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Unit 8



2.学习、掌握英语的时态—— 一般现在时 3.学习英语序数词与基数词的转换 教学目标



3、通过练习,掌握序数词与基数词的转换 教学步骤



1.Daniel watches TV every evening.(改为否定句)Daniel TV every evening.2.I do my homework every day.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)—— you homework every day? ——No,I.3.She likes milk.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)

—— she milk? —— Yes.,she.4.Simon is from Beijing.(同义句改写)Simon Beijing.5.Millie is clever at Maths.(同义句改写)Millie Maths.Ⅲ.改错。

1.Is you brother speak English? A B C()2.Does he looks like his father? A B C()3.He likes play games after class.A B C()4.Mr Wu teachs us English.A B C()5„.She doesn’t her homework on Sundays.A B C()Ⅳ.将下列句子译成英文。1._桑迪放学后打羽毛球吗? 不.她学习很用功.放学后她总是看书.._ Sandy badminton after school? No.She hard.She always books after school.2.他在第三中学上学.他每天早上七点上学.优秀,绝非偶然!梦想,更需导航!

He in No.3 Middle School.He to school at 7a.m.every day.3.父亲早晨送我到学校.My father me to school in the morning.4.我女儿喜欢看电视和听音乐..My daughter TV and to music.5.西蒙朋友的姐姐长大后想当一位歌手.Simon’s friend’s sister to a singer when she up.一般现在时用法专练(B)

1.按要求改写下列句子.1、Sandy has long hair in a ponytail.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)Sandy long hair in a ponytail? Yes ,.2、Simon and Daniel are good friends.(改为否定句)Simon and Daniel ______ good friends.3、We are in the school football team.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)you in the school football team? Yes,..4、Amy likes playing computer games.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)________ Amy ________ playing computer games? No, ________ ________.5、We go to school every morning.(改为否定句)We ________ ________ to school every morning.6、She is always ready to help others.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)________ she always ready to help others? No, ________ ________.7、The earth goes around the sun.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)________ the earth ________ around the sun? Yes, ________ ________.8、He speaks English very well.(改为否定句)He ________ speak English well.9、John comes from Canada.(对划线部分提问)Where ________John ________ from?

10、I like taking my dog for a walk after suppe What ________ you ________ ________ after supper?.二.改错

1.Lily and Lucy doesn’t want to clean the blackboard.2.Mr Green likes work in China very much.3.My mother often go to the shop on Sundays.4.She doesn’t likes bread or cakes.5.Where is Jim and Kate now? 6.There are some water and leaves in the pool.7.Please give a colour pencil for me.8.They aren’t go to school at the weekend.9.The dog sits between the chair.10.She often works hard and goes to bed in night.优秀,绝非偶然!梦想,更需导航!


Unit 8 When is your birthday ?


1、表示数目的数词,叫基数词。如:one two three four„„

2、表示顺序的数词叫序数词。“ 基数词 + th”构成序数词。

3、“ 基数词 + th” 的方法:(1)、1-----19 的基数词变序数词的方法:

基变序,有规则,后面加的是th(读 / θ /)。一 二 三,特殊词;八减t,九减e,f要把ve替。


One eleven six sixteen two twelve seven seventeen three thirteen eight eighteen four fourteen nine nineteen five fifteen ten(2)、以ty 结尾的基数词,变y为i,再加eth(读 / Iθ /)。twenty------twentieth thirty------thirtieth(3)、“ 几十几” 的基数词,只把连字符后面的部分变成序数词。twenty — one-----------twenty — first thirty — two-------------thirty — second




This is the first student.这是第一名学生。He is my secend son.他是我的第二个儿子。

That boy is Jim’s third friend.那个男孩是吉姆的第三个朋友。

二、记忆下列月份单词,然后记忆用序数词作的解释。January the first month of a year February the second month of a year March the third month of a year April the fourth month of a year May the fifth month of a year June the sixth month of a year July the seventh month of a year August the eighth month of a year September the ninth month of a year October the tenth month of a year


November the eleventh month of a year

二、表示年月日: “年”用基数词,“日用序数词”。

例如: 1949年10月1日—写法: Oct..1, 1949.读做:Oct.(the)first, nineteen forty-nine.2009年3月27日—写法: March 27, 2009.读作: March,(the)twenty-seventh, two thousand and nine.本块习题


1、Mr Green has ______(two)______(daughter).2、Kate is Mr Green’s ______(one)_______(daughter).3、There are ______(twelve)_______(month)in a ______(year).4、March ______(be)_______(three)_______(month)of a year.5、They have ______(twenty)_______(computer)._______(five)is white.6、I can afford _______(eighter)sweater.7、Mr Green’s ______(nine)store is very big.8、My _______(thirty—one)friend likes ______(tomato).二、改错

1、This is the my fifth shirt.2、First apples are big.3、He is third actor.4、I have the second brothers.5、She is the Han Mei’s twelfth friend.三、序数词练习

数词训练<一> 序数词变化口诀:

基变序,有规律,一般情况-th, 一二三,first,second,third 八去t,九去e,ve要用f替,然后再加-th,(eight-eighth,nine-ninth five-fifth,twelve-twelfth), 整十变化须注意,变y为ie,再加-th 若要表示“几十几”,后面个位变化就可以。(前基后序莫忘记twenty-first)


1.twelve(序数词)________________ 2.thirteen(序数词)__________________ 3.ninth(基数词)_________________ 4.eighteenth(基数词)___________________ 5.second(基数词)_______________ 6.three(序数词)______________________ 7.fifth(基数词)_________________ 8.one(序数词)______________________ 9.nineteen(序数词)_______________ 10.twenty-four(序数词)________________ 11.thirty(序数词)_________________ 12.forty-second(基数


词)_________________ 13.fiftieth(基数词)_______________ 14.thirty-one(序数词)___________________ 15.twenty(序数词)________________ 16.twenty-three(序数词)________________


1.五月八日____________________2.三月二十二日_______________________ 3.在四月 _______________________4.在六月三日______________________ 5.四月三十日____________________ 6.三月九日_______________________ 7.五月十五日____________________ 8.四月十二日_____________________ 9.六月一日_____________________ 10.在三月二日______________________ 11.the seventeenth of February_________ 12.the fifth of September__________ 13.on the twenty-first of December______________ 14.in August____________ 15.the thirtieth of November_____________ 16.the fourth of January___________ 17.the tenth of July_______________ 18.the twelfth of October______________ 19.-今天是星期几? ________________________________-今天是星期六。_______________________________ 20.-今天是几月几日?________________________________-今天是三月五日。______________________________ 21.-你的生日在什么时候?_______________________________________-我的生日在六月三日。________________________________________ 22.我今年13岁,这是我的第十三个生日。_____________________________________________________________________


()1.(2006·重庆)The _____ question is much more different than this one.A.sixth B.six C.sixteen

D.sixty()2.(2006·孝感)This is the _____ time in _____ days that he has made the same mistake.A.second, third B.two, three

C.two, third D.second, three()3.(2006·莱芜市)It was the second time for China to send a manned(载人的)spaceship into the sky, but it was the _____ time for Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng to go to the space·

A.first B.second




()4.(2006·湖北黄冈)What's the date today?-It's _____.A.May the fourth B.May four

C.the May fourth D.fourth May()1.Please turn to ______.A.Page 11 B.the 11 st page C.page 11 D.page the 11 th()2.At night we can see ______ stars in the sky.A.thousands and thousands of B.thousand and thousands of C.a thousand and thousands D.thousand and thousand()3.There are some _____ in our classroom.A.hundred of books B.the hundreds of books C.hundreds of books D.hundred of book()4.I have been to the village ________.A.a hundred time B.hundred times C.hundreds of times D.hundred of times


()5.There are ____ students in our school.A.four—and forty—five D.four hundred and forty five()6.The tea hundred and forty—five

B.four hundred and forty—five C.four hundreds cher told me to go over _____ lessons.A.thirst three B.the three first C.three the first D.the first three()7.May is ____ of a year.A.the fifth months B.the fifth month C.the five months D.the five month()8.We live in ______.A.the twenty-first century B.the century twenty-one C.century twenty-one D.the century twenty-first()9.He said he was going to be free in _______.A.one and a half hour B.one hour and half C.one and half hours D.an hour and a half()10.---How many English books are there on the table?---There is only _____English book on it.A.a B.an C.one D.the()11.Mr Smith stayed in _____ last night.A.Room 403 B.the Room 403 C.the 403 room D.403 the room()12.The road is _________.A.two thousand and five hundred metres long B.two thousands metres long C.long one thousand five hundred metre D.a thousand and five hundreds metres long()13.He joined the army on ______ of May 1980.A.1 st B.the 1 C.first D.the first()14.Is Sunday the ____ day of the week? A.a B.one C.once D.first()15.March the _____ is Women’s Day.A.eighth B.ninth C.tenth D.eight()16.September is the _____month of the year.A.nineth B.ninth C.nine D.the twelveth()17.December the ____ is Christmas.A.twenty-five B.twenty-fifth C.twentieth-five D.twenty-five()18.Another way of saying Lesson 12 is __________.A.Lesson ten-two B.Lesson Ten-second C.the Twelfth Lesson D.Twelfth lesson I.选择题

1—5.AACCB 6—10.DBADC 11—15.DADDA 16—18.BBC




一 用所给动词正确形式填空

1.He loves ______________(read)newspaper.2.Nick goes ______________(swim)every Saturday afternoon.3.Simon enjoys______________(play)football.4.Mr Mu likes ______________(walk)after school.5.Amy likes ______________(talk)on the phone with her friends.6.Simon usually goes ______________(run)for half an hour.7.Sandy enjoys ______________(look)for things on the Internet.8.I don’t like ______________(dance).9.Eric is a member of the ______________(read)Club.10.It’s a fine day.What about ______________(play)badminton in the park? I.写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式:

1.wash_________ match _______guess______ study______ finish_________ go________ snow______ carry_________ 2.stop______ see________ drive ________let_______ carry______ keep_____ join______ find_______ think________ teach______ catch______ 3.stay_______ begin______ forget_______ forget______ lie________ die _______ run_______ prefer______ give________ ring_______ dance______ hope_______ II.用所给动词的适当形式填空:

1.I ________(write)to you as soon as I _______(get)to London.2.He doesn’t feel well and ____________(not eat)any food this morning.3.He ______ not _______(see)me come in, for he ___________(read)something with great interest.4.I _________(let)you have the book as soon as I _________(finish)it.5.While we waiting(wait)for our teacher, a little boy ________(run)up to us.6.Don’t make a noise.Grandpa __________(sleep).7.Tom’s family__________(watch)TV.8.It ________(take)me two hours to finish my homework last night.9.What ______ your mother _______(do)every evening? She _______(wash)clothes.10._______ it ______(rain)every day? 11.What _______(do)_______ on Sundays ? We ________(play)football.12.There ________(be)a football match on TV every morning.13.they often ________(visit)the Great Wall.14.Who _______(dance)the best in your class? 15.he _____________(not come).16.The earth __________(move)round the sun.17.______ It ______(rain).every evening? 18 She ________(buy)a sweater.19.Mr.Wang often______(go)to Shanghai.I ______(ask)him _______(take)some books to my daughter, because she _______(study)there.III单项选择:


2.There _____ an English film.A.will have B.is going to have C.is going to be D.is 3.The picture _______ nice.A.looks B.is looked C.look D.is looking 4.She ______ down and soon falls asleep.A.live B.lain C.laid D.lies 5.They _____ the office in time very morning.A.reach to B.arrived C.went D.get to 6.We shall go to Shanghai on business before you _____ back next week.A.will come B.came C.would come D.come 7.The plane ______ off.A.takes B.took C.was taken D.is take 8.I see her ____ the room this morning.A.to enter B.entered C.enter D.enters 9.The teacher asks us ______ to school on time.A.to come B.coming C.come D.comes 10.John is always ______ others.A.help B.helping C.helps D.to help 11.He tells us ______ at eight.A.working B.to work C.work D.worked 12.You’d better ______ at home and ______ your homework.A.to stay, do B.stay, do C.to stay, to do D.stay, to do 13.He sits down ______ a rest.A.having B.have C.to have D.had 14.Uncle Wang knows _______ a washing machine.A.how to make B.to make C.how making D.what to make 15.Jim decides _______ Polly to Ling Feng when he is back to England.A.to leave B.left C.leaving D.leave


Unit8.How do you make a banana milk shake?

一、Lesson objectives 1.Vocabulary: milk shake, blender, spoon, oven, plate, pot, yogurt,honey, watermelon, salt, sugar, sandwich, cheese, turkey, butter, pepper, peel, pour, add, mix,fill,cover, turn on.2.Target Language:

How do you make a banana milk shake? First, peel the banana.Next, put the banana in the blender.Then, pour the milk into the blender.Finally,turn on the blender.How many bananas do we need?---We need three bananas.How much yogurt do we need?---We need one cup of yogurt.二、Learning steps : Step 1: Learn the new words and phrases: Turn on 打开——turn off 关闭 Cut up 切碎

Put …in 把…放入 Pour…into 将…倒入 One cup of 一杯

Take out 外带,带出 A piece of 一片

At this time 此时,在这个时候 Have a big meal 吃大餐 Cut into 把…切成

Add…to …把…加到…里 Fill …with…用…装满,填满 Cover…with…用…盖上 Mix up 混合,搅拌

Serve sth to sb(serve sb sth)用某物招待某人

Step 2:Have a dictation about the words and phrase.Step 3:Read our lesson and find out the main language point.Section A:

1.Turn on the blender.打开食物搅拌器。


e.g.Come and look at the picture.来看看这幅图画。Don’t eat anything in class.不要在课堂上吃东西。(2)turn on意为“打开;接通(电流、煤气、水等)”,其反义短语为turn off,意为“关闭;切断(电流、煤气、水等)”。

e.g.Please turn on the radio.请打开收音机。Don’t forget to turn off the light.不要忘记关上灯。注意:由动词和副词构成的动词短语接代词作宾语时,代词必须放在这两个词的中间,接名词作宾语时,名词通常放在副词之后,也可放在两词之间。e.g.Turn it on, please.请把它打开。Turn on the computer.打开电脑。

拓展:turn up 调高(音量等)turn down 调低(音量等)辨析:turn on与open ① turn on表示“打开;接通(电源等)”,通常指打开水龙头、电灯、电视等电器的开关,其对应短语是turn off。

② open表示“打开;敞开”,通常指把关着或封着的门窗、箱子、盒子等打开,其对应词是close。

e.g.Open the door and turn on all the lights.打开门,并打开所有的灯。2.Cut up the bananas.切碎香蕉。

cut up意为“切碎”,相当于cut...into pieces。cut up是一个“动词+副词”型短语,代词作宾语时只能放在两词之间;名词作宾语时,可放在两词之间,也可以放在up的后面。

e.g.Hand the meat to me.I’ll cut it up.把肉给我,我来切碎它。Please help cut up the apples.。请帮忙将苹果切碎。

3.Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒进食物搅拌器里。pour...into...意为“将„„倒入/灌入„„”。into为介词,意为“到„„里;进到„„内”。

e.g.Please pour the water into the bowl.请把水倒入碗中。辨析:into与in ① into意为“进入„„”,是表示动态的介词;in意为“在„„内”,是表示静态的介词。

e.g.She walked into the room.她走进了房间。

She is walking in the room.她正在房间里踱来踱去。② 在put,throw,break,lay,fall等动词之后,既可以用in,也可以用into,这时in也表示动态,常含有into的意思。

e.g.He put all the books in/into the bag.他把所有的书都放进书包里。③ in可以用作副词,into则不能。e.g.Come in!进来!

4.Peel three bananas.将三个香蕉剥皮。peel此处用作及物动词,意为“剥皮;去皮”。

e.g.peel an orange 剥橘子皮

peel an apple 削苹果皮 拓展:peel还可用作名词,意为“果皮”。

e.g.banana peel 香蕉皮 apple peel 苹果皮

5.How do you make a banana milk shake?你怎样做香蕉奶昔?


e.g.How do you run the machine?你怎样操作这台机器?(2)make及物动词,意为“制作”,其后常接宾语,即make sb.sth.或make sth.for sb.,意为“为某人制作某物”。

e.g.Lucy made a beautiful card for me.露西为我制作了一张漂亮的卡片。拓展:有关make的常用短语:

make the bed铺床 make tea沏茶 make trouble惹麻烦 make money赚钱 make a telephone call打电话 make a visit拜访 make a decision作决定 make a mistake犯错误 make a living谋生 make a noise弄出噪音 make sure务必

6.How many bananas do we need? 我们需要多少香蕉?(1)How many此处用来询问可数名词的数量,意为“多少”。how many可单独使用,其后也可接可数名词复数。

e.g.—I want some oranges.我想要一些橘子。—How many do you want?你想要多少?

How many pens does Mary have?玛丽有几支钢笔?


e.g.I need an apple.我需要一个苹果。She needs to have a try.她需要试一下。—Does she need to come?她需要来吗?

—Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t.是的,她需要。/不,她不必来。You don’t need to do it at once.你不必马上做那件事。



e.g.You needn’t go this week.本周你不必去。—Need he go at once?他马上就得走吗?

—Yes, he must./No, he needn’t.是的,他必须马上走。/不,他不必马上走。

—Must I go now?我现在必须走吗?

—Yes, you must./No, you needn’t.是的,你必须走。/不,你不必走。注意:由must引导的问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用needn’t。7.How much yogurt do we need?我们需要多少酸奶?

how much此处用来询问不可数名词的数量,意为“多少”。how much可单独使用,其后也可接不可数名词。

e.g.—I want some orange.我想要一些橙汁。—How much do you want?你想要多少?

How much water is there in the bottle?瓶子里有多少水? 拓展:how much还可用来询问价格,意为“多少钱”。e.g.—How much is the computer?这台电脑多少钱? —It’s four thousand yuan.四千元。

8.We need one cup of yogurt.我们需要一杯酸奶。one/a cup of yogurt意为“一杯酸奶”。“基数词/不定冠词+计量单位名词+of”可以用来表示数量,修饰不可数名词或可数名词复数。

e.g.a cup of tea一杯茶 three bags of salt三袋盐

five baskets of flowers五篮子花 ten bottles of water十瓶水


e.g.First, cup up an apple.Next, put it into the blender and add some milk.Then, turn on the blender.Finally, enjoy your apple milk shake.首先,切碎一个苹果。接下来,把它放入食物搅拌器并加入一些牛奶。然后,打开食物搅拌器。最后,享用你的苹果奶昔。

10.Next, put the beef, carrots and potatoes into a pot and add some water.接下来,把牛肉、胡萝卜和土豆放入锅内并加入一些水。(教材第58页)

(1)put...into...相当于put...in...,意为“把„„放进„„里”。e.g.He put that book into the box.他把那本书放进了盒子里。拓展:put...into...还有“把„„译成„„”之意。

e.g.Put the sentence into English, please.请把这个句子译成英语。(2)add及物动词,意为“增加;添加”。add...to...意为“添加„„到„„”。e.g.Remember to add some honey.记得加入一些蜂蜜。

If you add five to six, you will get eleven.5加6等于11。拓展:

① add to意为“增加”。

e.g.The TV adds to our happiness.电视给我们增加了快乐。② add up to意为“加起来等于,总计达”。

e.g.All of these add up to 20.所有这些加起来是20。11.Then, add the cabbage, tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes.然后加入卷心菜、西红柿和洋葱再煮10分钟。another 10 minutes意为“另外10分钟”。


e.g.They need another ten boys to help with the work.=They need ten more boys to help with the work.他们需要另外10个男孩帮助做这项工作。May I have another two bananas?

=May I have two more bananas?我可以再吃两个香蕉吗? We stayed there for two more days.=We stayed there for another two days.我们在那儿又待了两天。12.Do you know how to plant a tree?你知道如何栽树吗?

how to plant a tree是“疑问词+动词不定式”结构,在句中作谓语动词know的宾语。“疑问词+动词不定式”结构,可在句子中作主语、宾语、表语等成分。e.g.When to start is a problem.(作主语)何时动身是个问题。

The farmer taught us how to plant rice.(作宾语)农民教我们怎样种水稻。

The question was where to go.(作表语)问题在于去哪里。Section B: 1.It is always on the fourth Thursday in November, and is a time to give thanks for

food in the autumn.感恩节通常是在十一月的第四个周日,它是一个在秋天感恩食物的时刻。

动词不定式短语to give thanks for food in the autumn在句中作定语,修饰前面的名词time。动词不定式若在句中作定语,常放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。e.g.Spring is the best time to fly kites.春天是放风筝的最好时节。

I have a letter to write.我有一封信要写。(write在句中是及物动词)

I have no pen to write with.我没有钢笔去写。(write在句中是不及物动词)注意:当动词不定式中的动词和被修饰的词是动宾关系,并且该动词是不及物动词时,其后应加上适当的介词。

2.At this time, people also remember the first travelers from England who came to live in America about 400 years ago.在这时,人们也会想起大约400年前第一批从英格兰来到美国居住的漂泊者。关系代词who引导的句子作定语,修饰名词travelers,我们称这个句子为定语从句。如果被修饰的名词或代词指人,定语从句由who,whom或that引导。e.g.The man who we met just now is my English teacher.刚才我们遇见的那个人是我的英语老师。Tom is a kind boy who often helps others.汤姆是一个经常帮助别人的好心男孩。

3.These days, most Americans still celebrate this idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family.今天,大多数美国人仍然以在家与家人一起吃大餐的方式来庆祝这个感恩的想法。“by+v.-ing形式”意为“通过做某事”。介词by意为“通过„„,凭„„,以„„”,后面常接v.-ing形式,表示通过做某事而得到某种结果。常用来回答How do you...?或How can I...?这类问句。e.g.—How do you learn English?你怎样学英语?

—I learn English by listening to English songs.我通过听英文歌曲学习英语。拓展:

(1)“by+交通工具”意为“乘/坐„„”。e.g.I went to work by bus.我坐公共汽车去上班。

(2)“by+时间”意为“到„„时(为止);在„„以前”。e.g.I must be in bed by ten o’clock.我必须在10点之前睡觉。(3)“by+地点”意为“在„„旁边”。e.g.They lived by the sea.他们住在海边。

4.Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.这是为感恩节大餐烤火鸡的一种方法。

one way to do sth.意为“做某事的一种方法/方式”,其中动词不定式作名词way的定语,该结构相当于one way of doing sth.。e.g.Do you know a good way to learn English?

=Do you know a good way of learning English?你知道学习英语的好方法吗? 5.First, mix together some bread pieces, onions, salt and pepper.首先。把一些面包片、洋葱、盐和甜椒混合在一起。

mix此处用作及物动词,意为“(使)混合;融合”。mix...with...意为“把„„和„„混合”,mix up意为“弄乱,搅拌”。

e.g.She mixed the butter and sugar together.她把黄油和糖拌在了一起。


6.Next, fill the turkey with this bread mix.接下来,用这些面包混合物填充火鸡。fill及物动词,意为“(使)充满;装满”。fill...with...意为“用„„填充„„”。e.g.The boy filled the bottle with sand.那个男孩用沙子把瓶子装满了。

拓展:full形容词,意为“满的”,be full of表示“充满„„”,相当于be filled with。

e.g.The bag was full of clothes.那个包里装满了衣服。

注意:be filled with是一个固定短语,意为“充满„„”。e.g.The large box is filled with books.这个大箱子里装满了书。7.Then, put the turkey in a hot oven and cook it for a few hours.然后,把火鸡放入一个热烤箱烤上几个小时。

a few意为“一些;几个”,修饰可数名词复数,相当于several或some,表示肯定概念。

Few 也修饰可数名词,表否定“几乎没有”。

e.g.I have a few books about pronunciation.我有几本关于发音的书。a little修饰不可数名词,表示肯定概念,“有些,有几个”。Little 也修饰不可数名词,表示否定,“几乎没有”。e.g.There are few eggs in the fridge, so I must buy some.冰箱里几乎没有鸡蛋了,所以我必须去买一些。

There are a few eggs in the fridge, so I needn’t buy any at once.冰箱里还有几个鸡蛋,所以我不必立刻去买。

There’s little rice in the bowl.碗里没多少米饭了。I can only speak a little French.我只会说一点儿法语。记忆口诀:few,little有异同,可数或不可数要记清,其前有“a”表肯定,其前无“a”表否定。

8.When it is ready, place the turkey on a large plate and cover it with gravy.火鸡烤好后。把它放在一个大盘子里并把肉汁覆盖在上面。(1)place此处用作及物动词,意为“放置;安置”。

e.g.Don’t place the bottle near the fire.不要把瓶子放在火附近。拓展:place还可用作可数名词,意为“地方”。e.g.That was a quiet place.那是一个很安静的地方。

There’s no place for your books.没有放你的书的地方了。(2)cover此处用作及物动词,意为“覆盖;遮盖”。cover...with...意为“用„„把„„覆盖”;be covered with意为“被„„所覆盖”。e.g.Ann covered her face with her hands.安用双手捂脸。

The mountain is covered with thick snow all year round.那座山终年覆盖着厚厚的雪 拓展:cover用作名词时,意为“封面;盖子”。

e.g.The cover of the magazine is nice.这份杂志的封面很漂亮。

9.To make this special food, you need to have rice noodles, chicken soup, chicken, lettuce and eggs.要做这种特别的食物,你需要有米线、鸡汤、鸡肉、生菜和鸡蛋。在本句中动词不定式短语to make this special food作目的状语。动词不定式(短语)作目的状语时可以位于句首,与后面的句子常用逗号隔开,意为“为了做某事”。

e.g.To pass the driving test, he practises again and again.为了通过驾驶考试,他一次又一次地练习。

To buy her favorite book, she went to the bookshop on foot.为了买到她最喜欢的书,她步行去了书店。

10.Then, make the chicken soup very hot, over 100℃.然后,将鸡汤烧得很热,超过100摄氏度。

(1)“make+宾语+形容词”表示“使„„怎样”,形容词作宾语补足语。e.g.What made the boy unhappy?是什么让这个男孩不开心? Try to make your bedroom tidy.尽量使你的卧室整洁。

拓展:make后还常接省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语,即make sb.do sth.,意为“使某人做某事”。

e.g.The manager made the workers work all night.经理让工人们工作了一整夜。(2)over此处用作介词,意为“超过;多于”,相当于more than。e.g.He spoke for over an hour.他讲了一个多小时。拓展:over用作介词时,主要含义还有:

① 遍及

e.g.They traveled all over the world.他们环游了世界。② 在„„上方

e.g.There is a bridge over the river.河上有座桥。③ 越过;横过

e.g.Tom jumped over the wall.汤姆跳过了那堵墙。

11.Now, it’s time to enjoy the rice noodles!现在就是享受米线美昧的时刻了!“It’s time(for sb.)to do sth.”表示“到(某人)做某事的时间了”。e.g.It’s time to go to bed.到睡觉的时间了。

It’s time for us to have a rest.到我们该休息的时间了。拓展:“It’s time for sth.”也是一个常用句型,意为“到(做)某事的时间了”。for介词,后接名词或代词。

e.g.It’s time for dinner.到(吃)晚饭的时间了。

Step4: Grammar Focus:




Shut the door!把门关上!

Have a cup of coffee!喝杯咖啡吧!

Let them go by train.叫他们坐火车去吧。


You be quiet!你安静!

You wait here for a moment.你在这儿等一会儿。

有时祈使句的主语也可以是everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody等不定代词。如: Stand up, everybody!全体起立!Nobody move.任何人都不许动。



Do be careful.务必要小心。

Do let me go.一定让我去。

副词never和always有时可用于祈使句句首,表示强调。如: Never do that again.再不要这样做了。

Always look in the mirror before starting to drive.一定要先看看反光镜再开车。



Open the window.把窗户打开。

→Don’t open the window.别把窗户打开。

Come next Monday.下周星期一来。

→Don’t come next Monday.下周星期一别来。

对于以let us或let’s开头的祈使句,其否定式通常是在不定式之前放一个not。如: Let’s tell him the truth.我们把实情告诉他吧。

→Let’s not tell him the truth.我们不要把实情告诉他。4.祈使句与please 连用


Step this way, please.请这边走。

Please type your letter.请把你的信打出来。

Open the window, please.请把窗户打开。

如果是否定祈使句,则通常将please加在don’t之前。如: Please don’t get angry.请不要生气。

Please don’t telephone before 8 a.m.早8点以前请不要打电话。



Give me a hand, will you? 帮我一个忙,好吗?

Try again and you will succeed.你再试就会成功。

Don’t do that again or you’ll be in trouble.别再干那个了,否则你会有麻烦。

三、Do exercises(做作业及解答问题)


1.Is it a _________(传统的)food in China?

2.He cut some _____(片)of meat and gave them to the boy.3.How many _______(火鸡)can you see over there? 4.He doesn’t eat ______(洋葱)and ______(面包).二、单项选择。

1.---The box is too heavy to carry.What’s in it?---Oh, it’s ____books.A.filled with B.covered with C.used for D.asked for 2.---____ do most people celebrate this day?----They celebrate it by eating dumplings.A. What B.How C.When D.Where 3.We served a big meal____ the travelers.A. with B.to C.in D.for

4.We can be thankful every day, not just ___Thanksgiving Day.A in B.on C.to D.by

5.There is ___ chicken at home.Go and buy some.A.little B.a little C.few D.a few 6.Don't_______the radio.The boy is sleeping.A.turn on

B.turn off

C.turn over

D.turn down 7.What should we do next?---We have to________.A.cut them up

B.cut up them

C.cut and up them

D.cut up

8.They poured the waste water________the sea.A.into



D.at 9.---Do you have enough students to clean the laboratory?

---No,I think we need_________students.A.another

B.two others

C.more two

D.two more 10.Half of these apples_______bad.You'd better not eat them.A.is



D.have 11.---_______ yogurt do you want?

---Two cups.A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How often 12.---How many _________ do we need?---Three.A.an apple B.a apple C.apples D.apple 13.---Let’s make the salad!

---___________.A.No, I am not.B.Thank you.C.That’s all right.D.That is a good idea.14.It’s dark(暗的)in the room.Please ____________ the right.A.turn on B.turn down C.turn up D.turn off 15.---The banana is too big.---You can ____________ fruit.A.cut up them B.cut them up C.cut it up D.cut up it 三.根据汉语意思及英语提示翻译下列句子。1.你怎样做咖啡奶昔?

______ do you make ____ ____ ____ ____? 2.你可以在果汁里加一些冰激凌。

You can ____ some ice cream ____ the juice.3.请打开电视机。我想看《新闻联播》。

Please ____ ____ the TV.I want to watch CCTV News.4.我们需要放两茶匙蜂蜜。

We need to put ____ ____ ____ ____.5.请不要把你的书和我的书混在一起。

Please don't ____ ____ you books with mine.四、Self-examination(自我反省)

第三篇:Unit8 Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake教案

Unit8 Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake? SectionA1(1a-2d)武淑梅

一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标:

shake,milkshake,blender,turnon,peel,pour,yogurt,honey,watermelon,spoon,pot,add,finally,salt 能掌握以下句型:

①─How do you make a banana milk shake? ─First,peel the bananas…

②─How many bananas do weneed? ─We need three bananas.③─How much yogurt do we need? ─We need one cup of yogurt.2)能了解以下语法:



1)用howmuch与howmany来对数量提问。2)动词词组;描述过程的顺序词。Teaching method 1Teaching and practicing 2 Work in groups Teaching tools a recorder;a multimedia or a blackboard Teaching procedures


Ⅰ.Lead-in.Warmingup 1.T:What’syourfavoritefruit?

S:apple,orange,strawberry,banana,pear,watermelon.2.T:What’syourfavoritedrink? S:Cola/milk/juice/tea/milkshake…

回顾你所学过的有关食物的单词,并将其分类,比一比谁写的多。Drink:_______________________________ Fruit:_______________________________ Vegetables:__________________________ Food:________________________________

II Show the learning goals.1.做自己喜欢的水果奶昔,并简要说明过程。

2.可以用哪些表示制作过程的词汇来让你描述更加清晰明了。3.掌握用howmuch和howmany对事物的数量提问 III 设疑(根据学习目标和预习情况,明确学习任务)

Q1可以用哪些表示制作过程的词汇来让你描述更加清晰明了。Q2howmuch和howmany的用法 Q3重点词汇 IV 探究 Learning by yourselves.Groupwork.Discuss the questions that students can’t work out by themselves.Q1,Q2,Q3 展示与评价


howmuch +不可数名词……? 2.询问可数名词的数量:

howmany +可数名词……? 3.①one more thing另外一件事情

anotherten minutes再多十分钟 “数字+more+物品”指“另外的……” “another+数字+物品”指“另外的……”

当数字为one时,常与more连用或只用another Givemetwomorehamburgers,please.请再给我两个汉堡。②forgettodosth.忘记(去)做某事 Don’tforgettoclosethewindows.不要忘记关上窗户。

first,next,then,…finally… 二.Practice 1a—2d VI 运用


1.Be careful with the knife ,you may c_____ yourself.2.Would you like a c______of tea, please ?

3.Read the i__________ on the bottle carefully before you take this medicine 4.He worked out the math problem f__________.5.Can you p_______ me a glass of water? Sure ,here you are.6.Please p_________ the apples before you eat them.VII Summary VIII Homework 板书设计:

Section A1(1a-2d)cut up… 切碎

put … into 把 …… 放入…… pour… into 把 …… 倒入…… turn on… 打开(电器)

turn off… 关上(电器)


Unit8 Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake? SectionA2(Grammarfocus-3c)武淑梅

一、教学目标: 1)学习掌握下列词汇:sugar,cheese,popcorn,corn,machine,dig,hole 2)进行一步复习巩固学习SectionA部分所学的生词和词组。






Ⅰ.Warming-upandrevision 1.Game:Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake? LetsomeSsdescribehowtomakeabananamilkshake.Attentiontouse“first,next,then,finally”correctly.2.HowdoyoumakeaRussiansoup? Attentiontouse“first,next,then,finally”correctly.II Show the learning goals.III 设疑:重点句型1.学生阅读Grammar Focus中的句子,然后做填空练习。1.①你怎样做香蕉奶昔?

_____doyou_____bananamilkshake? ②首先,将香蕉剥皮。______,_____thebananas.③接下来,将香蕉放入果汁机中。____,_____thebananasintheblender.④然后,将牛奶倒进果汁机中。_____,_____themilk____theblender ⑤最后,打开果汁机。


_____________bananasdoweneed? ⑦我们需要三只香蕉。We______three_________.⑧我们需要多少酸奶?

____________yogurtdoweneed? ⑨我们需要一茶杯。

Weneed____________yogurt.IV 探究

完成3a:3b填空练习V 展示和评价

复习Grammar focus 中的内容。运用: 一..完成下列句子。

1._________________________(多少香蕉)do we need? 2.________________________________(多少盐)do we need?

3.___________________________________(多少苹果)do you need? 4._______________________________________(多少奶酪)do you need? 5._________________________________(多少蜂蜜)do you need? 6._____________________________________(多少西瓜)do you need? 二.按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。

1.Pour the tea into the cup.(改为否定句)________________the tea into the cup.2.They need some honey.(改为否定句)

They________ need_______ honey.3.She needs three apples.(改为一般疑问句).___________she__________ three apples? 4.We need two teaspoons of yogurt.(对划线部分提问)________ ________yogurt do you need? VII Summary VIII Homework


第二课时:Section A2(Grammar focus-3c)

1.forget: v.忘记 1)后面可以直接跟名词,如:他忘记了他的生日。He forgot his birthday.2)后面跟动词不定式,即 forget to do sth, 意思是“忘记要做某事”,.3)后面跟v-ing形式,表示“忘记做过某事了”

4)拓展: forget 的反义词是remember, remember 也有常用的三个结构: 1)后面可以直接跟名词,如:他记住了汤姆的容貌。He remembered Tom’s look.2)后面跟动词不定式,即remember to do sth.意思是“记得要做某事” 3)后面跟v-ing 形式,表示“记得做过某事了” 教学反思:

Unit8 Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake? 第三课时: Section B(1a-2e)武淑梅

一、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标: 1)能掌握以下单词:sandwich,butter,turkey,lettuce,piece,Thanksgiving,traditional,autumn,traveler,England,celebrate,mix,pepper,fill,oven,plate,cover,gravy,serve,temperature 2)能掌握以下句式结构:

①─Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? ─Yes,Ido./No,Idon’t.②It’s a time to give thanks for food in the autumn.③Cut

the turkey into thin pieces.二、教学重难点 1.教学重点:




ⅠLead in.Warming-upandrevision 1.Dailygreeting.Checkthehomework.Teaching method 1Teaching and practicing 2 Work in groups Teaching tools a recorder;a multimedia or a blackboard Teaching procedures 预习检测

Translate the phrases into Chinese.切碎___________

她最喜欢的食物________ 混合在一起________

在顶端__________ II Show the learning goals.1.掌握本课时句式结构:

2.掌握本课时出现的生词及表达方式。III 设疑:

Q1本课有哪些句子结构? Q2重点句型有哪些? Q3重点词汇及表达 IV 探究

Learning by yourselves.Groupwork.Discuss the questions that students can’t work out by themselves.V 展示和评价

It’s a time to give thanks for food in the autumn.Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner.make译为制作, 后可接人;或接事物,译为为某人制作某物。make也可作为使役动词,后跟动词原形 3可数名词 有单复数的变化,可以

和冠词或数词连用。不可数名词没有单复数的变化,能与 定冠词连用,但不能)与不定冠词或数词连用。

当表达不可数名词的确定数量时,一般用_____等短语,如:两片面包two_______ bread,一汤勺蜂蜜a______ ________honey,当表达不可数名词的不确定的数量时,一般

用some,_______,little,_______等词(组),如:much homework.对可说名词的数量进行提问时,我们通常用______;对不可数名词的数量进行提问时,我们通常用______。二.Practice 完成1a-2e VI 运用


1.How many ________(slice)of bread do weekend? 2.I eat two_________(sandwich)for breakfast.3.Here are some bananas.Please cut________(they)up.4.I need _________(buy)some flowers.5._________(final),mix it all up.6.We need some _______(tomato).7.Here_______(be)some milk.Drink it please.8._______(not turn)on the blender.9.You can make fruit salad following these________(instruction).10.If you put some _______(butter)on the bread, it will taste more delicious.VII Summary VIII Homework 板书设计:

第三课时: Section B(1a-2e)Section B1 1a-2e 1a time tO+do sth 2.make sb sth =make sth for sb 3.make sb do sth 4.一杯牛奶_______,两片面包________,三片火鸡________。教学反思:

Unit8 Howdoyoumakeabananamilkshake? 第四课时Section B2 3a-Self check 武淑梅


1.熟练掌握以下词汇:serve,temperature,wash,enjoy,2.熟练掌握以下短语:think of,one by one,make a list of,a piece of,3.熟练掌握以下句型:To make this special food,you need to„


1,会用本节新词和短语,能听说读写;2能读懂描述程序的材料,能就某个操作程序口对对话,初步书面编写这样的对话; Teaching method 1Teaching and practicing 2 Work in groups Teaching tools a recorder;a multimedia or a blackboard Teaching procedures

三、教学过程 I : Lead-in Warming up

全班进行交流,讨论各自最爱的家乡美食。讨论时可借助如下句型: A:What do you think of your favorite food? B: I think it is„.II Show the learning goals.掌握词汇和短语 掌握重点句型

III 设疑(根据学习目标和预习情况,明确学习任务)Q1.重点词汇有哪些

Q2.重点句型有哪些IV 探究 Learning by yourselves.1 The useage of new words 2.总结本单元短语

Groupwork.Discuss the questions that students can’t work out by themselves.Q1,Q2, V 展示和评价…

1.It’s time to eat dinner。句型It’s time to+do sth.2.enjoy练习:Many students enjoy _____(play)games.During summer holiday,my classmates enjoyed ______(they)..enjoy+doing/oneself 3.need 的用法,+to do /doing

4.a slice of 译为

一片,后接 不可数名词,可与

a piece of 互换。VII Summary VIII Homework 板书设计:第四课时Section B2 3a-Self check 1.It’s time to+do sth.2.enjoy+doing/oneself 3.need 的用法,sb+ need to do /

sth+ need +doing 4.a slice of 译为

一片 =a piece of


第四篇:unit8 what colour is it?教案

一年级上册英语口语主题8 what colour is it教学设计

【课型】新授课 【课时】一节课

【授课时间】2017.10.30星期一一(5)班第3节;一(8)班第5节一(3)班第6节2017.11.1星期二一(6)班第2节;一(4)班第5节;2017.11.2星期三一(7)班第2节; 2017.11.3星期四一(1)班第3节;2017.11.4星期五一(2)班第1节

【教学内容】教授句型what colour is it 【教学目标】


学生能听懂并会说what colour is it来询问物品的颜色。







学生能听懂并会说what colour is it来询问物品的颜色。【教学难点】

学生能运用句型what colour is it?It’s…来询问并回答身边物品的颜色。【教学准备】

PPT课件、单词卡片、一袋物品 【教学方法】

游戏教学法、直观教学法 【教学过程】

Step1 Greeting and warm up

(一)Greeting T: Hello,boys and girls.Good morning!How are you? What’s your name?


(二)Warm up Sing a song:who is wearing yellow today? 意图:歌曲导入,既能激发学生兴趣,又能复习旧知,使学生充分做好上课前的准备,为学习新知奠定基础。

(三)Review 活动1:单词卡片复习(任意抽取卡片,学生快速说出其单词);老师说中文,学生说英文。




老师从袋中任意抽取一样物品,学生用句型:It’s…快速说出这个物品的颜色。意图:激活学生原有的认知,复习巩固旧知,建立了新知与旧知之间的联系。Step2 Lead in T:如果我想知道xxx今天穿的鞋子是什么颜色的?仔细听Miss Liang 是怎么询问他的?对了,“what colour is it?”“what colour is it?”它是什么颜色的?(学生跟读并板书):男女生读;小组读。别人问你你的鞋子是什么颜色的,你应该怎么回答呢?对了,“It’s…”(板书)(学生跟念2遍,它是…):替换颜色让学生跟读。

意图:创设的情景真实,让学生身临其境,使学生更容易语言知识的学习。Step3 Presentation

(一)出示红色的苹果图片,询问颜色 T:What’s this?这是什么呀? S:苹果

T:Whatcolour is it?它是什么颜色?你们该怎么回答呀?(找个别学生回答)S:It’s red.两人结对子,一个人一边拍手一边询问,另外一个人一边拍手一边回答。(老师先做示范,找两组学生展示。)


使用小组接龙的方式提问,一个小组用“What colour is it?”提问,另外一个小组用“It’s…”来回答。


让两个小组的学生站起来,一个人用“What colour is it?”来问,对面的人就要用“It’s…”来回答方可以坐下。Step4 Practice 游戏一:猜颜色

规则:一个学生背对全班同学,向台下同学展示颜色,台上的同学猜颜色。台下同学:What color is it? 台上同学:It’s +颜色 台下同学:Yes/No 意图:通过让学生猜颜色的活动,巩固句型“What color is it?”“It’s +颜色”的学习,使学生寓学于乐。Step5 Summary T:根据板书来总结,拿出手中的物品让学生回答。Step6 Homework 用我们今天所学过的句型向别人询问你身边的物品的颜色。【板书设计】

red What color is it?

It’s yellow blue green black white 【教学反思】

第五篇:五下Unit8 Birthdays 教案

Unit 8 Birthdays 单元教学分析:

本单元围绕过生日这一话题,通过询问生日的具体日期及在生日里谈论所做的事情展开对话。本单元话题贴近学生的生活实际,教师可通过展开丰富多彩的活动,如“班级生日会”“我的生日我做主”等形式,让学生在真实的情境中理解并掌握本单元的语言知识。本单元通过su hai 和mike谈论过生日,意在让学生了解中西方文化中不同的生日风俗习惯。学生也可调查自己家人朋友的生日,了解更多的生日活动。学生也可准备自己或家人过生日的照片,课上与大家分享。


1.能听懂、会说、会读单词eleventh, eighth, hero, together, number, password, fourth, start, fight.2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 birthday, April, March, game, July, August, December, play, answer.3.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型when’s your birthday? It’s on„what do you do on your birthday? I usually„


1.句型:when’s your birthday? It’s on„what do you do on your birthday? I usually„ 2.词汇:序数词的用法及构成


课时安排:5课时 第1课时:Story time

第2课时:Fun time &, Grammar time 第3课时:Cartoon time 第4课时:Sound time and Checkout time 第5课时:Ticking time(review)

第1课时Story time 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会读、会说单词:birthday, eleventh, eighth, April, together, game, March, July, August, December.2.能听懂、会读、会说短语:a birthday cake, eat noodles, have a party, play games.3.能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:when’s your birthday? My birthday is on„ 4.能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。4.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论自己或他人的生日。教学重点和难点:


Step 1 Warm up(1)T: Let’s enjoy the lesson together.First, listen, can you sing the song?(Happy birthday to you!)(2)Free talk T: When’s your birthday?

My birthday is on ….(show the sentence structure to help Ss)ask 4or 5 Ss

T: Do you know my birthday? How can you ask me?(teacher can tell them secretly)What do you usually do on your birthday? Ss : we….Step2 Pre-reading 1.Let’s talk.Show pictures 1 and 2.T: What information do you want to know? Ss ask some questions.When are their birthdays? What do they eat? What do they do on birthdays? Are they happy and busy?

2.Watch the carton and find out the answers.(learn the details)T: Can you read them? 师将生词卡片贴于黑板,3.Let’s judge.Listen again and make a judge.Su Hai’s birthday is on the 11th of may The twins have a big lunch with family.They always have a party at home.Mike’s friends come to his home in the afternoon.They have a good time.4.Read the passage follow the tape.(注意语音语调)5.Enjoy reading.(选择自己喜欢的方式)Step3 Post-reading 1.Let’s watch another video about baby’s birthday.T: Can you tell me the differences between Chinese and foreigners?

Chinese foreigners food Celebration



3.T: At birthday party, we can sing, eat cakes, make a wish and play games.When you cut the birthday cake, who do you think should get the first one? S: ….T: Do you know parents’ birthdays? You should know that children’s birthday is mother’s suffering day, so let’s say together: thanks, dad, thanks mum.I love you!


1.do a survey :ask you family members birthdays and make cards for them.2.get more information about western countries.第2课时Grammar time and fun time.教学目标:

1.能熟练运用句型when’s your birthday? It’s on „进行对话。2.能理解并掌握常用序数词的用法及规则。3.能完成Fun time 中的任务。教学重难点:

1.能熟练运用句型when’s your birthday? It’s on „进行对话。2.能理解并掌握常用序数词的用法及规则。Teaching procedures Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Review 1.Do a judge T: This lesson our topic is still birthday学生齐说。

Look at the pictures,and listen to the tape again.After listening, we do a judge.教师边出示课文图片边播放录音,帮助学生回忆。Su Hai’s birthday is on the 11th of may.They usually have a big lunch with family.The twins eat rice on birthday.Mike’s birthday is in April.Mike eat a cake and play games with his friends.They all have a good time.2.Retell the story.T :What do Su Hai and Mike do on their birthdays? I can show you some words and phrases to help you.Have a big dinner, have a party, play some games, eat noodles, play with the cat, eat the birthday cake, buy a birthday cake, friends.T:First, put them in the right place, then you try to retell.Su Hai


Step 3 Grammar time 1.T: Do you my birthday? Ss : Sorry, I don’t know.T : Who can ask me? S 1: When’s your birthday?

T : My birthday is on „.教师秘密告诉学生,引起其他学生的兴趣。Who wants to try again? S2: When’s your birthday?

T : My birthday is on „.教师秘密告诉学生,引起其他学生的兴趣。4、5名学生即可。

教师出示grammar time 句子,学生齐读。2.Work in pairs.学生展示。在遇到序数词时教师帮助说。学生再复说 2.学习序数词

T: Our birthday is expressed by the ordinal numbers.It’s a little difficult, but don’t worry.出示1-10的基数词和对应序数词,特殊变化的几个词用红色标注。学生试读后教读。T: Can you find the rules? 学生讨论后发言。师讲解总结变化规则。



4.教师呈现序数词的变化口诀,帮助学生记忆。Step 4 Fun time 1.Non-stop talking, 1 minute.学生接龙复习序数词的朗读和拼写。抽2组展示。2.我爱问问题


S 1: When’s your birthday? S 2 : My birthday is on… S 2: When’s your birthday? S 3: My birthday is on….组长总结:In our group, xx students have their birthdays in xx.Xx students have their birthdays in xx.Step 5 Consolidation T: If your birthday is coming, what will you do? S1: S 2 : T : Ok.Can you make a card for your family and friends on their birthdays? Let’s make together.播放生日歌,师生一起做贺卡。


第3课时cartoon time 教学目标:

1.能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:hero, play, number, password, answer, start, fight.2.能够流利地朗读卡通部分。

3.能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话 教学重难点:

学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事

Teaching procedures Step1 Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Free talk T: When’s your birthday? S1: My birthday is on ….T: When’s your birthday? S2: My birthday is on ….Step2 Presentation 1.Revision 复习序数词

2.教师出示图1 中的城堡。

T: There are some floors in the castle, if Bobby wants to go in, he should do some math, let’s help him.出示几道算术题让学生抢答,训练数字的正确朗读和思维发散。3.T: You are really good at Math, I think you can help him.Talk about the pictures 阅读故事,理解大意。教师安排学生阅读故事 4.Read and answer: 教师设计问题,进一步来检测学生的理解情况 How can Bobby open the door? Is Bobby good at Math? Does Bobby open the door How many floors are there? Who does Bobby meet? Who comes from the a room? 4.Imitate and remember 1)T: This time, let’s read the story after the tape.2)T: Please read loudly by yourselves.3)Read in roles.5.Act in groups Step4.Homework: Read and act Cartoon time

第4课时sound time, culture time and checkout time 教学目标: 1.能正确朗读字母组合th在单词中的发音。

2.在教师的帮助下了解更多关于中西方在生日方面的不同之处。2.能独立完成checkout time中的练习。教学重难点:

1.能正确朗读字母th在单词中的发音。2.能独立完成checkout time中的练习。Teaching procedure Step1 Greeting Step2 Sound time 1.T: How many people are there in your family? S1: There are ….T: What does your father do? S1: He is a ….T: Is your mother tall? S1:…

2.T: What about Helen’s parents? Look at the picture.Listen to Helen carefully.播放录音。2.Follow the tape 3.Say the chant in pairs 4.Sum up

T: T: Look at these words: this, that, father, mother.What does “th”Ss try to read and say.T: Can you give more words? 教师将学生说的单词写在黑板上。

6.I have some new words, try to read them.(PPT呈现新单词)Step 3 Culture time T: What will you get on birthday? Ss: Presents.T: When you open your presents? S1…..S2….T: Let’s watch a video.(西方国家过生日的视频)T: Are Chinese and people in the west same? Ss: No.T: 出示culture time中的句子总结。学生自读或齐读。Step3 Checkout time 1.Listen and choose 师放录音,学生回答 2.Make and say T: What can you do for your parents and friends on their birthday?

pronounce? S1… S2… S3…

T: Make a card is meaningful.But how ? 回顾五上第八单元at Christmas 制作卡片的过程。First, fold a card Next, write some message.Then, draw some pictures Finally, write your name.小组合作制作卡片。小组展示。3.Write and say T: When’s your birthday? S1…..T: When are your parents birthdays? S1….T: What do you do on these days? S1…..Work in pairs.Write on the sheet.指名说说。


第5课Ticking time 教学目标: 1.通过复习,学生能说出与生日有关的事件。2.能正确运用句型when’s„去询问日期。3.能正确掌握字母组合th在单词中的发音。教学重难点:

能正确并熟练掌握序数词的变化规则,并在一定的情景中正确表述日期。Teaching procedure Step1 Free talk 1.Sing a song 2.Free talk T: When’s your birthday? S1:My birthday is on..T: What do you do on birthday? S1: I eat a cake.„..Step 2 Presentation 1.Show teaching aims In this lesson, we’ll have some learning aims.First, I can name some actives.Then, I can ask and answer questions about dates.Finally, I know the sound of “th”.PPT出示目标。2.Now let’s come to the first aim.T: What do you do on your birthday? 1 minute non-stop talking in group.3.Act the story 教师出示课文图片,学生根据记忆复述课文。a.Work in groups b.Ask some Ss to act T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示ticking time 1.Step 3 Grammar time Let’s turn to the second aim.1.T: If you want to know someone’s birthday, what can you ask? Ss: When’s your birthday? 小组接龙问答。

教师出示unit 7 中的节日,学生同桌问答。

2.出示grammar time中的序数词,总结序数词的变化规则。T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示目标。Step 4 Sound time T: Let’s come to the third aim.出示单词 brother, father, mother, these, they Read and find T: What’s the pronunciation of “th”? Can you say more words? Try to read.T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示目标。Homework




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