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Thank you.Thank you so much.Well, good morning, and let me tell you how pleased I am to be here with all of you in the rain, which means good fortune.I thank the vice mayor for his very kind words.And to all of our Chinese friends who are here today, we are very grateful for your support of this pavilion.很高兴与大家冒雨来到这里参加这个活动,因为下雨代表着好运。感谢副市长的热情介绍,感谢各位到场的中国朋友对我们美国馆的支持。

I want to thank Ken Jarrett and the USA Pavilion Board of Directors.I wish to thank Mr.Yang Xiong, our executive vice mayor.I want to thank Ms.Zhong Yanqun, vice chair.Mr.Hong Hao, director general, Ms.Wu, deputy director general, and our friend who is the Chinese ambassador to the United States, Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong.Thanks also to U.S.Commissioner General Jose Villarreal, to our Consul General Beatrice Camp, to Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley and Kris Balderston from our Global Partnerships in the State Department, and to Ellen Eliasoph and the U.S.Pavilion team.Thanks to all of you.我想要感谢季瑞达(上海世博会美国国家馆组织方理事会主席)以及美国馆的各位理事,感谢上海常务副市长杨雄先生,感谢上海世博会执委会专职副主任钟燕群女士,上海世博局局长洪浩先生、副局长吴云飞女士,以及我们的朋友中国驻美大使周文重先生。同样感谢美国展区总代表费乐友,美国驻上海总领事康碧翠,负责全球伙伴关系事务的特别代表伊丽莎白•巴格利大使和克里斯•鲍尔德斯顿,感谢艾秋兴女士和美国馆的全体人员。感谢大家!

And there are a number of corporate representatives here who I would like to acknowledge, because without your financial support, this magnificent USA Pavilion behind me would not be possible.Our global sponsors, PepsiCo, General Electric Corporation, and Chevron;our newest sponsors, Proctor and Gamble, Yum!Brands, Honeywell, Intel, Pfizer, and Qualcomm, and I want to note a special sponsor, Boeing, which has just agreed to double its contribution to $2 million to support this effort.We’re grateful for your generosity and your steadfast belief in the importance of the expo, the American role here, and what this USA Pavilion can do to strengthen cooperation and partnership between the American people and the people of China.我还想感谢今天到场的许多公司的代表,因为没有你们资金的支持,就没有我身后这座宏大的美国馆。感谢我们的全球赞助商——百事公司、通用电气公司、雪佛龙公司,感谢我们最新的赞助商宝洁公司、百胜餐饮集团、霍尼韦尔公司、因特尔公司、辉瑞公司、高通公司,我还想感谢我们特别的赞助商波音公司,它刚刚同意将其对美国馆的赞助增加到200万美元。我们感激你们的慷慨赞助,你们对世博重要性和美国在世博发挥作用的坚定信心,对美国馆在加强美中两国人民的合作与伙伴关系的支持。

It is very fitting that this expo will be here in Shanghai, one of the most dynamic and cosmopolitan cities in the world.I’m pleased to be here with President Obama and to be back in China after my first trip here as Secretary of State earlier this year.This USA Pavilion will showcase American innovation, it will demonstrate the kind of values that America holds dear – freedom, diversity, teamwork, creativity – and it will be built around the theme “Better Cities and Better Lives.”


I understand there will even be a story told in 4-D.I know there are some in the audience who are still contemplating sponsorship or who may be in negotiations with the USA Pavilion team.Now is the time to join this effort.We want to assemble the strongest team of partners possible.I look forward to returning next summer to see for myself what our pavilion looks like and to tour the magnificent Expo grounds.我知道美国馆甚至将会有一个用四维方式讲述的“故事”。我知道,你们中有一些企业正在考虑成为赞助商,或者正在与美国馆团队进行磋商,这正是一个好时机,来加入这个行列。





美国国务卿克林顿在上海世博园美国馆的致辞 Remarks at USA Pavilion at Shanghai Expo

Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State Shanghai, China November 16, 2009


美国国务卿 希拉里·克林顿

中国 上海 2009年11月16日

Thank you.Thank you so much.Well, good morning, and let me tell you how pleased I am to be here with all of you in the rain, which means good fortune.I thank the vice mayor for his very kind words.And to all of our Chinese friends who are here today, we are very grateful for your support of this pavilion.很高兴与大家冒雨来到这里参加这个活动,因为下雨代表着好运。感谢副市长的热情介绍,感谢各位到场的中国朋友对我们美国馆的支持。

I want to thank Ken Jarrett and the USA Pavilion Board of Directors.I wish to thank Mr.Yang Xiong, our executive vice mayor.I want to thank Ms.Zhong Yanqun, vice chair.Mr.Hong Hao, director general, Ms.Wu, deputy director general, and our friend who is the Chinese ambassador to the United States, Ambassador Zhou Wenzhong.Thanks also to U.S.Commissioner General Jose Villarreal, to our Consul General Beatrice Camp, to Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley and Kris Balderston from our Global Partnerships in the State Department, and to Ellen Eliasoph and the U.S.Pavilion team.Thanks to all of you.我想要感谢季瑞达(上海世博会美国国家馆组织方理事会主席)以及美国馆的各位理事,感谢上海常务副市长杨雄先生,感谢上海世博会执委会专职 副主任钟燕群女士,上海世博局局长洪浩先生、副局长吴云飞女士,以及我们的朋友中国驻美大使周文重先生。同样感谢美国展区总代表费乐友,美国驻上海总领事 康碧翠,负责全球伙伴关系事务的特别代表伊丽莎白·巴格利大使和克里斯·鲍尔德斯顿,感谢艾秋兴女士和美国馆的全体人员。感谢大家!

And there are a number of corporate representatives here who I would like to acknowledge, because without your financial support, this magnificent USA Pavilion behind me would not be possible.Our global sponsors, PepsiCo, General Electric Corporation, and Chevron;our newest sponsors, Proctor and Gamble, Yum!Brands, Honeywell, Intel, Pfizer, and Qualcomm, and I want to note a special sponsor, Boeing, which has just agreed to double its contribution to $2 million to support this effort.We’re grateful for your generosity and your steadfast belief in the importance of the expo, the American role here, and what this USA Pavilion can do to strengthen cooperation and partnership between the American people and the people of China.我还想感谢今天到场的许多公司的代表,因为没有你们资金的支持,就没有我身后这座宏大的美国馆。感谢我们的全球赞助商——百事公司、通用电 气公司、雪佛龙公司,感谢我们最新的赞助商宝洁公司、百胜餐饮集团、霍尼韦尔公司、因特尔公司、辉瑞公司、高通公司,我还想感谢我们特别的赞助商波音公 司,它刚刚同意将其对美国馆的赞助增加到200万美元。我们感激你们的慷慨赞助,对世博重要性和美国在世博发挥作用的坚定信心,对美国馆在加强美中两国人 民的合作与伙伴关系上的意义。

It is very fitting that this expo will be here in Shanghai, one of the most dynamic and cosmopolitan cities in the world.I’m pleased to be here with President Obama and to be back in China after my first trip here as Secretary of State earlier this year.This USA Pavilion will showcase American innovation, it will demonstrate the kind of values that America holds dear – freedom, diversity, teamwork, creativity – and it will be built around the theme ―Better Cities and Better Lives.‖

世博会放在上海召开是最恰当不过的,因为上海是一个充满活力的国际大都市。我非常高兴在今年初首次作为国务卿访华后再次同奥巴马总统一道来 到这里。美国馆将把美国在科学、商业、技术等领域的创新成果展现在世人面前。美国馆将围绕―城市让生活更美好‖的主题,体现美国在商业、科技方面的创新和 美国价值。

I understand there will even be a story told in 4-D.I know there are some in the audience who are still contemplating sponsorship or who may be in negotiations with the USA Pavilion team.Now is the time to join this effort.We want to assemble the strongest team of partners possible.I look forward to returning next summer to see for myself what our pavilion looks like and to tour the magnificent Expo grounds.我知道美国馆甚至将会有一个用四维方式讲述的―故事‖。我知道,你们中有一些企业正在考虑成为赞助商,或者正在与美国馆团队进行磋商,这正 是一个好时机,来加入这个行列。我们希望尽可能打造一个最强的公司伙伴团队。我期待明年夏天来到这里看看美国馆的样子,并到世博园区一游。

There’s a famous American movie called Field of Dreams.And in it, the hero, played by Kevin Costner, builds a baseball field at his remote farm.A lot of people tell him what he’s doing doesn’t make any sense, they think it’s a big risk, but he loves baseball, and he has faith that he can build something that will be meaningful.And during his project which so many people criticize, he keeps hearing ―If you build it, they will come.‖


Well, ladies and gentlemen, we believe the same.We are building it, and we believe that when the Expo opens in 166 days, 70 million people will come.And with this rain today, maybe 100 million people, with even greater good fortune, will come.Thank you all very much.Thank you.女士们,先生们,我们也有着同样的信念。现在还在建设中,但我们相信166天以后将会有7000万人参观上海世博会,借着今天下雨的好兆头,也许会增加到1亿人来参观世博会,带来更大的好运。非常感谢各位,谢谢!


英语演讲稿:希拉里在上海世博会美国馆的讲话.txt男人偷腥时的智商仅次于爱因斯坦。美丽让男人停下,智慧让男人留下。任何东西都不能以健康做交换。Japan earthquake: what causes them? Earthquakes are triggered by the tectonic plates that make up the earth's surface snagging, breaking or bending as they move past each other.Tokyo is situated on Japan's main Honshu island which is turn sits at the intersection of three continental plates, the Eurasian, Pacific and Philippine Sea plates, which are slowly grinding against each other, building up enormous seismic pressure that every so often is realised with ferocious force.Volcanoes and oceanic trenches around the Pacific Basin which holds Japan have earned the area the name The Ring of Fire.Japan accounts for about 20 per cent of the world's earthquakes of magnitude six or greater and on average, an earthquake occurs there every five minutes.When earthquakes occur under the sea floor, they unleash tsunamis which are often more devastating than the quake itself.Tsunamis, from the Japanese word for harbour and wave, are vast quantities of water displaced by the violent movement of the earth's crust.This water moves as waves, able to travel vast distances at high speeds, sweeping over landmasses and demolishing everything in their path.Several factors determine the height and destructiveness of a tsunami.They include the size of the quake, the volume of displaced water, the topography of the sea floor as the waves race to the coast and whether there are natural obstacles that dampen the shock.Destruction of protective mangroves and coral reefs and the building of homes or hotels on exposed beaches are blamed as leading causes of high death tolls from tsunamis.Kevin McCue, a seismologist at CQUniversity in Queensland, Australia, said that although the death toll was likely to be high, the quake's distance from Tokyo, the world's most populous city, was a blessing.“In 1923 in the great Kanto earthquake which measured 7.9, 147,000 people died so our expectation is that many people will be killed and there will be extensive damage,” he said.“Fortunately for Tokyo it's a bit further north than the great Kanto earthquake was, which means the damage in Tokyo is likely to be much less.”

earthquake science Authors: Stephen.William.Hawking

At present, earthquake prediction is a worldwide problem, the unpredictability of earthquakes, the crust of impenetrability, earthquakes samples set up long-term, so the earthquake has become the world's problems.Authors in the long-term earthquake research found that such a rule.At present, the seismic record is a calendar based on th e time, if the earthquake time World Record into Chinese Lunar New Year, Chinese Lunar New Year is based on phase change to a standard, on phase changes in the Moon around the Earth is rotating to a different location caused.{A Chinese calendar, a moon lunar are generally known as the lunar calendar.The twelve-month average year, the 30 days on, 29 days smallmonth,one year, 354 days or 355 days(a year in which month, which on small, vary from year to year).Because of the number of days each year than the solar year of about 11 days difference, so set up seven years in the nineteen years Leap, Leap year has 383 days throughout the year or 384 days.According to the location of the sun, a solar year is divided into 24 solar terms in order to facilitate activities such as agricultural plant.Jinian with using Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, the sixties cycle.It is said that this calendar was founded in the summer generation, so is also known as the lunar calendar.Also known as the lunar calendar.}

The result is like this:

Happened centuries well-known earthquake in China ● 1920 years 12 16(lunar November 7), County ningxia happen magnitude 8.5 earthquake.12 degrees epicentral intensity, focal depth 17 km, the death of 240,000 people, destroyed four city, dozens of county destroyed.● 1927 years 5 23(Lunar New Year April 23), Gansu happen Gulang magnitude 8 earthquake.Epicentral intensity of 11 degrees, focal depth 12 km, the death of 4 million people.● 1931 years 8 11(lunar June 28), Xinjiang Fuyun earthquake.Earthquake magnitude for the 8, Ⅺ degrees epicentral intensity.Epicentral formed fault zone 170 km long, the biggest mistake dynamic range of 20 meters.This is a major earthquake in China are known to move the biggest mistake of an earthquake.● 1933 years 8 25(lunar July 5), Sichuan Maoxian Town Permian happened magnitude 7.5 earthquake, epicenter intensity 10 degrees, stacked town were destroyed.Davidspit from time to time, city walls without deposit, Minjiang disconnection, obstruct dam lake.● 1950 years 8 15(lunar July 2), Tibet Chayu County magnitude 8.5 earthquake.Epicentral intensity 12 degrees, nearly 4,000 people died.● 1966 years 3 22(lunar March 1), Xingtai happen magnitude 7.2 earthquake.Two earthquakes a total of 8064 people died, 38,000 people injured.● 1970 years 5 on day 1(lunar November 28), Yunnan happen magnitude 7.7 earthquake.Epicentral intensity of 10 degrees, the focal depth of 10 km, the death of 15,621 people, 32,431 disabled people.● 1975 on 2 years 4 day 19 when 36 minutes(Lunar December 24), Liaoning Haicheng earthquake.7.3 magnitude earthquake was, the epicenter for Ⅸ degrees strong intensity.This is China's first successful prediction of a major earthquake for more than seven.● 1976 on 28 day 7 years 3 point 42 hours 56 seconds(Lunar July 2)Hebei Tangshan, Fengnan around 7.6 earthquake happened.Caused 242,000 deaths, 164,000 injured people.● 2008 on 5 years 12 day 14 when 28 hours 04.0 seconds(Lunar April 8), Yingxiuwan Wenchuan 8 earthquake happened.● 10 earthquake samples from the above, we found that a major earthquake happened all the time on the Lunar New 22 Day this-8 day-1 in the second half, and 9 from the Lunar day-15 day-22 day of this half within a major earthquake had not happened.● From the above sample we found that 10 earthquake in China, a major earthquake occurred at a time for the earth and connect the vertical position of the sun and the moon is located between the Earth and the sun(lunar day 22 to 8)


太阳 1日月球 地球 15日7月球


China is located at mid-latitudes of the Earth, the next step we look at mid-latitudes in other countries the situation of a major earthquake.● 1906 San Francisco earthquake in the United States April 18, 1906 morning 5:13(Lunar March 25), San Francisco 8.3 earthquake happened, countless houses fell, water pipes, gas pipes were destroyed.Shortly after the earthquake a fire broke out, burning a full three days, burning the 520 block of buildings near 30,000.● 1908 earthquake in Italy Messina Canada December 28, 1908 morning 5:25(Lunar December 6), Italy Messina, Sicily's 7.5 earthquake occurred in the city.Earthquake, the city Housing beating rotation, to sewing the opening and closing of the fountain, both cliff collapsed into the sea.● 1923 Kanto, Japan earthquake ● 1923 years 9 morning on one day 11 when 58 minutes(lunar July 21), Yokohama, Japan, Tokyo 7.9 earthquake along happen.Two cities as rice basket for moving up and down and the level of screening, buildings have collapsed.City gutted by fire, Japan 5% of the national wealth reduced to ashes.(Japan earthquake of this country rather special)● 1990 years 1 20(Lunar New Year December 24), north-west region of Iran Richter 7.7 earthquake, killing 40,000 people were killed and 100,000 wounded.● 2005 years 10 8(Lunar September 6), Pakistan-controlled Kashmir happen Richter 7.6 earthquake, resulting in Pakistan 73,000 people dead and nearly 130,000 people were injured, 2.8 million people homeless can be naturalized.● 2006 on 25 years 4 day 9 when 23 pm(March 27 Lunar)around latitude 42 degrees, with a century-old Beaconsfield Gold Mine in Tasmania, Australia experienced a sudden earthquakes, mine collapses have taken place.Once was considered the world's biggest earthquake in 1960 earthquake in Chile ● 1960 Day 21 on 5 years 3 pm(Lunar April 26 to May 6), Chile 8.5 earthquake happened.From this day to May 30, the country suffered several consecutive earthquake struck, the earthquake during the six re-extinct volcano eruptions, three new volcano appears.May 21 The 8.5 earthquake caused the 20th century, a tsunami biggest.Chile earthquake characteristics: When the moon on the 26th run to the Lunar New location when the earthquake started, when the moon is running to the Lunar New Year on the 6th position, the end of the earthquake.If the latitude of the Earth is divided into three parts: low-latitude(0-15), mid-latitudes(15-45), high-latitude(45-90)Well, China is mid-latitude countries.From the above data we can see that the past century, the disastrous earthquake in China(Chinese Lunar New Year time at the meeting on the 22nd of this month on day 8, this means that when the moon run into the Earth and the Sun connection vertical position, mid-latitudes are most vulnerable to earthquake happened.from day 8 to 22, there has not been a major earthquake, while at other mid-latitude regions are also the same.Seismic laws in the mid-latitudes as follows: From 22 to 1 day, such as an earthquake, earthquake magnitude gradually decreased, the maximum magnitude on the 22nd, one day the minimum magnitude.From one day to the day 8, such as an earthquake, earthquake magnitude gradually increased.Only half will be a big earthquake, seismic energy released from the lower latitudes less, many higher latitudes.Then let us take another look at low-latitude earthquake here as the representative of Indonesia December 26, 2004(Lunar November 15), in waters near Indonesia's Sumatra Island happened Richter 9 earthquake and tsunami affected a dozen countries bordering the Indian Ocean, killing more than 20 million people dead or missing, one of Indonesia has near 170,000 people dead or missing.(Nine earthquakes, which are taking place in the world's largest earthquake in the seabed)November 12, 2004(lunar October 1), Indonesia's eastern province of East Nusa Tenggara Alor Island happened Richter 6 earthquake.(Small earthquakes)

March 28, 2005(February 19 Lunar New Year), the Indonesian island of Sumatra occurred in waters near the Richter 8.5 earthquake, killing more than 900 deaths, one of the most serious damage on Nias Island has 633 people were killed and 50 missing person, about 27,600 people homeless.July 17, 2006(lunar June 22)15:20 Indonesia Richter 6.8 earthquake(moderate earthquake).In addition, tell us about the low-latitude earthquake in 1970, another large earthquake in Peru Chimborazo May 31, 1970(Lunar April 27), Peru's biggest fishing port,Chimbote 7.6 earthquake occurred in the city.In the earthquake have 60,000 people dead and more than 10 million people were injured, one million people homeless.East of the city added in accordance with the city, the earthquake triggered landslides buried glacier 23,000 people throughout the city.The earthquake in low latitudes can only be regarded as moderate earthquake.In low-latitude earthquake laws are as follows: Day from 15 until 1 day, such as an earthquake, earthquake magnitude gradually decreased, the maximum magnitude on the 15th, one day the minimum magnitude.Full month will be an earthquake, seismic energy is released from the three most latitude.Finally let us look at high-latitude earthquake The United States Geological Survey said the waters southwest of Australia, Macquarie Island one day happened near the Richter 6.4 earthquake, no casualties were reported.Earthquake occurred at local time, 2008-06-02 at 12:31 on the 1st(Lunar April 29)latitude 53 degrees epicentral distance 1450 kilometers south-east of Tasmania, the focal depth of 10 kilometers.Law at high latitudes as follows: the more high-latitude to go, if the earthquake happened, it should be one day in the Lunar New Year around, that is, the moon is between the Earth and sun, an earthquake of magnitude far less than the low-latitude and mid-latitude earthquake magnitude, the more to high-latitude away earthquake release less energy.Note: the examples in this article, many mid-latitude comparison, but the release of seismic energy are many low-latitude, because the earthquake in the study, a 9 earthquake equal to 30 times 8 earthquake, or 900 times 7 earthquake.From the above shows that all the information a law: 1.The Earth's earthquake and the moon has a direct relationship.2.Are able to accurately predict earthquakes, and not the current scientific community think the prediction is not accurate.3.Earthquake laws are time, latitude, there is also the law of energy release.Accurate earthquake prediction are mainly two points: the time and place.In this paper, the time to explain the laws of the earthquake, earthquakes and the relationship between the moon, in the future a few months, I will talk about how precise the location of earthquake prediction, earthquake prediction sites are a big project, need to be invested in a large number of scientific equipment also required the establishment of a mathematical model.Authors: Stephen.William.Hawking January 8, 1942 was born in Oxford, England, has graduated from Oxford University and Trinity College, Cambridge University and a doctorate of philosophy by the University of Cambridge.Applied Mathematics and English, University of Cambridge professor of theoretical physics, the most important theory of general relativity and the universe at home.Author works: “A Brief History of Time” “time-space nature of” “A Brief History of Time sequel” “large-scale structure of space-time” “general theory of relativity: Einstein's view of the century” “300 years of gravity” “Universe in a Nutshell” “Huo Kim recorded speech-the black hole, the infant universe and other ”“ the nature of time and space.”

Establishing an American presence at this Expo worthy of our great country was quite a journey.这一届世界博览会建立美国展区,为了展现我们伟大国家的风采,走过了一段很不容易的路程。

There is a poem from the Southern Song Dynasty that reads: “After endless mountains and rivers that leave doubt whether there is a path out, suddenly one encounters the shade of a willow, bright flowers and a lovely village.” Well, I am very pleased that we have finally arrived at our lovely village.南宋时期的一首诗写道,山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村。现在我们最终来到我们可爱的村庄,我感到非常高兴。

This was a real team effort, a partnership that brought together our government, the private sector, the Chinese-American community, and so many friends and supporters.So, let me offer a few thank-yous.这项工作真正体现了团队精神,体现了伙伴关系,汇聚了我们的政府、民间部门、美国华裔社区以及如此众多的朋友和支持者的力量。为此,请允许我说几句表示感谢的话。

To Ambassador Jon Huntsman and Consul General Bea Camp, and all the men and women of the U.S.Mission in China, we thank you.驻华大使洪博培和总领事康碧翠以及美国驻中国使团的全体男女工作人员,我们感谢你们。

To Ken Jarett and the board, staff, and volunteers of the USA Pavilion, including our student ambassadors who represent not just the welcoming spirit of our Pavilion, but the openness of our country.And to Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley and her deputy, Kris Balderston, and our corporate partners--your generosity and commitment has made all of this possible.And I am very grateful to each and every one of you.感谢肯·贾勒特及美国馆董事会、工作人员和志愿者,包括我国的学生大使。学生大使不仅表示我国展馆对来访者的欢迎,而且也代表了我国的开放精神。感谢伊丽莎白·巴格利大使和她的副手克里斯·鲍尔德斯滕。还要感谢我们的公司伙伴。你们慷慨解囊,信心十足,才使这一切成为可能。我十分感谢你们每一位。

And finally, I want to express our deep appreciation to our Chinese hosts.It is a great honor to have with us Ambassador Zhang, Vice Foreign Minister Cui, Vice Finance Minister Li, and Vice Mayor Tang here with us this evening.Earlier today I had the privilege of visiting the China Pavilion, with its sweeping panorama of a great nation.The ancient Riverside scroll, which depicts another period of dramatic change and development, has been transformed through the magic of technology into a vivid symbol of the new China.This entire Expo, the largest in history, is a testament to the hospitality and energy of the Chinese people.And all around us we see that the glory of the past is matched by the dynamism of the present and the promise of the future.最后,我希望对我们的中国东道主表示诚挚的谢忱。张大使、崔副外长、李副部长和唐副市长今晚也在座,我们感到非常荣幸。今天我荣幸地参观了中国馆,欣赏一个伟大国家的全景画卷。古老的清明上河图描述了另一个时期巨大的变迁和发展,通过技术的魔力转眼间展现了新中国生机勃勃的形象。整个世界博览会以有史以来最大的规模,体现了中国人民热情好客的美德和能量。在我们四周,随处可见历史的辉煌与现代的活力及未来的希望交相辉映。

The shape of that future depends, to a significant degree, on the evolving relationship between the United States and China.If our relations are defined by win-win solutions rather than zero-sum rivalries, we will thrive and prosper together.Now, we may not always agree on every issue, but we should seek and seize opportunities such as this Expo to build greater understanding between our peoples.未来的希望在很大程度上取决于美国与中国关系的发展。双方的关系如果以实现双赢而不是互不相容的对抗为特征,我们就能共同繁荣昌盛。目前,双方可能无法在每一个问题上一贯达成一致意见,但是双方应该寻求机会,抓住机会,促进两国人民之间的理解。这一届世博会就是一个例证。

This USA Pavilion embodies many of the qualities that make my country a vibrant and prosperous nation: innovation, sustainability, diversity, the free exchange of ideas.And it is a model of environmental responsibility.And I am proud to announce that the Pavilion will be carbon neutral for the entire duration of the Expo.美国馆体现了创新、可持续性、多样性与自由交流思想等使美国生机勃勃、繁荣昌盛的诸多特性。美国馆是环保责任的典范。我很高兴地宣布,在世博会整个展出期间,美国馆将实现碳中和。

700,000 people have already visited this pavilion.And one of the most moving displays is the tribute to the millions of Chinese Americans who have contributed so much to the cultural and economic development of the United States.From Yo-Yo Ma to I.M.Pei to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Energy Secretary Chu, Chinese-Americans have achieved great success in business, government, the arts, sciences and sports.And, to that end, I was pleased to hear that the Buffalo Bills have recently drafted the first Chinese-American to play in the NFL.目前已有70多万人参观了美国馆。美国馆最感人的展品之一是,赞颂为美国文化和经济发展做出如此众多贡献的数百万美国华裔的专题。从马友友到贝聿铭,从商务部长骆家辉到能源部长朱棣文,美国华裔在工商业、政府、艺术、科技和体育等领域都取得了极大的成功。说到这里,我很高兴地获悉,布法罗·比尔队最近吸收了第一位美国华裔参加美国橄榄球大联盟的赛事。

But we also celebrate those Chinese-Americans whose names are not well known to us.And thousands have sent photographs and testimonials documenting the Chinese experience in the United States.And it represents a true pageant of American life.但我们还赞颂那些不知名的美国华裔。数以千计的美国华裔送来了照片和纪念物,记载华人在美国的经历,成为美国生活绚丽壮观的真实写照。

I.M.Pei, the great architect who built the John F.Kennedy library in Boston, along with many other notable buildings, said that he hoped people who went to the Kennedy Library experienced “revived hope and promise for the future.” And I believe all of us can see that hope and promise here, in Shanghai.杰出的建筑师贝聿铭设计建造了波士顿的约翰·肯尼迪图书馆等许多著名的建筑。他曾说,他希望到肯尼迪图书馆参观的人 “重新燃起对未来的希望和信念”。我相信,我们大家在这里,在上海可以看到这样的希望和信念。

And we have already been entertained by some of the young people who represent the future.I want to thank the Shanghai Music Conservatory string quartet that played for us during the reception.We are going to be hearing from the Parker Ossel Folish(ph)Trio, who will be playing during dinner.These are three young Americans who make their home here, in Shanghai.And then, after dinner, we will be entertained by an extraordinary group of young talent from California State University Northridge and Shanghai Normal University, who have joined forces to present a singing tribute called “Meet Me at the Expo.”


Thank you again to everyone who helped to make this evening and this pavilion possible.You have enabled me to sleep through the night once again.Thank you all very much.再次感谢诸位,你们成就了今晚,成就了这个展馆。是你们再次使我能在晚上睡得安稳。十分感谢大家。



Remarks at the Groundbreaking Ceremony by Commissioner General, Jose

Villarreal July 17, 2009



Two weeks ago, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appointed me United States Commissioner General to the Shanghai 2010 World Expo.两周以前,国务卿希拉里•克林顿女士任命我为2010年上海世博会美国展区总代表。

Last week I signed a contract confirming our participation.Today, we break ground.上周,我签订了参展合同,正式确认美国参加上海世博会。而今天,我们破土动工。

In 288 days we will open our doors to a magnificent pavilion showcasing the best of America, including our innovative technologies, creativity, and advancements in health, the environment, culture and the arts.288天之后,我们将会有一座精彩无比的美国馆。届时,我们将开门迎客,向大家展示美国最好的方方面面,包括革新技术、创造力以及卫生、环境、文化和艺术方面的进步。

Our objective is both to impart and to take away knowledge that will enable us collectively to create better and stronger cities for better and healthier living.我们的目标是来传授并学习知识,能够让我们通过共同努力创造更美好、更强大的城市,并以此带来更美好、更健康的生活。、Secretary Locke’s presence here today serves to underscore that as we prepare to present an exciting U.S.Pavilion, we do so with the widespread and enthusiastic support of the highest levels of the United States government.Secretary Clinton wrote a special letter to me in honor of today’s historic occasion, and I am proud to read part of it to you.今天,商务部长骆家辉先生的莅临显示了我们将呈现一座令人激动的美国馆的决心,也标志着美国政府最高层对参加世博会广泛并热烈的支持。为庆祝今天这个历史性的时刻,国务卿克林顿女士给我写了一封贺信,在这里,我也非常高兴和大家分享其中的片段。

“The Shanghai Expo represents all that the nations of the world can accomplish when they work together, the global challenges they can meet through collective action, and the progress they can achieve through international cooperation.她说:“上海世博会代表了世界各国通过一起努力所能取得的成就、通过共同行动所能迎接的全球性挑战、以及通过国际合作所能实现的进步。”

“The United States is proud to participate, and President Obama and I are committed to doing everything we can to support your work.The Haibao doll that sits in my office is looking forward to reports on your progress – as are the rest of us back in Washington.And with your help, I know the USA Pavilion will be a great success.So let’s get to work!”


Thank you all for joining us this morning.感谢大家前来参加我们的活动。



Remarks on the 100th Anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8 2011

Hillary Rodham Clinton US Secretary of State

国际妇女节100周年纪念日致辞 美国国务卿希拉里 克林顿

March 8th is the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day.And, as many of you know, this anniversary is important to me.At the 1995 Beijing conference, I was so humbled by the positive response to my message that human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.But 16 years later, women still bear the brunt of poverty, war, disease, and famine.And when it comes to the boardroom meetings, government sessions, peace negotiations, and other assemblies where crucial decisions are made in the world, women are too often absent.3月8日是国际妇女节100周年。如同许多人所知,这个纪念日对我意义重大。1995年在北京大会上,我提出的人权就是妇女权利,妇女权利就是人权的信息得到了积极回响,令我深受感动。但是16年后,面对贫穷、战争、疾病和饥荒,妇女仍然首当其冲。而在董事会议、政府会议、和平谈判以及涉及重大决策的其他机会场景中,女性的身影经常付之阙如。

It is clear that more work needs to be done—to consolidate our gains and to keep momentum moving forward.很显然,我们仍需付出更多努力来巩固我们的成果。

The United States continues to make women a cornerstone of our foreign policy.It’s not just the right thing to do.It’s the smart thing.Women and girls drive our economies.They build peace and prosperity.Investing in them means investing in global economic progress, political stability, and greater prosperity for everyone—the world over.美国继续将妇女作为我们外交政策的一个立足点,这么做不仅正确,也是明智的。妇女和女童推动我们的经济,促进和平与繁荣。对她们的投资就是对全球经济进步、政治稳定以及让所有人更加富足的投资。

So let us mark this day by finding ways to ensure women and girls’ access to education, healthcare, jobs, and credit, and to protect their right to live free from violence.因此让我们在纪念这个节日之际,为设法确保妇女和女童获得教育、保健、工作和信用并保护她们不遭受暴力生活的全力而努力。



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