
时间:2019-05-15 11:42:50下载本文作者:会员上传





Mr Smith, your boss, told you to ask Ms Liu to attend a sales presentation on a new product.Write a note to Ms Liu:

*saying who wants her to attend the sales presentation;

*informing her when and where the sales presentation will be held

有同学写成Mr Smith told me to ask who wants to attend

有同学写成 Please write a note to Ms Liu asking her to attend a sales presentation.一定要把题目看清楚,再下笔写。














Location & Ext:(地址与分机号)

Subject: From:



Location & Ext:




1、Memo: Memo是Memorandum缩写,因此也可以用Memorandum,此外还有Internal Memorandum和Interoffice Memorandum,其意思都是一样的。


To:Mr.John Smith,Sales Manager




Changes in Travel Advance Form

Promotion of Staff

Vacation Schedule

Participation in Training Programmes





To: Mr.Kingswick, Course Coordinator

From: Barnsby Campbel

Date: 19 November, 1995

Subject: Lesson Plan for 28 November Lecture

I intend to teach memo writing in my next lecture.I plan to cover the following plans:

1.Inside Address

This is omitted in a memo.As internal communication the reason is obvious.2.Greeting

It is mere polite to put Mr., Mrs.or Ms before and the office after the name of the recipient You may sometimes address the readers as a group.3.Subject

This is a phrase to tell the reader what the memo is about.Sometimes only the phrase is given without the word Subject before it.4.Body

These should be short, less than 10 lines, and concentrate on only one paragraph one idea each: Sometimes for memos with three or more paragraphs, it is advisable to begin each with a heading in capital letters to tell what the paragraph is about.Another practice is numbering the paragraphs for easy reference later on.5.Carbon copy

This is written as c.c.for short.As in a letter, it lists the persons who are also receiving the memo.6.Signature

Only the initial is needed, The office and name in print of the writer are omitted.In more casual memos there is no signature at all.Any thought on my notes? Anything to add? Let me know at tea break.c.c.Mr.P.L.Ducke, Training Officer二)商务便条



To: Date:


Telephone Message





Action required: Please call back

Caller will call back later

No action required

Message taken by:

Date Time


a.m.Miss Wang ,I've got an urgent meeting today.Please contact the applicants to postpone the interviews till further notice.DS

分类: 告知信息 inform 布置安排 arrange 征求意见 request 询问信息 enquire 求助申请 apply 推荐建议 suggest 告知信息类


You are a manager at an auditors called Golding & Co.Your company has just merged with a competitor to become MasonGolding.You have been asked to inform staff of the change of name.Write a memo of 4050 words on your Answer Sheet.[范文]

I am writing to enquire about the reason of the late delivery of the ordered components.We need the components by next Monday.In order to smooth our cooperation, I suggest that we have a meeting to discuss future deliveries.征求意见类


You are a Project Team Leader.You have had to postpone your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad.Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team:

informing them of the postponing and giving the reason

stating a new date and time for the meeting

requesting suggestions for the agenda.Write on your Answer Sheet.词汇:postpone;delay

agenda, schedule, timetable


I am writing to inform you that the next project meeting will be postponed.Because several team members will be abroad for another project, we will hold our next meeting on 1 August, starting from 9am.Please let me know if you have any suggestions as to the agenda of the meeting.最后一句话可以替换为:

Do you have any suggestions regarding the schedule?

I welcome your suggestions concerning the timetable.求助申请类


You have lost your calculator, and you want to order a new one.You need to make a written request to your supervisor, Ann Ray.Write a memo to her

saying that you need a replacement

explaining what happened to the old one

asking her to approve the request

Write about 40-50 words.[范文]

I am writing to apply for a replacement calculator.I found the old one missing after the client meeting yesterday.As a calculator is essential to my daily work, could you kindly approve this request?


You would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills.Write an email to your line manager:

requesting time off work to go to the seminar

saying when the seminar is

explaining why you want to go

Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.词汇:line and staff management, line manager, staff manager

句型:May I have your permission to do sth?


To: Nick Johnson

Subject: Presentation Skills Seminar

I would like to attend a seminar on 3 April.It is about presentation skills.Since I have to make many presentations to customers, this seminar will be very useful.Could you tell me if it’s possible to take time off work to attend this seminar?


Angela 推荐建议类


Your company’s Sales Department has asked you to give a talk next Friday on your most recent project.Write an email to Mrs Jay in the Sales Department:

agreeing to give the talk and suggesting a time

saying what equipment you will need

requesting information about the participants.Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet.句型:I think.....Why not......Shall we......I suggest.......总结用法:



suggest doing sth

suggest eg suggest a holidy

suggest that sb do sth


recommend recommend some articles

recommend to sb(eg a friend)

recommend doing sth(eg putting another board up)

recommend that sb do sth


To: Anna Jay

Subject: Talk Next Friday

I would like to give the talk suggested by you and I think 9.30am, after the break, would be the perfect time.Required equipment:-Overhead Project

Flipchart with Pens

Please give me some information about the people participating.Renate



Dear Mr/Ms,We should like to invite your Corporation to attend the

1997 International Fair which will be held from Aprilto May 4 at the above address.Full details on the

Fair will be sent in a week.We look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that

you will be able to attend.Yours faithfully

尊敬的先生/小姐,在上述地址,我们想请贵公司参加于四月二十九日到五月四日 举办的1997国际商品交易会,关于交易会的详情我们一周内将 寄给你。



Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you for your letter of March 20 inviting our

corporation to participate in the 1997 International

Fair.We are very pleased to accept and will plan to

display our electrical appliances as we did in previous

years.Mr Li will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make

specific arrangements and would very much appreciate

your assistance.Yours faithfully

尊敬的先生/小姐,感谢三月二十八日来信邀请我们公司参加1997国际商品交易会。我们乐于参加并计划展示我们前几年生产的电子设备。李先生 将于四月二日至七日去你市做具体安排,非常感谢你的协助。


Dear Mr/Ms,Thank you very much for your invitation to attend the

1997 Internationl Fair.As we are going to open a repair

shop in your city at that time, we are sorry that we

shall not be able to come.We hope to see you on some future occasion.Yours faithfully








目 录

一、通知、通告--1 1.关于“元旦”期间工作安排的通知----------1 2.XX电力工业局关于使用定期借记业务结算方式的通告------------2

二、请示报告------3 关于在XX市举办“XX洽谈会”的请示-----3


四、会议纪要、会议记录----------------------5 1.产学研讨论会议纪要-------------------------5 2.施工质量会议记要----------------------------6 3.公司项目论证会议记录----------------------7

五、述职报告------8 XX公司计划投资部经理述职报告-----------8

六、讲话稿--------12 华为公司领导讲话稿--------------------------12

七、询价和报价信件--------------------------13 1.询价函----------13 2.报价函----------13


九、某跨国公司的标准商业书信-----------15 感谢信-------------15










XX商城行政人事部 2004年12月20日









XX电力工业局 2007年11月1日






XXX公司 X年X月X日


To: 全体员工 From: 张XX,执行董事 日期: 2007-11-1 主题: 健身中心






时 间:2004年2月16日上午 主 持 人:毛大龙

出 席 人:黄立鹏、王梅珍、陈星达、陈运能、张福良、黄炜

列 席 人:林建萍、徐进、李克让、梁慧、朱国定、吕秀君、郑禄红、李滨、张剑锋、董珍时、夏朝丰、陆丽君、刘雪燕、任振成、冯盈之、范建波








六、针对今年的招生工作,会议决定,召开一次专题会议,统筹解决今年招生中的 重大问题






1.本规范章节目次; 2.本规范章节内容编写提纲;

3.规范初稿起草分工及各章汇总负责人名单; 4.规范编制工作进度计划。





时间:1998年9月1日 地点:公司会议室 出席人:公司各部门主任 主持人:马燕(公司副总经理)记录:祁迎峰(办公室主任)













首先,我诚挚的感谢公司领导在 2003年给我的关怀和帮助。对计划投资部五位同仁一年来给我的理解、支持和宽容表示深深的敬意。

2003年,是汉江公司立足喜河之年,开拓蜀河之年,也是志在汉江、发展壮大的一年。在公司领导 “抓大事、抓关键、抓落实”的理念指引下,计划投资部 贯彻“流域、梯级、滚动、综合”的开发方针,走“市场化、科学化、国际化”之路,按照集团公司的统一部署,以全新的理念,全新的方法和全新的管理,克服“非典”对工作的影响,千方百计促使喜河项目可研报告和开工报告的批复,克服重重困难推进蜀河电站前期工作,拼搏进取,扎实工作,取得令人瞩目的成绩。

一、催批喜河可研报告 努力实现6月开工

2002年公司成立以来,公司领导以超常规的思路推动喜河水电站的前期工作和蜀河电站的开发。因种种原因,喜河项目可研报告2002年9月报到国家计委,一直到去年底还没有完成会签,投资司明确告诉我们,这个项目指标不太好,暂时不能批。怎么办,面对国家项目审批最高机关的态度,困难和压力是可想而知的。我们知道,喜河项目是公司的立足项目,是公司发展的基础,是公司全体员工的命运和未来所在。我们没有灰心丧气,而是知难而上。按照公司领导的统一部署,首先狠抓设计的龙头作用,发挥设计院在人才上的优势,把新技术、新工艺、新材料应用到工程设计之中,优化设计,降低工程造价;其次充分考虑省政府优惠政策的支持对工程积极作用;我们委托北京国电公司重新编制了可行性研究报告(经济评价)的补充报告,并得到了水规总院领导的支持和及时评审。喜河工程审定的总投资由13.78亿元下降到12亿元,上网电价由0.361元/千瓦时下降为0.258元/千瓦时。2月19日,水规总院印发了《关于喜河水电站可行性研究阶段经济评价补充报告的评审意见》;2月25日,国家开发银行给喜河项目出具了5亿元人民贷款承诺;2月28日,喜河水电站可行性研究报告批复文件完成司局会签; 5月13日,国务院办公会议通过了喜河项目可研报告。

3月5日,集团公司与周总签订了《前期工作责任书》,责任书要求喜河水电站务必于上半年实现开工。5月下旬,可研报告批复文件下发,集团公司领导下达死命令,一定要拿到国家发改委的开工批复文件,确保上半年实现开工。我们明白,开工报告的批复,是重点工程能否开工的关键所在。此时,正是“非典”肆虐祖国大地的时候,从归整资料到编写开工报告;从呈报集团公司到呈报省计委;从西安出发到北京,夜以继日,分秒必争。当开工报告呈报到国家发改委时,获悉集团公司翟总决定亲往工地,参加开工仪式,更使公司员工上下深受鼓舞,信心倍增,斗志昂扬。6月20日,谢崇文在国家发改委门前等候近7个小时,真是工夫不负有心人,终于得到了开工批复文件,圆满地完成了公司领导交给我们的光荣任务。至此,喜河工程各种程序批复文件完全具备,6月26日,集团公司和省政府 成功地举办了开工仪式,喜河水电站成为集团公司成立以来的第一个开工项目。







按照《中国大唐集团公司工程招标管理办法》和工程部 5月26日下发的《关于规范喜河水电站招投标管理程序的通知》精神,喜河项目的主体工程和安全观测的施工单位,主机设备、金属结构制造、主材等物资的供货商,都是通过公开招标方式确定的。从“国家电力信息网”上发布招标公告、发售招标文件开始,到成立评标委员会、编制评标办法、举行公开开标仪式、组织评标工作、编写评标报告、提出合同谈判顺序的整个过程,都作到了“公平、公开、公正”,截止年底,招投标的投诉率为“0”,受到了集团公司工程部和公司领导的好评。喜河工程的招标工作管理有序,进展良好,做到了可控、再控。


为了降低工程造价,充分发挥集团公司的整体优势,我公司委托中国水利电力物资有限公司对喜河工程的设备采购进行招标代理,排除了 2003年以来主机设备和钢材价格上涨因素的影响,已签订的采购合同价格全部低于概算数值。例如网上发布金属结构设备制造招标公告后,有20个制造厂商投标,竞争非常激烈,目前谈判工作已经结束,合同价格为7409 万元,低于概算数值249万元;水轮发电机组及其附属设备的合同价格为12650 万元/三台套,低于概算数值1254万元;

喜河的施工辅助工程已基本结束,概算数值为 13729万元,实际完成投资为12189万元,低于概算1603万元,为今后工程建设管理的造价控制创造了较好的条件。







随着施工辅助工程的陆续结束和主体工程的逐步展开,从今年 6月份开始,按照公司领导的要求,我们及时和浙江阳光律师事务所进行信息沟通,依靠他们的法律服务,按照可控、再控的思路,对自己的工程负责,对集团公司负责。2003年11月1日,现场的建设管理工作转化为以汉江公司力量为主。12月5日,我公司与中国水利水电工程咨询北京公司签定了“喜河水电站建设监理合同”。汉江公司成功地实现了喜河工程的建设管理模式完善。

六、投资完成情况(截止 2003年12月底)



施工辅助工程完成; 11月16日一期围堰合龙; 12月24日浇筑主厂房第一罐混凝土;


全年完成土石方开挖 87万m,土石方填筑m,浇筑混凝土12719 m,钢筋 制安 1070t;



按照流域公司的特点,根据公司领导 提出 “建设一个电站,筹备一个电站,储备一个电站”的思路,我部积极向集团公司申请开展蜀河前期工作。3月5日,集团公司正式印发文件,委托我公司开展蜀河水电站前期工作。西北勘测设计研究院进行了“溢流式”厂房的实验研究。将蜀河水电站枢纽布置,由“河床式厂房”改为“厂顶溢流”,仅主体工程就节约投资5.47亿元,上网电价下降到0.255元/千瓦时。4月26日,完成预可报告的审查意见;8月27日,项目建议书呈报集团公司;12月5日,环境影响评价大纲通过审查;12月25日,水库淹没实物调查外业工作结束;12月26日,集团公司大唐集团计[2003]442号文件《关于下达集团公司直接投资项目前期工作费计划的通知》印发,安排蜀河水电站工程项目前期工作费用821万元;12月30日,省环保局陕环函[2003]359号文件《关于蜀河水电站工程环境影响评价标准批复的函》印发。目前,蜀河项目可行性研究报告编制已近尾声,为完成2004年立项和前期工程进点创造了条件。

八、对 04年的工作的建议



3、公司要实现可持续发展,就要按照集团公司的发展战略,开拓公司的投资职能,以创造集团公司的经济效益为出发点,把 创业思路调整到“大唐有汉江,汉江为大唐”上来 发展研究外延性业务,做到开发水电,又不局限于水电。通过综合开发,真正的把我们的公司做强、做大。


述职人:XXX XX公司计划投资部经理 XX年XX月XX日



尊敬的郭总、王总、Phil Hester先生,各位来宾,各位朋友、上午好!非常高兴参加AMD真四核皓龙处理器发布会。


回顾华为和AMD之间的合作历程,自从去年,华为采用AMD双核皓龙处理器开发了Tecal T8000综合计算平台,在节能、可靠性、可用性、可扩展性等方面,都得到了电信运营商、服务商用户的高度评价。可能大家对华为做刀片服务器不是很了解,但是其实我们在电信领域提供这样一个平台也是现代通讯非常重要的需求。我们在电信的应用,以及我们在商业用户中也和AMD一起创造了很好的一些应用,包括在节能、计算能力方面,得到了非常好的客户评价。




1.询 价 函




赵XX谨上 XX有限公司


2.报 价 函

TO : 托尼.斯密思先生 FROM:李约翰 SUBJECT:手套报价 DATE :2000年5月25日 尊敬的托尼.斯密思先生:


支付条款:电汇或即期不可撤销信用证 价格条款: FOB上海

交货:接受订单后90天 效期:从本文的日期算起


编号1:货物描述:独立包装:每包: 1付 , 净重XX克 ,毛重XX克 产品(2)图片

编号2:货物描述:独立包装:每包: 1付 , 净重XX克 ,毛重XX克








2008-2-28 您好:


您送修的机器已经修理完成且已寄回,不知您收到没?修理的费用是1500元,发票开立如您所要求1200美元,如果确认无误,请贵公司将修理费用1500元汇至下列账户: XXX银行 账号:123456789



王XX XX公司



感 谢 信

1st, March 2007 Mr.Zhang Ming ABC Co., Ltd.20 Changan Street Beijing, China

Dear Mr.Zhang:

I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country.I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful.During the entire visit, my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China.I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral economic and trade relations and bring our business people together.I am looking forward to your early visit to U.S.A., when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in your beautiful country.With kind personal regards, Faithfully yours,(Signed)Mr.Tomas Cook Minister of Economic Cooperation New York











You are recommended to us by New York Chamber of Commerce and we are interested very much in your Crocodile Brand Leather Handbags.纽约商会向我们推荐了贵公司,我们对贵公司的鳄鱼牌手提包非常感兴趣。

It would be appreciated if you would send us at your earliest convenience samples of various sizes of your leather boots together with the lowest prices.若贵公司能从速寄来各种规格的皮靴样品及最低价格,则甚为荣幸。报价函件常用典型语句

We are very pleased to make you an offer/a quotation for our product.我方很高兴就我们的产品向贵方报盘/报价。As this product is in great demand and the supply limited, we would recommend that you accept this offer as soon as possible.该产品市场需求量极大,供货有限,宜从速接受该报价为好。还盘(又叫还价)函件常用典型语句

Unfortunately, we cannot accept your offer, because another supplier offered us a similar article at a price about 6% lower.很遗憾,我方不能接受贵方的报盘,另一家供货商对同类产品报出的价格比贵方低大约6%。We regret to say that there is no possibility of our cutting the price to the extent you required, i.e.6%.非常抱歉,很难按贵方要求的减价幅度减价6%。订货函件常用典型语句

We find both the price and quality of your products satisfactory to our clients and are pleased to enclose our official Order Sheet No.33 for 6,000 cotton pillowcases.我方用户对贵方的价格和质量均非常满意,遂很高兴随函附寄我方33号正式订单,向贵方订购6000套纯棉枕套。The articles should conform to those described in your brochure and to the sample sent to us.If this first order is satisfactorily executed, regular orders will follow.商品的质量须同贵方简介手册所描述的以及寄给我方的样品相符。此第一笔订单的执行情况如能令人满意我方将会经常订购。

We are ready to place an order with you, but only on condition that the goods are confined to Switzerland.我方准备向贵方订货,唯一的条件是,货物只限卖给瑞士的公司。付款函常用典型语句

In view of the amount of the transaction being small, we are prepared to accept payment by D/P at sight(or at 60 days’ sight)for the value of the goods shipped.鉴于此笔交易金额很小,我们准备同意以即期(或见票60天后)付款交单方式支付货款。

Please open the L/C 15 to 20 days before the date of delivery, and it should be valid until the 15th day after shipment so that we can get all the shipping documents ready for presentation and negotiation.请用信用证付款,由贵方在交货前15天到20天期间开出,其有效期到货物装船后15天截至,以便我方准备好所有装运单据提交银行议付。催款函常用典型语句

We should request you to take up this matter with the issuing bank at once and let us know what has become of the letter of credit, otherwise the shipment will be delayed a great deal.请立即与开证银行联系此事,让我们知道信用证的情况。否则,我们将长期延迟装运。

Having made repeated application for payment of this amount without avail, we now give you notice that we will take out a summons for recovery of the sum.经过多次催促贵方支付这笔帐款无效,我方郑重通知贵方我方将发出法庭传票以收回这笔款项。装运函常用典型语句

We wish to advise you that your Order No.109 has been shipped today.贵方109号订单下的货物今日已装运,特此通知。

The duplicate shipping documents including bill of lading, invoice, packing list and inspection certificate will be sent to you today.装运单据副本,包括提货单、发票、集装单和检验证书,今日将寄给贵方。We are sure the goods will reach you in good order and give you full satisfication.我方确信货物将安然抵达,令贵方完全满意。保险函常用典型语句

We’d like to cover the consignment against All Risks from our warehouse to the port of Amsterdam.我方愿意为该批寄售货物投保从我方仓库至阿姆斯特丹港的全险。

We should like to know if you can undertake insurance of these goods Against All Risks(A.A.R.)请告知,贵公司可否承办这批货物的全险。

We have covered insurance on the 100 metric tons of wool for 100% of the invoice value against All Risks.我方已经将100公吨羊毛按照发票金额的100%投保一切险。

The goods are to be insured against Leakage.此货需要保渗透险。

Please insure the goods against All risks and War Risk.请将此货投保一切险及战争险。索赔函常用典型语句

We regret very much to find that, upon examination, 60 of the cases of your shipment arrived in a badly damaged condition.检验时,我们非常遗憾地发现,贵方所装运的货物抵达时,其中的60箱破损严重。

In support of our claim, we are sending you a survey report issued by China Commodity Inspection Bureau(CCIB).兹寄去中国商品检验局检验报告一份作为我方索赔的依据。

We hope you will promptly settle the case and bring it to a satisfactory close.我们希望贵公司立即解决此事,给出一个令人满意的结果。理赔函常用典型语句

To compensate you for your loss, we agree to allow you a reduction of 15% off the total invoice value.为弥补贵方损失,我们同意从总发票金额中扣除15%。

It’s clear that the shortage in weight was due to the fault of the carrier.Therefore we would advise you to lodge a claim against the shipping company.显然,短量是承运人造成的。所以,我们建议贵方向船公司提出索赔。





最近我方收到了来自卡拉奇的 Messrs E.A.Sheen & Co.公司的大量订单。因此,我方希








Private & Confidential Dear Sirs,We have received a large order from Messrs E.A.Sheen & Co., we would therefore appreciate it if you would provide us information about the financial and business standing of the previously mentioned firm.The reference we have obtained is the Royal Bank, Karachi.Will you please be good enough to obtain for us the information we need.Any information that you may provide us will be treated in strict confidence.Yours faithfully,(三)文本特点



2.中国或国外的商会(Chambers of Commerce in China and in foreign countries);

3.中国驻国外大使馆商务参赞处(Chinese Commercial Counselor's Office in foreign

第五章 商务信函 101


4.外国驻中国大使馆商务参赞处(Foreign Commercial Counselor's Office in China);

5.同业协会(Business Houses of the same or similar trade);

6.咨询机构(inquiry agencies)。


1.你所询问的公司名称(the name you inquired);

2.写信的目的,即具体想要查询什么问题(purpose of writing the letter(be specific about what you want));

3.要确保对所得到的信息严格保密(to make sure that all the information you have obtained will be treated in strict confidence)。


1.We shall appreciate it if you will let us know their financial position.如能告知我方该公司的财务状况,将不胜感激。

2.We shall appreciate it if you will give us your frank opinion on these points regarding the company.如能坦率告知我方有关该公司的情况,将不胜感激。

3.Will you please be good enough to obtain for us the information possible respecting the financial standing and mode of business of ABC Company?

能否为我方索取有关 ABC 公司财务状况和贸易方式的资料?

4.We should appreciate it if you would provide us with reliable information respecting Messrs of J.C.Maxwell Company.We wish to know if their financial standing is considered strong.如能为我方索取有关 J·C·马克士威公司的可靠信息——该公司的财务运作能力是否


5.The Subject company is now offering to present us in the sale of our Sewing Machines, and has referred us to your Bank for detailed information about its credit standing, business

capacity and character.标题公司提出要为我公司代理销售我方的缝纫机,并介绍我公司向贵行了解该公司的信用、业务能力和声誉的详细情况。

6.The firm under mentioned in your city, who have written to us, state that they are the leading importers in your place dealing in chemicals and they now wish to switch to us for the supply of the similar item.贵市下述公司告知我方,他们是贵地化工产品的主要进口商,目前希望我方能够供应



7.We are at present negotiating with the firm named below about the question of agency.They have given us your name as a reference.Will you please inform us frankly whether you consider a credit to the extent of $ 5,000,000 as a risk?



8.We are glad to enter into business relations with you and hope you can give us the names of two banks as a reference.We hope to negotiate further for the specific transactions.我方很高兴与贵公司建立业务关系,并希望贵公司能提供两个银行资信证明人,以便


9.Please note that this information is furnished without any responsibility on our part and should be held strictly confidential.请注意,我方对所提供的材料不负任何责任,并请对该材料严格保密。

10.The above information is given confidentially and without responsibility on this bank.以上情况请注意保密,对此信息该行不负任何责任。



2建立贸易关系 敬启者:









Dear Sirs,Having obtained your name and address from our Economic and Commercial Counselor's Office in your country,we are writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations between us.We have been importers of oxygen delivery systems including cannulas and masks for many

years.At present, we are interested in various kinds of respiratory therapy products and apparatuses and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize.We are looking forward to receiving your early reply.第五章 商务信函 103

Yours faithfully,(三)文本特点



1.首先,先告诉对方你得到对方的名称和地址的方式(opening sentence: how the writer obtained the name and address of the company);

2.其次,告之对方你写信的目的(purpose of contacting the company);

3.然后,向对方作简要的自我介绍(a self-introduction, such as the nature of the company's business(agent, exporter, importer or manufacture, and your commercial standing));

4.最后,向对方表示感谢(complimentary closure)。


1.Your name and address have been given to us by the Belgium Chamber of Commerce in Brussels, we are writing to establish business relations with you.我方从布鲁塞尔比利时商会获悉贵公司的名字和地址,现去信以期与贵公司建立业务


2.The American Consulate in Shanghai has advised us to get in touch with you concerning the establishment of business relations with you.美国驻上海领事馆告知我方与贵方联系,以期建立业务关系。

3.Your Commercial Councellor's Office has referred us to you for establishing business relations with your firm.贵方商务参赞处告知我方与贵方联系,以期建立业务关系。

4.We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-opened corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods, hoping that you would like to enter into business relations with us.我方有幸自荐。我们是一家独家经营轻工业产品的国有公司,希望能与贵公司建立业


5.With a view to expanding our business at your end, we are writing to you in the hope that we can open up business relations with your firm.为了在贵地扩大我方业务,我们写信希望与贵方建立业务关系。

6.We are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us.我方很愿意寄去自荐函,希望这是双方互利关系的前奏。

7.We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your company.104



8.Through the courtesy of Mr.Gates, we have learned that you are one of the leading importers of Light Industrial in your area.承蒙盖茨先生介绍,获悉贵公司是贵地轻工业产品的主要进口商。

9.We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what we one has for what one needs.我方非常乐意在平等互利、互通有无的基础上与贵公司建立业务关系。

10.We are pleased to learn from your letter of...that you wish to enter into trade relations with us.从贵方来信获悉贵方希望与我方建立业务关系。

11.As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you.由于这些产品属于我方经营范围,我方很高兴与贵方建立业务关系。

12.Much to our regret, we are unable to do business with you directly, as we are represented by Mr.King in your area.非常抱歉,我方不能与贵方建立直接业务关系。因为我方已委托金先生作为贵地的代理。

13.We are sorry to say for not accepting your request for establishment of business relations with us, as the items named in your letter have been exhausted.非常抱歉,我方不能与贵方建立业务关系,因为贵方信中所提货物已告罄。

14.We thank you for your letter of expressing your desire to trade with us directly, which coincides with ours.感谢贵方来函,希望与我方建立直接业务关系,这与我方的想法一致。

15.We are indebted to Mr.Jackson for your name and address and should be pleased to open up business relations with your firm in the near future.承蒙杰克逊先生介绍,我方获悉贵公司名字和地址,我方非常高兴在不久的将来与贵


16.Your letter expressing the hope of entering into business connections with us has been received with thanks.十分荣幸收到贵方希望与我方建立业务关系的信函。



贵公司 5 月 6 日所寄的石化分析、数据管理软件报价单和图片册已收到。



第五章 商务信函 105

经联系,本地不少客户对这套软件感兴趣,为此请即报 500 套(PADM-3456 号)CFR 天津最低价。





Dear Sirs,Thank you for your brochure for Petroleum Analysis & Data Management Software dated May 6 and the photo booklet enclosed.We have approached a number of our customers in this area and many of them take an interest in the application software.We therefore ask you to make us your best offer on CFR Tianjin basis for 500 Petroleum Analysis & Data Management Software packages(No.PADM-3456).We would like to point out that unless your quotation is attractive to the buyers here, it would be difficult for us to push successfully the sale of your software products in this competitive market.We shall appreciate your offer in the form of a proforma invoice.Yours Sincerely,(三)文本特点




式、交货时间以及支付方式(List the names and specifications about the product you are enquiring about, including quality, Art Nos, specification, the amount the buyer wants, unit price, mode of delivery, delivery time and terms of payment.);

2.如果还未得到产品目录、价目单和样品,可向对方索取(Ask the seller to send you the catalogue, price list and samples if you haven't obtained these before.);

3.简要介绍你方市场和你方销售能力,同时强调对方报价应合理并具有竞争力(Short introduction about your market and your ability to sell the goods.Emphasize that the price

should be made reasonable and competitive.);

4.询问对方是否有折扣,说明你方能接受的支付方式和你方希望的交货时间(Enquire about the discount the seller can offer and say clearly about terms of payment you can receive and the delivery time you expect.); 5.表达订货的可能性(Express the possibility for ordering the goods)。



1.We have an importer enquiry for Woolen Blankets and would like to obtain a catalogue, price list together with the samples as soon as possible.我们是一家进口商,询问有关羊毛毯的情况。希望贵方尽快向我方提供产品目录,价


2.We are very much interested in importing your “Forever Bicycle” displayed at Guangzhou Trade Fair.我方对贵方在广州交易会上展出的永久牌自行车很感兴趣,并有意进口。

3.Your advertisement in today's China Daily interests us and we will be glad to receive samples with your lowest prices.我方对贵方今天刊登在中国日报上的广告很感兴趣。希望贵方能寄来样品并附上最低


4.From the latest issue of Computer World we have learned about your Business Guide software package for IBM-compatible PCs.We would like to find out more information about the package because we think it might be appropriate to the needs of our customers.我方从最近出版的计算机世界杂志上获悉,贵方主营 IBM 兼容机软件包。我方想了解


5.We are a large record store in the center of Buenos Aires and would like to know more about the tape and cassettes you advertised in this month's edition of A.V.news.我们是布宜诺斯艾利斯市中心的一家经营录音机的大商场,我方希望了解贵方在本月的 A.V.NEWS


6.It would also be helpful if you could send us samples and if they are of the standard we require, we will place a substantial order.如能寄给我方一些样品,将有助于双方业务的发展。如样品符合我方标准,我方将大


7.Please let us know on what terms you can supply the above goods.请告知我方,你方能供应上述商品的交易条件。

8.We are in the market for ladies' dresses, and shall be glad to receive your best possible quotation, including origin, detailed specifications, packing and quantities available for them.我方想买女式服装,希望贵方能向我方报最优盘,包括产地,详细的规格、包装及该


9.We, however, would like to point out that unless your quotation is attractive to the buyers, it would be difficult to push the sale of your shirt successfully.但我方要指出,要想成功地推销衬衫,你方报价须对卖方具有吸引力。否则,将有


第五章 商务信函 107

10.As our market is now somewhat dull and prices are generally low, you are very

fortunate in making purchases at this time.目前我方市场呆滞,货价普遍偏低,幸而贵方此时进货。



很高兴收到贵方 8 月 25 日的询价。根据贵方要求,今寄上有插图的目录和明细价目单。





若贵方在 9 月 30 日前下订单,我方可保证在收到订单后两周内交货。若定期购买不少

于 50 打的商品,我方可给予 5%的折扣。






Dear Sirs,We were very pleased to receive your inquiry of August 25 and enclose our illustrated catalogue and the detailed price-list as you asked.Also by separate post we are sending you some samples.When you have examined them, we feel confident you will agree that the goods both excellent in quality and reasonable in prices.Because of their warmth and softness, all-cotton bedsheets are more and more popular, and after studying our prices you will not be surprised to learn that we are finding it difficult to meet the demand.But if you place your order not later than September 30, we would try to effect shipment within fourteen days of receipt of your order.On regular purchase of fifty dozen or more of individual items we would allow you a discount of 5%.We invite your attention to our other products, details of which you will find in the catalogue, and look forward to receiving your first order.Yours faithfully,(三)文本特点





1.首先对对方的询盘表示感谢并说明收信日期(Express your thanks for the enquiry and state the date of the letter you received.);


所要求的已另函邮寄(Supply all the information one enquired and inform that the catalogues, the price lists, samples and all the buyer requested have been sent by separate cover.);

3.有关你方所供产品的详细信息及产品优势(Detailed information about the products you can supply and the advantages of the products.Something more about your company, that is the advantages of doing business with each other.);

4.说明该报价合理且具有竞争力(State that the price given is reasonable and conpetitve.);

5.说明你方能接受的支付方式以及可能的交货时间(State terms of payment you can receive and the possible time for delivery.);

6.最后说明相信对方会对你方产品感到满意并盼望早日收到订单(A closing sentence to show that the reader will be satisfied with your products and the hope to conduct business in the future(receive order soon).)。


1.Enclosed please find a full range of catalogues covering the stainless steel tableware

inquired for in your letter of May 4, if you find any of the items of interest, please let us know and we will send you the samples.随函附上贵方 5 月 4 日来函要求的不锈钢餐具说明书,如对其中任何产品感兴趣,请


2.We have much pleasure in enclosing a quotation sheet for our products and trust that their high quality will induce you to place a trial order.非常高兴寄去我方的产品报价单,我方相信我方的优质产品会促使贵方试订货。

3.We are glad to receive your letter dated November 14 for our bicycle.In reply to your inquiry, we are pleased in making you the following offer.非常高兴收到贵方月日对我方自行车的询函,现回复贵方询函并报盘


4.You will receive cuttings of our materials and a color chart, These were airmailed to you this morning.贵方将收到我方服装材料的剪样和彩色图片,这些材料我方已于今晨航寄贵处。

5.We are making you, subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than September 15, the following offer.第五章 商务信函 109

现报盘如下,若贵方接收复函于 9 月 15 日前抵达我处则有效。

6.Our prices are quoted on CIF Lagos basis.If you would prefer the goods to be sent by airfreight, this will be an extra charge.我方的报价为成本加运保费拉各斯价。如果贵方需要我方邮寄该产品,我方将收取额


7.We are sending you separately a copy of our latest price list giving CIF Amsterdam Price together with an illustrated catalogue for your reference.我们另寄出标有 CIF 阿姆斯特丹价的最新价目表,以及一份插图目录供贵方参考。

8.We are sure you will find a ready sale for our products in Canada as other retailers

throughout Europe and U.S.A, and we do hope we can reach an agreement on the terms quoted.由于欧洲和美国的零售业务业绩良好,我方确信我方产品在加拿大定会销售很好。我方衷心希望贵我双方能就所报条款达成一致意见。9.We hope you will agree that our prices are very competitive for these good quality clothes, and we look forward to receiving your initial order.我方希望贵方会由于我方的优质服装,认同我方价格具有竞争力。我方盼望早日收到




贵方 11 月 21 日的来信已收到,谢谢,对此我方已于上周五电复。

从我方的电子邮件中谅必贵方已知道,我方能够报实盘 250 千吨钢管拉各斯成本、保

险费加运费每千吨 620 英镑,可在收到贵方订单后两个月内交货。货款的支付方式为即期








Dear Sirs,Thank you for your letter of November 21, and we sent you a reply by e-mail last Friday.You must have noted from our e-mail that we can make you a firm offer on 250 L/Ts Steel Tubes at £620 per L/T CIF Lagos.Delivery can be made within two months upon the arrival of your order, and payment is to be by sight letter of credit.This offer is subject to your reply reaching here within one week.110


As you are aware, there has been active demand for Steel Tubes in the market.It is therefore

impossible for us to keep this offer open too long.Active demand will certainly result in

increased price, and for this reason we expect your early reply.Yours faithfully,(三)文本特点



1.首先,对发盘人的发盘表示感谢(Express appreciation for the offeror's effort in making an offer.);

2.其次,表示很遗憾不能接受发盘并解释原因(Express regret for some reasons you cannot accept the offer and explain it.);

3.然后,提出你方所希望的条件作为还盘(Make a suggestion about your own terms and conditions to the counter-offer.);

4.最后,希望对方接受你的还盘(Express your desire to the reader, hoping that your counter-offer will be accepted.)。


1.While appreciating the good quality and fine style of your bicycles, we find the prices of your goods, especially the women's bicycles, are too high to be competitive in our markets.我方非常欣赏贵方自行车的质量和漂亮款式,但我方认为贵方自行车尤其是女式自行


2.Thank you for your letter of November 30, in which you asked us for the possibility of reduction from 5%~10% in our prices of men's and women's bicycles.感谢贵方 11 月 30 日来函询问我方男、女自行车降价 5%-10%的可能性。

3.We regret to inform you that we are not in a position to accept your counter-offer or those terms.我们遗憾地通知贵方,我方无法按照贵方的条件接受报价。

4.Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say 3%, we might come to terms.如贵方愿意减价,比方说,3%,也许我们能达成交易。

5.Much to our regret, we are unable to entertain your offer because the specifications you quoted do not meet our clients' requirements.If you are in a position to supply the goods of such specifications as given in our inquiry sheet, we will get in touch with our buyers again.非常遗憾,我方不能接受贵方报盘,因为贵方所报规格不符合我方客户要求。如果贵


第五章 商务信函 111

6.We like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have handled our inquiry, and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you.我方欣赏贵方货物的质量及贵方对我方询盘的处理方式,并希望有机会与你方做合作。

7.We may suggest that you could perhaps make some allowance on your quoted prices that would help to introduce your goods to our customers.我方建议贵方是否对贵方的报价做些减让,这样有助于将贵方产品介绍给我方客户。

Section 6




事由:我方第 CZ-567 售货确认书







Dear Sirs/Madams,Re: Our Sales Confirmation No.CZ-567

With reference to the 300 Gauss Meters under our Sales Confirmation No.CZ-567, we would

draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching but we have not yet

received your covering Letter of Credit.Please try your best to establish the L/C, so that we can process your order in good time.In order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.We hope to receive your favorable news soon.Yours truly,(三)文本特点



1.首先,说明该批货物装运期临近,但尚未收到相关信用证(State time of delivery is approaching of that goods,but have not yet received covering L/C.);

2.其次,催促对方开立信用证,以便你方能够安排装运(Urging establishment of L/C so



as to the seller can conduct his obligation to deliver his goods.);

3.然后,提醒对方注意信用证条款必须与合同条款完全一致,以避免日后修改(Remind that the L/C stipulation must be in accordance with the terms of the contract.);

4.最后,表达你方盼望对方回音的良好愿望(Express your desire to the buyer, hoping that you can receive favorable news.)。


1.It is our practice to require sight L/C.要求即期信用证是我方的惯例。

2.Payment shall be made by a first-class banker's irrevocable and transferable L/C in favor of the seller, available by draft at sight for 100% invoice value.支付方式为:在一流银行按发票金额的100%开立以卖方为受益人的、不可撤销的、可转让的信用证,凭即期汇票支付。

3.We have made it clear that we should accept D/P terms for your present order.我方已经清楚说明,目前订货我方只接受付款交单。

4.We agree to draw at 60 days D/P instead of 30 days D/A.我方同意开具 60 天期付款交单而非 30 天期承兑交单汇票。

5.We should request you to expedite the establishment of the L/C so that we may effect shipment by the direct steamer scheduled here about May 30.我方请求贵方速开立信用证,以便我方能够将贵方货物装运到 5 月 30 日开出的直达汽


6.Because there is no direct steamer to your port, please make amendment to your L/C, allowing transshipment in Hong Kong.因无直达船驶往贵港,请修改信用证,准许在香港转船。

7.You must be responsible for all the losses arising from your delay in opening the covering L/C.贵方必须对迟开相关信用证所造成的一切损失负责。

8.As regards Contract No.254, it is regret that we have not received your L/C yet.非常遗憾,直到目前我方仍未收到贵方第 254 号信用证。

9.We regret being unable to accept your terms of payment and therefore have to return the order to you.非常抱歉,我方不能接受贵方的支付条件,因此,我方不得不把订单退还贵方。

10.If we had received you L/C, we would have effected shipment.收到信用证后,我方将安排装运。

11.The goods would have been shipped directly if your L/C has arrived by the end of last

第五章 商务信函 113

November.如果贵方信用证在去年 11 月底开到我方,贵方所订货物将直接送抵。

12.Please see to it that letter of credit is always opened telegraphically without delay, so as to enable us to effect shipment during October / November.请确保及时电开信用证,以便我方能在 10 /11 月期间装运。

13.We find the stipulations in your L/C are not in accordance with the contract.我方发现,贵方信用证上的规定与合同不一致。

14.In view of our friendly co-operation in the past, we shall extend the relative L/C

compliance with your request.鉴于我们双方过去的友好合作,我方将应你方要求,延期有关信用证。



我方荣幸地通知贵方,贵方 4 月 28 日所订购的货物已经于 5 月 16 日交由“Evergreen” 货轮自宁波北仑港运出。

随函附上 1234 美元的商业发票一式三份。按照规定,我方已将装运单据(提单、保险





Section 7



Dear Sirs,We are pleased to inform you that the goods you ordered on April 28 were loaded onto S.S.“Evergreen” on May 16, which was to depart from Beilun Port, Ningbo, Zhejiang.We enclose commercial invoice in triplicate for $1234.00.As stipulated we have delivered the shipping documents(Bill of Lading, Insurance Policy, Draft, Certificate of Origin, Packing List, List of Weight and/ or Measurement)to our bank, which will send them to you against the

payment of the amount of our invoice.We look forward to your repeat orders.Yours faithfully,(三)文本特点





1.首先,通知对方所订购的货物已经装运发出(Inform that the goods were already loaded onto and delivered.);

2.告知对方所需单据已经交给银行(State that stipulated documents were delivered to the bank.);

3.希望对方及时付款(Hope that buyer could effect payment in time.);

4.表达再次合作的良好愿望(Express your desire to the buyer, hoping that we could cooperate again.)。


1.Payment is to be made by draft drawn on the buyer payable at sight D/P.我方已向买方开具汇票,请见票后付款交单。

2.As agreed upon in our negotiations, payment is to be made by L/C.按我们协商的规定,用信用证支付。

3.We have drawn on you at 30 days' sight for the amount of the invoice.我方已按发票金额向贵方开立 30 天见票付款的汇票。

4.To give you more convenience, we will draw a clean draft on you for amount shot-opened.为更方便,我方将开出清洁汇票,向贵方支取短开的金额。

5.I hope that the goods can be shipped promptly after you get our L/C.我方希望贵方能在收到我方信用证后马上发货。

6.Upon receipt of your L/C, please arrange shipment of the goods booked by us without any delay.收到信用证后,请尽快装运我方货物。

7.We are pleased to inform you that we have completed the shipment of 1000 pieces of bicycles.现通知贵方,我方已将 1000 辆自行车装运完毕。

8.The contract stipulates that the seller shall cable the shipping advice to the buyer as soon as the goods are loaded on board the ship.合同规定,一旦货物装船,卖方必须电告装船通知。



按:订单 0204 号 500 箱玩具

Section 8


第五章 商务信函 115

兹确认收到贵方 7 月 20 日的来函,此函要求我方将标题货物投保保险,保险费由贵方

承担。我方已向中国人民保险公司替上述货物按金额 2200 英镑投保了综合险。





Dear Sir/ Madam,Re: Your Order No.0204 for 500 Cases of Toys

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated July 20 requesting us to effect insurance on the captioned shipment for your account.We are pleased to inform you that we have covered the above shipment with the People's

Insurance Company of China against all risks for £2200.The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be forwarded to you by next Tuesday together with our debit note for the premium.Yours sincerely,(三)文本特点

这是一种办理保险后的通知函。通常,在 FOB 或 CFR 条件下,买方可能会要求卖方




1.合同号码(the contract number);

2.对货物的简单描述(a brief description of the goods);

3.保险人和被保险人(the insurer and the insured);

4.保险费率(the insurance rate);

5.保险类别(the type of insurance)。


1.We will arrange insurance on your behalf.我方愿代贵方投保。

2.Please cover(insure)the goods with Particular Average.请给货物投保水渍险。

3.We have insured the above goods at invoice value plus 10%.116


我方已将上述货物按发票金额加 10%投保。

4.Please see to it that the above mentioned goods should be shipped before March 18 and the goods should be covered for 150% of invoice value against all risks.请注意,上述货物必须在 3 月 18 日前装出,保险须按发票价格的 150%投保综合险。

5.In the absence of definite instructions from our clients, we will cover insurance WPA and War Risk according to usual practice.在没有得到我方顾客明确指示的情况下,我方将按一般惯例投保水渍险和战争险。6.We will cover insurance ourselves on 500 pieces of bicycles under Contract No.1234.我方将自行办理第 1234 号合同项下的 500 辆自行车的保险。

7.We usually effect insurance with the People's Insurance Company of China against all risks, as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of the People's Insurance Company of China, dated the 1st January, 1981.我方一般按1981年元月1日中国人民保险公司的海洋运输货物保险条款向中国人民保


8.The additional insurance premium is for the buyer's account.额外保险费由买方负担。

9.We will effect insurance against all risks, as requested, charging premium and freight to you.应贵方请求,我方将为该货投保综合险,并向贵方收取保险费及运费。

10.The extra premium will, of course, be refunded to you upon receipt of your debit note, or, if you like, you may draw a sight draft on us for the amount.一收到贵方借记通知单,我方将立即返还额外保费,如果贵方愿意,也可开立即期汇


11.Please let us know whether your price covers the risk of TPND.请告知贵方的价格是否包括偷窃和提货不着险在内。

12.Please arrange the insurance as per our request and in the meantime we await your

shipping advice.请按我方的要求办理保险,同时我方等候贵方的装运通知。

13.The insurance company insures Risk of Breakages with 5% franchise.保险公司对保险破碎险有 5%的免赔限度。

14.The premium is calculated according to the premium rate or rates for risks to be covered.保险费是根据投保险别的保险费率计算的。

第五章 商务信函 117



订单号码 No.234

Section 9




装帐篷的箱子损坏,似乎在运输过程中已被打开。根据贵方第 678 号发票,我方估计

有 20 件帐篷及若干照明附件被盗,价值 3200 英镑。由于箱子被翻乱,箱内物品已经起皱






To whom it may concern, Our Order No.234

We are writing to you to complain about the shipment of Camping Tents we received yesterday against the above order.The boxes in which the camping tents were packed were damaged, and looked as if they had been broken open in transit.From your invoice No.678 we estimate that a number of accessory lights as well as twenty tents have been stolen to the value of about £3200.And because of the rummaging in the boxes, quite a few other tents were crushed or stained and therefore cannot be sold as new articles in our outlets here in Beijing.As the deal was on CIF basis and the forwarding company was your agents, we suggest you

contact them with regard to compensation.You will find a list of the damaged and missing

articles attached, and the consignment will be put aside until we receive your instructions.Yours sincerely,(三)文本特点



1.首先,告之引起索赔的事实并合理地引用例证(Tell the facts that caused the claim and cite the facts reasonably.);

2.其次,对事实的描述应当具体(The description of facts should be concrete, such as quoting the file number, the date of delivery, the goods concerned, etc.);



3.指出由于发生的损失和丢失所带来的不便(Refer to the inconvenience caused by the damage and loss incurred.);

4.然后,提出解决问题的建议(Suggest a way to settle the issue.);

5.最后,礼貌地表达你方希望早日解决问题的意愿(Express hope for an early solution of the problem courteously.)。


1.This is not the first time a delay in delivery has occurred, and the increasing frequency of the trouble compels us to point out that business on these conditions cannot be continued for long.交货发生延迟已非一次,且愈加频繁,我方必须指出在这种情况下,双方的交易不可


2.Case No.21 was found to be 5 packages short.As the case was in good shape and does not appear to have been tampered with, we surmise that they must have been short-shipped.Please do not trouble to send a replacement, but adjust your invoice.第 21 箱发现少了 5 包。因箱子完好无损,也没有损坏的迹象。我方推测一定是寄少了。请不必另寄,但请改正发票。

3.We find that you have sent us an article marked BO/56 instead of the VP/56 we ordered.As the articles sent are not of the type we stock, we must ask for replacement by the correct number as soon as possible.我方发觉运来之货物为编号 BO/56,而非我方所订的 VP/56。因来货与我方的订购不


4.Although we have had no news from you since your letter of the 12th of last month, we have no doubt that you did ship the goods on the 20th as agreed, but owing to your failure to

keep us informed, we have not been able to obtain insurance coverage and the goods are

therefore being carried at your risk.虽然自上月 12 日以来,我公司未曾收到贵公司任何来函,我方仍确知该批货品已于本

月 20 日装载上船,由于我们未能预先取得联系,我公司已无法对该货投保,故该货应由贵


5.You will recognize that we are accordingly in a position to repudiate the whole contract, but such a drastic step would be most unwelcome to us.It is clear, however, that we are entitled to some compensation, and we should be glad to hear of the allowance you are prepared to make to meet the case.贵公司应明白,我方本来能撤销全部合约,但这件事关系重大,本公司不愿这样做。


第五章 商务信函 119

6.With reference to our Order No.315 executed by you, we have to inform you that owing

to negligent packing, several bales were damaged to such an extent that we are compelled to dispose of them at a greatly reduced price.关于贵方处理的第 315 号订单,我方必须通知您,由于包装疏忽,几包货损非常严重。


7.We found half the goods broken(smashed, torn, beyond repairable, unusable, unsalable, damaged).我方发现货物半数被毁(粉碎、扯破、无法修理、无用、无法销售、受损)。

8.When unpacking the bale(case, etc.), we found that the color(weight, quality, finish)is unsatisfactory.开包(箱等)之后,我方发现颜色(重量、质量、工艺)不能令人满意。

9.We regret to point out that a shortage in weight of 210 lbs.was noticed when the goods arrived.我方遗憾地指出,货物到达时发现轻了 210 磅。

10.There is a discrepancy between the packing list of case No.15 and your invoice: 3 dozen Tea Services are correctly entered on the invoice but there were only 2 dozen in the case.第 15 号箱的装箱单与发票不符,发票所列为 3 打茶具,而箱内只装了 2 打。



Section 10

接受对方投诉 谢谢来信通知我方所交运的货物(发票号码 XY678)受损。




如果贵方希望我方根据 AB456 号订单再次运货,请通知我方。我方仍有那批服装的存




Dear Sirs,Thank you for informing us about the damage to our shipment(invoice No.XY678)of your order.From our previous transactions you will realize that this sort of problem is quite unusual.120


Nevertheless, we would apologize for the inconvenience it has caused you.Please return the whole consignment to us, and we will ask the shipping company to inspect the damage so that they can arrange compensation.It is unlikely that our insurance company needs to be troubled with this case.If you want us to send you another shipment as per your order No.AB456, please let us know.We have the garments in stock and would be able to effect shipment within two weeks.Yours sincerely,(三)文本特点



1.首先,确认收到投诉并尽快回复(Confirm receipt of the claim and give an answer as quick as possible no matter whether there is a time limit or not.);

2.感谢对方提请你方注意此事(Express thanks to the opposite party for giving attention to the matter.);

3.对所发生的事表示遗憾并真诚地希望解决问题(Show regret for what has happened and a sincere wish for resolving the problem.);

4.承诺认真调查该事件(Promise to look into the matter carefully.);


出解释或建议对方向合适的部门提出索赔(When accepting the demand of the opposite party, put forward the principle for resolving the problem;when not accepting, an explanation should be made in the letter, or suggest forwarding the claim to the right department.);

6.表示热切地希望和对方继续商务关系并期盼未来的合作(Show enthusiasm to continue the business relations with the opposite party and wish for further cooperation.)。


1.Considering the long and agreeable course of business which we have carried on together, we make you an offer of $12 per meter as allowance for inferiority of the quality, which we trust you will see your way to accept.考虑到贵我双方长期的友好关系,对这次发生质量上的问题,我方特别给予每米 美元的折扣,相信贵公司定能接受。

2.We have closely examined the sample taken from our last consignment and find it in no way different in quality from the TP415 that we have here in stock.We can only surmise that there must be a mistake somewhere.我方已严格检查委托寄买的样品,发现其质量与现存库中的 TP415 号货并无不同。我

第五章 商务信函 121


3.This is the maximum concession we can afford.Should you not agree to accept our

proposal, we would like to settle by arbitration.这是我方所能做的最大让步,如果贵方不接受我方的建议,我方会通过仲裁解决。

4.With regard to the loss in weight, we would suggest that you make your claim with the forwarding agent, as in a case of this kind, we really cannot accept any liability.关于重量减少一事,我公司不承担任何责任。关于此点,我公司建议贵公司向货运公


5.We greatly regret the annoyance caused you by the delayed delivery of your Order No.40.We could put forward some excuse, but refrain from doing so because our mistake is in no way pardonable.因迟运订单第 40 号的货物而导致您的困扰,我方非常抱歉。我方情有可原,但我方不


6.We propose to have the goods inspected immediately.If the inspection confirms the

accuracy of your estimate, generous compensation will be allowed at once.我方提议立即查看此事。如果结果证明贵方正确,贵方将立刻获得巨额赔偿。

7.As the articles were packed with the utmost care, we can only conclude that the damaged case has been stored or handled carelessly.We have reported your claim to your insurance company.由于物品包装时极其小心认真,我方只能认为箱子受损是储藏或处理不小心所致。我方已将贵方的索赔报告递交我方的保险公司。

8.As stipulated in the contract, a minor discrepancy in colors is permissible.That is why the case you brought up is still under a normal practice.如合同所示,允许在颜色方面的轻微差异。故此,贵方提出的问题依然属于正常现象。

9.All the items for export must be under the tight seal which ensures that we always put the Total Quality Control into execution.所有出口商品都必须经过严格的合格检查,以保证全面控制质量这一措施的实行。



为五步:计划、组织、草稿、修改和编辑。分成 8 章讲解。讲解的时候举具体的例子做示


Chapter 1 Plan your writing Chapter 2 Organize your writing

Chapter 3 Draft and revise your writing to make it complete



Chapter 4 Revise your writing to make it cohesive

Chapter 5 Revise your writing to make it clear and concise Chapter 6 Revise your writing to make it courteous Chapter 7 Structure difficult letters Chapter 8 Edit your writing

Welcome to “Writing for Results”, a course that can help you enhance your English writing skills.HSBC has designed this course for its staff in the Asia Pacific region.HSBC staff study this course to improve the e-mails, memos, faxes and letters they write at work.If you've never written business documents before, you'll find this course extremely useful.Even if you're familiar with business writing, this course can still help you.“Writing for Results” will help you write in a modern style.By the end of this course you'll be

able to write business documents that are: better organized, more complete, clearer and more

concise, more courteous, more correct.The most important feature of the Writing Process is its five stages: plandraftedit

Good writers follow the five stages of the Writing Process to get the results they want.



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