
时间:2019-05-15 05:36:43下载本文作者:会员上传



G20 Leaders Summit--Cannes--3-4 November 2011

1.We, the Leaders of the G20, met in Cannes on 3-4 November 2011.2.Since our last meeting, global recovery has weakened, particularly in advanced countries, leaving unemployment at unacceptable levels.In this context, tensions in the financial markets have increased due mostly to sovereign risks in Europe;there are also clear signs of a slowing in growth in the emerging markets.Commodity price swings have put growth at risk.Global imbalances persist.3.Today, we reaffirm our commitment to work together and we have taken decisions to reinvigorate economic growth, create jobs, ensure financial stability, promote social inclusion and make globalization serve the needs of the people.A global strategy for growth and jobs

4.To address the immediate challenges faced by the global economy, we commit to coordinate our actions and policies.Each of us will play their part.5.We have agreed on an Action plan for Growth and Jobs to address short term vulnerabilities and strengthen medium-term foundations for growth.Advanced economies commit to adopt policies to build confidence and support growth and implement clear, credible and specific measures to achieve fiscal consolidation.We welcome the decisions by European Leaders on October 26th, 2011 to restore debt sustainability in Greece, strengthen European banks, build firewalls to avoid contagion, and lay the foundations for robust economic governance reform in the Euro area and call for their swift implementation.We support the measures presented by Italy in the Euro Summit and the agreed detailed assessment and monitoring by the European Commission.In this context, we welcome Italy's decision to invite the IMF to carry out a public verification of its policy implementation on a quarterly basis.Taking into account national circumstances, countries where public finances remain strong commit to let automatic stabilizers work and take discretionary measures to support domestic demand should economic conditions materially worsen.Countries with large current account surpluses commit to reforms to increase domestic demand, coupled with greater exchange rate flexibility.We all commit to further structural reforms to raise output in our countries.Monetary policies will maintain price stability over the medium term and continue to support economic recovery.6.We are determined to strengthen the social dimension of globalization.We firmly believe that employment and social inclusion must be at the heart of our actions and policies to restore growth and confidence.We therefore decide to set up a G20 task force which will work as a priority on youth employment.We recognize the importance of social protection floors in each of our countries, adapted to national situations.We encourage the ILO to continue promoting ratification and implementation of the eight core Conventions ensuring fundamental principles and rights at work.7.Convinced of the essential role of social dialogue, we welcome the outcomes of the B20 and L20 and their joint statement.Towards a more stable and resilient International Monetary System

8.We have made progress in reforming the international monetary system to make it more representative, stable and resilient.We have agreed on actions and principles that will help reap the benefits from financial integration and increase the resilience against volatile capital flows.This includes coherent conclusions to guide us in the management of capital flows, common principles for cooperation between the IMF and Regional Financial Arrangements, and an action plan for local currency bond markets.We agree that the SDR basket composition should continue to reflect the role of currencies in the global trading and financial system.The SDR composition assessment should be based on existing criteria, and we ask the IMF to further clarify them.To adjust to currencies' changing role and characteristics over time, the composition of the SDR basket will be reviewed in 2015, or earlier, as currencies meet the existing criteria to enter the basket.We are also committed to further progress towards a more integrated, even-handed and effective IMF surveillance and to better identify and address spill-over effects.While continuing with our efforts to strengthen surveillance, we recognize the need for better integration of bilateral and multilateral surveillance, and we look forward to IMF proposals for a new integrated decision on surveillance early next year, and for increased ownership and traction.9.We affirm our commitment to move more rapidly toward more market-determined exchange rate systems and enhance exchange rate flexibility to reflect underlying economic fundamentals, avoid persistent exchange rate misalignments and refrain from competitive devaluation of currencies.We are determined to act on our commitments to exchange rate reform articulated in our Action plan for Growth and Jobs to address short term vulnerabilities and restoring financial stability and strengthen the medium-term foundations for growth.Our actions will help address the challenges created by developments in global liquidity and capital flows volatility, thus facilitating further progress on exchange rate reforms and reducing excessive accumulation of reserves.10.We agreed to continue our efforts to further strengthen global financial safety nets and we support the IMF in putting forward the new Precautionary and Liquidity Line(PLL)to provide on a case by case basis increased and more flexible short-term liquidity to countries with strong policies and fundamentals facing exogenous shocks.We also support the IMF in putting forward a single facility to fulfil the emergency assistance needs of its members.We call on the IMF to expeditiously discuss and finalize both proposals.11.We welcome the euro area's comprehensive plan and urge rapid elaboration and implementation, including of country reforms.We welcome the euro area's determination to bring its full resources and entire institutional capacity to bear in restoring confidence and financial stability, and in ensuring the proper functioning of money and financial markets.We will ensure the IMF continues to have resources to play its systemic role to the benefit of its whole membership, building on the substantial resources we have already mobilized since London in 2009.We stand ready to ensure additional resources could be mobilised in a timely manner and ask our finance ministers by their next meeting to work on deploying a range of various options including bilateral contributions to the IMF, SDRs, and voluntary contributions to an IMF special structure such as an administered account.We will expeditiously implement in full the 2010 quota and governance reform of the IMF.Reforming the financial sector and enhancing market integrity 12.In Washington in 2008, we committed to ensure that all financial markets, products and participants are regulated or subject to oversight, as appropriate.We will implement our commitments and pursue the reform of the financial system.13.We have agreed on comprehensive measures so that no financial firm can be deemed “too big to fail” and to protect taxpayers from bearing the costs of resolution.The FSB publishes today an initial list of Global systemically important financial institutions(G-SIFIs).G-SIFIs will be submitted to strengthened supervision, a new international standard for resolution regimes as well as, from 2016, additional capital requirements.We are prepared to identify systemically important non-bank financial entities.14.We have decided to develop the regulation and oversight of shadow banking.We will develop further our regulation on market integrity and efficiency, including addressing the risks posed by high frequency trading and dark liquidity.We have tasked IOSCO to assess the functioning of Credit Default Swaps markets.We have agreed on principles to protect financial services consumers.15.We will not allow a return to pre-crisis behaviours in the financial sector and we will strictly monitor the implementation of our commitments regarding banks, OTC markets and compensation practices.16.Building on its achievements, we have agreed to reform the FSB to improve its capacity to coordinate and monitor our financial regulation agenda.This reform includes giving it legal personality and greater financial autonomy.We thank Mr Mario Draghi for the work done and we welcome the appointment of Mr Mark Carney, Governor of the Central Bank of Canada as Chairman of the FSB, and of Mr.Philipp Hildebrand, Chairman of the Swiss National Bank as Vice-Chairman.17.We urge all jurisdictions to adhere to the international standards in the tax, prudential and AML/CFT areas.We stand ready to use our existing countermeasures if needed.In the tax area, we welcome the progress made and we urge all the jurisdictions to take the necessary actions to tackle the deficiencies identified in the course of the reviews by the Global Forum, in particular the 11 jurisdictions identified by the Global Forum whose framework has failed to qualify.We underline the importance of comprehensive tax information exchange and encourage work in the Global Forum to define the means to improve it.We welcome the commitment made by all of us to sign the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters and strongly encourage other jurisdictions to join this Convention.Addressing commodity price volatility and promoting agriculture

18.As part of our financial regulation agenda, we endorse the IOSCO recommendations to improve regulation and supervision of commodity derivatives markets.We agree that market regulators should be granted effective intervention powers to prevent market abuses.In particular, market regulators should have and use formal position management powers, among other powers of intervention, including the power to set ex-ante position limits, as appropriate.19.Promoting agricultural production is key to feed the world population.To that end, we decide to act in the framework of the Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture agreed by our Ministers of Agriculture in June 2011.In particular, we decide to invest in and support research and development of agriculture productivity.We have launched the “Agricultural Market Information System”(AMIS)to reinforce transparency on agricultural products' markets.To improve food security, we commit to develop appropriate risk-management instruments and humanitarian emergency tools.We decide that food purchased for non-commercial humanitarian purposes by the World Food Program will not be subject to export restrictions or extraordinary taxes.We welcome the creation of a “Rapid Response Forum”, to improve the international community's capacity to coordinate policies and develop common responses in time of market crises.Improving energy markets and pursuing the Fight against Climate Change

20.We are determined to enhance the functioning and transparency of energy markets.We commit to improve the timeliness, completeness and reliability of the JODI-oil database and to work on the JODI-gas database along the same principles.We call for continued dialogue annually between producers and consumers on short medium and long-term outlook and forecasts for oil, gas and coal.We ask relevant organizations to make recommendations on the functioning and oversight of price reporting agencies.We reaffirm our commitment to rationalise and phase-out over the medium term inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption, while providing targeted support for the poorest.21.We are committed to the success of the upcoming Durban Conference on Climate Change and support South Africa as the incoming President of the Conference.We call for the implementation of the Cancun agreements and further progress in all areas of negotiation, including the operationalization of the Green Climate Fund, as part of a balanced outcome in Durban.We discussed the IFIs report on climate finance and asked our Finance Ministers to continue work in this field, taking into account the objectives, provisions and principles of the UNFCCC.Avoiding protectionism and strengthening the multilateral trading system

22.At this critical time for the global economy, it is important to underscore the merits of the multilateral trading system as a way to avoid protectionism and not turn inward.We reaffirm our standstill commitments until the end of 2013, as agreed in Toronto, commit to roll back any new protectionist measure that may have risen, including new export restrictions and WTO-inconsistent measures to stimulate exports and ask the WTO, OECD and UNCTAD to continue monitoring the situation and to report publicly on a semi-annual basis.23.We stand by the Doha Development Agenda(DDA)mandate.However, it is clear that we will not complete the DDA if we continue to conduct negotiations as we have in the past.We recognize the progress achieved so far.To contribute to confidence, we need to pursue in 2012 fresh, credible approaches to furthering negotiations, including the issues of concern for Least Developed Countries and, where they can bear fruit, the remaining elements of the DDA mandate.We direct our Ministers to work on such approaches at the upcoming Ministerial meeting in Geneva and also to engage into discussions on challenges and opportunities to the multilateral trading system in a globalised economy and to report back by the Mexico Summit.24.Furthermore, as a contribution to a more effective, rules-based trading system, we support a strengthening of the WTO, which should play a more active role in improving transparency on trade relations and policies and enhancing the functioning of the dispute settlement mechanism.Addressing the challenges of development

25.Recognizing that economic shocks affect disproportionately the most vulnerable, we commit to ensure a more inclusive and resilient growth.26.The humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa underscores the urgent need to strengthen emergency and long-term responses to food insecurity.We support the concrete initiatives mentioned in the Cannes final Declaration, with a view to foster investments in agriculture and mitigate the impact of price volatility, in particular in low income countries and to the benefit of smallholders.We welcome the initiative of the Economic Community of Western African States(ECOWAS)to set up a targeted regional emergency humanitarian food reserve system, as a pilot project, and the “ASEAN+3” emergency rice reserve initiative.27.Recognizing that the lack of Infrastructure dramatically hampers the growth potential in many developing countries, particularly in Africa, we support recommendations of the High Level Panel and the MDBs and highlight eleven exemplary infrastructure projects and call on the MDBs, working with countries involved, to pursue the implementation of such projects that meet the HLP criteria.28.In order to meet the Millennium Development Goals, we stress the pivotal role of ODA.Aid commitments made by developed countries should be met.Emerging countries will engage or continue to extend their level of support to other developing countries.We also agree that, over time, new sources of funding need to be found to address development needs and climate change.We discussed a set of options for innovative financing highlighted by Mr Bill Gates.Some of us have implemented or are prepared to explore some of these options.We acknowledge the initiatives in some of our countries to tax the financial sector for various purposes, including a financial transaction tax, inter alia to support development.Intensifying our Fight against Corruption

29.We have made significant progress in implementing the Action Plan on combating corruption, promoting market integrity and supporting a clean business environment.We underline the need for swift implementation of a strong international legislative framework, the adoption of national measures to prevent and combat corruption and foreign bribery, the strengthening of international cooperation in fighting corruption and the development of joint initiatives between the public and the private sector.Reforming global governance for the 21st century

30.We welcome the report of UK Prime Minister David Cameron on global governance.We agree that the G20 should remain an informal group.We decide to formalise the Troika.We will pursue consistent and effective engagement with non-members, including the UN and we welcome their contributions to our work.31.We reaffirm that the G20's founding spirit of bringing together the major economies on an equal footing to catalyze action is fundamental and therefore agree to put our collective political will behind our economic and financial agenda, and the reform and more effective working of relevant international institutions.We support reforms to be implemented within the FAO and the FSB We have committed to strengthen our multilateral trade framework.We call on international organisations, especially the UN, WTO, the ILO, the WB, the IMF and the OECD, to enhance their dialogue and cooperation, including on the social impact of economic policies, and to intensify their coordination.On December 1st.2011, Mexico will start chairing the G20.We will convene in Los Cabos, Baja California, in June 2012, under the Chairmanship of Mexico.Russia will chair the G20 in 2013, Australia in 2014 and Turkey in 2015.We have also agreed, as part of our reforms to the G20, that after 2015, annual presidencies of the G20 will be chosen from rotating regional groups, starting with the Asian grouping comprising of China, Indonesia, Japan and Korea.32.We thank France for its G20 Presidency and for hosting the successful Cannes Summit.来源:http://bbs.cebbs.org/thread-22839-1-1.html



















改革金融系统 提高市场诚信





16.在金融委员会(FSB)所取得成就的基础上,我们一致同意改革FSB,以改善其协调能力、提高对我们金融监管议程的监督水平。改革内容包括赋予FSB法人资格和加大其金融自治能力。我们感谢德拉吉(Mario Draghi)先生此前所做的工作,对加拿大央行行长卡尔内(Mark Carney)先生担任FSB主席一职、瑞士央行总裁希尔德布兰特(Philipp Hildebrand)先生担任FSB副主席一职表示欢迎。

17.我们要求所有监管机构在税收、反洗钱/反恐融资领域坚持国际标准。我们作好了必要情况下动用现有对策的准备。我们对监管机构在税收领域取得的进步表示欢迎,要求所有监管机构采取必要行动解决全球论坛(Global Forum)检查工作时所指出的不足,被全球论坛视为监管框架不达标的机构尤应注意。我们强调税收信息全面交换的重要性、鼓励全球论坛提出改进办法。我们对《税收事务行政互助多边公约》(Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters)签字者所做的承诺表示欢迎,并强烈建议其他监管机构加入这一公约。

解决大宗商品价格波动问题 促进农业生产


19.促进农业生产是解决全球人口吃饭问题的关键。为达此目的,我们决定遵照2011年6月各国农业部长达成的《稳定农产品(14.71,0.21,1.45%)价格共同行动计划》(Action Plan on Food Price Volatility and Agriculture)行动。我们尤其决定对农业生产进行投资和提供研发支持。我们推出了“农业市场信息系统”(AMIS)以增强农产品市场的透明性。为改善食品安全,我们承诺开发适宜的风险管理机制和人道主义紧急救助工具。我们决定,对于联合国(微博)世界粮食计划署(WFP)为非商业性人道主义救助目的进行的食品购买,不得施加出口限制或征收特别税。我们欢迎创立一个“快速反应论坛”(Rapid Response Forum),以改善国际社会在市场发生危机时协调政策、提出共同反应的能力。

改进能源市场 抗击气候变化


21.我们致力于即将到来的南非德班“气候变化大会”(Conference on Climate Change)的成功,支持南非担任这届大会的主席。我们呼吁贯彻坎昆协议,在各谈判领域取得进一步的进展,其中包括坎昆会议平衡成果之一部分的绿色气候基金(Green Climate Fund)的操作化。

避免保护主义 加强多边贸易体系




















China’s reform has entered the deep water zone where tough challenges must be met.2.我们将以装饰断腕的用起、凤凰涅槃的决心,敢于向积存多年的顽瘴痼疾开刀;

We have the resolve to make painful self-adjustment and tackle problems that have built up over many years.3.敢于触及深层次利益关系和矛盾,把改革进行到底。

Particularly underlying issues and enternched interests and carry reform through to the end.4.抓住科技创新就抓住了发展的牛鼻子。

Scientific and technological innovation holds the key to development.5.青山绿水就是金山银山。

Green mountains and clear water are as good as mountains of gold and silver.6.民惟邦本,本固邦宁。

The people are the foundation of a country and only when the people lead a good life can the country thrive.7.轻关易道,通商宽农。

The governance of a country should be based on simple customs procedures, improved intrastructures, convenience for business transaction and preferntial agricultural polices.8.这是建设开放型世界经济的应有之义。

What it implies is the importance of buliding an open world economy.9.在经济全球化时代,各国发展环环相扣,一荣俱荣,一损俱损。

In the age of economic globalization, countries are closely linked in their development and they all rise and fall together.10.没有哪一个国家可以独善其身,协调合作是必然选择。No country could seek development on its own;and one sure path is through coordination and cooperation.11.一个行动胜过一个纲领。

One action counts more than a dozen programs.12.和衷共济、和合共生是中华民族的历史基因,也是东方文明的精髓。

To seek harmoy and coexistence is in the genes of the Chinese nation throughout history.It represents the very essence of Eastern civilization.13.中国坚定不移走和平发展道路。

China is committed to the path of peaceful development.14.常言说,小智治世,大智治制。

As a Chinese saying goes, people with petty shrewdness attend to trivial matters while those with greater wisdom attend to government of institutions.15.弄潮儿箱套头立。手把红旗旗不湿。

The tide riders surf the currents, the flags they hold up never get wet.16.我同各位一样,期待着二十国集团用做世界经济的弄潮儿。

I like all of you, look forward to a G20 that will ride the tides in the world economy.17.国强必需的逻辑不适用,穷兵黩武的道路走不通。China is committed to the path of peaceful development.G20杭州峰会5点“决心”

① 决心为世界经济指明方向,规划路径 Determined to set out the direction,targets and steps of G20 cooperation and depict the blueprint for future world economy.② 决心创新增长方式,为世界经济注入新动力 Determined to break a new path for growth to inject new dynamism into the world economy.③ 决心完善全球经济金融治理,提高世界经济抗风险能力 Determined to improve globle economic and financial governance to enhance the resilience of the world economy.④ 决心重振国际贸易和投资,构建开放型世界经济 Determined to revitalize international trade and investment as the key engines of growth and build an open world economy.⑤ 决心推动包容和联动式发展,让二十国集团合作成果惠及全球 Determined to promote inclusive and interconnected development so that G20 cooperation will deliver benefits to the whole world.建设好二十国集团的4点建议

1)与时俱进,发挥引领作用。The G20 must keep up with the changing times and lead the way forward.2)知行合一,采取务实行动。The G20 should fully honor its commitment.3)共建共享,打造合作平台。The G20 should become a platform of cooperation built through joint efforts that delivers benefits to all.4)同舟共济,发扬伙伴精神。The G20 should stick together as partners in meeting challenges.中国改革开放4个“伟大进程”

① 坚定不移群面深化改革,开拓更好发展前景。We will steadfastly deepen reform in an all-round way and open up brighter prosprcts of development.② 坚定不移实施创新驱动发展战略,释放更强增长动力。We will pursue an innovation-driven development stratege to create stronger growth drivers.③ 坚定不移推进绿色发展,谋求更加质量效益。We will promote green development to achieve better economic performance.④ 坚定不移推进公平共享,增进更多民众福祉。We will promote equity and sharing of developmengt outcomes to deliver more benefits to the people.全球经济治理4个“重点”

1)共同构建公正高效的全球金融治理格局,维护世界经济稳定大局。Jointly ensure equitable and efficient global financial governance, and uphold the overall stability of the world economy.2)共同构建开放透明的全球贸易和投资治理格局,巩固多边贸易体制,释放全球经贸投资合作潜力。Jointly foster open and transparent global trade and investment governance to cement the multilateral trade regime, and unleash the pitential of global cooperation in economy, trade and ivestment.3)工头构建绿色低碳的全球能源治理格局,推动全球绿色合作。Jointly establish green and loe-carbon global energy governance to promote global green development cooperation.4)共同构建包容联动的全球发展智力格局,以落实联合国2030年了持续发展议程为目标,共同增进全人类福祉。Jointly facilitate an inclusive and iterconnected global development governance to implement the UN 2030 Agenda for Suatainble Development and jointly promote the wellbeing of mankind.推动世界经济4个“药方”

① 建设创新型世界经济,开辟增长源泉。We need to bulid an innovative world economy to generate new drivers of growth.② 建设开放型世界经济,拓展发展空间。We need to build an open world economy to expand the scope of development.③ 建设联动型世界经济,凝聚互动合力。We need to build an interconnected world economy to forge interactive synergy.④ 建设包容型世界经济,夯实共赢基础。We need to build an inclusive world economy to strengthen the foundation for win-win outcomes.1)2)3)4)中国改革开放4个“伟大进程”

这是探索前行的进程。This is a course of blazing a new trail.这是真抓实干的进程。This is a course of delivering tangible outcomes.这是共同富裕的进程。This is a course of achieving common prosperity.这是中国走向世界、世界走向中国的进程。This is a course of China and the world embracing each other.




2009年4月2日.我们的20国集团领导人于2009年4月2日在伦敦召开会议。.我们面临着现代社会的世界经济最大挑战,自从我们上次会议以来,危机已经加深了,从而影响到每一个国家男女老少的生活,所有国家必须携手进行解决。一场全球性危机,需要全球性的解决方案。.我们开始相信,繁荣是不可分割的;这种增长,如要持续下去,就需要共享; 我们的全球恢复计划其核心必须在勤奋工作家庭的需求和就业,不仅在发达国家,也在新兴市场和世界上最贫穷国家也是如此;我们不能只考虑今天人们的利益,同样需考虑后代的利益。

我们相信,建立基于市场原则、有效监管和强有力的全球机构之上的开放型世界经济,这是可持续性全球化发展和所有各国日益繁荣增长的唯一可靠基础。.因此,我们今天承诺作出一切所必要努力,目的是: 恢复信心,发展和就业机会;




促进全球贸易和投资,并拒绝保护主义,以巩固繁荣; 建立一个包容性,绿色和可持续的复苏。






7.各国央行也已经采取了异于常规的行动。大多数国家已经大幅下调了基准利率,而且各国央行已经承诺,只要还有必要,就会一直维持扩张性的货币政策,此外还将动用包括非常规工具在内的所有货币政策工具以维持物价稳定性。.我们的恢复经济增长的措施,直到我们恢复国内贷款和国际资本流动才会生效。我们已经为我们的银行体系提供了重要的和全面支持 ,如提供流动资金,重组金融机构和迅速解决受损资产。我们决心采取一切必要行动,通过金融系统恢复信贷的正常流动以确保重要机构系统的健全性,并按照20国集团的商定框架执行我们的政策以恢复贷款和修复金融部门。


10.国际货币基金组织上个月预测,全球实体经济将恢复增长,到2010年底为止的增长速度将超过2%.我们确信,今天我们同意采取的这些行动,以及我们在维持长期财政可持续性的同时联手恢复增长和就业的坚定承诺,将会加快经济回归增长趋势的进程。我们今天保证将采取任何必要措施来确保这一成果,并呼吁国际货币基金组织定期评估已经采取的措施,以及全球各国还需采取哪些措施。.我们有决心确保长期财政可持续性和物价稳定,通过现在必须采取的措施,以支持金融部门和恢复全球的需求来建立可信的撤出战略.我们相信通过执行我们商定的政策,我们将控制经济的长期成本 ,从而减少在较长时期内财政巩固的必要规模。12.我们将以合作的、负责任的态度来实施所有经济政策,顾及这些政策对其他国家的影响,并将取消货币贬值的“竞赛”,构建稳定的、运行良好的国际货币系统。无论是现在还是将来,我们都将支持由公平、独立的国际货币基金组织对各国经济及金融业进行监管,对一国经济政策对其他国家的影响进行监管,以及对全球经济所面临的风险作出评估。加强金融监管和调控



监管机构必须保护个人消费者和投资者、扶持市场纪律、避免对其他国家造成负面影响、减少“监管套利”的范围、支持竞争和动力、以及跟上市场创新的步伐。.为此,我们正在执行在上次会议上所确定和商定的措施计划(附于进度报告中).我们今天还发表了一项声明,加强金融体系。我们对如下几点达成一致意见: 建立一个新的金融稳定工作组(FSB),作为金融稳定论坛(FSF)的继任者,这个工作组包括所有20国集团的国家,FSF 成员,西班牙和欧盟委员会。

FSB 应与国际货币基金组织合作以警惕宏观经济和金融风险,并提出必要的以解决方案;















出于这一目的: ·我们要坚决执行2008年4月达成的IMF配额和话语权改革的方案,并要求IMF在2011年1月之前完成下一次配额审查。



·我们赞同国际金融机构的首脑和高级领导层一定要履行一个公开、透明的选举过程; ·根据IMF和世界银行的最新报告,我们要求会议主席与G20财长进行广泛深入的探讨,并在下一次会议上向大家报告,以期为提高国际金融机构的反应速度和适应能力进行深入改革。


抵制贸易保护主义,提高全球贸易和投资 世界贸易增长的繁华景气已经支撑了近半个世纪。但如今它所呈现的是25年来首次的衰退。滋生的保护主义者恶化了需求的下降和贸易信贷的萎缩,重振世界经济和投资对全球发展是关键的,我们不能重复以往所采取贸易保护主义的历史错误。于此结束:


















London Summit – Leaders’ Statement 2 April 2009 1.We, the Leaders of the Group of Twenty, met in London on 2 April 2009.2.We face the greatest challenge to the world economy in modern times;a crisis which has deepened since we last met, which affects the lives of women, men, and children in every country, and which all countries must join together to resolve.A global crisis requires a global solution.3.We start from the belief that prosperity is indivisible;that growth, to be sustained, has to be shared;and that our global plan for recovery must have at its heart the needs and jobs of hard-working families, not just in developed countries but in emerging markets and the poorest countries of the world too;and must reflect the interests, not just of today’s population, but of future generations too.We believe that the only sure foundation for sustainable globalisation and rising prosperity for all is an open world economy based on market principles, effective regulation, and strong global institutions.4.We have today therefore pledged to do whatever is necessary to: restore confidence, growth, and jobs;

repair the financial system to restore lending;strengthen financial regulation to rebuild trust;fund and reform our international financial institutions to overcome this crisis and prevent future ones;promote global trade and investment and reject protectionism, to underpin prosperity;and build an inclusive, green, and sustainable recovery.By acting together to fulfil these pledges we will bring the world economy out of recession and prevent a crisis like this from recurring in the future.5.The agreements we have reached today, to treble resources available to the IMF to $750 billion, to support a new SDR allocation of $250 billion, to support at least $100 billion of additional lending by the MDBs, to ensure $250 billion of support for trade finance, and to use the additional resources from agreed IMF gold sales for concessional finance for the poorest countries, constitute an additional $1.1 trillion programme of support to restore credit, growth and jobs in the world economy.Together with the measures we have each taken nationally, this constitutes a global plan for recovery on an unprecedented scale.Restoring growth and jobs

6.We are undertaking an unprecedented and concerted fiscal expansion, which will save or create millions of jobs which would otherwise have been destroyed, and that will, by the end of next year, amount to $5 trillion, raise output by 4 per cent, and accelerate the transition to a green economy.We are committed to deliver the scale of sustained fiscal effort necessary to restore growth.7.Our central banks have also taken exceptional action.Interest rates have been cut aggressively in most countries, and our central banks have pledged to maintain expansionary policies for as long as needed and to use the full range of monetary policy instruments, including unconventional instruments, consistent with price stability.8.Our actions to restore growth cannot be effective until we restore domestic lending and international capital flows.We have provided significant and comprehensive support to our banking systems to provide liquidity, recapitalise financial institutions, and address decisively the problem of impaired assets.We are committed to take all necessary actions to restore the normal flow of credit through the financial system and ensure the soundness of systemically important institutions, implementing our policies in line with the agreed G20 framework for restoring lending and repairing the financial sector.9.Taken together, these actions will constitute the largest fiscal and monetary stimulus and the most comprehensive support programme for the financial sector in modern times.Acting together strengthens the impact and the exceptional policy actions announced so far must be implemented without delay.Today, we have further agreed over $1 trillion of additional resources for the world economy through our international financial institutions and trade finance.10.Last month the IMF estimated that world growth in real terms would resume and rise to over 2 percent by the end of 2010.We are confident that the actions we have agreed today, and our unshakeable commitment to work together to restore growth and jobs, while preserving long-term fiscal sustainability, will accelerate the return to trend growth.We commit today to taking whatever action is necessary to secure that outcome, and we call on the IMF to assess regularly the actions taken and the global actions required.11.We are resolved to ensure long-term fiscal sustainability and price stability and will put in place credible exit strategies from the measures that need to be taken now to support the financial sector and restore global demand.We are convinced that by implementing our agreed policies we will limit the longer-term costs to our economies, thereby reducing the scale of the fiscal consolidation necessary over the longer term.12.We will conduct all our economic policies cooperatively and responsibly with regard to the impact on other countries and will refrain from competitive devaluation of our currencies and promote a stable and well-functioning international monetary system.We will support, now and in the future, to candid, even-handed, and independent IMF surveillance of our economies and financial sectors, of the impact of our policies on others, and of risks facing the global economy.Strengthening financial supervision and regulation

13.Major failures in the financial sector and in financial regulation and supervision were fundamental causes of the crisis.Confidence will not be restored until we rebuild trust in our financial system.We will take action to build a stronger, more globally consistent, supervisory and regulatory framework for the future financial sector, which will support sustainable global growth and serve the needs of business and citizens.14.We each agree to ensure our domestic regulatory systems are strong.But we also agree to establish the much greater consistency and systematic cooperation between countries, and the framework of internationally agreed high standards, that a global financial system requires.Strengthened regulation and supervision must promote propriety, integrity and transparency;guard against risk across the financial system;dampen rather than amplify the financial and economic cycle;reduce reliance on inappropriately risky sources of financing;and discourage excessive risk-taking.Regulators and supervisors must protect consumers and investors, support market discipline, avoid adverse impacts on other countries, reduce the scope for regulatory arbitrage, support competition and dynamism, and keep pace with innovation in the marketplace.15.To this end we are implementing the Action Plan agreed at our last meeting, as set out in the attached progress report.We have today also issued a Declaration, Strengthening the Financial System.In particular we agree: to establish a new Financial Stability Board(FSB) with a strengthened mandate, as a successor to the Financial Stability Forum(FSF), including all G20 countries, FSF members, Spain, and the European Commission;that the FSB should collaborate with the IMF to provide early warning of macroeconomic and financial risks and the actions needed to address them;to reshape our regulatory systems so that our authorities are able to identify and take account of macro-prudential risks;to extend regulation and oversight to all systemically important financial institutions, instruments and markets.This will include, for the first time, systemically important hedge funds;to endorse and implement the FSF’s tough new principles on pay and compensation and to support sustainable compensation schemes and the corporate social responsibility of all firms;to take action, once recovery is assured, to improve the quality, quantity, and international consistency of capital in the banking system.In future, regulation must prevent excessive leverage and require buffers of resources to be built up in good times;to take action against non-cooperative jurisdictions, including tax havens.We stand ready to deploy sanctions to protect our public finances and financial systems.The era of banking secrecy is over.We note that the OECD has today published a list of countries assessed by the Global Forum against the international standard for exchange of tax information;to call on the accounting standard setters to work urgently with supervisors and regulators to improve standards on valuation and provisioning and achieve a single set of high-quality global accounting standards;and to extend regulatory oversight and registration to Credit Rating Agencies to ensure they meet the international code of good practice, particularly to prevent unacceptable conflicts of interest.16.We instruct our Finance Ministers to complete the implementation of these decisions in line with the timetable set out in the Action Plan.We have asked the FSB and the IMF to monitor progress, working with the Financial Action Taskforce and other relevant bodies, and to provide a report to the next meeting of our Finance Ministers in Scotland in November.Strengthening our global financial institutions

17.Emerging markets and developing countries, which have been the engine of recent world growth, are also now facing challenges which are adding to the current downturn in the global economy.It is imperative for global confidence and economic recovery that capital continues to flow to them.This will require a substantial strengthening of the international financial institutions, particularly the IMF.We have therefore agreed today to make available an additional $850 billion of resources through the global financial institutions to support growth in emerging market and developing countries by helping to finance counter-cyclical spending, bank recapitalisation, infrastructure, trade finance, balance of payments support, debt rollover, and social support.To this end: we have agreed to increase the resources available to the IMF through immediate financing from members of $250 billion, subsequently incorporated into an expanded and more flexible New Arrangements to Borrow, increased by up to $500 billion, and to consider market borrowing if necessary;and we support a substantial increase in lending of at least $100 billion by the Multilateral Development Banks(MDBs), including to low income countries, and ensure that all MDBs, including have the appropriate capital.18.It is essential that these resources can be used effectively and flexibly to support growth.We welcome in this respect the progress made by the IMF with its new Flexible Credit Line(FCL)and its reformed lending and conditionality framework which will enable the IMF to ensure that its facilities address effectively the underlying causes of countries’ balance of payments financing needs, particularly the withdrawal of external capital flows to the banking and corporate sectors.We support Mexico’s decision to seek an FCL arrangement.19.We have agreed to support a general SDR allocation which will inject $250 billion into the world economy and increase global liquidity, and urgent ratification of the Fourth Amendment.20.In order for our financial institutions to help manage the crisis and prevent future crises we must strengthen their longer term relevance, effectiveness and legitimacy.So alongside the significant increase in resources agreed today we are determined to reform and modernise the international financial institutions to ensure they can assist members and shareholders effectively in the new challenges they face.We will reform their mandates, scope and governance to reflect changes in the world economy and the new challenges of globalisation, and that emerging and developing economies, including the poorest, must have greater voice and representation.This must be accompanied by action to increase the credibility and accountability of the institutions through better strategic oversight and decision making.To this end: we commit to implementing the package of IMF quota and voice reforms agreed in April 2008 and call on the IMF to complete the next review of quotas by January 2011;we agree that, alongside this, consideration should be given to greater involvement of the Fund’s Governors in providing strategic direction to the IMF and increasing its accountability;we commit to implementing the World Bank reforms agreed in October 2008.We look forward to further recommendations, at the next meetings, on voice and representation reforms on an accelerated timescale, to be agreed by the 2010 Spring Meetings;we agree that the heads and senior leadership of the international financial institutions should be appointed through an open, transparent, and merit-based selection process;and building on the current reviews of the IMF and World Bank we asked the Chairman, working with the G20 Finance Ministers, to consult widely in an inclusive process and report back to the next meeting with proposals for further reforms to improve the responsiveness and adaptability of the IFIs.21.In addition to reforming our international financial institutions for the new challenges of globalisation we agreed on the desirability of a new global consensus on the key values and principles that will promote sustainable economic activity.We support discussion on such a charter for sustainable economic activity with a view to further discussion at our next meeting.We take note of the work started in other fora in this regard and look forward to further discussion of this charter for sustainable economic activity.Resisting protectionism and promoting global trade and investment

22.World trade growth has underpinned rising prosperity for half a century.But it is now falling for the first time in 25 years.Falling demand is exacerbated by growing protectionist pressures and a withdrawal of trade credit.Reinvigorating world trade and investment is essential for restoring global growth.We will not repeat the historic mistakes of protectionism of previous eras.To this end: we reaffirm the commitment made in Washington: to refrain from raising new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services, imposing new export restrictions, or implementing World Trade Organisation(WTO)inconsistent measures to stimulate exports.In addition we will rectify promptly any such measures.We extend this pledge to the end of 2010;we will minimise any negative impact on trade and investment of our domestic policy actions including fiscal policy and action in support of the financial sector.We will not retreat into financial protectionism, particularly measures that constrain worldwide capital flows, especially to developing countries;we will notify promptly the WTO of any such measures and we call on the WTO, together with other international bodies, within their respective mandates, to monitor and report publicly on our adherence to these undertakings on a quarterly basis;we will take, at the same time, whatever steps we can to promote and facilitate trade and investment;and we will ensure availability of at least $250 billion over the next two years to support trade finance through our export credit and investment agencies and through the MDBs.We also ask our regulators to make use of available flexibility in capital requirements for trade finance.23.We remain committed to reaching an ambitious and balanced conclusion to the Doha Development Round, which is urgently needed.This could boost the global economy by at least $150 billion per annum.To achieve this we are committed to building on the progress already made, including with regard to modalities.24.We will give renewed focus and political attention to this critical issue in the coming period and will use our continuing work and all international meetings that are relevant to drive progress.Ensuring a fair and sustainable recovery for all

25.We are determined not only to restore growth but to lay the foundation for a fair and sustainable world economy.We recognise that the current crisis has a disproportionate impact on the vulnerable in the poorest countries and recognise our collective responsibility to mitigate the social impact of the crisis to minimise long-lasting damage to global potential.To this end: we reaffirm our historic commitment to meeting the Millennium Development Goals and to achieving our respective ODA pledges, including commitments on Aid for Trade, debt relief, and the Gleneagles commitments, especially to sub-Saharan Africa;the actions and decisions we have taken today will provide $50 billion to support social protection, boost trade and safeguard development in low income countries, as part of the significant increase in crisis support for these and other developing countries and emerging markets;we are making available resources for social protection for the poorest countries, including through investing in long-term food security and through voluntary bilateral contributions to the World Bank’s Vulnerability Framework, including the Infrastructure Crisis Facility, and the Rapid Social Response Fund;we have committed, consistent with the new income model, that additional resources from agreed sales of IMF gold will be used, together with surplus income, to provide $6 billion additional concessional and flexible finance for the poorest countries over the next 2 to 3 years.We call on the IMF to come forward with concrete proposals at the Spring Meetings;we have agreed to review the flexibility of the Debt Sustainability Framework and call on the IMF and World Bank to report to the IMFC and Development Committee at the Annual Meetings;and we call on the UN, working with other global institutions, to establish an effective mechanism to monitor the impact of the crisis on the poorest and most vulnerable.26.We recognise the human dimension to the crisis.We commit to support those affected by the crisis by creating employment opportunities and through income support measures.We will build a fair and family-friendly labour market for both women and men.We therefore welcome the reports of the London Jobs Conference and the Rome Social Summit and the key principles they proposed.We will support employment by stimulating growth, investing in education and training, and through active labour market policies, focusing on the most vulnerable.We call upon the ILO, working with other relevant organisations, to assess the actions taken and those required for the future.27.We agreed to make the best possible use of investment funded by fiscal stimulus programmes towards the goal of building a resilient, sustainable, and green recovery.We will make the transition towards clean, innovative, resource efficient, low carbon technologies and infrastructure.We encourage the MDBs to contribute fully to the achievement of this objective.We will identify and work together on further measures to build sustainable economies.28.We reaffirm our commitment to address the threat of irreversible climate change, based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, and to reach agreement at the UN Climate Change conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.Delivering our commitments

29.We have committed ourselves to work together with urgency and determination to translate these words into action.We agreed to meet again before the end of this year to review progress on our commitments.

第五篇:奥巴马创业峰会 英文

President Obama’s Remarks at the Presidential Summit on

Entrepreneurship Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center

Washington, D.C.April 26, 2010 1.Thank you very much.Everybody, please have a seat.Good evening, everyone, and welcome to Washington.2.In my life, and as President, I have had the great pleasure of visiting many of your countries, and I’ve always been grateful for the warmth and the hospitality that you and your fellow citizens have shown me.And tonight, I appreciate the opportunity to return the hospitality.3.For many of you, I know this is the first time visiting our country.So let me say, on behalf of the American people, welcome to the United States of America.(Applause.)4.It is an extraordinary privilege to welcome you to this Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship.This has been a coordinated effort across my administration, and I want to thank all the hardworking folks and leaders at all the departments and agencies who made it possible, and who are here tonight.5.That includes our United States Trade Representative, Ambassador Ron Kirk.Where’s Ron? There he is.(Applause.)I especially want to thank the two departments and leaders who took the lead on this summit--Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.Please give them a big round of applause.(Applause.)

6.We’re joined by members of Congress who work every day to help their constituents realize the American Dream, and whose life stories reflect the diversity and equal opportunity that we cherish as Americans: Nydia Velazquez, who is also, by the way, the chairwoman of our Small Business Committee in the House of Representatives.(Applause.)Keith Ellison is here.(Applause.)And Andre Carson is here.(Applause.)7.Most of all, I want to thank all of you for being part of this historic event.You’ve traveled from across the United States and nearly 60 countries, from Latin America to Africa, Europe to Central Asia, from the Middle East to Southeast Asia.And you bring with you the rich tapestry of the world’s great traditions and great cultures.You carry within you the beauty of different colors and creeds, races and religions.You’re visionaries who pioneered new industries and young entrepreneurs looking to build a business or a community.8.But we’ve come together today because of what we share--a belief that we are all bound together by certain common aspirations.To live with dignity.To get an education.To live healthy lives.Maybe to start a business, without having to pay a bribe to anybody.To speak freely and have a say in how we are governed.To live in peace and security and to give our children a better future.9.But we’re also here because we know that over the years, despite all we have in common, the United States and Muslim communities around the world too often fell victim to mutual mistrust.10.And that’s why I went to Cairo nearly one year ago and called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslim communities--a new beginning based on mutual interest and mutual respect.I knew that this vision would not be fulfilled in a single year, or even several years.But I knew we had to begin and that all of us have responsibilities to fulfill.11.As President, I’ve worked to ensure that America once again meets its responsibilities, especially when it comes to the security and political issues that have often been a source of tension.The United States is responsibly ending the war in Iraq, and we will partner with Iraqi people for their long-term prosperity and security.In Afghanistan, in Pakistan and beyond, we’re forging new partnerships to isolate violent extremists, but also to combat corruption and foster the development that improves lives and communities.12.I say it again tonight: Despite the inevitable difficulties, so long as I am President, the United States will never waver in our pursuit of a two-state solution that ensures the rights and security of both Israelis and Palestinians.(Applause.)And around the world, the United States of America will continue to stand with those who seek justice and progress and the human rights and dignity of all people.13.But even as I committed the United States to addressing these security and political concerns, I also made it clear in Cairo that we needed something else--a sustained effort to listen to each other and to learn from each other, to respect one another.And I pledged to forge a new partnership, not simply between governments, but also between people on the issues that matter most in their daily lives--in your lives.14.Now, many questioned whether this was possible.Yet over the past year, the United States has been reaching out and listening.We’ve joined interfaith dialogues and held town halls, roundtables and listening sessions with thousands of people around the world, including many of you.And like so many people, you’ve extended your hand in return, each in your own way, as entrepreneurs and educators, as leaders of faith and of science.15.I have to say, perhaps the most innovative response was from Dr.Naif al-Mutawa of Kuwait, who joins us here tonight.Where is Dr.Mutawa?(Applause.)His comic books have captured the imagination of so many young people with superheroes who embody the teachings and tolerance of Islam.After my speech in Cairo, he had a similar idea.So in his comic books, Superman and Batman reached out to their Muslim counterparts.(Laughter.)And I hear they’re making progress, too.(Laughter.)Absolutely.(Applause.)16.By listening to each other we’ve been able to partner with each other.We’ve expanded educational exchanges, because knowledge is the currency of the 21st century.Our distinguished science envoys have been visiting several of your countries, exploring ways to increase collaboration on science and technology.17.We’re advancing global health, including our partnership with the Organization of the Islamic Conference, to eradicate polio.This is just one part of our broader engagement with the OIC, led by my Special Envoy, Rashad Hussain, who joins us here tonight.Where’s Rashad?(Applause.)18.And we’re partnering to expand economic prosperity.At a government level, I’d note that putting the G20 in the lead on global economic decision-making has brought more voices to the table--including Turkey, Saudi Arabia, India and Indonesia.And here today, we’re fulfilling my commitment in Cairo to deepen ties between business leaders, foundations and entrepreneurs in the United States and Muslim communities around the world.19.Now, I know some have asked--given all the security and political and social challenges we face, why a summit on entrepreneurship? The answer is simple.20.Entrepreneurship--because you told us that this was an area where we can learn from each other;where America can share our experience as a society that empowers the inventor and the innovator;where men and women can take a chance on a dream--taking an idea that starts around a kitchen table or in a garage, and turning it into a new business and even new industries that can change the world.21.Entrepreneurship--because throughout history, the market has been the most powerful force the world has ever known for creating opportunity and lifting people out of poverty.22.Entrepreneurship--because it’s in our mutual economic interest.Trade between the United States and Muslim-majority countries has grown.But all this trade, combined, is still only about the same as our trade with one country--Mexico.So there’s so much more we can do together, in partnership, to foster opportunity and prosperity in all our countries.23.And social entrepreneurship--because, as I learned as a community organizer in Chicago, real change comes from the bottom up, from the grassroots, starting with the dreams and passions of single individuals serving their communities.24.And that’s why we’re here.We have Jerry Yang, who transformed how we communicate, with Yahoo.Is Jerry here? Where is he? He’ll be here tomorrow.As well as entrepreneurs who have opened cybercafés and new forums on the Internet for discussion and development.Together, you can unleash the technologies that will help shape the 21st century.25.We have successes like Dr.Mohamed Ibrahim, who I met earlier, who built a telecommunications empire that empowered people across Africa.And we have aspiring entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their businesses and hire new workers.Together you can address the challenges of accessing capital.We have trailblazers like Sheikha Hanadi of Qatar, along with Waed al Taweel, who I met earlier--a 20-year-old student from the West Bank who wants to build recreation centers for Palestinian youth.So together, they represent the incredible talents of women entrepreneurs and remind us that countries that educate and empower women are countries that are far more likely to prosper.I believe that.(Applause.)26.We have pioneers like Chris Hughes, who created Facebook, as well as an online community that brought so many young people into my campaign for President--MyBarackObama.com.(Laughter.)We have people like Soraya Salti of Jordan who are empowering the young men and women who will be leaders of tomorrow.(Applause.)Together, they represent the great potential and expectations of young people around the world.27.And we’ve got social entrepreneurs like Tri Mumpuni, who has helped rural communities in Indonesia--(applause)--harness the electricity, and revenues, of hydro-power.And Andeisha Farid, an extraordinary woman from Afghanistan, who’s taken great risks to educate the next generation, one girl at a time.(Applause.)Together, they point the way to a future where progress is shared and prosperity is sustainable.28.And I also happened to notice Dr.Yunus--it’s wonderful to see you again.I think so many people know the history of Grameen Bank and all the great work that’s been done to help finance entrepreneurship among the poorest of the poor, first throughout South Asia, and now around the world.29.So this is the incredible potential that you represent;the future we can seize together.So tonight I'm proud to announce a series of new partnerships and initiatives that will do just that.30.The United States is launching several new exchange programs.We will bring business and social entrepreneurs from Muslim-majority countries to the United States and send their American counterparts to learn from your countries.(Applause.)So women in technology fields will have the opportunity to come to the United States for internships and professional development.And since innovation is central to entrepreneurship, we’re creating new exchanges for science teachers.31.We’re forging new partnerships in which high-tech leaders from Silicon Valley will share their expertise--in venture capital, mentorship, and technology incubators--with partners in the Middle East and in Turkey and in Southeast Asia.32.And tonight, I can report that the Global Technology and Innovation Fund that I announced in Cairo will potentially mobilize more than $2 billion in investments.This is private capital, and it will unlock new opportunities for people across our countries in sectors like telecommunications, health care, education, and infrastructure.33.And finally, I’m proud that we’re creating here at this summit not only these programs that I’ve just mentioned, but it’s not going to stop here.Together, we’ve sparked a new era of entrepreneurship--with events all over Washington this week, and upcoming regional conferences around the world.34.Tonight, I am pleased to announce that Prime Minister Erdogan has agreed to host the next Entrepreneurship Summit next year in Turkey.(Applause.)And so I thank the Prime Minister and the people and private sector leaders of Turkey for helping to sustain the momentum that we will unleash this week.35.So as I said, there are those who questioned whether we could forge these new beginnings.And given the magnitude of the challenges we face in the world--and let’s face it, a lot of the bad news that comes through the television each and every day--sometimes it can be tempting to believe that the goodwill and good works of ordinary people are simply insufficient to the task at hand.But to any who still doubt whether partnerships between people can remake our world, I say look at the men and women who are here today.36.Look at the professor who came up with an idea--micro-finance--that empowered the rural poor across his country, especially women and children.That’s the powerful example of Dr.Yunus.37.Look what happened when Muhammad shared his idea with a woman from Pakistan, who has since lifted hundreds of thousands of families and children out of poverty through a foundation whose name literally means “miracle.” That’s the example of Roshaneh Zafar.(Applause.)38.Look what happened when that idea spread across the world--including to people like my own mother, who worked with the rural poor from Pakistan to Indonesia.That simple idea, began with a single person, has now transformed the lives of millions.That’s the spirit of entrepreneurship.39.So, yes, the new beginning we seek is not only possible, it has already begun.It exists within each of you, and millions around the world who believe, like we do, that the future belongs not to those who would divide us, but to those who come together;not to those who would destroy, but those who would build;not those trapped in the past, but those who, like us, believe with confidence and conviction in a future of justice and progress and the dignity of all human beings regardless of their race, regardless of their religion.40.That’s the enormous potential that we’re hoping to unlock during this conference and hoping to continue not only this week but in the months and years ahead.So I’m grateful that all of you are participating.May God bless you all and may God’s peace be upon you.Thank you very much.Thank you.(Applause.)



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