冀教版英语七年级下册Unit4 19课 教案

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第一篇:冀教版英语七年级下册Unit4 19课 教案

冀教版英语七年级下册Unit4 教案

Lesson19:A Dinner Date


导入:Did you invite someone for dinner?How can you invite someone for dinner?Today let’s learn Jim how to invite Steven for dinner.Step2:出示目标、明确任务


activity/volleyball/practice/chess/club/both/ nothing等;







1.What day is it today? 2.Would you like to come over for dinner today?

3.I have volleyball practice tomorrow.4.How about Wednesday? 5.I usually volunteer at Old Age Home on Thursdays.6.We’re both busy all week.7.Nothing!





知识点一:What day is it today? 【固定句型】询问星期几:“What day is it today?”或“What day is today?” 答语:“It is „today.”或“Today is „”

Eg:--What day is it today?

--It's Monday.--What day is today?--Today is Sunday.注意:星期的名称是专有名词,第一个字母必须大写。

知识点二: Would you like to come over for dinner today? come over意为“顺便来访;过来”。Eg:Come over for dinner on Friday.星期五晚上过来吃晚饭。

Would you come over here,please? 请你过来这边好吗? 知识点三:3.I have volleyball practice tomorrow.Practice名词,意为“练习”,指经常性或系统性的重复练习。在美式英语中,practice也可用作动词,相当于英式英语中的practise.Eg:Piano-playing needs a lot of practice.弹奏钢琴需要多加练习。

Why don’t you join a language club to practice speaking English? 你为什么不参加语言俱乐部练习口语呢? 知识点四:4.How about Wednesday? How about„?意为“„„怎么样?”与What about„?同义。常用于询问消息,征求意见或建议,其后可以跟名词,代词或动名词。

Eg:I want to walk to school.How/What about you? 我想步行去学校,你呢? How/What about going home now? 现在回家怎么样?

知识点五:5.I usually volunteer at Old Age Home on Thursdays.在星期四我通常在老年之家自愿帮助老人。Volunteer动词,意为“自愿帮助”。

They volunteer to repair the house for the old man.他们主动帮助老人修缮房子。Volunteer名词,意为“志愿者”。My sister is an Olympic volunteer.我妹妹是奥运会志愿者。

知识点六:6.We’re both busy all week.both 代词,意为“二者”。放在连系动词,情态动词,助动词后或行为动词前。We can both swim.我们俩都会游泳。

both形容词,意为“二者的”。Both answers are right.两个答案都对。


be going to 是一种固定结构,后接动词原形,表示计划动作,或安排将要发生的动作,有时也可以表示推测或肯定会发生的动作,有“准备”,“打算”的意思,与表示将来的时间状语连用。


She is going to talk about her favourite season.They are going to write the best report!be going to结构中的助动词be随主语的人称和数而变化,其否定结构是在助动词be后加not,疑问句是把be置于句首,句末用问号。

I am going to swim tomorrow.He is not going to swim tomorrow.Are you going to swim tomorrow?(Yes,I am./No,I am not.)



第二篇:五年级英语下册 unit4 lesson31教案 冀教版

(冀教版)五年级英语下册教案 unit4lesson31

lesson 31Are You Ready for a Quiz ?






教具学具准备: 录音机、故事书、教学卡片


(一)Class opening and review1、Greeting。

2、Review:Irregular past-tense verbs and regular past-tense verbs.3、Chant:What did you do?

Listen、read and plus the action4、Quiz:a.Use the quiz as the listening exercise.The students finish it on the paper.Play the tape twice.Then check for understanding.b.Ask them to write the answer below each question.(二)Story:A gift for little Zeke

Prepare to read

Ask the class to look at the picture in the story.Questions:Is Little Zeke happy or sad?Why?


Read the story

Play the audiotape twice and check for understanding.Discuss the story

Do Little Zeke want a gift?

Who gives Little Zeke a gift?

What is the gift?

Use the activity book.Ask the students to listen carefully.Play the tape twice.(通过有目的的提问及讨论,学生带着问题去听、去理解故事内容,在故事教学中听说读写四个方面都得以训练。)

(三)Class Closing

Main idea of the story.板书设计

Lesson 31: Are you ready for a quiz?



2014-2015学年冀教版七年级英语下册 《Unit 5 I Love Learning English 》教案

Lesson 25:A Phone Friend

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words and phrases:foreign,could,understand,cartoon,Canadian,have a good talk,by oneself.2.Important sentences:I love learning English.Can I speak to........? This is.......3.The meaning of text:making phone calls.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the new words and phrases,important sentences.2.understand the meaning of text.3.master the grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.三、Key points:(重点)

Master the new words and phrases,important sentences.How to make phone calls.四、Difficult points:(难点)

the grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.1)Greet the students in everyday English 2)Do the everyday duty report 3)Review last unit and deal with some questions they have.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

In this unit,what will we learn?ask the Ss read the book on page of 65,make the Ss understand the functions and grammar.Then introduce some ways to learn English,and how does Li Jing practice her English? Step 3.New lesson.(新课)No.1 text: 1.What meaning is the title?ask some Ss explain it.2.learn the new words and phrases,then ask the Ss learn the text by theirselves first.3.picture one:who are these?what are they doing? Picture two:who is this?what is she doing? 4.teacher:read the text first,make sure the Ss can read text correctly.explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.Important sentences,must explain clearly,make the Ss can master these.5.how to use the phrases,make the Ss can finish the practice.No.2 grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.(一)情态动词can的用法: can的意思,一是:能,二是:许可

肯定句:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他成分 疑问句:can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分 肯定回答:Yes,主语(必须人称代词)+ can.否定回答:No,主语(必须人称代词)+ can not(can’t).1、______ I feed the monkey? Yes,______ can.2、Can I take a photo? No,______ can’t.3、I can feed the monkey?(变疑问句)


4、You can take a photo.(变疑问句)


5、Can I go to the bathroom?(变陈述句)


6、Can we take a photo?(变陈述句)


7、You can eat pizza.(变否定句)

__________________________________________(二)下面这些为反身代词(Reflexive Pronouns)单数:myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself 复数:ourselves,yourselves,themselves Phrases:by oneself.No.3:Let's Do It!Ask the Ss do the practice by theirselves.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,and the new words,phrases,sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.How do you practice your English? How do you practice by yourself? The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 26 :Online Phone Calls

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.new words and phrases:Russia,reply,competition,proud,such,good for you,be proud of,guess what,win first prize.2.Sentences:I am here.I can't wait to see you.3.The text:how to make phone calls.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the new words and phrases,important sentences.2.understand the meaning of text.3.grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.三、Key points:(重点)how to make phone calls.四、Difficult points:(难点)

grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.Remember to greet your students with phrases they have learned.Review last lesson,what did we learn? Ask some Ss answer.Make sure the Ss can master the grammar---can myself yourself Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Check up homework,make sure the Ss finish it by theirselves.Teach the new words,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons before class.Read the lesson and answer the following questions: 1.what is Alicia's good news? 2.How does Ms.Bell help Alicia with her English? 3.What did Alicia win? 4.How long will Alicia stay in Canada? No.2 text:

Picture 1: who is this?what is she doing? Picture 2:who is this ?where is she from? Teacher:read the text first,make sure the Ss can read text correctly.explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.Important sentences,must explain clearly,make the Ss can master these.No.3grammar:Modal Verb---can,Reflexive Pronouns---myself,yourself.1.review:can 肯定句:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他成分 疑问句:can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分 肯定回答:Yes,主语(必须人称代词)+ can.否定回答:No,主语(必须人称代词)+ can not(can’t)2.by oneself----myself yourself No.4Let's Do It!Ask the Ss do the practice by theirselves.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,and the new words,phrases,sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 27 :Amazing English

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words and phrases:letter,exactly.fact,sentence,quick,lazy,even,dig.dig in,in fact.some useful expressions such as:here is.....there is......here are.....there are.....2.understand the meaning of text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the words ,phrases and the meaning of text.2.learn interesting facts about English.3.review the grammar:情态动词can的用法.三、Key points:(重点)

learn interesting facts about English.--text

四、Difficult points:(难点)

the grammar:情态动词can的用法.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)About English,we learned a lot,and we knew a lot of interesting facts.Now this lesson,we will learn more interesting facts about English.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

interesting facts about English.1.What letter is a question?---It’s the letter Y!

2.When do people have two mouth?---When there’s two of them 有两个人时!3.Why do lions eat raw meat?---They don’t know how to cook

4.How many sides does a circle have?---Two.The inside and the outside.5.Two little boats without sails,with ten passengers on board.They do not go to the river or the sea.In the daytime , the boats are full, but at night they are boat empty.-----shoes Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons before class.Check up homework,make sure the Ss finish it by theirselves.Teach the new words,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No.2 text:Amazing English There are only 26 letters in English.So English is an easy language to learn,right?Well,not exactly.Yes,English only 26 letters,but those 26 letters can make a lot of words.In fact,there are about 800 000words in the English language.Only letter like “a”,can be an English word.And just one word,like “Go”can be a sentence.There is an English word with about 1900 letters in it.Wow!That's a long word.This sentence uses all 26 letters:The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Look at this word:level.You can read it forwards or backwards--it's the same word!The word “therein”has ten words in it.You don't even need to move any letters around.How many words can you find? Dig in and enjoy!Teachers:read the text first,make sure the Ss can read text correctly.explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.Important sentences,must explain clearly,make the Ss can master these.No.3grammar:情态动词can的用法.can的意思,一是:能,二是:许可

肯定句:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他成分 疑问句:can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分 肯定回答:Yes,主语(必须人称代词)+ can.否定回答:No,主语(必须人称代词)+ can not(can’t)No.4:practice:finish the practice after the class.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)Lesson 28:How Do I Learn English?

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words:magazine,newspaper,mistake,silly.2.Phrases:look up,enjoy oneself, at the same time,in/after class,make mistakes, laugh at,right now.Attention the forms of phrases.3.the meaning of text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the words and phrases,the meaning of text.2.how to learn English?talking about possibilities.3.grammar and important sentences.三、Key points:(重点)

how to learn English?talking about possibilities.四、Difficult points:(难点)

grammar and important sentences.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)In this unit,we learned how to practice English from Li Jing and Alicia,at the same time,we learned some interesting facts about English.Now we knew that English is not an easy language to learn,so what do we need to learn English?How do you learn English? Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

同学们学习英语时应注意以下几个要点:记单词,记短语句子,读课文,做题(在于练习语法),练习写作。除此之外,我们还有那些方法可以用来学习英语,请学习这篇课文,看看课文中的Teresa,她是如何学习英语? Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons before class.Greet the students in everyday English.Do the everyday duty report.Review last lesson and deal with some questions they have.Check up homework,make sure the Ss finish it by theirselves.Teach the new words,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No.2 text: Teachers:Teach the new words,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.read the text first,make sure the Ss can read text correctly.Then ask the Ss read the lesson and answer the questions: 1.What grade is Teresa in? 2.What language does she speak at home? 3.What does she often read? 4.When does she watch english movies? 5.Where can you find the words for many English songs? At last explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No.3some useful expressions such as: I love to....I like to.....Don't be afraid......No.4grammar: How to use “can/can't” Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Sum up how to learn English,make the Ss understand that English is not easy language to learn.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 29:A Door to the World

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words and phrases:article,opportunity,knowledge,communicate,connect, Adoorto.......communicate with........ask for,help......(to)do,connect......with.....2.talk about possibilities,use “can”.3.The meaning of text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the new words and phrases,the meaning of text.2.how to talk about possibilities.3.how to use the phrases to finish the practice.三、Key points:(重点)

Master the new words and phrases,the meaning of text.四、Difficult points:(难点)how to talk about possibilities.how to use the phrases to finish the practice.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Review last lesson,what did we learn?and how do you learn English now? Ask some Ss talk about that.Then the teacher talk about,how do we learn English?and what should we do? Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

Greet the students in everyday English.Do the everyday duty report.Review last lesson and deal with some questions they have.Check up homework,make sure the Ss finish it by theirselves.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons before class.Teach the new words,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.Teachers:English is important to us,learn English well can open the door to the world.And making a big difference in your life,so ,we must work hard.No.2 text: Open the Door to the world All over the world,students are learning English.It takes time,but the new language can give them new opportunities.With a good knowledge of English,Ss can have bright futures.Many people from different countries speak English.English opens the door to the world.English helps you communicate with people from all over the world.You can travel almost anywhere and you will never be by yourself.You can meet new people,learn new things,order food and drinks at restaurants,and ask for directions.Learning a new language can be a challenge.But it can help you understand culture differences around the world.It connects you with the world.Teachers: First:read the text,then ask some Ss read the text,make sure the Ss can read it all.At last explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No.3 talking about possibilities.Such as:I can talk with my classmates in English.I can write a passage in English.I can read English storybooks.I can sing songs in English.I can make phone calls.Ask the Ss talk about their possibilities and make a list: What can you do with a good knowledge of English? Finish the practice on page of 75.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar--“can” Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Lesson 30:Writing an E-mail in English

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.New words and phrases:introduce,play chess,try to do....look forward to....2.Learn the meaning of text,make the Ss can write.3.Important sentences:I like to.....I want to......I can......I will......二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)

1.Master the new words and sentences.2.understand the meaning of text.3.how to introduce yourself in English?

三、Key points:(重点)

understand the meaning of text.四、Difficult points:(难点)

How to introduce yourself in English?

五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)In this unit,we learned how to make phone calls,we learned how to practice your English,and we knew some interesting facts about English,now ,we know English is not easy to learn,English is very important.With a good knowledge of English,Ss can have bright futures.Many people from different countries speak English.English opens the door to the world.Step 2.Lead in.(引入)

We can use English to do a lot of things.and in this lesson,we will learn how to introduce yourself in English? Check up homework,make sure the Ss finish it by theirselves.Step 3.New lesson.(新课)

No.1 prepare lessons before class.Teach the words and phrases,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No.2 Text: Teacher:ask some Ss read the text ,make sure the Ss can read it correctly.Then the teacher read the lesson and ask the Ss answer the questions: 1.How tall is Wang Mei? 2.What game does Wang Mei like to play? 3.What is Wang Mei trying to do in her e-mail? 4.What Chinese words does Wang Mei teach Jessica? 5.What is Wang Mei looking forward to? At last explain the text in Chinese,make the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No.3 Writing: How to introduce yourself in English? First,you should introduce your name,how old are you?how tall are you? Then,talking about your personal interests.At last,talk about your plans about future.Though those steps,you can write a passage in English,introduce yourself.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

Unit Review

一、Teaching content:(教学内容)

1.Master the words and phrases in this unit.2.Master the grammar:can myself yourself.3.Master the important sentences.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1.How to make phone calls.2.How to talk about possibilities.3.learn some interesting facts about English,English is very important.三、Key points:(重点)Words,phrases,sentences.四、Difficult points:(难点)Grammar:can,myself,yourself.五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助)Recorder, pictures or cards.六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型)Review.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Review: Words and phrases.important sentences.Then finish the practice about words,on page of 78,No.1 Step 2.Review the grammar: 1.情态动词can的用法: can的意思,一是:能,二是:许可

肯定句:主语 + can + 动词原形 + 其他成分 疑问句:can + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分 肯定回答:Yes,主语(必须人称代词)+ can.否定回答:No,主语(必须人称代词)+ can not(can’t).2.下面这些为反身代词(Reflexive Pronouns)单数:myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself 复数:ourselves,yourselves,themselves Phrases:by oneself.3.finish the practice.Step 3.Writing: Do you have any helpful tips for learning English?Write a short passage.Step 4.Play the tape for the Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text,then let them read follow the tape.Finish the practice on page of 79.Step 5.Summary.(小结)

Sum up the text what we learned,the new words,phrases,and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6.Homework.(作业)

Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)

The new words,the master phrases,important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)

第四篇:七年级英语下册 Unit4 Did You Have a Nice Trip教案2 冀教版



Unit 4 Did You Have a Nice Trip Functions:  Saying Good-bye(2) Praise and encouragement Grammar:

 Past indefinite tense(2) Regular verb forms and irregular verb forms Structures:  Did you have fun?  What happened?  Have a nice / great trip  Have a good/great time Teaching aids:

computer, video, recorder Teaching periods:  Period 1: Lesson 25  Period 2: Lesson 26  Period 3: Lesson 27  Period 4: Lesson 28  Period 5: Lesson 29  Period 6: Lesson 30  Period 7: Lesson 31

Lesson 25 Good-bye, Beijing Teaching content:

1.Mastery words: begin, never, every 2.A dialogue about leaving Beijing.3.It’s time for sb.to do sth.4.What about…? Teaching goals:

1.Understand the meaning of the text.2.Remember the mastery words.3.Learn the usage of some phrases.Key points:

1.How to say good-bye to sb.2.The usage of useful patterns.Important points: 1.It’s time for sb.to do sth.2.Thank you for doing sth.3.What about…? Teaching aids:

a picture of airport, a picture of Beijing, audiotape, flash cards, and slide projector Type: dialogue Teaching procedures:




http://www.xiexiebang.com 1.Opening class 1)Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.2)Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.3)Mainly revision about last unit.2.New lesson Step 1.Lead in Have you ever said good-bye to a good friend? Where? When? How did you feel? Today we will learn a dialogue about saying good-bye.Li Ming and his friends had a good time in Beijing and they will go home today.So they have to say good-bye to each other at the airport.Step 2.Listen to the dialogue with the following questions: What makes Danny sad? What makes him happy? What can you say if you want to say good-bye to a friend? After listening answer the questions together.Discuss the dialogue again and make sure they can understand the meaning of the text.Deal with the language points at the same time.Pay attention to the usage of the following phrases: It’s time for sb.to do sth./Thank sb.for doing sth./ What about doing sth../ You can use the slide projector during this period.Step 3.Listen to audiotape again.Have them repeat the dialogue after it.Step 4.Give them some time to read the text themselves.Then let them act out the dialogue in groups.Correct their pronunciation when necessary.Step 5.Practice Review the story so far.Li Ming, his mother, Danny and Jenny are in Beijing.Look at the pictures.What did they do in Beijing these days? Where did they do? What did they buy? How will they go home? Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to review the story.Then ask some students to retell the story in class.Step 6.Let’s do it!

In a small group, make up a dialogue.You are at the train station or airport.One friend is leaving.The others are saying good-bye.Step 7.Do some exercises in activity book.Homework: 1.The remaining activities in the activity book.2.Understand the meaning of the text.3.Remember the words.4.The next reading in the student book.Lesson 26 Li Ming Comes Home Teaching content:

1.Mastery words: store, T-shirt 2.A dialogue between Li Ming and his father.The usage of the Past Indefinite.亿库教育网



http://www.xiexiebang.com Teaching goals:

1.Understand the meaning of the text.2.Remember the mastery words.3.Learn the usage of the Past Indefinite.Key points:

1.Express the past experience.2.Did you have fun in Beijing? Important points:

the Past Indefinite Teaching aids:

two T-shirts or a picture of T-shirts, a picture of Wangfujing in Beijing Teaching procedures: 1.Class opening 1)Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.2)Duty report.3)Review last lesson.2.New lesson Step 1.Talk about the questions in “THINK ABOUT IN”

When you do on a trip, who misses you? When you go home, who do you bring gifts for? They must have different answers.Gather them and discuss them with the class.Today Li Ming comes back home.He bought a gift for his father.Let’s look at what it is.Step 2.Listen to the tape with the following questions: What did Li Ming buy for his father? Why? Did Li Ming have a good time in Beijing? Discuss the questions with the class.Deal with the language points at the same time.Make sure they understand the meaning of the text.Step 3.Listen to audiotape again and let them repeat the text after it.Step 4.Have the students read the text for a few minutes and then have them act out the dialogue in roles.Step 5.Practice Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about something that happened yesterday.Ask each group to use the phrase “What happened?” in their dialogues.Step 6.Activity book In Number 1, the students circle the correct match to review the past-tense verbs.In Number 2, the students may practice the structure: “What happened?” “I…” Step 7.A test 句型转换

1.They went to Beijing by plane.(用usually改写)________________________________ 2.Jim walks to school every day.(用yesterday作时间状语)__________________________________.3.She often looks at the map.(用last week替换often)




http://www.xiexiebang.com ____________________________________________.Homework: 1.Understand the meaning of the text.2.Remember the mastery words.3.Finish your activity book.Lesson 27 Jenny Comes Home Teaching content:

1.Mastery words: second, third, homework 2.A dialogue between Jenny and her mother.3.Ordinal Numerals 4.see sb do sth.and see sb.doing sth.Teaching goals:

1.Understand the meaning of the text.2.Master the mastery words.3.The ordinal numerals.Key points:

1.The ordinal numerals 2.The Past Indefinite Tense 3.The usage of every Important points:

the Ordinal Numerals Teaching aids:

chopsticks, audiotape, flash cards, and slide projector Type: dialogue Teaching procedures: 1.Opening class




http://www.xiexiebang.com 1)Greet the students in English.2)Duty report.3)Review last lesson and deal with some exercises in activity book.2.New lesson Step 1.Talk about the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT”

What things do you do every day? What did you do last week? What things would you like to do differently? Step 2.Listen to the tape of the text with the following questions: Why did Jenny like Beijing? What did Jenny buy for her mother? Deal with any language points at the same time.Make sure they understand the meaning of the text.Pay attention to the word: every, first, second, third Step 3.Listen to the audiotape again and let the students repeat the text after it.Step 4.Give them some time to read the dialogue themselves.Then have them act out the dialogue in roles.Step 5.Deal with the second part of lesson 27.Pay attention to the difference of the Present Indefinite and the Past Indefinite.Master the usage of every and last.You can make some other sentences using the word last.For example, last month, last year and so on.Step 6.Practice Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make up a dialogue about coming home from a trip.Encourage the students to talk about what they did on the trio.Step 7.Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work with a partner and write a dialogue.Talk about what you do every day and what you did last week.Was last week the same or different? 3.Class closing




http://www.xiexiebang.com 1)Understand the meaning of the text.2)Remember the mastery words.3)Finish the activity book of Lesson 27.The next reading of student book.Lesson 28 Danny Comes Home Teaching content: 1.Mastery words: happen 2.a dialogue between Danny and Mr Wood 3.the Past Indefinite 4.the usage of fun and fall Teaching goals: 1.Understand the meaning of the text.2.Remember the mastery words.3.Master past forms of some verbs.Key points: 1.some past forms of verbs 2.the usage of word happen and fun Difficult points:

1.the past forms of some verbs 2.I was taking a picture with Jenny’s camera.Type: dialogue Teaching aids: some photos, audiotape Teaching procedures:




http://www.xiexiebang.com 1.Opening class 1)Greet the students in everyday English and make sure they can response correctly.2)Duty report 3)Review Lesson 27.2.New lesson Step 1.Lead in Discuss the following questions: Do you have a favourite teacher? Why is he or she your favourite? Did you ever hurt yourself? How? Gather different answers from the students.Step 2.Listen to the tape of the text with the following questions: Did Danny like his trip to China? What happened to Danny’s nose?

Deal with the language points at the same time.Pay attention to the word happen and have fun.Make some sentences to make the students understand the words.Step 3.Listen to audiotape again and let the students read after it.Step 4.Have them read the text for a few minutes.Then let them act out the dialogue in roles.Step 5.Practice: Ask the students to pretend they have just visited a restaurant.Ask them to write some sentences about where they went, what they ate and what they saw.Ask for volunteers to read their sentences to the class.Step 6.Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Work in a small group.Talk about funny stories from your life.What happened to you? Choose the best story and tell it to the whole class.3.Class closing 1)Understand the meaning of the text.2)Remember the mastery words.亿库教育网



http://www.xiexiebang.com 3)Finish the activity book of Lesson 28.The next reading of student book.Lesson 29 Pictures and Gifts Teaching content: 1.A dialogue about what they did in Beijing.2.the Past Indefinite 3.some past forms of verb Teaching goals:

1.Understand the meaning of the whole text.2.Master some words: near, fly, buy, welcome, put on 3.Learn the Past Indefinite Tense.Key points:

1.Some past forms of some verbs.2.The usage of some phrases.Difficult points: some past forms Teaching aids:

some pictures, a hat, a kite, audiotape Type: dialogue Teaching procedures: 1.Class opening 1)Greet the students in everyday English.2)Do the everyday duty report.3)Review Lesson 28 and deal with some questions they have.2.New lesson Step 1.Lead in Talk about the following questions: Are cameras easy or hard to use? Why? Have you ever taken a picture? Where? When? Gather their different answers.Today we will look at some pictures taken by Danny and Jenny.Step 2.Listen to the audiotape with the following questions: What’s wrong with Kim’s hat? Where did they take their pictures? What’s their gift for Steven?

Answer the questions together and discuss the dialogue again.Make sure they understand the meaning of the text.Deal with any language points at the same time.Step 3.Listen to the audiotape again and have them repeat the text after it.Step 4.Give them some time to read the text.Walk around and correct their pronunciation when necessary.Then let them act out the dialogue in roles.Step 5.Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Imagine you want to study overseas.Write a letter to your partners to ask for their permission.Think about why they might say no.try convince them.亿库教育网



http://www.xiexiebang.com Step 6.Review regular and irregular past-tense verbs in these lessons with a chart you write on the blackboard, as below.Ask for volunteers to draw lines to match the verbs.today

yesterday eat

saw see

worked go

helped play

pointed work

went jump

ate point

jumped help

played want

hurt buy

did hurt

wanted do

bought Step 7.If time permits, do the activity book.Homework: 1.Understand the meaning of the text.2.Remember some past forms of verbs.3.Finish the activity book of Lesson 29.The next reading in student book.Lesson 30 Li Ming Asks for Permission Teaching content: 1.Mastery words: permission, receive, invite, month 2.a dialogue about asking for permission 3.the usage of ask for Teaching goals: 1.Understand the meaning of the text.2.Remember the mastery words.3.Learn how to ask for permission.Key points: 1.Ask for permission.2.The pattern “How long…?




http://www.xiexiebang.com Difficult points:

How to ask for permission.Type: dialogue Teaching procedures: 1.Opening class 1)Greet the students in everyday English.2)Duty report 3)Review Lesson 29.2.New lesson Step 1.Lead in Talk about the questions in “THINK ABOUT IT” Do you know someone who has lived overseas? Do you want to study overseas? Why or why not? Encourage them to express themselves.Gather the different answers.Step 2.Listen to tape with the following questions: What are Li Ming’s parents worried about?

Do Li Ming’s parents agree Li Ming to go to Canada? How long will Li Ming stay in Canada? Answer the questions together and discuss the whole text again and make sure they understand the meaning.Deal with the language points at the same time.Step 3.Listen to the audiotape again and have them repeat after it.Step 4.Give the students some time to read the dialogue and then let them act out the dialogue in roles.Step 5.Practice Divide the class into small groups.Ask each group to make a dialogue about asking for




http://www.xiexiebang.com permission.Give them some guide if necessary.And then let each group act out their dialogue in the class.Step 6.Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Imagine you want to study overseas.Write a letter to your parents to ask for their permission.Think about why they might say no.Try to convince them.Step 7.Exercises Do some exercises in the activity book.Homework: 1.Understand the meaning of the text.2.Remember the mastery words.3.Finish the activity book.The next reading in student book.Lesson 31 An E-mail from Li Ming Teaching content: 1.Mastery words: way, bedroom, yours, next 2.a dialogue about an e-mail from Li Ming 3.as soon as, send, soon 4.like doing and like Teaching goals: 1.Understand the meaning of the text.2.Remember the mastery words.3.Master the phrase: as soon as, like doing.Key points: How to send an e-mail.Some phrases above.Difficult points:




http://www.xiexiebang.com Master some phrases.Type: an e-mail Teaching aids:

a letter, slide projector, audiotape Teaching procedures: 1.Opening class 1)Greetings in English.2)Everyday duty report.3)Review Lesson 30.2.New lesson Step 1.Discuss some questions: Would you like to live with your best friend? Why or why not? Where would you live: at his/her home or yours? Why? Encourage them to answer the questions.Step 2.Listen to tape with the following questions: Why is Danny excited? Where will Li Ming love when he comes to Canada? Answer the questions together and discuss the whole dialogue again.Make sure they understand the meaning of the text.Deal with any language points.Step 3.Listen to audiotape again and have them repeat it.Step 4.Give them some time to read the dialogue and then let them act it out in roles.Step 5.Practice Ask each student to pretend to be Danny or Jenny, and to write an e-mailto Li Ming, answering the questions in his e-mail in the student book.The students may make up any details they like.They should include “pictures”(pretend photographs that they draw)and explain the pictures in their letters.亿库教育网



http://www.xiexiebang.com Step 6.Deal with “LET’S DO IT”

Imagine you are Li Ming.Write a reply to Jenny’s e-mail.Tell her when you will arrive in Canada.Tell her how you feel about your trip to Canada.Tell her what you want to do there.Step 7.Activity book Lesson 31 Step 8.Summary

Today we learn an e-mail from Li Ming to Danny and Jenny.Li Ming says he will go to Canada.He talks about something about their pictures.After class you should learn to write an e-mail to your friend.Homework: 1.Understand the meaning of the text.2.Remember the mastery words.3.Finish the activity book in Lesson 31.亿库教育网



Lesson 1: A Trip to China.........................................................................................................3 Lesson 2: You in Beijing...........................................................................................................4 Lesson 3: A visit to Xi‟an..........................................................................................................5 Lesson 4: A Visit to Lanzhou....................................................................................................7 Lesson 5: Another Stop along the Silk Road.............................................................................8 Lesson 6: Jenny‟s Diary............................................................................................................9 Lesson 7: What‟s Your Project about?....................................................................................10 Lesson 8: Marco Polo and the Silk Road................................................................................11 Lesson 9: Danny‟s School Project...........................................................................................12 Lesson 10: Music and Dance..................................................................................................13 Lesson 11: Food in China........................................................................................................14 Lesson 12: A Blog about the Silk Road..................................................................................15 Lesson 13: how is School Going?...........................................................................................16 Lesson 14: Jenny‟s School life................................................................................................17 Lesson 15: Making a Difference.............................................................................................18 Lesson 16: We Are with You!..................................................................................................19 Lesson 17: School Science Fair..............................................................................................20 Lesson 18: teaching in China..................................................................................................21 Lesson 19: A Dinner Date.......................................................................................................22 Lesson 20: Join Our Club!......................................................................................................23 Lesson 21: What is your club type?........................................................................................24 Lesson 22: Big Plans for the Weekend....................................................................................26 Lesson 23: A Weekend with Grandma....................................................................................27 Lesson 24: how Was Your Weekend?......................................................................................28 Lesson 25: A Phone Friend.....................................................................................................29 Lesson 26: Online Phone Calls...............................................................................................30 Lesson 27: Amazing English...................................................................................................31 Lesson 28: how do I learn English?........................................................................................32 Lesson 29: A Door to the world..............................................................................................33 Lesson 30: writing an E-mail English.....................................................................................34 Lesson 31: What Strange Weather!.........................................................................................35 Lesson 32: I Can‟t Wait for Winter!........................................................................................36 Lesson 33: Kim‟s Favorite Season..........................................................................................37 Lesson 34: Steven‟s Report.....................................................................................................38 Lesson 36: Spring in China.....................................................................................................40 Lesson 37: You Are What You Eat!.........................................................................................41 Lesson 38: Stay Healthy..........................................................................................................42 Lesson: 39 Danny‟s Report.....................................................................................................43 Lesson 40: Move Your Body...................................................................................................44 Lesson 41: Were People Healthy Then?..................................................................................45 Lesson 42: Know Yourself......................................................................................................46 Lesson 43: Have a Good Summer!.........................................................................................48 Lesson 44: Volunteering in Summer.......................................................................................49 Lesson 45: Baseball Season....................................................................................................50 Lesson 46: Get Ready for Summer Holiday!..........................................................................51 Lesson 47: Summer Plans.......................................................................................................52 Lesson 48: Li Ming‟s Summer Holiday..................................................................................54

Lesson 1: A Trip to China Hi, mum!Hi, dad!Guess what we‟re learning about the silk road this month in school.The Silk Road? That‟s in China.Yes, it is!Mum and dad, may I ask you a question? Sure, Jenny!What is it? My school is planning a trip around China with Li Ming‟s school.Some student from my class will go to China and travel on the Silk Road.May I go with them? Who will lead the trip? Ms.Martin!Here is the note from my school.(Jenny‟s father and mother read the note.)Yes, you may go.This is a good chance for you.You will learn about China.Really? Great!Thanks, Mum and Dad!I „m so excited!I will send Li Ming an e-mail and tell him the good news.3

Lesson 2: You in Beijing Hi Jenny, How exciting!You and Danny will come to China and see the Silk Road with us!We will travel along the Silk Road together.Wang Mei and I will meet you in Beijing.Our first stop will be Xi‟an.How far is it from Beijing to Xi‟an? It‟s about 1114 kilometers.This trip will be very special.The Silk Road is about 6500 kilometers long!But we don‟t have enough time to see it all.We can only see part of it.We„ll learn about the history and cultures of china along the way.I will send you the school‟s plan for our trip.Your friend, Li Ming

Arrive in Beijing and take a train to Xi‟an.Visit Xi‟an and the terra Cotta Warriors See Lanzhou and the yellow river Visit Dunhuang..Come back to Beijing and leave Beijing.Lesson 3: A visit to Xi’an Welcome to Xi‟an – the walled city.You can walk along the wall in the walled city.It is about 12 kilometers long and over 600 years old.You can climb up the big wild goose pagoda.It is over 1300 years old.You can hit the ancient drum in the drum tower.You can also ring the ancient bell in the Bell tower.You can visit the famous Terra Contra Warriors.They are over 2000 years old!Eat delicious Chinese food and enjoy the special dishes of Xi‟an.Xi‟an has a long history.You will have a lot of fun here in this ancient city.The terra cotta warriors Welcome to the terra Corra Warriors.We call them Bing ma Yong in Chinese.This is an ancient place.Let‟s go to the first pit!Can you see the terra cotta warriors? They are standing beside their horses.Wow!I want to sit on one of the horse!No, no!You cannot to that.Please stand here with me and move with me.Ok? Ok.But I am really excited!This is wonderful!May I take photos here? No.Look at the sign, No photos!” Oh, I see, thank you.6 Lesson 4: A Visit to Lanzhou The group takes a train to Lanzhou.Then they go to the hotel.Later, they go for a walk along the Yellow River.All right.Let‟s go down this street and turn left at the traffic light.This road will lead us to the Yellow River.Look!A bridge!This is the Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge.It was the first bridge over the Yellow River.The Silk Road crossed the yellow river in Lanzhou.Wow, the Yellow River is so wide!Yes it‟s wide and long.The Yellow River is about 5400 kilometers long.We call it the mother river.Look!A statue beside the Yellow River!A mother with a baby!Oh, that‟s the mother river statue.It‟s beautiful!Can we take a picture in front of the statue, Ms.Martin? Sure!7 Lesson 5: Another Stop along the Silk Road The group arrives in dunhuang.They take a tour around the city.This is an amazing city.It‟s one of the maim stops on the silk road.It‟s famous as the ciy of sands.Many people come here to see the ancient paintings in the Marco polo.Yes, Marco polo waked here.But did he ride a camel here? Yes Danny, Of course he did!Well, then I want to ride a camel, too!(they find a camel man on their way to Mingsha Mountain)HELLO, SIR, MAY I RIDE A CAMEL? Sure.Is it safe? Yes, you will not fall off.Are you sure? That camel is really tall.Yes , he is tall, but you will be all right.Come on, Danny.It will be fun!I will ride a camel, too.Ok.(The man helps Danny and jenny onto the camels)The Yellow River!This is fun!Look at me.I‟m Marco polo!8

Lesson 6: Jenny’s Diary Dear Diary, This is our last night in China.We will fay home tomorrow.We did so much on this trip.This afternoon, we went to see the Beijing Opera.Wow!I loved the music and the colorful clothing.Yesterday was a great day.In the afternoon, we went to the Great Wall.It is amazing!It is about 6300 kilometres long and over 2000 years old.Then, in the evening, we went to the Bird‟s Nest, It is only a few years old, but is it a very famous and beautiful building.It held the 2008 Olympics.Danny looked for birds there.But of course he didn‟t find any.China is a great country.Where else can you travel thousands of years backing time? We saw the Terra Cotta Warriors, the Walled City and the Yellow River.I learned so much about Chinese history and culture on this trip.I learned about a new instrument – the erhu.And I ate some delicious food.I can‟t believe our trip is over.I well miss China.I well come back someday.Jenny.Lesson 7: What’s Your Project about? Jenny and Danny talk about the trip and their projects.Hi, Danny.Did you have a good rest after our trip? Yes, I slept for two full days!I feel good now.We had a great trip.We learned so much.And we saw our friend Li Ming again.Yes.Are you ready for your project? Yes, I am.I will talk about Marco Polo we heard a lot about him on the Silk Road.What‟s your project about? My project o sabot some places of interest in China.I will talk about the places and things on the trip.I still can‟t believe it – they don‟t have donuts on the Silk Road.Danny!You can find donuts anywhere in Canada.The Silk Road is about history and culture, not donuts.Yes, I know.I‟m making a joke.Let‟s go to the library and work on our projects.Good idea.10 Lesson 8: Marco Polo and the Silk Road Hello, everyone!My project is about Marco Polo and the Silk Road.Marco Polo was a man from Italy.At the age of 17, he went to China.He travelled along the Silk Road with his father and uncle.Together, they moved goods between Europe and Asia on the Silk Road.Later, Marco Polo travelled with his brother.They travelled on boats, horses and camels.Their journey lasted about twenty years!In 1275, Marco Polo Travelled to Beijing.He met the king and worked for him for 17 years.During those years, Marco Polo learned about coal and paper.The Chinese discovered coal and invented paper.These things were new to Marco Polo.He brought some coal and paper back to Italy with him.He also brought back a lot of silk, tea and other goods.Marco Polo Wrote a famous book about his travels to China.I hoped to write a book like that someday.Thank you.By: jenny Date: march 25

Lesson 9: Danny’s School Project For my project, will describe some places and things from China.You guess their names.Just try your best.Are y9ou ready? Let‟s begin!These things are very old.People built them a long time age.They look like an ancient army.What are they? Are they the clay soldiers and horses from China? Yes, you are right.They are the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xi‟an.Here are some pictures.Wow!Cool pictures, Danny.The next one is an animal.It‟s big and tall.It‟s an important tool on the Silk Road.It it a horse? Sorry!It lives in the desert.Oh, it‟s a camel!Well done.Look at this picture.I‟m riding a camel.Here is the last one.It is very soft.It comes in many colors.Many things are soft and colorful.Can you tell us a little bit more, please? Ok.We can make clothes from it.Is it silk? Yes.You guessed it, lily!Look at me.I‟m wearing a silk shirt.Lesson 10: Music and Dance I‟m still thinking about our trip to the Silk Road.I realized many things.China has so much history.And our culture is so rich and colorful.Yes, I know.I feel the same way.The trip gave me an idea.I want to learn to play the erhu!It is a part of ancient Chinese culture.Many Western people call it the “Chinese violin” That‟s a great idea, Li Ming.!I can‟t wait to play music for all my friends.You will be a great erhu player, Li Ming.I hope so.Wang Mei, you are a good dance.Wy don‟t you learn a traditional Chinese dance? Then we can take part in spring Festival show together.I will play music and you can dance!I like that idea!Maybe I can wear some traditional clothes, too!13

Lesson 11: Food in China Jenny goes on line to tell others about the food in China.Hello, everyone!I just got back from a trip to the Silk Road in China.Everything was great – especially the food!My favorite dishes were Beijing Duck and Lanzhou noodles.What„s so special about these two dishes? Well, they have a lot of history behind them.Beijing Duck is really a Chinese treasure.It takes a lot of work, but the end product is worth it.Lanzhou noodles are long hand-make noodles.They look good and taste great!Do you want to taste these wonderful foods from China?

Your story is very interesting.I saw a show about Lanzhou noodles on TV.The man makes the noodles so fast.It was like magic!I heard that, in China, some people eat noodles for breakfast.Is this true? Yes, it‟s true.Many people eat noodles for breakfast.Sometimes they eat them for lunch or supper or supper, too,.And I know why – they taste REALLY good!I once had Beijing Duck in our city.Can I find Lanzhou noodles here? I will try.14 Lesson 12: A Blog about the Silk Road Li Ming had a good time on his trip to the Silk Road.He wants to trite about his trip.I just got back from a great trip to the Silk Road.My friends from Canada went with me, on our trip.I realized many things about China.Our country has a very long history and a rich culture.I saw and experienced a lot on the trip.We went to see the Terra Cotta Warriors and the ancient city of Xi‟an.The history of China is so alive in these places.I learned so much!This trip opened my eyes.I saw my own history and culture in a new way.I hope to travel more around my country someday.Where should I go nest? Does anyone have any suggestions? Here are some photos from my trip Enjoy!

This is me with a terra Cotta Warrior I took this picture in Xi‟an.Jenny and Danny are in the drum tower..This is Danny in Dunhuang.He is riding a camel.Here ia am in Lanzhou.I love Lanzhou noodles.Yum!

Lesson 13: how is School Going? Hi, jenny.How is your school life going? Well, I am a little busy this term.I have six classes every day.My school days are very long.Me too.I also have six classes every day.I start school at 8:00 a.m.I usually finish at 5:00 p.m.it‟s a long day, but I like my school.My school subjects are so interesting.What subjects do you have? I have Chinese, English, math, history and some others.P.E.is my favorite.We always have a big sports meet twice a year.I often take part in the long jump.Last term.I won first place!Wow!You‟re good at the long jump.Yeah!Thank you!What subjects do you have? I have social studies, shop, math, French, English and art.My favorite subject is shop!Last week, I made a bird house all by myself.That‟s so interesting.16 Lesson 14: Jenny’s School life Hi, it‟s jenny again!I go to school in Edmonton.Canada.My school is greenwood middle school.There are 400 students in my school.I „m in grade 7.my friend, Danny, is in my class.My homeroom teacher is Mr.Jones.My favorite subject in school is shop.We often make many different things in shop class.Once, we made a bird house from wood, sometimes we make things with clay.Last week, we made cups.And this week we will print our own t-shirts.Shop is always fun!In social studies, we do a lot of projects.Some times we work in groups.Today, my group and I worked on a map of Canada.In the first term, I have art class.We always and paint.In the second term, I have music.I play the guitar!We usually play songs as a class.But sometimes we play on our own.This year, we will have a science fair at my school I want to take part in the fair with my project on silk worms.17 Lesson 15: Making a Difference Hello.My name is Hao Tongxin.I live in a small village.I‟m in grade 7 and I love going to school!My school is a “hope” school.Last year.I wanted to give up my studies.I wanted to stay home and help my family.But my teacher said, “With a good education, you can make a difference.You can make a good life for yourself.Then you can help your family.Friends and other people, too.” She gave me hope.My teacher is great.She often visits her students and their families.She does not want anyone to drop out of school.She always helps us in every possible way.She is making a big difference in our lives.Now, I never miss a day of school.I want to make a difference in future just like my teacher.18 Lesson 16: We Are with You!Jason Glen is a 12-year old boy from Riverside High School.On the first day of school, something terrible happened.Jason Glen and his family lost everything in a big house fire, it was a very hard time for them.Jason‟s classmates heard the bad news.They stood up and said.“Jason, don‟t be afraid.We are with you.” the class wanted to help Jason and his family.So they came up with a plan.The next day, many students brought clothes and food from their homes.The school had a car wash and a cooked sale.In just three days, the school raised $1200.Yesterday, the school gave the money to Jason‟s family.Jason said to his friends, “thank you, my dear classmates and teachers.My family and I will never forget this.”

Lesson 17: School Science Fair Danny and Jenny are talking about their school science fair.They are very excited.Hey, Jenny!Are you ready for the big science fair next week? Oh, I hope so.I worked really hard this year.I hope to win first prize.Don‟t worry, Jenny.You will do a great job!What is your project about? It‟s about silk worms.I am really interested in this subject.I made a video about silk worms.Wow!I have a small piece of old silk.I also have a silk worm for the visitors.Silk worms are interesting.Yes, they„re amazing!My project is good, too.What is it about, Danny? My project is all about donuts.I talk about the history of donuts.I will make ten different kinds of donuts.And people can taste them all.20 Lesson 18: teaching in China Jane is from Canada.She is teaching English in china.She is writing an e-mail to her family and friends back home.Hello, everyone!How are you? I‟m doing well.Life in china is great!I arrived two months ago.I was quite nervous then.But everyone here is so friendly and nice.Now I feel quite comfortable and relaxed.My students are wonderful and other teachers are always helpful.My school I is very big.I have many students in my class.In Canada, There are usually only 35 students in a class.And they move from classroom to classroom for their classes.But in china, the teachers move!

Chinese students work very hard.They usually start school at 8:00 a.m.and finish at 5:00 p.m.Chinese teachers work very hard, too.I‟m so happy to be in China.I am learning so much here.My students often teach me Chinese.They also teach me about their culture.It‟s so interesting!I visited the great wall last month.Look at my picture.Wo ai zhongguo!I miss you all!Jane

Lesson 19: A Dinner Date Hey.Steven!What day is it today? It‟s Monday.Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow? Sorry, Jim.I can‟t.I have volleyball practice tomorrow.How about Wednesday? Hmm… Wednesday is not good for me.I‟m going to the chess club after school.How about Thursday? I usually volunteer at the Old Age Home on Thursday.They often tell me lots of interesting stories.And sometimes we play bingo.Maybe Friday? I have math classes on Fridays.I‟m not doing well in math this year.What are you going to do this weekend? I‟m going to the countryside with my dad.We are going to plant trees.Hmm… we‟re both busy all week.Well, what are you going to do this evening? Nothing!How about coming over for dinner this evening? Sure!22

Lesson 20: Join Our Club!Chess club Do you want to improve your thinking skills? Do you want to make new friends? Join our chess club!Chess challenges you and makes you think hard.You will learn and have fun at the same time.Club meeting are going to start next week.Join us after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room 288.Acting is fun and useful.You can meet lots of new people and improve your social skills.We do lots of role.Play games in our classes.Everyone can enjoy acting.Join our club and be a star!We meet at the school theatre every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.Swimming isn‟t just fun – it‟s also good exercise!You can stay in shape and have a good time.We have lessons for all different levels.We meet after school and on weekends Join us today or stop by the pool to learn more.23 Lesson 21: What is your club type? What club is right for you? Read the following questions.Which answer describes you best? Circle it.Then add up your score and find out your club type.1、you get enough exercise? a.Always!I love playing sports.b.Not really.I like to listen to music and relax.c.Not really.I usually draw and paint in my free time.d.Never.I like to read books and exercise my mind.2、what I is your favorite school subject? a.P.E.I like to be active.b.Music.I like to play a instrument.c.Art.I love to draw and paint.d.English and Chinese.I enjoy reading and writing.3、What do you do on a cold and snowy day? a.I can‟t sit quietly.I must do something active inside.b.I stay in my room and listen to music or play an instrument.c.I paint or draw a picture.d.I read a look or write a story.4、You are going on a trip.But you can only take one thing with you.What do you take? a.Running shoes.I can‟t to anywhere.Without them.b.A music player.I can‟t live without music c.Some paper and a pencil.I can draw a picture on the way.d.A good book.I will be bored without a book.25 Lesson 22: Big Plans for the Weekend It‟s lunch time on Friday.Danny and Jenny are having lunch together.Danny, are you ok? You can‟t stay still today.And you never eat your lunch so fast.Are you in a hurry to go somewhere? No.actually Jenny, I have big plans for the weekend!I can‟t wait.It‟s going to be a good weekend? Oh!That‟s great.What are you going to do this weekend? I‟m going to learn something new this Saturday.Cooking!And I love donuts.So I am going to make donuts.Wow!How exciting!I don‟t have any big plans for this weekend.I usually just stay home, read a book, surf the internet, watch TV and help my mum with the housework.Hmm.Would you kike to join me this weekend? Really? I would love to come I always love learning new things.Wonderful!Now it‟s going to be a great weekend.26 Lesson 23: A Weekend with Grandma Zhao Hanyu is a Grade student.She is talking to her grandma on the phone.Hello, Grandma!It‟s me.Hanyu.Hello.Hanyu.How is school going? Are you doing well these days? Yes.I am learning a lot of interesting things at school.And I am reading some English stories.I can read you one this weekend.Are you coming to visit us this weekend? Yes, grandma.I am going to come over tomorrow.But I will go to the bookstore first.Sure.My little bookworm.The bookstore is just two bus stops away.It‟s very close.Do you need anything from the supermarket? I can get is for you.No, I always buy my groceries at the morning market.The vegetable are fresh and not too expensive.What are we going to have for dinner? Dumplings.of course.Yay!My favorite food.27 Lesson 24: how Was Your Weekend? Hey Li Ming, How are you? How was your weekend? I had g great weekend!What!I can make donuts myself now.my num taught me on Saturday.Jenny came over and helped us.It was a lot of take a bus there.It‟s three hours away from my house.We are going to sing songs and play games on the bus.I‟m so excited!My uncle is going to bring his camera and I am going to bring some donuts for everybody.Did you have a good weekend? What are you going to do next weekend? Write back soon, Danny.28

Lesson 25: A Phone Friend Li Jing is English.She wants to practice her English with a foreign friend.But she doesn‟t have any.So Li Ming calls Jenny.Hello.Can I speak to Jenny, please? Yes.This is jenny speaking.Is that you, Li Ming? How are you? Good!Are you free now? my cousin, Li Jing, Would like to speak to you.Ok.No problem!Hello.Jenny!This is Li Jing.I‟m happy to talk with you.Hi, Li Jing!I‟m sorry.I can‟t hear you very well.Could you speak more loudly? Sorry, I can‟t follow you.Please say that again.Ok.Could you speak more loudly? Yes.Now I understand.Good!You speak English very well.Do you like learning English? Yes.I love learning English.That‟s great!How do you practice? I practice by myself a lot.How do you practice by yourself? I watch many English TV.Shows and cartoons.I also listen to English music.Jenny and Li Jing have a good talk.Now, Li Jing has a Canadian friend!Lesson 26: Online Phone Calls Alicia is from Russia.She is learning English.Ms.Bell is a Canadian teacher.They speak English online twice a week.Ms.Bell helps Alicia with her English.Today.Alicia has some good news for her teacher!Hi, Ms.Bell!Can you hear me?(Alicia does not hear a reply)Hello? Ms.Bell, are you there?

Oh good.I „m so excited today.I have some good news!Really? What is it.Alicia? I won first place at the national English competition!Good for you, Alicia!You really improved a lot!It‟s all thanks to you.No.I didn‟t do anything.You did all hard work yourself.I am so proud of you.I couldn‟t do it by myself.Talking with you I such a great help.Thank you, Ms.Bell.And guess what!I won a great prize!That‟s great!What did you win? I won a trip to Canada!Next year, I will visit Canada for two weeks.I can meet you in Canada.Wow!That is great news!You can stay with me.I can‟t wait to see you.Lesson 27: Amazing English There are only 26 letters in English.So English is an easy language to learn.right? Well, not exactly.Yes, English only has 26 letters, but those 26 letters can make a lot of words.In fact, there are about 800000 words in the English language.One letters like a can be an English word.And just one word, like “go” can be a sentence.There is an English word with about 1900 letters in it.Wow!That‟s a long word.This sentence uses all 26letters: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.Look at this word: level.You can read it forwards or backwards —— it‟s the same word!The word “therein” has ten words in it.You don‟t even need to move any letters around.How many words can you find? Dig in and enjoy!31 Lesson 28: how do I learn English? My name is Teresa.I came to Canada two years ago.Now I‟m in grade 7.My family comes from Hong Kong.I speak Chinese at home.But I speak English at school every day.How do I learn English? Here are some tips.Read a lot and use a dictionary!I often read English storybooks, magazines and newspapers.Sometimes I don‟t understand some words.So I look them up in a dictionary.Watch English TV shows and movies!Every Sunday evening, I watch English movies.It helps a lot.I can enjoy myself and learn English at the same time.Listen to English music!I love music and I often listen to English songs.Just to on the internet!You can find the words for many songs yourself.I like to write the words down.Then I can sing along with the music.It‟s fun!Speak English every day!I practice my English in class and after class.Don‟t be afraid to make mistakes!Sometimes I make silly mistakes and I laugh at myself.My friends help me a lot.Oops is something you say when you make a mistake.You can also say uh-oh or whoops.Read Teresa‟s phone conversation above.What mistake does Teresa make?

Lesson 29: A Door to the world All over the world, many people are learning English.Learning a new language takes time.It can be a challenge, but the new language can give people more opportunities.With a good knowledge of a new language, you can enjoy a better life.People from many countries speak English.With English, you can travel almost anywhere.You can communicate with different people and learn new things.You can order food and drinks at restaurants, and ask for directions.As an international language, English connects you with the rest of the world.Learning English can also help you understand difference between cultures.In many ways, English opens a door to the world for you.33 Lesson 30: writing an E-mail English Wang Mei has a new pen pal.Her name is Jessica.She is from Africa.This is Wang Mei‟s first E-mail to her.Dear Jessica, Let me introduce myself.My mane if Wang Mei.I‟m twelve years old.I live with my mother and father.I have no brothers or sisters, but I have many friends.I am 1.6 meters tall.I like to play chess.Last years, I won first place in my school.My favorite food is noodles.I can make noodles myself!Do you study other languages in school? I am learning English now.I want to have some more English – speaking friends.Learning English opens the world up to me.In this e-mail, I am trying to use some new words.I will teach you some words in my language.Can you say, “Ni hao”? That means,”Hello”.Try it.Here is a picture of me.What do you look like? Can you send me a photo of yourself? I‟m looking forward to your reply.Your new Chinese friend, Wang Mei.34 Lesson 31: What Strange Weather!Hello, class!Did you notice the wild weather today? Yes, I did!I woke up this morning and I was surprised!What a snowy day!Yeah!Then the sun came out and it became warm.All the snow went away.And right now the sky is dark.It‟s going to rain.Yes, you‟re right.What strange weather!We are experiencing almost four different seasons in one day!Now, class, I want you to write a report about your favorite season.Why is it your favorite season? What do you like about that season? Well, I love spring!It is spring right now.and spring usually means green trees, beautiful flowers and playing in the rain.I like summer.The weather turns hot and I can go swimming.Autumn is my favorite season.It‟s so colorful and the weather is nice and cool.Well, I like winter.The weather is cold and there is al lot of snow.You can go skiing and skating.You can also have snowball fights.But you have to wear warm clothes.Good work, everyone!You are all going to write some wonderful reports.35 Lesson 32: I Can’t Wait for Winter!Hey, Danny!What are you doing? I‟m doing some research for my report about my favorite season.I‟m going to talk about winter.Winter is my favorite season.Loot at this website: Come and enjoy a true Canadian winter out in the mountain.Start your day on the ski hills or go ice skating.But don‟t forget your scarves.hats and gloves.Why? Winters here are really cold!Have lunch in our world-class restaurant and then go back outside for a snowball fight.You can even get the family together and make a snowman.In the evening, you can join us inside for dinner.Winter is the best season!Enjoy a clear, cold night beside a warm fire.Hope to see you there!Wow!That looks really good, Danny.Loot at that picture!What a cold, snowy day!It‟s amazing!I can‟t wait for winter.I‟m going to have a great time!36 Lesson 33: Kim’s Favorite Season Kim is excited.She is going to talk about her favorite season.She stands in front of the class with a very big black bag.“good morning, everyone!Today, I am going to talk about my favorite season.In this season, the weather is usually bright and sunny.The temperature outside is cool and the sky is blue.I often wear sweaters and scarves.I love wearing scarves On weekends, my family goes to the farm and picks apples.It is a great season for apple picking.Often, we pick five full bags!I usually help my mum make apple pie.It‟s delicious!During this season, I can enjoy the different color of the leaves.They are red, orange, yellow, green and brow.I like to play in the leaves with my friends.How fun it is!”

The class claps for Kim.But what‟s in the bag? Everyone wants to know.Apples!Kim gives a delicious red apple to each classmate.Everyone happily takes an apple.37 Lesson 34: Steven’s Report Now it‟s Steven‟s turn to speak.“Today, I am going to tell you about my favorite day during my favorite season.On that day.The weather was warm and the sun was bright.After breakfast, I went on a trip to the countryside with my friends.All the grass and made maple syrup.Later, we had a picnic near the lake.We had sandwiches and milk.After lunch, we fed the geese.„Honk!Honk!‟ the geese love bread!Then the sky became dark.These were many clouds.It began to rain!We ran to the car, but it was too late.We were all wet!We all laughed.What a great day!”

“Great work, Steven!Let‟s give a big hand, class,” says Mr.Jones.(the class claps loudly.)“Today is another good days,” Steven think.38 Lesson 35: Surfing in Sydney

G‟day mates!My name is Aaron and I „m 16 years old.I live in Sydney, Australia.It is always sunny here, and we have lots of beaches.Our summers are always very not.Often, the temperature reaches 40 degrees!Seasons in Australia are different from seasons in many other countries.Summers here go from December to February.Our winter is from June to august.Summer is my favorite season.I don‟t have to wear shoes!We wear shorts and go to the sea every day.How nice it is!On a windy day, I can ride the waves on my surfboard.Surfing is very popular here.It is difficult, but very good exercise.My mum and dad often come and watch me surf.My dad likes to bring his camera and take pictures of me.But there are always so may people on beach.He can never get a good picture of me.I hope to be a great surfer one day.I will work hard and practice every day.39 Lesson 36: Spring in China

Hey jenny!How are you? It‟s spring in china now.I lie spring.It‟s a lovely season!The temperature is not too hot or too cold.The rain and sun make all the tress and grass green again.Beautiful flowers are everywhere and everything looks new and fresh.What is spring like in Canada? Is it warm? Is it rainy? I‟m going to the countryside with my parents tomorrow.We are going to pick strawberries and have a picnic.We‟ll stay outside and enjoy the nice weather.How exciting!Let me show you spring in china.Here is picture of me in park near my house.Talk to you soon.Li Ming

Lesson 37: You Are What You Eat!

Jenny and Jenny are having lunch together.Jenny look at Danny and notices something very strange.What are you eating, Danny? This is salad, jenny.There are many different vegetable in it.I know.But you don‟t like vegetables.Well Jenny, vegetables are good for us.That‟s true.To tell you the truth, I decided to change my eating habits.Yesterday evening, I ate ten donuts as usual.My uncle said to my, “you shouldn‟t eat so many donuts.It‟s not good for your health.Do you know the saying: you are what you eat?” later that night, I had a dream.In the dream, I became a big donut and everyone tried to eat me.Oh no!Then I woke up and I was scared.So, I decided to eat more vegetables.Good for you, Danny!41

Lesson 38: Stay Healthy

A lot of kids like reading, watching TV and listening to music.That‟s great!We should exercise our minds.School is great for building our minds.But what about our bodies? There is an old saying, “a healthy body is a healthy mind.” It‟s true.Our bodies need lots of exercise and healthy food.Did you know? Running helps us remember information.Walking can improve our thinking skills.Exercise can keep our brains young.What about healthy food? Apples help our brains stay strong.Eggs and fish help our brains work faster.How can we stay healthy? There are many ways: Eat good food!Vegetable

meat Fish

fruit 42 Lesson: 39 Danny’s Report

Danny is writing about sports day for the school newspaper.Sports day was a great success this year!All the students and teachers from grades 7, 8 and 9 took part in the sports events.There were ten different events like running, long and high jumps, and ball throwing.Everyone worked very hard, and we all got some good exercise.There were many winners this year.Kim, from grade7, won first place in four events.Tony, form grade 8, won first place in two events and second place in three events.And jack, from grade 9, won first place in six events.Well done!I took part in a running event.I ran really hard.But my tail got in the way.So I didn‟t win first place.I only got third place.I felt a little sad, but then my teammates said, “good work, Danny.Winning is not everything.Having fun is important.” They were right!We all had lots of fun!Thank you everyone for a great sports day.Hope to see you all next year!43 Lesson 40: Move Your Body

Ben and Tim are good friends.They used to be very active together.They walked everywhere.They played games outdoors.But now Ben worries about Tim.Tim is not active any more.He has some bad habits.He watched too much TV and plays too many computer games.And he is putting on weight.Ben sends his friend a poem: You can be a couch potato and watch TV all day.But don‟t do that.There is another way!Move your body, get out and have fun.Fresh air, a bike ride, playing in the sun!Tim arrives home from school.There is a letter at his front door.It‟s Ben‟s poem!He reads the poem and he smiles.He writes a poem back to his friend: Your poem is funny, but I feel really lucky.With a true friend on my side, my world will be open wide.Let‟s meet tomorrow at his six o‟clock, and we can go for a good walk.44 Lesson 41: Were People Healthy Then?

It‟s Sunday morning.Dena Morin and her grand her grandfather, Mr.Morin, are fishing at the lake.Grandpa, did people go fishing a long time ago? Well Dena, we are first Nations people.Our came to Canada a long time ago.At that time, there were no supermarkets.Our people always went fishing and hunting for food.Were people healthy then? They were very healthy.They spent a lot of time outdoors.They worked hard.And they ate good, natural food like fish and vegetable.Was life hard at that time? It was hard.But people were healthy and happy.After a hard day of work, people rested and played together.In the evenings, they often made a big fire.Some people played the drums and others danced around the fire.They called this dance the pow-wow.We still have pow–wow dances today.I can‟t wait for the pow-wow next years

Lesson 42: Know Yourself

Know yourself!This is the first step towards success.But how? Try this!Take a piece of paper and write down a list of your habits.I make two lists.There is a list of my good habits and a list of my bad habits.Good habits I usually get up early.I often wake up at 6:30 in the morning.I always eat breakfast.I brush my teeth three times a day.I drink eight glassed of water a day.Bad habits I don‟t get enough exercise.I spent too many hours watching TV.I don‟t always make my bed.I am not organized.And my room is always a mess.Good habits lead the way to good health and success!Look at your lists.Are there any bad habits? How can you change those habits? Develop your good habits and improve yourself!I tried it and it worked for me.Now I watch TV only a few times a week.I often play

basketball after school.And I keep my room clean and organized.I still don‟t always make my bad, but I‟m working on it.47 Lesson 43: Have a Good Summer!

Jenny and Danny took their final exams today.School is over.They are excited for the summer!How did you do on the English exam, Danny? Good… I hope.I‟m sure you did well.What are you going to do the summer? Do you have any plans? Yes, I have big plans.My uncle has a house near the lake.I‟m going to stay with his family for one month.Wow!That will be so fun.Yeah.We will do so many things.We make a long list.We will go swimming and play in the sun every day!We well eat ice cream and enjoy the hot weather.We will play basketball, tennis, volleyball and football.It‟s going to be a great summer.I‟m looking forward to it!How about you, jenny? What are you going to do? Well, I‟m going to…

Sorry, jenny.My mum is waiting for me.I have to go.Have a good summer!Ok, Danny.You too!48 Lesson 44: Volunteering in Summer

What will you do in the summer? Here is my plan.I will volunteer at ARG(Animal rights group).ARG takes care of pets without a home.Sometimes, people move away and they can‟t take their pets with them.Other times, people are too old or sick and they can‟t take care of their pets.Or sometimes, people are not nice to their pets.See this puppy? His name is rocket.His family left him alone in a field.Luckily, ARG found rocket and took him to the animal centre.ARG needs a lot of volunteer.I‟m going to volunteer four times a week.I will walk the dogs and I‟ll help with the other animals, too.I love animal.49 Lesson 45: Baseball Season

Hello!My name is Greg.This summer I am going to play baseball for the tigers.“Tigers” is the name of my team.Baseball is my favorite sport.My team and I will usually practice in the morning.And some evenings, we will play just for fun.On weekends, we will often play against other teams.My family and friends will come and watch me play.They‟ll all sing “take me out to the ball game” and they‟ll buy snacks and pop at the game.Baseball is a fun sport for everyone.I love baseball season!Take me out to the ball game.Take me out to the fair.Buy me some hot dogs and lots of snacks.I don‟t care if I ever get back.For it‟s root toot toot for the home team.If they don‟t win, it‟s a shame.For it‟s one, two, three and you‟re out.At the old ball game.50

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