第一篇:2018年8月25日托福考试 独立写作解析
威学托福TPO模考系统 http://t.weixue100.com/ 2018年8月25日托福考试 独立写作解析
You may choose between two professors who will be teaching a course that you must take at your university.If the following statements are the only information available to you about the differences between the two professors, which professor would you choose? Why?--One professor was voted most popular in a survey of students about their teachers.--One professors has just been given an award for outstanding research.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Be sure to use your own words.Do not use memorized examples.题目特征:
大学选课时,更加倾向于选择哪位教授的课程? 1)学生票选中最受欢迎的教授 2)刚因杰出研究获奖的教授
比如,选课时,我们会考虑“whether is the course academically beneficial to us or not?”,”whether is the professor friendly and attractive or not? ”等等,思考之后,再结合题目中所给特点(voted most popular;just awarded for outstanding research)进行分析即可
01、教授风趣,讲解清楚简单,让学生积极参与,很会激起学生的参与热情和兴趣。The class offered by the popular professor can be rendered to be interesting rather than inflexible or vapid, easier for students to be attracted and then concentrated, inspire students to participate more actively/more opportunities can be created for students to interact, spark off the passion and interest from students, study more effectively and efficiently.02、教授受欢迎,意味着学生与老师的互动或者交流很多,因此更容易发现学生们的相关问题,必然可以针对性的给出建议,从而让学生在学习中获得更多提高
It cannot be denied that students are more willing to interact with the most popular professor, more interaction or communication in or after class, easier for the professor to notice where the student is not good or proficient enough academically, offer some
4、遣词造句地道,语言驾驭娴熟。托福考试终究是语言考试,最终还是要考查考生的语言运用能力,但是要注意的是,并不是要求考生通篇都用难词偏语长句,而是要会变化着用一些美国人常用的语句把自己的想法表达清楚,所以建议考生尽量多阅读和模仿英文原版材料,这样写出来的文章才能够原汁原味。托福考试写作评分标准责任编辑:曾老师 阅读:人次
综合写作: 有关“计划烧除”的问题
The lecturer contends that prescribed burns prevent larger forest fires.This directly contradicts the reading passage’s claim that there are more disadvantages than advantages.http://bailiedu.com
First, in spite of the concerns some people have, only a few animals die from the burns;there is enough time for animals to escape.Moreover, the professor cites the example of Yellowstone National Park, where animals have no difficulties finding new habitats because of the park's huge size.This refutes the reading passage’s claim that forest animals die from prescribed burns and that even if they manage to survive, they have a hard time because of the competition for food in their new territory.On top of that, the lecturer says there has been a misunderstanding about the environmental damage of prescribed burns.It is true that prescribed burns produce smoke;however, the amount of smoke is much less than the amount of smoke generated during major forest fires.This rebuts the reading passage’s claim that since many prescribed burns take several days, smoke coming from the burning causes air pollution.Finally, prescribed burns are deliberately carried out.The forest officials put a lot of thought and efforts into the burns before they intentionally set a forest on fire;accordingly, it is less feasible that the forest officials would conduct the burns if conditions are not suitable.This contradicts the idea mentioned in the reading passage that prescribed burns can change into major forest fires by spreading unexpectedly.第二部分
题目:Do you agree or disagree: the most effective way for governments to encourage energy conservation is to increase the price of gasoline and electricity?
In such a scientific-technologically developed society, energy has played an indispensable and dominant role in aspects of life, whatever in personal living or corporate expansion.However, with the rapid decline in the amount of the energy or recourse resulting from increasing demand as well as overly exploitation, it is imperative that government take measures to conserve the energy available.For example, increasing the cost of gasoline and electricity will admittedly control the use of both for a majority will not purchase or waste them as before, but it is not the only way due to some potential drawbacks in the long run.For one thing, it will create a path for some commercial producers to make profits from the price-raising illegally when they are keen on the sole material benefits instead of the initial motive of the government.Energy, whose consumption has accounted for a big proportion in the national revenue, is always a hot issue in many profit-oriented companies.For instance, some gasoline companies will expand their exploitation area for larger inventories, from which they can get greater profits once the price of the products are increased.They will also force their employees to work excessively with disregard to safety.Doing so can not only conserve the energy as planned, but also bring some negative influenced on the social life.For another, the increase in the energy may cause a financial burden for those relying on the resource, individually or corporately.If the strategy is carried out, some companies will face great difficulty in affording the energy, and consequently they cannot continue their production without resource provision.Neither can some families in some poverty-stricken areas.One of my relatives, living in a less developed village, is striving to save the money on the electricity or gas.Suffering from the pressure of tuition of his children, he has to try to live an economical life.Thus the increase in the price of electricity will inevitably become an obstacle in such occasions.In conclusion, in spite of the possible effectiveness in the energy conservation, the cost rising will lead to some illegal cases or financial burdens to some poor ones at the same time.If there are some more complementary alternatives, such as to enhance the public awareness to conserve the energy actively, the goal of the government will be fulfilled in a balanced way.以上就是8月22日托福考试写作部分的真题。备考托福的小伙伴,赶紧来围观吧!前程百利小编也给8月30日参加托福考试的小伙伴提供了前程百利最权威的机经,四个单项都很全面,敬请关注。
This new century has witnessed the explosive growth of science and technology, which____.When it comes to____, the discussion of this issue among individuals and in society as a whole has come into vogue during the last decade.The statement claims that __________./It is commonly accepted that_大众观点___.From my perspective, I agree/disagree with the statement and there are several reasons and instances as follows supporting my view./From my perspective, I prefer A rather than B and there are several reasons and instances as follows supporting my view.让步段 Unquestionably,让步词
However, say XXX is an overstatement, for one thing..加2到3个支持句
For another thing…加两到三个支持句
In conclusion, if there is anyone out there who still doubts if … who still wonders if … who still questions if … this essay is my answer.
独立写作的八股在于它的题目很固定,OG上给出了那几百道例题 绝大部分题目是: