
时间:2019-05-15 05:58:04下载本文作者:会员上传


全国酒店名称中英文对照翻译 武汉酒店:

1.香格里拉饭店 SHANGRI-LA HOTEL 2.东方大酒店 Oriental Hotel 3.湖滨花园酒店 lake view garden hotel 4.东湖大厦 East Lake Hotel 5.港澳中心商务酒店 HK&Macao Center Business Hotel 6.亚洲大酒店 WUHAN ASIA HOTEL 7.泰华大厦 Taihua Hotel 8.白玫瑰大酒店 White Rose Hotel 9.长江大酒店 the yangtze hotel 10.国宾大酒店 Wuhan Guo Bin Grand Hotel 11.璇宫饭店 Xuangong Hotel 12.丽江饭店 Lijiang Hotel 北京酒店:

1.港澳中心瑞士酒店 Swissotel Beijing Hongkong Macau Center 2.兆龙饭店 ZHAOLONG HOTEL 3.西苑饭店 Xiyuan Hotel 4.嘉里中心饭店 The Kerry Center Hotel 5.名人国际大酒店 Celebrity International Grand Hotel 6.国际饭店 Beijing International Hotel 7.华侨大厦 Prime Hotel 8.北京和平里大酒店 Hotel in the peace of Beijing 9.北京龙城皇冠假日酒店 Imperial crown holiday inn of the city of dragon of Beijing 上海酒店:

1.仁和宾馆 Benevolence hotel 2.上海圣达大酒店 Shanghai shengda hotel 3.上海鑫龙酒店 Prosperous dragon's hotels of Shanghai 4.上海申华商务大酒店 Shanghai explains the commercial hotel of China 5.上海长航宾馆 Long boat hotel of Shanghai 6.上海一百假日酒店 100 holiday inns in Shanghai 7.上海新世纪大厦酒店公寓 Apartment of mansion hotel in the new century of Shanghai 8.上海沪江宾馆 River hotel of Shanghai of Shanghai 9.上海华盈沪纺大酒店 China of Shanghai is full of Shanghai and spin the hotel 10.上海民航华茂宾馆 Luxuriant hotel of China of civil aviation of Shanghai 杭州酒店:

1.杭州流水苑宾馆 Flowing water garden hotel of Hangzhou 2.浙江饭店 Hotel of Zhejiang 3.浙江嘉海大酒店 Good sea hotel of Zhejiang 4.临平大酒店 Face the flat hotel 5.杭州宏冠大酒店 Hangzhou precededs in the hotel greatly 6.杭州龙禧大酒店 Xi hotel of dragon of Hangzhou 7.杭州中亚旅馆 Hangzhou Central Asia hote 8.杭州商业大厦 Hangzhou Commercial Center 9.杭州凯悦大酒店 Triumphant happy hotel of Hangzhou 10.杭州百合花酒店 Lily hotels of Hangzhou 合肥酒店:

1.合肥万豪大酒店 Bold hotel of ten thousand of Hefei 2.安徽金孔雀温泉度假村 Peacock's holiday village of hot spring of the money of Anhui 3.安徽万佛湖金水湾度假村 Ten thousand Buddha lake money water gulf holiday village in Anhui 4.百花宾馆 All sorts of flowers hotel 5.安徽澳瑞特酒店 Auspicious special hotels of Australia of Anhui 6.新世纪大厦 Mansion in the new century 7.和平国际大酒店 International hotel of the peace 8.合肥东怡酒店 Shut happy hotels of Feidong 9.索菲特明珠国际大酒店 Sofitel Grand Park Hefei 10.古井假日酒店 Holiday inn of ancient well 福州酒店: 1.福州好运来大酒店 The good luck of Fuzhou comes to the hotel 2.福州龙祥大酒店 Auspicious hotel of dragon of Fuzhou 3.福建屏山大酒店 Hotel of Pingshan of Fujian 4.福州唐城大厦 Mansion of Tang City of Fuzhou 5.福州金仕顿大酒店 Kingston Hotel 6.华威大饭店 Majestic giant hotel of China 7.如家快捷酒店 For instance, swift hotels of home 8.邦辉大酒店 Banghui Hotel 9.成龙国际大酒店 Success Link International Hotel 10.福州美伦华美达大饭店 Ramada Plaza Fuzhou 兰州酒店: 1.兰州铁道宾馆 Railway hotel of Lanzhou 2.兰州锦江阳光酒店 Sunshine hotels of Jin Jiang River of Lanzhou 3.甘肃金城旅游宾馆 Travel hotel of money city of Gansu 4.甘肃友谊宾馆 Friendship Hotel of Gansu 5.甘肃海天宾馆 Sea day hotel of Gansu 6.甘肃新世纪酒店 Hotels in new century of Gansu 7.西兰国际大酒店 Blue international hotel of the west 8.四方酒店 Hotels all sides 9.金轮宾馆 Gold hotels 10.兰州飞天大酒店 Fly sky hotel of Lanzhou 深圳酒店:

1.深圳东湖宾馆 Shenzhen East Lake hotel 2.宝利来大酒店 The treasure profit comes to the hotel 3.荔花村宾馆 Hotel of colored village of litch 4.兴华宾馆 Revitalize China's hotel 5.柏豪酒店 Bold hotels of cypress 6.洪岭大酒店 Big mountain range hotel 7.华中国际酒店 International hotels of Central China 8.深运大酒店 Transport the hotel deeply 9.联城酒店 Unite city hotels 10.海山宾馆 Sea mountain hotel 广州酒店: 1.龙口明珠大酒店 Pearl hotel of Longkou 2.荣威大酒店 Majestic hotel of the honour

3.广州金桥宾馆 Money bridge hotel of Guangzhou 4.广州惠福大酒店 Favor good fortune hotel of Guangzhou 5.湖天宾馆 Lake day hotel 6.东方丝绸大厦 Eastern silk mansion 7.广州富丽华大酒店 Rich hotel of China of Guangzho 8.广州民航大酒店 Hotel of civil aviation of Guangzhou 9.白云鸿波山庄 Swan's wave mountain villa of white cloud 10.华威达酒店 China reaches hotels majestically 桂林酒店: 1.桂林零点大酒店 Zero point hotel of Gui Lin 2.桂林天鹅宾馆 Hotel of swan of Gui Lin 3.南宁明园饭店 Bright garden hotel of Nanning 4.桂山大酒店 Mountain hotel of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region 5.香江饭店 Hotel of HongKong 6.桂林丹桂大酒店 Orange osmanthus hotel of Gui Lin 7.中旅大酒店 China travels in the hotel 8.桂林观光酒店 Visit hotels in Gui Lin 9.乐满地度假酒店 Resort hotel happily and fully 10.新凯悦酒店 New triumphant happy hotels 北海酒店:

1.富丽华大酒店 Rich hotel of China 2.荔珠国际大酒店 International hotel of litch and pearl 3.石林大酒店 Stone forest hotel 4.香格里拉大饭店 Giant hotel of Shangri-la 海口酒店: 1.海南华侨宾馆 Overseas Chinese in Hainan hotel 2.海口奥斯罗克大酒店 Haikou Roek hotel then 3.海南海油菜大厦 Sea rape mansion of Hainan 4.海口兴华园酒店 Revitalize garden hotels of China in Haikou 5.海口宝华海景大酒店 Seascape hotel of China of the treasure of Haikou 6.海口国际金融大酒店 Hotel of international finance of Haikou

7.海口新温泉国际大酒店 New international hotel of hot spring of Haikou

8.海南华运凯莱大饭店 China of Hainan transports the triumphant giant hotel of fields lying fallow in rotation 9.海口海润大酒店 Moisten the hotel in the sea of Haikou 10.海星云龙湾度假村 Dragon's gulf holiday village of starfish cloud 石家庄酒店: 1.河北世纪饭店 Hotel of Hebei century 2.河北中国大酒店 Chinese hotel of Hebei 3.河北正定国豪大酒店 Hebei is booking the bold hotel of the country 4.河北人防大厦 People's air defense mansion of Hebei 5.石家庄国宾大酒店 State guest in Shijiazhuang hotel 6.石家庄世贸皇冠酒店 Imperial crown hotels of World Trade Organization of Shijiazhuang 7.石家庄中京大酒店 Hotel of Beijing in Shijiazhuang 8.金圆大厦 Round mansion of gold 9.石家庄国际大厦 International Building of Shijiazhuang 10.中京大酒店 Hotel of Beijing of China 郑州酒店:

1.郑州天泉大酒店 Day spring hotel of Zhengzhou 2.龙门大酒店 Hotel of Longmen 3.巩义市宾馆 Hotel of Gongyi 4.欧亚大酒店 Hotel of Eurasia 5.中都饭店 Hotel of China 6.郑州生茂饭店 Grow the luxuriant hotel in Zhengzhou 7.河南民航大酒店 Hotel of civil aviation of Henan 8.济源雅士达酒店 The refined scholar in Jiyuan reaches hotels 9.河南民航大酒店(郑州)Hotel of civil aviation of Henan(Zhengzhou)10.中州皇冠宾馆 Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou 长沙酒店:

1.金赋大酒店 Jin composes the hotel 2.金源酒店 Hotels of gold source 3.圣得拉大酒店 So holy as to draw the hotel 4.湘汇大酒店 Gather together the hotel in Hunan 5.泰天大酒店 Hotel on safe day 6.金帝大酒店 Gold emperor's hotel 7.陋圆宾馆 Plain round hotel 8.长岛饭店 Hotel of Changdao Island 9.巨州酒店 Huge state hotels 10.麓山宾馆 Mountain hotel in the hillfoo 长春酒店: 1.长春锦江花园大酒店 Garden hotel of Jin Jiang River of Changchun 2.长春吉林丽洋大酒店 Beautiful foreign hotel of Jilin of Changchun 3.长春教育宾馆 Educational hotel of Changchun 4.长春金都饭店 Money hotel of Changchun 5.交通宾馆 Traffic hotel 6.吉林亚泰饭店 Inferior safe hotel of Jilin 7.长春华侨饭店 Overseas Chinese in Changchun hotel 8.长春国际大厦酒店 Changchun International Building hotel 9.长春紫荆花饭店 Chinese redbud hotel of Changchun 10.长春国际会展中心大饭店 International giant hotel of Convention and Exhibition Center of Changchun 南京酒店: 1.斯亚花园酒店 Hotels of inferior garden then 2.侨鸿皇冠假日酒店 Live abroad in swan's imperial crown holiday inn 3.双门楼宾馆 Hotel of one pair of arches over a gate 4.巴蜀人家大酒店 Others' hotel of SiChuan 5.南京金桥饭店 Money bridge hotel of Nanjing 6.榴园宾馆 Pomegranate garden hotel 7.江苏新世纪大酒店 Hotel in the new century of Jiangsu 8.江苏大酒店 Hotel of Jiangsu 9.南京侨鸿皇冠酒店 Live abroad in swan's imperial crown hotels in Nanjing 10.南京国际会议大酒店 International conference hotel of Nanjing 南昌酒店: 1.江西民航大酒店 Hotel of civil aviation of Jiangxi 2.江西锦昌大酒店 Prosperous hotel of the silk of Jiangxi 3.南昌五湖大酒店 Five lake hotels of Nanchang 4.南昌锦锋大酒店 Silk sharp point hotel of Nanchang 5.江西七星商务酒店 Business hotel of seven stars of Jiangxi 6.锦昌大酒店 Prosperous hotel of the silk 7.吉伟宾馆 Lucky big hotel 8 富豪酒店 Rich and powerful people's hotels 9.新天地酒店 Hotels of new field 10.明园大酒店 Hotel of bright garden 九江酒店: 1.九江星河大酒店 Milky Way hotel of Jiujiang 2.中景假期酒店 Vacation hotels of the medium shot 3.天翔商务大酒店 It circles in the air in the commercial hotel 4.九江欧迪大酒店 Europe of Jiujiang guides the hotel 5.九江宾馆 Hotel of Jiujiang 6.其士九江大酒店 Hotel of its person's Jiujiang 7.星河大酒店 Milky Way hotel 沈阳酒店: 1.新世界万怡酒店 New ten thousand world happy hotels 2.鸿翔宾馆 The swan circles in the air in the hotel 3.沈阳东湖度假村 Holiday village of East Lake of Shenyang 4.兰亭宾馆 Holiday village of East Lake of Shenyang 5.金碧大酒店 Hotel of blue pavilion

6.沈阳新世界大酒店 Green hotel of goldNew world hotel of Shenyang 7.沈阳皇朝万豪酒店 The emperor in Shenyang is towards Marriott Hotel 8.房地产大厦 Real estate mansion 9.世星国际饭店 Life star International Hotel 10.沈阳假日酒店 Holiday inn of Shenyang 银川酒店: 1.荣源大酒店 Source hotel of the honour 2.太阳神大酒店 Sun god's hotel 3.元亨大酒店 Each hotel 4.宁夏电力大酒店 Electric hotel of Ningxia 5.虹桥大酒店 Hotel of Hongqiao 6.新华饭店 Xinhua hotel

7.长相忆宾馆 The feature recalls the hotel 8.凯达大酒店 Reach the hotel triumphantly 9.世纪大厦 Century mansion 10.宁夏青春商务酒店 Youth business hotel of Ningxia 青海酒店

1.柴达木宾馆 Hotel of Qaidam 2.青海天年阁饭店 Pavilion hotel in natural span of life of Qinghai 3.青海东湖世纪大酒店 East Lake of Qinghai century hotel 4.化隆宾馆 Melt in the grand hotel 5.明珠宾馆 Pearl hotel 6.邮政宾馆 Postal hotel 7.雪山宾馆 Snow-covered mountain hotel 8.西宁化隆宾馆 Grand hotel of Xi'ning 9.鸿宇宾馆 Swan's space hotel 10.龙源宾馆 Dragon's source hotel 济南酒店: 1.山东东方航空大酒店 Eastern aviation hotel of Shandong 2.金马大厦酒店 Golden Horse mansion hotel 3.济南蟠龙山大酒店 Curl in the hotel of Longshan in Jinan 4.莱钢济南大酒店 Hotel of Jinan of Laigang 5.山东大厦 Mansion of Shandong 6.济南泉景酒店 Spring scene hotels of Jinan 7.山东新闻大厦 News mansion of Shandong 8.玉泉森信大酒店 Simpson hotel of jade spring 9.济南城建宾馆 Urban construction hotel of Jinan 10.济南铁道大酒店 Railway hotel of Jinan 太原酒店: 1.太航大酒店 Navigate in the hotel very much 2.太原市唐都大酒店 Tang hotel of market of Taiyuan 3.山西阳光大酒店 Sunshine hotel of Shanxi 4.晋武宾馆 Military hotel the Jin Dynasty 5.航油大酒店 Boat oil hotel 6.新纪元大酒店 Hotel in new era 7.太平洋酒店 Hotels of Pacific Ocean 8.太原湖滨饭店 Lakeside hotel of Taiyuan 9.太原田和宾馆 Field and hotel of Taiyuan 10.煤炭大厦 Coal mansion 西安酒店: 1.西安五一饭店 Hotel on May Day of Xi'an 2.西安长安城堡大酒店 Castle hotel of Chang An of Xi'a 3.西安豪华美居人民大厦 Grand Mercure on Renmin Square Xi'an 4.西安建苑大厦 Build the garden mansion in Xi'an 5.西安蕾德曼酒店 Graceful hotels of Germany of flower bud of Xi'an 6.西安曲江惠宾苑宾馆 The song river in Xi'an favours guest's garden hotel 7.西安天顺大酒店 Xi'an heaven obeys the hotel 8.西安铁通商务酒店 Iron trading affair hotels of Xi'an 9.西安申鹏国际商务酒店 Explain roc's international business hotel in Xi'an 10.万年大酒店 Hotel in ten thousand years 成都酒店: 1.成都峨眉山饭店 Hotel of Mount Emei of Chengdu 2.都江堰心族中旅饭店 Travel in the hotel in the heart clan of Dujiang Weir 3.成都帝殿宾馆 Hall hotel of the emperor in Chengdu 4.云龙酒店 Cloud dragon's hotels 5.锦里客栈 Inn in the silk 6.鹤翔山庄 The crane circles in the air in the mountain villa 7.寰岛鱼凫国都温泉大酒店 Fish's wild duck's hotel of hot spring of national capital of extensive region island 8.彭州金瑞大酒店 Auspicious hotel of the the Peng 's money 9.京蓉宾馆 Beijing Rong hotel 10.新光华大酒店 New brilliance hotel 天津酒店: 1.天津警备区鞍山道招待所 A hostel of An'shan of garrison command in Tianjin 2.天津滨江万丽酒店 Ten thousand beautiful hotels of Binjiang in Tianjin 3.开发区大地中心酒店 Hotels of the earth centre of development zone 4.天津天波大酒店 Day wave hotel of Tianjin 5.红楼大酒店 Hotel of red building 6.天津雍阳宾馆 Open hotel of the harmony of Tianjin 7.天津会宾园大酒店 Know guest's garden hotel in Tianjin 8.皇宫酒店 Hotels of imperial palace 9.天津金皇大酒店 Emperor's hotel of the money of Tianjin 10.天津憩园宾馆 Rest garden hotel of Tianjin 昆明酒店: 1.云南明都大酒店 Bright hotel of Yunnan 2.昆明佳新大酒店 Good new hotel of Kunming 3.昆明经贸宾馆 Economic and trade hotel of Kunming 4.昆明中玉酒店 Jade hotels in Kunming 5.昆明樱花假日酒店 Oriental cherry holiday inn of Kunming 6.昆明万怡酒店 Ten thousand happy hotels in Kunming 7.世博花园酒店 Hotels of rich garden generation 8.昆明国际大酒店 International hotel of Kunming 9.天和大酒店 Tianhe hotel 10.昆明石林大酒店 Shiling hotel of Kunming 重庆酒店: 1.锦绣大酒店 Beautiful hotel 2.太极大酒店 Taiji hotel 3.重庆渝都大酒店 Hotel of Chongqing of Chongqing 4.南海宾馆 Hotel of the South China Sea 5.讯大酒店 Space news hotel

6.重庆云篆山宾馆 Cloud seal character mountain hotel of Chongqin 7.重庆国际大饭店 International giant hotel of Chongqing 8.重庆富安大酒店 The hotel is fitted richly in Chongqing 9.香山宾馆 Hotel of Fragrant Hills 10.天鹅湖宾馆 Swan Lake hotel 7




Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁

Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理

Sales Manager 销售经理

Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理

Merchandising Manager 采购经理

Sales Assistant 销售助理

Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员

Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员

Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师

Marketing Consultant 市场顾问

Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监

Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员

Manufacturer‘‘s Representative 厂家代表

Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监

Sales Representative 销售代表

Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理

Marketing Intern 市场实习

Marketing Director 市场总监

Insurance Agent 保险代理人

Customer Manager 客户经理

Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁

Regional Customer Manager 地区客户经理

Sales Administrator 销售主管

Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监

Telemarketer 电话销售员

Sales Executive 销售执行者

Marketing Assistant 市场助理

Retail Buyer 零售采购员

Real Estate Manager 房地产经理

Real Estate Broker 房地产经纪人

Purchasing Agent 采购代理

Product Developer 产品开发

Marketing Manager 市场经理

Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员

Advertising Assistant 广告助理

Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail)广告文撰写人

Customer Representative 客户代表


Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


MIS Manager 电脑部经理

Project Manager 项目经理

Technical Engineer 技术工程师

Developmental Engineer 开发工程师

Systems Programmer 系统程序员

Administrator 局域网管理员

Operations Analyst 操作分析

Computer Operator 电脑操作员

Product Support Manager 产品支持经理

Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管

Director of InFORMation Services 信息服务主管

Systems Engineer 系统工程师

Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师

Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员

InFORMation Analyst 信息分析

LAN Systems Analyst 系统分析

Statistician 统计员


Director of Human Resources 人力资源总监

Assistant Personnel Officer 人事助理

Compensation Manager 薪酬经理

Employment Consultant 招募顾问

Facility Manager 后勤经理

Job Placement Officer 人员配置专员

Labor Relations Specialist 劳动关系专员

Recruiter 招聘人员

Training Specialist 培训专员

Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁

Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources


Personnel Manager 职员经理

Benefits Coordinator 员工福利协调员

Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表

Personnel Consultant 员工顾问

Training Coordinator 培训协调员 EXECUTIVE AND MANAGERIAL(管理部分)

Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席执行官

Director of Operations 运营总监

Vice-President 副总裁



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


Branch Manager 部门经理

Retail Store Manager 零售店经理

HMO Product Manager 产品经理

Operations Manager 操作经理

Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理

Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员

Management Consultant 管理顾问

District Manager 市区经理

Hospital Administrator 医院管理

Import/Export Manager 进出口经理

Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员

Program Manager 程序管理经理

Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员

Project Manager 项目经理

Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理

Regional Manager 区域经理

Chief Operations Officer(COO)首席运营官

General Manager 总经理

Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监


Food Service Manager 食品服务经理

Production Manager 生产经理

Administrator 医疗保险管理

Property Manager 房地产经理

Claims Examiner 主考官


Service Manager 服务经理

Manufacturing Manager 制造业经理

Vending Manager 售买经理

Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理

Transportation Manager 运输经理

Warehouse Manager 仓库经理

Assistant Store Manager 商店经理助理

Advertising Manager 广告经理

Travel Agent 旅行代办员

Salesperson 销售员

Accounting Assistant 会计助理

Accounting Clerk 记帐员

Accounting Manager 会计部经理

Accounting Stall 会计部职员

Accounting Supervisor 会计主管



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


Administration Manager 行政经理

Administration Staff 行政人员

Administrative Assistant 行政助理

Administrative Clerk 行政办事员

Advertising Staff 广告工作人员

Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座员

Airlines Staff 航空公司职员

Application Engineer 应用工程师

Assistant Manager 副经理

Bond Analyst 证券分析员

Bond Trader 证券交易员

Business Controller 业务主任

Business Manager 业务经理

Buyer 采购员

Cashier 出纳员

Chemical Engineer 化学工程师

Civil Engineer 土木工程师

Clerk/Receptionist 职员/接待员

Clerk Typist & Secretary 文书打字兼秘书

Computer Data Input Operator 计算机资料输入员

Computer Engineer 计算机工程师

Computer Processing Operator 计算机处理操作员

Computer System Manager 计算机系统部经理

Copywriter 广告文字撰稿人

Deputy General Manager 副总经理

Economic Research Assistant 经济研究助理

Electrical Engineer 电气工程师

Engineering Technician 工程技术员

English Instructor/Teacher 英语教师

Export Sales Manager 外销部经理

Export Sales Staff 外销部职员

Financial Controller 财务主任

Financial Reporter 财务报告人

F.X.(Foreign Exchange)Clerk 外汇部职员

F.X.Settlement Clerk 外汇部核算员

Fund Manager 财务经理

General Auditor 审计长

General Manager/President 总经理

General Manager Assistant 总经理助理

General Manager‘s Secretary 总经理秘书

Hardware Engineer(计算机)硬件工程师



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


Import Liaison Staff 进口联络员

Import Manager 进口部经理

Insurance Actuary 保险公司理赔员

International Sales Staff 国际销售员

Interpreter 口语翻译

Legal Adviser 法律顾问

Line Supervisor 生产线主管

Maintenance Engineer 维修工程师

Management Consultant 管理顾问

Manager 经理

Manager for Public Relations 公关部经理

Manufacturing Engineer 制造工程师

Manufacturing Worker 生产员工

Market Analyst 市场分析员

Market Development Manager 市场开发部经理

Marketing Manager 市场销售部经理

Marketing Staff 市场销售员

Marketing Assistant 销售助理

Marketing Executive 销售主管

Marketing Representative 销售代表

Marketing Representative Manager 市场调研部经理

Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师

Mining Engineer 采矿工程师

Music Teacher 音乐教师

Naval Architect 造船工程师

Office Assistant 办公室助理

Office Clerk 职员

Operational Manager 业务经理

Package Designer 包装设计师

Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位预订员

Personnel Clerk 人事部职员

Personnel Manager 人事部经理

Plant/Factory Manager 厂长

Postal Clerk 邮政人员

Private Secretary 私人秘书

Product Manager 生产部经理

Production Engineer 产品工程师

Professional Staff 专业人员

Programmer 电脑程序设计师

Project Staff(项目)策划人员

Promotional Manager 推销部经理



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


Proof-reader 校对员

Purchasing Agent 采购(进货)员

Quality Control Engineer 质量管理工程师

Real Estate Staff 房地产职员

Recruitment Coordinator 招聘协调人

Regional Manger 地区经理

Research & Development Engineer 研究开发工程师

Restaurant Manager 饭店经理

Sales and Planning Staff 销售计划员

Sales Assistant 销售助理

Sales Clerk 店员、售货员

Sales Coordinator 销售协调人

Sales Engineer 销售工程师

Sales Executive 销售主管

Sales Manager 销售部经理

Salesperson 销售员

Seller Representative 销售代表

Sales Supervisor 销售监管

School Registrar 学校注册主任

Secretarial Assistant 秘书助理

Secretary 秘书

Securities Custody Clerk 保安人员

Security Officer 安全人员

Senior Accountant 高级会计

Senior Consultant/Adviser 高级顾问

Senior Employee 高级雇员

Senior Secretary 高级秘书

Service Manager 服务部经理

Simultaneous Interpreter 同声传译员

Software Engineer(计算机)软件工程师

Supervisor 监管员

Systems Adviser 系统顾问

Systems Engineer 系统工程师

Systems Operator 系统操作员

Technical Editor 技术编辑

Technical Translator 技术翻译

Technical Worker 技术工人

Telecommunication Executive 电讯(电信)员

Telephonist/Operator 电话接线员、话务员

Tourist Guide 导游

Trade Finance Executive 贸易财务主管



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


Trainee Manager 培训部经理

Translation Checker 翻译核对员

Translator 翻译员

Trust Banking Executive 银行高级职员

Typist 打字员

Word Processing Operator 文字处理操作员


中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice President, the People’s Republic of China

全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People’s Congress

秘书长 Secretary-General

主任委员 Chairman

委员 Member

(地方人大)主任 Chairman, Local People’s Congress

人大代表 Deputy to the People’s Congress


国务院总理 Premier, State Council

国务委员 State Councilor

秘书长 Secretary-General

(国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of Commission for

(国务院各部)部长 Minister

部长助理 Assistant Minister

司长 Director

局长 Director

省长 Governor

常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor

自治区人民政府主席 Chairman, Autonomous Regional People’s Government

地区专员 Commissioner, prefecture

香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor

区长 Chief Executive, District Government

县长 Chief Executive, County Government

乡镇长 Chief Executive, Township Government

秘书长 Secretary-General

办公厅主任 Director, General Office

(部委办)主任 Director

处长/副处长 Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief

科长/股长 Section Chief

科员 Clerk/Officer

发言人 Spokesman

顾问 Adviser



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


参事 Counselor

巡视员 Inspector/Monitor

特派员 Commissioner


特命全权大使 Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary

公使 Minister

代办 Charge d’Affaires

临时代办 Charge d’Affaires ad Interim

参赞 Counselor

政务参赞 Political Counselor

商务参赞 Commercial Counselor

经济参赞 Economic Counselor

新闻文化参赞 Press and Cultural Counselor

公使衔参赞 Minister-Counselor

商务专员 Commercial Attaché

经济专员 Economic Attaché

文化专员 Cultural Attaché

商务代表 Trade Representative

一等秘书 First Secretary

武官 Military Attaché

档案秘书 Secretary-Archivist

专员/随员 Attaché

总领事 Consul General

领事 Consul


人民法院院长 President, People’s Courts

人民法庭庭长 Chief Judge, People’s Tribunals

审判长 Chief Judge

审判员 Judge

书记 Clerk of the Court

法医 Legal Medical Expert

法警 Judicial Policeman

人民检察院检察长 Procurator-General, People’s procuratorates

监狱长 Warden

律师 Lawyer

公证员 Notary Public

总警监 Commissioner General

警监 Commissioner

警督 Supervisor

警司 Superintendent

警员 Constable



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com



中共中央总书记 General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee

政治局常委 Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee

政治局委员 Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee

书记处书记 Member, secretariat of the CPC Central Committee

中央委员 Member, Central Committee

候补委员 Alternate Member

省委/市委书记 Secretary,…Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC

党组书记 secretary, Party Leadership Group


会长 President

主席 Chairman

名誉顾问 Honorary Adviser

理事长 President

理事 Trustee/Council Member

总干事 Director-General

总监 Director


名誉董事长 Honorary Chairman

董事长 Chairman

执行董事 Executive Director

总裁 President

总经理 General Manager;C.E.O(Chief Executive Officer)

经理 Manager

财务主管 Controller

公关部经理 PR Manager

营业部经理 Business Manager

销售部经理 Sales Manager

推销员 Salesman

采购员 Purchaser

导演 Director

演员 Actor

画师 Painter

指挥 Conductor

编导 Scenarist

录音师 Sound Engineer

舞蹈编剧 Choreographer

美术师 Artist

制片人 Producer



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


剪辑导演 Montage Director

配音演员 Dubber

摄影师 Cameraman

化装师 Make-up Artist

舞台监督 Stage Manager

售货员 Sales Clerk

领班 Captain

经纪人 Broker

高级经济师 Senior Economist

高级会计师 Senior Accountant

注册会计师 Certified Public Accountant

出纳员 Cashier

审计署审计长 Auditor-General, Auditing Administration

审计师 Senior Auditor

审计员 Auditing Clerk

统计师 Statistician

统计员 Statistical Clerk

厂长 factory Managing Director

车间主任 Workshop Manager

工段长 Section Chief

作业班长 Foreman

仓库管理员 Storekeeper

教授级高级工程师 Professor of Engineering

高级工程师 Senior Engineer

技师 Technician

建筑师 Architect

设计师 Designer

机械师 Mechanic

化验员 Chemical Analyst

质检员 Quality Inspector

高级农业师 Senior Agronomist

农业师 Agronomist

助理农业师 Assistant Agronomist

农业技术员 Agricultural Technician

中国科学院院长 President, Chinese Academy of Sciences

主席团执行主席 Executive Chairman

科学院院长 President(Academies)

学部主任 Division Chairman

院士 Academician

大学校长 President, University

中学校长 Principal, Secondary School



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


小学校长 Headmaster, Primary School

学院院长 Dean of College

校董事会董事 Trustee, Board of Trustees

教务主任 Dean of Studies

总务长 Dean of General Affairs

注册主管 Registrar

系主任 Director of Department/Dean of the Faculty

客座教授 Visiting Professor

交换教授 Exchange Professor

名誉教授 Honorary Professor

班主任 Class Adviser

特级教师 Teacher of Special Grade

研究所所长 Director, Research Institute

研究员 Professor

副研究员 Associate Professor

助理研究员 Research Associate

研究实习员 Research Assistant

高级实验师 Senior Experimentalist

实验师 Experimentalist

助理实验师 Assistant Experimentalist

实验员 Laboratory Technician

教授 Professor

副教授 Associate Professor

讲师 Instructor/Lecturer

助教 Assistant

高级讲师 Senior Lecturer

讲师 Lecturer

助理讲师 Assistant Lecturer

教员 Teacher

指导教师 Instructor

主任医师(讲课)Professor of Medicine

主任医师(医疗)Professor of Treatment

儿科主任医师 Professor of Paediatrics

主治医师 Doctor-in-charge

外科主治医师 Surgeon-in-charge

内科主治医师 Physician-in-charge

眼科主治医师 Oculist-in-charge

妇科主治医师 Gynaecologist-in-charge

牙科主治医师 Dentist-in-charge

医师 Doctor

医士 Assistant Doctor



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


主任药师 Professor of Pharmacy

主管药师 Pharmacist-in-charge

药师 Pharmacist

药士 Assistant Pharmacist

主任护师 Professor of Nursing

主管护师 Nurse-in-charge

护师 Nurse Practitioner

护士 Nurse

主任技师 Senior Technologist

主管技师 Technologist-in-charge

技师 Technologist

技士 Technician

总编辑 Editor-in-chief

高级编辑 Full Senior Editor

主任编辑 Associate Senior Editor

编辑 Editor

助理编辑 Assistant Editor

高级记者 Full Senior Reporter

主任记者 Associate Senior Reporter

记者 Reporter

助理记者 Assistant Reporter

编审 Professor of Editorship

编辑 Editor

助理编辑 Assistant Editor

技术编辑 Technical Editor

技术设计员 Technical Designer

校对 Proofreader

译审 Professor of Translation

翻译 Translator/Interpreter

助理翻译 Assistant Translator/Interpreter


电台/电视台台长 Radio/TV Station Controller

播音指导 Director of Announcing

主任播音员 Chief Announcer

播音员 Announcer

电视主持人 TV Presenter

总公司 Head Office

分公司 Branch Office

营业部 Business Office

人事部 Personnel Department

(人力资源部)Human Resources Department



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com


总务部 General Affairs Department

财务部 General Accounting Department

销售部 Sales Department

促销部 Sales Promotion Department

国际部 International Department

出口部 Export Department

进口部 Import Department

公共关系 Public Relations Department

广告部 Advertising Department

企划部 Planning Department

产品开发部 Product Development Department

研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)

秘书室 Secretarial Pool



电话:0579-85150600 85102197 E-mail: huang@ywfanyi.com

www.xiexiebang.com www.xiexiebang.com



抗静电袋: ESD bag

PE(防静电)袋 : PE(anti-static)PE bag PE(防静电)气泡袋/膜 : PE(anti-static)bubble bag /(wrap / film)PE 导电袋 : PE conductive bag PE 导电网格袋 : PE conductive grid bag 防静电屏蔽袋子:(anti-static)shielding bag

(防静电)防潮袋/铝箔袋:(anti-static)Moisture Barrier Bag / Aluminum Bag 尼龙(真空)袋子: NY(vacuum bag)屏蔽膜复合气泡袋 / 膜 : shielding bubble bag / film

导电膜复合气泡袋 / 膜 : conductive film sticked(conglutinated)with bubble bag / film

网格膜复合气泡袋 / 膜 : conductive grid film sticked(conglutinated)with bubble bag / film

牛皮纸复合气泡袋: bubble cushioned(lined)craft / kraft paper mailer , craft / kraft bubble mailer(mailing bag , envelope)镀铝膜复合气泡袋: bubble cushioned(lined)aluminized(metallized)foil / film mailer , aluminized(metallized)foil / film bubble mailer(mailing bag , envelope)镀铝膜快递袋: aluminized(metallized)foil / film mailer , aluminized(metallized)foil / film mailer(mailing bag , envelope , bag)共挤膜复合气泡袋: poly bubble mailer , poly bubble envelope , poly bubble express bag

共挤膜快递袋: poly mailer, poly envelope , poly express bag

牛皮纸复合珍珠棉袋: EPE foam lined(cushioned)kraft paper bag /envelope 邮递袋/快递袋 : mailer , mailing bag , express bag , envelope 气泡衬里邮/快递袋: bubble lined / cushioned express evelope / mailer / mailing bag

Envelope / mailer / mailing bag with bubble lining(cushioning)隔热材/隔热保温材料 :(thermal, heat)insulation material 铝箔气泡隔热材: bubble foil(thermal , heat)insulation material



1.Project Manager 项目经理

2.Project Stakeholders 项目干系人

3.general engineer 总监理工程师

4.vice-general engineer副监理工程师

5.supervising engineer 监理工程师

6.supervisory staff 监理人员


1.Senior System Architect高级系统架构师

2.Software Architect软件架构师

3.Network Architect 网络架构师

4.system analyst 系统分析师

1.Senior Software Engineer 高级软件工程师

2.software QA engineer(software quality assurance engineer)软件测试工程师

3.Test Engineer 测试工程师 administrator(SA)系统管理员

2.network administrator 网络管理员

3.database administrator(DBA)数据库管理员

1.designer 设计师

2.developer 开发人员(开发者)

3.Programmer 程序员

4.Data Processing Specialist 信息处理员 software engineer 软件工程师 network engineer 网络工程师 database engineer数据库工程师 Information Security Engineer 信息安全工程师


1.Telecommunications network planner 电信工程网络规划师

2.Telecommunications Engineer 通信工程师

3.Data Communication Engineer 数据通信工程师

4.Mobile Communication Engineer 动通信工程师

5.Wireless Communication Engineer 无线通信工程师

6.Senior Telecom Engineer 高级通信工程师



总公司 Head Office 分公司 Branch Office 营业部 Business Office 人事部 Personnel Department 人力资源部 Human Resources Department 总务部 General Affairs Department 财务部 General Accounting Department 销售部 Sales Department 促销部 Sales Promotion Department 国际部 International Department 出口部 Export Department 进口部 Import Department 公共关系 Public Relations Department 广告部 Advertising Department 企划部 Planning Department 产品开发部 Product Development Department 研发部 Research and Development Department(R&D)秘书室 Secretarial Pool 采购部 Purchasing Department 工程部 Engineering Department 行政部 Admin.Department 人力资源部 HR Department 市场部 Marketing Department 技术部 Technolog Department 客服部 Service Department 行政部 Administration 财务部 Financial Department 总经理室 Direcotor, President 副总经理室 Deputy Director, Vice president 总经办 General Deparment 采购部 Purchase & Order Department 工程部 Engineering Deparment 研发部 Research Deparment 生产部 Productive Department 销售部 Sales Deparment 广东业务部 GD Branch Deparment 无线事业部 Wireless Industry Department 拓展部 Business Expending Department 物供部 Supply Department 业务拓展部 B&D business and development 市场部 Marketing 销售部 Sales 人力资源部 HR 会计部 Account

公共关系部 PR people relationship

办公室 OFC(Office, 但不常见), OMB = Office of Management and Budget 财务部 Finance

市场部 MKTG(Marketing)

研发部 R&D(Research & Development)产品部 MFG(Manufacturing)管理部 Administration Dept.采购部 Purchasing Dept

总经理办公室 Chairman/President Office, Gerneral Manager office, GM office

监事会 Monitor & Support Department

战略研究部 Strategy Research

外销部 Overseas Department, International Sales Section, Export Section

财务科 Financial/Fiscal Department 党支部 Communist Party Office

会议室 Meeting Room/Hall/Auditorium, Conference Hall/Auditorium, Auditorium(视其大小而定了)会客室 Reception Lounge/Room/House, Meeting Room, Guest Room 质检科


Section/Department,Quality-inspection/Quality Control Department 内销部 Domestic Sales Section/Department

厂长室 Miller/Director/President' Office(这很取决于你们厂的类型和规模)

行政科 Administration Section/Department, Service section

技术部 Technology Section

档案室 Archives(Office)






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    一、 除大块机Eliminates the bulk machine 二、 齿型筛分除杂物机The screening and eliminates the sundry goods machine 三、 振动煤箅Vibration Coal Grate 四、 滚轴......


    植物名称中英文对照 矮牵牛,学名:Petunia hybrida 别名:碧冬茄、蕃薯花、撞羽朝颜,科属:茄科碧冬茄属 白晶菊,学名:Chrysanthemum paludosum 别名:晶晶菊,菊科 百日草,学名:Zinnia e......


    各种学位名称中英文对照翻译及缩写 美国学校提供的学位有很多种,依所学领域的不同,而有不同的学位。以下列出的是美国高等教育中较常见的学位: Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy): 博......


    co-production 联合拍摄 production 摄制 Consultant 策划 project supervisor 专案主管 executive producer 执行监制 senior producer 总监制 assiatant producer 助理监......


    国家名称中英文对照 阿尔巴尼亚 Albania 阿尔及利亚 Algeria 阿富汗 Afghanistan 阿根廷 Argentina 阿闻酋 United Arab Emirates 阿鲁巴 Aruba 阿曼 Oman 阿塞拜疆 Azerbai......


    职务名称中英文对照首席技术执行官CTO/VP Engineering 技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager 信息技术经理IT Manager 信息技术主管IT Supervisor 信息技术专员IT Speci......


    劳动法法规名称中英文对照 the name of labor laws and regulations 劳动法法规名称 Opinions of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Further Str......


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