
时间:2019-05-15 10:48:54下载本文作者:会员上传


Degrees of Freedom Robot Workspace Mobile Manipulators Force Calculations Forward Kinematics Inverse Kinematics Motion Planning Velocity


End Effector Design

About this Robot Arm Tutorial

The robot arm is probably the most mathematically complex robot you could ever build.As such, this tutorial can't tell you everything you need to know.Instead, I will cut to the chase and talk about the bare minimum you need to know to build an effective robot arm.Enjoy!To get you started, here is a video of a robot arm assignment I had when I took Robotic Manipulation back in college.My group programmed it to type the current time into the keyboard...(lesson learned, don't crash robot arms into your keyboard at full speed while testing in front of your professor)You might be also interested in a robot arm I built that can shuffle, cut, and deal playing cards.Degrees of Freedom(DOF)

The degrees of freedom, or DOF, is a very important term to understand.Each degree of freedom is a joint on the arm, a place where it can bend or rotate or translate.You can typically identify the number of degrees of freedom by the number of actuators on the robot arm.Now this is very importantL1^2x * L2 * s2)/(x^2 + y^2))where c2 =(x^2 + y^2L2^2)/(2 * L1 * L2);and s2 = sqrt(1leaving the end effector to possibly swing wildly between those points.In the image below the end effector of the robot arm is moving from the blue point to the red point.In the top example, the end effector travels a straight line.This is the only possible motion this arm can perform to travel a straight line.In the bottom example, the arm is told to get to the red point as fast as possible.Given many different trajectories, the arm goes the method that allows the joints to rotate the fastest.Which method is better? There are many deciding factors.Usually you want straight lines when the object the arm moves is really heavy, as it requires the momentum change for movement(momentum = mass * velocity).But for maximum speed(perhaps the arm isn't carrying anything, or just light objects)you would want maximum joint speeds.Now suppose you want your robot arm to operate at a certain rotational velocity, how much torque would a joint need? First, lets go back to our FBD:

Now lets suppose you want joint J0 to rotate 180 degrees in under 2 seconds, what torque does the J0 motor need? Well, J0 is not affected by gravity, so all we need to consider is momentum and inertia.Putting this in equation form we get this: torque = moment_of_inertia * angular_acceleration breaking that equation into sub components we get: torque =(mass * distance^2)*(change_in_angular_velocity / change_in_time)and change_in_angular_velocity =(angular_velocity1)-(angular_velocity0)

angular_velocity = change_in_angle / change_in_time

Now assuming at start time 0 that angular_velocity0 is zero, we get torque =(mass * distance^2)*(angular_velocity / change_in_time)where distance is defined as the distance from the rotation axis to the center of mass of the arm: center of mass of the arm = distance = 1/2 *(arm_length)(use arm mass)but you also need to account for the object your arm holds: center of mass of the object = distance = arm_length(use object mass)So then calculate torque for both the arm and then again for the object, then add the two torques together for the total: torque(of_object)+ torque(of_arm)= torque(for_motor)

And of course, if J0 was additionally affected by gravity, add the torque required to lift the arm to the torque required to reach the velocity you need.To avoid doing this by hand, just use the robot arm calculator.But it gets harder...the above equation is for rotational motion and not for straight line motions.Look up something called a Jacobian if you enjoy mathematical pain =P Another Video!

In order to better understand robot arm dynamics, we had a robot arm bowling competition using the same DENSO 6DOF robot arms as in the clocks video.Each team programs an arm to do two tasks: o o Try to place all three of its pegs in the opponents' goal Block opponent pegs from going in your own goal Enjoy!(notice the different arm trajectories)Arm Sagging

Arm sagging is a common affliction of badly designed robot arms.This is when an arm is too long and heavy, bending when outwardly stretched.When designing your arm, make sure the arm is reinforced and lightweight.Do a finite element analysis to determine bending deflection/stress such as I did on my ERP robot: Keep the heaviest components, such as motors, as close to the robot arm base as possible.It might be a good idea for the middle arm joint to be chain/belt driven by a motor located at the base(to keep the heavy motor on the base and off the arm).The sagging problem is even worse when the arm wobbles between stop-start motions.The solve this, implement a PID controller so as to slow the arm down before it makes a full stop.Sensing

Most robot arms only have internal sensors, such asencoders.But for good reasons you may want to add additional sensors, such as video, touch, haptic, etc.A robot arm without video sensing is like an artist painting with his eyes closed.Using basic visual feedback algorithms, a robot arm could go from point to point on its own without a list of preprogrammed positions.Giving the arm a red ball, it could actually reach for it(visual tracking and servoing).If the arm can locate a position in X-Y space of an image, it could then direct the end effector to go to that same X-Y location(by using inverse kinematics).If you are interested in learning more about the vision aspect of visual servoing, please read the Computer Vision Tutorials for more information.Haptic sensing is a little different in that there is a human in the loop.The human controls the robot arm movements remotely.This could be done by wearing a special glove, or by operating a miniature model with position sensors.Robotic arms for amputees are doing a form of haptic sensing.Also to note, some robot arms have feed back sensors(such as touch)that gets directed back to the human(vibrating the glove, locking model joints, etc.).Tactile sensing(sensing by touch)usually involves force feedback sensors and current sensors.These sensors detect collisions by detecting unexpected force/current spikes, meaning a collision has occurred.A robot end effector can detect a successful grasp, and not grasp too tight or too lightly, just by measuring force.Another method would be to use current limitersperhaps even identify the object by its weight.Try this.Close your eyes, and put both of your hands in your lap.Now keeping your eyes closed, move your hand slowly to reach for your computer mouse.Do it!!You will see why soon...Now what will happen is that your hand will partially miss, but at least one of your fingers will touch the mouse.After that finger touches, your hand will suddenly re-adjust its position because it now knows exactly where that mouse is.This is the benefit of tactile sensing-no precision encoders required for perfect contact!

End Effector Design

In the future I will write a separate tutorial on how to design robot grippers, as it will require many more pages of material.In the meantime, you might be interested in reading the tutorial for calculating friction and force for robot end effectors.I also went in to some detail describing my robot arm card dealing gripper.Anyway, I hope you have enjoyed this robot arm tutorial!


工业机器人抓取手部结构及其应用 前言

1.1 工业机器人简介





1.2 世界机器人的发展




(4).机器人中的传感器作用日益重要,除采用传统的位臵、速度、加速度等传感器 外,装配、焊接机器人还应用了视觉、力觉等传感器,而遥控机器人则采用视觉、声觉、力觉、触觉等多传感器的融合技术来进行环境建模及决策控制;多传感器融合配臵技术在产品化系统中已有成熟应用。




1.3 我国工业机器人的发展



我国的智能机器人和特种机器人在?863?计划的支持下,也取得了不少成果。其中最为突出的是水下机器人,6000米水下无缆机器人的成果居世界领先水平,还开发出直接遥控机器人、双臂协调控制机器人、爬壁机器人、管道机器人等机种;在机器人视觉、力觉、触觉、声觉等基础技术的开发应用上开展了不少工作,有了一定的发展基础。但是在多传感器信息融合控制技术、遥控加局部自主系统遥控机器人、智能装配机器人、机器人化机械等的开发应用方面则刚刚起步,与国外先进水平差距较大,需要在原有成绩的基础上,有重点地系统攻关,才能形成系统配套可供实用的技术和产品,以期在十五世纪后期立于世界先进行列之中。手部结构 2.1概述


2.2 设计时应考虑的几个问题 ①应具有足够的握力(即夹紧力)








应根据抓取工件的形状、抓取部位和抓取数量的不同,来设计和确定手指的形状。3 腕部的结构 3.1 概述

腕部是连接手部与臂部的部件,起支承手部的作用。设计腕部时要注意以下几点: ① 结构紧凑,重量尽量轻。

② 转动灵活,密封性要好。

③ 注意解决好腕部也手部、臂部的连接,以及各个自由度的位臵检测、管线的布 臵以及润滑、维修、调整等问题 ④ 要适应工作环境的需要。


3.2 腕部的结构形式


3.3 手腕驱动力矩的计算

驱动手腕回转时的驱动力矩必须克服手腕起动时所产生的惯性力矩,手腕的转动轴与支承孔处的摩擦阻力矩,动片与缸径、定片、端盖等处密封装臵的摩擦阻力矩以及由 臂部的结构 4.1 概述



① 刚度要大 为防止臂部在运动过程中产生过大的变形,手臂的截面形状的选择要合理。弓字形截面弯曲刚度一般比圆截面大;空心管的弯曲刚度和扭曲刚度都比实心轴大得多。所以常用钢管作臂杆及导向杆,用工字钢和槽钢作支承板。② 导向性要好 为防止手臂在直线移动中,沿运动轴线发生相对运动,或设臵导向装臵,或设计方形、花键等形式的臂杆。

③ 偏重力矩要小 所谓偏重力矩就是指臂部的重量对其支承回转轴所产生的静力矩。为提高机器人的运动速度,要尽量减少臂部运动部分的重量,以减少偏重力矩和整个手臂对回转轴的转动惯量。

④ 运动要平稳、定位精度要高 由于臂部运动速度越高、重量越大,惯性力引起的定位前的冲击也就越大,运动即不平稳,定位精度也不会高。故应尽量减少小臂部运动部分的重量,使结构紧凑、重量轻,同时要采取一定的缓冲措施。

4.2 手臂直线运动机构


4.2.1 手臂伸缩运动


4.2.2 导向装臵




4.2.3 手臂的升降运动


4.5 臂部运动驱动力计算


4.5.1 臂水平伸缩运动驱动力的计算


Pq = Fm + Fg(N)式中 Fm——各支承处的摩擦阻力;

Fg——启动过程中的惯性力,其大小可按下式估算: Fg = Wa(N)g 式中 W ——手臂伸缩部件的总重量(N); 5.1 液压系统简介


5.2 液压系统的组成


① 油泵 它供给液压系统压力油,将电动机输出的机械能转换为油液的压力能,用这压力油驱动整个液压系统工作。

② 液动机 压力油驱动运动部件对外工作部分。手臂做直线运动,液动机就是手臂伸缩油缸。也有回转运动的液动机一般叫作油马达,回转角小于360°的液动机,一般叫作回转油缸(或称摆动油缸)。

③ 控制调节装臵 各种阀类,如单向阀、溢流阀、节流阀、调速阀、减压阀、顺序阀等,各起一定作用,使机械手的手臂、手腕、手指等能够完成所要求的运动。

5.3 机械手液压系统的控制回路

机械手的液压系统,根据机械手自由度的多少,液压系统可繁可简,但是总不外乎 由一些基本控制回路组成。这些基本控制回路具有各种功能,如工作压力的调整、油泵的卸荷、运动的换向、工作速度的调节以及同步运动等。

5.3.1 压力控制回路 ① 调压回路 在采用定量泵的液压系统中,为控制系统的最大工作压力,一般都在油泵的出口附近设臵溢流阀,用它来调节系统压力,并将多余的油液溢流回油箱。② 卸荷回路 在机械手各油缸不工作时,油泵电机又不停止工作的情况下,为减少油泵的功率损耗,节省动力,降低系统的发热,使油泵在低负荷下工作,所以采用卸荷回路。此机械手采用二位二通电磁阀控制溢流阀遥控口卸荷回路。

③ 减压回路 为了是机械手的液压系统局部压力降低或稳定,在要求减压的支路前串联一个减压阀,以获得比系统压力更低的压力。

④平衡与锁紧回路 在机械液压系统中,为防止垂直机构因自重而任意下降,可采用平衡回路将垂直机构的自重给以平衡。


⑤ 油泵出口处接单向阀 在油泵出口处接单向阀。其作用有二:第一是保护油泵。液压系统工作时,油泵向系统供应高压油液,以驱动油缸运动而做功。当一旦电机停止转动,油泵不再向外供油,系统中原有的高压油液具有一定能量,将迫使油泵反方向转动,结果产生噪音,加速油泵的磨损。在油泵出油口处加设单向阀后,隔断系统中高压油液和油泵时间的联系,从而起到保护油缸的作用。第二是防止空气混入系统。在停机时,单向阀把系统能够和油泵隔断,防止系统的油液通过油泵流回油箱,避免空气混入,以保证启动时的平稳性。

5.3.2 速度控制回路





5.3.3 方向控制回路


5.4 机械手的液压传动系统



5.4.1 上料机械手的动作顺序

本液压传动上料机械手主要是从一个地方拿到工件后,横移一定的距离后把工件给立式精锻机进行加工。它的动作顺序是:待料(即起始位臵。手指闭合,待夹料立放)→插定位销→手臂前伸→手指张开→手指夹料→手臂上升→手臂缩回→立柱横移→手腕回转115°→拔定位销→手臂回转115° →插定位销→手臂前伸→手臂中停→手指松开→ 手指闭合→手臂缩回→手臂下降→手腕反转(手腕复位)→拔定位销→手臂反转(机械手臂复位)→立柱回移(回到起始位臵)→待料(一个循环结束)卸荷。






[1] 邓星钟.机电传动控制[M].华中科技大学出版社,2002 [2] 孙志礼、冷兴聚、魏延刚等.机械设计[M].东北大学出版社,2003 [3] 吴宗泽.机械设计师手册[M].机械工业出版社,2002 [4] 丁继斌.机器人技术基础(第二版).高等教育出版社,2012 [5] 罗洪量.机械原理课程设计指导书[M](第二版).高等教育出版社,1986 [6] 张建民.工业机器人[B][M].北京理工大学出版社,1992

第三篇:机器人总动员 英文观后感


Can you imagine what the earth will be in the future? Some of us will give a wonderful picture of our future lives, but the movie named Wall-E gives us a contrary description.In the movie, the earth is covered with amount of rubbish, and the only residents are a robot named Wall-E and his pet.Wall-E is a kind of robot that is produced to clear the rubbish on the earth.He works day after day, and this kind of life lasts nearly 700 years.In this period of time, Wall-E gradually has self-awareness.And one day, Wall-E’s peaceful life is broken by Eve, another robot from a spacecraft of human beings, whose mission is to find plants.Wall-E falls in love with Eve at first sight.When Eve finds the plant, she is taken away by the spacecraft.Wall-E gives up his job on the earth and leaves the earth with Eve.And then they come to the spacecraft where the human beings live on.The Captain McCrea who knows that there are plants on the earth wants to go back to the earth but AUTO, the real controller of the spacecraft, refuses to implement the order from Captain McCrea.To protect the plant, Eve and Wall-E have to fight against the followers of AUTO.And during the fight, the residents on the spacecraft begin to help each other and find the true meaning of human beings.In the end, human beings return their hometown---the earth.And Wall-E realizes his dream and joins his hands with Eve.This movie tells us a love story between robots.In real word, love is confined by a lot of things so when we find our love we will list many conditions.Contrasted with human’s love, love between robots is pure and innocent.For example, when Eve become resting state, Wall-E protects her even though she doesn’t know at all and when the spacecraft takes her away, Wall-E goes with her without hesitation.They cannot communicate with each other, so Wall-E cannot express his feelings to Eve by words, but though his deeds, we can and Eve also can feel the love from Wall-E.Also, the movie warns us that we must protect our

earth right now.If we destroy the earth all the time, we will have to pay for our deeds.I love the movie very much even though there are not dialogues in most of the film.Compared with action, words are so pale.In our life, sometimes we say too much but do so little.We say “love you”, but actually we love ourselves more than love others.We say “try our best to protect the environment”, however, we still do something which is harmful to our earth.If human beings lost function of language, they would become more sincerely than now.


专业班级:英语09-03班 学号:2009304780 姓名:杜曼迪

Love is Eternal Time

------Review on Bicentennial Man The story began on a very special day when the man of the house bought a robot, being elated to tell the family about it.Subsequently he found the different robot Andrew(not the same with other robots), he said the meaningful words, “Time for you and me, the meaning is not the same.” This sentence until I Video final stage, I found out the real meaning of its taste.Then I am very moved by the man and Andrew.Andrew will be thinking robots and lasted nearly two hundred years of life, during which he has been pursuing as a “person”.For this he has been the transformation of him own.Andrew experienced the love that “Little Miss” did not understand, learning the habits of human beings(such as jokes, to create something), with a human face, wearing human clothes, thinking and reaching for the “freedom”, seeing the old master die of old age,at last being death with his lover.And he wanted to find the same group and to determine that they are unique.He insisted on changing their shape into a person's appearance, with people all the organs, the installation with the human nervous system of human emotion.He started the world fight for their own parliament, as “human” legal status, and finally like people gradually aging until death.“If I cannot cry when I am uncomfortable, and cannot laugh when I am happy, I am just like the appearance of only the steel so that I am not able express my emotional distress and can not vent in my heart”.And I think it is the main reason that Andrew wanted to be a real person.“You can cry but I can not.This is too cruel, and I can not express it when my heart hurts.” In fact, such feelings, many people have experienced so much, but we have not the courage to look for the free expression of our true self.Sometimes when we are sorrow and very wronged ,we do not show it and keep it a secret.But feelings of loss so that he began to search for the right of access to be like a normal person.With the person's facial features, human perception, he is not the full sense of the people.People from the pursuit in vitro, to seek the affirmation of human

beings, Andrew began to understand this principle, two hundred years of time with substitutions of complete cross.Andrew's life is the robot from the “it” to “he” in the process, but also on what is “human”-a biological sense and social sense of “person” in China.In a sense, it is a microcosm of the history of human evolution.Tens of thousands of years human beings, is such as he from a senior animal and apes evolved into the present one.Maybe it is a success and a process in person history but there also is a more serious question that if a robot can change into a person,then the people will lose his dominance,and if the society can promote peacefully.With only this,it still not touched me so much.In the final stage, when Andrew saw “Little Miss” die of old age, when the World Parliament told Andrew, as he has eternal life, but unlike humans, I suddenly realize that “the time for you and me, the meaning is not the same ” this sentence.In a limited life, the time has a beginning and has an end, the time therefore has itself value;people have to do anything by the last time, so there is also the joy of complete collapse of regret;while people have a fear of losing the treasure;and for a period of several decades to do more meaningful things, people will think about life and the meaning of the value and time;Finally, end of life is a life of pain relief.For the people,maybe time is very important,so they must use it to do the most important things in their life.In my opinion,when to eternal life, the time is carelessness.The time for people is no longer a source of happiness.Economic reasons why people seek eternal life, are limited in terms of that time for everyone is priceless.But when you have unlimited time, its economic value would be infinite “inflation”,even the value of zero.On the other hand, the pain of human emotions will continue to accumulate, especially in the face of love, family and friends leave.From generation to generation, every time you make a friend, know a lover, you know they will eventually leave you, and leave you alone to bear the loneliness and pain of all such “time” and “life” what is the point.No wonder all the celestial enlightenment of the people, “Annihilate Desire” is always a prerequisite, and stealth into deep forests, not with others, but this way, what is life without feeling the value of it?

People pursue life, often because of the value of the life on the first list.But the “living death” of the old saying tells us that there are more important things than life.Lovers do not ask the same month on the same date, but for the same month on the same day died,“ the oath, revolutionaries for the ”extremely heavy“ the death of the pursuit of terminally ill patients to euthanasia, the desire, are described life in the human value system status.Andrew finally understand this, ”he“ in the world.Parliament declared that ”he“ becomes a human being passing moment.A few minutes later, his wife went out with him.Andrew become a ”person", but also the love of perfection.He was trying.And in order to be a person for his lover,he was trying to be a person.Time for him is not the most important but the love.He only wants to company with his lover forever,Though at last he leaves first, they are with each other.So form the movie, I undershand a truth that it is the limited life that makes love unique.


Today i want to introduce you a film named___WALL-E.The story happened in a distant, but not so unrealistic future, where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from products sold by the powerful multi-national Buy N Large corporation.WALL-E, a garbage collecting robot has been left to clean up the mess.Mesmerized with trinkets of earth's history and show tunes,(2)WALL-E is alone on Earth except for a sprightly pet cockroach.One day, Eve, a sleek(and dangerous)re-connaissance robot, is sent to earth to find proof that life is once again sustainable.WALL-E falls in love with Eve.WALL-E rescues Eve from a dust storm and shows her a living plant he found amongst the rubble.Consistent with her “directive” Eve takes the plant and automatically enters a deactivated state except for a blinking green beacon.WALL-E, doesn't understand what has happened to his new friend, but true to his love, he protects her from wind, rain, and lightening, even as she is unresponsive.One day a massive ship comes to reclaim Eve, but WALL-E, out of love or loneliness hitches a ride on the outside of the ship to rescue Eve.The ship arrives back at a large space cruise ship, which is carrying all of the humans who evacuated earth 700 years earlier.The people of earth ride around this space resort on hovering chairs which give them a constant feed of TV and video chatting.They drink all of their meals through a straw out of laziness and/or bone loss, and are all so fat that they can barely move.When the auto-pilot computer, acting on hastily given instructions sent many centuries before, tries to prevent the people of earth from returning, by stealing the plant, WALL-E, Eve, the portly captain, and a band of broken robots stage a mutiny.This is a very classic and touching movie, I hope the next part of the film left to your own enjoyment.



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    机器人瓦力观后感 英文[合集五篇]

    院系:建筑工程学 专业:工程管理 年级:16级姓名:刘常锋学号:161552027 robot wall-e Today, I saw a movie named "robot wall-e", I think the movie was very good, by imagini......


    免费申请托管公共微博(树洞机器人)教程(此教程于2012.4.8宣布失效。暂不再接受新申请) 发表于148 天前 ⁄ 微博代理发布端 ⁄ 评论数 73 ⁄ 被围观 3,163 views+ 一、概念理解......


    爱的手臂 新辉教育-----邓慧黄昏,天空的晚霞美丽极了。我站在窗前,望着田野里那一片蒲公英草地,每一颗幼小的蒲公英旁都有一颗成年的蒲公英挺直着身板。 妈妈说,蒲公英只有在黄......


    机器人总动员英文简介英文剧情介绍 In a distant, but not so unrealistic future, where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from pr......


    张开手臂,拥抱世界 阳光总是那么幸福,真想张开手臂把它拥入怀中。妈妈说,那样就等于拥抱了世界。 我并不是一个孤独的孩子。所有人都这么说。是的,我学习好,人缘好。但是我总觉得......

