
时间:2019-05-15 02:14:59下载本文作者:会员上传



(一)My parents are both interested in reading and music , and

1_________ my father prefers to history books while my mother likes

2_________ to read novels and woman's magazines.In music , their

3__________ tastes are similar , and they had never tired of folk music.4__________ Most of the time , they are in agreement on bringing up

5__________ children , They both believe in giving their children loves ,6__________ and none believes in punishing a child physically.7__________ for times , they agree with each other , but sometimes

8__________ they seem differently.Perhaps that is why none of

9__________ their children knows for sure which parents he should follow.10_________

(二)There was an old say in England :“See a pin

1___________ and pick it up , all the day you have a good luck.”

2____________ It is 8:30 a.m.Ted , a little Londoner got to the

3____________ underground railway station.It was such a busy

4____________ hour when too many people were rushing in.5____________ Ted happened to see a pin in the ground.To have

6____________ good luck he decided to pick up.When he stopped ,7____________ a very fat woman fall over him.Poor Ted could see

8___________ the pin very clear , but not many people could see Ted

9____________ and fat woman.Unfortunately , men and women were on top of them!10___________

(三)Two friends were traveling across the forest

1___________ when they met with a bear.The one who was in big

2___________ fear , climbed up into a tree and hide himself,3___________ without thinking of his friend.The another one

4____________ found that had no chance to running away, so

5____________ he threw himself on the ground and pretended

to dead.For he had heard that a bear

6___________ could never touch a dying body.7___________ as he thus lain, the bear came up to

8____________ his head , and smelt at his nose and ears.9____________ but the man held his breathe , and the beast

10___________ supposing him to be dead , walked away.(四)

Jack London was a famous America writer.He was

1__________ born in January 12th , 1876 , in San Francisco.His family

2__________ was very poor , Jack had to leave for school to make

3__________ money.He worked hard in much different jobs.4___________ Later Jack returned school , but he didn't stay.He

5___________ wrote , “Life and pocket book were all too short.”

6___________ In 1887, He went to Alaska to find out gold.He

7___________ returned home and started to write.His writings were successful , 8___________ and he became rich and famous.Jack was no a happy man , 9____________ however.In poor health , he took off her own life in 1926.10__________

(五)Yesterday I bought a new coat in a shop , and I

1____________ found it so big for me.This morning , I went to the shop

2____________ and change the coat I bought yesterday.But the

3____________ salesgirl treated me coldly.Firstly , she didn't admit

4____________ that I buy the coat in her shop.Then she said

5___________ I made it be dirty.So I got very angry and

6___________ quarreled with him , pointing to the rules on the wall.7___________ Just then , manager turned up.He said sorry

8____________ to me.At last they changed other one for me.9____________ in satisfaction, I said good-bye to them and took

10____________ the new coat home happily.(六)

In the eighteenth century , cities became

larger and larger.People have moved from

1____________ the country and small towns in cities ,2_____________ because there were more work for them to

3_____________ do in cities.In Sundays and Holidays , people

4____________ liked to go to the country to have a good time

there.But no every family had a horse and carriage.5____________ Inventors tried to meet the need.The first bicycle , that was very simple ,6____________ appeared in 1790.People called it as “the horse

7____________ on the wheels ”.Then in 1861 with many

8____________ improvements ,bicycle became a practical form of transportation.9___________ People liked bikes because of they were less expensive than horses.10__________

(七)You are a middle school student , are you ?

1___________ So of course , you have a teacher teaches you English.2____________ And under the help of your teacher , you do a lot

3___________ of listening , speaking ,reading and writing in the

4____________ class.That's right.you should follow your teacher study

5____________ hard.But , I think , if you want improve your

6____________ English fast , I'll give you an advice that after

7___________ class or in your free time , you should listen to

8___________ BBC English from London in the radio or watch TV.9____________ CCTV broadcast good English Programmes , too.10___________

(八)Tables manners are important in China.If

1____________ one is invited to dinner , he should not late

2____________ and should bring some small gift for the host.3____________ The oldest sits facing the door or the

4_____________ window and the other gests sit in order of his

5____________ age.One should begin eating until everyone

6____________ was seated.It is bad manners to eat

7____________ only from the best dish , to talk with the mouths

8____________ full and eat neither too fast or too slow.9____________ If one finishes eating and wish to leave ,10___________ he should say “ Take your time , please ”to the other guests.(九)

When Joe left university , he was got a job in a factory ,1____________ but after he had been where for some years , he decided that

2____________ he have a change , so he put a notice in several newspapers,3____________ said what experience he had and the kind of job he would

4____________ like to have.One of the answer received was from a man

5____________ who was looking a job , too.This man wrote to him , “Dear , sir 6____________ when you get a new job , be kind enough to give your name and 7____________ address to your present master as I have been tried to find

8___________ a position like yours for a long time ,”After he read the letter ,9____________ he audden realized that what he had done was really foolish.10___________

(十)All the world people enjoy sports.Sports

1___________ help to keep people healthy , happily and help them to live

2___________ longer.Many people like to watch the others

3__________ to play games.They buy tickets or turn up

4___________ their TV to watch them.Often they get very

5___________ happy when “their” players or team win.Some

6___________ sports are very interested and people everywhere

7____________ like them very much.Football , for example , played

8___________ around the world.Swimming is popular at

9___________ all countries near the sea or in those of

10___________ many rivers or lakes.参考答案:

have 5.women's 4.hadbut 2.to 3.woman's

(一)1.and right At 9.different 10.neither 8.For love 7.none

6.loves parent

(二)1.saying 2.a 3.was 4.right

5.thatwhen on 7.^ it 8.fell

9.clearly 10.

6.in ^the(fat)othergreat 3.hid 4.anotherthough 2.big

(三)1.across 5.run dead 8.lay 9.right 10.

6.^be dead 7.dying breath many 5.^ to on 3.for 4.much(四)1.American 2.in hisnot 10.herboth 7.out 8.right 9.no 6.all but

(五)1.and boughtto 4.right 5.buytoo 3.and2.so

6.be 7.him Withher 8.^ the manager 9.another 10 In  to 

(六)1.have 2.in notOn 5.no 3.was 4.In which 7.as 8.

6.that right 9.bicycles 10.of aren't 2.teacher ^ who

(七)1.第二are 3.with 4.the 5.teacher ^and

6.^ to 7.an 8.right on 10.broadcasts9.in to 4.sit 5.

(八)1.Table 2.^ be 3.for theirhis

eitheris 8.right 9.neither

6.should not 7.was 10 wishes there 3.he^ would 4.saying 5.

(九)1.was 2.where answers my 8.trying 9.right 

6.looking ^ for 7.your 10.suddenly on 5.

(十)1.All ^ over 2.happy 3.the 4.up right in 10.

6.wins 7.interesting 8.^ is played 9.at withof :

(一)1.and ?but 2.to 3.woman's?women's 4.had?have 5.right 6.loves?love 7.none?neither 8.For ?At 9.different 10.parent

(二)1.saying 2.a 3.was 4.right 5.when?that 6.in?on 7.^ it 8.fell 9.clearly 10.^the(fat)

(三)1.across?though 2.big?great 3.hid 4.another?other 5.run 6.^be dead 7.dying?dead 8.lay 9.right 10.breath

(四)1.American 2.in?on 3.for 4.much?many 5.^ to 6.all?both 7.out 8.right 9.no?not 10.her?his

(五)1.and?but 2.so?too 3.and?to 4.right 5.buy?bought 6.be 7.him ?her 8.^ the manager 9.another 10 In ?With

(六)1.have 2.in?to 3.was 4.In ?On 5.no ?not 6.that?which 7.as 8.right 9.bicycles 10.of

(七)1.第二are?aren't 2.teacher ^ who 3.with 4.the 5.teacher ^and 6.^ to 7.an 8.right 9.in?on 10.broadcasts

(八)1.Table 2.^ be 3.for ?to 4.sit 5.his ?their 6.should not 7.was ?is 8.right 9.neither?either 10 wishes

(九)1.was 2.where?there 3.he^ would 4.saying 5.answers 6.looking ^ for 7.your?my 8.trying 9.right 10.suddenly

(十)1.All ^ over 2.happy 3.the 4.up?on 5.right 6.wins 7.interesting 8.^ is played 9.at? in 10.of?with 3






2.提高高考短文改错能力的方法及策略 2.1灵活运用语法知识


词汇与搭配是高考英语短文改错项目的另一测试点,其测试面含盖各类词性的词,同时侧重考核他们的搭配与用法。短文改错对词汇的考核有些是语意的,有些是结构上的。词汇的积累不是一朝一夕即可完成,它需要在平时的学习过程中逐步积累,积少成多;了解词的不同搭配在不同语境中的用法,同义词之间的不同用法,学会根据上下文来判断单词与短语的含义,上下文内容的连贯以及逻辑关系的顺畅等。因此,对于学生来说,平时自己在学习中要注意扩大、巩固已有的词汇量;同时,在学习、掌握词汇的过程中,特别要注意提高自己灵活运用词汇的能力。2.3运用语篇知识 短文改错主要是考察对短文宏观上的把握与微观上的语言基本功。除了考查语法与词汇,也考查对语言整体内容的理解和运用。此题之所以采用短文改错的形式,就是强调对语言知识(语法与词汇)在具体语境或上下文中使用的能力。因此在历年的考题中,很大一部分并不只是限于孤立的词组或语法,而是要求考生从篇章的角度,从上下文,从句子与句子之间,从语段与语段之间的逻辑关系与语意关系去判断正误。


做短文改错题时,有时文章中提供的信息还不够,这就要求学生把储存在大脑里的一般知识信息结合起来考虑,找出错误并加以改正。根据Widdowson(1983)提到的理解全过程,“理解实质上是背景知识、语境和语言知识本身综合作用的产物,缺少任何一部分,理解将是失败或不完整的。” 2.5采用正确的解题技巧




2.5.3最后通读,验证答案 改后复读有助于查漏补缺,纠正失误,减少差错。通过复读,看看全文是否通畅,行文逻辑是否合理,文章结构或句式结构是否完整,尤其要对初改时感觉不顺利的地方多加以推敲。还要检查是否按照考试要求使用所规定的符号删除、增添或修改,避免非水平性失分。3.结语













Attention please, everyone.I have announcement to make.You will pay a visit to the museum on October 1st.I think we will be interest in it.In the course of the visit, the guide will give us an account of the past or the development of the city.She say something about the advanced workers, included some teachers.We will see many pictures there.I’m sure of that we can learn a lot.After the visit, we’ll have a discussion in group and each of us must write a composition.We are to start out as earlier as 7:00 am.We must gather against time at the school gate.That’s all.Thanks.2.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)


增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线()划掉。

修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2.只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Ladies and gentlemen,It is special pleasure to welcome our new staff member, Mr Tony White, who has come here to America.Mr White has recently graduated from the University of Chicago where he has

majored in English Literature and minored in Teaching English as the Second Language.He willworking with us here for at least two years.One of the goals of our school are to promote understanding and cooperation between the young people of our two countries.By have Mr White, who is willing to sacrifice the comfort of his friends and family to come to a strange country, we feel we are very lucky and our goals will be easily realized.On behalf of the whole school, I’d like to extend to you, Mr White, your sincerest welcome.We are indeed happy to have you here, and we wish you all the better during your stay in China.Thank you.3.短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







A few days ago I saw an instructive program on TV.It was about what the

traffic problem in

cities.It seems that a great deal of damages is done by traffic.All our cities are suffering from this.Some buildings are actual falling to pieces.It's often fast to walk than to go by car and by bus.The

problem has been getting worse day by day.This is only one of the thousands problems in our cities.All

sorts of terrible things were happening to our cities.The question is how we can do about it.0ur

roads were never designing for such heavy traffic.It is time the government does something about

these problems.








One day I pushed my cousin Li Dong in wheelchair on an especial narrow sidewalk.We struggled along with one wheel on the sidewalk or the other on the road.Suddenly, a man riding his motorcycle past us rapidly, missing Li Dong by several inch.Immediately, he turned round, stopped his motorcycle and came over.We were worried she would blame us for have stood in his way.To our surprise, he said nothing at all and helped out push the wheelchair until we reached a slightly wider sidewalk.Then he left after we could say thanks to him.We were leaving ashamed of what we thought.ks5u



增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^),并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改: 在错词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

Good morning, everyone.It’s great honor for me to speak here.My name’s Li Xiaojun, born in a harmonious family.My father and mother are all high school teachers.Influenced by them, I read widely during my early age, but I’ve developed a great interest in arts and sports.I’m easy-going, get along well with my classmates.It is this personality which helps me win over all my classmates’ friendships, and also help me overcome many difficulties both in academic and personal life.Being admitted in your university has always been a beautiful dream for me.I dream constantly that I, along with mine classmates, will study happy with the help of the respectable professors.I dream that I will swim freely in the sea, enjoying the waves of knowledge.I hope all my dream will come true in the near future.Thank you.答案



on October 1stgive us

interested advanced


can learn


a lot.After the visit, we’ll have a discussion in and each of us must write a composition.groups

gate.That’s all.earlyon/ in

Thanks.2.Ladies and gentlemen,It isspecial pleasure to welcome our new staff member, Mr Tony White, who has come



Mr White has recently graduated from the University of Chicago where he has majored in

3.删掉has English Literature and minored in Teaching English as Second Language.He will working

4.a5.Λbe with us here for at least two years.One of the goals of our school to promote understanding and cooperation between the


young people of our two countries.By comfort


of his friends and family to come to a strange country, we feel we are very lucky and our goals


will be easily realized.On behalf of the school staff, I’d like to extend to you, Mr White, welcome.9.our in


China.Thank you.3.去掉whatdamageactuallyfasterand—orthousands后加ofwere—areHow—Whatdesigneddoes—did

4.One day I pushed my cousin Li Dong in ∧




Immediately, he turned round, stopped his motorcycle and came over.We were worriedand



Xiaojun,a born in a harmonious family.My father and mother are high school teachers.Influencedboth或去掉all I’ve developed a great interest in arts andand sports.I’m easy-going, ∧get along well with my classmates.and或get改为getting helps me win over all my classmates’ friendships, andthathelps me overcome many difficulties both in academic and personal life.Being admitted yourto university has always been a beautiful dream for me.constantly that I, alongmy will swimhappily freely in the sea, enjoying the waves of knowledge.dreams

5.Good morning, everyone.It’s∧ great honor for me to speak here.My name’s Li























代词的主格和宾格(I/me;he/him;she/her;we/us they/them)错误;























例如:My favourite sport is football.I was member of our school football team.Now my picture and prize is hanging in the library.(are)




例如:„so that I’ll get good marks in all my subject.(subjects)


即区分形容词和副词在句子中的作用和具体用法。这也是高考短文改错的常考点。例如:I’m sure we’ll have a wonderfully time together.(wonderful)Unfortunate, there are too many people in my family.(Unfortunately)





„in my spare time, but now I am interesting in football.(interested)

Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong but also „(playing)

My parents love me„ and will do all they can ∧ make sure„(to)




例如:It was very kind for them to meet me at the railway station and„(of)We must keep in mind that we play for the team instead ∧ ourselves.(of)



例如:They∧eager to know everything about China and„(were)I live in Beijing, where is the capital of China.(which)




例如:The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home.(their)First, let me tell you something more about myself.(去掉more)

„no way of setting the matter except by selling the set.Now someone at home reads instead.(everyone)上述第一例中的主语是Smiths(史密斯夫妇俩),因此后面的his不合逻辑。第二例中的more在这儿表“再”的意思,才开始告诉别人,怎么能说“再告诉你一些事”?第三例讲的是为了解决看电视时的争端,“我们”把电视机卖了;晚上没电视看了,所以与从前一样,大家又都读书了,所以该用everyone。

除了上述错误类型外,常考的错误形式还有:连词but, and, or和so的用法错误(可以归类为逻辑错误),以及冠词的用法错误等。


She was smiling but nodding at me.(and)

It looks as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest.(or)

We may be one family and live under a same roof.(the)

三、短文改错参考原则 1.改动以最少为原则;2.虚词以添加或删除为原则;3.实词以改变词形为原则;4.以保持句子原意为原则;





(一)Last week my parents and I took a two-days trip to Emei Mountain in Sichuan.As everyone knows, it‟s famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals.The weather was fine.It was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain.The three of them were very excited.As we climbed the mountain,we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories.On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful.The time passes quickly.Evening came down.We spent the night in a hotel at the top of the mountain.The food was expensive and the service was good.I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow.(二)

Many teachers worry about the effects of television with young people.According to studies, many children spend more time watching television than they spend in school.Because so much viewing, children may not

be develop the habit of read and the ability to enjoy themselves.No one worries

much about the radio program young people listen to, although radios can be very noise.Teachers also wonder about the effects of television commercials.On one year the average child will see 25,000 television commercials, all

planned and written by grown-ups to make children to want things that they don't real need.(三)

I‟m the captain of our school team so with my fellow players

we‟ve won several games.There will an important game next month.But one of the best player in our team told me just then that he wouldn‟t play basketball once more.His parents asked him to spend in more time preparing for the college entrance examination.I feel sorry to him.But his parents think go to college is more important than playing sports and college was the only place for a smart boy like his son.So my friend had no choice.He wanted to make their parents happy.(四)When I first learned to write English, I ran into many difficulties.The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English.My teacher advised me to keep my diary.I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day.Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express me in simple English.One day I wrote

a little story and showed to my teacher.She liked it very much and reads it to the class.All said the story was a good one.Their word were a great encouragement to me.(五)Dear Ralph, I‟m a newcomer here of a small town.I would describe myself as

shy and quietly.Before my classmates, it seems always difficult for me

to do things as well them.I'm sure they will laugh to me and see me as

a fool.So I feel happy every day.Besides, I have few friends.I don't know that they don't like to talk with me.Sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class, but after class we become stranger at once.I am trying to improve the situation since it doesn‟t

seem to work.Can you tell me about what I should do?

Yours,Xiao Wei

(六)On Thursday I will have to decide what I want myself to do over a weekend.I am thinking of making a trip to London, and visit the British Museum and some parks.But I have spent lot my money, so I cannot even go

out of town.I may go to a film, or a concert.Yes, a concert can be very excited.You can watch your stars while enjoying your favorite music.So then, a concert cost so much.I may just listen to music, I have some records giving to me

as birthday gifts.If I listen to my own records, there are no need to spend money.All right.That‟s how I' m going to do.(七)

Dear Susan, I‟m very glad to hear about you are coming to visit me the next Friday.Unfortunately, I won‟t be able to meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon.You won‟t find difficult to get to the city center.The airport bus leaves every 30 minute and will take you rightly to the Friendship Hotel.My class will be over by then or I will pick you up there.I will take you together to

a hot-pot restaurant for dinner and we‟ll talk with our plan for the weekend over dinner.Having a pleasant trip and see you Friday.Yours, Zhang Ming

(八)You can find all kinds information in just a few minute on the Internet.It‟s like going to a huge library without have to walk around to find your books.Recently even though, many people have been discussing the dangers of the Internet.They have been reports in America about people trying to steal person

Informations for bad purposes.Finding information on the Net is easily.But not all information are good to society.For example, you can find such information like how to kill people.The problem will become more serious in the future.(九)Nowadays millions of people of all age take pleasure in a hobby which is both interested and fun.And every year more and more people start a stamp collection of your own and discover an interest which can even last lifetime.Starting your collection of stamps are easy because they are nowhere.Holiday and birthday postcards from relatives and letters from friends can all provide you for stamps from all over the world.So once you‟ve started collecting seriously, you will probably want to join in the Stamp Collectors‟Club which exist to add more stamps to your collection.(十)Though a great progress has been made in science these years, there

are still many people live in poor conditions.They make their lives

by collecting and selling used thing.Their children cannot go to school

because they have not enough money to send their children to there.Why you think so many people still suffer from poverty now? The answer lies on the population explosion.A president of a developing country once said;“It is us who are to blame for

the poverty because we used to „produce‟ child without limit.”

Although this few words sound simple enough, they have

clear pointed out one of the causes of the population explosion.(1)第一行:two-days 改为two-day 第二行:mountain 前加a

第三行:noon后加when 第四行:them改为us 第五行:visiting 改为visited

第六行:pictures;passed 第七行:去down 第八行:and改为but



第三行:because of 第四行:删去 be;read改为reading

第五行:programs第六行:noisy 第七行:On改为In



第三行:player 改为players;then改为now









第五行:talk改为talking 第六行:me改为myself 第七行:showed 后加it


(5)第一行:of改为from 第二行:quietly改为quiet 第三行:well 后加as;to改为at



第六行:stranger改为strangers 第七行:since改为but 第八行:去掉about(6)第一行:划掉myself ;a 改为the 第二行:visit 改为visiting 第三行:my前加of 第四行:excited 改为exciting

第五行:So改为But 第六行:cost改为costs;giving改为given


第二行:although改为because / as 第三行:find 后加it

第四行:minute 改为minutes;rightly 改为right 第五行:or 改为and ;去掉together;

第六行:with 改为about 第七行:Having 改为Have(8)第一行:kinds 改为kinds of ;minute改为minutes 第二行:have改为having 第三行:去掉even

第四行:They改为There ;person改为personal 第五行:informations改为information;easily改为easy 第六行:are改为is


第二行:interested改为interesting 第三行:your改为their;what改为which/that 第四行:lifetime前加a;are改为 is

第五行:nowhere改为everywhere 第六行:for改为with;So改为But

第七行:去掉in 第八行:exist改为exists


第二行:live改为living 第三行:thing改为things 第四行:去掉第二个to


第六行:on改为in 第七行:us改为we

第八行:child改为children 第九行:tthis----these 第十行:clear改为clearly



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