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1.for example/for instance后面直接论述你自己的例子。(当然,如果有更好的说法,“尽量避免在文章中使用for example, such as, take……for example,因为口语化”

2.a variety of scientist/philosophy/cases illustrate this point/issue/phenomenon(well)

使用:对于核心词汇,illustrate的使用,特别是用在举例中,它的意思是:to make clear by giving or by serving as an example or instance,可以看出,illustrate本身就必须和examples联系起来。注意以下几个例句:

(1)A single example will serve to illustrate the point.只举一个例子就可以把问题说清楚了。

(注意,serve to和illustrate结合使用)

(2)To illustrate my point I have done a comparative analysis.为说明我的观点,我做了对比分析。

(3)Could you illustrate this question with some examples?



I think this can serve to illustrate New Democracy.我想这可以比喻新民主主义。

3.sb./sth./serves/can be used as/ a /typical/representative/ /example/illustration/.4.a case in point is that……

5.as to the realm of ……(填入某一领域), the case of……(你所要举的例子)serves as a good example to illustrate.6.While such examples are rear, the do occur occasionally, for example……(填入你的举例)

7.Paragons such as……, respectively, come immediately to my mind.8./History/The society/ /is replete with/abound in/brim over with/ examples of ……或者改写为There is abundant examples of…… in our life.9.take a case of …… as an example 10.such as……


11.namely,adv.即, 也就是(用于具体举例):

例如:(1)Only one person can do the job, namely you.只有一个人能做这项工作,那就是你。

12.regarding……(短语,因为本身是介词=about)(1)He knew nothing regarding the case.关于这件事他一无所知。13.as regards……(短语)

(1)As regards the second point in your letter...关于你信中的第二点...(2)As regards economic issues, he agreed with our view.在经济问题上,他同意我们的看法。

(3)As regards that matter I'm quite of your opinion.关于那件事,我很同意你的意见。

14.as to whether ……(句子)

(1)They are divided as to whether it is worth doing.这事是否值得做,他们看法不一致。

(2)He's very uncertain as to whether it's the right job for him.这件工作对他是否合适,他毫无把握。

(3)She was in a dilemma as to whether to stay at school or get a job.她进退两难,不知该留在学校读书还是找份工作做。

15.in terms of……(加短语)(1)To perceive in terms of past experiences.凭借以往经验来察觉

(2)wealth reckoned in terms of money.以钱币形式表现的财富。16.in respect of……(加短语)(1)Her work is good in respect of quality but bad in respect of quantity.她的工作质量好但是数量差。17.with respect to……(短语)(1)To be like with respect to specified qualities.相当在某些具体特质上与…相似





1.As sb.once said(and I paraphrase)2.according to sb.,……(插入语,对这个sb.进行介绍),once said……(名言),which is to say……(自己的论证)

3.(先引用名言)接下来说:Although I’m not a /student/specialist/ of ……(某行业/专业), my understanding is that……(对名言的解释)




1.……(正面说)however, as universally acknowledged, any good thing will become bad if going to its extreme,……(反面说)2.…… serves as a two edged sword……

3./overextended/undue/ …… serves to be counterproductive or even harmful.4.as a coin has two sides,……

5…… however, like anything /inchoate/incipient/……(说明弊端)此句用于说明新生事物的缺点


(一)表示先后次序: 1.at this time 2.to begin with…… to sum up/in sum 3.previously 4.for one thing…… for another 用于说一个事物的两个方面 5.firstly……secondly……finally 其中finally也可以单独使用,表示最后一点的论述

6.simultaneously=at the same time 7.eventually=in the end=at last 8.last but not least 9.following this 10.proceeding this


1.being that:因为(写作中尽量少使用,因为是方言性质的词汇)

2.owing to=due to: because of, as a result of(是比较正规的表示“由于、因为”含义的词汇,建议多用due to因为出现的时间较晚,比较贴近现实)3.for the reason that 4.in the view of=in regard to : in consideration of 考虑到,由于。5.therefore 6.consequently=as a consequence=in consequence 7.hence : because of a preceding fact or premise=THEREFORE 8.accordingly=so=consequently 9.thereupon=whereupon=consequently 10.whereupon 11.because=because of 12.since 13.so 14.thus

(三)表转折关系: 1.yet=but 2.nevertheless=nonetheless: in spite of that=however(nonetheless出现的比nevertheless出现的晚)3.however 4.despite that=in spite of 5.regardless of=in spite of(regardless of比in spite of 出现晚)6.and yet 7.but yet(6,7类似于yet)


1.naturally :(当然)according to the usual course of things : as might be expected 例句: We naturally dislike being hurt。

2.granted=granting that(假定……, 就算……)例句:Granted that you have some progress, you should not be conceited.翻译:即使你有了一些进步,也不该骄傲。3.of course 4.admittedly 例句: Admittedly, we took a chance.翻译:必须承认,我们有投机心理。

5.provided=on conditions that 6.while it is true that……

(四)并列关系: 1.and 2.as well as

3.both……and…… 4.either……or…… 5.neither……nor…… 6.again 7.also(注意:借用表达同时含义的词也可以表达并列关系,如:at the same time, simultaneously)


1.furthermore=besides : in addition to what precedes 2.moreover=besides=what is more 3.not……but…… 4.in addition 5.additionally=furthermore 6.on one hand……on the other hand……(此词组也可以表示年个里并列、对比的含义)

7.not only……but also……

8.……meanwhile……=meantime 9.likewise 10.further

(六)表类比关系: 之一:比较相同点: 1.in like manner 2.in comparison with 3.compared with 4.likewise=in like manner=similarly 5.in the same way 6.similarly 7.equally 8.just as

之二:比较不同点: 1.while 2.notwithstanding 例句:notwithstanding their inexperience, they were an immediate success 3.rather=instead 例句:It was no better but rather grew worse 4.rather than 5.on the contrary 6.whereas(而、却、反之)例句:He is ill, whereas I am only a little tired.7.in contrast=on the contrary


1.in fact(其实,事实上)

2.especially(在后面直接跟上你要强调的内容)3.particularly 4.in particular=specifically 5.moreover 6.in reality(实际上,事实上)7.what is more important 8.indeed=in reality 9.not to mention(更不用说)10.undoubtedly(毫无疑问的)11.no doubt 12.without doubt 13.certainly 14.absolutely


1.once…… :一旦 例句:If one once losses confidence, he can never expect to do his work well.翻译:一旦失去信心,就别想做好工作。

2.unless…… :如果不,除非 例句:We shall not call the meeting unless absolutely possible.翻译:除非绝对必要,我们将不召开会议。3.if……(这个词我们太熟悉了,我就不举例子了)

4.lest……: for fear that 用法:often used after an expression denoting fear or apprehension 例句I was worried lest she should be late.I hesitant to speak out lest he be fired.5.provided(that)…… 例句:provided that circumstances permit 翻译:如果条件允许的话

6.if possible……(如果可能的话)7.if so……(如果这样的话)

(九)表示总结: 1.to sum up 2.in sum 3.on the whole: 1): in view of all the circumstances or conditions : all things considered 2): in general : in most instances : TYPICALLY 4.in short: by way of summary=briefly 5.therefore 6.consequently 7.in brief 8.in conclusion 9.in summary 10.to conclude 11.in conclusion 12.at length : 1): FULLY, COMPREHENSIVELY 2): at last : FINALLY 13.to summarize 14.to put it in a nutshell 15.all in all 16.in all


英语关联词 —并列连词 1

并列连词 在句子中不做成分,仅表示前后关系.1.用于连接彼此互补依存的对等的成分.1)连接语词:slow but safe/ either this week or next week

2)连接分句:I went and she also.2.可分别表示下列关系.1)转折:but, yet, however, neverthe-less

2)因果:so, for, therefore

3)选择r, either…or, neither…nor 英语关联词 —并列连接词 2

4)并列和递进:and,both…and, as well as not only…but(also)英语关联词 —关联词

关联词 用于引导从句.1.名词从句: He doesn't know what she is.2.副词从句:If he comes, I'll give it to you.3.形容词从句:He's the best student I've ever taught.英语关联词 —连接词 1

关联词的类别及所表示的关系 要特别注意关联词在从句中(及某些连接词在短语中)所担当的成分,这是正确使用关连词的关键.1.连接词:引导名词从句,在从句中不做成分.1)that(无含义):

I said that he was wrong.2)whether(if)(表示不确定性或选择关系): I don't know whether it is correct.英语关联词 —连接词 2 2.连接代词


定语.A.who/which 作主语(口语who中可做宾语, 但其前面不可有与其配合使用的介词): I asked him who came into the room./ I asked him who(m)he saw whom/which 做宾语: Ask him which he wants.英语关联词 —关联词 3

C.whose 做宾语(=whose thing(s))/定


I wonder whose house that is.D.what 做上面提及的各种成分: I don't know what I should do.What can be done

2)与不定式连用,在其中多做主语和宾语.We can't decide whom to invite.We must decide what to do.I couldn't decide which to choose.英语关联词 —关联词 4

3.连接副词 引导名词从句或与不定式连用,在从句

中做状语.1)how: That's how I look at it.2)where: I don't know where he lives.3)when: Tell me when to use the tool.4)why: I'll tell you why you have to do it.英语关联词 —关系词 1 4.关系代词

1)who 表示人,在从句中做主语和表语(口语


The man who spoke is my teacher.I don't know who he is.The man who I saw told me that.2)whom 表示人,在从句中做宾语和表语: The man whom I saw told me that.英语关联词 —关系词 2

3)whose 表示“某人/物的”,of which表示

“某物的”, 在从句中做定语:

That's the man whose son is my pupil.The room whose window faces south is her bedroom.The room of which the window faces south is her bedroom.英语关联词 —关系词 3

4)which 表示物,在从句中做主语和表语: I like the picture which was taken in front of the main building.5)that 表示人/物,在从句中做主语和宾语;注

意下列关于that作为关系代词的用法.A.现行词前有最高级形容词修饰时: This is the best film that I've ever seen.英语关联词 —关系词 4

B.先行词是下列词语或为其所修饰修饰时: the first, the last, the only, the same, the very, all, any, no, every.This is the last chance that you have.You are the only friend that I have.He told me all that he knew.英语关联词 —关系词 5

C.先行词是下列不定代词或为其所修饰修饰时: much, little, none, everything/body, nothing, nobody.There's nothing in the world that can frighten him.D.以Who/Which开始的句子,其后的定语从句中的关系代词不使用who/which,而代之以that.Who that knows him would trust him Which of these buses is the one that goes to London 英语关联词 —关系词 6

E.人和事物/动物同为先行词时: The man and the horse that fell into the river were drowned.6)关系代词做介词宾语.A.一般介词可放在whom/which的前面或其所


放在其所在的从句的句尾.Is this the car for which you paid a high price

英语关联词 —关系词 7

Is this the car which you paid a high price for

Is this the car that you paid a high price for

Is this the car you paid a high price for

B.介词during, except以及表示(从整体中)“分割”(出部分)的介词of等介词要放在关

系代词的前面: 英语关联词 —关系词 8

The years during which he was away were long years to her.He wrote many books, some of which


须放在其动词之后,不可放在关系代词之前: This is the book which he has been looking for.7)关系代词的省略.A.关系代词作宾语时:

The girl I work with is coming.英语关联词 —关系词 9

B.that在定语从句中做表语时: He is not the man that he was when I saw him first.He is not the man he was when I saw him first.5.关系副词 在定语从句中均做状语.1)where 地点:

That's one point where I'd like your advice.英语关联词 —关系词 10 2)when 时间:

At the time when I saw him, he was ill.3)why 原因:

That is the reason why I came so early.4)that 方式/时间/原因

I like the way that /in which he did it.英语关联词 —关系词 11

That was the first time(that)I saw him.The reason why/that he was dismissed is not easy to explain.5)in which/at which = where

This is the school in which/at which/ where he works.6)for which = why

I don't the reason for which he left.英语关联词 —关系词 12 7)on which = when

The day on which she was born was 22 September, 1988.



◆人物人品 年龄

(1)a five-year-old boy一个五岁的男孩(2)a boy aged five 一个五岁的男孩

(3)in my teens /twenties在我十/二十多岁时(4)at the age of five在五岁时

(5)As a child, I liked to...我小时候喜欢…… 出生

(1)was born in...出生在……

(2)be/come from a wealthy family出生于富裕人家(3)was born into a peasant family出生于一个农民家庭 外表

(1)a 1.80-meter-tall boy 一个高1.8米的男孩

(2)overweight胖的;thin瘦的;slim苗条的;strong强壮的(3)look young for one’s age 显得比实际年龄年轻(4)good-looking 长得好看;plain-looking 长得一般(5)well dressed 穿得漂亮;neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 能力


(2)intelligent有智力的;creative 富创造力的(3)a boy with great ability 能干的男孩(4)a qualified teacher 一名合格的教师(5)speak fluent English 讲流利的英语(6)have a gift for 有……的天赋(7)be skilled in 在……方面熟练(8)be experienced in 在……方面有经验 健康

(1)be in good health/shape/condition 身体健康(2)energetic精力充沛的;well-built身材健美的(3)suffer from...患上…… 经历

(1)graduate from...从……毕业(2)major in 以……为专业(3)gain scholarship 获得奖学金(4)get good grades获得好成绩(5)get a master’s degree 获得硕士学位(6)be given the title of...获得……称号

(7)win a gold/silver /copper medal 获得金/银/铜牌(8)gain/win the first prize/place 获得一等奖/第一名 周围环境

1.对周围环境的描写,通常按空间顺序进行,表示方位的短语有:(1)on the left /right在左边/右边(2)at the back of在……的后面(3)in front of在……的前面

(4)in the north of在……的北部(内部)(5)on the south of在……的南方(接壤)(6)to the east of在……的东面(相离)



(1)Behind the street lies a small river.街道后面有一条小河。

(2)On the top of the mountain stands a 50-meter-high tower.山顶上矗立着一座50米高的塔。

(3)There is a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair in the bedroom.卧室里有一张床、一张沙发、一张桌子和一把椅子。

◆ 学校生活与课外活动 1.常用单词(1)campus校园(2)canteen餐厅(3)laboratory 实验室(4)dining hall食堂 2.常用短语

(1)school dining hall学生食堂(2)teaching building教学楼(3)lecture theatre阶梯教室(4)the Students’ Union学生会(5)social practice 社会实践(6)part-time jobs业余工作(7)vacation jobs假期工作(8)prepare lessons 备课(17)English evening 英语晚会(19)voluntary labor义务劳动(21)have a party举行晚会

(23)have a picnic/barbecue去野餐/烧烤

(24)after-school/extracurricular activities课外活动(25)hold a sports meeting举行运动会(26)have an outing at the seashore在海边郊游(27)learn...by heart记住(29)work out 计算出

(31)have a good command of精通于(33)get full mark for得满分

(35)fail(in)the math test数学测验不及格

(36)win the first(prize)in maths competition数学竞赛第一名

(37)get /take the first place in the English speech contest英语口语竞赛第一名(38)lay a good foundation in在……方面打下良好的基础 3.参考语句

(1)A child poor at math may be talented for painting.一个数学差的小孩,可能是艺术天才。(2)I prefer to fail rather than cheat in the exam.我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。

(3)The extracurricular activity is a necessary part of the school lives.课外活动是学校生活不可缺少的一环。

(28)keep...in mind记住

(30)make progress in...在……方面取得进步(32)pass the examination通过考试(34)cheat in the exam考试作弊(9)have lessons上课(10)miss a lesson误一节课(11)prepare for lessons预习功课(12)stay away from school旷课(13)work hard at 努力做(学)(14)put one’s heart into专心于(15)concentrate on 全神贯注;专心于(16)graduation ceremony 毕业典礼(18)social investigation社会调查(20)physical activities 体育活动(22)see the sights of看景点




◆ 兴趣爱好

(1)surf the internet上网(2)chat online 在线聊天

(3)enjoy popular music 喜欢流行音乐(4)be fond of/be keen on喜欢…(5)have some hobbies有一些爱好

(12)He goes for playing on-line games.他喜欢玩在线游戏。

(13)Shopping is my favorite hobby in my spare time.购物是我闲暇时最喜欢的爱好。

(14)I hate visiting museums, for I think they are boring.我讨厌参观博物馆,因为我觉得它们让人感到无趣。

◆个人情感与人际关系 个人情感

(1)be happy / sad / upset / nervous / lonely高兴/难过/不安/紧张/孤独(2)be pleased with对……感到高兴

(3)be worried about / worry about 担心,担忧(4)be / get angry with sb.about sth.因某事生某人的气(5)be disappointed at sb.对某人感到失望(6)be confident of sth./ in sb.对某事/某人有信心

(7)We are deeply grateful to you for your support.我们深深感谢你的支持。

(8)It is a pity that we shall have to leave tomorrow.我们明天必须离开,真是遗憾。人际关系

(1)learn from each other 互相学习(3)improve the relationship改善关系

(4)show love and concern for sb.爱护和关心某人

(5)Good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.善于倾听使我们彼此走得更近。

(6)A good relationship between teachers and students is of great importance for our studies.良好的师生关系对我们的学习很重要。

(7)To build a good relationship, we should trust in each other.要建立良好的关系,我们应该彼此信任。(8)Only in this way can we enjoy an equal relationship.只有这样我们才能享有平等的关系。(9)They find it easy to communicate with their teachers.他们发觉很容易和老师沟通。(10)With their help, I tried my best to study hard ad succeeded in entering a key university.在他们的帮助下,我努力学习,成功地被一所重点大学录取。

(11)We should value this harmonious relationship between teachers and students.我们应该珍惜师生之间这种和谐的关系。

(12)With the encouragement and support of my father,I have overcome many difficulties in our life.在父亲的鼓励和支持下,我克服了生活中的许多困难。

(2)promote the friendship 增进友谊(6)be interested in对……感兴趣(7)take an interest in对……感兴趣(8)be crazy about...对……着迷(9)come to like...越来越喜欢

(10)develop a great liking for...渐渐爱上

(11)I prefer watching a TV show to going to a concert.我宁愿看电视表演,而不愿去听音乐会。


◆计划与愿望(1)feel like doing想要做(2)be prepared to do准备做(3)decide/ be determined to决定

(7)long/hope/wish/want to do渴望/希望/想做

(8)He planned to go abroad for further studies.他计划出国学习深造。(9)So I am determined to meet the challenge.因此,我准备迎接挑战。

(10)There’ll be a football game in our school this week.本周我们学校有一场足球比赛。(11)Think twice before you do.三思而后行。

(12)Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人。

(13)Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。

◆ 节假日活动 1.中国节日名称

(1)The Spring Festival春节(2)The Dragon Boat Festival端午节(3)The Mid-autumn Festival中秋节(4)New Year’s Day元旦(5)National Day国庆节

(6)International Labor Day五一劳动节


(1)Christmas day 圣诞节(2)Thanksgiving Day 感恩节(3)Valentine’s Day 情人节(4)April Fool’s Day 愚人节 3.相关句子

(1)National Day is coming.国庆节快到了。

(2)National Day falls on Monday this year.今年国庆节是星期一。

(3)We celebrated the New Year with a dance party.我们举行舞会来庆祝新年。


(1)shopping mall/centre购物中心(2)department stores 百货商店(3)second-hand stores旧货店(4)discount折扣(5)change零钱

(6)cyber ordering 网络订购(7)fake products 假冒商品(8)on-line shopping 网上购物(9)poor/ high quality糟糕/优异的质量(19)effective and convenient 高效率、方便(20)complain to sb about sth就某事向某人投诉

(10)poor service 糟糕的服务(11)buy in group 团购(12)wrap up包装

(13)pay in cash以现金支付

(14)pay by credit card通过信用卡支付(15)free of charge不收费

(16)be all sold out /out of stock售空(17)avoid being cheated 避免受骗

(18)bargain with attendant和服务员砍价(5)Halloween Day 万圣节(6)Easter Day 复活节(7)Mothers’ Day 母亲节(8)Fathers’ day 父亲节(7)Teachers’ Day教师节(8)Children’s Day儿童节(9)Women’s Day妇女节(10)Tomb-sweeping Day清明节(11)Double Ninth Festival重阳节(12)Lantern Festival元宵节(4)mean /plan/intend to do计划做(5)look forward to doing盼望做(6)have a desire to do希望做



(1)suffer from 遭受, 患上(2)near-sighted近视的

(3)feel stressed/depressed 感到紧张/沮丧(4)have a pain in...某处疼痛

(9)take three meals on time 按时吃三餐

(11)(un)healthy eating habits(不)健康的饮食习惯(12)be high /low/rich in...……含量高/低/丰富(13)be optimistic/ pessimistic about 对……乐观/悲观(14)physical and mental condition 生理和心理状况

(15)feel weak(well, terrible, sick)感觉虚弱(健康/很糟/恶心)(16)face difficulties/setbacks with courage 勇敢面对困难/挫折

(17)An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一只苹果不用看医生。(谚语)(18)Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起使人健康、富有和聪明。

◆文娱与体育 1.文娱类

(1)a cross talk相声

(2)lines台词;director导演(3)character人物,角色(4)TV programs 电视节目(5)TV series 电视系列片(6)comedy喜剧;tragedy悲剧


(2)game/competition 比赛(3)champion 冠军(4)championship锦标赛(5)stadium运动场、体育场(6)ground/field场地;track跑道(7)tennis网球;court网球场

(15)applause(n.)/ applaud(v.)鼓掌欢迎,热情称赞

(8)gold medal 金牌(9)performance 表现(10)break the record打破记录(11)record holder记录保持者


(14)competitor/player/athlete运动员,参赛者(7)Oscar Awards奥斯卡奖

(8)cartoon / animation卡通片/动画片(9)instrument 乐器(10)folk music 民乐

(11)science fiction film科幻片(12)romance爱情片

(5)mentally unhealthy 心理不健康的(6)relax oneself 自我轻松(7)relieve pressure 缓解压力

(8)go on diet 节食;proper diet恰当的饮食(10)eat much junk food 吃很多的垃圾食品



1.旅游与探险(tourism and adventure)(1)相关名词:

travel, journey, trip, tour, travel agency(旅行社), guide, airlines/airways, flight ticket, passport, visa, identity(ID)card(身份证), tent, camp, hotel, tourist attraction(旅游景点), places of interest, scenic spots(景点), national park, DIY tour(自助游),space tourism(太空旅游), group/organized tour(团体游), a self-driven trip(自驾游)(2)相关动词短语:

go on a wildlife tour/a hiking trip参加野生动物之旅/去远足

be on holiday/a visit 度假/旅行

see sb off 送行

explore a forest/ a desert/ another planet 森林/沙漠探险;外星球探险

(3)相关形容词:interesting, exciting, attractive, fantastic, boring/dull, tiring, comfortable, funny,(4)相关句子:The scenery is charming!景色迷人!2.交通方式(methods of transportation)(1)walk/ on foot 走路,步行(2)ride a bike/by bike 骑自行车(3)drive a car/by car 开小轿车(4)take a bus/by bus 乘公共汽车 3.指路(showing the way)(1)It’s about five minutes’ walk.走路约五分钟。

(2)Take bus No.2 and get off at the next stop.坐2路车,在下一站下车。

(3)Turn right at the second turning./ Take the second turning on the right.在第二个拐弯处右转。(4)Go / Walk down /along the road and turn right.You’ll see the post office.沿着这条路走,再向右转, 4.交通安全(safety rules and warnings)(1)safety first安全第一

(2)traffic light交通灯,红绿灯(3)traffic rules/ regulations交通规则

(4)keep left/ right靠左/靠右(5)crossroad/crossing十字路

(6)wait until the green light 等到绿灯再走(7)traffic jam交通堵塞(8)traffic accident交通事故

◆语言文化 1.英语学习体会

(1)enlarge one’s vocabulary扩大某人的词汇量(2)refer to the dictionary...查字典(3)focus on learning grammar强调语法学习(4)form the habit of reading养成阅读习惯

(5)reading skills/ strategies/abilities...阅读技能/策略/能力(6)My experience tells me...我的经验告诉我……

(7)I practise listening two hours a day.我每天练习听力两小时。

(8)I find it hardest to learn English grammar.我觉得学习英语语法最难。

(9)The stronger the motivation is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.一个人动机越强,学习外语就越快。

(5)take a taxi/by taxi乘出租车,打的(6)by boat/ship/water/sea 坐船/走水路(7)transfer(在旅途中)转乘、换乘



(1)American /British English 美国/英国英语

(2)There is little/ much difference in grammar.在语法方面有一点/很大的差别。

(3)I’m confused about the difference between...and...对于这两者的区别,我感到很迷惑。3.语言与文化

(1)language learning语言学习

(2)culture difference /diversity文化差异/多元文化(3)cultivate cross-cultural awareness 培养跨文化意识(4)Respect others’ culture and custom尊重他人的文化和风俗

(5)Culture plays an important role in language learning.文化在语言学习中担任重要角色。

(6)Culture understanding enables us to...文化的了解使我们能够……

(7)It is high time for us to treasure and protect culture relics.是我们珍惜和保护文化遗产的时候了。


1.灾害种类:flood(水灾), drought(干旱), landslide(山崩), earthquake(地震), tsunami(海啸),typhoon(台风),hurricane(飓风),tornado(龙卷风), volcano(火山), snowstorm(暴风雪)2.袭击某地:(a typhoon)hit/ strike...3.造成后果:(1)失踪:missing(2)受伤:get injured

(3)死亡:be killed/ lose one’s life/cause sb’s death/claim 302 lives(造成302人死亡)(4)电力中断:cut off the power/ electricity;have the power cut;the electricity was cut off(5)房屋倒塌:houses collapse [kə'læps] / fall down(6)冲走房屋、道路、桥梁:wash away buildings, roads and bridges(7)成为废墟:...be in ruins;fall into ruins(8)菜地被毁坏了:vegetable fields were ruined.(9)引发泥石流及其他灾害:['trɪɡə(r)]trigger landslides and other disasters(10)造成巨大损失/经济损失:cause great damage /economic losses 4.救援捐赠:

(1)受灾地区:stricken district/ area(2)救灾工作:rescue work(3)恢复正常:return to normal(4)地震灾民:The quake-afflicted people(5)被困人员:trapped persons 5.有关报道常用句式:

Tuesday, Morakot, the worst typhoon to hit the island in 50 years, had claimed 461 lives and left 192 missing and 46 injured, according to Taiwan’s disaster control center.据台湾灾害应变中心消息,星期二,“莫拉克”,50年来袭击该岛的最严重的台风,已造成461人死亡,192人失踪,46人受伤。6.环境保护

(1)保护环境,人人有责:Everyone should take the responsibility to protect the environment./ It’s everyone’s duty to protect the environment

(2)提高环保意识:raise the awareness of environmental protection(3)保护生存环境:conserve natural habitats

(4)采取有效措施:take effective measures;effective measures should be taken/adopted(5)采取积极措施保护珍稀动物 take active measures to protect rare animals(6)环保产品:environmentally-friendly products


(8)防汛抗旱:flood control and drought relief(9)呼吁人们捐赠:call on people to make donations


◆世界环境 1.环境污染的原因

(1)cut down trees 砍伐树木

(2)pollute the environment/air 污染环境/空气

(3)lead /water /noise/air /white pollution铅/水/噪音/空气/白色污染(4)The rubbish was everywhere.到处是垃圾。

(5)send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air排放烟雾和有毒气体(6)pour waste water into rivers without being treated往河里排放未经处理的废水 2.破坏环境的后果(1)acid rain 酸雨

(2)abnormal climate气候异常(3)global warming 全球变暖(4)sea level rise 海平面上升 3.环保措施(1)plant trees 植树(2)sort rubbish 垃圾分类(3)protect the ecology 保护生态(4)save energy/water节约能源/水(5)go green生产或使用绿色产品

(11)eco-friendly products 生态友好的产品(13)recycle textbooks/trash 课本/垃圾回收利用(14)ban smoking in public 禁止在公共场合吸烟(15)improve our living conditions 改善居住条件(16)keep the balance of nature 保持自然界的平衡(17)stop / keep/ prevent sb.from doing 阻止某人做(18)ban the abuse of plastic bags 禁止滥用塑料袋(19)don’t litter/spit everywhere 不随地扔垃圾/吐痰

◆科学技术 1.短语

(1)对…产生很大影响: have a great effect on(2)起很大作用:make a great difference(3)改变人们的生活:change one’s life(4)得益于、从……获益benefit from(5)与……有关联:relate to/ be linked to(11)与……不同:be different from/differ from(12)使某人能做:enable sb to do sth(13)把……考虑进去:take something into consideration(14)引起某人的注意:catch/attract the attention of sb(15)导致:lead to/contribute to/result in/ bring about(16)在某方面起重要的作用:play an important role in

(17)提高人类的生活质量:improve the quality of life for humans(18)为治疗疾病而进行一项研究:carry out a research in the hope of curing the illnesses

(6)能使用:have access to/ be accessible to(7)代替:take the place of(8)致力于:devote oneself to(9)实现:come true

(10)赶上:keep/catch up with(6)protect the environment 保护环境(7)ride bicycles to work 骑自行车上班(8)develop renewable resources可再生资源(9)fight against pollution 与污染作斗争(10)sustainable development 可持续发展(12)deal with rubbish properly正确处理垃圾(5)greenhouse effect 温室效应(6)extinction of animals 动物灭绝(7)be harmful to/do harm to...对……有害(8)flood many low-lying cities 水淹低洼城市

(9)drought/flood/sandstorms sweep across...干旱/洪水/沙尘暴横扫



(1)科学技术是第一生产力。Science and technology are a primary productive force.(2)随着互联网、个人电脑、3G手机的日益普及,我们的生活发生了巨大的变化或我们的生活精彩无限。(一句多译)○ With the Internet, PC, 3G cellphones becoming more and more popular, our life has greatly changed.(with复合结构)○ The popularity of the Internet, PC, 3G cellphones makes our life colorful.(make +复合宾语)○ Due to/Thanks to/Owing to/Because of the popularity of the Internet, PC, 3G cellphones, our life is becoming more and more colorful.(介词短语)


(1)The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life.网络在我们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色。(2)On the one hand, it’s risky to make friends and shop online.一方面,网上交友和网上购物存在风险。

(3)On the other hand, being lost in the Internet may affect our study and work.另一方面,沉迷网络会影响学习和工作。(4)A survey shows that 52% of students are lost in the Internet.一项调查显示,52%的学生沉迷网络。(5)In my opinion, the Internet does bring us a lot of benefits.我认为,因特网的确给我们带来了实惠。

(6)It remains a question how we can solve the problems concerning making friends on line.如何解决网上交友所产生的问题依然是个疑问。

(7)The problems that Internet has brought to us do exist, but we have to be rational.因特网给我们所带来的问题的确存在,但是我们必须要理性看待。

(8)Every coin has two sides, so does the Internet.凡事都有两面性,因特网也是如此。

(9)As for the government, it should take strong measures to punish those who cheat people on line.作为政府,应该采取强有力措施惩罚那些在网上行骗的人。



回归课本资料 英语作文最基本词汇



success 2.失败

failure 3.科学

science 4.技术

technology 5.农业

agriculture 6.工业

industry 7.信息技术

IT/ information technology 8.信息时代 information age 9.电视节目

TV programme 10.业余爱好 hobby 11.人类

mankind 12.应用

applicant 13.发明

invention 14.生活水平

living standard 15.文化

culture 16.文明

civilization 17.活动

activity 18.因特网 the internet 19.电子邮件 e-mail 20.运输工具 transportation tool 21.重要性 importance 22.父母

parents 23.孩子

children/kids 24.好处/有利/优势

advantages 25.坏处/不利/劣势

disadvantages 26.交流/沟通 communication 27.影响 effect 28.效率

efficiency 29.音乐家 musician 30.法规 rule/law/regulation 31.交通规则 traffic rule 32.宿舍 dormitory


33.校园 campus 34.邻居 neighbour 35.代沟 generation gap 36.流行音乐 pop music


preservation/protection 38.环境 environment 39.关系 relationship 40.友谊


41.比赛 competition/match 42.产品 products 43.自然 nature 44.人际关系interpersonal relationship


opportunity 46.数学

mathematics 47.课程 course 48.旅游

tourism 49.就业

employment 50.建议 proposal/suggestion/feedback 51.娱乐

entertainment 52.习惯

habit 53.状况

situation 54.合作 cooperation 55.教育

education 56.科学家 scientist 57.政府

government 58.问题 problem/issue 59.社会 society 60.经济 economy 61.贫穷

poverty 62.水平




64.农村 countryside/rural area 65.城市 city/urban area 66.安全 safety/security 67.阻碍 barrier/obstacle 68.洪水 flood 69.灾难 disaster

回归课本资料 70.财富 wealth 71.健康 health 72.专家 expert 73.统计 statistics 74.资源 recourses 75.投资 investment 76.文学 literature 77.因素 factors 78.条件 condition 79.媒体 media 80.误会 misunderstanding 81.理解 understanding 82.系统 system 83.发现 discovery 84.电脑 computer 85.专业

major 86.广告 advertisement 87.负担 burden 88.责任 duty 89.学费 tuition 90.措施 measure 91.威胁 threat 92.危险 danger 93.意识 awareness 94.发展 development 95.贷款 loan 96.兴趣 interest 97.特点 feature/characteristics 98.知识 knowledge 99.质量 quality 100.数量




improve 2.建立 set up/establish 3.支持 support/back sb up 4.反对 oppose/against 5.与…沟通 communicate with


6.消除/消灭 get rid of 7.解决


8.谈论 discuss/talk about 9.照顾 take care of 10.注意 pay attention to

11.对…感兴趣 be interested in

12.做…有困难 have difficulty doing sth

13.继续做某事 keep doing sth 14.建议 suggest/propose

15.产生 produce/come up with 16.创造 create

17.减轻/降低 bring down/reduce 18.增长/上升 increase 19.下降 decrease

20.比较 compare with 21.发展/开发 develope 22.培养 cultivate/develope 23.教育 educate 24.实现 realize

25.成功做某事 succeed in doing sth 26.无法做某事 fail to do sth 27.导致 lead to

28.引起 cause/result in

29.听音乐 listen to the music 30.玩电脑 play computer

31.采取有效措施 take effective measures

32.得出结论 draw a conclusion 33.对…有害 do harm to 34.对…有好处 do good to 35.放弃/戒掉 give up

36.学会如何做learn how to do sth 37.提供 provide sb.with sth 38.批评 criticize 39.赞扬 praise 40.污染 pollute

41.损害/损坏 damage

42.与…交朋友 make friends with 回归课本资料


43.举行 hold 44.发生 take place 45.保护 protect 46.表明 show/indicate 47.帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth 48.看不起 look down on /upon 49.尊重 look up to sb/respect 50.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth 51.禁止某人做某事 forbid sb to do sth 52.控制 control 53.限制 limit/constrain 54.理解 understand 55.误解



1.著名的famous/well-known 2.准时的 punctual 3.过时的 outdated 4.流行的 popular 5.固执的 stubborn 6.考虑周到的thoughtful 7.富有同情心的 sympathetic 8.残忍的cruel 9.悲惨的miserable 10.主要的 major 11.次要的 minor 12.有害的 harmful 13.无害的 harmless 14.安全的 safe 15.相互的/双方的mutual 16.正面的/积极的 positive 17.负面的/消极的 negative 18.个人的 personal 19.公共的public 20.昂贵的 expensive/dear 21.费时的 time-consuming

22.灵活的 flexible 23.显著的 outstanding 24.典型的 typical 25.方便的 convenient

26.足够的 sufficient/adequate 27.不安的 uneasy 28.富裕的 wealthy 29.健康的 healthy 30.成功的 successful 31.失败的 unsuccessful 32.有经验的 experienced 33.熟悉的familiar 34.有效的effective 35.宝贵的 previous

36.关键的 critical/essential 37.活泼的 active

38.值得的 worthwhile 39.无意义的meaningless 40.效率高的efficient 41.边远的/偏僻的 remote 42.先进的advanced

43.不发达的 underdeveloped 44.落后的 backward/lag behind 45.大方的 generous 46.勤奋的 diligent 47.有规律的 regular 48.没有规律的 irregular 49.专业的 professional 50.必需的 necessary 51.和谐的 harmonious 52.幸运的 fortunate 53.不幸的unfortunate 54.社会的 social

55.环境的 environmental 56.目前的/当前的 current 57.以前的 previous 58.过去的 past

高考英语作文话题词汇精选 话题一:中学生的爱好与兴趣 回归课本资料


spare time(业余时间), favorite(最喜欢的), interest(兴趣), hobby(爱好), appetite(嗜好),taste(口味), read novels(也小说), play football/basketball(打足球/篮球), surf the internet(上网), chat online(在线聊天), play games(玩游戏), collect stamps(集邮), make e-friends(交网友), climb mountains(爬山), watch TV(看电视), enjoy popular music(喜欢流行音乐),be interested in(对…感兴趣), develop an interest in(在…方面发展兴趣), be fond of(喜欢…),be keen on(喜欢…), have love for(喜爱…), have a taste in(对…有兴趣)等。


work(工作), be at work(在工作), work hard(努力工作), produce(生产), worker(工人), labor force(劳动力), labor(劳动), voluntary labor(义务劳动),serve the people(为人民服务),heart and soul(全心全意),physical labor(体力劳动), mental labor(脑力劳动), labor viewpoint(劳动观念), labor day(劳动节), workday(工作日), means of labor(劳动方式), honorable(光荣的), be devoted to(奉献于..), value(价值), earn money(赚钱), personal interests(个人利益)等。


harmonious(和谐的), friendly(友好的), civilized(文明的), honest(真诚的), credible(诚信的), be public-spirited(有公德心的), balanced(平衡的), be in order(有序的), peaceful(和平的), live in harmony(生活和谐), sustainable development(可持续发展)等,help each ether(互助), care for each other(互相关心), have

deep love for(热爱), be concerned with(关心), build(创建), cherish(珍惜), take an active part in(积极参与), pay attention to social moral(讲究社会公德), protect the environment(保护环境), save energy(节省能源)等。no pains, no gains.不劳无获。

…can be achieved by hard wok.…可以通过劳动获得。it is difficult to find work in the present situation.在当前形势下,很难找到工作。it is honorable to …

…是光荣的。if everyone … for others and the society, our world will be …如果每个人为他人和社会做…,我们这个世界将会…。every one should … and devotes himself to building our motherland into a strong country.每个人应该 …,为把我们祖国建设成为一个强壮的国家而奉献自己的力量。


employ(雇佣), look for(寻找), take in(吸纳), full-time(全职的), part-time(兼职的), well-paid(薪水高的), be paid by the hour(按小时发工资), requirement(要求), résumé(个人履历),schooling(受教育情况), subjects(课程), working experience(工作经历), qualification(合格证明), transcript(成绩单), health(健康状况), present address(现在通讯地址)等,apply for(申请…), graduate from(毕业于), major in(以…为专业), degree(学位), scholarship(奖学金), good grades(良好的成绩), hobby(爱好), favorite(最喜欢的), be skilled in(在…方面熟练), be good at(擅长…), experienced(有经验的), confident(自信的), English and computer ability(英回归课本资料


语和计算机能力), healthy(健康的)等。


physical and mental condition(身体与精神状态), strong(强壮的), un/healthy(不健康/健康的), overweight/fat(肥胖的), thin(瘦的), near/short-sighted(近视的), mentally unhealthy(精神不健全的), normal(正常的), abnormal(不正常的), energetic(精力旺盛的), unhealthy eating habit(不健康的饮食习惯), eat much junk food(吃太多的垃圾食品)等,stay/keep healthy/fit(保持健康), build up one’s body/ improve one’s’ health(强身健体), enough sleep(充足的睡眠), take regular exercise(进行有规律的运动), roper diet(合理的饮食), good living habits(良好的生活习惯), lose weight(减肥), remove heavy burdens(减轻负担), be good for/do good to(对…有益处), nutrition(营养), go on diet(节食), form a … eating habit(养成一个…的饮食习惯)breathe in as much fresh air等。话题六:环境保护

pollute(污染),waste is scattering here and there.(到处撒满了废弃物),protect the environment(保护环境),send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air(散发出烟和有毒气体),cut down trees(砍伐树木),pour waste water into the rivers(把废水注入河流),it is a shame to throw rubbish around.(乱扔垃圾是可耻的),form good habits to protect the surroundings(养成良好的习惯来保护环境),take active measures to protect rare animals(采取积极措施保

护稀有动物),take good care of our forests(关心我们的森林),plant more trees to improve the environment(多植来改善环境),the terrible pollution have done great harm to us as well as to the surroundings.(可怕的污染已经给我们自己还有我们的环境带来了很大的危害。)


school rules and regulations(学校规章制度),obey(遵守), observe(遵守), keep/observe discipline(遵守纪律), behave well(表现良好),be neatly dressed(穿戴整洁), respect one’s teachers and parents(尊敬师长), be on time(准时), keep the environment clean(保持环境干净), civilized(文明的)break the rules(违反规章制度), discipline(纪律), spit(吐痰), throw rubbish everywhere(乱扔垃圾), cheat in the exam(考试作弊), get in line(插队), fight with sb.(与…打架), punish sb.for(因…处罚某人)等。the students are told not to break any of the rules of the school.学校要求学生不要违反任何规章制度。the students are expected to …

学校期望学生…。it must be made clear that the students should …


… is of no good to a friendly and harmonious society.…对创建友好和谐的社会是毫无益处的。it is honorable to obey the principles and rules of our school.遵守学校的规章制度是光荣的。it is worthy of praise to...…是值得表扬的。it is shameful to …

…是可耻的。what we should do is that …

我们应该做的事情是… 回归课本资料



get to know sb.(认识某人), know sb.10.… have a friend of … years really well(熟知某人), make friends with sb.… 与… 有着…年的友情。with sb.(和某人交朋友), a strong 高考英语作文常用词汇

personality(一个很强的个性), 检举 | 2011-5-1 21:51 personal matters(隐私), friendship(友


谊), friendly(友好的), a close

Campus, facilities, theme, goal, friend(一个亲密的朋友), trust each preference, course, routine, other(相互信任), precious(珍贵的),passionate, enthusiastic, ambitious, worthy(有价值的), understanding(通confident, easygoing, boring 情达理的), share …with sb.(与…分

participate, concentrate, focus, 享…), be loyal to(对…忠诚), keep in attract, distract,touch with sb.(与…保持联系), keep

inspire, sit up all night, company with sb.(和…结交), stay best


friends with sb.(和…保持很好的友谊)

Interview, community service, 等。part-time job, pocket money, spare 在描述此话题时常用的句型有:

time, 1.friends give us …

朋友给予我tempting, popular, challenging, 们…。

corrupted, 2.a good friend is someone you

Volunteer, waste time in, relax, get can …

一位好朋友就是一个我们away from, 能够…的人。


3.the first time i met …, he was …

policy, atmosphere, dialogue, beauty, 当我第一次遇到…的时候,他…。civilization, culture, nutrition, housing 4.friendship plays an important part

privacy, standard in …


Skin deep, superficial, stylish, 角色。fashionable, common, effective, 5.you can … to be a good friend.determined, 你可以…来成为别人的好朋友。

represent, lead, direct, have a 6.we can turn to...when we feel positive/negative effect on, affect the down.当我们心情糟糕时,可以求助lives of, spare no efforts to, turn sth.于…。

into reality, take much action to, take 7.… makes a good friend.…成measures to, 就好朋友。


8.a friend in need is a friend indeed.progress, growth, prosperity, luxury, 患难见真知。

biotechnology, income,9....is one of the things people value

increasing, Optimistic, pessimistic, most in a friend.financial, rapid … 是人们在朋友身上最重视 回归课本资料


decrease, boom, continue, come to a stop, get laid off, encourage flourish,环境

coast, climate, atmosphere, species,Environmental, ecological, endangered,Pollute, protect, preserve, establish,城市

subway, tunnels, skyscrapers, suspension bridges, theatres,Crowded, in harmony, private,Construct, rebuild, relocate, tear down, flood, blueprint,以 Make、get的搭配和动词短语为例来示范一下一个单词应该掌握到什么程度:

Make “做,制造”


make tea 沏茶

make bed 铺床

make suggestion 提建议

make faces做鬼脸


1.make it 成功,实现

We were surprised that he made it at last.2.make sense 有道理

Does your sentence make sense?

3.make the most of 充分利用

It is wise to make the most of the weekend.还有make friends with交朋友, make a fool of sb.开某人的玩笑,make room for sb.腾地方给某人,make way让路,make(full)use of 充分利用;等等

注意,make up有五种常用意义,分别是:



My family is made up of my parents and me.Mom, quite into her own look, makes up 5 times a day.When asked how she looks, Dad usually makes up some lies.But sometimes mom can tell and have fight with dad.Soon

afterward they will make up, because dad always makes up for her by doing some chores.原因和结果:reason(for), result;cause(of), effect;consequence

异同点与优缺点:difference , similarity; advantage/benefit , disadvantage 功能:function

观点与态度:opinion , view

(on/about), viewpoint , idea ;attitude to/towards

评论、评价:comment(on), remark(on/upon), assessment

表方式、方法:means , way , method(of);

solution , approach(to doing sth.);take measures to do sth.目的:purpose , aim , goal

积极和消极:positive ,negative;optimistic

建议: advice [u] , suggestion , tip

概括、总结: summary , conclusion 特点: feature , characteristic

种类:kind , type , category , class 精神上与身体上:mentally,physically 影响 : influence , impact , effect(on)

情形,状况 : situation,condition

建立:build , create , establish , found 7 回归课本资料


出现:appear ,occur(red)

I wish I could get away from school.现,完成:reach , realize , accomplish

4.get away with 被放过,不受惩罚 必要,必需 : must /necessity

You can never get away with 方面,项目条款:item / aspect cheating.材料 : materials

5.get on with 相处 知识消息:knowledge / information

The twins get on well with each 日程计划 : schedule / agenda

other.百分比:percentage 性别 :sex

年龄 : age 满意 :satisfaction

忧虑,担忧,焦急 : concern(不)熟悉 :familiar /unfamiliar

个人,个人的: individual 细节 :description , detail

文化 : culture 责任 :(take)responsibility

贡献 :(make)contributions to 重要 : value importance significance 比较 : contrast comparison

时期 : period / time

存在 : existence exist

花费 : cost / expense

人口 : population 天气与气候 : weather[u] / climate [c] 位置 : location 主题 : theme

背景 : setting,background 情节 : plot

高潮 : climax 结尾 :ending

反对者与支持者:supporter , opponent

Get “取得,成为”

1.get(the message)across 传达

The teacher got his idea across to student by drawing a picture.2.get ahead of 领先

If you want to get ahead of others, work harder.3.get away from 远离

6.get by 凑合,勉强维持

The cats cannot get by without food in winter.7.get hold of 抓住,得到

I didn’t get hold of the question in the test.8.get into/out of the habit 养成/改掉习惯

It takes nothing to get into a bad habit, but take a lot of things to get out of it.9.get over 克服(情绪),从……恢复

I haven’t never gotten over from the

shock that I failed the mid-term exam.10.get rid of 摆脱

I just want to get rid of the bad moods.8


1.Like----enjoy---be fond of Many teenagers are fond of playing computer games 2.Many---many a +n 3.beautiful----attractive Linzi, our home town, is an attractive city,which is situated on Zihe River.4.should-----be supposed to As a student,we are supposed to focus our attention on our studies.5.in fact---as a matter of fact Many a student thinks it difficult to study english well.As a matter of fact,if you try your best to learn english words by heart, I am sure you will have a good command of english.6.try one’s best---do one’s utmost-----spare no efforts to do

As the college entrance examination is coming/approaching(with the exam approaching),we all do our utmost to prepare for it 7.be good at /do well in----have a good command of 申请人要求要精通英语口语

Appicants are asked to have a good command of oral English 8.help---do sb a favor / give sb a hand I would appreciate it if you do me the favor.9.as soon as---the moment She called me the moment she arrived at the station.10 important /useful/valuable/helpful----be of great/vital +n The meeting held yesterday is of great importance 11.have an influence /effect on-----have a profound /far-reaching infuence /effect on What the teacher said had a far-reaching influence on me.12.play a role/part in---play a vital part in

The government is supposed to play a vital part in dealing with/settling pollution 13 have a good idea---a good idea occurred to sb What happened to tom? 在过去的十年里,我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。

In(over/during)the past/last ten years(decade),great changes have taken place in our hometown.14.have to do---can not but / can not help but I could not but go home.---I could not help but go home 15, for example----for instance 16 so/as long as(只要。。)---on condition that As long as / on condition that you spare no efforts to learn english words,you are sure to learn it well 17.suddenly—all of a sudden 18 first second----

作文常用句式: 1.感叹句

What an interesting story it is!==How interesting the story is!



在我陷入困境时,是妈妈鼓励我不要放弃的 是谁在操场上捡到的这个钱包?



Here comes the bus------here he comes There goes the bell Here you are

On the wall hangs a map of China.----on the top of the hill stands a tower

Only by working hard can we learn english well Only in this way can you learn English well.Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth

As 与though 引导的让步状语从句 Child as he is, he knows a lot Clever as he is, he doesn’t study well

Were I you ,I would take his advice


The reason why…is that…

What he said ….It is no doubt/wonder that… It is reported/said/estimated that It is generally accepted/agreed that It is about/high time that sb did sth

5.含分词短语作状语的简单句 /Hearing)the teacher's pleasant talk to us, we began to feel comfortable.Given)more time, we can do the work better.Seen)from the mountain, it(the city)looks very beautiful.Having put on the trousers, he found they were 2 inches too long.Doctor Bethune began to operate on the wounded soldiers as soon as he arrived(=On arriving)at the village.If weather permits(=Weather permitting), we will have a picnic.6.名言警句

As the saying goes: “

” 正如俗话所说


1.Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母

3.Where there is a will, there is a way / 有志者事竟成5.No pains, no gains.不劳不获

6.Diligence is the mother of success.勤奋是成功之母

7.You have to believe in yourself.That’s the secret of success.相信自己,这是成功的秘诀

9.God shuts one door but he opens another.天无绝人之路。

10.If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing well.凡值得做的事情都值得做好

19.Never say die.永不言败

20.Rome is not built in a day.冰冻三尺非一日之寒

22.Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent of perspiration.天才是百分之一的灵感加上百分之九十九的汗水


1.Knowledge is power.知识就是力量

3.The more you know, the more you find you don’t know.知之愈多,便觉知之愈少

5.Never too old to learn;never too late to turn.学习不厌老,改过不嫌迟

8.It’s never too late to learn.活到老,学到老

9.A good book is a good friend.好书如同挚友

10.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只会学习不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻

15.Imagination is more important than knowledge.想象力比知识更重要


1.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真交

3.Everything is good when new, but friend when old.东西都是新的好,朋友还是老的亲

8.Unity is strength.团结就是力量 健康篇

2.Health is better than wealth.家有万贯钱,不如身体健

3.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天一苹果,医生远离我5.A sound mind is in a sound body.健康的心理寓于健康的身体。

8.Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明 惜时篇

1.Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today.今日事,今日毕

2.Opportunity knocks at the door but once.机不可失,失不再来

3.Time and tide waits for no man.岁月不等人

5.Time is money;time is life.时间就是金钱,时间就是生命

6.Early birds catch the worms.早起的鸟儿有虫吃

16.To save time is to lengthen life.节约时间就是延长生命

18.The more we do, the more we can do;the busier we are, the more leisure we have.事越做越会做,人越忙越有空 哲理篇

1.Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩

2.All that glitters is not gold.发光的不一定是金子

6.Haste makes waste..欲速则不达

7.Said is easier than done.说来容易做起来难

8.Experience is the best teacher.经验是最好的老师

9.He who laughs last laughs best.谁笑到最后,谁笑的最好

11.Look before you leap.三思而后行

12.Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌

14.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧

15.Pride goes before a fall.骄者必败

16.Seeing is believing 眼见为实

17.Silence is golden.沉默是金

42.Well begun is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半

19.Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁

20.Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.做最好的打算,做最坏的准备

22.Beauty lies in lover’s eyes.情人眼里出西施

25.When in Rome , do as Romans do 入乡随俗

26.East or west, home is best.在家千日好,出门时时难

28.Every man has his faults.人孰能无过

31.No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息

32.Every coin has two sides.凡事都有利弊

33.Every man has his taste.人各有所好

36.Never judge from appearances.人不可貌相

37.A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林


第一类:人 第一种:健康

physical health 生理健康 mental fitness 心理健康 keep optimistic 保持乐观 pessimistic 悲观的 commit suicide 自杀

do physical exercises 进行体育锻炼 junk food 垃圾食品

well-balanced diet 均衡饮食 infectious diseases 传染病 anxiety 焦虑;渴望;挂念 despise 轻视,鄙视 disturbed 扰乱的 envious 嫉妒 admire 钦佩 esteem 尊重 grieved 伤心的

impatient 没有耐心的 courteous 礼貌 diligent 勤奋


generation gap 代沟

the old/aged/elders/elderly, senior citizensindependence独立 doting care溺爱 spoil溺爱

persistence坚持 success成功

Achievement 成就 成功 conquer 征服

surmount 克服,越过;战胜 triumph 胜利 acquire 获得 attainment 成就 innovation创新

striving spirit奋斗精神 determined spirit拼搏精神 outlook of life 人生观 confidence信心 difficulty 困难 challenge挑战

老年人 crisis危机

employment 就业

cooperation/teamwork合作 team spirit团队精神 pursue 追求 satisfy 满足

thirsty for 渴望 yearn for 渴望 bravery 勇气

indulge 放任,纵容 inspire 鼓舞 stimulate 激励 tolerate 容忍 第二类:社会

第一种:环境问题 contaminate 污染

environmental protection 环境保护 keep ecological balance 保持生态平衡

sustainable development strategy可持续发展战略 save the energy 节约能源(节能)

reduce the emission of greenhouse gases 减少温室气体排放(减排)greenhouse effect 温室效应

clean renewable energy 清洁再生能源 low carbon economy 低碳经济 disaster 灾难 catastrophe 灾难

deforestation 滥砍滥伐 desertification 沙漠化

water and soil erosion 水土流失 sandstorm 沙尘暴 snowstorm 雪灾 typhoon 台风 flood洪水

earthquake 地震 第二种:义务与责任

责任:duty/responsibility 责任感:sense of responsibility 承担:shoulder/assume/undertake 逃避:avoid/shun/shirk 奉献:devote/devotion/dedicate/dedication 职业道德:professional ethics 欺诈行为:dishonest behaviors 伪劣产品:fake commodities 虐待:abuse错误 mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat(ment)赡养:do good to, care, look after, take care of, financially support 扭转趋势:reverse the trend 第三类:文化 第一种:好

cultural exchange 文化交流

cultural integration/blending 文化融合

multi-culture, mosaic culture, pluralistic culture 多元文化 preserve and cherish 保存珍惜 absorb its essence 取其精华 Cross-cultural 跨文化的

cultural differences 文化差异 diversity 多样性 tradition 传统 treasure 财富 civilization 文明 mainstream 主流

diploma 学历 学位证书 第二种:坏

去其糟粕:resist its dark side 学术抄袭:academic plagiarism 偶像崇拜:idol worship 上网成瘾:web addiction 数码产品:digital products 电子游戏:electronic games 手机入网:mobile-phone subscription 手机短信:text message 电子媒体: electronic media 大众媒体: mass media 流行文化:popular culture 反智主义: anti-intellectualism



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