中国常驻联合国代表 Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations 紧要关头 pivotal moment 业务伙伴 business associate 世界水平world-class status 顶尖的,世界一流的 state-of-the-art 企业公民 corporate citizen 实时信息传递(网上聊天)狂潮 the instant messaging craze 好友名单 buddy list 风行 pick up 手机短信 cellphone text messaging 资产负债表 balance sheet 主导产品 leading product 帝国大厦 the Empire State Building 产值 output value 年均增长率 average annual growth rate 财富500强排名 Fortune 500 list 分公司 subsidiaries 垫底,排名最后 bottom end
全球500强 Global 500
上司公司 publicly held companies
(英国大学)校长 Vice Chancellor 理工学院 polytechnic 主要专业 core discipline 团圆饭 reunion dinner
增强凝聚力 strengthen the sense of togetherness
高级餐馆 smart/posh restaurant 短信拜年 send new year greetings via text message 秘书长 Secretary-General 常务副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General
全体大会 the General Assembly Session
充满时代生计 full of modern vitality
名族风情 folk customs
交相辉映 add radiance and charm to each other
起到重要推动作用 give a major push to
经营部门 operational sector 受…委托进行 be vested by 联系成员 associate member 附属成员 affiliate member 演播室 studio 小巷 alleyway 小街 back-streets 营养学家 dietitian 低热量节食 on a low-calorie diet 国际烟草控制公约 international treaty on tobacco control 烟草控制框架公约 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 控制…的蔓延 curb the rapid spread of 基层 grass roots 蹦极 bungee-jump 希腊共和国 the Hellenic Republic 致以三重敬意 pay a triple homage 顶点 culmination 兴奋剂 doping 大街小巷 wide streets and narrow lanes
古朴与现代 primitive simplicity and latest modernity
厚重与活力 dignity and vigour 千帆共舞 countless sails ploughing through the blue sea 万鼓齐鸣 numerous drums sounding loudly
绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运 Green, Hi-tech and People’s Olympics
依法治国 run the country according to the law
依法行政 administrate according to the law
懈怠 slack off / relent
人亡政息 failure of government 推进政治体制改革 press ahead with political reform
村民自治 self-administration in villages
共产主义专制国家 communist dictatorship
中右派政党 centre-right political party
中共中央党校 the Central School of the Chinese Communist Party 政治派别 political persuasion 具有中国血统 claim Chinese ancestry 选区 electorate 计划生育政策 family planning policy 男女性别失衡 unbalanced sex ratio / gender imbalance 多元化政策 multivariate policy 总生育率 total fertility rate 出生性别比 sex ratio at birth / birth ratio / newborn ratio(人口素质)逆淘汰 reverse selection of population quality 老年扶养比 elderly dependency ratio 劳动适龄人口 working-age population 做好准备做 be poised to 人口替代率 replacement rate 加上,外加 coupled with 预期寿命 life expectancy 年龄中位数 median age 人口转型 demographic transition 负面影响 adverse effects 贫困 impoverishment
使…脱贫 lift…out of poverty 千年发展目标 Millennium Development Goals 艰苦的环境 degrading
国家人口与计划生育委员会 National Population and Family Planning Commission 职能部门 functionaries
人口动态学 population dynamics 人口惯性 population momentum 人口金字塔 population pyramid 人口普查 census 人口统计学 demography 控制人口增长 curb population growth
卢森堡 Luxembourg 塞浦路斯 Cyprus 爱沙尼亚 Estonia 马耳他 Malta 斯洛伐克 Slovakia
经济总量 total volume of the economy 文莱 Brunei 缅甸 Myanmar / Burma 对话伙伴 dialogue partners 运转情况良好 on a sound track 自由贸易区 Free Trade Bloc 和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 互相尊重主权和领土完整 mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity 互不侵犯 mutual non-aggression 互不干涉内政 non-interference in each other’s internal affairs平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 和平共处 peaceful coexistence 外交为民 do the diplomatic work for the people 办实事 do practical things 全国人大委员长 Chairman of the NPC 政协主席 Chairman of the CPPCC 国家元首 head of state 政府首脑 head of government 议会外交 inter-parliamentary diplomatic activities
军队外交 military-to-military diplomatic activities
全国妇联 All China Women’s Federation
全国总工会 All China Federation of Trade Unions
友好城市关系 twin-city relations 驻外外交机构 diplomatic missions abroad
“感动中国十大人物” the top 10 most inspirational figures for China
“XXXXX” China threat theory 国防开支 national defense expenditure
联合国安理会 the UN Security Council
常任理事国 permanent member of the Security Council
维护和平的坚定力量 a staunch force for peace 倾销 dumping
反倾销协议 Anti-Dumping Agreement
对…加收进口关税 charge extra import duty on 消除对…的损害 remove the injury to…
外向型经济 export-oriented economy 贸易争端/摩擦 trade dispute / friction 劳动密集型产业 labour-intensive industry 夕阳产业 sunset industry 国际货币组织 IMF(International Monetary Fund)关税总协定 GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)依据规则、成员驱动的组织 rules-based member-driven organization 多边贸易机制 multi-lateral trading system 集团 bloc 专家组 panel of experts 上诉报告 appeal report 反补贴措施 countervailing measures 消除贸易壁垒 eliminate trade barriers 小康社会 a moderately prosperous society
使生活更加殷实 upgrade the texture of life
合作共赢 cooperation with win-win results
知识产权保护 protection of intellectual property rights 高端产品 top of the range 完全地、彻底地 from the ground up
3频手机 tri-gain phone 兼容 compatible
高增益天线 high-gain aerial 盲点 blind spot
最佳音质 optimum sound quality 无线耳机 wireless headset 数据处理能力 data capability 使同步,连接 synchronize 便携式电子设备 PDA(Portable Digital Assistant)
可换外套 interchangeable casings 可自编曲的多音色铃声 composable, multi-timbral ringtones
纳米技术 nano technology 显示屏 display 域名 domain name 经销商 retailer 增值服务 value-added service 斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka 突发灾难 unexpected disaster 援助 disaster relief aid 痛定思痛 reflect upon the disaster 罪魁祸首 primary cause 珊瑚礁 coral reef 红树林 mangrove 养虾 farm prawns 预警机制 preventive and warning mechanisms 班门弄斧,多此一举 bring coals to Newcastle 海底拖网捕捞 bottom trawling 机动化 motorization 试探极限 test(the limits)to breaking point 个人和政府的共同努力 take both personal and political will(美、加、澳、新)植树节 Arbor Day
Meteorological Day
国际生物多样性日 International Biological Diversity Day
三农问题 the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers 两难境地 a Catch-22 situation 振兴东北老工业基地 revitalization of the old industrial bases in northeast China 商务部 Ministry of Commerce 国有企业改组改造 reform and restructuring of state-owned enterprises 卖点 selling-point
优势互补 complementary advantages
国有(经济)成分 public sector 私有(经济)成分 private sector 发生率 incidence
普遍存在的不平等问题 prevailing inequalities
起作用的,有帮助的 instrumental 人力资源开发 HRD 差距 disparity 亚洲开发银行 ADB(Asian Development Bank)吸收能力 absorptive capacity 海关总署 General Administration of Customs 加工贸易 processing trade 增长势头 growth momentum 场地使用权 the right to use the site 资产评估公司 assets evaluation company 董事会 Board of Directors 传播,扩散 proliferation 病原体 pathogens 强制性的 mandatory 产品召回 product recall 合同外资 contractual foreign investment 研发中心 research and development centre(R & D centre)配套产业 supporting industries 廉洁、勤政、务实、高效的政府 a clean, industrious, pragmatic and efficient government
乱收费、乱检查、乱摊派、乱罚款 arbitrarily imposed fees, inspections, contributions and fines
侵权盗版 infringement on intellectual property rights and copyright piracy 白鹭 egret
中国最温馨城市 the most congenial city in China
支柱产业 pillar industry / fundamental sector
建筑密度 construction density 官僚作风 officialdom 走后门、幕后操作 pull strings 专有技术 know-how 电解液 electrolyte
钢筋混凝土 steel reinforcement in concrete 阳极 anode 阴极 cathode
最佳成本效益 cost-effectiveness 杠杆作用 leverage 对抗性地 defiantly 嘻哈乐 hip-hop 霹雳舞 break-dance 边缘化 marginalization 使突然上升,弹弓 catapult 贫困 destitution 停电 power outage 抢劫 loot 类似物 analogue 合并,趋同 convergence 快速存储芯片 fast memory chips 摄像机 camcorder 图像传输 video-messaging 高清电视high-definition television(HDTV)键盘界面 keypad interface 高端产品 premium products 翻盖式 clamshell 全球移动通讯系统 GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication)专属软件 proprietary software 补偿贸易 compensation trade 羊绒制品 cashmere products
滚动式发展 snowballing development 配额 trade quota
资本运作 capital operation 碳酸钙 calcium carbonate 珊瑚虫 coral polyps
光电技术 photo-electricity technology
再生能源 renewable energy 实体法 substantial law 程序法 procedural law 行政法 administrative law 判例 precedent
英美法系,普通法系 common law system
大陆法系 continental law system 法律条文 statute
(汽车)右前部 off-side front 挡泥板 wing 报废(的车)write-off 裁定 decree
手段,工具 instrumentality 神谕,预言 oracle 法学,法理学 jurisprudence 细想,详述 dwell upon 本末倒置 get the cart before the horse 法典 corpus 诺贝尔经济学奖获得者 Nobel economics laureate 货币机制 currency regime 不良贷款,坏账 bad loans 人民币自由兑换 RMB convertibility 对冲基金 hedge fund 营业额,成交额 turnover 外汇交易 forex=foreign exchange 技术性壁垒 technical barriers 跨国经营和国际化生产 transnational business operation and internationalized production 能力建设 capacity build-up 质量监督检验检疫 quality supervision, inspection, and quarantine 洗钱 money laundering 证券经营机构 securities institutions
融资 raise funds 贸易赤字 trade deficit(绝对)数字上 numerically(电脑)操作系统 operating system 反病毒软件 anti-virus software 避难处 safe haven 漏洞 vulnerability
安全意识高的用户 security-savvy users 补丁 patch 缺陷 glitch
深空探测 deep-space exploration 氦 helium
核聚变燃料 nuclear fusion fuel 航天技术 aerospace technology 占有一席之地 have a niche / to become a player
胚胎干细胞embryonic stem-cell 巨大的 hefty 许多 a raft of
使卵受精 fertilize eggs
法律强质执行的准则 legally enforceable guidelines 陷入争议 be mired in controversy 工作表现评估表 performance evaluation sheet 疏忽,粗心 remiss 开辟新天地的,创业的ground-breaking 超流体 superfluid 偶像人物 an iconic figure 新手 fledgling 有眼力的 visionary 对外经贸大学 the University of International Business and Economics 独联体 the Commonwealth of Independent nations 呈现出良好发展势头 take on a good momentum of development 长期的 prolonged 单调 monotony 试用的 probationary 紫荆花 bauhinia 校友 alumni 与…接轨 integrate into 开诚布公 candid about
应对挑战 address the challenge 婆罗门教 Brahmanism
兼收并蓄 mutual accommodation 多边合作机制 multilateral cooperation network 垄断 monopolize 拆分 breakup
许可条款 licensing provision 诉讼 litigation
推广,传播 dissemination 共享资源 pooling of resources 贺辞 a congratulatory letter 受…委托 be entrusted by 取长补短 draw upon each other’s strengths
市场容量 market capacity 技术含量高 high technical content
止跌回稳 end downward trend and become stabilized
成长性好 good potential for growth
畅所欲言 free to air opinions 求同存异 seeking common ground while shelving differences 针灸 acupuncture 铸铁 iron casting 迟到的感谢 a belated thank-you 锯末 sawdust 折叠床 folding cot 利用 harness
立春 the Beginning of Spring 雨水 Rain Water 惊蛰 the Waking of Insects 春分 the Spring Equinox 清明 Pure Brightness 谷雨 Grain Rain 立夏 Beginning of Summer 小满 Grain Full 芒种 Grain in Ear 夏至 the Summer Solstice 小暑 Slight Heat
大暑 Great Heat
立秋 the Beginning of Autumn 处暑 the Limit of Heat 白露 White Dew 秋分 the Autumn Equinox 寒露 Cold dew 霜降 Frost’s Descent
立冬 the Beginning of Winter
小雪 Slight Snow 大雪 Great Snow 冬至 the Winter Solstice 小寒 Slight Cold 大寒 Great Cold
中国各类学历英译 《中华人民共和国学位条例》Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the PRC
结业证书 Certification of Completion
毕业证书 Certification of Graduation 师范学校 normal school upper secondary level 师范专科学校 normal specialized postsecondary college 师范大学 normal / teachers’ university 公证书 Notarial Certificate / Certificate of Notary Public 专科学院 postsecondary specialized college 广播电视大学 radio and television university 中等专科学校 secondary specialized school 自学考试 self-study examination 技工学校 training college 业余大学 spare-time university 职工大学 staff and workers university 职业大学 vocational university
包含“China”, “Chinese”易望文生义的词组: Chinese aster 翠菊 China clay 瓷土,高岭土
China grass 苎麻 China rose 月季 Chinese cabbage 大白菜 Chinese copy 与原物一模一样的复制品
Chinese unicorn 麒麟 Chinese ink 墨 Chinese lantern 灯笼
Chinese puzzle 复杂难懂之事物 Chinese wall 难以逾越的屏障,严重障碍
Chinese red 大红色 Chinese white 锌白 Chinese wood oil 桐油
傲视全联盟 top the entire league 出类拔萃,鼎中龙虎 the cream of the crop / the best of the bunch 独领风骚 top in one’s field 飞毛腿 a track star 奉为圭臬 looked up to as a standard 冠绝群雄 top of the heap 行情暴涨 now a hot commodity / now much more in demand 豪杰 those endowed with extraordinary talent 后生 up-and-coming / up-comer 领头羊 take the lead 榜首 the top spot 名列前茅 in the top percentile 难缠人物 a force to be reckoned with 首发阵容 first team 一鸣惊人 catapult … into fame overnight / an overnight success
八仙过海----各显神通(Like)the Eight Immortals crossing the sea —— each showing his or her special prowess.黄鼠狼给鸡拜年----不怀好意 A weasel wishing Happy New Year
to the chicken —— harbouring no good intention.兔子尾巴----长不了 The tail of a rabbit —— can not be long / won’t last long.瞎子点灯----白费蜡 It is as useless as a blind man lightening a candle.芝麻开花----节节高 Sesames stalk putting forth flowers notch by botch, higher and higher —— rising / blooming steadily.“审判”英译
审判由人民法院负责 The people’s court is responsible for adjudication.审判对象 object of adjudication 国家审判机关 state adjudication organ
审判权 judicial power 审判人员 judicial personnel 审判委员会 judicial committee 审判程序 court proceedings / trial procedure 审判监督程序 procedure for trial supervision 审判独立 independence of trial and decision 缺席审判 judgment / trial by default 审判案件 try a case / trial of cases 开庭审判 open the court session for trial 公开审判 open trial / be heard in public 与刑事案件一并审判 be heard together with the criminal case 旁听审讯 be present at the hearing 审判不公 failure of justice 审判所在国 state of forum 审判费用 juridical expenses 诉讼费用 litigation costs
中国特色形象描述词 半拉子工程 uncompleted project “豆腐渣”工程 jerry-built project
放心肉 quality-assured meat 胡子工程 long-drawn-out construction project(a project which takes so long that young workers grow beard by the time it is finished)
紧箍咒 restraining measures 开小灶 give special favour 老油条 wily old bird 龙头 flagship(enterprise)扣帽子 put a label on 领头羊 bellwether
磨洋工 dawdle / amble along 拳头产品 knock-out product / blockbuster
踢皮球/打太极 pass the buck 筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment 宰人 rip someone off
政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏 government sets the stage, department direct the show and business puts on the performance 抓大放小 focus on restructuring major enterprises while leaving minor ones to take care of themselves / while giving a free hand to small ones 抓两头,带中间 sustain the advanced and help the backward so as to encourage the vast majority in the middle to progress / grasp the two ends and bring along the middle
Health and Diseases 卫生机构
世界卫生组织 World Health Organization 卫生部 Ministry of health 综合医院 general hospital 专科医院 specialized hospital 儿童医院 children’s hospital 产科医院 maternity hospital 整形外科医院 plastic surgery hospital 精神医院mental hospital 肿瘤医院 tumor hospital 诊所 clinic
内科(internal)medical department 外科 surgical department 妇产科 department of gynecology and obstetrics 小儿科 pediatrics department 急诊室 emergency room 挂号处 registration office 住院处admissions office 门诊部 out-patient department/ OPD 住院部in-patient department 护理部 nursing department 手术室 operation room 病房ward 药房 pharmacy
院长 director of the hospital 内科医生 physician 内科主任 head of physician 外科医生 surgeon 外科主任 head of surgeon 住院医生 resident doctor 主治医生 attending doctor 产科医生 obstetrician 小儿科医生 pediatrician 护士长 head nurse 实习医生 intern 救死扶伤 save the dying people and rescue the wounded
先天性疾病 congenital disease 急性病 acute disease 慢性病 chronic disease 流行病 epidemic disease 职业病 occupational disease 传染病 contagious disease 过敏 allergy
小儿麻痹症 polio 阑尾炎 appendicitis 霍乱 cholera 癌症 cancer 糖尿病 diabetes
高血压 high-blood pressure 肥胖症 obesity
支气管炎 bronchitis 哮喘 asthma 关节炎 arthritis
非典型性肺炎 SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome 流感 influenza
甲型流感 A Influenza 禽流感 bird flu
疯牛病 mad-cow disease
口蹄疫 foot-and-mouth disease
手足口病 had-foot-and-mouth disease 尘肺病 black lung disease 狂犬病 rabies 水痘 chickenpox 天花 smallpox 疟疾 malaria
艾滋病 AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
西医 western medicine 量体温 take temperature 量血压 take blood pressure 验血 test blood 血型 blood type 胸透 chest X-ray
全身检查 general check-up 药房 prescription
开药 give sb.a prescription 口服 oral administration
外用 external use 中医Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)/ alternative 计划生育 family planning
提倡优生优育,鼓励晚婚晚育 advocate healthy pregnancy medicine 针灸 acupuncture and moxibustion 草药 herbal medicine 拔火罐 cupping 推拿 massage 气功疗法 traditional Chinese breathing exercises 中西医结合 a combination of Chinese and western medicine 保健
保健食品 health food/health-care food 药酒 medical wine/liquor 人参 ginseng 蜂王浆 royal jelly 疫苗 vaccine 鲜血 donate blood 个人卫生 personal hygiene 免疫力 immunity 治愈率 cure rate 发病率 incidence of a disease 预防为主 put prevention first
Population and family planning 常住人口 permanent population 流动人口 floating population
盲流 the unemployed migrant people 劳动力 labor force 外来工 migrant worker 临时工 seasonal worker 人口普查 census
人口基数 population base 人口稠密 densely populated 人口稀少 sparsely populated 人口爆炸 population explosion 人口过剩 overpopulation 出生率 birth rate 死亡率 mortality rate
自然增长率 natural growth rate 人口老化 aging of population 合法婚龄 legal age for marriage 结婚高峰 marriage boom 生育高峰 baby boom period
and scientific nurture, and encourage late marriage and postponed child-bearing
破除重男轻女习俗 change attitude of viewing sons as better than daughters
多子多福 the more sons, the more blessings 男尊女卑 Man is superior to woman 传宗接代 carry on the family line
养儿防老 bring up sons to support parents in their old age 避孕 contraception
避孕用品 contraceptives 人工流产 abortion 节育 birth control 产妇 lying-in women
婚前检查 premarriage health checkings 孕产妇死亡率 maternal mortality rate 婴儿死亡率 infant mortality rate
节育率(避孕率)contraceptive prevalence rate 总和生育率 total fertility rate(tfr)平均预期寿命 life expectancy at birth
每年人口增加数 annual increment of the population 人口基数大 large population base
平均年增长数 average annual increase 平均年增长率 average annual growth rate 城市化 urbanization
人口流动 movement of population 流动人口 floating population
人口老龄化 the aging of population 更替水平population replacement level 社会保障体系 social security system
农村剩余劳力的转移 the transfer of rural surplus labors 正规的学校教育 formal school education
到去年年末,中国人口已达到11亿8千5百万,比上一年净增长1346万。By the end of last year, the Chinese population had reached 1,185 million, a net increase of 13.34 million from a year ago.计划生育政策符合中国国情,符合整个国家的利益。The family control policy suits China’s basic conditions and serves the interests of the whole nation.sixth nationwide population census 第六次全国人口普查 door-to-door interviews/door-to-door household survey 入户摸底调查
census enumerators 人口普查员 confidentiality agreements 保密协议
Beijing permanent residency/hukou 北京市常住户口 household register 户口登记簿 temporary residence permit 暂住证
local permanent residence permit 长期居住证 mobile population流动人口 aging of population 人口老龄化 demographic dividend 人口红利
rural left-behind population 农村留守人口 urban population 城镇人口 rural population 农村人口
functional population zones人口功能区 birth rate/natality rate 出生率 births 出生人数 birth peaks 出生高峰 mortality rate 死亡率
general mortality rate 总死亡率 infant mortality rate 婴儿死亡率
sex-age-specific death rate 分性别年龄死亡率 mean age at death平均死亡年龄 average length of life平均寿命 natural growth 人口自然增长
NPG(negative population growth)人口负增长 ZPG(zero population growth)人口零增长 annual growth rate 年增长率
average annual rate of growth平均年增长率 vital index 出生死亡比例 vital statistics 人口统计
age-sex composition 年龄性别组成 age structure 年龄结构 age group 年龄组
expectation of life平均预期寿命
rejuvenation of population 人口年轻化 sex ratio 性比率
sampling survey 抽样调查 random sampling 随机抽样 questionaire 调查表 place of birth 出生地 date of birth 出生日期 sampling error 抽样误差 migration 迁居
emigration 迁出、移居国外 immigration 迁入、移居入境 migrant 移民
internal migration 国内迁移 migration rate 迁移率
Education and Talents
School Personal and organs
小学一、二年级学生 a primary school student in Grade One/ a second-grade pupil
一、高三学生 a(secondary school)student in Junior One/ Senior Three
一年级大学生 freshman 二年级大学生 sophomore 三年级大学生 junior student 四年级大学生 senior student
研究生 a graduate student/ a postgraduate student 向某人授予学位 confer a degree on sb.走读生 a day student/ a non-resident student 应届毕业生 graduating student 学生会 the students’ union
班主任 the teacher in charge of the class/ the Head Teacher of the class
访问学者 a visiting scholar 硕士生导师 tutor
博士生导师 supervisor/ adviser 院士 academician
两院院士 academician of Chinese Academy of Science and Chinese Academy of Engineering
School activities
教书育人 impart knowledge and educate people
学生交付 alleviate/ lighten the burden of the students 教学大纲 the reaching program/ syllabus 批改学生的卷子 to correct students’ papers 期中考试 the mid-term exam
我们语法测试了 We took a test in/ on grammar.口试、笔试 oral exam/ written exam 给考卷打分 to mark the papers
他正忙于毕业设计、写论文 He is busy with his graduation project/ paper
文凭、毕业证书 a diploma/ a graduation certificate 学生证 the student’s identity card 补考 make-up exam
学校纪律 school discipline
奖状、奖励证书 a certificate merit 他旷了一节课 He cut a class.他逃学 He cut school.他被学校开除了 He was expelled from school.他擅自旷课 He was absent from school without leave.给他一个警告处分 give him a disciplinary warning 学费,书费 tuition/ money spent on books
Schools, universities and subjects 托儿所 a nursery 幼儿园 a kindergarten 北大附中 Middle School attached/ affiliated to Peking University 大专 a junior college 高等院校 institutions of higher education/ higher learning 重点、非重点大学 a key/ a non-key university 成人夜校 a night school/ an evening school for adults 函授学校 a correspondence school 远程教育 distance education/learning 专升本 upgrade from associate degree to bachelor’s degree 中等专业学校 a secondary specialized school 技工学校 a technical school 职业学校 a vocational school 普及初等、中等教育 achieve universal primary/ secondary education 义务教育 compulsory school 聋哑学校 a school for deaf-mutes 幼儿师范学校 a school for kindergarten teachers 护士学校 a nursing school 舞蹈学校 a dancing school 戏剧学校 a drama school 文科大学 universities of liberal arts 理工科大学 universities of science and engineering 必修课 compulsory class 选修课 optional/ elective class 招生简章 prospectus/ enrolment catalogue 准考证 exam admission card
Hot issues in educations 普及九年制义务教育 make the nine-year compulsory education universal 民办学校 schools run by non-governmental sectors 自学考试 examination for self-taught students 学分制 credit system 应试教育 exam-oriented education
素质教育 quality-oriented education 实践能力 practical ability
大学生创业 university students start up their own business 自费留学 self-funded study abroad
海外留学人员 Chinese students and scholars studying abroad
托福热降温了 the TOEFL fever has cooled down.考研 take part in the entrance examination for graduate/ postgraduate schools
考研热 craze for graduate school
大专生 a junior college student;associate-degree student 在职博士生 an on-the-job doctorate
硕博连读 a continuous academic project involves postgraduate and doctoral study
同等学力 have the same educational level 双学位 double degree
特困生 the most needy student
担任系学生会干部 serve as an official of the departmental school union
担任校学生会宣传部部长 be the Head of the Publicity Department of the university’s student union
通过大学英语四级考试 pass the College English Test Band 4
获六级证书 obtain a certificate of CET-6
被评为“三好学生” be cited as “three-good student” 获三等奖学金 be awarded the third-class scholarship 召开家长会 to hold a parent-teacher meeting
双向选择 two-way selection(with employers and graduating students choosing each other in a job market)
世界观,人生观,价值观 world outlook/ outlook on life/ outlook on values
陶冶情操 cultivate taste and temperament
因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude 知识经济 knowledge economy 知识密集 knowledge intensive 伪科学 pseudo-science
招生就业指导办公室 enrollment and vocation guidance office
人才流失 brain drain
人才交流 talents exchange 职业培训 job training
211工程 211 Project for higher education
科教兴国 rejuvenate China through science and education 复合型人才 inter-disciplinary talent 勤工助学 work-study 师资力量 the quality of teaching staff 品学兼优 excellent in character and learning
1.出租车起步价 flag down fare 2.法定准备金率 required reserve ratio 3.实体经济 real economy 虚拟经济 fictitious economy 4.反盗版 anti-piracy
知识产权 intellectual property rights 5.出口退税 tax rebates
人民币升值 the yuan’s appreciation 6.信贷紧缩 credit crunch
次贷危机 subprime mortgage rate 最优惠贷款利率 prime rate 7.经济适用房 economically affordable house 8.安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents 9 住房保障制度 housing security system 10.大宗交易系统 block trading system 竞价交易系统 bid trading system 11.暴利税 windfall tax 12.从紧的货币政策 tight monetary policy 13.宽松的货币政策 easy monetary policy 14.审慎的财政政策 prudent fiscal policy 15.油价飙升 oil prices surge 16.原油价飙升 crude oil prices surge 17.石油输出国组织 organization of the petroleum exporting countries(OPEC)18.原油储备 crude oil stockpiles 19.轻质原油 light sweet crude 20.使人均GDP翻两番 to quadruple per capita GDP 21.股权收购、股权投资 stake purchase;take stakes 22.房屋中介 letting agent 保险经纪人 insurance agent 地产经纪人 estate agent 23.直销 direct selling 传销 pyramid selling 24.吃回扣 to take/receive/get kickback 25.洗钱 money laundering 26.透支 overdraft 27.股市牛年 bullish year 28.上市子公司 listed subsidiary
29.海关税收 customs revenue 30.税收减免 tax break 31.货币升值 revaluation
32.货币经纪人 money broker 33.起征点 cutoff point 34.暴发户;新贵 upstart
35.养老保险 endowment insurance 36.解雇金 severance pay 37.勾销债款 write off 38.职员总数 headcount 39.逃税 tax evasion
40.公开募款 initial public offering
41.战略石油储备 strategic petroleum reserve 42.基准点,衡量标准 benchmark 43.出口补贴 export subsidy 44.反托拉斯 anti—trust
45.资产负债表 balance sheet 46.货存,库存量 inventory 47.反倾销 antidumping
48.不足,赤字,差额 shortfall
49.美国联邦储备系统 Federal Reserve 50.资本净值 net worth
香炉 incense burner 八仙桌 square table
王母娘娘 the Queen of Heaven 银河 the Milky Way
因公殉职 perish in the line of duty 药检;兴奋剂检查 doping test 压力锅 pressure cooker
终点裁判员 finishing [placing] judge 救生衣 life vest
泄洪 release flood waters 代理市长 acting mayor 枪支管控 gun control 搁浅 run aground 马赛克 digital mosaic
state visit国事访问
Buckingham Palace白金汉宫
global warming 温室效应
vitality活力 demonstrate证明
sustainable development可持续发展
sequence the human genome基因排序
renewable research可再生资源研究
the opening ceremony开幕典礼
Investment and Trade Fair投资贸易洽谈会
economic globalization经济全球化
enhanced mutually相互依存
profound changes深刻变革
national strength综合国力
foreign investment外贸投资
economic system经济体制
a comfortably-off society小康社会
an all-dimensional,multi-tiered and wide-ranging opening-up全方位、多层次、宽领域的对外开放
business,manufacturing and financial giant商业、制造业、金融业巨头
complete success圆满成功
get great exposure to 获得极大的曝光
cheat out of educational opportunities非法剥夺教育机会
Nobel Laureate诺贝尔获奖得者
both extensive and profound博大精深
“the maters” hundred schools诸子百家
harmony without uniformity和而不同
the world is for all天下为公
long suffering and hard working吃苦耐劳
diligence and frugality in household management勤俭持家
respecting teachers and valuing education尊师重教
Western learning spreading to the East东学西渐
enlightenment thinker启蒙思想家
reform and opening-up改革开放
3.digital television数字电视
analogue television模拟电视
impaired hearing听力减退
pension support养老金支持
Personal Video Recorder个人数字录像
dedicated channel专用通道
digital terrestrial service地面报告
modern media现代媒体
cultural diversity文化多样性 commit itself to promoting the traditional national culture,developing the native culture弘扬传统和民族文化
absorb and absorb on foreign cultures吸收和借鉴外来文化
program editing节目编辑
ethnic minorities concentrated region少数民族聚集区
constantly communicate and cooperate with经常性交流和合作
the diverse,abundant global culture世界文化的多样性和丰富性
the refined Chinese culture中华民族的优秀文化
the strengths of the industry行业优势
the broad chest宽阔的胸膛
learn from each other to improve ourselves while still maintaining our own characteristics取长补短
4.on a daily basis每天出色的工作
reference point参考点
English Heritage英国历史遗迹协会
ticket booth售票厅
contemporary现代的the National Trust国代信托基金会
integral完整的sense of belonging归属感
civic engagement公民参与
the opening of its port开阜
a little coastal town海边小镇
international metropolis国际大城市
the unique Shanghai style culture海派文化
the swarming-in蜂拥而入
Paris of the East东方巴黎
woolen cloth羊毛料
fashion column时尚专栏
the buttons down the front前襟
narrow sleeves袖笼
the grass-green-color military uniform草绿色军装
pump system排水系统
Nebuchadnezzar II尼布甲尼撒二世
ingenious心灵手巧的date back追溯
the cradle of the human race人类发源地
slave society奴隶社会
descendants of the Yellow and Fiery emperors炎黄子孙 archaeological study考古研究
patriarchal society父系社会
smelting and casting technique熔炼和浇铸技术
wares made of bronze青铜制品
feudal period封建时期 compass指南针 gunpowder火药
movable-type printing活字印刷术
the country’s feudal bureaucratic system封建官僚制度
indulge in…沉溺于
subjective feeling主观感受
personal satisfaction自我满足
potential relations潜在关系
Declaration of Independence独立宣言
a bounteous source丰富源泉
the outdoor living area住宅户外活动区
a football field高尔夫球场
a golf course球穴区
the masses芸芸众生
aesthetic enjoyment美的享受
physical and mental well-being身心健康
the result of 结晶
a surge of interest收入不菲
unveil the mascot发布吉祥物
Paralympic Games国际残奥会
athletes with a disability残疾人运动员
advance social progress促进社会进步
enhance humanitarianism弘扬人道主义
the solemn pledge 庄重承诺
a magical atmosphere神秘气氛
an electrifying experience精彩体验
the uplifting spirit令人振奋的精神
a harmonious world和谐社会
an important image形象标志
good news福音
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities残疾人权利国际公约
an international document国际文书
confused困惑的adequate充足的cope with处理
exposed暴露的faux pas失礼
cultural snobbery文化势力行为
shared assumption共同的假设
Asian values亚洲价值观
share a common set of values共同价值观
belong to偏向
react negatively负面反应
egocentric自我the prenuptial agreement婚前协议
Oscar Wilde奥斯卡王尔德
unabridged完整的bow ties领结
tapered jeans锥形牛仔裤
crinoline skirt裙子
chemise dress连衣裙
circular skirt圆形喇叭裙
sheath dress紧身装
padded shoulder垫肩
peasant blouse T恤
Way of Power老子
attach to their native land with little intention to move about安土重迁
Doctrine of Mean中庸
everything goes freely without any harm四通八达
position the heaven and earth properly无往不利
literature arrangement文献整理
history compilation史书编纂
academic accumulation学术积累
the unity of nature and man天人合一
the improvement
of personality and morale身心提高
10.Niagara Falls尼加拉瀑布
thunder down hypnotize使着迷
volume of water水量
electric power station发电站
out-of-the-way restaurant鲜为人知的餐馆
one-of-a-kind sightseeing独一无二的风光
Yungang Grottoes云冈石窟
State Council国务院
the National Key Cultural Relics Preservation Units国家重点文物保护单位
UNSECO(United Nation Scientific,educational and Cultural Organization)联合国教科文组织
World Cultural Heritages世界文化遗产
a treasure house艺术宝库
the Buddha佛祖
ancient musical instrument古乐器
absorb and incorporate吸收融合sculptural technique雕刻技术
Han Nationality汉族
11.substantial实质的stir up激起
governments at all levels各级政府
embark on从事
political commitment政治承诺
user-friendly容易使用的regulatory body管理部门
at stake处于危险中
rouge operator胭脂经营者
World Day on Safety and Health at Work世界职业卫生日
occupational fatality rate职业死亡率
the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress全国人民代表大会常务委员会
draft labor contract law劳动合同法草案
a respiratory illness呼吸疾病
inhale mineral dust吸入灰尘
social security社会保障
WHO(World Health Organization)世界卫生组织
ILO(International Labor Organization)国际劳工组织
12.GHG(Greenhouse Gas)emission温室气体排放
sulphur gasoline硫汽油
carbon-neutral hydrogen氢碳
motorization 摩托化
coupled with与...相结合unleaded gasoline无铅汽油
the Environmental Protection Administration国家环保局
twists and turns一波三折
green high-science绿色高科技
environment-friendly material环境友好材料
intelligent material智能材料
the integration of heaven and people天人合一
the rule of nature道法自然
equality to all-all众生平等
four Asian dragons亚洲四小龙
中国常驻联合国代表 Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations 紧要关头 pivotal moment 业务伙伴 business associate 世界水平world-class status 顶尖的,世界一流的 state-of-the-art 企业公民 corporate citizen 实时信息传递(网上聊天)狂潮 the instant messaging craze 好友名单 buddy list 风行 pick up 手机短信 cellphone text messaging 资产负债表 balance sheet 主导产品 leading product 帝国大厦 the Empire State Building 产值 output value 年均增长率 average annual growth rate 财富500强排名 Fortune 500 list 分公司 subsidiaries 垫底,排名最后 bottom end 全球500强 Global 500 上司公司 publicly held companies(英国大学)校长 Vice Chancellor 理工学院 polytechnic 主要专业 core discipline 团圆饭 reunion dinner 增强凝聚力 strengthen the sense of togetherness 高级餐馆 smart/posh restaurant 短信拜年 send new year greetings via text message 秘书长 Secretary-General 常务副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General 全体大会 the General Assembly Session 充满时代生计 full of modern vitality 名族风情 folk customs 交相辉映 add radiance and charm to each other 起到重要推动作用 give a major push to 经营部门 operational sector 受…委托进行 be vested by 联系成员 associate member 附属成员 affiliate member 演播室 studio 小巷 alleyway 小街 back-streets 营养学家 dietitian 低热量节食 on a low-calorie diet 国际烟草控制公约 international treaty on tobacco control 烟草控制框架公约 Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 控制…的蔓延 curb the rapid spread of 基层 grass roots 蹦极 bungee-jump 希腊共和国 the Hellenic Republic 致以三重敬意 pay a triple homage 顶点 culmination 兴奋剂 doping 大街小巷 wide streets and narrow lanes 古朴与现代 primitive simplicity and latest modernity 厚重与活力 dignity and vigour 千帆共舞 countless sails ploughing through the blue sea 万鼓齐鸣 numerous drums sounding loudly 绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运 Green, Hi-tech and People’s Olympics 依法治国 run the country according to the law 依法行政 administrate according to the law 懈怠 slack off / relent 人亡政息 failure of government 推进政治体制改革 press ahead with political reform 村民自治 self-administration in villages 共产主义专制国家 communist dictatorship 中右派政党 centre-right political party 中共中央党校 the Central School of the Chinese Communist Party 政治派别 political persuasion 具有中国血统 claim Chinese ancestry 选区 electorate 计划生育政策 family planning policy 男女性别失衡 unbalanced sex ratio / gender imbalance 多元化政策 multivariate policy 总生育率 total fertility rate 出生性别比 sex ratio at birth / birth ratio / newborn ratio(人口素质)逆淘汰 reverse selection of population quality 老年扶养比 elderly dependency ratio 劳动适龄人口 working-age population 做好准备做 be poised to 人口替代率 replacement rate 加上,外加 coupled with 预期寿命 life expectancy 年龄中位数 median age 人口转型 demographic transition 负面影响 adverse effects 贫困 impoverishment 使…脱贫 lift…out of poverty 千年发展目标 Millennium Development Goals 艰苦的环境 degrading environment 国家人口与计划生育委员会 National Population and Family Planning Commission 职能部门 functionaries 人口动态学 population dynamics 人口惯性 population momentum 人口金字塔 population pyramid 人口普查 census 人口统计学 demography 控制人口增长 curb population growth 卢森堡 Luxembourg 塞浦路斯 Cyprus 爱沙尼亚 Estonia 马耳他 Malta 斯洛伐克 Slovakia 经济总量 total volume of the economy 文莱 Brunei 缅甸 Myanmar / Burma 对话伙伴 dialogue partners 运转情况良好 on a sound track 自由贸易区 Free Trade Bloc 和平共处五项原则 Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 互相尊重主权和领土完整 mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity 互不侵犯 mutual non-aggression 互不干涉内政 non-interference in each other’s internal affairs平等互利 equality and mutual benefit 和平共处 peaceful coexistence 外交为民 do the diplomatic work for the people 办实事 do practical things 全国人大委员长 Chairman of the NPC 政协主席 Chairman of the CPPCC 国家元首 head of state 政府首脑 head of government 议会外交 inter-parliamentary diplomatic activities 军队外交 military-to-military diplomatic activities 全国妇联 All China Women’s Federation 全国总工会 All China Federation of Trade Unions 友好城市关系 twin-city relations 驻外外交机构 diplomatic missions abroad “感动中国十大人物” the top 10 most inspirational figures for China “中国威胁论” China threat theory 国防开支 national defense expenditure 联合国安理会 the UN Security Council 常任理事国 permanent member of the Security Council 维护和平的坚定力量 a staunch force for peace 倾销 dumping 反倾销协议 Anti-Dumping Agreement 对…加收进口关税 charge extra import duty on 消除对…的损害 remove the injury to… 外向型经济 export-oriented economy 贸易争端/摩擦 trade dispute / friction 劳动密集型产业 labour-intensive industry 夕阳产业 sunset industry 国际货币组织 IMF(International Monetary Fund)关税总协定 GATT(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)依据规则、成员驱动的组织 rules-based member-driven organization 多边贸易机制 multi-lateral trading system 集团 bloc 专家组 panel of experts 上诉报告 appeal report 反补贴措施 countervailing measures 消除贸易壁垒 eliminate trade barriers 小康社会 a moderately prosperous society 使生活更加殷实 upgrade the texture of life 合作共赢 cooperation with win-win results 知识产权保护 protection of intellectual property rights 高端产品 top of the range 完全地、彻底地 from the ground up 3频手机 tri-gain phone 兼容 compatible 高增益天线 high-gain aerial 盲点 blind spot 最佳音质 optimum sound quality 无线耳机 wireless headset 数据处理能力 data capability 使同步,连接 synchronize 便携式电子设备 PDA(Portable Digital Assistant)可换外套 interchangeable casings 可自编曲的多音色铃声 composable, multi-timbral ringtones 纳米技术 nano technology 显示屏 display 域名 domain name 经销商 retailer 增值服务 value-added service 斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka 突发灾难 unexpected disaster 援助 disaster relief aid 痛定思痛 reflect upon the disaster 罪魁祸首 primary cause 珊瑚礁 coral reef 红树林 mangrove 养虾 farm prawns 预警机制 preventive and warning mechanisms 班门弄斧,多此一举 bring coals to Newcastle 海底拖网捕捞 bottom trawling 机动化 motorization 试探极限 test(the limits)to breaking point 个人和政府的共同努力 take both personal and political will(美、加、澳、新)植树节 Arbor Day 世界气象日 World Meteorological Day 国际生物多样性日 International Biological Diversity Day 三农问题 the issues of agriculture, rural areas and farmers 两难境地 a Catch-22 situation 振兴东北老工业基地 revitalization of the old industrial bases in northeast China 商务部 Ministry of Commerce 国有企业改组改造 reform and restructuring of state-owned enterprises 卖点 selling-point 优势互补 complementary advantages 国有(经济)成分 public sector 私有(经济)成分 private sector 发生率 incidence 普遍存在的不平等问题 prevailing inequalities 起作用的,有帮助的 instrumental 人力资源开发 HRD 差距 disparity 亚洲开发银行 ADB(Asian Development Bank)吸收能力 absorptive capacity 海关总署 General Administration of Customs 加工贸易 processing trade 增长势头 growth momentum 场地使用权 the right to use the site 资产评估公司 assets evaluation company 董事会 Board of Directors 传播,扩散 proliferation 病原体 pathogens 强制性的 mandatory 产品召回 product recall 合同外资 contractual foreign investment 研发中心 research and development centre(R & D centre)配套产业 supporting industries 廉洁、勤政、务实、高效的政府 a clean, industrious, pragmatic and efficient government 乱收费、乱检查、乱摊派、乱罚款 arbitrarily imposed fees, inspections, contributions and fines 侵权盗版 infringement on intellectual property rights and copyright piracy 白鹭 egret 中国最温馨城市 the most congenial city in China 支柱产业 pillar industry / fundamental sector 建筑密度 construction density 官僚作风 officialdom 走后门、幕后操作 pull strings 专有技术 know-how 电解液 electrolyte 钢筋混凝土 steel reinforcement in concrete 阳极 anode 阴极 cathode 最佳成本效益 cost-effectiveness 杠杆作用 leverage 对抗性地 defiantly 嘻哈乐 hip-hop 霹雳舞 break-dance 边缘化 marginalization 使突然上升,弹弓 catapult 贫困 destitution 停电 power outage 抢劫 loot 类似物 analogue 合并,趋同 convergence 快速存储芯片 fast memory chips 摄像机 camcorder 图像传输 video-messaging 高清电视high-definition television(HDTV)键盘界面 keypad interface 高端产品 premium products 翻盖式 clamshell 全球移动通讯系统 GSM(Global System Communication)专属软件 proprietary software 补偿贸易 compensation trade 羊绒制品 cashmere products 滚动式发展 snowballing development
for Mobile 配额 trade quota 资本运作 capital operation 碳酸钙 calcium carbonate 珊瑚虫 coral polyps 光电技术 photo-electricity technology 再生能源 renewable energy 实体法 substantial law 程序法 procedural law 行政法 administrative law 判例 precedent 英美法系,普通法系 common law system 大陆法系 continental law system 法律条文 statute(汽车)右前部 off-side front 挡泥板 wing 报废(的车)write-off 裁定 decree 手段,工具 instrumentality 神谕,预言 oracle 法学,法理学 jurisprudence 细想,详述 dwell upon 本末倒置 get the cart before the horse 法典 corpus 诺贝尔经济学奖获得者 Nobel economics laureate 货币机制 currency regime 不良贷款,坏账 bad loans 人民币自由兑换 RMB convertibility 对冲基金 hedge fund 营业额,成交额 turnover 外汇交易 forex=foreign exchange 技术性壁垒 technical barriers 跨国经营和国际化生产 transnational business operation and internationalized production 能力建设 capacity build-up 质量监督检验检疫 quality supervision, inspection, and quarantine 洗钱 money laundering 证券经营机构 securities institutions 融资 raise funds 贸易赤字 trade deficit(绝对)数字上 numerically(电脑)操作系统 operating system 反病毒软件 anti-virus software 避难处 safe haven 漏洞 vulnerability 安全意识高的用户 security-savvy users 补丁 patch 缺陷 glitch 深空探测 deep-space exploration 氦 helium 核聚变燃料 nuclear fusion fuel 航天技术 aerospace technology 占有一席之地 have a niche / to become a player 胚胎干细胞embryonic stem-cell 巨大的 hefty 许多 a raft of 使卵受精 fertilize eggs 法律强质执行的准则 legally enforceable guidelines 陷入争议 be mired in controversy 工作表现评估表 performance evaluation sheet 疏忽,粗心 remiss 开辟新天地的,创业的ground-breaking 超流体 superfluid 偶像人物 an iconic figure 新手 fledgling 有眼力的 visionary 对外经贸大学 the University of International Business and Economics 独联体 the Commonwealth of Independent nations 呈现出良好发展势头 take on a good momentum of development 长期的 prolonged 单调 monotony 试用的 probationary 紫荆花 bauhinia 校友 alumni 与…接轨 integrate into 开诚布公 candid about 应对挑战 address the challenge 婆罗门教 Brahmanism 兼收并蓄 mutual accommodation 多边合作机制 multilateral cooperation network 垄断 monopolize 拆分 breakup 许可条款 licensing provision 诉讼 litigation 推广,传播 dissemination 共享资源 pooling of resources 贺辞 a congratulatory letter 受…委托 be entrusted by 取长补短 draw upon each other’s strengths 市场容量 market capacity 技术含量高 high technical content 止跌回稳 end downward trend and become stabilized 成长性好 good potential for growth 畅所欲言 free to air opinions 求同存异 seeking common ground while shelving differences 针灸 acupuncture 铸铁 iron casting 迟到的感谢 a belated thank-you 锯末 sawdust 折叠床 folding cot 利用 harness
立春 the Beginning of Spring 雨水 Rain Water 惊蛰 the Waking of Insects 春分 the Spring Equinox 清明 Pure Brightness 谷雨 Grain Rain 立夏 Beginning of Summer 小满 Grain Full 芒种 Grain in Ear 夏至 the Summer Solstice 小暑 Slight Heat 大暑 Great Heat 立秋 the Beginning of Autumn 处暑 the Limit of Heat 白露 White Dew 秋分 the Autumn Equinox 寒露 Cold dew 霜降 Frost’s Descent 立冬 the Beginning of Winter 小雪 Slight Snow 大雪 Great Snow 冬至 the Winter Solstice 小寒 Slight Cold 大寒 Great Cold
《中华人民共和国学位条例》Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the PRC 结业证书 Certification of Completion 毕业证书 Certification of Graduation 师范学校 normal school upper secondary level 师范专科学校 normal specialized postsecondary college 师范大学 normal / teachers’ university 公证书 Notarial Certificate / Certificate of Notary Public 专科学院 postsecondary specialized college 广播电视大学 radio and television university 中等专科学校 secondary specialized school 自学考试 self-study examination 技工学校 training college 业余大学 spare-time university 职工大学 staff and workers university 职业大学 vocational university
包含“China”, “Chinese”易望文生义的词组: Chinese aster 翠菊 China clay 瓷土,高岭土 China grass 苎麻 China rose 月季
Chinese cabbage 大白菜
Chinese copy 与原物一模一样的复制品 Chinese unicorn 麒麟 Chinese ink 墨 Chinese lantern 灯笼 Chinese puzzle 复杂难懂之事物 Chinese wall 难以逾越的屏障,严重障碍 Chinese red 大红色 Chinese white 锌白 Chinese wood oil 桐油
傲视全联盟 top the entire league 出类拔萃,鼎中龙虎 the cream of the crop / the best of the bunch 独领风骚 top in one’s field 飞毛腿 a track star 奉为圭臬 looked up to as a standard 冠绝群雄 top of the heap 行情暴涨 now a hot commodity / now much more in demand 豪杰 those endowed with extraordinary talent 后生 up-and-coming / up-comer
领头羊 take the lead 榜首 the top spot 名列前茅 in the top percentile 难缠人物 a force to be reckoned with 首发阵容 first team 一鸣惊人 catapult … into fame overnight / an overnight success
八仙过海----各显神通(Like)the Eight Immortals crossing the sea —— each showing his or her special prowess.黄鼠狼给鸡拜年----不怀好意 A weasel wishing Happy New Year to the chicken —— harbouring no good intention.兔子尾巴----长不了 The tail of a rabbit —— can not be long / won’t last long.瞎子点灯----白费蜡 It is as useless as a blind man lightening a candle.芝麻开花----节节高 Sesames stalk putting forth flowers notch by botch, higher and higher —— rising / blooming steadily.“审判”英译
审判由人民法院负责 The people’s court is responsible for adjudication.审判对象 object of adjudication 国家审判机关 state adjudication organ 审判权 judicial power 审判人员 judicial personnel 审判委员会 judicial committee 审判程序 court proceedings / trial procedure 审判监督程序 procedure for trial supervision 审判独立 independence of trial and decision 缺席审判 judgment / trial by default 审判案件 try a case / trial of cases 开庭审判 open the court session for trial 公开审判 open trial / be heard in public 与刑事案件一并审判 be heard together with the criminal case 旁听审讯 be present at the hearing 审判不公 failure of justice 审判所在国 state of forum 审判费用 juridical expenses 诉讼费用 litigation costs
半拉子工程 uncompleted project “豆腐渣”工程 jerry-built project 放心肉 quality-assured meat 胡子工程 long-drawn-out construction project(a project which takes so long that young workers grow beard by the time it is finished)紧箍咒 restraining measures 开小灶 give special favour 老油条 wily old bird 龙头 flagship(enterprise)扣帽子 put a label on 领头羊 bellwether 磨洋工 dawdle / amble along 拳头产品 knock-out product / blockbuster 踢皮球/打太极 pass the buck 筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment 宰人 rip someone off 政府搭台,部门推动,企业唱戏 government sets the stage, department direct the show and business puts on the performance 抓大放小 focus on restructuring major enterprises while leaving minor ones to take care of themselves / while giving a free hand to small ones 抓两头,带中间 sustain the advanced and help the backward so as to encourage the vast majority in the middle to progress / grasp the two ends and bring along the middle
欢迎/开幕/闭幕词welcome/opening/closing speech开 /闭幕式opening/closing ceremony签字仪式signing ceremony友好访问goodwill visit
宣布开 /闭幕declare… open/closed热情友好的讲话warm and friendly speech尊敬的respectable/honorable东道主
明 /皓月当空
剪彩hostdistinguished/honorable guestson the occasion ofin the name ofall my colleaguesheartfelthave the honor of(doing…)have the pleasure(in doing… /to do…)the other side of the oceanenvoy of friendshipbusiness communitypromote understandingenhance/strengthen cooperationmeet the common interest oflooking back on; in retrospectlook into the futurein conclusionpropose a toast to with a bright moontake the time off one’s busy schedulea wonderful timegolden autumnwish… a complete successa congenial atmospheresplendid musicgracious and eloquent remarksincomparable hospitalityrenew one’s old friendshipsestablish new contactsfeel reluctant to partno words can fully expressunprecedentedpublic health; hygiene; sanitationbilateral relationshipcutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony
奠基礼foundation stone laying ceremony
亲切的问候 兄弟般的移交仪式开工典礼cordial greetings fraternal turning-over ceremony commencement ceremony
陛下Your/His/Her Majesty
殿下Your/His/Her Highness;Your/His/Her Excellency;Your/His/Her Royal Highness阁下Your/His/Her Honor/ Excellency
总理premier; chancellor
商业界prime minister president president; chairman president principal; headmaster dean general secretary chief architect secretary-general; commissioner chief inspector consul general vice president vice minister governor associate professor associate research fellow senior editor senior translator deputy general manager assistant professor senior doctor acting mayor executive/presiding chairman honorary president academician Asian-Pacific region establishment of diplomatic relations between exchange of visit foreign policy in persistent pursuit of equality and mutual benefit bilateral relations lasting peace trade volume business community
跨国公司transnational corporation
经济强国/经济大国/经济列强economic power
to express regret 表示遗憾
to proceed to take up one's post 赴任
to assume one's post 就任
to make representations to, to take up a(the)matter with 向…交涉
to lodge a protest with 向…提出抗议
to request the consent of...征求…的同意
tea party 茶会
an atmosphere of cordiality and friendship 诚挚友好的气氛
reciprocal banquet 答谢宴会
delegation 代表团
head of the delegation, leader of the delegation 团长
deputy head of the delegation, deputy leader of the delegation 副团长
member of the delegation 代表团成员
memorial speech 悼词
to develop the relations of friendship and cooperation 发展友好合作关系
prosperity and strength 繁荣富强
friendly visit, goodwill visit 友好访问
questions of common interest;question of common concern 共同关心的问题
state banquet 国宴
message of greeting, message of congratulation 贺电
speech of welcome 欢迎词
welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会
cocktail party 鸡尾酒会
good health and a long life 健康长寿
profound condolence 深切哀悼
cordial hospitality 盛情接待
the two sides, the two parties 双方
luncheon 午宴
reception 招待会
toast 祝酒词
to convey one's sympathy 表示慰问
to meet with 会见
to review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队
to exchange views 交换意见
to receive 接见
to be shocked to learn of 惊悉
be of the opinion, to hold, to consider, to maintain 认为
to propose a toast to...提议为…干杯
on the happy occasion of 欣逢
on learning with great joy 欣悉
to give a banquet in honour of...宴请…
on invitation, upon invitation 应邀
at the invitation of...应…邀请
in the company of..., accompanied by...在…陪同下
to express one's sincere congratulations and best wishes 致以衷心的祝贺和最好的愿望 to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people 祝(某国)国家繁荣人民幸福 to take note of...注意到
His(Her, Your)Majesty 陛下
His(Her, Your)Royal Highness 殿下
His(Her, Your)Excellency 阁下
His Excellency Mr.President and Mme...…总统先生阁下和夫人
assembly 大会
convention 会议
party 晚会, 社交性宴会
at-home party 家庭宴会
tea party 茶会
dinner party 晚餐会
garden party 游园会
dance(party), ball, fandango 舞会
reading party 读书会
fishing party 钓鱼会
sketching party 观剧会
Christmas party 圣诞晚会
luncheon party 午餐会
fancy ball 化妆舞会
commemorative party 纪念宴会
wedding dinner, a wedding reception 结婚宴会
banquet 酒宴
buffet party 立食宴会
cocktail party 鸡尾酒会
welcome meeting 欢迎会
farewell party 惜别会
pink tea 公式茶会
New Year’s banquet 新年会
year-end dinner party 忘年餐会
box supper 慈善餐会
fancy fair 义卖场
general meeting, general assembly 会员大会
congress 代表大会
board of directors 董事会
executive council, executive board 执行委员会
standing body 常设机构
committee, commission 委员会
subcommittee 附属委员会,小组委员会
general committee, general officers, general bureau 总务委员会
secretariat 秘书处
budget committee 预算委员会
drafting committee 起草委员会
committee of experts 专家委员会
advisory committee, consultative committee 顾问委员会,咨询委员会 symposium 讨论会
study group 学习研讨会
seminar 讲习会,学习讨论会
meeting in camera 秘密会议(美作:executive session)
opening sitting 开幕会
final sitting 闭幕会
formal sitting 隆重开会
plenary meeting 全会
sitting, meeting 开会(美作:session)
session 会期,会议期间(美作:meeting)
working party 工作小组
seat, headquarters 席位
governing body 主管团体
round table 圆桌
to sit a meeting, to meet a meeting, to hold a meeting 召开会