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Unit 7

Celebrating Holidays and Making Friends(略)

The First Period

Section I

Teaching time 第 次/第周 日 3、4节/


日 1、2节 热动班

Teaching aims: 1.Read and discuss announcements, notices and posters in English,2.Learn some expressions used in making announcements, notices and posters , 3.Comprehend the two passages and master the useful expressions in them, and 4.Finish the exercises by themselves or with some help.Teaching important point:

Master the new phrases, sentence patterns and make the students be free to talk about a poster.Teaching difficult point:

Individual, pair or group work to make everyone work in class Teaching methods:

1.Individual, pair or group work to make everyone work in class 2.Task-based learning 3.Communicative approach Teaching aids: 1.a radio player 2.the blackboard 3.Pictures

Teaching procedures


Notices and posters are very common in our daily life, and they are often used to offer information about social functions.Therefore, we should not only learn to read them, but also learn to write them.It’s very important to know how to make announcements, notices and posters.The following samples make it clear that we should first tell the general information like how attractive or interesting the thing you want to make known, then give definite information about time, place and price etc.II.Presentation Section I Talking Face to Face

Step1.Read and translate the two samples of posters Notes: 1)The poster gives us a clear idea of the sponsor, time and place.2)The poster uses some parallel sentences to catch its audience’s eye.3)The body of the poster is like a Christmas tree, and the fonts are different.It aims to highlight the effect of the poster.Step 2 Practice:

Teaching time 第 2次/第14 周 12.20日 1、2节/


12.21日 1、2节 热动班

Section II Being All Ears Pre-listening: provide the students with the new words and expressions;read through the questions and the chart in exercise 1 and 2, and make some predictions as to the content of the dialogue.While-listening: ask the students to listen to the dialogue for the first time and ask them just to understand the main idea of the dialogue not to finish the exercises;listen to the dialogue again and ask them to finish exercise 1;ask the students to repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence after the tape while the teacher will press the button “pause” on the tape recorder;listen to the dialogue as a whole for the last time.Post-listening: ask the students to finish exercise 2, i.e.answering questions.This step aims to change listening to speaking.Notes: The following dialogue and the passage listening can be done in a more or less similar procedure.III.Assignment 1.Do ex.1-3

2.Preview section III.Conclusion:

The Second Period

Passage I Teaching time 第 1次/第15 周 12.24日 3、4节/


12.25日 1、2节 热动班

Teaching aims: 1.Understand the passage

2.Master some useful expressions in Passage I

3.Get the knowledge of some important western holidays 4.Know something about western culture Teaching important point:

Master the new phrases, sentence patterns and get some information about holidays

Teaching difficult point: Enable students to understand the passage

Teaching methods:

1.Individual, pair or group work to make everyone work in class 2.Task-based learning 3.Communicative approach Teaching aids: 1.a radio player 2.the blackboard 3.Pictures

Teaching procedures Step 1.Lead-in

(In this step, some related information will be provided for the students.)

U.S.Public Holidays & Celebrations 1.Federal Public Holidays January 1st

New Year's Day

3rd Monday in January

Martin Luther King's Birthday

3rd Monday in February

Washington's Birthday

Last Monday in May

Memorial Day

July 4th

Independence Day

1st Monday in September

Labor Day 2nd Monday in October

Columbus Day

November 11th

Veterans Day , 4th Thursday in November

Thanksgiving Day , December 25th

Christmas Day February 12th

Lincoln's Birthday

Note: Virtually all the states observe certain other days during the year;the principal ones are: Normally, if a holiday falls on a Sunday the following Monday is observed;if on a Saturday, the previous Friday.2.Other American Celebration Days

Mother's Day

Second Sunday in May Father's Day

Third Sunday in June Groundhog Day

February 2nd1 Traditionally, if the sun is shining on this day, and a groundhog sees his shadow, he returns to his burrow, and winter continues for six more weeks.Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time(DST)is achieved by advancing the clock one hour.Most states, the District of Columbia, and U.S.possessions observe Daylight Saving Time beginning at 2.00 am on the first Sunday in April, and ending at 2.00 am on the last Sunday in October.Step 2.Comprehension Questions(The students will be asked some compression questions after they have skimmed the passage to help them develop reading strategies.)(1)What is the origin of Thanksgiving Day?(2)How did the early settlers survive their first winter in the New World?(3)What does a traditional Thanksgiving dinner usually include?(4)What do people do if they can’t join the family for Christmas?(5)Why is Christmas said to be family holiday?

Step 3 Explain the passage in detail(1)Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1.--Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November is uniquely an American holiday which dates back to the arrival of some of the first European settlers in the New World.(Para.1)每年11月的第四个星期四的感恩节是唯有美国才有的节日。它可以追溯到第一批欧洲人移居到新大陆的时期。

Analysis: “uniquely” means “specifically, solely”;“which” guides an attributive clause.e.g.English is one of the most important courses for the Chinese students which is compulsory in almost all the colleges and universities.2.--However, those early settlers would not have survived their first cold winter without the help of their native Indian neighbors, who taught them how to plant corns, and how to hunt wild deer.(Para.1)然而,如果没有当地印第安人的帮助,那些早期的移民是无法度过他们在那里的第一个凛冽寒冬。这些土著印第安邻居教他们如何种植玉米及如何狩猎野鹿。

Analysis: “would not have survived…without” is Subjunctive Mood;“who” guides a non-restrictive attributive clause.e.g.I would like to say that without your help, I could not have completed the project on time.3.--The first Thanksgiving Day was observed after the fall harvest, and people gave thanks to God and to their friends.第一个感恩节是在秋收后庆祝的,人们借此对上帝和朋友们表示感谢。

Analysis: observe means “ spend and celebrate” and引导并列句

4.--Some American households will even put up a Christmas tree this early, although most will wait until a couple of weeks before Christmas Eve.(Para.2)一些美国家庭甚至会在那时就早早地竖起了圣诞树, 虽然大部分人将会把这件事留到圣诞夜之前的几个星期才去做。

Analysis: “this early” means “so early”;“although” guides an adverbial clause.e.g.Some students have begun to prepare for the final examination, although most will wait until a few weeks before the tests.5.--Children are kept busy with gifts they believe to be brought to them by Santa Claus.(Para.3)孩子们则忙于玩着那些他们认为是圣诞老人送给他们的礼物。

Analysis: “are kept busy with” means “be occupied with, be busy doing sth.”;“they believe to be brought to them by Santa Claus” is an attributive clause without “which”, modifying “gift”

e.g.I’ve received several Christmas cards I believed to be given to me by my students.(2)Useful Words and Expressions 1.bless v.祈福, 有福气, 保佑 e.g.May God bless you.This country is blessed with mild climate and rich land.2.survive: v.continue to live or exist, remain alive after, live or exist longer than e.g.Very few people in this area survived the earthquake.The old lady was so lucky that she survived the accident.It’s difficult for these plants to survive the cold climate in the north.3.hunt v.go after wild animals;look for, try to find 打猎;寻觅, 设法找到 e.g.Nobody is allowed to hunt here.All the people are helping hunt for a missing child.These students are hunting for a part-time job at the market.4.observe v.celebrate;obey 庆祝;遵守

e.g.Do they observe Thanksgiving Day in that country? We always observe birthdays at home.All drivers should observe traffic laws strictly.5.include v.bring in, reckon, as part of the whole包括, 包括在内

e.g.Don’t you think we should include some examples in this paragraph?

This book includes 20 chapters.Her duties include putting the children to bed.6.express v.show or make known by words, looks, action;clearly and definitely state表述,表达;说明

e.g.I find it very difficult for me to express how grateful I am for your kindness.The heartfelt smile expresses her joy at the good news.You should learn to express yourself in good English.She expressed her determination in this letter.7.join v.put together, unite;come into the company联接;参加,加入 e.g.Where does the river join the sea? Will you join us in the walk? Why don’t you join in our conversation?

8.associate v.join or connect, be often in the company of...联系,联络,有关系;associate … with … 把……和……联系起来

e.g.I don’t want to associate myself with that matter.Don’t associate with these dishonest persons.We always associate the Great Wall with China.9.maintain v.continue to keep up, retain 保持,维护;保养,供养 e.g.Teachers should maintain close ties with the students.You’d better maintain 30 miles an hour in this area.The workers are busy maintaining the roads before winter comes.How could the students maintain themselves only by doing part time jobs? You should learn to maintain your rights as a citizen.VII.Assignment:

Read Passage 2 and complete Ex.7, P45.Conclusion:

The Third Period

Passage II and Section Ⅳ Trying your hand

Teaching time 第 2次/第15 周 12.27日 1、2节/


12.28日 1、2节 热动班

Teaching aims Know something about America Translate the business cards by using translation skills;Explain grammar rules, i.e.the basic sentence structures.Teaching important point

Train students’ fast reading skills

Teaching difficult point the basic sentence structures

Teaching methods Asking and answering activities;Writing and discussing method Teaching aids The radio player and the blackboard

Teaching procedures

Passage II When I Was in America Step 1.Warm up

Introductory Remarks For most people the holiday season is a time of joy and family reunions.As we know, most of you come from different parts of Anhui province or even from other provinces.So what do you usually do at holidays? Suppose you were pursuing your study in the U.S., what would you do during the holiday season?(Then collect their ideas and write them on the blackboard.)(At last, the teacher continues.)This passage tells us a story about how an overseas student spent her holiday in America.Step 2.Ask the students to skim the passage and finish Exercise 7 Step 3.Explain the passage in detail(1)Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1.--Rather than lock myself in my loneliness, I have tried each Christmas to learn a little more about the culture of the country and know more about my American friends.2.--Maria, a Mexican-American student, who worked as a temporary secretary in the department when others left for their holidays, must have seen me as I left the mailbox with disappointment showing on my face.(2)Useful Words and Expressions 1.reunion: meeting with family members or old friends, etc.after separation Many students go home for a family reunion on the Mid-autumn Festival.2.emotion: excited state of mind or strong feelings

She told the story in a voice touched with deep emotion.3.loneliness: state of feeling sad or melancholy caused by lacking of companions Loneliness is the worst enemy for the spacemen.She sang to herself to rid her of the loneliness.lonely adj.孤独的,孤单的 4.repeatedly: again and again

Whatever she says, she’d say it repeatedly.5.crush: crowd of people or things gathered together There was a frightful crush at the gate of the cinema.Section Ⅳ Trying Your Hand Applied Writing

There are three aspects in making notices and posters Learn to write notices and posters 1)Use the content of a notice or poster as the title.In the title, the first letter of each word should be a capital letter, e.g.English Party(英语晚会)or Poster(海报).2)Be very thoughtful about the content of a notice or poster because you have only a few words to reach your audience.Once you've identified the information you want to convey, think about how to organize it.The most important information must appear earlier or more prominently in the notice or poster.3)Give a clear idea of the sponsor, chair or speaker, place and time.4)Think about the appearance of the notice or poster when you consider how to place the text and what size and font to create.Use pictures or different fonts and colors to highlight the effect of the notice or poster.There is an international football match between China and Germany which will be held on Fri.Jun.31, 3:00-5:00 p.m.in the National Stadium.Please write a poster in English.Sentence writing

Grammar :形容词与副词的比较级

英语中大部分形容词的含义都有程度上的差异。这种程度差异在语法上主要用比较等级的形式表现,“更高”用比较级表示,而“最高”则用最高级表示。如 tall—taller—tallest beautiful—more—beautiful—(the)most beautiful 1.同等程度的比较

1)“与…一样”——“as/so+形容词/副词原级+as” Ted is as bright as John.John behaves as politely as Mark(does).2)“与…一样”,“并不比…更…(形容词/副词的反义)”——“no+形容词/副词比较级+than” John is no better than Tom.This room is no larger than that one.2.不同程度的比较

1)“比…更…”——“形容词/副词比较级+than” John is brighter than Mark.John behaves more politely than Ted.2)“不如/没有…”——“not as /so 形容词/副词原级 +as” John is not as tall as Bob.John doesn’t behave as/so politely as Bob.3)“不如/没有…”——“less+形容词/副词原级+than” John is less tall than Bob.John behaves less politely than Bob.3.最高程度的比较


Bob is the tallest of the three boys.He works(the)hardest of all.The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.This is the most interesting book I have ever read.2)“比…都更”, “最”——“比较级+than anyone else/比较级+than any other…/nothing+比较级比较级”

George did more work than anyone else.This car runs faster than any other car in the garage.3)“在…当中最不”——“the least+形容词/副词原级+of/in/(n)ever从句/分词短语” He behaved the least politely of the three.This is the least difficult book I’ve ever read.形容词比较等级经常使用程度数量副词或其短语以及倍数等作其前修饰语,说明差异程度.如: nearly as big as a man much more difficult a little heavier far more important a great deal easier two meters longer three times faster 4.对比与比较

1)“越…就越”——“the+比较级, the + 比较级” The older I get, the happier I am.The sooner you start, the more early you’ll get there.2)“越来越”——“比较级+and+比较级” The car was running faster and faster.Jane became more and more beautiful.Exercises: 1.Complete the following sentences using the comparative degree form.1)Her ____(old)sister is much _____(slim)than she is.2)The little girl has become much ____(tall)and _______(heavy)than before.3)Even the grass growing here looks ____(thin)and _____(weak)than in the mountains.4)The situation went from _____(bad)to ___(bad).5)What a pity!The water in the river has become _____(dirty)and _____(clear)than before.6)The _____(early)we operate on him, the _____(soon)he will recover.7)The _____(old)generation should also learn to understand the ____(young)generation.8)This piece of new is ____(important)of all for our company.Please pass it on to the manger in the _____(short)possible time.9)The doctor could treat any patient as ____(well)as, if not ____(well)than, any other doctor.10)The ____(much)time you spend preparing for the contest, the ______(big)your chances are of winning.2.Correct the errors in the forms of comparative or superlative degree in the following sentences.1)The river is longer and narrower than the other two.2)A car runs much faster than a bike is.3)A feather drops very slowly than a stone.4)The climate in Shanghai is much warmer than Beijing.5)She works hard among the four of them.6)You can jump much higher on the moon than earth.7)This hall is less spacious among the three.8)The notice to be made should look beautiful as the one we saw in the magazine.9)This dictionary cost me three times as that one.10)That room cannot hold as much people as this one.3.Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to the way of comparison.1)英语口语课常常比写作课更加生动有趣。


III.Assignment 1.Do ex.7-9 2.Write an small essay 2.Preview useful sentences and phrases.Conclusion:



Unit 1(1)Greeting and Introducing People

Teaching purposes:

1.The students should be able to understand greeting and introducing people and make a short conversation to greet and introduce other people.2.The students should be able to communicate personal information.3.The students should be able to master some words and expressions in greeting and introducing people.(Key words and expressions: welcome, present a project report, business card, on business, care for, introduce)Teaching procedures: I.Talking face to face II.Being all ears III.Assignment I.Talking Face to Face Step 1 Lead-in: business cards.1.Warm-up questions:

1)When are business cards exchanged between people? 2)What are usually written on business cards? 3)When do people use passports?

2.Students read and translate the business cards under the guidance of the teacher.Sample1:

International Exchange Section Binhai Foreign Languages School

Prof.Lu Yang


Address:5 Binhai Road, Binhai City, 116000 Tel & Fax: 0411-4673289

E-mail: FLI603@pub.bl.lnpta.net.cn Sample2:

Binhai Electronics Ltd.Li Tiegang

Electronics Engineer Address: No.50Chang-Jiang, Binhai E-mail: ltg6@pub.bl.lnpta.net.cn Tel: 0411-4673289 Handphone: *** Step 2 Sample dialogue: 1.Warm-up questions:

1)How much do you know about the way Americans greet people and give responses? 2)How much do you know about the way Americans exchange their personal information? 3)How much do you know about the the Americans say good-bye to each others? 4)How much do you know about the the Americans introduce themselves to each other? Students speak out the sentences and expressions under the guidance of the teacher.2.Students read the sample dialogues after the teacher and try to find out the useful sentences and expressions for greeting people in the dialogue.Practice the following sentences:

1)Ladies and gentlemen, now let me introduce to you the renowned football star David Beckham.2)Businessmen often exchange business cards to each other when they meet for the first time.3)Would you care for a cup of coffee with me?

4)Our American English teacher told us to call her by her first name instead of her family name.Step 3 Students practice the dialogues in groups.1.Give students several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the five small dialogues.(P 3 in students’ book)

2.Students role-play the similar situations they create, first in groups, and then in front of the class.e.g.Please make a dialogue according to requirements.Task: Imagine you are Zhang and you meet Mr.Smith, an English teacher from the USA at the airport for the first time.The following dialogue is provided for your reference.Zhang: Hello, are you Prof.Smith from the United States?

Mr.Smith: Yes, Robert Smith.Please call me Robert.Thanks for coming to meet me at the airport.Zhang: My pleasure.Welcome to China.My name is Zhang Lin.You can call me Zhang.Here is my card.Mr.Smith: Thank you.Here is mine.And this is my wife.Zhang: How do you do, Mrs.Smith?

Mrs.Smith: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.Please call me Mary.Zhang: How was the journey, Mary?

Mrs.Smith: Well, it was Ok, although a little tiring.Zhang: Then let’s get your luggage and go to the hotel now.Mr.Smith: Oh, thank you.It’s very kind of you.3.Students do Put-in-Use exercises in groups by reading out lout all the three dialogues they have completed.II.Being All Ears Dialogue 1:

Teaching Procedure(It aims to train the students with proper listening strategies.)

Pre-listening: provide the students with the new words and expressions;read through the questions and the chart in exercise 1 and 2, and make some predictions as to the content of the dialogue.While-listening: ask the students to listen to the dialogue for the first time and ask them just to understand the main idea of the dialogue not to finish the exercises;listen to the dialogue again and ask them to finish exercise 1;ask the students to repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence after the tape while the teacher will press the button “pause” on the tape recorder;listen to the dialogue as a whole for the last time.Post-listening: ask the students to finish exercises, i.e.answering questions.This step aims to change listening to speaking.Notes: The following dialogue and the passage listening can be done in a more or less similar procedure.III.Assignments

1)Pair work: Prepare conversations about introducing oneself to other members of the groups.2)Do all the exercises in the section.Unit1(2)The Way Americans Greet Teaching purposes: 1.Understand the two passages as a whole;

2.Learn to use the strategy of scanning to locate specific information in a passage(reading skills development).3.Master some useful expressions in Passage I(Key words and expressions: greet, speaking of , leave a …impression on, prefer…to…, get/become acquainted with)Teaching procedures: I.Passage I II.Assignment

I.Passage I: The Way Americans Greet Step 1 Warm-up questions:

1.What is the common way for Chinese people to greet others?

(In greeting people, they usually ask personal questions to show intimacy, such as: “Have you had your lunch/dinner? / Where are you going? / What did you do last night?)2.How do Americans greet each other?

(They use greeting clichés like “Hi/Hello/Good morning!/How are you?/How do you do?/ Nice to meet you!/ How is everything going on? Step 2 Students read the passage

1.Comprehension Questions(The students will be asked some compression questions after they have skimmed the passage to help them develop reading strategies.)①.What does an informal greeting really mean to Americans? ②.Why don’t most Americans like using titles in introductions?

③.What do your American friends want to show when they address you with your first name? ④.Why do Americans ask you some personal questions?

Or: The teacher asks one question for each paragraph and the students read the passage paragraph and give their answers to the teacher’s questions:(参考教参P27和ppt.)

In this step, some related information will be provided for the students.)Formation of Common English Names

A common English name is usually composed of two or three parts: the first name is also called forename.If the person is a Christian, his first name will be given at his baptism, so it is also called the given name or the Christian name.Middle name is the second given name.When written, middle name is often shortened to the initial letter.Surname is often the father’s family name, so it is also called family name or last name.For example: Anne Louise Strong, George W.Bush.Step 3 Students summarize the informal ways American use for greeting and bidding farewell in Passage 1.(参考教参Page 27 and ppt.)

Step 4 Students read Paragraph 2 loudly and then complete the following sentences without looking at the passage.(参考ppt.)

Step 5 Students do dictation practice of Paragraph 3.Step 6 Explain the passage in detail 1)Difficult sentences:

①(Title)The Way American Greet

Analysis: In this title, “in which” is omitted after The Way.“in… way” means(to do something)by means of a certain method.Translation: 美国人的致意方式

Example: I think the way she studies is worth studying.②(Para.1)Speaking of „ time, I’ve got to run.Analysis: “Speaking of” is a present participle clause used as an adverbial of cause/time.It means “when it comes to time, I’m reminded of …” Translation: 说到时间,我得赶紧跑了。

Example: a.Speaking of English, I’ve go to a class.谈到英语,我得上课去了。

b.Speaking of business cards, I’ve got to print some more now.谈到名片,我现在得再印一些。

③(Para 2)However, American introductions are usually rather simple.Analysis: However is a conjunct to denote a contrast of this sentence to the previous one.It means “然而,可是” in Chinese.Translation: 然而美国式的介绍通常相当简单。

Example: a.In China, family relationships are usually rather close.在中国,家庭关系通常都很紧密。

b.In my hometown, companies are usually rather small.在我家乡,公司通常都很小。

④(Para 2)“Glad to meet you.I’m Miller.But call me Paul.” Analysis: Miller is the family name and Paul is the given name.Addressing others by their given name usually implies a sort of informal and friendly relationship.Translation: 比起正式称呼,大部分情形下他们更喜欢直呼其名。

Example: a.These boys prefer football to basketball.比起蓝球来,这些男孩子们更喜欢足球。

b.I prefer Chinese food to Western food.比起西餐来,我更喜欢中国食品。

⑤(Para 3)But Americans do sometimes ask such questions.Analysis: Do is used here to emphasize the following verb.It means “的的确确,真的”

Translation: 但是美国人有时确实会问此类问题。

Example: I do appreciate your help.⑥(Para 3)In this way they can get better acquainted with you and have a topic for beginning a friendly conversation with you.Analysis: And is used here to introduce a coordinate clause, which further develops the topic being discussed.Translation: 他们想要得到你对这些询问的回答,这样就能更多地了解你,并以此为开端与你友好地侃上一场。

Example: In this way you can improve your spoken English and do(2)Useful Words and Expressions

①.Greet: v.say words of welcome to, express one’s feelings on receiving sb.Example: It is important for the students to learn how to greet people in English.Practice: a.我们经常用微笑表达喜悦。

We often express our happiness with a smile.b.她说话经常带浓重的乡音。

She often speaks with a strong local accent.②.Similarly: 同样

Example: Similarly, there are also many proverbs in Chinese.Practice: a.同样,格林教授也无法忍耐惰性。

Similarly, Professor Green couldn’t bear laziness.b.同样,他们也不愿意依赖他人。

Similarly, they don’t want to depend upon others.③.To sb.:对某人来说

Example: To the parents, a healthy child is the most essential thing.Practice: a.对一个商人来说,利润是最重要的事。

To a businessman, profit is the most important thing.b.对我来说,一个幸福的家庭是最有价值的东西。

To me, a happy family is the most valuable thing.④.leave an impression on/upon sb.给某人留下印象

leave a deep/good/nice impression on/upon sb.Example: 一个友好的问候会使谈话有一个良好的开端。

A friendly greeting will make a good beginning for a talk.Practice: 一个幽默的句子会给一堂课增添一股活力(lively touch)。

A humorous sentence will give a lively touch to the lesson.⑤.such: 如此的,这样的

Example: Such a life may be too hard to the little girl.Practice: a.这样的结局对我来说是太匆忙了。

Such an ending maybe too hasty to me.b.这样一种天气对游客来说是太热了。

Such weather maybe too hot to the tourists.⑥.acquaint: v.make familiar with, get to know, reveal to sb.结识,认识

Example: You should try to acquaint him with the facts of the case.Practice: a.I have become acquainted with my new duties.b.The overseas students have make themselves acquainted with their Chinese peers.⑦.prefer: v.like better, would rather do 更喜欢,宁愿

Example: I prefer to have the meeting in the morning rather than in the afternoon.Practice: Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? II.Assignments

1.Students tell the way the Americans greet.2.Recite the first paragraph of Passage I.3.Finish all the exercises in this section.Unit1(3)A Little about Me Teaching purposes: 1.Writing a business card.2.Master the basic sentence structures.3.Learn to use the strategy of scanning to locate specific information in passage II.Teaching procedures: I.Passage II II.Applied writing

III.Sentence Writing and Grammar Review IV.Assignment

I.Passage II: A Little about Me Step 1 Warm-up activity:

T: First ask the students the question “If you write a short passage to introduce yourself, which aspects should be included in it?” and then make some conclusions as follows:

Self-introduction can be made according to different requirements and should be appropriate in different situations.Generally speaking, such aspects as name, personality, interests, appearance, etc.are included.1.The teacher asks a few students to introduce some of their classmates and lets the other student guess who they are.Words for describing appearance and characteristics.(参考教材P28和ppt)Step 2 Students read the passage.T: Today we’ll read a passage concerning self-introduction from which we can get a glimpse of how to write a self-introduction.Step 3 Students try to describe Mike according to the information given in the passage.(教参P29和ppt.)Step 4 Acting out

The students work in pairs to make up and act out an interview between a reporter form the college radio station and Mike Adams about his life and work in China.Step 5 Language points:

1.move to : to go from one residence or location to another e.g.The pressures of city life forced him to move to the countryside 2.be kind to :to be friendly, generous, or warm-hearted e.g.The doctor is always kind to the patients.3.change one’s mind: to reverse a previously held opinion or an earlier decision e.g.The old man is very stubborn and it’s difficult for him to change his mind.4.have everything under control: everything is controlled by … e.g.Some parents want to have everything of their children under control.5.look neat and tidy: to be clean and in order

e.g.She spends a few hours cleaning her house everyday.So it always looks neat and tidy.II.Applied Writing Trying Your Hand

1.Sample analysis: The teacher summarizes the format and the language used in business card.2.The teacher introduce some items often included in a business card.3.Simulated writing and create exercise.III.Sentence Writing and Grammar Review.1.英语五种基本句型列式如下:

基本句型一: S V(主+谓)

基本句型二: S V P(主+谓+表)

基本句型三: S V O(主+谓+宾)

基本句型四: S V o O(主+谓+间宾+直宾)

基本句型五: S V O C(主+谓+宾+宾补)

2.Students do Exercises 5,6 and 7.IV.Assignments

1.Design a name card for yourself.2.Do the grammar exercises in the Workbook.3.Recite the last paragraph of Passage II.4.Read and learn by heart the new words in Unit 2.5.Prepare the speaking activities in Section I of Unit 2.

第三篇:新编大学英语 Book I Unit 7 教案

UnitSevenChoices in Life

Useful Information

Each day we all make many choices;most of these choices are small---what to wear, what to eat, what to do with any leisure time we might happen to have, to name just a few, still, there are many important choices that we make in life---which university to attend, what to study, what type of job to seek, whom to marry, etc.Sometimes we may become tired of making choices, but we always know that we will continue to make them as long as we live, because that is better than having them made for us.We may sometimes ask for advice about a choice we must make, but ultimately most of the decisions as to which choices are best will be made by ourselves, both important an unimportant.We also know that we will undoubtedly have to suffer the consequences of making poor choices and that we will often rejoice in the many fortunate choices we make.It is not surprising that one of the most common old sayings in English is, “you pay your money and make your choices”, meaning that you can do what you want to when it comes to making a choice but then you will have to live with the outcome.Many writers have written about the important of choices throughout our lives.One of the most popular and beloved poems in the English language has “choice” as its subject matter.In this poem, “The Read Not Taken”, Robert Frost describes walking along a path through the woods and coming to a fork in the path.He must choose which fork to take, that is, which way to go, knowing that he will probably never be able to come back and try the other way.He ends his poems by saying, “I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” This poem is seen as a metaphor for the important choices in life which do, indeed, make “all the difference” for us.In Frost’s case, the choice is often interpreted as his choice of career, to take the risk of becoming a poet, knowing that thousands of poets never really succeed.Some choices bring risk with them.“Risk” may be defined as “the possibility of loss or injury”.In this sense, we may want to avoid taking a risk, but sometimes it is necessary to do so if we are to move forward and develop ourselves to our full potential.As Boris Pasternak the 20th century Russian Nobel prize-winning writer stated, “Art is unthinkable without risk.” Also, the American psychologist William James wrote, “It is only by risking our persons from one hour to another that we live at all”, stressing that in order to have to have a full life we must take risks.He stated further that “There if no more miserable human being than one in whom nothing is habitual but indecision”, stressing that we must constantly make decisions which, of necessity, involve choice and risk if we are to lead full and happy lives.We may all think of the term “risk” in different ways, but it can be interesting to come to a decision as to what we mean by “risk” and then think about the important choices and/or risks that have thus far been involved in our lives.Part One Preparation

1.Decision Making

Many decisions:

(1)choose a good wife/ husband.(2)Find a well-paid and suitable job.(3)Choose a good university and appropriate major.(4)Choose what kind of people to make friends with.(5)Choose what to eat on a day-to-day basis.(6)Should I skip the English class since I’m not feeling well today?

(7)Should I go to school by bike or on foot.(8)Where should I study tonight, in the dorm or classroom?

2.Some phrases and expressions

range from…to…from…to…plan to do sth.manage to do sthpick…upget ready for

complain aboutbreak downyell at

stop…from…have a mealpay for

ask…to do sthsoap operaturn up

in a…voiceleave forturn off

take outinsist onday and night

report…to…plead with(恳求)…not to do sth

offer to do sthget admission to some place

dream aboutin this waygive up

have more trust in sbsacrifice…for…pull through(度过难关)

Part Two Reading-Centered Activities

New words and expressions



e.g.The scenery was beautiful beyond expression.2)appearance(神色,表情)

e.g.“I don’t understand,” he said, with an expression of complete surprise on his face.3)meaning, feeling(感情)

e.g.She puts great expression into her violin playing.4)statement(陈述)

e.g.“shut up” is not a polite expression.2.used to和be used to

used to意思为:过去常常……,后跟原形动词.e.g.I used to live in London.People used to burn candles in order to get light.人们在过去常点蜡烛用来照明。

It used to be said that…常言道…

Be used to 意思为:习惯于… 后跟动名词或名词

e.g.He is used to working hard/hard work.I am not used to being spoken to like that.像那样的态度对我说话,我是看不惯的。

Get used to…弄惯become used to习惯于

e.g.You will soon get/become used to our ways.你不久会习惯于我们的方式。

3.instead of, instead

两者的区别:instead of后跟名词或动名词,instead是副词,后面跟词语。e.g.We should do something instead of just talking about it.Could I have tea instead of coffee?

If Tom can’t attend the meeting, I could instead.I don’t want to go home.Let’s go to a movie instead.4.suggest 表示“建议”时,有下列常见用法:

e.g.Mary suggested that we order pizza for lunch.“I suggest buying the green bag,” said Linda.I suggest a tour of the museum.Whom would you suggest for the job?

What did you suggest to the manager?

Other phrases and expressions

Take risksinstead oftake caretake…as a jokegrow upfall to pieces

color: affect, influenceinhibit: hold backfalse alarm(虚惊)Be likely to do sthconfuse…with…in front of

By the thought ofat the thought ofon thinking

Instead ofthrow…at sbdevelop into

Tear one’s fleshbe faced withseparate…from… Tell…from…think aboutput…into practice Be certain abouttake actiontake steps/measures As soon asin some waystay away from(避开)

Be about to dowalk away frommistake…for… Be mixed upone thing at a timeend in

Inhibit…from…prevent…from…stay in bed

In relation toeven ifget angry

Get injuredtake the riskput in danger(使遭受危险)Take the chance of(冒…的危险)be faced with

Cross sb’s mind(突然想起,掠过脑际)deal with: handle [take action about 处理,对付]

Be eager to do sthblow up: explodecolor vt.influence Earn one’s livingswitch ontear one’s flesh(肉体受到严重伤害)Free of/frommatch…with…be willing to do Lead to(success)prevent…from…laugh at sb

Be ready to do sthdeal withagree with sb

Share with sbfire into sb(向…开枪)confuse…with…

Throw a brick at…develop into…make out(理解,证明)On the top ofcarry off(夺去抢走,获得奖品等)

At sunriseadvise sb to doin the first place In the second placein the third placetake…away from Instead ofsucceed in doingmake an effort Most important of allno sooner…than…on the other side Arrive attell ofa great deal of Rejoice to do sth(高兴/欣喜做…)for nothing(徒劳无功)For no purpose(徒劳无功,没有好结果)wage against(向…开战)in jest as a joke(开玩笑地,不严肃地)agree to sth

succeed in doing sthlater on(以后,后来)break into

be fond ofadd up(加在一起)allow sb to doshare withrun out ofin return for(换得/来)meet face to faceat the end ofend with

decline to do sth(拒绝做…)pay back(偿还)belong to sb/sth at the age ofstrike a deal(达成协议)go through

talk…over(商议/量)invite sb to…


UNIT1 一.Translation 1.By the time I got to the meeting room on the top floor, they had already left.2.This programme caters for many different types of interest and tastes among the public.3.The old song has brought back memories of those good old days.4.They finished the project one week earlier than they had expected to.5.At last the jury was convinced that the middle-aged man had nothing to do with the murder.6.This is the third time I have been in Shanghai, and I’ve noticed that Shanghai has taken on a new look.二.Vocabulary 1.take in: make a garment smaller 2.take up: start 3.take after: look like 4.take over: obtain, have control over 5.take down: write 6.take to: become fond of

7.take off: regard someone as something


新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)Unit 1 英国人和美国人的空间概念

人们说英国人和美国人是被同一种语言分离开的两个伟大的民族。英美民族之间的差异使得英语本身受到很多指责,然而,这些差异也许不应该过分归咎于语言,而应该更多的归因于其他层面上的交流 :从使很多美国人感到做作的英式语音语调到以自我为中心的处理时间、空间和物品的不同方法。如果说这世上有两种文化间的空间关系学的具体内容迥然不同,那就是在有教养(私立学校)的英国人和中产阶级的美国人之间了。造成这种巨大差异的一个基本原因是在美国人们借助空间大小来对人或事加以分类,而在英国决定你身分的却是社会等级制度。在美国,你的住址可以很好的暗示你的身分(这不仅适用于你的家庭住址,也适用于你的商业地址)。住在纽波特和棕榈滩的人要比布鲁克林和迈阿密的人高贵时髦得多。格林尼治和科德角与纽华克和迈阿密简直毫无类似之处。座落在麦迪逊大道和花园大道的公司要比那些座落在第七大道和第八大道的公司更有情调。街角办公室要比电梯旁或者长廊尽头的办公室更受尊敬。而英国人是在社会等级制度下出生和成长的。无论你在哪里看到他,他仍然是贵族,即便是在鱼贩摊位的柜台后面。除了阶级差异,英国人和我们美国人在如何分配空间上也存在差异。





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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)Unit 2 游客/旅游者/观光客



等到最后一班船一走,大舞台的帷幕就落下了。平底船夫脱掉亚麻夹克,摘下笨重的草帽,带上埃里克,回布拉诺。小埃里诺非常不满意他所挣到的钱。他说要是这样下去,他就要饿死了。慈祥的老太太也收起了她们的笑脸,把花边枕头放在一边,开始干起每天要干的溺死小猫之类的工作。卖苜蓿小孩的父亲,趴在地上,去找第二天要卖的四叶苜蓿。最后一次教堂钟声响过,月亮也出来了。飞舞的每日邮报刮进了湖中,托塞罗又恢复了原样。Unite 3 地铁


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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)帮子也会随之不时鼓起。




在东部的城际快车线路上,比如说第86街,列车停下后人们互相拥挤,成群地挤出车厢,而在灰绿色阴影中的一条长凳上,在那些大梁和1905年铺设的瓷砖下面,有一位懒散地斜靠着椅背的老人似乎在酣睡,他穿着一件棉风衣,衣服的袖子已经被扯掉了。他就穿了这么多东西。他的肤色死灰,间杂着苍白的斑点。他双腿以一种绅士般的方式交叉,他酒鬼特有的脸耷拉在长凳的后面。显然那些同时又身为臭名昭著的小偷的其他酒鬼曾经扒光了他的所有衣服,只剩下这件风衣,他们也曾试图把这件风衣扒走,(但最终没有成功),只能够将袖子拽掉,然后任由这位老人裸坐在长凳上人事不省,但他们还是给他保留了一个绅士般的姿态。经过的路人都会短暂地凝视一番,看看他灰白斑驳的躯体,但没有人停下脚步;没人知道到底要经过多久才会有警察过来屏住呼吸将他从阴暗中转移出来,并将他安置在法律的温暖怀抱中去。那样的话,他至少会穿上一件普通的绿色工作服,重新拥有在夜晚的地铁长凳上值得尊敬的一席位置。Unit 4 文体与目的


如此强调在使用英语时符合传统习俗似乎很荒谬,因为我们很可能会觉得那些使用英语时有创造性和非传统的人往往获得那些大奖。我们决不能确切地说那些大奖都是这样颁发的,但是无论我们的观点如何,大家似乎对以下事实没有什么异议:在我们还没有正确地掌握传统搭配之前,诸如“看,妈妈:没有手!”这样的表达方式对我们不会有丝毫的印象深刻的感觉。在我们试图像格特鲁德·斯坦(Gertrude Stein)那样写作之前,我们必须学会按照最严格的传统习俗学习和使用英语――而且就这一点我们可以从上一章引用的罗伯特·格雷夫斯(Robert Graves)先生的话语里得到支持。

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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)如果没有规范,要辨别和实践创造性将变得极为困难。也许你曾经品尝过多种含有姜糖的冰淇淋,也许你曾经碰巧见到它们被冠以非常吸引人的名头:“冰冻热冰淇淋”。这是一个因偏离传统搭配而非常有效的例子。诺埃尔·科沃德(Noel Coward)的戏剧的名称“苦涩的甜蜜”是一个更著名的例子,而我们大部分人有时也曾被类似“The hand that rocked the cradle has kicked the bucket”(注:直译为“晃动摇篮的人蹬腿了”,即“母亲死了”)这样古老的俏皮话逗乐。在以上这些例子中,我们都偏离了传统的搭配方式――但是我们并没有忽视它们。正是由于我们了解“苦涩”和“甜蜜”相互排斥而且通常不在一起使用,这样的组合才会有效。“冰冻热冰淇淋”的有效性取决于这种组合和对“冰冻的”和“热的”的常规搭配(比如说“冰冷的”和“滚烫的”)之间的对立。

因此,我们的策略应该是首先学习常规搭配以及这些搭配所属的文体范畴:这里有必要再次强调和实际用法保持一致的重要性。我们会发现如果我们尊敬的人以“亲爱的琼斯先生”开始一封信的话,他们会用“您的真诚的”来结尾,而如果他们用“亲爱的先生”开始的话,他们在结尾会使用“您的忠诚的”这样的语句。有经验和有教养的人不会混淆这些公式――而且他们会看低那些确实混淆这些惯用套路的人。当然,不光是开头和结尾不能混淆:语法结构的类型以及词句的选择――整个文体――在这两类信件中都趋向于(而且始终如一的)截然不同。的确有一些有远见的公司已经摒弃了那种曾经使得商业信函越来越糟糕的更傻气的、更僵化的俗套(类似“Further to yours of the 23rd ult.”这样的表达方式):但是一种明显的形式感还是保留了下来。现在寄往或来自公司或政府部门的信函会使用(在“亲爱的先生”后)类似于“鉴于您6月23日的来信„„”之类的语句。它不会以诸如“谢谢您最近的来信”这样非正式的不准确的语句开头,这样的开头更适用于以“亲爱的琼斯”开头的书信。更不用说其他适合别的类型的书信的表达方式了,从极端僵硬正式型(尤其是和一些机构往来的书信,这里书信人的个性特征并不重要)到非常熟悉亲密型(这里书信人的个性特征无比重要):“亲爱的弗兰克,收到你那天的便函真是太棒了。”在每个例子里,有经验的书信人都采用了适合自己信件所要求严肃程度的文体并且自始至终保持这种文体。他不会在一封以“亲爱的先生”开头的信里说“替我问候你的妻子”,也不会在一封以“亲爱的琼斯先生”开头的信里以“先写这么多/就此搁笔”作为结尾。





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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)Unit Five The Santa Ana Joan Didion圣安娜飓风






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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)对于没有在洛杉矶生活过的人们来说,他们是很难想象圣安娜飓风在当地人心目中的形象的。燃烧中的城市就是洛杉矶自身最深刻的形象。那桑尼尔·韦斯特认为,在电影《蝗虫之日》中,以及在1965年华特暴动期间,洛杉矶最难以磨灭的形象就是大火。在哈博高速公路上行驶几天的路程都能看到这座城市陷入一片火海,这种结局正是我们能预料到的。洛杉矶的天气具有大灾难、大天灾的特性,而且,就如同新英格兰地区的漫长的严冬天气决定了当地人的生活方式那样,圣安娜飓风的狂暴剧烈和不可捉摸同样也影响着洛杉矶生活的整体品质,突显了它的无常、它的反复。大风向我们揭示:我们离危险的边缘并不太远。 Unit Six How to Get Things Done Robert Benchley如何把事情办好









关于argyopelius——一种被称为“银斧头”的深海鱼——可有件有趣的事情,那就是它们的眼睛竟然长在腰上!光知道鱼还有腰就足够我震惊的了,更别说还发现腰上长着眼睛!我简直都无法下手剪那张图片。你看看,仅仅是随便翻翻插图版的周末画报都能让一个人获益匪浅!不过说起来这终究是一件苦差事,6 / 16

新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)任何一个意志薄弱的人都有可能半途而废,只是当你手头上还有更重要的事要完成的时候,它就绝不会是件难事(看到了吧,我始终在进行自我催眠,让我自己相信写报社约稿才是正事)。










 Unit Seven The Aims of Education Alfred North Whitehead教育的目的


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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)是普天下最无趣的废物。我们所要培养的人应是在某领域人文修养与专业知识兼备的人。专业知识赋予他们发展的起点,人文修养赋予他们哲学的深度与艺术的高度。我们必须牢记自我发展才是有价值的知识发展,而自我主要发展于16至30岁之间。而在孩子12岁之前,母亲对于孩子的培养至关重要。有的人年少时在学校平平无奇,后来却功成名就,人们往往对此感到惊奇。对此,坎特伯雷大主教的一句话阐释了我的观点,他说:―18岁前难窥端倪,18岁后大气方成。


教育史上最骇人听闻的现象莫过于某一时代曾经一度天才辈出的学府,数代人后充斥着的却只有迂腐,循规蹈矩之士。其原因就在于他们被灌输了太多的 ―惰化思想‖。以惰化思想教育学生不仅无益,而且有害------corruptio optimi,pessima(最坏的事情便是使最好的事情变坏)。除仅有的几次知识变革之外,过去的教育从根本上受到了惰化思想的侵蚀。有些见过世面的聪慧女子虽未接受过教育,却在中年之际成为社会中最为有人文修养的人。其原因便在于她们免于惰化思想的骇人重荷。每一次为人文带来巨大飞跃的知识变革都是对惰化思想的强烈抵制。但而后,教育机构竟可悲地忽视了人类的心理作用,再一次使人文学科为新惰化的思想所束缚。


教太多门学科,但每门却只教一小部分会使学生消极的接受互不相关的思想,这些对学生们来说没有丝毫启迪作用。教育中所灌输给孩子的思想应当少而精,并尽可能多的使之相互组成新思想。孩子们应能消化所学,并能理解在这些思想在现实生活中的应用。教育伊始,孩子就应能体验到发现的乐趣。有新发现时,所学思想将会使他理解生活中的种种事件。尽管这里的理解需要逻辑分析,并不仅仅指的是逻辑分析。这里的理解指的是法国谚语―理解了缘由,也就宽恕了一切‖ 中的理解。迂腐之士讥笑学以致用的教育。但教育不学以致用,那又是什么呢?是天分,要小心翼翼的藏在手帕里吗?当然,不管一个志向为何,教育就应当是学以致用的,教育对圣奥古斯汀有用,教育对拿破仑也有用。学可致用因为理解可致用。

对于文学教育对理解力的贡献,我并想多谈。我也不想评判古典或现代文学的教育价值。我只想说我们所需要的理解是对于―今―的理解。过去的知识为当下的我们服务,这是它唯一的用处。而厚古薄今是对于年轻人的伤害是最致命的。―今‖包含了过往的一切。―今‖是一片圣土,因为―今‖既是过去的终点,又是未来的起点。同时人们应当明白两千年前的时代并不比两百年前的时代―古‖。不要被迂腐的时代考究所欺骗。萨福克里斯和维吉尔的时代并不比莎士比亚与莫里哀的时代 ―古‖。各个时代圣人之间的交流自是一次振奋人心的伟大盛会,但如果说有一间会议厅能化想象为现实,那就只有―今‖;而各个时代的圣人为来此参会而跨越的那些时间,或长或短没什么区别。




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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)各样的论点也应可以任意顺序不限次数地应用。从理论主题中选出一些重要的实际应用,而后以系统的理论阐述研究它们。理论阐述要保持简短,但要保证阐述的严格与规范。阐述也不应太长,太长则不利于他人深刻准确地理解。吞下太多理论知识却不消化完只会是徒劳无获。而且理论也不应该与实践相混淆。孩子应当明白什么时候是在证明思想,什么时候是在应用思想。我的观点是所证明的应被应用,而只要条件允许,所应用的也应被证明。总而言之,证明和应用是一个事物的两面。Unit 8 Fifth Avenue, Uptown: A Letter From Harlem James Baldwin 第五大道住宅区:一封来自黑人的来信。The projects in Harlem are hated.They are hated almost as much as policemen, and this is saying a great deal.And they are hated for the same reason: both reveal, unbearably, the real attitude of the white world, no matter how many liberal speeches are made, no matter how many lofty editorials are written, no matter how many civil rights commissions are set up.哈莱姆的居民憎恨住房的建设计划和警察的巡逻,其原因在于两者都令人难以忍受地揭示了白人世界对黑人的真正态度 The projects are hideous, of course, there being a law, apparently respected throughout the world, that popular housing shall be as cheerless as a prison.诚然,这些工程(建筑)丑陋不堪,从表面上看也符合一个世界公认的法则:普及型住房应该和监狱一样令人郁闷。(民众的住房应当像监狱那样单调阴郁)They are lumped all over Harlem, colorless, bleak, high, and revolting.The wide windows look out on Harlem’s invincible and indescribable squalor: the Park Avenue railroad tracks, around which, about forty years ago, the present dark community began;the unrehabilitated houses, bowed down, it would seem, under the great weight of frustration and bitterness they contain;the dark, the ominous schoolhouses, from which the child may emerge maimed, blinded, hooked, or enraged for life;and the churches, churches, block upon block of churches, niched in the walls like cannon in the walls of a fortress.宽大的窗户俯瞰着哈莱姆的破败,它一成不变,难以描述:那里有帕克大街的车轨,在此周围,大约40年前,现今黑暗的社区就开始形成了;那里有无法修复的房子,耷拉着,似乎在承载着其中失败与痛苦的巨大压力;那里有黑暗的、带来坏运气的学校教室,因为从这些校舍里出来的孩子可能是伤残的、瞎眼的、吸毒的或一生愤怒的人;那里还有很多教堂,街区连着街区,教堂的墙壁都装饰着神像,就像加农炮加在堡垒的堞垛上。Even if the administration of the projects were not so insanely humiliating(for example: one must report raises in salary to the management, which will then eat up the profit by raising one’s rent;the management has the right to know who is staying in your apartment;the management can ask you to leave, at their discretion), the projects would still be hated because they are an insult to the meanest intelligence.对于智力最低的人都是一种侮辱。Harlem got its first private project, Riverton--which is now, naturally, a slum--about twelve years ago because at that time Negroes were not allowed to live in Stuyvesant Town.Harlem watched Riverton go up, therefore, in the most violent bitterness of spirit, and hated it long before the builders arrived.They began hating it at about the time people began moving out of their condemned houses to make room for this additional proof of how thoroughly the white world despised them.And they had scarcely moved in, naturally, before they began smashing windows, defacing walls, urinating in the elevators, and fornicating in the playgrounds.Liberals, both white and black, were appalled at the spectacle.I was appalled by the liberal innocence--or cynicism, which comes out in practice as much the same thing.1 Other people were delighted to be able to point to proof positive that nothing could be done to better the lot of the colored people.They were, and are, right in one respect: that nothing can be done as long as they are treated like colored people.The people in Harlem know they are living there because white people

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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)do not think they are good enough to live anywhere else.No amount of “improvement” can sweeten this fact.Whatever money is now being earmarked to improve this, or any other ghetto, might as well be burnt.2A ghetto can be improved in one way only: out of existence.4 Similarly, the only way to police a ghetto is to be oppressive.None of commissioner Kennedy’s policemen, even with the best will in the world, have any way of understanding the lives led by the people they swagger about in two’s and three’s controlling.Their very presence is an insult, and it would be, even if they spent their entire day feeding gumdrops to children.3They represent the force of the white world, and that world’s real intentions are, simply, for that world’s criminal profit and ease, to keep the black man corralled up here, in his place.The badge, the gun in the holster, and the swinging club make vivid what will happen should his rebellion become overt.Rare, indeed, is the Harlem citizen, from the most circumspect church member to the most shiftless adolescent, who does not have a long tale to tell of police incompetence, injustice, or brutality.的确,哈莱姆区的居民,从最谨慎的神职人员到最懒散的青年,无一不对警察的无能、不公和粗暴抱怨连连。I myself have witnessed and endured it more than once.The businessman and racketeers also have a story.And so do the prostitutes.(And this is not, perhaps, the place to discuss Harlem’s very complex attitude towards black policemen, nor the reasons, according to Harlem, that they are nearly all downtown.)5 It is hard, on the other hand, to blame the policeman, blank, good-natured, thoughtless, and insuperably innocent, for being such a perfect representative of the people he serves.He, too, believes in good intentions and is astounded and offended when they are not taken for the deed.He has never, himself, done anything for which to be hated--which of us has?--and yet he is facing, daily and nightly, people who would gladly see him dead, and he knows it.而他知道这一点。There is no way for him not to know it: there are few other things under heaven more unnerving than the silent, accumulating contempt and hatred of a people.天底下没有几样东西比一个民族的沉默和日渐增长的轻蔑和仇恨更加令人胆寒的了。4He moves through Harlem, therefore, like an occupying soldier in a bitterly hostile country;which is precisely what, and where, he is, and is the reason he walks in twos and threes.And he is not the only one who knows why he is always in company: the people who are watching him know why, too.Any street meeting, sacred or secular, which he and his colleagues uneasily cover has as its explicit or implicit burden the cruelty and injustice of the white domination.And these days, of course, in terms increasingly vivid and jubilant, it speaks of the end of that domination.The white policeman, standing on a Harlem street corner, finds himself at the very center of the revolution now occurring in the world.He is not prepared for it--naturally, nobody is--and, what is possibly much more to the point, he is exposed, as few white people are, to the anguish of the black people around him.5Even if he is gifted with the merest mustard grain of imagination, something must seep in.He cannot avoid observing that some of the children, in spite of their color, remind him of children he has known and loved, perhaps even of his own children.He knows that he certainly does not want his children living this way.He can retreat from his uneasiness in only one direction: into a callousness which very shortly becomes second nature.他只能够朝一个方向逃避他内心的不安,那就是变得冷漠无情,而这很快就成为他的第二本能。He becomes more callous, the population becomes more hostile, the situation grows more tense, and the police force is increased.One day, to everyone’s astonishment, someone drops a match in the powder keg and everything blows up.Before the dust has settled or the blood congealed, editorials, speeches, and civil-rights commissions are loud in the land, demanding to know what happened.What happened is that Negroes want to be treated

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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)like men. Unit Nine Roots of Freedom Edith Hamilton自由的根基






亚里士多德曾说过:―好的东西千古流传。‖ 雅典人失去了自由,但这个世界并没有失去自由。美国著名政治家詹姆斯•麦迪逊(James Madison)在1776年左右提到过―人类自我统治的能力‖。可以肯定,他不知道自己说的就是希腊。也许他想不起雅典这个例子,但人类一旦产生某个念头,便挥之不去。在原子时代也是如此。这个念头存在于这个或者那个人的思想里,尽管未被付诸行动。我们无法确定它是否即将成为行动,唯一能确定的,就是总有一天会这样。

Unit Ten Fear of Death Carll Tucker资源匮乏的恐慌




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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)人人都有其烦恼和动力。我的苦衷便是体能的每况愈下,使我在网球比赛中输给两年前的手下败将。而我的动力就是挽回颜面打败他。






但依我之见,这种现象背后还有鲜为人知的原因。它背后的驱使力更甚于对死亡的恐惧,那就是资源的匮乏。我们看到土地的流失,河流失去了孕育生命的能力,空气,即使在平流层也存有致命的垃圾。我们看到无法挽回的浪费,感受到意识中那深深的恐惧 ―― 我们正在毁坏赖以生存的地球。同时我们也或多或少的感到无助,并想方设法保护环境。我们重复利用汽水瓶,修复老房子和保护离自己最近的自然资源 --我们的身体健康,希望这种小的举动可以拯救正被破坏的地球。跑步变成了一种为我们贪婪和浪费的一种赎罪。

这就是我为什么要跑步 ―― 为了赢一场网球赛。

Unit Eleven Beyond Invalidism, Part One Norman Cousins 1 The sense of being locked into a body that is inadequate for its needs, the sense of living under a lowering ceiling, the sense of having to separate oneself from vital prospects, the sense of coming to terms with bleakness — all these are the stuff of invalidism.The person who is put on notice by the physician that he or she has a ―bad heart‖ tends to live a life of reduced expectations, to take slower and fewer steps, and to move tentatively in the outside world.2.How does one avoid the feeling of being an invalid when underlying corditions create and indeed seem to dictate it? When a physician tells you that your heart is weak and must be spared the strains that other people routinely and joyously bear, how do you go through life without flinching when you approach stairs or hilly streets or children reaching out to be lifted? 3 Perhaps the best way to answer these questions is to begin by reflecting on the way the human body works.A weak body becomes weaker in a mood of total surrender.思想上先缴了械,身体便会更加孱弱。The mechanisms of repair and rehabilitation that are built into the human system have a natural drive to assert themselves under conditions of illness, but that natural tendency is deferred or deflected by an erosion of the will to live, or by the absence of confidence in one‘s physician or in one‘s own ability to play a vital part in the attack on disease.Obviously, it is absurd to suppose that there is no illness or somber circumstance that can‘t be reversed.But it is also true that under conditions of extreme illness we need all the help we can get.For the same reason it is necessary to put all our own powers to work in our own behalf.We want to get the most out of whatever is possible.An integral part of this process is respect

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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)for the human body — an organism of astounding tenacity, resiliency, and recuperative capability.And, since the human body tends to move in the direction of its expectations — plus or minus — it is important to know that attitudes of confidence and determination are no less a part of the treatment program than medical science and technology.5 The day after I came home from the hospital, I arranged with a building contractor to construct a new study and storage facility for all the Saturday Review files and other books and records that had been moved out from the East.The only place available for the new construction was above a steep hill in back of the house.This meant I would have to climb the equivalent of four flights of stairs every time I wanted to go to the study.6 The building was completed in about three months.I have never felt the slightest hesitation in making the ascent, which I have done at least twice daily.The sense of pleasurable anticipations is enough to allow me to endure any strain.I do know this, however: if I had any distasteful expectations or reactions my body would supply all the signs of chest pressure to accommodate that distaste.More and more, I am inclined to accept the notion that the body produces its own poisons under circumstances of apprehension or emotional strain and that this factor is intimately involved in serious illness, whether it takes the form of cardiac disease, joint disabilities, or even cancer.The title of Kenneth Pelletier‘s book Mind as Healer, Mind as Slayer may say it all.Nothing is more amazing or heartening to me than to see the way in which many persons with severe afflictions or handicaps nonetheless manage to affirm life.Just in the act of mobilizing their emotional resources they help to potentiate themselves physically.I am not saying here that no one ever need feel disadvantaged;all I am doing is making a distinction between being an invalid and thinking and acting like one.9 I know that I am still at risk.I know that, without warning, my heart could suddenly fail.If that should happen, I will have no complaints.As I told Dr.Shine, I have nothing but gratitude for a heart that has seen me through an eventful life and several medical ordeals, beginning in childhood.10 Death is not the enemy;living in constant fear of it is.I have no intention of swathing myself in cotton to soften a possibly fatal episode.I will continue to live and think as actively and creatively as it is physically possible for me to do, knowing that longevity by self can be sterile but that vital feelings and thoughts give meaning and depth to life and provide a true sense of possibilities of human existence.11 I have already lived more than an average lifetime, but I want to continue to live long enough to see the establishment of a world under law and a planet made safe and fit for human habitation.I hope, too, to live long enough to see the conquest of human squalor.What stands in the way is not insufficiency o natural resources but the way people choose to think about their problems and opportunities.In any event, I am grateful that I am able to continue working for those causes that seek to free our age from gross indignities and the fear of nuclear devastation.12 What seems especially important to me in retrospect is that I am the beneficiary of the best that modern medical science has to offer.For many years, deaths from heart attacks have outnumbered fatalities from all other diseases.That number is now on the decline and will, I believe, decline further still with the full recognition, not just by the profession but by the general public, that a comprehensive program of treatment involves both the full utilization of medical science

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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)and full development of the human healing system.The fact that the belief 13 I look up at the calendar as I put down these final notes and see that it is two years and five months since the heart attack of December 22, 1980 Dr.Shine has gone out of his way to congratulate me, using the word ―magnificent‖ to describe my process, even though he feels I may still be at substantial risk.The portion of the heart muscle has been strengthened and has adapted itself to my needs.Dr.Cannon says it is difficult to believe that bypass surgery could have achieved a better functional result than has been achieved without it.The original treadmill results that produced the finding of severe coronary insufficiency have been reversed.最初检测出了严重冠状动脉功能不全的踏车试验结果已经被逆转了。I manage to set aside time each week for the sports I enjoy — doubles or singles in tennis, and golf with old friends.Golf does not really qualify as exercise, but it is a game that offers tangible and tantalizing possibilities for measurable improvement of one‘s skill.Besides, it provides an arena for banter and the rewards of companionship in an outdoor setting.I maintain a full working schedule, and I pay visits to the hospital at the request of physicians to see ill persons in need of a morale boost.The different between what I did before the heart attack and what I am doing now is that I now maintain some semblance of control I try to run my schedule instead of letting the schedule run me.我努力驾驭时间表,而不是被时间表所束缚。Unit Twelve Charles Darwin Thomas Henry Huxley 1 Very few, even among those who have taken the keenest interest in the progress of the revolution in natural knowledge set afoot by the publication of “The Origin of Species,” and who have watched, not without astonishment, the rapid and complete change which has been effected both inside and outside the boundaries of the scientific world in the attitude of men's minds towards the doctrines which are expounded in that great work, can have been prepared for the extraordinary manifestation of affectionate regard for the man, and of profound reverence for the philosopher, which followed the announcement, on Thursday last, of the death of Mr.Darwin.很少有人,即使是那些对由于《物种起源》一书的发表而推动的自然知识的变革进程极度感兴趣的人,以及那些满怀讶异关注着导致科学界内外人士对待这一巨著中阐明的观点的态度发生迅速而彻底变化的人,能够预料到上周四宣布达尔文死亡之后人们对于达尔文这一思想家的异乎寻常的挚爱和崇敬之情。Not only in these islands, where so many have felt the fascination of personal contact with an intellect which had no superior, and with a character which was even nobler than the intellect;but, in all parts of the civilised world, it would seem that those whose business it is to feel the pulse of nations and to know what interests the masses of mankind, were well aware that thousands of their readers would think the world the poorer for Darwin's death, and would dwell with eager interest upon every incident of his history.In France, in Germany, in Austro-Hungary, in Italy, in the United States, writers of all shades of opinion, for once unanimous, have paid a willing tribute to the worth of our great countryman, ignored in life by the official representatives of the kingdom, but laid in death among his peers in Westminster Abbey by the will of the intelligence of the nation.不止是在英伦三岛,那里有如此多的人深切感受到一个无与伦比的灵魂的魅力,感受到一个比这一灵魂更加高贵的品质;在文明世界所有疆域里,似乎那些密切关注世界进程以及关心人民利益的人都能意识到他们数以千计的读者将会认为达尔文的死是我们这个世界的一大损失,并将急迫地研读他一生中的每一事件来缅怀他。在法国,在德国,在奥匈帝国,在意大利,在美国,所有持不同观点的作家在这一刻一致同意为我们这一伟大同胞的价值表示致敬,尽管他一生都不被英国当局认同和尊敬,他死后还是遵由这一国家中智者的意愿被安葬在西敏寺的其他伟人之间。

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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)3 It is not for us to allude to the sacred sorrows of the bereaved home at Down;but it is no secret that, outside that domestic group, there are many to whom Mr.Darwin's death is a wholly irreparable loss.And this not merely because of his wonderfully genial, simple, and generous nature;his cheerful and animated conversation, and the infinite variety and accuracy of his information;but because the more one knew of him, the more he seemed the incorporated ideal of a man of science.Acute as were his reasoning powers, vast as was his knowledge, marvellous as was his tenacious industry, under physical difficulties which would have converted nine men out of ten into aimless invalids;it was not these qualities, great as they were, which impressed those who were admitted to his intimacy with involuntary veneration, but a certain intense and almost passionate honesty by which all his thoughts and actions were irradiated, as by a central fire.我们不应提及在唐宁镇那失去亲人的家庭的沉重的悲伤;但有一点已不是秘密,那就是除了达尔文的亲友,还有很多人认为他的死是无法挽回的损失。这不仅是由于他亲切、率真和慷慨的本性;也不仅是由于他愉快生动的谈吐,以及他庞杂而准确的信息量;而且由于人们对他了解的愈多,就愈感到他是科学工作者的典范。他的推理能力极为敏锐,他的知识面极为宽广,他的坚毅勤奋令人叹为观止,他身体的困难十有八九会让普通人沦落成没有生活目标的病弱之人;使那些不知不觉中感受到达尔文的亲切并因此而尊敬他的人们印象深刻不是他这些伟大的品质,而是如火焰一样照亮他思想和行为的那种独特的强烈而近乎热烈的诚实。It was this rarest and greatest of endowments which kept his vivid imagination and great speculative powers within due bounds;which compelled him to undertake the prodigious labours of original investigation and of reading, upon which his published works are based;which made him accept criticisms and suggestions from anybody and everybody, not only without impatience, but with expressions of gratitude sometimes almost comically in excess of their value;which led him to allow neither himself nor others to be deceived by phrases, and to spare neither time nor pains in order to obtain clear and distinct ideas upon every topic with which he occupied himself.正是这种极其稀有的伟大的天赋使得他的生动的想象和伟大的推测能力处于合理的范畴内。这种态度使得他能够不被只言片语迷惑,并且能够不辞辛苦地尽力对他所从事的每一个议题取得清楚明确的看法。不同的是,面对大自然这一几乎没有任何破解希望的难题,我们的现代哲学家没有退缩不前,以赫拉克利特和德谟克利特的理论为基础,他把全部的生命奉献到了攻克这一难题的事业里,得到的结果和他们早先提出的理论相似甚至完全一致。One could not converse with Darwin without being reminded of Socrates.There was the same desire to find some one wiser than himself;the same belief in the sovereignty of reason;the same ready humour;the same sympathetic interest in all the ways and works of men.But instead of turning away from the problems of Nature as hopelessly insoluble, our modern philosopher devoted his whole life to attacking them in the spirit of Heraclitus and of Democritus, with results which are the substance of which their speculations were anticipatory shadows.对达尔文所取得成绩的正确评价,甚至正确的定位在当前来说是不现实甚至不应该期望的。凡事都需要时间――为我们对自然不断扩展的征服感到欣喜需要时间,哀悼带领我们取得胜利的英雄同样需要时间。6 The due appreciation, or even enumeration, of these results is neither practicable nor desirable at this moment.There is a time for all things–a time for glorying in our ever-extending conquests over the realm of Nature, and a time for mourning over the heroes who have led us to victory.7 None have fought better, and none have been more fortunate, than Charles Darwin.He found a great truth trodden underfoot, reviled by bigots, and ridiculed by all the world;he lived long

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新编英语教程7(Unit 1-14 Text I 译文)enough to see it, chiefly by his own efforts, irrefragably established in science, inseparably incorporated with the common thoughts of men, and only hated and feared by those who would revile, but dare not.What shall a man desire more than this? Once more the image of Socrates rises unbidden, and the noble peroration of the “Apology” rings in our ears as if it were Charles Darwin's farewell: 8 “The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways–I to die and you to live.Which is the better, God only knows.” 他发现了深藏在我们脚下的、被偏邪之人攻击、被全世界嘲笑的真理;他活着的时候看到了这一真理,主要通过他自己的努力,无可争议地在科学中占有了一席之地,并成为普通人思想中不可分割的一部分,只被那些想攻击却又不敢攻击的人憎恶和恐惧。

Unit Thirteen The Scopes Trial Frederick Lewis Allen(暂缺)品读密西西比





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