
时间:2019-05-15 11:36:10下载本文作者:会员上传


Confessions of the Candide The best and most beautiful things in the world can not been seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart.----Helen Keller The Candide is one of the famous master work by Voltaire, which told us a story about Candide’s experience.Candide had a deep-believing in his teacher, who named Pangloss, said that everything in the world is perfect, but the uncomfortable truth smashed his dream of that beautiful world.He was adopted by a baron, and he was thrown out of the door because the baron found that Cadide and his daughter falling in love with each other.So he had to Roaming about stray , experienced so much troubles and disasters, he witnessed the Indifference, framed and superstition from person to person, but fortunately, he stiil believes in his “perfect world”.Untill he arrived in El dorado(Fields Of Gold), he found that Gold jasper and precious stones are everywhere and the people there lives in a happy and equal life, everyone has smile on his face, that a place like ideal state written by Tao yuanming.And finally, he realized that Cruel and apathy actually exist in the society, and he adapt to that fact little by little, so he abandoned the previous philosophical thoughts, became realistic and started believe that people gain happiness from their Hard sweat.That’s the only way to facilitate your life.The theme of the Cadide is to criticize Blind optimism, which is exately the personality of Candide.This world is not paradise, you need to stuggle for you happiness, cause no one can provide you with a ideal life that you imagine.The man who write this piece of master names Voltaire, He advocated what advocated by Rousseau , natural rights that is born to be free and equal, all has the pursuit of survival, the right to pursue happiness, and the right is days granted cannot be deprived of, and this is what talent human rights thought.He lighted the the Enlightenment, He publishes books to attack with sarcasm Christian doctrines and then the education system of France, which means a lot.“What Voltaire represent is not a person only, but a whole era.”, said Hugo.Although his thoughts are limited, he has so much shining points in his whole life.Here is a paragraph which show the point in the article, “There is a concatenation of all events in the best of possible worlds;for, in short, had you not been kicked out of a fine castle for the love of Miss Cunegund;had you not been put into the Inquisition;had you not traveled over America on foot;had you not run the Baron through the body;and had you not lost all your sheep, which you brought from the good country of El Dorado, you would not have been here to eat preserved citrons and pistachio nuts.” “Excellently observed,” answered Candide;“but let us cultivate our garden.” We find that in the end , the Candide still do not understand that he should struggle for his fate.He still under others’ control though he have experienced so much trouble and terrible things in the past.The authors use a third party in tells the story, with a cool, calm tone, we can’t see any criticism in this book, Only the natural development of the story gives me a big shock.I feel that only need I reading this book with a serious and peaceful attitude will I learn something after I finished the book.And the fact is that, I do understand what the author wanted to covey to us, life is a serious problem, we are forced to fight with the world, and our destinies are in our hand, catch it or lose it, that’s your responsibility.I’m so glad that the Candide finally felt that he need to do something to deal with the terrible situation to change his life though he didn’t do something indeed.When he said that” "Oh Pangloss!Such horrid doings never entered the imagination.Here is an end of the matter.I find myself, after all, obliged to renounce thy Optimism”.The moment that I think him do aware of that facing the fact is more important than optimism.We feel pity that even he suffer a lot, he never doubled to the god and face the fact, he just let the fact hurt himself but not to against the unfair world, his ridiculous is understandable in a certain terms.Because his master, because the world he lived in, because his so-deep believing.But the society is cruel.And the city El dorado is like a dream of Voltaire, but there is a conflict between the perfect world and the reality, so we are forced to face the real world and have the courage to fight for your destiny.


Confessions of the Candide

The best and most beautiful things in the world can not been seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart.----Helen Keller The Candide is one of the famous master work by Voltaire, which told us a story about Candide’s experience.Candide had a deep-believing in his teacher, who named Pangloss, said that everything in the world is perfect, but the uncomfortable truth smashed his dream of that beautiful world.He was adopted by a baron, and he was thrown out of the door because the baron found that Cadide and his daughter falling in love with each other.So he had to Roaming about stray , experienced so much troubles and disasters, he witnessed the Indifference, framed and superstition from person to person, but fortunately, he stiil believes in his “perfect world”.Untill he arrived in El dorado(Fields Of Gold), he found that Gold jasper and precious stones are everywhere and the people there lives in a happy and equal life, everyone has smile on his face, that a place like ideal state written by Tao yuanming.And finally, he realized that Cruel and apathy actually exist in the society, and he adapt to that fact little by little, so he abandoned the previous philosophical thoughts, became realistic and started believe that people gain happiness from their Hard sweat.That’s the only way to facilitate your life.The theme of the Cadide is to criticize Blind optimism, which is exately the personality of

Candide.This world is not paradise, you need to stuggle for you happiness, cause no one can provide you with a ideal life that you imagine.The man who write this piece of master names Voltaire, He advocated what advocated by Rousseau , natural rights that is born to be free and equal, all has the pursuit of survival, the right to pursue happiness, and the right is days granted cannot be deprived of, and this is what talent human rights thought.He lighted the the Enlightenment, He publishes books to attack with sarcasm Christian doctrines and then the education system of France, which means a lot.“What Voltaire represent is not a person only, but a whole era.”, said Hugo.Although his thoughts are limited, he has so much shining points in his whole life.Here is a paragraph which show the point in the article, “There is a concatenation of all events in the best of possible worlds;for, in short, had you not been kicked out of a fine castle for the love of Miss Cunegund;had you not been put into the Inquisition;had you not traveled over America on foot;had you not run the Baron through the body;and had you not lost all your sheep, which you brought from the good country of El Dorado, you would not have been here to eat preserved citrons and pistachio nuts.” “Excellently observed,” answered Candide;“but let us cultivate our garden.”We find that in the end , the Candide still do not understand that he should struggle for his fate.He still under others’ control though he have experienced so much trouble and terrible things in the past.The authors use a third party in tells the story, with a cool, calm tone, we can’t see any criticism in this book, Only the natural development of the story gives me a big shock.I feel that only need I reading this book with a serious and peaceful attitude will I learn something after I finished the book.And the fact is that, I do understand what the author wanted to covey to us, life is a serious problem, we are forced to fight with the world, and our destinies are in our hand, catch it or lose it, that’s your responsibility.I’m so glad that the Candide finally felt that he need to do something to deal with the terrible situation to change his life though he didn’t do something indeed.When he said that” "Oh Pangloss!Such horrid doings never entered the imagination.Here is an end of the matter.I find myself, after all, obliged to renounce thy Optimism”.The moment that I think him do aware of that facing the fact is more important than optimism.We feel pity that even he suffer a lot, he never doubled to the god and face the fact, he just let the fact hurt himself but not to against the unfair world, his ridiculous is

understandable in a certain terms.Because his master, because the world he lived in, because his so-deep believing.But the society is cruel.And the city El dorado is like a dream of Voltaire, but there is a conflict between the perfect world and the reality, so we are forced to face the real world and have the courage to fight for your destiny.




















1 说出一个人真实的思想是人生极大的安慰。

2 谨慎的人对自己有益,有德行的人对别人有益。

3 在理想的最美好世界中,一切都是为最美好的目的而设。

4 在理想的最美好的世界中一切都是为最美好的目的而设。

5 拜读名家大作,可造就雄辩之才。

6 没有所谓命运这个东西,一切无非是考验、惩罚或补偿。

7 妄自尊大只不过是无知的假面具而已。

8 当一个人无话可说时,一定说得十分拙劣。

9 人类通常像狗,听到远处有狗吠,自己也吠叫一番。

10 思想寓于躯体,但尽管如此,身体最健壮的人不一定就是杰出的思想家。

11 做一个惹人厌烦的人的秘诀就是告诉别人一切。

12 真理好比水果,只有熟透时才能采摘。

13 真理是一个必须成熟以后才能摘下来的果实。

14 对于亚当,天堂是他的家,而他的后裔,家就是天堂。

15 生命在于运动。

16 人生来是为行动的,就像火光总向上腾,石头总往下落。

17 要当个无聊男人的秘诀就是把什么都讲出来。

18 休息是好事,可怠倦是其兄弟。

19 友谊是心灵的结合。

20 劳动是快活的根源。

21 几个苍蝇咬几口,决不能羁留一匹英勇的奔马。

22 无论人类的哪个属类,都比懒怠的种族好。

23 发现新事物和作出新发现,是很大的满足。

24 不经巨大的困难,不会有伟大的事业。

25 思想像胡须,不成熟就不可能长出来。

26 读书使人心明眼亮。

27 有学问的傻瓜,要远比无知的傻瓜还要愚蠢。














































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