
时间:2019-05-15 04:18:25下载本文作者:会员上传










教学成果 :掌握标准英语语音,能够用英语与英语母语者进行自由交流。可以从事与英语相关的各项工作,自如应对考试、旅行、留学、移居海外生活等。

Level 1 综合口语初级(基础会话)48课时

教学对象 :有很少的英语基础、知道个别英语词汇和语句,希望通过学习能够用英语进行简单的日常交流的英语初学者。

教学特色: 外教用有趣的英语国家的文化做引入,系统地学习英语音标,打好语音基础,保证发音的纯正、地道。以句型为基本单位进行练习,每次课都有收获。提供丰富有趣的课堂活动,让学习者打破拘束,在轻松的环境下把学到的句子操练到脱口而出。真实的会话导入,让学生身临其境地感受句子在生活中的应用。


Level 2 综合口语准中级(听说速成)48课时

教学对象: 针对初级水平学习者,能听懂简单的日常对话,但是所说的句子相对简单和有限。词汇量不足以表达自己的想法,或者虽然有一些词汇储备但是开口不够自信,常常担心发音不准确说的句子不正确等。希望出国留学、在外企工作或常用到英语但是基础相对薄弱者。另外,也适合即将参加大学四、六级考试、即将准备雅思口语、托福口语商务口语考试,迫切需要提高听力口语能力的学员。

教学特色: 外教在课堂上面对面纠音纠错,改善传统学习方法的缺陷。注重语调句调的练习,对中国式英语的发音问题进行针对性训练,解决方法迅速、扎实、有效。以句型为单位,以句子带动词汇学习,和对话练习。进一步扩大词汇量,并拓宽日常生活中出现的话题范围,能够进行更多的口语会话。

教学目标: 针对具备初级英语水平的学习者,旨在进一步培养语言运用技能,以达到中级水平。通过外教口语课使运用语言的准确度、流利度有大大提高,能够听懂语速较快的句子。培养英语思维习惯,说英语的时候,不再进行汉英转换。可以用地道的方式表达更多的意图。帮助学员预先扫清工作、升学和国外生活中可能遇到的语言文化障碍。

Level 3综合口语中级(听说提高)48课时



教学目标: 培养学生用英语思维的习惯,能够听懂语速较快的句子。能够用标准的句子成段表达对某件事的看法。意思清楚,句子连贯、顺畅。可以巧妙地运用有效的交际策略保持谈话持续进行,从容应对工作、面试、签证等多种场合对英语口语、听力的考核。

Level 4综合口语高级(听说流畅)48课时

教学对象:已经具备在日常生活中用英语交流的能力,对英语口语应用能力有较高要求的学员,希望能与外籍人士用英语就一些领域性强的话题和社会热点问题进行交流,能进一步接近母语者水平的学习者。另外,还适用于需要移民海外或到海外学习、生活和工作的学习者。教学特色: 置身外教营造的地道语言环境中,得到及时准确的语言表达纠正与会话指导。体会词句的使用范围和细微区别,了解外教在同一件事上的不同看法,并能够参与讨论。把握同一意思的多样性表达。

教学目标: 培养学员有效地用英语处理日常事务以及用英语与母语是英语和非英语的人士进行交往、会议讨论或学术研讨,能够不受制约对各类话题进行自由讨论,能够自如应对旅行、海外生活、外企工作等能力。























圣经英语 Bible English 《圣经》是一部关于基督教的书籍,但并不是只有信基督教的人才读,里边包含西方文化以及经典。就像《论语》也并不是只有信儒家思想的人才读。从文化的角度来说,《圣经》和《论语》是对东西方人类社会影响最大的两部书, 《圣经》影响了西方人两千多年,就像《论语》影响了中国人两千多年一样,直到今天《圣经》依然一定程度地左右着西方人的思想。在西方国家有用《圣经》做英语教材的先例。本课程通过取材于圣经的英语教材学习英语,对于了解西方文化与生活、语言等有极大帮助。

身体语言Body Language 在日常交际生活中,交际不但依靠语言,有时候一个动作,一个表情都会传递出很多说话人的信息。所以如何使用身体语言也是一门学问。而英语国家的人在说话时,常附加丰富的身体语言。掌握这些无论对于日常交流还是商业洽谈都非常有用。

诗歌Poets 选取美国最著名的39首诗歌。诗歌是语言的精华,经常用最美丽、最精炼的语句表达最深层次的意思。学习英语诗歌可以分享作者想要表达的意思;也可以展开想象,重现作者描绘的画面;还可以领悟英语的语言之美。学完诗歌可以试着自己去写那些描述性的句子。

演讲 Public Speaching 演讲是利用语言形成的另一门艺术。演讲词、身体语言、语调和语速的控制都要求精益求精。课程选出了最伟大的一些演讲篇章。通过学习现代西方这些著名的演讲,可以帮助你感觉英语的语言震撼力,并激发和培养你在公共场合演讲的兴趣。

坏话 Bad Words 在电影或者电视中我们常听到一些坏话。坏话一般也会成为最容易记住的一部分。但是坏话也有坏话的规则,在什么样的地方说,怎么说,需要仔细斟酌和考虑。



企业团体英语培训 根据企业客户需求定制课时及课程。面向正在或者即将与外国客户打交道的企业,解决公司的员工同外国客户的沟通问题,企业的中方员工与外籍员工的交流问题。针对企业客户需求,听取内训计划共同探讨企业英语培训项目的实施策略和相应流程。以公司的商业需求结合培训学员状况分析,制订完善而准确的培训计划。凭借流畅的英语交流能力为企业带来更强的竞争力。



Step1 工作面试口语


熟练英语,面试闯关,面试前后的细节关照,模拟面试。Step2 职场商务口语





易新外教口语汇聚国际大师与精英外教,集理论研究与教学实践于一体,在研究西方语言学理论的基础上,结合中国学习者特点与多年外语教学实践,突破高校研究的壁垒,提出全新的——语言生成说。站在理论的制高点,易新外教口语坚持“实用才是硬道理”,以“句子”为本位,培养英语口语交际能力,致力于打造英语学习的easy and new way,从根本提高中国人的英语口语水平。




适合对象:想提高英语口语的在校学生;准备找工作的应届生;准备或即将出国留学、工作、旅游的人群 ;职场白领,商务人士(按年龄段分班,开课前由外教进行水平测试进行调班。)











成功案例:北京新东方学校、北京市公立小学、、兰州五中 >>课程派出











联 系 人:万老师

联系电话: 010-62337067



(1)>>Look forward to ,---make out,----eat out----bring back--get away(2)>>Talk out come along – run down come apart

(5)>>Drop off – get away-

come down-

come out--hold on warm up

(6)>>Ask out – ring back – drop off – get through – clear off –put off--run down(7)>>Warm up – take off – come apart – bring backget on-show off--get away—come along--head off 1.Look forward to:

to feel pleased and excited about something that is going to happen.① I am looking forward to the weekend.② we are really looking forward to seeing you again.2.Make out:

① to be able to see or hear sth or sb ,usually with difficulity.I could hear voices but I could not make out what they were saying.② Understand sth ,especially sth has happened.I can not make out what he wants.③ Understand why sb behaves as they do

Jack is behaving very strangely at the moment.I just can not make him out 3.eat out:

to eat a meal in a restaurant, not at home.Do you feel like eating out tonight? 4.bring back:

① to make sb remember or think about sth from the past.The photographs brought back my happy memories.② To return with sth for sb

I brought a T-shirt back for Mark.5.get away:

① to succeed to leaving a place or a person.I will not be able to get away from the office at 7.② To go somewhere to have a holiday, especially because you need to rest

We are hoping to get away for a few days at Easter.(复活节)1.Talk out:

① to persuade sb not to do sth.My sister wants to leave college but my parents are trying to talk her out of it.② To discuss sth thoroughly in order to make a decision, solve a problem.You should always talk out your problems with someone you trust.2.put forward:

① to state an idea or opinion so that it can be considered or dissussed

They put forward some new ideas on the subject

② To change the date or time of an event so that it happens earlier than planned

We have put the meeting forward by one hour.3.get on:

① to continue doing sth, especially work.I am trying to get on with my work.② If two or more people get on, they like each other and are friendly to each other.Jim and Anne get on really well.4.show off:

① to try to make people admire your abilities or achievements in a way which other find annoying.He is just showing off because that girl he likes is here.② To make sb look attractive, by showing their best features

That dress could show off her figure.5.clear off:

① to leave a place quickly.He just cleared off without saying goodbye.② Remove from sight.He cleared off the dust from the chair and sat down in it.people

6.go on:

① to continue doing sth.He said nothing but just went on working.② To talk in an annoying way about sth for a long time.She does go on sometimes.她有时就是爱唠叨!

1.Look down:

① to think that sb is less important than you, or to think that sth is not good enough for you to use.Never look down on yourself.② To see sth under your sight.Oh ,here it is, please look down.2.Set up:

① to start a company or organization.She took out a bank loan and set up on her own.② To arrange for sth to happen

I have set up a meeting for Friday.3.blow up:

① to fill sth with air

The boy is blowing up a balloon.② To suddenly become very angry.My mother blew up at me when I told her that news.4.ring back:

① to return a call they made to you.I will ask Tom to ring you back when he gets in.② To telephone sb again, for example they were not there when you called earlier.He is not here now----could you ring back later?


5.take off:

① to leave the ground and begin to fly.The plane took off one hour late.② To remove sth, especially sth you are wearing.Today is very hot, so I take off my coat.6.tear down:

to destroy a building or other structure because it is not being used or it is not wanted any more ① The old cinema was torn down and replaced by a restaurant.② Tear down your labels.撕下你身上的标签

1.Playing at:

① if you ask what sb is playing at, you ask what they are doing, in a way which shows that you are surprised and angry.I tried asking her what she was playing at but she just burst into tears.② To do sth without being serious about it or putting much effort into it.His parents are so rich that he can play at being a businessman 2.slip off:

① to leave a place quietly so that other people do not notice you going.Let us try and slip off before the meeting finishes and go for a drink.② To slide out of your hand The plates in her hands were slipped off to the ground.3.hit back:

to criticize or attack sb who criticized or attacked you.In a TV interview she hit back at her critics.4.come along:

① to arrive at a place

Many people bought tickets for the concert, but few came along.② To improve or develop in a way that you want.Your French has come along a lot recently.5.run down:

① to criticize sb or sth in an unkind way.He is always running her down in front of other people.② To make sth lose power or stop working.If you leave your headlights on you will soon run down the battery.6.Look after:

① to take care of sb or sth by doing what is needed to keep them well

Who is going to look after the dog?

② To make sure that things happen to sb’s advantage

He is good at looking after his own interests.7.come apart:

to break into pieces The book just came apart in my hands.1.Drop off:

① to become fewer or less.Interest in the book began to drop off.② To take sb to a place that they want to go to, deliver sth to a place, usually in a car often when you are going somewhere place.I dropped off the package at her house.2.come down:

① to break and fall to the ground

The ceiling came down with a terrific crash.② To get an illness that is not very serious.I think I am coming down with flu.3.Come out:

① to be removed from sth by washing or cleaning(of dirt or mark)These stains won’t come out of my dress.② To be known(of news or truth)The full story came out at the trial.4.hold on:

① to wait for a short time Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.② To survive in a difficult or dangerous situation.They managed to hold on until help arrived.5.talk into:

to persuade sb to do sth

① She tried to talk him into adopting her plan.② Please talk into the microphone.6.Warm up:

① to heat previously cooked food again for eating.Please warm up this milk over the stove.② To prepare for physical exercise or a performance by doing gentle exercise The players are warming up before the game.1.Ask out:

to invite sb to go out with you, especially as a way of starting a romantic relationship.① I want to ask her out, but it's easier said than done.② The officer asked out when he was 60.这名官员60岁时引退了 2.get through:

① to manage to talk to sb on the telephone

I tried to phone her but I couldn’t get through.② To succeed in making sb understand or believe sth I explained once again, but I still couldn't get through to him.3.put off:

① to decide or arrange to do sth at a later time.The meeting will be put off until Friday

② To cancle a meeting or an arrangement that you have made with sb We've invited friends to supper and it's too late to put them off now.4.head off:

① to start a journey or leave a place.We should head off at about six tomorrow.② To get in front of sb in order to make them turn back or change direction The running thief was headed off by the police.5.Lift off:

to leave the ground and rise into the air

① The spaceship will lift off from the launching pad at 7 am.② It's difficult to lift off the cover of the box.很难揭开这个箱子的盖子


口语外教培训:谁说口语不能速成? 我们身边口语好的人无非两种,要么是海归,要么是外企人事。究其原因是他们生活和工作中都会用到英语。知道了问题所在,那么提高口语就很容易了。正所谓“Practice makes perfect!”(熟能生巧)。

我们常说兴趣是最好的老师。学习英语也一样,首先要把学英语当成一件快乐的事。可以通过多途径多角度学习,比如听英语歌,看喜欢的英语电影,试着用英语写日记,在 速恩英语 和外教一对一交流自己感兴趣的话题等等,把英语学习作为生活的一部分。





Moves A: Hi,grace.Good morning.B:Good morning.What's up?You looks so tired.A:Yeah,i just saw the new Nicolas Cage movie last night B: Which one? A: “Season of the Witch”.Did you see it? B: No, I haven't seen it yet.But I saw “Astro Boy”.I thought that was good.A: I think Nicolas Cage is great.B: Really? Why? He isn't very handsome.A: No, but he's got character.He can act with a lot of depth.B: It's interesting you like him so much.Usually I think women don't like him.They like more handsome actors.A: That's not always true.But I like some very handsome actors.Like Liang chaowei.But I don't like an actor just because he is handsome.B: Hmm.Maybe.So who is your favorite then? A: Nicolas Cage.B: I used to like Nicolas Cage more than I do now.He used to play more interesting roles.A: What do you mean? What movies? B: Oh, my favorite Nicolas Cage movie was knowing.He was perfect for that role.A: I saw “knowing”.It was disgusting.I almost couldn't watch it.B: It was a kind of movie that they call black humor.A: Yes, I know.Black humor is humor with a lot of violence or horrible things in it.I don't like black humor.B: Well, I know he is more popular since he started doing action movies.But I always think he should be a comic actor.That is what he does best.A:Yes,that it ,oh ,i have a party later.so.see you next time B:See you.Food A:Hi,garce.Could you give me some suggestions? B:Yes? A: I want to make a dinner tonight.B: That's great.What are you thinking of making? A: I don't have any idea about it.B: How about making fried-egg? I know you like it.A: Ha ,it's my favorate.B:Sunny-side.Well done.good taste.A:Well.what else?.B:What flavour do you like ? A:Sichuan food.but not too spicy.B:It's hard ,most sichuan food is spicy.let me think.en..how about fried shredded pork in fish favor.A: Okay, but what do I have to do to prepare it? B: you need prepare shredded pork ,oil,shredded carrot and asparagus.A: Got it.i know it's a famous sichuan food ,right? B: Yes, it's a home dish.very delicious.A:How about the flavor? B:It's not spicy ,but in sweet and sour sauce.it's popular in sichuan province.A: Really,ha ,got it.it's what i want.B: That great.A:I can't waiting to cook it.see you.B:See you.News A:Hi,sara ,it's gorgeous day today,is it? B:I see ,it better.A: Do you know it's snowed last night.B: Yes ,is there some special? A: Well,Have you seen the news today? B: Not yet.What happened? A: Did you know there was a blackout last night? B: Yes, I heard the lights were out all night.A: Well, some people decided to loot last night.B: I don't understand.A: They took advantage of the blackout.B: They really started looting? A: Yes, apparently four stores were broken into.B: Did the looters get caught? A: There was no evidence of who did it.B: Hopefully we won't have any more blackouts.A:agree with you.B:I don't like blackouts for i can't deal with homeworks.it's terrible A:That's true.B:Well, i have to go for my unfinished homeworks.A: Okay, have a good day。B: Good day.Music A:Hi,garce,How are you ? B:Fine,thanks, and you ? A: just so-so ,what are you doing? B:I am listening music.A:what kind of music do you like listening to? B:I like music that has a fast beat and is lively, like dance music.You prefer classical music, don’t you?

A:Yes, I do.I find it very relaxing.I often listen to Mozart or Bach in the evening after a hard day at work.B:I must admit that I like several pieces of classical music.It’s certainly more sophisticated that modern dance music.A:Classical music is supposed to be good for you brain.Research suggest that it makes your brain more active.Students who listen to classical music while studying perform better.B: Really? Perhaps I should listen to classical music often.I heard that listening to classical music is helpful in reducing stress.A:Yes.That’s why I listen to it in the evenings.I usually play it as background music while I’m cooking or doing other housework.B:I’ve got a few classical music CD’s.I should follow your lead and increase my brian power.A: You can find plenty of recording on the internet too.You can listen to samples and then buy them very cheaply if you like them.B:that’s a good idea.You should do the same with some music.You might find something you like.Classical music might make you clever, but dance might make you livelier and happier.A:That’s true.There’s clear evidence that people who listen to lively music are lively people.Music can influence a person’s feeling and character B:I agree with you.A:Well.I have something to go.Bye B:Bye.Sports A: Hi,sara,where are you going ? B:Playground,are you follow me ? A: En,for what?sports? B:En ,jogging.A: Are you crazy about it? B: Certainly, I have jogged for more than 1year.A: Which is your favourite sport then? B: Jogging,badminton, How about you? A: I'm too lazy to go out to stretch my arms....B: You'd better take up some sports, because sports can give you a perfect build and protect you from getting diseases easily.A: Is that so? But sports are tiring sometimes...B: Actually it is good for the health,my experience is a good sample A: Really? B:Well,my body in a bad condition before.i wasn't aware of it until to the hospital.The doctor advised me to do sports.A: Are you kidding me ,you are in good shape now.B:Yeah,it is ,just because jogging 1year form then.A:Well,i convince that sports is good for our health.B: I think jogging is one of the best sports to improve one's health.It enables your lungs to breath more air, and helps the body to build up more muscles.A:Well.I follow you.let's go.B: Okay.Hobby: A:Good morning, sara, B: Good morning ,grace.A:Sara,what’s your hobby? B: Oh, I like climbing in summer and jogging in winter.A:I know.You’re an adventurer.And, why you love it? B:I like the feeling of exciting and it also can bring me a lot of happiness.how about you ? A:I also enjoy sports and I love playing tennis.B: It's sounds good.Which sports do you like best?

A:Playing football and basketball,they can enjoy my life and strengthen my body.so what are you doing at weekends? B:Well.sometimes I’d like to go dancing with my friends, we like dance very much.A:Well, there will be a dancing group in our school on Friday evening.Would you like to join in it with your friends? It’s free of charge.B:We’d love to.See you.A:See you.Fashion A:Good morning sara,Nice to see you.B:Good morning.grace.What a nice day.A:What’s important for you when you buy clothes? B:I focus on the good looks and comfortable feeling.Do you plan to buy some clothes? A:Yes,I want to buy a blouse.B:Really.I’d like to wear blouse.A:Why?

B:There are many beautiful and fantastic blouse.Their designs are extraordingnary and attractive, and wearing blouse is the most popular now.A:Yes,you are right.But, what’s important for you when you buy blouse? B:Well,the most important factor is comfortable feeling ,and the next is design and looks.A:You’re right.If you have time someday,could you go alone with me? B:No problem.you can call me.A:Well, bye B:Bye.Weather A:Hi, grace,how are you ? B: Just very cold.And you ? A:I'm fine.Did you see the weather forecast today? B:Yes? A:What’s the weather like today? B:He says it’s going to be windy.The higest degree is 5 degree.It’s really a cold today.A:Will it snow? This city hasn't snowed for many years.B:He didn’t mention it,but you know the weather is becoming colder than before this year.A:Yes,you are right.Did he say something about tonight? B:Yes,the temperature will probably go down to 1 degree below zero.You’d better wear a warm and thick coat.Do you have some plans? A:Yes,I’ll plan to sing song with my friend,but now it may be cancle.B:That’s great.I’m really looking forward to that.maybe it will bring us some snow.I like snow very much.A:Yeah, so am I.It's so cold ,i have to go.bye B:Bye.Family A:Hi,grace, how it is going ? B:Just so so,and you ? A:Fine,I have a question about your family ,may I? B:Yes? A:How many people in you family? B:There are four.Besides my parents and me,there is my sister.A: You have a sister ,i never heard it before.How old is her ,now? B:She is twenty this year.She is now studing in Sichuan nomal university.A:That's great.How about your parents? What do they do? B: My father is an excellent middle school teacher, so does my mother.A: Oh really,teacher is a very good professional.Your parents must be teach you a lot of things.B:Yes, I learned some idea.My father is a very interesting person, and he always tells me some interesting and philosophical stories.A: Really ? B:yes,he is.A:So,Do you miss your family? B: Yes I miss them.my mother often cooks a lot of delicious food for me when I back to home.A:Well,that's wonderful.How often do you ring your parents? B:At least once a week.A:That's a good custom.Thanks for share your family story.B:En ,how about your family ? A:Maybe next time talk about it ,I will go.B:Well,bye.A:Bye.Holidays A: Good morning sara.B: Good morning,grace.A: You know the Christmas is coming, do you have any plan ?

B: My friend invited me to join a Christmas Eve party, there will be many friends and classmates.I'm so exiting.A:Oh,It must be funny and intresting.B:Of course, the party will going some interesting games.maybe will get gifts.A:It's so wonderful.B:Yeah,you can enjoy us if you want.A:I'd love to.But I Must go home, my family always prepares some programs for Christmas.All family members will attend.B:En,It must be intresting.A: Yes, my mother often cooks many snacks, which taste very good.And,we will sing and dance.B:what a nice day.You must have a very nice Christmas.A:The same to you ,Thank you.



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