
时间:2019-05-15 08:50:27下载本文作者:会员上传



The New Year is a time to reflect on what has passed and look ahead to the opportunities to come。And this year,as I consider all that 2017 has in store,I believe those opportunities are greater than ever。For we have made a momentous decision and set ourselves on a new direction。

And if 2016 was the year you voted for that change。This is the year we start to make it happen。I know that the referendum last June was divisive at times。I know,of course,that not everyone shared the same point of view or voted in the same way。But I know too that,as we face the opportunities ahead of us,our shared interests and ambitions can bring us together。We all want to see a Britain that is stronger than it is today。We all want a country that is fairer so that everyone has the chance to succeed。We all want a nation that is safe and secure for our children and grandchildren。These ambitions unite us so that we are no longer the 52% who voted Leave and the 48% who voted Remain,but one great union of people and nations with a proud history and a bright future。

So when I sit around the negotiating table in Europe this year,it will be with that in mind: the knowledge that I am there to get the right deal,not just for those who voted to Leave,but for every single person in this country。

Of course,the referendum laid bare some further divisions in our country between those who are prospering and those who are not; those who can easily buy their own home,send their children to a great school,find a secure job and those who cannot; in short,those for whom our country works well and those for whom it does not。

This is the year we need to pull down these barriers that hold people back securing a better deal at home for ordinary working people。The result will be a truly united Britain in which we are all united in our citizenship of this great nation; united in the opportunities that are open to all our people and united by the principle that it is only your talent and hard work that should determine your future。After all,it is through unity that our people have achieved great things: through our precious union of nations—England,Scotland,Wales and Northern Ireland; through our union of people—from sports teams to armed forces; business to charities; schools to hospitals; and,above all,through our union of communities and families。

Of course,it isn’t just big,global events that define a year,it is personal things。2017 might be the year you start your first job,or buy your first home。It might be the year your children start school,or go off to university or that you retire after a lifetime of hard work。These things—life’s milestones—are the things that bind us,whoever we are。

As the fantastic MP Jo Cox,who was so tragically taken from us last year put it: “We are far more united and have for more in common than which divides us。” We have a golden opportunity to demonstrate that。To bring this country together as never before so that whoever you are,wherever you live,our politics,economy and society work for you,not just a privileged few。So as we look ahead to a year of opportunity and unity,let me wish you and your family,a peaceful,prosperous and happy New Year。


英国首相Theresa Mary May中国鸡年贺辞 I want to send my best wishes to everyone in Britain, China and around the world celebrating Chinese New Year.我想祝福所有在英国、中国和世界各地庆祝中国新年的人。

From the fairs inBeijing, to the fireworks in Hong Kong and the parades here in London, families and communities will come together and look to the year ahead – the Year of the Rooster.从北京的庙会,香港的烟花,到伦敦的庆祝游行。各个家庭和社区将会相聚一堂。展望明年,也就是鸡年。

And what a year it is set to be – particularly for the relationship between Britain and China.这将会是不同寻常的一年,尤其是对中英关系而言。Our starting point is stronger than ever before.我们之间关系的起点将会比以前任何时候都强劲。

We had the historic state visit of President Xi just 15 months ago.习近平主席15个月前对英国进行了具历史意义的国事访问。

We receive more Chinese investment than any other major European country.我们获得的中国投资,超过了任何一个主要的欧洲国家。

We’ve got around150,000 Chinese students studying here and the number of Chinese tourists visiting has doubled in five years.我们有大概15万中国学生在这里学习,来英旅游的中国游客数量在过去五年里也翻了一番。Meanwhile, as permanent members of the UN Security Council, our countries are working together on the most pressing global issues.同时,作为联合国安理会常任成员,我们两国将在最紧迫的国际事务上合作。This year also marks some important anniversaries: 20 years since the handover of Hong Kong to China;and 45 years of ambassadorial relations between our countries.今年也将迎来一系列重要的纪念日,香港回归20周年,中英建交45周年。

I want us to take this chance to build on all the ties we share – in business, diplomacy, education,tourism and culture – as we forge a new role for Britain, as the most outward-looking, free-trading nation in the world.我想借这个机会,让我们在商业、政治、教育、旅游和文化上的关系更进一步。同时,我们也将进一步塑造英国的新角色,让它成为一个世界上最开放、贸易最自由的国家。

Indeed, I look forwardto making another visit to China, following my trip to Hangzhou last year,which was my first visit outside Europe as Prime Minister and my first meeting with President Xi.事实上,我也很期待再次访问中国,在我去年的杭州之行后。那次是我作为首相第一次访问欧洲以外的国家,也是我与习近平主席的第一次会面。

And it is an auspicious time.The Rooster – the Fire Rooster – represents so many of the characteristics we need to employ in that endeavour: openness, confidence, hard work and leadership.这是一个非常吉祥的时刻。公鸡,火公鸡,代表了很多我们需要的特质:开放、自信、勤劳工作和领导力。

These aren’t alien concepts to any of us.这些对我们每个人都不是陌生的概念。乐安康!“XinNianKuai Le” 新年快乐

Indeed, they are characteristics demonstrated day in, day out by the British Chinese community.事实上,这些是英国华人社区每天都表现出来的特质。

For this is a community that makes an enormous contribution to our society – proving that the strength and success of this country rests on dedication, diversity and a deep spirit of citizenship among our people.这是一个对我们社会做出了巨大贡献的社群,证明了这个国家的力量和成功植根于我们人民的努力、多元化和深刻的公民精神。

So as the lanterns are lit and the dumplings are served, let me wish you and your family, wherever you are, a very happy and healthy New Year.当灯笼点亮、饺子上桌之时,无论你身在何处,让我祝你和你的家人新年快




Good evening everybody.This has been my first G20 Summit.And the first summit of the world's leading economies since the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union.大家晚上好!这是我第一次参加G20峰会,也是英国决定退出欧盟以来参加的第一个世界主要经济体峰会。

It has been an opportunity to showcase Britain as a bold, outward-looking nation.我们借此机会展示了英国是一个无畏而开放的国家。

showcase ['ʃəʊkeɪs] n.陈列橱,[家具] 陈列柜;显示优点的东西vt.使展现;在玻璃橱窗陈列 bold [bəʊld] adj.大胆的,英勇的;黑体的;厚颜无耻的;险峻的 outward-looking 向外看,外向型,外部取向

A rules-based, open and inclusive global trading system can act as a catalyst for sustainable economic growth and the right trade agreements can be the greatest anti-poverty policy of our time.一个建立在规则之上、开放、包容的全球贸易系统会成为可持续经济增长的催化剂,而正确合理的贸易协议可以成为当今时代最伟大的扶贫政策。catalyst ['kæt(ə)lɪst] n.[物化] 催化剂;刺激因素

That's why at this summit we have agreed to oppose a retreat to protectionism.这也是为什么我们在此峰会上一致反对向保护主义的倒退。

protectionism [prə'tekʃənɪzəm] n.保护主义,贸易保护主义;贸易保护制度

As we do more to advance free trade around the world, so we must do more to ensure that working people really benefit from the opportunities created by free trade.正如我们要更加努力推动全球的自由贸易,我们也必须更加努力保证劳动人民真正从自由贸易创造的机会中得利。



It is not enough just to take a hands-off approach.We need bold action at home and collective action abroad.只采取“放手”措施是不够的,我们需要在国内实施大胆举措,在国外付诸联合行动。

Finally, we have discussed some of the greatest threats we face to both our prosperity and our security.最后,我们讨论了一些现在面临的最大威胁,它们既影响繁荣发展又影响安全。prosperity [prɒ'sperɪtɪ] n.繁荣,成功

We reaffirmed our solidarity and our resolve in the fight against terrorism.我们重申了在打击恐怖主义方面会团结一致并坚定决心。reaffirmed [riːə'fɜːm] vt.再肯定,重申;再断言 solidarity [,sɒlɪ'dærɪtɪ] n.团结,团结一致

We agreed that more must be done to address the root causes of mass migration and to provide humanitarian assistance for refugees and the host communities which shelter them.我们一致同意应更加努力解决造成大规模移民的根源问题,并为难民和收留他们的组织提供人道主义援助。

humanitarian [hjʊ,mænɪ'teərɪən] adj.人道主义的;博爱的;基督凡人论的 n.人道主义者;慈善家;博爱主义者;基督凡人论者 refugees [refjʊ'dʒiː] n.难民,避难者;流亡者,逃亡者




I want to send my best wishes to everyone in Britain, China, and around the world celebrating the Chinese New Year, from the fairs of Beijing , the fireworks in Hong Kong , and the parades here in London.Families and communities would come together, and look to the year ahead-----the year of the Rooster.And what a year it sets to be, particularly for the relationship between Britain and China.Our starting point is stronger than ever before.We had the historic state visit form President Xi just 15 months ago.We received more Chinese investment than any other major European countries.We’ve got around 150,000 Chinese students studying here and the number of Chinese tourist visiting has doubled in 5 years.Meanwhile, as permanent members of U.N.Security Council, our countries are working together on the most depressing global issues.This year also marks some important anniversaries: 20 years since the handover of Hong Kong to China, and 45 years of ambassadorial relations between our countries.I want to take this chance to build on all the times we share in business, diplomacy, education, tourism and culture.As we are forging a role for Britain as the most outward, free-trading nation of the world.Indeed, I look forward to making another visit to China, following my trip of Hangzhou last year, which is my first visit outside Europe as Prime Minister and my first meeting with President Xi.And here is an auspicious time------the Rooter, the “fire” Rooster, represents so many of the characteristics we need to employ in that endeavor----openness, confidence, hard-work to leadership.These aren’t alien concepts to any of us.Indeed, their characteristics demonstrated ,day in day out, by the British Chinese community, for this is a community that makes enormous contributions to our society, proving the strengths and success of this country, rested on dedication, diversity, and deepest spirit of citizenship among our people.So as the lantern is lit, the dumpling is served, let me wish you and your family, wherever you are, a very happy and healthy new year.新年快乐!




I have just been to Buckingham Palace, where Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to form a new government, and I accepted.我刚从白金汉宫回来,女王陛下请我组建一个新政府,我答应了。In David Cameron, I follow in the footsteps of a great, modern Prime Minister.Under David’s leadership, the government stabilized the economy, reduced the budget deficit, and helped more people into work than ever before.我将效法大卫·卡梅伦,做一个伟大而开明的首相。在大卫的领导下,政府稳定了经济,减少了财政赤字,而且还前所未有的增加了就业。

But David’s true legacy is not about the economy but about social justice.From the introduction of same-sex marriage, to taking people on low wages out of income tax altogether;David Cameron has led a one-nation government, and it is in that spirit that I also plan to lead.但是大卫真正的贡献不在于经济,而在于社会正义。无论是同性婚姻立法,还是全面免除低收入者的所得税,大卫·卡梅伦领导的是一个统一的政府,而这也正是我将要秉持的精神。Because not everybody knows this, but the full title of my party is the Conservative and Unionist Party, and that word ‘unionist’ is very important to me.并非众人皆知,我的党派全名是保守与统一党,而其中的“统一”二字对我而言尤其重要。

It means we believe in the Union: the precious, precious bond between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.But it means something else that is just as important;it means we believe in a union not just between the nations of the United Kingdom but between all of our citizens, every one of us, whoever we are and wherever we’re from.这两个字意味着我们对“统一”的信念——英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰之间极其珍贵的联合。不过除此之外它还有更深一层的意思,而这层意思同样重要,那就是除了英国各地之间的联合,还要所有公民之间的联合,无论出身、无论籍贯。That means fighting against the burning injustice that, if you’re born poor, you will die on average 9 years earlier than others.这种联合还意味着我们要与社会上的不公做斗争:如果你出身贫寒,你就比其他人少活9年;

If you’re black, you’re treated more harshly by the criminal justice system than if you’re white.如果你是黑人,那么你在刑事司法体系中的待遇会比白人严厉; If you’re a white, working-class boy, you’re less likely than anybody else in Britain to go to university.如果你出身白人自工薪家庭,那你上大学的几率就比别人少; If you’re at a state school, you’re less likely to reach the top professions than if you’re educated privately.如果你上的是公立学校,那你从事高端职业的几率就比上私立学校的人小。

If you’re a woman, you will earn less than a man.If you suffer from mental health problems, there’s not enough help to hand.如果你是女人,你挣得比男人少;如果你受心理健康问题所苦,得不到足够的帮助;

If you’re young, you’ll find it harder than ever before to own your own home.如果你是年轻人,你获得自己住房的难度将比以往都大。But the mission to make Britain a country that works for everyone means more than fighting these injustices.If you’re from an ordinary working class family, life is much harder than many people in Westminster realise.You have a job but you don’t always have job security.You have your own home, but you worry about paying a mortgage.You can just about manage but you worry about the cost of living and getting your kids into a good school.不过,我们的使命是使英国成为一个适合所有人的国家,并非仅限于反对这些不公。如果你来自一个工薪家庭,你的生活会比国会议员们所知的更难。你有工作,但你的工作并不稳定。你有自 己的住房,但是你会被住房贷款所困。你能勉强维持生计,但是你很担忧自己能否将孩子送进一所好学校。

If you’re one of those families, if you’re just managing, I want to address you directly.如果你属于这样的家庭,你的生活捉襟见肘,我想告诉你们: I know you’re working around the clock, I know you’re doing your best, and I know that sometimes life can be a struggle.The government I lead will be driven not by the interests of the privileged few, but by yours.我知道你们整日奔波忙碌,我知道你们拼尽全力,而且我也知道有时候生活非常艰难。我所领导的政府,将不会被特权人士的利益所驱使,而是为你们的利益而服务。

We will do everything we can to give you more control over your lives.When we take the big calls, we’ll think not of the powerful, but you.When we pass new laws, we’ll listen not to the mighty but to you.When it comes to taxes, we’ll prioritise not the wealthy, but you.When it comes to opportunity, we won’t entrench the advantages of the fortunate few.We will do everything we can to help anybody, whatever your background, to go as far as your talents will take you.我们将竭尽所能让你们更多地能掌控自己的生活。在做重大决策的时候,我们考虑的不会是权贵,而是你们。当我们出台法律的 时候,我们所听取的不是有权有势的声音,而是你们的建议。当我们讨论税收问题的时候,我们将把你们利益放在首位而不是那些富人。当机会来临的时候,我们不会只保障那极少数的利益。我们将尽自己所能来帮助所有人,无论这个人的背景为何,施展他们的才华。

We are living through an important moment in our country’s history.Following the referendum, we face a time of great national change.我们正在经历这个国家历史上一个重要的时刻。在公投之后,我们的国家正在面临重大的变革。

And I know because we’re Great Britain, that we will rise to the challenge.As we leave the European Union, we will forge a bold new positive role for ourselves in the world, and we will make Britain a country that works not for a privileged few, but for every one of us.而且我知道,作为大不列颠人,所以我们定会直面挑战。在离开欧盟之后,我们会为自己在世界上打造一个崭新而勇敢的正面形象,而且我们将会使英国成为一个所有人的,而非少数特权人士的国家。

That will be the mission of the government I lead, and together we will build a better Britain.这将是我所领导的政府的使命,我们将共同建设一个更加美好的英国。



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