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Unit 1

1.他们发现要掌握一门外语是困难的。(find it hard to)

They find it hard to master ['mɑ:stə] a foreign language.2.这项研究表明成功人士在许多方面是相似的。(similar)

The research shows that successful people are similar in many ways.3.成功的语言学习者不只依赖书本或者教师。(depend on)

Successful language learners do not just depend on books or teachers.4.我们愿意帮助我们的朋友。(be willing to)

We're willing to help our friends.5.我们应该独立地,积极地并且有目的地学习新东西。(purposefully)

We should learn new things independently, actively and purposefully.Unit 2


China leads [li:d] the world with its silk products ['prɔdʌkt].2.除了收入所得税外,有些州还要收购物税。(in addition to, charge [tʃɑ:dʒ]

Some states [steit] charge a sales [seilz] tax in addition [ə'diʃən] to income tax.所得税 3.销售税随你所购物品的价格而变。(vary ['vεəri] with)goods [ɡudz] n.商品;动产

Sales tax varies with the prices of the goods you buy.4.人们总是在抱怨着不断上涨的物价。(complain about)rising ['raiziŋ] adj.上升的;上涨的

People are always complaining about the rising prices.5.妈妈说他每天花太多的时间看电视。(spend…in)

Mother said he spent too much time in watching TV each day.Unit 3


The sailors are afraid that they may meet bad weather.2.这座山有泰山的一半高。(half as…as)

This mountain is half as high as Mount Tai.3.这所学校平均每个班有45人。(on the average)['ævəridʒ] n.平均adj.平均的

On the average, there are 45 students in each class of the school.4.气候对植物的生长有影响。(affect [ə'fekt] vt.影响)climate ['klaimit] n.气候

Climate affects the growth [ɡrəuθ] of plants.5.我的工作越积越多。(pile [pail] vi.积累 up)

My work keeps piling up.Unit 4

1.他们的研究主要集中在成年人的学习技能上。(focus ['fəukəs] vi.集中n.焦点 on)

mainly ['meinli] adv.主要地skill [skil] n.技能,技巧

Their research mainly focuses on the learning skills of adults.2.知道这些短语怎么用是很有意义的。(It is meaningful to…)meaningful ['mi:niŋful] 有意义的

It is meaningful to know how to use these phrases.[freiz] 3.成年组由15人组成。(consist of)组成

The adult group组 consists[kən'sist] of 15 people.4.不用说,我们都很清楚这些事实。(needless ['ni:dlis]to say)不必要的

Needless [ni:dlis]to say, we are all clear about the facts[fækt].n.事实

5.记忆力指的是记住过去的事件和经历的能力。(refer [ri'fə:] to vi.涉及,the ability [ə'biliti] to)n.能力。event [i'vent] n.事件experience [ik'spiəriəns] n.经验

Memory refers to the ability to remember the past events and experiences.6.我总是把那支歌同我的学校生活联系起来。associate [ə'səuʃieit] with v.联合;与…联系在一起

I always associate that song with my school life.Unit 5

1.我们还没有找到一个代替他的人。(substitute ['sʌbstitju:t ] for)n.代替者

We haven't found a substitute for him yet.2.孩子们很愿意成为像电影中英雄们那样强壮勇敢的人。(be eager ['i:ɡə] to)adj.渴望的 brave [breiv] adj.勇敢的n.勇士hero ['hiərəu] n.英雄;男主角

Children are eager to become as strong and brave as the heroes in films.3.他被我们认为是我们当中跑得最快的人。(supposed [sə'pəuz] to)猜想vt.假设

He is supposed to be the fastest runner among us.4.有些故事流传很广,而另外一些故事却不是这样。(widespread ['waid'spred] adj.普遍的,广泛的

Some stories are widespread, while others are not.5.事实上,肉和土豆是可以同时吃的。(as a matter ['mætə] n.物质of fact)事实上

As a matter of fact, meat and potatoes can be eaten together.6.人们常把学校看成是一个小社会。(think of…as)把…看作是society [sə'saiəti] n.社会

People often think of a school as a small society.Unit 6

1.请把你要的东西清理出来并把其余的全扔掉。(sort [sɔ:t] n.种类out)挑选出 Please sort out what you want and throw away the rest--把其余的全扔掉

2.这部电梯的价钱比预计的要稍高一些。(somewhat)稍微n.几分expect [ik'spekt] vi.期待;预期

The price of the lift is somewhat higher than expected.3.这些图案十分受青年人欢迎。(be popular with)design [di'zain] n.设计;图案 These designs are very popular with young people.4.他不写了,因为他的笔没有墨水了。(run out of)用完ink [iŋk] n.墨水,墨汁;油墨 He stopped writing because his pen had run out of ink.5.有经验的人能够立即辨别出来哪个是真的。(experienced [ik'spiəriənst] 富有经验的, i immediately [i'mi:diətli] adv.直接地,立即

Experienced people can tell immediately which one is real.Unit 7

1.在现代家庭中父母都挣钱养家。(earn [ə:n] vt.获得,挣得)modern ['mɔdən] adj.现代的

In a modern family, parents both earn money for the family.2.她是一名教师,而她的哥哥是一名工程师。(while)conj.当……的时候;虽然;然而

She is a teacher, while her brother is an engineer.3.按传统,中国青年在长大成家之前一直与父母同住。(traditionally [trə'diʃənəli] adv.传统上, until)

Traditionally, Chinese young people live with their parents until they grow up and marry.结婚

4.所有的老师都很关心我学习方面的进步。(care for)['prəuɡres] n.进步,发展;前进 All the teachers care for my progress in study.5.在一些家庭中,父母双方都是既工作又照顾家和孩子。(take care of)

In some families, both parents work and take care of the house and children.6.这个组分成了两个,因为它太大了。split [split] vt.劈开;分离;使分离

The group was split up into two because it’s too big.7.他们计划扩展他们在这个领域中的研究。extend [ik'stend] vt.延伸;扩大field ['fi:ld] n.领域

They plan to extend their research in this field.8.两年前她同丈夫离了婚。(divorce [di'vɔ:s] n.离婚;分离 She divorced her husband two years ago.Unit 8

1.卫星不仅能够传送电视广播,而且能够传送电话。(capable ['keipəbl] adj.能干的,能胜任的of)有…能力的 satellite ['sætəlait] n.人造卫星;卫星transmite [trænz'mit]: 传送 ;传输broadcast ['brɔ:dkɑ:st]

Satellites are capable of transmitting not only TV broadcasts but also phone calls.2.从理论上讲,每个人都可以受到教育。theory ['θiəri] n.理论;原理;学说;推测educate ['edju:keit] vt.教育;培养

In theory, everyone can be educated.3.你应该按医生的指导去服这种药。(follow…instructions)instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.指令,命令;指示

You should follow the doctor's instructions on how to take the medicine.4.计算机系统可以同时传送声音和图像。(as well as也;和…一样)transmit [trænz'mit] vt.传达;遗传vi.发射信号

A computer system can transmit sounds as well as pictures at the same time.5.是现代技术使我们走向成功。(lead to导致;通向

technology [tek'nɔlədʒi] n.工艺;术语;技术 It is modern technology that leads us to success.6.这个病人应该与其他病人隔离开。isolate ['aisəleit] vi.孤立;隔离adj.隔离的patient ['peiʃənt]


This patient should be isolated from other patients.7.这个士兵表现出勇气和技能。display [,dis'plei] n.显示;炫耀courage ['kʌridʒ] n.勇气;胆量 The soldier displayed courage and skills.8.他的实验充分证明了那条心理学原理。demonstrate ['demənstreit] vt.证明;论证experiment [ik'speriment] n.实验,试验psychological [,psaikə'lɔdʒikəl] adj.心理的;心理学的principle ['prinsəpl] n.原理,原则

His experiment fully demonstrated that psychological principle.Unit 9

1.成功属于那些努力工作的人。apply [ə'plai] vi.申请;适用

Success belongs to those who apply themselves to work.2.到了那个国家以后,他发现几乎没有什么场合可以说汉语。occasion [ə'keiʒən] n.场合;时机

After getting to that country, he found there were few occasions to speak Chinese.3.相互理解对于友谊是至关重要的。(of…importance to)mutual ['mju:tʃuəl] adj.相互的,彼此

Mutual understanding is of great importance to friendship.4.世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶。(no)leaf n.叶子

No two leaves are the same in the world.或There are no two same leaves in the world.5.我说他们是朋友,并不是指他们什么都分享。(When I say…I do not mean)share [ʃεə] vt.分享,分担

When I say they are friends, I don't mean they share everything.6.会议涉及贸易和农业concern [kən'sə:n] n.关心;关系

The meeting concerns trade and agriculture.7.如果形势变坏,可能出现严重问题。(come up)走近;发生situation [sitju'eiʃən] n.位置;形势

If the situation becomes worse, serious problems may come up.8.我宁愿今天去,不愿意明天去。(rather than)宁可…也不愿

I would rather go today than tomorrow.9.汽车是由许多不同的零件构成的。(make up)弥补;组成

A car is made up of many different parts.10.那个逃跑了的囚犯仍然逍遥法外。(at large)escape [i'skeip] vt.逃避,避免prisoner ['prizənə] n.囚犯,犯人

The escaped prisoner is still at large.Unit 10

1.人类曾好奇为什么鸟会飞,而人不会。wonder ['wʌndə] n.惊奇;奇迹

Man once wondered why birds could fly but he couldn’t.2.这个小孩把玩具拆开了,却不知道如何再组装起来。(take apart, put together)

The child took apart the toy, but didn't know how to put it together.3.不管发生什么,他们都将完成这个实验。(regardless of, 不顾,不管

carry out)vt.执行,实行

They'll carry out the experiment regardless of what happens.4.虽然她很累,可她仍然乐于助人。(willing to)though [ðəu] conj.虽然;尽管 Though very tired, she was still willing to help others.5.我们不应该嘲笑犯错误的人。(laugh at)嘲笑;因…而发笑

We shouldn't laugh at people who make mistakes.6.我们决心寻求这些问题的答案。, determine [di'tə:min] vt.决定;使…下定决心

We are determined to seek the answers to the questions.7.根据我们目前的知识, 这一发现可以被认为是可接受的。(in the light of根据,按照, finding, acceptable [ək'septəbl] adj.可接受的In the light of our present knowledge, this finding may be regarded as acceptable.8.你们应该使自己适应新的环境。(adapt [ə'dæpt] 适应…to)使…适应

You should adapt yourselves to the new environment [in'vaiərənmənt] 环境,外界

Unit 11

1.这家商店在邻近地区贴了许多广告。(put up)推举,提名

This shop put up many ads in the neighborhood.2.有一些人厌倦了现代化的城市生活而搬到农村去住。(be fed up with)对…感到厌烦 Some people are fed up with modern city life and move to the country.3.我上个星期在公园碰到了我的一位朋友。(run across)跑着穿过

I ran across one of my friends in the park last week.4.他没带钱,所以他注定会回来的。(be bound[baund] to)必然;一定要 He took no money with him, so he is bound to come back.5.他现在正面临一个十分重要的问题。(be faced with)面临;面对 He is now faced with a very important problem.6.所有没用的物品都应扔掉。(get rid [rid] 使摆脱of)摆脱,除去useless ['ju:slis] 无用的 All the useless things should be got rid of.7.我们的责任是去满足人民日益增长的需要。(ever-increasing)['evə in'kri:siŋ] 不断增长的

Our duty is to meet people's ever-increasing needs.8.所有货物的价格都是原来的一半。(be priced at)被定价在

All the goods are priced at half of their original [ə'ridʒənəl] 原物;原作cost.9.这音乐实在使我感到厌烦。(turn…off)

The music really turns me off.10.他在这本书里清楚地列出了他的观点。(set out)

He set out his ideas clearly in this book.Unit 12

1.人们普遍认为语言是不断发展和变化的。(It is widely believe [bi'li:v] 信任)普遍认为

It is widely believed that languages are always developing开发;使成长and changing.2.她被认为是城里最好的医生。(be regarded as)被认为是;被当做是

She is regarded as the best doctor of the town.3.这些书在图书馆里是按照作者名字的顺序摆放的。(according to)按照author ['ɔ:θə] 作家

These books are displayed in the library according to the order of the authors' names.4.这些孩子们受其父母的影响很深。influence ['influəns] 影响;势力

The children are deeply influenced by their parents.5.他们对我的结论的真实性提出质疑。dispute [dis'pju:t] 辩论;阻止

They disputed the truthfulness真实;正当of my conclusion.6.这孩子是在一个偏远的山村中长大的。(bring up)教育;养育remote [ri'məut] 偏僻的mountain ['mauntin] 山脉;山mount山峰

The child was brought up in a remote mountain village.7.当你遇到生字时,并不总需要查字典.(look up查阅;尊敬dictionary ['dikʃənəri] 字典;词典

When you run across a new word, you needn’t always look it up in a dictionary.8.你一旦染上了坏习惯,就很难除掉。(get into)进入;陷入rid [rid] 使去掉;使摆脱

Once you get into a bad habit, it is hard to get rid of.9.就我知识所及,鱼是最好的补脑的食物这种看法不是荒谬的。(to the best of)就…所及 To the best of my knowledge, it is not foolish that fish is the best brain food.Unit 13

1.当陌生人站在你家门前时,你应该有所提防。(be on guard [ɡɑ:d] 守卫;警戒)警惕 ;防范 stranger ['streidʒə] 陌生人;外地人

You should be on guard when a stranger stands at your door.2.事实上,我们找这本书的时间跟读这本书的时间差不多。(in effect [i'fekt] 影响)实际上;生效 In effect, we spent almost差不多as much time looking for this book as reading it.3.她的信使我想起了我们曾一起度过的好时光。(remind)

Her letter reminded me of the happy time we spent together.4.除了少数专业保险人员外,大多数人不完全了解保险是什么。(professional)

Most people but a few insurance professionals don't fully understand what insurance is.5.这个方法是经过验证的,他仍然是行之有效的。(proven证明;检验, effective [i'fektiv] 有效的,起作用的

This method ['meθəd] 方法has been proven and it’s still effective.6.他充其量不过能做去年的一半那么多。(at best)最多

At best he can do half of what he did last year.7.我突然想起来他已经两个月没交所得税了。occur [ə'kə:] 发生;出现

It occurs to me that he hasn't paid income tax for two months.8.他在这所学院主修发动机工艺。major ['meidʒə] 主要的

He majors in engine technology in this college.Unit 14

1.他在听那场长而无聊的报告时睡着了。(fall asleep)入睡;睡着

He fell asleep when he was listening to the long and boring report.2.他们甚至没有意识到这是一种好习惯。(aware)[ə'wεə] 意识到的

They are not even aware that this is not a good habit.3.我们应该学会尊重对方,避免摩擦或冲突。(friction['frikʃən] 摩擦力, conflict 【'kɔnflikt]冲突,矛盾

We should learn to respect others to avoid friction or conflict.4.他们发誓不管发生什么,他们都会完成这项工作。swear [swεə] 诅咒;发誓

They swear that they will finish the work whatever happens.5.那些不懂礼貌的人迟早要为此付出代价。(sooner ['su:nə]or later迟早,早晚 , pay the price)付出代价

Those who don’t understand manners will pay the price sooner or later.6.我不渴。请不必费心为我泡茶。bother ['bɔðə] 烦恼;操心

I'm not thirsty.Please don't bother to make tea for me.7.他对工作的态度深深地打动了我。impress [im'pres] 印象印记attitude ['ætitju:d] 态度;姿势

I'm deeply impressed by his attitude to work.Unit 15

1.和谈对两国的关系有着持久的影响。(have…effect on)对…有…影响

Peace talks have a long-lasting effect on the relationship between the two countries.2.假若健康情况良好,我希望今年完成这项工作。given ['ɡivən] 赠予的

Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.3.我必须指出不犯错误是不现实的。(point out)指出,指明 I must point out that it’s unrealistic not to make mistakes.4.许多年轻人对足球很狂热。(crazy about)热衷,着迷

Many young people are crazy about football.5.我认为你的计划很好,可是有没有别的计划取代它呢?alternative [ɔ:l'tə:nətiv] 供选择的;选择性的

I think your plan is very good, but are there any other alternatives?


We should learn to distinguish right from wrong.7.你可以对这个术语作多种解释。interpret [in'tə:prit] 解释;翻译

You can interpret the term in many ways.8.他对这件事采取坚定的态度。adopt [ə'dɔpt] 收养;采取

He adopted a firm attitude to this matter.9.母亲的话暗示孩子们每星期可看两次电视imply [im'plai] 暗示;意味 Mother's words imply that children may watch TV twice a week.他的工作是监听某一外国的无线电广播。monitor ['mɔnitə] 监视器;监听器

broadcast ['brɔ:dkɑ:st] 广播,播送;播放

His job is to monitor a foreign broadcast.Unit 16


China has been developing at a high speed in the past 20 years.2.技术进步使人们生活得更舒适愉快。(technological advance技术进步, enable [i'neibl] 使成为可能

Technological advances enable people to live more happily and comfortably.3.毫无疑问,人们越来越重视身体健康。(there is no doubt [daut] 怀疑;疑问that)毫无疑问的是

There is no doubt that people are paying more and more attention to their health.4.人们常鼓励孩子们去想象而不是去模仿。(encourage [in'kʌridʒ] 鼓励)imitate ['imiteit] 模仿,People often encourage children to imagine rather than imitate.5.我们必须依靠自己的努力去把科研成果转变成生产力。(rely on)依靠,依赖

We must rely on our own efforts to turn the research findings into productivity.6.由于做了认真的准备,心脏手术进行得很成功。(as a result of)因此,由于preparation [,prepə'reiʃən] 预备;准备, surgery ['sə:dʒəri] 外科;外科手术perform [pə'fɔ:m] 执行;完成

As a result of careful preparation,the heart surgery was successfully performed.7.学生们从他的讲课中受益匪浅。(benefit ['benifit] 利益,好处from)得益于;得利于

The students benefit a lot from his lessons.8.谁应对这次行动负全部责任?(take…responsibility [ri,spɔnsə'biləti] 责任,职责for)对…负责 Who should take full responsibility for the action ['ækʃən] 行动;活动? Unit 17

1.这些天他常遭受头痛的困扰。(suffer ['sʌfə] 忍受from)忍受,遭受;患…病

He is suffering from a headache these days.2.现在已经有许多种关于这种病的起因的解释。(as to)

There have been a lot of explanations as to the causes of the disease.3.研究表明,大量饮酒和吸烟的人更容易患心脏病。(suffer)

Studies show that people who drink and smoke a lot are more likely to suffer heart attacks.4.一些不良的生活习惯会威胁人的身体健康endanger [in'deindʒə] 危及;使遭到危险

Some bad living habits may endanger a person's health.5.寻求心理帮助对于某些病人来说是十分必要的。(to seek psychological help)

It is very necessary for some patients to seek psychological help.6.到目前为止,还不能排除地震的可能性。(as yet)

As yet, we can't rule out the chance of an earthquake.7.地板太薄承受不了机器的重量。(bear)

The floor is too thin to bear the weight of the machine.8.有关签订协议的消息尚未得到证实。(confirm)

The news about signing the agreement hasn’t been confirmed.9.无休止的争论最终打乱了我们的计划。(eventually, disrupt)

The endless dispute eventually disrupted our plan.10.那位作者的名字在这篇文章里提到好几次。(mention)

The author's name was mentioned several times in this article.Unit 18

1.直到半夜才发现孩子们并不在他们的卧室里。(not until)

It was not until midnight that the children were found not in their bedroom.2.我们的结论基于全部可获得的知识,而不是基于猜测和想象。(rather than)

Our conclusion is based on all available knowledge rather than guess or imagination.3.她以故事的形式把她的过去讲给我们听。(in the form of)

She told us her past in the form of a story.4.他的统计根本不准确。(far from)

His stats are far from right.5.根据安排,我们今天将参观颐和园。(in accordance with)

In accordance with the arrangement, we'll visit the Summer Palace today.6.你可以充分信赖他的许诺。(place…reliance on)

You can place full reliance on his promise.7.他的观点仅供你参考。(reference)

His point of view is only for your reference.8.这两年中他们进行了多项科学试验。(attempt)

They have attempted many scientific experiments in the past two years.Unit 19

1.他发现要赶上物理学的进展很难。(keep pace with)

He finds it hard to keep pace with the progress of physics.2.现在,中国可以与世界上大多数国家竞争。(compete with)

China can now compete with most countries in the world.3.只要我们努力,就完全有可能做得更好。(there is every likelihood that…)

There is every likelihood that we'll do better as long as we try.4.越来越多的人开始关心我们的自然环境。(be concerned about)

More and more people begin to be concerned about our natural environment.5.这艘战舰装备了核武器。(be armed with)

The warship is armed with nuclear weapons.6.如果你不泄露给任何人,我就告诉你实情。(provided)

I'll tell you the truth provided you don't tell it to anyone.7.我们非常高兴他这次心脏病发作后能活下来。(survive)

We're very glad that he has survived his heart attack.18.老虎在我国灭绝的危险不容忽视。(ignore)

The danger that tigers may be extinct in our country can’t be ignored.Unit 20

 1.这些商品的价格从几美元到数百美元不等。range [reindʒ]from vi.平行,列为一行n.范围;幅度several ['sevərəl] adj.几个的;各自的

The prices of the goods range from several dollars to hundreds of dollars.2.除了你要的苹果之外,我还给你买了些橘子。(in addition to)除…之外

I bought some oranges for you in addition to the apples you want.3.他的外国朋友已经习惯在中国的生活了。(become used to)

His foreign friend has become used to the life in China.4.美国人用餐时先喝汤,最后吃水果。(end up with)

At meals, Americans start with soup and end up with fruits.5.房子外面有一个陌生人。我已经注意他好一会儿了。(keep an eye on…)

Outside the house is a stranger.I have kept an eye on him for a while.6.请带把伞以防下雨。(in case)

Please take an umbrella in case it rains.7.你能容忍这种骗局吗?(tolerate 或tolerant of)

Can you tolerate such a fraud?或Are you tolerant of such a fraud?


The crops are being threatened by a long drought.9.公司以切断供水来威胁居民。(threaten)

The company threatened the residents with cutting off water supply.10.他不在乎价格,只要质量最好就行。(care about, so long as)

He doesn't care about the price so long as the quality is good.Unit 21

1.我们的战士知道如何牵制敌人。(pin down)

Our soldiers know how to pin down the enemy.2.他常将自己和班上的其他同学相比较。(compare…with)

He often compares himself with the others in his class.3.与其说他是个歌手,倒不如说他是个做曲家。(not so much…as)

He is not so much a singer as a composer.4.经理不在时,谁来代替他?(in place of)

Who will be in place of the manager when he is away?

5.在两小时内把试卷做完对汤姆来说是办不到的。(It is out of the question for…to)

It is out of the question for Tom to finish the test paper in two hours.Unit 22

1.他留出半个小时让我们提问题。(set aside)

He set aside half an hour for us to ask questions.2.进一步的研究使我们确信这个结果是正确的。(assure…that…)

Further study assured us that the result was correct.3.这位著名的作家正忙着写一部小说。(be engaged in)

The famous writer is engaged in writing a novel.4.这场水灾是那场大雨引起的。(reason for)

The heavy rain is the reason for the flood.5.这个年轻人有能力找到解决这个问题的正确方法。(capable of, approach to)

The young man is capable of finding a right approach to the problem.Unit 23


He is embarrassed for lake of money.2.他对这个消息有什么反应?(reaction)

What is his reaction to the news?

3.在解放军战士的帮助下,火势很快就被控制住了。(bring under control)

With the help of the PLA men, the fire was soon brought under control.4.他的讲话赢得了听众的赞许。(approval)

His speech won the listeners’ approval.5.不要乱动我的录音机。(fiddle with)

Don't fiddle with my radio.6.一个人的好恶可随环境变化。(likes and dislikes)

One's likes and dislikes may change with the environment.7.他对她缺乏耐心表示不满。(frown at)

He frowned at her lack of patience.Unit 24

1.我们应当加倍努力,以加速社会主义建设。(double, speed up)

We should double our efforts to speed up the socialist construction.2.该国领导人的访问非常有助于两国的相互了解。(contribute to)

The visit of the country's leader contributed much to the mutual understanding between the two


The talk had to be canceled because both sides reached no agreement.4.在危险面前,他们表现出极大的勇气。(in the face of)

In the face of danger, they showed great courage.5.最后的但并不是最不重要的一点,我们必须找到和平解决问题的方法。(Last but not least, solution to)

Last but not least, we must find a peaceful solution to the problem.6.他的成功不是靠运气,而是靠能力。(owe to)

His success doesn’t owe to luck but to his ability.8.很多英语词源自法语。(derive from)

Many English words derive from French.Unit 25

1.诚实是儿童的特点。(characteristic of)

Honesty is characteristic of children.2.父亲不同意女儿嫁给那个贫穷的小伙子。(disapprove of)

The father disapproved of his daughter marrying that poor guy.3.需要是发明之母。(necessity)

Necessity is the mother of invention.4.史密斯回故乡,除了做其它事以外,是为了看看他的母亲。(among other things)

Smith went back to his hometown, among other things, to see his mother.5.他们一点也不理解这条原理。(not in the least)

They didn't understand the principle in the least.6.关于价格,我们认为它太高了。(with regard to)

With regard to the price, we think it is too high.下册

Unit 1


His friend accompanied him to the concert.2.他已说服她改变决定。(argue…out of)

He has argued her out of her decision.3.在某种程度上,他的成功是由于幸运。(in part)

In part, his success is due to luck.4.按照他的建议,手续已经大大简化。(simplify)

According to his suggestion, the procedure has been greatly simplified.5.电台预报明天天气会变冷。(predict)

The radio predicts that it will become cold tomorrow.6.运动的定义是位置或地方的改变。(define as)

Movement is defined as a change in position or place.Unit 2


A black hole exerts a strong gravitation.2.由于管理不善,他的公司垮台了。(collapse)

His company collapsed because of poor management.3.80年代我国发射了多颗卫星。(launch)

In the 1980's our country launched several satellites.4.药物开始见效了吗?(operate)

Does the medicine begin to operate?

5.他的身影消失在黑暗中。(swallow up)

His figure was swallowed up in the dark.Unit 3


They requested that the prisoners be set free.2.他的才能将保证他得到成功。(ensure)

His talents will ensure his success.3.他们正准备展开一场全国性的争论。(open up)

They are going to open up a nationwide debate.4.他对天气变化很敏感。(sensitive to)

He is very sensitive to the changes of weather.5.近年来他的工作质量逐渐下降。(deteriorate)

In recent years the quality of his work is deteriorating.6.水的污染使居民们容易得病。(vulnerable to)

The polluted water makes the residents vulnerable to illness.Unit 4


Resources should be exploited properly.2.这项命令执行得很好。(execute)

The order was executed very well.3.这个项目值得进一步调查。(deserve或deserving of)

This project deserves further investigation.4.我们已将费用减至最低额。(minimum)

We have reduced the cost to the minimum.5.不论她如何说,我也不相信这个消息。(despite)

I will not believe the news despite what she says.6.这条小船能把他们运到河的那边吗?(bring over)

Can this boat bring them over to the other side of the river?

Unit 5


This chapter is about the transformation from heat energy into power.2.一群人自发地聚集在事故现场。(spontaneously)

A group of people gathered spontaneously on the spot of the accident.3.这次争吵是由误会引起的。(originate)

This quarrel originated from misunderstanding.4.1949年后,军队接管了这个城市。(take over)

The army took over the city after 1949.5.为了你的健康,你不该承担太繁重的工作。(take on)

You should not take on too much work for the sake of your health.Unit 6

1.在关键时刻,我们应该有能力面对一切困难。(critical, capable of)

At the critical moment, we should be capable of facing all difficulties.2.对那个问题进行考虑后,他们把注意力转移到别的事情上去了。(switch)

After considering that problem, they switched their attention to other things.3.把漆喷在桌子上。(spray)

Spray paint on the table.4.我们应该让孩子们接触新思想。(expose)

We should expose children to new ideas.5.我们有大量的自然资源。(plenty of)

We have plenty of natural resources.6.对于她对法律的无知,他持批评态度。(critical of)

He is critical of her ignorance of the law.7.在过去的三年里他从一个职业转向另一个职业。(switch)

He switched from one job to another in the past three years.Unit 7


He always takes a positive attitude in correcting the students’ mistakes.2.旅客在登机前必须在提包上栓上标签。(attach to)

Passengers have to attach tags to their bags before getting on the plane.3.他的肤色与他是否是个好律师无关。(relevant to)

His skin color is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.4.一艘船在大雾中隐隐出现。(loom)

A ship was looming in the heavy fog.5.我方什么也没有做错。(on one's part)

There is nothing wrong on our part.6.学校应该把学生的全面发展作为自己的目标。(set…as objective)

Schools should set students’ overall development as objective.Unit 8


We should promote mutual understanding between our two countries.2.这个计划似乎是可行的。(feasible)

The plan seems feasible.3.他同现代生活不合拍。(out of step)

He is out of step with modern life.4.要战胜困难,首先我们要战胜自己。(overcome)

To overcome hardships, we should first overcome ourselves.5.在他的思想和行动之间存在很大差异。(lag)

There exists a big lag between his thought and action.6.那位模特正在寻找一个机会来有利地显示自己。(to advantage)

The model is seeking a chance to show herself to advantage.7.你的假设不是建立在充分的事实基础上的。(assumption)

Your assumption isn’t based on enough facts.Unit 9


He always neglects his own health.2.这件商品的价格与它的价值很不相称。(out of proportion to)

The price of this article is quite out of proportion to its value.3.他对事件的描述接近事实。(approximate to)

His account of the event approximates to the fact.4.他勉强承认了他声明中的谬误之处。(acknowledge)

He unwillingly acknowledged the errors in his statement.5.热烈的喝采表达了他们对演出的赞赏。(appreciation)

Warm cheers expressed their appreciation to the performance.6.记忆可分为长期记忆和短期记忆。(classify)

Memory can be classified as long-term memory and short-term memory.7.情况发生了根本的变化。(alter)

Things have completely altered.Unit 10


His return to the country will have a great impact on the political circles.2.每个人都应关心自己国家的未来。(concerned about)

Everyone should be concerned about the future of his own country.3.香港回归在世界各地引起了很大的震动。(stir)

The return of Hong Kong caused a great stir all over the world.4.我认为那个被偷的录音机是我的。(identify…as)

I identify the stolen radio as mine.5.他是该校最有权威的代表之一。(representative)

He is one of the most powerful representatives of the school.6.他已决心攻读硕士研究生。(pursue)

He is determined to pursue a master’s degree.Unit 11


The artist reproduced every detail of your features in the portrait.2.我们应该力争达到更高的生产率。(aim for)

We should aim for higher productivity.3.他提供了对这一问题极为重要的论据。(central to)

He offered the argument central to the problem.4.我认为他的话不切我们的话题。(irrelevant to)

I think what he said is irrelevant to our topic.5.由于越来越多的人进入到这座城市,这座城市的治安正发生变化。(undergo)

As more and more people are entering the city, the public order of the city is undergoing a change.Unit 12

1.充其量有100人参加了会议。(at best)

At best 100 people attended the meeting.2.他用两年时间写完一本书,叫做《往事反思》。(reflection)

He spent two years writing a book Reflections on the Past.或者It took him two years to write a book Reflections on the Past.3.我们应该正视生活中的困难,而不是逃避它们。(confront)

We should confront the hardships in our life but not escape them.4.老师的赞赏增强了他的信心。(enhance)

The teacher's praise enhanced his confidence.5.当锻炼想象力时,你应摆脱常规的思维模式。(free from)

You should be free from your normal thinking mode when training your imagination.6.你在安装设备之前要把说明书先看一遍。(go over)

Go over the manual before installing the equipment.Unit 13


He is unwilling to undertake this job.2.一个人的外貌和他的品质常常不一致。(coincide)

A person's appearance often does not coincide with his quality.3.这个男孩喜欢集邮。(go in for)

The boy goes in for collecting stamps.4.雨迫使我们停赛。(compel)

The rain compelled us to stop the match.5.信息对他有很大价值。(of…value)

Information is of great value to him.6.他通过努力工作赢得了许多人的尊敬。(earn)

He earned many people's respect by working hard.7.这家公司在北京又设立了一个分部.(division)

The company set up another division in Beijing.8.所有的错误都应从这篇文章里清除掉。(eliminate)

All mistakes in the article should be eliminated.Unit 14

1.探险者们在美洲东部开辟了一片土地。(open up)

The explorers opened up a piece of land in Eastern America.2.此人声称他的建议被忽视了。(allege)

The man alleged that his suggestion was ignored.3.我怀疑他没能有效地控制时间。(suspect)

I suspected that he couldn’t control his time effectively.4.他们的努力不起作用。(to no avail)

Their efforts were to no avail.5.你能对这一结论发表意见吗?(comment on)

Can you comment on the conclusion?

6.他相信某些植物物种正受到灭绝的威胁。(convince 或to be convinced)

He is convinced that some plant species are under the threat of extinction.Unit 15


The ultimate duty lies in the headmaster.2.技术员掌握了珍贵的数据资料。(possess)

The technician possessed valuable data.3.他曾梦想用爱战胜敌对。(conquer)

He dreamed of conquering hostility with love.4.两个双胞胎如此相似,以至于很难区分他们。(distinguish between)

The twins are so much alike that it's very hard to distinguish between them.5.我们必须仔细考虑电视中暴力行为对儿童的影响。(reflect on)

We must reflect on the influence of the TV violence on children.6.一切非法建筑物都必须拆除。(pull down)

All illegal buildings must be pulled down.7.好书的产生是努力工作的结果。(come about)

Good books come about from hard work.8.当你的朋友吵架时,你应该帮助他们和解。(come to terms)

When your friends quarrel, you should help them come to terms


1.She is so shy that she dare not sing in public.她很腼腆,不敢在众人面前唱歌。

2.According to the author’s advice, when in Rome we should do asthe Romans do.根据作者的建议,我们应该入乡随俗。

3.The man walks ahead of the women so as to open thedoorforthem.那位男士走在一群女士前面以便为她们开门。

4.As far as greeting styleis concerned,there are big differences between Chinese and Western cultures.就打招呼的方式而言,中国文化和西方文化之间存在很大的差异。

5.Honesty deserves respect more than anything else.诚实比任何东西都更能赢得别人的尊重。

6.We aren’t supposed to smoke in the classroom.我们不应该在教室吸烟。

7.One important aspect of good manners is to respect, understand and help others.尊重别人,理解别人,帮助别人等是礼貌的重要方面。

8.The Golden Rule for maintaining friendship is trusting eachother.信任对方是保持友谊的金科玉律。

Unit 2

1.In general, people living in a good environment live longer.一般说来,生活在良好环境里的人容易长寿。

2.The government required that the factory be closed to make sure that the tourist sitewould not be polluted.政府要求关闭那家工厂以确保这一旅游胜地不受到污染。

3.We would rather move away because the noise here is too loud.我们宁愿搬走,因为这里的噪音太厉害了。

4.Xiao Ming hit on a good idea to deal with the polluted water.小名想到一个处理废水的好办法。

5.The street is clean at one time, and very dirty at another time.这条街一会儿干干净净,一会儿又很脏。

6.Whether a restaurant can attract customers always depends on its environment.饭店能否吸引顾客,往往取决于他的环境。

7.The city’s clean environment adds to its attraction.这个城市的卫生环境增添了它的吸引力。

8.We are inclined to plant trees and flowers on both sides of the street.我们倾向于在街道的两边种植一些花草。

Unit 3

1.The grocery provides such drinks as tea, Coke, Sprite, mineral water, and so on.这家小店供应的饮料有茶、可乐、雪碧、矿泉水,等等。

2.I like burgers most when it comes to Western fast food.就西式快餐而言,我最喜欢汉堡。The customer should tell the waiter/waitress loud and clear when he/she needs.顾客在点菜时应该明白无误地告诉服务员自己需要什么。

4.That restaurant places a lot of emphasis on the quality of food provided.那家饭店十分重视菜肴的质量。

5.Our restaurant’s special is crispy duck.本店的特色菜是香酥鸭。

6. My son is unused to spicy food.我儿子不习惯吃辣的食物。

7.Food at the school canteen lacks variety.学校餐厅的饭菜缺少变化。

8. The dish looks like a bonsai flower.这道菜看上去像一盆花。

Unit 4

(1)Shopping online is a new experience to me.网上购物对我们来说是一种新的体验。

(2)Coupons are made available to customers who spend a minimum of 200 yuan.最低消费达到200元者可以获得优惠卷。

(3)This brand of mobile phone is quite popular among youngster.这款品牌的手机很受年轻人的欢迎。

(4)At last I managed to persuade my father to buy me a laptop computer.我终于说服爸爸给我买了一台笔记本电脑。

(5)Purchasers of refrigerators enjoy free delivery.购买冰箱者可以享受免费送货。

(6)Atthecheckoutcounterthereisaqueueofcustomerswaitingtopay fortheirpurchases.收银处排着一队顾客等着付款。

(7)Please enquire the department manager about the discount details.有关打着详情,敬请垂询部门经理。

(8)The amount I spent in the supermarket came to a total of 150 yuan.我去超市买东西总共花去150元。

Unit 5.(1)All types of mobile phones are on display in the store.商店里陈列着各种型号的手机。

(2)Please read through the manual carefully before starting to use the mobile phone.在使用这部手机前请详细浏览一下用户手册。

(3)You can refer to the website of Zhang Dong's school for his phone number.有关张东的电话号码,你可以查阅他所在学校的网页。

(4)YesterdayXiaoWangwassearchingonlinealldaylongforrelevantinformationabouta writer.小王昨天从早到晚都在网上找一位作家的相关资料。

(5)Online chatting users should be restricted to adults.网上聊天功能的使用这应该限制为成年人。

(6)The number of Internet users in this city almost doubled last year.本市的因特网用户去年几乎增加了一背。

(7)We cannot rely on the Internet to tell us everything


Telephones are important to the life of the young and the old alike 电话在年轻人和老年人的生活中一样重要。

Unit 6

1.The secret of a long life is a balanced diet.长寿的秘诀在与饮食的平衡。

2.Please follow the directions on the box when you take the medicine.服药时请遵照盒子上的说明。

3.Near-sightedness deprived Li Ming of the opportunity to join the army.李明视力差,这时的他不能参军。

4.He walks for an hour a day on average in order to stay healthy.为了保持健康,他平均每天散步一小时。

5.From a medical point of view, smoking is harmful to the lung.从医学的角度看,吸烟对肺有伤害。

6.Generally speaking, cancer in an early phase is curable.早期癌症一般是可以治愈的。

7.His blood pressure sank after he took a few tablets.他吃了几片药后血压降下去了。

8.Many people in the world die of AIDS every day.现在世界上每天有许多人死于艾滋病。


1.Young people like Mc Donald’s, whereas their parents don’t.年轻人喜欢上麦当劳,而他们的父母却不喜欢。

2.To the old, whether the young respect them or not means a lot.对于年长者来说,年轻人是否尊重他们这一点很重要。

3.For many old people, health is the first concern.对于许多年长者来说,健康是受要考虑。

4.All parents have great expectations of their children,父母对孩子都抱有很大的期望。

5.He feared that his parents would be against his choice.他担心自己的选择会遭到父母的反对。

6.Communication between young people and their parents is highly rewarding.年轻人与他们父母的交流是很有益的。

7.Thegeneration gap often results fromalack of

communicationbetweentwo generations.代沟往往是因为两代人之间缺少交流而产生的。

8.The young should have a sense of social responsibility.年轻人应该具有社会责任感。


1.In almost every respect, women are not inferior to men.几乎在所有方面,女性都不必男性逊色。

2.It suddenly occurred to me that the presidents of several countries are women.我突然想起已经有好几个国家的总统是女性。

3.Numerous jobs at present are heldby women, such as secretary, babysitter, and nurse.许多工作目前主要有女性承担,如做秘书、照顾孩子、当护士等。

4.We cannot judge which gender is superior or inferior on the base of physical strength.我们不能根据体力大小来判断男女孰优孰劣。

5.Our ultimate objective is to put an end to the unjust treatment towards women.我们的最终目的就是要结束对付女的不公平对待。

6.We cannot simply blame the unequal employment on gender differences.我们不能简单地将就业。

7.He knew in advance that the topic of the meeting was equal work for equal pay.他事先就知道这次会议的话题。

8.Men and women have slight differences in the way they judge strangers.在对陌生人的判断上,男女有一点细微的差别。

Unit 9

1.Despite the fact that there were lots of interviewees, he finally succeeded in getting the job.尽管有很多人参加面试,他还是成功地得到了那份工作。

2.His money ran out soon after his unemployment.他失业后不久前就花光了。

3.Generally speaking, an employer wants to know about an applicant’s work experience.一般来说,雇主比较想知道求职者的工作经历。

4.The workers are worried that they may be dismissed.工人们很担心会被解雇。

5.I can’t find any suitable person available for this job now.我现在很难找到适合的人干这个工作。

6.My elder brother quit his job last month.上个月,我哥哥辞职了。

7.He has the qualifications to apply for the job.他有资格应聘那份工作。

8.That factory is now starting to turn for the better.那家工厂的情况正在好转。


1government to、当真相大白的时候,人们呼吁政府要给英雄正名。put in a good word forPeope appealed to the 候了。、新年到了,山姆意识到是该暂时把工作放到一边,给父母打个电话的时 the real hero after the truth came out

On the coming of the New Year, it occurred to Sam that he should put aside his work for a while and call his parents.年轻人常常把个人利益放在首位而将社会责任抛在脑后。

3、在这个瞬息万变的时代,In a time of change, social commitment.young people often put self-interest in the first place and tune out 4缩小这种差距。、政府已经意识到贫富分化可能导致严重的社会问题,The government has realized that serious social problems may 并且已采取措施来arise distance.from wealth polarization, and measures have been taken to shorten the 5

们期望更高。、作为成名的代价,明星们尤其容易受到批评的攻击,As the cost of being famous, stars are particularly 因为人们总是对他vulnerable to criticism, because people always have higher expectations of them.击被成功镇压之后,惊魂未定的人质们被引领着穿过一个秘密通道,来到

6、恐怖袭安全地带。After the terrorist attack was successfully suppressed, the horrorstricken hostage zone.were shepherded across a secret的是因为这给别人造成了伤害。

7、最终,作者选择反驳谣言,倒不是因为个人受到了冒犯,更多passage to the safety

Finally, the author chose to retort the rumor

not because of any personal offense, but rather in response to injurieson others.inflicted 8才会去偷熟人的东西。、罪犯向律师解释到,他天生意志薄弱,物质欲望经常会战胜情感,所以The criminal explains to his lawyer that his will is so naturally leads to the theft of his acquaintance.fragile that his physical needs often overpower his feeling, which 9

悲伤和遗憾之外,、当她的奶奶,也是这个世界上唯一爱她的人离世时,再也没有其它感受。(nothing else but)她心中除了深深的When her grandma, the only person who loved her in the world passed away, with10.nothing else but deep sorrow and regret.her heart was filled Since my grandma knows nothing about electrical appliance, she always 我的祖母对电器一无所知,所以她总是对任何一种电器都敬而远之。clear ofstaysany of them with fear.Although they have been sieged for almost a week, the soldiers swear never to 11.尽管已经被包围了将近一周,战士们发誓绝不将阵地放弃给敌人。yieldthe ground to the enemy.found

12、他尴尬地发现他的新老板就是那个他曾常常戏弄的小学同学。He school classmate, on whom he used to play trick.with embarrassment that his new boss turned out to be his primary 13择。、当社会责任和个人利益发生冲突的时候,每个人都应该清楚该如何抉Everybody should know how to choose when their social responsibility clashes with 所展示出来的美丽与智慧而着迷。their personal interest.14Tourists from all over the world、来自世界各地的游客都为这座宫殿are really taken by视角展示了中产阶级的非洲裔美国人的国内生活,以及奴隶制与种族歧视 the beauty and intelligence shown in this palace.15、这本书以尖锐的的残余影响。This book provides a sharp look at the domestic lives of middle-class African Americans and the discrimination.residual impacts of slavery and racial 人相互推挤着购买牲畜,这个情景令我难忘。

16、那天早上在亚洲最大的农贸集市上,我看见至少十万 That morning in the largest rural market in Asian, I saw at least a hundred thousand peopleanother to buy livestock, which is so unforgettable to me.jostled


17、这篇叙述开始with one 得模糊了,只偶尔蹦出一些幽默的字词。The narration at first continues the light spoken tone of the earlier novel, but as it develops, this tone occasionally bursting forth in humorous words.支法对降低犯罪率也是无能为力的,关键是对人的教育。

18、两派都认为再强硬的枪recedes, onlyThe two groups concurredthe key lies in the education of people.that even the toughest gun laws would have no effect on crime rate;着他的名字,字迹几乎被岁月磨掉了。

19、没有人能想到,这位伟大作家的坟墓只有一小块木板作标记,上面写No one could expect that the great writer’s letters of which were nearly grave was marketed by a small wooden board, bearing his name, the 20rendered、我们的选手获得大赛冠军,这个消息使大家变得异常兴奋。obliterated by time.The news the contest.us extremely excited that our contestant had won the championship in After every Spring Festival graduates travel around the country21、每年春节过后,全国各地到处都是找工作的大学毕业生。ofyou tell he has murdered his neighborjob.22、在缺乏确凿证据的情况下你怎能说他谋杀了邻居?in the pursuitHow can 恐怖袭击的威胁令政府不得不每天仔细审查成堆的邮件。in the absence of any specific proof?Under the threat of23、terrorists’ 24attacks government has to sift through heaps of mails every day.The、大会委员会成员正在讨论是否将这一议题列入本次大会的主题之内。fall underconference committes’ members are discussing whether the topic should25 this session’s theme.不将掌管公司的大权移交给儿子。、在知道自己的病情不断恶化的情况下,这位曾雄心勃勃的企业家不得 When he was aware that his health was deteriorating, the once ambitious entrepreneur business relinquished all control over the 划修建地铁,这些举措都是为给市民出行提供方便。to his son.26、市政府下定决心在全市范围内拓宽道路并积极筹The municipal government actively has determined


行抢劫案时,citizens’ transportation.to build the to underground broaden all the system roads as within well.All the this city aims and is at


27、警察在调查一起造成两人死亡的银When investigating a implicatebank robbery

不停地谈论自己。d John in the robbery.resulting in two

There is a natural28、deaths, 许多老年人都有一种自然倾向,那就是the police found a letter which

inclination in old men to be talking of

themselves.We must

29、我们相信他们这样做看起来很残酷,但其用意是好的。thing.He 30 credit、由于昨天是母亲节,他对母亲隐瞒了这个坏消息。them with our good intention in doing such a seemingly crueltoday.concealed the bad news from his mother because it is


31、我觉得他不会受欢迎的,因为每次他做了不合适的事情甚至是the Mother’s Day

I don’t think he will be a popular figure,because he always inappropriately or even wrongly.comes up with an excuse whenever he had done something 座既古老神秘又充满现代活力的城市迎来参加本次会议的各位嘉宾。

32、在美丽的金秋时节,我很高兴能在这In the golden conference in this age-old and mysterious city full of autumn, I am very happy to welcome the distinguished guests to the era.dynamism of the modern 33典礼。、四位前总统与现任总统乔治.布什一起参加了里根总统图书馆的开馆Four former Presidents joined incumbent President George Bush at the dedication 成建设文化艺术项目的人认为文化环境会吸引更多的游客,这将给当地居ceremony for the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.34、那些赞民带来巨大的利益。一些人甚至把建设文化艺术项目与发展经济建设等同起来。Those who are in favor of artistic and cultural projects advocate that cultural environment will attract more tourists, which will bring huge profits to local residents.improving of economic construction.Some people even equate the build of such projects with the 35中,最说明问题的是一种被称为、根据约翰·莫奈(John Money)教授的研究,“爱图”的东西:它是我们大脑中的一组编在影响我们择偶的诸多因素码信息,记载着我们的爱憎。Among all the many factors influencing our idea of the perfect mate, one of the most he describes our likes and dislikes.calls our “lovemap”-a group of telling,messagesaccording to John Money, is what encoded in our brains that 小说中的任何人物角色都难以认同。

36、这位傲慢的年轻人太挑剔了,他对这本The arrogant young man is so critical that he found it hard to 37identify with

pharmaceutical、这家制药厂和一所医学院的研究所已经合作研制一种新的咳嗽药。any of the characters in this novel.college to develop a new cough medicine.factory has teamed up with a research institute of a The 是关于晚婚问题的。The latest movie of


the famous director is concerned

withstage forlater marriage.39、总统死后,是靠自己的能力,a military coup after the president’s death.他们开始酝酿一场军事政变。

而不是因为父母的支持。My older brother40、我哥哥认为他的成功They set the

owes his success more 活总是来者不拒to his ability than to my parents’ support.——多多益善。I never refuse41、我为增加收入,对于做零odd jobs to supplement my income 警方让男孩的母亲放心,—— it’s all grist to the mill这个孩子很安全。.42、有一个小男孩让恐怖分子绑架了,A little boy had been kidnapped by

terrorists.The police 43reassured his mother about the child’s safety.discussion、讨论会漫无边际地进行了几小时,讨论的结果有负我的期望。expectations.meandered on for hours, and its results didn’t measure up to The my 44problem in learning English very muc、我非常理解他在学习英语方面的困难,但却爱莫能助。I appreciated his 45the party、由于父亲远在美国,h, but I don’t think I can help him.46in the name of his father, because his father is far away in America.所以他以父亲的名义参加了此次聚会。He attended tried、史密斯尽力回想到底发生了什么事情,但是什么也想不起来。him.47 hard to think what could have hapened, but nothing suggested itselfSmith to host、这个仆人无意中侮辱了主人,(Hilaire Belloc)unconsciously, the servant was所以被轰了出去。shown the doorAfter having insulted his.48、希拉尔·

法超越现象”。认为Hilaire “一个人永远不可能认识事物自身的本质,Belloc believes that “one never can see 因为思想无贝洛克the thing in itself, because the mind does not个年龄大一点的男孩吓唬那些小孩子,还抢走了他们身上所有的钱。transcend phenomena.”

49、据目击者说,一According to the witness, an older boyall their money.intimidated the little children and took 50只有正视现实、仔细分析失败原因才有可能取得成功。、每个人的生命中都会有一些失败,但整日生活在痛苦中是没有用的,There is failure in everyone’s life, but living in anguish whole day is nothing useful.Success will come failure.only if one can envisage realities and carefully analysis the previous 51的问题最多。、蠕虫病毒越来越流行,其中Worms increase in Sircamprevalence、红色代码和坏透了三种病毒带来 with Sircam, CodeRed, and BadTrans creating the most problems.里上班,即使劳累、心情不好,甚至是只有五位观众的时候,也应同样如

52、表演人员应该始终面带笑容,要在工作日,星期天,甚至是有些假期此。The actors are expected to don on a simile and work weekdays, weekends, and some holidays, through fatigue and bad moods, even when there are only five people in the audience.53但是大多数人现在开始承认此国在许多方面都是世界经济的生力军。由于、虽然有些人曾经对有关这个国家的巨大发展速度的数据持怀疑态度,整个国家的坚定不移的努力,即使那年夏天爆发的大面积洪水灾害也没有影响到这种地位。Some people used to be skeptical about this country’s dramatic growth figures, but most people now regard it as a driving force in the economy summer did not destroy the momentum, thanks to the determined efforts of the of many parts of the globe.Even the outbreak of flooding in the whole nation.常想重新找回这些已经失去的东西。对她来说,现在唯一的问题是,少儿

54、现在,她的整个家庭已经解散,变得四分五裂,而她非服务中心作为监护人显得过分热情,以她吸毒作为理由,而将她的孩子从她身边带走,使孩子疏远了她。Her whole family has been disbanded and torn apart and she absolutely wants them back.The sole issue to her at present is that the smoking drug as an excuse to remove and Children Service is overzealous as 55estrangea watchdog,the childrenand wantsfromtoher.useher 的投资产权不超过百分之二十的要求发生了冲突。、分析家认为,这笔生意与当地的任何外国个人投资者在本地保险企业Analysts said that the deal appears investor’s ownership in their insurers toto clash with the local rules,be no more than 20 percent.which require any individual foreign 著名,56、在他这使人们想起了1875年去世的时候,她的作品已经使她从贫穷境地转变为世界《丑小鸭》里小鸭变成天鹅的故事。By the time he died in 1875, his writing had lifted him from poverty to world recognition in a social journey Duckling”.reminiscent of the duck who became a swan in the “The Ugly 57和加强安保措施带来的经济负担等问题。从长远来讲,炸弹威胁会影响

一、由于受到威胁,百货公司和超级市场的经营者们不得不应对营业损失 个商店的声誉,甚至会使它的客户转向其他“安全”商店。As a result of the threats, department store and supermarket operators have had tolost could sales customers to switch to “safer stores”.affect and a the store’s financial reputation burdenscontend with over of improving their the long term, security.and might Bomb cause threatsviolent and abusive behavior drove her to

58、她丈夫的凶暴,辱骂行为将她逼到了几乎绝望的境地。its 作美下雨的话,球迷期盼已久的橄榄球赛将不得不延期举行。the verge of despair.59Her husband’s、万一天公不In the event ofrain, the rugby game long expected by fans will have to be postponed.doubts if the measure taken by the company is 60、人们怀疑公司的这项举措是否符合绝大多数员工的利益。People have employees.成为一名优秀的钢琴演奏家。61、为了不辜负父母的期望,in the interests of majority ofIn order to 他尽了最大努力去实现目标live up to parents’ expectations, he ——did the best to achieve his goal to become an excellent pianist.62查。、你根据什么说那位官员收受贿赂?如果没有任何线索我们很难展开调On what ground did you say that the official had taken bribes? If you couldn’t 63础上和在各国人民的鼎力支持下,反恐事业定会迎来胜利的一天。、恐怖活动日益猖獗,但是我们始终相信在世界各国建立反恐联盟的基offer us any clues, it would be unlikely for us to make investigations.Terrorism is becoming rampant.However, we always believe that counter-terrorism will for sure succeed one day, based on an alliance betweenthe cause of nations and改变可能会间接影响到犯罪率。championed by people from all around the world.比如说,经济波动往往导致工作机会减少,64、社会结构失业增加,因而引发犯罪率上升。Changes in the social structure may indirectly affect crime lead increasing crime rate.to fewer job opportunities incidences.For example, economic fluctuations always and rising unemployment, thus causing an 65 员称号。来自费城、周日,阿伦·艾弗森在76人队的艾弗森在比赛中共拿到NBA全明星赛中因成绩优异而夺得最有价值球15分,其中助攻得10分,抢断得5分,从而为东部明星队敲开胜利之门。Allen during the NBAIverson took collected 15 points, 10 assists and 5 steals, to’s Allthe-Star Game on Sunday.Iverson, of the Philadelphia 76ers, Most Valuable Player(MVP)award for his efforts the Eastern Conference side.spark a winning performance by 66期内就能说得清的问题,这有待于人类长期的,不懈的努力。、克隆的寿命是否受到被克隆的父母的年龄的影响当然不是一个在短时(life span)Certainly, whether a clone’s it is not a question likely to be answered in a short period of but one requiring our long-term and unremitting efforts.life span is affected by the years its parent has already lived, time, 67cherish、中国人民怀着全世界人民团结、peacefully and get along friendly.a good will that peoples all 友好、over 和平的良好愿望。the world unite Chinese peopletogether, stay68China’s government has、中国政府在培育民主、发展经济、economy, and removing poverty.made great strides 消除贫穷方面都迈出了很大的步伐。in nurturing democracy, developing育,彻底消除腐败现象。We should continue to improve laws, and strengthen69、我们应该不断健全法制,加强法制教law education so as to 70should educate our children not to、要教育儿童不要事事都指望父母,应该培养他们自己动手的能力。sweep away corruption.We make them form a doing-by-yourself habit.look to their parents for everything so as to 人都能畅所欲言的气氛。We should create71a、党内应该提倡民主,形成人democratic atmosphere in the Party so that everyone can72 speak his mind.加和谐、、当我们将城市居民所享有的权利也给与农民工时,我们的社会就会更 更加稳定。When we extend citizens’ rights to the peasant workers, our society will be more harmonious and stable.剥夺了受教育的权利,是希望工程改变了他们的命运,使得越来越多的失73、许多乡村儿童因贫困而被学儿童走进学校。Many country children, especially girls are denied the right to education.It is the Hope Project that has changed many poor children’s fate and is helping more and more out-of-school children go to school.74的游客来此瞻仰的原因。、在这片历史的废墟上珍藏着一位伟大的哲学家的遗骨,这正是那么多 This historical ruin is the place where a great philosopher’s ash is75 enshrined.That’s why so many tourists came to worship it.将被辞退。、我并不确切知道她对他都说了些什么,但大致是说如果他不努力的话I don’t know exactly what she said to him, but it was something along the lines76 that he would lose his job if he didn’t work harder.大负担。、尽管我们的生活水平不断提高,但是总的来说购房仍是很多家庭的一 Although our living standard has been improving, housing purchase remains a big burden to many families77行为。、腐败问题日益严重,政府下定决心首先着手调查并揭露一些重大腐败 in the aggregate.Corruption is becoming increasingly serious so the government has determined to carry out investigations in the first place to big excellent performancecorrupt practices.表示不满,所以我们将候选人的人数从十人缩减至三人。excused 78、他的出色表现使他能够免于常规训练。bring to light somehim from the regular training.79、由于选民HisBecause voters/electorates ten made complaints, we narrowed the 对环境的影响,建造更多大型的废物处理厂已经迫在眉睫。down to three.80、人口的急剧增长导致了生活垃圾的增加,为了缓解list of candidates fromPopulation’s dramatic mitigate its effect on the environment, building more large waste disposal plants increase leads to growing pining up of daily life waste.To help turns out to be desperately urgent.81后来却同意了联合国对伊、最初,当伊拉克在海湾战争中占领科威特时,约旦对伊表示支持,但——约旦主要的贸易伙伴——实施贸易制裁,从而导致国家的整体经济受到威胁。Jordan initially supported Iraq when Iraq occupied United thereby put its whole economy in Nations’ Kuwait trade during sanctions the Persian against Gulf Iraq, its War, but it principal trading eventually agreed partner, ato the 8中是根深蒂固的。、年轻一代似乎总是与各种传统思想作斗争,jeopardy.ndYoung people always seem to 而那些传统在他们父母的心contend with a wide variety of traditions that have had profound roots in their parents.82穷人则根本没有。、那个国家的贫富对比非常明显;富人认为生活中必不可少的许多东西 In that country, the contrast between the lives of the poor and the rich is quite apparent;a poor man has to a rich man regards as almost necessaries in life.go without many things which 83续与通货膨胀作斗争。、他们永远也无法忘记金融危机期间那段可怕的经历 They will never forget the terrible experience during ,那时他们不得不持the financial crisis when they had to 84be stuck with the fight against inflation.到几个参与此次袭击的恐怖分子的踪迹。、9·11事件之后不久,美国国务卿就在新闻发布会上说,他们已经追查Soon after the September 11th Attack, terrorists involved in it at a press conference.the US State Secretary said that they had tracked down several 85解决问题。、有困难的时候你可以毫不犹豫地去寻求他的帮助,他总是能一下子就Don’t hesitate to run to him in time of difficulties, and he can always solve the problems 86celebrities believe that just because they are so popular that they can、很多名人以为正因为他们很有名气便可以为所欲为而安然无事。at a stroke.A lot of with 87“9·11” Terrorist Attack made government officers aware that they could not、9·anything.get away 11恐怖袭击使政府官员意识到在处理公共安全事务时不可敷衍了事。corners喝红酒中消磨时光的。when dealing with public safety.88 We whiled away all the summer evening talking and、我们整个夏天傍晚都是在闲聊 cut , drinking 伴侣。Tom was invited to the reunion party and hewine.89、汤姆被邀请出席毕业晚会, 他在最后时刻才找到约会的 came up with a date at the last 期作品中的人物性格却一成不变。minute.90、他后期作品中的人物大都具有自我矛盾的性格,但其前The characters in his later works are largely selfpiececontradictory, while the characters in his We known each other for a long time.don’t.91early works are mainly of a know、一些朋友我们虽认识多年,但却对他们一无所知。the first thing about some of our friends, thoughwe have 职者,本公司评价不高。Our company92、对于只有书本知识却无工作经历的求thinks no much of those who have only book knowledge but no working experience.93He has lost his family, his job and confidence.He is、他失去了家庭、工作和自信,他在生活中出局了。down and out.They 94、当他们获知三天没有消息的儿子被恐怖分子抓为人质时,彻底崩溃了。for three days, was captured as a hostage by terrorists.went all to pieces when they knew their son, who had been out of contact 95I finally got the clue about what she was、当我最终明白她想说什么时,大吃一惊。I was greatly taken aback when 96thirties as he、他不到四十岁就死了,driving at.97ruined his constitution by drink and dissipation花天酒地的生活毁了他的身体。He died in his late.was、尽管他对自己的主意满怀热情,但他的客户却毫无兴致。

interest.enthusiastic about his idea, his clients didn’t show a glimmering Although he of

第四篇:财务管理专业英语 句子及单词翻译

Financial management is an integrated decision-making process concerned with acquiring, financing, and managing assets to accomplish some overall goal within a business entity.财务管理是为了实现一个公司总体目标而进行的涉及到获取、融资和资产管理的综合决策过程。

Decisions liabilitiesinvolving refertoa workingfirm’scapital short-termmanagement.assetsand决断涉及一个公司的短期的资产和负债提到营运资金管理

The right-handfirm’sside long-term ofthefinancingbalance sheet.decisionsconcernthe该公司的长期融资决断股份资产负债表的右边。

This affectsis company.theanfinancial importantriskdecisionfacedas bythethelegalownersstructureofthe这是一个重要的决定作为法律结构影响金融风险面对附近的的业主的公司。

The management(executiveboardincludesindividualssome directors), butmembersoftop

directors).fromoutsidethecompany(non-executive shouldalsoinclude董事会包括有些隶属于高层管理人员(执行董事),但将也包括个体从外公司(非执行董事)。

Maximization stockholdersofshareholderwealthfocusesonlyencompassescommonwhereas allfinancialmaximizationoffirmvalueonstockholders.stockholders, debtclaimholders holders, andpreferred including股东财富最大化只集中于股东,而企业价值最大化包含所有的财务债券持有者,包括普通股股东,债权人和优先股股东。

Given maximizationthesestakeholdersassumptionsand isconsistent,societyinshareholders’ withthethelongbestwealthrun。interests


No comprehensivecompetingthese consistentassumptions, shareholders’ wealthmeasure ameasurethatofcanafirm’sprovideas

maximizationstanding.Givenissociety in the longwiththerun.bestinterestsofstakeholdersand没有竞争措施,能提供由于全面的一个措施的一个公司的站。给这些臆说,股东'财富最大化一贯不比任何人差项目干系人项目利益相关者的利益,社会从长远说来。

In shareholders, andreality, managers andfinancingdecisionschoosemayignoretheinterestsof

that insteadbenefittomakethemselves.investment在现实中,经理可能忽视股东的利益,而是选择利于自身的投资和融资决策。

Financial of stakeholders(otherinformationstatementsfromareprobablytheimportantsourcefirm’sfinancialhealth.thanwhich



The commonstockholders’equitysectionlistspreferred retainedstock earnings.andcapitalsurplusandaccumulatedstock,股东权益列示有优先股,普通股,资本盈余和累积留存收益。

The assets, which are the “things” the company owns, are listed in the order of decreasing liquidity, or length of time it typically takes to convert them to cash at fair market values, beginning with the firm’s current assets.资产,也就是公司拥有的东西,是按照流动性递减的顺序或将它们转换为公允市场价值所需要的时间来排列的,通常从流动资产开始。The market value of a firm’s equity is equal to the number of shares of common stock outstanding times the price per share, while the amounthe cumulative amount the firm raised when issuing common t reported on the firm’s balance sheet is basically stock and any reinvested net income(retained earnings).公司权益的市场价值等于其发行在外的普通股份数乘以每股价格,而资产负债表上的总额则主要是公司在发行普通股以及分配任何再投资净收益(留存收益)时累积的数额。

When depreciationcompared early expenseyearsbuthasofhigherassetto loweracceleratednetlife, whichdepreciationmethods, straight-lineincome.tendsexpensetoainhigherthe

tax与加速折旧法相比,直线折旧法在资产使用年限的早期折旧费用较低,这也会趋向于较高的税金费用和较高的净收入。The statement of cash sections:(1)operating cashflows consists of three

and(3)financing bring activitiesincashflows.flows,(2)investingActivitiesin each areacashflows,thatcash.that cashinvolve representspendingsourcescashofcash areuses whileof该声明现金流量表包含三个部分:(1)经营现金流,(2)投资的现金流,(3)融资现金流。在每个地区活动带来现金来源的现金而代表活动涉及到花钱是使用现金

Financing repaymentsactivities andcashdividendorretirements, stockincludenewpayments.sales debtissuances, debt andrepurchases,筹资活动,包括发行新债券,偿还债务,股票销售和回购,以及现金股利支付。

Not $750 millionsurprisingly, Enron’sexecutives options in the 12 monthsinsalaries, bonusesandhadprofitsrealizedfromsomestockbankrupt.beforethecompanywent毫不奇怪, 公司破产前的十二个月里,安然的高管们实现了7.5亿美金的工资、奖金和股票期权利润。First, financial the aremanyfinancialratiostextbooks arenotstandardized.A andothersourcesperusalofcalculateavailablesomewillratios.oftenshowdifferencesinhow thatto首先,财务比率不规范。一个参考的许多金融教科书及来源,可将经常表现出差异如何计算一些率。

Liquidity obligationsratiosin theindicateshortrun.afirm’sabilitytopayits流动性比率表明公司的支付能力在短期内它的义务。

Excessively firmhighcurrentratios, however, mayindicateinvestor-supplied capitalmayhave too muchofitslong-term

acurrentassets.invested in short-termlow-earning当前的比率过高,然而,可能表明,一个公司可能有太多的长期investor-suppliedIn an inflationary 资本投资于短期first-out(LIFO)inventoryenvironment, firms low-earning that流动资产use

currentvaluationwilllikelyhave last-in,lowerfirst-out(FIFO).ratiosthanfirmsthatusefirst-in, 在一个通货膨胀的环境下,企业选择使用后进先出法对存货计价的公司比采用先进先出法的公司有一个低的流动比率。

The reflectcash thata firm’sratioliquidityistooconservative positionbecausetoaccuratelycashfirms andmarketable canfundtheiritassumessecurities.currentliabilitieswithonly 流动比率太稳健不能正确反映一个公司的流动性状况,因为在这一比率假定公司仅仅用现金和有价证券就可以偿还流动负债。

Debt of providethe relativemanagementmixratiosofdebtcharacterizeafirmintermsabilityofmeasuresthefirm.ofthelong-termandequitydebtfinancingpayingand描述一个公司债务管理比率从相对的混合的债务和股权融资的措施,提供长期偿债能力的公司。

Total equity, andcapitalthusincludesexcludesallshort-term non-currentdebt.liabilitiesplus资本总额包括所有非流动负债加上股本,从而排除短期贷款。Net industry.profitmarginsvarywidelybythetypeof有着很大的不同,其净利润为典型的产业。

Note thaninterestthat netincome, Is earningsbefore usedininterestthenumeratorandtaxes, ratherbecauseability taxes.toispay paidcurrentwithpre-taxinterestdollars, andisnotaffectedthefirm’sby注意,分子中用的是息税前利润而不是净收入,这是因为利息是税前支付的,公司支付现金利息的能力不受税收的影响。

Managers increasedshouldanalyzethetradeoffbetweenanyand andtheassociated salesfromcostsamoreoflongerlenientcollectioncreditpolicywhethermore increasechanginguncollected shareholder’sthereceivables wefirm’s alth.credittosalesdetermine periodspolicy


If creditthereceivablescollectionperiodexceedsafirm’sineffectiveterms credittomarginal inthis collectingmaycustomers.indicate itscreditthatsalesafirm orisisgranting


A continuedlow, decliningratiomaysuggesttheweakeningoutdatedto demandbuildor upinventoryinthe firmfacehasof

soldatreduced orobsoleteprices, ifinventory maybeatall.that carryingcouldandonlyreportingbe一个低税率、下降率可能显示这个公司已经持续不断地加强库存面对需求不断减弱或可能携带和报告过期或过时的库存,只能减价出售。Thus, the operatingmeasuresoperating profitprofitmargin, whichindicatesthefinancinggeneratedperdollarofnetsales, costs.thefirm’soperatingprofitabilitybefore因此,经营利润,预示着美元营业利润产生的净销售额,公司的经营利润措施在融资成本。

If depreciatedthefirm’sfixedassetsareoldandhavebeen

not denominatorlosttheirtowilla productivelowbookinflate ROA.ability, the lowvalue, andthefigure in theassetshave如果公司固定资产比较旧,分母的减少会是ROA折旧到低的账面价值,但是资产并没有失去生产能力。

Return returnoncommonequity(ROCE)focusesonjusttheremovingto netthe commondividendsshareholderstopreferredandis shareholderscomputedfrom bycommonincomeshareholders.anddividingbythecapitalprovidedby普通股权益报酬率仅仅关注普通股股东的报酬率,用净收入扣除优先股股利除以普通股股东提供的资本计算得到。

Dividend return;anotheryield appreciation.part representsofaparts stock’softotalastock’sreturntotalisprice


In morefact, ofalltheconceptsusedinfinance, noneiscalledimportant discountedthancashtheflow(DCF)analysis.timevalueofmoney, also事实上,财务上所有的概念中,货币时间价值是最重要的,也称作是折现调整现金流量折价分析。

Thus, investors bearing principlesandtherequiretimecompensationvalueofmoney.Theseforbothrisk twodecision-makinglieatconcepts.theheartofthefinancial因此,投资者需要为风险负担和货币时间价值提供补偿,这两个原则的核心在于财务决策的概念。

Interest baseratesare investments.ratestodrawalsocomparisonoftenusedtoas alternativerisklessriskier or利率也常常作为无风险利率或基准利率来对可替代的风险投资进行比较。

Most operatepersonalonaloans, mortgages compoundingbasis.andcreditcards大多数个人贷款、抵押贷款和信用卡是以复利计息的。

Therefore, the is to reducetothe correctdiscountingadjustmentfactorforbyanoneannuityandtoduestream.thereducedcalculationanon-discountedcashflow add因此,正确的调整年金是为了减少由于贴现因子,增加减少的一个non-discountedIf rate, theinterest 计算现金流量

bondrateswillmovesellabove(below)thebelow(above)itsbond’s parvalue.coupon如果利率移动高(低)债券的票面利率,债券将出售低于(以上)其票面金额.If period, asanannuitynotbeginitspaymentinwith deferredanordinary withandue, then ordinaryit annuity, orisimmediately, as thefirststreamsubsequentannuity-anto annuitythefirstthatperiod.begins classifieditsas casha


The highereffective when year.interest thanthe rateofaninvestmentwillalwaysbeisnominal compoundedorstatedmoreinterest thanoncerateper当利息用复利计算一年多于一年的时候,一项投资的有效利率将永远比名义利率高。

Nonetheless, intrinsic determining whencomparedwhethervaluetoits tomarket buyservesorvaluesell asabasisfor

a orfinancialprice.asset尽管如此,内在价值作为基础,与市场价值或价格作比较,来决定是否购买或卖出一项金融资产。

The the relatedamount valueoftotheofaamount expectedfinancialofcashassetisdirectlyrelatedtorisk.flows, butinversely一项金融资产的价值与期望的现金流量正相关,与风险程度负相关。If fallinterestratesincrease, causingthebackbelowtothepar, theissuerbondholderatparormayahigher sell bondthepriceprice.bondto如果利率上升,导致债券价格跌破面值,场所将该债券交付可能卖债券回发行人的面值,或一个更高的价格。

In a claimthecaseof pledgedontothe otherassets unsecuredsecurities.thatdebt, thetheissuerbondholdershasnothave就信用借贷来说,债券所有人对发行人未抵押给其他担保人的资产有要求全。

An ratinginverse oryieldandtoquality relationshipmaturity.ofagenerallybondandexistsitsbetween interestthe rate评级和债券的质量与利息率或到期收益率程相反关系。

Common theirstockholdersareafterandclaim preferred satisfyingtoearningsand theassets residualisowners whatremainsbecausestockholders.thepriorclaimofvariouscreditors普通股股东是剩余所有者,这是因为他们对收益和资产的要求权是在满足各债权人和优先股股东优先选择权后剩余的。

In butsomeinstances, existingstockholderspurchasenotthecompanythe ofall obligation, tosells.newsharesshareofcommon proportionately havethestockinright, thatthe在某些情况下,现有的股东也有这个权利,但不是义务,在购买比例分享所有新股的公司的普通股票卖出。

Future dividendcash price(gainspaymentsflowsorlosses)overmay and/orbechangesinthe theholdingin formtheof period.stock’scash未来现金流的形式可能是现金股利支付和/或改变股票的价格(收益或亏损)控股的时期

It infinitesuggestsinvestorsmustvalue valueatand ofthethen commonrequireddiscountforecast thembackdividendstopresentto


The riskiergreatertheinvestment thevariabilityis.ofthepossiblereturns, the大的可变性的回报,投资将会有冒险性。

Investment actuallyrisk, then, isrelatedtothe thechanceearning investment.ofaalowloworornegativenegative thereturn, the return-theprobabilityriskier greaterof投资风险,然后,涉及的概率低或者消极实际获得回报,更大的机会或负回报低,风险投资。

This as standardtwoassumptionparameters, thegreatlyexpectedsimplifiesreturn(mean)andinvestmentanalysis,thecompletelydeviation(or financialreturns.describethevariance), areprobabilitysufficientdistributionto


Financial beingtheorytypically considersrisk-averse.Aviewsdecisionmakersascompensationariskyrisk-aversedecisionmakerforrisk investmentthroughonlyariskifitpremium.provides金融理论的观点是典型的决策者风险。一规避风险投资决策者认为只有当它提供补偿风险通过风险溢价。

Rational some constraintsobjectivebehaviorthatfunction-theirmeansthattheyface.utility individualsfunction-undermaximize


In forreality, it is orindividualprobably orretailmore investorslikelyastobetrueonlystocksinstitutionalasopposedinvestors, andtothinlyfor tradedfrequentlyopposedstocks.tradedto large事实上,它可能是更有可能是真的只是为了个人或散户投资者反对大或机构投资者的交易,因为很多股票交易反对稀疏的股票。Based market, Fama(1970)distinguishesonthetypeinformationinformationallyefficientmarkets.three availableformstoofthe基于类型资料提供给市场,现有(1970)区分成三种形式的信息的有效率的市场。

Banks, insurance financial diversifiedinstitutionscompanies, mutualportfolios.arerequiredfunds, and bylawtootherhold银行、保险公司、基金和其他金融机构依法举办多种组合。

As thea numberrule, theofriskinessstocksinoftheaportfolio portfoliowill increases.declineas 一般来说,投资组合的风险也会下降股票的数目在组合增加。

The isbecalled part eliminateddiversifiable ofastock’siscalledrisk, whileriskthatcanbeeliminatedmarketrisk.thepartthatcannot部分股票的风险可以省略,被称为可分散风险,而无法消除的部分叫做市场风险。

In addinggeneral, theanswerisno, buttheextenttowhichin smallerthestocks degreetoofaportfolioreducesitsriskdepends therisktheinpositive correlation alargecorrelationamongportfolio.coefficients,thestocks: thethelower通常来说,答案是否定的,但是向证券投资组合中增加股票种类能使风险减小的程度取决于组合中股票的关联性:正相关系数越小,一个大的证券投资组合的风险就越低。

In individualtherealworld, wherethe+1.0, some, butstocksnotare correlationsamongtheall, riskgenerallycanpositive eliminated.butless than 在现实世界中,在相关个股通常是积极的,但是低于+ 1.0,有些,但不是全部,风险就会消除。

You securities, thefindoutbereduced, withouttotal thatrisk byreducingcombining ofthetheinvestmenttwoorexpectedmore

pay-off.canactually 你发现结合两个或两个以上的证券,总投资者的投资风险会减少,而不减少预期的收益。

Most annualpublic the shareholderSecuritiesreports firms。annualand TheseinExchangethe includeUnited(US)preparetworeport。

Commission theannual(SEC report)andtothe在美国大多数上市公司都准备两份报告,这包括给证券交易委员会的一份,和给股东的一份。

The owners’(stockholders’)equitybalancesheetreportsafirm’sattheendofareportingasperiod.ofagiven assets, anddate, usually


Net becauseincomeandactualnetcashflowmayfor therecognizingaccountants treatmentof revenuesusedepreciationan andaccrualaccounting differprocess

expenses, and andtaxes.becauseof净利润和实际的净现金流量可能不同,这是因为会计人员用应机制会计过程来确认收入和费用,也可能是因为对折旧和税收的处理不同。

Uses the shareholder wealth maximization to take the goal, both has supported the enterprise operation property right foundation, and sufficiently considers and has respected the enterprise funder(shareholder)the reasonable benefit, causes the entire enterprise management and operation to set up in one may hold with above the reality foundation.“shareholder wealth maximization” manages finances the goal inAt the same time,the capital market developed environment, also is advantageous for the balance and the operation, the feasibility is strongest.financial management decision-making财务管理 acquire决策,决策的 publicly traded corporations获得,取得

vice president of financechief financial officer财务副总裁公开上市公司 公众 chief executive officer首席财务官 balance sheet首席执行官capital budgeting资产负债表 working capital management资本预算

hurdle rate营运资本管理 capital structure最低报酬率 mix of debt and equity资本结构

cash dividendstockholder现金股利 负债与股票的组合dividend policy股东

dividend-payout ratio股利政策

stock repurchase股利支付率 stock offeringtradeoff股票发行 股票回购 common stock权衡,折中current liabilitycurrent asset普通股流动负债 marketable security流动资产

inventorytangible fixed assets存货

流动性资产,有价证券 in tangible fixed assets有形固定资产 patenttrademark专利 无形固定资产 creditor

商标 stockholders’ equity债权人financing mixrisk aversion融资组合股东权益 volatility风险规避allocate易变性不稳定性 capital allocation配置

business financial risk企业 商业 资本配置 业务sole proprietorship财务风险partnership

limited partner合伙制企业私人业主制企业 general partner有限责任合伙人

separation of ownership and control一般合伙人

claim management buyout要求 主张 要求权所有权与经营权分离 tender offer管理层收购

financial standards要约收购initial public offering财务准则

private corporation closely held corporation私募公司 首次公开发行股票

未上市公司 board of directors控股公司executive directornon-executive director董事会执行董事

chairperson 非执行董事 controller treasurer 主计长 主席revenue profit earnings per share利润收入司库

return 每股盈余 market share 回报

social good市场份额financial distress社会福利

stakeholder theory财务困境value(wealth)maximization 利益相关者理论

common stockholder preferred stockholder普通股股东价值(财富)最大化 debt holder well-being优先股股东diversity福利债权人going concern多样化agency problem 持续的 free-riding problem代理问题

information asymmetry搭便车问题retail investorinstitutional investor散户投资者信息不对称

agency relationship net present value 代理关系机构投资者creative accounting净现值

stock option agency cost股票期权 创造性会计 bonding cost代理成本monitoring costs契约成本 takeover监督成本 corporate annual reports 接管

balance sheet 公司年报 income statement资产负债表statement of cash flows 利润表

statement of retained earnings 现金流量表fair market value 留存收益表

marketable securities 公允市场价值check 油价证券money order 支票

withdrawal 拨款但、汇款单 accounts receivable 提款

credit sale应收账款 inventory property plant and equipment 存货赊销

depreciation 折旧 土地、厂房与设备 accumulated depreciation liability 累计折旧 current liability 负债

long-term liability 流动负债 accounts payout note payout 应付账款长期负债accrued expense 应付票据

deferred tax preferred stock 递延税款应计费用common stock book value 普通股优先股capital surplus 账面价值 accumulated retained earnings 资本盈余

hybrid 累计留存收益 treasury stock 混合金融工具historic cost 库藏股current market value 历史成本

real estate outstanding房地产

现行市场价值 a profit and loss statement 发行在外的net income 损益表 operating income 净利润

earnings per share 经营收益simple capital structure 每股收益

dilutive basic earnings per share 冲减每股收益的简单资本结构 complex capital structures 基本每股收益 diluted earnings per share 复杂的每股收益convertible securities 稀释的每股收益warrant accrual accounting 认股权证

可转换证券 amortization 应计制会计 accelerated methods 摊销

straight-line depreciation 加速折旧法

statement of changes in shareholders 直线折旧法

source of cash use of cash 现金来源 ’equity 股东权益变动表 operating cash flows 现金运用

cash flow from operations 经营现金流direct method 经营活动现金流

indirect method 直接法bottom-up approach 间接法

investing cash flows 倒推法 cash flow from investing投资现金流joint venture投资活动现金流

affiliatefinancing cash flows 分支机构合资企业

cash flows from financing筹资现金流

time value of money simple interest 货币时间价值筹资活动现金流debt instrument 单利annuity 债务工具

future value 年金

present value 终值compound interest 现值

compounding principal 复利计算复利mortgage 本金 credit card 抵押terminal value 信用卡discounting discount rate 折现计算终值opportunity cost 折现率

required rate of return 机会成本cost of capital 要求的报酬率

ordinary annuity资本成本annuity due 普通年金financial ratio 先付年金

deferred annuity 财务比率restrictive covenants 递延年金perpetuity 限制性条款

bond indenture 永续年金face value 债券契约

financial analyst 面值

liquidity ratio coupon rate 息票利率财务分析师nominal interest rate 流动性比率

current ratio 名义利率

effective interest rate 流动比率window dressing going-concern value 账面粉饰有效利率

marketable securities持续经营价值 quick ratio liquidation value 清算价值短期证券

book value 速动比率cash ratio现金比率账面价值

debt management ratios marker value市场价值

intrinsic value debt ratio 内在价值债务管理比率mispricing 债务比率debt-to-equity ratio 给……错定价格

valuation approach 债务与权益比率equity multiplier discounted cash flow valuation 权益乘估价方法 数

long-term ratio undervaluation 长期比率折现现金流量模型debt-to-total-capital 低估

overvaluation 高估


leverage ratios 杠杆比率option-pricing model 期权定价模型

interest coverage ratio 利息保障比率contingent claim valuation 或有要求权估价

earnings before interest and taxes 息税前利润promissory note 本票

cash flow coverage ratio 现金流量保障比率contractual provision 契约条款

asset management ratios 资产管理比率 par value 票面价值

accounts receivable turnover ratio 应收账款周转率maturity value 到期价值

inventory turnover ratio 存货周转率 coupon 息票利息

inventory processing period存货周转期 coupon payment 息票利息支付

accounts payable turnover ratio应付账款周转率 coupon interest rate 息票利率 cash conversion cycle 现金周转期 maturity 到期日

asset turnover ratio 资产周转率term to maturity到期时间 profitability ratio 盈利比率 call provision赎回条款

gross profit margin毛利润 call price 赎回价格

operating profit margin经营利润 sinking fund provision 偿债基金条款 net profit margin 净利润 conversion right 转换权 return on asset资产收益率put provision 卖出条款

return on totalequity ratio全部权益报酬率 indenture 债务契约

return on common equity普通权益报酬率 covenant 条款

market-to-book value ratio市场价值与账面价值比率trustee 托管人

market value ratios市场价值比率 protective covenant 保护性条款 dividend yield股利收益率 negative covenant 消极条款 dividend payout股利支付率 positive covenant 积极条款 financial statement财务报表 secured debt担保借款 profitability 盈利能力 unsecured debt信用借款 viability 生存能力

creditworthiness信誉 solvency 偿付能力 collateral抵押品

collateral trust bonds 抵押信托契约 debenture 信用债券 portfolio组合diversifiable risk可分散风险 marketrisk市场风险 expectedreturn期望收益 stand-alonerisk个别风险 standard deviation标准离差 variance方差


efficientmarkethypothesis(EMH)有效市场假设 pricetaker价格接受者

investorrationality投资者的理性 institutionalinvestor机构投资者 retailinvestor个人,散户投资者 anomaly异常(人或物)

post-earningsannouncementdrift期后盈余披露 behavioralfinance行为财务


mean-varianceefficientfrontier均值-方差有效前沿 covariance协方差





大学英语3课后句子翻译 Unit 1 ①我们的计算机系统出了毛病,但我觉得问题比较小。

We have a problem with the computer system,but I think it’s fairly minor.②父亲去世时我还小,不能独立生活。就在那时,家乡的父老接过了养育我的责任

My father died when I was too young ti live on my own.The people of my hometown took over my upbringing at that point.③这些玩具必得在达到严格的安全要求后才可以售给儿童

The tony have to meet strict safety requirements before they can be sold to children.④作为新闻和舆论的载体,广播和电视补充了而不是代替例如报纸e Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.⑤至于这本杂志,它刊载世界各地许多报纸杂志上文章的摘要

When it comes to this magazine,it carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world.Unit 2 ①虽然受到全球金融危机后果的巨大影响,但是我们仍然相信我们能够面对挑战,各付危机。

Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis ,we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis.②在持续不断的沙尘暴的威胁下,我们被迫离开我们喜爱的村庄,搬迁到新的地方。

Under the threat of constant sand storms,we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement.③根据最近的网上调查,许多消费者说他们也许会有兴趣考虑购买电视广告中播放的产品。According to a recent survey ,a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.④看到卡车司机把受污染的废弃物倒在河边,老人马上向警方报告。

Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river ,the old man reported to the police at once.⑤一些科学家坚信人们总有一天会喜欢转基因农作物的,因为它们能够提高产量,帮助发展中国家战胜饥荒和疾病。

Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yield and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world.Unit 3 ①无论是在城市还是在农村,因特网正在改变人们的生活方式。

The internet is changing the way people live,no matter whether they are in urban or rural area.②和大公式相比,中小公司更容易受到全球金融危机的威胁

Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of economic crisis than the large ones.③关于期末论文,教授要求我们先分析失业图表,然后对国家的经济发展提供批评性的见解

With regard to our term papers,the professor asked us to analyze the chart of unemployment first ,and then provide critical reflections on the nation’s economic development.④他从来也没有想到他们队会以大比分赢得那场篮球赛

It never occurred o him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.⑤回顾二十年的中学教学,我把我的成功归结为耐心、才能和对知识的不断追求

Looking back on my twenty years’ teaching in high school,I attributed my success to patience ,talent,and the constant pursuit of knowledge.Unit 4 ①红十字会派遣的志愿者人员非常小心地对村里的饮用水进行消毒,以避免爆发瘟疫 The volunteers sent/assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution ,the drinking Water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague.②爱因斯坦用了多年的时间试图把电磁学理论和引力理论结合起来,但没有成功

Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity but failed.③因其在激发学生创造性想象力方面出色的表现,王教授获得了校长奖。

Professor wang received/won the presidential Award for his excellence in stimulating students ‘ creative imagination.④因存在一些设计上的重大缺陷,董事会没有同意那个经济刺激计划。

As there were some major design flaws ,the board of directions didn’t approve of the economic stimulus package.⑤乔丹意识到没有人能给他帮助,终于得出结论他必须面对现实,独自接受挑战。

Having realized that nobody could help him,Jordan finally came to the conclusion that he had to face reality and meet the challenge by himself.Unit 5 ①奶奶想当然地认为粮食价要涨,所以买了许多大米。

Grandma took it for granted that food prices would soar ,so she bought a lot of rice.②我可以给你引用几个例子来说明她献身科学事业的精神。I can quote you several i instances of her dedication to science.③20世纪80年代中国一些经济特区开始迅速发展起来。

The 1980s saw the start of the swift development of some special economic zones in China.④两国关系的紧张部分是由最近的间谍事件引起的。

Tension between the two counties stemmed in part from the latest spy affair.⑤彼特已在一家律师事务所当了多年律师。你可以考虑请他做你的律师,由他代你行事。Peter has worked in a law firm for many years.you can consider having him as your lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legal help.Unit 6 ①这座红房子在参天古树的映衬下十分夺目。

The red house stands out against the old trees that reach high up to the sky ②我的新工作薪酬很高,但是其他方面我并不满意。

The salary in/for my new job is great ,but for the rest ,I am not satisfied.③两条溪流的水在我们村子附近汇合了。

The waters of the two streams mingle near our village.④我们不应该嘲笑别人的宗教信仰

We should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs.⑤这间房间的窗帘同家具的风格不太协调。

The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the style of the furniture.



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