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6王国维《红楼梦评论》(此篇未必有单行本,可于王国维的各种文章选本中寻之)7龙应台《野火集》8龙应台《中国人你为什么不生气》 9龙应台《亲爱的安德烈》10 茨威格《人类的群星闪耀时》 11 茨威格《异端的权利》12 林达《一路走来一路读》 13 林达《带一本书去巴黎》14 林达《扫起落叶好过冬》 15 陈平原《千古文人侠客梦》16 董桥《文字是肉做的》 17 董桥《董桥散文精选集》18 陈丹青《退步集》陈丹青《退步集续编》20 黄仁宇《中国大历史》 21 黄仁宇《万历十五年》22 梁漱溟《中国文化要义》 23 钱穆《论语今读》24 李零《丧家狗》卡尔维诺《我们的祖先》26 米兰.昆德拉《生命中不能承受之轻》 27 米兰.昆德拉《被背叛的遗嘱》28 欧文斯通《渴望生活:梵高传》29 李昌平《我向总理说实话》30 阿城小说: 《棋王》
何士光小说:《草青青》、《苦寒行》、《日子》、《日子》续篇 32 刘震云小说:《塔铺》、《新兵连》、《一地鸡毛》
迟子建小说:《世界上所有的夜晚》35 史铁生《我与地坛》、《记忆与印象》
曹雪芹《红楼梦》37 蒲松龄《聊斋志异》
纪晓岚《阅微草堂笔记》39 钱钟书《围城》、《写在人生边上》 40 费孝通《乡土中国》41 傅雷《世界美术名作十五讲》
傅雷《傅雷家书》43 刘小枫《我们这一代人的怕和爱》 44 刘小枫《沉重的肉身》45 杨绛《干校六记》
李敖《千秋评论》47 钱钟书《宋诗选注》
沈祖棻《宋词赏析》49 胡仔《苕溪渔隐丛话》
钱穆《论语今读》51 陈鼓应《老子选注》
钱理群《周作人传》53 王晓明《鲁迅传》
巴乌斯托夫斯基《金蔷薇》55 巴乌斯托夫斯基《面向秋野》 56 孙绍振《名作细读——微观分析个案研究》57 杨义《李杜诗学》58 杨义《中国叙事学》59 雨果《悲惨世界》
雨果《九三年》61 陀思妥耶夫斯基《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》 62 陀思妥耶夫斯基《罪与罚》63 张爱玲《流言》
张爱玲《传奇》65 吕叔湘《语文常谈》
周作人《知堂文集》67 托尔斯泰《复活》
王安忆《心灵世界——王安忆小说讲稿》或《小说家的十三堂课》67 阎连科《我与父辈》 68 陈平原、钱理群、黄子平编“漫说文化丛书”
梁文道《常识》71 张大春《小说稗类》、《认得几个字》 70 张承志 《敬重与惜别》、《荒芜英雄路》、《清洁的精神》
刘瑜《民主的细节》73 王学泰《水浒与江湖》 74 亨德里克 房龙《宽容》75 斯潘根贝格《科学的旅程》 76 夏志清《中国现代小说史》77 吴非《不跪着教书》 78 孙绍振《孙绍振如是解读作品》79 钱理群《与鲁迅相遇》 80 托克维尔《论美国的民主》81 哈耶克《通往奴役之路》 82 陆键东《陈寅恪的最后二十年》85 袁枚《子不语》
黄裳《旧戏新谈》87 朱光潜《谈文学》88 扬之水《诗经别裁》
闻一多《唐诗杂论》90 汤炳正《楚辞讲座》91 王力《诗词格律》 92 柏杨《丑陋的中国人》93 夏志清《中国古典小说史论》 94 王蒙《红楼启示录》95 刘梦溪等《红楼梦十五讲》
余秋雨《山居笔记》97 余秋雨《文化苦旅》
林贤治《一个人的爱与死》99 梁实秋《雅舍小品》
冯至《十四行集 》101 艾青《艾青诗选》
穆旦《穆旦诗选》103 北岛《北岛诗选》
海子《海子诗选》105 黄灿然的“诗集”与“评论集” 106 刘和平《大明王朝1566:嘉靖与海瑞》107 唐浩明《曾国藩》 108 曾国藩《曾国藩家书》
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As another class of college seniors prepares to finish their final semester of school, they might focus on finals and job interviews – but they should also think about what awaits them once they get those jobs.There’s plenty that will be new to them about the work world, some of it pleasant(paid vacation!)and some of it less so。
Here are 10 things that entry-level workers don’t always realize in their first jobs – but will hopefully figure out quickly。
1.The salary you accept when you take the job is the one you need to live with for at least a year.People new to the professional workforce don’t always realize that and think they can negotiate a raise after, say, three or six months.Attempting that won’t go over well with most employers, since the convention is that you typically can’t ask for a salary increase until you’ve been on the job for at least a year。
2.When you were in school, making a mistake on a test or a paper or handing in work late only affected you.But at work, mistakes can impact your boss, your co-workers and your company.People might end up staying late to fix your work, miss their own deadlines or lose important business because of you。
3.Being smart and having potential is no longer enough;what you actually achieve is now what matters.In school, teachers often favor the smartest students and even cut them slack on things like being prepared for class or even on being respectful or working hard.But in the working world, reputations and careers are
built on actual work;being smart won’t give you a pass if you miss deadlines, aren’t prepared for meetings or don’t meet your goals。
4.You have to book time off around holidays.It’s not like school, where you automatically get a week or more off around Christmas and New Year’s.And many offices are open the day after Thanksgiving;it’s not a holiday, despite what school schedules might have led you to expect.And speaking of longer vacations „
5.Two weeks is the most time you can take off at once in many workplaces.Those days of lengthy vacations may be a thing of the past.In many workplaces, two weeks is the uppermost limit of how much time you can take off at once.In fact, two weeks might be the full amount of vacation time you’re allotted per year, and if you use it all up at once, you won’t be able to take any time off the rest of the year.(But this does vary by workplace;some offer double or even triple that, particularly as you move into more senior roles。)
6.Unlike in school, great performance on the job isn’t just about waiting for assignments and doing them.While in school it was often enough to simply do your assignments, at work you should be identifying ways to drive your department’s work forward and taking initiative to do things better.If you sit around and wait for someone to tell you what to do, you might not get much done.That said, you also need to know the parameters of where you can take initiative and where you can’t, which isn’t always spelled out explicitly(and therefore can really confuse new workers)。
7.You need to look politely interested in meetings, no matter how boring the topic.Yes, you might see senior folks checking their phones or looking bored – but they’ve usually earned the right to do that.As a junior employee, nodding off or being obviously distracted will reflect far worse on you than it does on senior colleagues;you’re expected to look attentive, no matter how sleepy the meeting might make you。
8.Your attitude really matters.You might do good work, but if you appear unfriendly, rude, disinterested in others or defensive, you’ll find it hard to advance – and could even end up losing your job.Being polite and cheerful isn’t optional if you want to thrive in most workplaces。
9.A lunch “hour” is often 30 minutes.Forget what you’ve seen on TV or read about in books;in many workplaces, 30 minutes is the maximum you can take for lunch, and people often don’t even do that and instead grab something and eat it on the go。
10.Your boss wants you to get to the point.In school, you might have learned to delve deeply into every aspect of an issue, but most managers want to hear the upshot first and then decide whether to ask for more background.This is true in face-to-face conversations, but it’s especially true in writing;few managers have the time or inclination to read multiple-page memos or lengthy emails.Short summaries with bullet points are generally preferred。
When you're just starting your career, you need all the help you can get managing your time.Even when you're working hard, you could be wasting a tremendous amount of time either by trying to multitask or by focusing too much on minute details。如果你刚入职场,就应该尽一切可能学习时间管理。因为即使你愿意刻苦工作,你也可能花费过多的时间在多线任务和细节处理上。
Below, we've explained some of best time-management tips everyone should learn in their 20s。
1.There's always time.Time is priorities。
You never run out of time.If you didn't finish something by the time it was due, it's because you didn't consider it urgent or enjoyable enough to prioritize ahead of whatever else you were doing。
2.Days always fill up faster than you'd expect。
Build in some buffer time.As the founder of Ruby on Rails, David Heinemeier Hansson, said, “Only plan on four to five hours of real work per day.”
设置一段缓冲时间。就像Ruby on Rails公司的创始人大[微博]卫·汉森所说的:“每天只需计划4到5个小时的工作就够了。”
3.Work more when you're in the zone.Relax when you're not。
Some days, you'll be off your game, and other times, you'll be able to maintain your focus for 12 hours straight.Take advantage of those days。
4.Stop multitasking.It kills your focus。
There have been academic studies that found the brain expends energy as it readjusts its focus from one item to the next.If you're spending your day multitasking, you're exhausting your brain。
5.We're always more focused and productive with limited time。
Work always seems to find a way of filling the space allotted for it, so set shorter time limits for each task。
6.Work is the best way to get working.Start with small tasks to get the ball rolling。
The business plan you need to finish may be intimidating at 8 in the morning.Get your mind on the right path with easy tasks, such as answering important work emails。
7.Expectations to do things perfectly are stifling。
General George S.Patton once said, “A good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.”
8.More work hours doesn't mean more productivity.Use constraints as opportunities。
Don't kid yourself into thinking that sitting at your desk will somehow extract work from you.Do whatever you can to finish your current task by the end of regular work hours instead of working into the night。
9.Separate brainless and strategic tasks to become more productive。
Ideally, you can brainstorm your ideas and then execute them.If you're
constantly stopping your flow of work to rethink something, you're slowing yourself down。
10.Organize important meetings early in the day.Time leading up to an event is often wasted。
If you have an important meeting scheduled for 4 p.m., it's easy for anxiety to set in and keep that meeting at the front of your mind.Try to get big meetings over with early so you can work without worrying about them。
11.Schedule meetings and communication by email or phone back-to-back to create blocks of uninterrupted work。
You'll disrupt your flow if you're reaching out to people throughout the day。如果你一整天都在联系别人,会打断你的工作进程。
12.Work around procrastination。
Try Francesco Cirillo's Pomodoro Technique.Pomodoro is Italian for tomato, and the technique's name refers to the tomato-shaped cooking timer Cirillo used to break his work into 25-minute increments with five-minute breaks in between.You can use the same idea with your own increments, as long as they inspire bursts of hard work。
13.Break down a massive task into manageable blocks。
Alabama football coach Nick Saban follows a similar philosophy he calls the Process.Instead of having his players focus on winning the championship, he trains them to focus on only what is directly in front of them。
14.No two tasks ever hold the same importance.Always prioritize。
Daily to-do lists are effective ways of scheduling your day.Just do what you can to keep bullet points from making “clean desk” on par with “file taxes.”列出当天要做的事情是有效的管理时间的方式,但是不要把“擦桌子”和“报税”放在一起。
15.Always know the one thing you really need to get done during the day。
Determine which task in front of you is most important, and focus your energy on getting that done as soon as possible。
16.Learn to make use of other people。
To be truly efficient, get over the fear of handing off work to someone else。想要真正提高效率就不要怕让别人帮你工作。
17.Turn the page on yesterday.Only ever think about today and tomorrow。
Don't distract yourself with either the successes or failures of the past.Focus instead on what's in front of you。
18.Set deadlines for everything。
Spending too much time on a project or keeping it on the backburner for too long will lead to stagnation.Get things done and move on。
19.Always take notes。
Don't assume you'll remember every good idea that comes into your head during the day.It doesn't matter if it's a notebook, whiteboard, or an app like Evernote--just write stuff down。
20.Write down any unrelated thoughts that pop up when you're in the zone, so that they don't linger as distractions。
You'll get them out of the way without losing them。