第一篇:中西方社交礼仪的差异与融合(毕业论文 英文版)
中西方社交礼仪的差异与融合(毕业论文 英文版)
中西方社交礼仪的差异与融合 摘要
关键词:社交礼仪 文化差异 跨文化交际 融合Cultural Differences and Fusion in Chinese and Western Social Etiquettes
Etiquette culture is a relatively general concept.It almost permeates all aspects of social life and plays an important role to realize the harmony in society.With the influx of western culture, Chinese traditional etiquette is influenced by western etiquette culture unceasingly.Therefore, the thesis aims to find out the differences of Chinese and western etiquette on the aspect of daily expression, dining, wedding, and business, and then to analyze the main factors which influence the differences.Based on the predecessors’ experience, the thesis throws out strategies of social etiquettes so that we can communicate effectively with westerners through improving our social etiquettes.The thesis also explore the reasonable fusion between Chinese and western etiquettes with the purpose of helping people avoid misunderstandings which are caused by their respective cultural collision and realizing valid cross-cultural communication.Key word: social etiquette cultural difference cross-cultural communication fusion
Introduction Nowadays, social etiquette plays an important role for people and nations in showing respects to each other in international relationship.The etiquette can be said to be a person’s external appearance of inward cultivation and quality.Since different countries have different historical and cultural backgrounds, with the constant development of Chinese and western culture, Chinese and western etiquette is mutually fusing.The westerners gradually accept oriental culture, and Chinese also accept advanced western civilization and communicative mode.A lot of people realize the Chinese and western social etiquette will surely penetrate each other and continuously develop.The paper explores the differences of Chinese etiquette and the Western etiquette, and then states the fusion of two kinds of etiquette.In chapter one, the paper mainly introduces the concept, origin and value of Chinese and western etiquette.In chapter two, the paper mainly states the difference between Chinese and western etiquette, which includes of daily expression in communication, dining etiquette, wedding etiquette and business etiquette.In this chapter, we can learn about many aspects of etiquette and avoid misunderstanding in international communication.In chapter three, the paper explains several factors that influence the difference between Chinese and western etiquette, which includes thinking modes, outlook on life, religion and concept of hierarchy.In this chapter, we will learn about some special culture which has important function to etiquette.In chapter four, the paper mainly explores some manifestation of fusion in Chinese and western etiquette.In modern society, it seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller, people are very active with frequent exchanges.Many countries are paying great attention to combining international etiquette creatively.Etiquette is common wealth of Chinese civilization and the western civilization.Correctly grasping interpersonal dimension and relationship with others is the important guarantee of maintaining social harmony.Social etiquette not only is the necessity of quality-oriented education, but also is the strong requirement of social civilization progress.Social etiquette itself is a kind of special language, which helps people successfully open the door for communication activity and establish harmonious interpersonal relationship.Any social communication activities are inseparable from the etiquette.The more progressive human beings are, the more socialized the life is, and the more necessary that people need etiquette to adjust social life.Etiquette is the premise of interpersonal communication, and is the key of communicative life.Knowing the differences of international etiquette can help people grasp communication skills and accumulate the exchange experience.People both in China and in the West should respect each other with honesty and sincerity, and then people will know and understand more each other, and then people can establish sincere and deep relationship.Chapter 1 Overview of Etiquette
1.1 Concept of Etiquette Etiquette refers to a code of conduct or normative summation that is formed by the factors of historical tradition, customs, religious belief, trend of the time and so on.It is identified and followed by people due to establish harmonious relations and all sorts of conformity with etiquette spirit and requirements [1].To the individual, etiquette is the external performance of a person’s thoughts level, culture and communication ability.To the people, etiquette is the crystallization of the human civilization and an important part of modern civilization.It embodies the respect both to others and to us.This respect is always combined with people’s life style organically, naturally and harmoniously and then to be people’s daily life and work behavior.These behavior standards contain personal civilization accomplishment, and also show out a people’s moral.1.2 Origin of Chinese and Western Etiquette In China, there are many statements about the origin of etiquette.Theoretically, the appearance of etiquette is to coordinate the subjective and objective need for people.Firstly, human must struggle with nature in order to survive and develop.They have to live in a social form of interdependence and restrict each other mutually.In group life, a distinction should be made between males and females, and ages have difference.It is not only a kind of natural ethical order, but a social order needs all members to guarantee and maintain.Human must know how to deal with the internal relationship very well.So people accumulate and make a series of rules gradually and this is the original etiquette.Secondly, etiquette is originated from the necessary balance of meeting desire and condition for realizing the desire.In order to avoid contradiction and conflict when people realize their desire, they need to institute etiquette to limited desire.On the aspect of specific ceremony, etiquette is originated from ritual activities of religion.The content of original ritual activities is mainly to sacrifice to heaven and pray to the gods.These ritual activities developed gradually and became sacrifice etiquette.With the development of society, people know more about all kinds of relationship between nature and society, only sacrifice to heaven and pray to the gods cannot meet the needs of the realistic complex relationship.So people extend a series of blessing activities including content and form to all kinds of interpersonal activity which is from initial sacrificial ceremony to every field of various social etiquettes.In the west, the word “etiquette” came from French and means court passes.In ancient France, the judge will give a passport with discipline to everyone who enters into the court so as to guarantee the court order.After that, the word “Etiquette” blended in English and developed into the meaning of etiquette which became the rules and norms followed by people in communication.Western etiquette sprouts from the medieval Greece in the earliest time.In the beginning, etiquette developed to palace rules, and then rapidly spread in America.These western daily rules and norms were rationalized and standardized, and then became a system of etiquette.The system was accepted gradually by international community and became etiquette followed jointly by western countries.Chapter2 Differences Between Chinese and Western Etiquette Different countries have different historical and cultural backgrounds, which will lead to differences between Chinese and western etiquette.2.1 The Differences of Daily Expressions in Communication In our daily life, we will meet our friends or relatives everyday.We need use a lot of daily expressions to communicate with people around.But there are many differences between China and the West, which may cause misunderstanding in international communication.Here the paper will list several aspects below.2.1.1 Greeting and Parting Greeting is used to create or maintain social relationship when people meet acquaintances or friends.So, people often use some polite formulas.But because of cultural differences between China and western counties, these polite formulas always cause conflict in people’s communication.In the West, people often use the following expressions to greet eac
【摘要】 由于中西方社交礼仪上存在着差异,中西方人士在社会交往活动中常常会发生误会和冲突,其根本原因则是文化环境的差异形成的认知差异。本文主要分析了中西方礼仪在称谓称呼、见面交往礼节、宴客方面、禁忌与习俗、公务场合等的差异,归纳出中西方社交礼仪的各自特点,同时揭示了形成中西方礼仪差异性的社会环境和价值观等因素。
【关键词】社交礼仪 中西方差异 各自特点 表现和成因
第三篇:中西方餐桌礼仪差异分析 英文
There are many difference in Chinese and western table manner , but which tings lead to these difference, There may be three aspects.Different cultural connotations,different ways of thinking ,different values.Now I will explain how the values make the culture different.The value is the deepest level in the culture , is used to evaluate the behavior things by members in society, and select the most suitable principle in a few possible targets, that is the theme of culture.Therefore every country and society use the same value which is recognized.The table manners behaved by the people is a microcosm of their value.Such as China , a country which emphasize “filial” “loyalty” reflect the value of collectivism.When we eat dinner ,we can find that Chinese people emphasize that caring the young, respecting the old.So the arrangement of the seat is regularly.In western countries , the values of individualism plays an important role.People use their own values.Embodies their personal energy This is because in Western philosophy, people tend to focus on individualism, personality development and self-expression.They believe that if one can not achieve the goal , that is not destiny ,but their laziness and lack of struggle spirit..It can be seen through the dining system, each of them eat t food on their own plate and choose their favourite food.and the scene that eating the food that hosts provide will not appear.
第一张:Hello everyone, my name is 范慧建,my name is 潘文杰
Today we will introduce the difference in table manners between China and western countries to you.第二张: This is Chinese table
第三张: This is western-style table 第四张:Let’s analyze the difference between Chinese table and western-style table.Chinese table is round and it has a meaning of reunion.Western-style table is square.It has a romantic feel 第五张:This is Chinese tableware.Chinese eat with chopsticks.第六张:This is Western-style tableware.第七张: The main of Chinese tableware
Chopsticks and spoon
Chopsticks are the main tableware of Chinese food.It should be held between the thumb(拇指)and fingers of the right hand
Spoon’s main function is scoop(舀取)the food.When you get the soup with spoon.Please be careful and don’t take full soup overflow
The main of western-style tableware
The fork is held in your left hand and the knife is held in your right.At first you hold down the food with a fork, then cut it into small piece with knife , and then fork it into your mouth.第八张:In china, people have dinner in a restaurant.They almost aren’t concerned about their clothes.In western countries, when they have dinner to restaurant.They are very concerned about their clothes.第九张: The arrangement for Chinese food seats(中餐席位的安排)
In the banquet(宴会), the guests of honor sit on the honored seats.The host and the hostess sit on the seats opposite to them.The other guests take the rest seats in order.(在宴会上相对重要的客人坐特定的座位上。男主人和女主人坐在他们的对面)第十张:Western countries seats arrangement(西餐席位安排)
The western banquets are used to using the long table.In normal situation which both the host and the hostess attend, the host and the hostess sit on the two ends of the table.The
guests of honored sit on the right side of the hostess while the wife of the honored guest sits on the right side of the host.(男主人和女主人坐在桌子的两端,宴请的男的客人做在女主人的右手边,女的客人坐在她的左手边)
When they leave their seat, they should be left out from the seat.(从座位的左边走出离开)第十一张:The order of dishes in Chinese food(中餐的上菜顺寻)
According to traditional manners, the meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be followed by the main courses of meat and vegetable dishes.And then the soup will be served, to be followed by dumplings or noodles or fruit.第十二张:The order of dishes in the western countries
The first dish of western is the first plate and also called appetizer(开胃菜).What’ more, the appetizer is of high quality.Second course was soup.The kinds of soup is a little but is high nutritional.The main course as the fourth western dishes,including beefsteak and vegetable.Western desserts are followed after the main course, such as ice cream, chees, fruit and so on.第十三张:中餐进餐礼仪during Chinese dinner :
Maintain your body straight
Your hands remain stationary 不动
Don’t make any talk with a mouthful 第十四张:西餐进餐礼仪
During western dinner,don’t stare at anyone
Don’t make any worse noise
When you are finished, place your knife and fork together with your fork on the left and knife on the right
姓名:陈雅 摘要:
关键词:餐桌礼仪 文化 差异
三长两短 仙人指路 品箸留声 击盏敲盅 执箸巡城 迷箸刨坟 泪箸遗珠 颠倒乾坤 定海神针 当众上香 交十字 落地惊神
一. 中西方餐桌礼仪差异中的西方餐桌礼仪
1.餐桌上摆放的刀叉有一定顺序,一般以三套刀叉居多,使用原则左叉右刀,用餐时由外向内,由上而下,依次取用。2.刀叉的用法 分美国式和欧洲式两种,美式用法是切完肉把刀放在盘子上,叉子从左手换到右手,然后用叉子叉起切好的肉。欧式用法则始终为左手拿叉,右手拿刀。
当今世界的礼仪内容更加广泛和复杂,这就需要我们在保持原有的传统礼仪的基础上去适应和接受西方的礼仪,我们应在适当的场合用适当的礼仪,既反对“全盘西化”,又反对“抱残守缺”。我们借鉴西方礼仪,不仅仅是要借鉴它的形式,更应当借鉴其内任灵魂,只有这样我们才能建立起自己的自信和优越感,才能确立我 的感染力。只有认清中西方餐饮礼仪文化的差异,将二者合理有效地融合,方能建立适合中。当代社会的礼仪文化体系,达成和持社会的理想。