction fifth engineering division corp.,LTD

Design unit : Hunan University Architecture building design institute

Supervision unit : Hunan University Construction Supervision Co.2.Specification of Architectural Design

The main building includes a basement and 10 storey building and the podium is a two-story building.The total area of this project is 12036m2.The building, with ten stories, the dimension of which is 65.070m × 32.000m , and its total height is 41.4m.Among these ten stories, the height of the sub-story is 4.8m,while the height of the first to the tenth one is 3.9m.The first story of the Skirt building is 4.2 meters in height and the height of the second story is 5.4m.The difference between the interior level and exterior level is 0.45m ,which is linked by the step, The indoor ground elevation is ±0.000 and the building's design life for 50 years.This construction belongs to the first class building.The intensity of an

earthquake resistance of buildings is 7, and fire-resistant Grade I.The waterproof roof

is the second grade.Site classification: Ⅱclass.3.Specification of Structural Design

Foundation: The foundation of the building uses independent footing.Structure engineering: The structure system of this building is Reinforced

concrete frame structure.The seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees, to design the first group of seismic group.Frame structure seismic grade is two.Wall : Except outside wall using fired perforated brick outside, the rest wall body

adopts concrete hollow carve a piece, the M5 hybrid sand syrup carves to build, the wall is thick 240 mm.Cross section size of the elements : column, 1100mm×1100mm;frame girder, 400mm×800mm.Disposal of junior beams which cross section size is 250mm×550mm follows vertical direction simply.The thicknesses of the first roof slab is 160mm,while the other floor's is 120 mm.The main method of calculation: the Iteration is used to compute the interior

force which under the vertical loads.The interior force and lateral which is made by the horizontal loads is calculated by D-value method.Critical materials :

Concrete: Foundation-bedC15

Foundation, foundation beams, beams, slab and columnC35

Steel:Reinforcing steel bar is HRB400(fy360N/mm2)

Stirrup is HPB300(fy270N/mm2)

Load:Basic wind pressure0.35 kN/m2;

Basic snow pressure0.45 kN/m2;Live load of roof2.0 kN/m2;

Live load of floor2.5kN/m2

Live load of stack's floor5.0kN/m2;

4.Specification of Graduation Design

With the deepening of the reform of the construction management system, the pro

ject construction management more and more attention by people, the management le

vel of enterprise's survival and development constraints become the first elements, and quality, schedule and cost control is one of the most important management points.Based on the construction project as an example, the University with actual situation of the project, the construction of each division subdivisional work detailed design scheme.Using the basic theory of progress control from the project management knowledge, the Angle of the project, the completion acceptance from start to prepare for the progress of the whole process system planning design, use a bar chart and network diagram analysis on schedule, and according to the actual situation proposed the concrete measures to ensure schedule implementation;Quality and security, has formulated strict technology, organizational measures for construction projects, faqs, key problems and set up a corresponding management planning organization, to ensure the quality and safety plans well implemented.Keywords: Construction project management, Schedule planningreinforced concrete, frame structure, D value method, library


General Design Specification

1.Survey of the buiding This building is an office building named Xing Cheng, which is to be located in the urban area in the city of Changsha.It is used for management, finance, general affairs and technical service.The building has ten stories and one story of basement.Designing company : Xing Cheng Architecture building design institute Constructiong company : Zhi Peng the corporation of the Art of Architecture Quality monitor : Jian Hua quality controlling company 2.Specification of Architectural Design The total area of this project is 6602.6m2.The building, with ten stories, the dimension of which is 40.4m × 14.5m , and its total height is 31.5m.Among these ten stories, the height of the sub-story and initial story is 4.2m while the height of the second to the tenth one is 3.0m.The first ground are used to go on finance, The rest are used to handle official and finance businesses.Construction Class : This construction belongs to the first class building.Earthquake-resistant intensity of the construction is 7 degree and

Fire-resistance rate of that is the second grade.Waterproof :

roof : the second grade Architectural Decoration : Considering the harmony between this office building and the other ones around, we adopt white ceramic tiles for thesurface of the exterior wall.The surface of the floor is made of Marble in in office room and conference room.The surface of the internal wall is brushed the latex.Waterproof-layer consists of APP modified bitumen membrane

3.Specification of Structural Design The foundation of the building uses independent footing.The difference between the interior level and exterior level is 0.3m.The structure system of this building is Reinforced concrete frame structure.According to 《Code for Seismic Design of Buildings》(GB50011-2001), the grade of the earthquake resistant for the frame structure is the second grade.Cross section size of the elements : column, 850mm×850mm、600mm×600mm;frame girder, 300mm×600mm.Disposal of junior beams which cross section size is 300mm×500mm follows vertical direction simply.The thicknesses of the roof slab is 120mm while the floor's is 100 mm too.The thickness of the shear wall around elevator shaft is 200mm.the walls are made of hollow concrete block.The main method of calculation: the Iteration is used to compute the interior force which under the vertical loads.The interior force which is made by the horizontal loads is calculated by D-value method.Critical materials :

1、Concrete: Foundation-bed


Foundation, foundation beams, beams, boards and column


2、Steel: Reinforcing steel bar is HRB335(fy =300N/mm2)

Stirrup is HPB235(fy =210N/mm2)

Reinforcement in girder and shear wall should overlap, which must meet the design requirements.Welding position and anchorage length must conform to what is prescribed in design plan.Reinforcement cover: Beam





20mm.Load: Basic wind pressure


Basic snow pressure


Live load of roof


Live load of floor and hallway

4.5kN/m2.4.Specification of construction organization Utilization of water and electricity at the construction site can be connected from circuit and water pipe net that have existing consummately nearby.Preparation of everything including material and the construction machineries at site should be responsed by construction company.Proper yard arrangement must be made for material.Details of the arrangement can be found in construction plan.This project is high-rise building.During the construction, all measures that make sure security and quality must be paid more attention to and carried out exactly.Construction methods in detail of every partial project can be found in construction design book.5.Main design norms Code for design of concrete structure(GB50010-2002)Load code for the design of building structure(GB50009-2001)Code for seismic design of buildings(GB50011-2001)Code for design of building foundation(GB50007-2002)Technical specification for concrete structures of tall buildings(JGJ3-2002)Code for acceptance of constructional quality of concrete structures(GB50204-2002)The code of construction project management by enterprises of construction industry

(GB50326-2001)Unifiled standard for constructional quality acceptance of building engineering













主要构件截面尺寸:柱:850mm×850mm、600mm×600mm;框架梁:300mm×600mm;次梁: 300mm×500mm,仅沿纵向布置;屋面板和楼板的厚度分别为为120mm 及100mm。电梯井周围剪力墙厚200mm,外墙采用陶粒混凝土空心砌块砌筑。




钢筋:受力纵筋采用HRB335(fy =300N/mm2),箍筋采用HPB235(fy =210N/mm2)。梁和剪力墙内钢筋的搭接必须满足设计要求;钢筋的焊接位置和锚固长度必须跟设计中的吻合。主要构件保护层厚度: 梁:35mm;柱:40mm;板:20mm。

设计荷载: 基本风压:0.35kN/m2; 基本雪压:0.40kN/m2;屋面活载:2.0kN/m2;楼面活载:4.5kN/m2。4.施工组织设计部分









平面定线过程中,根据坡度的变化,注意紧坡地段和缓坡地段的定线要求及定线技巧,在设计过程中,由于两站之间有较大的高程差,所以为了减少挖方量和争取最大高程,线路采用较大的坡度上坡,并注意使直线与曲线相互协调,充分考虑夹直线和缓和曲线长度的要求;纵断面设计中,注意最大坡度、坡段长度、坡段连接与坡度折减等问题,在变坡点处应合理设置竖曲线 ;在平面坐标计算程序设计中,对两种方法进行比较,采用Fortran语言编制计算程序;在横断面设计过程中,考虑曲线地段路基面加宽等问题。





The article aims in designing new-built railway preliminarily for JingYi line from Moren to Aqiale section and relevant programs.The concrete contents of the design are as follows : Following the procedures of preliminary design , combine the topography、geology condition , select the basic trend of the line on the topographic map of belt contour , and start the subgrade design,including level location、level section design、profile design、cross section design、subgrade cubic meter of earth and stone calculation program and design、level coordinate calculation program of line and design、translating a relevant foreign technological bibliography.During the course of level location, follow the gradient changes to locate the line;pays attention to the tight slope land sector and the gentle slope land sector decides the line request and decides the line skill, in design process between, because two stands has a bigger elevation difference, therefore in order to reduce the volume of excavation the quantity and strives for the maximum elevation, the line uses an greater slope uphill, and the attention causes the straight line and the curveinter coordination, the full consideration clamps the straight line to be gentle and the length of curve request;In profile design , we must pay attention to the maximum grade、the connection of grade section and compensation of gradient etc;On the grade change point, we should dispose the vertical curve reasonably.During the course of level coordinate calculation program and design, compare thee two methods and use the C Language to program;In the cross section design, consider the problems of broadening subgrade on curve section.The whole design is divided into several stages to conduct.Every stage requires integrated consideration and careful design.The essential comparison and checkout both are required to do before and after designing.When the design conforms to the standard, submit relevant achievements of design, and then finish the design

Key Words:Level section、Profile、Vertical curve、Subgrade、Cross Section-2-


摘 要




This article mainly discusses the design idea and the design process of the PLC based strapping machine controlling system.It includes the sequence control of the cylinder moves of the strapping machine, the fixed-length shear servo control of the steel packing, and the designs of the Man-machine interface.The thesis introduces the strapping machine’s studying condition both at home and abroad, illustrating the necessity of owning the strapping machine of the Independent intellectual property rights;analyzing the workflow and the control requirements of the given structure strapping machine;designing and choosing the hardware of the strapping machine’s pneumatic system and the corresponded controlling system;establishing the mathematical model of the fixed-length shear servo control;choosing the touch screen to do designs of the Man-machine interface;doing detailed descriptions to the important and difficult process of the PLC controlling system.The strapping machine’s controlling system designed by this thesis owns the functions of counting steels automatically according to the setting

parameters, shearing the packed steels automatically, and fulfilling the motion control of packing steels automatically, and at the same time, realizing the parameters input and the real-time display by the touch screen.Key words: automatic strapping machine;fixed-length shear;frequency control;man-machine interface











An analyze on the cause of tragic destiny of "no man"

in Russian literature


(Chinese Department,Yulin College,Yulin,Shaanxi719000)

Abstract:In 19th century the writer of "the natural faction"in Russia proposed a slogan to write the life of "the no man".They described the tragic destiny and inner world pain of "the no man",and it made the literary arts to become "a faithful mirror of the society".These "no man"had a low position in the society and lead a miserable life,but at the same time,they all content with things as they are and had cowardly charcuter,therefore,they became the prey who were insulted under the domination of"the great man".However,according to the author's analyze on the work which were wrote by Pushkin,Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol,Anton Chekhov and Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky,we can easily find the reason of tragic destiny of the"no man"is not only some external causes but also some internal causes.Among all this reasons,the thought pattern of stick to old ways is their tragic destiny's thought reason.The author reproduce their conservative thinking and cowardly character in order to crieicize the personality from of the"no man"and awake them from deep sleep.In this thesis,the author gives the no man limited sympathy,but pay more attention to attack their sadness and not the behaviors of struggle for their angry.According to reveal the phenomanon of existence of"no man"in real life,the author hopes the people live in real life can introspect thenselves and shows the significance to the reality.

Key words:Russian literature;No man; Tragic destiny; External causes;Internal





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