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Secretary-General’s Message on United Nations Day 秘书长联合国日致辞 24 October 2013 2013年10月24日 Dear friends, 亲爱的朋友们,United Nations Day is a chance to recognize how much this invaluable Organization contributes to peace and common progress.联合国日使我们有机会认识到这一重要的组织为和平与共同进步所做出的巨大贡献。It is a time to reflect on what more we can do to realize our vision for a better world.此时应该反思的是,我们还能够为实现更美好世界的愿景再做些什么。The fighting in Syria is our biggest security challenge.叙利亚境内的战斗是我们面临的最大安全挑战。
Millions of people depend on UN humanitarian personnel for life-saving assistance.数以百万计的民众依赖联合国人道主义工作人员提供拯救生命的援助。
UN experts are working hand-in-hand with the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to destroy Syria’s stockpiles.联合国专家正与获得诺贝尔奖的禁止化学武器组织携手努力,争取销毁叙利亚的化武储存。
And we are pushing for a diplomatic solution to end suffering that has gone on far too long.我们正在推动一项外交解决方案,以结束一场历时太久的痛苦。
Our most urgent development challenge is to make sustainability a reality.最紧迫的发展挑战莫过于实现可持续性。
The Millennium Development Goals have cut poverty in half.千年发展目标已经将贫穷减少了一半。
Now we must maintain the momentum, craft an equally inspiring post-2015 development agenda and reach an agreement on climate change.我们现在必须保持这一势头,制订出同样激励人心的2015年后发展议程,并就气候变化问题达成协议。
This year again, we saw the United Nations come together on armed conflict, human rights, the environment and many other issues.今年,联合国再度凝聚力量,应对武装冲突、人权、环境及许多其他问题。
We continue to show what collective action can do.We can do even more.我们继续向世人展示集体行动能够取得的成果。而我们甚至可更有作为。In a world that is more connected, we must be more united.在这更加相互联接的世界中,我们必须更加团结。
On United Nations Day, let us pledge to live up to our founding ideals and work together for peace, development and human rights.值此联合国日,我们立誓实现我们的创始理想,为和平、发展和人权而共同努力。
UN Secretary General's Video Message for UN Day 2010October 2010
On United Nations Day, I express my great appreciation to the millions of people throughout the world who believe deeply in our work for peace, development and human rights… and who uphold our ideals and help us achieve our goals.To all of your friends and fellow citizens of the world I say: thank you.值此联合国日,我谨对坚信我们为和平、发展和人权所作的工作……捍卫我们的理想并帮助我们实现目标的遍布全世界的数百万人表示由衷的感谢。我要对你们大家……朋友们和世界公民们……说:谢谢你们。
Sixty-five years ago on this date, the founding Charter of the United Nations entered into force.Every year on UN Day, we reaffirm our global mission.We reassert the universal values of tolerance, mutual respect and human dignity.And we recognize the progress we have made together: gains in literacy and life expectancy… the spread of knowledge and technology...advances in democracy and the rule of law.65年前的今天,联合国的创始宪章开始生效。每年的联合国日,我们都重申我们的全球使命。我们重申容忍、相互尊重和人类尊严这些普遍的价值观。我们肯定我们共同取得的进展:文盲减少了,预期寿命增加了……知识和技术得到了传播……民主和法治得到了推进。But above all, UN Day is a day on which we resolve to do more.More to protect those caught up in armed conflict, to fight climate change and avert nuclear catastrophe;more to expand opportunities for women and girls, and to combat injustice and impunity;more to meet the Millennium Development Goals.不过,联合国日首先是我们下决心继续努力的日子。继续努力保护受到武装冲突影响的人、应对气候变化和避免核灾难;继续努力为妇女和女童提供更多的机会、消除不公正和有罪不罚现象;继续努力实现千年发展目标。
Last month’s MDG Summit at the United Nations generated political momentum… as well as financial commitments that are especially significant in these difficult economic times.I am determined to press ahead as the 2015 deadline approaches.上个月举行的联合国千年发展目标首脑会议推动了政治势头的形成……及财政承诺。在当今经济困难时期,这种财政承诺尤其重要。离最后期限2015年越来越近了,我决心加速前进。Despite our problems, despite polarization and distrust, our interconnected world has opened up vast new possibilities for common progress.Let us commit to do even more to realize the great vision set out in the UN Charter.尽管我们面临各种问题,尽管存在两极分化和不信任,我们这个相互连接在一起的世界为共同进步提供了大量新的机会。让我们承诺加倍努力,实现《联合国宪章》所描绘的美好前景。
联合国秘书长潘基文2012年联合国日视频致辞时间:2012-10-25 14:00
The Secretary-General Video Message on United Nations Day 24 October 2012
联合国秘书长潘基文联合国日视频致辞 2012年10月24日
Every year on UN Day, we celebrate the United Nations and the values of its founding Charter.每年的联合国日,我们都庆祝联合国,弘扬其创始《宪章》所载的价值观。
This year, at a time of turmoil and global transition, we reaffirm our pledge to the peoples of the world: 今年,在这动荡和全球变革之时,我们重申对世界人民的承诺: To stop the wars …
To work for justice … 谋求正义……
To address silent crises like hatred, hunger, disease and environmental degradation.应对各种无声的危机,例如仇恨、饥饿、疾病和环境退化。
People and problems cry out for sustainable solutions.The world needs greater global cooperation.We can forge this at the UN.人民吁求可持续的出路,各种问题亟需可持续的解决办法。世界需要更多全球合作。我们能够在联合国推动这一切。
The United Nations is not just a meeting place for diplomats.The United Nations is a peacekeeper disarming troops … a health worker distributing medicine … a relief team aiding refugees… a human rights expert helping deliver justice.联合国不仅仅是外交家的会议场所。联合国是解除部队武装的维持和平人员……是分发药品的保健工作人员……是援助难民的救济团队……是帮助伸张正义的人权专家。
But we can only succeed with the support of our partners: NGOs and CEOs;scientists and scholars;philanthropists and community leaders.然而,只有在我们的伙伴,即非政府组织和首席执行官、科学家和学者、慈善家和社区领袖的支持下,我们才能取得成功。
No single leader, country or institution can do everything.But each of us, in our own way, can do something.Together, as partners, we can meet the threats … end the wars and wipe out poverty.任何一个领导人、国家或机构都不是万能的。但我们每个人都能以自己的方式有所作为。我们作为伙伴共同努力,就能应对挑战……结束战争并消除贫穷。
On UN Day, let us pledge to join as one human family to create a better world for all.在联合国日,让我们承诺凝聚成一个人类大家庭,为所有人创造一个更好的世界。原文链接:http://
UN Secretary General's Video Message for UN Day 2010October 2010
On United Nations Day, I express my great appreciation to the millions of people throughout the world who believe deeply in our work for peace, development and human rights… and whoour ideals and help us achieve our goals.To all of you… friends and fellow citizens of the world… I say: thank you.值此联合国日,我谨对坚信我们为和平、发展和人权所作的工作……捍卫我们的理想并帮助我们实现目标的遍布全世界的数百万人表示由衷的感谢。我要对你们大家……朋友们和世界公民们……说:谢谢你们。
Sixty-five years ago on this date, the founding Charter of the United Nations entered into force.Every year on UN Day, weour global mission.Wethe universal values of tolerance, mutual respect and human dignity.And we recognize the progress we have made together: gains in literacy and life expectancy… the spread of knowledge and technology...advances in democracy and the rule of law.65年前的今天,联合国的创始宪章开始生效。每年的联合国日,我们都重申我们的全球使命。我们重申容忍、相互尊重和人类尊严这些普遍的价值观。我们肯定我们共同取得的进展:文盲减少了,预期寿命增加了……知识和技术得到了传播……民主和法治得到了推进。But above all, UN Day is a day on which we resolve to do more.More to protect those caught up in armed conflict, to fight climate change andnuclear;more to expand opportunities for women and girls, and to combat injustice and impunity;more to meet the Millennium Development Goals.不过,联合国日首先是我们下决心继续努力的日子。继续努力保护受到武装冲突影响的人、应对气候变化和避免核灾难;继续努力为妇女和女童提供更多的机会、消除不公正和有罪不罚现象;继续努力实现千年发展目标。
Last month's MDG Summit at the United Nations generated political … as well as financial commitments that are especially significant in these difficult economic times.I am determined to press ahead as the 2015 deadline approaches.上个月举行的联合国千年发展目标首脑会议推动了政治势头的形成……及财政承诺。在当今经济困难时期,这种财政承诺尤其重要。离最后期限2015年越来越近了,我决心加速前进。Despite our problems, despiteand distrust, our interconnected world has opened up vast new possibilities for common progress.Let us commit to do even more to realize the great vision set out in the UN Charter.尽管我们面临各种问题,尽管存在两极分化和不信任,我们这个相互连接在一起的世界为共同进步提供了大量新的机会。让我们承诺加倍努力,实现《联合国宪章》所描绘的美好前景。温家宝在第八届亚欧首脑会议开幕式的致辞
sustainable recovery
a close-knit community of interests
the exchange rates of major reserve currencies
the representation and voice of developing countries
the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities
clean energy, energyand environmental protection
the Eastern learning spreading westward and the Western learning spreading eastward兼容并蓄,取长补短,和谐共处
inclusiveness, draw on each other's strength and live in harmony
seek peaceful solutions to regional hot-spot issues, put an end toand warfare存在较大的不确定性
We are soberly aware of the many uncertainties existing in this process
was repeatedly ravaged by wars
We should adhere to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, intensify political interactions and strategic coordination, and enhance mutual understanding and trust.多元发展
diverse forms of development
seek common ground while reserving differences and build consensus
China will continue to contribute its share to strengthening and deepening the new Asia-Europe partnership
we pulled together and acted in unity
Let us work together to shape a prosperous and harmonious future for Asia and Europe.
UN Secretary-General’s Message on International Widows’ Day June, 2011
This first International Widows’ Day is an occasion to call attention to the many “firsts” that women must face when their husbands die.In addition to coping with grief, they may find themselves for the first time since marriage without any social safety net.Far too often, widows lack access to inheritance, land tenure, employment and even the means to survive.今年是第一次开展国际寡妇日活动,在这个日子里,我们呼吁人们关注妇女在丈夫死亡后必须“第一次”面对的许多问题。妇女不仅陷入悲痛,而且还可能在结婚后第一次发现她们没有任何社会安全网。寡妇往往不能继承财产,没有土地保有权,不能就业,甚至没有生存的手段。
In places where a widow’s status is linked to her husband, she may find herself suddenly shunned and isolated.Marriage – whether she desires it or not – may be the only way for a widow to regain her footing in society.在寡妇的地位与丈夫紧密相联的地方,寡妇可能发现人们突然躲避她,她陷入孤立无援的境地。无论寡妇是否愿意,结婚可能是她在社会重新立脚的唯一途径。
Of the approximately 245 million widows in our world, more than 115 live in extreme poverty.In countries embroiled in conflicts, women are often widowed young and must bear the heavy burden of caring for their children amid fighting and displacement with no help or support.全世界约有2.45亿寡妇,其中超过1.15亿人生活极端贫困。在冲突不断的国家,妇女往往年轻就守寡,不得不在战火中和颠沛流离的生活中肩负起照顾子女的重担,她们得不到任何帮助或支持。
Some of these widows are teenagers – or even younger.The death of their husbands can leave a terrible legacy these widows must endure throughout their remaining years.一些寡妇仍然是少女,有的甚至更年轻。丈夫死亡后,给寡妇们留下的可能是终身噩梦。
All widows should be protected by the rights enshrined in the Convention on theElimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and other international human rights treaties.《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和其他国际人权条约庄严载有各项权利,应可保护所有寡妇。
But in reality, interpretations of customary codes, as well as traditional mourning and burial rites, often deny widows virtually all of their universally recognized rights.但在现实中,对习惯法规的各种解读以及传统的丧葬礼仪往往剥夺了寡妇几乎所有的普遍公认权利。
Despite the many difficulties widows face, many make valuable contributions to their countries and communities.Some take on leadership roles at the highest levels.Others work in their families, taking in orphans, serving as caregivers and reaching across lines of conflict to mend tears in the social fabric.虽然寡妇面临许多困难,但许多人依然对国家和社区作出了宝贵贡献。一些人在最高级别发挥领导作用。其他人则在家里工作,收养孤儿,照顾他人,跨越冲突线,修补社会组织出现的裂痕。
We must recognize the important contribution of widows, and we must ensure that they enjoy the rights and social protections they deserve.我们必须承认寡妇的重要贡献,我们必须确保她们享有她们应得的权利和社会保障。
Death is inevitable, but we can reduce the suffering that widows endure by raising their status and helping them in their hour of need.This will contribute to promoting the full and equal participation of all women in society.And that will bring us closer to ending poverty and promoting peace around the world.死亡是不可避免的,但我们可以提高寡妇的地位,在她们最需要帮助的时刻帮助她们,减轻她们的痛苦。这将有助于促进所有妇女充分和平等地参与社会。而这又将使我们进一步接近消除贫穷和促进世界和平的目标。