
时间:2019-05-15 06:39:50下载本文作者:会员上传


一. 名词部分


1.船舶与海上设施的类型 Type of Ship and Offshore Unit 货船 Cargo Ship 杂货船 General cargo ship 干货船 Dry cargo ship 散货船 Bulk carrier 矿沙船 Ore carrier 运煤船 Coal carrier 集装箱船 Container ship 滚装货船 Ro/Ro ship 冷藏船 Refrigerated ship 运畜船 Cattle carrier 运木船 Timber carrier 近海供应船 Offshore supply ship 散装矿砂船 Bulk Ore carrier 混装船 Combination carrier 载驳母船 Barge Carrier 汽车运输船 Car carrier 液货船 Liquid Cargo Carrier 油船 Oil tanker 化学品液货船 Chemical tanker 液化气体船 Liquefied gas carrier 油矿两用船 Oil/ore carrier 油散两用船 Oil/bulk carrier 油散矿三用船 Oil/bulk/ore carrier 客船 Passenger Ship 客船 Passenger ship 豪华旅游客船 Cruise ship 旅游船 Tourist ship 高速客船 High speed passenger craft 双体客船 Passenger catamaran 客货船 Passenger-cargo ship 客箱船 Passenger container ship 客滚船 Ro/Ro Passenger Ship 高速船 High Speed Craft 全垫升气垫船 Air-cushion Vehicle 水面效应船 Surface Effect Ship 双体气垫船 Air-cushion Catamaran 侧壁气垫船 Side-wall Hovercraft 高速双体船 High Speed Catamaran 2 高速单体船 High Speed Monohull Craft 地效翼船 Wing-in Ground Craft 水翼船 Hydrofoil Craft 动力支承船 Dynamically Supported Craft 两栖船 Amphibious Craft 小水面单体船 Small Waterplane Area Single Hull Ship 小水面双体船 Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull Ship 驳船 Barge 客驳 Passenger Barge 货驳 Cargo Barge 敞口驳 Open Barge 甲板驳 Deck Barge 集装箱驳 Container Barge 分节驳 Integrated Barge 开底驳 Hopper Barge 油驳 Oil Barge 趸船(箱形驳)Pontoon 拖船 Tug 港作拖船 Harbour Tug 打捞拖船 Salvage Tug 顶推船 Pusher 近海供应拖船 Offshore tug/supply ship 工程船 Engineering Ship 挖泥船 Dredger 耙吸式挖泥船 Trailing suction dredger 绞吸式挖泥船 Cutter suction dredger 链斗式挖泥船 Bucket dredger 抓斗式挖泥船 Grab dredger 铲斗式挖泥船 Dipper dredger 吹泥船 Reclamation craft 开底泥驳 Hopper Barge 对开泥驳 Split Hopper Barge 起重船 Floating Crane 浮船坞 Floating Dock 打桩船 Floating Pile Driver 布缆船 Cable Layer 潜水工作船 Diving Boat 港区工作船 Harbour Operating Ship 破冰船 Ice breaker 消防船 Fire Boat 救护船/救助船 Rescue Ship 引水船 Pilot Vessel 海关船 Customs Boat 巡逻船 Patrol Boat 3 布标船 Buoy Layer 灯标船 Beacon Boat 交通艇 Traffic Boat 垃圾船 Garbage Boat 浮油回收船 Oil Recovery Ship 污水处理船 Sewage Disposal Vessel 海水淡化船 Distilling Ship 渡船 Ferry 乘客渡船 Passenger Ferry 火车渡船 Train Ferry 车客渡船 Vehicle Passenger Ferry 海峡渡船 Channel Ferry 渔船 Fishing Vessel 渔品加工船 Fish-Factory Ship 拖网渔船 Trawler 围网渔船 Netter 捕鲸船 Whaling Ship 活鱼运输船 Live Fish Carrier 其他船舶

科学调查船 Research ship 训练船 Training Ship 特殊用途船 Special purpose ship 内河船 Inland Waterways Ship 海上设施

海上移动平台 Mobile Offshore Unit 海上移动钻井平台 Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit 水面式平台 Surface Unit 船式平台 Ship-type Unit 驳船平台 Barge-type Unit 自升式平台 Self-elevating Unit 柱稳式平台 Column-stabilized Unit 半潜式平台 Semi-submersible Unit 坐底式平台 Submersible Unit 采油平台 Production Unit 储油平台 Storage Unit 生活平台 Accommodation Unit 修理平台 Repair Unit 海上固定平台 Fixed Offshore Platform 海底管道 Submarine Pipeline 潜水系统和潜水器 Diving System and Submersible 单点系泊 Single Point Mooring(SPM)浮式生产与储油装置 Floating Production and Storage Unit(FSUs)浮式生产、储存及卸载系统 Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System(FPSOs)4 2. 数据与资料 Data and Information 数据

总长 Length overall(LOA)垂线间长 Length bet.perpendiculars(LBP)首、尾垂线 Forward and after perpendiculars 型宽 Moulded breadth 型深 Moulded depth 建造日期 Date of build 签订建造合同日期 Date of building contract 龙骨安放日期 Date of keel laid 交船日期 Date of delivery 下水日期 Launching date 重大改建 Major conversion 安放龙骨或船舶处于相似建造阶段的日期

Date on which keel was laid or ship was at a similar stage of construction 签订改建合同日期 Date of conversion contract 改建完工日期 Date of completion of conversion 船舶所有人 Owner 经营人 Operator 承租人 Charterer 船舶编号或呼号 Distinctive number or letters 航行区域 Navigation area/Service area/Trade area 曾用过的船名 Former Name 姐妹船 Sister Ship 总吨位 Gross tonnage 净吨位 Net tonnage 排水量 Displacement 载货量 Cargo weight 载重量 Deadweight 空船重量 Light(-ship)weight 吃水(首、尾、平均)Draft(fwd, aft, mean)稳性 Stability 完整稳性 Intact stability 破舱稳性 Damaged stability 分舱(抗沉性)Subdivision 初稳性高度 Metacentric height 衡准数 Criterion numeral 剖面模数 Section modulus 惯性矩 Moment of inertia 纵总强度 Longitudinal strength 局部强度 Local strength 方形系数 Block coefficient 静水弯矩 Still water bending moment 5 重心垂直高度 Vertical height of centre of gravity 屈服应力 Yield stress 标准舷弧 Standard sheer 防火分隔 Fire division 航区限制 Navigation area restriction 海况限制 Sea state restriction 天气限制 Weather restriction 最大抗风暴能力 Max.weatherliness 储备浮力 Reserve buoyancy 续航力 Endurance 渗透率 Permeability 盲区 Blind area 共振区域 Resonance region 容许载荷 Permissible load 核定载客数 Number of persons certified to carry 干舷: Freeboard 热带干舷 Tropical freeboard 夏季干舷 Summer freeboard 冬季干舷 Winter freeboard 北大西洋冬季干舷 Winter North Atlantic freeboard 热带木材干舷 Timber tropical 夏季木材干舷 Timber summer 冬季木材干舷 Timber winter 北大西洋冬季木材干舷 Timber winter North Atlantic freeboard 淡水宽限 Allowance for fresh water 减少干舷的B 型船舶 Type B with reduced freeboard 增加干舷的B 型船舶 Type B with increased freeboard 载重线: Load line 载重线标志 Loadline marks 资料

防火控制图 Fire control plans 海图(up-to-date 最新)Charts 航路指南 Sailing direction 灯塔表 Lists of lights 航行通告 Notices to mariners 潮汐表 Tide tables 航海出版物 Nautical publications 应变部署表 Muster list 国际信号规则 International Code of Signals 航海日志 Deck log book 机舱日志 Engine room log book 无线电日志 Radio log book 6 线型图 Lines 稳性资料 Stability information 装载手册 Loading manual 干舷计算书 Freeboard calculations 配载图 Stowage plan 操作说明书 Operation instructions 维修计划 Maintenance plan 训练手册 Training manual 船上维修保养指南 Instructions for on-board maintenance 弃船训练演习手册 Abandon ship training and drill manual 3. 舱室处所 Compartments or Spaces 舱室

工作和设备舱室: 驾驶室wheel house 海图室 chart room 报务室 radio room 雷达室 radar room 声纳室 sonar room 主机舱 main engine room 主机操纵室 main engine control room 辅机舱 auxiliary engine room 锅炉舱 boiler room 机炉舱 engine and boiler room 减速器舱 reduction gear room 舵机舱 steering gear room 通风机室 fan room 变流机室 commutator room 空调室 air-conditioner room 应急发电机室 emergency generator room 冷冻机室 refrigerator room 灭火装置室 fire control room 蓄电池室 battery room

陀螺罗经室 gyro-compass room 方位水平仪室 azimuth level room 计程仪舱 log room 导弹舱 missile room 弹药舱 magazine 深弹舱 depth charge room 弹药转运舱 ammunition lobby 声纳舱 sonacelle, sonar nacelle 7 机修间 workshop 电工间 electrician‟s store 木工间 carpenter‟s store 锚链舱 chain locker 桅屋 mast house 洗消室 decontamination room

居住舱室 Accommodation, living accommodation 客舱 Cabin 船员舱室 crew‟s cabin 墙壁 wall 天花板 top ceiling 侧壁板 side ceiling 里子板 lining 装饰 decoration 家具 furniture 书桌 desk 衣橱 wardrobe 梳妆台 dressing table 书柜table bureaux 餐具柜 dresser 椅子 chair 沙发 sofa 桌子 table 帷幔 drapery 窗帘 curtain 地毯 carpet

货舱 cargo hold 货油舱 cargo oil tank 集装箱舱 container hold

冷藏货舱 refrigerated cargo hold

液化天燃气舱 liquefied natural gas tank 邮件舱 mail room 行李舱 luggage room 汽车舱 vehicle hold 液舱 liquid tank 燃油舱 fuel oil tank 滑油舱 lubricating oil tank 压载水舱 ballast tank 淡水舱 fresh water tank 污水舱 bilge tank 储藏室 store, store room 帆缆间 hawser store 油漆间 paint room 粮食库 provision store

冷藏库 refrigerating chamber 其他:

首尖舱 fore peak tank 尾尖舱 aft peak tank 顶边舱:topside tank

甲板强横梁 deck transverse 与舱口一直线的垂直边板 vertical side plating in line with hatch 船壳板 shell plating 斜底板 sloping plating 底边舱 hopper side tank 双层底舱 double bottom tank 翼舱 wing tank 边舱 side tank平衡舱 heeling tank 深舱 deep tank 残油舱 sludge/oil residue tank 隔离空舱 cofferdam 空舱 void tank 处所

货物处所: Cargo spaces 货舱 Cargo hold 货油舱 Cargo oil tank 液货舱 Liquid cargo tank 围壁通道 Trunk 起居处所: Accommodation spaces 公共处所 Public space 走廊 Corridor 盥洗室 Lavatory 住所 Cabin 办公室 Office 医务室 Hospital 放映室 Cinema 游戏室 Game room 娱乐室 Hobby room 理发室 Barber shop 配膳室(无烹调设备)Pantry(containing no cooking appliances)公共处所: Public spaces: 大厅 Hall 餐室 Dining room 9 休息室 Lounge 类似的固定围闭处所 Similar permanently enclosed spaces 服务处所: Service spaces: 厨房 Galley 配膳室(设有烹调设备的)Pantry(containing cooking appliances)储物间 Locker 邮件舱 Mail room 贵重物品室 Specie room 储藏室 Store room 工作间 Workshop 围壁通道 Trunk 特种处所: Special category spaces: 舱壁甲板以上或以下围闭的车辆处所

Enclosed vehicle spaces above and below the bulkhead deck 机器处所: Machinery spaces:

A 类机器处所 Machinery space of category A 装有下列机械的处所 Spaces containing: 推进机械;Propulsion machinery, 锅炉; Boilers,燃油装置;Oil fuel units,蒸汽机和内燃机;Steam and internal combustion engines, 发电机和主要电动机;Generators and major electrical machinery, 加油站;Oil filling station, 冷藏机;Refrigerating installation, 防摇装置;Stabilizing installation, 通风机;Ventilation installation,空气调节机械。Air conditioning machinery.围壁通道 Trunk 控制站: Control stations: 下列设备所在/集中的处所: 船舶无线电设备; 主要航行设备; 应急电源。/ 火警指示器或失火控制设备。

Spaces in which the following located/centralized: Ship‟s radio equipment, Main navigating equipment, Emergency source of power./ Fire recording and fire control equipment.4.高级船员和船员

船长 Master(商船船长的正式称谓)Captain(商船船长的尊称)小船驾长 Skipper 大付 Chief officer 二付 Second officer 10 三付 Third officer 驾助 Assistant officer 轮机长 Chief engineer 政委 s Commissar 大管轮 First engineer 二管轮 Second engineer 三管轮 Third engineer 轮机员 Engineer 轮助 Assistant engineer 电机长 Chief electrician 电机员 Electrician 电助 Assitant electrician 水手长 Boatswain 付水手长 Cassab 一等水手 Able seaman 水手(original)seaman 实习生 Apprentice 见习生 Cadet 机工长 Chief motorman 机工 Motorman 加油 Greaser 铜匠 Fitter 大厨 Chief cook 厨师 Cook 事务长 Chief steward 服务员 Steward 报务主任 Chief radio operator/officer 报务员 Radio operator/officer 甲板部 Deck department 轮机部 Machinery department 5. 船级

入级条件 condition of classification 保持船级条件 condition of class maintenance 入级 classification classed with the Society 转级 transfer of class 重新入级 reclassification 恢复入级 reinstatement of class 暂停船级 suspension of class 取消船级 withdrawal or cancel of class 失去船级 losing class 11 船级符号 characters of classification 船体船级符号 characters of classification for hull 轮机船级符号 characters of classification for machinery 附加标志 class notations 船体附加标志 class notations for hull of ships 加强检验附加标志 enhanced survey programme(ESP)notations 特种任务附加标志 special duty notations 航区限制附加标志 service restriction notations 特定航线附加标志 special route service notations 冰区加强附加标志 ice strengthening notations 水下检验附加标志 in-water survey notations 装载仪附加标志 loading computer notations 船体循环检验附加标志 continuous hull survey notations 船舶安全管理附加标志 safety management system of ships notations 轮机附加标志 machinery notations 授予船级符号 assigned 授予附加标志 assigned 在船级符号后加注附加标志 affixed to

(二)船体 船体结构

船体结构 hull structure 船体构件 structural members 船体骨架 structural framing 舷侧骨架 side framing 船底骨架 bottom framing 甲板骨架 deck framing 主要构件 primary members 次要构件 secondary members 横骨架式 transversely framed 纵骨架式 longitudinally framed 分段 block 分段装配 block assembly 胎架 jig 上层建筑、甲板室等

上层建筑: Superstructure 首楼 forecastle 长首楼 long forecastle 12 桥楼 bridge 长桥楼 long bridge 短桥楼 short bridge 尾楼 poop 长尾楼 long poop 甲板室: Deckhouse(roundhouse)最下层甲板室 the lowest deckhouse 第一层(第二层、第三层等)甲板室 first tier(second tier, third tier, etc.)deckhouse 甲板室甲板 deckhouse top 甲板室前端壁 deckhouse front, front end bulkhead 甲板室后端壁 aft end bulkhead 甲板室围壁 deckhouse casing, boundary bulkhead 甲板室侧壁 side plate平台:Platform;Flat(如:机舱平台ER flat)平台板 platform plating 穿孔平台板 perforated platform plating 檐板 curtain plate 天桥: Connecting bridge 船首与船尾

船首、首柱 stem 首柱板 stem plate 船首部 bow 球鼻首 bulb(ous)bow 船尾 stern 尾柱 stern frame(post)船尾部 quarter 没有艉柱板“stern plate” 船首壳板 shell plating at bow 船尾壳板 shell plating at quarter 方形船尾板 transom plate 船尾板 shell plating at stern 舵柱 rudder post 尾轴架 propeller shaft bracket 挂舵臂 rudder horn 尾鰭、呆木 skeg deadwood(小船)艉门 stern door 艉跳板(舌门)stern ramp 船底 船底: Ship‟s bottom

外底板 outer bottom plating 内底板 inner bottom plating 双层底舱舱顶板(内底板)tank top 双层船壳 double skin 单层船壳 single skin 内壳板 Inner shell plating 内侧 inner skin(为bulkhead)外侧 outer skin(为shell plating)单层底 single bottom 双层底 double bottom 龙骨 keel平板龙骨 plate keel 龙骨翼板 garboard strake 舭列板 bilge strake 实肋板 plate floor 中桁材centre girder 箱形中桁材 duct keel 管隧pipe tunnel 旁桁材 side girder 实肋板 plate floor 水密肋板 watertight floor 组合肋板 bracket floor 轻型肋板 lightened floor 船底桁材 bottom girder 船底纵骨 bottom longitudinal

内底纵骨 inner bottom longitudinal 内龙骨 keelson

中内龙骨 centre keelson 旁内龙骨 side keelson 内底边板 margin plate 舭部 bilge 舭肘板 bilge bracket 舭龙骨 bilge keel 污水井 bilge well 污水沟 bilge 船底塞 bottom plug 14 船侧

船壳板: Shell plating 左(右)舷肋位xx-xx 间的/肋位xx 处的X 列船壳板:

Port(std)side shell plating, strake X, between Fr.Nos.xx-xx/ at Fr.No.xx 或, Strake X of port(std)side shell plating between Fr.Nos.xx-xx/ at Fr.No.xx 或, Port(std)side shell strake X between Fr.Nos.xx-xx/ at Fr.No.xx 舷侧顶列板: Sheer strake 舷侧顶列板下第一(第二、第三等等)列船壳板: the 1st(2nd, 3rd, etc.)shell strake under sheerstrake 或,1st(2nd, 3rd, etc.)strake of shell plating under sheerstrake 圆弧舷顶列板 rounded sheer strake 肋骨: Frame 强肋骨 web frame side transverse(舷侧为纵骨架式时)主肋骨 main frame 甲板间肋骨 tween deck frame 中间肋骨 intermediate frame 强肋骨间距 bay 肋骨间距 frame spacing 舷侧纵骨: Side longitudinal 舷侧纵桁: Side stringer 护舷材: Fender, bumper 舷边: Gunwale 舷墙、栏杆和安全绳 舷墙: Bulwark 舷墙板 bulwark plating 舷墙顶板 bulwark capping 舷墙撑柱 bulwark stay(stanchion)舷墙吊攀 bulwark hoisting ring 可放倒舷墙 collapsible bulwark 可拆舷墙 movable bulwark 固定舷墙 fixed bulwark 连续舷墙 continuous bulwark 吊杆稳索 cargo gear shroud 桅侧稳索 mast shroud 眼板 eye plate 栏杆: Guardrail(rails/railing)栏杆撑柱 rail stanchion 栏杆横档 rail course 栏杆横档最上面一档 top course(main rail/rail capping)栏杆的一段 section 15 安全绳 Life line 货舱、舱口和舱口盖 货舱: Cargo hold 甲板间舱(二层舱)tween deck space 甲板间舱口 tweendeck hatch 甲板间舱口盖 tweendeck hatchcover 二层甲板 tween deck 下层舱 lower hold 货舱出入口 access 货舱舱底、舱壁铺板 ceiling 护舷木条 cargo batten, spar ceiling 舱口和舱口盖: Hatchways and covers 舱口 hatchway, hatch 舱口活动横梁 portable beam 舱口围板 hatch(hatchway)coaming 扶强材 stiffener 舱口盖 hatch cover 机械舱口盖 mechanical hatchcover 绞链舱口盖 swinging hatch cover 液压折叠式舱口盖 hydraulic-folding hatchcover 多板滚动式舱口盖 multipanel hatchcover 麦克格雷戈(滚动式)舱口盖 MacGreger hatchcover 滚动式舱口盖 rolling hatchcover 滑动式舱口盖 sliding hatchcover 箱形舱口盖 pontoon hatchcover 舱盖板 hatch cover plate(panel)夹紧装置 clamping device 托架 carrier 承座 socket 楔耳 cleat 压条 batten, retaining bar, compressor bar 楔子 wedge 导轨 guide rail 轨道轮子 track wheel 绞车付卷筒 gypsy 封胶带 seal tape 帆布 tarpaulin 舱口盖轮子架板 hatchcover roller holder 舱口盖板连接绞链销 hinge pintle for connecting hatch covers(连接绞链销的)开口销 split pin(连接绞链销的)止动板 stop plate 舱口盖封胶带 hatchcover seal tape 16 舱口盖把手 hatch dog 货舱前后封舱大螺栓 heavy bolt for enclosing opening at No.X cargo hold fwd and aft 甲板和支柱、立柱 甲板: Deck(在下面的舱室内称为 overhead deck)甲板板 deck plating 甲板开口 deck opening 甲板边板 deck stringer, stringer plate 地令 deck ring 用以支撑甲板的构件: 甲板骨架 deck framing 甲板纵桁 deck girder 甲板纵骨 deck longitudinal 甲板强横梁 deck transverse 甲板横梁 deck beam 悬臂梁(指从舷边延伸到其所支持的舱口甲板纵桁的甲板强横梁)cantilever 主甲板 main deck 上甲板 upper deck 前甲板 fore deck 后甲板 after deck 第二甲板 second deck 下层甲板 lower deck 居住甲板 accommodation deck 上层建筑甲板 superstructure deck 艏楼甲板 forecastle deck 艉楼甲板 poop deck 桥楼甲板 bridge deck 驾驶甲板 navigation deck 舱壁甲板 bulkhead deck 甲板室甲板 deckhouse deck平台甲板 platform deck 罗经甲板 compass deck 干舷甲板 freeboard deck 分舱甲板 subdivision deck 量吨甲板 tonnage deck 强力甲板 strength deck 局部甲板 partial deck 开敞甲板 open deck 露天甲板 exposed(weather)deck 遮蔽甲板 shelter deck 游步甲板 promenade deck 旅客甲板 passenger deck 17 直升飞机甲板 helicopter deck 升高甲板 raised deck 前升高甲板 raised fore deck 后升高甲板 raised quarter deck 主拖甲板 main trailer deck 车辆甲板 vehicle deck 花铁板甲板 checkered deck 甲板覆层: Deck covering 化学敷料(上)composition 绝缘层(下)insulation 木铺板 wood sheathing 支柱: Pillar 管形支柱 tubular pillar 组合支柱 built up pillar 装载木材甲板货的设备: Timber stowage arrangement 立柱 upright 立柱插座 socket 系索眼板 eyeplate 舱壁、轴隧和围阱 舱壁: Bulkhead(非)水密舱壁(non-)watertight bulkhead 横向舱壁 transverse bulkhead 纵向舱壁 longitudinal bulkhead 纵中舱壁 central longitudinal bulkhead 防撞舱壁 collision bulkhead 制荡舱壁 wash bulkhead平面舱壁 plane bulkhead 槽形舱壁 corrugated bulkhead 槽形 corrugation 凸面 convex surface 凹面 concave surface 斜面部分 sloping part平面部分 plane part 顶凳 upper stool 底凳 lower stool 凳底 stool bottom 风雨密舱壁 weathertight bulkhead 压筋舱壁 swedged bulkhead 舱壁扶强材 bulkhead stiffener 舱壁龛 bulkhead recess 舱壁贯穿孔 penetration 18 轴隧: Shaft tunnel 轴隧端室 tunnel recess 围阱: Trunk 货舱围阱 cargo hatch trunk 应急围阱 escape trunk 升降通道、起重阱 hoist trunk 肘板

肘板: Bracket 货舱内肋骨上端肘板(梁肘)beam knee 货舱内肋骨下端肘板 lower bracket 首、尾尖舱内下肘板(在舭部)bilge bracket 除首、尾尖舱外的下肘板 tank side bracket 上肘板 upper bracket 艏柱肘板,又叫首尖蹼板 breast hook 防倾肘板 tripping bracket 通风筒、空气管以及开口等 通风筒: Ventilator 通风筒围板 ventilator coaming 通风筒盖 ventilator cover 通风筒帽 ventilator cap 通风斗 ventilator cowl 通风斗罩 ventilator hood 通风筒开口 ventilator opening 防火挡板 damper 防火网 flame screen 风雨密关闭装置 weathertight closing appliance means for securing weathertightness 菌形通风筒 mushroom ventilator 鹅颈形通风筒 gooseneck ventilator 喇叭式(通)风斗 cowl(head)ventilator 叶片式通风筒 fan ventilator 百叶式通风筒 venetian ventilator 空气管: Air pipe 空气管头 air pipe head 空气管管口 air pipe opening 空气管接头 air pipe connection 开口: Opening 甲板开口 deck opening 19 量吨开口 tonnage opening 货舱开口 hatch opening 机舱开口 machinery space opening 机炉舱棚开口 fiddley opening 人孔: Manhole 人孔盖 manhole cover 人孔盖围槛 ring平舱口: Flush scuttle平舱口盖 flush scuttle cover 减轻孔 Lightening hole 泄水孔 Scupper hole 排水孔 Discharge hole 进水孔 Inlet hole 流水孔 Drain hole 透气孔 Air hole 吸口 Suction hole 排水舷口: Freeing port 盖板 shutter 货舱舷门 Cargo port 舷门 Side door 尾门 Stern door 水密门 watertight door 门开口 door opening 门框 door framing 门扶强材 door stiffener 门固定装置 securing device 门关闭装置 closing device 门吊臂/转动臂 lifting/maneuvering arms 门槛 sill 舷窗: Side scuttle 风暴盖 deadlight 窗: Window 矩形窗 rectangular window 窗槛 sill 天窗: Skylight 天窗盖 flap 升降口: Companionway 梯子和通道 梯: Ladder 舷梯 Accommodation ladder/gangway 舷梯吊索 guy rope 舷梯吊臂架 accommodation ladder davit 20 舷外支架 outrigger 横担 yoke 引水员软梯 Pilot ladder 出入口梯子 Access ladder 货舱直梯 Vertical ladder 舱壁上斜梯 Sloping ladder 货舱斜梯 Australian ladder 货舱斜梯(Australian ladder)的组成: 上垂直部分 vertical upper section 上平台 upper platform 倾斜部分 sloping section 下平台 lower platform 下垂直部分 vertical lower section 框架 framing 梯阶 step, rung 扶手 handrail 通道、步桥 Gangway 走廊、通道 Corridor, passage, passageway, alley, alleyway 甲板下走道 房间走廊 门厅、廊室 通道

underdeck passage accommodation alleyway Lobby Walkway 门道 Doorway 梯道 Stairway 扶梯 Stair 扶梯间 Staircase 烟囱、百叶窗 烟囱: Funnel 环形开口 annular space 关闭装置 百叶窗: closing means 活动的 Shutter 固定的 Louver 其他

封板 closing plate 防浪板 wash plate 防磨板 wearing plate 挡水板 dash plate 防鼠板 rat guard 牵条板 tie plate 斜支撑、拉条 brace(横拉筋horizontal brace;斜拉筋diagonal brace)21 颊板 cheek plate 面板 face plate 腹板 web plate 折边 flange 扶强材、加强筋 stiffener 隔板 diaphragm plate 锌板 zinc slab 花铁板 checkered(chequered)plate 白铁皮 galvanized iron 流线型板、装饰板 fashion plate 镶板 panelling 软木 cork 格栅 lattice, grating 天棚 awning 锻件 forging 铸件 cast, casting 铸铁 cast iron 铸钢 cast steel 合金钢 alley steel 铝合金 aluminum alloy 角钢 angles 槽钢 channels 棒材 bars 圆材 rolled sections 组合型材 built-up sections 扁材 flat bar 塑料 plastic 货盘 cargo tray 货板 pallet 填舱板 dunnage 草席 mat 车辆 vehicle 抓斗 grab 叉车 fork lift, fork lift truck 拖车 trailer 卡车 truck, lorry 舾装 Equipment and Outfits 22 舵 Rudder 舵设备 rudder arrangement 舵杆 rudder stock 舵轴 rudder axle 舵扇 rudder quadrant 舵柄 rudder tiller 舵承(舵托)rudder carrier 舵柱 rudder post 舵销 rudder pintle平衡舵 balanced rudder 半平衡舵 semi-balanced rudder平板舵 flat plate rudder 整流舵 contra guide rudder 悬挂舵 spade rudder 舵角指示器 rudder(angle)indicator 舵叶和舵杆的连接法兰面 coupling flange surfaces of rudder & rudder stock 锚、锚链和锚机 锚: Anchor 锚泊及系泊设备 anchoring and mooring equipment 锚索 anchor rope 锚杆 anchor shank 锚横杆 anchor stock 锚爪 anchor fluke 锚冠 anchor crown 锚块 anchor block 销 pin 锚穴板 anchor recess(anchor pocket plate)锚灯柱 anchor light post 锚钟杆 anchor bell stock 有杆锚 Stocked anchor 无杆锚 Stockless anchor 首锚 Bower anchor 尾锚 Stern anchor 备用锚 Spare anchor 双抓锚 Double-fluked anchor 三抓锚 Triple fluke anchor 大抓力锚 High holding power anchor 山字锚,霍尔锚 Hall‟s anchor 斯贝克锚 Speke anchor 重力锚 Gravity anchor 海军锚 Admiralty anchor 铲形抓锚 Spade anchor 锚链: Chain cables 锚卸口 anchor shackle 端链环 end link 大链环 large link 普通链环 ordinary link 转环 swivel 连接卸口 connecting shackle 链环横档 link stud 左舷X 节锚链

X lengths(或shackle lengths)of port side chain cables 右舷第X 节锚链

No.X length(或shackle lengths)of std side chain cables 锚链舱 chain locker 锚链舱出入口 access 锚链舱的锚链卷筒/锚链轮 wildcat 锚链管(直的,从甲板到锚链舱)chain pipe 锚链筒(斜的,从甲板到外板)hawse pipe 锚链筒甲板凸缘 deck flange 锚链筒外板凸缘 shell flange 锚链孔(防磨)唇口(hawse)bolster 锚链水阀 wash chain valve/cable washing valve 锚链冲水管 hose pipe for washing chains 锚链导槽 guide bed 锚链解脱器 cable reliever 止链器 chain stopper 锚机: Windlass 电动锚机 Electric windlass 电动液压锚机 Electric-hydraulic windlass 带棘轮装置人力锚机Handspike windlass 蒸汽锚机 Steam windlass 左绞盘 port capstan 右绞盘 std capstan 锚机滚筒 gypsy 导缆器、带缆桩和绳索 导缆器: Fairlead 滚轮 roller 导缆孔 mooring pipe 带缆桩: Bollard, bitt 绳: Rope, line 索具 rigging 吊索、升降索 halyard 钢丝绳: steel wire rope 股 strand 丝 wire 尼龙绳 nylon rope 聚丙烯绳 polypropylene rope 系船索 mooring line 拖索 tow line 开锚绳 steel wire rope for fixing anchor 桅

桅: Mast 前桅 fore mast 后桅 after mast 主桅 main mast 桅屋 mast house 桅顶 masthead 桅杆稳索 shroud 支索 stay 甲板机械 Deck Machinery 起货设备 cargo handling gear 固定零部件 permanent attachments 活动零部件 loose gear 起重机: Crane 起重机的起货索 上面一根: ruffing wire 下面一根: hoisting wire 吊臂 crane jib 基座 crane pedestal 25 岸吊 shore crane 浮吊 floating crane 起重机 hoist(如:浮吊上部起重机floating crane upper hoist)门式起重机 gantry crane 履带式起重机 caterpillar crane 高架移动式起重机(行车)overhead travelling crane 将军柱 King post 将军柱梯 king post ladder 吊杆: Derrick 重型吊杆 heavy derrick 吊杆 derrick boom 吊杆台 boom platform 吊杆搁架 derrick rest 吊杆承皿 derrick shoe 起货索 cargo runner 起货索滑车 cargo runner block 起货索滚筒 cargo runner drum 稳索(定位索)preventer guy 有节定位索 preventer guy with pitched clip 定位索套筒 preventer guy socket 定位索夹头 holder for preventer guy 千斤索 topping lift 钢丝绳 steel wire rope 差动滑车(神仙葫芦)differential pulley 攀头 eye band 攀头板 eye plate 琵琶头 eye splice 鹅颈 gooseneck 鹅颈座 gooseneck seat 鹅颈横销 gooseneck horizontal pin 滑车: Block 滑车轮 sheave 滑车壳 shell 滑车夹板 cheek 绳扣 becket 上千斤滑车 upper span block 下千斤滑车 lower span block 双轮滑车 double sheave block 26 单轮滑车 single sheave block 起货滑车 cargo block 导向滑车 guide block 导索滑车 leading block 起货滑车组 cargo tackles 千斤索滑车组 span tackles 吊货钩: Cargo hook 能转的钩子 swivel hook 固定的钩子 fixed hook 绞车: Winch 起货绞车 cargo winch 系泊绞车 mooring winch 千斤索绞车 topping winch 拖缆绞车 towing winch 绞车滚筒 drum 卷车: Reel 钢索卷车 wire reel 系缆卷车 hawser reel 升降机: Elevator, hoist, lift(er)


轮机装置 Machinery installations 机器处所(/机舱)Machinery space 机舱 Engine room 操舵装置 Steering gear 主操舵机 Main steering gear 付操舵机 Auxiliary steering gear 电动液压操舵机 Electro-hydraulic steering gear 转翼式操舵机 Rotary vane steering gear 手操舵机 Hand-power steering gear 蒸汽操舵机 Steam steering gear 动力油缸 hydraulic power cylinder 27 柱塞 plunger 锅炉和受压容器 Boilers and Pressure Vessels 锅炉: Boiler: 锅炉舱 Boiler room 炉舱棚 Boiler room casing 锅炉座 Boiler bearer 主锅炉 Main boiler 辅助锅炉 Auxiliary boiler 燃油付锅炉 Oil-fired aux.boiler 燃油废气混合式锅炉 Oil-fired and exhaust gas composite boiler 水管锅炉 Water tube boiler 卧式烟管锅炉 Horizontal smoke tube boiler 立式辅助锅炉 Vertical auxiliary boiler 废气锅炉 Exhaust gas boiler 蒸汽锅炉 Steam boiler 混合式锅炉 Combined boiler 立式横烟管锅炉 Vertical-type horizontal smoke tube boiler 立式竖烟管锅炉 Vertical-type vertical smoke tube boiler 热油锅炉

废气热油锅炉 Thermal oil heater Exhaust gas thermal oil boiler Exhaust gas thermal oil heater 筒体 管孔 短管

Cylindrical shell Tube hole Tube stub 燃烧室 Combustion chamber 燃烧室顶板 Crown plate 顶板支梁 Girder 凸形封头 Dished end plate平顶板 Flat crown 烟道 Boiler uptake 烟道调节器、烟气调节挡板 Damper;Bypass damper 炉衣 Insulation, lagging 汽鼓 Steam drum 水鼓 Water drum 联箱 Header 泥箱 Mud box 过热器 Superheater 经济器 Economizer 再热器 Reheater 空气予热器 Air preheater, Air heater 减温器 desuperheater 水管 Water tube 28 烟管 Smoke tube 牵条管 Stay tube 上升管 Riser 下降管 Down comer 看火孔 Peep hole, Periscope hole 吹灰器 Soot blower 壳板 Shell plate 管板 Tube plate 端板 End plate 管板水平架 Horizontal shelves 炉胆 Furnace 炉门 Fire door 炉胆底环 Ogee rings 锅炉底脚及支撑 Foundations and stays 锅炉附件: Boiler mountings and fittings 给水阀 Feed check valve 给水接管 Feed standpipe 给水内管 Feed internal pipe 水位指示器 Water level indicator 水位表 Water gauge 安全阀 Safety valve 截止阀 Stop valve 上、下排污阀 Blow-off and scum valves 压力表 Pressure gauge 锅炉取样阀或旋塞 Sampling valve or cock 空气阀 Air valve/cock 过热器附件 Superheater mountings 泄水阀 Drain valve 温度计 thermometer 锅炉燃烧装置: Oil burning unit 压力泵 Pressure pump 吸入滤器 Suction filter 排出滤器 Discharge filter 加热器 Heater 双联滤器 Duplex filter 初始升汽设施 Starting-up oil fuel unit 锅炉燃烧器 Boiler burner 蒸汽吹洗设施 Steam purging connection 蒸汽雾化设施 集汽包

Steam atomizing connection Steam receiver 供油总管 Boiler manifold 速闭总阀 Quick-closing master valve 声光报警 Audible and visual warnings 回油系统 Spill system 29 隔断装置 Isolating device 联锁装置 Interlocking arrangement 其他锅炉附件: Other mountings 主停汽阀 Main steam stop valve 主蒸汽管 Main steam pipe 给水管路 Feed water piping 自动控制系统 Auto-control system 安全系统 Safety system 报警系统 Alarm system 燃烧系统 Oil burning system 锅炉给水泵 Boiler feed pump 锅炉循环泵 Boiler circulating pump 主凝水泵 Main condensate pump 付凝水泵 Aux.condensate pump 热交换器 Heat exchanger 主冷凝器 Main condenser 付冷凝器 Aux.condenser 大气冷凝器 Atmospheric condenser 蒸发量 受热面积 换热面积 Evaporation rate Heating surface Cooling surface 点火 ignition 炉膛风压失 Furnace draught loss 炉膛熄 Furnace flame extinguishing 受压容器: Pressure Vessel: 筒体 封头 进出口

Cylindrical shell End plate Inlet and outlet 隔离阀 Stop valve 泄放设备 Drain device 安全设施 Safety device 空气瓶 Air receiver 易熔塞 Fusible plug 介质压力 介质工作位置 Medium pressure Working level of medium 汽轮机 高压气缸 低压气缸 汽轮机管路 Steam Turbine high-pressure cylinder low-pressure cylinder steam turbine piping 30 倒车机构 安全装置 转子: 叶轮 扭力轴 套环 动叶片

齿形联轴器 静子: 汽缸 隔板 喷嘴 喷嘴箱 导向叶片 汽缸螺栓 汽缸底座 轴承座

无损试验 液压试验 燃气轮机 涡轮机 压气机 转子 燃烧室 热交换器 燃油系统 滑油系统

平衡试验 液压试验 超速试验 工厂试验 reversing gear safety arrangements Rotor disc quill shaft shrink ring moving blade toothed coupling Stator casing diaphragm nozzle nozzle box guide vane turbine casing bolts bed frame bearing seat non-destructive test hydraulic test Gas turbine turbine compressor rotor combustion chamber heat exchanger fuel oil system lubricating oil system balance test hydraulic test overspeed test shop trial 柴油机 机舱 机舱棚

Diesel Engine Engine room Engine room casing 主机 Main engine 付机 Auxiliary engine 机座 机架 贯穿螺栓 Bedplate Engine frame Tie rod Turning gear 31 转车机 自由端 飞轮端 机件 运动部件 部件、零件 附件 紧固件 Free end Fly wheel end Machinery components Moving parts Parts Fittings, mountings Fixture 气缸: Cylinder A 列缸组第X 组:A bank No.3 cylinder unit 气缸体 Cylinder block 气缸盖 Cylinder cover 缸套冷却腔 Cylinder jacket 缸套(衬)Cylinder liner 气缸壁 Cylinder wall 活塞: Piston 活塞顶 Piston crown 活塞头 Piston head 活塞杆 Piston rod 活塞杆填料函 Piston rod stuffing box 活塞环 Piston ring 活塞环槽 Piston ring groove 活塞销 Piston pin, gudgeon pin 活塞销轴承 Piston pin bush 活塞裙边 Piston skirt 耐磨环 Wear ring 活塞阀 Piston valve 活塞泵

二冲程;四冲程 上死点;下死点

Piston pump Two-stroke;four-stroke Top dead centre;bottom dead centre 曲轴: Crankshaft 曲轴轴承

曲轴联轴器法兰 Crankshaft bearing Crankshaft coupling flange 曲柄箱

曲柄箱防爆门 Crankcase Crankcase explosion relief valve 曲柄、曲拐 Crank 曲柄销 曲柄臂 曲轴箱门 观察孔 Crankpin Crankweb Crankcase door Sight hole 曲轴箱安全阀 曲轴箱泄油管

Relief valve of crankcase Oil drain pipe of crankcase 32 油雾探测器 Oil mist detector 曲柄弯程 Crank throw 连杆 Connecting rod 连杆大端轴承 Bearing at bottom end of connecting rod;Bottom end bearing 连杆小端轴承 Bearing at top end of connecting rod;十字头 十字头销 十字头轴承 主轴承 主轴颈

Top end bearing Crosshead Crosshead pin Crosshead bearing Main bearing Main journal 凸轮轴 Camshaft 驱动凸轮轴的钢质大齿轮 示功阀

Steel gear wheel for camshaft drive Indicator valve 气缸安全阀 Safety valve 进气阀 Inlet valve 排气阀 Exhaust valve 摇臂 Rocker arm 导板 Guide 滑板 Slide guide 滑块 Sliding block 顶杆 Push rod 燃油供给系统: Fuel(oil)supply system: 燃油增压泵 Fuel oil boost pump 主供给泵 Main supply pump 备用泵 Standby pump 燃油过滤器 Fuel oil filter 重油沉淀柜 Heavy fuel oil settling tank 重油日用柜 Heavy fuel oil service tank 柴油柜 Diesel oil tank 分离机 Centrifuge 加热器 Heater 粘度调节器 Viscosity regulator 压力调节阀 Pressure regulating valve 三通阀 Three-way valve平衡阀 Balance valve 输送泵 Transfer pump 燃油喷射系统: Fuel(oil)injection system: 高压油泵(油头阀)

Fuel oil injection pump, injection fuel valve, High pressure oil pump 喷射泵 Injection pump 燃油喷射器(油头)Fuel injector 33 喷嘴 Nozzle 止回阀 Non-return valve 针阀 Needle valve 正时调节阀 Timing valve 溢流阀 Spill valve 节流阀 Throttle valve 柱塞 Plunger 小(副)齿轮装置 Pinion arrangement 中间轴 Intermediate spindle 弹簧 Spring 压紧螺母 Compression nut 凸轮 Cam 凸轮轴 齿条: 齿条复板 齿条挡板 Camshaft Rack Rack chord Shield of rack 增压器: 涡轮增压器 废气涡轮增压器 增压器蜗壳 Supercharger Turbocharger Exhaust gas turbocharger spiral casing of the supercharger 透平叶轮 Turbine impeller(透平增压器)废气出口接头 Exhaust connection 涡轮端 Turbine end 空压机端 Air compressor end 应急鼓风机 Emergency blower 蒸汽轮机 Steam turbine 鼓风机:

涡轮鼓风机 Turbo-blower 扫气: Scavenging 横流扫气 cross-flow scavenging 回流扫气 loop scavenging 直流扫气 uniflow scavenging 扫气口 Scavenge port 扫气道 Scavenge trunk 扫气防爆装置 Scavenge relief device 进气口 Inlet port 排气口 Exhaust port 润滑系统: Lubricating(oil)system: 储油槽 Oil sump 泄油柜 Drain tank 滤器 Filter, strainer 冷却器 Cooler 34 液位指示器 Level gauge 贮存柜 Storage tank 冷却系统: Cooling system: 主机淡水冷却泵 M.E.fresh water cooling pump 备用淡水冷却泵 Reverse fresh water cooling pump 主机海水冷却泵 M.E.sea water cooling pump 备用海水冷却泵 Reverse sea water cooling pump 缸套冷却水泵 Jacket cooling pump 活塞冷却水(油)系统 Piston cooling system(oil/water)油头冷却泵 Fuel valve cooling pump 付机淡水冷却泵 Aux.E.fresh water cooling pump 付机海水冷却泵 Aux.E.sea water cooling pump 热交换器: Heat exchanger: 主机淡水冷却器 M.E.fresh water cooler 活塞水冷却器 Piston water cooler 主机油头冷却器 M.E.fuel valve cooler 缸套水冷却器 jacket water cooler 付机淡水冷却器 Aux.E.fresh water cooler 海水循环冷却器 Sea water circulated cooler 压缩空气系统: Compressed air system: 空气压缩机 Air compressor 空气瓶 Air receiver 易熔塞 Fusible plug 高压空气管 High-pressure air pipe 空气起动阀 Air starting valve 隔离止回阀 Isolating non-return valve 释放阀 Relief valve 空气分配器 Air distributor 阻火器 Flame trap 爆炸(保险)膜片 Bursting disc(k)操纵装置 Control device 安全装置 Safety device 调速器: Governor 机械调速器 Mechanical governor 电动调速器 Electric governor 速度传感装置 Speed sensing arrangement 液压机构 Hydraulic unit 惯性配重装置 Flyweight assembly 齿轮 Gear wheel 速度选择器 Speed selector 油雾探测器 Oil mist detector 35 联轴节: Coupling: 弹性 Elastic coupling 挠性 Flexible coupling 机械 Mechanical coupling 电动 Electrical coupling 液力 Hydraulic coupling 液压 Fluid coupling 气动 Pneumatic coupling 电磁 Electromagnetic coupling 离合器: Clutch 操纵手柄 手柄定位插销 支架 驱动机构 Control handle Set pin Support Driving unit 传动机构 Driven unit 驱动叶轮 Driving impeller 传动叶轮 Driven runner 传动装置 Gearing arrangement 大齿轮 Gearwheel 小齿轮 Pinion 齿轮箱 Gearbox 倒车齿轮 Reversing gear 倒车齿轮箱 Reversing gearbox 转动叶片 Rotating vane 轴、轴承及螺旋浆 Shaft, Bearing and Propeller 轴系 轴

Shafting Shaft(指机械传动轴)推力轴 Thrust shaft 推力环 Thrust collar 推力块 Thrust block 中间轴 Intermediate shaft 螺旋浆轴 Propeller/screw shaft 尾轴 Tail shaft 尾管轴 Tube shaft 实心轴 Solid shaft 空心轴 Hollow shaft 曲轴 Crank shaft 曲轴臂 Crank web 甩档,曲轴臂挠曲 Crankshaft deflection 凸轮轴 Camshaft 蜗杆轴 Worm shaft 36 链轮轴 Sprocket shaft 链轮箱 Sprocket casing 轴套 Shaft liner 轴衬 Shaft(axis)bush 固定法兰 Fixed flange 联轴节 Shaft coupling 弹性联轴节 Flexible coupling 液压联轴节(液压法兰)Fluid coupling 液力偶合器 Hydraulic coupling 磨擦离合器 Friction clutch 电磁离合器 Electric coupling 法兰螺栓 Flange bolt 键槽: Keyway: 汤匙形 round-ended 雪撬形 sled runner 普通键槽 keyed 无键 keyless 尾轴管Stern tube: 铸钢与钢板焊接式 cast steel and steel plate welded 锻钢与钢板焊接式 forged steel and steel plate welded 尾轴承stern bearing: 铁梨木 lignum vitae 合成橡胶 synthetic rubber 塑料 plastic 白合金(巴氏合金)white-metal 油封装置 Oil gland 轴(相当于定位肖)

下沉量 Axis;spindle Wear-down 对中 Alignment 顶举系数 Jack factor 偏移 Sag 曲折 Gap 扭转振动 Torsional vibration 单节;双节 Single node;Two node 共振 Resonance 转速禁区范围 Restricted speed range 扭转振动许用应力 Allowable vibration stress 瞬时许用应力 Allowable transient vibration stress 轴承 Bearing 主轴承 Main bearing 中间轴轴承 Intermediate bearing 推力轴承 Thrust bearing 曲轴轴承 Crank(shaft)bearing 37 滚柱轴承 Roller bearing 滚珠轴承 Ball bearing 铁梨木轴承 Lignum vitae bearing 尾轴管轴承 Stern tube bearing 轴瓦 bush 轴承支架 bearing support 轴承承窝 bearing socket 轴承垫片 bearing shim 轴承壳 bearing shell 轴承座 bearing seat(pedestal)轴承盖 bearing cap(cover)轴承块 bearing block 轴承环 bearing collar(ring)保持圈 Retaining ring 螺旋浆 Propeller 整体式螺旋浆 Solid propeller 组合式螺旋浆 Built-up propeller 可调节螺距螺旋浆 Controllable pitch propeller 全方位式螺旋浆 Directional propeller 材料material: 锰铁黄铜Manganese iron brass 高铝高强度黄铜High aluminium high strength brass 高锰铝青铜High manganese aluminium bronze 铸铁Cast iron 铸钢Cast steel 塑料Plastic 螺旋浆轴 propeller shaft screwshaft(螺旋浆轴)圆锥体 cone 浆殻 propeller boss(hub)螺旋浆叶片 propeller blade 叶尖 blade tip 导边 leading edge 随边 following edge trailing edge 螺距 Pitch 旋向 Direction of rotating 推进器与推进器轴的配合 Fitting of propeller to screwshaft 螺旋浆液压装配 Hydraulic fitting of propeller 压入行程 Pull-up distance 压入压力 Pressing pressure: 径向压力radial pressure;轴向压力axial pressure 38 泵 Pump 泵间 泵底座 货油泵 Pump room Pump foundation Cargo pump 压载泵 ballast pump 舱底泵 bilge pump 固定式潜水舱底泵 permanently-installed submersible bilge pump 增压泵 booster pump 离心泵 centrifugal pump 循环泵 circulating pump 冷却泵 cooling pump 缸套冷却水泵 cylinder jacket cooling pump 给水泵 feed(water)pump 灌注泵 filling pump 消防泵 fire(service)pump 淡水泵 fresh water pump 燃油泵 fuel(oil)pump 燃油喷射泵 fuel injection pump 油头冷却泵 fuel valve cooling pump 日用油泵 fuel oil daily service pump 燃油驳运泵 fuel oil transfer pump 通用泵 general purpose [general service] pump 液压泵 hydraulic pump 泥浆泵 mud pump 压力泵 pressure pump 往复泵 reciprocating pump 盐水泵 salt water pump, brine pump 海水泵 sea water pump 扫气泵 scavenging pump 污油泵 sludge pump 污物泵 sewage pump 喷淋系统泵 spray(sprinkler)pump 蒸汽泵 steam pump 清舱泵、扫舱泵 stripping pump 真空泵 vacuum pump 油舱清洗泵 tank cleaning pump 甲板清洗泵 wash deck pump 制冷剂泵

refrigerant pump 阀 Valve 39 空气启动阀 Air starting valve 给水阀 Feed(check)valve 进、排气阀 Inlet and exhaust valves;air inlet and exhaust gas valves 排气阀顶杆 exhaust valve push rod 排气阀摇臂 exhaust valve rocking arm 应急舱底水吸口阀 Emergency bilge suction valve 排出阀 Discharge valve 舷外排出阀 Overboard discharge valve 海底阀 Sea inlet valve 舷旁阀 Ship-side valve 舷旁截止阀 Ship-side screw-down valve 锅炉排污阀 Blow-off valve 止回阀 Non-return valve, check valve 截止阀 Stop valve, screw down valve 释放阀 Relief valve 主停汽阀 Main stop valve 遥控速闭阀 Remote quick closing valve 溢流阀 Spill valve 针阀 Needle valve 泄水阀 Draining valve 扫气阀 Scavenging gas valve 油头阀 Fuel oil injection valve(主机)换向阀 Reversing gear valve 排气旋转阀 Exhaust rotary valve 安全阀 Safety valve 卫生水排出阀 阀箱

Sanitary discharge valve Chest 阀杆 Valve spindle(阀杆的)导向支架 Guide stanchion 阀盘 Valve disc(disk)阀盖 阀瓣 旋塞 Cover Valve flap Cock 柜 Tank 日用柜 Service tank 沉淀柜 Settling tank 贮存柜 Storage tank 重力柜 Gravity tank 给水柜 Feed(water)tank 补给水柜 Make-up tank 气缸套冷却水柜 Jacket water tank 40 淡水冷却水的膨胀水柜 Fresh cooling water expansion tank 泄水收集柜 Drain connecting tank 滑油净油柜 Purified(lubricating)oil tank 日用油净油柜 Purified oil service tank 卫生水柜 Sanitary tank 污水柜 Sewage(retention)tank 污油水柜 Slop tank 污油柜 Sludge tank;dirty oil tank 压力柜

油池、油底壳 漏油孔 Header tank Oil sump Flow hole 管系 Piping 管系 管系 管路 总管 支管

(汽锅)锅管 盘管 水龙软管

导管、输送管 Piping system Piping Pipeline Main Branch pipe Tube Coil Hose Duct 动力管系 Machinery piping system 燃油管系 Oil fuel system, fuel oil piping 蒸汽管系 Steam piping system, steam piping 锅炉给水、排污与凝水管系 Feed, blow-off and condensate system 冷却水管系 Cooling water system 滑油管系 Lubricating oil system 液压传动管系 Hydraulic transmission piping system 热油管系

Thermal oil system 甲板冲洗管 Wash deck pipe 排水管 Discharge pipe 空气管 Air pipe 压载水管 Ballast pipe 舱底水管 Bilge pipe 旁通管 By-pass pipe 冷却水管 Cooling pipe 泄水管 Drain pipe 排气管 Exhaust pipe 进气管,进口管 Inlet pipe 逸气管 Escape pipe 注入管 Filling pipe 41 喷射管 Injection /ejection pipe 分配管 Distributing pipe 给水管 Feed(water)pipe 测量管 Sounding pipe 出口管 Outlet pipe 溢流管 Overflow pipe 蒸汽管 Steam pipe 加热管 Heating pipe 三通管

通风管、通风管道 火管 烟管

蒸气加热管 消防水带 管接头 管件接头 膨胀接头 管子护板 管子支架

Three-way pipe Ventilating pipe, ventilating duct Fire tube Smoke tube Steam heating coils Fire hose Pipe connection Pipe coupling Expansion joint Pipe guard Pipe support 通风 Ventilation 人工通风 机械通风 强制通风 自然通风 动力通风 压力通风 进气通风 排气通风 通风管 通风筒 Artificial ventilation Mechanical ventilation Forced ventilation Natural ventilation Power ventilation Pressure ventilation Supply ventilation Exhaust ventilation Ventilating duct, ventilating pipe Ventilator(详见船体)舱底附件 Bilge fittings 吸管 Suction 舱底水支吸管 branch bilge suction;舱底水直通吸管 direct bilge suction;应急吸管 emergency suction 泥箱(滤网箱)Mud box(Strum box)污水井 Bilge well 污水沟 Bilge 42 机器处所舱底污水和燃油舱排放油类的控制设备

Equipment for control of oil discharge from machinery space bilges and oil fuel tanks 滤油设备 Oil filtering equipment 有报警和自动停止装置的15ppm 滤油设备

Oil filtering(15ppm)equipment with alarm and automatic stopping device 油水分离/滤油设备 Separating/filtering equipment 处理装置 Process unit 油份计 Oil content meter 储存柜 Holding tank 残油(油渣)的留存和处理措施

Means for retention and disposed of oil residues(sludge)and bilge water holding tanks 残油舱 Oil residue(sludge)tank 焚烧炉 Incinerator 标准排放接头 Standard discharge connection 残留物接收设备 Reception facilities for residues 油水分离设备 Oily-water separating equipment 减速齿轮箱

Reduction gear box 差动式减速齿轮箱 Differential gear box 单级减速齿轮箱 Single-reduction gear box 二级减速齿轮箱 Double-reduction gear box 多级减速齿轮箱 Multi-reduction gear box 串联式减速齿轮箱 Tandem gear box平行轴传动减速齿轮箱 Parallel-axis gear box 同心式减速齿轮箱 Centric reduction gear box 偏位式减速齿轮箱 Eccentric reduction gear box 并车减速齿轮箱 Reduction gear box of combined output of the engines 内齿轮 Annular gear 外齿轮 External gear 小齿轮 Pinion 大齿轮 Gear wheel 主动齿轮 Drive gear, driving gear 被动齿轮 Driven gear 中间齿轮 Cog(防齿轮倒转的)爪、掣子 Pawl 43 压缩机

空气压缩机 空调压缩机 往复式压缩机 螺旋式压缩机 轴流式压气机 离心式压气机 辐流式压气机 超音速压气机 高压压气机 低压压气机 Compressor Air compressor Air-conditioning compressor Reciprocating compressor Screw-type compressor Axial-flow compressor;axial compressor Centrifugal compressor Radial-flow compressor;radial compressor Supersonic compressor High-pressure compressor Low-pressure compressor 分离器 Separator 空气分离器 Air separator 油-气分离器 Air-oil separator 气-水分离器 Air-water separator 舱底水分离器 Bilge water separator 燃油分离器 Fuel separator 滑油分离器 Lubricant separator 油分离器、分油器 Oil separator 油水分离器 Oily water separator 蒸汽分离器 Steam separator;vapour separator 净化器 Purifier 空气净化器 Air purifier 燃油净化器 Fuel oil purifier 气体净化器 Gas purifier 滑油净化器 Lubricating oil purifier 净油器 Oil purifier 蒸汽净化器 Steam purifier 净水器 Water separator 净油机室 Purifier room(净油机室)油水挡板 托盘 Drip tray Tray 44 操纵装置 Control device 应急切断装置 Emergency cutting device 遥控操纵和关断装置 remote operating and shutdown device 启动及换向装置 Starting and reversing gear 连锁装置 Interlocking device 传动装置 Driving(driven)mechanism 速闭装置 Quick-closing device 安全装置 Safety device 保护装置 Protecting device 紧固装置 Securing arrangements 测温装置 Temperature measuring device 风机 Fan 制淡机 Desalinator 励磁机 Exciter 泥泵机 Dredging engine 皮带机 Belt conveyer 装船机 Shiploader 冷凝器

壳管式冷凝器 双管式冷凝器 Condenser Shell-and-tube type condenser Double-pipe type condenser 蒸发器

壳管式蒸发器 双管式蒸发器 壳内盘管式蒸发器 Evaporator Shell-and-tube type evaporator Double-pipe type evaporator Coil-in-casing type evaporator 蒸馏器 传感器 Distiller Sensor 除霜器 Defroster 燃烧器 Burner 冷却器 Cooler 洗涤器,洗涤塔 Scrubber 减热器 Desuperheater 过滤器 Filter 加油器 Feeder 热水器 Calorifier 温度控制器 Temperature controller 接触器 Contactor 加热器 Heater 干燥器 雾化器 Drier Atomizer 蜂鸣器 贮液器 Buzzer Receiver 45 油分计 Oil content meter 盐量计 Salinometer 温度计 Temperature gauge, thermometer 速度计 Velocity meter 热流量计 Thermal flow meter 重力计 液位计

Gravity meter Level indicator 压力表 Pressure gauge(meter)流量表

Flow meter(gauge)蜗轮: 蜗壳 蜗杆 蜗杆轴 蜗杆罩 涡轮: 涡轮罩 叶轮:

轴流式叶轮 离心式叶轮 径流式叶轮 滚轮/滑轮: 偏心滑轮 张力滚轮 棘轮: 制动棘轮 端棘轮 棘轮 惰轮:

Worm gear(wheel)Volute casing Worm(screw)Worm shaft Worm case(casing)Turbine Turbine cover Impeller Axial-flow impeller Centrifugal impeller Radial flow impeller Pulley Eccentric pulley Tension pulley Ratchet Brake ratchet End ratchet Wheel ratchet Idle gear, idling gear 填料 橡皮填料 填料箱

填料函、盖 密封压盖 密封环 密封装置 油封装置 油封 轴封 Packing Rubber packing Stuff box Packing gland Sealing gland Seal ring Sealing arrangement Oil gland Oil seal Gland seal 46 螺栓: Bolt 基座螺栓 Foundation bolt 底脚(压紧)螺栓 Holding down bolt 螺柱 Stud 螺母 Nut 螺丝 Screw 螺纹 Thread 弯头 Elbow, bend 肖子 制动块 Pintle chock 绞链 缩节 Hinge Taper joint 耳轴 漏斗 垫圈 承滴盘 喷水壶 鼠笼铁芯 导流帽/罩 Trunnion Hopper Washer Saveall Spray can Squirrel cage core Dunce cap平衡块 导向环 刹车带 磨擦片 驱动轮 传动链 操纵螺杆 Balance weight Guide ring Brake band(lining)Friction block, friction disk Driving wheel gear Driven chain Control screw rod 试验机 板手 钢丝钳 旋诺 2 磅榔头

(大)testing machine(小)testing device Spanner Vice Screwdriver 2-pound hammer 特性 Characteristic 特征、特点 Feature 功能 Function 程序、方法 Procedure 过程、工序 Process 工艺 Workmanship 动态平衡 Dynamical balance 静态平衡 Static balance 扭矩 Torque 47 拉力 Tensile 应力 Stress 屈服点 比重 粘度 灰份 水份 流量 内径 外径

Yield point Specific gravity Viscosity Ash content Water content Flow Internal diameter External diameter 孔(内)径 半径 Bore Radius


电气设备 Electrical Equipment 电力推进装置及配套设备和辅助电气设备


Electrical propelling machinery 为推进装置服务的配套设备和对船舶安全必不可少的辅助电气设备

associated equipment together with auxiliary services essential for the safety of the ship 动力系统 Power system 电动机 Motor 变压机 Transformer 蓄电池 Battery 电力设备 Electrical power equipment 电子设备 Electronic equipment 馈电线 Feeder 区配电板 Section board 分配电板 Distribution board 电缆 Cable 断路器 Breaker 熔断器 Fuse 电力设备 Electrical power equipment 主发电机 Main generator 应急发电机 Emergency generator 主配电板 Main switchboard 应急配电板 Emergency switchboard 48 应急蓄电池充放电板 Emergency accumulator battery charging and discharging board 应急蓄电池组 Emergency accumulator battery 重要用途电气设备 Electrical equipment for essential services 照明系统 Lighting system 主照明系统 Main lighting system 应急照明系统 Emergency lighting system 临时应急照明系统 Temporary emergency lighting system 船内通讯系统 Internal communication system 广播系统 Command broadcasting system 传令钟系统 Telegraph system 电话系统 Commanding telephone system 轮机员呼叫系统 Engineer‟s alarm system 船内报警系统 Internal alarm system 探火和失火报警系统 Fire detection and fire alarm systems 灭火剂施放预告报警 Pre-warnings for the release of extinguishing media 通用应急报警系统 General emergency alarm system 水密门关闭报警 Watertight doors closing alarm 重要用途电气设备 Electrical equipment for essential services 空压机 Air compressor 空气泵 Air pump 循环和冷却水泵 Circulating and cooling water pump 油头冷却泵 Fuel valve cooling pump 滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump 冷凝器循环泵 Condenser circulating pump 抽吸泵 Extraction pump 增压风机 Scavenge blower 分油机 Oil separator 燃油泵 Oil fuel pump 燃油燃烧装置 oil fuel burning unit 给水泵 Feed water pump 舵机 Steering gear 锚机 Windlass 消防泵 Fire pump 舱底泵 Bilge pump 压载泵 Ballast pump 冷藏机械 Refrigerating machinery 机炉舱通风机 Ventilating fans for engine and boiler rooms 锅炉强迫通风机 Fans for forced draught to boilers 49 自动喷水系统 Automatic water sprinkler system 压力水雾灭火系统 Water-spraying fire-extinguishing system 探火和失火报警系统 Fire detection and fire alarm system 法定航行设备 Navigational aids(required by statutory regulations)法定通讯设备 Communication equipment(required by statutory regulations)航行灯 Navigation light 特殊用途灯 Special purpose lights 无线电设备 Radio Equipment 无线电台

无线电台(救生艇手提式)Radio station Radio apparatus 无线电通信设备 Equipment for radiocommunication 无线电装置 Radio installation 甚高频无线电装置 VHF radio installation(very high frequency radio installation)中频无线电装置 MF radio installation(medium frequency radio installation)中/高频无线电装置 MF/HF radio installation(medium/high frequency radio installation)国际海事卫星组织船舶地面站 INMARSAT SES(International Maritime Satellite Organization ship earth station)遇险报警辅助设施 Secondary means of distress alerting 接收海上安全信息的设备 Facilities for reception of maritime safety information 应急无线电示位标 EPIRB(emergency position-indicating radio beacon)极轨道卫星 COSPAS-SARSAT 国际海事卫星 INMARSAT 甚高频数字选择呼叫 VHF DSC 卫星应急无线电示位标 Satellite EPIRB 甚高频应急无线电示位标 VHF EPIRB 救生用无线电通信设备 Life-saving radio communication apparatus 双向甚高频无线电话设备 Two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus 甚高频无线电话 VHF radiotelephone 声力电话 Sound powered telephone 对讲电话 Walkie talkie 数字选择性呼叫编码器 DSC encoder(digital selective calling encoder)数字选择性呼叫值班接收机 DSC watch receiver(digital selective calling watch receiver)窄带印字电报 NBDP radiotelegraphy(narrow band direct printing radiotelegraphy)高频窄带印字电报 HF NBDP radiotelegraphy 直接印字电报 Direct-printing radiotelegraphy 航行警告电传接收机 NAVTEX receiver 50 加强群呼接收机 EGC receiver 高频直接印字无线电报接收机 HF direct-printing radiotelegraphy receiver 船用雷达应答器 Ship‟s radar transponder

无线电导航设备 Radio navigational equipment 雷达 Radar 环视雷达 All-round looking radar(海上)避碰雷达 Anticollision radar 自动跟踪雷达 Automatic-tracking radar 信标雷达 Beacon radar 探测雷达 Detection radar 搜索雷达 Search radar 警戒雷达 Warning radar 罗经 Compass 主罗经 Master compass 磁罗经 Magnetic compass 电罗经 Gyro compass 操舵罗经、驾驶罗经 Steering compass 灵敏度 振谐

Sensitivity Resonance 天线 Antenna 仿真天线 Artificial antenna 定向天线 Directional antenna 环状天线 Loop antenna 鞭状天线 Whip antenna 室外天线 Outdoor antenna 雷达天线 Radar antenna 无线电天线 Radio antenna 接收天线 Receiving antenna 发射天线 Transmitting antenna 发电机 Generator 原动机 Prime mover 发电机组 Generating set 主发电机 Main generator 辅助发电机 Auxiliary generator 应急发电机 Emergency generator 备用发电机 Reserve(stand-by)generator 直流发电机 D.C.(Direct current)generator 交流发电机 A.C.(Alternating current)generator 51 无刷发电机 Brushless generator 轴带发电机 Shaft-driven generator 柴油(机驱动)发电机 Diesel(-driven)generator 燃气轮机(驱动)发电机 Gas turbine(driven)generator 防滴式发电机 电动发电机

Drip-proof generator Electric motor generator 三相发电机 Three-phase generator 多相发电机 Polyphase generator 单极发电机 Unipolar generator 串励发电机 Series generator 并励发电机 Shunt generator 复励发电机 Compound wound generator 自励发电机 Exciterless generator 恒流发电机 Constant current generator 恒速发电机 Constant speed generator 恒功率发电机 Constant power generator 恒压发电机 Constant voltage generator 自励恒压式交流发电机 Self-regulated type A.C.generator 并联运行直流发电机 D.C.generator running in parallel 发生器 Generator 泡沫发生器 Froth(foam)generator 惰性气体发生器 Inert gas generator 脉冲发生器 Pulse generator 信号发生器 Signal generator 涡流发生器 Vortex generator 造波机 Wave generator 电动机 Motor, Electric motor 交流电动机 A.C.(alternating-current)motor

第二篇:船舶制造英语日常用语- 船体


1.You must weld and grind this area before painting.在油漆之前你必须把这个地方电焊修补、打磨好。2.

This welding line should be gouged and welded again before tightness inspection.这条焊缝在密性检查前要碳刨、再焊。

3.The structure of the starboard side is different from the port side.右舷的结构跟左舷的不一样。

4.We should reinforce the downside of the windlass.我们应该在锚机的反面加强。

5.The navigation deck is not plain, we will fair the deck by hot working.驾驶甲板不平,我们要火工校正。

6.There are two pieces of stiffeners and brackets must be replaced.有两块加强筋和肘板要换新。7.

Two more footrests and handgrips should be installed at the entrance of the small hatchcover.在小舱口盖的进口处再安装两只踏步和拉手。

8.Checking the joint accuracy and structure integrity between No.8 and No.9 block after closed.No.8 与No9分段合拢后大接头装配精确性和结构完整性检查。

9.Checking structure integrity of superstructure(deckhouse)after welding.上层建筑焊后结构完整性检查。

10.Inspecting fitting accuracy of hatch coaming on board.货舱口围板船上安装精度检查。

11.Inspection air pressure test(with water head)for No1.water ballast tank(No15 block).No1压载水舱(No.15分段)气压试验(压头试验)检查。12.

Inspection hosing test for upper deck.上甲板冲水试验检查。

13.Measuring hull’s main dimensions: length overall(LOA.),length between perpendiculars(LPP.),breath molded(B.),depth molded(D.)and deflection before launching.下水前测量船体主尺度:总长、两柱间长、型宽、型深、基线挠度。

14.Inspection distance between draught marks and keel plate after marking out.划线后检查吃水标尺至平板龙骨之间的距离。

15.Inspecting fitting accuracy of draught mark(loading line mark).吃水标志(载重线标志)安装精确性检查。

16.Inspection welding seam and dimension of cargo hatch cover.货舱舱口盖焊缝和尺度检查。




船体构件焊接连接的种类主要有对接、角接、搭接、塞焊和端接,相应的焊缝种类 有对接焊缝、角焊缝、搭接焊缝、塞焊缝及端接焊缝等。

对接常用于两块钢板的拼接。手工焊接在板厚大于5~6mm时需对被焊钢板边缘加开坡口,以保证在焊接时能焊透。较薄的板材一般单面开坡口,对较厚的板材一 般需双面开坡口,坡口角度一般在40度与60度之间。坡口的截面形状有1 形、2 形、3形、4 形、双面2 形及单边1 形或2 形等。











横骨架式船体结构是指在主船体中的横向构件排列密尺寸小,纵向构件排列的间距大尺寸也大,其结构简单、建造容易、横向强度和局部强度好,又因其肋骨和横梁尺寸较小,故舱容利用率较高且便于装卸。横骨架式船舶的总纵强度主要由外板、底板、甲板板以及分布在其上的纵向构件来保证,在较长的船上则需加厚钢板来保证总纵强度,因此增加了船舶的自重,同时这种船舶横向刚性比纵向刚性大,所以横骨 架式结构主要用于对总纵强度要求不高的沿海中小型船舶和内河船舶。







船体主要结构图的用途表现在三个方面,首先,通过该图可以达到了解本船船体结构的尺度,其次该图亦是造船时计算强度和选用构件的依据,同时修船时亦可根据图上标明的板材和骨架的厚度与尺寸,用船体允许的蚀耗表算出允许蚀耗,对照实测 结果来决定是否需要换新。常用的船体主要结构图有下列几种:



1.纵中剖面结构图:图上注有肋骨尺度和间距、甲板纵桁尺度、各种支柱尺度、纵 舱壁厚度及其上的扶强材尺度、上层建筑的高度以及板的厚度和扶强材尺度等.2.各层甲板图:图上注有甲板板的厚度、甲板纵桁的尺度和间距、横梁尺度、舷边的角钢尺度和各开口的位置及尺寸等。




外板展开图上有外板的排列及厚度、外板上开口的位置、各层甲板、内底板、船底 纵桁材、舷侧桁材、各道舱壁、肋骨和肋板的位置线等,是造船或修理时确定船体钢板的规格和数量,申请备料和订货的主要依据。


位于船底平坦部分的各列板称为 船底板 ;位于船体纵中线的一列船底板称为平板龙骨。由船底过渡到舷侧的转圆部分称为 舭部,该处的列板称为 舭列板。舭列板 以上的列板称为舷侧列板,其中与上甲板甲板边板连接的这一列板称为舷顶列板。


组成船壳外板的每块钢板在外板展开图中的确切位置用编号的方式表示,编号 由列板与钢板序号两部分组成,并冠以左舷(p)或右舷(s){P代表左舷-port或leftboard。S代表右舷-starboard}。对不同列板,以平板龙骨为基准并称其为$ 列板,与其相邻的列板为% 列板,再次的列板为& 列板,以此类推,但’、(I,O,Q,)三字母不用;而同一列板中每块钢板的排列序号可从船首排起,也可从 船尾排起,并用阿位伯数字表示。





二 总布置图







根据《钢质海船人级与建造规范》的要求,船舶应尽可能在首防撞舱壁至尾尖舱舱壁间设置双层底。客船当船长自50M 至小于61M 时,至少应自机舱前舱壁至防撞舱壁,或尽可能接近该处之间设置双层底;当船长自61M 至小于76M 时,至少应在机舱以外设置双层底,并应延伸至防撞舱壁及尾尖舱舱壁或尽可能接近该处;当船长为76M 及76M以上时,应在船中部设置双层底,并应延伸至防撞舱壁及尾尖舱舱壁或尽可能接近该处。

双层底内的油舱与锅炉给水舱、食用水舱之间,应设有隔离空舱。双层底可以增加船体的总纵强度、横向强度和船底的局部强度;可用作油水舱装载燃油、润滑油和淡水;也可用作压载水舱以调整船舶的吃水、纵倾、横倾、稳性和提高空载时车叶和舵的效率,进而改善航行性能;万一船底板意外破损,内底板仍能防止海水进入舱内,从而提高了船舶的抗沉性;对液货船亦可提高船体的抗泄漏能力; 它还能承受舱内货物和机械设备的负载。



船底板是指由平板龙骨至舭列板之间的外板。由于船底板各部受力不同,因此其板厚也有所不同,其中平板龙骨最厚。平板龙骨位于受力最大的船底纵中线上,并在船最低处易于积水腐蚀。规范规定其厚度不得小于船底板厚度加2mm,且均应不小于相邻船底板的厚度,其宽度在整个船长范围内应保持不变,但其宽度不必大于1800mm。在船中部由于受总纵弯矩大,因此规范规定在船中部0.4L区域内的船底板厚度不得小于端部船底板厚度,并使船中部0.4L工区域以外的船底板厚度逐渐向 端部船底板厚度过渡。






对纵骨架式双层底结构而言,应在机舱区域至少每隔!个肋位上设置实肋板,但在主机座、锅炉座、推力轴承座下的每个肋位处均应设置实肋板。横舱壁下和支柱下 应设置实肋板,距首垂线0.21L以前区域应在每隔1个肋位上设置实肋板,其余区域 实肋板间距应不大于3.6M。





(2)舭肘板是连接肋板和肋骨使其组成横向框架的一块板材,俗称污水沟三角板,应在每个肋位上设置。舭肘板的宽度与厚度相同,且其厚度与实肋板相同。其上 有板或折边以增强其刚度(面板或折边的宽度一般为其随时厚度的10倍),板上开有圆形的减轻孔和污水孔,但孔缘任何地方的板宽均应不小于舭肘板宽度的1/3,它可保证舭部的局部强度和船体的横向强度。


中桁材:又称中底桁,是置于船底首尾纵中线上的纵向梁,它与平板龙骨、中内 底板组成工字型纵向构件,是船底结构中重要的强力构件,俗称龙骨。规范规定在船中0.75L区域内,其上不得开入孔或减轻孔,其它区域(舱壁前后& 个肋距内除外)可以开孔,但开孔的高度应不大于该处中桁材高度的40%。中桁材应尽量向首尾柱延伸,并应在中部0.75L区域范围内保持连续,其厚度规定为船端0.075L工区域内可比船中0.4L区域内减少2MM、炉舱内应较船中0.4L区域内增厚2.5MM。箱形中桁材:又称箱形龙骨,它是由两道对称布置于船底纵中线两侧的纵桁、内底板、船底板和骨材等组成的水密箱形结构,一般设置于机舱舱壁与防撞舱壁之 间。箱形龙骨不仅能起到中桁材所能起的作用,同时还能将其用于集中布置各种管 路和电气线路,以便于保护和维修这些设备,避免管路穿过货舱而妨碍装卸货。缺点是要占去一部分双层舱容,故又称管隧。按规定箱形龙骨的宽度(即侧板之间的距 离)不应超过2M。箱形中桁材设有水密入孔和通向露天甲板的应急出口,其出口的关闭装置能两面操纵,围壁结构与水密舱壁要求相同。

旁桁材:又称旁底桁或旁龙骨,对称设置于中桁材两侧且平行中桁材,并与船底板,和内底板相连,其上开有减轻孔、流水孔和气孔等,一般间断于实肋板之间。其以前区域,旁桁材间距应不大于3个肋距。对纵骨架式双 不大于4M,距首垂线0.21L L 桁材;当船宽大于1S时,中桁材两侧应至少各设2道旁桁材,桁材之间的间距一般 ?6t 2{![1]o 时,中桁材两侧至少应各设1道旁桁材,对横骨架式双层底结构而言,当船宽大于10M , 厚度可比中桁材减少3mm,但均不小于相应的肋板厚度。旁桁材的数量根据船宽而定,层底结构而言,当船宽大于12m 但小于20m 时,中桁材两侧至少应各设1 道旁桁材。当船宽大于20m 时,中桁材两侧至少应各设2 道旁桁材,桁材之间的间距一般不大于5M。



内底板,是双层底上面的水密铺板,其两侧边缘与舭列板相连接的一列板叫内底边板。内底板和内底边板构成了双层底的内底,其长度也就是双层底的长度。横骨架式双层底结构内底板在船端部0.075L区域内的厚度为船中0.4L 区域内厚度的0.9 倍,对双层底内为燃油舱的区域,内底板厚度应不小于8mm。其厚度分布特点与船底板相似,即船中部较厚,两端稍薄,而中内底板因与中桁材相接,受力较大,其厚度也稍厚一些。此外,为便于人员进入双层底进行施工、清舱和检修,并从有利于通风的角度出发,在每个双层舱的内底板上至少开设有两个成对角线布置的长 圆形或圆形入孔,同时配有水密的入孔盖。内底边板处于船底结构向舷侧结构过渡的舭部位置,受力较复杂,且内底边板处 易积水、腐蚀,故比内底板厚些。其结构形式有下倾式、水平式、上倾式和曲折式四 种,下倾式内底边板与舭列板可构成污水沟普通干货船较多采用;水平式内底边板施工方便,舱内平坦且强度好,一般客船、集装箱船、油船的油舱区域、一些干货船的货舱区域及其他船舶近首尾区域较多采用;上倾式内底边板便于散货的装卸,故散装货船与矿砂船较多采用;曲折式内底边板则因其结构特殊,相比可提高船舶的抗沉性,主要用于经常航行在复杂水域的船舶。





舷侧结构是指连接船底和甲板的侧壁部分,它要承受水压力、波浪冲击力、碰撞力、冰块的冲击和挤压力、甲板负荷、舱内负荷、总纵弯曲应力和剪切应力等外力的作 用,是保证船体的纵向强度、横向强度,保持船体几何形状和侧壁水密的重要结构。舷侧结构按骨架排列形式的不同有横骨架式和纵骨架式两大类,其主要组成部分有:舷侧外板、肋骨、强肋骨、舷侧纵桁、舷侧纵骨及舷边等。


舷侧外板是指舭列板以上的船体外板(包括舷侧列板和舷顶列板),与甲板边板 连接的舷侧外板称为舷顶列板。舷侧列板在船中部较厚,向两端渐薄,靠近舭列板附近的要比上面的厚一些,同时在靠近首尾局部受力大的部位和尾轴附近的包板等也 要加厚,对航行于冰区的船舶应根据规范的规定对它进行加厚。舷顶列板是受总纵弯矩最大的一列板,规范规定其宽度不得小于0.1D(0.1D 为型深),并规定在船中0.4L 区域内,其板厚在任何情况下不得小于强力甲板边板厚度的0.8倍,也不得小于相邻舷侧列板的厚度。






肋骨按其所在位置一般可分为:主肋骨、甲板间肋骨和尖舱肋骨三种。对某些需进行局部加强(如冰区加强者)的船舶,还需在位于水线附近每一肋距中间增设一短肋骨———中间肋骨。按肋骨的受力不同可分成普通肋骨和强肋骨两种。普通肋骨一般可用不等边角钢、球扁钢做成;而强肋骨则由尺寸较大的“ 型组合 材或钢板折边制成。在横骨架式舷侧结构中,一般每隔几个肋位设置一强肋骨(应从内底延伸至上甲板),其目的是增加局部强度,如机舱、货舱的舱口端梁处等;在纵骨 架式舷侧结构中,强肋骨是唯一的横向构件,其在支持舷侧纵骨的同时,还起着保证 船体横向强度的作用。


为便于在船舶修造中指明肋骨位置及海损事故后能迅速准确地报告受损部位,必须对肋骨进行编号。肋骨编号以尾垂线为基准,主要有两种:一种是较普遍采用的编号方法,即以舵杆中心线为0 号(无论有无舵柱),向首排列取正号,向尾排列取负号;另一种是少数有舵柱的船舶以舵柱后缘为0 号,向首排列取正号,向尾排列取负 号。



舷侧纵桁多为横骨架式舷侧结构中设置的纵向构件,通常采用” 型组合材,其腹板与强肋骨腹板同高,主要用来支承主肋骨。舷侧纵骨是纵骨架式舷侧结构中的主要纵向构件,一般用尺寸较小的不等边角钢或球扁钢制成,主要用来保证总纵强度和支持外板。舷侧纵骨穿过强肋骨,其最大间距不大于1m.舷边





这种方法是通过圆弧舷板使舷顶列板和甲板连成一个整体,采用这种连接方法能使甲板和舷侧的应力过渡较为顺利、分布均匀,且结构刚性较大,但甲板有效利用面积减少,甲板排水易弄脏舷侧,此外由于线型变化问题,这种方法较适用于船中部位。规范规定圆弧舷板厚度至少应等于甲板板厚度,它的圆弧半径不得小于板厚的15倍,且在船中0.5L 区域内的圆弧舷板上应尽量避免焊接甲板装置。



舷墙与栏杆 船舶在露天干舷甲板以及在上层建筑和甲板室甲板的露天部分均设置舷墙或栏杆。按规定,露天干舷甲板以及上层建筑甲板和第一层甲板室甲板的舷墙或栏杆的高度除经特别同意可适当降低高度外,其高度应不小于1.0M。但对甲板上设计成装运木材的船舶,其舷墙高度至少应为1.0M。






甲板结构须承受总纵弯曲应力,货物的负载和波浪的冲击力等外力的作用,是保证船体总纵强度、横向强度、保持船体几何形状及保证船体上部水密的重要结构。由于营运、安装设备和进出人员的需要,在甲板上设置了各种不同 的开口,这些开口破坏了甲板的连续性,减弱了结构的强度、刚度和稳定性,并在开口的角隅处易造成应力集中现象,因此在开口处都要对结构进行加强,从而使甲板结构显得比较复杂。


!“ 甲板


当船体受总纵弯曲应力时,受力最大的一层甲板叫强力甲板,如上甲板及在船中部0.5L 区域内长度不小于0.15L 的上层建筑甲板和此上层建筑区域以外的上层连续甲板均为强力甲板。20 世纪60 年代建造的某些船舶,在其甲板上设有吨位舱口的开口,并在舱口设暂时性非水密封闭装置,这种甲板间舱既可装货又不计人总吨位和净吨位的甲板叫遮蔽甲板。水密横舱壁上伸到达的连续甲板叫舱壁甲板。按《1966 年国际载重线公约》量计干舷高度的甲板称干舷甲板,通常是上甲板。按《1969 年国际船舶吨位丈量公约》丈量船舶吨位时的基准甲板叫量吨甲板,通常也是上甲板。遮蔽甲板不可作为干舷甲板和量吨甲板。上甲板是各层甲板中最厚的一层,规范规定在船中部0.4L 区域内强力甲板的厚度应保持相同,并逐渐向端部甲板厚度过度,强力甲板(包括端部甲板)的最小厚度应 不小于6MM。甲板边板是上甲板受力最大的,且容易被甲板积水腐蚀,因此必须连续,厚度也是上甲板中最厚的一列板。在船中0.4L 区域内的甲板比首尾两端和大开口线以内区域的甲板厚。为防止甲板开口角隅处因应力集中而产生裂缝,该处应为 抛物线形、椭圆形或圆形,并应采取加强措施。




在横骨架式结构中,甲板纵桁用尺寸较大的T 型组合材制成,主要用来支撑横梁。甲板纵骨是纵骨架式甲板结构中的重要构件,一般用不等边角钢制成,其间距与船底纵骨相同,主要用来保证总纵强度,此外,还有主要用来支撑横梁的甲板纵桁。








在甲板的纵向上,首尾高而中间低所形成的曲线叫舷弧线。在船长中点处舷弧线最低,从该点画一条与基线平行的直线,则舷弧线上任一点量至该线的垂直距离就称为该点的舷弧。舷弧可增加储备浮力,便于甲板排水,减少甲板上浪和使船体外形更美观。其中位于首垂线处的舷弧叫首舷弧,位于尾垂线处的舷弧叫尾舷弧,首舷弧是尾舷弧的2 倍。



主船体在设计和建造时按要求设置了若干的横向和纵向舱壁,这些舱壁所起的作用归纳起来有如下几个方面: 将船体内部分隔成若干个舱室,以便安装各种机械设备及装载货物、燃油、淡水、备品和压载水等; 横舱壁对保证船体的横向强度和刚性起很大作用,它是船底、舷侧和甲板等结构的支座,可使船体各部位构件之间的作用力相互传递,其中水密横舱壁是保证船舶 抗沉性能的重要结构; 纵舱壁可减少自由液面对船舶稳性的影响,较长的纵舱壁还可增强船舶的总纵强度;某些舱壁采用了防火结构,可在一定时间内防止火灾蔓延。

舱壁的分类 舱壁一般按用途和结构形式的不同分两大类。


水密舱壁:一般是指自船底(船底板或内底板)至舱壁甲板的主舱壁,它将船体分隔成若干个水密舱室。水密舱壁主要有两种:一种是水密横舱壁,这种舱壁能保证 船体因海损事故造成某舱破损进水时不会蔓延至其他相邻舱室,使船舶仍有一定的浮力和稳性,从而提高船舶的抗沉性能,其设置数量依据船长和船型不同而异,万吨 级船按规定需设置6-7 道,其中位于首尖舱与货舱之间的首尖舱舱壁即船舶最前的 一道水密横舱壁又称防撞舱壁,也是最重要的一道水密横舱壁,其上不得开设任何门、入孔、通风管道或任何其他开口,并应通至干舷甲板。位于船尾的最后一道水密 横舱壁即为尾尖舱舱壁,水密尾尖舱舱壁应通至舱壁甲板,但当尾尖舱水密平台甲板在水线以上时,可仅通至水密平台甲板为止。另一种是水密纵舱壁,一般仅见于液货船。





按舱壁的结构形式来分,可将其分成平面舱壁、对称槽形舱壁及双层板舱壁三 类:




对称槽形舱壁由钢板压制而成,以其槽形曲折来代替扶强材。其优点是在保证具有同等强度的条件下,可减轻结构的重量,节约钢材,减少装配与焊接的工作量,便 于清舱工作。缺点是所占舱容较大,不利于舱容的有效利用,一般用于油船、散装货船及矿砂船。对称槽形舱壁的剖面形状有三角形、矩形、梯形和弧形几种,其中梯形和弧形用得较为广泛.所有横舱壁均为带垂直扶强材的平面舱壁,所有纵舱壁为带水平扶强材或垂直扶强材的平面舱壁。

外壁板带垂直扶强材,内壁板为带垂直扶强材。扶强材的偏差将使用该直尺检查,直尺名垂直于扶强材,扶强材根部处内壳与直尺间的最大间隙建议为 4mm)

第四篇:航海英语1002第二节 船体结构

第二节 船体结构

0287.The upward slope of a vessels bottom from the keel to the bilge is called ___D___.


A.Camber 梁拱B.Sheer 舷弧C.Rake倾角D.Rise of bottom 底部升高

0995.____D__ is not a longitudinal structural member.


A.sideshell 船壳边板B.bottom shell plating 船壳底板C.inner bottom plating 内底板 D.transverse bulkhead 横舱壁

0996.____D__ is not a static load.


A.Actual weight of the ship's structure,outfitting,equipment and machinery 船舶结构、舾装、设备及机械等的实际重量

B.Ballast load(weight)压载C.Cargo load 载货

D.Slamming(猛撞)and sloshing load(泼溅)自由液面

0998.A carling is used aboard ship ___B___.[49] 在船上纵梁有什么用途()

A.As a connecting strap between the butted(使接合)ends of plating 用于连接壳板的铁条

B.To stiffen areas under points of great stress between beams 用来加强受力的横梁之间的区域

C.To prevent the anchor from fouling when the brake is released 当松开刹车后,用来防止锚链绞缠

D.To provide an extra heavy fitting in a heavy lift cargo rig 在重吊吊吊杆中增加承重构件

0999.A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a(n)___A___.[71] 连续的水密舱壁一般同时也是()

A.Structural bulkhead 结构舱壁B.Exterior bulkhead 外壳舱臂 C.Centerline bulkhead 船中央舱臂D.Joiner bulkhead 连接舱壁

1000.A deck fitting,used to secure line or wire rope,consisting of a single body with two protruding horns is called a ____D__.[77] 甲板上由两个突出的角状结构组成的,用来挽、系绳索或缆绳的设备叫()A.Bitt单柱系缆桩B.Bollard系缆桩C.Capstan绞盘 D.Cleat 羊角

1002.A set of interior steps on a ship leading up to a deck from below is known as __A___.[182] 在船体内部,从下层甲板到上层甲板之间的台阶叫做()

A.A companion way升降口通道B.Tween-decks 双层甲板C.Stairs 楼梯 D.Any of the above are acceptable 以上均可 1003.A term applied to the bottom shell plating in a double-bottom ship is ___B___.


A.bottom floor 底层B.outer bottom 外底板C.shea(E)r plating 舷顶列板 D.tank top 内底板

1005.Bilge keels are fitted on ships to ___D___.[426] 船上舭龙骨起什么作用()

A.Assist in drydock alignment 上坞时便于排墩 B.Improve the vessel's stability 提高船舶稳性

C.Protect the vessel from slamming against piers 靠泊时防止船体与码头碰撞 D.Reduce the rolling of the vessel 减少船舶横摇

1007.Compared to internal structural plating,the exterior hull plating on a vessel is usually ____A__.[467] 与船舶内部结构相比,外部船壳板一般()

A.stronger 强度更大B.thinner 更薄C.more corrosion resistant 更耐腐蚀 D.a lower grade steel 所用钢材的等级较低

1008.Compared to internal structural plating,the exterior hull plating on a ship is usually ____A__.

A.stronger B.thinner C.more corrosion resistant D.a lower grade steel

1009.Deck beams on a vessel are generally spaced at equal intervals and run __C____.


A.longitudinally 纵向B.vertically 垂向C.transversely 横向D.intermittently间歇地

1010.Deck beams perform ___C___ of the following functions in the hull structure of a vessel.① They transfer deck loads to the frames;② They help to maintain the shape of the hull.

在船舶结构中,甲板起下列哪些作用①把甲板承重转移到肋骨上②有助于保持船体形状 A.① only. B.② only. C.Both ① and ② D.Neither ① nor ②

1011.Floors aboard ship are __B____. 船上肋板是()A.also called decks 又叫甲板

B.vertical transverse plates connecting the vertical keel with the margin plates 垂直横向排列,用来联接垂向龙骨与边板的钢板

C.large beams fitted in various parts of the vessel for additional strength 安装在船体各个部位起加强作用的横梁

D.found in passenger and berthing spaces only 只在客船及泊位上可见到

1012.Floors aboard ship are ____A__.[528] 船上肋板是()

A.frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened on a double bottomed ship 在双层底船上,用来连接船壳外板与内底板的骨架

B.transverse members of the ships frame which support the decks 支撑甲板的横向船舶构件 C.longitudinal beams in the extreme bottom of a ship from which the ship's ribs start 在船壳最外面的纵向构件,用于铺设船体肋骨

D.longitudinal angle bars fastened to a surface for strength 附着在(钢板)表面起加强作用的角钢

1013.For existing ships,___D___ is not an improvement to safety.


A.the reinforcement of the aft transverse watertight bulkhead 加强船舶艉部横向舱壁 B.the double bottom structure in way of the foremost cargo hold 有接近艏部的货舱下增加双层底结构 C.the introduction of a more rigorous survey regime and greater attention to operating procedures 引入更为严厉的船舶检验机制,更加小心操作

D.introduction of new and improved designs 采用新的、先进的设计

1014.Forecastle deck is located in the ship's ___A___.


A.Bow stem 船头B.Stern 船尾C.Portside 左舷 D.Starboard side 右舷

1015.Frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened are called ___A___.[553] 用来连接内底板与外板的船体骨架叫()

A.floors 肋板B.intercostals 断续材、肋间部C.stringers纵梁;纵桁

D.tank top supports 内底板支架

1016.Holes in the bulwark,which allow deck water to drain into the sea,are ___C___.[586] 在舷墙上,为方便甲板水排入海中而开的孔叫()

A.Doggers 荷兰双桅渔船B.Fidleys锅炉舱顶棚C.Freeing ports排水孔

D.Swash ports 止荡孔

1017.If the weights are moved away from the midship section,___A___ will happen on board.


A.hogging 中拱B.sagging 中垂C.stiff 稳性过大D.tender 稳性太小

1018.In a transversely framed ship,the transverse frames are supported by all of the following EXCEPT ____D__.[682] 在一艘横骨架式的船上,下列哪一项不起支撑船舶横向构件的作用()

A.Girders 纵梁B.Longitudinals 纵骨C.Side stringers 边纵桁D.Web plates 宽板肋骨

1019.In heavy weather you notice buckling(弯曲;鼓起;褶皱)in the midships deck plating of your vessel.To relieve the strain you could ___D___.


A.pump fuel oil from midships to the ends of the vessel 把燃油从中部驳到船体首尾 B.reduce speed 减速航行

C.take a course which most eases the vessel 采用最适合船舶的航向航行 D.All of the above 全是

1020.In vessel construction,a greater number of watertight bulkheads results in __C____.[747] 船体结构中,如果船舶水密舱壁的数量增加,会产生什么后果()A.increased capacity to set flooding boundaries 增加船舶抗沉性 B.decreased capacity to set flooding boundaries 减少船舶抗沉性 C.reduced compartmentation 减少船舶舱容 D.greater deck load capacity 增加甲板载荷

1021.In vessel construction,beams are transverse girders which provide support to_C____.[749] 船体结构中,横梁是用来支撑()的横向构件

A.Bulkheads 舱壁B.Deckhouse structures 甲板桅房C.Decks 甲板 D.Vertical frames 垂向骨架

1022.In vessel construction,the garboard strake is ___A___.[750] 船舶结构中,龙骨翼板列()

A.Located next to and parallel to the keel 安放在龙骨旁边并与龙骨平行

B.Located next to and parallel to the gunwale 安放在甲板边缘附近并与之平行

C.Another term for the bilge keel 又叫舭龙骨 D.Another term for the rub rail又叫扶手栏杆


1023.It is possible,and sometimes necessary,to strengthen the deck of a vessel for carriage of deck cargo by __D____.[769] 有时,为了在甲板装货,有可能或必须通过()来加强甲板承荷能力 A.placing bunker on the deck 在甲板上堆放燃煤

B.building a stage on which to place the cargo 在甲板上搭个台,用来装甲板货 C.welding steel feet to the deck,on which the cargo is placed 在甲板上焊一些支架,用来装甲板货

D.erecting vertical pillars under the deck to support the cargo 在甲板下立一些垂直的柱子撑住甲板货

1024.Limber(污水道)is a term associated with _B_____.[796] 污水道是与()有关的单词

A.Emergency gear应急设备 B.Drainage 排水C.Deck cargo storage 甲板货储藏 D.Securing gear 绑扎设备

1025.On a vessel,the keel is the primary strength member of the lower hull form in which direction ____C____.


A.Transverse 横向B.Diagonal 斜向C.Longitudinal 纵向D.Vertical 垂向

1026.On board a bulk carrier,__A____.

散货船上()A.harbour SWSF > seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM > seagoing SWBM B.harbour SWSF < seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM < seagoing SWBM C.harbour SWSF > seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM < seagoing SWBM D.harbour SWSF < seagoing SWSF,harbour SWBM > seagoing SWBM SWSF:safe working sheer force(许用)安全剪力矩 SWBM:safe working bending moment(许用)安全弯矩

1027.One function of a bulwark is to ___A___.[875] 舷墙的作用之一是()

A.Help keep the deck dry 保持甲板干燥

B.Prevent stress concentrations on the stringer plate 减少纵桁的应力集中 C.Protect against twisting forces exerted on the frame of the vessel 保护船体免因受到扭矩而受损

D.Reinforce the side stringers 用于加强边纵桁

1028.Pollution regulations require that each scupper in an enclosed deck area have a __D____.

根据防污规则要求,封闭甲板区域内的每个排水口必须有()A.Wooden plug木头塞子 B.Soft rubber plug 软橡胶塞子 C.Two-piece soft patch两件一套的软贴片 D.Mechanical means of closing 机械关闭装置

1030.Regulations define the bulkhead deck as ___B___.(subdivision and stability regulations)


A.any deck extending from stem to stern 任何从船头延伸至船尾的甲板 B.the uppermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extend 横向水密舱壁达到的最上一层甲板

C.the lowermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extend 横向水密舱壁到达的最下一层甲板

D.the uppermost complete deck 最上一层连续甲板

1031.Reinforcing frames attached to a bulkhead on a vessel are called ____C__.


A.side longitudinals 边纵骨B.intercostals 断续材C.stiffeners 加强筋D.brackets 撑架

1035.The Captain's accommodation comprising rooms certified for his exclusive use may be ___A___ in the measurement of vessel's tonnage.

在进行船舶吨位丈量时,船舶房间(包括所有指定由他单独使用的各个房间)可以()A.Deducted 扣除B.Added 增加C.Forfeited 没收、失去D.Used 使用

1037.The extension of the after part of the keel in a single-screw vessel upon which the stern post rests is called the __C____.


A.boss圆形突出物B.knuckle转向节C.skeg龙骨的支柱D.strut支柱 1038.The hull is divided up into a number of watertight compartments by ___B___.


A.inner bottom plating and longitudinals 内底板及纵骨

B.decks and bulkheads 甲板及舱壁C.double bottom girders 双层底桁架

D.topside and hopper tank sloping plating and longitudinals 内底板、低边柜斜坡及纵骨

1039.The locker will ___A___ as long as your ship is here.


A.Be kept sealed保持关闭B.Be released from being sealed 把关闭的都打开 C.Be kept signed 保持可见D.Be released from being signed 把可见到的都打开

1043.The piping that routes an oil cargo from the manifold to underdeck pipelines is known as a ___B___.[1136] 从管路集成器那把货油接到甲板下的管路里去的支管叫()

A.Cargo fill 装货管B.Line drop 下舱管C.Transfer 转驳管D.Branch line分支管

1044.The primary barrier of a bulk carrier is formed by ___D___.


A.the single skin side shell and the inner bottom 单壳船壳板及内底板 B.deck strips,hatch covers and coamings甲板带、舱盖及舱口围

C.the vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkheads 垂向折弯的水密横舱壁

D.the single skin side shell between topside and hopper tanks,and the cross deck strips,hatch covers and coamings 高边柜及低边柜之间的单壳船壳板、横向甲板带、舱盖及舱口围

1046.The section of each end of a barge which is heavily reinforced to take the pressure of pushing is called the ___A___.[1186] 驳船首尾两端特别加强的,用来承受顶推时所受的压力的构件叫做()

A.Headlog 碰垫B.Towhead沙洲C.Collision bulkhead 防撞舱壁D.Bullnose 球鼻首

1047.The strake on each side of the keel is called a ___D___.


A.Sheer strake舷侧厚板列B.Gatewood strake C.Insulation(隔离)strake D.Garboard strake龙骨翼板列

1048.The term strake is used in reference to ___C___.


A.rudder mountings 舵的托架B.anchor gear 锚设备C.hull plating 船壳板 D.vessel framing 船体骨架

1050.The Vessel's cargo holds are properly fitted with ___A____ in way of hatches.


A.Floor-ceiling舱顶板B.Battens 压条板C.Covers 覆盖物 D.Hard-wood boards 硬木板 1051.To determine the weight capacity of a deck in a cargo hold,you would refer to the __B____.[1268] 为了确定甲板最大载货能力,你应查阅()

A.Deadweight scale总载重量表尺B.Deck capacity plan 甲板装载能力平面图 C.Cubic capacity tables 体积容量表D.General arrangement plan 总布置图

1052.Tonnage openings must be closed by means of ____C__.


A.Press board(绝缘)压榨纸板B.Steel hatch boards 钢制舱口板 C.Steel plates 钢板D.Wooden hatch boards 木制舱口板

1053.What can cause a lack of oxygen in a chain locker ____D____.


A.Absorption 吸收作用B.Osmosis渗透作用C.Evaporation蒸发作用 D.Oxidation氧化作用

1054.What is a cofferdam ___C_____.[1348] 干隔舱是()

A.Tube fitted to an ullage hole安装在容器内液面以上的空间内的管子 B.Area the product is loaded into 用来装入货物的区域

C.Void or empty space separating two tanks 用来分隔两个液货舱的空舱

D.Opening in the deck used for cleaning a tank 甲板上的开口,便于冲冼甲板的水流出

1055.What type of stern tube bearing has the least friction _____A___.


A.Oil-lubricated bearings 用油润滑的轴承B.Lignum vitae(热带产)愈疮树 C.Hard rubber 硬橡胶D.Bronze bushings青铜轴衬

1056.When lowering manropes alongside a stage rigged over the side of a vessel,they should be allowed to trail in the water ___C___.


A.to easily remove the kinks that form in the lines 如果绳子打结了,可轻易解开 B.to allow the seamen on the stage to know the direction and strength of the current 可以使架板上的船员知道流的方向及强度

C.to provide the seaman something to hold onto if he or she falls from the stage into the water 如果船员从架板上落水,他可以抓住绳子

D.only for short periods of time since they will become waterlogged and be very heavy to pull up 只能放一小段时间,因为绳子很快会泡水变重,无法拉上来

1057.When using the term limber system one is referring to a ___B___.[1528] 当提到“排污系统”这一词组时,一般指的是()

A.Cleaning system 清洗系统B.Drainage system 排水系统

C.Strengthening system 加固系统D.Weight reduction system 减重系统

1058.Which arrangement of shell plating is used most in modern shipbuilding ____B____.


A.Clinker熔铸B.Flush 冲压C.In-and-Out 进进出出D.Joggled啮合

1059.Which of the following is a characteristic of a Ro-Ro vessel ____C____.[1612] 下列哪一项是滚装船的特点()

A.Passenger tours available upon docking 靠舶后为乘客提供旅游服务 B.Long port stays necessary to secure vehicles 用绑扎汽车,靠岸时间长 C.Short in port turnaround times 在港周转时间短

D.Heavy vehicles only require lightweight securing equipment 重件货也只需轻型绑扎设备即可

1061.Which space cannot be deducted from gross tonnage when calculating net tonnage ____B____.


A.Crew messroom 船员餐厅B.Forepeak ballast tank 首尖舱压载舱 C.Master's cabin 船长房间D.Chain locker 锚链舱

1062.Which space(s)is(are)deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage _A_____.


A.Boatswain's stores 水手长的水手长的储物间储物间B.Companions and booby hatches 升降舱口

C.Passenger spaces 载客舱室 D.All of the above 以上全是

1063.Which space(s)is(are)deducted from gross tonnage to derive net tonnage ___D___.[1634] 下列哪一部分容积可以从总吨位中扣除以得到净吨位()

A.Galley fitted with range or oven配有煤气灶及铁锅的厨房B.Open structures 开口结构 C.Passenger spaces 载客舱室D.Boatswain's stores 水手长的个人储物间

1064.Which statement about the hospital space on a cargo ship is TRUE ___D_____.


A.The hospital may be used for disciplinary confinement if it is not being used for treatment 如果没有病人正接受治疗,医院可作为禁闭室

B.The hospital space must have both a bathtub and shower 医院内应有浴缸和喷淋设备

C.A hospital is required on all vessels with a crew of 12 or more if it makes overnight voyages 如果船上船员人数超过12人,且航程超过一个晚上,必须配有医院

D.If a ship has a crew of forty-five who do not have their own room,the hospital must have four berths 如果船上有45个船员没有个人房间,医院应有4个铺位

1065.Which term refers to a transverse curvature of the deck ____B____.


A.Deadrise 端部上翘B.Camber 梁拱C.Freeboard 干舷D.Flare(船舷)外倾

1066.While cranking(用曲柄启动或旋转)out a quadrantal davit,slippage of the quadrant due to excessive wear or failure of the teeth in the quadrant will cause the ___A___.


A.Davit arm to pivot on the traveling nut and the head to fall outboard 吊艇架会顺着移动螺母转动,吊艇架头部将落向舷外

B.Traveling nut to lock up in place on the worm gear 吊艇架移动螺母会卡在磨损的轮齿的位置上

C.Limit switch to engage and hold the traveling nut in position 限位开关开始工作并把移动螺母固定住 D.Winch brake to lock in position and prevent lowering the boat 绞车的刹车会刹住,使艇不会滑下

1067.Why is it necessary to extend ventilators of gasoline powered vessels to the bilges _____B___.[1727] 为什么汽油机船的通风管应伸到污水井里()

A.To keep them dry,and thus easier to clean 为了保持干燥,因而更易清洁 B.To remove fuel vapors which are heavier than air 为了清除比空气重的油汽 C.To provide adequate air to the engines 为主机提供适量的空气 D.To cool the machinery areas 冷却机器处所

1071.A deck beam does NOT ___B___.[76] 甲板横梁不起下列哪一项作用()

A.act as a beam to support vertical deck loads 作为支持垂向甲板货的横梁 B.lessen the longitudinal stiffness of the vessel 减轻船舶纵向的刚性

C.act as a tie to keep the sides of the ship in place 连接船舶边板,使之不变形 D.act as a web to prevent plate wrinkling due to twisting action on the vessel 作为一种框架,防止因船舶扭转而造成的船壳板扭曲变形

1089.Any hatch beam or pontoon left in place next to an open hatch section being worked shall be _C_____ or otherwise secured,so that it cannot be accidentally displaced.


A.tommed down B.braced 支撑;加固C.locked 锁定,固定D.chopped 砍,劈,剁

1090.Because of ___D___,air ducts used aboard ships are often very small and have sharp curves and bends. 由于(),船上的空气管经常很小,而且曲度很大

A.high level 液位高B.overflow spaces 防溢空档C.cargo tank 液货舱 D.space constraints 受空间限制

1101.In nautical terminology a dog is a ___B___. 航海词汇中,“dog” 是什么意思

A.Crow bar撬棍B.Device to force a water tight door against the frame 用来顶住水密门使之紧贴在架构上的器具(压盖螺栓,顶门杠,水密门板闩把手)C.Heavy steel beam 厚钢梁D.Wedge楔子

1106.On a ship,a door that is required to be marked KEEP CLOSED is designed to ___D___.[858]船舶上,标有“保持关闭”字样的门是被设计用来()A.prevent the passage of flammable gases 防止可燃气体通过 B.prevent the passage of poisonous vapors防止有毒气体通过 C.delay the spread of heat and flames 延缓热量及火焰通过 D.maintain watertight integrity 保持水密性

1109.Strongbacks(强力背材,装货舷门闩,活动舱盖梁)unshipped in an intermediate deck shall be secured so that they cannot be __B____ into a lower compartment.

在中层甲板上已经卸下的活动舱盖梁,应绑扎固定好,以免()进入下层舱室中去 A.moved 移动B.tipped or dragged倾倒或被拉动C.removed 移除D.put 放

1110.Strongbacks unshipped in an intermediate deck shall not be placed closer than 15.24 cm from ___A___.

在中层甲板上已经卸下的活动舱盖梁,应放置在靠近()附近不超过15.24 cm处 A.the coaming 舱口围B.hatch way仓口位C.fore bulkhead 前舱壁 D.aft bulkhead 后舱壁

1127.The permanent dunnage attached to the frames of the ship that aids in ventilation is(are)the ____D__.[1134] 船舶上永久性地固定在骨架上以利通风的垫舱板叫做()

A.hatch boards 舱口板B.tank top 内底板、舱底C.hatch beams 舱口横梁 D.sweat battens 防汗湿压条

1129.The purpose of a bilge well is to __B____.[1149] 污水井的作用是()

A.Afford access to the shell through the double bottoms 在双层底与船壳板之间提供通道 B.Collect water to be pumped out 收集污水,以便抽出 C.Provide access for the pneumercator

D.Provide a base line for sounding measurements 作为测量舱内水深基线

1130.The roller hatch beam at the edge of the open section of the hatch shall be ___C___ so that it cannot be moved toward the open section.


A.braced 支撑;加固B.chopped砍,劈,剁C.lashed or pinned back 绑扎住或用插销固定D.locked 锁定,固定

1136.Ultrasonic testing is used to determine the thickness of a vessel's shell plating and to ___B___.[1293] 超声波检测用来检验船壳板厚度及()

A.Provide tailshaft clearances 提供尾轴间隙 B.Test welds for subsurface defects 检查焊缝内部缺陷

C.Check the wear of the rudder carrier bearing 检查舵承磨损情况 D.Test the links of the anchor cables while being ranged 检查锚链链环

1143.What is the purpose of limber holes ____D____.[1398] 舭部流水孔的作用是()

A.To allow for air circulation 使空气流通

B.To allow for stress and strain in rough waters 在波浪大时,减轻船体压力与拉力 C.To allow water in the boat to drain overboard 便于艇中的水排出艇外

D.To allow water in the bilge to get to the boat drain 便于舭部的水流到污水井

1149.When stowed on steel decks,the strongbacks and pontoons shall be secured with ___A___.

A.Dunnage or other suitable material B.other strongbacks C.hatch covers D.other pontoons

1367.A partial deck in a hold is called a(n)__B____.[150] 在船舱中的半全通甲板叫做()A.Weather deck 露天甲板B.Orlop deck最下层甲板C.Shelter deck 遮蔽甲板D.Main deck 主甲板

1517.A well in the uppermost deck of a shelter deck vessel which has only a temporary means of closing for the purpose of gaining an exemption from tonnage measurement is called a(n)__D____.


A.Exemption space 减免空间B.Tonnage deck 吨位甲板C.Cofferdam 隔离空舱 D.Tonnage opening 吨位开口

1526.Kort nozzles are installed around the propellers of some vessels to __A____.[783] 在一些船舶的螺旋桨上装有导流管,其目的是()A.Increase the thrust of the propeller 增加螺旋桨推力

B.Protect the propeller from striking sawyers 防止螺旋桨撞到

C.Prevent the propeller from striking barges towed on the ship 防止螺旋桨撞到拖带的驳船 D.Prevent the propeller from touching bottom in low water 防止螺旋桨在浅水中触底



















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