英语:Unit1 Lesson1教案(闽教版五年级下)(样例5)

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第一篇:英语:Unit1 Lesson1教案(闽教版五年级下)

Unit 1 Our School

Lesson 1 Ⅰ 教学目的与要求:

1、词汇:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth.及缩写形式.2、句型:Where is your classroom ? On the third floor.3、功能:运用所学句型描述学校各种教室所在的楼层。

4、情感:教育学生要养成爱护校园环境以及公共场所的好习惯。Ⅱ 教学重点:


2、学会掌握句型:“Where is your classroom?”和“On the third floor.” Ⅲ 教学难点:


2、运用所学句型描述学校各种教室所在的楼层。Ⅳ 教具准备:单词卡,录音带,录音机。Ⅴ 教学过程: Step 1 热身活动

1、师生问好: T: Hello, boys and girls.Nice to see you again.S: Nice to see you again, too.2、全班齐唱歌曲:Ten Little Indian Boys.Step 2 复习导入

1、利用单词卡复习基础词:one to ten.2、导入序数词的教学。

让学生拼写出这些基础词,教师按顺序写在黑板上。然后告诉学生今天要学习另一种数词——序数词,随即把单词first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth写在对应的基数词的右边,让学生观察两者在音、形、义上的不同,从而教学这十个词。让学生找出从fourth到tenth的共同点,来帮助学生记忆。



游戏2:每组选一位选手上台把6个序数词按first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth的顺序排出,看哪一组用的时间最短哪一组就获胜。

3、复习:music room, computer room, art room, school library, classroom, dining room.Step 3 教授新课

1、出示课文挂图,并板书课题:Unit 1 our school Lesson 1

2、教学office 教师可指着挂图说:This is our classroom building.This is our teacher’s offices.教学office, offices, our teacher’s offices.在这里可重点操练单数office和复数offices在读音上的区别。

3、复习巩固first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth并导入句型It’s on the first floor.的教学

教师指着教学楼的挂图问:How many floors? Can you tell me?引导学生数一数:one, two, „six.进而回答:There are six floors.解释floor在这里是楼层的意思。

指着第一层说:This is our dining room.It’s on the first floor.等。用此法复习first等6个序数词。并导入句型It’s on the first floor.的教学。


教师说:Liu Dong will go to school soon.Chen Ling is showing him around the school.看看Chen Ling是怎么向Liu Dong介绍的。

播放课文录音,要求学生合上书理解大意,并注意听今天所学的序数词。播放第二遍录音,并说出含有序数词的句子:On the first floor.On the second floor.On the third floor.播放第三遍录音,听音跟读。然后回答问题: Where is Chen Ling’s classroom? Where is Liu Dong’s classroom? Where are the teachers’ offices? 提醒学生在第几层用短语on the „(序数词)floor来表示。

再听几遍录音,进行听音模仿朗读训练。Step 4 巩固与提高


引导学生看课文第二页,教师问:Where is our dining room? 生回答:Our dining room is on the first floor.直到把六幅图练习完。

游戏3:记忆力游戏。要求学生合上书,看着教师的各种单词卡图片用句型:Our dining room is on the first floor.说出所在的楼层。

2、叫几个学得好的学生用句型Where is our music room? Our music room is on the third floor.来询问各种教室所在不同楼层的问答练习。其他学生把所听到的情况填在课文第4页第4题的表格中,然后进行同桌间的问答练习。Step 5 课后作业






Unit 1 Lesson 1 Teaching aim : Words:uncle bike present ride swim clever run draw

Sentences: I can swim.can you swim ? Yes , I can.No , I can’t.Song : my little bicycle Teaching aids : tape cards Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.look and say

1)read the new sentences.2)teacher asks ss answer 3)give time to do pair work.4)do it.3.ask and answer 1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.4.sing a song

1)listen to the teacher to sing the song 2)read the song 3)sing it after teacher 4)sing it together.Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Lesson 2 Teaching aims : Words : bird fly but lay Sentences : can you swim ? Yes , I can.No , I can’t.teaching aids :card tape Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.look think and say 1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.3.let’s chant 1)learn the new words 2)read the sentences 3)ask some ss to read it 4)read it the whole class.4.listen and learn the english sounds 1)read the sentences 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Unit 2 birthday Lesson 3 Teaching aims: Words : tomorrow birthday party buy what about doll cake storybook Sentences: Tomorrow is my birthday.please come to my party.Let’s buy a present for sally.what about a doll ?

Song : happy birthday to you Teaching aid : tape 1.learn to say 1)learn the new words 2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.look and say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 3.sing a song

1)teacher teaches the new sentences 2)read the song 3)sing it

4)sing the song the whole class Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words 5 times.Lesson 4 Teaching aims : Words: beautiful

Sentences :happy birthday sally , this is a present for you Teaching aids :card tape Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words :hurry bus 2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2read , think and say 1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.3.say a rhyme 1)look and try to read 2)read after teacher 3)read it the whole class.4.listen and learn the English sounds 1)read the sentences 2)teach the sounds [w] [r] [au] 3)read it once again.5.listen and number Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Unit 3 food Lesson 5 Teaching aims :

Words :like grape sweet melon carrot peach hot dog hamburger Sentences :I like grapes.They are sweet.I don't like grapes.they are not sweet.Teaching aids : tape cards Step 1: Review Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 2)learn the new words

3)look at the picture and talk about it.4)learn the new sentences 5)read the dialogue and pratice it 6)do pair work 2.look and say

1)read the new sentences.2)teacher asks ss answer 3)give time to do pair work.4)do it.3.draw under the food you like and say “I like “ 1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.4.sing a song

1)teacher teaches the new sentences 2)read the song 3)sing it

4)sing the song the whole class

Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Lesson 6 Teaching aims : Words : hot dog hamburger

Sentences : what do you like ? I like fish.do you like hot dog ? Yes , I do.No , I don’t.Teaching aids :card tape Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.look and say 1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.3.let’s chant 1)read the sentences 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.4.listen , read and copy these words.Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Review 1 Teaching aims

Review the text from lesson 1 to lesson 6 Teaching aid : tape 1.look , ask and answer 1)read the words 2)teacher asks ss answer 3)do pair 2.play a game 3.look and read.1)learn the new words 2)read the sentences 3)ask some ss to read it 4)read it the whole class.Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words 5 times.Unit 4 Lesson 7 Teaching aims : Words : head eye ear nose neck face mouth touch Sentences : Touch your head.Song: head shoulders knees and toes Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.listen and act

1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.3.play a game 4.sing a song 1)teacher teaches the new sentences 2)read the song 3)sing it

4)sing the song the whole class Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Lesson 8 Teaching aims: Words: art then next Sentences : This is your art teacher.Draw a face and a mouth.Chant : what’s that ? Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.look and read 1)learn the new words 2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.read and match.1)give time to do it.2)ask ss to do it 3)read it.2.let’t chant 1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.3.listen , read and copy these words 1)read the words 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.4.listen and circle these words.Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Unit 5 parts of the body(2)

Lesson 9 Teaching aims :

Word:leg hand arm foot clap stamp wave bend knee follow down Sentences : How many legs can you see ? I can see eight legs.Clap your hands.Stamp your feet.wave your arms.Bend your knees.Chants : follow me Step 1.review Review the last lesson.Step 2.presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.listen and act 1)look and try to read 2)read it the whole class 3.let’s chant

1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.4.sing a song

1)teacher teaches the new sentences 2)do it Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Lesson 10 Teaching aims : Words : zebra Sentences: how many zebras are there ? There are two.Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.look and say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 3.say a rhyme.4.listen , read and copy these words 1)read the words 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Unit 6 Lesson11 Teaching aims :

Words:cow farm eleven horse sheep twelve wool milk animal friend us

Sentences: how many cows are there on the farm ? There are eleven.Song : old Macdonald had a farm Chant : Baa baa black sheep

Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words :hurry bus 2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.look and say 1)read the words 2)ask and answer 3)do pair work 3.sing a song 1)listen to the tape

2)read the song and sing it after teacher 3)sing the song the whole class 3.Say a rhyme.1)look and try to read 2)read it the whole class Step 3 homework Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Lesson 12 Teaching aims

Sentences : I am a cow.I can give you milk.Sounds :[ai] Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.look and read 1)look and say 2)make the dialogue 3.let’s guess 4.listen , read and copy these words 1)read the words 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.4.listen and circle the right picture Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Review 2 Teaching aims

Review the text from lesson 7 to lesson Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation 1.look and say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.read and match 1)read the sentences 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.3.fill in the missing letters.Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Unit 7 clothes(1)Lesson 13 Teaching aims : Words:day sweater skirt sock shirt shoe puton take off hat wear Sentences : put on your shoes.Take off your socks.Rhyme : I like my sweater.Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn and point.1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.look ,read and play 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 3.learn to say

1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.4.say a rhyme.1)teacher teaches the new sentences 2)read the rhyme

3)read it

4)read the song the whole class 5.look , think and say.Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Lesson 14 Teaching aims : Words: T-shirt small large size

Sentences : what size do you wear ? Size m.it’s too small.Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say

1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work

2.listen and circle the right picture.3.listen , read and copy these words 1)read the words 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.3.listen and number Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Unit 8clothes(2)Lesson 15 Teaching aims: Words : jacket whose

sentences : whose jacket is this ? It’s Hu Ping’s Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.ask and answer 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences

.4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 3.play a game

1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.4.dsy s thymre 1)look and try to read 2)read it the whole class Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Lesson 16 Teaching aims

Sentences : I like this red sweater.let’s buy this one Song : the song of colors

Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.sing a song

1)teacher teaches the new sentences 2)read the song 3)sing it

4)sing the song the whole class

3.listen , read and copy these words 1)read the words 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.4.listen and connect.Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Unit 9 Lesson 17 Teaching aims : Words : children’s Day play swing slide

Sentences :linda is singing.Three girls are dancing.Bill is drawing.Kate is playing on the swing.Ben is playing on the slide.Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.look and say

1)teacher asks ss answer 2)give time to do pair work.3)do it.3.play a game 4.sing a song

1)teacher teaches the new sentences 2)read the song 3)sing it

4)sing the song the whole class Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Lesson 18 Teaching aims : Words : park boat lake seesaw Sentences : It is children’s Day.Many children are in the park.some are boating on the lake.some are boating on the lake.some are playing on the slide.Sally is playing on the swing.WangTao and ChenLing are playing on the seesaw.Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.learn to say 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.look , Tick or cross.1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 3.look and say.4.listen , read and copy these words 1)read the words 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.5.listen and circle the right picture.Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Review 3 Teaching aims

Review the text from lesson 13to lesson 18 Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.look read and answer 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.read and match

1)read the sentences 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.3.fill in the missing letters.Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.Story time Teaching aims : Words: kill shall

put bell when will run away young Ss can tell the story.Teaching aid: tape card Step 1: Review

Greeting and review the last lesson.Step 2 : presentation

1.read the story 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 2.say a rhyme 1)learn the new words

2)look at the picture and talk about it.3)learn the new sentences 4)read the dialogue and pratice it 5)do pair work 3.read and match

1)read the sentences 2)teach the sounds 3)read it once again.4.listen and number

Step 3 homework

Read the text after class and write the new words five times.



本学期我担任六年级四个班的英语教学工作。根据学生的实际情况,拟定以下教学计划: 一.学情分析

























Unit 1Meeting New Friends文化和语言注释

1.本单元的主要话题是“结识新朋友”,功能为询问人物身份,描述人物的特征。主要语法内容是:以which开头的特殊疑问句;that用作形容词和指示代词;介词beside,behind,with的用法;ch和tch的读音规则。本套教材从五年级上册开始每单元只有Part A教学语音,在Part B部分则增加了阅读回答问题栏目。2.—Who’s that boy?(那个男孩是谁?)—Which boy?(哪个男孩?)

—The tall boy beside Wang Tao.(王涛旁边的那个高个子男孩。)—That’s Peter.He’s a new pupil.(那是彼得,一位新来的学生。)

(1)“that”在英文中是一个使用频率很高的单词,有多种词性。本课中that指离说话人较远的人物。在Who’s that boy?(那个男孩是谁?)这个句子中,that作形容词,后接单数名词,而后接复数名词时则要用those。例如: Look at that monkey.(看那只猴子。)Look at those monkeys.(看那些猴子。)在That’ s Peter.这一句中that作代词用,指代前面说过的“that boy”。(2)Which boy?(哪个男孩?)

which在句子中作疑问形容词,后接名词。类似的用法在本套教材四年级上册的第2单元学过:Which class are you in?(你在哪个班级?)又例如:Which book do you like?(你喜欢哪一本书?)

which 也可以作疑问代词,如:Which is your classroom?(哪一间是你们的教室?)(3)The tall boy beside Wang Tao.(王涛旁边的那个高个子男孩。)beside是介词,意思是“在……旁边”、“在……附近”。如: The girl is sitting beside her mother.(女孩坐在她母亲的旁边。)

There is a tree beside the house.(房子的附近有一棵树。)在句子The tall boy beside Wang Tao.中,beside Wang Tao作定语用,修饰boy,解释为“王涛旁边的”。英语后置的定语形式和汉语的定语形式差别较大,学生在理解掌握方面有一定困难,教师要多举例说明。本单元第3页的Ask and answer.栏目提供了部分例句和练习,以下几个例子供参考: the boy with blue eyes(蓝眼睛的男孩)the girl with a red umbrella(拿着一把红雨伞的女孩)the boy in a black car(黑色小轿车里的男孩)the baby in pink(穿粉红色衣服的婴儿)(4)pupil的意思是“小学生”,也指画家、音乐家等的“弟子”。3.He’s very good at sports.(他体育运动方面非常好。)

be good at…意思是“擅长……”,由于at是介词,在其后要用名词、代词的宾格或动名词。如:

Lily is good at math and English.But I’m not good at them.(李丽数学和英语都很好,但是我这两门功课都不好。)

Julia is very good at playing the violin.(朱莉娅小提琴拉得很好。)

4.字母组合ch,tch 可以读作/ /,除了本单元第3页的例词外,学过的含有ch,tch的单词还有:teacher,which,children,chicken等。字母组合ch的另一种读音是/k/,如:Christmas,school。5.本单元的B部分继续学习和巩固A部分所学的主要句型。B部分学到单词hair,教师可以借此机会帮助学生复习表示人体各部位的单词。6.The girl with short hair.(短头发的那个女孩。)

这一句中的with short hair也是介词短语作定语,修饰the girl。short 解释为“短的”时,其反义词是long(长的);当short 意思为“矮的”时,其反义词是tall(高的)。

7.He is from Australia.(他来自澳大利亚。)澳大利亚(Australia)不仅国土辽阔,而且物产丰富,是南半球经济最发达的国家,全球第十二大经济体,全球第四大农产品出口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国家。澳大利亚的官方语言是英语,首都是堪培拉。1770年至1900年,澳大利亚曾是英国的殖民地。在此之前,澳大利亚完全是土著居民居住的地方。1901年,殖民统治结束,澳大利亚成为一个独立的联邦。澳大利亚人口高度都市化,近一半国民居住在悉尼和墨尔本这两大城市。澳大利亚是一个体育强国,常年举办多项全球体育盛事,是每年的一级方程式赛车和澳大利亚网球公开赛的常年主办国,曾两次主办夏季奥运会。

8.Come and play basketball with us.(来和我们一起打篮球吧。)with是介词,在其后要使用名词、代词的宾格或动名词。如:

Tom is my brother.I often play football with him.(汤姆是我哥哥/弟弟,我常和他一起踢足球。)

9.But I like to watch you play.(但是我喜欢看你们打篮球。)

注意watch you play中跟在宾语之后的动词要用原形,即使宾语是第三人称单数形式,接在其后的动词仍要用原形。如:

I often watch my sister dance.(我经常观看我姐姐/妹妹跳舞。)

PartA教学目标◆语言知识目标 1.学习单词tall,pupil,Australia,能够初步运用beside,behind,on等表示方位的介词。2.学习句型:Who’s that boy? Which boy? The boy beside/behind/with….He’s a new pupil.3.学习字母组合ch和tch在单词中的发音。4.学说韵律诗:Who’s the Girl? 5.学唱歌曲:Do You Know the Tall Boy? 6.功能:能用英语描述他人。




通过学习谚语A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情。)告诉学生要善于交友,团结友爱。◆文化意识

了解澳大利亚的概况。教具准备 1.单词卡片:


(2)词组卡片:play basketball,play the violin等。(3)一些班牌卡片。




Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.师生自由对话,如: ××× is our new friend.Hello,×××!Nice to meet you.Where are you from? Which class are you in? Can you sing? Can you play basketball?等。

3.欣赏歌曲:Do You Know the Tall Boy? 4.教师指着歌曲的题目说:“Do you know the tall boy?”边说边出示单词卡片ball,wall,tall,帮助学生学习新词tall的音、形、义,然后告诉学生:“He is our new friend,Peter.Today let’s talk about Meeting New Friends.”揭示并板书课题:Unit 1 Meeting New FriendsPart A。

Step 2 Review 1.复习词组:play basketball,play the violin,play football,ride a bike等。(1)教师出示词组卡片,学生边认读边做相应的动作。(2)游戏——我做你说。


2.复习句型:Whos that boy/girl?Which class are you in?(1)教师出示班上个别学生的照片,将学生的脸部遮住,然后问:“Who’s that boy/girl?”学生用That’s….来猜,猜对后,请该学生起立,教师问:“Which class are you in?”学生根据实际回答。


Step 3 Presentation


1.教师说:“You are in Grade Five now.In your English book you will meet a new friend.His name is Peter.He is a new pupil.He’s from Australia.He can play football.He's very good at sports.”

2.教师在黑板上或电脑上出示下列句子: His name is.He's a new.He's from.He can.He's very good at.3.教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生边看边从对话中找出答案。4.请个别学生带着书上台,将黑板上的五个句子补充完整。5.教学单词pupil和Australia。

(1)教师出示Peter的头像,一边贴在黑板上的五个句子的旁边,一边说:“His name is Peter.He's a new pupil.”出示单词卡片pupil,教学单词pupil。告诉学生pupil与student的区别。教师让学生用单词pupil说句子,如:I’m a pupil.He is a pupil.She is a pupil.We are pupils.Peter is a new pupil.等。

(2)教师指着Peter的头像接着问:“Where is Peter from?”引导学生看第三个句子:He's from Australia.出示单词卡片Australia,教学单词Australia。告诉学生地名的首字母要大写。复习Beijing,Taiwan和London的音和形。教师出示澳大利亚的国旗、伦敦大本钟、北京天安门、上海东方明珠、台湾阿里山等图片,让学生用She’s/He's from….I’m from….练说句子。(3)文化渗透。



(二)学习句子:The tall boy beside Wang Tao.1.教师出示小猫在纸盒里、纸盒上、纸盒后面和纸盒旁边的图片,让学生理解beside和behind的含义。

2.教学句子He/She is beside….和He/She is behind….(1)教师请一位女生站在教师的旁边,教学单词beside和句子She is beside me.再请这位女生站在其他学生的旁边,请全班学生说句子“She is beside ×××.”(2)教师请一位男生躲到门后,教学单词behind和句子He is behind the door.3.教师出示课文的第二幅图,教学以下句子: Who’s that boy? Which boy? The tall boy beside Wang Tao.That’s Peter.He’s a new student.教师问:“Which boy is Peter?”

(1)教学句子Which boy?The tall boy beside Wang Tao.学生读完句子后,教师根据学生的答案板书句子:Which boy?The tall boy beside Wang Tao.并教学句子。


教师指着班上的某个学生提问大家:“Who’s the boy beside ×××?”学生说出该同学的名字。教师请个别学生提问,其余学生回答。4.熟读对话。


教师出示句子:A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情。)帮助学生理解句子含义,并说一说。


1.完成课本第3页的Ask and answer.部分。(1)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。


(3)PPT上出现第四幅图,教师指着图,引出句子“The boy with a basketball.”的教学。教师出示几幅图,如:“the boy with blue eyes(蓝色眼睛的男孩)”,“the girl with a kite(拿着风筝的女孩)”,“the boy in a black car(黑色小轿车里的男孩)”等,让学生看图说句子:The boy/girl with….(4)请学生两人一组,合作完成对话练习。2.学说韵律诗:Who’s the Girl? Who’s the Girl?那个女孩是谁?

Who’s the girl on the bike?骑车的女孩是谁? Sally,Sally.萨莉,萨莉。

Her name is Sally.她的名字叫萨莉。

Who’s the girl with a kite?放风筝的女孩是谁? Lily,Lily.李丽,李丽。

Her name is Lily.她的名字叫李丽。

Who’s the girl in white?白衣女孩是谁? Julia,Julia.茱莉娅,茱莉娅。

Her name is Julia.她的名字叫茱莉娅。3.拓展运用。

(1)教师出示玩具娃娃,让“她”分别站在桌子上、椅子下、书本旁边、笔盒后面、茶杯里面等,请学生用“The girl on/under/beside/behind/in….”来造句。(2)游戏——他/她是谁?

游戏规则:教师在PPT上出示一张学生的集体照,给学生10秒钟记忆时间,而后将照片遮住,教师说:“The boy/girl beside/behind/with….Who’s he/she?”请学生猜是哪位学生,反应最快的学生所在的小组得一分。教师示范两次后可请学生上台出题。



3.教师播放课本第3页的Listen and learn the English sounds.部分的录音,学生模仿跟读,学习字母组合ch,tch在单词中的读音。Step 4 Extension 综合活动:我的朋友。



Step 5 Homework 1.听课文录音,模仿并熟读课文。2.完成《活动手册》中本课的练习。



1.学习单词short,long和hair,熟练掌握介词with,beside,behind,on的用法。2.学习句型:Who‟s that girl? Which girl? The girl with….Come and play basketball with us.I like to watch you play.3.功能:描述人物的特征。




通过学习谚语We should get along well with our friends.告诉学生要与人友好交往。教具准备



Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.听录音,齐唱歌曲:Do You Know the Tall Boy? 3.教师对全班学生说:“Peter is a new pupil.He meets some new friends in this school.”

揭示并板书课题:Unit 1 Meeting New FriendsPart B。

Step 2 Review 1.教师出示课本第3页的第一幅图,请学生用英语简单介绍Peter,如:He is a new pupil.He is from Australia.He is in Grade Five now.He is tall.He can play basketball.He is good at sports.等。

2.出示课本第3页中Ask and answer.部分的四幅图,请学生描述图中人物。3.教师请学生分别站在书桌旁、躲在门后、站在椅子后面,让其他学生用方位介词beside和behind来描述。

Step 3 Presentation


1.教师说:“In the playground,Peter sees a girl with short hair.He wants to know her name.Let‟s watch the CDROM.”


(1)Lily is a girl with short hair.()

(2)Peter is in Class 1.Lily is in Class 2.()(3)Lily will play basketball with Peter.()

(二)教学单词short,long,hair和句子Who‟s that girl?Which girl?The girl with short hair.1.教师将Lily的头像贴在黑板上,边贴边说:“Lily is Chinese.She is a girl with short hair.”



4.教师拿出两把长短不同的尺子和两支长短不一的钢笔,让学生练说This is a long ruler.This is a short ruler.This is a long pen.This is a short pen.等。5.教师指着一位长发的女生A说:“A is a girl with long hair.”接着指着一位短发的女生B说:“B is a girl with short hair.”教师出示单词卡片hair,教学单词hair。教师板书句子:The girl with short hair.进行教学及操练活动。6.教师请两位学生上台比高矮,引出一对反义词:tall与short。教师告诉学生short有两个含义,分别表示“短的”和“矮的”。7.游戏——唱反调。游戏规则:教师任意说一个形容词,全班学生快速说出这个形容词的反义词。如:教师说tall,学生说short等。

(三)教学句子:Come and play basketball with us.1.教师说:“Peter is very good at sports.What about Yang Ming and Lily?Let‟s watch the CDROM once again.”

2.教师再次播放课文录音或教学光盘,引导学生找出答案:Yang Ming can play basketball.Lily isn‟t good at it.3.教师问:“How can you find the answer?”引出Come and play basketball with us.的教学。4.PPT上出示课文的第三幅图,教师说:“Lily isn‟t good at playing basketball.But what does she say?”引出句子But I like to watch you play.的教学。


1.请学生翻开课本第4页,教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读。2.教师再播放录音,请学生戴上头饰分角色跟读。3.教师请学生根据课文内容填空。Peter: that girl,Wang Tao? Wang Tao: girl? Peter:The girl with.Wang Tao:That‟s.She‟s our class.Peter:Come and play basketballs.Yang Ming:OK.Lily:I‟m sorry.I‟m not at it.But I like to you.4.情感教育。

教师在PPT上出示句子:We are a big family.We should get along well with our friends.帮助学生理解它们的含义,并告诉学生:“我们是一个大家庭,我们要相亲相爱、友好相处。”


1.完成课本第5页的Ask and answer.部分。(1)教师出示第5页的第二幅图,问:“Who‟s that girl?”引导学生问:“Which girl?”教师说:“The girl with short hair.”学生回答:“That‟s Lily.”教师也可针对图中人物Julia与学生进行对话练习。

(2)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。(3)学生两人一组,合作完成对话练习。2.完成课本第5页的Read and answer.部分。




3.完成课本第7页的Listen and circle the right answer.部分。(1)教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习,教师个别指导。(2)教师展示个别学生所做的练习,然后讲解并订正。听力材料:

I have two good friends.They are Eric and Jenny.①Eric is in Grade Four.He is a boy with big eyes.He is tall with short hair.He is good at math.②Jenny is in Grade One.She is a girl with small eyes.She is short with long hair.She is good at English.4.游戏——大转盘。

游戏规则:教师拿出自制的一个大转盘,转盘的每一格都贴有学生的照片,由教师或者一位学生来转动转盘,当指针停住时,全班学生观察指针停在哪一格,然后快速说出指针所停位置中照片的人物特征,如:She is a girl with long hair.He is a boy with short hair.She is a girl with big eyes.等。Step 4 Extension 综合活动:介绍我的好朋友。

1.教师先示范说:“In my class I have a good friend.She is a girl with short hair.She is good at music.She can play the violin.Who is she?” 学生根据教师的描述猜是哪位同学。2.教师请每位学生拿出作业本,写下自己好朋友的特征,然后与同桌同学说一说,最后选出几位学生上台展示。

Step 5 Homework 1.听录音,熟读本课内容。

2.完成课本第6页的Learn to write.部分。3.完成《活动手册》中本课的练习。4.完成课本第8页的自我评价表。

5.为自己的爸爸或妈妈画一幅画,并用英语标注他们的特点。Unit 2Teachers Day

Unit 2Teachers Day文化和语言注释

1.本单元的主要话题是“中国节日”,功能为谈论教师节的相关活动。主要语法内容是:以where 开头的特殊疑问句;现在进行时;代词this,these的用法。语音教学内容为字母组合ou 和oa的读音规则。2.Teachers‟ Day(教师节):尊师重教是中国的优良传统,早在公元前11世纪的西周时期,就提出“弟子事师,敬同于父”。教师节旨在肯定教师为教育事业所做的贡献。1985年,第六届全国人大常委会第九次会议通过了国务院关于建立教师节的议案,会议决定将每年的9月10日定为教师节。1985年9月10日,是中国第一个教师节。本单元提倡学生自己动手制作小礼物送给老师表示节日的祝贺。

3.—Where is Yang Ming?(杨明在哪儿?)—He‟s in the sitting room.(他在客厅里。)—What‟s he doing?(他在做什么?)—He‟s drawing a picture.(他在画图画。)

(1)这一段对话学习疑问副词where引导的特殊疑问句,并复习表示地点的介词,教师可以参考第10页的Ask and answer.的内容来设计多种形式的教学活动。学习where这个单词时要注意句子中主谓一致的问题,如:Where is Yang Ming?Where are the girls?Where is my pen?Where are my books?由于问到地点,可以设计一些教学活动,复习near,beside,behind,in,on等已经学过的介词。

(2)sitting room意思是“客厅”、“起居室”,是美式英语,英式英语用living room来表示。

(3)He‟s drawing a picture.(他在画图画。)

draw可以作动词使用,在该句子中draw后面加上ing构成现在分词,成为现在进行时谓语的一部分。要注意本单元Part B的句子This is my new drawing.中的drawing是名词,意思是“图画”、“素描”。picture的意思是“图画”,也可指“照 片”。

4.It‟s September 10th tomorrow.(明天是9月10日。)


5.I want to give it to Miss Gao.(我要把它送给高老师。)6.She‟s very kind.(她非常和蔼可亲。)


7.Say“Happy Teachers‟Day”to her,please.(请向她祝贺教师节快乐。)类似的表达法还有:

Say goodbye to….(向某人说再见。)

Please say “Happy New Year” to….(请向某人祝贺新年快乐。)Please say hello to….(请向某人问好。)

8.第10页的语音部分:字母组合ou经常读作/a/,除了课本中给出的例词,已学过的含有ou的单词还有about,cloudy。字母组合oa读作/ /。9.this和these(1)作指示代词使用。

This is my new drawing.It‟s a present for you.(这是我新画的图画,是给您的礼物。)this在该句中作指示代词,表示靠说话人近的事物。下面例句中的these也是指示代词,是this 的复数形式:These are paper flowers.They are for you.(这些是纸花,是送给您的。)在使用this或these 时要注意主谓一致的问题。(2)作形容词使用,后接名词。Who is this girl?(这个女孩是谁?)

These flowers are beautiful.(这些花真漂亮。)

(3)第12页的Look and say.栏目设计了一些看图说话的内容供参考。10.Oh,thank you.They are beautiful!(谢谢你。这些花真漂亮!)Thank you.It‟s a nice picture!(谢谢,画得真好!)在接受别人赠送的礼物时在表示感谢的同时也应该赞美礼物。11.One,two,three!Smile,please!(一、二、三!请笑一笑!)

这是照相常用的语言。smile是“微笑”的意思。另一照相常用的语言是“Say cheese.”


1.学习单词where,September,panda,tomorrow,词组sitting room,Teachers Day,并能够初步运用lovely,kind等单词。2.学习句型:Where is the boy? He‟s….What‟s he doing? He‟s….3.学习字母组合ou和oa在单词中的发音。4.学说韵律诗:Thank You.5.学唱歌曲:Where Is Linda? 6.功能:询问某人的位置,讲述正在发生的事情。



1.单词卡片:where,sitting room,panda,September等。2.一本日历,有关节日卡片,不同地点的图片。3.录音机或教学光盘。教学过程

Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.学说韵律诗:Thank You.Thank You谢谢

I want to sing a song在教师节这一天 To Miss Gao,我要唱支歌。

My English teacher,献给高老师,On Teachers‟ Day.我的英语老师。

I want to say thank you在教师节这一天,To Miss Gao,我要对高老师,My favorite teacher,我最喜欢的老师,On Teachers‟ Day.说一声“谢谢”。

3.通过韵律诗,揭示并板书课题:Unit 2 Teachers‟ DayPart A。

(1)教师说:“Today we are going to talk about Teachers‟ Day.”教师出示单词卡Teachers‟ Day,教学并板书,告诉学生节日的首字母要大写。(2)教师在黑板上Teachers‟ Day前加上When is,组成句子When is Teachers‟ Day?教师问:“When is Teachers‟Day?”出示9月份的日历,用红笔圈出10号,说:“Teachers‟ Day is on September 10th.”出示单词卡片September,教学单词September和词组September 10th,告诉学生月份的首字母要大写。

Step 2 Review 复习有关节日的表达法。

1.教师出示Teachers‟ Day,Children‟s Day,New Year,Christmas Day和the Spring Festival等有关节日的卡片,请学生认读。2.游戏——什么不见了?


3.教师出示日历,请学生说出以上五个节日的时间,教师用英语描述时间。4.教师出示各种庆祝节日的图片,引导全班学生说“Happy New Year!”或“Happy Teachers‟ Day!”等句子。

Step 3 Presentation


1.教师说:“Teachers‟ Day is coming.Where is Yang Ming?What‟s he doing?” 2.教师在黑板上出示这两个问题,帮助学生明白这两个问题的意思。(1)教师出示单词卡片,教学单词where。(2)教师出示where,when,what,why等单词,帮助学生认知这四个单词的音、形、义。


3.教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,请学生边听边从课文中找出答案。4.教学句子:He‟s in the sitting room.和He‟s drawing a picture.(1)教师问:“Where is Yang Ming?”引导学生回答:“He‟s in the sitting room.”(2)教师在黑板上Where is Yang Ming?的句子下方板书He‟s in the sitting room.并教学词组sitting room。(3)教师在PPT上出示课文第二幅图,然后问全班:“What is Yang Ming doing?”学生可用中文回答。

(4)教师出示单词卡片picture,教学单词。引导学生说句子“He‟s drawing a picture.”教师在黑板上What‟s he doing?的句子下方板书答句。(5)游戏——快速反应。

游戏规则:教师出示sing,dance,play basketball,play the violin,row a boat等动态图片或电脑课件,边指着图片或课件边问:“What‟s he/she doing?”或“What are they doing?”学生根据图片或课件提示回答“He‟s/She‟s….”或“They are….”(6)游戏——最佳搭档。

游戏规则:请两位学生上台,面向全班学生站好,教师站在两位学生身后出示图片给全班学生看,全班学生根据图片内容做出相应动作(动作不能停)。一学生问:“What are they doing?”另一学生要用“They are….”来回答。每组学生上台可做三至四个动作,看看哪组学生是最佳搭档。


1.教师对全班说:“Yang Ming is drawing a picture.What is he drawing?Why does he want to draw a picture?”


(1)教学句子:This is a lovely panda.①教师在PPT上出示课文的第二幅图,然后自问自答:“What‟s Yang Ming drawing?He‟s drawing a lovely panda.”进行单词lovely,panda及句子This is a lovely panda.的教学。

②教师出示兔子、猴子、小猪等动物的图片,引导学生说句子“It‟s a lovely monkey.”等。

(2)教学句子:It‟s September 10th tomorrow.I want to give it to Miss Gao.教师再次播放课文录音或教学光盘,请学生翻开课本第9页,让学生在语境中边听边理解课文,然后进行It‟s September 10th tomorrow.和I want to give it to Miss Gao.句子的教学。

(3)教学句子:She is a nice teacher.She is very kind.①PPT上出现课文的第三幅图,教师说:“Yang Ming is drawing a picture.He wants to draw a picture for Miss Gao.Why?” ②请学生从书中找到答案,引出句子“She is a nice teacher.”和“She is very kind.”的 教学。

(4)教学句子:Say“Happy Teachers‟ Day”to her,please.①教师说:“Miss Gao is very kind.She is a nice teacher.What will Yang Ming do on Teachers‟ Day?Can you find out the answer?” ② 教师引导学生找到答案,并引出Say“Happy Teachers‟ Day”to her,please.的句子教学。

③ 游戏——头脑风暴。

游戏规则:教师出示教师节、春节、圣诞节等节日图片以及向他人问好、再见等图片,让学生看图说出“Say„Happy New Year‟s Day‟to her,please./Say hello to her,please.”等句子。


1.请学生翻开课本第9页,教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生模仿跟读。2.教师出示下面四个句子,请学生根据课本内容选择填空。(1)Yang Ming is in the.A.libraryB.sitting roomC.classroom(2)Yang Ming is drawing a lovely.A.dog B.monkeyC.panda(3)Teachers‟ Day is in.A.springB.SeptemberC.summer(4)Miss Gao is a teacher.A.niceB.shortC.lovely


1.完成课本第10页的Ask and answer.部分。(1)请学生四人一组,合作完成对话练习。(2)个别学生展示。

(3)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。2.游戏——Guessing Game。

游戏规则:教师出示各种地点的图片,如:in the classroom,in the park,at school,at the zoo,behind the tree等,并将这些图片贴在黑板上。请两位学生上台,学生A背对黑板站立,学生B将一个人物图片(如Lily)放置在任意一个地点图片中,然后问:“Where is Lily?”学生A猜,猜对了,全班学生说:“Yes.She‟s….”猜错了,全班学生则说:“No.She‟s….”以此类推。3.学唱歌曲:Where Is Linda?





(3)教师播放课本第10页的Listen and learn the English sounds.的录音,请学生模仿跟读,学习字母组合ou在单词中的读音。


(1)教师播放课本第10页的Listen and learn the English sounds.部分的录音,让 学生感知字母组合oa的读音,引出oa发/au/音的教学。


4.全班翻开课本第10页,教师再次播放Listen and learn the English sounds.部分的录音,让学生模仿跟读。教师引导学生注意以上单词之间音与形的区别。


Step 4 Extension 综合活动:写一写你心目中的老师,并画一幅画送给他/她。


2.学生写一写心目中的老师,并在旁边画一幅画,如:She is good at Chinese.She is tall.She has long hair and big eyes.She is very kind.She is a nice teacher.等。3.学生两人一组合作完成,然后教师请几位学生上台,展示成果。4.请学生准备一张本人在某地方活动的照片,下节英语课带来。

Step 5 Homework 1.听课文录音,模仿并熟读课文。2.完成《活动手册》中本课的练习。



1.学习单词paper,picture,smile和词组paper flowers,take a photo,并懂得运用。2.学习句型:These are paper flowers.It‟s/They are… for you.3.功能:表达节日的问候,赞美美好的事物。






3.教师自己在某地方活动的照片。4.一架玩具照相机。5.录音机或教学光盘。教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.齐唱歌曲:Where Is Linda?

Step 2 Review 1.复习句子Where is…?What‟s he/she doing?及其答句。

(1)教师出示自己本人的照片,与学生进行下列对话练习: T:Where am I? S1:You are in the….T:What am I doing? S1:You are….(2)学生出示自己的照片,与同桌学生互相进行问答练习。(3)展示个别学生的照片,进行下列问答练习: T:Where is he/she? S1:He‟s/She‟s….T:What‟s he/she doing? S1:He‟s/She‟s….2.听录音,齐说韵律诗:Thank You.3.揭示并板书课题:Unit 2 Teachers‟ DayPart B。

(1)教师问:“When is Teachers‟ Day?”复习句子:It‟s September 10th.(2)教师说:“On Teachers‟ Day I want to say thank you to my teacher.I want to say „Happy Teachers Day to my teacher.What about you?”请学生自由说。

Step 3 Presentation


教师说:“It is Teachers‟ Day.Sally,Lily and Yang Ming are in the classroom.What do they say to Miss Gao?Do they give presents to Miss Gao?Let‟s watch the video.”

2.教师播放课文教学光盘,引导学生得出答案:They give their presents to Miss Gao.3.教师再提出如下问题: What‟s Sally‟s present?

What‟s Yang Ming‟s present? Does Peter take a photo? 请学生翻开课本第11页,自读对话,给出答案。


1.教学句子:These are paper flowers.和They are for you.(1)教师根据第一个问题:What‟s Sally‟s present?引出词组paper flowers和句子These are paper flowers.的教学。教师出示单词卡片paper,示范发音,学生跟读。(2)教师拿出事先准备好的一朵纸花说:“A paper flower.This is a paper flower.”教师采取递进式操练方式教学,如:flower,paper flower,a paper flower,This is a paper flower.(3)教师拿出三朵纸花,引导学生说“paper flowers”。用上述方法进行操练,教师板书句子“These are paper flowers.”(4)游戏——句子接龙。

游戏规则:教师出示两张单词卡片:a paper flower和paper flowers,教师说“This is”,学生就说“This is a paper flower.”教师说“These are”,学生就说“These are paper flowers.”可以用book,pen,crayon等单词替换进行操练。

(5)教师说:“These paper flowers are beautiful.They are for Miss Gao.What does Sally say?”引出句子“They are for you.”的教学。教师在黑板上“These are paper flowers.”句子的下方板书句子“They are for you.”

2.教学句子:This is my drawing.和It‟s a present for you.(1)由第二个问题:What‟s Yang Ming‟s present?引出单词drawing和句子This is my new drawing.的教学。

(2)教师出示单词卡片drawing,教学drawing。教师板书句子“This is my new drawing.”区别drawing与be drawing sth.的用法。drawing作为名词表示“图画”或“素描”,而be drawing sth.中的drawing是动词draw的现在分词形式,表示正在画画。

(3)教师说:“Yang Ming wants to give a present to Miss Gao,too.What does he say?”引出句子“This is my new drawing.It‟s a present for you.”的教学。教师在黑板上“This is my new drawing.”句子的下方板书“It‟s a present for you.”提醒学生注意名词单、复数形式的使用。

3.教学句子:Let me take a photo.和Smile,please.(1)先教学单词photo。教师拿出一张照片,说:“This is a photo.”接着拿出一架相机做拍照的动作,说:“Let me take a photo.”引出“Let me take a photo.”的教学。教师出示词组卡片take a photo进行教学,再说句子:“Let me take a photo.”(2)教师在黑板上画出一个笑脸,并做出微笑的表情,带学生读smile;然后教师把相机镜头对准几个同学,说:“One,two,three!Smile,please!”(3)游戏——照相。

游戏规则:全班学生一起说句子:“Let me take a photo.”当教师举起相机,说:“Smile,please!”的时候,全班学生必须将动作“定格”下来。4.教学句子:They are beautiful!和It‟s a nice picture.(1)教师说:“Sally and Yang Ming give the presents to Miss Gao.Does Miss Gao like the presents?What does she say?Let‟s watch the video again.”

(2)教师再次播放教学光盘,引导学生找到答案,引出句子“They are beautiful!”和“It‟s a nice picture.”的教学。

(3)教师在PPT上出示一些图片,如:美丽的花朵、漂亮的衣服、一幅美丽的风景画等,引导学生自主说句子“They are beautiful.It‟s beautiful.It‟s a nice picture.”等。




2.请学生分角色表演对话。3.请学生看图补全对话,如: Sally:Happy Day,Miss Gao!These are.They are for you.Miss Gao:Oh,thank you.They are!Yang Ming:This is my new.Its a for you.Miss Gao:Thank you.It‟s a nice.Peter:Let me a.One,two,three!,please!4.巩固练习。

(1)完成课本第12页的Look and say.部分。

教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。然后教师出示相应的物品,请学生自由说一说。(2)完成课本第12页的Read and answer.部分。

教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。然后教师请同桌两个学生合作,完成对话练习。(3)完成课本第14页的Listen and connect.部分。


①A:Where is Yang Ming? B:He is in the library.He is reading a book.②A:Where is Wang Tao? B:He is in the playground.He is playing football.③A:Where is Sally? B:She is in the classroom.She is making flowers.④A:Where is Kate? B:She is in the sitting room.She is playing the violin.(4)完成课本第13页的Learn to write.部分。请学生独立完成,教师巡视,个别指导纠错。

Step 4 Extension 小组活动——节日快乐!

教师出示“教师节”、“儿童节”、“圣诞节”和“元旦”等场景,引导学生根据不同的场景进行对话,如: Teachers‟ Day

A:Happy Teachers‟ Day!This is my drawing.It‟s a present for you.B:Thank you.It‟s beautiful!…

Children‟s Day

A:Happy Children‟s Day!This is my new drawing.It‟s for you.B:Thank you.It‟s a nice picture!…

Christmas A:Merry Christmas!These are paper flowers.They are for you.B:Oh,thank you.They are beautiful!A:Let me take a photo.… New Year A:Happy New Year!This is a New Year card.It‟s for you.B:… …

Step 5 Homework 1.听录音,熟读本课内容。


3.完成课本第15页的自我评价表。Unit 3Planning a Trip

Unit 3Planning a Trip文化和语言注释

1.教学本单元的时间是国庆节即将到来的时候,本单元的主要话题是“旅游和交通方式,天气,月份”;功能是谈论假期的旅游安排。主要语法内容是:一般将来时的特殊疑问句,一般疑问句,肯定回答,否定回答。语音教学内容为辅音连缀bl 和br的读音。本单元学习表示月份的部分单词(July,August,September,October),目的在于减少第五单元Months of the Year的单词量。

2.—National Day is coming.(国庆节就要到了。)—Will you go for a holiday?(你会去度假吗?)—Yes,I will.(是的,我会去。)(1)国庆节的来历:1949年10月1日,在首都北京天安门广场举行了开国大典,在隆隆的礼炮声中,毛泽东主席庄严地向全世界宣告:“中华人民共和国、中央人民政府成立了!”并亲手升起了第一面五星红旗。天安门广场聚集了30万军民,进行了盛大的阅兵和庆祝游行。新中国的建立,实现了中华民族的独立和解放,开创了中国历史的新纪元。1949年12月3日,中央人民政府委员会第四次会议接受全国政协的建议,通过了《关于中华人民共和国国庆日的决议》,决定每年10月1日,即中华人民共和国宣告成立的伟大日子,为中华人民共和国国庆日。(2)Will you go for a holiday?是一般将来时的一般疑问句。Yes,I will.是简短的肯定回答,完整的回答是:Yes,Ill go for a holiday.(3)go for a holiday是“去度假”的意思,类似的表达法还有go for a walk(去散步)。注意go for a holiday 和 go on a holiday的差别,前者表示打算去度假,后者表示状态,正在度假。

3.—Where will you go?(你将去哪儿?)—I‟ll go toTaiwan.(我将去台湾。)

在这里,Where will you go?是一般将来时的特殊疑问句。4.—Will you go by plane?(你将乘飞机去吗?)

—No,I won‟t.I‟ll go by ship.(不,我不乘飞机。我将乘船去。)

Won‟t相当于will not。No,I won‟t.是一般将来时一般疑问句的简短的否定回答,完整的回答是:No,I won‟t go by plane.5.do one‟s homework是“做家庭作业”的意思,homework是不可数名词,注意“做家庭作业”这个词组中,在homework前面要使用代词所有格。如: When do you do your homework?(你什么时候做家庭作业?)6.在教学辅音连缀bl 和br的读音时要注意它们发音的不同之处,除了课本第17页给出的例词外,已经学过的含有br的单词还有:brother,bright。7.—How is the weather in Taiwan?(台湾天气怎么样?)—Please tell me about it.(请告诉我吧。)

“告诉某人某事”常用tell somebody about something 这个表达法,如: Can you tell me about the meeting?(你能告诉我会议的情况吗?)Please tell us about your school.(请告诉我们你们学校的情况。)

8.So it‟s nice to go there in October.(因此在10月份去那儿旅游很好。)

这一句中的so是连词,表示因果关系,解释为“所以”、“因此”。so有多种含义,以往学过的so是副词,表示程度,如:三年级下册教材第25页:Wow,so many clocks!(哇,这么多的钟!)四年级上册教材第11页:It‟s so big.(操场这么大。)9.Why not turn on the computer?You can find many things from the Internet.(为什么不打开电脑呢?你可以从互联网上查到很多信息。)(1)Why not do sth.?一般用于句首,表示询问某人为何不做某事,有建议的含义。注意:Why not 后接动词原形,如:Why not go to the library?(为什么不去图书馆呢?)这个句子相当于Why don‟t you go to the library?(2)find是“得到”、“获得”的意思。


1.学习单词will,won‟t,holiday,专有名词National Day。2.学习句型:Will you…? Yes,I will./No,I won‟t.I will….Where will you go?I will go to….3.学习辅音连缀bl和br在单词中的发音。4.功能:谈论旅行计划。




教育学生做事要有计划。教具准备 1.词组卡片:

(1)go to Wuyishan,go to the library,watch TV,do my homework等词组卡片。(2)National Day,Children‟s Day,New Year等有关节日的词组卡片。2.一本日历和一张中国地图。3.有关交通工具的图片。4.录音机或教学光盘。教学过程

Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。2.师生自由对话,如: Good morning,×××.How are you? Where are you from? Do you like playing football? Will you go to Beijing? Do you like to travel? 3.从句子“I will make a trip to Taiwan.”引出单词trip的教学。4.揭示并板书课题:Unit 3 Planning a TripPart A。

教师说:“I like to travel.I am planning a trip to Taiwan.”教师板书课题,教学词组plan a trip。

Step 2 Presentation

(一)学习节日名称:National Day。1.教师出示一本日历,请学生根据日历上教师所指的时间,说出相应的节日。如:教师指向6月1日说:“It‟s June 1st.It‟s….”学生说:“Children‟s Day.”以此类推。2.教师出示National Day,Children‟s Day,New Year等有关节日的词组卡片,学生看卡片,说词组,复习它们的音、形、义。

3.教师播放国庆节阅兵式的图片或视频,问:“We raise our national flag.What holiday is it?”学生用英文回答。

(二)对话导入课文。1.教师指着日历说:“October 1st is our National Day.It is coming.”教师出示10月份的日历和单词卡,教学单词October。然后出示下列问题:

(1)What do you often do on National Day?引导学生回答“We raise our national flag./We go to the park.”等。

(2)Do you go for a holiday?引导学生回答“Yes,I do.”帮助学生理解问题的意思,教学单词holiday,复习单词will,告诉学生will用于表示将要做某事的句子中。2.教师说:“National Day is coming.Will Wang Tao go for a holiday?Where will he go?Let‟s watch the video.”教师播放教学光盘,让学生先整体感受课文。


1.学习句子:Where will you go?和I‟ll go to Taiwan.(1)教师播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生理解对话内容。

(2)教师问:“Will Wang Tao go for a holiday?”得到肯定答复后,教师出示一张中国地图,问大家:“Where will he go?Can you find it?”请一位学生上台,指出“台湾”的位置。

(3)教师在黑板上板书:Where will you go?I‟ll go to Taiwan.并教学。

(4)请一位学生看中国地图,全班学生提问:“Where will you go,×××?”该学生回答:“Ill go to….”并指着地图上该地所在的位置。2.再读课文,完成下列句子。(1)教师出示下列句子:

and live in Taibei.will go with Wang Tao.They will go to Taiwan by.(2)教师再次播放课文录音或教学光盘,学生看书,小声模仿,然后完成填空 练习。

(3)复习aunt,uncle,with和live in 等单词和词组,并请学生熟读上面三个句子。(4)教师出示交通工具的图片,请学生看图说词,并写一写。(5)教师提出问题:

A:How can we go to Taiwan? B:We can go.A.by trainB.by planeC.by busD.by ship 教师请学生选出B和D两种答案后,告诉学生,目前大陆到台湾的交通工具只有飞机和轮船。因为我们与台湾是隔海相望的,没有桥梁和海底隧道相通,陆路交通到达不了,只能通过海路与航空往来。3.熟读对话。





1.完成课本第17页的Ask and answer.部分。(1)教师出示词组卡片,如:go to Wuyishan,go to the library/computer room,watch TV,do my homework,draw a picture,make paper flowers,read a book等,先请学生看卡片说词组,然后教师将卡片贴在黑板上并编号。

(2)教师出示图片,学生说词组,并指出黑板上相应词组卡片的编号。(3)教师播放Ask and answer.部分的录音,学生模仿跟读。(4)小组合作,根据不同的图片进行对话训练。(5)请几个小组上台展示对话内容。

2.完成课本第21页的Listen and connect.部分。


①A:Hi,Sally.Will you go for a holiday in October? B:Yes,I will.A:Where will you go? B:I‟ll go to Shanghai by car.②A:What about you,Yang Ming? B:I‟ll go to Wuyishan by train.③A:Hello,Lily.Will you go to Wuyishan,too? B:No,I‟ll go to Taiwan.A:Will you go by ship? B:Yes,I will.④A:Where will you go,Julia? B:I‟ll go to see the Great Wall.A:Will you go by train? B:No,I won‟t.I‟ll go by plane.(五)语音教学。1.学习辅音连缀bl在单词中的读音。





(2)教师出示单词bright,bride,brother,brick,学生尝试自己拼读单词。3.教师播放课本第17页的Listen and learn the English sounds.的录音,请学生模仿跟读,学习辅音连缀bl和br在单词中的读音。4.巩固练习。



Step 3 Extension 综合活动:小调查。

完成课本第20页的Do a survey.部分。1.教师说:“National Day is coming.I‟ll go for a holiday.How about you?”教师根据课本内容示范提问学生A。

2.请每位学生采访三位同学,然后向全班同学汇报如下: ××× will go to….He will go by….Step 4 Homework 1.听课文录音,模仿并熟读课文。2.完成《活动手册》中本课的练习。



1.学习单词July,August,October和Internet,并懂得运用。2.学习句子:How is the weather in Taiwan? It‟s hot in July and August.But it‟s cool in October.3.学说韵律诗:October.4.功能:谈论月份及相关的天气情况。◆语言技能目标









Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。2.作业展示。

教师出示上节课的作业:制订一份自己的旅游计划。请个别学生上台汇报,或采用对话形式,了解学生的计划,如: Will you go for a holiday? Where will you go? When will you go? Will you go by…?等。

3.揭示并板书课题:Unit 3 Planning a TripPart B。

Step 2 Review 1.导入。

教师说:“When you go for a trip you will ask,„How is the weather there?Is it hot,warm or cold?Must I wear a sweater or a coat?‟” 2.复习有关天气状况的语言。

(1)教师一边问:“How is the weather today?”一边板书,请学生根据实际回答。(2)教师出示sunny,windy,rainy,snowy等单词卡片,复习单词。

(3)教师出示不同地点的天气图片,请学生根据图片进行对话练习,如: S1:How is the weather in Beijing? S2:It‟s….3.复习有关四季气候状况的语言。


(2)请学生根据实际说句子“It‟s hot in summer.It‟s cold in winter.”等。

Step 3 Presentation


1.教师说:“National Day is coming.Wang Tao will go to Taiwan.How is the weather in Taiwan?Please watch the video.”

2.教师播放课文教学光盘,播放结束后,教师出示句子:It‟s hot in July and August.It‟s cool in October.并用日历帮助学生理解这两句话的意思。

3.教师出示单词卡片,学习July,August,September和 October四个单词,板书单词,告诉学生,月份的首字母必须大写。


hot cool

July August September October 5.巩固活动。





October!October!十月!十月!It‟s getting cool十月的天气 Day by day.一天天凉爽。

October!October!十月!十月!It‟s a good time十月是度假的 For a holiday.大好时光。


请学生翻开课本第18页,自读对话内容,并在不明白的词、句下画线,然后教师重点教学下列句子和单词。1.教学句子:Please tell me about it.(1)教师说:“Wang Tao wants to know the weather in Taiwan.He asks Ma Li to tell him something about it.”

(2)教师出示单词tell和about,并教学,板书句子Please tell me about it.告诉学生tell somebody about something是表示“告诉某人某事”的意思。

2.教学句子:Why not turn on the computer?We can find many things from the Internet.(1)教师出示词组卡片turn on,让学生自主说句子,如:Turn on the fan.Turn on the TV.Turn on the light.等。告诉学生turn on用于电器类的打开,而open用于非 电器类的打开,注意二者的区别。

(2)教师说:“How can we get to know the weather?”可以引导学生用中文回答。(3)教师再次播放课文录音或教学光盘,引导学生找到答案。引出句子Why not turn on the computer?和You can find many things from the Internet.的教学。





3.教师出示下列填空练习,请学生根据课文内容独立完成。如: It‟s hot in and.It‟s in October.It‟s nice to go to Taiwan in.We can find many things from the.(四)巩固练习。

1.完成课本第19页的Let‟s talk.部分。(1)同桌两人一组合作,进行对话练习。(2)学生听音模仿跟读。

2.完成课本第19页的Read and answer.部分。


(2)教师播放录音,学生边听边理解,最后写出答案。(3)教师再次播放录音,学生模仿跟读。3.完成课本第20页的Learn to write.部分。(1)学生独立完成练习,教师巡视指导。


Step 4 Extension 综合活动——天气预报播报员。


Step 5 Homework 1.听录音,熟读本课内容。


4.教师出示我国四个城市名,这四个城市分别位于我国的东、南、西、北四个方位,如“上海”、“三亚”、“拉萨”和“哈尔滨”,请学生上网查询这四个城市在七月、八月、九月和十月的天气情况,下节课汇报。Unit 4Weekend Activities文化和语言注释 1.本单元的主要话题是“周末活动”;功能为描述学生课外活动。主要语法内容是:情态动词can和祈使句。语音教学内容为辅音连缀cl 和cr的读音。2.Can we go to the cinema?(我们可以去看电影吗?)

cinema指“电影院”,go to the cinema就是go to see a film(去看电影)的意思,这是固定词组,其中的the不能省略,因为所指的并不是地点。美式英语则用go to the movies来表示“去看电影”。

3.Sit down,kids.Put on your glasses.We‟ll watch a 3D film.(孩子们坐下来,戴上眼镜。我们准备观看3D影片。)

(1)3D film:3D电影,也就是立体电影,要戴3D眼镜看。(2)Sit down.(坐下。)sit down的反义词组是stand up(起立)。

(3)glass解释为材料“玻璃”时是不可数名词,解释为“玻璃杯”时则是可数名词,如:Please give me two glasses.(请给我两个玻璃杯。)在Put on your glasses.这句话中glasses指“眼镜”。因为一副眼镜有两个镜片,所以要用复数形式。(4)watch a 3D film(看3D电影)注意词组中动词和宾语的搭配,watch是“观看”、“注视”的意思,和watch搭配的词组还有:watch TV(看电视),watch a football game(看足球比赛)等。

4.It‟s jumping at me.(它朝我跳过来了。)at 表示“朝”、“向”、“以……为目标”。5.Don‟t be afraid.(不要害怕。)这是个祈使句。afraid(害怕的)是形容词,常作表语。如:Are you afraid of dogs?(你怕狗吗?)afraid还可以用来表示“遗憾”、“恐怕”的意思,如: I‟m afraid I can‟t help you.(我恐怕无法帮助你。)在本册教材第6单元第46页的阅读中将会出现这种用法。

6.在教学辅音连缀cl 和cr的读音时要注意它们的发音不同之处,除了本册教材第24页给出的例词外,学过的含有cl的单词还有:class,clean,clever,clock,close。7.Welcome to the Science Museum.(欢迎来到科学博物馆。)

在本套教材四年级上册第6单元出现过Welcome to my home.这个句子,教师可以在本单元复习、巩固这个句型。8.I can cook.(我会烹调。)

cook在这个句子中作动词使用。cook还可以作名词使用,意思是“厨师”,如: My grandma is a cook.(我的奶奶是厨师。)9.You‟re a good player.(你是个好球员。)



10.Can you play chess?(你会下象棋吗?)在词组play chess 中,chess前面不能加the。11.第28页Let‟s chant.的译文如下: 我有个机器人



1.学习单词cinema,glasses,film,afraid,短语sit down,put on等。2.学习句型:It‟s Sunday today.Can we…? Yes.Let‟s go.3.学习辅音连缀cl和cr在单词中的读音。4.学唱歌曲:Row Your Boat.5.功能:谈论周末活动。







2.词组卡片:play football,go to the park,have sports等。3.单词图片和卡片:cinema,glasses,film。4.一副眼镜和本课课文的三幅插图。5.录音机或教学光盘。教学过程

Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.欣赏歌曲:There Are Seven Days.Step 2 Review 1.复习一周七天的单词。


(2)出示一周七天的单词卡片,教师随机抽取卡片,学生认读。2.复习play football,go to the park,have sports等词组。(1)教师出示词组卡片,学生边说边做相应的动作。(2)游戏——我说你做。


(1)教师一边说:“I play the violin on Saturday.”一边把单词卡片Saturday贴在黑板上。教师再说:“I have sports on Sunday.”同时把单词卡片 Sunday贴在黑板上。然后教师指着Saturday和Sunday说:“They are the weekend.Today let‟s talk about weekend activities.”

(2)揭示并板书课题:Unit 4Weekend ActivitiesPart A。

Step 3 Presentation(一)教师提出问题,请学生带着问题理解课文大意。1.教师出示问题:What day is it today? Where does Sally want to go today? 2.教师播放课文录音,学生边看书边听,然后找出答案。

3.通过问题的答案,引出单词cinema和句子Can we go to the cinema?的教学。(1)教师出示图片和单词卡片,教学单词cinema,请学生根据发音规则尝试记忆单词。


1.教师说:“Sally goes to the cinema.She watches a 3D film.(同时出示卡片 a 3D film,让学生明白其含义)Can you say something about the 3D film?”



3.教学句子:Put on your glasses.We‟ll watch a 3D film.(1)教师出示一副眼镜,教学单词glasses,并请戴眼镜的学生举起自己的眼镜说“glasses,my glasses”等。(2)教师将眼镜戴上,对学生说:“Put on your glasses.”出示卡片put on,学习它的两种意思:“戴上”和“穿上”,然后请学生操练,如: Put on your coat.Put on your skirt.Put on your glasses.Put on your hat.4.出示课文第三幅图,进行对话教学。(1)教师指着图中的老虎引出对话教学。(2)出示单词卡片,教学单词afraid。(三)课文对话表演。

1.请学生翻开课本第23页,学生自读课文,找出自己看不懂的地方,同桌之间互相答疑解惑。然后教师出示句子Sit down,kids.进行教学。游戏——快速反应。

游戏规则:教师用Stand up,kids.和Sit down,kids.发指令,全班学生或个别学生根据指令做相应的动作,看看谁做得又快又好。



3.教师出示crayons 和ice cream单词卡片,学生齐读,感受辅音连缀cr在单词 中的读音。

4.教师播放课本第24页Listen and learn the English sounds.的录音,请学生模仿跟读。


Step 4 Extension 1.完成课本第24页的Look and say.部分。

(1)请学生看课本第24页的Look and say.部分,教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。(2)教师请学生同桌两人一组进行对话练习。2.综合活动:制订周末计划。

教师出示一份计划表,在计划表上提供一些周末活动的内容,请学生四人一组合作,讨论后制订出周末计划。教师的计划表如下: Weekend Plan Names Activities :::::…play football go boating play in the park do one‟s homework go to the cinema …

3.学唱歌曲:Row Your Boat.Step 5 Homework 1.听录音,熟读并背诵课文内容。2.完成《活动手册》上本课的练习。

3.自学课本第28页的Let‟s chant.,发挥想象力,写一写机器人还能做些什么事情。


1.学习单词museum,cook,player,chess,短语play chess,初步运用come on等词汇。2.学习句型:I go to… on….I can….3.学说童谣:I Have a Robot.4.功能:描述周末的活动。





能把本节课所学知识与实际生活相联系,表达自己的能力。教具准备 1.单词卡片:





Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.全班学说韵律诗:I Have a Robot.3.教师请学生拿出上节课的作业,说一说机器人还能做些什么事情,如: Some robots can run.Some can play football.4.揭示并板书课题:Unit 4 Weekend Activities Part B。

Step 2 Review 1.师生自由对话。

教师分别提出下列两个问题,与学生进行对话练习: What does Sally do on Sunday? What do you often do at the weekend? 教师请学生自由说,将学生说到的活动项目的图片或词组卡片贴在黑板上。2.复习有关周末活动项目的动词短语。


教师提出问题:What do you often do at the weekend?让学生谈论。游戏规则:分别请两组学生上台(每组四至五人),学生A任意说一个句子,如:We go boating.学生B就要说两个句子,如:We go boating.We go to the cinema.学生C就要说三个句子,如:We go boating.We go to the cinema.We watch a 3D film.以此类推,看哪一组完成得最好。

Step 3 Presentation(一)初读课文,学习句子:Welcome to the Science Museum.1.课文导入。

教师说:“On Sunday,Sally goes to the cinema.She watches a 3D film.What about Yang Ming and Wang Tao?Please open your books.Turn to Page 25.Listen carefully.Then answer my question—Where do Yang Ming and Wang Tao go?”


3.教学单词museum和词组Science Museum。

(1)教师出示卡片,教学museum和Science Museum。

(2)教师出示“历史博物馆”等图片,让学生感知History Museum的英文表达法。4.学习句子:Welcome to the Science Museum.教师请个别学生起立,用Welcome to….造句,并做相应的动作,如: Welcome to my home.Welcome to my school.Welcome to my birthday party.Welcome to the Science Museum.(二)学习单词cook,player和词组play chess。1.教师布置任务,让学生带着任务再读课文。教师说:“Yang Ming and Wang Tao go to the Science Museum.They see a robot.What kind of robot is that?Please read the dialogue and finish the following sentences.” The robot is very.It can.It can.It can play.It can play.It‟s a good.2.学生自读课文对话,独立完成练习,然后进行新知识教学活动。3.教学句子:I can cook.(1)教师出示单词卡片look和book,引导学生自己读出cook的音。(2)教师请学生根据实际边说边做动作,如,会烹调的学生可以边说:“I can cook.”边做相应的动作。不会烹调的学生就可以说:“I can‟t cook,but my mother/father can cook.”

4.教学句子:I can play chess.(1)教师出示一粒象棋,教学单词chess的音和形。

(2)教师出示一副象棋,问一学生:“Can you play chess?”引出play chess的教学。(3)教师告诉学生,当play后面接表示球类或棋类的单词时不加冠词the。教师出示单词football,basketball和chess,引导学生说play football,play basketball,play chess,并告诉学生当play后面接的是表示乐器类的名词时,通常要加上冠词the。教师出示单词violin和piano,引导学生说play the violin,play the piano,等等。(4)巩固活动。教师摆好棋盘,随机问一学生:“Can you play chess?”如果该生回答“No,I can‟t.”就换一学生继续问;当学生回答“Yes,I can.”时,教师就发出邀请:“Come on.Play with me.”该学生上台,与教师走一至两步棋。教师可多叫几位学生上台,教师的角色也可由一位学生替换。5.教学句子:You‟re a good player.(1)在与学生下棋的过程中,教师用“You‟re very clever.”或“You‟re a good player.”对学生进行评价。下棋活动结束后,教师出示play和player的单词卡片进行对比教学。




(1)完成课本第26页的Look and say.部分。


(2)完成课本第27页的Learn to write.部分。

①学生独立完成练习,教师巡视,帮助有困难的学生。②学生四人一小组,互相检查练习完成情况。(3)完成课本第28页的Listen.Tick or cross.部分。


①A:Hi,Wang Tao.What do you often do on Sunday? B:I often play football.A:Do you go to the cinema? B:Yes,I do.A:Do you take pictures? B:No,I don‟t.A:Do you play the violin? B:No,I don‟t.I‟m not good at music.A:Do you play chess? B:Yes,I do.②A:Hi,Ma Li.What do you often do on Sunday? B:I often play chess.A:Do you go to the cinema? B:Yes,I do.A:Do you play the violin? B:Yes,I do.A:Do you play football? B:No,I don‟t.A:Do you take pictures? B:No,I don‟t.Step 4 Extension 综合活动:我设计的机器人。

请学生设计一个自己想像中的机器人,然后说一说他的机器人都能干什么。如:My robot can fly.My robot can skate.My robot can….Step 5 Homework 1.听录音,熟读并背诵课文。

2.完成课本第26页的Read.Tick or cross.部分。3.完成《活动手册》上本课的练习。


Review1教学目标◆语言知识目标 1.复习Unit 1至Unit 4的内容。







1.单词卡片:July,August,September,October。2.词组卡片:drawing a panda,behind the tree,near the window,reading a book,making flowers。


4.一张12个月份的日历,Miss Gao的头饰,一本书,一副眼镜。5.四个分别装有时间、地点、气候和交通方式的信封。6.录音机或教学光盘。

第 一 课 时教学过程Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.教师揭示并板书课题:Review 1。

Step 2 Review Unit 1(一)谈话导入第一单元语境。

1.全班学生跟着录音齐说韵律诗:Who‟s the Girl?

2.全班学生跟着录音齐唱歌曲:Do You Know the Tall Boy? 3.教师出示图片,与学生自由对话,如:

(1)教师出示歌曲中Peter的图片,提问学生:“Do you know the tall boy?”引导学生回答:“He‟s a new pupil.He‟s Peter.He‟s from Australia.”等。在学生回答的过程中,教师在黑板上出示相应的单词,如:tall,pupil,Australia等。

(2)教师出示课本第3页第一幅图,提问学生:“Who‟s the boy beside Wang Tao?”然后根据学生的回答,在黑板上出示相应的单词beside。




形容词:tall,short,long 方位介词:beside,behind 名词:pupil,Australia,hair ……

3.游戏——猜猜他是谁? 游戏规则:

(1)教师先示范。教师在心里悄悄指定一学生,然后问:“Who‟s that girl?”全班学生问:“Which girl?”教师说:“The girl with a yellow coat.”如果学生猜不出就得再问:“Which girl?”教师说:“The girl with long hair.”以此类推,一直到学生猜出教师心中指定的这位学生为止。



Step 3 Review Unit 2(一)复习句型Where is…?What is…doing?及其答句。1.教师播放录音,全班齐唱歌曲:Where Is Linda? 2.教师将课本第10页的第1、3、4三幅图贴在黑板上,然后播放Where Is Linda?的背景音乐,请学生根据这三幅图的情景改编歌词唱出。图1Where is Yang Ming? Where is Yang Ming? Do you know? Do you know? He‟s in the sitting room.He‟s in the sitting room drawing a panda, drawing a panda.图2Where are the girls? Where are the girls? Do you know? Do you know? They are near the window.They are near the window reading a book, reading a book.图3Where are the girls? Where are the girls? Do you know? Do you know? They are in the classroom.34 They are in the classroom making flowers, making flowers.在学生唱歌的过程中,教师在黑板上随意贴出相应的词组卡片。3.教师请四位学生上台,将词组卡片贴在相应的图下。4.教师请学生看图,完成课本第10页的对话练习。(二)复习有关“教师节”的活动。

1.教师出示日历,指着9月10日这一天,引导学生说:“It‟s September 10th.It‟s Teachers‟ Day.”教师将这两个句子出示在黑板上,请个别学生读一读。2.情景对话。

(1)教师请一位学生上台,给她戴上Miss Gao的头饰。

(2)教师说:“On Teachers‟ Day,what can we do for Miss Gao?”(3)学生自由说,如:

We can say,“Happy Teachers‟ Day,Miss Gao!” We can say,“Thank you,Miss Gao!”

We can say,“Hello,Miss Gao.This is my new drawing.It‟s for you.” We can say,“Hi,Miss Gao.These are paper flowers.They are for you.” 3.教师根据学生的话,将有关单词和词组出示在黑板上。4.全班认读并记忆单词和词组。

(三)复习句型:This is a….It‟s….和These are….They are….1.教师出示单词beautiful,nice,lovely,interesting,new,good等单词卡片,进行复习活动。

2.教师出示实物或图片,请学生说一说,如:教师出示一本故事书。学生A:This is a story book.学生B:This is a new book.学生C:This is an interesting book.学生D:This is a nice book.(四)复习第二单元的课文对话。

1.教师请学生翻开课本第9页和第11页,模仿跟读录音。2.完成课本第30页的Look,think and say.部分。(1)请学生先自读对话,然后独立完成填空练习。(2)同桌两位学生进行对话活动。(3)个别学生展示活动。

Step 4 Review the English sounds(一)复习字母组合ch和tch在单词中的读音。







游戏规则:讲台上放置了4个小花盆,盆上分别贴着音标/ /、/ /、/ /、/ /,两个学生上台,教师出示单词卡片,学生快速读出单词,并同时把用毽子做的“蒲公英”投入正确的花盆。投的时候要注意,字母组合ch和tch发音相同,要根据单词的拼写结构来投掷。

5.教师播放课本第35页Listen and learn the English sounds.的录音,学生模仿跟读。

Step 5 Homework 1.背诵并默写Unit 1和Unit 2单词表中的单词。2.听Unit 1和Unit 2的课文录音,并模仿跟读。

3.完成课本第32页的Tick the words you can say.部分。

第 二 课 时教学过程Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.揭示并板书课题:Review 1。

Step 2 Review Unit 3(一)复习有关月份的单词和句子。



4.教师指着“教师节”和“国庆节”这两幅图,引导学生说句子“Teachers‟ Day is in September.National Day is in October.”教师板书。

5.请学生翻开课本第35页,完成Read and fill in the missing words.部分。(二)复习有关天气的单词和句子。

1.教师说:“It‟s October now.How is the weather now?”并板书问句。教师根据学生的回答,在黑板上单词October的旁边贴上卡片cool。2.教师再向全班提出问题:“In October,how is the weather in Taiwan?”引出It‟s hot in July and August.It‟s cool in October.It‟s nice to go to Taiwan in October.等句子。教师在黑板上单词July和August旁边贴上卡片hot。3.情景对话。

教师出示图片,同桌两人根据图片的情景完成对话。如: 夏天的情景:

学生A:How is the weather in summer? 学生B:It‟s hot in summer.澳大利亚八月份的情景:

学生A:How is the weather in Australia in August? 学生B:It‟s cold.(三)复习第三单元课文对话。


2.教师出示Where will you go?I‟ll go to….及Will you…?Yes,I will./No,I won‟t.等句型,复习用will构成将来时的句式。


游戏规则:教师准备四个信封,信封中分别装有表示时间、地点、天气和交通方式的句子的字条,每组请四位学生上台,从每个信封中随机抽取一张字条,看看四个人所抽出的四张字条上的句子是否符合实际情况,不符合的不得分,符合的可给该生所在的组加四颗星。如:It‟s October.I‟ll go to Taiwan.It‟s cold there.I‟ll go there by bus.这样的四句话不符合实际情况,不得分。而It‟s August.I‟ll go to Beijing.It's hot there.I‟ll go there by train.这样的即可加四颗星。

Step 3 Review Unit 4(一)复习句型:I can….和 Can you… ?

1.教师播放录音,全班齐说韵律诗:I Have a Robot.2.教师将“机器人”的图贴在黑板上,并提出问题:“What can the robot do?”学生回答,教师在图的四周写出相应的单词或词组,如:cook,run,clean,play football和play chess等。

3.教师请学生模仿机器人的语气和动作,用I can….说一说。4.游戏——猜一猜。

游戏规则:教师出示一个装有cook,clean,swim,draw,play football,play the violin等卡片的盒子,每次请2位学生上台选出他们所擅长项目的卡片并藏在背后,台下学生用Can you… ?来猜测该学生所擅长的项目。如果猜测错误,该学生就说:“No,I can‟t.”如果猜测正确,该学生就要说:“Yes,I can.I can….”并做相应的动作。(二)复习有关周末活动的内容。


2.教师提出问题:“What do you often do on Saturday and Sunday?”请学生根据实际,用On Saturday and Sunday I often….说一说。(三)复习第四单元课文对话。


2.教师出示一副眼镜,复习Put on your glasses.We‟ll watch a 3D film.的单词和句子。


4.教师请学生翻开课本第34页,完成Read and answer.部分。(1)学生独立阅读短文,教师巡视指导。


Step 4 Review the English sounds(一)复习辅音连缀bl和br在单词中的读音。




1.教师出示用红笔标注了辅音连缀cl和cr的单词卡片:clock,cloudy,crayon,ice cream,请学生自己拼读,并与上面含有bl和br的单词进行对比练读。练读后,教师播放录音,让学生跟读。




Step 5 Homework 1.背诵并默写Unit 3和Unit 4单词表中的单词。2.听Unit 3和Unit 4的课文录音,模仿跟读。3.完成《活动手册》中本课的练习。

Unit 5Months of the Year文化和语言注释

1.本单元的主要话题是“月份、天气、节日”;功能为谈论个人生日所在的月份及喜好的月份并说明理由。主要语法内容是:一般现在时、特殊疑问句和一般疑问句。语音教学内容为辅音连缀fl 和fr的读音。为了让学生掌握好英文的12个月的名称,本单元的课文和语法安排得相对容易。

2.12个月英文名称的由来:公历一年有12个月,你知道12个月的英语名称的来历吗?公历起源于古罗马历法。罗马的历法原来只有10 个月,古罗马皇帝决定增加两个月放在年尾,后来朱里斯·恺撒大帝把这两个月移到年初,成为1月、2月,原来的1月、2月便成了3月、4月,以此类推。这就是今天世界沿用的公历。

January(1月):在罗马传说中,有一位名叫雅努斯的守护神,生有先后两副脸,一副回顾过去,一副眺望未来。人们认为选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的第一个月的名称很有意义。英语January便是由这位守护神的拉丁文名字演变而来。February(2月):每年2月初,罗马人民都要杀牲饮酒,欢庆菲勃卢姆节。这一天,人们常用一种牛草制成的名叫Februa的鞭子,抽打不育的妇女,以求怀孕生子。这一天,人们还要忏悔自己过去一年的罪过,洗刷自己的灵魂,求得神明的饶恕,使自己成为一个贞洁的人。英语February便是由拉丁文Februarius(即菲勃卢姆节)演变而来。March(3月):3月原是罗马旧历法的1 月,新年的开始。恺撒大帝改革历法后,38 原来的1月变成3月,但罗马人仍然把3 月看作是一年的开始。另外,按照传统习惯,3月是每年出征远战的季节。为了纪念战神玛尔斯,人们便把这位战神的拉丁名字作为3月的名称。英语March便是由这位战神的名字演变而来。April(4月):罗马的4月,正是大地回春、鲜花初绽的美好季节。英文April便是由拉丁文April(即开花的日子)演变而来。May(5月):罗马神话中的女神玛雅,专门司管春天和生命。为了纪念这位女神,罗马人便用她的名字——拉丁文Maius命名5月,英文May便由这位女神的名字演变而来。June(6月):罗马神话中的裘诺,是众神之王,又是司管生育和保护妇女的神。古罗马人对她十分崇敬,便把6月奉献给她,以她的名字——拉丁文Junius来命名6月。英语June便由这位女神的名字演变而来。July(7月):罗马统治者朱里斯·恺撒大帝被刺死后,著名的罗马将军马克·安东尼建议将恺撒大帝诞生的7月,用恺撒的名字——拉丁文Julius(即朱里斯)命名之。这一建议在元老院获得通过,英语July由此演变而来。August(8月):朱里斯·恺撒大帝死后,他的甥孙屋大维续任罗马皇帝。为了和恺撒齐名,他也想用自己的名字来命名一个月份。他的生日在9月,但他选定8月。因为他登基后,罗马元老院在8 月授予他Augustus(奥古斯都)的尊号。于是,他决定用这个尊号来命名8月。原来8月比7月少一天,但为了和恺撒大帝平起平坐,他又决定从2月中抽出一天加在8月上。从此,2月便少了一天。英语August便由这位皇帝的拉丁语尊号演变而来。September(9月):老历法的7月,正是恺撒大帝改革历法后的9月,拉丁文Septem是“7”的意思。虽然历法改革了,但人们仍沿袭旧名称来称呼9月。英语September便由此演变而来。October(10月):英语10月来自拉丁文Octo,即“8”的意思。它和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。November(11月):罗马皇帝奥古斯都和恺撒都有了自己名字命名的月份,罗马市民和元老院要求当时的罗马皇帝梯比里乌斯用其名命名11月。但梯比里乌斯没有同意,他明智地对大家说,如果罗马每个皇帝都用自己的名字来命名月份,那么出现了第13个皇帝怎么办?于是,11月仍然保留着旧称Novem,即拉丁文“9”的意思。英语November便由此演变而来。December(12月):罗马皇帝琉西乌斯要把一年中的最后一个月用他情妇的名字Amagonius来命名,但遭到元老院的反对。于是,12月仍然沿用旧名Decem,即拉丁文“10”的意思。英语December便由此演变而来。3.—When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候的?)—It‟s in spring.(在春天。)

春天有三个月,一般指March(3月)、April(4月)和May(5月)。4.Which month?In April?(在哪个月?4月吗?)

上述两个句子都是省略句,完整的句子是:Which month is it in?Is it in April?在口语中,上下文意思明确的时候人们经常使用省略句。5.—When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候的?)—On Children‟s Day.(在儿童节那天。)

答句是个省略句,完整的句子是:It‟s on Children‟s Day.6.That‟s wonderful!(那太好了!)


That‟s a wonderful idea.(那可真是个好主意。)The film is wonderful.(电影非常精彩。)

7.在教学辅音连缀fl 和fr的读音时要注意它们发音的不同之处,除了课本第37页给出的例词外,学过的含有fl的单词还有flag,含有fr的单词还有friend,from。8.—It‟s cold in December.(12月很冷。)—Yes.But we can go skating.(是呀。但是我们可以去滑冰。)(1)but是连词,意思是“但是”、“可是”,表示语气的转折。(2)go skating(去滑冰),类似结构的表达法还有:go boating(去划船),go swimming(去游泳),go shopping(去购物)等。9.A day after New Year‟s Day.(元旦之后的那一天。)

这是个省略句,其完整的句子是:It‟s a day after New Year‟s Day.10.That‟s easy to remember.(那很好记。)


11.第41页 Let‟s chant.的译文如下: 你好,春天!

再见了,冬天!再见了,二月!我高兴地欢迎 三、四、五月的来临。

再见了,冬天!你好,春天!我高兴地看到 三、四、五月的鲜花。


1.学习单词month,March,April,May和June,初步运用wonderful等词汇。2.学习句型:When is your birthday? It‟s in….3.学习辅音连缀fl和fr在单词中的读音。4.学唱歌曲:Hello,Spring!5.功能:谈论月份及生日时间。











Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。

2.全班齐说韵律诗:October.Step 2 Review 1.师生自由对话,复习单词July,August,September和October。How is the weather in July? How is the weather in August? When is National Day? When is Teachers‟ Day? When is your birthday,×××? 在对话的过程中,教师在黑板上贴出有关月份的单词。2.复习黑板上有关月份的单词,然后引导学生说句子,如: Teachers‟ Day is in September.×××‟s birthday is in July.It‟s hot in August.3.揭示课题。

(1)教师指着黑板上的单词说:“These are the words about months.”出示month和months的单词卡片,对学生提出问题:“How many months are there in a year?There are….”通过一本日历,让学生明白There are twelve months in a year.一句的意思。(2)板书课题:Unit 5 Months of the YearPart A。

Step 3 Presentation(一)导入课文语境。

1.教师指着班上的学生说:“×××‟s birthday is in August.×××‟s birthday is in October.When is Yang Ming‟s birthday?When is Lily‟s birthday?” 2.教师出示这两个问题,请学生带着问题初步感知课文内容。


When is Yang Ming‟s birthday?When is Lily‟s birthday? It‟s in spring.It‟s on Children‟s Day.It‟s in March.It‟s in June.(二)教学单词March,April,May和June。

1.教学单词March,引导学生用March说句子,如: My birthday is in March.Spring comes in March.Trees turn green in March.41 Women‟s Day is in March.We plant trees in March.Yang Ming‟s birthday is in March.2.学习单词April和June。(1)教师指着黑板上的句子说:“There are three months in spring.What are they?They are March,April and May.”


(1)由黑板上的第二个问题:When is Lily‟s birthday?(也可以用When is Children‟s Day?)引出单词June的教学,并出示单词July,比较学习这两个单词的音、义、形。




(2)出示问题:What months are in spring? What months are in summer? What months are in autumn? 根据学生的答案,将卡片贴于黑板上,如: spring summer autumn March June September April July October May August(3)游戏——快速反应。



2.出示单词wonderful并教学,引导学生用不同的语气练说句子:That‟s wonderful!3.学生分角色表演对话内容。

4.完成课本第37页的Ask and answer.部分。(1)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。

(2)请一行学生起立,进行一问一答的接力赛活动。5.完成课本第41页的Listen and connect.部分。(1)教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习。(2)教师展示正确答案,学生自行纠正。(3)教师再播放录音,学生模仿跟读。听力材料:

①A:Hi,Sally.When is your grandpa‟s birthday? B:It‟s in October.②A:When is your grandma‟s birthday?

B:It‟s easy to remember.Her birthday is Teachers‟ Day.③A:When is your father‟s birthday? B:It‟s in March.④A:When is your mother‟s birthday? B:It‟s in August.⑤A:When is Kate‟s birthday? B:It‟s in April.(四)语音教学。

1.教师指着黑板上的单词说:“March,April and May are in spring.”并出示一张春天的图片说:“I like spring.Trees turn green.Flowers are beautiful.Birds fly in the sky.”出示单词卡片flower和fly,请学生一起读一读这两个单词。2.教师指出辅音连缀fl在单词中的读音。

3.教师出示fr和fl卡片,请学生读一读,比较一下它们发音的不同点。4.教师出示单词fruits 和Friday,flower和fly,请学生读一读。5.教师播放课本第37页Listen and learn the English sounds.的录音,请学生模仿跟读。


Step 4 Extension 综合活动:


游戏规则:请一位学生上台,从八张月份卡中找出自己生日所在的月份卡片,并藏于身后,然后请台下的学生来猜一猜。如: Is your birthday in March? Is your birthday in summer? Is your birthday on Children‟s Day?

当某位学生猜对时,台上的学生就出示卡片,说:“Yes,my birthday is in….”

Step 5 Homework 1.听录音,熟读并背诵课文内容。

2.完成课本第40页的Learn to write.部分。3.完成《活动手册》上本课的练习。



2.继续学习句型:When is…? It‟s in….3.学说童谣:Hello,Spring!








了解中西方国家里一些重要节日的具体时间及文化活动。教具准备 1.单词卡片:



Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。


I like spring.Do you like spring? What months are in spring? Can you spell March/April/May? 教师在黑板上贴出spring的单词卡片,请学生拼读。教师随后在spring下面写出March,April和May三个单词。

4.揭示并板书课题:Unit 5 Months of the Year Part B。

Step 2 Revivew(一)复习单词:month。


1.教师提出问题:“How many seasons are there in a year?”根据学生的回答,将spring,summer,autumn和winter的单词卡片贴在黑板上。2.教师再提出问题:“What months are in summer/autumn?”请学生在黑板上summer的下面写出单词June,July和August,在autumn的下面写出单词September和October。


Step 3 Presentation(一)学习单词:November,December,January和February。

1.由问题:What months are in autumn/winter?引出,将黑板上的季节所属月份补充完整。





1.学生带着问题,第一次读课文对话。(1)教师出示两个问句:What‟s your favorite month?When is your birthday?与班上学生进行对话活动。

(2)教师再提出问题:What‟s Ben‟s favorite month?When is Ma Li‟s birthday?Please listen to the tape and find the answer.(3)教师播放课文录音,学生边听边跟读,并在书上找出答案。(4)全班学习这两组句子。

2.学生带着任务,第二次学习课文对话。(1)教师出示下面的练习: ①Christmas is in.A.November B.December ②On Christmas Day,Ben can get.A.many presents B.some New Year‟s money ③It‟s in December.A.cold B.cool ④A day after New Year‟s Day is.A.1月1日B.1月2日


(2)教师出示句子:That‟s easy to remember.并教学。


1.完成课本第39页的Ask and answer.部分。


2.完成课本第39页的Read.Tick or cross.部分。


3.完成课本第40页的Do a survey.部分。





Step 4 Extension 综合活动:说一说你喜欢的月份。1.教师示范。

教师拿出自己最喜欢的月份的英文卡片,对全班说:“My favorite month is July.In July,I can go swimming.I can travel.I can eat ice cream.”


Step 5 Homework 1.听录音,熟读并背诵课文。


Unit 6Asking the Way文化和语言注释

1.本单元的主要话题是“人际交往”;功能为问路和指路。主要语法内容是:一般现在时、特殊疑问句、祈使句以及连词or表示选择的用法。语音教学内容为辅音连缀sk和sp的读音。2.—Excuse me.(劳驾。)

—How can I get to the train station?(去火车站怎么走?)—It‟s far away.(火车站很远。)

—You can take a bus or a taxi.(你可以乘坐公交车或出租车。)

(1)Excuse me.经常用于麻烦别人的场合,意思是“劳驾”、“请问”。

(2)How can I get to the train station?是本单元学习的问路的主要句型。get to…是“到达某处”的意思,如:I usually get to school at 7:30.(我通常在7:30分到校。)但是“到家”是get home,中间不要加to,因为在这个词组里home 是副词。train station也叫做railway station。

(3)far是“远”的意思,away(副词)是“离开”的意思。如:My cousins all live far away.(我的表兄弟姐妹都住得很远。)如果要说出离某个具体的地点很远,可以用far away from…,如:I live far away from my school.(我住的地方离学校很远。)课文中由于上下文的意思明确,不必具体点出“离这里”,完整的句子是:It‟s far away from here.(火车站离这里很远。)

(4)You can take a bus or taxi.(你可以乘坐公交车或出租车。)

take a bus/taxi/train均表示交通方式,要注意和by bus/taxi/train 在用法上的不同之处。take 是动词,在句子中作谓语,如:I take a bus to school.(我乘公交车上学。)而by是介词,在句子中不能作谓语,句中要有其他的谓语动词才能构成完整句子,如:I go to school by bus.该句中的谓语动词是go,by bus是介词短语作方式状语。上述两个句子虽然表达的意思相同,但语法结构不同;此外,take a bus只可置于句中,而by bus只可放在句尾。


①or必须连接同等成分的词、短语或句子,并使用同一种形式。如:Is he from the USA or Australia?(他来自美国还是澳大利亚?)此时or连接两个地点名词作介词宾语。Will he come today or tomorrow?(他今天还是明天来?)此时or连接两个名词作时间状语。They watch TV or play chess on Sunday.(他们星期天看电视或下象棋。)此时or连接两个作句子谓语的动宾词组。

②or连接两个或两个以上的单数名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数;如果or连接的两个主语是两个不同数或不同人称的人称代词,则以第二个词为准来决定谓语动词的数或人称。如:My mom or dad takes me to school by car.(我母亲或父亲开车送我上学。)此时谓语动词为单数形式。My dad or my uncles teach me English.(我父亲或者我的叔叔们教我英语。)此时谓语动词根据第二个词uncles来确定用复数形式。

3.Here comes the taxi!(出租车来了!)

英语的基本语序是“主语+谓语”,但有些场合是“谓语+主语”,这种语法现象称为倒装。倒装句的目的在于引起人们注意,起到强调的作用。当here,there等副词置于句首,且谓语动词为come,go,be等词时,多数情况采用倒装句。如: Look!Here comes the bus.(瞧!公交车来了。)There goes the train.(火车开走了。)

Here is a present for you.(这是给你的礼物。)


5.—Are you all right,young man?(你没事吧,小伙子?)—I need to go to the hospital.(我需要去医院看病。)

(1)all right有多种意思,在本课的意思是“身心健康的”。all right还表示同意,意思是“行”、“好的”。本套教材四年级下册第11页学过这种表达法。Miss Gao:Please turn off the lights and fans.(请关电灯和电风扇。)Yang Ming:All right.(好的。)

(2)go to the hospital是“去医院看病”的意思。6.Is there a hospital nearby?(附近有医院吗?)nearby是“附近”的意思,作形容词使用可以放在所修饰的名词的前面或后面。如:He works in a nearby hospital.或He works in a hospital nearby.(他在附近的一家医院工作。)nearby也可以作副词使用,意思是“在附近”。如:He lives nearby.(他住在附近。)

7.How can I get there?(我怎样才能到达那里?)

there意思是“往那里”,是副词,前面不加to。如:I often go there.(我常去那里。)8.Go straight.Then turn right.(一直往前走,然后往右拐。)这两句是指路的常用语。“往左拐”是turn left。9.Let me help you.(我来帮你吧。)

这是祈使句,在let 的后面要用宾格,接着宾语的动词必须是原形动词。如: Let him clean his desk.(让他收拾他的书桌。)Don‟t let the boy go out.(不要让那个男孩出去。)10.I can‟t find it,I‟m afraid.(我恐怕找不到。)在这个句子中afraid用来表示“遗憾”、“恐怕”的意思,又如:I‟m afraid I can‟t help you.(我恐怕无法帮助你。)在本册第4单元学过Don‟t be afraid.句子,该句中的afraid的意思是“害怕的”。11.第48页 Let‟s chant.的译文如下: 我怎样才能到达动物园?

动物园,动物园,我怎样才能到达动物园? 往前走,往前走。乘8路车,乘8路车。


1.学习单词station,taxi,or;短语get to,far away等词汇。2.学习句型:Excuse me.How can I get to the… ? You can take a….Which bus can I take… ? Bus….3.学习辅音连缀sk和sp在单词中的读音。4.学说童谣:How Can I Get to the Zoo? 5.功能:问路。








1.单词卡片:woman,train station,get to,go to等。2.有关交通工具的图片和单词卡片。



Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。



It‟s a good time for a holiday.Will you go for a holiday? Where will you go,×××? How do you go there? If you can‟t find the way,what will you do?

4.揭示并板书课题:Unit 6 Asking the WayPart A。

5.教师先教学词组ask the way,然后对全班说:“Today we‟ll learn how to ask the way.After class,I hope you can ask the way in English.”

Step 2 Presentation(一)初读课文,了解对话大意。


(1)教师指着男孩(杨明)问:“Who‟s he?”请个别学生回答。


(3)教师指着“火车站”的图片问:“What‟s this?”然后出示卡片train station,将它贴在图上“火车站”的旁边,并教学。当学生掌握该词组后,教师可再出示“汽车站”的图,引导学生说出:bus station。

(4)教师指着整幅图问:“What happened?”(发生什么事了?)学生需要教师提供一些问题来谈话。补充问题如下: Where does the woman want to go? Does she know the way? Is Yang Ming helping her? 2.导入课文情景。教师指着图说:“The woman wants to go to the train station.But she doesn‟t know the way.She is asking Yang Ming.Let‟s listen to their dialogue.” 教师播放录音,学生边听边看书。

3.教师出示下列填空练习,检验学生对课文理解的情况。The woman wants to go to the.She can take a or a.She can take Bus or Bus.At last,she goes to the train station by.(1)学生看书,独立完成练习。(2)教师出示答案,全班进行核对。

(3)教师教学单词or的用法,全班进行操练活动,如: a car or a bus a pen or a pencil

October or November Bus 12 or Bus 13(4)教师教学单词taxi,然后出示所学过的有关交通工具的单词卡片,进行复习巩固活动。

(二)学习课文的重点句型。1.教学句子:Excuse me.(1)教师播放课文第一段对话的录音,引出句子Excuse me.的教学。


(3)教师就这句话的用法与学生开展一些对话练习,如: Excuse me,A.May I use your pen? Excuse me,B.Can you tell me your English name? Excuse me,C.How can I get to the train station? 2.教学句子:How can I get to the train station?(1)通过上一环节中的最后一个问题,教师出示句子:How can I get to the train station?(2)教师出示卡片,教学get to。

(3)教师出示不同地点的图片或卡片进行替换练习。get to the train station get to the park get to the supermarket get to the cinema(4)教师出示卡片go to,请学生读一读go to the train station,go to the park等词组,然后与get to…进行比较学习。

(5)采用不同方式操练句型:How can I get to…?

3.教学句子:It‟s far away.及 You can take a bus or a taxi.(1)教师教学far away,并造句,如: Beijing is far away from Fujian.The sun is far away from us.(2)教师出示不同的交通工具图片,全班操练take a bus,take a car,take a train等词组。


①A:How can I get to the train station? B:You can take a bus.②A:How do you go to the train station? B:By bus.4.教学句子:Which bus can I take?(1)出示句子,教师领读,然后请学生范读。

(2)出示一些公交车站站牌的照片,请学生根据实际进行回答,如: I‟ ll go to the West Lake Park.Which bus can I take? I‟ ll go to the zoo.Which bus can I take?(三)巩固课文。

1.教师播放课本第43页的录音或教学光盘二至三遍,学生模仿跟读。2.完成课本第44页的Ask and answer.部分。



















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