
时间:2019-05-15 03:50:35下载本文作者:会员上传






















(8)自信心 适当的练习带来成功,从而给人自信,而自信又使你深信练习的效果,并继续练习。这是一个美妙的循环。大多数优秀的投手投前就心中有数,有的放矢。带着自信心站在罚球线前吧。


第一点, 要有合适的姿势.何为合适的姿势? 个人认为, 姿势不一定要完全标准, 但一定要适合自己.找到最适合自己的姿势是整个投篮命中率的基础.我曾经受一个三分射手的指导, 改正过投篮姿势, 结果当天命中率就上升了很多.可见姿势的重要性.我来讲讲一些注意的要点.三个“90”度还是很重要的.即当做好投篮姿势时, 投篮手的大臂和躯干, 小臂和大臂, 手背和小臂都呈90度.即肩, 肘, 腕关节都保持90度.最好能做到第4个90度, 即出手后手心和小臂也能呈90度.关于肘部要不要内收的问题: 投篮姿势中由于人体生理结构的原因, 当将球置于头顶正上方的话,整个肘部必然是向外开, 这种情况下出手, 手臂舒展的方向和球的运行方向并不一致, 常常导致出手的不稳定及命中率的不高.而肘部内收的结果又是整个身体的不舒适, 也会倒置姿势的不稳定, 怎么办呢? 我的体会是内收会好一些.我在高中阶段, 由于右手的受伤曾经不自觉的改变了姿势, 使得出手时肘部的向外开, 虽然投熟之后, 原地不起跳的命中率极高, 但是一旦跳投, 出手无法自如调整, 命中率就无法提高.而一旦记住肘部内收之后, 整个肩肘腕和篮筐都处于一条直线上, 只要调整好出球的弧度, 一般都能投进.而身体的不舒适在一段时间后就可以适应.假如你采用了肘部内收的手段, 你会发现手不能完全置于头顶上方, 完全正确, 其实正确的姿势并不是将球置于头顶, 而是偏向投篮手一侧, 如果右手是投篮手则将球置于头顶右侧, 站立时右脚比左脚稍前, 整个身体向左侧到身体舒服的角度, 头向右稍转,此时, 你的视线应和肘肩腕筐一线.在这种情况下, 只要你用力将球顺着手臂的生理结果展开抛出, 怎么会偏开篮筐呢?

第二点: 瞄准点, 一般人都习惯瞄篮的前筐(现在的我也是), 有文章说神射手大多瞄篮的后筐, 原因是那才是篮球最终要落下的地方.其实瞄哪儿只是个人的习惯大不必统一, 但是我最准的时候瞄的是很奇怪的位置.瞄的是我出手后球的最高点.我们知道球在空中会划一道弧线, 最终落入篮筐.弧线越高就越容易落入篮筐.当瞄准点在筐上时, 你的球一定时会低弧(甚至直线)以准确的击中你的瞄准点, 只有不断的练习后才能掌握让球下落时才击中瞄准点.弧度才得以提高.但是如果你最开始瞄得就是最高点, 你的球就一直是以高弧度下落, 提高了入筐的可能性.当然是需要一段时间来找到这个最适合你的最高点的.我当时大概十分钟就找到了.所以命中率提高的极快.然而在我受伤后再上场, 由于姿势的变化, 瞄准点也变成了前筐, 弧度也降低了不少.现在习惯低弧后再想瞄最高点已经没意义了.所以如果你投篮弧度已经稳定, 就不要再想尝试这种瞄准的方法了.第三点: 手型.手型也很重要, 投篮手手指舒展开, 手指稳住球, 手心不要碰到篮球, 出手时手腕抖球, 让球顺着手指出去, 最后手指下压, 让球后旋, 让球从食指和中指之间离开手, 整个动作就完成了.当然最后离开的手指也因人而异, 个人习惯罢了.这个过程决定了球能否成直线, 旋转着出手, 所以一定要稳定, 这是关键 第四点: 节奏, 找到最适合的自己的节奏, 力量从脚上一直传到手臂到手腕到手指, 一气呵成, 不要停顿, 让力量以能控制的最大限度的作用在球上.这样才能最大限度的加大自己的射程.跳投的时候对节奏掌握更重要, 有时候你到最高点时已经没有力量了, 怎么办? 一方面增加自己的手臂力量, 另外, 提早出手, 并不是一定要最高点出手的, 能投进才是关键



姓名: 专业班级:


关键词:篮球运动 大学生 健身价值































专业: 信息管理与信息系统







篮球文化 篮球运动 发展趋势


一 对篮球文化的理解

对于 文化的概念至今仍是学术界争论不休 的一个难题,据不完全统计,至今 已有 200多种 中国古籍中的 “文化”一词最早出现于《周礼》“关于天文,以察时变。关乎人文。以化成天下。”现代意义上的“文化 ”概念。肇始于文艺复兴 时期,康德、席勒和黑格 尔都 各 自从道德、美 学及哲学领域对文化进 行过理性的思索,但关于真正 明确 的“文化”定义,都 引用 19世纪英 国文化人类学家爱德华、泰勒的提 法,“文化”是一种复杂体,它包括 知识、信仰、艺术道德、法律、风俗及其余从社会上习得的能力与习惯。体育不仅是一种社会活动,更是一种文化。体育文化是 以身体 为媒介,把满足人类需求的身体活动进行加工,组织和秩序化,形成获得社会承 认的、具有独立意义和价值的文化 内容包括体育认识,体 育情感,体育价值、体 育思想、体育道德、体育制度和体育物质条件等。篮球运动既是一项综合性的活动游戏。又是现代

竞技体育 的一个运动项 目更是一种社会文化形态称之为篮球 文化。篮球 文化是体育文化的亚文化它的真正价值 在于发展过程 中不断地产生种种有趣故事,给人 以启示和鼓舞,使 人增 智和受到教育,篮球文化以丰富多彩的实践内容融入全 面综合 素质教育,开发人的智慧,陶冶人的情操,使 人掌握不同时间空间条件 下身体 运动 规律 和支 配规律 的各 种技 能与 能力 ;篮球文化以独特 的活动形式最形 象地展 示人体优美形态和心灵气质,和谐地反映人类对现代社会文明生活的创新,完善和追求。

二 中国传统体育文化对篮球文化和篮球运动发展的影响

中国传统文化是以“儒、道、佛”诸家的思想为基础其传统 的体育文化是 以保健性,技艺性和表演性为基本模式,以崇尚礼仪、宽厚、平和 为价值取 向的体育形态。

中国传统体育文化强调整体,忽视个体,强调义务和责任。我国篮球 历来重视整体配合,追 求整体实 力,但忽视 了培养具有一定特 点、个性 的运动员。尤其是中国传统的整体 思维方法在一定 程度上影 响了运动员 的创 造力表现 为运动 员缺少个性和特点、缺少从事篮球运动所应有 的创造力。西方文化注重分析思维而导致 了注重个体从而产生 了西方体育文化的个体主义,自由主义的哲学观点。中国认为篮球运动是崇 尚整体协作,寻求和谐统一,在训练上重视技、战术提高,轻视素质训练,在战术上注重整体配合,队员个人缺乏独挡一面的能力及即兴发挥 的欲望。过分拘泥于赛前安排好的战术套路,缺乏应有的场上应变能 力和队员独立作战能力。

三 篮球文化背景下的市场运作

篮球能够在全世界成为人们最喜爱的体育运动之一不仅 因为它有广大的普

及群体,(目前,国际篮联 已拥有1 8 O 多个会 员国,全世 界大约 有 5亿 人参加篮 球运动。)还因为它具有广阔的市场前景和基础。职业篮球是在商 品经济 的刺激下和竞技水平迅速提高的背景下产生的一种特殊的社会现象。早在 1898年,美国新泽西州一支球队开创了 “有偿篮球比赛”的先河。这场篮球 比赛的真正贡献在于体现了篮球市场价值。

从 19世纪后 期竞技体育处 于职业运 动的萌 芽状 态到二战结束后 NBA的诞生,世界竞技体育的职业化发展进入 了一个高潮。作 为职业篮球代表的 NBA,在不断发展、壮大的 5O多年中,运 用市场经济规 律和科学 的职 业篮球 管理 制度成为一个 拥有 40多亿美元资产 的体 育经营 “巨人”。在 NBA的影响和带动下,篮球职业化、商业化成 为一种世界性发展趋势。从 NBA 的发展进程 中可 以看到,高度的商业性与文化性是职业篮球 的本质特征。从经济角度看,职 业篮球具有极大的商业价值。20世纪 4O年代,由于美 国经济的发展,人们在物质生活满足后转向对精神生活的渴望,一些经纪人从 中发现篮球运动能为社会带来无穷的商机,充满商业性 的职业篮球从此诞生。

从社会文化角度看,职业篮球是一种具有技艺性与观赏性相结合的独特文化。职业篮球必须 以提 高 自身技艺和观赏价值作为职业篮球赖 以发展的基础。利用高水平篮球的商业价值与文化价值,参与社会商业活动与社会 文化活动,为社会提供相 应服务,同时获得经 济效益是职业篮球发展 的普遍规律。

体育作为一种社会 形态是把满足人类需求的 身体活动进行加 工、组织和秩序 化,因此,它就要 符合商业 性和娱乐性的市场规律,进而通过市场运作能够刺激篮球运动发展和提 高篮球 运动 水平并扩展 其 生存 空间。美 国N B A,它围绕竞争开展了市场化经营道路,可 以说让我们开了眼界,它将篮

球所能带来的一切利益不断挖掘,据统计,美国每 年观看 N B A 的观众不少于 2000万人。而门票收入只 占其总收入的 5%左右。N B A 的 2 9个俱乐部老板 不仅依 靠投 资的篮球赚钱,还能 为自己的其它产品做宣传,也 为那些赞助商做了广告,促进 了各个行业的发展,创造出了不可估量的经济利益。






篮球 文化以独特 的活动 形式最形象地展 示人体优 美形态和心灵气质,和谐地反映人类对现代社会文 明生活的创新,完善和追求。篮球运动中所蕴含 的人文精神反映了现代社会对人的生命质量和 生存价 值及 自我实现 与发展的关怀。篮球运动在促进人类生理和心理健康方面的作用是其所创造 的物质财富和精神财富的一部分。篮球运动的商业价值已经得到了充分的体现。篮球运动的文化价值在于其通过顺利地传播、用积极的手段体现 了个人 自身的价值、促进 了人类自身的有序生存和持续发展











The Translation of English Term of Basketball

Abstract: This article focuses on the discussion of the translation of English term of basketball.The author mainly discusses two aspects about the translation of English term of basketball, which is the definition of translation, the feature of translation of English term of basketball.Through analyzing the current situation of domestic basketball club, in order to achieve the purpose of finding out the influence of translation of English term of basketball on the basketball game.This article proved that a good English translator of basketball is very important.A good translator not only can affect players, coaches and club, but also can affect the result of a basketball game.It can be seen from this article that domestic clubs lack professional translators of English term of basketball now, so domestic clubs need to cultivate the talents of translation of English term of basketball.Keywords: basketball;translation;English









1.Introduction............................................................................................................................1 2.English translation..................................................................................................................1 2.1 Concept of translation.......................................................................................................1 2.2 The word feature of translation of basketball...................................................................2 2.3 The function feature of translation of basketball..............................................................3 3.The feature of translation of basketball..................................................................................3 3.1 The word is lively, interesting and vivid..........................................................................3 3.2 A rich of Compound words...............................................................................................3 3.3 Short term and easy to understand of words....................................................................4 4.The influence of English translation of basketball on basketball game.................................4 4.1 Element which influence the translation..........................................................................4 4.1.1 Interpreters have no standard pronunciation and lack of solid grounding in English........................................................................................................................................4

4.1.2 Management of English interpreters of basketball is not standardized...................5 4.1.3 Interpreters lack experience.....................................................................................5 4.2 Results of translator‟s mistake..........................................................................................6 4.2.1 Tactical chaos of basketball.....................................................................................6 4.2.2 Success or failure of competition............................................................................6

5.Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………..6




The Translation of English Term of Basketball

1.Introduction Doctor James Naismith invented the basketball on December 1891.At that time, the purpose of invention of the basketball sports is to let people exercise physical better.But along with the development of the economy and the entertainment, in today's society,basketball has developed into a purely commercial movement, exercise is no longer the main purpose of playing basketball , more important is to earn much money.With NBA which represents the highest level basketball of the world entered into China since 1987, basketball sports has started to spread in China day and day.But with the improvement and development of the competitive level of basketball, the domestic local basketball players have been unable to meet the needs of the development level of basketball.Thus a large number of international basketball players began to enter the domestic market.Along with their entering, it brought a series of problems, and one of them is communication.In this situation, the translation of basketball plays an important role.This article focuses on the English translation of term of basketball, and the author tries to find out the influence of translation of English term of basketball on the basketball game.2.English translation

2.1 Definition of translation Translation refers to conversion of meaning from one language to another language.Simply put, it is an art of reproducing the author‟s exact idea by means of another language from the original.According to the above definition of translation, author knows that the original thought of the expression should be retained as far as possible.Nothing should be added or taken away from the original work.Therefore, two essential elements should be involved in translation: accuracy and expressiveness.Accuracy is the first indispensable quality of translation.A translator should prudently adhere to the author‟s idea, which means that the diction selected and syntactic structure must convey the exact original thought.Expressiveness is to make the translation readily understood.In other words, the translator


must express the author‟s idea as clearly and as forcibly as translator can by the medium translator employs.Accuracy is to make the translation definite and exact;while expressiveness is to make the translation vivid and attractive.There are many kinds of definitions of translation.With regards to translation, people can not simply define as “a kind of language of another kind of form.” With the development of translation theory and practice, translators are on the translation of the continuous generation of new knowledge, different translators, and translators in different periods of translation are also different interpretations of the concept, which explain the strengths and weaknesses, while others are more comprehensive, and some are more one-sided.Giving an accurate definition of translation is a thorny issue.At present, there are many kinds of definitions, and here are some typical definitions.ZhangPeiji thinks that translation is an activity of language which uses one language to express contents of another language accurately and completely.(Zhangpeiji, 1921)Caiyi thinks that translation is a language used to convey the information expressed in another language.(Caiyi, 1927)Fengqinghua believes that translation is a kind of activity in many languages, it is in a language form to another form of language where the contents of the re-shown by the language of practical activities.Translation is an art, is a re-creation of language arts.(Fengqinghua, 1958)Catford, a famous English translation theorist believes that the definition may be translated this way: put the chapter materials in a language in the chapter material in another language to be replaced.Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style.(Eugene Nida, 1914)2.2 The word feature of translation of basketball To use ordinary indefinite tense instead of simple past tense, in order to express more vividly and effectively.For example, “The final score is 98 to 82 in the whole game.”;“Rockets beat Lakers 55 to 50 at first half.”

To use passive sentences express active significance.In general, when an appropriate action is issued, there is no need to be mentioned, or it is difficult to say people who want to emphasize the use of action of bearer.For example, “He got a nice ball.”

To use the imperative sentences frequently and simple language is necessary.For


example, “Well saved”(漂亮的救球),”good shot”(好球).Though these sentences have no subject, it expresses the meaning clearly, so there is no problem to understand.In general, the imperative sentences are so short that the recipient of language can not be understood the meaning clearly.2.3 The function of translation

The communication is the main function of English translation of basketball。Firstly translator must understand coach‟s meaning, and then translators express the coach‟s meaning to players clearly.Let the players understand the coach‟s requirements and execute tactical better on the pitch and play their competitive level effectively.On the other hand, good translation can make foreign and local players‟ communicate with each other better, and make them cooperate better on the pitch.For example, translation can make foreign and local players know how to confirm their own positions and what they should do in the pitch.3.The characteristics of the words translating basketball games 3.1 Words of being lively In the translation of basketball, the words used are lively, interesting and vivid.For example, „Pick‟, it usually means selecting one from many things, but in the English term of basketball, people translate „cover‟.It means attacking players standing on one side or standing behind enemy defensive players to hinder defensive players.And „press‟, people usually translate „use hands or something push something down‟.In the English term of basketball, people translate „tight defensive‟.It includes “full-court press”, “half-court press”, “zone press”, “one-man press” and “two-man press”.There are many similar examples in the translation of English term of basketball, these words are vivid, and they make the translation of English term of basketball express more accurately.3.2 Rich in Compound words There are many compound words in English term of basketball.These compound words not only make the English term of basketball richer, but also break through the bound of basketball English.Such as „free-throw‟,when the foul will be appeared in game, it‟s „free-throw‟ time.And „away game‟, a basketball team goes to other city to play game, this situation we call „away game‟.The common meaning of “free agent” is an agent of institution.成都信息工程学院银杏酒店管理学院本科毕业论文

In basketball English, it means a player who his contract expires, also means this professional player not bound by contract.There are two kinds of free agent: unrestricted free agent and restricted free agent.“behind-the-back”,in basketball game, this words have two meanings.One means when one player dribbles, he hides his ball behind his body, in order to avoid the defense;another means pass the ball behind his body, in order to the ball not to be stole.And in common translation, this word just means behind somebody.This kind of compound word not only so short that players can understand clearly in competitive game, it not only avoids long words wasting time, but also reduces translators‟ pressure and makes players can understand better.So the compound words are very important in basketball game.3.3 Short terms of words The words of basketball English is a kind of special vocabulary, many simple words have specific meaning in basketball English.Such as “tie”, the common meaning of tie is knotting something, but in English of basketball, tie means the game‟s score is the same.Words are very short in the translation of English term of basketball.The feature is that it is intend to use less word as far as possible to express complicated meaning in the translation of English term of basketball, and make player understand couch‟s arrangement quickly in competitive game.For example, „charging foul‟ means when you are dribbling, you are hitting the opposite player at the same time.„Double team‟ means that using two players to defense a player.In the game, coaches just use these words to express his meaning.“Chest”, in common translation, it means a part above the waist and below the neck of our body.But in basketball translation, it means pass the ball before this part.This kind of short can save the time and let the information of coaches and players transfers quickly.4.The influence of the translation of English terms of basketball on basketball game.4.1 Elements which influence the translation 4.1.1 The interpreters’ language ability.To solve the problem of communication of between foreign players and local players in matches and trainings is the main purpose of club.The continuity of the basketball training process and specialization of technical requirements requires that translators should be quick,成都信息工程学院银杏酒店管理学院本科毕业论文

accurate and efficient in language transformation.Especially in the game, the translation should be highlighted more effectively and accurately.Then foreign players just can improve their execution and play their competition effectively.Otherwise, it may cause the club‟s unnecessary losses.So translators‟ level is very important for club.Most English translators have bilingual ability, but the masters‟ degrees are relatively few and lack the ability of good oral and written expression.Some translators have never take part in basketball game before, and they are more likely to make mistakes when translators translate some technical terms of basketball game terms.And the pronunciation of translator is not standard and often make player can not understand clearly.4.1.2 No standardized management The translation of English term of basketball is a new career.From the training, qualified certifications to obtain employment is the system of choosing an eligible translator of English terms of basketball.Currently there aren‟t any special training institutions which can help choose the translation talents who accord with the requirements of basketball club, so it lacks the resource of professional basketball English translation talents.On the other hand, there aren‟t any special administrative departments managing the English translators of basketball club.There are also no relevant service standards and qualified evaluation system in basketball management institution.This situation makes clubs are lack of effective way when they find translators.4.1.3 No translation training of basketball terminology

Ensuring proper training and correct translation of basketball game is the core of club work, so club‟s translators must know the sports English and basketball English very well;they also must be familiar with the basic terms of basketball sports.Generally speaking, not only they need the ability of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation, but also they should be able to deeply understand the various tactics terminology and truly comprehend the tactical intentions in terms of language expression.So if club can‟t grasp this, it is difficult to finish the job.The translation of English term of basketball is a new career.Due to starting late,the development of this career is relatively immature.The translators‟ work ability of this field will be influenced by actual work experience.The investigation of researchers found that the


professional basketball translators only worked 2 years on average, so it is unavoidable to lack work experience compare with the other industries.This will affect their working level.If translators make mistakes at the last moment of pitch or they don‟t know terminology well, there are many mistakes and can‟t communicate swimmingly.It is not accurate the meaning that some translators expresses between players and coaches.It is different between English translators and sports professional translators.Now more foreign coaches come to local basketball club, the club also needs foreign coaches to communicate with local coaches and players through sports professional translators.If foreign coaches need players to practice the tactics of “half-court press”, but translator translated “half press”, players will be confused.So sports professional translators are important to team.Author thinks that if there is a serious mistake in the translation it may affect results of competition or lose game.4.2 Results of translator’s mistakes

4.2.1 Tactical Chaos of Basketball Coach is a leader of a team.Coach‟s words and tactic is order.Translator is a person who conveys order to foreign players.If the translators have no good level, they can not express couch‟s meaning clearly, and then players can not executive couch‟s tactics very well.On the other hand, foreigner players must communicate with local players, not only in the game or training, but also in life.The communication must be helped by translators.So a unqualified translator can make foreign players and local players appear turnovers frequently and not trippingly cooperate with each other,because they can not communicate with each other very well.4.2.2 Success or failure of competition The result of tactics chaos is losing the game at a critical moment.For example, at the key moment in the game, coach needs players to use the tactical of full-court press, but translator translates it to the foreign players as half-court press.Finally, due to the foreign player‟s mistake makes club lose the game.After losing the game, the players probably will blame each other.Then the harmony of a team may be damaged.Coach will lose trust to foreign players.In today's society, basketball has developed into a purely commercial movement.So the game is related to club‟s profit, if players lose the game, the club will suffer a loss.So a good translator can not only directly affect the players, but also can


indirectly affect the game as well as the club‟s business.5.Conclusion

It can be seen that a translator of English term of basketball can affect the players and the achievement of club.Through analyzing, author thinks that if somebody needs to be a good English translator of basketball term, not only the translators must have good English foundation, but also have much knowledge of basketball.So a good translator of English term of basketball is important to players, coaches and club.成都信息工程学院银杏酒店管理学院本科毕业论文

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Acknowledgments I would like to thank my supervisor Miss Xie for her invaluable guidance, enthusiasm and support throughout the course of this work.I am also very grateful to Owen Zhang for her helpful comments and insightful suggestions during the research and writing of this thesis.I would also like to thank Tonney for taking the time to help me.Many other people have helped and contributed their time to the research of this thesis.My thanks to Miss Min for their invaluable comments and suggestions.I would also like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude toward everyone in the English Department of Yinxing University, especially Miss Min, Mr Hou, for their valuable suggestions and help in these two years of study as well as their friendship.Thanks to all the other friends I have made at Yinxing University for making my stay at campus an enjoyable period of time.I will always be indebted to my family, especially my parents Sujianping and Xuhuiping.I would like to thank them for their support and confidence in me.My gratitude goes to everyone at home.This thesis would not have been possible without all their kindness and encouragement.



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