
时间:2019-05-15 05:15:50下载本文作者:会员上传


着眼长远 携手开创中美合作新局面 ——在中美经贸合作论坛开幕式上的演讲

Take a Long-term Perspective and Work Together for New Progress in China-US Cooperation Speech at the Opening Session of the China-US Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum

Secretary Bryson,Governor Brown, Mayor Villaraigosa, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,今天,我很高兴在尼克松总统访华和中美《上海公报》发表40周年之际,来到美丽的洛杉矶,出席中美经贸合作论坛开幕式。洛杉矶是美国对华经贸交往的重要门户,洛杉矶关税区每年吞吐着40%的中美贸易总量。中美经贸合作论坛在这里举行,为两国工商界加强交流、深化合作提供了良好平台。我谨对论坛的开幕表示热烈祝贺!向所有为推动中美经贸关系发展作出贡献的朋友们,表示诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿!

It is a real pleasure to come to the beautiful city of Los Angeles and attend the opening session of the China-US Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of President Nixon’s visit to China and the issuance of the Shanghai Communiqué.Los Angeles is a major hub in China-US economic and trade exchanges.About 40% of China-US trade is handled here through the Los Angeles Customs District every year.It is therefore a fitting venue for the China-US Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum, which offers a good platform for closer exchanges and deeper cooperation between our business communities.I wish to express my sincere congratulations on the opening of the forum, and extend warm greetings and best wishes to all the friends who have played their part in promoting China-US business ties.40年来,特别是中美建交33年来,中美两国已从昔日几乎彼此隔绝走到今天相互交往日益密切、利益交汇日益加深。不仅两国政府层面建立起不同级别、不同领域的60多个双边对话机制,两国普通民众往来也日益密切。现在,中美两国每年人员往来超过300万人次,平均每天有近1万人往返于太平洋两岸。中美关系已发展成为当今世界最重要、最富活力和最具潜力的双边关系之一。回顾中美经贸关系的发展历程,我对以下3点感受极为深刻。

Over the past 40 years, especially over the past 33 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and the United States have moved from mutual estrangement to close exchanges, with their interests increasingly intertwined.The two governments have put in place over 60 dialogue mechanisms at various levels and in different fields.Our people-to-people exchanges have been growing.More than three million mutual visits are made every year, with nearly 10,000 people traveling across the Pacific each day.China-US relationship has become one of the most important, dynamic and promising bilateral relationships in the world.As I look back over the years, I find the following three aspects most impressive in China-US business relations.第一,经贸合作已成为中美两国关系的最大亮点。现在,互利互惠的中美经贸关系正呈现合作领域持续拓展、合作规模日益扩大、合作层次不断提高的发展态势,双边贸易额已从建交当年不足25亿美元发展到2011年的4466亿美元,增长近180倍,按目前增长速度,今年有望突破5000亿美元。两国早已互为第二大贸易伙伴,中国已连续10年成为美国增长最快的出口市场之一,既是美国农产品第一大出口市场,也是美国汽车、飞机等机电产品的重要海外市场。2011年,美国向中国出口农产品达到233亿美元,平均每个农场向中国出口农产品超过1万美元,每个农民向中国出口农产品接近4000美元。First, business cooperation has become the biggest highlight in China-US relations.The mutually beneficial business cooperation between China and the United States is expanding both in scope and scale and is moving toward a higher level.At the time when we established diplomatic ties, our two-way trade was less than US$2.5 billion.Last year, it reached US$446.6 billion, representing an increase of more than 180 folds.At the current growth rate, it is expected to exceed US$500 billion this year.China and the United States have long become each other’s second largest trading partners.For ten years running, China has been one of the fastest growing export markets for the United States.It is the biggest market for American agricultural exports and an important market for American machinery and electronic products such as automobiles and aircraft.In 2011, the United States exported US$23.3 billion worth of agricultural products to China.It means that on average, each American farm sold to China more than US$10,000 worth of farm produce, and each American farmer, nearly US$4,000.两国双向协议投资总规模已接近1700亿美元。目前在华美国投资项目6万多个,2010年在华实现销售收入2232亿美元。中国美国商会去年的一项调查显示,2010年,85%的在华美资企业实现收入增长,41%的在华美资企业利润率超过全球平均利润率。中国企业赴美投资积极性也不断高涨,目前已在美设立直接投资企业1600多家,覆盖制造、批发零售、商务服务、金融、科研技术服务和地质勘探等行业。可喜的是,这样的投资势头方兴未艾。

Two-way contracted investment between China and the United States is now approaching US$170 billion.There are over 60,000 US-invested projects in China and their total sales revenue reached US$223.2 billion in 2010.A survey by AmCham-China last year shows that in 2010, 85% of US-invested companies in China saw their revenue grow and 41% of them had a profitability higher than their global average.At the same time, Chinese companies are getting increasingly enthusiastic about investing in the United States.Over 1,600 companies have been established in the United States through direct Chinese investment, and they cover manufacturing, wholesale and retail, business services, finance, R&D services, geological prospecting and so on.It is gratifying to see the strong momentum of such investment activities.第二,互利共赢是中美经贸合作的最大特点。有一种观点认为,美国在两国经贸合作中吃了亏,而中国占了便宜。事实并非如此。40年来特别是建交33年来,中国从发展中美经贸关系中固然收益良多,美国也同样获利丰厚。所以中美双方都是赢家,是实实在在的互利双赢。

Second, mutual benefit has been the most salient feature of China-US economic and trade cooperation.There is a view which suggests that China is the winner and the United States the loser in bilateral economic and trade relations.Such a view does not square with facts.China has indeed benefited a lot from its growing business ties with the United States over the past 40 years, especially the past 33 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations.So has the United States.Both China and the United States are winners.This is a truly win-win situation.首先,美国从中国进口的大量质优价廉的产品,提高了美国民众实际消费能力和生活水平,为美国经济保持增长提供了助力。据美中贸易全国委员会公布的研究结果,中美经贸合作促进了美国经济增长,使美国消费品价格相对较低,这相当于美国每个家庭每年可支配收入增加1000美元。

First of all, the large import of quality and inexpensive goods from China has helped the American people improve their real spending power and living standards and contributed to the efforts of the United States to maintain growth.According to the findings of the US-China Business Council, economic cooperation and trade with China has served to propel economic growth and keep consumer prices relatively low in the United States.Business cooperation with China has, in effect, added an extra US$1,000 to the annual disposable income of each American household.其次,日益密切的中美经贸关系为美国创造了大量就业机会。据不完全统计,2001年至2010年,美国对华出口共为美国增加了300多万个就业岗位。中国在美投资企业也为促进美国就业作出了贡献。比如,中国海运集团在洛杉矶投资兴建的中海运西港池码头连同配套服务行业,共为美国创造就业机会近1万个。中国万向集团在美投资的近30个项目,为美国创造就业机会近5000个。中国海尔集团自1999年在美国南卡罗来纳州建立中国海尔工业园以来,为坎登市创造了上千个就业岗位,该市每10个家庭中就有一个家庭有海尔的员工。更值得一提的是,2009年美国有一家著名跨国公司经营遇到严重困难,但这家公司在华合资企业产品销售额却占有中国市场最高份额,成为这家公司全球最大收入来源。正是在华合资企业的赢利给了这家公司宝贵的现金流和底气,使它得以重整旗鼓、重归股市,最终挽回了该公司及其上下游企业在美国境内数以万计的就业岗位。

In addition, the growing China-US business ties have created lots of job opportunities in the United States.Available statistics show that between 2001 and 2010, over three million new jobs were created in the United States thanks to exports to China.Chinese companies in the United States have also contributed to job creation.For instance, the West Basin Container Terminal in Long Beach, Los Angeles, invested by China Shipping, has altogether offered nearly 10,000 job opportunities for the United States.China’s Wanxiang Group has invested in roughly 30 projects in the United States, providing some 5,000 jobs locally.The opening of the Haier Industrial Park in South Carolina in 1999 by China’s Haier Group has created over 1,000 jobs for the city of Camden, with at least one employee coming from every ten Camden households.Let me give you another example.In 2009, a renowned US multinational ran into serious difficulties.Yet its joint venture in China was the market leader, whose product sales represented the largest source of revenue for the parent company.The profits of its joint venture in China gave the company the much needed cash flow and confidence.It eventually pulled itself together and returned to the stock market, thus saving tens of thousands of jobs for the company and its associated businesses in the United States.第三,结构互补是中美经贸合作的最大优点。中国拥有丰富的熟练劳动力和后发市场潜力,已发展成为当今世界主要商品制造基地;美国拥有最先进的高端制造业和现代服务业,又是世界最大的消费市场。中美经济结构的互补,既产生了内在的合作需求,也形成了巨大的合作利益。中国始终从战略高度和长远角度看待和处理中美经贸合作和摩擦,注重为中美经贸关系顺利发展创造条件、解决问题。两国建立了多个对话合作机制,就双方共同关心的全局性、战略性、长期性问题及时、深入交换意见,为两国凝聚共识、化解分歧、推进合作发挥了重要作用,也为促进世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长以及加强全球经济治理作出了积极贡献。

Third, structural complementarity is the greatest advantage in China-US economic and trade cooperation.China’s large reserve of skilled workforce and its potential as a late starter in the market make China a major manufacturing base in the world.The United States, on its part, boasts the most sophisticated high-end manufacturing industry and modern service industry, as well as the world’s biggest consumer market.Our two economies are cut out for each other, making our cooperation all the more necessary and all the more beneficial to both sides.China views and approaches China-US economic and trade cooperation as well as frictions from a strategic and long-term perspective.We have worked hard to offer the necessary conditions for the smooth growth of our business ties and address problems that have occurred.The various bilateral dialogue and cooperation mechanisms have enabled us to conduct timely and in-depth exchange of views on overarching, strategic and long-term issues of shared interest.They have played an important role in helping us build consensus, resolve differences and advance cooperation, and contributed to promoting strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy and strengthening global economic governance.女士们、先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen,2011年,中国国家主席胡锦涛同奥巴马总统一道确定了两国建设相互尊重、互利共赢的合作伙伴关系的大方向,充分体现了新形势下中美关系的特点与要求。在新的历史起点上推动互利共赢的中美经贸关系持续健康稳定发展,是两国政府的共同责任,也是两国企业的共同期待。为此,我提出以下4点建议。

The agreement reached between President Hu and President Obama in 2011 on building a China-US cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit fully captures the features and requirements of China-US relations under the new circumstances.We now stand at a new historical starting point.To promote sustained, sound and steady growth of mutually beneficial business ties is the shared responsibility of our two governments, and it represents the wish of the business communities in both countries.In this connection, I propose we take steps in the following four areas:


First, we need to seize market opportunities and promote balanced trade growth.In the 12th Five-Year Plan period from 2011 to 2015, the Chinese government will speed up the shift of economic growth model, accelerate economic restructuring and implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand.We will encourage more consumption, import, outward investment and innovation.The US government is implementing the National Export Initiative and vigorously attracting overseas investment.These mutually complementary macroeconomic policy goals offer new important opportunities for China and the United States to deepen economic cooperation and trade.The year 2012 is a crucial year for the implementation of the 12th Five-Year Plan.China’s economy will make progress while maintaining stability and continue to achieve steady and robust growth.There will not be a “hard landing”.By 2015, China’s total retail sales of consumer goods are expected to reach 32 trillion RMB yuan or about US$5 trillion, its domestic market will become one of the largest in the world, its total imports are expected to surpass US$8 trillion, and its outbound investment will exceed US$500 billion.This will create enormous business opportunities for countries around the world.We hope that the United States will seize these opportunities to increase the export of competitive civilian high-tech products to China.我看到的一个统计资料反映,美国对高技术产品的严格管制导致很多有优势的美国公司丧失了在中国的潜在市场机会:2001年至2011年,中国进口高技术产品从560亿美元增至4630亿美元,年均增幅23.5%。同一时期自美国进口的高技术产品,则由2001年占中国高技术产品进口总额的16.7%降到2011年的6.3%。如果美国2011年对华高技术产品出口能够保持2001年的比重,则美国对华出口额可增加近500亿美元。由此可见,放宽对华出口管制对美国有很大好处。扭转中美贸易不平衡,最有效的办法不是限制中国对美出口,而是要扩大美国对华出口。

Some statistics I have read indicate that tight US control on high-tech exports has deprived many competitive US companies of the opportunity to enter the Chinese market.Between 2001 and 2011, China’s import of high-tech products increased from US$56 billion to US$463 billion, up by 23.5% annually.Yet in the same period, the share of US high-tech products in China’s total high-tech imports dropped from 16.7% to 6.3%.If in 2011, the share of US products in China’s total high-tech imports had been kept at the 2001 level, then the US exports to China would have increased by as much as US$50 billion.It is clear that relaxing export control on China is highly beneficial to the United States, and that the most effective way to address China-US trade imbalance is to expand US exports to China, not to restrict China’s exports to the United States.第二,营造良好环境,提高双向投资水平。2001年中国加入世界贸易组织以来,全面履行入世承诺,在清理修订法律法规、大幅降低外资准入门槛、全面开放对外贸易经营权、反对各种形式的保护主义方面做了大量工作。特别是中国企业同美国企业一样,凭借自身艰苦努力,依靠不断创新和公平竞争,使自己的产品在国际市场上赢得了更多买家。今后,我们还将继续拓展对外开放广度和深度,鼓励一切在华企业,包括在华外资企业,在中国国内市场上公平竞争、积极创新,在赢得市场的同时推动技术进步和社会发展。鼓励创新离不开对知识产权的保护。当前,中国正在着力营造更加公开透明的法律政策环境,继续从司法和行政两个方面加强知识产权保护,包括建立副总理级的知识产权保护协调机制,为本国企业和在华外资企业提供更加安全的经营环境。我们也希望美方继续为中国企业赴美投资创造公平、便利的环境,客观理性看待中国企业的投资行为,避免政治因素干扰经济合作,保证投资安全审查的公开、公正、透明,加紧推动双边投资协定谈判进程,增强中国企业对美投资的信心。

Second, we need to foster a sound environment and raise the level of two-way investment.China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.Since then, China has fully implemented its WTO commitments.We have made tremendous efforts to revise laws and regulations, substantially lower the threshold for foreign investment, liberalize access to foreign trade operation and oppose protectionism in various forms.Chinese companies, like their American counterparts, have won more international customers through hard work, innovation and fair competition.We will promote greater opening-up of China’s economy, and continue to encourage all companies in China, foreign-invested ones included, to engage in fair competition and pursue innovation in the Chinese market, so that they will not only get a bigger share of the market, but also contribute to technological progress and social development.IPR protection provides the incentive for innovation.China is taking steps to build a more open and transparent legal and policy environment.We are strengthening IPR protection through a mixture of judicial and administrative means, including the establishment of a vice-premier-level coordination mechanism for IPR protection, in order to provide a safer business environment for both domestic and foreign-invested enterprises.We hope that the United States will continue to offer a fair and convenient environment for Chinese enterprises investing in America, adopt an objective and sensible approach to investment by Chinese enterprises, and make sure that political factors do not interfere with economic cooperation.We hope that the United States will keep its security review of foreign investment open, fair and transparent, speed up the negotiation process on the bilateral investment agreement, and make Chinese companies feel more confident about investing in the United States.第三,拓展合作领域,培育新的经贸增长点。继续推进产业转型升级,深化经济结构调整,是中美塑造各自发展新模式的共同战略取向。希望两国企业敏锐抓住两国产业结构调整的契机,加快推动在清洁能源、信息技术、电动汽车、新材料、医药和医疗器械、再制造等新兴领域开展合作,为深化经贸合作注入新的动力。我们要鼓励两国企业加强在高铁、公路、港口、桥梁、智能电网、体育和医疗中心、宜居社区等领域的项目建设、融资,以及技术交流等方面合作。希望在座的中美两国企业家更加积极地参与其中,不断探索新的合作方式和途径,努力把新的合作机遇变成更多实实在在的合作成果。

Third, we need to expand cooperation and foster new growth areas in China-US business relations.It is the common strategic choice of both China and the United States to promote industrial upgrading and economic restructuring as the two countries endeavor to shape their respective new growth models.I hope that enterprises from the two sides will seize the opportune moment of industrial restructuring in both countries and step up cooperation in such emerging sectors as clean energy, information technology, electric vehicles, new materials, pharmaceuticals and medical equipment and remanufacturing.By so doing, we will add fresh impetus to China-US business cooperation.We should encourage our enterprises to intensify cooperation in the construction and financing of high-speed rail, highway, ports, bridges, smart grids, sports and medical centers and livable communities, and strengthen exchanges in related technologies.I hope the Chinese and American business leaders present today will take a more active part in such cooperation.We encourage you to explore new ways and means of cooperation and translate opportunities into greater benefits.第四,共同应对挑战,加强全球治理合作。中方愿同美方保持和加强在应对国际金融危机、多哈回合谈判、国际货币基金组织改革等全球性经贸问题上的沟通和协调,发挥负责任、建设性大国作用,共同应对各种地区性、全球性挑战,推动落实二十国集团领导人戛纳峰会取得的积极成果,共同为加强全球治理体系改革、维护和促进世界经济稳定和持续发展作出贡献。中美两国也要继续加强在亚太区域合作中的沟通和协调,构建中美在亚太地区的良性互动、互利共赢格局。

Fourth, we need to work together to address challenges and strengthen cooperation in global governance.China stands ready to maintain and strengthen communication and coordination with the United States on global economic issues, such as fighting the international financial crisis, advancing the Doha Round negotiations and reforming the International Monetary Fund.We should play a responsible and constructive role as big countries and work together to tackle regional and global challenges, implement the positive outcomes of the G20 Cannes Summit, and contribute our share to the reform of the global governance system and steady and sustained growth of the world economy.The two countries should also step up communication and coordination on Asia-Pacific regional cooperation and build a pattern of cooperation between China and the United States in the Asia-Pacific featuring positive interactions and win-win outcomes.女士们、先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen,中国过去30多年的快速发展靠的是改革开放。30多年来,中国虽然取得了举世瞩目的发展成就,但仍然是世界上最大的发展中国家。在本世纪上半叶,中国要相继实现到2020年建成惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会、到2050年建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家这两大奋斗目标,必须继续坚定不移地依靠改革开放。同时,也要求保持稳定的国内环境与和平的周边环境、国际环境。我们真诚希望包括美国在内的国际社会理解中国人民渴望彻底摆脱贫困、实现富民强国的心情,相信中国人民走和平发展道路的诚意和决心,尊重中国人民对国家主权、安全、领土完整和社会稳定的珍视,以各种方式支持中国走和平发展道路。一个繁荣稳定的中国,不会对任何国家构成威胁,而只会成为维护世界和平、促进全球发展的积极力量。

Thanks to reform and opening-up, China has enjoyed fast development and made remarkable achievements over the past 30 years.Yet China remains the largest developing country in the world.We have set two major goals for the first half of this century, namely, to build a moderately prosperous society at a higher level to the benefit of the more than one billion Chinese people by 2020 and to build China into a modern socialist country that is strong, prosperous, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious by 2050.To achieve the two goals requires an unwavering commitment to reform and opening-up, a stable domestic environment and a peaceful surrounding and international environment.We sincerely hope that the United States and the entire international community will appreciate the Chinese people’s aspiration to get rid of poverty and make the country prosperous and strong, have confidence in the Chinese people’s sincerity and resolve to pursue peaceful development, respect the great value that the Chinese people place on the country’s sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and social stability, and support China’s peaceful development in various ways.A prosperous and stable China will not be a threat to any country.It will only be a positive force for world peace and development.让我们携起手来,共同努力,推动中美经贸关系长期健康稳定发展,共同开创中美经贸合作的美好明天!

Let us join hands and work together to promote long-term, healthy and stable economic relations and trade.Together, we will create a better future for China-US business cooperation.最后,衷心预祝本次论坛取得圆满成功!In conclusion, I wish this forum a complete success.


着眼长远 携手开创中美合作新局面
























第三篇:Wu Bangguo在中美经贸合作论坛开幕式上的致辞


中国全国人大常委会委员长 吴邦国

2009年9月8日 菲尼克斯

Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the China-US Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum

by Chinese NPC Chairman Wu Bangguo

September 8, 2009Phoenix


Ladies, Gentlemen, and Friends:


Good morning, everyone!


I am very happy that in the first leg of my US visit, I have the opportunity to attend the China-US Economic and Trade Forum, meet new and old friends, and, together with them, discuss the question of strengthening and improving China-US economic and trade cooperation under the new situation and jointly promoting cooperation between the two countries' enterprises.First of all, I would like to express my warm congratulations on the successful opening of the forum, my sincere regards and good wishes to personages from various circles, and my heartfelt thanks for the efforts of the two countries' relevant parties in this respect.国际金融危机的蔓延和深化,给中美两国经济造成重大冲击,也严重影响了中美经贸合作尤其是企业合作。据统计,今年1至7月份,中美贸易额同比下降了16.1%,美在华投资同比下降19.1%。尽快遏制和扭转这一下滑势头,实现中美经贸合作的可持续发展,是摆在我们面前的共同任务。在当前困难的形势下,要完成这一共同任务,首先也是最重要的,就是要提振合作信心。朋友们也许会问,面对困难局面,信心从何而来。我想告诉朋友们的是,虽然世界经济复苏的迹象还不明显,国际金融危机的长远影响也不可忽视,但中美经贸合作前途光明。

The spread and deepening of the international financial crisis have caused major impacts on the two countries' economies and have also seriously affected China-US economic and trade cooperation, particular enterprises'

cooperation.According to statistics, from January to July this year, China-US trade volume decreased by 16.1 per cent as compared to the same period of last year;US investment in China dropped by 19.1 per cent as compared to the same period of last year.Curbing and changing such a decline as soon as possible and bringing about sustainable development in China-US economic and trade cooperation are our common tasks.To accomplish such common tasks in the current difficult situation, the most important is to boost our confidence in cooperation.Our friends here may

ask: In front of such a difficult situation, where does confidence come from? I would like to tell our friends that although the indications for world economic recovery are not prominent yet and the long-term impact of the international financial crisis is not to be overlooked, the prospect of China-US economic and trade cooperation is bright.一是中美经贸合作的大势不会改变。这里包括两个方面:一方面中美经济互补优势没有改变。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,发展是中国的第一要务。改革开放30年来,中国经济年均增长9.8%,即使今年上半年也实现了7.1%的增长,全年有望实现8%左右的增长目标。中国正处在工业化、城镇化加速推进的过程中,有大量的投资需求,还有13亿人的消费市场。中国的发展、中国巨大的市场,为包括美国在内的各国经济复苏与发展提供不竭的商机与动力。美国是世界上最大的发达国家,国内生产总值占世界总量的18.3%,国民消费占世界消费品市场总额的43%,对外贸易额居世界首位,尤其是在科技、人才、管理、营销等方面具有明显优势。中美经济这种互补优势并没有因为国际金融危机的影响而改变。另一方面中美经贸合作基础良好。2008年双边贸易额达3337.4亿美元,已互为第二大贸易伙伴。在过去的5年间,美对华出口年均增长20%,去年中国从美国进口的大豆和棉花,分别占美出口总量的49%和34%。美在华投资项目累计达5.7万多个,投资额超过610亿美元。今年1至7月份,中美签订技术引进合同888项,合同金额达32.6亿美元,同比增长41.3%,占中国技术引进合同总额的25.3%,在中国技术引进来源地中列第一位。虽然今年上半年中美贸易额同比下降,但降幅低于中国外贸总额降幅近7个百分点。这些数据足以说明,中美经贸关系已经形成合作共赢的基本格局,这一基本格局没有因为国际金融危机的影响而改变。

First, the general trend of China-US economic and trade cooperation will not change.This includes two aspects: On the one hand, the complementary nature between China's and US economies has not changed.China is the largest developing country in the world.Development is a task of primary importance for China.In the last 30 years of reform and opening up, China's economy has grown by 9.8 per cent annually on the average.Even in the first half of this year, it registered a 7.1-per cent increase.It is hopeful of reaching an 8-per cent increase or so for the whole year.China is amid industrialization and urbanization acceleration process, which requires large amounts of investment.In addition to this, China has a consumption market of 1.3 billion people.China's development and huge market provide

inexhaustible business opportunities and propelling force for various countries' economic recovery and development, including the United States'.The United States is the largest developed country in the world.Its GDP accounts for 18.3 per cent of the world's total.Its national consumption accounts for 43 per cent of the aggregate amount of the world's consumer products markets.Its foreign trade volume ranks first in the world.It enjoys even more notable advantages in science, technology, talented personnel, operation, and marketing.Such a complementary nature between China's and US economies has not changed because of the international financial crisis.On the other hand, China and the United States have a good foundation in economic and trade cooperation.In 2008, bilateral trade reached $333.74 billion and both became each other's second largest trade partners.In the last five years, US export to China has increased by 20 per cent.Last year China's imports of soybeans and cotton respectively accounted for 49 and 34 per cent of the US total export.There were a total of 57,000 US investment projects in China, with an aggregate investment of over $61 billion.From January to July this year, China and the United States signed 888 technology import contracts, with a total amount reaching $3.26 billion, an increase of 41.3 per cent over the same period of last year, accounting for 25.3 per cent of the total amount of China's technology import contracts, ranking first among places of origin for China's imports.China-US trade volume dropped in the first half of this year as compared to the same period of last year, but the rate of decrease was nearly 7 per cent lower than the rate of decrease in China's total foreign trade volume.These figures fully suggest that China-US trade relations have

presented a basic pattern of cooperation and win-win.And this basic pattern has remained unchanged despite the impact of the international financial crisis.二是中美两国实施的刺激经济增长计划带来新的合作商机。为应对国际金融危机的冲击,保持国民经济平稳较快发展,中国政府实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,推出了进一步扩大内需、促进经济增长的一揽子计划,包括大规模增加政府公共投资和实行结构性减税,制定和实施产业调整振兴规划,大力拓展国内消费市场尤其是农村市场,开展重点民生工程建设和铁路、电信、水利等基础设施建设,大幅度提高社会保障水平,着力改善低收入家庭生活。为摆脱经济危机困扰,美国政府也推出了自上世纪30年代以来力度最大的刺激经济复苏计划,涉及金融、房地产、税收、基础设施、汽车、环保、能源、科技、医保改革等众多领域。中美两国刺激经济增长计划的实施,给两国经贸合作带来了新的商机。在今天的论坛前,两国企业和有关方面又签署了41项投资和经济技术合作协议与合同,总额达123.8亿美元,涉及新能源及原材料、通信、电子、机械、旅游等领域。这再次说明双方合作的机会很多,只要善于危中觅机,是可以大有作为的。

Second, the implementation of China's and US stimulus economic plans has brought about new business cooperation opportunities for both countries.To counter the impact of the international financial crisis and maintain steady and relatively fast national economic development, the Chinese Government has implemented a proactive financial policy and a moderately relaxed monetary policy and introduced a whole package of plans to further expand domestic

demand and promote economic growth, including increasing government investments in public facilities, carrying out structural tax reductions, formulating and implementing industrial adjustment and invigoration programmes,vigorously expanding domestic markets, particularly rural markets, conducting key livelihood-related construction projects as well as railways, telecommunications, and water conservancy projects, enhancing the level of social security by a wide margin, and making efforts to improve the lives of low-income families.To recover from the economic crisis, the US Government has also introduced the strongest stimulus economic recovery plan since the 1930s, which involves the financial sector, real estate, taxation, infrastructural facilities, automobiles, environmental protection, energy, science, technology, and medical insurance reform.The implementation of China's and US

stimulus economic plans has brought about new business opportunities for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.At today's forum, enterprises and the relevant departments of the two countries have signed 41 investment and economic and technological cooperation agreements and contracts, with a total amount of $12.38 billion, involving new energy, raw materials, telecommunications, electronics, machinery, and tourism.This has once again proved that both sides have many opportunities for cooperation;as long as both sides are good at seeking opportunities, there is a lot they can do.三是中美两国经济结构调整战略将拓展新的合作领域。虽然中美两国经济发展阶段不同,但都面临艰巨的调整任务。要看到,即使没有国际金融危机也面临经济发展方式调整的压力,只是国际金融危机使调整任务变得更加迫切。据说美国公众普遍认为,过度依靠超前消费的增长方式是不可持续的。美国政府提出把应对金融危机与解决发展模式问题结合起来,以绿色技术作为促进经济增长、提高国际竞争力和创造就业的根本。同样,中国在努力保持经济平稳较快发展的同时,注重把解决当前困难与实现可持续发展结合起来,着力调整经济结构、促进产业升级,下大决心扩大国内需求特别是消费需求,促进经济发展方式转变。也就是说,中美两国经济结构调整,将使低碳经济、可再生能源和清洁能源、洁净煤和碳捕捉及封存、智能电网、建筑能效、新能源汽车等方面的合作,成为中美经贸合作尤其是经济技术合作与企业合作新的增长点。我们高兴地看到,前不久在华盛顿举行的首轮中美战略与经济对话,再次重申《中美能源环境十年合作框架文件》下的各项行动计划,拟就关于加强气候变化、能源和环境合作的谅解备忘录,进一步表达了双方在上述领域加强合作的愿望,预示着两国经贸合作前景更加广阔。

Third, China and the United States will explore new spheres of cooperation in strategy for economic structural

adjustments.Although China and the United States have different economic development stages, they are facing an arduous task of adjustments.We should understand that even if there were no international financial crisis, we are also facing the pressure of economic development mode adjustment, only the international financial crisis has made

the task of adjustments even more urgent.As reported, the US public generally believes that a growth mode of hyper-consumption type is not sustainable.The US Government proposed dealing with the financial crisis in combination with resolving the development mode, and using green technology to promote economic growth,improve international competitiveness, and create job opportunities.For the same reason, China, while maintaining steady and relatively fast economic development, is making efforts to adjust the economic structure and promote industrial upgrades and is strongly determined to expand domestic demand, particularly consumption demand, and stimulate the transformation of the economic development mode.In other words, the two countries' economic

structural adjustments will help turn cooperation in low-carbon economy, renewable energy, clean energy, clean coal, carbon capture and storage, smart electricity grids, energy efficiency buildings, and new energy automobiles into China-US economic and trade cooperation, particularly into new growth points in economic and technological

cooperation as well as enterprises' cooperation.We are pleased to see that the first round of China-US strategic and economic dialogue held in Washington not long ago reiterated various action programmes under the China-US 10-Year Energy and Environment Cooperation Framework, drew up a memorandum of understanding on

strengthening cooperation in climate change, energy, and environmental protection, and further expressed both sides' wish to strengthen cooperation it these fields.These indicate that both sides have broader prospects for economic and trade cooperation.女士们,先生们,朋友们:

Ladies, Gentlemen, and Friends!

经贸合作是中美关系的物质基础,也是两国关系持续充满活力的重要保障。要克服当前困难,把双方加强和改善经贸合作的愿望转化为现实,很重要的一条是要充分发挥企业在经贸合作中的主体作用。希望双方企业发挥各自优势,积极探索合作的新途径,通过开展联合研究、建设示范工程、共同开发技术、扩大相互投资等形式,共同开拓合作的新领域。希望两国政府及有关方面把企业合作作为加强和改善中美经贸合作的优先方向,积极为企业合作牵线搭桥,加强知识产权保护,努力改善政策和法制环境,推动双边贸易和投资便利化。在当前情况下,尤其要坚持自由贸易原则,防止各种形式的贸易保护主义。应充分发挥中美战略与经济对话以及商贸联委会等其他相关机制的作用,从中美经贸合作大局出发,及时妥善解决合作中出现的问题,为两国经贸合作尤其是企业合作创造良好的环境、提供更多的便利。我相信,经过中美两国企业和有关方面的共同努力,一定能够战胜眼前的困难,迎来中美经贸合作更加美好的明天。Economic and trade cooperation is the material foundation of China-US relations and is also an important guarantee for the two countries' relations to remain full of vitality.We should overcome the current difficulties and turn into reality both sides' wish to strengthen and improve economic and trade cooperation.An important point in this respect is to bring into full play the principal role of enterprises in economic and trade cooperation.We hope that both sides' enterprises will display their respective strong points, actively explore new ways for cooperation, and jointly widen new spheres of cooperation through conducting joint research, building pilot projects, developing technologies, and expanding mutual investments.We hope that the two countries' governments and relevant departments will use enterprises' cooperation as a priority direction in strengthening and improving China-US economic and trade

cooperation, actively build bridges for enterprises' cooperation, strengthen intellectual property rights protection, make efforts to improve policy and legal system environments, and promote the facilitation of bilateral trade and investment.In the current situation, it is particularly necessary to uphold the principle of free trade so as to prevent all forms of trade protectionism.There is a need to bring into full play the role of China-US strategic and economic dialogue, the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, and other mechanisms.Proceeding from the overall

situation of China-US economic and trade cooperation, there is a need to promptly and appropriately resolve problems

in cooperation as well as create a good environment and provide more convenience for the two countries' economic and trade cooperation, particularly for cooperation between both sides' enterprises.I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides' enterprises and the relevant departments, we will be able to overcome the current difficulties and usher in a better tomorrow for China-US economic and trade cooperation.最后,祝中美经贸合作论坛取得成功!

To conclude, I wish the China-US Economic and Trade Forum every success!


推荐人的感受:本文是我在西昌师专教书时教的一个学生(89级自动控制专科)所写的.我记得她是一个瘦小,文弱的女生,没有什么特别的特长,惟有学习非常努力,特别有韧性.从她毕业到我收到她的这篇文章,我们分别已快20年了.当老师看到当年的学生取得的成就、自信和抱负,我由衷地感到高兴.由这个学生的成就,使我联想到了今天我们学校的在读学生,我真心希望成都信息工程学院的每一个学生都来认真地读一下这篇文章,从中感悟一下,人生的成长经历.从海外桥梁的成长过程,我还感悟到:在大学学习期间,学什么专业并不是最重要的,关键是要通过专业的学习,学会做人!通过专业的学习,培养高尚的品质、培养良好的道德、养成良好的学习习惯、培养学习的能力.唯有如此,才能在信息化的社会里走在人类发展的前列,才能不断进步.而那种急功近利,只求一技在手的人,可能会取得一时的成功,但一定不可能取得长足的进步!学子们进校时,相互之间的差距并不大.但经过4年的学习,同学之间将会拉开相当的距离.如果再经过毕业后5年、10年的奋斗,或更长时间的人生奋斗,昔日的同班同学,就会出现巨大的距离.我希望每个学子要认真思考自己的人生.从现在开始,努力奋斗.推荐人:成都信息工程学院数学学院 张勇

参加中美经贸合作论坛感想 ——作者:海外桥梁,中文编辑:言语



从宏观的角度来分析两国人的意识形态,感觉在一段较长的时间里,中美之间要达到真正的了解和接受,还有一段艰难的路要走。我们都知道环境决定了一个人的思维。两个不同的国家,不同的社会体制,不同的宗教,不同的价值和人生观,注定了中美两国之间的不同思维,文化的差异是自然的。比如:中国文化受儒教,道教和佛教的影响,中国以“集体主义”为核心,“和”为目的,比较顾重大局,能够忍辱负重, 但美国受基督的熏陶,更注重个人主义,喜欢独立自由,强调民主和平等。


让我们从商务活动的角度来看看这次签约仪式吧:会议和午餐时,大部分中国人和中国人坐一起,美国人和美国人坐一起,首先是因为语言的障碍。没有语言交流的融洽,交流 1 就很难。有几个美国人带了自己的翻译,企图与中国人交流。但美国人那迷人的微笑,谈吐时声调的高、低、快、慢,情绪的波动到了翻译的口中,则成了一种没有节奏、没有欢快声调的机械传播。我意识到语言从一端传到另一端,中间会遇到燥音及空气干湿度的影响,更何况还有听者的理解能力、心态等诸多因素的影响,从说话者的口中到听众之间本来就会失去一些原意,再插个翻译进去,失去的就更多了。缺乏情感交流的快乐,却感受到空气的沉重。正因为如此,大部分中国人和美国人之间的交谈,首当其冲的是很难产生思想上的共鸣。对我来说,语言不是问题。但和美国人交往的时间长了,习惯了美国人这种交流方式,和中国人一起聊天时,为了尽地主之宜,尽量找话题来活跃气氛。但看不到他们的面部表情,总怀疑人家对我的话题是否感兴趣,平时欢快的我,需要为自己重新定位。人就是这样,适应美国文化需要时间,一旦习惯了,再和中国人打交道,又得倒过来适应。会议中间休息时,看到几个中国人聚一起,谈兴正浓,想接近他们,又有点不知如何插话,采用怎样的方式来寻找新的交流渠道。好在倒过来适应相对要容易很多。我突然想起了美国人的建议,最好找一个人或三个人的团。我先面带微笑自我介绍,然后给对方说话的机会。试了一下,还真管用。以此认识了温州商会的副会长和中国商会联合会的滕总裁。午餐时,还和中国的“节能大王”宫志利畅谈了许久,他说他在我身上看不到中国人的影子,相信美国人会说他们一看就知道我是中国人,这就是看问题的角度不一样,我想也是文化差异的原因所在。宫总很会活跃气氛,他夸川妹子皮肤白,人也长得水灵灵的,如果我的作家朋友站在他的角度,我想他们可能会说川妹子像芙蓉花——反正是那些我的四川老乡肯定喜欢听的话。滕总与我们同桌,他是清华大学同学会的会长,他说话时面带微笑,感觉和蔼可亲。还有位大学的院长(武汉市的一位人大代表),但没有时间对他们做更多的了解,我相信凡是来到这里的,一定都是中国的精英,我个人非常想对这些精英多一些了解,把他们的成功奋斗史与我的美国朋友分享,也让美国人知道咱们中国有很多很多的能人。只可惜和他们在一起的时间太少,否则带他们去唐人街的“老四川”“老北京”品尝地道的中国菜该多么有趣、有益。这些中国朋友住的地方,离芝加哥的莎士比亚戏剧院、艺术博物馆、海洋博物馆、科技博物馆等很多世界有名的场馆都不太远,却不能亲眼目堵人类辉煌的历史与尖端科技,我也没有时间来表达四川人的热情好客,甚是遗憾!我想原因就是,我们还只是停留在浅层次的见面交流,没有真正融合在一起。



以我之见,没有国际化的人才,就不能很有效的抓住机会。国际人才就是置身于广大民众中,只有广揽人才,才能发现人才。美国与其它西方国家比,中美文化有更多的交汇点。美国是一个大溶炉,能够包容多种文化、多种种族,不同政派的人谈论政治时,可以吵得面红耳赤,之后在他人面前又自称好朋友。在美国可以信仰不同的宗教,敬仰不同的神。但说话时却要非常的小心,否则带个种族岐视、民族岐视、年龄岐视、性别歧视等头衔,弄不好还得上法庭,即使如此包容的国家,中美两国的文化更多的是反差。比如送礼物时,当一个美国人收到礼物后,会当着送礼人的面打开,并说声谢谢,让人家知道您很喜欢。如果不喜欢(或不适合)等诸多原因,你还是应该收下,收后送人好了。一般来说,送礼的人对礼物没把握,就会把收据给你(去掉价格),让你去商店换喜欢的。人家夸您,你要说谢谢,而不是中国人的谦虚。否则您在否认人家的判断能力,这些礼仪在中国恰恰相反。能够精通两 国文化的语言、价值观、人生观,人和人之间的微妙关系的人,才能够更好的交流。不过在目前,这样的人才可说是凤毛麟角。




通过这次论坛,我还发现一个现象:就是很多精英的名片上都有很多“长”字,但他们的名片上还是中国式的英语。翻译中最大的错误就是一字一句的翻译,感觉就是很拗口,习惯用法是不一样的。语言是一种环境,没有在这种英语环境里生活,犯这样的错误是可以理解的。我有时把英文翻译成中文时就深有感触,但给美国人名片时,翻译错误还要降低档次。比如“ Free Investor”,中文原意应该是“ Financial Advisor””“Help Oneself Terminating Machine(自助终端)”should be “Automated Teller Machine”,诸如此类的例子很多。就连奥运会这样大规模的盛会,还有不少不准确的翻译。如果你读过我博客里的《用词错误的危险》(《读“原中国驻美大使李道豫:留美最大冲击是文化”之感》)的论文,里面谈到我和一个高层管理的美国朋友一起去吃午餐,他说很多人把产品质量与语言翻译的质量挂钩,低劣的翻译送给潜在客户的一个信号就是:“如果企业没有能力把握好语言的包装,客户怎么能相信你有能力把握好产品的质量”?后果是大多数消费者不会买此类产品。有效的语言沟通帮助消费者认识到产品的价值。最成功的国际企业已经认识到,语言技巧是他们成功的一个关键因素并充分利用类似人才,他们所服务的市场才能得到真实的产品信息。IPOD之所以能鹤立鸡群,掌握了语言的技巧是一个重要的方面。交流也好,宣传包装也好,用词简明易懂,给人印象深刻,顾客很容易就记住“IPOD能够装一千首歌”。自然也就愿意购买这样的产品。可见精确的用语,对于交流的重要,市场的重要。我身边有个美国朋友,他的一个日本朋友在日本生产了一些产品往美国销售,商标上是日本人翻译的英语。日本和中国的文字很接近,语言上的思维方式也接近,所以日本英语和中国英语有很多共通的地方。美国人一看是劣质英语,传递给人的信号,似乎就是劣质产品。销路自然可想而知。

举个简单的例子,如果毛泽东的简历由美国人来写,字字句句没有文字上的优美,反而是一些常见的错误,作者的文字就只有小学生的水平,你觉得你想继续读下去?你觉得你会敬仰他光辉灿烂的一生?我想大多数人不会这么想的,所以你们要理解和原谅美国人对劣质英语的“条件反射”。后来我的美国朋友告诉了事情的真像,这个日本商人也意识到问题的严重性,就拜托我的美国朋友负责商标的事情。这个美国朋友请了个专家把包装设计成纽约最精致的产品,人人看了就想拥有的欲望。在美国消费者的心里,首先是思想上的共鸣,然后由情绪来控制逻辑,美国人会用各种理由来为他为什么买这个产品做辨护。后来这个日 本人赚了很多钱。同是一个产品,因语言和外表上的提升,档次马上就上去了,可见语言是地地道道的包装。






比如我现在正同一位中国工业经济师、国际商务师、外经外贸管理的精英合作几个项目,我们之所以想一起干这些项目是因为他手下的一些企业有很好的发展前途,也渴望与美国的相应企业合作,利用美国的科学技术、先进的管理模式,和高质量的工厂设备帮助他们节能减排,开发新的产品,合理的处理废物,保护自然的生态平衡。但这些企业因环境、语言、文化的限制,要想向美国企业表达他们的宏伟目标,让美国企业分享他们的“野心”,达到合作上的公平合理不是易事,我发觉我的背景能够填补这个空间,我能理解这些企业的需求,用我的激情和视野去感召符合条件的美国企业,用我对数字的理解去说服人家这为什么是赚钱的项目。对美国人来说,这些技术、管理不卖出去是不值钱的。我相信群体智慧,精明的人会顾全大局,从长远的眼光来认真思考和对待中美两国的合作关系,跟中国人合作。如果这些项目的投资比其它项目更有把握,投资回报也比其它的更高,我就会比中国厂家更 4 容易找到他们志同道合的生意伙伴。我期待着为中国的经济添砖加瓦,为中国企业走向国际化而做贡献!结尾语:




她曾获过声望很高的学术奖,比如:Phi Theta Kappa(意思是向金子一样好),Magna Cum Laude(希腊语里就是“很高的荣耀”),National Dean’s List(全国学院优秀学生的名单);Distinguished Scholar(优秀学者)

在一个13亿美元年销售量的跨国公司(Textron Fastening Systems)工作过,她一个人能够胜任两个人的工作负荷(她的几个美国老板为中国人的那种干劲而敬佩)!她的生活适应力很强,现在伊利诺伊州注册会计师协会的财务与资金管理委员会服务,同时和美国人一起带领一个“朋友永远不嫌多”的关系团体,并担任这个团体组织的秘书长。从小就喜欢探索异国文化,现致力于中美文化和商务交流。很多中美文化和商务交流的文章在她的博客里:











时间:2009-07-17 20:51来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:2376次

中国商务部部长 陈德铭


Address at the China-U.S.Trade and Economic Forum

By Commerce Minister Chen Deming

April 27, 2009 Washington


Ladies and gentlemen,很高兴在这里和各位新老朋友会面。此次我率团访美,旨在积极落实中美两国元首伦敦金融峰会达成的共识,通过我们的实际行动,同舟共济、共谋发展,为中美经贸合作注入新的内涵,推动积极合作全面的中美关系不断向前发展。

I am very pleased to meet old and new friends here.I am leading a delegation to the U.S.to implement the consensus reached by our leaders at the London Financial Summit and take joint actions to overcome the difficulties and seek common development.This will inject new vitality to bilateral trade and economic cooperation and take forward the positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-U.S.relationship.刚才,中美双方企业家就如何加强贸易与投资合作进行了积极有益的研讨,并举行有关投资、贸易项目的签约仪式,这充分表明了中美双方加强合作的信心和诚意,将对建设积极合作全面的中美经贸关系打下坚实基础。Just now entrepreneurs from China and the U.S.have had useful discussions about how to intensify trade and investment cooperation.A signing ceremony for investment and trade projects was organized.These have fully demonstrated the confidence and sincerity of both sides in intensifying cooperation and serve as a solid foundation for the building of a positive, cooperative and comprehensive China-U.S.trade and economic relationship.当前,我们正经历着百年不遇的金融危机,世界经济陷入了自上世纪大萧条以来最困难的境地,中国经济发展也面临着严峻考验。中国作为负责任的大国,在危机中采取了积极负责的态度,把扩大国内需求作为促进经济增长的基本立足点,果断实施一揽子经济刺激计划。从今年一季度情况看,固定资产投资增长加快,消费需求稳定较快增长,规模以上工业增速逐月回升,银行体系流动性充裕。这些迹象表明中国经济已经出现积极变化,形势比预料的要好。中国经济的稳定发展将给其他国家提供更多发展机遇和就业机会,有助于提振世界经济信心。

Currently, we are experiencing a financial crisis rarely seen in history.It has landed the world economy in the most difficult position since the Great Depression and posed severe challenge to China’s economic development.As a large responsible nation, China has taken a proactive and responsible attitude in tackling the crisis.We have based our economic stimulating efforts on expanding domestic demand to promote growth and resolutely adopted an economic stimulus package.The statistics of the first quarter show that fixed-asset investment grows faster, consumer demand grows steadily and rapidly, industrial output for above-scale enterprises rises month by month, while bank liquidity remains adequate.All these suggest that there are positive signs in the Chinese economy.Things are better than expected.The steady development of the Chinese economy will provide more business and job opportunities for other countries and help shore up confidence in the world economy.受全球经济大气候影响,中美经贸合作也受到一定冲击。按中方统计,今年前3个月,中美贸易额同比下降15.7%。美国对华投资占中国利用外资的比重,从2008年的3.2%,降至今年前3个月的2.6%。历史经验告诉我们,越是危机关头,越是要坚持开放合作。贸易保护主义不仅不能促进经济复苏,反而会加剧衰退。此次我们率企业家到美国开展投资贸易合作,充分表明了中国政府在困难形势下,坚持以实际行动反对贸易保护主义,以加强合作应对危机的鲜明立场。

Thanks to the overall economic climate of the world, Sino-U.S.trade and economic cooperation has also been affected.In the first three months of the year, bilateral trade dropped by 15.7%.America’s share in China’s total foreign direct investment declined from 3.2% in 2008 to 2.6% in the last three months.History tells us that openness and cooperation is all the more important amidst a crisis.Trade protectionism will not restore growth;on the contrary, it will exacerbate recession.The fact that we bring Chinese entrepreneurs to the U.S.for investment and trade cooperation speaks volume of the Chinese government’s unequivocal position to reject trade protectionism through actions and jointly tackle the crisis through enhanced cooperation under tough circumstance.在本月初举行的G20伦敦金融峰会上,胡锦涛主席和奥巴马总统举行了成功会晤,两国元首都对合作的未来充满信心。作为世界上最大的发展中国家和最大的发达国家,中美两国经济具有巨大互补性,中美经贸关系的稳定健康发展符合两国的长远利益。危机对于中美经贸合作而言,是挑战,更是机遇。当前,两国应同舟共济,共克时艰。要保持市场相互开放,不断拓展合作领域。在贸易政策上,中国政府并不追求大额顺差,我们将继续鼓励企业增加自美国商品进口,希望美国企业加强对中国市场和消费者的了解,开发更多适销对路产品并加大推广的力度。同时,我们鼓励有实力的中国企业到美国投资兴业,希望美方为投资合作创造良好的政策环境。我相信,只要双方从发展中美经贸关系大局出发,从应对经济危机的现实需要出发,坚定信心、携手努力,就一定能够早日战胜危机,推动中美经贸合作不断向前发展!

At the G20 London Summit earlier this month, President Hu Jintao and President Obama had a successful meeting, during which both leaders expressed their confidence in the future of cooperation.As the largest developing country and the largest developed country in the world, our two economies are highly complementary.The steady and sound development of our trade and economic relations is in the long-term interests of both countries.The crisis is more of an opportunity than a challenge for China-US trade and economic cooperation.At present, both countries should work together and help each other in a bid to weather the difficulties.We need to continue to open up our markets to each other and continue to expand the scope of cooperation.In terms of trade policy, the Chinese government does not pursue an enormous trade surplus.We will continue to encourage Chinese businesses to buy more from the U.S.We hope American businesses could enhance their understanding of the Chinese market and consumers, and develop more marketable products for and intensify marketing in China.Meanwhile, we encourage competent Chinese businesses to invest in the U.S., and hope the U.S.could provide them with a favorable policy environment.I believe, as long as we proceed from the overall interests of China-US economic and trade relations and the realistic needs for tackling the current crisis, maintain confidence and join our forces, we will able to overcome the crisis and take forward the China-US trade and economic cooperation.谢谢大家!

Thank you!



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