5 匹兹堡举行20国金融峰会

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第一篇:5 匹兹堡举行20国金融峰会

匹兹堡举行20国金融峰会(截止于2010.01.17 00:00)

本帖最后由 shakecorr 于 2010-1-18 10:42 编辑 Leadersfrom 20 of the world's leading and emerging economies have opened summit talksin Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.VOA White House Correspondent Paula Wolfsonreports they are talking about further steps to end the economic crisis andmake sure it never happens again.二十国集团领导人24号齐聚美国“钢铁之城”匹兹堡,举行第三次金融峰会。这是自金融危机爆发以来的第三次G20峰会,也成为检验各国对抗金融危机成果的一次大会。本次峰会的主要议题包括推动全球经济复苏和国际金融体系改革,金融监管成为重头戏。

They opened their summit at an enclosed public garden.The welcome from President Barack Obama was warm.The welcome from the protesters in the streets was very different.Hundreds of demonstrators clashed with police as they tried to march on the city’s Convention Center, the main summit venue, without a permit.The protests were underway about the same time Air Force One landed at the Pittsburgh Airport, bringing President Obama to a city which has rebounded from its own economic recession that occurred decades ago.Helping to bring the world out of its current recession remains a big topic for the G-20 leaders who are meeting for the third time in less than one year.U.S.Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says there are signs of recovery, though he cautions more remains to be done.“This is encouraging, but we’ve a ways to go and we are gonna keep working to sustain the progress we’ve seen”

The G-20 will seek ways to encourage people in wealthier nations to save more and to promote more purchasing of domestic-made goods in emerging economies.Geithner says a framework agreement is likely to emerge from the summit."My sense is that we have a lot of support for this, and, I think we are encouraged by that.”

Perhaps more contentious is the issue of financial sector reform.The Europeans, led by France and Germany, are calling for limits on executive compensation.G eithner says countries should be able to come up their own standards and rules but stresses the United States is committed to urgent action.“We don’t want to see these reforms to take effect two years from now.We don’t want to see them to take effect next year.We want them to take effect now, so they affect compensation practice today, not tomorrow.”

President Obama will deliver the summit results after the closing session on Friday.Paula Wolfson, VOA News with the president in Pittsburgh.


We endorse the 2015-16 G20 Anti-Corruption Action Plan that will support growth and resilience.Our actions are building cooperation and networks, including to enhance mutual legal assistance, recovery of the proceeds of coruption and denial of safe haven to corrupt officials.We commit to improve the transparency of the public and private sectors, and of beneficial ownership by implementing the G20 High-Level Principles on Beneficial Ownership Transparency.原译:我们认可并且支持增长和抗风险的《2015-16 G20 反腐败行动计划》。我们的活动是为了建设反腐败合作和网络,包括加强司法的互相援助,返还腐败资产,拒绝为腐败官员提供避难所。我们保证提高公共和私营部门的透明度,并且通过落实《G20受益人所有权透明度高级别原则》,提高受益人所有权的透明度。

改译:我们核准支持增长和抗风险的 《2015-2016年G20反腐败行动计划》。我们正采取行动建设反腐败合作网络,包括加强司法互助,返还腐败资产,拒绝为腐败官员提供避罪港。我们承诺提高公共和私营部门的所有权透明度,并通过落实《G20受益人所有权透明度高级别原则》,提高受益人所有权透明度。

分析:通过对比网上规范的译文,我发现了自己在翻译政论文中存在的几个问题“endorse”在这里翻译为“核准”比较恰当比较符合情景一点;“the 2015-16 G20 Anti-Corruption”这里的“2015-16”表示为“2015年至2016年”,在翻译时应该要注意,这是颁布的一个法令或者一个重要性的决定,一定不能有错;“safe haven”原意为“安全港”“避难所”“避风港”,本是一个褒义词,但结合文中情景,是不能对腐败官员加以包庇,所以此处译为“避罪港”这个贬义词比较贴切。“We commit to improve the transparency of the public and private sectors”此句不是提高公共和私营部门的透明度,而是提高这些部门所有权的透明度,为了不让人把主语弄错,此处应该增译一个“ownership”所有权,“我们承诺提高公共和私营部门的所有权的透明度”。20国集团峰会(G20)是一个国际经济合作论坛,该组织的宗旨是为推动已工业化的发达国家和新兴市场国家之间就实质性问题进行开放及有建设性的讨论和研究,以寻求合作并促进国际金融稳定和经济的持续增长。20国集团峰会中各国领导人说话内容必定是精彩绝伦妙语连珠的,当我们在翻译他们的讲话时必须保持一个严谨的态度,尊重说话领导人的原意,在选择辞藻时应该注意其准确性和精简性,做到精准有力,因为这甚至关系到整个国家的命脉,翻译时一定不能掉以轻心。

Strengthening global institutions The G20 must be at the forefront in helping to address key global economic challenges.Global economic institutions need to be effective and representative, and to reflect the changing world economy.We welcome the increased representation of emerging economies on the FSB and other actions to maintain its effectiveness.We are committed to maintaining a strong, quota-based and adequately resourced International Monetary Fund(IMF).We reaffirm our commitment in St Petersburg and in this light we are deeply disappointed with the continued delay in progressing the IMF quota and governance reforms agreed in 2010 and the 15th General Review of Quotas, including a new quota formula.The implementation of the 2010 reforms remains our highest priority for the IMF and we urge the United States to ratify them.If this does not happen by year-end, we ask the IMF to build on its existing work and stand ready with options for next steps.原译:巩固全球体制



分析:我的译文没有过多的修饰,缺少连贯性,词汇的翻译不是专业词汇;网上的译文专业性强,流畅连贯。例如:We are committed to maintaining a strong, quota-based and adequately resourced International Monetary Fund(IMF).我自己翻译的是:我们努力保持一个强大的、基本限额的并且资源充足的国际货币基金组织。而网上的译文是:我们致力于保持一个强大的,基于配额的,资源充足的国际货币基金组织(IMF)。差距显而易见,我在处理很多专业词汇的时候还不够成熟,把“努力”改成“致力于”,把“基于限额”改成“基于配额”,再备注上(IMF),明显专业很多。

We need a strong trading system in an open global economy to drive growth and generate jobs.To help business make best use of trade agreements, we will work to ensure our bilateral, regional and plurilateral agreements complement one another, are transparent and contribute to a stronger multilateral trading system under World Trade Organization(WTO)rules.These rules remain the backbone of the global trading system that has delivered economic prosperity.A robust and effective WTO that responds to current and future challenges is essential.We welcome the breakthrough between the United States and India that will help the full and prompt implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement and includes provisions on food security.We commit to implement all elements of the Bali package and to swiftly define a WTO work programme on the remaining issues of the Doha Development Agenda to get negotiations back on track.This will be important to restore trust and confidence in the multilateral trading system.We agreed to discuss ways to make the system work better when we meet next year.We will continue to provide aid-for-trade to developing countries in need of assistance.原译:我们需要一个在开放性全球经济中的强有力的贸易体系来促进经济的增长和就业的形成。为了帮助商业界很好的利用贸易协议,我们将确保双边、地区和诸边贸易协议相互补充和对双方都透明,并在世界贸易组织下为更强有力的多边贸易体系贡献力量。这些规则是保持经济繁荣的全球贸易体制的支柱。一个能够对当前和未来的挑战承担责任的强有力的和高效的世界贸易组织是非常重要的。我们欢迎美国和印度协商取得突破性进展,这有助于全面的,迅速的落实贸易便利化协议。其中这一进展中也包括了粮食安全条款。我们承诺落实巴厘岛一揽子协议的所有内容,并尽快明确世界贸易组织解决“多哈发展议程”谈判的遗留问题,使谈判能够尽快回到正轨。恢复信任与自信在多边贸易体制中是非常重要的。在明年,我们同意就此问题展开讨论使明年的工作更好。我们将想需要援助的发展中国提供贸易援助。



1、拆句法的运用。例如,第一句We need a strong trading system in an open global economy to drive growth and jobs.正确的译法是将其分成两句话,用逗号隔开,使文章读起来清晰、明了,而我自己的翻译却很繁琐,是文章读起来绕口。

2、反义法的运用。在各种翻译文本中,我们都会运用到反义法,如,在本篇文章中,A robust and effective WTO that responds to current and future challenges is essential.这句话就运用反义法来翻译的,先将本句中后一部分responds to current and future challenges翻译出来,在结合整句话翻译。

3、增译法的运用。增译法就是使句中缺少的成分在翻译时补充完整,如在这句话中This will be important to restore trust and confidence in the multilateral trading system.我是这样翻译的:恢复信任与自信在多边贸易体制中是非常重要的。这句话是读者读起来可能觉着缺少什么东西,或者感觉有点怪。其实这就是我没有吧缺少的句中成分补充完整的原因。原文是这样翻译的:这对恢复各方对多边贸易体制的信任和信心十分重要。这样读起来就通顺多了。

4、句中省略的主语通常不知道是哪一个。这一点问题一直是我难以攻克的,很难在句中正确的添加所缺少的主语。如,includes provisions on food security.原文是这样翻译的:这一突破也包括了粮食安全条款。而我自己的翻译则是将“突破”翻译成“进展”,这在原文理解上可能存在一定的问题。今后会好好改正。

5、一些关键词的翻译不到位。在本篇文章中,agreements我一直翻译成“协议”,而原文则翻译成“协定”,就我自己而言,协定似乎比协议更庄重一点。而在Doha Development Agenda这句话中,我将它翻译成“多哈发展议程”,翻译完后我自己都不能理解这到底是一个什么样的东西,而原文将其翻译成“多哈回合谈判”,这就是这句话很明了,也就理解了这是一个二次谈判。



THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon.Let me, first of all, thank Mayor Luke Ravenstahl, County Executive Dan Onorato, and the people of Pittsburgh for being just extraordinary hosts.Last night during the dinner that I had with world leaders, so many of them commented on the fact that sometime in the past they had been to Pittsburgh--in some cases it was 20 or 25 or 30 years ago--and coming back they were so impressed with the revitalization of the city.A number of them remarked on the fact that it pointed to lessons that they could take away in revitalizing manufacturing towns in their home countries.The people here have been just extraordinary, and so I want to thank all of you for the great hospitality.总统:下午好。首先请允许我对市长卢克•雷文斯塔尔(Luke Ravenstahl)、郡长丹•奥诺拉托(Dan Onorato)和匹兹堡市民如此盛情的接待表示感谢。昨天晚上,我与来自全世界的领导人共同出席晚宴,席间很多人都发表了自己的感想,因为他们以前曾经来过匹兹堡--有些是20年、25年前,甚至30年前的事--但他们今日故地重游,都为这座城市重新焕发青春不胜感佩。其中有些人还表示,他们从中得到启发,可以将经验带回本国,为恢复国内制造业城市的活力提供借鉴。这里的人民的确不同凡响。为此,我对诸位的热情款待表示感谢。

I will tell you I'm a little resentful because I did not get to Pamela's Diner for pancakes.(Laughter.)Although, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama of Japan did get pancakes.And I don't know how he worked that, but he was raving about them.告诉诸位,我还有一点小小的遗憾,因为我没有机会去帕梅拉餐厅(Pamela's Diner)品尝煎饼。(笑声)不过,日本首相鳩山由紀夫(Yukio Hatoyama)享受了煎饼的美味。我不知道他怎么办到的。但是他对煎饼始终赞不绝口。

Six months ago, I said that the London Summit marked a turning point in the G20's effort to prevent economic catastrophe.And here in Pittsburgh, we've taken several significant steps forward to secure our recovery, and transition to strong, sustainable, and balanced economic growth.We brought the global economy back from the brink.We laid the groundwork today for long-term prosperity, as well.早在6个月前,我曾说过,伦敦峰会(London Summit)是G20努力防止经济灾难的一个转折点。今天在匹兹堡,我们已经采取诸多重大步骤,为我们的复苏提供保障,逐步实现经济的稳健、可持续和平衡的增长。通过我们的努力,全球经济脱离了危险。我们今天也为长期的繁荣奠定了基础。

It's worth recalling the situation we faced six months ago--a contracting economy, skyrocketing unemployment, stagnant trade, and a financial system that was nearly frozen.Some were warning of a second Great Depression.But because of the bold and coordinated action that we took, millions of jobs have been saved or created;the decline in output has been stopped;financial markets have come back to life;and we stopped the crisis from spreading further to the developing world.不妨回顾一下,我们6个月前面临的局势 – 经济萎缩,失业剧增,贸易停滞,金融系统几乎停止运行。有人惊呼可能出现第2次大萧条(Great Depression)。但是,由于我们采取了大胆和相互协调的行动,千百万个工作机会得到挽救,新工作机会也一个个出现;产量下降的趋势被制止;金融市场春风回暖;我们还防止了危机向发展中国家进一步蔓延。

Still, we know there is much further to go.Too many Americans are still out of work, and struggling to pay bills.Too many families are uncertain about what the future will bring.Because our global economy is now fundamentally interconnected, we need to act together to make sure our recovery creates new jobs and industries, while preventing the kinds of imbalances and abuse that led us into this crisis.尽管如此,我们知道,前面还有很长的路。很多美国人仍然没有工作,难以应付各项开支。不少家庭感到前途不明。由于各国的经济相互联系,我们必须共同采取行动,保证我们的复苏有助于创造新工作和新产业,同时防止曾经使我们陷入这场危机的不平衡现象和渎职行为再次发生。

Pittsburgh was a perfect venue for this work.This city has known its share of hard times, as older industries like steel could no longer sustain growth.But Pittsburgh picked itself up, and it dusted itself off, and is making the transition to job-creating industries of the future--from biotechnology to clean energy.It serves as a model for turning the page to a 21st century economy, and a reminder that the key to our future prosperity lies not just in New York or Los Angeles or Washington--but in places like Pittsburgh.在这方面,以匹兹堡作为会议地点适逢其会。这座城市也曾经历自己的艰难时刻,因为钢铁等陈旧的工业无法再维持增长。然而,匹兹堡振奋精神,重新出发,目前正逐步转型,发展有助于创造工作机会的未来产业 –– 从生物技术到清洁能源等。匹兹堡是向21世纪经济过渡的楷模。匹兹堡还提醒我们,我们未来繁荣的关键不仅在于纽约(New York),不仅在于洛杉矶(Los Angeles)和华盛顿(Washington),而且也离不开匹兹堡这样的城市。

Today, we took bold and concerted action to secure that prosperity, and to forge a new Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth.今天,我们为保障未来的繁荣采取了大胆和协调一致的行动,建立了新的“稳健、可持续与平衡增长框架“(Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth)。

First, we agreed to sustain our recovery plans until growth is restored, and a new framework for prosperity is in place.Our coordinated stimulus plans played an indispensable role in averting catastrophe.Now, we must make sure that when growth returns--jobs do, too.That's why we will continue our stimulus efforts until our people are back to work, and phase them out when our recovery is strong.首先,我们同意维持我们的复苏方案,直到经济恢复增长,直到为繁荣制定的新框架得到实施。我们相互协调的刺激经济方案为避免灾难发挥了不可缺少的作用。目前,我们必须切实做到,在恢复增长之时— 工作机会也能得到保证。正是出于这个原因,我们将继续我们刺激经济的行动,直到我们的人民重回工作岗位,一俟我们的复苏达到坚实的程度,即可逐步退出。

But we can't stop there.Going forward, we cannot tolerate the same old boom and bust economy of the past.We can't grow complacent.We can't wait for a crisis to cooperate.That's why our new framework will allow each of us to assess the others' policies, to build consensus on reform, and to ensure that global demand supports growth for all.但是我们不能到此为止。展望未来,我们不能允许以往经济盛衰交替的现象重演。我们不可固步自封。我们不能等到危机发生再相互合作。正是出于这个原因,我们的新框架要求我们相互评估政策的得失,就改革问题建立共识,并保证全球的需求带动全体经济的共同增长。

Second, we agreed to take concrete steps to move forward with tough, new financial regulations so that crises like this can never happen again.Never again should we let the schemes of a reckless few put the world's financial system--and our people's well-being--at risk.Those who abuse the system must be held accountable.Those who act irresponsibly must not count on taxpayer dollars.Those days are over.第二,我们同意采取具体步骤制定严格的新金融监管条例,确保类似眼前的危机永远不再发生。我们决不能再容许少数人以肆无忌惮的图谋把世界金融体系乃至我们各国人民的福祉置于险境。对于那些破坏该体系的人,必须追究其责任。对于那些不负责任的人,决不能用纳税人的钱姑息养奸。那种日子一去不复返了。

That's why we've agreed on a strong set of reforms.We will bring more transparency to the derivatives market.And we will strengthen national capital standards, so that banks can withstand losses and pay for their own risks.We will create more powerful tools to hold large global financial firms accountable, and orderly procedures to manage failures without burdening taxpayers.And we will tie executive pay to long-term performance, so that sound decisions are rewarded instead of short-term greed.In short, our financial system will be far different and more secure than the one that failed so dramatically last year.因此,我们一致同意推行一组强有力的改革措施。我们将提高衍生工具市场的透明度。我们将强化国家资本标准,使银行能够承受损失,弥补自身风险。我们将建立更健全的机制,迫使大型全球性金融公司承担责任,同时制定可稳步实施的程序,在不增加纳税人负担的情况下管理风险。我们还将把高层主管的薪资与长期业绩挂钩,奖励明智的决策而不是贪婪的急功近利行为。总之,我们的金融体系与去年在短短时间内陷入瘫痪的体系相比将有天壤之别,其安全保障将显著增强。

Third, we agreed to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels so that we can transition to a 21st century energy economy--an historic effort that would ultimately phase out nearly $300 billion in global subsidies.This reform will increase our energy security.It will help transform our economy, so that we're creating the clean energy jobs of the future.And it will help us combat the threat posed by climate change.As I said earlier this week in New York, all nations have a responsibility to meet this challenge, and together, we have taken a substantial step forward in meeting that responsibility.第三,我们一致同意分阶段终止为化石燃料提供补贴,以便完成向21世纪能源经济的过渡——这是一项具有重大历史意义的努力,最终将在全世界撤除近三千亿美元的补贴。此项改革将增进我们的能源保障,有助于我们的经济转型,使我们在未来的清洁能源领域创造就业机会。它还将有助于我们抗击气候变化带来的威胁。正如本周早些时候我在纽约所言,所有国家都有责任迎接这一挑战,通过共同努力,我们在履行此项责任方面向前迈出了一大步。

Finally, we agreed to reform our system of global economic cooperation and governance.We can no longer meet the challenges of the 21st century economy with 20th century approaches.And that's why the G20 will take the lead in building a new approach to cooperation.To make our institutions reflect the reality of our times, we will shift more responsibility to emerging economies within the International Monetary Fund, and give them a greater voice.To build new markets, and help the world's most vulnerable citizens climb out of poverty, we established a new World Bank Trust Fund to support investments in food security and financing for clean and affordable energy.And to ensure that we keep our commitments, we agreed to continue to take stock of our efforts going forward.最后,我们一致同意改革我们的全球经济合作与治理体制。我们不能再用20世纪的方法应对21世纪经济带来的挑战。因此,G20将带头制定一种新的合作方法。为使我们的机构反映这个时代的现实,我们将在国际货币基金组织内部让新兴经济体承担更多责任,并赋予它们更大的发言权。为了建立新市场,帮助世界上挣扎在厄运边缘的人们摆脱贫困,我们建立了一个新的世界银行信托基金,以支持食品保障方面的投资,并为开发价格适度的清洁能源提供资金。为了确保承诺得到履行,我们一致同意在今后继续追踪我们的努力结果。

We have learned, time and again, that in the 21st century, the nations of the world share mutual interests.That's why I've called for a new era of engagement that yields real results for our people--an era when nations live up to their responsibilities, and act on behalf of our shared security and prosperity.我们一再体验到,21世纪的世界各国拥有共同利益。因此,我呼吁开辟一个能为我们的人民带来实惠的、注重交往的新纪元。在这个新纪元中,各国承担起应尽的责任,并为共同的安全和繁荣采取行动。

And that's exactly the kind of strong cooperation that we forged here in Pittsburgh, and earlier this week in New York.Indeed, on issue after issue, we see that the international community is beginning to move forward together.At the G20, we've achieved a level of tangible, global economic cooperation that we have never seen before, while also acting to address the threat posed by climate change.At the United Nations Security Council, we passed a historic resolution to secure loose nuclear materials, to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, and to seek the security of a world without them.And as we approach negotiations with Iran on October 1st, we have never been more united in standing with the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and Germany in demanding that Iran live up to its responsibilities.这正是我们在匹兹堡以及本周早些时候在纽约建立的这种强有力的合作。的确,在许多问题上,我们都看到国际社会开始携手并进。在G20会议上,我们实现了前所未有的、具体的全球经济合作,同时采取行动应对气候变化的威胁。在联合国安理会会议上,我们通过了一项具有历史意义的决议,增强散落核材料的保安措施,制止核武器扩散,寻求一个安全的、没有核武器的世界。在我们即将于10月1日同伊朗进行谈判之际,我们与英国、法国、俄罗斯、中国和德国的立场达到空前一致,共同要求伊朗履行其责任。

On all of these challenges, there is much more work to be done.But we leave here today more confident and more united in the common effort of advancing security and prosperity for all of our people.在应对所有这些挑战方面都有更多工作要做。但是,当我们今天离开此地时,我们更有信心,更加团结,决心为增进我们各国人民的安全和繁荣共同努力。So I'm very grateful to the other world leaders who are here today.And with that, let me take a few questions.I'll start with Ben Feller of AP.因此,我对今天与会的其他国家的领导人深表感谢。我的讲话到此结束,现在回答几个问题。请美联社的Ben Feller先提问。






□非常满意 □满意 □普通 □未如理想 □其它意见:_______________________




□ 2000年前□2000~2003年 □2003~2006年□2006~2009年□2010年后 □未曾投资股票
















□实体企业职业经理人 □金融行业□实体企业自主创业□合伙制企业(会计师、律师事务所)

















性别: □ 男□ 女移动电话 :________________________电话:_________________电邮地址 :________________________Q Q:_________________□高中□大专□本科□硕士□博士4.您在股市的资金量?




















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