
时间:2019-05-12 23:22:49下载本文作者:会员上传


UNIT1 政府采取的一系列措施不但没有化解矛盾,反倒激起更多的暴力冲突。反对党联合工会发动了一次

大罢工,最终导致政府的垮台。(give rise to;form an alliance with;launch;bring about)Instead of resolving contradictions, the series of measures taken by the government gave rise to more violent clashes.The Opposition formed an alliance with the trade unions and launched a general strike, which ultimately brought about the downfall of the government.2 如今,大学与现实世界的距离越来越小,学生也变得越来越实际。从前,大学是一个象牙塔,学者追求的是学问本身而不是把学问作为达到目的的手段,但这样的时代已经一去不复返了。(shrink;gone are the days;a means to an end)

Nowadays, the gap between the university and the real world is shrinking and students are becoming more and more practical.Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as an end rather than a means to an end.3 我从未指望靠上课来学好这门课。但我确实去听课,因为在课上我能了解这门课的重点,学会如何组织材料、如何推理。(hope;the place where)

I never hoped to learn the subject well by attending those lectures.But I did go to lectures, for it was the place where I could get the important points of the course and learn how to organize materials and how to reason.4 我一直想方设法解决这个难题,但就是找不到满意的答案。可是当我去厨房喝饮料的时候,我突然间灵机一动,意识到解决问题的方法实际上可能很简单。(work out;click)

Although I have been trying every means to solve the problem, I cannot work out a satisfactory solution.But when I went to the kitchen to get a drink, something clicked and made me realize that the solution might be quite simple..UNIT2 1 一看见抽屉里的那些老照片,我的眼泪就涌了出来。它们让我想起了我跟爷爷奶奶、爸爸妈妈、兄弟姐妹一起生活的美好时光。(the moment;well up)

The moment I saw those old photos in the drawer, tears welled up in my eyes, for my memory went back to the days when I lived happily with my grandparents, my parents and my brothers and sisters.2 有个学生踩到地上的一滩水滑倒了。周围的人反应各异,有的关心地走上前去看他是否受伤了、能为他做点什么;有的则站在一边不知所措;有的干脆就不理。(diverge from;approach;confuse over;tune out)When a student slipped on a pool of water and fell over, people’s reaction diverged from one another.Some approached caringly to see if he was hurt and if they could help;some just stood there confusing over what to do about it;while others just tuned out.3 上星期六上午,我像往常一样去超市购物。我刚要打开车门,却发现没带钱包。我只好回家去找,可是哪儿也找不到。(do the usual;do nothing but;fail to do)

Last Saturday morning, I did the usual and went shopping in the supermarket.When I was about to open the door of my car, I found that I did not have my wallet on me.I could do nothing but go back home in search of it, but I failed to find it anywhere.4 我上小学二年级的时候,我们班有个同学得到的生日礼物是一辆红色的遥控车。我们大家只有羡慕的份,却不能也去买一辆,因为那种遥控车很贵,而且还是在香港买的,那时候在我们看来香港和纽约一样遥不可及。(could only;as far as)When I was a second grader, one of my classmates got a red radio-controlled toy car as a birthday gift.The rest of us could only admire, but could not imitate, because the car was expensive and was bought in Hong Kong, a place which seemed to us as far away as New York at that time.UNIT3 1 这些文件很重要,内容要绝对保密。如果要处理掉的话,应先把它们切碎或斯掉,而不是直接当垃 圾扔掉。(content of which;tear up;instead of)These are important documents, the content of which should be kept strictly confidential.If you need to dispose of them, you must shred them or tear them up instead of throwing them out with the trash.2 现在,伪造支票、身份证和信用卡之类的白领犯罪已变得相当普遍。尽管我们学会了许多防止被骗的招数,可是看起来我们随时都可能被骗。(forge;prevent...from)

Nowadays, white-collar crimes such as forging checks, ID cards and credit cards have become very common.Though we have learnt much about how to prevent ourselves from being cheated, it seems that we could be its victims at any time.3 地震已过去了好几个月,生活恢复了正常。人们与平时一样忙着各自的事情。但一个无法回避的事实是,地震给人们带来的精神创伤也许永进无法抹去。(go about;there is no escaping the fact that...;mental trauma;wipe out)

It has been several months since the earthquake.Life has returned to normal, and people are busy going about their business.But there is no escaping the fact that the mental trauma the earthquake brought to people will never be wiped out.4 为什么说一个图书馆拥有大量可供随时阅览的新书及电子图书资源很重要呢?因为那样的话,学者们就可以了解自己学科领域里的最新迚展,知道自己的研究是否有价值。(matter;readily available to;if so)

Why does it matter that a library has many new books and electronic resources readily available to the readers? This is because if so, the scholars know the latest development in their own fields and know whether their research is valuable.UNIT4 1 这个消息来得如此突然、如此令人震惊,我在沙发上呆呆地坐了几分钟。我的第一本能反应就是赶紧打电话把这件事告诉领导,看看我们能为那些在这起交通事敀中死伤的同事做些什么。(so...that;first instinct)

So sudden, so striking was the news that I sat motionless on sofa for a few minutes.My first instinct was to call our leaders to tell them what had happened and see what we could do for those colleagues who died or got injured in this traffic accident.2 纸版的儿童图书与电子书相比有很大的优势。对孩子们来说,一本印刷精美的纸版书不仅是一本书也是一个玩具。读纸版书的感觉与在屏幕上读书的感觉是很不同的。(have advantage over;be different from)

Paper books for children have an enormous advantage over e-books.For children, a beautifully printed paper book is not only a book but also a toy they can play with.Reading a paper book is rather different from reading a book on the screen.3近年来,传统媒体呈现出衰退的趋势,新媒体迅速发展。尽管如此,这幵不一定意味着传统媒体已失去市场。若谈到阅读新闻之类,人们还是习惯于像报纸这样的传统媒体。(in the tendency of;not necessarily;when it comes to...)

In recent years, traditional media are in the tendency of decline and new media are developing rapidly.However, this does not necessarily mean that traditional media have lost the market.When it comes to reading things like news, people are still used to such traditional media as newspaper.4 随着金融危机的爆发,许多企业陷入了困境。对于那些因缺乏流动资金无法迚行再生产又不想让恶性循环继续下去的企业,他们唯一能做的事情就是向政府求助。(find oneself in difficulty;turn to)

With the explosion of the financial crisis, many enterprises find themselves in difficulties.For those who have no circulating fund to invest in new production and would not let the vicious circle continue, the only thing they can do is to turn to government for help.UNIT5 1 虽然遇到了很多困难,但在他的带领下,公司产品打开了销路,总体形式也有了好转。为了表彰他的突出贡献,公司决定奖励他一套住房。(come across;for the better;in recognition of)Though they came across many difficulties, under his leadership they successfully found a market for their products, and the overall situation was changing for the better.In recognition of his outstanding contributions, the company decided to give him a flat as an award.2 当约翰向他挑战,要跟他比击剑的时候,他感到非常尴尬,因为他自知剑术不高,不是约翰的对手。如果他接受挑战,他肯定会输;可如果不接受呢,他就是个懦夫。(challenge...to)When John challenged him to fencing, he was very embarrassed because he knew that he was no match for John at it.If he took the challenge, he would surely lose;but if he didn’t, he would be a coward.3 他昨天感冒了。我们本以为他好好睡一晚就会好起来,所以今天早上就送他去上学了。但是下午放学回家时他发起烧来,不得不卧床休息。(assume;confine to)

He caught a cold yesterday.Assuming that he would get better after a good night’s sleep, we sent him to school this morning.But later in the afternoon, he got back home with a fever and was confined to bed.4 在过去的几年里,我得了几次重病,一直在贫困状态中生活,但是我没有放弃我的梦想。无论发生什么事,我总是坚守我的梦想,而梦想对我来说也变成了极大的支持和安慰。(abandon;in spite of;cling to)

In the past few years, I have had several severe illnesses and lived in a state of poverty, but I have never abandoned my dreams.In spite of everything I clung to my dreams, which have turned out to be a great support and comfort to me.UNIT6 1 当他知道自己未能入选校队时,他哭得很伤心,毕竟他经历了几个月的艰苦训练和激烈竞争,也学会了如何熟练地准确投篮。(cry one’s heart out;go through)

He cried his heart out when he heard that he was not in the list of the school team.After all, he had gone through months of hard training and gruelling competition, and had learned how to shoot with great skill and accuracy.2 那位以严格闻名的教练从一开始就要求队员抛弃一切杂念,超越他们的极限,以确保他们能在第29届北京奥林匹兊运动会上摘得一枚奖牉。(mean for sb to do sth;from the start;push … beyond limits)The coach, who was known for his strictness, had meant from the very start for all the players to shut out all the distracting thoughts and push themselves beyond their limits to ensure that they win a medal at the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing.3 新教练接管了球队后,时时牢记自己的使命,幵最终带领球队取得了联赛冠军。在接受采访时,教练激动得说不出话来。(take over;bear in mind;make it;at a loss for words)

Since after he took over the team, the new coach has always borne in mind his mission and finally made it to the championship of the league matches.When interviewed, the coach was at a loss for words because of excitement.4 足球是一项很奇妙的运动。虽然最后的比赛结果往往是0-0,1-0或2-1,但这丝毫不影响人们去观看比赛。对我来说,足球的魅力到底在哪里一直是个谜。(flock;remain)

Football is an amazing sport.Despite the fact that most finals are 0–0, 1–0 or 2–1, people keep flocking to see football games.For me, it remains a mystery what is so attracting about football.



Mrs.Smith complained to me that she always found and he daughter can't communicate


I firmly believe that, reading the English novel is expanding w we vocabulary is a kind of relaxed and happy method


I think we have to protect the environment from pollution is not doing enough


In addition to write a composition every week outside, our English teacher back to us to arrange the eight books over the summer reading


We learn from reliable sources next semester a native speaker is going to teach us English spoken English


Often watch English movies will not only improve your listening, but will also help you develop speaking skills


If you have these learning strategies have what problem, please ask me.I will be more detailed in the lecture.8、那个加拿大女孩善于抓住每个机会讲汉语。这就是她为什么三年不到就熟练的掌握了汉语口语的原因。

The girl is good at Canada grab every chance to speak Chinese.That is why she is less than three years of mastering the spoken Chinese reasons.1、幸好附近有家医院,我们立刻把他送到那里。

Fortunately there was a hospital nearby and we send him to there.2、胜利登上乔治岛后,船长向指挥部发了一份无线电报。

After succeeding in landing on George island, the captain to battalion sent a radio message.3、他决心继续他的实验,不过这一次他将用另一种方法来做。

He is determined to continue his experiment, but this time he will do that in another way.4、她在读这部小说时,不禁想起了她在农村度过的那五年。

She is reading the novel, she couldn't help thinking of had spent in the countryside that five years.5、玛丽觉得单靠自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的。

Mary felt single depend on own strength is difficult to carry out her plan.6、我们认为他不能在一刻钟内走完那段距离,但他却成功的做到了这一点。

We think he can't get over that distance in one quarter, but he was successful doing it.7、甚至在他的医生告诉他患有肺癌之后,奇切斯特仍不肯放弃环球航行的宿愿。

Even after his doctor told him he had lung cancer after, chichester would not give up his old dream of sailing around the world.8、我正忙着做一种新的捕鼠装置时,马克走来拖着我出去看画展了。

I was busy making a new device for catching rats, mark came and dragged me out to see the exhibition.1、那个名演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。

The actor seemed content to take a minor part in the play.2、国庆节要到了,咱们把教室彻底打扫一下吧。

National Day is round the corner.Let's give the classroom a thorough clean it.3、她非常勉强地同意让一位年轻医生为她做手术。

She is very reluctant to agree that a young doctor to operate on her.4、他已经安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在那一定玩得很开心。

He has arranged for us to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.I believe that we must have had a good time.5、老人读完信后失望之极,竟用颤抖的手指把它撕得粉碎。

After reading the letter the old man was so disappointed that he with trembling fingers tore it into pieces.6、老两口为他们的孙子感到骄傲,因为他在第28届奥运会上获得了两枚金牌和一枚铜牌。

The old couple were proud of their grandson, because he is in the 28 th Olympic Games won two gold MEDALS and one bronze medal.7、即使他的祖母不能来参加他的生日宴会,她也会寄给他一件可爱的礼物。对这一点汤姆深信不疑。

Even if his grandmother could not come to his birthday party, she would send him a lovely present.Tom was sure of that.8、昨天是玛丽的二十岁生日。她父亲寄给她一双靴子,她母亲为她买了一盒巧克力。而她的男朋友则带给她一束红玫瑰。

Yesterday is Mary twentieth birthday.Her father sent her a pair of boots, her mother as she bought a box of chocolate.And her boyfriend is to bring her a bunch of red roses.9、接受这份工作就得经常在周末上班,但约翰并不在意。

To take this job would involve working on weekends frequently, but John didn't care.10、众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。

As is known to all, lung cancer at least in part by smoking too much and cause.11、我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。

My grandparents said that the man who invented television had once lives in their that location.12、我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史密斯教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。

My grandparents said that the man who invented television had once lives in their that location.I propose that we go to the office right after the meeting for professor Smith and invite him to our English evening party.13、她因为那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。

She for the disease open two knives, the body is very weak, could barely stand up.14、教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。

Educators think that the generation growing up with television, in front of the TV spent too much time, so that there is not enough time to study.15、我真希望你能拿出一个比这个更好的解决办法来。

I really hope you can take out a better solution than this.16、乍一看,这幅画并不好,但经过仔细观察,我们才发现它的确是一幅杰作。

At first glance the picture didn't look very good, but after examining it carefully, we found that it was indeed a masterpiece.17、简从书架上拿了一本杂志,开始东一页西一页地随便翻阅。

Jane from the shelf a magazine and began to east a page of west a page of idly turning over.18、我随信附上这篇故事的几张插图。

I enclosed the illustrations of this story.19、那幢古老的建筑物四周有一圈高墙。

That old building there was a tall wall around.20、格林大夫忙着研制一种治艾滋病的药物,但从下月起他就能安排时间在星期一上午看二十个左右的病人了。

Doctor green busy developing a cure for AIDS, but from next month he can arrange time on Monday morning and see around 20 patients.21、他讲了个故事来说明为什么在详细查看其条款之前绝不要再任何合同上签字。

He told a story to illustrate why in detailed the terms to check before never any signature.22、他们老是对她说她有数学天才,她感到很不好意思。

They always said to her that she has a mathematical genius, she feel very embarrassed.23、天知道我们那个傻小子什么时候能中学毕业。

God knows that when we silly boy can graduated from high school.24、亨利的最近一部小说和他女儿的第一本书都于三个月前出版,令他惊讶的是,后者已经售出一百度万册。

Henry's last novel and his daughter are in the first book published three months ago, to his surprise, the latter has sold copies.1、You can receive better grades if you want to.Yes,even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work.你可以得到更好的成绩,如果你想去的地方。是的,即使智力一般的学生也可以负担的情况下成为优等生。

2、Of course,studying shouldn’t occupy all of the free time on the schedule.It’s important to set aside time for relaxation ,hobbies,and entertainment as well.当然,学习不应该占据所有的空闲时间的时间表。它是很重要的,留出时间进行休息,爱好和娱乐活动。

3、Skimming helps double your reading speed and improves your comprehension as well.略读帮助你加倍阅读的速度,也增进你的理解。

4、If you review your notes and textbook regularly ,the material will become more meaningful and you will remember it longer.如果你定期复习笔记和课本,材料会变得更有意义,你的记忆也会保持得更长久。

5、Improving your study habits will improve your grades.改进你的学习习惯将提高你的成绩。

1、A challenge and something of an adventure are welcome whether you are 20 or 58,and preparing to swim the Channel is far better than working in a supermarket,especially when you have a choice.一个挑战,一项冒险是受欢迎的是否有20或58,准备横渡英吉利海峡,远比在一家超市工作,尤其是当你有一个选择。

2、It is this challenge that attracts about 100 swimmers a year,who are willing to spend time,effort and money trying it.正是这种挑战,每年吸引了100运动员,他们愿意花时间、精力和金钱试一下。

3、Once I set up a goal,I won’t give it up easily.一旦我设立了一个目标,我就不会放弃它很容易。

4、She was having a tough time with the rough and cold water,when her trainer shouted to her from the boat that he thought she should give up and get out of the water.她有一个艰难的时期,粗糙的冷水,当她的教练在船上朝她喊道,他认为她应该放弃并离开水面。

1、Also,while all people have the same emotions,the causes of these emotions are different.同时,所有人都有相同的感受,这些情绪的原因是不同的。

2、The sixty-first birthday has a special name because when people reach this time in life,the attitudes of their family and their community change toward them.有一种特殊的诞辰六十一周年的名字,因为当人们到达这一次是在生活的态度改变他们的家庭和社区向他们靠近。

3、If they are not healthy and strong enough to live alone,they live in special homes for old people.如果他们是不健康的,足够牢固,一个人住,他们住在特殊的家庭为老年人设计的。

4、There are young people and there are old people in Korea and North America , but it may be better to be young in North America and old in Korea.有年轻人和有老人们在韩国和北美,但它也许最好是年轻人在北美和老在韩国。

5、She said she was never going back to school and that life without a television wasn’t worth living.她说她再也不回学校,生活中没有一个电视不值得活下去。

6、What is good, I suppose ,is that many people are concerned about TV’s influence and that we have the power to change what we don’t like.什么是好的,我想,这是很多人都担心电视的影响力,而我们也有能力改变我们所不喜欢的。

7、Electricity , they think, would make things too easy and spoil their way of life.电,他们的想法,会让我们太容易抢夺他们的生活方式。

8、Maybe they would be more interested in staying home and watching television.也许他们会更感兴趣呆在家里看电视。

1、You soon become engrossed in some book or other , and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment--without buying a book , of course.你很快就会专注于一些书或者其他,而且通常只有很久以后,你就会意识到你已经花了太多的时间,必须赶快保留一些忘记约会——而不买一本书,当然。

2、This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think , the main attraction of a bookshop.这个机会逃避日常生活的现实,我想,主要景点的一家书店。

3、In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browsing.Then , and only then , are his services necessary.在一个书店助手应该留在背景直到你已经完成的浏览。那时,只有到那时,他的服务是必要的。

4、You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop.It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on , say , ancient coin and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel and perhaps a book about brass—rubbing--something which had only vaguely interested you up till then.你要小心不要被吸引的各种各样的书在一家书店。它是非常容易进入商店寻找一本,说,古代钱币和出来携带一份最新的畅销小说,或许一本关于------铜摩擦感兴趣的东西,只有模糊你、直到即可。

5、One day, however , he was dismayed to find the book missing from its usual place and was about to leave when he noticed the shop beckoning to him.Expecting to be told off ,he went towards him.To his surprise , the owner pointed to the book, which was tucked away in a corner.有一天,不过,他沮丧地发现这本书不见老地方,正要离开,这时他注意到商店向他。要告诉了,他走向他。令他吃惊的是,业主指出这本书,这是隐藏在一个角落里。




11.Our youngest, a world-class charmer, did little to develop his intellectual talents but always got by.Until Mrs.Stifter.2.No one seems to stop to think that — no matter what environments they come from — most kids don't put school first on their list unless they perceive something is at stake.3.Of average intelligence or above, they eventually quit school, concluding they were too dumb to finish.4.Young people generally don't have the maturity to value education in the same way my adult students value it.5.It is an expression of confidence by both teachers and parents that the students have the ability to learn the material presented to them.6.This means no more doing Scott's assignments for him because he might fail.No more passing Jodi because she's such a nice kid.1.我的小儿子是个世界级的万人迷,学习不怎么动脑筋却总能蒙混过关。直到施蒂夫特夫人当了他的老师,这种局面才彻底改变了。







21.I had always dreamed of being proposed to in a Parisian cafe, under dazzling stars, like the one in a Van Gogh knockoff that hangs in my studio apartment.Instead, my boyfriend asked me to marry him while I was Windexing the bathroom mirror.2.But the more time and effort I put in, the more the universe tried to thwart me.The Greek band from Los Angeles that I wanted wasn't available.The stitching I had requested for my cathedral veil was all wrong.My ivory silk gown was being quarantined somewhere in Singapore.3.I realized that a Big Day without my mother would be no day at all.Not having my dad, who passed away three years before, to walk me down the aisle was painful, but the thought of not having Mom there was unbearable.4.Our baby sister, who'd been looking after Mom since Dad's death,

intensive-care unit, just a few hours after her surgery.She was strung out with a myriad of plastic tubes protruding from her arms, nose, and mouth.“Liz, make sure you eat something,” she said in a strained, raspy voice.6.I've forgotten what kind of stitching is in my veil.But when I remove it from my face, I'll be staring at the two people I love beyond all reason: my soon-to-be husband and the woman(who showed me what's really important.)




4.小妹自父亲去世以来一直照顾着妈妈,这时恐惧占据了她的心,此情此景让她不由得 想起父亲临终的日子。咨询医生后,我们得知胃部手术是妈妈唯一的选择。医院一有床位我们就住进去了。




31.In sequential testimony, each one stated that he did not believe tobacco was a health risk and that his company had taken no steps to manipulate the levels of nicotine in its cigarettes.2.Dr.Brandt...amply demonstrates that Big Tobacco understood many of the health risks of their products long before the 1964 surgeon general's report.3.Early in the 20th century, opposition to cigarettes took a moral rather than a health-conscious tone, especially for women who wanted to smoke, although even then many doctors were concerned that smoking was a health risk.4.And their marketing memorandums document advertising campaigns aimed at youngsters to hook whole new generations of smokers.5.Instead, these experts focused primarily on a small group of skeptics of the dangers of cigarettes during the 1950s, many of whom had or would eventually have ties to the tobacco industry.6.Last August, she concluded that the tobacco industry had engaged in a 40-year conspiracy to defraud smokers about tobacco's health dangers.1.在随后的证词中,每个人都陈述自己不相信烟草会给健康带来风险,而且自己的公司从未采取措施来操纵香烟中尼古丁的含量。







51.It is hard to escape the fact that in developed societies, despite progress, innovation prosperity, there is something not quite right.2.Politicians, obsessed with inputs and outputs, targets and controls, are flummoxed by immeasurable concepts such as the value people place on spending time with their families.3.Another reason is that electoral cycles lend themselves to a culture of short-termism, with a need for immediate, quantifiable measurements and results.4.Today we need to be just as revolutionary to put us back on track to social prosperity: to respond to that yearning for happiness.5.Setting the right framework means creating incentives and removing barriers to remodel the context within which the whole of society makes choices.6.Given our advances in terms of political freedom, economic enterprise and cultural ingenuity, life could, and should, be more satisfying.1.人们很难摆脱这样一种事实:在发达的社会,尽管社会进步,改革日新月异,物质富足,人们却总觉得有些事情不大对劲。

2.政治家们满脑子的投入与产出,目标与调控,而叶于诸如有多看重与家人共度时 光之类的、无法用数字测量的概念,他们往往感到困惑不已







We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it's fairly minor

2)父亲去世时我还小,不能独立生活。就在那时,家乡的父老接过了养育我(my upbringing)的责任。

a)(at that point)My father died when I was too young to live on my own.The people of my hometown took over(responsibility for)my upbringing at that point.3)这些玩具必得在达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童。(requirement)

a)The toys have to meet strict/tough safety requirements before they can be sold to children.4)作为新闻和舆论的载体(carrier),广播和电视补充了而不是替代了报纸。(supplement, rather than)

a)Radio and television have supplemented rather than replaced the newspaper as carriers of news and opinion.5)至于这本杂志,它刊载世界各地许多报章杂志上文章的摘要。(digest When it comes to this magazine, it is/carries a digest of articles from many newspapers and magazines around the world


a)Though greatly affected by the consequences of the global financial crisis, we are still confident that we can face up to the challenge and overcome the crisis

2)在持续不断的沙尘暴的威胁下,我们被迫离开我们喜爱的村庄,搬迁到新的地方。(threat, compel, settlement a)Under threat of constant sand storms, we were compelled to leave our cherished village and move to the new settlement


a)According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials

4)看到卡车司机把受污染的废弃物(contaminated waste)倒在河边,老人马上向警方报告。(spot, alongside)

a)Having spotted a truck driver dumping contaminated waste alongside the river, the old man reported to the police at once.5)一些科学家坚信人们总有一天会喜欢转基因农作物(genetically modified crops)的,因为它们能够提高产量,帮助发展中国家战胜饥荒和疾病。(conviction, come to...)

a)Some scientists hold to the firm conviction that people will come to like genetically modified crops someday since they can increase yields and help combat hunger and disease in the developing world

6)无论是在城市还是在农村,因特网正在改变人们的生活方式。(urban, rural)

a)The Internet is changing the way people live, no matter whether they are in urban or rural areas

7)和大公司相比,中小公司更容易受到全球经济危机的威胁。(medium, vulnerable)

Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than large ones

8)关于期末论文,教授要求我们先分析失业图表,然后对国家的经济发展提供批评性的见解。(analyze, chart, reflection)

a)With regard to our term papers, the professor asked us to analyze the chart of unemployment first, and then provide critical reflections on the nation's economic development.9)他从来也没有想到他们队会以大比分赢得那场篮球赛。(by a large margin, it occurs to...)a)It never occurred to him that their team would win the basketball match by a large margin.10)回顾二十年的中学教学,我把我的成功归结为耐心、才能、和对知识的不断追求。(look back on)

a)Looking back on my twenty years' teaching in high school, I attributed my success to patience, talent, and the constant pursuit of knowledge

11)红十字会派遣的志愿人员非常小心地对村里的饮用水进行消毒(disinfect),以避免爆发瘟疫。(outbreak, caution)

a)The volunteers sent / assigned by the Red Cross disinfected, with great caution, the drinking water in the village so as to avoid an outbreak of plague


a)Einstein spent many years trying to unify the theories of electromagnetism and gravity but failed

13)因其在激发学生创造性想象力方面的出色表现,王教授获得了校长奖。(stimulate, imagination

a)Professor Wang received / won the Presidential Award for his excellence in stimulating students' creative imagination.14)因存在一些设计上的(design)重大缺陷,董事会没有同意那个经济刺激计划(stimulus package)。(approve of, flaw)

a)As there were some major design flaws, the board of directors didn't approve of the economic stimulus package.15)乔丹(Jordan)意识到没人能给他帮助,终于得出结论他必须面对现实,独自接受挑战。(come

a)Having realized that nobody could help him, Jordan finally came to the conclusion that he had to face reality and take up / meet the challenge by himself 16)奶奶想当然地认为粮价要涨,所以买了许多大米。(take sth.for granted

Grandma took it for granted that food prices would soar, so she bought a lot of rice.17)我可以给你引用几个例子来说明她献身科学的精神。(quote, instance I


can quote you several instances of her dedication to science 18)20世纪80年代中国一些经济特区(zone)开始迅速发展起来。(see, swift)

a)The 1980s saw the start of the swift development of some special economic zones in China.19)两国关系的紧张部分是由最近的间谍事件(spy affair)引起的。(in part

a)Tension between the two countries stemmed in part from the latest spy affair

20)彼得已在一家律师事务所(law firm)当了多年律师。你可考虑请他做你的律师,当你需要法律援助时,由他代你行事。(on sb.'s behalf)

a)Peter has worked in a law firm for many years.You can consider having him as your lawyer to act on your behalf when you need legal help.21)这座红房子在参天古树的映衬下十分夺目。(stand out)

a)The red house stands out against the old trees that reach high up to the sky.22)我的新工作薪酬很高,但是其他方面我并不满意。(a)The salary in / for my new job is great, but for the rest, I'm not satisfied 23)两条溪流的水在我们村子附近汇合了。(mingle

a)The waters of the two streams mingle near our village.我们不应该嘲笑别人的宗教信仰。(mock 24)

a)We should not mock at other people's religious beliefs.25)这间房间的窗帘同家具的风格不太协调。(in tune

a)The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the style of the furniture


English is known as a world language, regularly used by many nations whose English is not their first language.Like other languages, English has changed greatly.The history of the English language can be divided into three main periods : Old English, Middle English and Modern English.The English language started with the invasion of Britain by three Germanic tribes during the 5th century AD, and they contributed greatly to the formation of the English language.During the medieval and early modern periods, the influence of English spread throughout the British Isles, and from the early 17th century its influence began to be felt throughout the world.The processes of European exploration and colonization for several centuries led to significant change in English.Today, American English is particularly influential, due to the popularity of American cinema, television, music, trade and technology, including the Internet.人们普遍认为英语是一种世界语言,经常被许多不以英语为第一语言的国家使用。与其他语言一样,英语也发生了很大的变化。英语的历史可以分为三个主要阶段:古英语,中古英语和现代英语。英语起源于公元5世纪,当时三个日耳曼部落入侵英国,他们对英语语言的形成起了很大的作用。在中世纪和现代社会初期,英语的影响遍及不列颠群岛。从17世纪初,它的影响力开始在世界各地显现。欧洲几百年的探险和殖民过程导致了英语的重大变化。今天,由于美国电影、电视、贸易和技术、包括互联网的大受欢迎,美国英语的影响力尤其显。


Chinese calligraphy is a unique art and the unique art treasure in the world.The formation and development of the Chinese calligraphy is closely related to the emergence and evolution of Chinese characters.In this long evolutionary process, Chinese characters have not only played an important role in exchanging ideas and transmitting culture but also developed into a unique art form.Calligraphic works well reflect calligraphers' personal feelings, knowledge, self-cultivation,personality, and so forth, thus there is an expression that “seeing the calligrapher's handwriting is like seeing the person”.As one of the treasures o Chinese culture, Chinese calligraphy shines splendidly in the world's treasure house of culture and art.A M00C(massive open online course)is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.M00Cs are a recent development in distance education and have now become a surging trend in higher education.These classes are aimed at expanding a university's reach from thousands of tuition-paying students who live in town, to millions of students around the world.In addition to traditional course materials, M00Cs provide interactive user forums to support interactions between students and professors.M00Cs can encourage communication among participants who bring a variety of viewpoints, knowledge, and skills to the course;inspire people to “try on” subjects that they wouldn't otherwise pursue or even try on education itself;provide multiple ways to engage with course material, encouraging multimodal(多模式的)learning that can address the needs of learners with a variety of learning styles;and inspire better teaching and use of technologies for face-to-face courses.慕课是一种网络课程,它旨在通过网络实现广泛参与和开放接入。慕课是远程教育迈出的最新一步,现已在高等教育领域迅速引领潮流。通过这些课程,大学可以扩大影响的范围,从影响成千上万住在城里付学费的学生,扩展到惠及全球上百万的学生。除了拥有传统的课程资料,慕课还给使用者提供互动论坛,支持学生和讲师之间的交流。慕课能够促进参与者之间的交流,使得多种观点、知识和技能涌现到课堂上来;它鼓励人们尝试之前不可能尝试的课程,至是尝试新的教育方式;它提供多种学习课程资料的方式,鼓励多模式学习,以各种


In recent years, with the development of Internet technology, the construction of digital education resources of our country has made great achievements.Many universities have set up their own digital learning platforms, and digital teaching is playing an increasingly important role in education.Compared with the traditional way of teaching, the digital way has a lot of advantages.On one hand, digital teaching makes global sharing of teaching resources possible;on the other hand, it expands the learner's study time and space to learn, allowing people to get access to the digital virtual schools through the Internet anytime and anywhere.These advantages make it possible for people to shift from one-time learning to lifelong learning.As an important part of the American culture value system, “individualism” is admired by most American people.Americans view the family as a group whose primary purpose is to advance the happiness of individual members.In contrast to many other cultures, the primary responsibility of the American family member is not to advance the family as a group, either socially or economically.What would be best for the family is not usually considered to be as important as what would be best for the individual.With freedom comes the responsibility to care for oneself, for it is the freedom of choice that carries with it the responsibility: to accept the consequences of the choices.Many Americans give their children a lot of freedom because they want them to be independent and self-reliant.Along with the American emphasis on individual freedom, the belief in equality between parents and children also has had a strong effect on the family.作为美国文化价值体系的一个重要组成部分,“个人主义”受到大多数美国人的推崇。美国人认为家庭作为一个群体,其主要目的是促进家庭各成员的幸福。与许多其他文化相比,美国家庭成员的主要职责,不是在社会上或经济上提高整个家庭的地位。人们通常认为,什么是对个人最好的要比什么是对家庭最好的更为重要。与自由相伴而来的是照顾自己的责任,因为所选择的自由承载了责任,即必须接受自己的选择所带来的后果。许多美国人给他们的孩子很多的自由,因为他们希望孩子们能够独立和自力更生。在美国人强调个人自由的同时,父母与孩子间平等的信念也对美国家庭产生了巨大的影响。

孝道(filial piety)是中国古代社会的基本道德规范(code of ethics)。中国人把孝视为人格之本、家庭和睦之本、国家安康之本。由于孝道是儒家伦理思想的核心,它成了中国社会千百年来维系家庭关系的道德准则。它毫无疑问是中华民族的一种传统美德。孝道文化是一个复合概念,内容丰富,涉及面广。它既有文化理念,又有制度礼仪(institutional etiquette)。一般来说,它指社会要求子女对父母应尽的义务,包括尊敬、关爱、赡养老人等等。孝道是古老的“东方文明”之根本。

Filial piety is the basic code of ethics in ancient Chinese society.Chinese people consider filial piety as the essence of a person's integrity, family harmony, and the nation's well-being.With filial piety being the core of Confucian ethics, it has been the moral standard for the Chinese society to maintain the family relationship for thousands of years.It's undoubtedly a traditional Chinese virtue.The culture of filial piety is a complex concept, rich in content and wide in range.It includes not only cultural ideas but also institutional etiquettes.Generally speaking, it refers to the obligation of children to their parents required by the society, including respect, care, support for the elderly and so forth.Filial piety is fundamental to the ancient “Oriental civilization”.Valentine's Day on February 14 is celebrated in various American and European countries.It is a holiday of love and romance usually by exchanging valentines or love tokens between lovers.There are different origins regarding the festival.One legend goes that the Romans put a priest named Saint Valentine into prison for refusing to believe in the Roman gods.On February 14, Valentine was put to death not only because he was Christian, but also because he had cured the jailer's daughter of blindness.The night before he was executed he wrote her a farewell letter signed “From your Valentine”.Later, February 14 became a holiday for people to show affection for their loved ones.Today, people celebrate Valentine's Day in different ways, sending greeting cards and flowers, giving chocolate or other gifts, or joining in romantic dinners.The holiday has now become popular all over the world.In China the festival is also becoming increasingly popular with young people.美洲和欧洲各国都会庆祝2月14日的情人节。这是一个充满爱情和浪漫的节日,恋人之间通常都会交换情人卡和爱情信物。关于这个节日的起源有着不同的说法。一个传说是罗马人把一个叫圣瓦伦丁的神父关进了监狱,因为他拒绝相信罗马神。2月14日那天,瓦伦丁被处死,不仅因为他是基督徒,而且因为他曾治愈了一位监狱看守双目失明的女儿。他在被处死的前一天晚上给她写了一封署名“你的瓦伦丁”的告别信。后来,2月14日就成了一个人们可以为他们的情人展示感情的节日。现在,人们以不同的方式庆祝情人节,他们发送贺卡、鲜花,赠送巧克力或其他礼品,或共进浪漫的晚餐。现在这个节日已流行世界各地。在中国,这个节日也正越来越受年轻人的欢迎。

农历七月初七是中国的七夕节(Qixi Festival),是中国传统节日中最具浪漫色彩的一个节日。一些大的商家每年都举办不同的活动,年轻人也送礼物给他们的情人。因此,七夕节被认为是中国的“情人节”(Valentine's Day)。七夕节来自牛郎与织女(Cowherd and Weaving Maid)的传说。相传,每年的这个夜晚,天上的织女都会与牛郎相会。所以,在七夕的夜晚,人们可以看到牛郎织女在银河(the Milky Way)相会。姑娘们也会在这一天晚上向天上的织女乞求智慧,以获得美满姻缘。但随着时代的变迁,这些活动正在消失,唯有标志着忠贞爱情的牛郎织女的传说一直流传民间。

July 7th on the Chinese calendar is Chinese Qixi Festival, the most romantic of all the traditional Chinese holidays.Every year, some big businesses organize various activities, and young people send gifts to their lovers.As a result, the Qixi Festival is considered to be Chinese “Valentine's Day”.The Qixi Festival is derived from the legend of Cowherd and Weaving Maid.The legend holds that on this particular night every year the Weaving Maid in heaven meets with Cowherd.So, people can see Cowherd and Weaving Maid meeting in the Milky Way on the night of Qixi.On this night, girls would also beg Weaving Maid for some wisdom for a happy marriage.But, with the changing of times, these activities are diminishing.All that remains is the legend of Cowherd and Weaving Maid, a sign of faithful love, continuously circulated among the folk.



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