
时间:2019-05-15 05:12:43下载本文作者:会员上传


blank verse translation,HTTP、EFTA、APEC、NPT(military)、VAT、IPO、strait exchange foundation、The Milky Way、International Date Line、returns on equity、mass transit system、a five percent discount、equalitarianism、自主招生、工笔画、《资治通鉴》、限购、弱势群体、军国主义、探月工程、中国证监会、鸿门宴、三权分立、党内民主,记得不全 AQ CBD NDRC DHL ASEAN Oxfam unitary government intravenous drip EU emission cap 咖啡烘培商 食品添加剂 弱势群体 千年发展目标 金砖五国


探月工程,爱国统一战线,以人为本,学习型社会,Oval Office,credential,invoice,lawsuit, CIA,汉英有:戴维营,三K党 1.MLA 2.Gild the lily 3.Milieu therapy 4.Put on the new man

5.Hills Like White Elephants(貌似每年都有一个跟小说或者电影有关的,之前考过《发条橙》的)6.Tatooing 7.CPPCC 8.CD 9.Concerto 10.Act of God 汉译英 15个15分 1.反对派 2.当选总统 3.司法改革

4.钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿 5.老龄事业

6.第十八届全国人民代表大会 7.小康社会 8.中非合作论坛 Kant 康德

The Analects 《论语》 Meritocracy 英才教育 Knockoff 名牌仿制品

Pep talk(对球员等)鼓舞士气的话 Fiscal cliff 财政悬崖 Austerity budget 紧缩财政 Financial bailout 金融援助 Power outage 断电事故 Emeritus professor 名誉教授 NGO 非ZF组织 Rubber check 空头支票 Pragmatism 实用主义 The Associated Press 美联社 汉翻英 一次性生活补贴 公证服务 配套措施 supporting measures 社会主义荣辱观 Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace 安乐死 euthanasia 经济适用房 affordable housing 鼓励奖 consolation prize 无形资产 intangible assets 上市公司 listed company 软实力 soft power 申索人

中年危机 midlife crisis 不可再生资源 non-renewable resources 英译汉:litigation&arbitration ; securities law ;patent ;survival for the fittest ;expropriation ;negotiable instrument ;

汉译英:边际效应,利率,董事,效益评估,缩略语:CIF , ITC , UNITC , MERCOSUR , GSP , FDA , ASEAN , ISO

楚辞 字幕翻译 居安思危 广外高翻学院 农民工 水利部 民政部 对外贸易仲裁委员会 生产和销售假冒伪劣产品罪 公诉人 中华全国工商联 Christian Science Moniter, Reuter, CSR, The sound and fury, healthcare interpreting, intentional homicide, criminal jurisprudence, Eurobond Market, UNDP 中国共产党十八大 食品安全 地缘政治学 教育体制改革 推进政治体制改革 反对形式主义 房地产泡沫 社会公平与正义 航空母舰 富裕阶层 不良资产

Fingerprint identification The black humor of MoYan UNESCO Fundraising party Labor insurance

The doctrine of the Golden Mean Annual Grammy Awards The Re-education through labor system

The law of the Guarantee and Interest of Consumer Consumer price index Culture deficit

英译汉:GDP, WHO, WTO, OEPC, IOC, UNESCO, CIA, FBI, GMT, global warming, cyber sickness 汉译英:实体经济,暂行条例,三农问题,民族凝聚力,公租房,探月计划,人才竞争力,行政问责,三公经费,文化软实力 英译汉: OPEC IMF COD Funded debit Cash crops Port dues The Federal Reserve Bank Grain reserves Cosmopolitan city 汉译英: 认知能力 自然保护区 对口支援 自筹经费 ZF采购 上市公司 公务员 市场准入 以人为本 风险评估 资产负债表

RCEP,Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution 皇家环境污染委员会 a bull market,牛市,价格上涨的市场 Russian ruble,俄罗斯卢布 anti-dumping,反倾销

stock in trade,库存, 存货

paid on delivery,货到付款 unanimous vote,全票通过

carbon footprint,碳足迹

recursive function,递归函数 provisional agenda,临时议程 ready-made garment,成衣

United Nation secretariat,联合国秘书处

Global Environment Facility,全球环境基金

International Refugee Organization,国际难民组织 The World Travel and Tourism Council,世界旅行和旅游理事会

种族歧视,race discrimination 就职演说,inaugural speech 和谐共赢,harmonious and win-win 文化事业,cultural undertakings 全民健身,nationwide fitness programs 本地化服务,localization services 产能过剩行业,industries with excess capacity 放宽市场准入,liberalize market access 自主创新能力,capacity for independent innovation 载人航天飞行,manned space flight 促进生态修复,promote ecological restoration 公共卫生体系,public health system 科技成果产业化,industrialization of scientific and technological achievements 多语言跨文化交际,multi-language cross-cultural communication 古为今用,洋为中用

make the past serve the present, to make foreign things serve China

英译汉15个:LED www.xiexiebang.comN,GDP,IMF,Capitol Hill,US pivot to Asia,the Gaza Strip,QE3 二 用英文解释(是解释呀)10个,总共15分

科学发展观,可持续发展,纳米技术,中等收入陷阱,替代能源,长三角,独立自主的和平外交政策,钓鱼岛争端,WPC/OPEC/USCG/FTA/ASEN/IAEA/TPP/NASA/US-Japan Security Treaty/America's “Return to Asia-Pacific”/power abuse/National Missle Defence/ 汉译英有 国务院侨务办公室、国家烟草专卖局、国家宗教事务局、西方七国首脑会议、民生、差额选举、十面埋伏、三国演义、逾期贷款、建设市场导向型的就业机制、资源节约型环境友好型社会、海洋资源、文化逆差;

1、文化软实力cultural soft power

2、文化自觉cultural consciousness


4、《食品安全法》food safety law.5、《反不当竞争法》anti-unfair competition law 1.SAARC 2.P5-plus-1 3.QE 3 4.Social media 5.CO2 equivalent 6.BRICS 7.Mandatory evacuation 8.UN General Assembly 67th Session 9.Non-Aligned movement 10.CDM 11.Hamid karzai 12.十八大 13.移动媒体 14.亚欧首脑会议 15.光棍节 16.早稻田大学 17.海上风能 18.反倾销与反补贴 19.上海期货交易所 20.车载信息系统 21.伦敦金融城 22.电视相亲 23.文心雕龙 24.fiscal cliff :NGO,Kant, The Analect,power outage,rubber check,professor emeritus,meritocracy,pragmatism,fiscal cliff,pep talk,knockoff(欢迎补充)




16.警示 set the alarm bell ringing/ warn sb of

17.危害 do/cause damage to /endanger wildlife/destroy the balance of ecology

18.结束put an end to sth/ end/ stop/ get rid of sth

19.道德 It’s a traditional virtue/ It’s im(moral)to do sth

20.关爱, 照顾care for/ attend to/take care of

22.彷徨 feel at loss/at sea/ be caught /be stuck/trapped in a dilemma/stand at a crossroads

23.技能 acquire skills/ polish up writing skills/ develop problem-solving skills/develop a high

level of competence in communication skills

24.施压put pressure on.减压reduce /relieve one’s pressure

26.工作、就业 create a new job/ provide job training/ ensure better working conditions

27.回报 bring rewards to sb/ reward /repay sb for sth/ pay sb back/ a rewarding job/ It’s

worthwhile to do

28.习惯 form/develop the habit of /fall into/pick up/slide into the habit of gambling

29.沉溺 be addicted to/be absorbed in / be hooked on/ be buried in /

30.乐观、悲观 be positive/optimistic about;be pessimistic about life/ feel depressed

31.有益于 be beneficial to / to one’s advantage/

32优于 be superior to/ have an edge over

33.权衡 seek a balance A between B, weigh the advantages and disadvantages

34.危险 be at risk/ be endangered/

35.掌握 have a better understanding of / have a thorough understanding of /grasp sth

36.利用 make better/full use of / make the most of /take advantage of

37.思考/考虑 reflect on/ give thought to /rethink sth / think sth over/ take sth into consideration

38.使….产生 bring about/ give rise to/ contribute to/ lead to/result in

39.为了 for the sake of /for the benefit of / in the interest of sb/sth

40.坚持 stick to points/ hold on /fast to the dream/

41.追求 seek after/ long for sth / pursuit dreams

42.牢记 bear/keep sth in mind

43展现,发挥 bring out one’s character/ display one’s potential

44热情/喜爱 be enthusiastic about/ be keen on / have a passion for/be fond of43 执行 carry out / put sth into practice /

44.完成,实现 achieve success/ realize goals/ fulfill dreams

生效(law)come into effect/take effect/

46确保guarantee sb sth/ensure a secure job

47应付,处理 wrestle with/deal with/cope with /see to

attend/ address/solve/handle the problem

48.旨在,意在 be intended to do /be meant to do / be aimed at doing/

49.鉴于 in view of / in the light of / considering that

50.尽管 In spite of.despite the fact that …




Articles of association 公司章程 Noise pollution 噪声污染

Gleaming eyes 眼睛里闪着光辉 On the board ship 在船上 Common ground 共同点

The birth and death of the day每一天的诞生和消亡

Property damage 财产损失 Everlastingly 无穷尽的 A narrow swale 狭长的洼地 Global economy 全球性的经济 Resonant voice 洪亮的声音 Instrument of ratification 批准书

Weapons of mass destruction 杀伤性武器 The science of biotic control 生物控制学 Immeasurable contrast 迥然不同 Sucking vigor 汲取力量 Now and then 有时

Well-mannered silence 规规矩矩 一声不响的 Works of the human mind 人类精神产品 In his middle twenties 二十多岁 Stock-raising 养殖畜牧业 Living organisms 生物体

National security policy 国家安全条例 To grant a license 颁发许可证 A kind of invitation 殷勤邀请 Sober-faced 沉静的 镇静的 Vaguely worded 措辞含糊 Welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会

The policies of reform and opening to the outside world 改革和对外开放政策 Brightly painted 颜色鲜艳的 Ravages of time 时间的摧残 In unison 齐声 一致

Court of appeals 上诉法院 Tentative and uncertain manner 试探和踌躇的举止

Typical masterpiece 具有代表意义的杰作 To give something much thought仔细想某事

Magnificent dinner 盛大晚宴Internal combustion engine 内燃机

Market-day 赶集的日子 Toast 祝酒词

Source of power 能源 Sir John 约翰公爵

Sovereign nation 主权国家 Meticulously dressed精心打扮 一点也不马虎 Life-giving 赋予生命的 Average height 中等身材 Undermanned 人手不足

Academic exchanges 学术交流 Vatican 梵缔冈

It rains cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨 Poisonous chemicals 化学毒物 Telecommunications 电讯 Live one’s own life 独立生活 Come and go 霎时即去

Scientific exchange 科学交流

Undue absorption in the past 过分的怀念过去 Flows of capital 资本流动 Outstanding feature 突出特点

Foreign exchange dealing 外汇交换 Universal convention 世界公约 Outward investor对外投资者 Vast size and resources 地大物博 Full member 正式成员 Right to know 知情权

Unpublished works 未出版的作品 To and fro 来来去去

Historically significant experiment具有历史意义的尝试

Average annual rainfall平均年降雨量 The flower of one’s youth 风华正茂 Turn one’s back on 拒绝 冷眼相看 International affairs 国际事务 More than ten years his junior比他年轻十几岁

Open public domain 开放的公共地带 To imprint on one’s mind印在某人的脑海里 Wind and twist 蜿蜒

Stand squarely 端端正正地站着


Establish communities 建立村镇 Flows of capital 资本流动

The ice was broken 打破了的僵局

Full diplomatic relations 正式外交关系 Freshly harvested 刚割的 Marine insurance 海事保险 A far cry from 完全不同 Industrial pollution 工业污染

International understanding 国际间的了解 Regular event 常事

Entrepreneurial spirit 进取精神 Cling to youth 与年轻人呆在一起 Prime minister 总理

拉家带口:be saddled with big family 沿海地区:coastal areas 北洋军阀政府:

Northern Warlord government 工业革命:Industrial revolution 奥运会:Olympic games 预算:Budget

生产力:Productive force 御花园:Imperial Garden 自然资源:natural recourses

统一战线的革命运动:the revolutionary movement of a united front 无言的呼唤:wordless cry

水坝发电:power generated by the dam平均率:average rate 人均:per capita

学术交流:academic exchange 文艺节:Festival Arts 完整的古代建筑群:complete group of ancient building

旧梦重温:going through old dreams 自给自足:self-sufficiency 董事会:board of directors 测深绳:sounding-line 历史遗迹:historical sites 丝绸之路:the Silk Road

专属经济区:Exclusive economic zones 浓妆艳抹:heavy make-up 新民主主义:new democracy

人均国民生产总值:per capita GNP

Mineral deposit 矿藏

Power of nature 自然的力量 Domestic legislation 国内立法 Natural beauty 自然美

Foreign investment 外国投资 Scarce tactic 吓唬人的办法 In this respect 在这方面

Federal Power Commission 联邦电力委员会 Sino-American relationship 中美关系 Municipal government 自治政府 International community 国际社会 Carriage drawn by the horse 马车 Neighboring environment 周边关系 诺贝尔学奖获得者:Nobel Price Winner 五一的下午:on the afternoon of May 1st人类文明的发祥地:

the cradles of human civilization无情的:relentless

河流入河口:the mouth of the river 基金会:Foundations 渔场:Fishing ground

振兴中华:Rejuvenation of China 金秋时节:golden fall 中外合资经营企业:

Chinese Foreign Equity Joint Venture 多功能机器:multi-purpose machine 雨季:rainy season 月白色的:pale green 拉排子车:pull a handcart

经济合作:economic cooperation

世界投资体系:world investment system 出于自愿和兴趣:

out of interest, on one’s own account 复种指数:multiple crop index 海洋生物:sea creature

互不干涉内政:non-interference 电力生产:electrical production

单位面积产量:the yield per unit area 落汤鸡:a drowned rat 储备基金:reserve fund 合法手续:legal title

双边发展:two way trade

客观有利因素:favorable objective factors

高等教育:higher education 先进技术:advanced technology 新兴城市:the rising town 在。。的号召下:at the call of 散文集:collection of essays 海洋旅游业:marine tourism排队:queue up

革命道路:revolutionary road 不良后果:negative effects 生活水平:standard of living 花坛:flower bed

沉积盆地:sedimentation basin 各种流派的:different schools 花言巧语:flowery language 经济改革:economic reforms 零工:odd jobs

有限责任公司:a limited liability company 交通动脉:arteries of communication 北阀战争:the Northern Expedition 基本方针:basic principle 儿童出版社:children press平等互利的原则:

the principle of equality and mutual benefit 民族团结:Ethnic harmony, ethnic solidarity 生产条件:Production condition福礼:sacrificial meat

国民经济:national economy 和平共处:peaceful coexistence

小买卖人:a peddler 民族精神:national spirit

永久定居:permanent settlement

革命知识分子:revolutionary intellectuals 水利工程:water-control projects 试工期:trial period

公共利益:public interest 为。。打下基础:lay foundations for 金水桥:Golden Water Bridge 沿海城市:coastal city

不惜力气:not sparing oneself 注册资本:registered capital不合理的制度:irrational system 极西地带:far west

灌溉面积:irrigated areas 战略任务:strategic task

区域自治:regional autonomy

平民文学:literature for the common people 外汇:foreign exchange宜农荒地:arable land 熬夜:to sit up

小资产阶级知识分子: Petty-bourgeois intellectuals

粮食总产量目标:total grain output target 工业产权:industrial property rights 外汇帐户:foreign exchange account 大陆架:continental shelves

深刻的影响:a profound impact



街道妇女housewives of residential areas温饱问题problems in finding enough food and clothing 黄金地段prime(central / ideal)location退耕还林restore the reclaimed land to forest 本意(original idea), 本行(one’s line), 馅儿(filling),信儿(message),苗头(symptom of a trend),甜头(benefit),对头(enemy)

申请书 / 报告书 / 协议书 / 成绩通知书 / 说明书 / 电视机使用说明书 / 成交确认书Letter of Application / Report / Agreement / Grade Report / Direction / Television Operation Guide / Sales Confirmation老兵 / 老领导 / 老师傅 / 老板 / 老板娘 / 老闺女 / 老黄牛/ 老芹菜 / 老黄历 / 老鸨 / 老生常谈

a veteran / a senior leader / a master craftsman / a boss(shopkeeper, proprietor)/ shopkeeper’s wife(proprietress)/ the youngest daughter / a willing ox / overgrown celery / last year’s calendar / procuress(madam, a woman running a brothel)/ commonplace

《为了忘却的纪念》— In Memory of the Forgotten半死不活 — a living death

忧喜参半— sweet sorrow 不卑不亢— proud humility 害人的仁慈— cruel kindness 献身,捐躯 — to lay down one’s life去世,永别,与世长辞— to pass away

离开人世,撒手人寰— to depart from his life升天,仙逝,进天堂— to go to heaven

了结尘缘— to pay the debt of nature寿终,谢世— to end one’s day安息— to rest in peace长眠— to go to sleep老了— to be dead咽气,断气— to breathe one’s last归西天— to go west 闭眼合眼— to close one’s eyes 没了不在了— to be no more 回老家— to go to one’s last home

合同—contract 全心全意— heart and soul心心相印— heart to heart喝汤— eat soup 趁热打铁— strike while the iron is hot欲速不达— more haste, less speed

鱼目混珠— to pass fish eyes for pearls 走后门— get in by the backdoor青布— black cloth纸老虎— paper tiger 代沟— generation gap 丢脸— lose face接电话— to answer the phone 吃药— take medicine青春时代— the green years犟得像头牛— as stubborn as a mule 拦路虎— a lion in the way童子鸡---young chicken;broiler;cockerel

五花肉— marbled meat百里挑一— one in a thousand黄头发—blonde hair

“三八红旗手” →March 8 red flaggers “三伏”the three ten-day periods of the hot season三九the third nine-day period after the winter solstice

三讲to pay heed to study, politics and healthy trends“阴阳” Yin and Yang “属相”animal year 驴打滚”snowballing usury;pastry made of steamed glutinous millet flour mixed with sugar 死读书mechanical reading读死书reading useless books

“国税”(state taxes),“关税”(tariff;customs duties),“关税豁免”(exception from customs duties), “关税战”(tariff war),“税率”(tariff rates),“保税仓库区”(bonded warehouse area)。车(vehicle, car, bus, truck, lorry, coach, wagon, van, rickshaw, bike, pedicab, cart, hearse, train)哈密瓜 乌龙茶 胶水 新闻照片 hami melon // oolong tea//glue // press photo减肥操slimnastics(slim+gymnastics)

东方时空Oriental Time and Space /Oriental Horizon 人与自然People and Nature

音乐桥Music Bridge与你同行Going Along with You 女人不是月亮 Women Are Not the Moon 聊天 Chitchat国际影院 International Cinema环球45分钟 Around the Globe in 45 Minutes 《上海大风暴》 《北京在纽约》 《中国商人》

The Big Storm over Shanghai // A Native of Beijing in New York//Chinese Businessmen 中华见义勇为基金会China Fund for Justice and Courage(or …for Heroic Deeds)

出国留学咨询部Consulting Service for Overseas Study

小康a relatively comfortable living for all三个代表 “Three Represents”

上市股票listed shares(stocks)

“豆腐渣”工程Jerry-built project话说中国China Discovery

体坛掠影Sports and Sportsmen 华夏风情Kaleidoscope 天涯共此时 Sharing the Moment

《儒商》 Intellectuals Go In for Business 《过把瘾》Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

《走下神坛的毛泽东》Mao Zedong — Man, Not God

“一要吃饭,二要建设” subsistence first and development second

“摸着石头过河” wading across the stream by feeling the way

坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬” 的方针。

We need to follow the principle of attending to both spiritual and material civilizations and

keeping a firm grip on both.five merits to advocate---civilized behavior, common courtesy, hygienic condition, proper

discipline and public morality;and four virtues to promote---lofty sentiments, refined language,good manners and environmental awareness.(five stresses and four points of beauty)

旅游的热点 a popular destination of tourists / a popular tourist attraction / a Mecca of tourists

以外贸企业为龙头 with foreign trade firms as the locomotive / flagship

(with foreign trade enterprises as the dragon head文化障碍)

团结奋斗,开拓进取 to work hard with a united and pioneering spirit


/ to eliminate poverty and become prosperous

“863”计划the March 1986 High-tech Program

“绿丹兰” Ludanlan cosmetics《唐明皇》Emperor Tang Ming Huang

“稳得福”酒楼 Wonderful Restaurant 乌龙茶 oolong tea哈密瓜 hami melon

短发(shingle;bobbed hair)娃娃头(pageboy style)假发(wig)橡皮奶头(dummy comforter)百褶裙(pleated skirt)对褶裙(inverted pleat skirt)

连衣裙(overall skirt)超短裙(miniskirt)高跟鞋(stilettos)懒汉鞋(loafer)蚕食(nibble)

势如破竹(like splitting bamboo;like a knife cutting through butter;with irresistible force)

顺水推舟(to push the boat along with current;to make use of opportunity to gain one’s end)

细水长流(a small but steady stream)四通八达(extended in all directions)

年富力强(in the prime of life)德高望重(be of noble character and high prestige)

违法乱纪(to violate the law)半死不活 — a living death

学习知识 学习技术 学习成绩acquire knowledge // master a skill //academicrecords



一。With a history of more than 800 years, Lu-gou Bridge, a 266.5 meter-long stone bridge in

Beijing’s outskirts, is one of the city’s famous historic sites.17、老教授终生献身于教育事业,临终前把他的全部书籍都献给了图书馆。

The old professor devoted his life to the cause of education and presented all his books to the

library before his death.18、谨以本书献给李教授以表敬慕和感激之情。

To Professor Li I dedicate this volume in token of affection and gratitude.1.一开始我就怀疑他们之间有些感情瓜葛,随后发生的许多事都证明我的猜疑是正确的。

At the very first, I was in doubt that there was some implicit love between them and what

followed verified my suspicion.2.这个赫赫有名的足球队居然被那个名不见经传的小队打败了,因此,在随后举行的记者招待会上,该队教练因队员们表现不佳而向球迷们道歉。This very famous team was defeated by that much less known team and later at the press conference, the coach apologized to the fans for the players’ bad performance.他在国有企业当科长,除了工资之外,可能还有点隐形收入,为什么辞职不干到外资企业去呢?起初我还以为他是在开玩笑,后来听他道明原委,才相信的确是真的。

He served as a section head in a state-owned business.In addition to salary, there may have been some implicit income.Why should he have resigned and gone to a foreign business? At first, I thought it was a joke, but later when I learned of his explanation, I came to believe that he had made a serious decision.6.现在是下里巴人吃香,一个通俗歌星,文化虽然不高,但一出现在舞台上,观众就像疯了一样,立即全场起立,掌声雷动。

Nowadays what is popular is in favor.The moment a pop singer, though under educated, appears on the stage, the audience will be mad, stand up and give her a thunderous applause.7、我满怀希望来参加会议,以为我们的改革一定会得到支持,但讨论来讨论去,还是外甥打灯笼照旧,未免大失所望。

The expectation with which I came to the conference that our reform would win full support turned out to be in vain by the repeated fruitless discussions.1)有个农村叫张家庄,张家庄有个张木匠,张木匠有个好老婆,外号叫“小飞蛾”。“小飞蛾”生了个女儿叫艾艾。(赵树理《登记》)

There was a village called Zhangjia Village, where lived Carpenter Zhang, who had a good wife, nicknamed Little Moth, who gave birth to a girl called Ai’ai.2)他一见面是寒暄,寒暄之后说我“胖了”,说我“胖了”之后即大骂其新党。《祝福》 Having exchanged some polite remarks upon meeting he observed that I was fatter, and having observed that I was fatter launched into a violent attack on the reformists.3)他赢而又赢,铜钱变成角洋,角洋变成大洋,大洋又变成了叠。他兴高采烈的非常:“天门两块!” 《阿Q正传》He staked successfully again and again, his coppers turning into silver coins, his silver coins into dollars, and his dollars mounting up.In his excitement he cried out, :Two dollars on Heavenly Gate!”


To listen without attention is not sharp, then mishearing appears;to look without intention is not clear, then misjudgment appears;to consider without appropriateness is not clever, then misunderstanding appears.5)夫一人奋死可以对十,十可以对百,百可以对千,千可以对万,万可以克天下。(韩非子.初见奉)

When fighting regardless of his own life, one man can resist ten people;ten, a hundred;one hundred, a thousand;a thousand, ten times more, and ten thousand such men can conquer the whole world.这位教授引经据典,反复阐释,许多学生仍感到不得要领,如坠入五里云雾。如此看来,深入浅出,乃教学之秘诀也。

The fact that the professor’s repeated quotations and patient explanations did not bring the puzzled students an inch nearer to the point necessitates expression of profound ideas in intelligible terms in teaching.生产上去了,效益提高了,少数人也因此升官发财了,但数百名工人却被无缘无故地解雇了,真令人不可思议。

The production has been on a rise, the profits enhanced and with this a few promoted with a corresponding raise in pay, but hundreds of workers are dismissed without a good reason.This is beyond our understanding.这位州长,一直十分注意自己的形象,令我们吃惊的是,就是这位常被誉为正直可靠的父母官竟然是个贪赃枉法之徒。

The governor has been paying particular attention to his own image, but what surprises us is that the governor, who has frequently been honored as an upright and reliable local official, has turned out to be a bad element who has perverted justice for bribery.


Building materials 建筑材料

Takeoff stages 起飞阶段

Inflationary problems 通货膨胀问题

Transport as physical process of moving people and goods交通作为人与货物移动的物理过程

Look for alternatives to 寻找替代品

A remarkably wide range of user services and technologies 相当广泛的用户服务和技术

Safely readiness 安全预警

Adaptive cruise control自动巡航控制系统

Full automation system 完美的自动化系统

Driverless vehicles 无人驾驶汽车

Operational and institutional concept 运营和制度概念 Charter service 特许服务

Contracting party 缔约方

Right-of-way 路权

overlooked 被忽视

An innate view of mathematical or structural elegance 一个天生的数学或结构优雅的视图

tangible criterion-cost 切实的成本标准

carry the economic analysis to this level of detail达到经济分析这种细节

If justified in aggregate terms 如果总体而言合理

With the optimum allocation of resources 最优的资源分配 Intertemporal 跨时期的interpersonal differences人与人间的差异

Abutting 邻接的as-built capacity竣工的能力

grade separations 立体交叉

weaving sections 交织区段

Cross slope 横向坡度

moderate rainfall 中等雨量

heavy rainfall 大的雨量

melt and drain across 融化和排水

striping and pavement marking, or by corrugated depressions 路面纹理和路面标记或波纹洼地所影响

Local government 当地政府

Pubic authority 公共权威

Call for 要求

transportation facilities 运输设备

as environment favorable to 对环境有利

Objectives are specific, attainable, and measurable目标是具体的、可实现的、可衡量的equal public transportation costs平等的公共交通费用 foregoing equal-transportation-cost objective

The preceding step of trip generation 前一步的出行生成 links trip origins to destinations 连接起源至目的地 Home-based trips 基于家庭的出行

social-recreation 消遣娱乐

routed over 路由

be accommodated by 进行调和

traffic-carrying capacity 运输能力

Maintaining prescribed operational qualities


level grade平坡度

predictive adjustments 预测调整

in the long term 从长远角度来看

maximum flow rate 最大流率

Horizontal and vertical alignments 水平线性和纵断面律性 signalized intersections 信号控制交叉口

Level terrain平原地形

Rolling terrain 丘陵地形

Mountainous terrain 山区

isolated upgrades of significant length 长上坡

Passenger automobiles 客运汽车

motorcycle occupant 摩托车驾驶员

pickup truck 敞篷小型载货卡车

van occupants 货车的持有人

The trend in the death rate 死亡率的趋势

safety hazards 安全隐患

booby-traps 陷阱

imaginative and cost effective junction designs


a large proportion of the population 大部分的人口

the foreseeable future 可预见的未来

a vast array of measures 大量的措施

road junctions 道路交叉口

Roundabouts 环形交叉口

traffic-handling capacity 交通处理能力

junction layouts 交叉口布置

Point road closures 道路点的封闭

hard and soft landscaping 硬软式风景

pedestrianized shopping streets 商业街

visual cues 视觉暗示

be broken down into 分为

informatory signs指示标志

opening or humped back bridges 曲面桥

Roadworks 道路施工

important places of interest 重要的名胜古迹

heritage sites 遗产型景区

census points 调查报告点



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