.礼仪性口译的典型句型: 1.女士们,先生们,各位贵宾:
2.今晚我们请到了从伦敦远道而来的贵宾们与我们一起共度中秋佳节,我为此感到非常地荣幸!这些良好的印象将永远珍藏在我们美好的记忆之中。< Tonight, I feel deeply privileged(honored)to have the distinguished friends who come all the way from London to celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival with us.These fine impressions will forever remain in our cherished memories.>
< Today, It gives me such a pleasure and honor to have the joyful gathering with you all here, which gives me such a great opportunity to visit the old friends and meet the new ones.>
5.在这美丽无比的金秋季节,我们在北京迎来了第四届世界妇女大会的召开!为此,我们热烈欢呼第四届世界妇女大会的召开,并预祝大会圆满成功!< In this most beautiful season of golden autumn, we in Beijing welcome the opening of the 4th World Conference on Women.In this connection, we warmly herald the opening of it and wish it a complete success!>
7.承蒙由如此杰出的人士组成的团体造访本公司,实属莫大的愉快!< It is indeed my pleasure to receive the visit to our company from such a distinguished group of talents like you.>
< I’d like to express my most heartfelt gratitude for the gracious reception and generous hospitality of our host.No words can fully express my gratitude for your kind and thoughtful considerations during our stay here.>
9.请允许我请各位与我一起举杯,为我们两国人民的友谊和合作干杯!< May I ask you to join me in raising the glasses in your hands to the friendship and cooperation between two peoples.>
< Please permit me to extend my cordial greetings to the distinguished guests present at the China-Africa Cooperation Forum!>
< Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been looking forward to meeting Mr.President for a long time.I have been always hoping to discuss with Mr.President the cooperation and exchanges in a wide range of fields of our common interest.>
< We are both developing countries and are faced with the similar problems, such as the agriculture, transportation and environment and so on.We will first exchange the opinions in the above mentioned problems.>
我们两国还将签署有关协议,这将大大促进两国友好合作和两国人民之间的互相了解。我相信总统先生的对华访问定会富有成效的。< Both of countries will also sign the related agreements, which will greatly enhance the friendly cooperation between the two countries and promote the mutual understanding between the two peoples.I believe that Mr.President’s visit to China will surely be a fruitful one.>
我非常荣幸能应邀参加“外交与经济”研讨会,并与各位经济界、商业界和学术界的精英人士一起,共同探讨如何进一步加强经济外交工作。< It is indeed my honor to be invited to attend the seminar on “diplomacy and economy” and to gather together with the elites from the economic, business and academic circles.We will discuss how to further strengthen the economic and diplomatic efforts.>
< This seminar is of great significance to the implementation of the guideline of diplomacy serving the building of the better-off society in an all-round way and to the strengthening of the coordination of diplomacy and economy in the new era.>
< While safeguarding the national sovereignty and security, diplomacy needs to strengthen its protection of the national economic interests and promote the domestic economic development.>
1.代表我公司:on behalf of my company 2.以我个人的名义: in my personal name 3.从伦敦远道而来: come all the way from London 4.结识新朋友: make new acquaintances 5.设宴招待: host the banquet in honor of 6.借此机会: avail oneself of the opportunity to
7.预祝大会圆满成功:wish the conference a complete success 8.来自联合国代表团的代表:the delegates from the UN Delegation 9.友好接待: the gracious reception 10.盛情款待: the generous hospitality
11.体贴入微的关照: kind and thoughtful considerations
12.共同感兴趣的广泛领域: a wide range of fields of common interest 13.签署有关协议:sign the relevant agreements
14.贯彻外交为全面建设小康社会服务的方针:to implement the guideline of diplomacy serving the building of a better-off society in an all-round way
15.增进新时期外交与经济工作的配合: to strengthen the coordination of diplomacy and economy
16.国内外形势的新发展: new development of the both domestic and international situations 17.进一步贯彻科学发展观: further implement the concept to the scientific development 18.把握新世纪的发展机遇: seize the opportunities for development in the new century 19.维护国家主权和安全: safeguard national sovereignty and security
20.促进国内经济发展: promote the domestic economic development
主要包括祝酒词、各种场合的开幕式(opening ceremony)和闭幕式(closing ceremony)祝词和答谢词, mostly including A: 称呼:即讲话的对象,如:
Ladies and Gentlemen, Your honor Mr.Mayor, Respected Dr.smith, Your excellency President and Mrs.President(Bush)
• On behalf of all the members of my delegation, I would like to take this opportunity to • • express our sincere thanks to our host for their gracious hospitality.C: 正文: 既讲话的主要部分
D: 结尾: 在礼仪讲话的结尾部分,讲话人常常要再次向讲话的对象表示感谢。如果是宴会祝酒辞,讲话人常常提议为…… 干杯。
C.表达感谢的词句 Gratitude I am full of gratitude to you for helping me with my English Appreciation
The audience showed their appreciation with loud cheers.He showed little appreciation of my advice I am very grateful to receive this award for “Best Actress”
I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor(我说不出...,无法用语言来表达.)
I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher.I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him.E句型
• • • • • • I am very grateful…
I want to thank …for…
I want to express my gratitude to I want to express my appreciation to… …means a great deal to me.Words can’t express…
• • • • 致开幕/闭幕/欢迎词 : Deliver/make an opening/closing/welcome speech/address 陛下:YourHisHer Majesty 殿下:
Highness/Excellency/Royal Highness • •
• •
• • • • • • • • •
• •
• •
• • •
• •
On the occasion of this reception, I wish Mr.Mayor and our Chinese friends present here tonight good health and all the best.2 为此,我们热烈欢呼第四届妇女大会的召开,并预祝大会圆满成功。
For this, we warmly herald the opening of the Fourth World Conference on Women and wish the Conference a complete success 3.在我结束讲话之际,我请各位与我一同举杯,为布什总统和夫人的身体健康,为所有贵宾们的身体健康,为我们两国之间持久的友谊和合作,为世界和平与繁荣,干杯!
In closing, I would like you to join me in a toast(I would like to propose a toast)To the health of President and Mrs.Bush, To the health of all our distinguished guests,To the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two nations(countries), To the peace and prosperity of the world.4在结束讲话之际,我向罗杰斯市长阁下表示问候,希望他早日恢复健康。I would like to conclude my speech with my best regards to His Honor Mayor Rodgers.I wish him an early recovery an early return to his office.5.感谢各位拨冗参加我们的庆典宴会,与我们一起参加这家分支机构的成立。Thank you for taking time(taking time off your busiest schedule)to join this party to celebrate with us the establishment of this new(branch)office.值此大会开幕之际,我为能有机会就环境保护问题进行发言,向东道主致以谢意。On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my appreciation to the host for this opportunity to address the meeting on the topic of environmental protection.我很荣幸能应邀参加大会的闭幕式,并作发言。
I am greatly honored to be invited to attend and speak at the closing ceremony of the conference.首先,我谨向与会的所有代表致以崇高的敬意和节日的问候。
May I begin with my high respects and festive greetings to all the representatives present at the conference.我愿借此机会,就中英经贸关系的发展前景,发表自己的一些不太成熟的看法,供各位参考。• On this occasion I wish to discuss with you my tentativepreliminarynot too well-conceived thoughts on the prospects of Sino-British economic and trade relationship.
在现实生活中,我们每个人都可能被要求做一些礼仪性的演讲。要巧妙、有效地从事这些演讲,讲者除了熟谙于演讲的一般理论或技巧外,还应了解 有关这些特殊境遇下的演讲的技艺。下面,我们想就生活中几种常见的礼仪 性演讲的基本技艺做些介绍,以供参考。
在某些团体会议上,讲者是被特别邀请来的或是听者所不熟悉的,此时,就需要会议主持人以即席方式做个引见演讲,以把讲者介绍给听者。通过主 持人的引见这个中间环节,讲者和听者消除了彼此间的陌生,建立起一种友 好关系,使双方能在融洽的气氛中从事交流。
会议主持人要使引见演讲获得成功,关键要明确自己的职责,不僭越讲 者的地位。他虽然要做一番介绍性讲话,但他不是主要讲者。如同宴席上的 招待员一样,他只是提供某种服务,至于出席宴席的宾客,才是名副其实的 主角,所以,主持人在该场合,要委屈自己一下,给讲者以突出地位。通常,他的讲话不应超过5 分钟,有时甚至几句话就可完成。
引见演讲要向听者交待有关讲者及其演讲的背景材料。这种交待通常可 围绕讲者的特点或讲者演讲的讲题进行,如主持人可概括介绍一下邀讲者的 一般情况及其在该演讲领域内的出色成绩,也可解释一下邀请讲者就该课题 演讲的原因及意义,还可叙述一下听者对讲者及其演讲的热切朗待等。这里,主持人应严格限制自己的话题,不能为显示自己的才智,过多介绍、评价讲 者演讲的内容,因为这样做会使讲者陷于窘境,使其感到自己无话或无重要 话可讲。
会议主持人为使自己对背景材料的交待恰当正确,就得借助多种渠道去 了解讲者,熟悉有关讲者的具有特殊意义的材料,有条件的话,在演讲前可 安排一次与讲者的谈话,以确保自己引见时说的话都恰如其分。
会议主持人在引见叙说既将结束之际,为不使讲者出场显得唐突,可通 过声音或语调的变化,借助像““同志们,现在请×××为我们演讲”或“各 位听众,让我们以热烈掌声欢迎×××演讲”等恰当地连接语句,把讲者从 坐席上请出来。此时,主持人还要面转向讲者,并带头鼓掌欢迎。
①用引人注意的话开始演讲,语句要清楚、明确,必要时可说些幽默、诙谐 的话;②清楚、准确说出讲者的姓名及演讲题目;③真诚、客观地介绍讲者 的背景材料,不给人以牵强、吹捧之感;④充分表现自己的欢快和热情。2.授奖演讲
许多团体为鼓励先进、鞭策落后,都有定朗或非定期地召开庆功授奖大 会的惯例。在这种大会上,通常在颁布奖品前或后,由团体领导做个授奖演 讲,以表彰那些在日常或特殊的工作中做出了杰出贡献的人或组织。授奖演 讲有时还可用来纪念某个具有特别意义的日子或事件。
当具有相应的气氛。擅长于授奖演讲的人往往借助一些充满欢快而又响亮有 力的呼吁或口号,来点缀自己的演讲,以渲染大会的喜庆气氛和振奋听者的 精神。
授奖演讲的讲者可以热烈祝贺来作为演讲的开始。然后,他可围绕下述 几个方面来构造自己的演讲:有功人员所从事工作的性质或特点;他们在工 作中显现出的卓绝艰苦的努力和忘我奉献精神:他们所取得的卓越成就或杰 出贡献;他们体现出的榜佯力量的重要意义等。最后,讲者可以以向有功人 员学习的用力呼吁或对他们从事艰巨工作的真诚谢意来结束自己的演讲。在 整个演讲过程中,讲者应表现出一种能使全体在场人员都可感受到的出自内 心的喜悦和欢快,使大会始终保持高涨、热烈的情绪,从而产生先进更先进、后进赶先进的激励效果。
真正有效的授奖演讲还要求讲者做到:①视场合的具体情况,决定是否 使用稿件;②使用明确、活泼和富有号召力的语言;③对有功人员的褒奖,要避免夸张不实之词。
领受演讲由参加庆功授奖大会的有功人员或组织的代表来做,其通常出 现在大会表彰和颁布奖品之后。领受演讲一般采取简短的即席演讲的方式,除非与会者希望有功人员做个长篇发言。成功的领受演讲的最重要特征就在 于:必须符合演讲的境遇,即符合授奖大会的礼仪、气氛、前面其他人的演 讲、接受到的荣誉称号或奖励的类型等等。
领受演讲的讲者在始终关注符合演讲境遇的同时,应努力使自己的演讲 达到如下两个意图:
(一)诚挚地向授于自己荣誉或奖品的组织和个人致以 谢意,以规避给人不礼貌之感;
(二)谦虚而又如实地介绍自己取得的成绩 和经验教训,以给他人以借鉴,鼓舞和驱策他人共同前进。为此,他可以: 如实谈谈自己对所从事工作的认识和付出的努力;有分寸地列举自己取得的 成就;客观分析自己获得荣誉和奖励的意义所在;最后交待自己今后的打算 或愿望,以表示自己的决心。
引此,恰当得体的领受演讲还要求讲者:①始终以真诚、谦虚的语气讲 话;②在对自己所做的努力和取得的成绩做介绍时,既要防止言过其实,又 要防止过分谦恭;③发言简短、明了,有时仅需表达自己的谢意或决心就行。
通常,当外来的组织或人访问某团体,或者有人开始成为某团的新成员 时,该团体的领导就得扮演欢迎者的角色,履行致欢迎词的义务。欢迎演讲 可以是长篇的演说,也可以是简短的即兴发言,其正规程度既取决于演讲规 模大小,也取决于来访者或新成员拥有的名声、地位等状况。但不管怎样,欢迎演讲的讲者,可围绕下述领域来选择演讲内容:衷心表达对来访者或新 成员的热烈欢迎;热情叙说自己团体与他们之间以往的联系、合作、友谊或 共同的利益、理想、愿望等;客观地介绍自己团体诸方面的特点;友好地表 达对他们的良好祝愿或要求;恳求他们能对团体的工作提出要求或建议等。
诚而又礼貌地表达自己的谢意;愉快地回顾与该团体以往的联系、合作、友 谊或共同的理想、利益、愿望等;亲切赞美自己对该团体的印象和表达自己 的良好祝愿或决心等。
(1)视欢迎会的正规程度,酌情考虑是否借助稿件;(2)演讲要始终热情 洋溢、亲切友好。5.悼词
悼词的作用在于悼念去世者,寄托人们对去世者的哀思。殡仪馆是致悼 词的最常见场所。在一些已故著名人物的诞辰或逝世的周年纪念会上的发 言,也应属于悼词一类,悼词对讲者的最大要求就是:既要深沉而有情感地 表达对去世者的悲哀、怀念之情,又要保持理智,不放纵情感,以教育和感 染与会的听者,激发起人们继承去世者遗愿的决心。由于致悼词的场合通常 比较隆重、庄严的,因此,讲者应借助稿件来进行。
悼词的要主要内容之一是缅怀去世者的生平和业绩。通常,有经验的讲 者借助以下两种方法来进行:(1)年代法即讲者按死者生前的不同时期有 秩序地追怀其功绩(如按儿童时期、少年时期、青年时期、成年时期、老年 时期或按就读时期、开始取得成就时期、出名时期等)。讲者使用该方法时,要力求抓住去世者生前不同时期的具有代表性或典型的事实,而不要简单罗 列事实,报流水帐。(2)答题法即讲者通过对有关死者的若干重要问题的 回答来构造整篇悼词,这些问题包括:为什么说死者是个伟人或杰出的人? 他做出了什么成绩或完成了什么事业?他拥有什么样的优秀品质?他有哪些 富有魅力的个性或深切感人的事?他人是如何评价他的?等等。
悼词的另一不可少的内容就是要表达继承死者遗愿的决心。在这部分内 容中,讲者可一般地表达自己继承死者遗志的意志或愿望,也可具体列出死 者生前未实现的若干憾事,然后表明自己为之奋斗的决心。
通常,感人而又催人奋发的悼词还具有如下特点:(1)使用诚挚而朴 实无华的语言;(2)规避任何滑稽可笑或幽默的内容;(3)缅怀死者的
告别演讲最经常出现于这样两种情况下:一是某人在一岗位上工作多年 行将离职时;二是某人与亲朋好友分手前为表达自己的友好或依恋心情时。告别演讲面临的境遇是多样的,因此它同欢迎演讲一样,其形式可表现为正 规的公开演说,也可表现为简短的即兴发言。每位讲者应依具体情况,选择 恰当的告别演讲的形式。
告别演说在前一种情况下,讲者可参考下述内容:表达自己对离职的依 恋心情;阐述自己从事工作的原则或指导思想;坦诚说出自己工作中取得的 成绩、变化以及还存在的问题或不足;回顾自己工作中遇到最难忘或最有趣 的经历或轶事;诚挚感谢长期来帮助和支持自己工作的领导或同事。
告别演讲出现在后一种情况时,讲者可参考下述内容:表达自己与友人 分别的留恋心情;回忆与友人相处中的最难忘怀或最能体现双方间真诚情谊 的经历或轶事;对双方间友谊长存的真诚的祝愿;衷心感谢友人的周到服务 或热情款待。
告别演讲的讲者除选择好内容外,还应注意:(1)根据场合情况决定 是否使用稿件;(2)使用朴素、简明的语言;(3)表达依恋心情或谢 意必须情真意切;(4)介绍自己的工作成绩不自吹自擂,谈自己的工作不 足不过于具体,不纠缠细节。
上面,我们扼要介绍了几种常见的礼仪性演讲。当然,类似的演讲在生 活中还很多,我们这里只是聊举数端而已。总之,你在运用演讲的一般理论 和技巧时,只要始终牢记:(1)认清自己演讲境遇的基本要求;(2)..选择适合于该演讲境遇的内容和方法,你就能娴熟自如地应付各种境遇下的 礼仪性演讲。
第五篇:第六单元 礼仪性口译(汉译英)
第六单元 礼仪性口译(Interpreting Ceremonial Speeches)
6-1 新春联欢
(Celebrating the Spring Festival)
各位嘉宾:(Distinguished guests,)在这个美丽无比、繁星满天的夜晚,我谨代表总经理欧阳女士,以及公司的全体同仁,感谢各位能在一年中最繁忙的季节,从百忙中拨冗光临我们的新春联欢晚会,并向你们表示欢迎。(On this most beautiful evening with numerous shining stars in the sky, on behalf of General Manager Madam Ouyang and all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank you all the people here for taking the time of their busy schedule, at the busiest time of the year, to come to our Chinese New Year’s party.We really appreciate your presence here tonight with us.)
特别有幸的是,今晚我们邀请到了从加拿大远道而来的本森电子公司的朋友们。有如此杰出的贵宾与我们一起共同欢度春节,我深感自豪和荣幸。(In particular, we are very fortunate to have the attendance of our friends with the Benson’s Electronics Company, who came here all the way from Canada.I feel very proud and honored to have such a distinguished group of guests with us, in celebration of our Spring Festival.)
我们尽自己之所能,并将继续竭尽全力使各位度过一个最轻松、最快乐、最难忘的夜晚。我希望各位来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴与美酒。请不要客气。(We have done and will continue to do our best to make this evening most relaxing, most enjoyable and most memorable for you.I hope you will have a good time enjoying the traditional Chinese cuisine and drinking the unique Chinese wine to your heart’s content.So help yourself.)
各位还将欣赏由本公司一些才华横溢的青年员工所表演的纯正的中国味的文艺节目。今晚我们会过得非常愉快。平日在公司上班时,我们中外职员几乎没有时间坐下来交谈。我希望这次晚会可以让我们有极好的机会,无所拘束的了解彼此的情况,增进个人之间的友谊。(In a moment, you will enjoy the authentic Chinese performance given by some talented young employees of our company.We will have a lot of fun tonight.While at work in the company, we, Chinese as well as overseas staff of the company, hardly get to sit own and talk to each other.I hope this party will give us an excellent
opportunity to get to know each other better in a more informal way and increase personal friendships.)
女士们、先生们,我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临。最后,我祝愿各位新年身体健康、万事如意。(Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to thank you again for coming to the party.And I wish every one of you good health and the very best of luck in everything in the new year.)
(At the Christmas Party)
董事长先生,(Mr.Chairman,)女士们、先生们,(Ladies and gentlemen,)
各位圣诞快乐!(Merry Christmas to you all!)我谨代表我们一行的全体成员,感谢董事长先生的盛情邀请,使我们来到装饰得如此华丽的大厅,参加如此欢快的圣诞晚会。(On behalf of all the members of my group, I’d like to thank you, Mr.Chairman, for your gracious invitation for us to attend such an enjoyable Christmas party in such a magnificently decorated hall.)
圣诞节是一个十分欢愉的节日,这的确是一年中的良辰佳时。圣诞节对我们所有人都有其吸引人的地方,那就是人间的温暖、爱恋、关怀、团聚、融洽、奉献。这就是圣诞节的精神所在。(Christmas is a very happy and joyous occasion.It is really a wonderful time of the year.There is something in this holiday which appeals to everyone.That is, warmth, love, care, union, harmony and dedication of humanity.This is the spirit of the Christmas holiday.)
在许多国家,圣诞节是全年的一个亮点。除了礼物之外我们还希望得到其他一些东西。在所有的欢乐和装饰物的背后,我们希望得到更有意义、更丰富的东西,那就是生活的真谛:快乐、希望、信念。有了信念,我们将无所畏惧地跨入充满挑战和机遇的新的一年。(In many countries of the world, the celebration of Christmas is a high point of the year.We hope for more than presents at Christmas.We feel sure that behind all the fun and decorations, there must somehow be a message, something more—some key to life, such as happiness, hope and faith.Armed with that faith, we should be able to embark undaunted upon the new year with all its challenges and chances.)
当然,我们也很喜欢这里的美酒佳肴。是的,烤火鸡的味道好极了。音乐也非常优美。要是我会跳舞的话,相比会过得更加快乐。我喜欢这里的一切,而更为重要的是,我喜欢与你们聚会,与你们交谈,增进了解,共度难忘的时光。(Of course, we really enjoy the delicious wine and excellent food served here.Yes, the roast turkey is simply delicious.Also, the music is superb.If I were a better dancer, I could have enjoyed the party more.I like everything here, but more important, I enjoyed meeting and talking to you, getting to know you, and sharing the memorable time together.)
对于这次美好的安排,我感激不尽。晚会组织得完美无缺,令人尽兴。我日后一定还会记得这次美好的聚会。(I am deeply grateful to you for this nice arrangement.The party was perfectly organized and I enjoyed every minute of it.I’m sure I will remember this great occasion for many years to come.)
就我们融洽的商务关系而言,今年对我们所有人来说都是一个好。我们的合资企业的销售额显著增长。我希望我们能保持这种务实的合作关系,使明年的业绩更加辉煌。(It has been a great year for all of us in terms of our harmonious business relationship.Our joint venture has had a remarkable sales growth.I hope we will be able to maintain this pragmatic cooperative relationship and make the new year a more fruitful year.)
让我们在这年终岁末之际,共同举杯,庆祝这喜庆佳节。(I would like to toast with you to this happy occasion at the end of the year.)
我为有幸参加这次精彩的聚会,再次向您深表谢意。我们度过了一个美好的夜晚。(Thank you very much again for this wonderful party.We had a great time.)
我再一次祝各位圣诞快乐!(Please join me once again in wishing every one of you a merry Christmas.)
6-2 开幕祝词
(An Opening Speech)
女士们、先生们:(Ladies and gentlemen,)
我宣布“亚太地区市民社会与文化多样性天津国际论坛”现在正式开幕。(May I hereby declare
open “Tianjin Forum on Civil Society and Cultural Pluralism in the Asia-Pacific Region”.)
首先,请允许我代表论坛的筹委会,向今天参加开幕式的天津市政府领导、社会团体的领导、社区工作者协会的代表,以及社会各界的来宾,表示热烈的欢迎!同时向来自加拿大、澳大利亚、英国以及世界其他国家和地区的朋友们表示热烈的欢迎。加拿大温哥华兰戈拉社区学院和澳大利亚拉特罗布大学市民社会研究所对这次国际论坛的成功举办给予了很大的帮助,对此我谨致以诚挚的谢意。(First of all , permit me, on behalf of the organizing committee of the forum, to extend our warm welcome to the leaders of the Tianjin Municipal Government, leaders of social organizations, representatives of the Community Social Workers’ Association and guests from various circles!Our warm welcome goes also to the friends from Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, as well as from other countries and regions.I wish to express our sincere thanks to the Langara Community College of Vancouver, Canada, and Civil Society Research Institute of Latrobe University, Australia, whose generous help has made possible the successful commencement of this forum.)
女士们、先生们,日新月异的信息技术给我们带来了知识结构与内容的更新与革命,而全球化的浪潮更是波及人类生活的每一个层面,改变着我们局限于种族、地区与国家的传统的思维方式。社会的发展与进步也越来越多地与社会每一成员和团体密切相关。从这个意义上来说,市民社会具有推动社会发展的重要意义。与此同时,日趋多元化的文化对社会进步也起着极其重要的促进作用。(Ladies and gentlemen, the ever-changing information technology has updated and revolutionized the structure and content of human knowledge.And globalization is increasingly affecting every facet of our life.Consequently, our traditional way of thinking, which used to be constrained within the mindset of ethnicity, region and state, has been drastically changed.Social development and advancement have been increasingly built into the life of every social individual and group.In this regard, the civil society is especially important for the promotion of social development and meanwhile, our culture is becoming more and more pluralistic, playing a pivotal role in pushing forward the advancement of our society.)
中国有着古老灿烂的文明,同时也正在经历着一场历史性的走向现代化的大变革。作为亚太地区的重要国家,中国正在健康地稳步走向社会与文化的繁荣和发展。本次“亚太地区市民社会与文化多样性天津国际论坛”就是在这一背景下举行的。我们希望通过这次国际论坛,可以加深不同社会与文化之间的相互了解,促进亚太地区学术界的交流,促进本地区文化与社会的变革与发展。(China enjoys a long tradition of brilliant civilization , and is currently dedicated to the historical,vigorous transformation that leads to a modern society.China as one of the most important countries in the Asia-Pacific Region is advancing healthily and steadily towards social and cultural prosperity and development.The current “Tianjin Forum on Civil Society and Cultural Pluralism in the Asia-Pacific Region” is set exactly against this background.It is our hope that the forum will intensify mutual understanding between different societies and cultures, facilitate academic exchanges in the Asia-Pacific region, and promote cultural and social changes and development in this region.)
女士们、先生们,我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和发展,要求我们改革和完善社会福利保障体制,从而对社区服务提出了更高的要求。随着政府职能的转变,原来由政府包揽的许多社会服务工作,有相当一部分将逐步转移到社会团体和民间组织。一方面,政府的宏观管理责任将会变得更加重大。另一方面,社会团体和民间组织有必要参与更多的社区服务工作。这就提出了一个课题:政府和社会团体如何密切合作,如何分工协作,更好的推进社区服务事业。海外一些发达国家和地区在这方面积累了不少经验,值得我们借鉴和研究。(Ladies and gentlemen, the establishment and development of China’s Socialist market economy requires the reform and improvement in our social welfare and security system, which in turn places higher expectations on the work of community service.With the transformation of governmental functions, much of the work involving social services that was initially undertaken by the government will have to be transferred gradually to social groups and non-governmental organizations.On the one hand, the government will shoulder greater responsibilities in its macro-management;and on the other hand, social groups and non-governmental organizations will need to involve themselves more in community service.Consequently, there has emerged an issue which concerns the way of a close collaboration and the division of responsibilities between the government and social groups, in order to further the development of community service.Some developed countries and regions have accumulated much experience in this regard, which merits our reference and study.)
女士们、先生们,我们愿借此机会向各位介绍近年来我国城市的社区工作,尤其是天津市的社会保障体制的改革,并通过交流达到学习国际先进经验的目的。我相信这次国际论坛对于推动我国社区服务事业的蓬勃开展,促进我国经济发展和社会稳定,具有积极的作用和意义。同时我也相信,在各位朋友的共同努力下,我们的论坛一定能够取得丰硕的成果。(Ladies and gentlemen, we would also like to take this opportunity to outline the community service programs of Chinese urban areas and in particular, to represent the reform that has taken place in the management mechanism of Tianjin’s social security and welfare programs, in the hope of sharing our views on this issues and learning from you your
advanced international experience.It is my conviction that this forum will prove to be constructive and significant in promoting the prosperous development of China’s community service programs as well as China’s economic development and social stability.I also believe that this forum will conclude with abundant accomplishments through your hard work.)
最后,我预祝“亚太地区市民社会与文化多样性天津国际论坛”圆满成功!祝愿来自海外的专家学者以及国内各地的朋友们在天津生活愉快!谢谢。(In conclusion, I wish “Tianjin Forum on Civil Society and Cultural Pluralism in the Asia-Pacific Region” a complete success.I wish our overseas experts and scholars, and Chinese friends from various parts of the country a pleasant stay in Tianjin.Thank you.)
(Looking Ahead)
主席先生,(Mr.Chairman,)女士们、先生们:(Ladies and gentlemen,)今天,我们欧亚国家的领导人再次在此聚会,在平等友好的基础上,就广泛领域里的合作以及建立新型的亚欧伙伴关系,交换我们的意见。我愿借此机会向成功主办了这次会议的东道主表示衷心的感谢。(Today, we leaders of Asian and European countries meet here again.We will exchange views on cooperation in a wide range of areas and on the building of a new Asia-Europe partnership on the basis of equality and in a friendly manner.I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the host for the successful organization of this meeting.)今年是亚欧首脑会议成立10周年。过去的10年目睹了亚洲的成长、国际关系的巨大变化以及多极化的发展趋势。(This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Asia-Europe Summit.The last decade has witnessed the growth of Asia, profound changes in the international relations, and a growing trend towards multi-polarity.)10年来,亚欧双方在相互尊重、平等对话、循序渐进、协商一致的基础上,开展了广泛多样的合作,政治对话不断深化,经济联系日益密切,社会领域合作迅速拓展,文化和人员交往更加频繁。亚欧首脑会议已成为亚欧双方加强协调、开展合作、共谋发展的战略选择。(Over the past decade, guided by principles of mutual respect, conducting dialogue on an equal footing, making gradual progress and building consensus through consultation, Asia and Europe have carried out extensive and diversified cooperation and intensified political dialogue.We enjoy closer economic links, rapidly growing
cooperation in social areas and expanding cultural people-to-people exchanges.The Asia-Europe Summit has become a strategic platform for Asia and Europe to strengthen coordination, promote cooperation and pursue common development.)新的形势对亚欧首脑会议提出了更高的期待,迫切需要我们高瞻远瞩,谋划双方合作的未来发展方向。我们应当确立这样的目标:(Facing the new development, people naturally place higher expectations on the Asia-Europe Summit, and it is imperative that we adopt a long-term strategy to plan our future cooperation.We should set the following goals for the Asia-Europe Summit:)我们要扩大对话与合作,提升亚欧在处理重大国际问题上影响力;(We should make Asia and Europe more influential in addressing major global issues through expanding dialogue and cooperation.)我们要增进政治互信,促进世界文明和文化多样性的发展;(We should promote diversified development of culture civilization through enhanced mutual political trust.)我们要坚持平等互利,积极推进实质性的经济合作;(We should further economic cooperation in substantive terms on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.)
我们要着眼长远,适时建立有利于开展合作的相关机制;(We should advance institutional building for cooperation that meets long-term needs as called for.)我们要坚强对外沟通,保持亚欧首脑会议的开放性;(We should maintain the openness of the Asia-Europe Summit by increasing its outreach.)我们要巩固和发展亚欧新型伙伴关系,促进世界和平与繁荣。(And we should consolidate and further develop the new Asia-Europe partnership in the interest of global peace and prosperity.)建立一个新型的亚欧伙伴关系要求我们有新观念和新方法。回顾过去,展望未来,我认为一个新型的亚欧伙伴关系必须建筑在相互尊重和平等互利的基础上。我们应该求同存异,增进相互理解和信任,消除贸易歧视,反对贸易制裁,加强技术交流与合作。(To build a new Asia-Europe partnership calls for new concepts and new methodology.When we look back on the past experiences and look into the future, I believe that a new partnership between Asia and Europe should be constructed on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit.We should seek common ground while putting aside differences, enhance mutual understanding and trust, eliminate trade discrimination, oppose imposition of trade sanctions, and enhance technical exchanges and cooperation.)中国高度重视并积极参与亚欧合作进程。10年来,中国在反恐、司法、经贸、财政、科技、海关、环境、文化等领域举办了众多后续活动,大力倡导多边合作,开展经济交流,推动不同文化和文明对话。(China attaches great importance to and has taken an active part in the process of Asia-Europe cooperation.Over the past 10 years, China has carried out many follow-up activities in counter-terrorism,the judicial sector, economy and trade, fiancé, science and technology, customs, environment and cultural exchanges.We have actively promoted multilateral cooperation, economic exchanges and dialogue between different cultures and civilizations.)我们对外贸进行了重大的改革,制定了一套相关的法律。我们将关税降低到发展中国家的平均水平。我相信中国的改革开放和稳定会给亚欧国家的商界带来可观的投资和贸易良机,从而为亚洲乃至全世界的和平、稳定与繁荣作出积极的贡献。(We have carried out a major reform in foreign trade and formulated a set of related laws.We have reduced our tariffs to the average level of the developing countries.I am convinced that China’s reform, opening-up and stability will provide the business community of Asian and European countries with tremendous investments and trade opportunity, thus making positive contributions to peace, stability and prosperity in Asia and the world at large.)我们愿与亚欧伙伴以及世界其他国家发展友好合作关系,携手并肩,不懈努力,建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。让我们为建立一个面向新世纪的亚欧伙伴关系,为我们两大洲以及整个世界的光辉远景而携起手来。(We will continue to develop friendly relations and cooperation with our Asian and European partners and other countries in the world and work with them to build a world of harmony, durable peace and common prosperity.Let us join hands in building a new Asian-European partnership and shaping a more splendid future for our two continents and the world at large.)明年中国将举办亚欧首脑会议,我期待着在北京与大家再次相见。(China will host a new Asia-Europe Summit next year.I look forward to meeting you again at the Summit in Beijing.)感谢主席先生。(Thank you, Mr.Chairman.)