美国副国务卿中国国庆节招待会上的讲话 20110928

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第一篇:美国副国务卿中国国庆节招待会上的讲话 20110928

Remarks on China’s National Day by William J.Burns, Deputy Secretary

Embassy of China Washington, DC September 28, 2011 美国副国务卿伯恩斯在中国国庆节招待会上的讲话

中国驻华盛顿大使馆 2011年9月28日

Ambassador Zhang, thank you for your gracious hospitality tonight.I am delighted to join Acting Secretary Blank, members of the diplomatic corps and other distinguished guests in congratulating the Chinese people on the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.In the company of so many good friends, this is a moment to highlight the remarkable and continuing progress in our bilateral relationship, a relationship based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.张大使,谢谢您今晚的盛情款待。我很高兴能与商务部代理部长布兰克、外交使团各位成员以及其他贵宾一同前来参加庆贺中华人民共和国成立62周年的活动。如此众多的好友汇聚一堂,这个时刻彰显我们两国的双边关系——一种基于相互尊重和互惠互利的关系——取得了令人瞩目的进展并将继续向前推进。

This year in particular our two countries have achieved considerable momentum in building positive, cooperative, and comprehensive ties.For instance, we saw a continuation of exchanges at the highest levels, beginning with President Hu’s state visit in January, followed by the third annual Strategic and Economic Dialogue in May, followed by highly successful visits by Secretary Clinton and Vice President Biden.But we also broke ground on new ways to interact.In May, we began the Strategic Security Dialogue, an important forum for building trust and one I look forward to leading on the U.S.side.As our governments broaden dialogue, we are also working to increase people-to-people programs to strengthen our relationship by building ties of friendship and understanding.Next year we are looking forward to hosting a visit by Vice President Xi.尤其是在今年,我们两国在建立积极、合作与全面的关系方面赢得了相当大的发展势头。例如,我们看到了最高层领导人的交流继续进行,首先是胡主席在今年1月进行的国事访问,接着是今年5月举行的第三轮美中战略与经济对话年会,随后是克林顿国务卿和拜登副总统非常成功的访问。我们还开辟了新的互动方式。今年五月,我们开始进行美中战略安全对话。这是建立双方互信的一个重要论坛,我期盼担任该论坛的美方负责人。在我们两国政府扩大对话之际,我们还致力于增加美中人文交流项目以便通过建设友谊与理解的纽带来加强两国的关系。明年,我们期待着接待习副主席赴美访问。

As President Obama and other U.S.officials have said on numerous occasions, the United States welcomes the rise of a strong, prosperous, and successful China that plays a greater role in world affairs.This is not to say that we will always agree – but the simple truth is that we have far more to gain, and the world has far more to gain, when we work together.正如奥巴马总统和其他美国官员在无数场合曾经表示过的那样,美国欢迎一个强大、繁荣和成功的中国崛起并在世界事务中发挥更大的作用。这并不是说,我们总是会取得一致的意见——而简单明了的道理是:当我们进行合作时,我们获得的利益要大得多,全世界也会因此获得更大的利益。

Thank you again, Mr.Ambassador, for being such a gracious host and for such a wonderful evening.Best wishes on your National Day and best wishes for the coming year!




Establishing an American presence at this Expo worthy of our great country was quite a journey.这一届世界博览会建立美国展区,为了展现我们伟大国家的风采,走过了一段很不容易的路程。

There is a poem from the Southern Song Dynasty that reads: “After endless mountains and rivers that leave doubt whether there is a path out, suddenly one encounters the shade of a willow, bright flowers and a lovely village.” Well, I am very pleased that we have finally arrived at our lovely village.南宋时期的一首诗写道,山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。现在我们最终来到我们可爱的村庄,我感到非常高兴。(掌声)

This was a real team effort, a partnership that brought together our government, the private sector, the Chinese-American community, and so many friends and supporters.So, let me offer a few thank-yous.这项工作真正体现了团队精神,体现了伙伴关系,汇聚了我们的政府、民间部门、美国华裔社区以及如此众多的朋友和支持者的力量。为此,请允许我说几句表示感谢的话。

To Ambassador Jon Huntsman and Consul General Bea Camp, and all the men and women of the U.S.Mission in China, we thank you.驻华大使洪博培(Jon Huntsman)和总领事康碧翠(Bea Camp)以及美国驻中国使团的全体男女工作人员,我们感谢你们。(掌声)

To Ken Jarett and the board, staff, and volunteers of the USA Pavilion, including our student ambassadors who represent not just the welcoming spirit of our Pavilion, but the openness of our country.And to Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley and her deputy, Kris Balderston, and our corporate partners--your generosity and commitment has made all of this possible.And I am very grateful to each and every one of you.感谢肯·贾勒特(Ken Jarett)及美国馆董事会、工作人员和志愿者,包括我国的学生大使。学生大使不仅表示我国展馆对来访者的欢迎,而且也代表了我国的开放精神。感谢伊丽莎白·巴格利(Elizabeth Bagley)大使和她的副手克里斯·鲍尔德斯滕(Kris Balderston)。还要感谢我们的公司伙伴。你们慷慨解囊,信心十足,才使这一切成为可能。我十分感谢你们每一位。(掌声)

And finally, I want to express our deep appreciation to our Chinese hosts.It is a great honor to have with us Ambassador Zhang, Vice Foreign Minister Cui, Vice Finance Minister Li, and Vice Mayor Tang here with us this evening.Earlier today I had the privilege of visiting the China Pavilion, with its sweeping panorama of a great nation.The ancient Riverside scroll, which depicts another period of dramatic change and development, has been transformed through the magic of technology into a vivid symbol of the new China.This entire Expo, the largest in history, is a testament to the hospitality and energy of the Chinese people.And all around us we see that the glory of the past is matched by the dynamism of the present and the promise of the future.最后,我希望对我们的中国东道主表示诚挚的谢忱。张大使、崔副外长、李副部长和唐副市长今晚也在座,我们感到非常荣幸。今天我荣幸地参观了中国馆,欣赏一个伟大国家的全景画卷。古老的清明上河图描述了另一个时期巨大的变迁和发展,通过技术的魔力转眼间展现了新中国生机勃勃的形象。整个世界博览会以有史以来最大的规模,体现了中国人民热情好客的美德和能量。在我们四周,随处可见历史的辉煌与现代的活力及未来的希望交相辉映。

The shape of that future depends, to a significant degree, on the evolving relationship between the United States and China.If our relations are defined by win-win solutions rather than zero-sum rivalries, we will thrive and prosper together.Now, we may not always agree on every issue, but we should seek and seize opportunities such as this Expo to build greater understanding between our peoples.未来的希望在很大程度上取决于美国与中国关系的发展。双方的关系如果以实现双赢而不是互不相容的对抗为特征,我们就能共同繁荣昌盛。目前,双方可能无法在每一个问题上一贯达成一致意见,但是双方应该寻求机会,抓住机会,促进两国人民之间的理解。这一届世博会就是一个例证。

This USA Pavilion embodies many of the qualities that make my country a vibrant and prosperous nation: innovation, sustainability, diversity, the free exchange of ideas.And it is a model of environmental responsibility.And I am proud to announce that the Pavilion will be carbon neutral for the entire duration of the Expo.美国馆体现了创新、可持续性、多样性与自由交流思想等使美国生机勃勃、繁荣昌盛的诸多特性。美国馆是环保责任的典范。我很高兴地宣布,在世博会整个展出期间,美国馆将实现碳中和。

700,000 people have already visited this pavilion.And one of the most moving displays is the tribute to the millions of Chinese Americans who have contributed so much to the cultural and economic development of the United States.From Yo-Yo Ma to I.M.Pei to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Energy Secretary Chu, Chinese-Americans have achieved great success in business, government, the arts, sciences and sports.And, to that end, I was pleased to hear that the Buffalo Bills have recently drafted the first Chinese-American to play in the NFL.目前已有70多万人参观了美国馆。美国馆最感人的展品之一是,赞颂为美国文化和经济发展做出如此众多贡献的数百万美国华裔的专题。从马友友(Yo-Yo Ma)到贝聿铭(I.M.Pei),从商务部长骆家辉(Gary Locke)到能源部长朱棣文(Steven Chu),美国华裔在工商业、政府、艺术、科技和体育等领域都取得了极大的成功。说到这里,我很高兴地获悉,布法罗·比尔(Buffalo Bills)队最近吸收了第一位美国华裔参加美国橄榄球大联盟(NFL)的赛事。(笑声)

But we also celebrate those Chinese-Americans whose names are not well known to us.And thousands have sent photographs and testimonials documenting the Chinese experience in the United States.And it represents a true pageant of American life.但我们还赞颂那些不知名的美国华裔。数以千计的美国华裔送来了照片和纪念物,记载华人在美国的经历,成为美国生活绚丽壮观的真实写照。

I.M.Pei, the great architect who built the John F.Kennedy library in Boston, along with many other notable buildings, said that he hoped people who went to the Kennedy Library experienced “revived hope and promise for the future.” And I believe all of us can see that hope and promise here, in Shanghai.杰出的建筑师贝聿铭设计建造了波士顿(Boston)的约翰·肯尼迪图书馆(John F.Kennedy library)等许多著名的建筑。他曾说,他希望到肯尼迪图书馆参观的人 “重新燃起对未来的希望和信念”。我相信,我们大家在这里,在上海可以看到这样的希望和信念。And we have already been entertained by some of the young people who represent the future.I want to thank the Shanghai Music Conservatory string quartet that played for us during the reception.We are going to be hearing from the Parker Ossel Folish(ph)Trio, who will be playing during dinner.These are three young Americans who make their home here, in Shanghai.And then, after dinner, we will be entertained by an extraordinary group of young talent from California State University Northridge and Shanghai Normal University, who have joined forces to present a singing tribute called “Meet Me at the Expo.”

我们已经受到一些代表未来的年轻人的感染。我感谢上海音乐学院在招待会上为我们演出的弦乐四重奏。我们将在晚宴上欣赏帕克·奥塞尔·弗里施三人乐队(Parker Ossel Folish(ph)Trio)的演出。这个由三位美国年青人组成的乐队已经以上海为家。晚宴以后,我们将欣赏加利福尼亚州立大学北岭分校(California state University Northridge)和上海师范大学才华横溢的年轻人的演出。他们将同台演唱,“相约世博”(Meet Me at the Expo)。

Thank you again to everyone who helped to make this evening and this pavilion possible.You have enabled me to sleep through the night once again.Thank you all very much.再次感谢诸位,你们成就了今晚,成就了这个展馆。是你们再次使我能在晚上睡得安稳。十分感谢大家。


Greetings from Washington and welcome to America's birthday party.Every year, Americans gather with friends and family on the Fourth of July to celebrate the values that inspired the founders of our nation more than two centuries ago, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.Now these freedoms are not unique to Americans.They are embodied in constitutions of many nations, and observed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that we all recognize.So today is a celebration of our common humanity.But it’s a special day for America and I’m delighted that we can mark it together.在华盛顿向各位问好!欢迎一道庆祝美国建国日!每年7月4日,美国人民与亲朋好友欢聚一堂,弘扬200多年前激励我们先辈建国的价值理念——包括:生命、自由和追求幸福。这些自由并非美国人所特有。它们体现在许多国家的宪法中,并且写入得到我们所有人承认的《世界人权宣言》中。因此,今天是我们人类共同的庆典。但今天也是美国一个特殊的日子,我对我们能够一起纪念这个日子感到高兴。

Because Americans everywhere, especially our diplomatic corps, our foreign service and civil service officers, who many of you work with, are trying to help our nation to live up to our founding ideals and to make our country a force for peace and progress around the world.And under President Obama's leadership, the United States is revitalizing old alliances and forming new partnerships based on mutual respect and mutual interest.We know no nation can meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of the 21st century alone--all of us have to take responsibility and work together.因为各地的美国人,特别是我们的外交使团、我们的外交官和公务员——你们与其中许多人并肩工作——正在尽心尽力帮助我们的国家实现建国理念,并使我们的国家成为全球和平与进步的一支生力军。在奥巴马总统的领导下,美国正在以互尊互利为基础,重振故有联盟,缔结新的伙伴关系。我们懂得,没有任何国家能够单独应对(meet)和把握21世纪的挑战与机遇——我们大家都必须承担责任,共同努力。

So thank you for joining us on this Fourth of July celebration and let’s use this celebration as a chance to form new connections, exchange ideas, and find fresh solutions to our shared challenges, and reaffirm our commitment to advancing universal human rights.因此,感谢各位与我们一道庆祝这一天。让我们借此机会建立新关系,交流思想,为我们共同面临的挑战找到新的解决方案。我们重申对促进世界人权的承诺。

We’re very proud of our founders.Those brave patriots championed those rights 234 years ago, and they’ve been inspiring people not only in my country but around the world ever since.I know they inspire me.And I hope that together we can leave a legacy of freedom and opportunity to

generations to come.我们为我国建国先辈感到骄傲。这些爱国勇士在234年前弘扬捍卫了那些权利,并且自那时以来一直鼓舞着不仅我国人民,而且世界各地的人民。我知道他们是我的鼓舞力量。我希望能够用我们的共同努力为子孙后代留下自由与机会的业绩。

Thank you and please have a wonderful Fourth of July.感谢各位,祝大家7月4日快乐。


March 8th is International Women’s Day—a day to reflect on the progress the world has made in advancing women’s rights and to recognize what work remains to be done.三月八日是国际妇女节。在这个日子,我们回顾全世界在促进妇女权利方面取得的进展,并确定有待完成的工作。

This year marks an anniversary very close to my heart.Fifteen years ago, along with women and men from around the world I attended the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.The message from that conference rang loudly and clearly, and still echoes across cultures and continents: Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.今年的三八国际妇女节是一个是我倍感亲切的周年纪念日。15年前,我与来自全世界的男女代表一起出席了在北京召开的联合国第四届世界妇女大会。那次会议发出了一个明确无误的最强音,至今仍在各种文化中和各大洲发出回响:人权即是妇女的权利,妇女的权利即是人权。

One hundred and eighty-nine countries represented at Beijing adopted a Platform for Action that pledged to increase women’s access to education, healthcare, jobs, and credit, and to protect their right to live free from violence.We have made great progress, but there is a long way to go.Women are still the majority of the world’s poor, unhealthy, underfed, and uneducated.They rarely cause violent conflicts but too often bear their consequences.Women are absent from negotiations about peace and security to end those conflicts.Their voices simply are not being heard.在北京出席会议的189个国家的代表通过了一项《行动纲领》,保证要增加妇女获得教育、医疗、就业和信贷的机会,并保护她们在生活中免遭暴力的权利。我们已经取得巨大的进展,但仍然有很长的路要走。在世界上的贫穷、患病、挨饿和未受过教育人群中,妇女仍然占大多数。她们中很少有人引起暴力冲突,但却经常承担暴力冲突带来的各种后果。在为结束这些冲突而举行的有关和平与安全问题的各种协商中,没有妇女参加。没有人听取她们的意见。

Today, the United States is making women a cornerstone of foreign policy because we think it’s the right thing to do, but we also believe it’s the smart thing to do as well.Investing in the potential of the world’s women and girls is one of the surest ways to achieve global economic progress, political stability, and greater prosperity for women — and men — the world over.今天,美国正在把妇女工作作为外交政策的基石,因为我们认为这是正确之举,但我们同时也认为这是智慧之举。通过投资发挥世界女性的潜力是实现全球经济发展、政治稳定和全世界妇女及男性带来更大繁荣的最有保障的方式之一。

So on this International Women’s Day, let us rededicate ourselves to advancing and protecting the rights of women and girls, and to join together to ensure that no one is left behind in the 21st century.因此,值此国际妇女节之际,让我们继续献身于促进与保护妇女和女童的权利,团结一致,以确保在21世纪没有任何人掉队。


美国国务卿克林顿2010年三八国际妇女节讲话时间:2010-03-09 20:01来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1211次


March 8th is International Women’s Day—a day to reflect on the progress the world has made in advancing women’s rights, and to recognize what work remains to be done.三月八日是国际妇女节。在这个日子,我们回顾全世界在促进妇女权利方面取得的进展,并确定有待完成的工作。

This year marks an anniversary very close to my heart.Fifteen years ago, along with women and men from around the world I attended the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing.The message from that conference rang loudly and clearly, and still echoes across cultures and continents: Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights.今年的三八国际妇女节是一个是我倍感亲切的周年纪念日。15年前,我与来自全世界的男女代表一起出席了在北京召开的联合国第四届世界妇女大会。那次会议发出了一个明确无误的最强音,至今仍在各种文化中和各大洲发出回响:人权即是妇女的权利,妇女的权利即是人权。

One hundred and eighty-nine countries represented at Beijing adopted a Platform for Action that pledged to increase women’s access to education, healthcare, jobs, and credit, and to protect their right to live free from violence.We have made great progress, but there is a long way to go.Women are still the majority of the world’s poor, unhealthy, underfed, and uneducated.They rarely cause violent conflicts but too often bear their consequences.Women are absent from negotiations about peace and security to end those conflicts.Their voices simply are not being heard.在北京出席会议的189个国家的代表通过了一项《行动纲领》,保证要增加妇女获得教育、医疗、就业和信贷的机会,并保护她们在生活中免遭暴力的权利。我们已经取得巨大的进展,但仍然有很长的路要走。在世界上的贫穷、患病、挨饿和未受过教育人群中,妇女仍然占大多数。她们中很少有人引起暴力冲突,但却经常承担暴力冲突带来的各种后果。在为结束这些冲突而举行的有关和平与安全问题的各种协商中,没有妇女参加。没有人听取她们的意见。

Today, the United States is making women a cornerstone of foreign policy because we think it’s the right thing to do, but we also believe it’s the smart thing to do as well.Investing in the potential of the world’s women and girls is one of the surest ways to achieve global economic progress, political stability, and greater prosperity for women — and men — the world over.今天,美国正在把妇女工作作为外交政策的基石,因为我们认为这是正确之举,但我们同时也认为这是智慧之举。通过投资发挥世界女性的潜力是实现全球经济发展、政治稳定和全世界妇女及男性带来更大繁荣的最有保障的方式之一。

So on this International Women’s Day, let us rededicate ourselves to advancing and protecting the rights of women and girls, and to join together to ensure that no one is left behind in the 21st century.因此,值此国际妇女节之际,让我们继续献身于促进与保护妇女和女童的权利,团结一致,以确保在21世纪没有任何人掉队。


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