
时间:2019-05-15 03:13:26下载本文作者:会员上传


关键词:Reading aloud;reading widely;reading carefully;imitating consciously;commit them to your memory.Above all, we should learn to be modest.葛先生的建议:要读英文,就读当代英文,而且要出声读,大声朗读可以避免尴尬,而且避免没有英语学习环境的困境。先生认为,凡我们想要表达的话,别人都已经说过,所以我们在写作时,首先要避免自己根据所谓的语法写,而要根据惯用法写。要写好,写对只有读得多,读得仔细,认真模仿才行。其次先生建议可以编写属于自己的字典。一类是词的用法的字典,便于充分认识单词,把原本是别的字典的词变为真正是自己的词,再者可以编写以主题分类的字典,编字典时不需要逐字逐句摘抄,可以以索引加提示的方式来编写。以下是我的摘抄,原文来自于《葛传槼---向学习英语者讲话》。

1.What to Read My advice to you is to change it for something else.Your chief reading matter must have been written far less than a hundred years ago, a few weeks ago if possible, must have been written in simple English, and must have been written by an Englishman or an American.Your chief reading matter need not be a literary masterpiece.Nor need it be written by a famous author.A volume of short pieces of narration or exposition is better than a novel or some long argumentative essays.You have a book or two for your chief reading matter.You should also read something else, which may be a little more difficult, but which still had better not be a classic of more than a hundred years ago.2.Reading Aloud Reading aloud helps you to learn by heart, and learning by heart is essential to all who aims at writing well.Reading aloud helps you to cultivate good pronunciation and good intonation, and good pronunciation and good intonation are essential to all language learners.Reading aloud helps you to discover certain beauties of language that you may fail to see in your silent reading.Unless you read aloud, you cannot lean to write naturally or to appreciate literature.3.Can You Read Englishmen’s English? I would advise you to read as much as possible in general English literature and to cultivate the habit of thinking in English.I would also advise you to read some concise history of England and commit to memory every bit of knowledge about English life and thought that you may find in reading or study.4.What kind of English? There are English English, American English, Scotch English, Irish English, and other kinds of English.I call it foolish of one to attempt the other English before one has acquired the ability to speak, read and write English as it is used by the average educated Englishman or American of today.One has yet much to learn before one can be properly called an advanced learner of English so long as one cannot read the news or cannot express oneself intelligibly to Englishmen or Americans in speaking and writing.By “English as it is used by the average educated Englishman or American”I mean everyday idiomatic English.It is practical, if that means actually used, but not if that means specially adapted to Chinese psychology The fact is, however, that one cannot master English---that is, what I call practical English---by reading about things Chinese only.I would advise those who are in the habit of confining themselves to Chinese news when reading newspapers in English, to give up the habit.5.The Question of Background It includes history, geography, mythology, the Bible, characters and facts in fiction, proverbs, customs, games, and sports, superstitions, and other things.And in order to understand fully the works of any author, one needs to possess as much knowledge of these things as he does.This is practically impossible with the average Chinese leaner of English.(but would you like to acquire such knowledge?)

6.Books on English and Books in English Language is not an exact science, nor a mere matter of principles, rules, exceptions, definitions, formulas, and diagrams.Books on English are helpful, but no one can master English by reading such books only.This is due to their ignorance of the fact that without wide and careful reading, the mastery of English is impossible.I would advise all learners of English to devote more time to reading books in English and less time to reading books on English.Well, if you happen to spend your days and nights on books on English, it is time you acted on my warning.7.An Easy Sentence to Study Why, after all, did the young man fail to understand the short sentence---They cannot see enough of each other? My answer is that it is because its way of expression does not have its corresponding way in our own language.There are many ways of expression in English that have no corresponding ways in Han.These are puzzling to most Chinese learners of English.In your reading you will do well to pay special attention to those ways of expression for which you do not find corresponding ways in Han.This will help you both in reading and writing.I am sorry to find that many Chinese learners do not realize the importance of doing this, with the result that while they can read English by Chinese authors and write long and tolerably grammatical essays, yet they may not be able to understand an Englishman’s social letter thoroughly or write a short paragraph in purely idiomatic English.8.What Does “Would of Come” Mean? You ought to learn to use English correctly.But you ought as well to learn to understand the incorrect expressions that are common among Englishmen or Americans.It is partly owing to their ignorance of such incorrect expressions that many Chinese leaners can parse and analyze well without being able to read a single page in an English-language magazine published in England or America.There are many mistakes that are common among Englishmen or Americans but from which we Chinese are absolutely free.As I have said, you ought to understand them, but you ought not to adopt them as ornaments of style.9.“More Presently”

Equipped with a good knowledge of grammar, Chinese learners of English are apt to think they are quite able to read general literature without much difficulty so long as they have a good dictionary within reach.What is more, they are too ready to dismiss as wrong any combination of words that does not seem to him to be capable of grammatical analysis.Important as grammar is, there are many turns of expression that are generally considered blameless English though they are not quite defensible from a narrowly grammatical point of view.So that the mastery of English grammar in its narrow sense does not enable one so much as to read English intelligently.When you come across in good writing any construction that you do not find grammatical, I would advise you to note it down instead of calling it a mistake, and to see if you will meet with a similar one in your reading.You will very soon, perhaps, and then you will most likely understand the construction.10.Double Negatives in Current English Double negatives always mean emphatic negation rather than assertion.What I wish to tell you is that this unreasonable fact is not peculiar to Elizabethan literature.It exists at present.I don’t want to you use this unreasonable construction(I want you to talk and write like an educated person).But I believe every learner of English should know it.There are several English usages that every learner of English should know, but which many, or even most, Chinese learns do now know, because these are not to be understood by means of mere logic and are not to be found in ordinary grammars.The double negative is one of them.11.About the Study of Grammar

The object of this article, however, is to advise you not to devote much time to the study of grammar.You study English in order to be able to make practical use of it.This object is not to be attained by mere study of grammar.I don’t even think I should now be able to write such simple English as that of this book if I had read nothing but grammars.Grammar tells you some general rules, some exceptions to rules, and perhaps some idioms.But the correct use of English is not a mere matter of such.English is not to be learnt from grammar but only from careful reading.Many Chinese students write sentences that might be justified by one grammatical rule or another but are certainly wrong.Grammar may help you to use English, but only to a certain extent.Do not look on the study of grammar as all or nearly all that you have to do in order to master English.Careful reading and constant practice are far more important.12.Knowing Just Enough Grammar to Go Wrong Students’ narrowly grammatical conscience, however, often causes them to change idiomatic English into unidiomatic English.There are several forms of expression that are purely idiomatic and do not admit of grammatical analysis.In your reading, reader, take care to note down those idiomatic constructions that you do not find grammatical enough.Commit them to memory and try to use them in your writing.You must not think, however, that idiom and grammar are always incompatible.What is idiomatic is far more often grammatical than ungrammatical.I mean simply that not every idiomatic construction is grammatically explainable, nor is every strictly grammatical construction idiomatic.13.The Language Is the Main Thing Of course, it is all right to read and enjoy and remember a story, and d so long as one wants to know the story only, one needs not bother about the language.But the case is quite different with a learner of English, I mean a student of English as distinguished from a student of stories or what is called the general reader.Whatever a learner of English reads, he should, in my opinion, regard the language as the main thing.In this way, he does learn some English though what he reads may happen to be otherwise uninteresting or uninstructive.It may safely be said that this is a far better way of learning English composition than to read and consider the so-called principles of the subject.Incidentally, I would advise teachers of English to question their pupils on points of diction and construction as well as facts and thoughts.14.Logic and Usage There are a number of other illogicalities in English that are quite idiomatic.As I have said, logic has time on its side.But how many years the English language will take to become a perfectly logical speech!

15.Something Unnatural Chinese learners of English often misunderstand or fail to understand a group of simple words put together in a simple way.My advice is to stop to think again when you find something unnatural in an expression.That something is perhaps not in the expression itself but in your interpretation of it

16.A Good Knowledge of Bad English Perhaps you think that bad English is not worth learning, and that the English of the average Chinese learner of the language is bad enough without his ever making any effort to learn to be bad.Bad English means bad grammar, bad spelling, bad usage, and bad pronunciation.All these things form an interesting and useful study.Without a good knowledge of these one will miss much in modern literature and will fail to understand any uneducated Englishman or American one has occasion to have anything to do with.17.Reading Dictionaries I am sure that reading dictionaries is, after all, not so foolish as you might think.I used many years ago to read through many articles on common words in the Concise Oxford Dictionary.Ifound that very helpful in the mastery of common words and phrases.Such common words and phrases can be very easily picked up by English-speaking boys and girls.But they are not likely to be acquired by Chinese students without any special effort in this respect.The reading of articles on common words in dictionaries is no doubt a great aid.18.Make your own Dictionary The chief reason is that being a conscientious learner of EnglishI am always careful to avoid slipshod or perfunctory work.I hope that the delay in publication will be compensated for by the richer and better contents of the book.I think that every learner could make his own dictionary of usage.He could keep a notebook in which to record, in alphabetical order, such points of usage as he might find of particular interest to him.Such a book would serve him as a constant companion to composition, though many things in it might seem quite dull or useless to others.I think that every learner could make his dictionary of usage as large as the sum total of the books he reads.I mean that he might make a usage index, so to speak, to those books.For a particular point he would have to record only the book, the page, and the line concerned.I wish I could find time to do this.And I believe that I could thus lay the foundation of a live and original dictionary---quite different from those based on nothing but one or more dictionaries.19.Make Another Dictionary of Your Own

I mean a dictionary in which a certain number of topics are arranged in alphabetical order and useful phrases and sentences about each topic are grouped together.This can be done by reading and making notes.It is not necessary to copy the phrases and sentences.It is enough to jot down the page number and line number, and give one or two words as a hint.In this way, any book may be turned into a topic dictionary by merely providing it with a topic index.And several such dictionaries may be turned into a fairly complete topic dictionary.20.More about What to Read Since it is with a view to learning composition that you read, and since it is in present-day English prose that you ought to learn to express yourself, what you read must be present-day English prose.Expressions in common use a hundred years ago may not be so at the present day.Likewise, expressions in common use in verse may not be so in prose.Since it is in StandardEnglish that you ought to learn to express yourself, what you read must not contain too much slang, whatever significance one may attach to the word.Since it is things in everyday life that you ought to learn to write about, what you read must not be of a technical character.What you read must be fairly easy for you;too much time and energy spent in reading between the lines and finding out all kinds of references and allusions would very likely distract your mind from your purpose, which is to learn English composition.21.Reading to Learn the Art of Expression As you are a learner of English, I think you should often read to learn the art of expression.And for this purpose you may read either a short story or a biographical sketch, either an essay or a news item, indeed, anything that is written in good current English.Even from a short paragraph you may learn several forms of expression if you are observant enough.In this way you will learn the art of expression very quickly;perhaps one or two paragraphs a day will teach you hundreds of forms of expression in a month, and these forms of expression will greatly improve your writing.If you can---I believe you can---commit to memory one or two paragraphs a day that you have already read in this way, the results will be still greater.22.Learning English Conversation by Imitation The other day I met a Chinese woman who spoke perfect English.She speaks it in the way she does, not because she thinks it is the right way but because she knows no other.She is free from, and probably ignorant of, the thousand and one mistakes peculiar to Chinese students of English.This woman learnt to speak English by imitating unconsciously.It is no doubt the best way.But not all Chinese learners have the change of learning in this way.Well, there is the second best way;I mean learning by imitatingconsciously.If there are people who spent years in England or America but who do not speak English correctly, it is because they did not do much conscious imitating when abroad.They have carried their mistakes over and then carried them back, though they ought to have left them there.I simply mean that by careful imitation one can very well learnt it---and that not only in countries where English is the mother language but also in some places in China.It needs to be generally realized among Chinese learners of English that good speaking leads to good writing and that language is essentially something spoken.23.Imitation, Good and Bad Too often a learner of English who has read one or two classics tries to imitate their style.The fact, however, is that style cannot be imitated.Different authors have different styles.They do not endeavor to write the way they write.So the imitation of any style often results in affectation.The result will be still worse if the style imitated is that of a work written a hundred years ago or more.We are of the eighties of the twentieth century, and we should not write the English of the eighties of the nineteenth century.I would advise you not to aim at a special style.Take care to write correct, simple, idiomatic, and clear English, that’s all.But imitation is not always bad.Very often it is important to imitate something.Where personal style is out of place, imitation is the only means by which correctness may be secured.24.Tongue and Pen In fact, language is essentially a spoken thing.To study Englishwithout trying to speak it is not advisable.And it is absurd to read a conversation book in just the same manner as to read a grammar.As ordinary written English is not quite different from ordinary spoken English, to learn to speak is a very good way to learn to write.One who speaks good English writes good English too.The pen cannot go wrong where the tongue goes right.Many everyday phrases and everyday constructions come natural to one who uses them in speaking.I think it would be very doo method of learning writing as well as learning speaking for a pupil to talk to his teacher in English about whatever subject the former is interested in and to have himself corrected whenever he makes a mistake.25.Simply Didn’t Know People don’t write well though having a good knowledge of grammar.One of your troubles, I think, is that you often cannot express what you want to say.You cannot, but when you have seen you meaning expressed by someone who can express it, you will most probably say to yourself “That seems easy enough.I simply didn’t know.”

You simply didn’t know.Just a few common words arranged in a simple grammatical order by someone who is at home in English.That expresses your meaning, and yet you simply didn’t know which common words to choose and how to arrange them.This is very common trouble with Chinese learners of English.It is due to the fact that they do not read widely enough, not carefully enough.There are thousands of useful expressions that are not generally considered idioms.They are so easy to understand that they are apt to be neglected.But those who neglect them will forget them, and fail to use them when they need them.You cannot learn to write with much freedom of expression till you have laid in a stock of useful phrases and sentences, and you cannot do it without reading widely and carefully.26.So Many Points Lapses in idiom always betray one’s unfamiliarity with correct English.It follows that the seemingly trifling points of usage are well worthy of the attention of all who wish to write English correctly.What I call points of usage, however, are not so formidable an enemy as they may seem to you.Close attention to them helps to conquer them.What English-speaking persons get from speaking you may get from reading aloud, which will help you in the same way as speaking would, though perhaps less quickly.There is an advantage in reading aloud over speaking in the fact that in reading good written English, you are not in danger of getting those common solecisms, barbarisms, and improprieties in the speech of persons of limited culture.27.How to Say it You did have something to say, but you did not know how to say it, hence the importance of studying composition.As matter of fact, many of the ideas and thoughts you often have occasion to express have already been expressed by others before you.Read any page in any book carefully, and you will perhaps find some expressions that will help you to say things.Many such expressions may seem to you to be too simple to deserve much attention, but the fact is that you cannot invent them, nor can you use them unless you noted them.The trouble with those people who, with a good knowledge of grammar, cannot even write tolerable English is that they may either not have read widely enough or not have read carefully enough or not have committed to memorize enough words, phrases and sentences that they may have found too easy to understand to be worth remembering.28.A “Foolish” Principle of Composition I discovered the principle myself, and I acted up to it as soon as I discovered it many years ago.I have found it so helpful that I believe you will do well to adopt it.The principle is that you should use no construction, no form of expression, and no combination of words that you have not seen in your reading.It seems to me that the average Chinese learner of English has a fair knowledge of grammar and a fairly large vocabulary and that when he writes English, he makes sentences according to his knowledge of grammar and his understanding of the meaning of words.The result is that his English often seems to be correct enough but is not really correct.For correct English is a matter of usage, not merely a matter of grammar and vocabulary.In composition correction I have often been asked why I had changed a certain word or construction to another.Well, I cannot always say why.I have substituted that word or construction simply because that is the word or construction that an Englishman would have used them.I regard the principle very helpful, and I hope that you will try to put it into practice.Shall I not find it practically impossible to write anything because I do not always remember whether I have ever seen a certain construction or form of expression or combination of words? Well, you should remember.You should read carefully.You should learn the art of expression from your reading.29.An Aid to Composition If you come across things that cannot simply be translated into readable Han, I would advise you not to try to translate them.Just commit them to memory.They will often come in useful when you write.They will help you to write more idiomatic English.Sometimes, Chinese learners tend to neglect some idiomatic usage of certain words because they do not usually use an English word in a sense that cannot be easily translated into Han such as “society” used in the sentence “The old man enjoys the society of young people”, meaning companionship.30.Some Mistakes to Consider I find that there are some mistakes in the use of many other common English words.I am of opinion that discussion of such mistakes ought to form a large part of every composition book specially intended for Chineselearners, and it is a matter of regret that many, many Chinese learners are studying rules and principles of grammar and rhetoric without caring a bit about such mistakes.31.Some More Mistakes to Consider Grammars mention the double object and give examples of it, but they do not tell you that only a few verbs can take the double object, nor do they mention any verbs with which this construction is impossible.To tell the truth, grammar does not help you much in writing.It tells you what is right, but it does not tell you much about what is wrong.When you have seen a certain construction in your grammar, you try to make use of it in your own writing.Possibly you have made no mistake, but it is also possible that you have made a mistake.32.Better Short than Long I full agree with the view that a sentence is not good or bad merely because it is long or short.Length is a false test of a sentence.It is wrong to think that a series of long sentences is a proof of one’s good command of English.It is equally wrong to think that simple and clear English requires every sentence to contain a certain number of words at most.While I would warn all learners of English composition against two mistakes, I think the mistake of writing long sentences is the commoner one.And learners ought to take more care to avoid it, not merely because in the hands of those who have not had much practice in the use of words and phrases and idiomatic constructions, long sentences are much harder to manage than short ones.It must not for a moment be supposed that an error in grammar or idiom embedded in a long sentence can easily escape detection.33.Something More Important than Enlarging One’s Vocabulary By knowing a word I mean knowing its true sense or senses instead of merely knowing one or more of what we call its Han equivalents.We are apt to neglect common words.Apart from the possibility of misuse and misunderstanding we are apt to neglect their various senses, or rather idiomatic uses.34.Make the Word Your Own A word is not your own until you can use it correctly.You may know one or more Han equivalents for a word and yet you may not be able to use it correctly.I am afraid that of all the English words that the average Chinese learner can translate into Han, less than half may really called his own.Remember that not every word that you think you understand well is really your own.35.A Warning Regarding the Use of Words When in writing, it can be commonly found that people would use destruct instead of destroy, and destroyal instead of destruction.I do not think that the users of these non-existing words did not know the correct words.They were careless enough, though.They just seize upon a combination of letters that looked like the word they wanted.It is true that these non-existing words may be understood by all who see them.But, of course, they cannot therefore justify themselves.I would therefore advise you to use no word that you are not sure you have seen used by standard authors, and to consult your dictionary in case of doubt.One word more of warning.It is possible that you sometimes use a word that is recorded in your dictionary, but which is not in common use, and which you use not because you are sure of its existence but simply because you think it is the word you want.For instance, because you know the noun “aggression” and the adjective “aggressive”, you may use the verb “aggress”---which, however, is a very uncommon word.36.The Word Sometimes I fail to get the exact word in spite of much thinking and weighing.In such cases I have to content myself with using the word that I regard as being nearest to the meaning I want to express.This is a common experience with writers of English, and is one they ought to feel sorry for.The study of synonyms is no doubt very helpful in the careful choice of words, which is essential to precision, one of the qualities of good writing.But there are two mistakes against which I think learners ought to be warned.One is that of trusting to the so-called Han equivalents as given in English-Han dictionaries.The other is that of studying the explanations in articles on synonyms but neglecting the illustrative examples.Correct English, however, is largely a matter of the use of common words, the correct use of which depends on not so much upon their “meanings” as upon what is known as usage.For native English writers, they use the word as a matter of habit rather than as a result of the careful choice of words.The study of synonyms is of no help in this matter.One can improve only by the careful reading of idiomatic English---which no amount of word study can supplant.37.What is “Literary English” Means? Literary English, if you please, does not mean English confined in its use to literature.It is not a distinctly elegant sort of English.It is just the ordinary English that well-educated Englishmen or Americans use in writing---not necessarily for literary purposes, but often for practical purpose.It does not follow that English used in conversation is necessarily too colloquial to be used in writing.The majority of the words and idioms used by well-educated English and American people in conversation are certainly literary English.








1、Just Listen

即尽可能让学生多听,运用听觉记忆,使他们用第一语言做出反应,在课堂实际教学中如何进行操作呢?例如,教文具单词时,以前教师大部分采用这样的方法:Look at the picture and read after me.出示图片,学生跟读。现在新教材要求在Just listen这一步时教师出示图片,反复示范发音,让学生静听,使他们处在听觉记忆的过程中,然后可以把图片朝下,打乱顺序,由教师本人抽出一张,做猜谜游戏,教师问:Pencil? Is it a pencil?学生只要回答Yes或No即可,这一步学生仍然是听,并用第一语言作出反应。

2、Listen and move

即学生在听的过程中指一指,找一找,做出相应的动作,这一阶段他们运用的是形体或运动记忆。如Listen and point/colour/number/circle/check.也就是教师发指令,学生动一动,例如在教数字时,教师快速报数字,学生做出手势,再把数字卡片发给学生,按照老师的口令排顺序,我们还可以设计这样的游戏:在教室前放几把椅子,让手持数字卡片的学生坐在椅子上,教师报出两个数字,手持这两个数字的学生尽快更换位置,教师也可参与进去抢座位,这样,形体记忆在这一阶段得到发挥。

3、Listen and pass it on


4、Choose what to say

在这一阶段学生能够开始用英语说话,这时他们运用的是长时记忆,他们可以用英语选择他们会说的,每个学生都会有成功的愉悦。例如,教食物bread, ice-cream…和句型I like …, I don’t like …可采用开放式教学,让他们自由选择所知道的食物来说出喜欢吃的和不喜欢吃的,有的学生就会说出,sandwish,salad…这样能使学生感到成功增加他们的自信心。

5、Just say it















3、关注学习有 困难的或性格内向的学习,尽可能地为他们创造语言的机会。








序卦传 上

作者:石家庄聚仟射箭馆杨涛 时间:2016年3月



序卦传屯、蒙—易经学习笔记11 原文:有天地,然后万物生焉。盈天地之间者唯万物,故受之以《屯》。屯者,盈也(盈就是怀孕),物之始生也。物生必蒙,故受之以蒙。简单说就是生了孩子,你得养。




序卦传需、讼—易经学习笔记12 原文:《蒙》者,蒙也;物之稚也。物稚不可不养也,故受之以《需》。《需》者,饮食之道也。饮食必有讼,故受之以《讼》。



序卦传师比—易经学习笔记13 师和比的含义可以从这两个词来理解。兴师动众,比翼双飞。


讼是争执,当争执产生以后无法解决了,怎么办? 那就出师了,打仗吧。所以讼卦后面是师卦


当然我们现在也可以理解为,打仗解决不了问题的时候怎么办? 谈判,合作。共同开发。这才是问题的解决之道。比卦就排到师卦后面了。

序卦传小畜、履—易经学习笔记14 原文:比必有所畜,故受之以《小畜》。物畜然后有礼,故受之以《履》。有合作,自然比打仗要强,社会安宁,大家都可以安安稳稳的生活。这样下来,大家慢慢的就会有所积蓄,也就是最初的财富积累。要记着,合作,才是积累财富的好方法。



序卦传泰、否—易经学习笔记15 原文:履而泰然后安,故受之以《泰》。《泰》者,通也。物不可以终通,故受之以《否》。以礼来规范节制人心,个人家庭社会国家生活安泰、精神安泰。泰就是通。泰卦是政通人和的意思。通,通达,顺遂。事物不可能长久处于通泰的状态,所以接着是否塞不通。但是万事都不会一直保持这种通达的状态,走着走着就歪了。顺着顺着就背了。也就是咱们说的,三十年河东,三十年河西。为啥呢?因为人会在顺境中膨胀,逆境中成长。



序卦传同人、大有—易经学习笔记16 原文:物不可以终否,故受之以《同人》。与人同者物必归焉,故受之以《大有》。只有当你点背的时候,你才知道谁是你的真朋友。逆境中,依然对你不离不弃的才是真感情。




序卦传谦、豫—易经学习笔记17 原文:有大者不可以盈,故受之以《谦》。有大而能谦必豫,故受之以《豫》。




序卦传随、蛊—易经学习笔记18 原文:豫必有随,故受之以《随》。以喜随人者必有事,故受之以《蛊》。《蛊》者,事也。谁都喜欢快乐的人和快乐的事,所以就有人愿意跟随你。跟你一起快乐,这就是随卦。




序卦传临、观—易经学习笔记19 原文:有事而后可大,故受之以《临》。《临》者,大也。物大然后可观,故受之以《观》。反腐倡廉,就要靠近群众,你离群众近了,才能了解民间的问题。离的近就显得大。做为一个领导,你越是和民众接触的多,越是亲民,那么在群众的眼睛里,你就越高大。比如这个词,如朕亲临,就好像皇帝自己到了现场一下,高大了吧。


序卦传噬嗑、贲—易经学习笔记20 原文:可观而后有所合,故受之以《噬嗑》。嗑者,合也。物不可苟合而已,故受之以《贲》。《贲》者,饰也。






序卦传剥、复—易经学习笔记21 原文:致饰然后亨则尽矣,故受之以《剥》。《剥》者,剥也。物不可以终尽,剥,穷上反下,故受之以《复》。





序卦传无妄、大畜—易经学习笔记22 原文:复则不妄矣,故受之以《无妄》。有无妄然后可畜,故受 之以《大畜》。胆大妄为,就是瞎折腾。无妄之灾,就是啥也没干,却被雷劈了。下面打雷的图,就是无妄的样子。你别乱跑,应该没事。无妄,就是不得瑟,不瞎折腾。所以无妄就是老子所说的无为。不是啥也不干,是为无为。干应该做的事,别瞎折腾没用的,给自己找麻烦。





序卦传颐、大过—易经学习笔记23 原文:物畜然后可养,故受之以《颐》。《颐》者,养也。不养则不可动,故受之以《大过》。


养生!什么都有不养生,挂了不就白折腾一辈子了? 所以跟着是颐卦,就是吃东西,也是管住嘴。






序卦传坎、离—易经学习笔记24 原文:物不可以终过,故受之以《坎》。《坎》者,陷也。陷必有 所丽,故受之以《离》。《离》者,丽也。




序卦传 上经部分总结—易经学习笔记25 万物初生,都不容易,这叫做始生之难,了解这个难,就应该学会尊重生命。从生下来什么都不知道,渐渐了解了这个世界,就会想要这个,想要那个。任何生命,都会趋向于对自己有利的一面。最基本的需求,就是要吃饭。都想吃饭,资源有限的情况下,就会发生争执。争吵不能解决问题的,就会打仗。














序卦传 下

有天地,然后有万物;有万物,然后有男女;有男女,然后有夫妇;有夫妇,然后有父子;有父子,然后有君臣;有君臣,然后有上下;有上下,然后礼义有所错。夫妇之道,不可以不久也,故受之以《恒》。《恒》者,久也。物不可以久居其所,故受之以《遁》。《遁》者,退也。物不可以终遁,故受之以《大壮》。物不可 以终壮,故受之以《晋》。《晋》者,进也。晋必有所伤,故受之以《明夷》。夷者,伤也。伤于外者必反其家,故受之以《家人》。家道穷必乖,故受之以 《睽》。《睽》者,乖也。乖必有难,故受之以《蹇》。《蹇》者,难也。物不可以终难,故受之以《解》。《解》者,缓也。缓必有所失,故受之以《损》。损而 不已必益,故受之以《益》。益而不已必决,故受之以《夬》。《夬》者,决也。决必有所遇,故受之以《姤》。《姤》者,遇也。物相遇而后聚,故受之以 《萃》。《萃》者,聚也。聚而上者谓之升,故受之以《升》。升而不已必困,故受之以《困》。困乎上者必反下,故受之以《井》。井道不可不革,故受之以 《革》。革物者莫若鼎,故受之以《鼎》。主器者莫若长子,故受之以《震》。《震》者,动也。物不可以终动,止之,故受之以《艮》。《艮》者,止也。物不可 以终止,故受之以《渐》。《渐》者,进也。进必有所归,故受之以《归妹》。得其所归者

必大,故受之以《丰》。《丰》者,大也。穷大者必失其所居,故受之以 《旅》。旅而无所容,故受之以《巽》。《巽》者,入也。入而后说之,故受之以《兑》。《兑》者,说也。说而后散之,故受之以《涣》。《涣》者,离也。物不 可以终离,故受之以《节》。节而信之,故受之以《中孚》。有信者必行之,故受之以《小过》。有过物者必济,故受之以《既济》。物不可穷也,故受之以《未 济》终焉。

序卦传 咸、恒—易经学习笔记26 有天地,然后有万物;有万物,然后有男女。


序卦传遁、大壮—易经学习笔记27 所有我们追寻的永恒,其实都不存在,那只是相对于短暂而存在的长久。早晚都会有结束的时候,所以遁就是一种好的处理方式。不要等别人推你下台,激流勇退,也是一种智慧。可以有效的保存自己。


序卦传晋、明夷—易经学习笔记28 发展壮大之后,必然会积极进取。就想往前冲。前进就是晋。冲的越靠前,就越是容易受伤。从来都是枪打出头鸟。晋之后,是明夷,就是受伤。

序卦传家人、睽—易经学习笔记29 动物受了伤会回到窝里,人要受了伤就回到家里了。所以之后是家人卦。家里人也有分别的时候,睽就是背离的意思。


序卦传蹇、解—易经学习笔记30 在家千日好,出门一朝难。



序卦传损、益—易经学习笔记31 破财免灾,要缓解,消除灾祸,那必须有所损失。


序卦传夬、姤—易经学习笔记32 一直在增益的一方,最终还是要有所决断的。



序卦传萃、升—易经学习笔记33 萃,就是聚集。



序卦传困、井—易经学习笔记34 升到不能再升,没有上升的力量了,就被困在那里了。


序卦传革、鼎—易经学习笔记35 井其实也是困,只是一个是困在天上,一个是困在地下。




序卦传震、艮—易经学习笔记36 用器(鼎)首选的应该是长子(震),所以后面眼着是震卦。震也是动,有动就有止,运动与静止是相对的。所有跟着是艮卦 我的看法是:创新时候,需要的是一股冲劲。这种冲动可以推动我们将创业坚持下来。但是冲动后总会冷静下来。

序卦传渐、归妹—易经学习笔记37 停止只是为了更远的前进,所以艮卦之后是渐卦。意思是慢慢的再次启程,重新回到大路上前进。


序卦传丰、旅—易经学习笔记38 来归附你的人多了,你自然会有大的收获。所以后面是丰卦。


序卦传巽、兑—易经学习笔记39 出了门,没个地方容身,所以就找个山洞钻进去休息。进入,就是巽卦。



序卦传涣、节—易经学习笔记40 将快乐传播,散开,就是涣卦。


序卦传中孚、小过—易经学习笔记41 节约并不是不用,而是应该用就用,不应该用,就不浪费。



序卦传既济、未济—易经学习笔记42 小事都这么方便,那么大事一定也可以成功。所以小过之后是既济。


序卦传 下经部分总结—易经学习笔记43










剩下的 remaining;the rest of

剩下的全部:all the rest

the rest of用作定语 后面可加n.the restn.剩余者;其余者 可作主语、宾语

区别在于make sense 是不及物的,译为“讲得通,有道理” 而make sense of是及物的,译为“弄懂,理解”


This sentence doesn't make sense to me

I can not make sense of this sentence

contribute 发布,贡献,出力;投稿

distribute 分配;散布;分开

fourteen [fɔrˈtin]

forty [ˈfɔrti] 读di的音 就像city

police [pəˈlis]

please [pliz]

advice:[əd'vais] 名词形式 建议,忠告,劝告,意见

advise:[əd'vaiz] 动词形式

social[ˈsoʃəl]adj 社会的, 社交的, 群居的一个人的社交生活a busy social life

社交能力 social skills

联谊活动可以说是social events

Society[səˈsaiəti]n 社会,社团,...会,...社, 交际, 社交界, 上流社会adj.上流社会的,社交界的pre在..之前

post 在..之后

specialadj.特殊的;专门的; n.专车;特价;特刊

especialadj.特别的,突出的especially adv.尤其地;特别地 specify [ˈspesɪfaɪ] V指定;详述

suppose [sə'pəʊz] vt.假设;猜想, 以为 supposal

purpose ['pɜ:pəs]n.目的;作用;vt.打算;企图on purpose propose [prə'pəʊz]vt.建议;打算proposal


affect [əˈfɛkt] 与 effect [ɪˈfɛkt] 均可表示“影响”,其区别是:前者是动词(及物),主要指一时的影响,着重影响的动作,可指一般意义的影响(不分好坏),也可指不良影响;后者是名词(可数或不可数),两者的关系大致为:affect=have an effect on.The news did not affect her at all.=The news had no effect on her at all.这条消息对她没有一点影响。effect 有时虽用作动词(及物),但不表示“影响”,而表示“实现”或“产生”等。如: He effected great changes in the company.他使公司发生了巨大的变化。influence

vt.影响, 感化

n.影响力, 权势, 势力,影响


作动词的搭配就是influence sb 影响某人 influence sth 影响某事

Don't let me influence your decision.不要让我影响你的决定

作名词的搭配就是 a influence on/over sb./sth.对某人某事有影响

His parents no longer have any real influence over him.他的父母对他不再有任何真正的约束力了。

affect 作主语通常是物而不是人,指一物对另一物产生的消极影响。

influence 侧重在思想、性格、行为等方面所产生的潜移默化的影响,也可指自然力的影响。impact 是不及物动词,对某物有强烈影响(have a strong effect)(+on)

sustaining[sə'steɪnɪŋ]连续的intermittent [ˌɪntɚˈmɪtnt] 间歇的断断续续的reduce是一种主观的减少、降低,主语是使减少的外力 可以表示尺寸,数量,程度或强度的减少,词义引申后,还可以表示地位,处境或状况的降低。

decrese是一种客观的减少、下降,主语是减少的东西(size, amount, or price

1.the conductor reduced the speed of the train(降低火车速度)because of the traffic accident ahead.2.the number of milu deer has decreased to 250(减少到250只)in that area 3.the time he spent on his study has decreased(减少)since he became interested in on-line games

4.the population of the village has decreased by 120 to about 600(减少了120人还有大约600人)

marry Vi Vt 结婚;嫁;娶;与......结婚等。

一、marry sb表示嫁给某人;与......结婚。

例如:John married Mary last week.上星期约翰和玛丽结婚了。

二、be/get married to sb表示与某人结婚。

例如:Jane was married to a doctor last month.Rose got married to a teacher.罗斯和一位教师结婚了。

三、marry sb to sb表示父母把女儿嫁给某人或为儿子娶媳妇。

She married her daughter to a businessman.她把女儿嫁给了一位商人。


例如:She married very early.她很早就结婚了。

五、marry 一般不与介词with 连用。


【误】She married with an Englishman.【正】She married an Englishman.【正】She was / got married to an Englishman.六、若问某某是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象,可用be / get married的形式,相当于系表结构。


【正】 Are you married?/ Have you got married

in terms of根据;用…的话;就…而言;以…为单位

 Our goods compete in terms of product quality, reliability and above all variety...我们的产品在质量、可靠性,尤其是品种方面颇具竞争力。

 esolve 动词 vt解决,vi决心。名词:决心,解决

decide指“经过询问、研讨和考虑之后, 在几种可能的选择之中作出决定”, 如:

She decided to leave here on Sunday instead of Monday.她决定星期日而不是星期一离开这里。

 determine指“决心作某一件事而不动摇”, 如:

We have determined to get the work done ahead of schedule.我们已经决定要提前完成这项工作。

 resolve指“打定主意做某事或不做某事”, vt解决,vi决心。名词:决心,解决

I resolve to study English.我决定学英语。


Village 村,村民

town 镇


area、district 区,地区


state州,国家vt规定 声明


capital 首都,country 国家 家乡

hundred 百

thousand 千

million 百万

billion 十亿

sever ['sevə(r)] V切断 断绝 sever connections with sb.与某人断绝关系

severe [sɪ'vɪə(r)] adj.严峻的;严厉的;苛刻的several [ˈsevrəl]adj.几个的;分别的 pron.几个,数个;一些

serve [sɜ:v] V 招待;服务,适用, 提供

server ['sɜ:və(r)] n 服务员服务器

service ['sɜ:vɪs] n.服务;服务业; vt.检修,;保养


1.若ex后接一个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u)或不发音字母h,且重音不落在第一个音节上,则ex的发音为 /ɪgz/ 例如:

exact /ɪg'zækt/ 精确的,确实的; exam /ɪg'zæm/ 考试,测验;

example / ɪg'zɑːmpl/ 例子,榜样;exist /ɪg'zɪst/ 存在,生存;

exhibit /ɪg'zɪbɪt/ 陈列,展览;exhaust/ ɪg'zɔːst/ 竭尽,耗尽;

exert/ig'zə:t/ v.发挥, 施以影响, 运用

2.若ex后接一个辅音字母,且重音不落在第一个音节上,则ex的发音为 /ɪks/ 例如: exchange / ɪks'tʃeɪndʒ / 交换,交易;excuse /ɪk'skjuːz/ 原谅,借口; expect / ɪk'spekt/ 预期,期望;except /ɪk'sept / 除……外;

experience /ɪk'spɪərɪəns/ 经历,经验; experiment /ɪk'sperɪmənt/ 实验; explain /ɪk'spleɪn/ 解释,说明;expose /ɪk'spəʊz/ 使暴露,揭露;

express /ɪk'spres/ 表达;expression /ɪk'spreʃn/ 表达法,表情;

extend /ɪk'stend/ 延展,伸展;expense / ɪk'spens/ 费用;

expensive /ɪk'spɛnsɪv/ 昂贵的;extraordinary /ɪk'strɔrdn,ɛrɪ/ 突出的,特别的。

3.只要重音(或次重音)落在第一个音节上,则ex的发音为 /eks/ 例如:

exercise / 'eksəsaɪz/ 练习,训练; expert /'ekspɜːt/ 专家,能手;

extra / 'ekstrə/ 额外的;exhibition /‚eksɪ'bɪʃn/ 陈列,展览


在浊辅音和元音后面 [d]

在清辅音后面 [t]

在[t] [d]音后面 [id]


1.直接在词尾加-ed。如: want—wanted, work—worked, need—needed, clean—cleaned

2.以不发音的e结尾的在词尾加-d。如:like—liked, live—lived, use—used, move—moved

3.以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stop—stopped, trip—tripped

4.以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,先把y变成i,再加-ed。如:study—studied, carry—carried, hurry—hurried, marry—married


1.以t结尾的词,过去式与原形相同。如:put—put, let—let, cut—cut, beat—beat

2.以d结尾的词,把d变成t。如:build—built, lend—lent, send—sent, spend—spent

3.以n结尾的词,在词后加t。如:mean—meant, burn—burnt, learn—learnt

4.以ow / aw结尾的词,把ow / aw变成ew。如:blow—blew, draw—drew, know—knew, grow—grew

5.含有双写字母的词,将双写改为单写,在词尾加t。如:keep—kept, sleep—slept, feel—felt, smell—smelt

6.含有元音字母o / i的词,将o / i变成a。如:sing—sang, give—gave, sit—sat, drink—drank















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