St.Luke's College of Medicine-William H.Quasha Memorial(SLCM-WHQM)is one of the 33 medical schools in the Philippines.Established in 1994 as the medical school of the St.Luke's Medical Center(est.1903), it offers a 5-year curriculum leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine(MD), assuring a one-year internship program at the Medical Center.SLCM-WHQM is duly accredited by the Commission on Higher Education.聖路克醫學院是菲律賓33所醫療學校的其中之一。創立於1994,附屬於聖路克醫學中心(1903)的醫學院,醫學院提供5年的醫生課程、一年醫學中心的實習課程。聖路克醫學院已經被高等教育部所認可。
SLCM-WHQM has 8 Basic and 12 Clinical Departments with a full complement of faculty and staff.As of SY 2006-2007, there are 432 students enrolled from first to fifth year.聖路克醫學院有8個基礎和12個鄰床醫學,從2006-2007,從一年級到五年級有432個學生。
The 14-storey College of Medicine building, completed in June 1997, has air-conditioned classrooms and conference/lecture halls with audio-visual devices.The College has 4 basic science laboratories, a well-equipped library with computer and internet facilities.醫學院有一棟14層樓的建築物在1997年完工,教室和會議廳有冷氣/演講廳有視聽設備。學院內有4個基本科學實驗室,一個擁有電腦與網路等完整設備的圖書館。
The Dept of Anatomy and the Dept of Pathology(inclusive of Microbiology, Parasitology and Clinical Pathology)laboratories have TV monitors hooked to the Professor's binocular microscope for real time viewing of what the Professor is referring to on the slide.The different departments and units are cable-ready for the SLCM website and the webmail.Other facilities are a Prayer Room, College Clinic, Food Court, aero-workout gym with trainers, dormitories for clerks, interns and residents, the Atty William H.Quasha Memorial Museum, and a carpark for about 220 vehicles with a valet driver who may be allowed to park cars with valid SLCM stickers.Three elevators ease access to all floor levels.解剖學科和病理學系(微生物學、寄生生物學和臨床病理學)實驗室有電視螢幕連結到教授的雙目顯微鏡,能夠在螢幕上同時看到教授正在提到的部份。不同的部門與單位都可以連結到聖路克醫學院的網站與網路信箱。其他的設施有祈禱室、校內診所、美食街、附有教練的健身房、舍監、實習醫師和住院醫師、Atty William H.Quasha紀念博物館和可以容納220部車的停車場。還有三座電梯可以抵達每個樓層
SLCM follows the integrated basic and clinical sciences curriculum spread over a 5-year course.Medical Clerkship and Internship programs are provided at the St.Luke's Medical Center with affiliations in local specialty hospitals to expose students to a wide variety of patients, and clinical facilities.The Community Medicine program includes Preventive Medicine, Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Surgery, Ophthalmology, and Internal Medicine.The students have the opportunity to rotate to various identified Community Medicine centers in our vicinity.There are institutions that are jointly supervised by the College and the Medical Center in Sto.Tomas, Batangas;and Cabiao, Nueva Ecija;in coordination with their respective local Municipal Health Officer and the local government unit.聖路克醫學院的五年課程裡有基礎與臨床科學等課程。聖路克醫學中心結合當地專科的醫院提供給學生醫學見習和實習計畫,讓學生有機會可以接觸到更多樣化的病人和醫療設施。社區醫療計畫包含預防醫學、產科醫學、小兒科、手術、眼科和內科。學生有能機會輪流在這些多樣的社區醫學中心就近學習。
Medical clerkship and internship programs include rotations for all students at the St Luke's Medical Center(SLMC), the base hospital for the College.SLMC is the only hospital in the Philippines and second in Asia that is accredited by the Joint Commission for International Accreditation(JCIA), the foreign arm for the USA's Joint Commission for
Accreditation of Hospital Organizations(JCAHO).The St.Luke's Medical Center is an international affiliate of the New York Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, all in the USA.醫學見習和實習計畫包含所有學生可以在聖路克醫學中心內的在所有單位輪訓。聖路克醫學中心是菲律賓唯一一間也是亞洲第二間被Joint Commission for International Accreditation(JCIA國際醫院評鑑聯合會)鑑定合格,USA's Joint Commission for Accreditation of Hospital Organizations(JCAHO)美國醫療機構聯合委員會的國外推手。聖路克醫學中心是紐約Presbyterian醫院、哥倫比亞大學的內外科學院、Cornell 大學的Weill Cornell醫學院和Sloan-Kettering癌症紀念醫院的國際成員之一。
St.Luke's College of Medicine and the St.Luke's Medical Center have been host to several medical students from the University of Hawaii and the University of Alberta in Canada who opted to have their electives rotation with the College and the Medical Center.聖路克醫學院和聖路克醫學中心曾經接待從夏威夷大學來的醫學院學生和加拿大Alberta大學的學生來醫學院和醫院選修他們的輪訓課程。
SLCM has an active Faculty Development Program which includes sponsorship of faculty members to scholarships in relevant graduate studies of their choice.Student and faculty research, in close collaboration with the Research and Biotechnology Division of SLMC, is fostered through generous funding assistance.Grants for Professorial Chairs are also available to the Faculty.聖路克醫學院
·学校概况 泰山医学院的前身是山东医学院楼德分院,自1974年起独立办学。1998年通过了国家教育部本科教学工作合格评估。学校开展普通硕士研究生教育、同等学力在职申请硕士教育、本专科教育、成人教育,面向全国招生。学校占地3200余亩,校舍建筑面积近63万平方米,其中新校区占地2750亩,位于泰安市高新技术开发区内,校区地形起伏错落有致,植被茂盛,流水潺潺,风景如画,位置优越,交通便利,是一所数字化、园林化、生态化的新型园区,是莘莘学子求学深造、专家学者开展科研的理想王国。学校现有全日制普通在校生16800余人,研究生276人,各类成人教育在校生8000余人。有教职工1452人,其中专任教师995人,副高级以上职称412人,硕士学位以上者398人。11名两院院士受聘为客座教授。学校现设有15个教学院部系,16个硕士学位授权点,25个本科专业,专业门类涵盖医学、工学、文学、理学、管理学、教育学和法学等学科。学校不断加强医学和其他学科的交叉、融合、渗透,拓展学科专业空间,逐步建立起医工、医管、医文等相结合的学科专业群,初步形成了有特色的多科性大学的办学格局。学校现有教学科研仪器设备总值1亿余元、图书114万册、电子图书53万册,建立了覆盖全校并与中国教育和科研计算机网互联的校园网,有教育技术中心、计算机信息网络中心等教学科研辅助机构。学校现有5个省级重点学科、1个省级强化重点建设实验室。有附属医院8所,教学实习医院20所,供教学、实习用病床14000张。有大中型制药厂、医药研究所、药品检验所、计划生育服务站、化工机电环保生产企业等实践教学基地120处。学校坚持“以质量求生存,以改革求发展”的办学方略,坚持“突出特色,协调发展,依托优势,整体提高”的办学思路,秉承“明德、学是、格物、求真”的校训,倡导勤奋、严谨、博学、创新的优良学风,不断深化教育教学改革,积极推进素质教育,大力提高教学质量。我校学生在全国“挑战杯”创业计划大赛、全省科技作品大赛以及各项文体竞赛活动中取得优异成绩。近年来,我校应届本科生考研率在全省同类院校位居前列,毕业生就业形势良好,2004年、2005年年底就业率达到95%以上,其中医学影像学、药学、制药工程、公共事业管理等专业就业率达到100%。毕业生质量跟踪调查,综合评价满意率达到98%以上,人才培养质量得到社会各界广泛好评。学校积极进行科学研究,科研工作取得显著成绩。“十五”期间,承担上级科研计划课题139项,其中国家自然科学基金课题4项,“973”子课题1项,科技部、教育部等省部级课题18项。获得上级科技奖励109项。现有5个省级重点学科、1个省级重点实验室强化建设项目、省级中青年学术骨干和重点科技人才20人。学校重视对外合作与交流,建校以来,与日本爱媛大学、韩国延世大学、英国密德萨斯大学、乌克兰里米亚大学和新加坡中央医院等15个国家或地区的高校、医院建立了比较稳定的合作与学术交流关系,在师资培养、教学、科研、医疗等方面进行了卓有成效的合作。与国外友好学校商定,每年选拔优秀在校本科生出国学习。近年来,学校先后被授予“省级文明单位”、“中国大中专学生志愿者暑期„三下乡‟社会实践活动先进单位”、“山东省高等学校治安综合治理先进单位”、“基层创安先进单位”、“山东省学校民主管理先进单位”等荣誉称号,以优异成绩通过了省委高校工委组织的校园文明评估、德育工作评估。面向新世纪,泰山医学院以“三个代表”重要思想和党的十六大精神为指导,全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持社会主义办学方向,适应社会主义市场经济的要求,全面推进素质教育,实施“人才强校”战略,不断提高教育质量和办学水平,大力弘扬求真务实精神,解放思想,与时俱进,干事创业,努力建设特色鲜明的多科性大学
学校历史 泰山医学院源于1891年创办的华美医院医校,1903年在华美医院医校基础上组建共合医道学堂,即后来的齐鲁大学医学院,1952年齐鲁大学医学院与创办于1932的山东医学院合并组建新的山东医学院(校址在济南)。1970年山东医学院与山东中医学院合并为山东医学院,搬迁至泰安市新泰县楼德镇(济南设留守处),1974年建立山东医学院楼德分院,1979年山东医学院楼德分院迁至泰安市区,改名为山东医学院泰安分院,1981年经国务院批准,山东医学院泰安分院更名为泰山医学院。
办学规模 学校占地3000余亩,校舍建筑面积78万平方米,固定资产13.6亿元,教学科研设备总值1.56亿元,图书256万册(含电子图书117万册);有直属附属医院1所,非直属附属医院11所,其他各类实习见习教学基地230余家。学校教职工1500余人,专任教师1100余人,其中具有高级职称的450余人,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家14人,山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家及医药卫生系统中青年重点科技人才10人,全国优秀教师7人,山东省教学名师6人,山东省“泰山学者”特聘教授1人,“泰山学者海外特聘专家”1人,15名院士受聘担任学校教授。
学科专业 有临床医学、医学影像学、护理学、药学、中药学、制药工程、医学检验、预防医学、卫生检验、口腔医学、运动人体科学、生物医学工程、生物技术、生物工程、应用物理学、环境工程、化学工程与工艺、高分子材料与工程、应用化学、计算机科学与技术、电子信息科学与技术、信息管理与信息系统、英语、俄语、旅游管理、公共事业管理、市场营销、人力资源管理、劳动与社会保障、社会工作34个本科专业和专业方向,涵盖医学、工学、理学、文学、管理学、教育学、法学等七大学科门类。
科研工作 学校有动脉粥样硬化研究所、放射技术研究所、药物研究所、神经生物学研究所、流行病学研究所、运动医学研究所、肝胆胰外科研究所、生殖健康研究所、生物医学工程研究所、人口学研究所、泰山文化研究所、免疫学研究所、病原生物学研究所、制药技术研究所、医药生物技术研究所、卫生政策与管理研究所、医学人文研究所、脑科学研究所等19个科研机构。
研究生教育 学校有临床医学、基础医学、药学、护理学等4个一级学科硕士授权点,影像医学与核医学、外科学、病理学与病理生理学、老年医学、内科学、妇产科学、药理学、运动医学、神经生物学、流行病与卫生统计学、人体解剖与组织胚胎学、免疫学、病原生物学、神经病学、护理学、肿瘤学等33个硕士学位授权点,同时接受同等学力人员申请硕士学位;有临床医学专业硕士学位授权点。
继续教育与培训 学校成人高等学历教育(函授及夜大学)有临床医学、医学影像学、医学检验、口腔医学、中西医结合、计划生育医学、生物医学工程、生物技术、药学、中药学、护理学、环境工程、化学工程与工艺、高分子材料与工程、计算机科学与技术、电子信息科学与技术、信息管理与信息系统、公共事业管理、计划生育管理、市场营销等本专科专业。本科毕业生参加山东省成人高等教育学士学位外语考试和主干课程考试合格后,授予相关学士学位证书。在职培训包括卫生部批准的卫生行业职业技能培训工程,及医护药工作人员、计划生育工作人员、农村基层卫生工作人员的继续教育培训。
国际交流与合作 学校积极开展国际间的教育、科研、医疗、文化交流与合作,先后与美国、日本、韩国、英国、乌克兰、新加坡等22个国家和地区的高校、医院建立了比较稳定的学术交流与合作关系,每年选派优秀教师和科研人员出国讲学、研修,与日本、韩国的高校互派本科生交流学习。同时,接受外国留学生来学校学习。2010年,学校被教育部批准为来华留学生医学本科教育(英语授课)院校,接受外国留学生来学校学习。2011年7月,国家汉语国际推广领导小组办公室正式批准我校为中国汉语水平考试(HSK)考点。我校于2011年7月成为首批接受山东省政府外国留学生奖学金的16所院校之一。
社会声誉 学校始终把教育教学工作作为学校的中心工作,把提高教育教学质量作为学校办学的永恒主题,秉承“登攀”的学校精神、“明德、学是、格物、求真”的校训,弘扬“日新至善”的校风、“业精德馨、诲人不倦”的教风、“勤奋严谨、学而不厌”的学风,多次获得中宣部、团中央、教育部、卫生部和山东省授予的荣誉称号,学生第一志愿报考率居山东省同类院校前列,毕业生受到用人单位和社会各界的广泛好评,享有良好的社会声誉。
Introduction toTaishan Medical University
History Taishan Medical University, located in Taian, Shandong, China, was founded in 1891 as the HuameiHospitalMedicalSchool.The university was co-founded with GongheMedicalSchool in 1903.TaishanMedicalUniversity was originally named Medical College of Qilu University in 1903.In 1952, the Medical College of Qilu University merged with ShandongMedicalCollege.In 1970, ShandongMedicalCollege merged with Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and moved to the Loude district of Xintai, a suburb of Taian.The Loude Branch College of Shandong Medical College was founded in 1974 and then was moved to TaianCity in 1979.Its name was changed into the Taian Branch College of Shandong Medical College.With the approval of the State Council in 1981, its name was then changed to TaishanMedicalUniversity.UniversityScaleTaishan Medical University covers an area of 200 hectares with a construction area of 780,000 square meters.The university now has fixed assets valued at RMB 1.36 billion Yuan including teaching, science and research equipment with a total value of more than 156 million Yuan.The students have access to 2,560,000 books including 1,170,000 e-books.The university has one affiliated hospital, 11 non-direct affiliated hospitals and more than 230 practice and internship bases.The University has 1,500 faculty and staff members.There are 1,100 full-time teachers, of which 450 are assistant professors and above, 14 enjoy special governmental allowances financed by the State Council.We have 10 young outstanding contribution experts and the best medical system talents of Shandong province, 7 state teachers of excellence, 6 famous provincial teachers and one professor titled “Taishan Scholar”.TaishanMedicalUniversity also has 15 academicians serving as our university‟s professors.The university has a School of Basic Medicine, Radiology College, Nursing College, Pharmacy College, School of Public Health, School of Stomatology, School of Human Sports Science, School of Bioscience, School of Population and Family Planning, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, School of Information Engineering, School of Foreign Languages, Management College, International Education College, Continuing Education College, Department of Social Sciences.The total number of undergraduates and college students now exceeds 20,000 plus 600 postgraduates and 13,000 students for adult education.They come from 18 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China.There are also 500 international students mainly from Asia, Africa and America.Course Structure and DisciplinesThe university offers courses in the following 34 subject areas: Clinical Medicine, Medical Imaging, Nursing, Pharmacy, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Medical Laboratory Technology & Laboratory Diagnostics, Preventive Medicine, Health Inspection, Stomatology, Human Sports Science, Biomedical Engineering,Biotechnology, Biochemical Engineering, Applied Physics, Environmental Engineering,Chemical Engineering & Technology,Macromolecular Material & Engineering,Applied Chemistry,Computer Science & Technology,Electronic Information Science & Technology,Information Management & Information System,English,Russian,Tourism Management,Management of Public Administration,Marketing(Medical Direction),Human Resources Management,Labor & Social Security and Social Work.The majors cover seven disciplines including medicine, engineering, science, literature, management, pedagogy and law.Clinical Medicine, Medical Imaging, Nursing and Pharmacy are state-level characteristic disciplines.We have 5 provincial characteristic disciplines, 4 provincial teaching teams, 12 provincial elaborate courses and 2 provincial
bi-lingual model courses.Our research and teaching center for Medical Imaging Technology was set as an experiment teaching center of ShandongProvince.TaishanMedicalUniversity passed the Undergraduate Teaching Standard Evaluation by Ministry of Education in November 2006 and received an award for excellence.Scientific ResearchThe University has 19 scientific research institutes: Institute of Atherosclerosis, Institute of Radiation Technology, Institute of Medicine, Institute of Neurobiology, Institute of Epidemiology, Institute of Sports Medicine, Institute of Hepatopancreatobiliary Surgery, Institute of Reproductive Health, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Larithmics, Institute of Mount Tai Culture, Institute of Immunology, Institute of Pathogenic Biology, Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, Institute of Medicinal Biotechnology, Institute of Health Policy and Management, Institute of Medical Humanities and Institute of Brain Science.Pharmacology, Medical Imaging & Nuclear Medicine and Pathogenic Biology are Provincial key disciplines of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan, among which Pharmacology is provincial characteristic key discipline;Medical Imaging, Geriatrics and Epilepsy Diagnosis and TreatCenter are provincial key disciplines of Medical and Health;The laboratory of Cerebral Microcirculation and laboratory of Atherosclerosis are provincial key laboratories of the Twelfth Five-Year;Pathology & Pathophysiology holds a provincial “Taishan Scholar” position.During the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan”, we have undertaken 1,200 science and research projects, of which 24 are nation-level projects, 61 are province-level projects and 261 are city-level projects.TaishanMedicalUniversity received 137 scientific research awards, published more than 3,000 scientific and teaching research articles, of which 80 can be retrieved in SCI and EI.Our University has published over 200 written textbooks on a wide range of medical topics.Our teachers are editors-in-chief or associate editors of 30 Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Education planning books.We are proud to have more than 30 patents.Graduate EducationThe University has four authorized first-class disciplines of Master‟s Degree—Clinical Medicine, Basic Medicine, Pharmacy and Nursing.The University has 33 different disciplines of master‟s degree programs, which are Medical Imaging & Nuclear Medicine, Surgery, Pathology & Pathophysiology, Geriatrics, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pharmacology, Sports Medicine, Neurobiology, Epidemic & Health Statistics, Human Anatomy & Embryonic Tissue, Immunology, Pathogen Biology, Neurology, Nursing and Oncology.In addition, we accept those who have equivalent education to award our university‟s master degree.We also have a clinical medicine professional master‟s degree program.Continuing Education and TrainingOur university also offer adult higher education courses(Correspondence courses and Evening college): Clinical Medicine, Medical Imaging, Medical Laboratory Technology & Laboratory Diagnostics, Stomatology, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine, Family Planning Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Pharmacy, Chinese Traditional Medicine, Nursing, Environmental Engineering, Chemical Engineering & Technology, Macromolecular Material & Engineering, Computer Science & Technology, Electronic Information Science & Technology, Information Management & Information System, Management of Public Administration, Management of Family Planning and Marketing.Those who participate in and pass the foreign language exam of the Shandong Province Adult Higher Education Degree program and the main courses exam will be awarded degree certificates.On-the-job training includes health industry vocational skills training projects of the Ministry of Health, and continuing education training to health workers, family planning workers and rural health workers.International Exchange and CooperationThe University develops international cooperative education, scientific research, medical, cultural exchanges and cooperation, establishes relatively stable academic exchange and cooperative relationship with universities of 22 nations and regions like the U.S., Japan, Korea, UK, Ukraine, Singapore.We select outstanding teachers and researchers to go abroad to give lectures and seminars each year, and have exchange programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students with Japan and Korea.Moreover,we receive overseas students.In the year 2010, the university was listed by the Ministry of Education as one of the Medical Undergraduate Education(offered in English)Institutions for overseas students.In June 2011, the university was authorized by national Hanban to hold tests for Chinese Proficiency Test(HSK).The university was recognized as one of the first 16 academies and colleges to accept the overseas student scholarship issued by ShandongProvince.We positively develop cooperative education programs with foreign countries.Cooperating with the University of Hertfordshire, We recruit students majored in Medical Imaging, Nursing, Pharmacy and Marketing Management;cooperating with the University of Chonbuk National University, we recruit students majored in Clinical medicine;cooperating with YonseiUniversity, we recruit students majored in Medical imaging.Social ReputationThe University always pays strict attention to education and teaching, eternally focusing on teaching quality.TaishanMedicalUniversity follows the spirit of our mottos: “Scale the heights” and “understanding morality and conduct, discovering the essence of knowledge, studying the truth, and insisting on the truth”.Our university also gets many annual honors from the Publicity Ministry, the Central Commission of China Youth League, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health and ShandongProvince.Senior middle school students make TaishanMedicalUniversity their first choice compared to similar universities in the province.Our graduates also have better chances in acquiring a job, and are very popular employees at their respective firms.
克缇简介 “一粒种子缔造一个王国”。1989年,总裁陈武刚博士以半百之龄创建克缇国际集团。20年来,克缇从无到有,已然发展成为一个海纳健康、美丽、财富的天堂。如果说克缇是一片麦田,总裁陈武刚便是那个脚踏实地的播种者,始终坚持一分耕耘、一分收获。
服务世界半数的人口,是克缇直销在中国的目标,多年来,克缇始终坚持自己的目标,步步推进,从未动摇。今天,我们有理由相信,凭借20 年的丰富直销经验,凭借克缇在大陆建立的市场基础和良好口碑,克缇必将会为中国大陆的直销行业带来新的血液和冲击。
校园地面: SMUS拥有两个校园,占地19英亩
学生总数: 923
学制: 8-12
国际学生比例: 46%
寄宿生总数: 251