
时间:2019-05-15 01:01:50下载本文作者:会员上传


一、洪恩巴迪英文童谣..................................................................................................................2 唱.........................................................................................A.洪恩巴迪英文童谣青苹果篇目录.......................................................................................2 5.Starlight Star bright星光,灿烂..........................1.A B C D 字母歌..............................................................................................................2 6.Good Night to You All祝大家晚安.......................2.Happy Birthday生日快乐.............................................................................................2 7.Oh, How lovely Is the Evening夜晚多美3.Hello你好......................................................................................................................2 好.........................................................................................4.table number桌子号码................................................................................................2 8.Rock-a-bye Baby宝宝的摇篮...............................5.Tell me告诉我...............................................................................................................3 9.Sleep Baby Sleep睡吧,宝贝,睡吧..................6.I am a Boy我是个男孩.................................................................................................3 10.Hush, Little Baby.安静,宝贝.............................7.What’s your name你叫什么名字.................................................................................3 E.洪恩巴迪英文童谣蓝色海洋篇目录......................................8.We Wish You a Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐................................................................3 1.Billy Boy少年比利................................................9.Row Your Boat划小船...................................................................................................3 2.Old MacDonald老麦克唐纳................................10.Ten Little Indians十个印度安小男孩.........................................................................3 3.I’m a Little Teapot我是小茶壶.............................B.洪恩巴迪英文童谣金色阳光篇目录...................................................................................3 4.Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star闪亮,闪亮1.The Farmer in the Dell山谷里的农夫...............................................................3 的小星.................................................................................2.Bingo宾果.........................................................................................................3 5.The Ants Go Marching蚂蚁行军..........................3.The Clock时钟...................................................................................................3 6.One Bottle O’pop一瓶汽水.................................4.Goodbye little fish再见,小鱼.........................................................................3 7.London Bridge伦敦桥..........................................5.Teddy Bear玩具熊.............................................................................................3 8.The Happy Song幸福歌.......................................6.Are You Sleeping还要睡吗?............................................................................3 9.Mary Had a Little Lamb玛丽有只小羊羔

.............................................................................................7.Sally萨丽...........................................................................................................4 8.I Can Hear The Bell我能听到钟声....................................................................4 10.Jingle Bells铃儿响叮当......................................9.Come on and Join into the Game来参加

二、洪恩巴迪节拍英语.....................................................................游戏吧..............................................................................................................................4 F.洪恩巴迪节拍英语生活魔方目录...........................................10.Greetings问候.................................................................................................4 1.Baby Sleep 宝宝睡觉......................................................C.洪恩巴迪英文童谣紫水晶篇目录.......................................................................................4 2.Do Cleaning 打扫.............................................................1.Head Shoulders Knees and Toes头、肩、3.Knitting Knitting One Two Three 一二三,织呀膝和脚趾..........................................................................................................................4 织.........................................................................................2.Good Morning to You早上好............................................................................4 4.Baby's Love 宝宝的爱.....................................................3.January一月......................................................................................................4 5.Make Friends!交个朋友吧!...........................................4.Rose玫瑰,玫瑰...............................................................................................4 6.Rain On The Green Grass 雨落在绿草上........................5.The Muffin Man松糕老人................................................................................4 7.Brush My Teeth 刷刷我的牙...........................................6.One Two Buckle My Shoe一、二,扣上8.Have A Bath 洗澡............................................................鞋......................................................................................................................................4 10.Diddle Diddle Dumpling 摇啊摇!小宝宝....................7.Fellow Me跟我做..............................................................................................4 G.洪恩巴迪节拍英语数字精灵目录..........................................8.Fellow Me A B C跟我学ABC.............................................................................5 1.One potato 一号土豆....................................................9.Make New Friends结交新朋友.........................................................................5 2.One Little Flower 一朵小花..........................................10.Pussy Cat小猫咪.............................................................................................5 3.Let's do it 让我们行动起来吧......................................D.洪恩巴迪英文童谣巧克力篇目录.......................................................................................5 4.Ten Little Fingers 十个手指...........................................1.Polly, Put the Kettle On波莉,把水壶放5.One For Sorrow 一代表悲伤.........................................在炉子上..........................................................................................................................5 6.One Two Three Play With Me 一、二、三,给2.The More We Get Together大家在一起...........................................................5 我玩.....................................................................................3.For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow一个快乐的7.One Two Pick Up The Stool 一、二,搬起小凳好小伙..............................................................................................................................5 子.........................................................................................4.Sweetly Sings the Donkey小驴欢乐地歌8.Cinderalla 灰姑娘..........................................................1

9.One Two How Do You Do? 一、二,你好吗?4.Hello!Hello!你好!...................................................................................................................................................................................................9 5.Johnny Johnny 小约翰....................................................10.One Two Three Fou Five 一、二、三、四、6.I'm Only A Baby 我只是个小宝宝...................................五......................................................................................................................................9 7.Big Head 大头..................................................................H.洪恩巴迪节拍英语神奇世界目录.......................................................................................9 8.Mabel Set The Table 梅布尔布置餐桌...........................1.Out Goes The Rat 小老鼠出来了...............................................................................9 9.Apple Round 圆圆的苹果...............................................2.Down By The Ocean 顺着大洋而下...........................................................................9 10.Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe 鞋匠补补我3.Chip-chop Joe 砍柴的小阿周.....................................................................................9 的鞋.....................................................................................4.Hickory Dickory Dock 小老鼠上钟台.........................................................................9 5.Rani Rain Go Away 小雨小雨别下了.........................................................................9 6.Peas Porridge Hot 豌豆粥是热的.............................................................................10


7.Georgie Porgie 淘气的乔治......................................................................................10 8.To Market 去市场.....................................................................................................10 9.Pat A Cake 做蛋糕....................................................................................................10 A.洪恩巴迪英文童谣青苹果篇目录 10.Yankee Doodle 扬基•督德......................................................................................10 I.洪恩巴迪节拍英语动物宝贝目录......................................................................................10

1.A B C D 字母歌

1.Fly Fly The Butterfly 蝴蝶飞飞...................................................................................10

A B C D E F G 2.Elephant 大象.............................................................................................................10

H I J K L M N O P 3.Swan 天鹅...................................................................................................................10

Q R S and T U V

4.Two Little Funny Birds 两只有趣的小鸟....................................................................10

W X and Y and Z 5.A little Turtle 小海龟..................................................................................................10

Happy happy we shall be 6.Five Little Dogs 五只小狗...........................................................................................10

When we learn our A B C’s

7.Old Mother Goose 养鹅的老妈妈.............................................................................10

2.Happy Birthday生日快乐

8.This Little Piggy 小猪..................................................................................................10

Happy birthday to you 9.Bow-wow Says the Dog 小狗汪汪叫..........................................................................10

Happy birthday to you 10.Baa Baa black sheep 咩咩小黑羊............................................................................11

Happy birthday dear friend J.洪恩巴迪节拍英语游戏童年目录......................................................................................11

Happy birthday to you 1.Jack Be Nimble 杰克敏捷.........................................................................................11


2.Red Light What Do You Say 红灯你说什么..............................................................11

hello hello hello hello 3.See-Saw Marjorie Daw 跷跷板.................................................................................11

hello hello how are you 4.Swing Swing 荡秋千.................................................................................................11

hello hello hello hello 5.Eenie Meenie Minie Moe 依尼、咪尼、迈尼、hello hello how are you 谋....................................................................................................................................11

hello hello hello hello

6.Two Little Hands Go Clap Clap Clap 两只小手

hello hello how are you 拍一拍............................................................................................................................11

thank you thank you

7.Sally Go Around The Sun 萨丽绕着太阳转..............................................................11

I am fine and I hope that you are too 8.Hop A Little 单脚跳一跳..........................................................................................11

4.table number桌子号码

9.Humpty Dumpty 鸡蛋男孩......................................................................................11

We are table number one

10.You Have One, I Have One 你拍一,我拍一..........................................................11

Number one ,number one K.洪恩巴迪节拍英语快乐天使目录.....................................................................................12

We are table number one 1.Round And Round The Garden 围着花园转啊

Where is number two 转....................................................................................................................................12

We are table number two

2.Roses Are Red 玫瑰是红色的....................................................................................12

Number two ,number two 3.Good Nigh 晚安..........................................................................................................12

We are table number two

Where is number three We are table number three Number three ,number three We are table number three Where is number four 5.Tell me告诉我

Tell me tell me what it is? Tell me tell me what it is? It’s a book.It’s a book.It’s a book.Yes, it is a book.Tell me tell me what it is? Tell me tell me what it is? It’s a pen.It’s a pen.It’s a pen.Yes, it is a pen.Tell me tell me what it is? Tell me tell me what it is? It’s a ball.It’s a ball.It’s a ball.Yes, it is a ball.6.I am a Boy我是个男孩

I am a boy and you are a girl I am a boy and you are a girl I am a boy and you are a girl Do you want to be my friend I am a girl and you are a boy I am a girl and you are a boy I am a girl and you are a boy Yes I want to be your friend 7.What’s your name你叫什么名字

what’s your name? My name is John what’s your name? My name is John 8.We Wish You a Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐 We wish you a Merry Christmas!We wish you a Merry Christmas!We wish you a Merry Christmas!And a Happy New Year 9.Row Your Boat划小船

Row row row your boat Gently down the stream Merrily merrily merrily merrily Life is but a dream 10.Ten Little Indians十个印度安小男孩 One little two little three little Indians Four little five little six little Indians

Seven little eight little nine little Indians Ten little Indian boys


1.The Farmer in the Dell山谷里的农夫

The farmer in the dell The farmer in the dell Heigh-o the derry-o The farmer in the dell


There was a farmer had a dog And bingo was his name And bingo was his name O’ B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name O

3.The Clock时钟

Hark to the sound of the old wooden clock Tick Tock Tick Tock

Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Bong Bong Bong Bong

It tells the time for each minute and hour Tick Tock Tick Tock

Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Cuckoo Bong Bong Bong Bong

4.Goodbye little fish再见,小鱼

Little fish goodbye to you

Goodbye goodbye goodbye to you May our lord bless you May our lord bless you See you see you

See you again See you again

5.Teddy Bear玩具熊

Teddy bear Teddy bear Turn around

Teddy bear Teddy bear Touch the guound Teddy bear Teddy bear Show your shoes Teddy bear Teddy bear That will do

6.Are You Sleeping还要睡吗?

Are you sleeping Are you sleeping Brother John Brother John Morning bells are ringing

Morning bells are ringing Ding dong ding 7.Sally萨丽

Sally is wearing a white dress white dress White dress Sally is wearing a white dress all day long Sally is wearing black shoes black shoes Black shoes Sally is wearing black shoes all day long 8.I Can Hear The Bell我能听到钟声

I can hear I can hear I can hear the bell Ding-a-dong Ding-a-dong I can hear I can hear I can hear the bell Ding-a-dong Ding-a-dong I can hear the bell I can hear I can hear I can hear the rain Pitter-patta Pitter-patta Pitter-patta the rain I can hear I can hear I can hear the rain Pitter-patta Pitter-patta I can hear the rain 9.Come on and Join into the Game来参加游戏吧

Let everyone clap hands like me Let everyone clap hands like me Come on and join into the game You’ll find that it’s always the same


Your right hand says good morning Good morning to you Your right hand says good morning Good morning to you Your left hand says good night Good night to you Your left hand says good night Good night to you C.洪恩巴迪英文童谣紫水晶篇目录

1.Head Shoulders Knees and Toes头、肩、膝和脚趾

Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes Eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes 2.Good Morning to You早上好

Good morning to you Good morning to you We’re all in our places With sunshiny faces Good morning to you


January February Sa la la la la la la

March and April May and June Sa la la la la la la July August September Sa la la la la la la October November December Sa la la la la la la


Rose Rose Rose Rose Will I ever see you bloom

Yes You will see me bloom if you will wait

5.The Muffin Man松糕老人

Oh do you know the muffin man The muffin man the muffin man Oh do you know the muffin man Who lives on Drury Lane Oh yes I know the muffin man The muffin man the muffin man Oh yes I know the muffin man Who lives on Drury Lane

6.One Two Buckle My Shoe一、二,扣上鞋

One two buckle my shoe Three four shut the door Five six pick up the sticks Seven eight lay them straight

Eight seven six five four three two one all done

7.Fellow Me跟我做

Fellow me fellow me Hands up hands up Fellow me fellow me Hands down hands down Fellow me fellow me Wave your arms Fellow me fellow me Bend your knees Fellow me fellow me Turn right turn right Fellow me fellow me Turn left turn left Fellow me fellow me Jump up-and-down

Fellow me fellow me Turn around 8.Fellow Me A B C跟我学ABC

Fellow me Fellow me A B C A B C Fellow me fellow me It’s easy as you see Everyday everyday In this way In this way Just repeat Just repeat Till the tune’s complete

9.Make New Friends结交新朋友

Make new friends but keep the old One is silver and the other gold Make new friends but keep the old One is silver and the other gold 10.Pussy Cat小猫咪

Pussy cat pussy cat where have you been I’ve been up to London to look at the queen Pussy cat pussy cat why are you there I’ve frightened the little mouse under her chair


1.Polly, Put the Kettle On波莉,把水壶放在炉子上

Polly put the kettle on Polly put the kettle on Polly put the kettle on We’ll all have tea Sukey take it off again Sukey take it off again Sukey take it off again They’ve all gone away 2.The More We Get Together大家在一起

The more we get together Together together The more we get together The happier we’ll be

For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends The more we get together The happier we’ll be

3.For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow一个快乐的好小伙

For he’s a jolly good fellow For he’s a jolly good fellow

For he’s a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny For he’s a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny For she’s a jolly good fellow For she’s a jolly good fellow For she’s a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny Which nobody can deny For she’s a jolly good fellow Which nobody can deny

4.Sweetly Sings the Donkey小驴欢乐地歌唱

Sweetly sings the donkey At the break of day If you do not feed him This is what he’ll say Heehaw Heehaw

Heehaw Heehaw Heehaw

5.Starlight Star bright星光,灿烂

Starlight star bright First star I’ve seen tonight I wish I may I wish I might

Have the wish I wish tonight

6.Good Night to You All祝大家晚安

Good night to you all and sweet be your sleep May angels around you their silent watch keep Good night good night Good night good night

7.Oh, How lovely Is the Evening夜晚多美好

Oh how lovely is the evening Is the evening

When the bells are sweetly ringing Sweetly ringing

Ding dong Ding dong Ding dong

8.Rock-a-bye Baby宝宝的摇篮

Rock-a-bye baby on the tree top

When the wind blows the cradle will rock When the bough breaks the cradle will fall And down will come baby cradle and all

9.Sleep Baby Sleep睡吧,宝贝,睡吧

Sleep baby sleep Your father tends the sheep Your mother shakes the Dreamland tree and finds a dream for You and me Sleep baby sleep 10.Hush, Little Baby.安静,宝贝

Hush little baby don’t you cry Mama’s going to sing you a lullaby Hush little baby don’t say a word Papa’s going to buy you a mockingbird


1.Billy Boy少年比利

Oh Where have you been Billy boy Billy boy Oh Where have you been Charming Billy I have been to seek a wife She’s the joy of my life She’s a young thing

And cannot leave her mother Did she ask you to come in Billy boy Billy boy Did she ask you to come in Charming Billy Yes she asked me to come in There’s a dimple in her chin She’s a young thing And cannot leave her mother 2.Old MacDonald老麦克唐纳

Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O And on this farm he had some chicks E-I-E-I-O With a chick chick here and a chick chick there Here a chick there a chick Everywhere a chick chick Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O And on this farm he had some ducks E-I-E-I-O With a quack quack here and a quack quack there Here a quack there a quack Everywhere a quack quack

Old MacDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O

3.I’m a Little Teapot我是小茶壶

I’m a little teapot short and stout Here is my handle here is my spout When the water’s boiling hear me shout Tip me over pour me out

I’m a little snowman short and fat Here is my broomstick here is my hat When the jolly sunshine comes to stay Then I slowly melt away

4.Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star闪亮,闪亮的小星

Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle twinkle little star How I wonder what you are

5.The Ants Go Marching蚂蚁行军

The ants go marching one by one Hurrah hurrah

The ants go marching one by one Hurrah hurrah

The ants go marching one by one The little one stops to eat a crumb And they all go marching down To the ground to get out of the rain Boom Boom Boom Boom

The ants go marching two by two Hurrah hurrah

The ants go marching two by two Hurrah hurrah

The ants go marching two by two The little one stops to tie his shoe And they all go marching down To the ground to get out of the rain Boom Boom Boom Boom

6.One Bottle O’pop一瓶汽水

One bottle O’pop Two bottles O’pop Three bottles O’pop Four bottles O’pop Five bottles O’pop Six bottles O’pop Seven bottles O’pop POP

Don’t eat too many pickles With hamburger sandwiches Don’t eat too many pickles Or else you will POP Hamburgers and apple pie Apple pie apple pie Hamburgers and apple pie Apple pie and POP 7.London Bridge伦敦桥

London Bridge is falling down Falling down falling down London Bridge is falling down My fair lady Build it up with iron bars Iron bars iron bars Build it up with iron bars My fair lady Iron bars will bend and break Bend and break bend and break Iron bars will bend and break My fair lady London Bridge is falling down Falling down falling down London Bridge is falling down My fair lady 8.The Happy Song幸福歌

If you’re happy and you know it Clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it Clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it Clap your hands If you’re happy and you know it Slap your knees If you’re happy and you know it Slap your knees If you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it Slap your knees If you’re happy and you know it Stamp your foot

If you’re happy and you know it Stamp your foot

If you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it Stamp your foot

If you’re happy and you know it Snap your fingers

If you’re happy and you know it Snap your fingers

If you’re happy and you know it And you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it Snap your fingers

9.Mary Had a Little Lamb玛丽有只小羊羔

Mary had a little lamb Little lamb little lamb Mary had a little lamb Its fleece was white as snow And everywhere that Mary went Mary went Mary went

And everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go

It followed her to school one day School one day school one day It followed her to school one day Which was against the rules It made the children laugh and play Laugh and play laugh and play It made the children laugh and play To see the lamb at school

10.Jingle Bells铃儿响叮当

Dashing through the snow In a one-horse open sleigh O’er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bobtail ring Making spirits bright

What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh

Jingle bells Jingle bells Jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh



1.Baby Sleep 宝宝睡觉

Good night, Mom!Good night, Dad!I am a big boy I can sleep Have a good dream, Mom!Have a good dream, Dad!Ah, I’ll have a good dream, too!

2.Do Cleaning 打扫

Clean the window Clean the table Sweep the floor And tidy up my toys 3.Knitting Knitting One Two Three 一二三,织呀织

Knitting, knitting, 1,2,3.I knit the scarves for you and me I love honey and I love tea Knitting,knitting,1,2,3.4.Baby's Love 宝宝的爱

Mummy and Daddy care for me.Mummy and Daddy love me.And I care for Mummy and Daddy.As much as they care for me.And I love my Mummy and Daddy.As much as they love me!5.Make Friends!交个朋友吧!

Hello!Hello!How do yo do? What’s your name? What’s your name? My name’s Mark.My name’s Mark.And what’s your name?

My name’s Buddy.My name’s Buddy.Let’s make friends.Let’s go to play.6.Rain On The Green Grass 雨落在绿草上

Rain on the green grass

And rain on the tree Rain on the house-top But not on me

7.Brush My Teeth 刷刷我的牙

Teeth,teeth,teeth I brush my teeth After getting up I brush my teeth

After eating a meal I brush my teeth Before going to bed I brush my teeth Teeth,teeth,teeth I always brush my teeth!

8.Have A Bath 洗澡

Here’s some water For you to wet your face!Here’s some soap

For you to clean your body!Here’s a towel

For you to dry yourself!Wash wash here!Wash wash there!

Make sure that you wash everywhere!

9.Shoe On The Foot 鞋儿穿在脚上

The shoe goes on the foot The foot goes in the shoe We tie the laces in a bow

And then we’re ready to go,go,go!

10.Diddle Diddle Dumpling 摇啊摇!小宝宝

Diddle diddle dumpling My son, John!

Went to bed with trousers on One shoe off and one shoe on!Diddle diddle dumpling My son, John!


1.One potato 一号土豆

One potato, two potato Three potato, four Five potato, six potato Seven potato, more

2.One Little Flower 一朵小花

One little flower One little bee One little blue bird

High in the tree One little brown deer Smiling at me One is the number I like You see!3.Let's do it 让我们行动起来吧

One, two, tell me!Three, four, you say!Five, six, that’s ok!

Seven, eight, let’s do it today!

4.Ten Little Fingers 十个手指

Ten little fingers and ten little toes Two little arms and one little nose One little mouth and two little ears Two little eyes for smiles and tears 5.One For Sorrow 一代表悲伤

One for sorrow Two for joy Three for a girl Four for a boy Five for silver Six for gold Seven for a secret Not to be told 6.One Two Three Play With Me 一、二、三,给我玩

One,two,three,play with me Four,five,six,pick up sticks Seven,eight,nine,walk on a line Ten,eleven,twelve,help yourself 7.One Two Pick Up The Stool 一、二,搬起小凳子

One, two Pick up the stool One, two, three Stand around the tree One, two, three, four Stand up and go to the door One, two, three, four, five Put down the book And bring back the knife 8.Cinderalla 灰姑娘

Cinderella dressed in yellow Went downstairs to kiss her fellow How many kisses did she give? One, two, three, four, five…

9.One Two How Do You Do? 一、二,你好吗?

One, two,How do you do?

Three, four Open the door Five, six Pick up sticks Seven, eight Sit up straight Nine, ten Say it again

10.One Two Three Fou Five 一、二、三、四、五

One,two,three,four,five I caught a fish alive Six,seven,eight,nine,ten I let him go again Why did I let him go Because he bit my finger so


1.Out Goes The Rat 小老鼠出来了

Out goes the rat Out goes the cat Out goes the lady With the big green hat

2.Down By The Ocean 顺着大洋而下

Down by the ocean Down by the sea Johnny broke a bottle And blamed it on me

3.Chip-chop Joe 砍柴的小阿周

Chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop Joe Chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop Joe One big blow, Touch my toe!Chip-chop Joe, cuts wood just so

4.Hickory Dickory Dock 小老鼠上钟台

Hickory dickory dock The mouse ran up the clock The clock struck one And down he ran Hickory dickory dock

5.Rani Rain Go Away 小雨小雨别下了

Rain, rain, go away

Come back again another day

Little baby wants to play Rain, rain, go away 6.Peas Porridge Hot 豌豆粥是热的

Peas Porridge hot,peas porridge cold Peas Porridge in the pot nine days old Some like it hot,some like it cold Some like it in the pot nine days old 7.Georgie Porgie 淘气的乔治

Georgie porgie, pudding and pie Kissed the girls and made them cry When the boys came out to play Georgie porgie ran away 8.To Market 去市场

To market, to market,to buy a fat pig Home again, home again.Jiggely jig To market, to market,to buy a fat hog Home again, home again.Jiggely jog 9.Pat A Cake 做蛋糕

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man Bake me a cake as fast as you can Pat it and Prick it And mark it with a ‘B’

Put it in the oven for baby and me 10.Yankee Doodle 扬基•督德

Yankee Doodle went to town Riding on a pony He stuck a feather in his hat And called it Macaroni I.洪恩巴迪节拍英语动物宝贝目录

1.Fly Fly The Butterfly 蝴蝶飞飞

Fly, fly, the butterfly In the meadow is flying high In the garden is flying low Fly, fly, the butterfly 2.Elephant 大象

Elephant, elephant.Why is your nose very very long? Because Mom’s nose is very very long Elephant,elephant Who do you like? Who do you hate? Let me see.I think I like Mom.I think I hate rat.3.Swan 天鹅

Swan, swan, over the sea Swim, swan, swim Swan, swan, back again Well swum, swan!

4.Two Little Funny Birds 两只有趣的小鸟

Two little funny birds sitting on a wall One named Peter,the other named Paul Fly away, Peter!fly away, paul!Come back, Peter!come back, paul!Two little funny birds sitting on a wall One named Peter,the other named Paul

5.A little Turtle 小海龟

There was a little turtle Who lived in a box He swam in the puddles And climbed on the rocks

6.Five Little Dogs 五只小狗

Old mother goose

When she wanted to wander Would ride through the air On a very fine gander

7.Old Mother Goose 养鹅的老妈妈

This little piggy went to market This little piggy stayed at home This little piggy had roast beef This little piggy had none And this little piggy cried

Wee-wee-wee-wee-wee,all the way home

8.This Little Piggy 小猪

Bow-wow says the dog.Meow,meow, says the cat.Grunt,grunt, goes the hog.And squeak goes the rat.Tu-whoo says the owl.Caw,caw, says the crow.Quack,quack, says the duck.And what the cuckoos say.you know?

9.Bow-wow Says the Dog 小狗汪汪叫

Baa,baa, black sheep Have you any wool?

Yes,sir.Yes sir.Three bags full.One for my master.And one for his dame.If he hollers,let him go Eenie meeie minie moe

6.Two Little Hands Go Clap Clap Clap 两只小手拍一拍

And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.10.Baa Baa black sheep 咩咩小黑羊

Five little dogs,all in a row Each one wondering where to go? Five little horses, ,all in a row Each one wondering where to go? Five little monkeys, ,all in a row Each one wondering where to go? J.洪恩巴迪节拍英语游戏童年目录

1.Jack Be Nimble 杰克敏捷

Jack be nimble Jack be quick Jack jump over the candlestick!2.Red Light What Do You Say 红灯你说什么

Red light, red light!What do you say? I say stop, stop, stop!Yellow light,yellow light What do you say? I say wait, wait, wait!Green light, green light What do you say? I say go, go, go!3.See-Saw Marjorie Daw 跷跷板

See-saw, Marjorie Daw Sold her bed And lay upon straw 4.Swing Swing 荡秋千

Low, high Here I fly Like a bird through the sky Free, free Over the lea Over the mountain Over the sea 5.Eenie Meenie Minie Moe 依尼、咪尼、迈尼、谋Eenie meenie minie moe Catch a tiger by his toe

Two little hands go clap, clap, clap Two little feet go tap, tap, tap Two little eyes are open wide

One little head goes from side to side

7.Sally Go Around The Sun 萨丽绕着太阳转

Sally!Go around the sun Sally!Go around the moon Sally!Go around the chimney pots On a Saturday afternoon Kitty!Go around the sun Kitty!Go around the moon Kitty!Go around the chimney pots On a Saturday afternoon

8.Hop A Little 单脚跳一跳

Hop a little Jump a little One, two, three Run a little Skip a little Tap one knee Bend a little Stretch a little Nod your head Yawn a little Sleep a little In your bed

9.Humpty Dumpty 鸡蛋男孩

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king’s horses And all the king’s men Couldn’t put humpty Together again

10.You Have One, I Have One 你拍一,我拍一You have one I have one Two little children see a big man You have two I have two

Four little children go to school You have three I have three Six little children plant a tree You have four I have four Eight little children stand at the door

I can cry!Hoo-hoo-Hoo I know so did you

When you were a baby too!

7.Big Head 大头

Big head, big head No worry on a rainy day When others need an umbrella My head will block the way K.洪恩巴迪节拍英语快乐天使目录

1.Round And Round The Garden 围着花园转啊转

Round And Round,The Garden Round and round the 8.Mabel Set The Table 梅布尔布置餐桌

garden,Like a teddy bear,One step, two step,Tickle you under there 2.Roses Are Red 玫瑰是红色的

Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are you 3.Good Nigh 晚安

Good night, sleep tight Wake up bright In the morning light To do what’s right With all your might


Hello!Hello!How are you? I’m fine.I’m fine, thank you!Hello!Hello!How do you do ? I’m glad to meet you too!

5.Johnny Johnny 小约翰

Johnny, Johnny Yes, Papa Eating sugar? No, Papa Telling lies? No, Papa Open your mouth!Oh, Ha!Ha!Ha!6.I'm Only A Baby 我只是个小宝宝

I’m only a baby As you can see I can laugh!Ha-ha-ha

Mabel, Mabel, set the table Just as fast as your are able Don’t forget the salt!Don’t forget the sugar!Don’t forget the vinegar!Don’t forget the mustard!Or red-hot pepper!

9.Apple Round 圆圆的苹果

Apple round ,apple red Apple juicy,apple sweet Apple ,apple I love you Apple sweet I love to eat

10.Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe 鞋匠补补我的鞋

Cobbler, cobbler mend my shoe Get it done by half past two Stitch it up and stitch it down And I’ll give you half a crown


一、快乐天使 Round And Round The Garden Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear One step, two step Tickle you under there Roses Are Red Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are you Good Night Good night, sleep tight Wake up bright In the morning light To do what’s right With all your might Hello!Hello!Hello!Hello!How are you? I’m fine.I’m fine, thank you!Hello!Hello!How do you do? I’m glad to meet you too!Johnny Johnny Johnny, Johnny Yes, Papa Eating sugar? No, Papa Telling lies? No, Papa Open your mouth!Oh, Ha!Ha!Ha!6 I’m Only A Baby I’m only a baby As you can see I can laugh!Ha-ha-ha I can cry!Hoo-hoo-Hoo I know so did you When you were a baby too!Big Head Big head, big head No worry on a rainy day When others need an umbrella My head will block the way Mabel Set The Table Mabel, Mabel, set the table Just as fast as your are able Don’t forget the salt!Don’t forget the sugar!Don’t forget the vinegar!Don’t forget the mustard!Or red-hot pepper!Apple Round Apple round, apple red Apple juicy, apple sweet Apple, apple I love you Apple sweet I love to eat Cobbler Cobbler Mend My shoe Cobbler, cobbler mend my shoe Get it done by half past two Stitch it up and stitch it down And I’ll give you half a crown

二、神奇世界 Out Goes The Rat Out goes the rat Out goes the cat Out goes the lady With the big green hat Down By The Ocean Down by the ocean Down by the sea Johnny broke a bottle And blamed it on me Chip-Chop Joe Chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop Joe Chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop Joe One big blow, Touch my toe!Chip-chop Joe, cuts wood just so Hickory Dickouy Dock Hickory dickory dock The mouse ran up the clock The clock struck one And down he ran Hickory dickory dock Rain rain Go Away Rain, rain, go away Come back again another day Little baby wants to play Rain, rain, go away 6 Peas Porridge Hot Peas Porridge hot, peas porridge cold Peas Porridge in the pot nine days old Some like it hot, some like it cold Some like it in the pot nine days old Georgie Porgie Georgie porgie, pudding and pie Kissed the girls and made them cry When the boys came out to play Georgie porgie ran away To Market To market, to market, to buy a fat pig Home again, home again.Jiggely jig To market, to market, to buy a fat hog Home again, home again.Jiggely jog Pat A Cake Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker’s man Bake me a cake as fast as you can Pat it and Prick it And mark it with a ‘B’

Put it in the oven for baby and me Yankee Doodle Yankee Doodle went to town Riding on a pony He stuck a feather in his hat And called it Macaroni

三、动物世界 Fly, Fly, The Butterfly Fly, fly, the butterfly In the meadow is flying high In the garden is flying low Fly, fly, the butterfly Elephant Elephant, elephant.Why is your nose very very long? Because Mom’s nose is very very long Elephant, elephant Who do you like? Who do you hate? Let me see.I think I like Mom.I think I hate rat.Swan Swan, swan, over the sea Swim, swan, swim Swan, swan, back again Well swum, swan!Two Little Funny Birds Two little funny birds sitting on a wall One named Peter, the other named Paul Fly away, Peter!fly away, paul!Come back, Peter!come back, paul!Two little funny birds sitting on a wall One named Peter, the other named Paul A Little turtle There was a little turtle Who lived in a box He swam in the puddles And climbed on the rocks Old Mother Goose Old mother goose When she wanted to wander Would ride through the air On a very fine gander Five Little Piggy This little piggy went to market This little piggy stayed at home This little piggy had roast beef This little piggy had none And this little piggy cried Wee-wee-wee-wee-wee, all the way home Bow-wow Says The Dog Bow-wow says the dog.Meow, meow, says the cat.Grunt, grunt, goes the hog.And squeak goes the rat.Tu-whoo says the owl.Caw, caw, says the crow.Quack, quack, says the duck.And what the cuckoos say.you know? Baa, Baa Black Sheep Baa, baa, black sheep Have you any wool? Yes, sir.Yes sir.Three bags full.One for my master.And one for his dame.And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.Five Little Dogs Five little dogs, all in a row Each one wondering where to go? Five little horses, all in a row Each one wondering where to go? Five little monkeys, all in a row Each one wondering where to go?

四、生活魔方 Baby Sleep Good night, Mom!Good night, Dad!I am a big boy I can sleep Have a good dream, Mom!Have a good dream, Dad!Ah, I’ll have a good dream, too!Do Cleaning Clean the window Clean the table Sweep the floor And tidy up my toys Knitting Knitting One Tow Three Knitting, knitting, 1, 2, 3.I knit the scarves for you and me I love honey and I love tea Knitting, knitting, 1, 2, 3.4 Baby’s Love

Mummy and Daddy care for me.Mummy and Daddy love me.And I care for Mummy and Daddy.As much as they care for me.And I love my Mummy and Daddy.As much as they love me!Make Friends Hello!Hello!How do yo do? What’s your name? What’s your name? My name’s Mark.My name’s Mark.And what’s your name?

My name’s Buddy.My name’s Buddy.Let’s make friends.Let’s go to play.6 Rain On The Green Grass Rain on the green grass And rain on the tree Rain on the house-top But not on me Brush My Teeth Teeth, teeth, teeth I brush my teeth After getting up

I brush my teeth After eating a meal I brush my teeth Before going to bed I brush my teeth Teeth, teeth, teeth I always brush my teeth!Have A Bath Here’s some water

For you to wet your face!Here’s some soap

For you to clean your body!Here’s a towel

For you to dry yourself!Wash wash here!Wash wash there!Make sure that you wash everywhere!Shoe On The Foot The shoe goes on the foot The foot goes in the shoe We tie the laces in a bow And then we’re ready to go, go, go!Diddle Diddle Dumpling Diddle diddle dumpling My son, John!Went to bed with trousers on One shoe off and one shoe on!Diddle diddle dumpling My son, John!

五、游戏童年 Jack Be Nimble Jack be nimble Jack be quick Jack jump over the candlestick!

Red light, red light!What do you say? I say stop, stop, stop!Yellow light, yellow light What do you say? I say wait, wait, wait!Green light, green light What do you say? I say go, go, go!

See-saw, Marjorie Daw Sold her bed

And lay upon straw Swing Swing 2 Red Light What Do You Say 3 See-saw Marjorie Daw Low, high Here I fly Like a bird through the sky Free, free Over the lea Over the mountain Over the sea

Eenie meenie minie moe Catch a tiger by his toe If he hollers, let him go Eenie meeie minie moe 5 Eenie Meenie Minie Moe 6 Two Little Hands Go Clap Clap Clap Two little hands go clap, clap, clap Two little feet go tap, tap, tap Two little eyes are open wide One little head goes from side to side 7 Sally!Go Around The Sun Sally!Go around the sun Sally!Go around the moon Sally!Go around the chimney pots On a Saturday afternoon Kitty!Go around the sun Kitty!Go around the moon Kitty!Go around the chimney pots On a Saturday afternoon Hop A Little Hop a little Jump a little One, two, three Run a little Skip a little Tap one knee Bend a little Stretch a little Nod your head Yawn a little Sleep a little In your bed Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king’s horses And all the king’s men Couldn’t put humpty Together again You Have One I Have One You have one I have one Two little children see a big man You have two I have two Four little children go to school You have three I have three Six little children plant a tree You have four I have four Eight little children stand at the door

六、数字精灵 One Potato One potato, two potato Three potato, four Five potato, six potato Seven potato, more One Little Flower One little flower One little bee One little blue bird High in the tree One little brown deer Smiling at me One is the number I like You see!Let’s Do It Today One, two, tell me!Three, four, you say!Five, six, that’s ok!

Seven, eight, let’s do it today!Ten Little Fingers Ten little fingers and ten little toes Two little arms and one little nose One little mouth and two little ears Two little eyes for smiles and tears One For Sorrow One for sorrow Two for joy Three for a girl Four for a boy Five for silver Six for gold Seven for a secret Not to be told

One Two Three Play With Me One, two, three, play with me Four, five, six, pick up sticks Seven, eight, nine, walk on a line Ten, eleven, twelve, help yourself One Two Pick Up The Stool One, two

Pick up the stool One, two, three

Stand around the tree One, two, three, four Stand up and go to the door One, two, three, four, five Put down the book And bring back the knife Cinderella Cinderella dressed in yellow Went downstairs to kiss her fellow How many kisses did she give? One, two, three, four, five… One Two How Do You Do One, two How do you do? Three, four Open the door Five, six Pick up sticks Seven, eight Sit up straight Nine, ten Say it again One Two Three Four Five One, two, three, four, five I caught a fish alive Six, seven, eight, nine, ten I let him go again Why did I let him go Because he bit my finger so


01动物宝贝Fly, Fly, The Butterfly

Fly, fly, the butterfly

In the meadow is flying high In the garden is flying low Fly, fly, the butterflyElephant

Elephant,elephant.Why is your nose very very long? Because Mom’s nose is very very long


Who do you like? Who do you hate? Let me see.I think I like Mom.I think I hate rat.Swan

Swan,swan, over the sea

Swim, swan, swim

Swan, swan, back again Well swum, swan!Two Little Funny Birds

Two little funny birds sitting on a wall One named Peter,the other named Paul Fly away, Peter!fly away, paul!Come back, Peter!come back, paul!Two little funny birds sitting on a wall One named Peter,the other named PaulA Little turtle

There was a little turtleWho lived in a box

He swam in the puddles And climbed on the rocks

巴迪节拍英语-六光盘Old Mother Goose

Old mother goose

When she wanted to wander Would ride through the air On a very fine ganderFive Little Piggy

This little piggy went to market This little piggy stayed at home This little piggy had roast beef This little piggy had none And this little piggy cried

Wee-wee-wee-wee-wee,all the way homeBow-wow Says The Dog

Bow-wow says the dog.Meow,meow, says the cat.Grunt,grunt, goes the hog.And squeak goes the rat.Tu-whoo says the owl.Caw,caw, says the crow.Quack,quack, says the duck.And what the cuckoos say.you know?Baa,Baa Black Sheep

Baa,baa, black sheep Have you any wool?

Yes,sir.Yes sir.Three bags full.One for my master.And one for his dame.And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.Five Little Dogs

Five little dogs,all in a row Each one wondering where to go? Five little horses, ,all in a row Each one wondering where to go? Five little monkeys, ,all in a row Each one wondering where to go?



1.Round And Round The


Round and round the garden

Like a teddy bear One step,two step

Tickle you under thereRoses Are Red

Roses are red Violets are blue Sugar is sweet And so are youGood Night

Good night,sleep tight Wake up bright In the morning light To do what’s right With all your mightHello!Hello!

Hello!Hello!How are you?

I’m fine.I’m fine,thank you!Hello!Hello!How do you do? I’m glad to meet you too!Johnny Johnny

Johnny,JohnnyYes,Papa Eating sugar?No,Papa Telling lies?No,Papa

Open your mouth!Oh,Ha!Ha!Ha!I’m Only A Baby


I’m only a baby As you can see

I can laugh!Ha-ha-ha I can cry!Hoo-hoo-Hoo I know so did you

When you were a baby too!Big Head

Big head,big head

No worry on a rainy day

When others need an umbrella My head will block the wayMabel Set The Table

Mabel,Mabel,set the table

Just as fast as your are able Don’t forget the salt!Don’t forget the sugar!Don’t forget the vinegar!Don’t forget the mustard!Or red-hot pepper!Apple Round

Apple round ,apple red Apple juicy,apple sweet Apple ,apple I love you Apple sweet I love to eatCobbler Cobbler Mend My shoe

Cobbler,cobbler mend my shoe Get it done by half past two Stitch it up and stitch it down And I’ll give you half a crown

03神奇世界Out Goes The Rat

Out goes the rat Out goes the cat Out goes the lady

With the big green hatDown By The Ocean

Down by the ocean Down by the sea

Johnny broke a bottleAnd blamed it on meChip-Chop Joe

Chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop Joe

Chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop Joe

One big blow, Touch my toe!

Chip-chop Joe,cuts wood just soHickory Dickouy Dock

Hickory dickory dock

The mouse ran up the clock The clock struck one And down he ran

Hickory dickory dockRain rain Go Away

Rain, rain, go away

Come back again another day Little baby wants to play Rain, rain, go awayPeas Porridge Hot

Peas Porridge hot,peas porridge



Peas Porridge in the pot nine days old

Some like it hot,some like it cold Some like it in the pot nine days oldGeorgie Porgie

Georgie porgie, pudding and pie Kissed the girls and made them cry When the boys came out to play Georgie porgie ran awayTo Market

To market, to market,to buy a fat pig

Home again, home again.Jiggely jig

To market, to market,to buy a fat hog Home again,home again.Jiggely jogPat A Cake

Pat-a-cake,pat-a-cake,baker’s man

Bake me a cake as fast as you can Pat it and Prick it

And mark it with a ‘B’

Put it in the oven for baby and meYankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle went to town Riding on a pony

He stuck a feather in his hat And called it Macaroni

04生活魔方Baby Sleep

Good night,Mom!Good night,Dad!I am a big boy I can sleep

Have a good dream,Mom!Have a good dream,Dad!

Ah,I’ll have a good dream,too!Do Cleaning

Clean the window Clean the table Sweep the floor

And tidy up my toysKnitting Knitting One Tow Three

Knitting, knitting, 1,2,3.I knit the scarves for you and me I love honey and I love tea Knitting,knitting,1,2,3.Baby’s Love

Mummy and Daddy care for me.Mummy and Daddy love me.And I car for Mummy and Daddy.As much as they care for me.And I love my Mummy and Daddy.As much as they love me!Make Friends

Hello!Hello!How do yo do?

What’s your name? What’s your name?

My name’s Mark.My name’s Mark.And what’s your name?

My name’s Buddy.My name’s Buddy.Let’s make friends.Let’s go to play.Rain On The Green Grass


Rain on the green grass And rain on the tree Rain on the house-top But not on meBrush My Teeth

Teeth,teeth,teethI brush my teeth

After getting upI brush my teeth

After eating a mealI brush my teeth

Before going to bedI brush my teeth

Teeth,teeth,teethI always

brush my teeth!Have A Bath

Here’s some water

For you to wet your face!Here’s some soap

For you to clean your body!Here’s a towel

For you to dry yourself!Wash wash here!Wash wash there!

Make sure that you wash everywhere!Shoe On The Foot

The shoe goes on the foot The foot goes in the shoe We tie the laces in a bow

And then we’re ready to go,go,go!Diddle Diddle Dumpling

Diddle diddle dumpling My son,John!

Went to bed with trousers on One shoe off and one shoe on!Diddle diddle dumpling My son,John!

05数字精灵One Potato

One potato,two potato Three potato,four

Five potato,six potato Seven potato,moreOne Little Flower

One little flower One little bee

One little blue bird High in the tree

One little brown deer Smiling at me

One is the number I like You see!Let’s Do It Today

One,two,tell me!Three,four,you say!

Five,six,that’s ok!

Seven,eight,let’s do it today!Ten Little Fingers

Ten little fingers and ten little toes Two little arms and one little nose One little mouth and two little ears Two little eyes for smiles and tearsOne For Sorrow

One for sorrowTwo for joy Three for a girlFour for a boy Five for silverSix for gold Seven for a secret Not to be toldOne Two Three Play With Me

One,two,three,play with me


Four,five,six,pick up sticks Seven,eight,nine,walk on a line Ten,eleven,twelve,help yourselfOne Two Pick Up The Stool


Pick up the stool One,two,three

Stand around the tree One,two,three,four

Stand up and go to the door One,two,three,four,five Put down the book

And bring back the knifeCinderella

Cinderella dressed in yellow

Went downstairs to kiss her fellow How many kisses did she give? One,two,three,four,five…One Two How Do You Do

One,twoHow do you do? Three,fourOpen the door Five,sixPick up sticks Seven,eight Sit up straight Nine,tenSay it againOne Two Three Four Five

One,two,three,four,five I caught a fish alive Six,seven,eight,nine,ten I let him go again Why did I let him go

Because he bit my finger so

06游戏童年Jack Be Nimble

Jack be nimble Jack be quick

Jack jump over the candlestick!Red Light What Do You Say

Red light,red light!What do you say?

I say stop,stop,stop!

Yellow light,yellow light What do you say? I say wait,wait,wait!Green light,green light What do you say? I say go,go,go!See-saw Marjorie Daw

See-saw, Marjorie Daw Sold her bed

And lay upon strawSwing Swing

Low,high Here I fly

Like a bird through the sky Free,free Over the lea

Over the mountain Over the seaEenie Meenie Minie Moe

Eenie meenie minie moe Catch a tiger by his toe If he hollers,let him go Eenie meeie minie moeTwo Little Hands Go Clap Clap Clap

Two little hands go clap, clap, clap Two little feet go tap,tap,tap Two little eyes are open wide


One little head goes from side to sideSally!Go Around The Sun

Sally!Go around the sun Sally!Go around the moon

Sally!Go around the chimney pots On a Saturday afternoon Kitty!Go around the sun Kitty!Go around the moon

Kitty!Go around the chimney pots On a Saturday afternoonHop ALittle

Hop a little Jump a little One,two,three Run a little Skip a little Tap one knee Bend a little Stretch a little Nod your head Yawn a little Sleep a little In your bedHumpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall All the king’s horses And all the king’s men Couldn’t put humpty Together againYou Have OneI Have One

You have oneI have one

Two little children see a big man You have twoI have two

Four little children go to school You have threeI have three Six little children plant a tree You have fourI have four

Eight little children stand at the door


Green light go 绿灯亮了,出发Green light.go绿灯亮了,出发Red light.stop红灯亮了,停止Yellow light 黄灯Yellow light 黄灯Now let`s hop!现在一起来跳吧!Hello 你好Hellohellohellohellohellohello.你好你好你好你好你好你好How are you? 你好吗?Hello hellohellohellohellohello.你好你好你好你好你好你好How are you? 你好吗?Hello hellohellohellohellohello.你好你好你好你好你好你好How are you? 你好吗?Thank you.thankyou.i am fine.谢谢你。谢谢你。我很好。And i hope that you are too.并且我希望你也是。Greetings 问候Your right hand says good morning.你的右手说早上好。Good morning to you.早上好。Your right hand says good morning.你的右手说早上好。Good morning to you.早上好。Your left hand says good night.你的左手说晚上好。Good night to you.晚上好。Your left hand says good night.你的左手说晚上好。Good night to you.晚上好。London bridge is falling down 伦敦大桥倒塌啦。London bridge is falling down 伦敦大桥倒塌啦。Falling down.倒塌啦。Falling down.倒塌啦。London bridge is falling down 伦敦大桥倒塌啦。My fair lady.我美丽的女郎。Are you sleeping? 你在睡觉吗?Are you sleeping? 你在睡觉吗?Are you sleeping? 你在睡觉吗?Brother John.brother John.约翰兄弟。约翰兄弟。Morning bells are ringing.早晨的铃声响起来了。Morning bells are ringing.早晨的铃声响起来了。Ding dong ding.叮咚叮。Ding dong ding.叮咚叮。Eleven monkeys in a line.11只猴子排一排。Eleven monkeys in a line.In a line, in a line.11只猴子排一排,排一排,排一排。Eleven monkeys in a line.That`s too funny.11只猴子排一排。真有趣。Twelve tigers in a line.In a line.in a line.12只老虎排一排,排一排,排一排。Twelve tigers in a line.That's too funny.12只老虎排一排,真有趣。Thirteen elephants in a line.In a line.in a line.13只大象排一排,排一排,排一排。Thirteen elephants in a line.That`s too funny.13只大象排一排,真有趣。Here is a cat 这里有只小猫Here is a shirt 这里有件衬衫Here is a coat 这里有件大衣Here is a cat 这里有只小猫Un der my hat 在我的帽子底下。Turn around 转过来。

第五篇:洪恩gogo 英语儿歌目录

洪恩gogo 英语儿歌目录 what’s your name? how are you? 2 who is he? 3 what’s this? Knife/fork 4 what’s that? Panda/ zebra 5 what color is that? 6 are they apples? 7 数字 8 how many 9 what time is it? 10 what do you like(蔬菜)? 11 do you like? 12 what is it? Is it apple/ pear/ monkey/ bear 13 Do you have a ruler? Yes, I do.14 Let’s read.15 I can dance.Can you….16 It’s 12.I am hungry.17 he/ she/they we like yellow.18 he/ she/ they/ we has/have 19 what do they want? They want … 20 Where’s the apple 21 What’s she doing? 22 what are we doing 23 I am doing 24 where are we going 25 I am a bird.My name is 26 may I have an 27 whose hat is that 28 our new care is a red car.29 I like this book.How much is it 30 where do you want to go 31 the cake is his.I like to read.32 when’s your birthday.33 tell me the time 34 do you have any eggs? 35 do we have any bread 36 play your dream slowly.You can ….



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