
时间:2019-05-15 10:29:34下载本文作者:会员上传


Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

In the US, the number of university students who study abroad increased dynamically.154,168 American college students studied abroad from 2000 to 2001 compared to 48,483 students from 1985 to 1986(Rooney 4).The more students study abroad, the more organizations have to work flexible.“The university has tried to track the changing interests of its students and the increasingly global nature of its curriculum by setting up programs in countries that did not attract as much interest a generation ago”(Rooney 2).A decade ago, the only destinations of studying abroad were in Western Europe, but there are many places for students to study abroad all over the world now(Rooney 2).Why students want to study abroad? For the reason, they can experience many amazing things.Studying abroad is not only to participate in classes at university but also to stay in different cultures and languages.To know other cultures is interesting, because bad manners in a country are sometimes normal things in the other.If you can speak more languages, we can talk to many people.Nowadays, it is very important to communicate with people who are from other countries because of businesses and to understand other cultures.This experience will positively affect one’s future.Furthermore, ways of thinking and knowledge will be wide and flexible.Therefore, studying abroad has many benefits.However, most students who desire to study abroad tend to think that they can experience only good things.This thinking relate to pamphlets because they only say good things.A studying abroad pamphlet says, “Learn a language, broaden your perspective, explore your identity, challenge yourself, increase your self-confidence and decision making skills, re-evaluate your priorities, values or goals, and discover a new or family cultural heritage”.If students read this, they will definitely feel like studying abroad, but they have to know opposite side.Besides, the most important thing to remember is why they go overseas.The purpose of studying abroad is, of course, to study.Some foreign students die because of accidents or committing suicide.International students experience not only good things but also many bad situations.However, bad things are rarely showed in public.Actually, a Japanese student was killed in Australia last year, but we did not hear any information after a few days of the first news.Students commit suicide rather than die by accidents.We meet with bad experiences because of the gap of cultures and languages, or we just do not suit the country.We cannot predict until we go to the country and stay.In addition, these bad experiences affect our study.Moreover, the worse situations are, the more we feel homesick.Consequently, everything makes us frustrated.People who want to study abroad have to know both good and bad sides.There are mainly three advantages of studying abroad, which are to be able to learn foreign language, experience fun things, and study much harder than doing in their own countries.On the other hand, three disadvantages are predicaments of communicating with people, getting used to a different culture, and tendency to be with people who are from same country.One of the most beneficial things of studying abroad is to be able to learn foreign languages from daily life.To speak more than two languages is necessity now because we have many chances to talk to people who are from overseas by business and even daily life.Most companies require us whether we can speak another language or not today.It is not unusual that people can speak more than 2 languages fluently any more.It means that borders of each county are getting low, and more people go out from their own countries recently than a decade ago.“We think language proficiency is one of the best things that can come out of study abroad”(Rooney 2).As she mentions, studying abroad equals to learn foreign language.Naturally foreign students can learn another language.The more they improve their language skills, the more they can enjoy their lives and make many friends who are native speakers.What do you expect when you travel abroad? You will expect different experiences from your culture.Of course, you can feel difference, but if you really want to experience different culture, you have to stay there.Otherwise you will not understand the culture in depth.Another advantage of studying abroad is that you can experience many interesting things.For example, there are different religions in

different countries.Mostly, East Asian countries are Buddhism, Middle Asian is Islam, and Christianity is the one of the biggest religions in the world.There are many unique or mixed religions all over the world.If students go to these certain places, they will experience different religious and traditional events.It is also very important to understand other cultures and people.They might feel weird, strange, or even sad, and annoyed, but these feelings help their thoughts wide and flexible because there is no right or wrong culture.My friend, Satoko Kogure, talked about her opinions of studying abroad.“I’m enjoying studying abroad in the US.I met a lot of people, and I could get different opinions and thoughts from them.I sometimes feel tired of this society and culture, but many people encourage me.What makes me really happy is that people try to understand me and they are interested in my culture.I like talking about cultures with people who have different cultures”(Kogure).She appeals to her emotions and characters.She mentions what she got and felt something warm from this country and people.In addition, she said that she was discriminated by American students at university.However, people who discriminated her recovered her.They had not considered her situation when they understood what foreign people feel about staying other countries.Finally, she appealed that, “What we have to do when we communicate with foreigners is not to be ethnocentrism.Everyone is also different even if they are from same country.Thus, we cannot say that this ethnic group is right and others are wrong”(Kogure).There are no bad things to know other cultures.The third advantage is to study much harder.Local students can understand what the teacher talks about during the class, whereas international students have a difficulty of following classes because of the gap of language, so we spend much more time for studying than students who are native speakers.Moreover, international students pay tuition twice as local students pay.It helps us study harder.Therefore, we have to study hard to get good scores and not to waste money.Actually, many foreign students get good grades and scholarships.Moreover, if we do not have a strong will about study, we cannot gain anything from this experience, and even we cannot live in another country.Hence, we are able to have confidence to try something new when

we study harder and harder.On the other hand, however, students who want to study abroad should not forget that they would also experience sad, hard, and bad things.One of the disadvantages is students are always facing difficulty of language.In classes, students sometimes do not know what the teachers talk about, they do not know what to do, and they miss very important information.Besides, they hesitate to ask what the other students are doing.Because of that, people seem to think that international students cannot speak the language at all so that people sometimes misunderstand or even ignore them.Actually, most international students learn the languages before studying abroad, but the native speakers’ speaking speed is totally different from the speed that foreign students learn in their own countries.Moreover, every language has difficult pronunciations.Language teachers can understand what foreigners say because the teachers have already gotten used to listen to foreigners’ speaking.But it is a little bit hard for general people to understand it.Thus, foreign students are disappointed to their language skills.Another problem of communicating with people who speak different languages is there are many words that have same meanings or similar meanings, or even a word has several meanings.Taking exams is hard for international people.First of all we have to understand exactly what the teachers ask about.Even we use dictionaries during the exams, dictionaries make us more confuse.Consequently, it takes more time to finish than local students.It is very interesting to know other cultures, but it is hard to live in another culture.We do feel different and uncomfortable living in different countries.There is a proverb, which is “When in Rome do as the Romans do”.This is true.If you behave as if you were in your country, you will be scorned because what you do might be bad manner or taboo in the country.But we cannot imitate everything local people do, and we sometimes cannot respect what they do.These differences make students annoy and frustrate.In addition, international students are sometimes discriminated because of their race and ethnic groups.Especially, discrimination against Arab people became severe after September 11th 2001.This is an article, which titled, “So, where are you

from”, written by Kristina Lane.This is about the situation of Middle East university students studying in United States of America after the accident happened.Actually, they are in the very difficult situation.They are dealt with in the same way as suspects.Many Arab students were arrested or detained as suspects of the terrorism just because they are from Arabic countries(Lane 5).Even if they were born in the US, and have US citizenships, they are still discriminated because of their race.Unfortunately, my Indian friend was attacked by Americans.We do not know why it happened, but he said that it was because of his race.The author mentions that, “I view it as a clear message that this country does not want Arab students to be in the country”(Lane 2).She appeals emotions, which is what Arab students feel now, and how some Americans feel to them.Not only Arab students but also people from all over the world have been dealt with American government strictly.For example, it is difficult to enter the US now and to get any kinds of visa.We have to be checked more than before at the airports.Even we can enter the US luckily;we have to submit many certificates to the government.Our all data is inputted into the computer.If you had a serious problem in another country, who would you ask to help? You would ask to people who are from same country.You could tell them exactly and they could understand why you are worried.You would better to find someone whom you can trust in another country.However, it is not good to be with someone who is from same country all the time.Once international students find someone who is from same country, they seem to be together anytime.When they feel homesick, they can encourage each other, and it is comfortable to be the people.However, as a result, they tend to restrict ourselves into the small group, and lose the chance to know the more diverse community.It does not make sense because we came to study another language and make many friends who are native speakers.This is just waste of money.In these advantages and disadvantages, there are similarities.In the case of language, if students try speaking a language to people who are the native speakers, they will improve their language skills.However, if they stick to only same ethnic

group, of course, to study abroad does not mean anything.It depends on person’s will whether studying abroad become their benefits or not.As the same as language, what they experience and how they take things will decide worth of studying abroad.Good experiences make them confident, and they will think that studying abroad is worth doing.On the other hand, even if they experience bad things, they will learn something from the experiences, and these episodes will help them think wide and flexible.Either this experience becomes advantage or disadvantage depends on students’ will and endeavor.Nobody can help them, but everyone can encourage them if they try hard.I wondered why I decided to study abroad.When I decided to go to England, I just wanted to learn English.I thought if it spoke English fluently, it could be advantage to get a job.I did not think anything more.However, after staying in England, I realized what I was interested in.I was interested in other cultures, customs, and behave.I was amazed that there were so many unique and unbelievable things all over the world.That is why I decided to study Anthropology in English.Besides, I am interested in Native Americans, too.Nowadays studying abroad programs are very well organized.For example, the program is length and strength;we can choose curriculums, majors, and specializations, “Students body diversity-total size, geographic and cultural representations, professional backgrounds”, “Faculty and program diversity, international diversity of the faculty, and international scope of the curriculum”, and so on(“Guide” 9).We do not have to worry anything about complicated systems in another country.Therefore, my situation at present is perfect for me.However, I experienced many things, which were not only good things but many bad things that were because of cultural differences and language difficulty.A bad experience makes me uncomfortable still now.But if I had not experienced it, my thought would not be wide and flexible.As I said, I also have thousands of good memories.Hence, I would like many students to know that studying abroad has both advantages and disadvantages, but they can make it good way.After considering these things, I want them to study abroad.They will definitely gain something from this experience.










advantages of studying abroad: 出国留学的优势

1)To practise the ability of independence and solving problems alone on the students who study abroad.出国的留学生能够锻炼独立自主和独自解决问题的能力

2)The abroad students can learn how to allocate their time better.国外留学生能够学习如何更好地分配他们的时间 3)To broaden their horizons 开阔视野和见识

4)To improve the ability of adapting themselves to a totally new environment and experience cultural differences.提高适应全新环境的能力并有机会体验文化差异

5)To be accessible to the advanced teaching methods and better educational systems.可以得到更先进的教学方法和更好的教育体系

6)To improve their ability of learning or mastering a second language(or even a third language)提高学习第二门语言的能力或将其掌握的能力(甚至是第三门语言)7)Have a better chance to find a job abroad to improve practical ability.在国外找到工作的机会更大,从而可以使实践能力得到提高 Disadvantages of studying abroad: 出国留学的劣势 1)Long time being apart from their families may cause several mental problems or even illnesses.长时间的与家人分离有可能导致心理上的一些问题,甚至疾病

2)Too young to accept or adapt to a new environment after going abroad.年龄太小以至于出国后不能接受或适应新的环境 3)The students abroad who have weak self-control may give in to some certain kinds of bad temptations so that they spend much less time and effort on their major goal-study 自制力差的出国留学生有可能会经不住一些不良诱惑从而大大减少了他们在学习上花的功夫和时间.4)Sometimes they are possible to be discriminated or abandoned by the foreign students.有时他们有可能被国外学生歧视或孤立.5)More and more students begin to choose to go abroad for a further education recently so that the competition among all the abroad students can be tremendous.如今越来越多的学生开始选择出国留学这条道路来获取更高的教育以至于国外留学生(海归)之间的竞争非常激烈.6)Generally speaking,the students who study abroad spend much more money than the students who study internally.So the economic burdens of the abroad students'families are much heavier than the students who stay in their own countries.通常来讲,国外留学生比国内的学生花费多很多,所以导致留学生家庭的经济负担要比在国内学习的学生的家庭重很多






























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