高一英语modern heroes教案

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第一篇:高一英语modern heroes教案

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高考网www.xiexiebang.com Lesson1《Modern Heroes》学案



1.第一架载人宇宙飞船_______(the first manned spaceship)

2.发射,升空__________(lift off)


4.因为________(because of)

5.21小时的太空飞行______(the 21-hour space flight)

6.第六次________(for the sixth time)

7.做第七次环行________(do the seventh circle)

8.回到地球大气层_____(return into the earth's atmosphere)

9.安全着陆________(land safely)

10.朝等待他的人群招手______(wave to the crowds waiting for him)



1.separate vt.使分开,使脱离,使分裂,使隔离

Theory shouldn't be separated from practice.理论不应该脱离实际。

England is separated from France by the English Channel.英国和法国被英吉利海峡隔开。


We didn't separate till 8 o'clock.我们到8点才分手。

adj.分开的,分离的,个别的,独立的This is a separated group.这是一个独立的团体。

We will go on separate holidays.我们将分别去度假。


(1)separate A from B

把A 和B 分离/分开(2)A and B be separated by C




Let's divide you into three groups.让我们你们分成三组。

Please separate the good apples from the bad ones.请把好苹果和坏苹果分开。


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(1)As we joined the crowed, I got ____from my parents.A.spared


C.separated D.missed

答案: C get/be separated from 意为“被分开”。

(2)Taiwan, _____ from the mainland by the Taiwan Strait, is not a ___ country but part of China.A.separated;separate




答案: A get/be separated from 意为“被分开”。它作定语或状语用过去分词。后separate是形容词 2.complete v.(1)完成

He completed his homework last night.他在昨天晚上把家庭作业完成了。


One more volume will complete my set of Lu Xun.我只差一本书就可以有全套鲁迅作品。拓展:

complete adj.

(1)完全的,全部的,完整的 Is this a complete novel?


Give me a complete set of Dickens' novels.给我一套狄更斯全集。

(2)(作表语)完成的,结束的 When will the work be complete?



That result was a complete surprise to me.那个结果对我来说是完全意外



finish 普通用语,强调“过程或步骤的完整性”,常常指工作或事务方面。



(1)I need one more novel before my collection of Dicken's novels_____.A.is completed

B.has completed

C.completes D.had completed

答案: A 考查“主将从现”和被动语态。

(2)When ____, the place will be open to the public next year.A.to be completed

B.being completed C.completed


答案: C 完整的句子是 When it is completed,考查“主将从现”和状语从句的省略。

状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致且含有 be 动词,可以将从句的主语和动词省略,自然构成分词作状语。

3.wave vi.(挥手)示意,致意;波动,飘动;(头发等)呈波形;卷曲 She waved at him.她对他挥手。

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be 2

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高考网www.xiexiebang.com Her hair waves naturally.她的头发自然鬈曲。

I waved to him from the window.我在窗口向他挥手致意。

The weeping willow is waving in the breeze.垂柳在微风中摇曳。

拓展:wave n.1)波,波浪 2)(手之)挥动,挥手示意 3)浪潮;(情绪的)高涨;(活动等的)高潮[(+of)] 如: He gave me a wave.他对我挥手。

A wave of anger swept over him.他心头涌起一股怒潮。wave sb goodbye =wave goodbye to sb.向某人挥手道别



答案:She waved us goodbye from the window.(2)旗帜在风中飘扬。

答案:The flags were waving in the wind.(3)

她的头发自然鬈曲。答案:Her hair waves naturally.4.successful adj.成功的 He is very successful.他非常成功。

拓展:success n.成功;succeed v.成功;fail v.失败;failure n.失败;succeed in doing sth.成功做某事;fail to do sth.未能做成某事

success 与

failure 是不可数名词,但表示“成功的人/事”,“失败的人/事”时是可数名词。


(1)He succeeded________(finish)the task on time.答案: in finishing

(2)She is ________(success)as a teacher.答案: a success

(3)He ______(fail)pass the exam.答案:failed to 5.explore vt.探测;探勘;在...探险 They explored this desert region in 1923.他们于一九二三年在这荒漠地区探险。

拓展:explore vt.探究,探索

The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.大会探讨了在贸易上进一步加强联系的可能性。vi.探索;考察;探勘;探险

exploration n.(+of)勘查;探测;探索;探究;调查;研究 His father is working on the exploration of cancer.他的父亲在从事癌症的研究。



答案: They have begun the exploration of the New Word.(2)对各种可能性的探索促进了社会的发展。

答案:A full exploration of all the possibilities led to the social development.学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来!

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高考网www.xiexiebang.com 6.afterwards adv.以后,后来,然后

He came back afterwards.她然后就回来了。拓展:

afterward ,afterwards与then的区别

英国人只用afterwards,美国人...afterwards和afterward通用。then 有个固定搭配and then“Then”也可用于介词之后,例: From then on he refused to talk about it.从那以后他就不再谈这件事了。

afterwards 一般用于句尾,运用:翻译下列句子(1)让我们以后再谈。答案:Let’s talk afterwards


答案:Let's go to the theatre first and eat afterwards.二.重点词组

1.because of prep.因为,由于

He missed the first bus because of getting up late in the morning.因为早晨他起来迟了,所以他没有赶上第一班车。

拓展:because of 是介词短语,后跟名词,代词,动名词或 what引导的宾语从句,在句中作表语或状语。

I've chosen them because of their colors.因为它们的颜色我选择了它们。He failed the exam because of his carelessness.他因为粗心没有通过考试。

because 是连词,引导从句。试比较:

He cried because of the bad news that his father died last night.他哭了,那是因为那个他父亲昨晚去世的坏消息。

I've chosen them because they are beautiful.因为它们美丽我选择了它们。

表示“因为”含义的短语还有 thanks to ,due to, owing to ,as a result of ,for the sake of,on account of 等。其中due to 表原因时,不置于句首。


(1)Li Hua came very late not ______the train but____ she was too tired.A.because of;because

B.because;because of



答案:A because of 是介词短语,后跟名词,代词,动名词或 what引导的宾语从句。

而 because 是连词,引导从句。

(2)It was _____her advice that we finish the task on time.A.because of B.thank to C.because D.on account for


A 参照单词6解释。D 是on account of

不是on account for。

2.China's first manned spaceship lifted off… 中国第一艘载人宇宙飞船升空了……

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高考网www.xiexiebang.com lift off:(指火箭或飞行器)发射,升空,起飞;揭开

They are watching spaceship lift off quietly.他们在静静地看着飞船升入太空。拓展:

launch 也是“发射”的意思,但是及物动词。含有lift的常见短语还有:

(1)lift up 举起,提起;使振奋,使受到鼓舞

(2)lift up one's voice 提高嗓音

(3)give sb.a lift 让某人搭便车

(4)lift down 拿下来

(5)lift from 从...升起


(1)When I turned on TV, I happened to see the rocket ______.A.launching B.lifting off C.sending up D.putting up

答案:B 根据句意,宾补应该是不及物动词 且动作正在进行。

(2)Can you give _____? My car is broken.A.me a lift

B.me lift


D.my lift


give sb.a lift 让某人搭便车

3.work out(计)算出;理解;事情的进展情况;锻炼; 制定。如:

I couldn't work out what he said.我不理解他讲的。I can't work out the problem.我解决不了这个问题。

You are fat, so you must work out regularly.你太胖了,应该定期锻炼。


与work 连用的常见动词短语还有

(1)work at从事于(跟学科名词)

(2)work on 奏效;从事于

(3)work for为...而工作

(4)in work 有工作

(5)out of work 失业

(6)at work在工作

运用 :翻译下列句子


答案 :He is in work./He has a job.(2)他们失业已经有三年了。

答案: They have been out of work for two years.(3)她在工作。

答案:She is at work.(4)事情的结果对我们很不错。

答案 :The things worked out quite well for us.(5)他正在写一本新的小说。

答案:He is working on a new novel.4.let out 释放,;发出(叫声等);泄露(秘密);(把衣服等)加宽

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The air in the tire was let out by the naughty boy.轮胎的气被那个淘气的男孩给放了。

Mom let my shirt out.我母亲把我的衬衣加宽了。Don't let out the secret.不要泄露了这个秘密。拓展:

与let 连用的常见动词短语还有:

(1)let alone 更不用说;不管

(2)let go 放开,释放

(3)let sb.do sth.让某人做某事

(4)let sb.down 使某人失望

(5)let through 让通过,放过

(6)let the cat out of the bag.漏底,泄露天机 运用:选择填空

He ____ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn't been home for a couple of weeks.A.let out b.took care C.made sure D.made out(2005年湖南省高考题)

答案: A

let out 为“

泄露”的意思 5.at ... speed 与 with ...speed


at the speed of或者at ... speed,意为“以……的速度”。而当speed被all, lightning, great等修饰时,介词应用with。可用一句口诀来帮助记忆:都(all)以闪电般(lightning)大(great)的速度。运用:翻译


答案: Our car was running with great speed on the road.(2)The Long March No.2 Rocket sent up the satellite into space at the speed of 11.2 kilometers per second.

答案: 长征二号火箭以每秒钟11.2公里的速度将卫星发射到太空。


1.The spaceship,called Shengzhou Ⅴ,was carrying…Yang Liwei… called…过去分词作非限制性定语



The man, talking with my father there, is a football player.那的男的是足球运动员,他正在和我父亲在那里讲话。

This project,completed in July,brought water to the dry areas.这项工程于七月份完工,它给干旱地区带来了水。



答案:The novel, bought by Li Lei, is very good.(2)那个人是我们的老师,他站在树前。

答案: The man, standing in front of the tree, is our teacher.学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来!

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2.As Yang Liwei returned into..., ready to collect him.ready to collect him为形容词短语作状语。



He came back, cold and hungry.他回来了,又冷又饿。

She cried, full of happiness.她哭了,充满了幸福。



答案: He lay there, unable to move.(2)那孩子站在那里,充满了恐惧。

答案:The boy stood there, full of fear.3.Pat was in the bathroom...when she heard a crash.when=at that time suddenly 这时,在那时,表示动作的突然性。如: I was doing my homework when there was a knock on the door.我正在做作业这是有人敲门。


was/were doing sth...when....正在做某事这时...had done sth....when....刚刚做完某事这时...was/were about to do sth....when.....= was/were on the point of doing sth.正要做某事这时...运用:选择填空

(1)Kate was holidaying with her friends in the open air_____ she was bitten on the leg by a snake.A.when B.while C.since D.until 答案: A


when 为“这时”。

(2)I was about to leave ______the telephone rang.A.when

B.while C.since


答案: A

was/were about to do sth....when.....正要做某事这时...4.too...to...太...而不能...The question is too difficult to answer.这个问题太难了以至于我回答不了。The box is too heavy for him to carry.那个箱子对他来说太重了,他搬不动。


too后接形容词或副词 , to 后接动词

此句型有时可以与enough to do 互换使用。如上一句可改为:

The question is difficult enough to answer.too…to…结构在以下几种情况下表示肯定:

(1)当too后的形容词是表示心情的形容词,如:glad, pleased, surprised, happy, eager, anxious, thankful 等时,too此时相当于very 或very much。

He was too anxious to leave then.他那时非常急于离开。(2)如果在 too 前面加上 only, but.all, simply时,这个结构表示肯定。too带有赞赏的感情学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来!

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高考网www.xiexiebang.com 色彩。如:

She will be only too pleased to help you.她极高兴帮你。(3)too … to与 never, not 连用时也表示肯定。如: It’s never too late to learn.学习永不为迟。

运用: 句型转换

He is too young to join the army.he isn't______ ______ to join the army.答案: old;enough 翻译下列句子


答案:She was too surprised to see how angry Ann was.(2)英语并非难学。

答案:English is not too difficult to learn.学而思教育·学习改变命运 思考成就未来!

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Lesson 1 Performance Teaching aims: To practise the vocabulary relating to concerts and performance.To read and understand a concert review To practise using will for decisions To practise using time clauses with as soon as, when, before...and clause of concession with although / though Teaching difficulties: To practise using will for decisions

To practise using time clauses with as soon as, when, before...and clause of Teaching Aids: computer and cassette Teaching procedures: Ⅰ.Warming up

First listen to a song that is sung by Alanis----everything T: Now pop songs are popular with teenagers.Have you heard of the song?

What do you think of the song? S: T: Do you know who sing it? S:

T: Teacher show the picture of Alanis---the superstar, a true performer.Do you want to know her? S: T: Now let‟s read an article about the superstar, and you will learn more information about her.Ⅱ Reading Read the concert review and match the four paragraphs with the titles.a)the end of the concert

para4 b)how the audience reacted

para3 c)the songs played

para2 d)the start of the concert para1 T: Ask the question: How much do you know about her? S: T: The Canadian rock singer and song writer, has won Grammy Awards for Best Rock Song.Her has made many albums.She become world-famous singer.Do the exercise 3.Read the review again and answer these questions.Ⅲ Understanding the text a)Correct errors 1.She is used to be in the public eye.2.Her new album was come out in 1995.3.On last Thursday night, hundreds of fans went to the concert held in Cambridge.4.The 30-years-old singer is popular with young people.5.The song tells the story of someone looks for real love.6.The atmosphere was extremely exciting so that many people stand to cheer.7.The Canada singer was famous in her twenties.8.Her new album that was published last week is sold well.Answers: 1.be改为 being 2.去掉was把come 改为came 3.去掉 on

4.years 改为year 5.looks改为 looking 6.stand 改为stood 7.Canada 改为Canadian 8.去掉 is 把sold改为 sell

b)According to the text arrange the right order.1.Alanis won this year‟s Grammy Award or the best rock song.2.Morissette gave a creative and powerful performance in the song „Utopia‟.3.Many fans went to the Corn Exchange in Cambridge, England to see her in concert.4.Everyone in the auditorium agreed that they were greatly impressed by the concert.5.Alanis‟ album Jagged Little Pill came out Answers: 5 1 3 2 4 Ⅳ speaking

We know singer‟s performance is important for a concert, besides singers concert need other‟s stage effect , such as(show a slide)guide student to say out stage design , lighting, special effects and so on.Have you ever watched a concert “live”, on TV or on video? Tell the class about it using the Key Words to help you.Do the exercise 1 Show a slide, ask students to say out music style Rock „n‟roll Voice your opinion Why are pop music and rock „n‟ roll loved by many young people Ⅴ Vocabulary Do the exercise 4 Ⅵ Grammar Do the exercise 6and 8

Listen to the telephone conversation.Who decides to pick up the concert tickets , Sue or Ricky? What verb form do Sue and Ricky use to make sudden decisions as they speak? Do the exercise 7 Listen again.Who said these things, Sur or Ricky? Check these answers with the whole class and then look at the sentences, what linking words are used? In order to help students further understand the text the teacher can ask the following questions.1.Why can‟t Ricky pick the tickets up at lunchtime tomorrow? 2.Why can‟t he pick them up after school tomorrow? 3.Where does Ricky‟s mum work?

4.Where is Sue going after she‟s got the tickets? Do the exercise 9, 11 and 12 Ⅶ Language in use Work in pairs and talk about your future plans.Use the expressions below to help you.go to college, find a job, rent a flat, learn to drive, go on holidays, continue studying Ⅷ Homework Do the exercise page 66 and 67.


篇一:人教版高一英语必修一unit1 friendship全单元教案 unit 1 friendship participants: 靳燕,黄洋,董妮娅,仝亚军,李桂秀,吴晓,邹舍龙 school: tai zhou no.1 senior middle school 1.teaching aims and demands 2.suggested teaching notes 1).analyses of the teaching contents this unit is about friendship, and nearly all the teaching materials center on it.friend, and in it reveals her longing for a normal life and days.matching.learning about language---it teaches the important expressions and structures and grammar: direct and indirect speeches.strengthening students’ abilities to practice language, discover, and solve problems.friendship, to get students to realize the culturaldifferences in the values of friendship in additionits importance in all cultures.2)making of the teaching plan this unit centers on friends and friendship, exploring different types of 3.teaching plans for each period 1.teaching objectives: 1)target language i(don’t)think„„ i(don’t)think so.i(don’t)agree.i believe„„ that’s correct.in my opinion, „„ 2)ability goals a.describe your friends in english 3)learning ability goals a.to encourage students to think and talk about friends and friendship by using some phrases and structures.c.to cultivate the students to form the good habit of learning english in senior middle school.2.teaching important points: a.b.use the given adjectives and sentence structures to describe one of your friends.learn to evaluate friends and friendship.3.teaching difficult points: a.b.4.teaching methods a.task-based teaching and learning b.cooperative learning c.discussion 5.teaching aids: cai you do in your spare time? you say something about it? do you have any old friends in our school? have you made step 2 think it over his/her name is „„

he /she is „„ years old.he /she likes „„ and dislikes „„ he /she enjoys „„ and hates„„ he /she is very kind/friendly/„„ girl friends boy friends pen friends long-distance friends friends of the same age e-friends(friends over the internet)friends across generationsunusual friends like animals, books„„

1).______ is /are most important to you.step 3 make a survey i think a good friend should(not)be„„

3.then have the students do the survey in the textbook.4.have the students score their survey according to the scoring sheet on page 8.survey and assess their values of friendship: ★ 4~7 points: you are not a good friend.you either neglect your 篇二:新课标高一英语上册教案unit1 friendship unit onefriendship teaching aims: 1.能力目标:

c.reading: enable the ss to get the main idea 2.知识目标: friendship i think so./ i don’t think so.i agree./ i don’t agree.that’s correct.of course not.exactly.i’m afraid not.c.to enable the ss to control direct speech and indirect speech d.vocabulary: upset , calm , concern , loose, netherlands, german, series, 3.情感目标: a.to arose ss’ interest in learning english;b.to encourage ss to be active in the activities and make ss to be confident;4.策略目标: teaching steps: period one 1.ss listen to an english song auld lang syne.step 2.talk about your old friends 1.ss talk about their old friends in junior middle school, talk about their appearance, personality, hobbies, etc.2.self-introduction step 4.do a survey ss do the survey in the text ,p1 sep 5.listening and talking that’s correct.of course not.exactly.i’m afraid not.step 6.discussion divide ss four in one group and each group choose a topic to discuss.there are four topics.step 7.summary in making friends.it can give me a piece of clear sky.it can bring me happiness again.it can help me escape my troubles.it can’t be pulled and torn, because it is in everyone’s heart.it is there from the beginning to the end of our lives.dictionary.activity2: play a short part of the movies step2.predicting students read the title of the passage and observe the pictures and the outline of it to guess: step3.skimming students skim the passage in 2 minutes to get the main idea : step4.scanning anne step5.intensive reading step6.activity four students a group to discuss the situation: step7.assignment task2.ex2、3、4on page3 period three check the ss’ assignment: task 2 step 2.language points: 1.add(v.)2).to join numbers, amount, etc so as to find the total 相加 add up these figures for me, please.add to something: to increase 增加

add up to: to amount to 加起来等于;总计 the cost added up to 100 million yuan.2.go through 1).to examine carefully 仔细阅读或研究 2).to experience 经历,遭受或忍受 3.crazy(adj.)1).mad, foolish 疯狂的,愚蠢的 she is crazy about dancing.step 3.learning about language 1.finish ex.1, 2 and 3.on page 4.2.direct speech and indirect speech: ss do ex.1 and 2 on page 5.then let the ss themselves discover the structures.step 4.practice using structures on page 42: ask the ss to use indirect speech to retell the story.step 5.assignment period four step 1.revision check the ss’ assignment.step 2.reading ss read the letter on page 6 notes: 2.fall in love step 3.listening 篇三:高一英语人教版必修1 unit 1 friendship 教学设计

高一英语人教版必修1 unit 1 friendship 教学设计 人教版必修一

unit 1 friendship教学设计


本单元是高中一年级的第一单元,刚开学没多久,大家相互之间还不是很熟识,需要了解、沟通,友谊是他们生活当中必不可少的,他们每个人对友谊的认识不同,见解不一。2.在导入的时候我采用提问法,激起学生思考 3.快速阅读:弄懂文章大意


5.精读:讲解新单词、有用的短语、句型,并让学生自己举例应用。6.深入了解文章的思想、写作风格并提出相关问题。7.讨论如下问题: 8.课后练习



三、教学目标 1.语言知识目标

通过对朋友的讨论,帮助学生发散式记忆积累相关描述人的性格、特征的词汇、习惯用语,并运用于听说读写当中。适当运用i thank so.i agree.i don' think so.i don't agree exactly.i am afraid not.of course not.表明自己的态度和肯定程度。2.语言技能目标








让学生想象自己待在一个隐蔽的地方,允许只能做的五件事,他们如何选择将学生直接带入课文的语境中。2. 任务驱动的原则

让学生带着问题去阅读,找出相关答案,并分析整理形成自己的观点。3. 交际法教学





1.the multimedia teaching system 2.the blackboard


unit 1 friendship learning objectives and demands: 1.the activity is designed to encourage students to think about friends and friendship and to activate relevant vocabulary.3.language use: speaking practice: reading teaching procedures: scared : astonish fearful frightened horrified shocked terrified timid loyal: devoted faithful beautiful: attractive breath-taking charming cool cute elegant eye-catching good-looking gracefulinviting lovelyneat prettysplendid stunning step2.leading in ask students questions:(2)intensive reading : 篇四:高一英语新课标人教版,第一单元friendship教案

1. get it repaired: get sth done=have sth done 让某事做? 2. be upset about 对?沮丧 5. have got to=have to 不得不

区分: have got to 否定形式为 haven`t got to have to 否定形式为 don`t have to ※be good to 对?好 be good at 擅长

finish doing sth完成做? 6.go on holiday 去度假

8.add up 合计,相加 add up to 达到

9.go though 经历;浏览;仔细检查:通过;批准;用完 11.be crazy about 对?痴迷,疯狂 13.on purpose 故意的

14.happen to do sth 碰巧做? 16.face to face 面对面【做状语】 face-to-face【做定语】

类似:heart to heart should to shoulderback to back 17.take no notice of 不重视 18.recover from 从?中恢复 19.pack up 打包

22.keep a diary 写日记

23.it`s a good habit for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事时个好习惯



2.tell him that he should have studied should have done 本该做某事却没做

shouldn`t have done 本不该做某事却做了

② to 不可省略。因为tell sth to sb 4.a series of+n(复)+v(单)“一系列的” eg.a series of books has been published 6.in order to do sth to do sth为了做某事,引导目的状语,放句末,句首 so asto do sth 但 so as to do sth 只可放句末 7.the moom gave far too much light„...①too much+不可数名词 太多?。

第四篇:高一英语the necklace教案

Unit 15 The necklace Teaching Aims: 1.Learn and master the following words and expressions: have a good time, without luck, pay off recognize,ball,continue,diamond,jewellery,necklace,palace,francs,after all, call on, bring out, try on, 2.Improve the students' reading comprehension through reading activities.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn the language in the play, especially in dialogues.2.Learn the usages of some words and expressions.3.Get the students to improve their reading comprehension.Teaching Difficult Points: 1.How to use the tenses correctly in a dialogue.2.How to tell the differences between“ after all, in all and above all”.Teaching Methods: 1.Question-and-answer method before reading to make students interested in what they will learn.2.Fast-reading to get the general idea of the text.3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Procedures: Step Ⅰ.Greetings:Greet the whole class as usual.Step 2.Revision T:Yesterday we practised making up some short plays.Now I'll ask some students to act out them before class.SS:Teacher asks two or three groups to act.Step 3.Lead-in

1.What kind of plays do you like best? 2.Have you ever acted in a play? What role did you play? 3.what should be included in a play? Step 4.Pre-reading

T:Now let's watch the play together.Watch carefully and then I'll ask you some questions.(Teacher plays the TV set for the students to watch.After that,teacher asks the students some questions.)T:When and where did the story happen? S3:It happened in a park in Paris,one afternoon in 1870.T:Who can tell me something about the play? S4:It's a play about a necklace.And it tells us a story about Mathilde Loisel,who borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend Jeanne.They were good friends then.When they met in a park ten years later,Jeanne didn't recognize Mathilde at first and then Mathilde told Jeanne what had happened to her.T:Yes,you are right.Step 5 Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What is the relationship between these three characters? Mathilde, the young lady and Pierre, the young man are couple Jeanne is Mathilde’s friend.2.What is the mood of Mathilde in scene one ? Why? Mathilde sound tired and upset.3.How does she feel in scene two? She is on one hand very excited for the ball , on the other hand she is worried because she has no new dress and no jewelry for the ball.Step 6.Reading When and where did the story happen? A park in Paris , one afternoon 1870 Scene 1 : Time: One afternoon, 1870 Place: A park in Paris Who Methilde Jeanne What Met each otherMethilde looked older.Parts: Marthilde, Jeanne General idea: Marthilde tells Jeanne about her ten years of hard life.Choose the best answer When Jeanne met Mathilde in the park, she said she didn't know Mathilde, because ______.D A.they hadn’t met for ten years

B.Jeanne no longer liked Mathilde C.Mathilde looked younger than before

D.Mathilde had changed a lot She had been working very hard for ten years , so she looked older than her age.Answer the questions after watching scene 1 1.When did the story happen?(1870)2.Why Jeanne could not recognize Mathilde? Mathilde changed a lot and became so old.3.What made Jeanne think that Mathilde was ill? She doesn’t look well.4.Why Jeanne was so surprised when Mathilde mentioned the necklace? It happened ten year ago and maybe she has forgotten Scene 2: When: Ten years before(1860)Where: The home of Mathilde and Pierre Loisel Who: Mathilde and Pierre Loisel What Got an invitation to a ball and got ready for it.General idea: Pierre and his wife were invited to the ball at the palace.They decided to borrow some jewellery from Jeanne.Choose the best answer 1.Why was Mathilde worried when her husband told her the invitation? A A.Because she hadn’t got an evening dress.B.Because she didn’t want to attend the ball.C.Because she have no time to the ball.2.It can be learned from scene 2 that to be invited to the palace ball ____.C A.meant working hard day and night in the future B.meant spending a lot of money C.was a great honor

D.was not wonderful news 3.Mathilde did not want to wear a flower to the ball because_____.C A.she didn't like flowers

B.people were not allowed to wear a flower at the ball C.it would look shabby(寒酸的)to wear a flower D.flowers would bring her bad luck Answer the questions after watching Scene2.1.Why did Pierre say it was wonderful news? He was invited to the ball.2.What kind of feeling did he have when Pierre was the only person in his office to be invited? Maybe he was glad and pride.3.Why didn’t Mathild want to wear a flower? Because everyone would wear jewellery 4.What decision did they make finally? They borrowed jewellery from their friends Scene 3: When: Ten years later(1870)Where: In the park Who: Mathilde, Jeanne What The story of the lost necklace.General idea: Mathilde lost the necklace at the ball.So she and her husband worked ten years to pay for it.But ten years later, Jeanne told her the necklace was not a real diamond necklace.Characters Description of each character Mathilde vain, glad, sad, scared, old, responsible… Pierre happy, careful, scared, responsible… Jeanne surprised, kind, friendly… Choose the best answer 1.How much money did they spend in returning Jeanne’s necklace? B A.It cost her over four hundred francs.B.It cost her about thirty-six thousand francs.C.It cost her about five hundred francs.D.It cost her about fifty-six thousand francs What was the real price of Jeanne’s necklace? C How much did Mathilde’s dress cost her ? A 2.Which sentence expresses the main idea of the story? A A.Mathilde lost the borrowed necklace and had to work hard for ten years to pay it back.B.Mathilde worked hard to buy a new jewel for her friend.C.Mathilde lost her borrowed necklace.D.Mathilde found she was cheated(欺骗).3.What do you think of Mathilde ? A A.A vain(虚荣)woman

B.A hard-working woman C.A greedy(贪婪)woman

D.A pretty and rich woman 4.What’s the author’s writing style? A A.irony(讽刺)



D.delight 5.The story is told _____.C A.in inverse(反转)order

B.in narration order(叙述)C.in flashback order(倒叙)

D.in time order time order:Getting the invitation-----Borrowing a necklace-----Losing the necklace-----Buying a new necklace-----Returning the necklace-----Learning the truth Questions to scene 3 1.What happened on their way home after the ball ? Mathilde found that the necklace was lost.They returned to the place to look for it but didnt find it.2.What did they do for Jeanne ? They borrowed money to buy Jeanne a diamond necklace which looked exactly like the lost one.3.What did they do in order to pay off the debt ? They both worked day and night for 10 years Step 7 True or False

1.Mathilde borrowed an evening dress and a diamond necklace from her friend for the palace ball.2.Mathilde was the only woman who was invited to the palace hall.3.Pierre promised to buy Mathilde a nice evening dress which cost about 400 francs T 4.That evening at the ball was the happiest in their lives because they had a lot of fun and Mathilde was the centre of people’s attention.T 5.They rushed back, looked everywhere for the lost necklace and they found it.6.They had to apologize to Mathilde’s friend Jeanne for that and promised to work for her to make up for the loss.7.They bought a diamond necklace which cost only 500 francs and returned it to Jeanne.8.They bought a real diamond necklace and returned it to Jeanne.Then they had to work night and day for 10 long years to pay off the debt.T 9.Jeanne didn’t recognize Mathilde at first because she changed a lot in the past ten years.T 10.Mathilde looked older than her age because she was ill.11 They lost the necklace on the way to the ball in the palace.12.Mathilde attended the ball wearing a flower.13.Finally they paid off all their debts.T Step 8 Summary of each scene Scene1 Mathilde meets her friend, Jeanne in a park and begins to explain to Jeanne why she looks older than her age.Scene2 Mathilde recalls the events ten years before that changed her life.Scene3 Jeanne remembers what happened.Mathilde reveals that she lost Jeannes necklace and replaced with another one.Jeanne tells Mathilde that the necklace she borrowed was a fake one.Step 9 Structure:

Borrow a necklace: Why an invitation to a ball When Ten years ago Whom Her friend Jeanne Lose the necklace when At after the ball Where Palace way Return the necklace How Buy a new one How much 36,ooo francs How long Ten years of hard work Learn the truth Not a diamond but a glass one Step 10.Post-reading T:Now listen to the tape again.This time you should pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(Teacher plays the tape.After that,teacher gives students a few minutes to read the text aloud.At last students do an exercise for consolidation.)T:Now suppose Mathilde returned to the palace where the ball was held to ask about the necklace.She answered some questions asked by the workers in the palace please read these sentences and match them.(After a while,teacher checks the answers with them.)Suggested answers:1.E 2.C 3.B 4.F 5.A 6.D Step 11 Discussion If you are Mathilde, and you find the necklace is gone after the ball, what will you do?


必修3 模块一 grammar学案

语法专练 [被动语态] 1.The students ________ often ________(tell)to take care of their desks and chairs.2.Vegetables,eggs and fruits ________ ________(sell)in this shop.3.What ________ a knife ________(make)of? 4.A piano concert________ ________(give)here last Friday.5.These kinds of machines ________ ________(make)in Japan.6.Apples ________ ________(grow)in this farm.7.Russian ________ ________(learn)as the second language by some students in China.8.Planes,cars and trains ________ ________(use)by business people for traveling.9.The cinema ________ ________(build)in 1985.10.Tom ________ ________(not have)breakfast yesterday morning.[主谓一致] 1.About 60 percent of the students ________ from the south,the rest of them ________ from the north and foreign countries.A.are;is B.are;are


D.is;is 2.Half of the workers here ________ under 30 ________.A.is;years B.are;year old C.is;years old

D.are;years of age 3.Now Tom with his classmates ________ football on the playground.A.play B.are playing


D.is playing 4.The number of pages in this dictionary ________ about two thousand.A.are B.has


D.is 5.Thirty dollars ________ too expensive.A.are B.is


D.be 6.The secretary and principal ________ at the meeting now.A.are speaking

B.is speaking D.have a speech C.were making a speech 7.“If anybody ________,please put down ________ name,”said the teacher to the monitor.A.wants to buy the book;his C.will buy the book;one’s

B.want to buy the book;their D.wants to have the book bought;her 8.Nothing but one desk and six chairs ________ in the room.A.are

B.is stayed


D.are left 9.Between the two roads ________ a TV tower called“Skyscraper Tower”.A.stands


C.which stands

D.stand 10.Either of you ________ going there tonight.A.will



D.are 11.You as well ________ right.A.I are

B.I am

C.as I am

D.as I are 12.All but Dick ________ in Class Three this term.A.are



D.was 13.Where to get the materials and how to get them ________ at the meeting.A.have not discussed C.has not discussed

B.have not been discussed D.has not been discussed 14.I took mathematics and physics because I think that ________ very important for me to make further research in this field.A.what is B.they are


D.which are 15.Every student and every teacher ________.A.are going to attend the meeting C.has attended the meeting.语法专练 被动语态:


被动语态各时态的形式是由助动词be的各时态的形式加及物动词的过去分词构成的。一般现在时:am/is /are+done 一般过去时:was/were+done 1.答案:are,told 2.答案:are sold 3.答案:is,made

B.have attended the meeting D.is attended the meeting 4.答案:was given 5.答案:are made 6.答案:are grown 7.答案:is learned 8.答案:are used 9.答案:was built 10.答案:didn’t have 主谓一致:

1.解析:分数和rest作主语,谓语的数应与它们后面的中心名词保持一致。答案:B 2.解析:half作主语时,谓语要与half后面的名词保持一致。workers是复数,谓语也要用复数。

答案:D 3.解析:Tom是主语,with...是状语。答案:D 4.解析:the number作主语,谓语用单数。答案:D 5.解析:度、量、衡作主语,把它作为一个整体看待,视为单数。答案:B 6.解析:the secretary and principal 只有一个冠词,一身兼两职:是书记也是校长。答案:B 7.解析:anybody作主语,谓语是单数;泛指一个人(的)一般用he(his)。答案:A 8.解析:nothing作主语,谓语用单数。答案:C 9.解析:主语是a TV tower。这是一个完全倒装结构。答案:A 10.解析:either作主语,谓语用单数。答案:C 11.解析:主语是you。as well as I(不仅是我)是状语。答案:D 12.解析:All是主语,它在这儿指人,所以应是复数。答案:A 13.解析:两个不定式的动词相同,属于同一概念,所以谓语仍然用单数。答案:D 14.解析:they代替“mathematics and physics”。答案:B 15.解析:every+n.and every+n.属于同一概念。

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