Direct yuan-to-won trading will mitigate exchange-rate risks and help bilateral trade grow in a more stable and predictable way, said Tu Xinquan, a professor at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.北京对外经济贸易大学的教授屠新泉表示,中韩货币直接交易将能减少汇率风险,有助于双边贸易的发展更加稳定、具有可预见性。
在协议签订后,中国的yuan(人民币)和韩国的won(韩元)将能实现direct trading(直接交易),这将能减少exchange-rate risks(汇率风险),降低relying on the US dollar(对美元的依赖),以及推动双边货币的internationalization(国际化)。
首尔将建立RMB clearing facility(人民币清算行),现在人民币在韩国已经成为second-largest foreign currency deposit(第二大外币存款币种),自2004年以来,中国一直是韩国最大的trading partner(贸易伙伴)。
精彩推荐:企业英语培训 http://www.xiexiebang.com/
第一章 总则
第一条 为推进我省电力用户与发电企业直接交易工作(以下简称“直接交易”),根据《中共中央 国务院关于进一步深化电力体制改革的若干意见》(中发[2015]9号)和《国家发改委 国家能源局关于印发电力体制改革配套文件的通知》(发改经体[2015]2752号)等文件,制定本办法。
第二条 在确保电力系统安全的前提下,坚持市场化改革方向,进一步放宽准入条件,各类主体自愿参与,逐步扩大交易范围。
第三条 省经信委负责直接交易准入管理工作。
第二章 准入条件
第四条 参与直接交易的发电企业应具备如下条件:
4、符合国家产业政策,节能、节水、污染排放达到国家要求。第五条 参与直接交易的电力用户应具备如下条件:
第六条 符合条件的电力用户可由售电公司代理参与直接交易。售电公司应符合国家及我省电力体制改革文件的有关要求。由售电公司代理参与直接交易的电力用户,不受电压等级限制。允许地方电网、产业园区、经济技术开发区等以售电公司形式参与直接交易。
第三章 注册 第七条 直接交易主体准入实行注册制,符合条件的各类主体在省电力交易机构按程序注册成为直接交易主体。
第八条 省电力交易机构依据本办法按照规定程序和时限办理注册申请。注册程序应包含申请、承诺、核实、公示、公布等环节,接受社会监督。办理时限从申请主体递交合格的注册申请起,不应超过20个工作日。
第九条 对省电力交易机构办理注册的程序、时限或结果有异议的,可向省经信委申请处理。
第十条 省电力交易机构应按月汇总注册情况,在电力交易平台网站公布,并向省经信委及有关部门进行备案。
第十一条 建立完善直接交易主体经常性信息披露公示制度,推动直接交易主体信息披露规范化、制度化、程序化。
第十二条 直接交易主体在注册信息发生变化后,应及时向省电力交易机构提出信息变更申请。省电力交易机构应尽快完成信息变更。需要直接交易主体相应做出承诺、公示的,应再次予以承诺、公示。
第四章 退出
第十三条 直接交易主体自愿退出直接交易的,应向省电力交易机构提出申请。省电力交易机构按程序予以办理退出、注销手续,并在电力交易平台网站对退出信息进行公布。当存在下列情况时,应拒绝该直接交易主体的退出:
第十四条 直接交易主体出现以下情况之一,应强制退出直接交易:
第十五条 直接交易主体应当强制退出的,在其满足退出条件后,经省经信委同意,由省电力交易机构对其强制退出并注销,并在电力交易平台网站对退出信息进行公布。对强制退出有异议的,可向省经信委申请核实处理。
第五章 其他
第十六条 本办法由省经信委负责解释。第十七条 本办法自公布之日起施行。
Spontaneous---自然发生的,自动的。Happening naturally,without planning Considenate---想得周到的,体贴的。Thoughtful about other people’s or feelings.Haphazard—随意的,无秩序的。Unplanned or disorderly
Squeamish—易受惊的。Easily shocked by unpleasant things
Serenely—平静地。Completely calm and peaceful
Preach—传教,布道。To give a religious talks as a part of service in church Punctuate—被(某事)不时打断。To be interrupted repeatedly by something Contend—声称(某物)为真。To claim that something is ture
Intact—完整的,未受损伤的。Whole because no part has been touched or spolit Restrain—抑制,遏制(某人某事)。To prevent someone or sth from doing sth
Scribble—潦草地书写。To write sth carelessly or in a harry ,often so that it is hard to read.Exotic—外国来的,异国情调的。From a distant and interesting country
Access—(使用,获取的)能力,权利。The ability or right to obtain or use sth.Quintessential—典型,完美的榜样。The perfect example of something Prime—质量最佳的.of the very best quality
Abandon—放弃,离弃.give up ,leace completely
Glistening—(潮湿的表面般)闪亮,闪光 to shine with a lot of cery small flashes
as if from a wet surface
Trickle—(小群的人)慢慢移动。To move gradually in small groups
Outweigh---比某事物更重要,胜过。To be more important than sth or hace more
advantages than sth
Spectacular---壮观的,宏伟的。Very special and splendid
Disintegrate—碎裂,崩裂。To break up into small pieces.Scramble—争夺,抢先。To move quickly in compitition with other people Judicious—明智的,良好判断的。Having or showing good judgment or good sence
Speculation---猜测,推测。Thoughts about what mingt happen.Paraphrase.A sincere compliment is worth its weight in gold.----whole –hearted and genuine praise is very valuable
2.I struck up a conversation with Kit ,trying to establish some kind of rapport.----I started to have a conversation with Kit in a friendly way and tride my best to achieve close agreement and understanding between us.3.Euphemisms are considered overly squeamish and affected by contemporary writers unless used for humorous effect
----except in cases where they are used to achieve humorous effect, contemporary writers think that euphemisms are too disguating, artificial and pretentious to be used.4.Some euphemisms ,too,are sufficiently offbeat to be funny.---Some euphemisms are unusual enough to be funny.They are so unusual that they become quite funny
5.And the whoole building rocked with prayer and song.----the whole building shook with all the praying and singing
6.Waves of rejoicing swept the place
---the whole church became a sea of great joy.7.But this act of purchase is only the prelude to possession.----Getting the book by payment is merely a preparatory step on the way to ownership.8.Understanding is a two-way operation;learning doesn’t consist in being an empty receptacle.---comprehension is a process involving both reception and production.If you remain a container ready only to receive,you cannot expect to learn very much.9.Where excellence is not an act but a habit.----where high quality is not just something we do on certain occasions , but rather something that we do regularly as a habit.10.Who knew then that from this modest hack would flow the civilization-altering,millionaire-spawning,information suckhoole known as the world wide web?
----who know at that time that this humble software consultant would create the world wide web which would change our civilization,bring about millionares , and become a rich source of imformation?
11.People usually believe that predators have an easy time of it ,killing defenseless prey
---people ususlly think that predators do not have to make an effort to kill the prey animals ,since the have no means of protecting themselves.12.The reverse is true of parasites.---parasites have the opposite characteristic,i.e.they are smaller but greater in number than their hosts.13.He peered over at the writhing blackness that jerked convulsively with the jerking nerves.----he looked closely at the twsting body of the buck covered with black ants;its only movement now was short, quick twitches.14.It was a swelling feeling of rage and misery and protest that experssed itself in the thought.----the thought well expressed his growing feeling of anger and unhappiness,and objection to what was happening.15.In this conditions it was poddible to stand for no more than a few seconds ,and then only by leaning forward at an angle of 45^
----under such conditions,a person could only stand for a few seconds ,and that was by learning forward to form an angle of 45^with the ground.16.Before panting little boys could strangle out the words,their mothers knew it.----the mother had already learned the news before their sons could stammer it out.17.The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it.----what acted as the “venom-producing bag”of the town,i.e., the increasing self-interest in the townspeople,began to create poison which afflicted the whole town with a negative force.翻译
it was only a few days ago that he showed some contempt for the new project ,but now he is working hard with zest for its realization.What a baffling change!
I don’t mind working overtime,but do mind working on those unimportant trivial things at weekend.3.对现代经济学的一知半解是导致他经营失败的原因之一。
His haphazard knowledge of modern economics was one of the reasons why he met failure in his business.4.无论他作何种努力来改变其在公众心目中的形象,都无济于事。
No matter how hard he had tried ,all his efforts to imporve his image in the mind of the public were certain to fail.5.不知是何原因,许多大学生又表现出对中国传统戏剧如京剧和越剧的浓厚兴趣。
For some unknown reasons ,there has been a revival of strong interest in traditional Chinese drama ,such as Beijing Opera and Shaoxing Opera,among the college students.6.当诺贝尔物理奖获得者出现在师生面前时,全场一片欢腾,他的演讲不时被震耳欲聋的掌声所打断。
As soon as the winner of Nbbel Prize for physics appeared before the faculty and students, waves of cheers swept the hall.and his speech was punctuated by thundering clapping.7.他全神贯注地投入一项克隆实验工作上,根本没有察觉到我进入实验室。He was so absorbed in one of his cloning experiments that he wasn’t aware of my entering the laboratory at all.8.计划和列提纲只是写作的前奏曲,一篇论文的撰写还需要经过初稿,修改,编审等环节
Planning and outlining are only a prelude to writing,drafting,revising and editing are necessary steps to write a thesis.9.我真的不懂他为什么整天在摆弄那台老掉牙的电脑。
I really don’t understand why he noodles around that ole-fashioned computer all day long.10.越来越多的年轻人意识到英语是同行全球的语言,所以都在业余努力学习英语。
Being aware tha the english language is the lingua franca of the world,more and more young people try to learn English as much as they can in their spare time.11.这名心理学教授退休后不甘闲逸,开始从事儿童教育游戏的开发工作。After retirement ,the psychology professor unwilling to live a leisure life ,took to developing educational games for children.12.许多人对他们所居住的城市里雨后春笋般地冒出摩天大楼而深感自豪,他们还误以为摩天大楼是现代化的同义词呢。
Many people are very proud of the skyscapers that have mushroomed in their cities,with the mistaken idea that skyscrapers are the synonym of modernization.13.情绪激动的老人打开了儿子从海外寄来的信,他越想控制住发抖的手,它们发抖越厉害。
The emotional old man opened the letter that his son had sent him from overseas.the harder he tried to control his trembling hands,the more trembling they become.14.看到受伤的水牛在狮子的围攻中痛苦挣扎,猎人处于怜悯开枪将它打死。Seeing the wounded buffalo struggling in pain under the attack of the lions,the hunter shot it dead out of pity.15.我总觉得相当数量的董事会成员会强力诶反对的我们的改革计划。
I am inclined to think that there will be strong opposition to our reform plan among quite a few board members.16.我们不能姑息任何人的有害社会秩序的行为,不管他是谁,不管他来自何处。No matter who he is or where he is from, we cannot tolerate hia behaviour that is injurious to social order.17.灿烂的玛雅文化是如何从地球上突然消失的,这始终是一个难解之谜。As to how the splendid Maya Culture disappeared all of a sudden from the earth ,it remains a mystery not easily to be solved.18.当弄清楚是一只大老鼠导致传动系统中断运转时,我们都松了一口气,不久传送系统便恢复了正常运转。
When it was made plain that it was a big rat that had caused the breakdown of the transmission system,we all felt relieved.soon the system was brought to its normal order.19.他不是一个很受学生欢迎的教授,因为他在讲课时总是走题和拖堂。
He was not a very popular professor among the students because he would invariably wander off his topic during the course of his lecture and drag the class into the time for break.
“英 —-英”互译记词汇
“英 —-英”解释法是用简单的,学生们已学过,熟悉的词汇来解释新的单词,使学生利用自己原有的知识掌握新单词的听、说、读、写。对于高年级的学生来说,词义解释的最佳方法是用英语来解释英语。这样不但训练了学生的听力,而且对于旧的单词能得到反复重现,同时也使学生学习了同义词,了解了更多的词汇知识,更利于学生建立英语思维方式。《新课标》中也提到当教师设计教学活动时要做到:应有助于学生学会用英语做事情,特别是用英语获取、处理和传递信息。
如:September: the ninth month of a year
parents: father and mother
holiday:time off from work or school
different: not the same
乙方(售电公司):澳斯达张家口电力科技有限公司,系一家具有独立法人资格的企业,企业所在地为 在工商行政管理局登记注册,税务登记号:,法定代表人/授权代理人:。该企业已履行相关准入程序,具备在山西参范围开展电力市场交易的资格。
一、甲方用电电压等级为千伏;在电网企业的营销户名为: 营销系统号为:;直接交易的关口计量点为:。
法定代表人/授权代理人: 签字日期:年月日