【三年经典】全国各地2011-2013中考英语试题分类 形容词、副词

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第一篇:【三年经典】全国各地2011-2013中考英语试题分类 形容词、副词


【2011哈尔滨】32.English people can't give up hamburgers or fried chicken because they’re delicious.However, the French are changing.They aren't interested in food like before.A.fast 答案:A 【解析】考查形容词辨析 根据句意:英国人依然留恋汉堡和炸鸡,而法国人在改变。他们不再像从前,对快餐感兴趣了。

【2011呼和浩特】12.----Wha t do you think of Tom’s speaking?----No one does in our class.A.good 【答案】B 【解析】形容词比较级 此题是隐藏性的比较级。“你认为汤姆的口语怎样” “在我们班没人比他说得好”。

【2011四川达州】26.—Up to now the Chinese Communist Party(中国共产党)has nearly history.—Yes, it was founded July 23rd, 1921.A.90 years;at B.90-year;in C.90-years;of D.90-year;on 答案:D 【解析】本题考查复合形容词和介词的用法。90-year表示90年的,在句中作定语。on表示在某个具体的时间,in表示在模糊的时间。根据题意:-到现在中国共产党已经有接近90年的历史了。-是的,它是1921年7月23日建立的。故本题选择D。

11.The bag of rice is ___ heavy for Tom to carry.Let’s go and help him.A.too B.so C.very 答案:A 【解析】固定搭配。句意:对汤姆来说,这袋大米太重,他搬不动,让我们去帮帮他。too...to...为固定搭配,意为“太„„而不能„„”。【2011•广西柳州】I am glad to see you.B.better


D.best B.healthy

C.natural 1

A.happy B.sad C.old 答案A 【解析】考查形容词的用法。见到你很高兴。glad=happy.故选A。47.【2011•广西柳州】The girl can run very fast.A.quickly B.slowly C.quietly 答案A 【解析】考查副词的用法。这个女孩能跑得很快。fast=quickly.故选A。50.【2011•广西柳州】He did the work all by himself.A.already B.together C.alone 答案C 【解析】考查副词的用法。他独自一人做的这项工作。alone=by oneself.故选C。【2011雅安】6.The woman is very busy so she ________ watches TV.A.often B.always C.seldom D.almost 答案:C 【解析】考查频率副词的使用。句意为:“这个妇女很忙,以至于她几乎很少看电视。”often“经常”,always“总是”,seldom“几乎很少”,almost“几乎”。故选C。

【2011广东深圳】9.— The doctor told me____ too much but I find it difficult.— The doctor is right.The less you drink, ______ you will be.A.don't drink;the healthier

B.not to drink;the healthier D.don't drink;healthier C.not to drink;the more healthier 答案:B 【解析】不定式与the+比较级的用法。tell sb.not to do sth.表示“告诉某人不要做某事”,“the+比较级,the+比较级”表示“越„„,越„„”。故选择B。

【2011广西南宁市】29.Oxford University is ________ with tourists for its beautiful old buildings.A.different B.famous C.special D.popular 29.答案:D 【解析】形容词的用法。be popular with 为固定短语意为“为„所喜爱”。根据句意可知选D。

【2011广西南宁市】33.Mrs Smith has a cute baby.It often smiles at people ________.A.friendly B.lovely C.happily D.lively 33.答案:C 【解析】副词的用法。副词修饰动词放在动词后面作状语。friendly为形容词意为“友好的”,lovely为形容词意为“可爱的”,happily为副词意为“高兴的”,lively为形容词意为“活的”。根据句意可知用副词修饰动词smile,因此选C。此题较难。【2011雅安】11.—Which month has ______ days in a year? —February.A.few B.little C.the least D.the fewest 答案:D 【解析】考查形容词的最高级。句意为“一年中哪个月的日子最少?”“二月”。在一年中这个范围之内,用最高级形式,days为可数名词用fewest。故选D。

【2011雅安】12.His grandparents live ____ in a small house, but they don’t feel _______.A.lonely;alone B.alone;lonely C.lonely;lonely D.alone;alone 答案:B 【解析】考查形容词alone;lonely用法。句意为“他的爷爷奶奶单独住在一个小房子里,但是并不感到孤独。”alone意为“单独一个人”;lonely“内心孤独的”。故选B。【2011凉山】—What a careful boy you are!—Thank you.In fact, Tom does everything ___ than me.A.more carefully B.more careful C.much careful 答案:A 解析:考查比较级的用法。由句意“实际上,汤姆做某件事情都比我仔细”可以得知此处应该使用副词的比较级形式,故选A项。

【2011凉山】Mom bought ____ oranges for me, but I’d like to drink some ________.A.many;oranges B.much;orange C.many;orange 答案:C 解析:考查形容词和名词的用法。oranges的可数名词复数,应该使用many来修饰,排除B项。表示“喝一些橘子汁”应该使用不可数名词orange,因此,答案为C项。【2011广西崇左】36__Dad ,how can I get on well with my xlassmates?

—Tryto be friendly to them.That will make it much____.A.easily B.more easily C.easy D.easier 【解析】D 考查点:动词make的用法以及比较级。解题思路:make后跟形容词充当宾语补足语,much后跟形容词的比较级。故选D。

【2011黑龙江齐齐哈尔】27.Li Kai jumped in the long jump.He won the game.A.longest

答案:B 【2011泰州】5.—Who is suitable for the new chairperson of the Students’ Union? —David is.He is ______ enough to come up with new ideas.A.imaginative B.humorous C.modest D.outgoing 答案:A

【2011重庆江津】()25.I think these cards are than those cards.A.nice 答案:B 【2011山东菏泽】23.—Which city is your favorite? —Hangzhou, of course.It’s the _____place that I want to visit.A.worse 答案 D 【解析】比较等级的用法。由句意:-哪个是你最喜欢的城市?-当然是杭州,它是我想参观的最好的城市。用最高级best。故选D。

【2011四川乐山】26.–Do you often go fishing with your father? –No, _______.I don’t like fishing at all.A.never 答案:A 【解析】考查频度副词。句意“你常常和你爸爸去钓鱼吗?”“不,我根本不喜欢钓鱼”。根据情境,是一个完全否定的回答。Always与usually表示经常干某事,与情境不符。故选A。【2011四川乐山】28.– Susan, you know what? We can have a dog!– Great!But I prefer to have a cat.It is much _______ to look after.A.easy 答案:B

B.farthest C.highest



D.the nicest








【解析】比较级的用法。Much修饰比较级,而不能修饰原级和最高级,故选B。【2011浙江台州】19.-It’s going to rain.Let me fetch an umbrella for you.-Thank you!You are so.A.lucky 答案:B 【解析】词意辨析。lucky“幸运的”;kind“友好的,亲切的”;relaxed“放松的”;interesting“有趣的”。句意为“—天将下雨,让我给你去取把伞。—谢谢!你真是太好了。”故选B。【2011山东泰安】29.—Which do you like , summer or winter? —I prefer summer.A.good 答案:C 【解析】比较级的用法。在两者之间进行选择,用better,如果是三者或三者以上用best。【2011浙江杭州】18.–Are you satisfied with the result of the exam? –Not at all.I can’t have ______.A.a worse one best one 答案:A 【解析】形容词最高级的用法。根据句意应该是最糟糕的一次,而表示数量一则用a。【2011浙江金华】21.— It's so cold today.— Yes, it's colder than it was yesterday.A.some D.much



B.a better one

C.the worse one




D.best B.kind


D.interesting 答案:D 【解析】考查比较级的用法。比较级前可用much、even、a little修饰。故选D。【2011重庆】31.The more you smile, the _______ you will feel.A.happy happily 答案B 【解析】考查比较级的用法。“The+比较级„„,the+比较级”意为“越„„,就越„„”。feel为连系动词,可跟形容词作表语,不能跟副词。句意为“你笑的越多,你感觉越快乐”。B.happier C.happily



【2011浙江丽水】24.In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money_________ during the Spring Festival.A.finally 答案:D 【解析】副词的用法。finally 是最后的,luckily指幸运的,simply意思是仅仅,especially指的是尤其,特别是。根据句意可知“在中国,尤其是春节期间给孩子红包成为一个传统了。”

【2011浙江丽水】28.Everybody should remember it is not _________ to swim in the river alone.

A.healthy B.safe C.possible D.comfortable 答案:B 【解析】词义辨析。从后面的的“单独在河里游泳”可知应该是不安全的。

【2011山东临沂】28.Stay away from junk food, please.It’s bad for us,_________ for children!A.recently B.especially C.probably D.nearly 答案:B 【解析】词义辨析。句中副词修饰介词短语,根据句意,应为“尤其是对儿童”,用副词especially表达。

【2011广西贵港】40.—Whose home is ______ away from school in our class? —Liu Mei’s.A.father B.far C.the farthest D.near 答案:C【解析】考查点:形容词最高级。解题思路:根据句中所给的范围in the class可知用最高级。故选C。

【2011广西贺州】35.—Emily, here's a dictionary.I hope it will help you.—Thank you.It's ______what I need.A.just 答案:A 【解析】考查点:副词辨析。解题思路:just意为“仅仅,恰恰,正好”;still “依然”;only“仅仅”;almost“几乎”。根据句意:Emily,给你一本字典。我希望它能帮助你。谢

B.luckily C.simply D.especially B.still C.only D.almost


【2011广西贺州】40.— Many people eat_____ meat than they did before.—Yes, that’s why they’re getting fatter and fatter.A.more 答案:A 【解析】考查点:考察比较级。解题思路:根据句中than可知此处应该用比较级。根据答句:是的。那就是他们变的越来越胖的原因。可知前一句:很多人比以前吃的肉多了。Fewer修饰可数名词故选A。

【2011贵州贵阳】35.Some Chinese singers sing English songs just as ______ as native speakers do.A.good B.better 答案:C 【解析】 as„as句式中间应跟形容词或副词的原形,故排除B,这里应是修饰动词sing,故应用副词。故选C。

【2011贵州贵阳】42.Nancy and Lucy are twins.In some way they look the same, but Nancy is_________than Luc A.tall B.taller C.tallest 答案:B 【解析】 其后跟的是than,故这里应用比较级。应选B。

【2011湖南湘西】32.Which sport do you like ________, swimming, running or shooting? A.well B.better C.best 答案:C 【解析】考查副词最高级 空后面是游泳、跑步和射击三项,三者比较用最高级。【2011湖南益阳】23.Linda jumped than Helen at the sports meeting.A.the highest B.high C.higher 答案: C 【解析】比较级的考查。Than前面用比较级。【2011山东滨州】26.– Do you often go to the gym? – No, ________.I don’t like sports at all.A.always B.never B.less C.fewer D.much


C.sometimes D.usually

答案:B 【解析】考查副词的辨析。always“总是,一直”; never“从不”; sometimes“有时”; usually“通常”。由答语“I don’t like sports at all.”,可知“我一点都不喜欢体育”,所以答语应为“我从不去体育馆”,故选B。

【浙江湖州】 18.Sally used to be ______, but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends.A.active 答案:B 【解析】考查形容词辨析。active活泼的;shy“害羞的”;honest正直的;outgoing外向由下句句意“但是现在她喜欢邮新朋友并且和他们谈话”可知,上句意思应为过去很害羞。used to be...意为“过去...”。

【2011山东潍坊】23.After a three hours' long walk, the boys look rather______.A.excited B.bored C.tired D.stressed 答案:C 【解析】考查形容词辨析。excited意为“兴奋的”;bored意为“无聊的”;tired意为“累人的”;stressed意为“紧张的”。句意为“经过三个小时的长途跋涉之后,男孩子们看起来相当累。”故选C。

【2011山东临沂】32.---I’m really _________ before the exam.---Take it easy.You’re the best.A.surprised B.nervous C.comfortable D.confident 答案:B 【解析】词义辨析。通过对话下文take it easy,“放松”,和常识,可知“考试前我真得紧张”,用形容词nervous 表达。

(2011·南京)5.–Mr Smith, I don’t think we can get there on time by bike.–You mean it’s ______ for us to take a taxi?

A.necessary B.important C.possible D.difficult 5.答案:A 解析:考查词义辨别。理解句意,对于我们而言,乘出租车是必要的。necessary必要的;important重要的;possible可能的;difficult困难的,故选A项。【2011山东威海】32.—What do you think of Liu Huan?

B.shy C.honest D.outgoing

—Oh, he is my favourite singer.I think no one can sing________.A.good B.well C.better D.best 答案:C 【解析】副词比较级的用法。sing为行为动词,故用副词well修饰,I think no one can sing后省略了than he,故要用well的比较级better。

【2011江苏淮安】13.Mr.Zheng is such a __________ person that he has donated much money to the schools in his hometown.A.selfish B.patient C.humorous D.generous 答案:D 【解析】形容词词义辨析。selfish 自私的 patient 有耐心的 humorous 幽默的generous 慷慨的。根据后面的语境“他已经捐赠了很多钱给家乡的学校。”可知他是一个“慷慨的”人。故选D。

【2011江苏淮安】5.Now Chinese people are living a _________life than before.A.good B.well C.better D.best 答案:C 【解析】考查形容词比较级用法。句中有than,应用比较级better.故选C.【2011湖南怀化】23.Many of my classmates think Wang Han is ______ host in Hunan TV Station.A.popular B.more popular 答案:C 【解析】形容词最高级。根据句意:我的大多数同学认为汪涵是湖南电视台最受欢迎的主持人。C是最高级。

【2011安徽】32.We felt ________ when Liu Xiang won the first prize again in the race.A.brave B.proud C.successful D.worried 答案:B 【解析】选B。考查形容词词义。brave “勇敢的”;proud “自豪的”;successful “成功的”;worried “焦虑的”.结合句意“刘翔又一次赢得第一名”可知,我们应该是“自豪的”。故选B。

【2011安徽】44.Jack is good at drawing.I think no one draws __

C.the most popular

A.better B.best C.worse D.worst 答案:A 【解析】选A。考察形容词的比较级用法。句意:杰克擅长画画,我想没有人比他画得更好了。此处暗示其他人与杰克比较,故选A。

【2011湖北黄冈】35.—Did Kate do best in the final exam? —No, but of all the students she did______.A.the most careful B.more careful C.most carefully D.more carefully 答案:C 【解析】副词的用法。副词修饰动词,先排除A、B项。又根据句意:“她是所有学生中做得最好的。”故用最高级形式,副词最高级前的定冠词“the”可以省略。

【江西省2011】39.—We're doing a lot to protect our environment, but it is not good enough.—So we should try______ to look after it.A.hard 【答案】B 【解析】形容词的比较级 句意“我们做了很多来保护环境,但是还不够。所以我们更应该努力的来保护”。

【2011山东德州】22.I ________ go to the theatre, because I don’t like operas at all.A.always





D.hardly never 答案:D

【解析】副词的用法。根据后句中的“because I don’t like operas at all.”可知,“因为我根本不喜欢戏剧”,所以“我”从不去剧院,故答案为D。

【2011山东德州】29.We can do a lot to stay healthy.__________, we should eat a balanced(平衡的)diet.A.At a time

B.In fact

C.First of all

D.All together 答案:C



【2011江苏淮安】10.—__________ will your father be back? —In two months.A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How many 答案:B 【解析】疑问代词辨析。how long 多长时间 how soon 多久才会 how often 多久一次 how many 多少(修饰名词复数)。根据答语“两个月后”可知问题“你爸爸多久才会回来?”故选B。

(2011江苏宿迁)8.—______ is it from your home to the school? —About ten minutes’ walk.A.How far 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查词组辨析。how far意为“路程有多远”;how long 意为“多长时间”;how often意为“多长时间一次”;how soon意为“多少时间以后”。由答语可知是询问“你家到学校路程有多远”,故选A。

【2011襄阳】29.----Would you mind turning the light? It’s too dark here.----OK.Wait a minute, please.A.over 【答案】B 【解析】副词辨析 由下文“这里太黑了”可知应为“你不介意开开灯吗?” 【2011襄阳】27.----Why do you keep the windows open on such a cold day?----There are so many students here, so we want to keep the air nice and.A.cold B.dry C.cool D.clean 【答案】D 【解析】形容词辨析 句意为“这么冷的天气你为什么敞着窗户”“这里有许多学生,所以我想让空气非常干净”

【2011广东】30.—Steve is good at writing short stories.— So he is.But he writes _______ than us.So he can’t get good grades in writing.A.most carefully B.more carefully C.less carefully

D.least B.on C.off D.down

B.How long

C.How often

D.How soon carefully

答案: C 【解析】本题考查到连词比较级的用法。由句子结构可知,此题用比较级,故排除A、D。根据语境可知“但时他写作不如我们仔细„„”可知选C。

【2011广东】40.—Have you ever seen the movie called Los Angles 2011? —Yes, but I think it’s ______.I fell asleep when I saw it.A.exciting 答案: B 【解析】本题考查词义辨析。A项意为“令人兴奋的”一般用来修饰物;B项意为“无聊的”一般用于物;C项意为“无聊的”一般用于人。D项“兴奋的”一般用来修饰人。句意“你看过叫《洛杉矶之战2011》吗?”“是的,我认为它是___。当我看时我睡着了”。由语境可知此处“无聊的”,无聊的修饰的是电影,即物,用boring.故选B 【2011上海】36.We hope that with the help of the new skill, Liu Xiang can run _____ than before.A)fast B)faster C)fastest D)the fastest 答案:B 【解析】考查点:副词的比较级的用法。解题思路:由than可知这是个比较级,故要使用faster;选项D是最高级;

【2011上海】54.When you have western food, you should use knife and fork properly.The underlined part means“_____ ”.A)in a quick way B)in the right way C)in a different way D)in the usual way 答案:B 【解析】考查点:词义辨析。解题思路:properly意为“正确地”,相当于in the right way, 句意为“当你吃西餐时,你应当正确的使用刀和叉”,故答案选B; 【2011•无锡】 — There used to be lots of fish in the lake.— Yes, but there are very __________ now.A.few B.fewer C.little D.less 答案:A 【解析】very修饰形容词或副词原级;根据but there are„ 可知答案选A,few修饰可数名词复数(fish)。B.boring



【2011•无锡】Nanjing isn’t so large __________ Shanghai, however, it’s the second __________ city in East China.A.like;largest B.as;largest C.like;large D.as;large 答案:B 【解析】so„as„“与„„一样”是个固定结构;the +序数词+最高级+名词单数“第几最„„”,故答案选B。

【2011·苏州】 During this year’s Reading Week, I read the most books in our class.No one read ______ books than I.A.many B.more C.few D.fewer 答案: B 【解析】考查比较级。由“than”可知用比较级,先排除AC;根据句意可知选B。【2011湖北·武汉】 40.Oh, dear, you must be very _____ at the ball!A.embarrassed B.satisfied C.tired D.surprised 答案: A 【解析】 考查形容词的用法。穿错了鞋去参加棒球,当然会感到尴尬(embarrassed)。【2011安徽芜湖】32.—Wuhu is a beautiful city.— Yes, and I feel ______ to live there.A.comfortable B.worried 答案:A 【解析】形容词的辨析。worried意为“着急的,忧虑的”;afraid意为“害怕的”;tired意为“疲惫的”;comfortable意为“舒适的”。根据句意可知选项A为正确答案。【2011安徽芜湖】37.Funtawild Adventure is very popular and ______ tourists visit it year by year.A.more and more

B.fewer and fewer

C.less and less



D.tired or less 答案:A 【解析】形容词比较级。“比较级+and+比较级”结构,意为“越来越„”;可排除D;tourists是可数名词,可排除C;根据句中的Funtawild Adventure is very popular可判断出A为


【2011湖北十堰】29.---Terra, you shouldn’t be so ___________.You always leave your things here and there.---Sorry, mom.I’ll put them away soon.A.terrified 答案:C 【解析】词义辨析。根据句意:你总是把你的东西到处乱丢。得出答案,粗心的。【2011襄阳】32.----I’m thirsty now.Could I have hot water?----OK.Here you are.A.any B.some C.little D.no 【答案】B 【解析】形容词辨析 句意为“我现在口渴。我能喝些热水吗?”此处用some希望得到对方的肯定回答。

【江西省2011】27.I can't eat any more food, I am_.A.busy B.hungry


D.serious B.cheerful


D.frightened 【答案】C

【解析】词义辨析 句意为“我不能再吃了,我饱了。”busy “忙”;hungry“饥饿的full“满的,饱的” serious“严重的”。

【2011•扬州】—______ did you sleep last night? —Only five hours.I stayed up late to do my homework.A.How soon 答案:C 【解析】词义辨析。how long 指时间或长度,意为“多长”; how soon 指时间“多久,多快”,常用于将来时;how often 指频率,“多久一次”;how much 指金钱“多少”。根据答语应为“多长”。

【2011•广州】The actress is already 50, but she looks ______ than she really is.A.young B.more young C.more younger D.much younger 8.答案:D 解析:考查形容词比较级。由than可知此句为比较级,比较级前可用a little, much, far等词修饰。B.How often C.How long

D.How much

【2011浙江舟山】20.The Internet is really ______ to us.We can easily find the information we need.A.safe 答案:D 【解析】形容词辨析。safe意为“安全的”,hard意为“难的”,boring意为“无聊的”,useful意为“有用的”。由句意“因特网真的对我们有用,我们可以很容易地找到我们所需要的信息”可知,只有useful符合句意。故选D。

【2011山东德州】18.He was late this morning, because the bus was too ________ for him to get on.A.quiet






D.useful 答案:C


【2011山东德州】22.I ________ go to the theatre, because I don’t like operas at all.A.always



D.never 答案:D


【2011凉山】I have ___ to tell you.Maybe you will be _____ in it.A.interesting something;interested B.something interesting;interesting C.something interesting;interested 答案:C 解析:考查形容词的用法。形容词修饰不定代词时,应该放在其后面。be interested in是固定结构,意思是“对„„感兴趣”。因此,答案选择C项。

【2011郴州】24.The high-speed trains are much than the common ones.A.fast

B.faster C.fastest

答案:B 【解析】考查形容词的级。题干中的than可判断句中的形容词用比较级。

【2011山东潍坊】25.----Which city has _____ population, Shunghai, Hong Kong or Qingdao?------Shanghai, of course.A.the smallest B.the least C.the most D.the largest 答案:D 【解析】考查近义词辨析。the smallest意为“最小的;最少的”,表示物体最小或人口最少;the least意为“最小的;最少的”,表示物体最小或数量最少;the most意为“最多的”,一般用来表示数量最多;the largest意为“最大的”,表示物体最大或人口最多。句意为“——上海、香港或青岛,哪个城市的人口„„?——当然是上海了。”根据答语的意思,是问哪个地方人口最多。故选D。

【2011广东深圳】3.— will she stay here? — For.A.How soon, one hour and a half C.How soon, one and half hours 答案:B 【解析】how短语用法。how long多长(时间),对一段时间提问,how soon多久,对将来的时间提问。由答语for„判断指一段时间,故A、C错。一个半小时用one and a half hours 或one hour and a half,故选择B。

【2011广东深圳】5.— There is a smile on Miss Gao’s face.She must be _______ with Sam’s work.— ] think so.No one did as__ as him in our class.A.angry: well pleased;well 答案:D 【解析】固定短语与as„as的用法。由a smile on Miss Gao’s face判断老师是“高兴的”,故A,C错。as„as前面是动词did,故应为副词well修饰。即D对。(2011贵州毕节)25.— are you going to Shanghai? —I’m taking the plane.

B.How long, one and a half hours D.How long, one hour and half B.pleasing;good C.strict, good D.A.When B.Why C.What D.How 解析:本题考查副词词义辨析。根据I’m taking the plane.“我要坐飞机。”可知提问的是方式状语,故答案选D,意为“怎样”。

【2011浙江宁波】26.— Would you mind staying in such a noisy room? — No, but my son needs a _________ place to study in.A.cleaner B.quieter smaller 答案:B 【解析】词义辨析。cleaner更干净;quieter更安静; safer更安全;smaller更小。根据句意,你介意呆在这么喧闹的房间吗?不介意,但是我儿子需要在一个更安静的地方学习。故选B。

【2011山东聊城】27.Some students are so ______ that they often make mistakes in their homework.A.carful 答案:C 【解析】形容词词义辨析。careful仔细的;serious严重的;careless 粗心的;successful成功的。根据句意:他们做作业经常犯错误,应该是粗心才会引起错误的。故选C。【2011邵阳】25.Dear students, please read every sentence carefully.The more _____ you are, the______ mistakes you'll make.A.carefully;fewer B.careful;less C.careful;fewer 答案:C 【解析】考查形容词比较等级的用法。前半句有系动词are,可知缺少形容词,故排除选项A;mistakes为可数名词,用fewer来修饰。故选C。

【2011广安市】24.-Which is the ____ season of a year? -Summer.A.hot B.hotter C.hottest 答案:C 【解析】考查形容词的最高级。夏天是一年中最热的季节,要用hot的最高级形式:双写“t”+est。

【2011•兰州】29.Of the two coats, she'd like to choose the one to save money

C.safer D.B.serious C.careless D.successful

for a book.A.cheapest B.cheaper C.more expensive D.most expensive 答案:B 【解析】比较级的用法。由save money“节省钱”知,在两件外套中,她想选择便宜的那件,因此选B。

【2011•兰州】30.He said he would come to see us the next afternoon.A.sometime B.some time C.sometimes D.some times 答案:A 【解析】词义辨析。句意“他说明天下午的某个时间将来看我们”,sometime某个时间,some time一段时间,sometimes有时,some times几次,因此选A。

【2011山东威海】33.Elephants eat________, but they can move _______when necessary.A.noisy;silent B.noisily;silently C.noisily;silence D.noisy;silence 答案:B 【解析】副词的用法。eat和move皆为行为动词,故用副词来修饰,noisy,silent为形容词,silence为名词;而noisily 和silently均为副词,故选B。【2011四川内江】27.—What a hot day!—The weather report says it will be much _____ tomorrow.A.hot B.hotter C.hottest 答案:B 【解析】形容词比较级。much修饰比较级,选择B。

【2011•山东青岛】23.In the piano contest, my brother didn't play well and I did_ A.very well

B.much better

C.very good

D.even worse 答案:D 【解析】考查副词的比较等级。由题干中的my brother和I可以看出是两者比较;又由并列连词and可知前后是承接关系,即“哥哥弹得不好,我弹得更不好。”,故答案选D。【2011温州】6.—What do you think of the NBA basketball match last night?--It was__,I really enjoyed it.A.boring B.wonderful C.strange D.terrible 答案:B 【解析】词义辨析 boring “无聊的”;wonderful“精彩的”; strange“奇怪的” terrible

“糟糕的,可怕的”。根据后句“我真的很喜欢”,应推测前句为“它(NBA篮球比赛)很精彩”。【2011温州】3.After practicing for several months,I can swim much__now.A.slower 答案:C 【解析】形容词比较级的用法 根据句意“经过几个月的训练,我现在游得快多了”,比较级前可用much, a little, even 等词修饰。

【2011•铜仁】27.The story is _________ and all of us are _______ in it.A.interest;interesting B.interesting;interest C.interested;interesting D.interesting;interested 答案:D 【解析】形容词的用法。interested是指“对„产生兴趣的,对„感兴趣的”,一般用人做主语,后常用介词in; interesting的意思是“有趣的”,指能够给人带来兴趣的某人或某事物,一般修饰物。由句意“这个故事令人感兴趣,我们所有人都对它感兴趣”。故选D。

【2011湖北黄冈】26.—Jim, is your brother in? —No, he is reading in the library at the moment.A.right away 答案:D 【解析】考查短语辨析。at the moment意为“立刻、马上”,和at once同意,故选D项。【2011湖北黄冈】30.—So where do you want to go, Tina? —Let' s go to the Blue Lagoon.The soft music makes me relaxed.A.exhausted and sleepy B.calm and comfortable C.active and energetic D.tense and disgusted 答案:B 【解析】考查单词辨析。relaxed意为:“轻松的;自在的; 舒适的”根据这一意思,B项符合,故选B。

25.【2011•株洲】—Do you know ________ she went to the movie last night? —On foot.A.when B.why C.how 答案:C B.slowest C.faster D.fastest B.at times

C.right now D.at once

【解析】疑问副词的用法。从答句On foot可以看出问句是有关交通方式的,when表示“什么时间”;why表示“为什么”,how表示“怎么”,对交通方式提问一般用how,因此本题选C。

【2011襄阳】31.----Bob is late for school.----Me neither.A.always B.almost C.ever D.never 【答案】D 【解析】副词辨析 由答语“我也从不迟到”可知“鲍勃从没上学迟到过。” 【2011四川德阳】19.Speak aloud, please!I can _____ hear you.A.almost B.hardly C.usually 答案: B


【2011四川德阳】24.– Do you know what has happened in Japan recently?--The earthquake!It’s _____ one that I have ever heard of.A.a very serious B.a more serious C.the most serious 答案: C 【解析】本题考查形容词最高级的用法。句意“你知道最近日本发生什么?”“地震!它是我所听说过最严重的一次”。多音节形容词的最高级是在多音节的形容词前加the most,故选C。

【2011上海】35.The students from Xinjiang enjoy staying in our school because everyone is _____ to them.A)friendly B)gently C)happily D)politely 答案:A 【解析】考查点:形容词的用法。解题思路:系动词is后接形容词构成系表结构;而选项B、C、D都是副词,故选A;

【2011浙江绍兴】19.— How do you like the game show? —_______ I can't stand it.A.Funny Awful 答案:D


C.Perfect D.【解析】词义辨析。下文答语为“I can't stand it.”,说明游戏节目是“糟糕的”,故选D。

【2011新疆阜康】27.—Could you come over to my house on Friday or Saturday? —I’m afraid day is possible.A.either 答案: D 【解析】形容词的用法。either意为“任何一个的;任何一方的”,强调两者之间;both意为“两者都„„”;all意为“都;全部”,强调三者或者三者以上的人或事物;neither意为“都不”,强调两者之间。由答语中的I’m afraid„可知应该指周五或者周六都不可以。

【泸州市2011】8.They have just cleaned the windows, so the room looks ______.A.brightest 答案:D 【解析】形容词的比较级。根据句意是擦过窗子后使房间看起来更明亮了,用比较级与擦玻璃之前比较,故选D。

【2011山西】19.Why are you staying up so late playing computer games again? Stop being so ______!A.funny 答案:B 【解析】形容词辨析。Funny意为“有趣的”,silly意为“傻的,愚蠢的”,serious意为“严肃的,认真的”。根据句意“你为什么又熬夜打电脑游戏?停止如此愚蠢的行为”,可知选B。

【2011山西】20.The bag that my grandpa made for me ____ gets out of style, but it is still the best thing in my mind.A.usually 答案:C 【解析】副词辨析。Usually意为“通常”,normally意为“正常地”,gradually意为“逐

B.both C.all

D.neither B.least bright C.less bright D.much brighter B.silly

C.serious B.normally C.gradually


【2011贵州安顺】24.—Today is the _____ day in my life, because I won the first prize in the competition.—Congratulation!A.happy



D.much happier 答案:B 【解析】形容词最高级的考查。The的后面接形容词的最高级。

【2011贵州安顺】20.The new kind of car is _____ dear, I don’t have _____ money.A.too much;much too C.too much;too much

B.much too;too much D.much too;much too 答案:B 【解析】词义辨析。Too much 后面接不可数名词;much too接形容词;根据句意,dear意为“昂贵的”是形容词,money是不可数名词。

(2011江苏宿迁)17.I don’t have any close friends here.I feel ______ from time to time.A.alone 【答案】C 【解析】本题考查词义辨析。alone意为“独自的”,侧重说明独自一人,没有感情色彩的只表示客观的状态;happy意为“高兴的;幸福的”;lonely 意为“寂寞的” 表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊等产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情;proud意为“自豪的”。句意“我这儿没有任何朋友。我有时感觉很______”。由语境可知选C。(2011江苏宿迁)4.My cousin wants to keep slim.She does exercise every morning and ______ eats meat.A.seldom 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查副词词义辨析。seldom意为“很少,不常”;always意为“一直,永远”;usually意为“通常,经常”;often意为“常常,时常”。句意“我阿姨想保持身体苗条,她每天早上做运动并且很少吃肉”,故选A。【2011沈阳】6.—The bread is delicious.—It must taste ___ with some jam in it.B.happy


D.proud B.always

C.usually D.often

A.good B.well C.better D.best 答案:C


【2011沈阳】7.Alice explains things very well, what she says can be understood very ___.A.quietly B.carefully C.slowly D.clearly 答案:D

【解析】副词的用法。quietly“安静地”;carefully“仔细地”;slowly“缓慢地”,clearly“清楚地”,句意:爱丽丝把事情解释的很好,她所说的都能被很清楚地理解。故答案为D.【2011梧州】38.Sam and Bill are brothers.But Sam is _than Bill.A.tall B.tallest C.the tallest D.taller 【答案】D 【解析】形容词比较级的考察 与连词than可知应用比较级。【2011福建莆田】28.Actions speak _________ than words.A.loud 答案B 【解析】形容词比较等级的考查。Than前面应该是形容词或副词的比较级。【2011福建莆田】33.—Miss Zhou is very popular with the students.—Yes.Her classes are_________ lively and interesting.A.always 答案A 【解析】副词的考查。张老师很受学生的欢迎,是因为她的课总是很生动有趣。而不是有时或几乎不。

【2011沈阳】13.I’m going to be late for work.There’re ___ buses on this route(线路).A.too few B.too little C.too many D.too much 答案:A



C.loudest B.sometimes



28.【2011•株洲】He knows _________ about computer than me.A.much B.more C.most 答案:B 【解析】副词的比较等级的用法。本句意思为“关于电脑方面的知识他知道的比我多”,从句子后面的than可以看出应该用much的比较级。故答案为B。

【2011 衢州】19.---_________ do I save the document on the computer?----Please click “save” and write a name for it.A.What’s 答案:B 【解析】本题考查疑问词辨析。What’s,什么是;How, 怎样;When,什么时候;Where, 什么地方。根据题意:—我怎样在电脑上保存文件?— 点击保存键并为他起个名字。应选“怎样”。

【2011浙江衢州】17.----How do you like your new job, Sam?-----It’s so _______, I don’t like it at all.A.boring B.interesting C.exciting D.relaxing 答案:A 【解析】考查形容词辨析。boring意为“无聊的”;interesting意为“有趣的”;exciting意为“令人兴奋的”;relaxing意为“令人放松的”。根据答语句意“我一点也不喜欢。”因此是“无聊的”。故选A。

【2011山东德州】18.He was late this morning, because the bus was too ________ for him to get on.A.quiet



D.noisy B.How


D.Where 答案:C


【2011肇庆】22.Do you think which language is ______, Japanese or English? A.difficult B.the most difficult C.more difficult 答案:C

【解析】形容词的用法。根据句意,Japanese和English两者比较,出现了比较级。【2011襄阳】39.----What do you think of her dancing?----Oh, nobody else does.A.well B.better C.best D.the best 【答案】B 【解析】形容词比较级的考察 此题是隐藏性的比较级“你认为她的舞蹈怎么样?” “没有人比她跳得好。”

【2011湖北荆州】26.—Is Lucy or Lily the of the twins?

—Lucy.She was born half an hour earlier. A.younger 【答案】C

【解析】本题考查形容词比较等级。由对话中出现的Lily和Lucy可知是二者比较;由She was born half an hour earlier.“她早出生半小时。”可知Lucy“较大”,故答案选C。

【2011山东】29.I’m very proud of that Beijing is one of ______ cities in the world.A.big 29.答案:D 【解析】考查点:本题考查形容词最高级的用法。解题思路:根据题意:我很自豪北京是世界上最大的城市之一。the biggest cities表示最大的城市。故本题选D。

(2011 湖南衡阳)22.—Now, people’s life in Hengyang is than before.—Yes.Many people have their own cars.A.much better B.less better C.more better 答案: A 【解析】比较级的考查。Much修饰比较级。

【2011•四川成都】37.— scientific attitude is needed in developing our city.— I agree with you.In this way, we can make mistakes.A.Fewer;less 答案:C





D.the biggest B.youngest




【2011四川绵阳】8.Mum, this t-shirt is too small.Would you buy me a one? A.nice B.large C.nicer D.larger 答案:D 【解析】形容词的用法。根据第一句中的“small”可知想换一件比这一件更大尺寸的,两者做比较时用比较级,故选D。

【2011湖南永州】24.Li Na is_______ tennis player in China now.A.most famous B.the roost famous C.more famous 答案:B 【解析】“in China”表示范围,本句应该用最高级,famous 的最高级是“most famous”, 故选B。

【2011湖南长沙】29.---How is your father feeling today? ——Much _______.He can’t go to work today.A.bad B.worse C.better 答案:B


【2011四川资阳】17.Tom has just finished writing a _________ article.A.nine-hundred-words B.nine-hundreds-word C.nine-hundred-word D.nine-hundreds-words 答案:C 【解析】考查复合形容词。带连词符的名词不加s。故选C。【2011天津】35.Do you think math is _____ than English? A.difficult B.as difficult C.more difficult D.most difficult 答案:C 【解析】形容词的比较级。“than”前面要用比较级,difficult的比较级是 more difficult.【2011四川宜宾】35.—_________ do you go to movies? —Once a month..A.How often B.How far C.How long D.How soon 答案:A 【解析】A考查how often的固定用法。根据句意:你多久看一次电影?一个月一次。询问多久一次,用how often,故选A。

【2011乌鲁木齐】27._ is it from your home to school? A.How far B.How long C.How soon D.How often 【答案】A 【解析】特殊句式 句意为“从你家到学校有多远” How far “多远”; How long “多长,多长(时间)”;How soon“多久”,How often“多久一次” 36.【2011•广西柳州】Bob is _________ than John.A.tall B.taller C.tallest 答案B 【解析】考查形容词的比较级。句子中有than用比较级,故选B。38.【2011•广西柳州】The flowers smell ______.A.well B.badly C.good 答案C 【解析】考查形容词的用法。smell当“闻起来”讲是联系动词,后接形容词作表语,well, badly都是副词,故选C。

【2011内蒙古包头】33.—Do you like the film? —Yes, I do.In fact, I’ve never seen a _________ one.A.good 33.答案:B 【解析】本题考查形容词的比较级的。A项意为“好的”;B项意为“更好”;C项意为“更坏”;D项意为“坏的”。句意“你喜欢这个电影吗?”“是的,我喜欢。实际上,我从未看过_____的电影”。根据句意可知这个电影比以前看的要好,故用比较级,故选B。【2011湖南湘潭】25.—Bill, who's the little boy in the picture? —It's me.I am much_____, aren't I? A strong B.better C.worse D.bad B stronger C strongest

答案:B 【解析】本题考查形容词比较级的用法。根据题意:-Bill,照片上的小男孩是谁?-是我,我那时更壮一点,是不是?much经常修饰形容词比较级,表示更„。故本题选B。【2011•四川广元】18.For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese history, ___I enjoy living in China.A.the better B.the more C.the best 答案:B 【解析】副词比较级用法。句意:对于像我这样的外国人来说,我对中国历史了解的越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。由句意可知,这是“the +比较级,the+比较级”结构,故选B。【2011•四川南充】24.China is one of_______ countries in the world.A.larger B.largest C.the largest 答案:C 【解析】考查比较级和最高级的用法。“one of the +形容词的最高级+名词复数” 表示:最......的之一。句意:中国是世界上最大的国家之一。【2011四川宜宾】34.—Look , how beautiful the car is!—Yes, but it’s too _________ for me.A.expensive B.high C.cheap D.low 答案:A 【解析】A考查词义辨析,根据句意:看,这车多漂亮!是的,对我来说太贵了。故选A。【2011连云港】12.—I think winter is a beautiful season,_______ when it snows.—Me, too.A.specially B.especially C.probably D.properly 答案:B 【解析】考查副词的用法。句意:冬季是一个漂亮的季节,尤其是下雪时。specially“特意地;专门地”;specially“尤其;特别”,在句中通常作状语,用来加强语气,后面常跟要强调的内容;probably“大概,或许,很可能”; properly“恰当地;正确地”。【2011连云港】9.—How amazing the noodle is!—Yes, it is ______,and breaks the Guinness World Record as the longest handmade noodle.A.1,704–meter–long B.1,704–meters–long

C.1,704 meter long D.1,704 meters long 答案:D 【解析】考查复合形容词的使用。1,704-meter-long作定语,而它后没有要修饰的词;B答案错误;C中1704修饰meter,少了s;故选D。

【2011连云港】8.After the earthquake in Japan, we are trying to help the _______ people to rebuild their homes.A.harmless B.endless C.useless D.homeless 答案:D 【解析】考查形容词。句意;日本地震后,我们努力帮助无家可归的人重建家园。题干中涉及rebuild their homes,可推出是无家可归的人。【2011北京】25.We have a lovely room.It's one of ____ in the hotel, A.nice B.nicer C.nicest D.the nicest 答案:D 【解析】考查点:本题考查形容词比较级别的用法。这里不知道旅馆多少间房子,需要最高级,且前面有冠词the,所以选择答案D。

【2011广西百色】 31.Those toys for children look _______ and sell _______.A.good;lovely B.lovely;good C.well;lovely D.lovely;well 答案: D 【解析】第一个空要用一个形容词作表语,第二个空要用副词来修饰动词。(2011桂林)34.Li Hua’s shoes are as _______ as Zhang Hui’s.A.cheap B.cheaper C.the cheaper

D.the cheapest 34.答案:A 【解析】形容词的比较等级。as。。as 表示“„和„一样”,中间加形容词的原级。因此选A。

【河北省2011】34.Of all the subjects, chemistry seems to be for me.A.difficult B.too difficult C.more difficult D.the most difficult 【答案】D 【解析】考查形容词比较等级,由比较范围of all the subjects可知:用最高级形式。【2011•河南省】29.—What do you think of the dress?

—Wonderful.I don't think I can find a_____ one.A.good B.better


D.worst 29.答案:B。考查形容词的比较级。由“Wonderful”知对方在称赞衣服好。故选B,better。句意:我想我不会找到(比这件)更好的衣服了。本题用比较级形式表示最高级的意义。【2011黑龙江绥化市】20.Li Kai jumped_______in the long jump.He won the game!A.farthest 答案:A 【解析】词义辨析。根据情境,在跳远比赛中,要用farthest修饰jump。

【2011陕西】26.He has read many books on history, so it's for him lo answer these questions.A.hard B.impossible C.easy D.serious C 【解析】考查点:本题考查形容词的词义。hard “困难的”;impossible“不可能的”;easy“容易的”;serious“严肃的”。句意为“她读了很多关于历史的书籍,所以对他来说回答这样的问题很容易”。故选C。

【2011陕西】27.When he heard a cry for help, he ran out as as he could.A.hardly B.quickly C.finally D.slowly B 【解析】考查点:本题考查副词的词义。hardly “困难的”;quickly “飞快地”;finally “最后地”;slowly “慢慢地”。句意为“当听到呼救声的时候,他尽可能快地跑了过去”。故选B。

【2011清远】28.Li Hua studies English very _____and her English is _____in her class.A.careful, good B.carefully, well C.careful, best D.carefully, the best 答案:D 【解析】考查形容词和副词的用法。句意及studies English为动词词组,修饰动词得用副词修饰,排除A和C。is是系动词,排除B。在她班上,她的英语是最好的。故选D。【2011江苏徐州】14.We’ve got no coffee.Let’s have tea _______.A.either 答案D 【解析】考查词义辨析。either意为“也(不)”,通常用于否定句,位于句末;however“然而”,通常位于句首或句中。Yet“还,仍然,可是”;instead意为“代替”“替代”,B.however


D.instead B.highest

C.longest 30


【2012黔西南】13.—Which city has _________population, Beijing, Guiyang or Xingyi? —XIngyi, of course.A.the largest B.the smallest C.the most D.the least 【解析】A.考查形容词的最高级和对人口的修饰词。修饰人口数量的形容词可以用large或者small,而more或less 常用来修饰water,这是习惯用法。兴义的人口肯定没有北京和贵阳的多,因此选择B。

【2012福建福州】36.Shu-How Lin is now one of____________basketball players in the NBA.A.popular B.more popular C.the most popular 【答案】C 【解析】选C。考查形容词最高级的用法。由句尾“in the NBA”可知这里的比较限制了范围,所以考虑用形容词的最高级形式,one of +形容词最高级+名词复数表示“最„„之一”。句意为“林书豪现在是NBA最受欢迎的队员之一”。故选C。

【2012贵州贵阳】40.“Henry, you ______ tell the teacher if you want to go out of the classroom.” “Sorry, sir.”

A.are supposed to B.are surprised to C.are afraid to 【答案】A 考查形容词的用法。supposed意为“假定的;想像上的”be supposed to是固定用法,相当于should, 应该做某事; surprised 意为“惊奇的,惊讶的”;afraid意为“害怕的”。根据句意:亨利,如果你想离开教室,你应该告诉老师。对不起,老师。故选A.【2012.安徽省】32.We lost the match because they had ______ players.they had eleven and we had only nine.A.stronger 【答案】C

【2012.安徽省】38.--You are relaxing yourself here?--Yes.It feels to walk slowly along the river.A.fantastic 【答案】A

B.younger C.fewer



C.strange D.terrible

【2012北京】28.I work hard this term, but Peter works much ____.A.hard 【答案】B

【2012甘肃鸡西市】22.A_____girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.A.three-year-old 【答案】A

【2012甘肃鸡西市】23.I have great_____ in learning math and I am so worried.A.trouble 【答案】A

【2012甘肃鸡西市】34._____exercise you take, _____you’ll be.A.The fewer, the fatter fatter 【答案】B

【2012广东】40.Eighteen kids died in the school bus accident in Gansu Province.It's_____ one that I have ever heard of.A.a very serious

least serious 【答案】C

【2012广西玉林】33.—Peter is _______ than you, right? —Yes, but he is _______ runner in our class.A.heavier;best B.heavy;the best C.heavier;the best D.heavy;better 【答案】C 【2012贵州安顺】22.His grandparents live ____ in a small house, but they don’t feel _____. A.lonely;alone alone 【答案】B 【2012贵州安顺】25.If there is ______ pollution, the air in our city will be dirtier.B.more;much C.less;less




D.the hardest

B.three-years-old C.three years old

B.interest C.fun

B.The less, the fatter C.The less, the more

B.a more serious C.the most serious D.the

B.alone;lonely C.lonely;lonely D.alone;A.less;more

【答案】B 【2012贵州铜仁】34.The weather in Guiyang in summer is ______than that in Tongren.They’re different.A.cool 【答案】B 【解析】本题考查形容词比较级别。句中的than可知用比较级。根据常识可知:夏季贵阳比铜仁凉爽。故选B。

【2012黑龙江齐齐哈尔】22.A_____girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father.A.three-year-old 【答案】A

【2012黑龙江齐齐哈尔】23.I have great_____ in learning math and I am so worried.A.trouble 【答案】A

【2012黑龙江齐齐哈尔】34._____exercise you take, _____you’ll be.A.The fewer, the fatter


【2011湖北恩施】23.Farmers have become ______ in our hometown in recent years.A.more and more rich rich 【答案】B

【2012 湖北黄石】34.The____you work at your lessons, the____results you will get.A.hard;good B.harder;good C.hard;better D.harder;better 【答案】D 【2012·湖北·荆州】27.— How will the boss be back? — In these days.A.far




B.richer and richer

C.more rich and more B.The less, the fatter




C.three years old

B.much cooler C.hot

D.much hotter

C.The less, the more fatter 【答案】B

【2012·湖北·荆州】30.— Do you know sound travels very fast?

— Yes.But light travels sound.A.as fast as

B.a little faster than D.slower than

C.much faster than 【答案】C

【2012湖北十堰】29.---Are you afraid of dogs?---Yes.I’m ______________ of them.A.surprised 【答案】B 【2012湖北随州】24.The world’s population is growing ______, and there is ______ land and water for growing rice.A.larger;less B.larger;fewer C.more;less D.more;fewer 【答案】A 【2012湖北随州】30.It’s dangerous ______ with the wild animal.A.for us to play B.of us playing C.for us playing D.of us to play 【答案】A【2012·湖北·武汉】38.The smell of success around her shows that she is a Dancing Queen on the stage.A.sweet B.tasty C.final D.great 【答案】A 【2012湖北咸宁】28.―Three _____ injured students died in a hospital ineast China's Jiangsu Province last year.―Sorry to hear that.But our government ______ much about the school bus safety management.A.serious;did B.bad;didC.seriously;has done D.badly;was done 【答案】C

【2012湖北咸宁】34.Which of the following underlined parts has different pronunciation? A.great B.feature C.peaceful D.dream 【答案】A【2012湖北孝感】26.-Let’s go shopping at the new mall.34 B.terrified C.embarrassed D.excited

-Why not shop online? It’s.A.expensive B.more expensive C.less expensive D.the most expensive 【答案】C

【2012湖北孝感】33.-A number of volunteers willing to teach in China’s rural areas.-Yes, the number is getting.A.is;bigger and bigger C.is;more and more 【答案】B

【2012湖北宜昌】37.—Why not ask Bob to join us in the school trip? —I can’t tell if he’s able to.He’s always with his work.A.careful B.familiar C.casual D.busy 【答案】D

【2012湖南常德】23.Li Hua’s shoes are as _______ as Zhang Hui’s.A.cheap B.cheaper

C.the cheaper B.are;bigger and bigger D.are more and more 【答案】A 【2012江苏淮安】11.— Mum, my little sister is crying all the time.— Mary, be!she feels sick.You should take good care of her.A.patient 【答案】A 【2012江苏连云港】7.The First Huaguoshan International Golf Open was success that we enjoyed ourselves very much.A.such a great B.a such great C.so a great D.a so great 【答案】A

【2012江苏连云港】10.—Why did you vote for Maggie? —Because she is very.She always shares things with others.A.practical B.active C.generous D.energetic 【答案】C

【2012江苏南京】12.The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous landmark in San Francisco, the USA.Which of the following words is created in the same way as the word landmark?




A.unpleasant B.useless C.summertime D.surprising 【答案】C 【2012江苏苏州】11.I had to call a taxi because the box was ______ than I’d expected.A.heavy B.heavier C.the heavier

D.the heaviest 【答案】B 【2012江苏无锡】5.— Why is the traffic today moving so slowly? We are running late!— Calm down.Let’s take route.Turn left over there.A.a same different 【答案】C 【2012江苏宿迁】5.Mr Wu always spends a lot of time explaining things to us.He is so.A.cool B.patient C.selfish D.unfair 【答案】B

【2012江苏宿迁】11.—Jack, is there in today’s newspaper? —No, nothing.A.anything important B.something important C.important anything D.important something 【答案】A

【2012江苏宿迁】17.The meat smells.Throw it away.A.well B.good C.badly D.bad 【答案】D

【2012江苏徐州】11.—Why are you so , Amy? —I thought I lost my purse, but I didn’t.I found it in my study!A.angry B.happy C.sad D.nervous 【答案】B 【2012江苏盐城】7.This schoolbag is not expensive.And the price of it is the of the three.36

B.the same C.a different D.the

A.lowest 【答案】A B.biggest C.highest D.smallest 【2012江苏扬州】6.She sang a song I believe I can fly in Yangzhou English Classics Reading Contest.I have never heard a voice than that before.A.good 【答案】C

【2012江苏镇江】8.The new Apple’s product(产品)”iphone 4S” is _____ among the young people.A.meaningful B.traditional C.popular D.special 【答案】C

【2012江苏镇江】12.He speaks French well, but of course not _____ a person born in France.A.as clear as B.clearer than C.as clearly as D.the more clearly 【答案】C

【2012江西】28.My dog is very _______.It is safe to touch him if you want to.A.smart B.brave C.happy D.friendly 【答案】D 【2012江西】33.You should practice more to improve your English, then you’ll be ______ at it.A.good B.better C.best D.the best 【答案】B 【2012

】 B.well


D.best 12.Today it's normal for married women to go out to work, but it was ____ in the past.A.common 【答案】C 【2012辽宁大连】5.Do not use so much water.It's ____.A.healthy 【答案】C 【2012 内蒙古包头】26.It is our hope that we can live in a world and say

B.more common C.less common D.the most common B.useful

C.wasteful D.rude

goodbye to wars for ever.A.similar B.peaceful C.familiar D.natural 【答案】B 【2012 呼和浩特】5.To live a green life, we should try to save ______ energy and produce_______ pollution.A.more;less B.less;more C.more;fewer D.most;least 【答案】A

【2012年福建省福州市】38.Mrs Brown is nice.Every day she tried to cook _______for me during my stay in Canada.A.something different

B.anything different

C.nothing different 【答案】A 【2012年福建省福州市】36.Shu-How Lin is now one of _______basketball players in the NBA.A.popular B.more popular C.the most popular 【答案】C 【2012广东省梅州市】31.Is this kind of pet ________________ a pet dog these days? A.as trendy as B.more trendier than C.much trendy than D.not so trendier as 【答案】A 【2012广东省梅州市】39.The Old Town of Lijiang is ________ with tourists for its beautiful old buildings.A.popular B.famous C.special D.different 【答案】A 【2012年广东省】40.Eighteen kids died in the school bus accident in Gansu Province.It’s _____ one that I have ever heard of.A.a very serious B.a more serious C.the most serious D.the least serious 【答案】C 【2012 广西桂林】34.The red pencil is than the green one.38

【答案】B A.short



D.the shortest 31.You are doing great!I've never had_______ answer before.A.better 【答案】C

33.Martha is a_____ girl.She always smiles and says hello to others.A.shy B.friendly C.crazy D.healthy 【答案】B

【2011河南】Yao Ming is _______Chinese basketball player that ever played in NBA.A.tall 【答案】D 【2012湖北襄阳】27.—Your room is very dirty.You should keep it _____.—OK.I’ll sweep it right away.A.clean B.dry C.quiet D.warm 【答案】A

【2012湖北襄阳】34.—Helen, can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the school talent show? —OK, but a dress might be _____.A.good B.bad C.better D.worse 【答案】C【2012.山东菏泽】3.A 100-year-old man ran a marathon in Toronto on Sunday.He became the______ person to complete the long-distance running in the world.A.youngest 【答案】D

【2012山东济南】32.—What kind of books do you like? —I like funny storybooks.They're very_.A.boring B.lazy C.quiet D.interesting 32.D 【解析】考查形容词辨析。boring“无聊的”;lazy“懒惰的”;quiet“安静的”;interesting“有趣的”。句意为“—你喜欢哪种图书?—我喜欢有趣的故事书。它们很有趣。”故选D。

B.best C.a better D.the best


C.tallest D.the tallest B.best C.biggest D.oldest

【2012山东济南】40.—Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda? —Yes.I'm ______ at drawing than her.A.better B.good C.well D.best 40.A 【解析】考查形容词的比较等级。由句中的than可知,用比较级。故选A。

【2012山东济宁】19.In the talent show, I performed well and Ann did even________.A.well 【答案】B 【解析】考查形容词比较级用法。根据and可知是并列关系。句意:在才艺展示会上,我表演得很好,安表演得更好。even “甚至;更”修饰比较级。better 是副词well的比较级形式。【2012山东聊城】33.The Internet is really _________ to us.We can download a lot of things from it A.useful 【答案】A 【2012 山东临沂】30.Breakfast is ____ meal of the day.It provides us with energy after a long night without food.A.important very important 【答案】C

【2012山东泰安】34.The population problem may be _____one of the world today.A.the most interesting 【答案】C

29.Tom is________ than any other players in the school team.

A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.more tall 【解析】B。考查形容词比较级的用法。根据句中than提示,用单音节形容词tall的比较级taller。

【2012山东枣庄】22.Tom often exercises while Sam seldom does and is often weak, so Tom is _______ than Sam.A.more than

B.better C.more D.worse B.difficult C.different D.safe B.more important C.the most important D.B.most difficult C.the greatest D.more

B.funnier C.more athletic D.worse


【2012陕西】28.This place is not big enough for Lucy’s birthday party.We should find a _____ one.A.big B.small C.bigger D.smaller 【答案】C 【 2012四川成都】43.This T-shirt is not large enough.Please show me a one.A.large B.larger C.largest 【答案】A

【2012四川达州】27.—Peter has changed a lot, hasn’t he? —Yes.He used to the guitar, but now he is more in playing soccer.A.plays;interested B.play;interested C.play;interesting D.playing;interest 【答案】B 【2012四川广安】28.—What a nice watch it is!—Yes.It’s ______ one of all.A.expensive B.more expensive C.the most expensive 【答案】C 【2012四川凉山】25.Mike always does his homework as_____ the exams.A.good 【答案】B 【2012绵阳市】2.—Which do you like ________, summer of winter? —I’d prefer winter.A.better 【答案】A

【2012四川南充】28.—Math is too difficult, I nearly give it up.—Please don’t, nothing is ______ if you put your heart into it.A.important


C.interesting B.best


D.well B.well C.Better 【答案】B

【2012四川自贡】27.It will be if you buy a return ticket on the train when

you travel in England.A.much cheap B.more cheaply C.much cheaper 【答案】C

【2012四川雅安市】7.Things are ______on the moon than on the earth.A.much heavier B.the heaviest C.much lighter D.the lightest 【答案】C

【2012天津】33.All the students are talking and laughing in the classroom and it’s _________.A.noisy B.lonely C.quiet D.strict 【答案】A 【2012天津】36.Who listens _________, Tom, Jack or Bill? A.the most carefully B.more carefully C.the most careful D.more careful 【答案】A 【2012浙江湖州】20.— Jack is a(n)_ _____young man.—That's true.He always feels nervous when he speaks before people A.friendly 【答案】B

【2012浙江嘉兴】18.Tom is very __.He never cleans his room.A.lazy B.active 【答案】A 【2012浙江丽水】18 — For me, winter is the best season of a year!What do you think of the 3D film the Thank last night? — It Was _______.I enjoyed ii a lot, A.boring B.wonderful C.strange D.terrible 【答案】B

【2012浙江温州】3.My sister is_____.She likes making friends with others.A.shy 【答案】D

【2012重庆市】28.The flower smells and I like it very much.A.well B.good C.bad D.badly 【答案】B

【2012重庆市】39.-What do you think of the film you saw yesterday? -Oh!It’s one of films I’ve ever seen.A.interesting B.more interesting C.most interesting D.the most interesting 【答案】D

【2012贵州六盘水】39.-It's summer now the weather is getting____.A.higher and higher B.lower and lower C.hotter and hotter D.colder and colder【答案】C 【2012贵州省毕节市】30.When winter comes, days get ______.A.long and long B.short and short C.longer and longer D.shorter and shorter【答案】C 【2012贵州黔东南州】27.Someone says “Time is, money.But I think-time is_________ important than money.A.less B.much C.even more D.much least 【答案】C 【2012贵州铜仁】34.The weather in Guiyang in summer is ______than that in Tongren.They’re different.A.cool 【答案】B 【2012黑龙江黑河市】22.A_____girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled

B.quiet C.athletic D.outgoing

B.much cooler C.hot D.much hotter

father.A.three-year-old 【答案】A 【2012湖南省岳阳】 25.Wembley Stadium(温布利大球场)is one of the _____ soccer fields in the world.It will be the place for soccer matches during the Olympics next month.A.famous

【答案】C 【2012山东·东营市】33.At present, blogs are traditional diaries(日记)among young people.A.very popular B.as popular as C.not so popular as popular than【答案】D 【2012山东·东营市】19.The fans were to know the death of their favorite singing star Whitney Huston.A.glad 【答案】D 【2012山东日照】28.She has many hobbies.Her after-work life is ________.A.lonely 【答案】B 【2012山东济南】49.—Please drive ______ when you pass a school.—OK.A.nearly B.early C.slowly D.really 49.C 【解析】考查副词辨析。nearly“几乎”;early“早的”;slowly“慢地”;really“真正地”。句意“-当经过学校时,请开慢一点。-好的。”故选C。【2012山东济南】50.—Have you ever been to Disneyland? —No, ______.I hope I can go there next year.A.always B.sometimes






B.angry C.excited

D.surprised D.much more

B.more famous C.most famous B.three-years-old

C.three years old 50.C【解析】考查频度副词辨析。always“一直,总是”;sometimes“有时”;never“从不”;often“经常”。句意“-你曾经去过迪斯尼乐园吗?-不,从没去过。我希望我下


【2012山东济南】54.—How often do the students play sports? A.Twice a day B.Since last night ago 54.A 【解析】考查疑问副词短语的答语。上文用how often(多久一次)提问,下文需是表频度的答语。故选A。twice a day“每天两次”。


【2011湖南株洲】29.I play basketball every day because I want to play as ______ as Yao Ming.A.well



C.For two hours

D.A month 【答案】A 考查副词比较级和最高级。as„„as是同级比较,中间要用形容词或副词的原级。故选A。【2012.安徽省】48.Mike hurt his back seriously and can_____ get out of bed without help.A.quickly B.easily 【答案】D

【2012广东】30.— Did you go to the cinema to see 3D Titanic last night? —No, I ______ go to the cinema.The tickets are too expensive.A.hardly 【答案】A

【2012贵州安顺】22.His grandparents live ____ in a small house, but they don’t feel _____.

A.lonely;alone B.alone;lonely 【答案】B 【2012 湖北黄石】27.The 3D Titanic is a moving film.My parents have seen it twic_______.A.yet B.already C.never D.almost 【答案】B

【2012·湖北·荆州】22.— How often do you exercise?


D.hardly B.nearly C.still D.Only

C.lonely;lonely D.alone;alone

— ever.Because I am very busy with my work.A.Hardly 【答案】A



D.Almost 【2012湖南怀化】【答案】B 【2012江苏连云港】3.—I didn’t know you go to school by taxi.—Oh, I take a taxi to school, but my bike needs repairing.A.always B.sometimes C.often D.seldom 【答案】D

【2012江苏连云港】5.—Have you bought for Linda’s birthday? —Not exactly.Just some flowers, A.something unusual B.anything unusual C.unusual something D.unusual anything 【答案】B

【2012江苏南京】11.----How is Susan?-----Oh, she lives abroad, so I ever see her.A.hardly B.greatly C.clearly D.nearly 【答案】A 【2012江苏宿迁】17.The meat smells.Throw it away.A.well B.good C.badly D.bad 【答案】D

【2012江苏盐城】11.Don’t talk to anyone about the bad news — not my mother.A.hardly 【答案】C 【2012江西】35.He said he would go ______, but then he drove very fast.A.early B.quickly C.directly D.slowly 【答案】D

B.usually C.especially D.simply

【2012辽宁大连】8.Laptops are smaller and lighter so that they can be carried very ____.A.clearly B.regularly


D.carefully 【答案】C【2012 呼和浩特】4.Can you pass my glasses to me, betty? I can _______ see the words on the blackboard.A.really B.hard C.only D.hardly 【答案】D

【2012年广东省】30.---did you go to the cinema to see 3D Titannic last night?----No, I ________ go to the cinema.The tickets are too expensive A.hardly B.nearly C.still D.only 【答案】A 42.Some animals can even see things_______ in the dark.A.bad B.badly C.clear D.clearly 【答案】D

【2012湖北襄阳】29.—Can you understand me? —Sorry.I can _____ understand what you’ve said.A.nearly B.easily C.hardly D.exactly 【答案】C

【2012.山东菏泽】6.My friend Frank sings well, and he is______ good at playing guitar.A.not 【答案】B

25.Cathy was born blind so she has ________ seen our beautiful world.

A.often B.sometimes C.seldom D.never 【解析】D。考查频度副词的用法。通过句意“born blind”,天生是盲的,可知用频度副词never表示“从来没有”。

【2012天津】36.Who listens _________, Tom, Jack or Bill? A.the most carefully B.more carefully C.the most careful D.more careful 【答案】A


C.yet D.too

【2012浙江杭州】24.— Do you consider yourself a rude person? — _______ not.I always have good manners.A.Probably 【答案】D

【2012浙江嘉兴】24.The fire last night destroyed many buildings., no one was killed.A.Actually B.Simply C.Luckily D.Immediately 【答案】C

【2012浙江丽水】23 — why are you driving so____.Tony? I'm feeling sick.— Sorry, but the train is leaving in 20 minutes.We have to hurry.B.often 【答案】B

【2012浙江宁波】30.—Zhang Lili, ”the most beautiful teacher", has moved us deeply.—Yes, and she is__________ popular with her students.A.sometimes B.never C.always D.hardly 【答案】C

【2012重庆市】28.The flower smells and I like it very much.A.well B.good C.bad D.badly 【答案】B

【2012重庆市】31.Helen was so excited at the news that she could say a word.A.ever B.almost C.hardly D.always 【答案】C

【2012湖北省荆州市】30.— Do you know sound travels very fast? — Yes.But light travels sound.A.as fast as

B.a little faster than

D.slower than




B.Usually C.Generally D.Certainly C.much faster than 【答案】C 【2012湖北省荆州市】27.— How will the boss be back?

— In these days.48




D.often 【答案】B 【2012湖北省荆州市】22.— How often do you exercise? — ever.Because I am very busy with my work.A.Hardly



D.Almost【答案】A 【2012山东·东营市】24.No matter what happens, the fact that Huangyan Island belongs to China will change.A.ever hardly 【答案】B 【2012山东日照】30.I don’t think fast food is good for our health, so I _______ go to MacDonald.A.seldom 【答案】C

【2013北京】1.Debbie is growing fast.She is even____________ than her mother.A.tall tallest 【2013北京】2.—____________do you go to the cinema? —Once a month.A.How long B.How far C.How often

D.How much



D.the B.always C.usually D.often



D.【2013成都】3.David is ______________ student in our class.Nobody is taller than him.A.tall B.taller C.the tallest 【2013达州】4.—Peter is __________ than you, right? —Yes, but he runs___________ in our class.A.heavier, fastest B.heavy, the fastest C.heavier, faster D.heavy, faster

【2013遂宁】5.Everyone was when they heard the news.A.exciting,exciting B.excited,exciting C.exciting.excited 【2013营口】6.— What do you think of the price of gold in the world? —Nowadays it is getting much than before.A.low



D.the lowest 【2013营口】7.— It’s very important for everyone to exercise.do you exercise? —Three or four times a week.A.How long

B.How far

C.How soon

D.How often 【2013衡阳】8.The days last too long.We hate them.A.fog B.foggy C.fogy 【2013泰安】9.—How are you today ,Mike? —I’m now.I don’t think this medicine is good for me.A.badly B.better C.well D.worse 【2013淄博】10.—Why does Tina look so________ today? —She's won the first prize in the English contest.A.happier B.happy C.happiest D.happily 【2013安顺】11.He often drinks two cups of water when he comes back.A.boiling



D.boils 【2013莆田】12.The Internet is really___to us.We can easily find information on it.

A.boring B.useful C.interesting 【2013十堰】13.-Many boy students think math is ______ English.-I agree.I’m weak in English.A.much difficult than C.less difficult than

B.so difficult as D.more difficult than 【2013日照】14.People who eat breakfast are always in _____ spirits than those who don’t.A.good B.nice C.better D.best 【2013日照】15.Mary is so ________ — she comes to you whenever you’re in trouble.50

第二篇:2014年中考英语试题分类 形容词(单选)



【2014铜仁】Da Shan is _______ at Chinese.He can speak Chinese very _______.A.good, goodB.well, wellC.good, wellD.well, good


【2014铜仁】The Yangzi River is one of _______ in the world.A.the longest riversB.the longest river

C.longer riversD.longer river


【2014黄冈】—Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world.—That is, it is larger than _______ country in Asia.A.anyB.any otherC.otherD.another

【答案】A新 课标第一 网

【2014连云港】Mr.Black used to be busy.But now he’s tired and, so he has plenty of

time to exercise.A.hardB.calmC.freeD.nervous


【2014河北】Water is the cheapest drink.And it is also ______.A.healthierB.healthiestC.the healthierD.the



【2014河北】How ______ Cindy grows!She’s almost as tall as her mother now.A.cuteB.strongC.fastD.straight


【2014达州】—My teachers often encourage me ______ more friends but I find it difficult.—Your teachers’ idea is right.The more friends you make, ______ you will be.A.to make;the more happyB.to make;happier

C.making;the happierD.to make;the happier


【2014湖北咸宁】—What do you think of her teaching English?

—Great!No one teaches ______ in our school.A.goodB.worseC.betterD.best


【2014昆明】—Although Ms Zhou is an old lady, she is always in the pink.—Yes.Because she exercises every day and eats a balanced ______ diet.A.healthyB.luckyC.beautifulD.creative



【2014昆明】—Where would you like to go this Mid-Autumn Festival?

—I’d like to go _______.A.everywhere relaxingB.somewhere relaxing

C.peaceful anywhereD.peaceful somewhere


【2014昆明】—It’s smoggy these days.That’s terrible!

—Yes, I hope to plant trees.______ trees, ______air pollution.A.The more;the fewerB.the less;the more

C.The less;the fewerD.The more;the less


【2014昆明】The safety of food has become one of the ______ problems in our daily life.A.more expensiveB.more important

C.most expensiveD.most important


【2014鄂州】—If you prefer the red evening dress, you’ll have to pay ______ 30

dollars, because it’s made of silk.—OK.Here you are.wW w.x Kb 1.c o M

A.otherB.the otherC.moreD.another


【2014南京】—Do you enjoy Han Lei’s songs?

—Yes.He is the winner of I’m Singer Ⅱ.I can’t think of anyone with a ______



【2014黔西南州】The bread smells ______ and it sells ______.A.well;goodB.good;goodC.good;wellD.well;well


【2014重庆市A】—That clothes store is ______ on weekends.—I see.I’ll go there next Monday then.A.openB.closeC.openedD.closed


【2014安徽】It is ______ for me to follow the Australian guests because I am good at English.A.badB.easyC.hardD.right


【2014重庆市B】Come here at Christmas!You can buy ______ clothes in a year.A.the cheapestB.cheaperC.the worstD.worse


【2014杭州】Of the two shirts, I’d like to choose the_____ one to save some money

for a cap.A.cheapestB.cheaperC.more expensiveD.most



【2014呼和浩特】The box was _____ than I had expected.I was out of breath when I got home.A.more heavierB.much heavier

C.little heavierD.very heavier


【2014苏州】—The picture is, I have to say, not a bit beautiful.—Why? It’s ______ than the pictures I have ever seen.A.far more beautifulB.much less beautiful

C.no more beautifulD.any less beautiful


【2014天津】—Is there_____ beef in the fridge? X Kb 1.C om

—No, there isn’t.There is ______ pork.A.some;anyB.any;anyC.some;someD.any;



【2014天津】Mo Yan is one of _____ writers in the world.A.famousB.more famousC.most famousD.the

most famous


【2014广州】I have a lovely room.It’s the ______ in the hotel.A.niceB.nicerC.nicestD.most nice


【2014陕西】Lucy is a(n)______ student, she answers the teachers’ questions ______ in her

class.A.more active;more activelyB.active;more actively

C.more active;the most activelyD.active;the most actively


【2014南昌】You have to be ______ and wait until I finish my work.A.patientB.strictC.honestD.active


【2014南昌】There will be ______ jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as

people.A.manyB.moreC fewerD.fewest


【2014济宁】—Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever?

—Yes.It sounds _______.A.wellB.loudlyC.sweetD.beautifully


【2014济宁】Taobao.com is one of ________ shopping websites in China.A.largeB.largerC.largestD.the largest 【答案】D

【2014枣庄】Tom doesn’t like thrillers because it’s ______.A.funnyB.interestingC.excitingD.scary


【2014枣庄】Of all the teachers I love the ones who are ______ because they treat students as

their family members.A.the strongestB.the friendliest

C.the most experiencedD.the funniest


【2014枣庄】She likes _______ cookies.They are hard dry and easily broken.A.saltyB.sweetC.sourD.crispy 【答案】DwW w.x Kb 1.c o M

【2014东营】Overseas experience may help make our life.So why not try to study




【2014甘肃白银】Some of the tired students keep their eyes ______ in breaks.xkb1.com



【2014甘肃白银】Many students say that if there were no examinations they should have

______ at school.A.the happiest timeB.a more happier time

C.much happiest timeD.a much happier time


【2014宁波】—I really like to watch the TV program I AM A SINGER.—Me, too.It’s one of the ______ TV programs I’ve ever seen.A.least boringB.least interesting

C.most boringD.most interesting


【2014宜宾】Mike is ______, but his brother Sam is much ______.x k b 1.c o m


C.heavier;heaviestD.heavier;the heaviest


【2014湖州】Mona doesn’t like making speeches.She feels _______ talking in front of the class.A.annoyedB.excitedC.nervousD.surprised


【2014宜宾】The old man was so _______ the good news that he couldn’t say a word.A.interested inB.excited aboutC.afraid ofD.worried about


【2014温州】Leo was so _______ that he rushed to the kitchen, hoping to find something to eat.A.thirstyB.hungryC.tiredD.sleepy


【2014嘉兴】My grandfather is over 80, but he is still in good health and stay _______.A.safeB.warmC.awakeD.active


【2014嘉兴】—Do you like eating fish, Wang Hai?

—Of course.Nothing can be _______, I think.A.deliciousB.beautifulC.more deliciousD.more beautiful


【2014丽水】Steve isn’t as _______ as Kelly.He often makes mistakes in his writing.A.carelessB.tidyC.carefulD.difficult


【2014绍兴】—Guess what!Teresa makes her own clothes.—Wow, she is so _______.I could never do that.A.simpleB.creativeC.popularD.energetic


【2014台州】The fruits are _______, because they were picked from the garden just now.A.freshB.cheapC.bigD.unhealthy


【2014泰安】—Is your headache getting _______?xkb1.com

—No, it’s worse.A.betterB.badC.lessD.well


【2014威海】I am sorry this coat is not big enough.I want a _______ one.A.biggerB.bigC.smallerD.small


【2014滨州】—Tom, are you _______ boy in your class?

—No, but John is.I’m shorter than him.A.the tallestB.the shortestC.the youngestD.the oldest


【2014德州】—Would you like some cakes, Allen?

—Yes, please.And I also want some water.I’m so _______!



【2014德州】—It’s one of the _______ things in the world to stay with friends.—I agree.It always makes us relaxed.A.worstB.happiestC.busiestD.hardest


【2014菏泽】I’d love to go to the English evening.But I’m a little _______, because

I will be asked to sing an English song in the front of the whole



【2014菏泽】People who eat a balanced diet should be _______ than those who only eat



【2014聊城】I think Spiderman is _______ cartoon(动画片)I’ve even seen.A.interestingB.more interesting

C.most interestingD.the most interesting




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形容词用来修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态和特征。副词是一种用来修饰动词、形容词、全句的词,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词。副词是一种半虚半实的词。副词可分为: 地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词和连接副词。

一、形容词和副词的基本用法 【翻译句子】


It's a beautiful park.(2)这个动物园既生动又有趣。The zoo is both moving and interesting.(3)谁把窗开着的?

Who left the window open? 【结论1】形容词在句中一般作定语(修饰名词)、表语、补语。【完成例句】


You are completely right.(5)他昨晚很晚才睡觉。

He went to bed late last night.(6)幸运的是,我没有被撞倒。

Luckily, I was not knocked down.精心收集




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He finally came back, safe and sound.【疑难剖析】形容词若作状语,表示主语所处的状态。

二、形容词的位置 【完成例句】

(7)今天的报纸没有什么新的东西。There is nothing new in today's newspaper.(8)人民,只有人民,才是创造历史的动力。

The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.(9)你还知道别的什么? What else do you know?(10)你认识那个肩上扛一袋米的人吗?

Do you know the man carrying a bag full of rice on his back? 【结论】单个形容词作前置定语,但在下列情况作后置定语:

形容词修饰不定代词时;当表语形容词alone, awake, alive, asleep, alike等作定语时;else常用作疑问代词和不定代词的后置定语;形容词构成短语时作后置定语。3.多个形容词排序: 【完成例句】





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There is a big round conference table in the hall.(12)她丢了一只小的闪亮的黑色皮包。

She lost a small shiny black leather handbag.(13)我想买一辆蓝色德国赛车。

I wanted a blue German sports car.【结论】常见形容词顺序归纳为口诀如下:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄与新老,颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠。即:限定词(冠词、代词、数词等)+ 描绘性形容词(beautiful、interesting…)+大小、长短、高低形容词+形状、年龄、新旧形容词+颜色、国籍、出处、材料形容词+用途、类别形容词+ 中心名词。可以简单地记为:“县官行令宴国才。”

三、副词的用法 1.副词的种类

时间副词 now, today, recently, late, soon, yet等。频率副词 often, always, usually, seldom, frequently等。

地点、方向副词 away, abroad, anywhere, downstairs, home, here, there等。

方式副词 clearly, carefully, alone, high, quickly等。

程度副词 almost, a little, much, very, rather, quite, fairly, deeply等。疑问连接副词 when, where, why, how等。

否定副词 not, hardly, scarcely, rarely, never等。





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其他副词 even, also, only, too, perhaps等。2.副词的位置 【完成例句】

(14)这本书是很有趣的。This book is quite interesting.(15)这男孩已够大,可以上学了。

【结论1】 The boy is old enough to go to school.副词修饰形容词和副词时,应放在被修饰的词之前,但enough, nearby必须置于其后。【完成例句】


He is always ready to help others.(17)我永远也忘不了那天。

I will never forget that day.【结论2】频率副词(always, often, usually, never, seldom, hardly, sometimes等)要放在实义动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动词之后。【完成例句】


Fortunately, he was not drowned and was saved by the PLA men.(19)对她来说,她的继母对她很慈善。

Happily for her, her stepmother was kind to her.【结论3】修饰全句的副词多置于句首,作评注性状语。





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分清常用同义与近义形容词、副词在表达中的语义差别。He planted this tree three years ago.Have you seen the movie before?

He is good at singing, but doesn't feel well today.【疑难剖析1】 ago、before: ago表示以现在为起点的“以前”;before指以过去或将来的某时刻为起点的“以前”。泛指“以前”用before而不用 ago。


real、true:形容词,表“真的”。real强调真实存在的而不是幻想的,在句中常作定语;true指与事实标准和实际情况相符合,在句中作表语或定语。【疑难2】词性辨析 He was very friendly.He jumped high in the game and we all thought highly of him.The thunder was very frightening, so the little girl was very frightened.【疑难剖析2】


(2)表原义(无“-ly”)和引申义(有“-ly”)的副词:close近,closely 仔细地; late晚,lately最近;deep深,表示空间深度,deeply





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时常表示感情上的深度,深深地;wide表示空间宽度,widely广泛地;free免费,freely 无限制地。

有无“-ly”意义大不相同的副词:dead完全,绝对;be dead asleep;deadly非常;be deadly tired。

pretty相当,be pretty certain that…,pretty good;prettily漂亮地,be prettily dressed;most 最,mostly主要地;绝大多数。


这类词常见的有: exciting令人激动的 excited感到激动的 delighting令人高兴的 delighted感到高兴的 disappointing令人失望的 disappointed感到失望的 encouraging令人鼓舞的 encouraged感到鼓舞的 pleasing令人愉快的 pleased感到愉快的 puzzling令人费解的 puzzled感到费解的 satisfying令人满意的





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satisfied感到满意的 surprising令人惊异的 surprised感到惊异的 worrying令人担心的 worried感到担心的


1.原级句型:A与B 相同 / 不同:as…as…,the same as, such…as…,not as(so)…as… 【翻译句子】


I am almost as old as you.【结论1】as…as 之间一定要用形容词或副词原形。“as…as”可用almost, quite, just, about, nearly, twice, by no means(根本)修饰,置于“as…as”之前。【翻译句子】

(21)约翰不像杰克那样聪明。John is not as / so clever as Jack.【结论2】so用以替代第一个as时,只能用于否定句。【完成例句】

(22)鲍伯和玛丽读了一样多的书。Bob has read as many books as Mary.(23)这瓶子里的水和那瓶子里的水一样多。





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There is as much water in this bottle as in that bottle.【结论3】as much+不可数名词+as,而as many+可数名词复数+as。


(24)德语和英语一样也是一门难的语言。German is as difficult a language as English.(25)面包是和米饭一样重要的食物。Bread is as important food as rice.【结论4】as+adj.+不定冠词+可数名词单数+as;as+adj.+不可数名词+as。

2.比较级+than的句型 【完成例句】


She sings far / much better than the others.【结论1】比较级前可用much, far, a lot, a little, a bit, rather, even, still, a great deal等表示程度,但比较级前不能再用more。【完成例句】


He studies harder than any other student in his class.【结论2】表示不同程度比较时,句子主语不能包括在比较对象的范围之内。他本身也是学生,不能用any students来表示比较对象的范围。





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Tom's bike is more expensive than Jim's(=Jim's bike).(29)北京的天气比上海冷。(that指代天气)The weather of Beijing is colder than that of Shanghai.【结论3】比较的对象要一致,一般说来同等的两个事物才能比较。【翻译句子】(30)两人中他高一点。Heis the taller of the two.【结论4】比较级范围是由of 引出两者之间的比较,比较级前要用定冠词。【完成例句】


There is no greater love than that given by parents in the world.【结论5】比较级用于否定句中表示最高级的意思。3.最高级句型(只用于三者或以上的比较)【完成例句】


They're the biggest animals in the world.【结论1】形容词最高级要加the。【完成例句】

(33)He is a brightest student.精心收集




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【结论2】如不表示比较,也没有表示比较范围的状语,最高级前用a 时,作“十分”、“非常”解。【翻译句子】

(34)他是班里第二高的男生。He is the second tallest boy in our class.【结论3】最高级可用by far, easily, nearly, by no means,序数词等修饰,置于最高级之前。

4.倍数表达法的句式 【例句观察】


Our new house was three times as large as the old one.=Our new house was twice larger than the old one.=Our new house was three times the size of the old one.(2)2005年的汽车产量是2002年的产量的6倍。The output of cars in 2005 is 6 times that of 2002.=The output of cars in 2005 is 6 times what it was in 2002.【结论4】倍数表达法主要有以下5种:(1)…倍数+as+原级+as…(2)…倍数+比较级+than…

(3)…倍数+the size / length / weight / height of…(4)…倍数+that of…





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【句型1】 “the+比较级…,the+比较级…”结构,意为“越……,越……”。

The higher the temperature(is),the greater is the pressure(=the greater the pressure is).


【句型2】 “比较级+and+比较级”结构,意为“越来越……”,表示程度逐渐增长。

Our life is getting better and better.我们的生活越来越好。【句型3】常见的比喻结构有:

as free as a bird, as hungry as a wolf, as strong as a horse, as clever as a fox, as busy as a bee…

【句型4】 as long as 只要,有……之久; as far as 到……地点,就……而言;as high as 高达……程度; as well as 既……又; as good as 几乎


A is to B what C is to D.A和B 的关系就像C和D的关系。Air is to man what water is to fish.精心收集




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That little girl is more tired than hungry.那个小女孩是累了而不是饿了(与其说那小女孩饿了,还不如说她累了)。【疑难剖析】

1)more…than…是……而不是……,与其说是……不如说是…… 2)no more than = only 只不过(言其少)not more than= at most不多于,至少(指事实)no more…than…和……一样不…… not more…than…不比……更……

no less than = as much as和……一样多…… no fewer than = as many as和……一样多


You can never be careful enough.= You can never be too careful.【疑难剖析2】can't be too+adj.= can't be +adj.+ enough 无论……都不为过








1、(福建卷)27.The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those ____ lives were affected.A.whoseB.thatC.whoD.which2、(安徽卷)21.From space, the earth looks blue.This is__ about seventy-one percent of its surface is covered by water.A.whyB.howC.becauseD.whether3、(安徽卷)23.It’s much easier to make friends ______ you have similar interests.A.unlessB.whenC.even thoughD.so that4、(安徽卷)29.Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, ______made one of the Chinese people’s

long-held dreams come true.A.itB.thatC.whatD.which5、(安徽卷)33.It’s said that the power plant is now _____ large as what it was.A.twice asB.as twiceC.twice muchD.much twice6、(全国统一考试)tourists every day.A.which;sightB.whose;viewC.its;viewD.where;sight7、(全国统一考试)1.I like to have my photos taken ________ there are mountains and rivers.A.thereB.in whichC.whenD.where8、(全国统一考试)A.whetherB.thatC.whichD.where9、(全国统一考试)26.Police have foundappears to be the lost ancient statue.A.whichB.whereC.howD.what10、(全国统一考试)32.There’s no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery another man,also intelligent, fails.A.sinceB: ifC.asD.while11、(江苏卷)28.In the global economy, a new drug for cancer, _____ it is discovered, will create many economic

possibilities around the world.A.whateverB.whoeverC.whereverD.whichever

12.(江苏卷)The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China, _____ he remembers starting as early as his

childhood.A.whereB.whichC.whatD.when13、(北京卷)27. Many countries are now setting up national parks ____ animals and plants can be protected.

A. when B. which C. whoseD. where14、(北京卷)30. I took my driving license with me on holiday,.

A. in case B. even if C. ever since D. if only15、(北京卷)31. .

A. That B. What C. Who D. Which16、(北京卷)33.people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary.

A. why B. where C. that D. what17、(湖南卷)21.Happiness and success often come to those ________ are good at recognizing their own strengths.A.whomB.whoC.whatD.which18、(湖南卷)23.You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason ________ you reach any decision.A.althoughB.beforeC.becauseD.unless19、(湖南卷)28.Do not let any failures discourage you, for you can never tell ________ close you may be to victory.A.howB.thatC.whichD.where20、(江苏卷)28.She says that she’ll have to close the shop ________ business improves.A.ifB.unlessC.afterD.when21、(江苏卷)30._______ one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.A.WhoeverB.WhateverC.WhicheverD.Wherever.22、(江苏卷)33.He wrote a letter ______ he explains what had happened in the accident.A.whatB.whichC.whereD.how23、(山东卷)26.Mark needs to learn Chinese _______ his company is opening a branch in Beijing.A.unlessB.untilC.althoughD.since24、(山东卷)28._________I have to give a speech, I get extremely nervous before I start.A.WhateverB.WheneverC.WhoeverD.However25、(山东卷)31.There is no simple answer, _____ is often the case in science.A.asB.thatC.whenD.where26、(山东卷)35.Finally he reached a lonely island _________ was completely cut off from the outside world.A.whenB.whereC.whichD.whom27、(四川卷)6._______ you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company.A.WhenB.HowC.WhatD.That28、(四川卷)7.He is so busy.He cannot afford enough time with his son _______ he wants to.A.even ifB.as ifC.becauseD.before29、(四川卷)9.Nowadays people are more concerned about the environment _______ they live.A.whatB.whichC.whenD.where30、(天津卷)A.AsB.IfC.AlthoughD.Once31、(天津卷)

A.thatB.whichC.whoD.what32、(天津卷)she mentioned her own plan.A.thatB.whereC.whyD.when33、(天津卷)I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.A.ThatB.WhichC.WhetherD.What34、(全国大纲卷)4.I wouldbe staying.

A.whatB.when C.where D.which35、(全国大纲卷)10.Mr.Gross realized the task before him was extremely

difficult to complete.

A.whenB.thatC.whichD.what36、(重庆卷)24.John incited about 40 people tohis wedding, most of are family members

A themB.thatC.whichD.whom37、(全国卷)A.OnceB As long asC.UnlessD.Since38、(全国卷)A.whoB.thatC.whenD.how39、(全国卷)deep love forhis son.A.ThatB.ItC.WhatD.Which40、(辽宁卷)24.One can always manage to do more things, no matter ________ full one’s schedule is in life.A.howB.whatC.whenD.where41、(辽宁卷)34.He may win the competition, ____________he is likely to get into the national team.A.in which caseB.in that case C.in what caseD.in whose case42、(上海卷)34.There is much truth in the idea ____kindness is usually served by frankness.A.whyB.whichC.thatD.whether43、(上海卷)35.Have you seen thank-you notes to the relatives from ____you received gifts ?

A.whichB.themC.thatD.whom44、(上海卷)37.----Was it by cutting down staff ____she saved the firm?

----No, it was by improving work efficiency.A.whenB.whatC.howD.that

45.(上海卷)38---We’ve only not this small bookcase will that do!

---No, ____ I am looking for is something much bigger and stronger.A.whoB.thatC.whatD.which

46.(浙江卷)5.The children, ____ had played the whole day long, were worn out.A.all of whatB.all of whichC.all of themD.all of whom

47.(浙江卷)13.The museum will open in the spring with an exhibition and a viewing platform ____ visitors can watch the

big glasshouses being built.A.whatB.whereC.whenD.why

48.(浙江卷)16.The only way to succeed at the highest level is to have total belief _____ you are better than anyone else on

the sports field.A.howB.thatC.whichD.whether




1.--I put my purse on the table just now, have you seen it?

——No.I haven’t.You should never put __________ on the desk anyway.A.anything important

B.important anything

C.something important

D.important something

2.——How was your final exam?

——The English and Maths papers weren’t __________ for me.I hope I haven’t failed.A.easy enoughB.difficult enough

C.enough easyD.enough difficult

3.--Could you tell me something about the museum?

—— Yes, It was built in 1979, 230 __________ and 220 ____________.A.long meters;wide meters

B.meters long;wide meters

C.long meters;meters wide

D.meters long;meters wide

4.——What’s your present for Kangkang’s birthday?

--He likes painting, so I’m going to buy him a __________ paintings.A.fine little brown French

B.little brown fine French

C.little fine brown French

D.French little brown fine

5.The rich __________ necessarily happy.A.isn’tB.aren’tC.wasn’tD.weren’t

6.Keeping the balance of nature is so ________.A.easierB.more difficult


7.The film is not as ________ as you told me.A.interestedB.more interested

C.more interestingD.interesting

8.This building is ________ that one over there.A.as tall as twiceB as twice as tall

C.so tall as twiceD.twice as tall as

9.We live ________ now because we have changed the way we live.A.longB.longerC.the longestD.short

10.Art is much ________ than life, but what a poor life without it!

A.less importantB.more important

C.the most importantD.important

11.--Which shirt is ________, the blue one or the pink one?

--Oh, they are both nice, so it’s hard to choose.A.niceB.nicerC.the nicestD.good

12.The harder you work, the ________ progress you will make.A.greatB.greaterC.greatestD.little

13.If you keep playing sports every day you are getting ________.A.good and goodB.better and better

C.best and bestD.better and best

14.——Which is Tom?

--He is ________ of the two boys.A.tallB.tallerC.the tallerD.the tallest

15.We should go on learning English although it is getting a little ________.A.easyB.easier

C.difficultD.more difficult

16.——Mum, could you buy me a dress like this?

——Of course.We can buy ________ one than this, but __________ it.A.a better;better than

B.a popular;as good as

C.a more popular;not as good as

D.a cheaper;as good as

17.These days, the Internet is becoming __________ useful as a search tool.A.more and moreB.most and most

C.much and moreD.much and much

18.Tom is __________ experienced among the doctors here.A.lessB.leastC.the lessD.the least

19.Which is __________, the computer, the Internet or the robot?

A.usefulB.more useful

C.the more usefulD.the most useful

20.Beihai is one of __________ beautiful parks in Beijing.A.theB.the moreC.the mostD.the less

21.Jane is __________ girl in our school.A.the second tallerB.second taller

C.the second tallestD.second tallest

22.China has the __________ population in the world.A.largestB.smallestC.biggestD.most

23.Lucy has few friends in the city, so she feels very _______.A.aloneB.lonelyC.pleasedD.happy

24.Her __________ opening speech set the tone for the whole conference.A.livelyB.lovelyC.friendlyD.lonely

25.Peter was a friend of Mary’s ________ brother, Johnny.A.eight-year-oldB.eight-year old

C.eight-years oldD.eight years old

26.——As you know, Chinese’ tea is the ________ one in the world.--Yes, It’s popular all over the world.A.bestB.lastC.firstD.only

27.--Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

——Sorry, I have to stay at home to look after my ________ brother.A.illB.sickC.illnessD.disease

28.He got up ________ to catch the early bus.A.early enoughB.enough early

C.earlier enoughD.enough earlier

29.The girls cares ________ for a new dress than anything else.A.moreB.muchC.manyD.most

30.——What do you think of the movie?

——Great!I have never seen ________ interesting movie.A.suchB.such anC.soD.so a

31.——Why are you looking at me ________?

--What a strange suit you’re wearing!Your jacket doesn’t match your trousers.A.here and thereB.more or less

C.now and thenD.up and down

32.——Have you ever visited the Summer Palace?

--No, I have ________ visited it.A.neverB.alreadyC.everD.still

33.Super chicken sandwich is my ________ food.A.the most favoriteB.favorite

C.more favoriteD.most favorite

34.The price of the computer is so ________ that I can’t afford it.A.expensiveB.cheapC.highD.low

35.--________ are your feeling today?

——Much __________.A.When;goodB.What;better


36.Which skirt do you like __________, the red one, the blue one or the pink one?

A.betterB.bestC.wellD.very much

37.--How __________ will your father come back?

——In a week.A.longB.farC.oftenD.soon

38.If your want to learn English well you must speak English as __________ as you can.A.manyB.muchC.soonD.more

39.I can __________ catch up with you.Can you walk slowly?


40.--Is the coat John’s?

--It can’t be John’s.It’s __________ small for him.A.too muchB.too many

C.much tooD.many too

41.It’s __________ to say something than doing it.A.easyB.easierC.easiestD.easily

42.——Can you communicate __________ in English?

——Sorry, I can’t.I know __________ English.A.well;a littleB good;little

C.good;a littleD.well;little

43.As long as you drive __________, you will be very safe.A.carefulB.careless

C.carefullyD.more carefully

44.——How about sitting ________ and talking?

——That’s a good idea.A.anywhereB.somewhere


45.When the thief saw a policeman, he run away as ________ as possible.A.quickB.quicklyC.fastD.fastly


46.Please speak ________(slow)so that we can make full notes.47.They all come early, but she come ________(early)of all.48.He played the piano ________(success)than we has thought.49.Whoever is ________(quick)is going to have the better chance.50.This radio is even ________(expensive)than that one.51.This trip to China has ________(real)inspired me to relearn my Mandrain.52.John’s handwriting is the ________(bad)of the three.53.The most used letter in the English alphabet is “E”, and “Q” is the ________(little)used!

54.Those who eat most are not always ________(fat);those who read most, not always wisest.55.The mother is ________(worry)about her son’s safety.56.I’m going on a diet for I want to become ________(thin).57.In my grandfather’s time, computers were far ________(popular)than they are today.58.So ________(excite)was the game that I forgot all about the coming finals.59.Tom is ________(tall)of all his brothers.60.This is our ________(cheap)pen in our shop.【参考答案】

1—5 CADAB6—10 CDDBA11—15 BBBCD

16—20 DADDC21—25 CABCA26—30 ABAAB

31—35 DABCD36—40 BDBBC41—45 BDCBC

46.more slowly47.the earliest48.more successfully

49.quicker50.more expensive51.really


55.worried56.thinner57.less popular

58.exciting59.the tallest60.cheapest

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