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2014 英语高三一模作文

Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.【宝山区】II.Guided Writing

在中学阶段,英语课外阅读有许多材料。比如:小说、杂志、报纸、网络、系列 读物和习题等。请写一篇关于中学英语课外阅读的文章,内容必须包括: ? 介绍你喜欢的英语阅读材料 ? 简单阐述你在英语课外阅读中的收获和感受

【评分】15/20 I prefer the newspaper online.As we all know,it is hard for us to get the paper media,due to the high cost.Therefore, the most feasible way to get access to the foreign language is the Internet.It is because the words on the online newspapers is more suitable for a high school student to read that we can benefit from it more easily.Another reason why we choose newspaper website is that there is not only one type of article.For example.BBC Homepage involves articles of all types ranging from news and world to literature and science.Reading only the text books for knowledge cannot truly enable us to use a language.By reading the newspaper website, I can not only learn to use a languages but also can be more exposed to a variety of knowledge.As the online newspaper is free, relatively easy to read and rich in knowledge, I love it best.【长宁区】 如今微信(WeChat)走进了人们的生活,为大家带来了诸多便利,但有些人也 随之成了“微信控”(WeChataholic),请你就此事写一篇文章。你的文章必须包括: ? 对此现象的描述 ? 你对“微信控”看法 ① In present-day society, Internet has played an important role in our daily lives, while the new form.of communication “WeChat” is ② gaining increasingl y more popularity among people.Naturally, a great number of people have bec ome “WeChataholic” or “phubber”, which means they keep staring at the mobil e phone all the time and can’t live without it.WeChat surely brings us a lot of convenience of keeping in contact with o thers, ③ whereas the negative effects of being addicted to WeChat far overweig h its advantages.To begin with, the frequent use of electric devices does great harm to our health, especially for teenagers who are physically immature.In addition, ④ people who are obsessed with WeChat may easily neglect the peopl e around them and being isolated from their surroundings, which ⑤ poses a pot ential threat to people’s interpersonal relationships.⑥ Last but not least, the ove 1 / 10

ruse of WeChat interferes with the normal running of our lives, directly reduci ng the efficiency of people’s daily work and study.In conclusion, we should make full use of the merit of WeChat, and reduce it s demerit to the minimum as well.⑦ Only in this way, can we definitely make a better use of WeChat.【崇明县】

Dear Jerry, Thanks for your letter!As you’ve recently heard of from the Internet that the air condition in Shanghai is rather bad, I would like to share with you my ide a about the haze.① The word HAZE used to be a common entry which could only be found in dictionaries;however, it has become a hot topic and keyword in some major metropolitan c ities like Shanghai in China.② When you open the window in the morning, y ou will seldom see blue sky and white clouds.When you jog on the school p layground, you will find it rare to freely breathe fresh air.③ The average city dwellers like me not only began to wear masks to self-protect but took some measures to crack it down.So, what are the reasons resulting in such terrible haze? I am sure no single c ause is responsible for such a big issue, but ④ talking about the wasted gases l et off from the tall chimneys located in the chemical factories and the polluted water running out from some unknown illegal small workshops, no one would doubt the responsibilities these pollution sources should take.No matter how serious the haze is now, it is no use complaining about it all day without any practical actions.⑤ It is high time our government took some forceful measures to combat the air pollutions and the individuals raised their awareness to make their due contribution to a clean environment.Anyway, everything is changing better and so will be the air condition.Best regards!Yours sincerely, / 10

Huang ming


最近,学校就学生认为“自己最苦恼的事”做了一次问卷调查,结果如下图。请根据下图写一篇调查报告。你的报告必须包括以下内容: ? 就前三种苦恼选择其中之一,具体描述这一苦恼的具体表现、产生原因; ? 用你本人生活中的一个具体事例,说明你是如何应对或排除这一苦恼的。(报告中不能出现你的真实姓名和校名)


某国际青少年互动友谊营正在招募志愿者,要求能安排并接待一位与你年龄 相仿的外国青少年在上海游玩一天。你对此很感兴趣,请写一封 E-mail,申请担 任志愿者,并告诉主办方你的一天安排。(文中请不要出现真实的校名人名)Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to apply for the volunteer of your ①

International Adolescent Interactive Friendship Camp since I am rather interested in the reception part f or a foreign friend of my age.After full consideration, I have designed a perfect day tour in Shanghai for this new friend.In the early morning, he or she will be sitting at the table with my friends in the sidewalk snack booth, ② preparing to enjoy the most tra ditional Shanghai local breakfast.③ As is always said, one can never say he has been in Shanghai without v isiting the bund.After breakfast, I will show him around the bund, the well k nown scenic spots for tourists.④ Instead of glancing over the building hurriedly, I will try my best to be a qualified tour guide, introducing to him the histori es and interesting stories behind every architecture.In the afternoon, we are going to visit the former site of Shanghai Expo 2 010, appreciating the magnificent China Pavilion, the Crown of the East.The s hape of ⑤ a soaring inverted pyramid is so well designed that it has attracted a lmost one million visitors until now.What’s more, I am sure that my new frie nd will be definitely ⑥ dazzled by the endless array of exhibits with Chinese a rtistic characteristics from all over China.A perfect day ends with a delicious homemade dinner with dearest family.And I hope my company could leave him or her a good memory of Shangha i.Thanks for your consideration!Yours sincerely, / 10 Mary


据报导,在不久的将来,英语将不再列入高考科目。这引起了社会很大的关 注和争议: 赞成的说这可以减轻学生的负担;反对者认为全球化背景下英语越来 越重要,如此将对中小学英语教学产生负面影响。请结合自己英语学习的经历,谈谈你对这一变化的看法和观点。参考词汇:globalization


高考将探索外语科目一年多次的社会化考试,学生可自主选择考试时间和次 数。和目前的高考制度相比,你更喜欢哪种方式?请谈谈你的看法。According to the reform program of the college entrance examination that the Ministry of Education has made,some of the subjects will be examed many times in a year.People have different oppinions about this.Some say that this program give students more free time.Students can choose the exam time themself and it's obvious an effective way to improve their grades of the university entrance examination.On the other hand,if some of the subjects are finished ahead of time,students will be in less pressure during the time.There are also many people against the program while others are in favour of it.It wil increase the burden of the students by the frequently tests.Also,it is a waste of the education resource cause the exam costs more in this case.In my oppinion,to pass the exam before the reference time is a good way to relax ourselves while we are all under the pressure of the university entrance examination.So I'm looking forward to see the reform program to be brought into force.What about you?What's your idea of the program? 【闵行区】 假如你是启明中学(Ming Qi Middle School)的李明,想申请成为“爱共线”的暑 期志愿者。根据以下启事,写一封申请信(信中不能提到真实姓名和学校)。/ 10

志 愿 者 招 募

爱共线是由民间发起的爱心公益组织,主要致力于贫困地区儿童相关的援助项目。我们期待你的加入!岗位 1:网页编辑(webpage editor)岗位 2:影像制作(cameraman)岗位 3:论坛管理员(forum administrator)岗位 4:活动组织(event organizer)有意者请来信告知: 1)你个人的基本情况; 2)你所申请的岗位和申请的理由;

Dear Sir or Madam: Hello!I’m Li Ming, who is a student from Ming Qi Middle School.After seeing your advertisement, now I’m writing this letter immediately.I want to apply to be a volunteer in your organization.The job I want to take is webpage editor.First of all, I really want to devote myself to helping children in poor areas.Once upon a time, I saw some news about these poor children who had no access to education or lacked assistance of daily necessities, which left a deep impression on me.So I thought I would do something for them one day.Secondly, I’m good at programming.I have learnt programming for a long time.The prizes which I won in competitions are numerous.In my class, I’m responsible for designing my class’s webpage.As you can see, I think I have had much experience.Working as a webpage editor is easy for me.Last but not least, in summer vacation, I have no extra classes.So I can contribute all my energy to this job.As reasons above, this job is suitable for me.And I assure you that I will do a great job.Please let me join your organization!Yours sincerely Li Ming


目前,某某学校正在开展推选“校园形象大使”(image ambassador on campus)活动。假定你是该校的一名学生,请以书信的形式向校长推荐一位同学或者进行自荐,并结合具体事例阐明推荐的理由。(信中请勿出现具体校名和姓名)Dear Mr Princcipal, With the recent “Image ambassador on campus” campaign launched,a suitable candidate just comes up into my mind and I cannot wait to introduce this my dear fellow to you heartily.The guy,named Ben,has been class monitor since his first debut.He is such a person with a high sense of responsibility as is always ready to offer people a helping hand 5 / 10

with no hesitation and reluctance.He is also a role model possessing precious virtues which we all are endeavoring to learn from.Never is he arrogant no matter what achievements he has made in study.So he is never tired of learning from all that he finds a point in improving himself.He is always on the run of clarifying his own soul as well as ours.If you share the same opinion as mine, please take Ben into account.I’m sure he can assume the role of image ambassador on campus and maximize his positive energy for us students’ deeper internal development in the mean time.Anyway,thanksfor your reading time.Yours,Serena


有的校园活动让你兴奋不已,有的校园活动让你感到枯燥乏味。请描述你参与过 的一次校园活动,并简单谈谈你对该活动的看法。? 请具体描述一次你参与过的校园活动 ? 并谈谈你对此次校园活动的看法或它对你的影响


学校将组织“ ‘光盘’行动”的活动(“clear your plate” campaign),你将就此谈谈 自己的想法。(“Eat-It-Up” campaign!)你的文章必须包括以下内容: ? 简要描述身边存在的浪费粮食的现象; ? 进行“光盘”行动的必要性; ? 你的“光盘”行动的具体内容

The human society has developed to the point where most no longer have to struggle with the food shortage.Accordingly, a string of scenes showcasing the food waste are commonplace in daily lives: diners leave the KFCs with their chips unfinished, party members fail to consume an excessive amount of meal prepared, or chefs occasionally dump the already-cooked dishes not up to consumers’ expectations.In light of this, a clear-plate campaign, intended to minimize squandering, is to be launched by our school.6 / 10

Apparently, the campaign aims to cultivate people ’s awareness of cutting food waste and eliminating deserted leftovers.But more significantly, the successful implementation of the campaign ensures that the energy and resources that went into the culinary process are equally saved, thus reducing the carbon emissions involved in it.Moreover, the positive effects generated by the action serve as decent learning material in morality and ethics, especially for the younger generations.What should be entailed in the campaign, as far as I am concerned, can be listed as follows: first, some drastic approaches such as on the spot fine should be imposed upon individuals who are found wasting excessively.Alternatively, students can be privileged to gain a 5% discount in price provided they round off meals with a clear plate.Also imperative is that the ways the courses are sold be altered: the dishes might as well be prepared in smaller portions so that the potential waste can be curbed.【松江区】请你根据参加过的社会实践活动,谈谈参加社会实践活动的体会以及这样 的活动对你将来的人生产生的影响。

【徐汇区】我们国家长期实行独生子女政策,现在政府将放开这一政策,允许夫妻中一方是 独生子女的家庭生育第二个孩子,对此你怎么看。请围绕以下几点谈谈你的看法。? ? 谈谈你对目前实施的独生子女政策的理解; 对未来实施夫妻中一方是独生子女可生育第二个孩子的政策的想法;

? 你对未来中国的人口问题有何期望,简述原因。“One Child” policy has been implemented for decades, which has benefited China ①since the struggle of an imbalanced development of population and economy in the late 1970s.②Not only has it released the child-raising stress for each family, but it has lessened the burden on the whole society.③However, every coin has two sides.Though “One Child” policy has been proved an effective way to control the size of our population, it has generated various consequences, such as ④aging problem, “empty nest”syndrome, deficiency of young labor, to mention just a few.In consideration of the current phenomenon, ⑤a new policy that couples with one spouse being an only child will be permitted to have two children is right on its way.⑥There is no doubt that it will bring about some advantages, including ⑦alleviating the pressure of pension as well as lowering the risk of child loss.In the long run, it will definitely transform our social structure.⑧Yet due to the profound impact of “One Child” policy, it still requires great effort to change 7 / 10

people’s concept of childbirth, which will consequently ⑨give rise to the ⑩achievement of harmony between population and society.【杨浦区】请在智慧、金钱、真理、权力和美这五项中选择你认为最重要的,并阐述你 的理由。Wisdom, wealth, truth, power and beauty are all important things in our life, As far as I am concerned ,wisdom is the most essential thing.Wisdom is a tool which helps us handle daily things effectively and do our work perfectly.It is like a ladder which leads us to other important things such as truth and wealth in our life.What's more, the people with great wisdom may have deep understanding of the value of life.Instead of being aimlessly busy, great wisdom lets us know what we are pursuing and how we can do it.That's why I believed that wisdom is the most important quality for a successful and meaningful life.【闸北区】 / 10









































情景作文People moving our school

Recently our school conducted an activity entitled “People Moving Our School”, aiming at awarding those who devoted much to others as well their jobs, which drew a wide attention in our school.Several weeks before the activity, a bulletin board was put up in advance, on which presented the photos of six campaigners, accompanied by their moving deeds.Carefully had I read the words before I went to the computer room to search for further information.Our school had already presented some more photos and detailed information on the website, which provided a platform for us to know more.I was deeply moved by an old granny who was doing the tiring cleaning work all the time yet keeping a sanguine(乐天的;自信的)attitude towards life.I decided to vote for her at once.On the voting day, crowds of people flooded into the voting hall, in turns, we put our votes into a box.I handed in my vote and solemnly swore that I would be as optimistic as the granny in my whole life.Three days later, our school threw an evening gala to announce the final result.On the stage stood four winners, including that old granny.Excited as I was, I clapped my hands to show my sincere congratulations.It was such a meaningful activity that I will never forget.开放作文

Hi, Jim.I’d like to share my opinion of the picture with you.From my perspective, what the picture conveys is that we’d better think twice before take an action.On no account should we begin doing a work without concerning the possible results it may leads.The silly man in the thought-provoking picture contributes to my opinion above.As you can see, sitting on a branch of the tree, he is doing his utmost sawing the tree.Undoubtedly, when the branch cracks and falls, so does he.The picture reflects a profound message that whenever we do something, it’s vital for us to take everything into account.Take the man in the picture as an example.Had he been careful enough to saw the branch by standing on a ladder instead of sitting on it, he is bound to be safe and sound.This also applies to our daily life.If we are always tackling the problems hurriedly without considering its potential disadvantage or trouble, our efforts may end in vain.However, if we are wise enough to fully check its every single aspects, our way to success will be shortened.Thus, it’s high time that we paid attention to every aspects of a problem.Only in this way can we solve it validly.After all, we won’t hurt ourselves like the man in the picture.Do you agree with me, Jim?



作文题目: 造成麻烦的,并不是我们不知道的事,而是我们所知道的事并非我们所想的那样。对此你怎么看? 请写一篇文章谈谈你的思考。题意分析:


“麻烦”,一个表达心理状态的一个词。同义词有: 困惑、烦恼、不安等。


“我们所想的”是一种主观预想,它指向的是认知。整体上看,材料有这样几个意义指向: 1.对于人们因认知和客观事实发生矛盾(不一致,极端的就是矛盾、冲突)而造成了麻烦(困惑、烦恼、不安)的情况,你怎么看? 2.对于人们因认知和事件真相发生矛盾(不一致,极端的就是矛盾、冲突)而造成了麻烦(困惑、烦恼、不安)的情况,你怎么看? 3.对于人们因认知和真理发生矛盾(不一致,极端的就是矛盾、冲突)而造成了麻烦(困惑、烦恼、不安)的情况,你怎么看? 立意分析:近几年上海高考作文命题在内容上有一个基本的趋势是: 通过对人类普遍的行为或现象的不同看法引导考生开展思辨。比如2016 年秋季考指向的评论他人的行为,2017 年秋季考指向的是预测行为。本次浦东一模卷作文指向的是人类普遍存在的选择或做决定之前的判断行为,意在引导考生针对认知和客观事实、真相、真理发生矛盾造成麻烦(困惑、烦恼、不安)的情况进行分析与思辨,或揭示原因,表明态度,或分析根源,提出策略。我们知道,造成这种“麻烦”(困惑、烦恼、不安)的原因主要有两方面:其一是主观原因,如主观臆断、认知的表象和肤浅、主体意愿与价值观、思维的方法与角度、个体生命的经验性、生活方式的影响性等;其二客观原因,如事物的复杂性与多面性、事物的内在本质性、事物未来的发展性、社会环境的制约性、社会的复杂性等。因此立意上,一方面: 可立足于对主体自我的认知和改变,如提升思维的品质(纵横度、格物致知)、拓宽思想者的目光(偏激与狭隘)、取舍价值观念(世俗与理想)等。另一方面: 也可通过此现象的原因的分析,获得认知的经验和感受,丰富对社会和人生的见识,如一知半解比一无所知更可怕;社会的复杂性与多变性(如潜规则)、社会的一些习惯陋弊的存在性、事物内在的客观规律的确凿性(如文化发展、人生成长、学习特征)等。比如,要拥抱真理,重构认识;去伪存真、求“真”是人类高贵之处;要宽容异已;不可固守成见,要积极接受新知,拓宽视野等。例文:与真理邂逅65 分有人说,真正造成麻烦的不是为人所不知道的事,而是人们所知道的事,而是人们所知道的事并不是如他们所想的那样。这种现象在如今我们的生活中再也常见不过了。盲目是这种社会症结所在。社会心理学家勒庞曾在其著作《乌合之众》中提到,人的本性喜欢模仿而并非推理。人们对于权威和榜样的迷恋胜过对于自身理性的坚持。断言、重复、传染这个环节造成了人们最终的一知半解甚至是浑然不知,只是盲目地追随大众的脚步,听从权威的所谓“真理”。法官的权威有一半来自他的法袍和假发,所以,人们为表象所撼,盲目听信他人的言论。人们的强烈主观性或许也是造成这种现象的一大因素。我们喜欢主观臆测,喜欢在客观事实上夹杂太多个人主观情感色彩。当年波伏娃和萨特鼓吹革命不重要,主要是精神自由的时候,西蒙娜薇依的一句“显然您没挨过饿”让人们不由反思。波伏娃将精神自由视作穷人应被赋有的最高权力,可她不知道这不过是资产阶级的罗曼蒂克,穷人们根本消受不起。她所知道的事并非她所想的那样,因此造成了麻烦。但西蒙娜薇依知道,因为她挨过饿,她知道不能用个人主观的立场来看待和决定他人的生活,看待别的事,否则会带来无法挽回的后果。要让我们所知道的事情事实上也要与我们所想的一致,这就要求我们要学会真正的理性思考。海德格尔的哲学观,是去找寻古希腊哲学的源头,去找寻苏格拉底和柏拉图的后人们漠视的真理。思想的探寻就如同在山林道路上寻路,林中走错路是十分常见的,因为道理往往相似,但一旦发现眼前的道路杳无人迹,我们就应后退一步,重新思考来时的路,甚至要反思起点是否正确。道路的蜿蜒曲折处往往意味着解蔽,伟大的思想中会包含美丽的错误。同样,生活中我们所知道的事情也会包含着疏忽和错误。有错误并不可怕,但对自身的错误不加思考、浑然不觉的时候,麻烦离你也不远了。只有坚持理性,我们才会真正领悟正确的事、正确的思想,找到正确的道路。理性思考,摆脱盲目,脱下过度主观,让自己与真理邂逅。点评:《邂逅真理》一文,从分析原因入手,逐层深入地加以阐述。见解深刻独到,行文从容有序。文章在引用材料之后,直接进入原因分析。首先是强调了我们对于自己自以为知道的事情残生认知错误的原因在于从众心理。并引用了《乌合之众》,作证自己的观点。第二个原因,则是认知主体强烈的主观性。作者引用了波伏娃的例子来证明了这个观点。在完成了归因分析之后,作者直接进入了对于问题的解决的阶段。提出了需要理性思考的观点。在这里作者用了海德格尔的事例,证明了回溯认知发展的逻辑轨迹的意义与价值。另一方面,作者的语言本身也体现了相当高的思维水平。比如,作者说“强烈的主观性或许也是造成这一现象的一大因素”。用语准确严密,体现了很多好的思维与语言素养。不足之处是,作者只是紧扣了人类认知产生偏差的原因,对这种偏差与“麻烦”之间的关联关注或者说强调得还不够,这不能不说是一个缺憾。万仞之渊,吾往矣

63分有时候,真正危险的,不是一杯黑色而味烈的毒鸩,而是一杯无色无味的“水”。真正造成麻烦的,不是未知,而是我们所知道,所习惯的事,并非是我们所想的模样。黑暗时代的欧洲,在教会的统治下,地心说深入人心,但当哥白尼站出来否定人们的常识,并提出日心说时,人们被教会驱使,将他推上了火刑架,这反映出的不只是愚味,更是对自己的认识与客观事实相悖时表现出的恐惧与逃避。面对认知与事实间的冲突,佛家指出: 要忍;道家指出: 要躲;而我倾心于儒家: 拥抱它。诚然,对个人而言,当面对疑似将被改变的认知时,特别是发现客观的事实比自我的预期要更加可怖时,本能的反应会是排斥或逃避。但放长视角,就会发现,这种对现实的接受无力会成为一块横亘在赫拉克勒斯们身前的巨石,对我们的前进造成莫大的阻碍。不随着现实改变自己认知的人终会被社会放逐。纵观人类的历史,我们何曾不是一个在黑暗中爬行摸索的婴儿? 正是在一次次痛苦的重构我们的认知中,人类才由茹毛饮血,一步步走向了文明文化的路途。留在我们身上的,满是真理的疤痕。当量子力学的莫基人马克斯.普朗克提出“能量在微观层面上是一份一份的”的量子理论时,当爱因斯坦提出了他深思熟虑后想出的“时间空间都不固定,而是互相扭曲”的相对论时,他们又何尝不是在正视“事实不是我们所想的模样”的麻烦? 昔日遭到了物理学界的大肆反对的两位先驱者,普罗米修斯,历史早已为他们平反。量子力学与相对论也成为了近世物理学的殿堂中两根最华美灿烂的支柱。其他新的科学理论也在襁褓中逐渐成形。去接受与自我认知不符的事实是困难的,有时甚至无异于拥抱一株“客观的仙人掌”。的确,塑造一个与自己的价值观与人生观相符合的美好乌托邦无可指摘,但对现实的态度却不可掺杂一丝一毫的主观臆断。要看清事物本身是不是我们以为的样子,就要怀着一颗“看山非山,看水非水”的怀疑之心,但这还不够,还需要有和过去的谬误思想撕破脸皮的勇力,最后,要有严谨探究的科学态度,方能掀开真理的一角,窥见世界的本质。事物异于我们的认知,给我们带来的困扰,会如一片万仞之渊,使我们产生本能的抗拒:但我们应该像梭罗,去摒弃无理的经验主义,像狄拉克,为身边的一切去小心求证,拒绝心安理得的苟话,大喊一句:“万仞之渊,吾往矣!” 点评:这是一篇充满了对科学的真理勇敢探索的文章。作者能准确地抓住材就人类的认知与客观真理之间的矛盾展开思考,提出“拥抱”“重构”的观点,料的核心,并给予了充分的论述。文章中作者援引了一系列人类科学发展中的事实,或从正面,或从反面,批判了人类的认知的短浅,以及自然真理的客观真实性,具有很强的说服力。作者很形象地把“麻烦”比作“万仞之渊”,勇敢地提出“吾往矣”,极具鼓动力。文章标题化用得当,醒目新颖,行文流畅,推导性严密,层次清晰,不失为一篇优秀的考场作文。评为一类卷下63分。

莫以所想定所知60分有人说:“造成麻烦的,并不是我们不知道的事,而是我们所知道的事并非我们所想的那样。诚然,“无知者无畏”,正因为无知,我们才不会恐惧,犹豫与逃避。而生活中的麻烦一一挫折、打击、忧郁,甚至愤怒一一他们往往来自我们所知与所想的差异与碰撞。试想当哥白尼首次提出日心说,它所想的科学与宇宙和人们已知的地心说产生了激烈的冲撞,正因如此,他才遭到了猛烈的抨击与惩罚。因此,我们所需的并非简单的无知或已知,而是不以所想定所知,不因己知束缚未知。首先,人们普遍以所想定所知的原因无非有两种: 其一,是过度理想化,导致现实与想象产生了巨大的鸿沟,从而产生了挫折和打击。王小波曾说:“人的一切忧郁,本质上是对自己无能的愤怒。”确实如此,我们总是习惯于幻想,喜欢将一切蒙上美化的面纱,殊不知现实并非如我们所想的那般简单。守株待兔与不劳而获也许是大多数人的所想,但现实却是日渐残酷的竞争。倘若一味以所想作为所知,那我们只能终日沉浸于夜郎自大的美梦之中,这终究会被现实击碎成泡影。其二,则是因为人们固守于已知,缺乏创新精神和批判性思维。就像房龙《宽容》序言中提到的平庸的众人和固执的守旧者,总是习惯抱着先人遗留下来的规则与知识,这些“所想”不仅束缚了我们的创新能力,更造成了我们对先驱者“异己”思想和创新举动的抨击与盲目反对。殊不知,我们的所想也并非一成不变,而是不断的发展创新。因此,单纯以所想定所知毫无疑问是错误之举,会造成不可胜数的麻烦。现实的打击会使我们轻而易举就心灰意冷,止步不前;他人的创新也会引起人们的偏激与反对---倘若整个社会都是固守于己知,那么将再难前行。那么,我们该如何做到不以所想定所知呢? 首先,我们不可固守成见,过于偏执,而应学会宽容异已之见,就像一位名人曾说过的:“我不赞同你所说的,可我誓死捍卫你说话的权利。”不仅如此,我们更应该学会聆听和接受新知,让所知一次次改变,刷新我们的所想。其次,我们应该始终保持对事物的追求与渴望,唯有如此才能不断前行和进步。莫以所想定所知,这不仅是一种终身进去的姿态,更是一种对新知充满宽容的博大胸怀。让我们永怀对知识的渴望,携手共进,砥砺前行。

道无涯58分吾生有涯,而知无涯。故道也无涯。《东邪西毒》有过这么一句话:人生最烦恼的事就是记性太好,如果什么事都可以忘掉,每天都是新的开始,你说该多好? 说出这句话的人为情所困,故有此叹。其实并非是他不知道导致了他有麻烦,也并不是知道引发的愁绪,只是因为事实与他所想,他所希望的大相径庭罢了。我们每个人的生命都有尽头。所以我们在努力学习暂时还不知道的东西。我想用这样的比喻来描述先人与我们的关系。在知识、智慧的大道上,先驱者们已经拿着刀在荆棘满地中砍出一条较为平坦的道路。但这条路上满是崩断的刀尖和砍下的荆条木刺。后来者如同意气风发的年轻人,认为前方已无坎坷,大可不必害怕,因为其浅陋见识。当他们认为前方是鹅卵石小径时,却惊愕地发现,满地尖锐。这与他所原本设想便远远不符,于是崩溃大哭。这一点,与我们在学习先人经验遇到困难时,何其相似?故而造成我们生活中麻烦的,本质上说,其实是自身眼界跟不上事物真像。在客观事实与主观心理两者之间,心灵就越发遭受煎熬。但正如宇宙之间存在那个不变的“理”,如重力常数,引力常数,它们都不会变,所以,要改变的是我们自己,既然所思所想与所见所闻不符,不妨去学习,提升自我后,再看孰真孰假。所谓麻烦也就迎刃而解了。有人可能会反驳,那若是不知不思,那不是就没有麻烦了? 没错。我也很赞同这种说法,甚至还想给这种人送上一口棺材,既然不知为什么而活。那又何苦活着? 人力有时有尽,故只能尽人事而听天命。所以,无论先驱者多么惊才绝艳,所开辟的道路总有尽头。若是无人接近衣钵继续开拓,那与画地为牢有何区别? 无非是从一个大圈跳入更大的圈罢了。在我看,我们不但要赶到先驱者的尽头。更要不怕麻烦,甚至创造麻烦。人不可能永远活在这一个圈里,故有儒生写春秋敬天地,武将振长策御宇内。既然所知有悖所闻,那不妨去求个“真”。道无涯,道无涯那么这幅波澜壮阔青冥浩然的天地画卷便要有人不怕麻烦地去伪存真,让更多的人得以观赏。我始终认为,麻烦的意义就在于让人克服,我始终认为,天地之间有真理,无穷无尽。我始终认为当怀当仁不让之心,随希言自然为态,挟气冲斗牛之势,为后世人一敬天地,二敬山河,三敬我等,自身一世壮怀激烈。



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